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Allison Gagliardi, editor-in-chief
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C\kk\ij ]ifd X[d`e`jkiXk`fe Dr. Wilson G. Bradshaw, university president @k `j X ^i\Xk gc\Xj li Le`m\ij`kp% K_\ ) \ kf n\cZfd\ pfl kf =cfi`[X > lc] :fXjk '(($)'() XZX[\ d \oZ`k`e^ fggfik le`k`\j ]fi \XZ_ `Z p\Xi gifd`j\j kf f]]\i f] pfl Xj pfl Y\ Z_Xgk\i `e pfli ^`e k_`j e\ok \[lZXk`fe% =>:L `j pfli Zfd f] n_fd n`cc i\ dle`kp% PflËcc dXb\ e\n ]i`\e[ dX` j _\i\# jfd\ Xcjf [\m\cfg e\n e pfli ]i`\e[j ]fi k_\ i\jk f] p fli c`]\% PflËcc jb`ccj Xe[ `ek\i\ nfic[ m`\n `e n Xpj pfl dXp efk jkj Xe[ pflËcc \ogXe[ pfli `dX^`e\% K_`j g\ n`cc j\im\ pfl n \cc `ekf k_\ ]lkl ij i\% GXik`Z`gXk`e^ feXc ^ifnk_ j\im`Z\ Xe[ Z`m` `e Zfddle`kp Z \e^X^\d\ek g ifa\Zkj Xe[ c\Xi gi`eZ`gc\j f] \em e`e^ XYflk k_\ `ifed\ekXc jlj kX`eXY`c`kp n`cc _ Xe le[\ijkXe[ \cg pfl [\m\cfg n_Xk `k d\Xej kf Y\ Xe \e^X^\[ ^cfYXc jfZ`\kp% Z`k`q\e `e fli 8j pfl Y\^`e k_ `j X X[mXekX^\ f] X n ZX[\d`Z p\Xi# @ li^\ pfl kf ^\k `emfcm\[% KXb\ `[ pfl fe ZXdglj% \ iXe^\ f] Zf$Zlii`ZlcXi XZk`m `k`\j XmX`cXYc\ kf K_\i\ Xi\ [fq\e Xik`jk`Z# ZlckliX j c# Xk_c\k`Z Xe[ i\ f] ZXdglj fi^Xe`qXk`fej# Xe[ Zi\Xk`feXc fggfi \e_XeZ\ pfli X kle`k`\j k_Xk n`cc ZX[\d`Z glijl `kj% F] Zflij\# Ô YXcXeZ\ Y\kn\\ e[`e^ k_\ gifg\i e pfli c`]\ `e k_ \ Zc ZcXjjiffd `j Xe `dgfikXek gXik f Xjjiffd Xe[ flk f] k_\ ] k_\ le`m\ij`kp \og\i`\eZ\% @ li^\ pfl kf kX b\ X[mXekX^\ f ] dXep fggfikle kf pfl Xk =cfi`[ `k`\j X > [\Z`j`fej% ?Xm\ lc] :fXjk Le`m\ij`kp% DXb\ i\jg XmX`cXYc\ X i\nXi[`e^ Xe[ fej`Yc\ jlZZ\jj]lc p\X i% >f <X^c\j
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Dr. J. Michael Rollo, vice president for Student Affairs
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C`YiXip j\im`Z\j The FGCU Library is a technologically advanced institution with materials, electronic resources, services and facilities designed to assist users in achieving their academic and scholarly goals. The facility is comprised of two connected buildings, designated as Library East and Library West. The Circulation Desk, Open Computing Lab, General Book Collection and Library Administrative offices are located in Library East. The Reference Desk and Reference Collection with an adjacent small Information Literacy Learning Lab are housed in Library West. Additional collections in Library West are: Media, Periodicals, Curriculum, Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Literature and current periodicals browsing collection. The library has media viewing rooms, group study rooms, individual study carrels and many seating and work areas to provide a comfortable environment for research and study. The threestory windowed Atrium at the main entrance to the library provides a pleasant space to visit with friends, study, or relax and enjoy beautiful campus views.
<X^c\ @; :Xi[j Your key to library services and resources is your FGCU Eagle photo ID card. It is your passport to borrowing services, remote access to research databases and other electronic resources. The ID card must be presented at the Circulation Desk in order to check out materials from the collection. The most economical means for copying and printing services is by adding money to your FGCU ID. Your ID card and number must be held secure, protected as you would a credit card in order to avoid fraudulent use by others. The registered cardholder is responsible for all materials, fines and costs incurred through the use of this card. The loss or theft of the card must be reported immediately, so that privileges may be blocked before any damage to the cardholderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s account occurs. TIP: Use your complete 14-digit ID number when accessing library electronic services and resources from a remote location.
K_\ :fcc\Zk`fe The library collection consists of more than 500,000 items, including books, journals, newspapers, microfilms, media materials, e-books and e-journals. There are more than 400 online research databases, providing access to indexes, abstracts and thousands of full-text articles
CfXe Need a book or journal article not owned by FGCU Library? FGCU faculty, staff and students may request that the library obtain materials for their use from another institution. Simply establish an FGCU ILLiad Interlibrary Loan account through the library website and submit your requests. Most articles are delivered to you electronically, while hard copy materials may be picked up at the Circulation Desk. You are notified via e-mail when your requested material has arrived, or when you have articles to be downloaded.
Jlggfik ]fi ;`jkXeZ\ C\Xie\ij
EN photos/ Destiny Brunson @e FZkfY\i )'(' k_\ C`YiXip \ok\e[\[ k_\`i _flij f] fg\iXk`fe Yp (,%, _flij X n\\b% 8e X[[`k`feXc (,#+)-%/+ nXj jg\ek kf i\dX`e fg\iXk`feXc ]fi k_\ p\Xi% K_\ gi`Z\ kX^ nXj gX`[ Yp Jkl[\ek >fm\ied\ek J\eXk\%
from the best academic journals of major disciplines. The library website (http:// library.fgcu.edu) is the primary access point for all library services and resources. The website accesses the online catalog, as well as the catalogs of the State University System of Florida libraries, FGCU course reserve materials, electronic databases, document delivery services, interlibrary loan, research assistance and links to other useful sites. A library staff directory, several request forms and the latest information about hours, services and workshops are available on the website.
:fdglk\i CXYj An open computing lab is available in the library for all users 92 hours per week. It offers access to library research databases, e-journals, coursespecific software, MS Office, Gulfline and unfiltered Internet. The lab has over 135 computing work stations configured so that they may be used in conjunction with other campus-supported applications, e-mail and more.
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8jj`jkXeZ\ Librarians and specially trained staff provide help with selecting and using research databases, formulating search strategies, searching the online catalog and more at the Reference Desk. The desk is open 65 hours per week when classes are in session. Personal research consultations with a librarian can be made through online forms at the library website. A small computing lab located behind the Reference Desk area is used to facilitate instruction and assistance to users by Reference Desk staff. There, students may receive personal assistance with searching the online catalog, or research database selection and other instruction services, without appointment. Chat reference service is also available through the FGCU participation in the statewide AskaLibrarian virtual reference service. Chat with a real librarian, in real time. See the library website for operating hours of the FGCU virtual reference desk.
:`iZlcXk`fe Xe[ :flij\ I\j\im\ Students, staff and faculty may borrow materials upon presenting their FGCU ID card at the Circulation Desk. Loan periods vary by borrower status and item collection location. Borrowing policies, including fines and loan periods, are posted at the Circulation Desk and also available from the library website. Course reserve materials, both print and electronic, are processed and made accessible by Circulation Desk staff. Hard copies may be requested and checked out at the desk. Articles are made available electronically whenever possible.
