Volume 13 Issue 16/Basketball Special

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AGLE NEWS Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Volume 13, Issue 16 @fgcueaglenews



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School’s out for – oh, never mind By Nina Barbero News editor @EN_Barbero

Photo courtesy of Tia Rowe Senior Tia Rowe is a member of a group of students involved in the Real Food Challenge. The group is hoping to have 20 percent of the FGCU food budget spent on food that is local, organic, sustainable and ethically humane.

Students petition for better dining options

By Rebecca VanEtten @fgcueaglenews As stomachs start to rumble, images of Taco Bell, Azul’s or Subway float through student’s minds as they decide on which dining outlet will satisfy their hunger. However, not much thought goes into how these food sources got onto campus. The food options made available for students are the result of the dining service company that forms a contract with the school. In July 2016, Florida Gulf Coast University’s dining service contract with Aramark ends. As a result, the process for finding a dining service has begun. FGCU has been working with Aramark since 2008. However, according to Joe McDonald, assistant vice president of business services at FGCU since FGCU has grown over the last couple of years, other

companies have reached out offering their services, “When we had Dunk City and FGCU became a national name, we had a lot of companies and vendors that contacted us with interest in doing dining services,” McDonald said. “So we have at least five or six companies that we know of.” According to McDonald, a dining consultant has started meeting with focus groups on campus consisting of students, faculty and staff to finish a survey that will help kick-start the process. “Our dining consultant is finishing up the survey on the FGCU community’s dining needs and wants and will then finalize a report to us at the end of December,” McDonald said. “That allows us to know what our community wants and where any competition would

>> Continued on A2

Professor Deeb Kitchen was frustrated with his classroom, but it was the room itself and not his students that were giving him problems. After a semester of a door that wouldn’t unlock with his key card and a projector and computer that wouldn’t work, Kitchen decided to cancel class until the problem was repaired, even if that took all semester. An email he sent to his Comparative Sociology and Global Issues students on Monday apologized for the difficulty the class was having entering the classroom that morning. “I regret to say that we are once again locked out of our classroom, and nobody knows how to get us in. The physical plant is able to see that my key is activating the lock, but they do not know why it will not open ... I sincerely apologize to those of you who have been preparing for class, waking up, and getting to campus only to be denied what you are paying a ton of money for,” the email read. The professor proposed canceling class until Dec. 1 and said that, “In the event that this is not resolved by the time we return from the break, all remaining classes will be canceled and everybody will receive an A in the class.” Some students were angry that they could not attend a class they had already paid to attend, including junior Bobbi Biggar, who said that the technological difficulties began after the first few weeks of the semester. “When I received his email I really had the feeling that we needed to do something about it,” Biggar said. Biggar forwarded the email to NBC-2 to get the news station involved. “Of course FGCU is going to fix the problem after the media gets their hands on it,” Biggar said. “He didn’t offer the ‘A’ because he’s a crappy teacher, it’s definitely not his fault. Our professor did everything he possibly could to teach us, and he’s a great professor.” Susan Evans, vice president and chief of staff of Florida Gulf Coast University, said the Physical Plant was unable to locate any work order made by Kitchen to have his classroom fixed. “An FGCU instructor is not authorized to cancel classes and commit to ‘A’ grades for the entire class,” Evans said. “Students in the course are being notified that the class schedule will remain as indicated at the start of the semester, and the classes are not canceled.” Kitchen said he is overjoyed by the news that the classroom has been fixed. “I am really lucky to teach,” Kitchen said. “The class I have tomorrow is a particularly good one. They’re brilliant and they’re a lot of fun, and I truly enjoy being with them.”

A walk to remember

Tri Deltas walk to honor Mary Albertson, support St. Jude’s By Nina Barbero News editor @EN_Barbero Tri Delta sorority sisters participate in the “Give Thanks. Walk.” every year to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, but this year they will walk for another reason – to remember a sister. Mary Albertson died on Sunday, Nov. 9, and by Nov. 10, friends had already started a Go Fund Me page to help her family with the cost of the memorial service. According to Tri Delta President Chelsey McNutt, that wasn’t what her family wanted the money to go to. Albertson’s family thought the money would mean more if it were donated to St. Jude’s in Mary’s name. “Mary was a very outgoing, fun person, and something sad and dreary wouldn’t do her justice. So this seemed like a good way to honor her,” McNutt said. As of Tuesday evening, the Mary Albertson Go Fund Me page raised $5,000 with donations from 135 people. On Nov. 22, members of Tri Delta and many other Florida Gulf Coast University greek organizations


Senior Tiara Brown reflects on her college career and the lessons she has learned.



FGCU women’s soccer loses to Auburn in first round of NCAA tournament.

Photo courtesy of Emily Albury Mary Albertson (right) and Emily Albury were Rho Gammas (recruitment advisers) August.

