eagarcia00@gmail com • +1(315)-420-7206
249 Jefferson st., Brooklyn, ny, 11237
syracuse university, school of architecture
B.arch: 3.66 gPa
syracuse aBroad
london center
architectural intern
Büro koray duman
-drafting of construction documentation for a ground uP residential ProJect
-schematic design for residential, art gallery, and interiors
-directed corresPondence with client/contractor for a series of small ProJects
-Pricing, Permit set curation, design, & drafting of a series of ProJects for an art gallery
-modelmaking utilizing digital faBrication techinques such as laser cutting
architectural intern
carazo arquitectura
-creation of Presentation drawings/diagrams
-content organization & image curation for weBPage
-3d modeling for multi unit housing ProJect
Book assistant
hanniBal newsom & dillon Pranger
-editor and organizer of drawings for the Book layout
-leader of the drawing collection grouP
Portfolio award scholarshiP
dean’s list
-fall 2018 - sPring 2023
source grant fellow
-thesis research, sPring 2023
-rhinoceros 3d
-adoBe suite
syracuse, ny graduated may 2023
london, uk fall 2021 semester
new york city, ny may 2022 - august 2022
san Jose, costa rica may 2020 - June 2020
syracuse, ny
feBruary 2020 - august 2020
syracuse university
syracuse university
syracuse university
formal education - 18yrs
native tongue
elective language course - 4yrs
-digital faBrication
EvERsoN pLAzA, syRACUsE, NEw yoRk spRING 2022 sEmEstER
ELEphANt & CAstLE, LoNdoN, ENGLANd FALL 2021 sEmEstER
hELL’s kItChEN, mANhAttAN spRING 2021 sEmEstER
BENsoNhURst, BRookLyN FALL 2020 sEmEstER
AmAGANsEtt, LoNG IsLANd sUmmER 2022 INtERNshIp
07 27 39 15
Provoked by an interest in the structural properties of terracotta, the design for Adelaide Gallery employs a series of structural systems that re-imagine the ways in which the material can be used both structurally and spatially. The project is a volume that is supported over the ground plane by a grid of structural sail vaults that open up the floor for community activity such as markets or food trucks. These sail vaults then connect to piers around the perimeter that hold the vaulted ceiling. Inspired by Eladio Dieste’s warehouses, the main ceramic gallery occurs underneath the Gaussian vault. In order to make the most use of the lighting conditions provided by the vault, the second floor is suspended from the tensile structural members of the grand vault. This allows several cutouts to be made in the floor plane, flooding the first floor with the diffused light from above. The facade utilizes a terracotta screen system composed of twisting members at varying scales that add rhythm and texture to both the interior and exterior, while also diffusing light and providing operable ventilation. Programmatically, besides housing the ceramics gallery, the building features a cafe, a ceramics studio, and storage, all of which occur in the basement level, making use of the underground connection that would exist with the Everson Museum.
EvERsoN mUsEUm pLAzA
syRACUsE, Ny
Professor Elizabeth Kamell - Spring 2022
In Collaboration With Emmanuel Kaufman
tENsIoNING systEm
stRUCtURAL systEms
CUtAwAy AxoN
Designed as an Archetype for a study abroad center, Void is thought of as a mass of programs through which voids are punched through for the creation of communal space. The archetype is a massive building with a solid exterior and an interconnected interior designed to promote collectivity between the residents. Originally designed as a site-less “object” the ideas of the archetype were then implemented on 3 different sites in London; Dalston, Elephant & Castle, and Kentish Town, each with unique site conditions for the archetype to respond to. In order to adapt the archetype to the Elephant & Castle site, the mass was shaped using the outline of the site, which was then pushed to the street face in order to create an interior public courtyard. The mass of the project is then carved into by a series of voids that are dictated by the circulation system, where the landing of the circulation system creates a void that punches through the building using an angle created by the form of the site. The voids then create areas of communal space meant to be used by all inhabitants of the project. The program distribution is based on the privacy of the program. The most public programs, such as a convenience store, a café, and a large study space exist on the ground floor, classrooms, and study spaces in floors 1-3, and residential programs in the 3rd and 4th floors. The residences are placed on the top of the building in order to maximize the amount of natural light that enters the rooms. Materially, the study abroad center is thought of as a colored concrete in order to maintain the massive spirit, while also mimicking the coloration of the brick buildings in the surrounding context.