Distance Learners are provided equitable services as those provided for on-campus users. Electronic resources and services are available and accessible to all FGCU affiliates regardless of their location. The online FGCU ILLiad interlibrary loan system may be used by distance learners to request books or articles owned by FGCU or for materials from other institutions. Books from the collection are charged out to the borrowerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s library account and mailed to distance learners when requested. Students are responsible for return postage, overdue fines and costs for lost or damaged library materials, as are all users. Articles are supplied electronically whenever possible. Regular copying costs are charged to the requestor. Reference assistance is available to distance learners via phone, Virtual Chat and e-mail. A telephone personal research consultation with a subject liaison librarian is available via appointment. Request forms are available from the libraryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Web page or contact the Reference Desk at (239) 5907630; or send an e-mail message to libref@fgcu.edu.
Le`m\ij`kp Gfc`Z\ LG; :i`d\ gi\m\ek`fe k`gj ]fi ZXdglj
The University Police and Safety Department is responsible for law enforcement, security, disaster planning and emergency response at FGCU. The offices for Police and Parking are located on the north end of the Campus Support Complex.
1. Keep your doors and windows locked. 2. Do not admit strangers. Do not admit maintenance or repair persons without verifying their identity. If you are suspicious, contact the police. 3. Lower shades or close drapes/curtains after dark. 4. Be wary of inviting casual acquaintances into your residence. In over half of all reported rapes, the women knew their attacker. 5. Leave lights on when you go out at night. Inexpensive timers can be purchased and used to convey a sense of occupancy. 6. Have your keys ready when moving from one place to the next.
8Yflk LG; The law enforcement officers of the department receive their enforcement authority via the provisions of Chapter 1012.97 F.S.S. All officers are certified by the State of Florida. Police officers at FGCU have full law enforcement authority including arrest powers on all property owned or controlled by FGCU. The university is patrolled 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Additionally, the office is manned 24 hours a day so that persons wishing to report a crime or speak with an officer may come to the offices at anytime.
:i`d\ gi\m\ek`fe ]fi f]]$ ZXdglj c`m`e^ Xi\Xj
?fn LG; ZXe _\cg pfl The University Police Department investigates all criminal activity on the University campus. Additionally if you are involved in a traffic accident, please notify the University Police immediately. UPD will also assist in opening locked vehicles, jump starting vehicles, and flat tires. If you are on campus during the night, an officer or designee may be requested to escort you to your vehicle, when available. The University Police and Safety Department monitors Communications and fire alarms 24 hours a day, seven days a week and also provides emergency communication services around the clock. Such emergency communication includes; direct dial (no dialing) telephones in each elevator, “Blue Phone” emergency telephones located throughout parking lots, and police emergency service from any campus telephone except pay phones by dialing 1900. Police Communication and Service Aides, in addition to answering your calls for assistance, provide services including; monitoring fire and security alarm systems, maintaining daily records of police activity, radio communications between officers, and assisting in the enforcement of University regulations.
:fekXZk`e^ LG; Calling for police from an on campus telephone: dial 1900 or 239-590-1900.
:Xcc`e^ LG; When calling for assistance, be it routine or emergency, be prepared to clearly identify yourself state where you are calling from and state briefly the nature of your call.
Photos courtesy of University Police :f[\ 9cl\ gfc\j Xi\ cfZXk\[ k_ifl^_flk ZXdglj% K_\p ZXe Y\ ]fle[ `e Xcc gXib`e^ cfkj# Jkl[\ek ?flj`e^ Xe[ `e k_\ Zfi\ XZX[\d`Z Xi\Xj% @] pfl \og\i`\eZ\ Xe \d\i^\eZp# k_`j `j X nXp kf ZXcc ]fi Xjj`jkXeZ\% N_\e XZk`mXk\[# pfl Xi\ `dd\[`Xk\cp Zfee\Zk\[ n`k_ k_\ =>:L Gfc`Z\ ;\gXikd\ek [`jgXkZ_\i%
<[lZXk`feXc J\im`Z\j While University campuses are generally safe places, there are no guarantees that you won’t become the victim of a crime. Criminals select their victims based upon their desire, their ability, and the opportunity. To help reduce the possibility of crime on campus, the University Police Department offers seminars/ presentations on various crimerelated topics. These include: Alcohol Awareness, Drug Awareness, Cyber Crimes, Internet Fraud, Identity Theft, Residential Crime Prevention, Workplace Violence and Sexual Assault Awareness. The University Police also provides instruction in sexual assault self defense. Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) System classes are open to female students, faculty and staff periodically, throughout the year. We also offer, free of charge to students, faculty, and staff, a residential security survey. For more information on crime prevention services, please call 590-1900 and ask for Officer Engle.
GXib`e^ J\im`Z\j The University Police and Safety Department is responsible for the enforcement of parking regulations on campus. All faculty, staff, and students are required to have a parking permit/ decal during
daylight and evening hours. Parking Services will be present during Orientation and will be located in the Student Union the first week of school to assist with permit distribution. Student Parking Enforcement Aides issue parking citations for illegally parked vehicles and vehicles without parking permits/ decals. Office Hours for Parking Services are 8am-5pm, MondayFriday. For more info: http://www. fgcu.edu/parking/
I8; :cXjj\j The Rape Aggression Defense System is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women. The R.A.D. System is a comprehensive, women-only course that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and risk avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. R.A.D. is not a Martial Arts program. Our courses are taught by nationally certified R.A.D. Instructors and provide each student with a workbook/reference manual. This manual
outlines the entire Physical Defense Program for reference and continuous personal growth, and is the key to our free lifetime return and practice policy for R.A.D. graduates.
Cfjk Xe[ =fle[ The University Police and Safety Department operates a lost-and-found program. All items found throughout the University are delivered to the Department for safekeeping. Items are held by the Police Department for 90 days. You will be required to provide the Department with proof of ownership whenever you attempt to recover a lost item. You are encouraged to mark personal items with a readily identifiable number. In the event of loss or theft, the item will be much easier to return to the rightful owner.
Apartment complexes, townhouses, condominium communities, and other dwellings pose unique security problems because of the temporary nature of many residents of lease/rental property. Here are a few tips: 1. Have locks re-keyed when moving into a previously rented residence or after keys have been lost or stolen. 2. Deadbolt locks, if not already in place, should be installed on all exterior doors including the one from the garage into the residence. 3. Install locks or protective devices on windows, including second-floor windows. 4. Do not prop open resident hall doors. This is an open invitation to a criminal.
:`kXk`fej Xe[ =`e\j University Police regulates traffic and parking fines on campus 24/7. To see a complete list of parking and traffic citations see http://www.fgcu.edu/UPD/ citations-fines.html. To avoid tickets, make sure you follow university regulations.