E& L

Students make lunch bags for the homeless through the Brown Paper Bag Project.





will participate in the St. Jude Give Thanks. Walk. at Sugden Regional Park in Naples. There is a team that will walk in Albertson’s honor called the Mary Caitlin Albertson team. “At first our goal was $12,000, but we raised $17,000. Now our goal is $20,000,” McNutt said. By Tuesday evening that goal had already been surpassed. At $28,560 team Mary Caitlin Albertson raised more money than any other participating team, and has raised more than 46 percent of the total amount that the event has raised. McNutt sees this team and the walk as the “perfect way to celebrate her life,” and would like to welcome anybody to participate. “You can join the team or just show up and walk with us or donate money,” McNutt said. “Her family will be here with us, and anybody Mary touched is invited. Even if they didn’t know her,” she said. Registration for the Give Thanks. Walk. starts at 7 a.m. and the walk itself, which takes place across the United States, will begin at 8:30 a.m. At noon there will be a memorial service for Albertson at the Veterans Pavilion on campus.

Opinion editor Kelli Krebs writes about why EN reports student deaths.


A2 NEWS EAGLE NEWS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 The official student produced newspaper at Florida Gulf Coast University since 1997.

AGLE NEWS Editor-in-Chief Justin Kane

editorinchief@eaglenews.org Advertising and Operations Manager Chris Merasse

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managing@eaglenews.org News Editor Nina Barbero

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Photo and Media Editor Kelli Krebs photography@eaglenews.org Sports Editor Jill Himmelfarb

sports@eaglenews.org Opinion Editor Kelli Krebs

opinion@eaglenews.org Assistant Opinion Editor

Photos courtesy of Valerie Sterling-Jean (Left) Pan-hellenic board member Spencer Stearns helped make sandwiches at the Brown Paper Bag Project Nov. 8. (Right) Students packed lunches for the homeless to hand out at Rescue Mission of Fort Myers.

FGCU students pack lunch bags for the homeless By Jessica Souza Assistant News Editor @Jessica_E_Souza Florida Gulf Coast University students made sandwiches with inspirational messages for the homeless at Rescue Mission of Fort Myers on Nov. 8 with the hopes of changing lives. The Brown Paper Bag Project was hosted by Valerie Sterling-Jean, the treasurer of the National Pan-Hellenic Conference at FGCU, and fellow NPHC member Melissa Paniagua. When Paniagua presented the idea to SterlingJean, she immediately knew that she wanted to help. “I love working at homeless shelters and giving my time,” Sterling-Jean said. “I used to live in a third world country, and when I was younger, my grandparents would always make food and go to another part that was in need, and they would cook and give. So this was something for me to just give.” Paniagua got the idea two years ago. A

model that she follows on Instagram did a similar project in which they packed a brown paper bag with a sandwich, rice cake and a sweet note to pass out to those in need. Paniagua was also inspired after her experience working with Community Cooperative in Fort Myers. “I just thought it was really interesting, and I wanted to do it here, and I had recently started working with CCMI and I had that fire inside of me to do something,” Paniagua said. “I wanted to let the homeless know that we do care. I know it’s a rough time, but we’re here. I just wanted to make a difference in someone’s life.” The Brown Paper Bag Project conducted by Sterling-Jean and Paniagua had students making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with uplifting notes attached to them in Rescue Mission’s kitchen. NPHC received donations, including bread from Bimbo, and they used NPHC funds for the remainder of their needs. Sterling-Jean thought peanut butter and jelly sandwiches would be the best

option because they’re nonperishable. “We didn’t want to make anything else that they couldn’t hold onto in case they wanted to eat it later,” Sterling-Jean said. “We’re just hoping that we can help someone out there who is in need of food because you never know what you’re going to get the next day. We want to give them the opportunity to eat something and maybe even save something for the next day.” Paniagua places value not only on feeding the homeless but inspiring them. “You never know. Something you can say to someone can change their life. Something can stick with them and motivate them to do something. We’re hoping that these quotes will make a difference, lighten up their lives, put a smile on their face. Even if it’s just for the day because that’s still a difference,” Paniagua said. Students can follow NPHC on Instagram at fgcu_nphc, where they announce many of their upcoming events.

Cait Schall

assistantopinion@eaglenews.org Copy Editor Paul Lobron-McDade

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Eagle News McTarnaghan Hall 201 10030 FGCU Blvd. S Fort Myers, Fla. 33967 MISSION STATEMENT: Eagle News, the student media group at Florida Gulf Coast University, represents the diverse voices on campus with fairness. We select content for our publication and our website that is relevant to the student body, faculty and staff. Members are committed to reporting with accuracy and truth. Our purpose is to encourage conversations about issues that concern the on-campus community. Eagle News views every culture with equal respect and believes every person must be treated with dignity.

ABOUT US: Eagle News, founded in 1997, is the student newspaper at Florida Gulf Coast University. The newspaper is the only student produced publication on campus and is entirely student run. Eagle News is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters and monthly in the summer, with the exception of holiday breaks and examination periods. The print edition is free to students and can be found on campus and in the community at Gulf Coast Town Center, Germain Arena and Miromar Outlets.