Professors Davide Sacconi & Joao Ruivo - Fall 2021
In Collaboration with Wilcox Hallahan & Emmanuel Kaufman
RhINo3d AdoBE ILLUstRAtoR photoshop vRAy
‘ARChEtypE’ ‘ARChEtypE’ pLANs
‘ARChEtypE’ sECtIoNs & RENdER
11 sItE pLAN
3Rd FLooR pLAN
5th FLooR pLAN
13 stREEt RENdER
sItE AxoN
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the primary work condition across the world has become working from home. This has in turn eliminated the flexibility of the home environment to a vast majority of the people working from home, work has invaded the home. We identified this condition as the “work refugee” , someone who has been displaced from their workplace to their homes, oftentimes displacing the spaces that they had allocated for dwelling to make space for an improvised office. Our project, located in Manhattan seeks to provide a completely flexible living environment for the aforementioned “work refugee” through the introduction of the appliance wall. The Superblock is split into 2 portions, the residential portion, and the office portion. Within the residential block, the appliance wall is a modular wall that contains the furniture ranging from beds, to kitchen appliances that can be stored away and moved easily in order to give the resident full control of the programs that occur in their space. In the office block, the appliance wall is designed to be able to host a wide variety of work conditions, whether it is individual, or collaborative.
In order to respond to the context of the site, which is located in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan, the Superblock mimics the density gradient visible in the island, where the further away from the center one gets, the lower the density becomes. The gradient is visible in the structure, which becomes progressively less dense, and the amount of available open space, which increases moving towards the office. Within the residential portion of the block, the organization of the rooms is inspired by the courtyards created in the blocks of Manhattan by the buildings located on them, and are used to create areas of communal interaction where portions of the appliance wall can be brought out to be used collectively, fostering a sense of community that was lost with the pandemic.
mANhAttAN, Ny
Professor Liang Wang - Spring 2021
In Collaboration With Alexander Estes
AdoBE ILLUstRAtoR photoshop
The drawing above is an animation, please scan the QR code to access the video
sItE AxoN
20 Site Plan sItE pLAN
BLoCk 4th FLooR
Room dRAwING
The drawing above is an animation, please scan the QR code to access the video
AppLIANCE wALL dEpLoymENt AxoN stoRyBoARd
A Collection of Care is a project that was informed by the systems of care available within the Borough of Brooklyn. We created a ‘care catalogue’ that sought to categorize and map different forms of care that we identified such as Public WiFi, Litter Bins, Parks, and Bodegas. After doing so, we created a quantitative map that enabled us to find out which neighborhood in Brooklyn had the least amount of care relative to population, and median income. We identified Bensonhurst, and began to locate vacant lots on which we could intervene. A Collection of Care features a homeless shelter, a maker space, a bodega, and a plaza. The result is a mixed program facility that is imagined to work as a transition home for homeless individuals by providing the people living within the homeless shelter a job opportunity within the spaces of the bodega and the maker space to help them get back on their feet. The building itself is divided into 3 main volumes and 3 secondary volumes. The primary volumes house the program, while the secondary volumes house the circulation cores. The central circulation core is fully transparent, which allows for light to enter the building, as well as the ground floor plaza. The facade of the building is lined with adaptable louvers that are manipulable, which allows the residents of the homeless shelter to orient them according to their needs or preferences.
BRookLyN, Ny
Professor Brown - Fall 2020
In Collaboration With Ina Jang
photoshop vRAy ARCGIs REsIdENtIAL &
35 Bodega Circulation Cores Maker Space Homeless Shelter sItE pLAN mAssING dIAGRAm
sItE AxoN
3Rd FLooR pLAN
37 sECtIoN I sECtIoN II
Dune House is a ground-up residential project situated on the coast of Amagansett, Long Island. It is conceived as a floating wooden box which hovers over the collective space, while housing the individual rooms. In order to navigate the steep slope of the site, the house rests atop a basement that acts as a foundation for the structure of the ‘box’ as well as an infinity edge pool that looks out to the sea. The material palette of the projects seeks to reflect the serene context of the long island coast it is situated in, utilizing the color palettes of the water, sand, pickett fences, and sunsets as inspiration. These can be appreciated in the intricate design of the millwork as well as the facade, floors, and the interior finishes, all of which reflect the luxury aspirations of the client.