I\^`jk\i\[ Jkl[\ek Fi^Xe`qXk`fej A A Step Above Perfection, asapstep@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Clarisse Delva Accounting Society, mrobanno@eagle. fgcu.edu, Mary Rice Active Ghost Investigators (AGI), tjpeal@eagle.fgcu.edu , Tyler Peal Aiki-Dokokai FGCU, aikido@gmail. com, Andrew Hedman Alpha Kappa Alpha, sigma.upsilon@ yahoo.com, Krystal Aaron Alpha Psi Omega, jraltize@eagle.fgcu. eduJohn Altizer American Cultural Education Club, ace@eagle.fgcu.edu, Shawn Middleton American Society of Civil Engineers, asce@eagle.fgcu.edu, Chris Conti American Water Resources Association, ldduke@fgcu.edu, Jeff Talbott Amnesty International , amnesty@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Chealsye Bowley Anime Club, anime@eagle.fgcu.edu, William Moore Anthropology Club, menykiel@eagle. fgcu.edu, Morgan Nykiel Aquarium Science and Aquaculture Club, sarcure@eagle.fgcu.edu, Samuel Arcure
B Bachelor of Social Work Student Association, michelle.stimpson@yahoo. com, Michelle Stimpson Backyard Farmers, abadams@eagle. fgcu.edu, Amanda Adams Baking Yumminess Obsessively in Biscayne, lfcooper@eagle.fgcu.edu, LeAnne Cooper Biology Club, ankostru@eagle.fgcu.edu, Anastasia Kostrubala Biomedical Engineering Society, BMES@fgcu.edu, Robert Donnely Black Student Alliance, bsafgcu@ yahoo.com, Jonie Valerie Lamarre Break Dancing Club, rmnugent@eagle. fgcu.edu, Ricardo Nugnet Bully Me Not, Ldcohen@eagle.fgcu.edu, Dominique Dawkins
C Chabad, rabbi@jewishbonita.com, Jeffrey Haut Chi Alpha, xafgcu@gmail.com, Brandon Velez Chi Omega, chiomega@eagle.fgcu.edu, Katie Feldman Chi Sigma Iota, cdchugan@eagle.fgcu. edu, Carla Chugani Christian Campus Fellowship, krevels@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Katelyn Revels Circle K International, arbrompt@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Ashley Brompton Circle of Friends, circleoffriends@eagle. fgcu.edu, Aysia Scheerer Cities of Refuge, citiesofrefuge@eagle. fgcu.edu, Chealsye Bowley Club Managers Association of America, cmaa@eagle.fgcu.edu, Nicole Mannara College Democrats, jay.shuford@gmail. com, Jay Shuford College Republicans, fgcucr10@gmail. com, Jason Boswell Colleges Against Cancer, cac@eagle. fgcu.edu, Rebecca Miller Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO), dzhobbs@eagle. fgcu.edu, Lynzee Cohen Communication Club, FGCUCommClub@gmail.com, Jack Siegel Community Health Aid Development, lechimar@eagle.fgcu.edu, Lis Chimaras Computer Science Club, cs@eagle.fgcu. edu, Christopher Steiner Cooking Club, jack@freeap.org, Dan Hobbs Creative Writing Club, creativewritingclub@eagle.fgcu.edu, B. Shea Lindner
D Dance Marathon, pjmacak@eagle.fgcu. edu, Parker Macak Dead Parrot Society, jlschalk@eagle. fgcu.edu, Janet Schalk Delta Delta Delta, msmccoy@eagle.fgcu. edu, Megan McCoy Delta Sigma Theta, tausigmadeltasigmatheta@gmail.com, Taija Mottley
N National Pan Hellenic Council (NPHC), nphc@eagle.fgcu.edu, Towana Gordon Newman Club, newman_fgcu@yahoo. com, Sara Schmidt Nursing Student Association, llupe@ fgcu.edu, Kristin Foelgner
O Omicron Delta Kappa, scbinnin@eagle. fgcu.edu, Steven Binninger Order of Omega, mocaysid@eagle.fgcu. edu, Michael Caysido
Photos courtesy of OSI K_\ Jkl[\ek 8Yfc`k`fe`jk :clY kXYc\j Xk k_\ I\m\ij\ :Xi\\i =X`i `e =\YilXip% K_\i\ Xi\ dfi\ k_Xe ()' I\^`jk\i\[ Jkl[\ek Fi^Xe`qXk`fej fe ZXdglj%
Dominican Republic Outreach Program, drop.fgcu@gmail.com, Liz Brewer Donate Life at FGCU, donatelifefgcu@ gmail.com, Ashley Hooker
E Eagle News, editorinchief@eaglenews. org, Allison Gagliardi Eagles Educate, eagleseducate@eagle. fgcu.edu, Linsey Kouns Eagles for Liberty, tgleicht@eagle.fgcu. edu, Travis Leicht Eagles for Life, eagles4life@eagles.fgcu. edu, Tamara Edwards Eagles for the Camps, eagles4camps@ gmail.com, Parker Macak Eco-Action, ecoaction@eagle.fgcu.edu, Hana Nardi Emerging Recreation Leaders, erl. fgcu@gmail.com, Kelsey DeLoach Engineering and Computer Honor Society, anpatter@eagle.fgcu.edu, Amanda Swenson Environmental Engineering Society (EES), ees@eagle.fgcu.edu, Paul Hill
F FGCU Business and Entrepreneurship Club, jack@freeup.org, Chrissy Martin FGCU Soup Kitchen, etweiss@eagle. fgcu.edu, Jack Siegel Filmmakers Club, bsfranz@eagle.fgcu. edu, Bryan Franz Financial Managers Association, fgcufma@gmail.com, Stephen Sherburne Flavour Modeling Troupe, rdall@eagle. fgcu.edu, Ritisha Hall Florida Engineering Society, fes@eagle. fgcu.edu, Cristobal Wallace Florida Public Relations Association, dtsimmon@eagle.fgcu.edu, David Simmons Forensic Pathology Club, FGCUforensicpathologyclub@gmail.com, Kristin Elink-Schuurman-Laura
G Gay Straight Alliance, gsa@eagle.fgcu. edu, Steph Mold Gender Equality Organization, geo@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Casey Smith Golden Key International Honor Society, memberservices@goldenkey. org, Eric Cherasia Grace On Campus, jeff.casali@gmail. com, Taylor Brewington Graduate Business Association, slparfit@eagle.fgcu.edu, Shannon Parfitt Graduate Student Organization, jack@ freeap.org, Shaina Rubenstien Graduate Students Anthropology Association, lacortin@eagle.fgcu.edu, Luis Cortinas Gulf Coast House of Prayer, cjdeckel@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Charissa Decklemann
H Haitian Student Organization, fgcuhatianstudentorganization@gmail. com, Alvena Paul
Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc, SIA@eagle.fgcu.edu, Jessenia Diaz Hillel of Southwest Florida, swflhillel@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Brooke Green Hobby Game Club, fgcuhobbygameclub@ gmail.com, Meghan Lake Human Performance Student Association, HPSA@eagle.fgcu.edu, Dan Esperon
I Ignite, cpbelche@eagle.fgcu.edu, Carl Belcher Improv Club, fgcuimprov@eagle.fgcu. edu, Brad Champion Innovative Engineering, jack@freeup. org, Eric Weiss Interfraternity Council, IFC@eagle. fgcu.edu, Justin Stubelt International Club, internationalclub@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Hadiza Gamatie Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, fgcu.ivcf@gmail.com, Christopher Jeong
K Kappa Alpha Order, pbcuderm@eagle. fgcu.edu, Peter Cuderman Kappa Alpha Psi, fgcunupes@gmail. com, Willis Harris Kappa Delta, etataupresident@gmail. com, Kristina Severine Kappa Delta Pi, KDP@eagle.fgcu.edu, Christal Earp Kappa Kappa Iota, lmmetzle@eagle. fgcu.edu, Laura Metzler Kappa Kappa Psi, kkpsipresident@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Madeline Tarantelli Kappa Sigma, rhozetachapter@gmail. com, David Maysonet Kiva, acmatos@eagle.fgcu.edu, Clint Khemkhajon