Colloquium students design rain garden for Fort Myers watershed By Manuel Navarro Managing editor @mnavarroFGCU A Florida Gulf Coast University colloquium class taught by Professor Brenda Thomas is helping out this semester with the local nonprofit conservation organization Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed Land and Water Trust in creating a rain garden near its on-site pavilion. The rain garden will collect water and disperse it into the surrounding ecosystems safely instead of rooftop runoff from the pavilion. At the beginning of the semester, Thomas split members of the class into funding and design groups to work on the project. “The rain garden my students are

developing at the CREW Marsh Trails will serve multiple purposes,” Thomas said. “First, it will help protect the water quality of the Corkscrew Marsh by using the natural filtration plants provide to clean stormwater runoff. Second, it will serve as an educational tool for the public that has the ability to create the same landscape design in their own yards. And finally, it will add beauty to a shelter (Suzanne’s Pavilion) that honors the life of a woman who valued what CREW stands for,” Thomas said. The class is in the final stages of rendering the design and looking for grants and possible donations to help fund the rain garden. “What I learned most from this project is the importance of the small environmental practices,” said Anastasia Jenney, a junior environmental studies major and student in

Thomas’ colloquium class. “They add up to large contributions and benefits. Learning how to make a rain garden, see exactly how it operates and see the benefits it has for the owner and environment is very interesting.” If you are interested in volunteering for or know of grants that CREW could apply for, go to www.CrewTrust.org. “One of the best parts of my job is connecting students with the natural world,” Thomas said. “Even better is when that connection happens by way of service-learning with a community partner dedicated to preserving the natural world while educating others about its importance. CREW Land & Water Trust is a small nonprofit organization that does just that.”

>> Dining services continued

Real Food Challenge

The group hopes the challenge will be approved by Bradshaw at the end of the spring semester. If Bradshaw approves the project FGCU will be the only school in Florida working toward the Food Challenge project’s goal. “It just shows that we are an environmentally-minded and sustainable campus,” Rowe said. “We already have the Food Forest that is showing students how to produce food in their own environment, and the Real Food Challenge just shows students that they have the power to make choices based on what they purchase.” The Real Food Challenge is not a registered student organization, but works closely with ECHO FGCU, the coalition of all of the environmental clubs on campus. If students want to get involved with the project they are encouraged to follow the Real Food Challenge on Twitter and Instagram. “It shows students that they can make a difference in the food system, which is a huge and scary system that has lots of layers,” Rowe said. “Simply supporting this as a university can help make a shift. Each student has that individual power to do so.”

come from the outside.” After the report is finished, companies can start offering their services to FGCU. Between January and May of next year the companies that FGCU is negotiating with will have marketing groups come and look at FGCU. “They would do their own marketing study to see what our traffic patterns are and what menu options we offer so when it comes time to do their bidding, they will have an idea of what our campus encompasses,” McDonald said. By August 2015, a selection committee consisting of volunteers from the student and faculty senate will review the bids made by companies and will narrow the list to one or two. By January or February 2016, the committee will give a recommendation to President Wilson Bradshaw and his cabinet for approval. If the company is approved, it can start to make the adjustments needed on campus for their services. “It is a big process,” McDonald said. “There are a lot of different groups that will get a good feel for what FGCU wants and then the campus can provide that.”

With FGCU’s dining service contract with Aramark closing, it has opened up an opportunity for FGCU’s Real Food Challenge to push for sustainable food sources on campus. The Real Food Challenge wants 20 percent of the food budget at universities spent on food that is local, organic, sustainable and ethically humane by 2020. FGCU’s group is currently targeting the faculty and staff senates for approval. Student Government has already supported the challenge. “Once all three sign it, then it shows that the entire campus wants it,” said Tia Rowe, a senior communication and philosophy major. Rowe initially got involved with the project two years ago for community service hours. But the range of causes this project aims to improve encouraged her continued involvement in the group. “Food justice in particular is such a broad topic,” Rowe said. “It pertains to a lot of different interests that I have such as human rights, animal rights and environmental rights. Food is the one tie that hits all of these different issues. If you improve the food system and improve the quality of food, you impact so many different things.”



What I really learned in college By Tiara Brown @tiabiaboo

College students are given the unique opportunity to spend the first few independent years of their lives in an atmosphere that cultivates adventure and self-realization without the burden of worldly responsibilities. In the classroom, we are given the tools to think critically and broadly. We spend hundreds of hours absorbing what it means to achieve a higher level of thinking while also learning the importance of humility and dedication. But what we aren’t taught in the classroom is important as well. Many of our most important life lessons are presented to us not by our professors but by our peers. During a time when we are constantly scrutinized for the way we respond to life’s challenges, it is our integrity that is really put to the test. How we perform on exams may show how far we have come in the classroom, but how we perform when no one is looking shows how far we will go in life. Here are the five most important things that college life has taught me. 1. Live less out of habit and more out of intent. It was easy to get caught up in a routine, especially when my work and class schedules were the same every week for months in a row. Some semesters challenged my intellect while others just challenged my sleep schedule. But in my ever-growing search for personal growth, I realized that to become the best possible version of myself, I had to live deliberately. Sometimes this meant challenging myself to reflect more deeply on a seemingly obvious class assignment. Other times, it simply meant not taking the easy way out. I needed to realize that the only limits I faced in my life were self-imposed. The moment I started allowing myself to take positive risks with my assignments and internships,