For this project, I was tasked with the creation and curation of CD sets that were undertaken primarily through AutoCAD. This also meant I was in charge of picking up and creating redline sets to be adjusted, as well as the coordination of the structural and architectural drawing sets. I was also tasked with the creation of shop mock-up drawings for brick and louver screen walls, and the communication with material providers in order to spec the wall systems. The following is a series of samples from my work on the drawing sets.
B-KD - Summer 2022
Project during summer Internship at Buro-Koray Duman
soFtwARE AUtoCAd AdoBE photoshop RhINo3d vRAy REsIdENtIAL
41 DN UP 201 HALLWAY S02 S01 STAIR ELEVATOR 200 TERRACE 201 SIDE TERRACE 204 KITCHEN LIVING ROOM 207 BEDROOM 03 209 208 BEDROOM 04 210 BATHROOM 04 211 POWDER RM 02 205 DINING ROOM HALLWAY DN SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT NO: DRAWING NO: PAGE NO: PROJECT: CLIENT: SCALE: copyright 2014 buro koray duman architecture PLLC eas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated represented this drawing are owned by and the property of buro koray duma architecture PLLC and were created, evolved, and developed fo use on, and connection with the specified project. None of such ideas, design arrangements plans shall be used without the written permission buro koray duman architecture PLLC ARCHITECT: SHEET TITLE: NOTES: DUNE HOUSE 3 MAKO LN AMAGANSETT, NY 11930 OF 00 PLAN NORTH: N DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SET 01/14/2022 1/4" = 1'-0" CONSTRUCTION PLAN A102.00 01 SECOND FL CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" 1'-0" 01 EL. TYP. +11' 6" EL +11' 5" 4'-8" 71'-5" 1 4 25'-10" 11'-1 1 2 01 A-202 01 A-200 01 A-201 01 A-203 01 A-301 01 A-304 01 A-309 01 A-308 201 202 203 204 211 212 214 201 R02 3 9'-10" 11'-8" 43'-3" 6'-6 1 4 24'-11 3 34'-2 17'-1 1 2'-74 21'-2" 8'-6 207 202 208 209 210 213 205 FIREPLACE 215 209 216 OPERABLE LOUVER PANELS 01 A-302 01 A-300 01 EL. TYP. +11' 5" EL. TYP. +11' 6" 207 206 3 2 2 1 4a 1a 2 1a 3 1a 2 STEEL POST, TYP SEE STR DWG'S MT 07 26'-101 2 6'-1" 21'-43 4 15'-7" 12'-9" 7'-0" 10'-3" 4'-11" 14'-8 10'-1" 8'-01 1 2 6'-6 1 4 13'-41 4 ALIGN 3'-0" ALIGN ALIGN ALIGN 6'-0" 3'-0" 2'-10" 7'-8" STEEL COLUMN, MT 07, SEE STR DWG'S BUG SCREEN POCKET, TYP ALIGN 3'-0" 212 01 A-310 4b 3'-2" 1'-8" 6'-3" 5'-5" 10'-2" 6'-2 12'-6" 3'-0" 1'-10" 7'-0" 4'-4" ALIGN ALIGN ALIGN 01 01 A-303 A-306 217 206 3'-0" 6'-2" 3'-4" STR POSTS SEE STR DWG'S 11'-8 1 2'-0" STEEL T COLUMNS SEE STR DWG'S MT07 5"x5" POST TYP 6' OC MAX 219 220 218 204 205 208 3'-6" 3'-8" 14'-43 4 20'-4" 1'-10" 3'-9" 39'-91 4 10'-9" 2'-5" 3'-0" 43'-6" 80'-1" 6'-10" 3'-0" 10'-4" S S SK S KS S S SK S HALLWAY S02 STAIR S01 STAIR E01 200 TERRACE KITCHEN 206 LIVING ROOM 207 209 BATHROOM 03 BEDROOM 04 210 BATHROOM 04 POWDER RM 02 205 DINING ROOM 202 S S S S S S S 1/4" = 1' - 0" PROPOSED RCP 2ND FL A112.00 