Emerging Art and Design VOL 1 / JUNE 2016
Contributors Debbie Court / Papier MachĂŠ / Wales Kira Frose / Ceramics, Paper, Glass / Germany Liz Garcia / Photography / Colombia Keith Landrum / Oil, Acrylics , Ink/ Tennessee, USA Sean Fucking Gammon / Traditional Cut & Paste Collage /Ontario Caroline Reed / Mixed Media Collage/ Yorkshire, UK Francis Charlton / Painter / London, UK Txetxu Gonzalez / Painter / Madrid , Spain Arturo Monroy / Oil, Acrylics, Ink / Sonoma County, USA Victor Breva / Digital Collage / Barcelona, Spain Guiseppe Cristiano / Illustration / USA Aiste Chapman / Ink Pen Illustration / UK Philippe Berthier / Photography / France Lauren Moss / Watercolour / Texas
Debbie Court
Papier Maché Sculptor, Wales. In her own words: “I started out as a musician, teacher and arts administrator, but have
always needed art as a means of creative expression. I fell into papier mâché sculpture by accident about two years ago and have become obsessed by it! I sculpt every day, sometimes for several hours without realising it, and it is my passion. I make human figures almost entirely from paper. I don't use wire armatures and most of the colour comes from coloured paper, not paint. I love the way this medium can show muscles and bones below the flesh with the slightest tweak and I really enjoy adding details and quirky bits to make the piece unique. I'm starting to show my work in galleries and I've done a few commissions. The work is slow, each piece can take up to a month to complete, but I'm not into mass production. All my pieces are one-off. ”
Debbie Court The Bather Papier MachĂŠ
Debbie Court Girl Reading Papier MachĂŠ
Kira Frose Sculptor, Germany In her own words: “I have to touch this” This is the essence of what drives me to make art. Glossy surfaces and structures, fluid forms and dynamic matter, the contraposition of stagnation and movement fascinates and inspires me. My work is emotive and focused on one’s desire for haptic experiences. Subconsciously driven by the beauty of nature, I create static structures that depict motion and appear to be light despite the heaviness of their substance. Through the conceptual use of organic, playful, and dynamic shapes, my work invites the viewer to experience what is before them with their own senses and imagination. The materials I mainly use are ceramics, plastic, glass and textile, because those materials have the most attractive and haptic effect on me and are- in one way or another - magical to me.Working with ceramics is always a surprise, you never know what you get when you open the oven. Plastic and glass can be lead until a certain pointbut what the substance finally decides to do is always up to itself. All these materials come along with a certain stubbornness by their very nature – just like me. During the process of creating work I knead, I stroke,I strike, I construct and touch everything with my hands - I have to touch this.
Kira Froese Gimme Shelter Mixed Media
Kira Froese Perforation Mixed Media on Paper
Kira Froese Pandemie Textile/Wood
Kira Froese Nudity Mixed Media
Liz Garcia Tabio Photography
Liz Garcia Tenjo
Photography Photography : Forgotten places ( lugares olvidados) Description : The beauty of abandonment and small samples of time in some towns in colombian 2015
Keith Landrum Liquor Pawn God Mixed Media Keith Landrum Paints , Drinks and Works in Tennessee, USA.