I saw countless opportunities present themselves. It was as if something just clicked, and now I understand that if you want to achieve greatness, you’ve got to stop asking for permission. 2. Choose quality friends. According to motivational speaker Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose wisely.” This particular quote has proven to be a great tool in choosing my companions. The more I spent time with people who were frustrated with their life situations, the more negative I felt about my own. Conversely, when I started spending time with more motivated, positive people, I felt more motivated and positive myself. The hardest lesson in friendship that I’ve had to learn is that people are not always who you think they are. In the college setting, everyone is trying to find and present themselves in a way that they think is desirable. Because I like to see the best in the people around me, I tend to overlook their flaws. Unfortunately, toxic relationships are not always obvious, but once noticed, it can only be my fault if I remain in them. As the great Steve Maraboli once stated, “If you hang out with chickens, you’re going to cluck. And if you hang out with eagles, you’re going to fly.” I prefer my chickens fried anyway. 3. Human rights are not optional. Discrimination is a deceptive creature. It often hides in the form of seemingly harmless phrases and outlooks, that invalidate people. There are a number of concepts that I did not know that I didn’t know. Thankfully my gender and intercultural and interracial studies classes helped me understand a few key concepts. Because of this, I don’t say the words, “That’s so gay,” because gay and stupid are not interchangeable. I don’t use the phrase, “You’re acting like a girl,” as an insult because being a girl is not

a weakness. I wouldn’t tell someone to “man up” because strength is not defined by gender or sex. I also don’t assume that because one person does something a certain way that all people of their ethnic background are similar. People of all walks of life are still fighting a constant battle for equality. The Wall Street Journal published a study that showed prison sentences for black men are almost 20 percent longer than those of white men for the same crime. The Huffington Post revealed that because of the gender pay gap, women work an average of 59 days for free each year. As of 2014, only 30 percent of the United States legally allows gay couples the right to marry. Because I am a human, I will be an activist for human rights. 4. Loving myself can mean saying no, both to me and those around me. If I said that I’d made it through my college career without ever once eating ice cream for breakfast, I’d be lying. There are a lot of wonderful freedoms that go along with newfound independence, and bad eating habits are only a few of them. But as Peter Parker from the movie “Spider-Man” taught me, “With great power comes great responsibility.” I’ve had my fair share of punishments for eating poorly and not getting enough rest — all of which resulted in missing out on more fun things later because I was in bed with a cold. Now that I am more experienced, I know when I need to slow down and focus on my needs. My biggest challenge was learning to say “no.” I’m the type of person who likes to rise up and attack the day with enthusiasm, but I’m not superwoman. Sometimes it is best to slow down and let someone else take the wheel for a while. I’ve learned that healthy habits create a healthy mind and body. I’ve also learned that it is okay to ask for help or decline to be a part of something because I need a break. After

all, if I can’t take care of myself, how can I expect to be responsible for anything else? 5. “Life is a book and those who do not travel only read a page.” – St. Augustine I am overcome with wanderlust. I have danced in the streets of New Orleans and eaten pasta in Tuscany. I drank champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower, and I have gone swimming off of the shores of the Bahamas. There is no comparison to the feeling of embracing a culture. Each civilization is full of unique flavors and smells. It is one thing to read about the palace of Versailles, but to actually see it? Even as a journalist, I must admit that there are times when words just simply cannot do justice to the beauty of the world. But if it weren’t for my privileged position as a student, I would not have had half of the travel opportunities that have been presented to me. I didn’t attend every collegiate journalism convention that I was invited to, but the few that I was able to presented me with opportunities to stay in a new city and meet other students with similar interests. Travel, regardless of the mileage, cultivates growth. No matter who I meet, there will always be someone who knows something that I don’t. There will always be a history waiting to be heard and a sunset ready to be seen. With an open mind comes an appreciation for the people of the world, so when media report that bad things are happening to these people, the problems become real. When we realize how important it is to take care of our neighbors, we can prevent tragedy and create hope. Travel inspires the passionate to become a voice for the voiceless. It cultivates perspective and promotes an understanding that there are other problems that need to be addressed and that maybe the life we lead is really better than we took it for.

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FGCU women lose to Auburn in first round of NCAA tournament






AGLE NEWS EN Photo/Kelli Krebs

Ali Rogers beats an Auburn player to the ball during the NCAA tournament game.

By Kelli Krebs Opinion editor @TheReal_KKrebs Battling an early goal and an injured player, the Florida Gulf Coast University women’s soccer team fell to Auburn 1-0 in the first round of the NCAA tournament at the FGCU soccer complex. “I’m very proud of our team and the season that they had.” coach Jim Blankenship said. “We gave up the early goal but we held them to one shot the last 70 minutes of the game. It’s been a record breaking season, we’ve played six teams that are in the top 30.” Both teams battled after losing key players in their offense to injuries. Tindell left the game 20 minutes into the first half after limping early on in the game. Tindell later left the field in tears with a hamstring injury. “Within about five minutes, the trainer came out and said, ‘She’s popped it, she’s done. She’s out,’” Blankenship said. “We lost a phenomenal player. She’s not an average player; she’s a phenomenal player. We had to deal with it and I feel like our guys dealt with it really well.” Tindell, who has been a key factor in the