1202 SEAL & SIGNATURE DATE: DRAWING NO: PROJECT: CLIENT: SCALE: copyright 2014 buro koray duman architecture PLLC eas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated represented this drawing are owned and the property of buro koray duma architecture PLLC and were created, evolved, and developed fo use on, and connection with the specified project. None of such ideas, design arrangements or plans shall be used without the written permission buro koray duman architecture PLLC ARCHITECT: SHEET TITLE: NOTES: REASON FOR ISSUE DATE REV CHECKED DUNE HOUSE 3 MAKO LN AMAGANSETT, NY 11930 PLAN NORTH: N DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SET 01/14/2022 CONSTRUCTION SET 09/12/2022 RCP 2ND FLOOR 01 EL.+10'-5 1/2" AFF. FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC X FC X FC X FC X FC X SWITCH LEGEND: S S S SRC SLM SINGLE SWITCH 3-WAY SWITCH MASTER SWITCH 3-WAY DIMMER SWITCH MASTER SWITCH FOR LV. SYSTEM ST TIMED SWITCH SD DIMMER SWITCH S 4-WAY SWITCH 4-WAY DIMMER SWITCH S3D S LUTRON SWITCH (NIC) S ALL SWITCHES AT 36" AFF LIGHTING LEGEND: RECESSED DOWNLIGHT DIRECTIONAL DOWNLIGHT SUSPENDED LIGHT RECESSED FLOUR. LIGHT SCONCE LIGHT SCONCE EXTERIOR LIGHT A A A A A A FLOURESCENT LIGHT A RECESSED STEP LIGHT RECESSED WALL LIGHT A WET LOC. DOWNLIGHT TRACK LIGHT A UNDERCABINET LIGHT EL.+10'-5 1/2" AFF. PTX PTX PTX PTX WD4 EL.+10'-5 1/2" AFF. WD4 WD4 FC FC FC FC FH FC FC FC FC FC FS FS FC FU FU FO FX FK FW 212 PTX PTX PTX EL.+9'-0" AFF. FS FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC EL.+9'-0" AFF. EL.+9'-0" AFF. EL.+9'-0" AFF. EL.+10'-6" AFF. PTX FC F5 LINEAR SLOT DIFFUSER, SEE MECH DWG'S AND WALL SECTIONS, TYP SLOT DIFFUSER, SEE MECH DWG, TYP FLUSH FRAMELESS ACCESS PANEL, TYP FINAL LOCATION TBD IN FIELD W/ ENGINEER & ARCHITECT ALIGN ALIGN PTX 1-8-3 2-7-3 2-6-4 2-1-3 2-2-4 2-3-1 2-2-4 2-3-4 2-4-1 2-4-3 2-4-4 2-5-3 2-9-4 2-5-1 2-6-3 2-6-2 PTX SLIDING DOOR TRACK, SEE FL 2-7-4 EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. 3'-8" 2'-11" EQ. EQ. 1'-6" 4" 3'-63 4 4'-3" 6'-0" 1'-6" 3'-3" EQ. EQ. EQ. 3'-3" 3'-0" 2'-0" EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. FC FC FC 3'-2" 2'-6" C OF CORRIDOR 3'-6" 3'-6" 3'-4" 1'-4" 1'-4" 1'-3" 1'-3" 1'-6" 1'-3" 1'-4" C OF CORRIDOR L 3'-10" 1'-6" 1'-6" 2'-8" 2'-2" 3'-7" 3'-0" 2-9-3 2-5-2 FC 2-4-2 2-5-4 2-3-4 2-2-2 2-2-1 2-1-4 2-1-2 2-1-1 2-3-2 2-3-3 1-8-4 2-7-2 6'-0" 2'-2" 3'-9" SLOT DIFFUSER SEE MECH DWG'S 3'-8" 1'-0" WD-03 NOTE: AV EQUIPMENT NIC COORDINATE LOCATION w/ AV INSTALLER & ARCHITECT, PROVIDE ELECTRIAL, SUPPORTS, AND OPENINGS AS REQ'D