L Lambda Alpha Epsilon, lae@eagle.fgcu. edu, Alexandra Wein Language Club, fgculanguageclub@ gmail.com, Yan Bohyn Latin American Student Organization, LASO@eagle.fgcu.edu, Maria Toledo
M Mangrove Review, klojewski@fgcu.edu, Robert Hiatt Marketing Club, cdcancin@eagle.fgcu. edu, Jack Siegel Master in Social Work Student Association, mswsa@eagle.fgcu.edu, Dana McCort Mathematics Club, math@eagle.fgcu. edu, Tyler Thomas Meditation Club, fgcumeditationclub@ gmail.com, Diana Honorat Mock Trial Team, mocktrialteam@eagle. fgcu.edu, Rosa Mendoza Model United Nations, lpuzo@eagle. fgcu.edu, Leslie Puzo Multicultural Interest Group, multi. cultural.fgcu@gmail.com, Ariana Matos Music Maniacs, GCMM@eagle.fgcu.edu, Scott Kelly
Panhellenic Council, panhellenic@eagle. fgcu.edu, Lauren Schuetz Peace Corps, mpc@eagle.fgcu.edu, Vitor Suguri Phi Alpha Delta, rnmendoz@eagle.fgcu. edu, Rosa Mendoza Phi Alpha Delta Law Review, pres@ fgcupadlawreview.com, Elliot Long Phi Alpha Theta, patfgcu@gmail.com, William Mattingly Phi Beta Sigma, pbs@eagle.fgcu.edu, Jermaine Burke Phi Eta Sigma, jaschwar@eagle.fgcu. edu, Jordan Schwartz Phi Sigma Tau, philosophy@eagle.fgcu. edu, Andrew Kingston Philosophy Club, philosophy@eagle. fgcu.edu, Jonathon Morhaim Photography Club, fgcu_photography@ yahoo.com, Tyler Dalbora Pi Kappa Alpha, bpruprig@eagle.fgcu. edu, Bryan Rupright Pi Sigma Alpha, dmalvare@eagle.fgcu. edu, Danielle Alvarez Politics, Culture and History Society, cldoris@eagle.fgcu.edu, Candacey Doris Power of One Animal Interest Group, powerofone@eagle.fgcu.edu, Cesar Cancino Pre-Medical Pre-Professional Organization, kneal@eagle.fgcu.edu, Kellee Neal Preveterinary Animal Interest Club, ldellis@eagle.fgcu.edu, Lindsey Ellis Project Art Therapy for Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health, meschrei@eagle.fgcu.edu, Marisa Schreiber Project DIY, projectdiy@eagle.fgcu.edu, Chealsye Bowley Project Haiti, projecthaiti@eagle.fgcu. edu, Casey Gamble Project Potcake, projectpotcake@eagle. fgcu.edu, Alyssa Del Campo Psi Theta Tau, thetatau@eagle.fgcu.edu, Elizabeth Skaates Psychology Club, psyclub@eagle.fgcu. edu, Kayla Bennett
R Regulate Unite Listen Engage Speak (RULES), rules@eagle.fgcu.edu, Malissa Sanon Relay for Life of FGCU, relayforlife@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Morgan Nykiel Resident Housing Association, rha@ fgcu.edu, Rachel Jones Restless, jaminers@eagle.fgcu.edu, Jeb Miners Rho Lambda, hemains@eagle.fgcu.edu, Hilary Mains Rotaract, fgcurotaract@gmail.com, Yan Bohyn Rudi-SIA, fgcu__rudisia@yahoo.com, Lauren Schuetz
S Save Our Seas, cachabot@eagle.fgcu. edu, Colleen Chabot Sigma Alpha Iota, sai@eagle.fgcu.edu, Jaimie Bocco Sigma Chi, cdcary@sigmachifgcu.com, Clark Cary Sigma Lambda Beta, fgcubetas@yahoo. com, Tramell Zackery Sigma Phi Epsilon, jpcarter@eagle.fgcu. edu, Justin Carter Sigma Tau Delta, sigma@eagle.fgcu.edu, Jennifer Marks Society of Human Resource Management, shrm@eagle.fgcu.edu, Dan Hobbs Society of Women Engineers, cmcveig@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Cyndele McVeigh
Matthew Schorsch, coordinator of student organization development N\cZfd\ kf =cf i`[
X >lc] :fXjk Le`
:fe^iXklcXk`fej fe dXb`e^ fe\ f] k_\ Y\jk [\Z`j f] pfli c`]\ Xe[ Y `fej \Zfd`e^ Xe <X^ c\ =cfi`[X >lc] : Le`m\ij`kp `j X k\ fX jk ii`ÔZ gcXZ\ kf jgi \X[ pfli n`e^j X Õ`^_k fe Xe \oZ e[ kXb\ `k`e^ aflie\p% 9 \ jli\ kf dXb\ flk f] pfli Zfcc\ k_ \ d fjk ^`Xk\ \og\i`\eZ \ Yp \e^X^`e^ pf k_\ dXep fggfik li j\c] `e le`k`\j k_Xk Xi\ XmX`cXYc\ kf pfl fgk`fe ]fi `j kf af % 8 k\ii`ÔZ `e fe\ f] k_\ (, ' I\^`jk\i\[ Jkl Fi^Xe`qXk`fej k_ [\ ek Xk Xi\ XZk`m\ fe ZXdglj% @k `j ^i kf d\\k e\n g\f \X k n Xp gc\# [\m\cfg pfl i c\X[\ij_`g XY`c` _Xm\ ]le 9\ jl k`\ j Xe[ i\ kf Xkk\e[ k_\ @emfcm\d\ek =X` k_\ N\\b f] N\c i [ li `e^ Zfd\ fi m`j`k fl i f]ÔZ\ `e k_\ Jk Le`fe% Kf jkXp lg l[ \ek kf [Xk\ fe af`e`e ^ fi jkXik`e^ X jk fi^Xe`qXk`fe# gc\ l[\ek Xj\ m`j`k fli n\Y j`k\ Xk _kkg1&&jkl[\ekj \im`Z\j%]^Zl%\[l &Jkl[\ek@emfcm `e[\o%_kdc% \d\ek& >f <X^c\j
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South Florida Wildlife Association, SFWA@eagle.fgcu.edu, Greg Kosik Special Equestrians, pduff@eagle.fgcu. edu, Priscilla Duff Sports Medicine Club, cdean@eagle.fgcu. edu, Courtney Dean Student Abolitionist Movement, walker@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Carey Walker Student Occupational Therapy Association, camcgrat@eagle.fgcu.edu, Caitlyn McGrath Student Organization of Nurse Anesthetists, jmcombs@eagle.fgcu.edu, Jason Combs Student Physical Therapy Association, ljdavis@eagle.fgcu.edu, Lindsey Davis Students Who Served: A Community for All, jrdavis@eagle.fgcu.edu, James Davis
Tae-Kwon-Do Club, napagan@eagle.fgcu. edu, Samantha Holland To Write Love on Her Arms, towritelove@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Stephanie Guerra Toms, Nicholas Pagan TOMS Campus Club, fgcutoms@gmail. com, Megan Vendette Trying New Things Club, msmunsel@ eagle.fgcu.edu, Michael Munsell
Women’s Soccer Club, clove@eagle.fgcu. edu, Carly Love
V Video Game Club, vgc@eagle.fgcu.edu, Christopher Walsh Voices of Inspiration and Praise, fgcuvip@yahoo.com, John Brown
Y Young Life, ckmccoy@eagle.fgcu.edu, Cierra McCoy
Z Zeta Phi Beta, gammatauzphib@gmail. com, Shaquanna Godbolt Zeta Tau Alpha, fgcuzta@gmail.com, Stephanie Heller
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Jkl[\ek >fm\ied\ek The mission of Student Government is to provide an intellectual, social and cultural environment that maximizes student potential and enhances student success. The purpose of Student Government is to provide equal representation for all students at Florida Gulf Coast University. Students needs rather than institutional preference determine priorities for academic planning, policies, and programs. Student Government will serve as an institutional resource to further the development of the student as a contributing member of the community. Student Government will serve as a bridge between all aspects of Florida Gulf Coast University and the Student Body. In order to establish such partnerships, Student Government is committed to maintaining high levels of communication between the student body, faculty, staff, and the community. Student Government will act as the official voice, through which student opinion may be expressed, thus producing students engaged in both university activities and community affairs.