Eagles’ success, scored 18 of FGCU’s 45 total goals this season and generated 11 assists. The Atlantic Sun Player of the Year leads the nation for game-winning goals (10) and has broken almost every record the program could dish out. “It took us back a few steps,” midfielder Ally Kasun said. “It kind of rattled everybody. On the field, we were trying to get us composed. At halftime we talked about how she’s carried us all season, but we’re a good team. We’ve got 10, 11 other players out there, that can go and let’s do it for her.” Just minutes prior to Tindell’s substitution and game exit, Auburn forward Kristen Dodson went down injured. “That’s our Tindell,” Auburn head coach Karen Hoppa said of Dodson, who had three goals and 10 assists. “She’s a really dangerous player and one of our leading goal scorers. It was ironic that those two players went down at nearly the same time, it was a kind of a one-for-one deal.” After losing their star forward 20 minutes into the first half, FGCU struggled to even the score on Auburn. Auburn gained an early one-goal lead due to “miscommunication” among the Eagles defense in the 10th minute after

forward Tory Ball sent an open ball to Haley Gerken that found an open spot past FGCU goalkeeper Brittany Brown. “We had a moment of miscommunication with our marks,” Kasun said. “Sometimes you get lucky with that and get a goal kick from it and go back at them. Sometimes, if a team puts it away, they put it away and that’s what happened tonight. For its first hosted NCAA tournament game, the FGCU Soccer Complex drew a venue-record crowd of 2,014. Prior to tonight, the women’s team record crowd was set against Stetson with 1,108 while the men drew 1,574 record in their game against Akron earlier this season. “I think the atmosphere of the crowd really helped out,” said A-Sun Defender of the Year Emma Blackwell. “When we get a big tackle or a nice breakaway, the cheers really motivated us and helped us do better.” The record crowd made an impression on Auburn players, too. “The crowd was definitely the worst I’ve ever had to face,” said sophomore goalkeeper Alyse Scott. “We have fans at Auburn but these are like super-mega fans. This is more of a basketball and soccer school and Auburn is more of a football school. So these fans know what they’re

talking about and know how to get into your head.” In its eighth year, the program became the first FGCU team to make its third appearance in the NCAA tournament and first to host a tournament game. “We like the direction we’re going,” Blankenship said. We love the support from the community, we had 2,000 people out there screaming for us. I’m really proud of our group and what they started and built here. We’ll be back.” With a regular-season schedule that highlighted six teams top 30 teams, including No. 3 Texas A&M, FGCU has earned national attention. “Just the fact that they got to host — that they earned the right to host an NCAA tournament is a credit to Blankenship and the athletic department here and what they’re doing,” Hoppa said. “They’re a top quality program for sure.” Ending the season earning the nation’s longest winning streak with 13 games since their loss to South Carolina and a perfect conference season, the Eagles graduate six players from the program and finish with a 17-4 record.

Eagles win Atlantic Sun Championship, head to NCAA first round in South Carolina

FGCU Athletics

FGCU men’s soccer celebrates winning the Atlantic Sun Championship.

By Jill Himmelfarb @jillhimmelfarb The Florida Gulf Coast University men’s soccer team earned its third Atlantic Sun Conference Championship in the past four years as the No. 2-seeded Eagles defeated No. 4-seeded University of North Florida last Sunday afternoon at hosting Lipscomb University, 1-0. The championship-winning goal came off the foot of Will Suedois in the

35th minute of play. With the win, FGCU advances to its third NCAA Tournament in four seasons of Division-I postseason eligibility. FGCU’s first-round game will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20 in Conway, S.C. at hosting Coastal Carolina’s campus. With the shutout, goalkeeper Nathan Ingham was named the tournament MVP for the second time in his career. Suedois, Santiago Echeverri and Felipe DeSousa

were all named to the All-Tournament Team. Echeverri, however, will not appear in the NCAA Tournament’s first round after being issued a red card in the 80th minute of the A-Sun Championship. The suspension will only last through the first game of the tournament should the Eagles continue into the round of 32. “I’m tremendously proud of the guys for winning another A-Sun Championship and

I couldn’t be happier for them,” coach Bob Butehorn told FGCU Athletics. “It’s been a tough season for us, but we pulled together when we needed to and reached another one of our goals for the year.” The A-Sun tournament championship for the men’s soccer program adds to FGCU’s impressive list of league titles as FGCU now has 40 conference tournament or regular-season championships since joining the A-Sun in 2007-08.




Division III hits the road, Division II brings UMass Lowell to Germain By Mike Danielewski @MDanielewski This weekend, the Florida Gulf Coast University D2 hockey team prepares to host the UMASS Lowell Riverhawks at 8:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 21 at Germain Arena. Game two of the series will resume at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22. Tickets are $5 at the door, but free with your Eagle ID. The Riverhawks (5-7-1) have given up almost as many goals as they’ve scored. Leading UMASS scorer Matthew Hogan aims to capitalize against the solid FGCU defense. On average, the Eagles allow 2.46 goals, and score 7.69 goals per game. The Riverhawks’ leading goaltender, Matthew Whittingham, will attempt to thwart the relentless Eagles’ offense, but with a 2.51 GAA, his efforts might be met with adversity. The Northeastern University Huskies traveled to Germain Arena on Friday, Nov. 14 to challenge the Eagles in the first of a twogame, weekend matchup. FGCU went on to defeat the Huskies by scores of 6-3 and 6-2.