42 SECTION SCALE: 1/4" 1'-0" 01 1/4' = 1' - 0" SECTION A300.00 1202 KD 01 EL. 21' 0" SEAL & SIGNATURE DATE: DRAWING NO: PROJECT: CLIENT: SCALE: copyright 2014 buro koray duman architecture PLLC eas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated represented this drawing are owned and the property of buro koray duma architecture PLLC and were created, evolved, and developed fo use on, and connection with the specified project. None of such ideas, design arrangements or plans shall be used without the written permission buro koray duman architecture PLLC ARCHITECT: SHEET TITLE: NOTES: REASON FOR ISSUE DATE REV CHECKED DUNE HOUSE 3 MAKO LN AMAGANSETT, NY 11930 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SET 01/14/2022 CONSTRUCTION SET 09/12/2022 001 POOL 100 STAIR S01 S01 01 A-308 01 A-309 01 A-307 GARAGE LEVEL EL. -21'-0" GROUND FLOOR LEVEL EL. +0' 0" (41' - 0") site elevation SECOND FLOOR LEVEL ROOF LEVEL LOWER ROOF LEVEL EL. +22' 3" 206 202 FOYER BEDROOM 002 BATHROOM 5 002 POOL DECK 101 PATIO 102 STAIR S01 LOWER PATIO LEVEL PATIO LAVEL EL. 0' 0" (41' 0") site elevation 10'-9" 9'-3" 10'-6" SIDEPYRAMIDLINE ATSECTIONCUT SIDEPYRAMIDLINE ATSECTIONCUT MAX25'ABOVENATURALGRADEHEIGHTLINEATSECTIONCUT ZONING LINE EXTENSIONOFSIDE PYRAMID LINEAT SECTIONCUTFORCHIMNEY EXEMPTION 7'-0" CHIMNEY BR1 42" HIGH FRAMELESS GALLS RAILING 45° 45° CONTINUATION OF TRELIS MEETS HEIGHT AND PYRAMID REQUIREMENT, SEE ADDITIONAL ELEVATIONS AND ZONING VIEWS 42" GUARDRAIL 01 A-306 10'-0" SET BEAM HIGH, SEE STR DWG'S STEEL POST MT07, SEE STR DWG'S OPERABLE LOUVER (SM 16) 01 A-310 9'-0" 14'-11" GARAGE DOOR (SM 15) DN UP D WP WP WP WP D 201 HALLWAY S02 S01 STAIR ELEVATOR 200 TERRACE 201 SIDE TERRACE 204 KITCHEN LIVING ROOM 207 BEDROOM 03 209 208 BEDROOM 04 210 BATHROOM 04 211 POWDER RM 02 205 DINING ROOM D HALLWAY A WP D D S D V V DN SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT NO: DRAWING NO: PAGE NO: PROJECT: CLIENT: SCALE: copyright 2014 buro koray duman architecture PLLC eas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated represented this drawing are owned by and the property of buro koray duma architecture PLLC and were created, evolved, and developed fo use on, and connection with the specified project. None of such ideas, design arrangements plans shall be used without the written permission buro koray duman architecture PLLC ARCHITECT: SHEET TITLE: NOTES: DUNE HOUSE 3 MAKO LN AMAGANSETT, NY 11930 OF 00 PLAN NORTH: N DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SET 01/14/2022 1/4" = 1'-0" FLOOR FINISH & OUTLET PLAN 2ND FL A122.00 SECOND FL FINISH & OUTLET PLAN SCALE: 1/4" 1'-0" 01 SECOND FLOOR INTERIOR SF: 2,140 SF ST 07 WD 05 WD 05 WD 02 WD 02 FV WD 02 ST 06 PLANTINGS MATERIAL LEGEND: BR 01- EXTERIOR BRICK, RUNNING BOND BR 02- EXTERIOR BRICK, SCREEN PATTERN 02 POLISHED CONCRETE FA 01 AWNING FABRIC FA 03 MOSQUITO SCREEN GL 01 IG UNIT GL 05 MIRROR GLASS MT 02 STAINLESS STEEL MT 04 CHROME MT 07 PAINTED METAL ST 01 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB ST 03 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB ST 05 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB ST 08 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB 02 2"X8" CERAMIC TILE 04 2"X6" HANDMADE ZELLIGE TILE 06 12"X24" CERAMIC