C\kk\i ]ifd k_\ J9 Gi\j`[\ek Fellow Eagles, First of all, Congratulations! You have made an incredible choice by choosing Florida Gulf Coast University as the place to spend the next four (maybe five or six) years of your life! Your time in college will go by faster than you could ever imagine; it seems like just yesterday I was at my FGCU Orientation. This is the place where you will make friendships that last a lifetime, discover your own path, and have an unforgettable time while doing it. If I could give you one piece of advice to take away from reading this, it would be to get involved on campus and find your passion. College is a time for learning, a time for growing, and a time to discover who you truly are. FGCU offers over 135 Registered Student Organizations, a flourishing Greek Community, a Division I Athletics Program, and the opportunity to create your own place to call home. Getting involved gives you the chance to meet people and live your college experience to the fullest. Student Government is here to provide you with all of the resources you need to make your time at FGCU one filled with wonderful experiences. I look forward to meeting all of you throughout your time here at FGCU and make this an experience you will not forget. If you have any questions, comments, or simply a suggestion, please know that my door is always open. Remember, you have potential to do unbelievable things, but it is up to you to seek out the many possibilities that FGCU has to offer and seize any opportunities that come your way. Get ready for the greatest years of your life, and welcome to FGCU!
organizations and allocate funds as they see fit. Senate uses funds from activities and service fees that are paid for by students through tuition. The Student Senate has their own set of bylaws to operate under and conduct business in and out of regular Senate meetings. The Senate has the power to change and create the Rules of Procedures based on effectiveness and the growth of Senate. The Rules of Procedures outlines everything from meeting decorum and powers to the legislative process Students are encouraged to come to senate meetings and learn how the process works. You can find a complete list of Senate agendas, bills and minutes at fgcusg.com.
Opportunities in SG There are many opportunities for new students to get involved in Student Government! First, we offer a Leadership Development program for all students looking EN photo/ Mike Ricci to get involved on campus. This program shows students a variety CXli\e JZ_l\kq Xe[ Aljk`e :Xik\i nfe k_\ )'(( Jkl[\ek >fm\ied\ek \c\Zk`fej% JZ_l\kq `j efn j\im`e^ Xj k_\ of areas to get involved on campus, Jkl[\ek 9f[p Gi\j`[\ek% :Xik\i `j J> m`Z\$gi\j`[\ek% 8Yfm\ k_\p gXik`Z`gXk\ `e k_\ )'(( J> \c\Zk`fe [\YXk\ and provides them with Leadership _fjk\[ Yp k_\ Jlg\im`jfi f] <c\Zk`fej Xe[ <X^c\ E\nj% Development skills for a successful college experience. We are also constantly looking Executive Cabinet. official judicial branch for Student for new, fresh faces to fill Student GO EAGLES! The Executive Cabinet works Government here at Florida Gulf Government Positions. We diligently to represent the students Coast University. The Supreme — Lauren Schuetz at Florida Gulf Coast University by Court’s primary role is to protect encourage students to visit our Student Body President providing programs, initiatives, and and maintain the integrity of the website (fgcusg.com) under the “Get constantly advocating for students. Student Government Constitution, Involved!” section to look for open The Executive Branch serves as and to make sure all members and positions to get involved. )'(( @e`k`Xk`m\j For more information on the student voice through avenues branches of Student Government such as diversity, sustainability, act within their powers allotted to leadership opportunities, please Fi^Xe`q\ X cXk\ e`^_k j_lkkc\ scholarship and leadership. The them by the constitution. Comprised contact sgpres@fgcu.edu or visit our system to local nightlife spots to Executive Branch represents of a Chief Justice and four Associate website at fgcusg.com! ensure safe transportation for student opinions with the University Justices, the Supreme Court students Administration, Board of Trustees, constantly strives to resolve Fgk`d`q\ k_\ lj\ f] k_\ as well as at the State Level, through disputes justly after conducting a Eagle ID card to establish student the Florida Student Association. hearing process that is fair, objective discounts and use of Eagle Dollars at and unbiased for all involved. Each Students are elected into off campus locations Justice is appointed by the Student Student Government positions Gifm`[\ <ok\e[\[ ;`e`e^ C\^`jcXk`m\ 9iXeZ_ Body President and approved by the during the spring semester of every Hours Senate. Once appointed, a justice year. Gifm`[\ KiXejgfikXk`fe kf The Legislative Branch is made shall serve until their respective Students have the opportunity to select away games to support our up of the Student Senate, a voting graduation date, if he or she desires get to know the candidates and cast Eagle Athletes! body of students that is elected or to do so. their vote on a campus. In return, JkXik Xe XeelXc ?fd\Zfd`e^ appointed in order to appropriate students who vote receive a “Get out week the Activity and Service Fees of Jail Free” card, allowing students <jkXYc`j_ X )+$?fli jkl[\ek granted to Student Government by to waive any regular parking fine study lounge the general student body through @ejkXcc j_X[\ ki\\j# Y\eZ_\j# tuition. During their weekly Senate Student senators are elected in administered by University and hammocks on the Library Lawn meetings, the Student Senate the spring semester of every year. Police. for student use passes bills into law. The Senate also Student senators meet on Tuesday <ejli\ ZXdglj jX]\kp Yp serves as a forum for ideas and a nights. providing more lighting place where students’ opinions and Student senate reviews bills ?fjk dfek_cp Kfne ?Xcc concerns can be heard. Led by the submitted by registered Meetings to promote positive Senate Executive Committee, the s t u d e n t communication between the Senate is the representative voice of Students and Student Government the students.
SG Elections
<o\Zlk`m\ 9iXeZ_
Al[`Z`Xc 9iXeZ_
The Executive Branch of Student Government is made up of the Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, Chief of Staff, Student Body Treasurer, and nine Executive Cabinet Directors. The Student Body President and Vice President are elected by the Student Body, and then appoint the rest of the
The Student Body Supreme Court is t h e
Jkl[\ek 8]]X`ij well. These experiences provide sound leadership development and make for lasting friendships and memories. The four functional areas of our office are: Registered Student Organizations, Fraternity & Sorority Life, Leadership Development, and the Programming Board. You may contact OSI by telephone at 239-590-7739.
C\kk\i ]ifd k_\ ;\Xe Welcome to FGCU! The Dean of Students’ Office works directly with students to help solve problems and to assist in individual and group crisis management. The Dean of Students’ Office actively promotes student involvement, diversity and retention through our more than 160 registered student organizations that range in orientation from service, fraternities and sororities, media, student governance, performance, multicultural and academic interest. The Dean of Students’ Office is a general resource for all students and will advocate for students when appropriate. Staff in the Dean’s Office assists in establishing standards of conduct, as well as disseminating and enforcing University rules, regulations and policies.
Student Support Services
EN photo/ Destiny Brunson
— Michele Yovanovich Dean of Students, Student Affairs
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The Dean of Students’ Office includes the following units and functions: College Reach Out Program, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Conduct, Multicultural Student Services, Student Involvement, Student Government, Eagle News, Student Support Services, Leadership Development, Student Concerns Management and Scholars Club.
D`jj`fe JkXk\d\ek The mission of the Dean of Students’ Office is to promote involvement; promote leadership development; promote a responsible and respectful campus community, and to promote students’ long term success.
Jkl[\ek :fe[lZk Student Conduct at Florida Gulf Coast University serves to promote a safe and secure community of civility, integrity, and student learning while treating each student with dignity and respect. The Office of Student Conduct fulfills this mission by developing, disseminating, interpreting, and enforcing the Student Code of Conduct, educating students about
their rights and responsibilities as university community members, intervening effectively when behavior violates the Student Code of Conduct, supporting students during these experiences in an effort to foster maturity, independence, confidence, and life-long learning skills, offering educational and leadership opportunities for students who participate in the operation of the Judicial System. The Office of Student Conduct serves as the primary liaison to the Student Code of Conduct, coordinates the student conduct review process, and implements all phases of recruiting, selecting, and training hearing board members. Students, faculty, and staff may contact the Office of Student Conduct in the Dean of Students’ Office to report alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Our disciplinary process is rooted in developmental theory and our goal is to educate students regarding the behavioral standards of the community. The Office of Student Conduct serves as a resource for students concerning their rights and responsibilities to their community, as well as providing assistance to faculty, staff, and students regarding student disciplinary matters.