Key players:

Nov. 14 — Dan Echeverri (2G, 2A), Nick Houser (1G, 3A), Mike Chemello (1G, 1A), Dillon Duprey (1G, 1A), Jordan Klotz (1G), Rob Marlinski (2A), Logan Garst (1A), Jake Leonard (1A) GK Mike Reed 33 saves Nov. 15 — Nick Schilson (2G, 3A), Duprey (2G, 1A), Klotz (1G, 2A), Houser (1G), Chemello (2A), Echeverri (2A) GK Tyler Tracy 25 saves

Division III

The FGCU D3 hockey team travels to Rockledge, Florida, this week, for a threegame, weekend tournament. At 9:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 21, the Eagles take on the Oakland Golden Grizzlies. The weekend

tournament continues at 7:45 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22 when FGCU will face the Ole Miss Rebels. Sunday morning, the Eagles will conclude the weekend tournament at 9:45 a.m. with a matchup against the Alabama Crimson Tide. The Oakland University Golden Grizzlies (15-0-2) pose a large threat for the Eagles, having scored 104 goals in 17 games. Zach Massa leads the grizzlies with 20 goals, so far, this season. Oakland goaltender Kyle Gagnon challenges FGCU with a .934 save percentage. The University of Mississippi (2-44) poses less of an offensive threat to the Eagles. Ole Miss has only scored 33 goals in its first 10 games and have allowed 37. Dan Warnecke leads the Rebels averaging one point per game. The Alabama Crimson Tide (10-1-1) has three players who pose a great threat to the FGCU defense. Kenneth Jannsen, Bryan Puffer and Michael Ahearn have tallied 17+ points and scored 25 goals, prior to this weekend. The Eagles traveled to the University of Tampa on Friday, Nov. 14 and defeated the Spartans 9-4 before returning home to Germain Arena. On Satuday, Nov. 15 the Eagles continued to decimate the Spartans with a 7-5 home win.

Key players:

Nov. 14 — Zach Capco (2G), Eric Mabie (1G, 4A), Jimmy Williams (1G, 3A), Ryan McAleese (1G, 2A) Mike Gutowitz (1G, 1A), Trevor Mullay (1G), Brett Marra (1G), Nick Mucerino (1G), Steven Perez (2A), Brett Sutton (1A), Tyler Reichl (1A), Gabe Lamontagne (1A) GK Tyler Toyota 24 saves Nov. 15 — McAleese (2G, 1A), Sutton (1G, 2A) Andrew Tweeton (1G, 1A), Williams (1G), Paul Moneuse (1G), Reichl (1G), Matt Gross (2A), Mullay (2A), Marra (1A),

EN Photo/Mike Danielewski Nick Schilson skates the puck up the ice against Northeastern University.

Eagle News’ Top 25 Pick ’em Date 11/20 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22

Time 7 p.m. Noon Noon Noon Noon Noon 1 pm. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7 p.m.

Away # 12 Kansas State Indiana Rutgers Charleston Southern #25 Minnesota Kansas Washington State Boston College #8 Ole Miss #15 Arizona #16 Wisconsin Georgia State #24 Louisville Western Carolina Colorado Samford

Home West Virginia #6 Ohio State #11 Michigan State #10 Georgia #23 Nebraska #21 Oklahoma #13 Arizona State #3 Florida State Arkansas #17 Utah Iowa #22 Clemson Notre Dame #1 Alabama #2 Oregon #14 Auburn

Line* West Virgina (-2) Ohio State (-34.5) Michigan State (-22.5) No Line Nebraska (-10.5) Oklahoma (-25) Arizona State (-16) Florida State (-19) Ole Miss (-3.5) Utah (-4) Wisconsin (-10) Clemson (-40.5) Notre Dame (-3.5) No Line No Line No Line

Manuel Navarro West Virginia Indiana Michigan State Georgia Minnesota Oklahoma Arizona State Boston College Arkansas Arizona Wisconsin Georgia State Notre Dame Alabama Oregon Auburn

Justin Kane West Virginia Ohio State Michigan State Georgia Minnesota Oklahoma Arizona State Florida State Ole Miss Utah Wisconsin Georgia State Louisville Alabama Oregon Auburn

11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 Last Week Season

7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m.