TILE 08 3"X9" CERAMIC TILE WD 01 1-1/2" WOOD LOUVERS WD 03 3/8" WOOD LOUVERS WD 05 3/4" THK. SOLID WOOD DECKING WD 07 3/4" WOOD VENEER PANELS OUTLET LEGEND: DUPLEX OUTLET AT 18"AFF. (U.O.N) GFI DUPLEX OUTLET HIDDEN GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTED DEDICATED D DUPLEX OUTLET HALF HOT DUPLEX OUTLET FLOOR MOUNTED WP GFI WEATHER PROOF DATA JACK CAT 6 WIRING QUAD. OUTLET AT 18"AFF. (U.O.N) HOSE BIBB V VACUUM SYSTEM ST 06 4'-0" AFF GFI 2'-0" AFF 2'-0" AFF FM FM FM FM FM FM 01/421 02/421 WD 02 T 04 WD 02 WD 02 2'-8" AFF 2'-8" AFF 2'-6" AFF 3'-6" AFF ST 06 2-7-4 2-2-4 03 03 05 A-460 01/420 02/420 03/420 05/421 06/420 08/421 09/421 10/421 05/420 WD 02 C 1'-6" C L 1'-1" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 1'-0" C C 1'-6" 1'-6" 2'-0" 1'-8" 1'-8" 6" 8'-0" 6" 5'-7 1 2 1'-6" 1'-6" 2'-4" 6'-8" 4'-0" AFF 4'-0" AFF 4'-0" AFF COORDINATE LOCATION OF TV OUTLETS w/ AV INSTALLER & ARCHITECT, TYP
43 3/8" = 1' - 0" INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A421.00 1202 SEAL & SIGNATURE DATE: DRAWING NO: PROJECT: CLIENT: SCALE: copyright 2014 buro koray duman architecture PLLC eas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated represented this drawing are owned and the property of buro koray duma architecture PLLC and were created, evolved, and developed fo use on, and connection with the specified project. None of such ideas, design arrangements or plans shall be used without the written permission buro koray duman architecture PLLC ARCHITECT: SHEET TITLE: NOTES: REASON FOR ISSUE DATE REV CHECKED DUNE HOUSE 3 MAKO LN AMAGANSETT, NY 11930 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SET 01/14/2022 CONSTRUCTION SET 09/12/2022 BR 02- EXTERIOR BRICK, SCREEN PATTERN C 01- EXPOSED CONCRETE C 04 POOL CONCRETE FA 01 AWNING FABRIC GVL GRAVEL GL 01 IG UNIT MT 02 STAINLESS STEEL MT 03 METAL GRATE MT 06 PAINTED ALUMINUM MT 07 PAINTED METAL 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB ST 03 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB ST 04 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB ST 05 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB ST 06 3 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB ST 07 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB 05 1"X1" MOSAIC CERAMIC TILE 06 12"X24" CERAMIC TILE 07 2"X8" CERAMIC TILE WD 01 1-1/2" WOOD LOUVERS WD 02 5/8" THK. ENGINEERED WOOD FLOORING WD 03 3/8" WOOD LOUVERS SHOP PAINTED WOOD PANELS 5 WD 10 SHOP PAINTED EXTERIOR SHEATHING POWDER ROOM 02 - WEST 08 POWDER ROOM 02 SOUTH 07 T-08 KITCHEN ISLAND - NORTH 04 KITCHEN ISLAND - SOUTH SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 06 KITCHEN ISLAND EAST SCALE: 3/8" 1'-0" 05 ELEVATOR - WEST 10 ELEVATOR - SOUTH 09 KITCHEN - WEST 03 3'-0" 10'-2" 10'-6" 9'-0" 16'-2" 1 4 3'-7" 1'-2" 3'-10" 6'-0" 2'-0" 4'-6" 9'-0" 1'-8" 2'-0" 2'-0" 9'-0" 1'-8" 2'-0" 2'-0" 216 9'-0" 10'-6" 1'-6" 10'-6" 9'-0" 4'-6" KITCHEN 