Student Code of Conduct Students are expected to uphold the Student Code of Conduct during their time as a student at FGCU. You can log on to www.eaglenews.org and search “Student Code of Conduct” to download a full version of the document.
Dlck`ZlckliXc J\im`Z\j The mission of the Office of Multicultural Student Services (MSS) is to create an environment at Florida Gulf Coast University that embraces individual differences, sustains inclusions, and cultivates a campus atmosphere that is free from biases. In the spirit of inclusive educational excellence, MSS promotes a supportive and friendly environment that is welcoming and attractive to all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender/gender identity, religious conviction, sexual orientation, or disability status. The Office Multicultural Student Services promotes academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved
students, works with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promotes access and equity in higher education, and offers programs that educate the campus about diversity.
Office of Campus Involvement Campus Involvement provides leadership development and experiences so students who choose to become involved in the co-curricular program can transfer their learned skills to their professional and community involvement after graduation. In order to accomplish this, the Office of Campus Involvement will continue to plan, implement, evaluate and support programs designed to meet the needs of students. Extracurricular activities include: concerts, dances, lectures, movies, hypnotists, sports, comedians, and other live performances. Students not only have the opportunity to participate in these extracurricular activities, but to plan them a s
Student Support Services (SSS) is a program funded by the Federal Department of Education for eligible students who are firstgeneration in college, low-income and/or students with disabilities evidencing need for support services. The program provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and serves to motivate students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of SSS is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants and help students make the transition from one level of higher education to the next. All services are offered at no charge to participants. Services offered include workshops, a Peer Advocate program, resource lending library, computer lab, and additional grant aid for students who qualify for a Pell grant. In exchange for services, SSS students are required to actively participate in the Program. Eligible participants must be enrolled in classes at FGCU, be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The Office of Outreach Programs and Student Support Services is located in Room 202 of McTarnaghan Hall, adjacent to the Student Union. Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, please contact Julie Rose at 239-590-7809.
:Xdglj _flj`e^ online portal at http://housingportal.fgcu.edu/). Only mutual roommate requests are considered at the time of assignment. The Office of Housing & Residence Life makes every attempt to honor roommate requests. Please keep in mind that demand is high and we often cannot honor all requests. Please note that rooms and roommate information may change due to cancellations.
Whether you’re a returning student or a new student embarking on your first experience living away from home, the Office of Housing and Residence Life is here to help you make the transition to the college life. The OHRL has a series of events and programs just for you that are designed to help you meet your fellow residents, and the staff, all while becoming familiar with residence life and FGCU. To start the year off right, the Resident Housing Association has daily events planned for Welcome Week and many more throughout the semester.
Dfm\$`e ;Xp First time in Housing residents move in Aug. 18. If you are unable to move in on that day you may checkin anytime after your designated time period through Aug. 21. Returning residents movie in Aug. 19. If you are unable to move on that day you may check-in any time after your designated time period through Aug. 21.
Efik_ CXb\ M`ccX^\ Where do residents of North Lake Village go to play pool, pingpong, foosball, watch TV or just hang out? It’s Eagles’ Landing. Located in the center of North Lake Village, this student activities center provides a gathering place for the on-campus residents. Eagles’ Landing also plays host to a variety of activities such as dances, concerts, billiards and card tournaments, Java Jams and much more. Eagles’ Landing is open seven days a week from 9 a.m. until midnight. Amenities include pingpong table, foosball, computer lab, multi-purpose room and a lounge with television. In the commons, there is a big screen TV, lounge with TV and grand piano.
Jflk_ CXb\ M`ccX^\ Residents of Everglades Hall have a multitude of places to go if they want to hang out with friends, play games, work out, study alone or in groups, or just watch TV. Amenities include main lobby lounge, game room, community kitchen, four solariums, fitness room, two lounges with televisions, laundry facility, computer lab, study rooms and multi-purpose room. South Lake Village includes Everglades Hall, Biscayne Hall and Palmetto Hall. Palmetto all is opening for student in the fall of 2011. South Village has a total of 1,227 beds. The buildings offer 2 bedroom single, 3 bedroom single, 1 bedroom studio and 1 bedroom private.
N\jk CXb\ M`ccX^\ West Lake Village is located
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EN photos/ Destiny Brunson K_\i\ Xi\ k_i\\ jkl[\ek _flj`e^ [\m\cfgd\ekj fe ZXdglj1 Efik_ CXb\ M`ccX^\# Jflk_ CXb\ M`ccX^\ Xe[ N\jk CXb\ M`ccX^\% NCM `j k_\ dfjk i\Z\ek X[[`k`fe kf k_\ _flj`e^ \dg`i\% JCM `j dX[\ lg f] k_i\\ j\gXiXk\ Yl`c[`e^j% K_\ e\n\jk# GXcd\kkf ?Xcc# `j jZ_\[lc\[ kf fg\e kf jkl[\ekj `e ]Xcc )'((%
less than 2 miles from campus in the Gulf Coast Town Center shopping plaza. West Lake Village was originally an off-campus housing site. The university purchased the property, making it the newest addition to FGCU student housing. The property is patrolled by University Police. A shuttle runs back and forth to campus daily. The complex has a total of 521 beds. Students can choose from a 3 bedroom single and a 4 bedroom single. In April, the university purchased the vacant land next to WLV. The university hopes to begin construction on additional housing in 2013, but a final date has not yet been set.
I\j`[\ek ?flj`e^ 8jjfZ`Xk`fe The Resident Housing Association (RHA) is a studentrun organization that represents the interests and concerns of the residential students. If you live oncampus, you are a member of RHA.
As a member, your voice matters. If you have concerns, questions, or any comments about residential life, RHA is there to make sure your voice is heard. RHA works closely with the residence life staff in defining issues and concerns of resident students. Participation in RHA is an excellent way to become involved in the residence hall and provides another avenue to obtain leadership experience. RHA has an executive board consisting of a president, vice president, director of finance, director of records, director of marketing, and the national communications coordinator. Elections for these positions are held in late Spring. While RHA is the residential student government and voice of the resident student body, RHA is just as well known for its social events, most notably the Foam Party, Casino Night and the RHA Luau. In addition, RHA sponsors programming throughout the academic year — everything from movie nights to pizza parties to ice cream
socials. RHA meetings are held in Eagles’ Landing and Everglades Hall on a weekly basis and usually run about one hour. The RHA office is located in Eagles’ Landing and we encourage you to stop by and find out how you can get involved!
Iffd 8jj`^ed\ekj Assignments are sent to your postal mail and email address in early June. Your roommates names are included in your assignment letter along with their email address. You can also view this information in our online housing portal at http://housingportal.fgcu.edu/. Roommate requests must be submitted by both or all individuals in writing (either on the housing application, by email to Housing@fgcu.edu or by updating your application in the
The Office of Housing and Residence Life provides numerous academic, cultural, educational, social, and recreational programs each semester. These programs are conveniently located within the residence halls and are free to residents. Programs provide great opportunities to build community. Residents have opportunities to meet and interact with peers and learn new skills while having fun. Residents are encouraged to contribute ideas for programs and activities that they would like to have presented in their residential community. By living in the residence halls, students get not only a place to sleep, but a wonderful experience of learning and having fun. Our Residence Life staff works hard to make sure students are getting the most out of their college experience. Major events for the year: RHA Luau, Family Brunch, Casino Night, Foam Party, Party on the Patio, Green Eagle Festival, Lights Out, Amazing Race and Study Sundays.