Vanderbilt Oklahoma State #20 Missouri #19 USC

#4 Mississippi State #7 Baylor Tennessee #9 UCLA

Mississippi State (-29) Baylor (-27.5) Tennessee (-3.5) UCLA (-3.5)

Mississippi State Baylor Missouri UCLA 5-10 59-75

Mississippi State Baylor Missouri USC 3-12 58-76

*- Line is as of 9 p.m. on Tuesday

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OPINION Eagle News


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: A Letter to the Editor can be submitted online at eaglenews.org or by emailing one of the editors to the left. When you submit a Letter to the Editor, you are giving Eagle News the right to publish your submission online and in print. Eagle News reserves the right to edit submissions

Editorial Department Justin Kane editorinchief@eaglenews.org Editor-in-Chief Kelli Krebs opinion@eaglenews.org Opinion editor

for clarity, grammar and style. There is no guarantee that all submissions will be printed. Editorials represent the majority opinion of the Eagle News staff, not necessarily the FGCU student body. The editorial board is managed by the Opinion editor and the Editorin-Chief. Submission guidelines:

--300 words or less --Must include name, grade and major --Letters should focus on issues rather than personalities --If your letter is in response to a particular article, please list the title and date of the article.

Give ‘em Kel

Why Eagle News reports student deaths By Kelli Krebs Opinion Editor @TheReal_KKrebs

Every time a student replies to a tweet with hurtful words about our paper that is “literally shit,” it comes directly to my phone. It also goes to our editor-in-chief’s phone and others who put in countless hours of unpaid work (over our allotted paid hours) into creating the paper every week and actively bring the students news. We are not just students with a MacBook and free time, we are not vultures, we are not clowns. We are students just like you. We grieve too. We hurt too. Journalism is here for a reason. So is

Journalism stands for the truth; the very definition is to provide truth to the public on events relevant to the community. A student death is never a fun story to write. There is never anything enjoyable or thrilling about getting the “scoop” on one of these stories. We are journalists and our job is to accurately report news. We are doing exactly what we are supposed to do. As well as the opinion editor, I am also the media editor for Eagle News.

State of Cait

student journalism. Without student journalism at Florida Gulf Coast University you wouldn’t know that four out of eight FGCU campus dining locations where you eat every day failed health inspections. Without FGCU journalism you wouldn’t know why the FGCU hockey team funding was cut. Without FGCU journalism you wouldn’t know how the student government and school are really spending your tuition money. We are here to report the truth and dispel rumors. We are here to inform the student body. This is what we want to do with our

lives. Just like nursing students who work in hospitals to learn and improve, we work at a student newspaper to improve ourselves. We have reported rapes, crime, scandals and policy changes. We have reported stories of triumph, philanthropy and discoveries. We are not meant to be cheerleaders. We are here for a reason and we’re not going anywhere. As we did in the death of Austin Vonckx, we will continue to report the true information that we have when we have it.

Calm down about Ebola

By Cait Schall Assistant Opinion Editor @CaitlinSchall Despite the increasingly low chance of someone actually contracting it, everyone seems to be freaking out about Ebola. A student in one of my classes even went as far as to compare Ebola and the plague by saying it will soon spread and wipe out everyone. The odds of you catching Ebola, however, are extremely low. In fact, it is more probable that you will become drinking buddies with the preacher with the bullhorn on campus than it is for you to catch Ebola. A graphic on the Washington Post’s website uses 2010 population figures to calculate the odds of you dying from Ebola in the next year: 1 in 309,629,415. Now if you compare that to the odds of you winning the Powerball Jackpot (1 in 175 million), I definitely feel more inclined to spend my money on lottery tickets over medical facemasks and placing myself

under quarantine in the safety of my home. To dig further, Ebola isn’t even in the United States anymore. On Nov. 17, the last patient with Ebola, Dr. Martin Salia, died in an Omaha Nebraska hospital. If we all put on our thinking caps and looked at Ebola logically, we would all benefit from a significant decrease in the stress levels and overall paranoia of society. Instead of wasting your time obsessing over the outbreaks of Ebola maybe you should be focusing on issues that are more likely to affect you. In life there are many more things on which you should focus your concern. If we all lost this herd mentality we have seemed to adopt, maybe we could figure out how to solve daily issues, such as remembering that Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sundays. Quit feeding into the paranoia of others. Don’t let Ebola keep you from traveling, opening up doors — the physical act of placing your unprotected hand to a germinfested door knob — and socializing with other people. Take a risk. Put your travel-size hand sanitizer away, and go out and experience life outside of quarantine. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Top 10 things that are more likely to happen to you before catching Ebola in America: 1. Getting struck by lightning and dying: 1 in 9.6million 2. Dying from a bee sting: 1 in 5.2 million 3. Getting killed by a shark: 1 in 3.7 million 4. Dying in a plane crash: 1 in 11 million 5. Dying from tripping and falling: 1 in 246 6. A professional golfer getting a hole in one: 1 in 2,500 7. Successfully climbing Mount Everest: 1 in 3 8. Picking a perfect NCAA bracket: 1 in 13,460,000 9. Visiting the ER due to a pogo stick accident: 1 in 115,300 10. A person developing an allergy to water: 1 in 230 million

Black Friday cuts out the holidays By Jennifer Longbrake

Shoppers rush through the doors of Walmart during Black Friday.