204 NORTH SCALE: 3/8" 1'-0" 01 211 210 1'-11" 9'-0" KITCHEN 204 - EAST SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 02 STEEL POST, MT08 SEE STR DWG'S, TYP 208 3'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-6 2'-0" 4'-0 1 4 1'-7 1 4 11" 1'-7" 10'-7" PTXX PTXX TYP. B1 TYP. KITCHEN CABINETS WD08 TYP WATERFALL COUNTERTOP CUSTOM FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY REFRIGERATOR, A15 MILLWORK CABINETS CUSTOM FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY SKYLIGHT, TYP 8'-3" CUSTOM FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY KITCHEN CABINETS FAUCET, FX02 DOUBLE STEAM OVEN, A13 1'-0" 1'-0" DISHWASHER, A14 HAFELE PULL OUT TRASH CAN 2'-8" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" WD-06 WD-06 WD-06 WD-08 APPLIANCE DRAWER WD08 TYP FREEZER, A16 WINE COOLER, A17 HOOD, A19 2" 2'-61 2 2'-6 3'-0" 1'-6" 1'-91 1'-91 2 5" 2'-3" 1'-81 1'-0" ST01 3'-0" REVEAL TYP WDXX 9'-0" 11 1 2 1'-4" SLOT DIFFUSER SEE MECH DWG'S 1'-0 1'-0" ST01 6'-0" STONE SHELVES,STXX SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 01 1/4" = 1' - 0" ELEVATIONS A200.00 SEAL & SIGNATURE DRAWING NO: PAGE NO: PROJECT: CLIENT: SCALE: copyright 2014 buro koray duman architecture PLLC eas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated represented this drawing are owned and the property of buro koray duma architecture PLLC and were created, evolved, and developed fo use on, and connection with the specified project. None of such ideas, design arrangements plans shall be used without the written permission buro koray duman architecture PLLC ARCHITECT: SHEET TITLE: NOTES: REASON FOR ISSUE DATE REV CHECKED DUNE HOUSE 3 MAKO LN AMAGANSETT, NY 11930 OF 00 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SET 01/14/2022 01 GARAGE LEVEL EL. -21'-0" LOWER PATIO LEVEL EL. -3' 6" BASEMENT LEVEL EL. -17'-0" GROUND FLOOR LEVEL EL. +0' - 0" (41' 0") site elevation SECOND FLOOR LEVEL EL. +11' 6" ROOF LEVEL EL. +24' 0" 17'-0" 4'-0" 17'-6" 9'-3" 14'-9" 3'-6" 9'-3" 10'-0" 8'-0" 3'-6" 2'-6" OPERABLE WOOD SHUTTERS WITH OPERABLE GLASS FACADE BEHIND FRAMELESS GLASS RAILING OPERABLE GLASS FACADE SOLID PANEL MT-06 WOOD RAILING WOOD TRELLIS 2'-3" BR 02 WD 01 WD 01 WD 01 BR 01 102 116 115 110 109 114 213 212 R06 001 01 A-301 01 A-304 01 A-300 01 A-303 POOL RETAINING WALL 215 204 CHIMNEY MATERIAL LEGEND: BR 01- EXTERIOR BRICK, RUNNING BOND BR 02- EXTERIOR BRICK, SCREEN PATTERN C 03 SIDEWALK CONCRETE C 04 POOL CONCRETE FA 03 MOSQUITO SCREEN GVL GRAVEL GL 03 SKYLIGHT IG UNIT GL 04 TEMPERED GLASS MT 01 BLACKENED STEEL MT 02 STAINLESS STEEL MT 05 ANODIZED ALUMINUM MT 06 PAINTED ALUMINUM MT 08 ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL ST 01 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB ST 02 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB ST 03 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB 2 CM THK. MARBLE SLAB T 01 2"X8" CERAMIC