FGCU AT Men’s Basketball Season: November-March Coach: Andy Enfield Key Players: Anthony Banks, Christophe Varidel and Marlon Rivera Location: Alico Arena Story Line: New coach Andy Enfield, formerly a Florida State assistant, takes over for Dave Balza, looking to lead the Eagles to their first winning season since moving to Division 1. The D1 transition ends this coming season, meaning FGCU will be eligible for the post-season. Enfield has already put his stamp on the program, signing Brett Comer and Bernard Thompson to National Letters of Intent.
Women’s Basketball Season: November-March Coach: Karl Smesko Key Players: Courtney Chihil, Sarah Hansen and Kelsey Jacobson Location: Alico Arena Story Line: The Eagles come off a historic 2010-11 season that saw them finish 28-4 and lose a heartbreaker to Florida in the second round of the WNIT. Students and members of the community came out in waves to watch coach Karl Smesko’s squad play an entertaining style featuring scrappy defense and three-pointers. FGCU great Shannon Murphy graduates.
Volleyball Season: September-November Coach: Dave Nichols Key Players: Holly Youngquist, Brittany Muse and Camil Dominguez Location: Alico Arena Story Line: The volleyball team came into the 2010-11 season riding high. They finished 18-13 (15-5 A-Sun) in 2009-10. But the mometum failed to carry over, as the Eagles struggled, going 7-19 this past season. The addition of six players for 2011-12, including transfer Kaitlin Holm and freshman Gigi Meyer, is expected to get FGCU back on track.
Swimming and Diving Season: September-February Coach: Neal Studd Key Players: Vicky Cadge, Danielle Beaubrun, and Leah Daniel Location: FGCU Aquatics Center Story Line: As three-time Coastal Collegiate Swimming Association Champions , nobody looks forward to the end of the Division 1 transition and the opportunity for post-season play more than the swimming & diving team. FGCU finished the 2010-11 season ranked 32nd in the nation. Finally, with top swimmers like Cadge, Beaubrun and Daniel returning, the Eagles will get a chance to compete against top teams in the nation in 2011-12.
Men’s Soccer Season: September-November Coach: Bob Butehorn Key Players: Adam Glick, Deion Jones and Cristian Raudales Location: FGCU Soccer Complex Story Line: The reigning A-Sun champs promise to be even better in 2011-12. TopDrawerSoccer.com recognized Butehorn’s incoming class, which features four decorated NLI’s as one of the most talented in the country. This past season FGCU finished ranked No. 34 in the country, going 3-1 against the top-50, including wins over USF and Ohio State, on the way to their first ever conference title.
Women’s Soccer Season: September-November Coach: Jim Blankenship Key Players: Olivia Elias, Danielle Faller, and Stephanie Powers Location: FGCU Soccer Complex Story Line: FGCU heads into their first season of post-season eligibilty feeling good about themselves. They won the first conference championship in school history this past season, going undeated in conference play. FGCU loses the first four-year senior class in school history, a decorated class of 10 that put the program on the map.
HLETICS Baseball Season: February-May Coach: Dave Tollet Key Players: Sean Dwyer, Brandon Bednar and Javi Sujo Location: Swanson Stadium Story Line: Amidst a difficult, injury plagued 2010-11 season that ends later this month, FGCU looks to make a run in the A-Sun tournament. The Eagles have struggled to follow up their 2009-10 regular season A-Sun title. Next year, FGCU looks to return to form without outgoing seniors Zach Maxfield and Richie Erath.
Softball Season: February-April Coach: Dave Deiros Key Players: Brittney Garabedian, Jessica Barnes Location: FGCU Softball Complex Story Line: FGCU rode dominant starting pitching at the top to a third place finish in the A-Sun this past season (31-25, 14-6 A-Sun). After dominating senior seasons the Eagles lose Catherine McDaniel and Courtney Platt. A young line-up is expected to pick up the slack next season.
Men’s Tennis Season: January-April Coach: J. Webb Horton Key Players: Matthew Rock, Gabriel Echeverry and Dean Tsamas Location: FGCU Tennis Complex Story Line: A 3-18 (1-9 A-Sun) 2010-11 season was rock bottom for a program that has struggled with the Division 1 transition. Rock and Echeverry, who suffered a season-ending injury, look to lead the Eagles to their first winning season in D1.
Women’s Tennis Season: March-December Coach: Jennifer Gabou Key Players: Morgan Bechtel, Melissa Narzissenfeld and Gyanna Mandic Location: FGCU Tennis Complex Storyline: The 2010-11 season was a mixed bag for the women’s tennis team. They finished 9-9 and saw Bechtel take command of the No. 1 singles position. FGCU loses senior Iris Rendon and will rely on young talent to make a run at the A-Sun title.
Men and Women’s Cross Country Season: September-April Coach: Cassandra Goodson Key players: Max Jones, Matthew Crowe, Shannon Compher and Barrie Cohen Achievements: Both teams saw record-setting performances in the 2010-11 A-Sun tournament. Cohen set a school-record time in leading the women to a program-best sixth place finish while Argeo Cruz set a FGCU record in leading the men to a eighth place finish.
Men and Women’s Golf Season: September-April Coach: Brent Jensen Key Players: Brandon Pena, Alex Medinis, Briana Carlson Storyline: Led by a top-10 finish from Medinis, the men’s golf team finished in a tie for sixth at the 2010-11 A-Sun tournament. Unanimous A-Sun first teamer Carlson led the women to a third place finish in the conference tournament. The men lose senior leader Daniel Mazziotta while the women enter the off-season looking for a new coach. Jensen served as interim coach after Meghan Spero left the team mid-season, her first season at the helm.
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F]Ă&#x201D;Z\j Xe[ j\im`Z\j by Prevention & Wellness and Student Health Services. 6. Peers CARE, a wellness peer education group, an excellent opportunity for students interested in wellness and leadership. 7. Mystudentbody.com, which is a free, interactive, personalized and confidential resource for FGCU students. Topic areas: Stress, Nutrition, Sexual Health, Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco. Use school code: fgcueagles.
K_\ F]]`Z\ f] E\n Jkl[\ek Gif^iXdj The mission of The Office of New Student Programs is to provide accurate, useful and timely information along with transitional assistance to new students and their families. We deliver services through progressive academic counseling, undergraduate orientation programming that facilitates a purposeful, caring and spirited experience, and through parent and family outreach. The Office of New Student Programs is located in McTarnaghan Hall 223. You can reach the office at 239590-7865 The Office of New Student Programs includes three interrelated units: Eagle View Orientation, First Year Advising, and Parent and Family Programs.
Jkl[\ek ?\Xck_ J\im`Z\j
=`ijk P\Xi 8[m`j`e^ First Year Advisers guide new students in their transition into and navigation of the university experience. Our staff helps students clarify their interests, skills and values in the context of class selection, major choice, and curriculum planning. We empower students to make informed academic decisions while helping them interpret policy and understand the university resources available to assist in their academic success. The mission of The Office of New Student Programs is to provide accurate, useful, and timely information along with transitional assistance to new students and their families. We deliver services through progressive academic counseling, undergraduate orientation programming that facilitates a purposeful, caring and spirited experience, and through parent and family outreach.
EN photos / Destiny Brunson Jkl[\ekj Xi\ \eZfliX^\[ kf \ogcfi\ k_\ ZXdglj Xe[ [`jZfm\i k_\ dXep j\im`Z\j Xe[ f]Ă&#x201D;Z\j k_Xk Xi\ XYc\ kf _\cg k_\d jlZZ\\[ `e k_\`i Zfcc\^\ ZXi\\i%
Ni`k`e^ :\ek\i The Writing Center provides free, accessible, learning-based consultations for student writers. Our primary goals are to help students improve their abilities to think independently and write critically. Writing consultants also explain effective writing strategies and how to implement them. Writing consultants are graduate students pursuing M.A. degrees in English and Instructors of Composition, Professional Writing, Journalism, and Creative Writing. Writing consultants assist student writers with brainstorming, formulating clear thesis statements, developing ideas, revising, and identifying issues of style and mechanics. In each 30-minute
session, Writing consultants provide strategies and practice to help students improve as writers. Location: Library West 202 C (directly above the Center for Academic Achievement) Contact information: 590-7141 The Writing Center provides an invaluable resource to students regardless of their level of writing or major field of study. Please stop by this fall for more information about our services.