Keith Landrum 4cities Mixed Media
Keith Landrum #Blessed Mixed Media
Keith Landrum Trick Mixed Media
Sean Fucking Gammon Are we there yet? Traditional Cut & Paste Collage
Sean Fucking Gammon The Enigma of Jackson Pollock Traditional Cut & Paste Collage
Sean Fucking Gammon The Cat Offensive Traditional Cut & Paste Collage
Sean Fucking Gammon Washington Crossing Dimensions Traditional Cut & Paste Collage
Caroline Reed Mixed Media Collage
Caroline Reed Mixed Media Collage
Caroline Reed Mixed Media Collage
Francis Charlton Painter, UK Artist Bio Francis has been an Artist for over forty years, from spraying simple stencil outlines of vaporised people on walls of buildings in the West End of London, in the late 70s, to the fly-poster bombing of 'Warhol is Over' on the day Andy Warhol died, in February 87, on walls in London's Soho. Referencing John Lennon's iconic 'War is Over' poster campaign of 1971, which he revisited during the Gulf War(s) as 'Jihad is Over,' creating a postcard drop with 'Don't Panic' magazine. A former art teacher he has exhibited in numerous London venues including London Post with 60's Retro Nostalgia; Freud gallery with his Dead Blonds series; Vexed Generation with the Bar-code Nudes set and in many other solo and group shows both nationally and internationally.He has shown with the New Artists Fair in London for the last two years and will show with ExhibitHere and Dot International in 2016 and his solo show will open at The Butterfly Gallery, Manchester October His work has a political and satirical edge to it, often commentating on current issues.See his 'Bones for Drones' and 'Walt's World' series. He is currently concentrating on his Watercolour Narrative series of portraits and preparing for a joint show with artist Steve McCracken.
Francis Charlton Watercolour Narratives
Francis Charlton Watercolour Narratives
Francis Charlton Warhol is Over Walt's World
Txetxu Gonzaléz Painter, Madrid, Spain In his own words: “My name is Txetxu González and I am from Madrid, Spain. I have been painting since I can remember. My inspiration is fundamentally based in daily life events and the constant spirit of transformation we all get through as humans. Building on that basis, I take movement, light and colour (in all its possible forms) as special guests during the creative process. At the end, every painting is an opportunity of intimate catharsis for me, never losing sight of its particular connection with the unpredictable character of the world we nowadays live in. Poetry, metaphors, literary figures, nature are in general some of the most powerful sources for me and my work. While I am painting, movement, light and colour are the tools I use to develop or dig into my perception about different main human subjects (and all their opponents): love, the test of time, hope, contradiction, fear, desire, frustration, redemption. I don't paint exact objects, people, landscapes. I try paint about what exists between them, about what exists due to them, about what make us all fall, rise, doubt, agonize or fantasize through their twists and turns. It's not a pretension or ambition, maybe just a very basic need.”
Txetexu Gonzalez Loyalty and Orgasms Mixed Media on OkoumĂŠ Wood Board/Canvas
Txetexu Gonzalez Dance of love and 23 dots Mixed Media on canvas
Txetexu Gonzalez Seductive Jinx Mixed Media on OkoumĂŠ Wood Board/Canvas
Arturo Monroy is a young Artist from Sonoma County, USA.
Arturo Monroy 'Harmony' Soul Searching Oil on Canvas
Arturo Monroy 'Harmony' Conscience Mixed Media – Ink on Watercolour Paper
Arturo Monroy 'Harmony' Meeting Oil on Wood
Victor Breva is a digital artist from Spain creating reaction to the life he is experiencing as a young man growing up in this generation.
Victor Breva Distorsioned Summer Digital Collage
Victor Breva Connexions Digital Collage
Victor Breva Atascoraini Digital Collage
Giuseppe Cristiano Contortionist Illustration
Aiste Chapman Miss Charleston Illustration ea&d
Philippe Berthier Closer Photography Mixed Media
Lauren Moss Mount Francais Watercolour
Links to Artist Web Pages Debbie Court Kira Froese Liz Garcia Keith Landrum Sean Fucking Gammon Caroline Reed Francis Charlton Txetxu GonzalĂŠz Arturo Monroy Victor Breva Guiseppe Cristiano Aiste Chapman Philippe Berthier Lauren Moss
Special thanks to all of the Artists who contributed their work and enthusiasm to this project. My sincere gratitude. To make a submission for future editions please email your work and a short bio to info@emergingartanddesign.com The goal of EA&D is to showcase work by current and emerging artists who are active in the creative process today.