TILE T 02 2"X8" CERAMIC TILE T 03 2"X6" HANDMADE ZELLIGE TILE T 04 2"X6" HANDMADE ZELLIGE TILE T 05 1"X1" MOSAIC CERAMIC TILE T 08 3"X9" CERAMIC TILE T 09 3"X9" CERAMIC TILE 3/4" THK. SOLID WOOD WD 05 3/4" THK. SOLID WOOD DECKING WD 06 3/4" WOOD VENEER PANELS WD 07 3/4" WOOD VENEER PANELS WD 08 SHOP PAINTED WOOD PANELS SOLID WHITE OAK T 05 T 05 6'-8" STEEL POST, MT-O5 SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, TYPICAL 36" HANDRAIL 42" HIGH GUARDRAIL 42" HIGH GUARDRAIL ST XX 42" GUARDRAIL 42" GUARDRAIL MT-06 2'-7" 10'-0" 10'-0" 3'-6" SIDEPYRAMIDLINE(A) ATMAINHOUSE SIDEPYRAMIDLINE(A) ATMAINHOUSE 25' ABOVE NATURAL GRADE MAX HEIGHT LINE (A) AT MAIN HOUSE ZONING LINE (A) TRELLIS ANGLES BACK TO MEET PYRAMID AND HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS, SEE PLANS SIDEPYRAMIDLINE(B) ATGARAGE MAX HEIGHT LINE (B) AT GARAGE ZONING LINE (B) 45° 42" HIGH GUARDRAIL 45° 45° CONTINUATION OF TRELIS MEETS HEIGHT AND PYRAMID REQUIREMENT, SEE ADDITIONAL ELEVATIONS AND ZONING VIEWS HOUSE BEYOND MEETS HEIGHT AND PYRAMID REQUIREMENT, SEE ADDITIONAL ELEVATIONS AND ZONING VIEWS BR 02 STEEL POST, MT 07 5'-9" 5'-6" 3'-6" 5'-7 1 2 9'-0" 01 A-305 01 A-302
44 ADDRESS: copyright © 2013 buro koray duman PLLC all ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated or represented by this drawing are owned by and the property of buro koray duman PLLC and were created, evolved, and developed for use on, and connection with the specified project. None of such ideas, design arrangements or plans shall be used without the written permission of buro koray duman PLLC 1 Rivington St. 2nd floor NY, NY 10002 PROJECT: SCALE: SHEET TITLE: DUNE HOUSE BRICK MOCKUP DRAWING 3/4" = 1'-0' ARRISCRAFT LINEAR SERIES ELEV SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 01 1 2 " MORTAR JOINT 3 8 " MORTAR JOINT 1 2 " MORTAR JOINT 6'-0" 10'-6" ADDRESS: copyright © 2013 buro koray duman PLLC all ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated or represented by this drawing are owned by and the property of buro koray duman PLLC and were created, evolved, and developed for use on, and connection with the specified project. None of such ideas, design arrangements or plans shall be used without the written permission of buro koray duman PLLC 1 Rivington St. 2nd floor NY, NY 10002 PROJECT: SCALE: SHEET TITLE: DUNE HOUSE LOUVER MOCKUP ELEVATION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 01 ANCHOR ELEVATION SCALE: 6" = 1'-0" 02 ANCHOR ELEVATION SCALE: 6" = 1'-0" 03 ANCHOR ELEVATION SCALE: 6" = 1'-0" 04 SPACER ELEVATION SCALE: 6" = 1'-0" 05 SPACER ELEVATION SCALE: 6" = 1'-0" 06 SPACER ELEVATION SCALE: 6" = 1'-0" 07 3 9 16 " 1 1 2 " C L Ø1 2 3 8 11 2 " 1 1 4 1 4 C L 3 8 Ø1 2 3 9 16 " 1 4 1 4 11 2 5'-6" 3'-111 2 10'-1" 14'-6" C L C L C L C L C L Ø1 2 " Ø3 8 " 11 2 3 8 1 2 " 11 4 " 11 2 " 3 8 LOUVER MOCKUP DRAWINGS VARIES 1 2 " 4'-4 3 4 " 4'-8 3 4 3'-7" 1'-7" WOOD BACKING, CLIPS @ REQ'D