Gi\m\ek`fe Xe[ N\cce\jj Prevention & Wellness is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can reach Prevention and Wellness by telephone at 239-590-7733 Services include: 1. Wellness programming for campus community on topics such as stress, alcohol, sexual
health, nutrition, etc. 2. Events such as our annual Health Fair and Gazebos â&#x20AC;&#x201D; look for our tent in front of the Wellness Center every other Wednesday for lots of info, fun games and free stuff on a different wellness topic each time! 3. Free resource area in our lobby, which includes access to our collection of wellness brochures, handouts and more, as well as free items such as pens and stress balls. 4. Eagles Rise for Sober Rides, a program from Prevention & Wellness and Student Government that encourages students to use sober drivers and be sober drivers by working with area restaurants to provide free non-alcoholic drinks to the sober driver. 5. Massage services and nutritionist services, provided
The mission of Student Health Services is to promote the overall health of students. SHS strives to provide comprehensive quality health care to students in a costeffective, efficient, and accessible manner. We assist students in their acquisition of the knowledge and skills to promote healthy behaviors and lifestyle choices. FGCU offers enrolled students the opportunity to purchase health insurance. Health insurance coverage is strongly recommended for FGCU students whether offered through the university or from another source. Students interested in health insurance may pick up applications at the clinic. Distance learning students are excluded. The following are services provided to students free of charge: Physical examinations, health education, health screenings, routine medical care. preventive medicine, referrals for specialist care, female exams, family planning consultants and nutrition counseling. The following are services available for a nominal cost: Immunizations, Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Tetanus, TB screening, Flu (season), Hepatitis A and B vaccine, Meningitis vaccine, Varicella vaccine. Student Health Services is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
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Le`m\ij`kp 9ffbjkfi\ The FGCU bookstore has the texts students need for success in the classroom, great merchandise to show Eagle pride, and other useful items. Texts are typically available one month before the beginning of the semester. Students can visit the bookstore’s website to order books online. The on-campus bookstore offers many of the services that students need to get their semesters started right. The bookstore staff is always available to assist students — from the first week of school until graduation.
Fi[\i`e^ fec`e\ Once a student determines what classes they will be taking, the online service can be used through Gulfline. In the Gulfline registration menu, choose the option for book ordering and the bookstore Web site will appear. The online shopping cart will automatically be filled with the books listed for a student’s specific courses. Students can review their shopping carts and
make any changes they need. Students can choose to have the books delivered or to pick up the texts at the bookstore. When retrieving material from the bookstore, students need to bring their photo ID.
I\klie`e^ Yffbj Xe[ Ylp YXZbj In the event that a student changes a class or the professor changes the text, the bookstore offers a refund period at the beginning of each semester. Typically, students are eligible for a full refund for texts purchased from the FGCU bookstore through the day after drop/add ends each term. Please visit the store for the specific date for each semester and for more details. Year-round cash buy back is offered. The value of a text is determined by the future demand for that book on campus. If a book has been requested for any class the next semester, a student can receive up to half of the original buy back price. Ask bookstore associates for more information.
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<X^c\ ;`e`e^ =Xcc ?flij f] Fg\iXk`fe SoVi Dining Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Einstein Bros Bagels Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Starbucks Monday through Thursday 7 a.m to 6:30 p.m. Friday 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Taco Bell Monday through Thursday 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday 10:30 p.m. to 3 p.m Subway Monday through Thursday 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. C-Store Monday through Thursday
10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Link Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Jamba Juice Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Chick-Fil-A Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Blu Sushi Monday through Thursday 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Home Zone Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
E\n \Xkj fe ZXdglj Student Government conducted
surveys last year to determine what alternative dining options students would like on campus. According to Student Government, Chickfil-A was the No. 1 requested dining venue. Other options that were considered were Pizza Hut and Burger King. Blu Sushi expressed interest in being on campus. Fall 2011 will be the first time these restaurants are open on campus.
<X^c\ ;fccXij Eagle Dollars can be used at any dining location on campus. You can load money onto into your Eagle Dollars account in various locations on campus or online through Gulfline.
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$89.00 (plus applicable
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www.hiftmyersairport.com 9931 Interstate Commerce Drive • Fort Myers, FL 33913 t: 239.561.1550 • f: 239.561.9999 • 1.800.HOLIDAY Located off of Interstate 75 exit 128 and Alico Road. Next to City and Ashley Furniture.
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K\jk`e^ :\ek\i 8Yflk k_\ K\jk`e^ :\ek\i The Florida Gulf Coast University Testing Center is a full-time, professional testing center staffed by five full-time University staff. The Director of Testing, Janet Ullman, holds a Master’s Degree and has 26 years experience in the testing field. All our professional testing staff holds Pearson VUE Test Administrator Certification; Castle Worldwide Test Administrator Certification; and Iso-Quality Certification. Approximately 7,000-8,000 exams are administered per year, including approximately 600 exams for students from 129 different institutions domestically as well as internationally. We have had the pleasure of serving students from HerriotWatt University, Scotland; Laval University, Quebec Canada; Carleton University, Canada; University of Windsor, Canada; St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia; University of Newcastle, Australia; and Varsity College, South Africa. The Testing Center lab contains 28 state-of-the-art Dell computers housed in NOVA workstations with recessed monitors that are ideal for testing security. The lab is exclusively for testing purposes and employs a full-time computer-specialist who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Systems/Engineering. The lab is equipped with a secure vault where tests are stored and accessible by only our professional testing staff. An ADT Security system with day/night cameras and a 24/7 digital recorder are employed
college credit through testing --Florida Basic Abilities Test (FBAT) for Parole, Corrections, and Probation Officers --Miller Analogies Test (MAT)– admission to Graduate Programs --Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) – admission to School of Nursing --Major Fields Test – College of Business students --Florida Engineering Educational Delivery System (FEEDS) --Educational Testing Services (ETS) Proficiency Profile --GRE and GMAT Review courses sponsored by the Testing Center
=>:L gif^iXd k\jkj Testing services programs:
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in the Center. All examinees are required to place all personal belongings in a locker prior to entering the Testing Lab. Additionally, a proctor is always in the lab with examinees. Janitorial staff is prohibited from accessing the Center.
K\jk`e^ :\ek\i d\dY\ij_`gj The FGCU Testing Center is a member of the National College Testing Association (NCTA), an organization of testing professionals in postsecondary institutions and testing companies. The Testing Center is also a member of the
NCTA Consortium of College Testing Centers (CCTC) which supports distance learning by providing proctoring services to students away from their campuses. The FGCU Testing Center is also a member of the Florida Association of College Testing Administrators (FACTA), a State organization affiliated with the NCTA. It is an honor for the FGCU Testing Center to be a Charter member of FACTA and the Testing Director has served on the FACTA Council since 2009, serving currently on the By-Laws Committee and the Assessment Committee.
K\jkj X[d`e`jk\i\[ The FGCU Testing Center abides by the NCTA professional standards and guidelines for testing centers and testing personnel and is currently in approximately a 2-years period leading towards National Certification. We are proud to be a test delivery site for the following services: --The College Board: Accuplacer placement test --The College Board: CLEP testing for earning college credit --DSST/DANTES for earning
--Step Ahead --Virtual course students --Accelerated Collegiate Experience
:fekXZk `e]fidXk`fe You can contact the Testing Center at 239-590-7955 or at the office in McTarnaghan Hall, 2nd floor, Room 204 . All exams are administered in the Testing Center ADA accommodations are provided in the campus ADA office.