Usually retail workers only get the luxury of having two or three guaranteed days off during the year, Christmas and Thanksgiving always a part of that list. This was until mall managers and corporate offices decided that Black Friday should start a little earlier this year. Major media groups such as NBC and ABC have been covering stories of people in states who are petitioning to lift the trend that some malls and department stores are to open their doors at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Even malls around Florida Gulf Coast University are going along with the trend and ignoring the idea of being with family on national holidays. Coconut Point Mall off of Corkscrew and U.S. 41 announced its calendar for the months of November and December for holiday hours, and the mall itself will be open for business at 6 p.m. Thanksgiving. Some stores have the option to open while other stores are required Photo by NY Daily News to open when the mall hours begin, which means some people will have to cut their

holiday short to meet the demands of overeager holiday shoppers. What corporate offices should be considering is their employees. Who wants to miss, out on time with their families to go to work? Then return to work 12 hours later to do it all over again. Most shops have to heavily prepare for Black Friday business by rearranging their stores and working late to tend to floor sets to prep for the launch of sale merchandise. These preparations usually take place the day before Thanksgiving so that whenever the store does open for business on Black Friday, everything is set in place. With these new mall hours for the holiday, this is going to require that employees either stay extremely late on Nov. 26 after the store has closed for the night, or managers will have to schedule employees to work during the day on Thanksgiving to prepare the store for business at 6 p.m. For the employees, it is a no-win situation for the benefit of the business.



With the influx of fans coming to Alico Arena for basketball games, FGCU students are required to move their cars to provide extra parking for fans.

Photo courtesy of FGCU

Give ‘em Kel

Basketball game-day policy fouls out By Kelli Krebs Opinon Editor @TheReal_KKrebs If you haven’t checked your Eagle Mail in a while, you probably should. Along with the same monthly emails about RAD classes and your weekly canvas updates, you’ll find an email from housing about the new policies with student parking during the FGCU basketball games. Yeah, yeah. We got this email last year. On the second page, there’s a letter from Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. J. Michael Rollo who adds a fun new policy to the usual “please move your cars for the fans” email. In the third paragraph, just below the “Gameday Parking Plan” header, in underlined text, it reads: “Vehicles not removed from the closed lots will be subject to ticketing.”

Excuse me, what? Oh yes, that’s right baby birds. Park in front of your dorm? Prepare to pay the fine. Students parked in front of dorms on the east side of the gate in front of the waterfront — that means Sandpiper, Falcon, Egret, Pelican, Cypress, Mangrove and Oak — have to move their cars to either other spots in North Lake (trust me, there aren’t many to begin with) or to Parking Garage 1 or 8. This policy is absolutely ridiculous. North Lake residents pay thousands of dollars just to live (and park) at these dorms every semester. Now that we have a boatload of nonstudents coming for a game, we have to move? We have every right to park in our designated parking spots without having to worry about a ticket. In the letter, Rollo adds that the school expects approximately 3,500 fans each game. Instead of spending the money to pay for the man hours of going to each “illegally parked car” and delivering a ticket, why not provide shuttles to accommodate fans

that should be parking in extra parking lots an garages that are rarely used? How about that parking garage next to the music building? How about the dirt lot next to Sugden? According to the “master plan,” eventually, a parking garage will replace the small auxiliary lot that sits next to the Aquatic Center, but for now, FGCU has no near-future plans of increasing its parking. For now, forcing its residents to move just seems like a better idea. So, the residents who are now “suggested” to either park on campus or find another spot in North Lake (which is highly unlikely) get caught between a rock and a hard place. Leave your car in front of your dorm and face a ticket; park on campus three hours prior to the game, and face a ticket for parking on campus before 5 p.m. Trust me, I’m a huge fan of FGCU basketball, and I am in full support of its growing fan base and rise in national attention, but the school is not adapting

well. Now along with many other growing pains this school has been faced with in the past few years, the students pay the price (literally). Last year it was asked of students to help out and move their cars and many of us did. This year, it’s no longer an option, and now for me (along with several contributing factors), my continued residence with FGCU is an option. These people pay $7 per game and nothing for parking. We pay at least $700 a month to live on campus. As a housing resident, I am outraged. As a student, I am baffled. As a fan I am hurt. If FGCU wants student support at games, then the school should remember the fans who were here first. We were here before the lights and cameras. We were here before the bandwagon and SportsCenter Top 10 plays. We were here before Dunk City was ever a thing. Support your students, FGCU. We deserve to park where we live.


Atlantic Sun Regular Season Champions 2014 Atlantic Sun Conference Championships 2013


Atlantic Sun Regular Season Champions 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Atlantic Sun Conference Championships 2012, 2014

The Basketball Issue



Women’s basketball

Needing leadership, FGCU follows Knight into battle this season By Matt Shipley Assistant sports editor @matthshipley College sports are special because every team deals with their seniors, and most of the time the leaders of their team, graduating and moving on to bigger and better things. Last Knight season, the Florida Gulf Coast University women’s basketball team saw their leader and star player Sarah Hansen graduate leaving a hole in the lineup. However, Whitney Knight, a player some may argue is the best on the team, including while Hansen was around, returns for her junior year coming off the best season of her short career. “Sarah was a great player at FGCU. She had a great career and did a lot of great things for the program,” Knight

commented. “Her leadership role is something we are going to have to fill this year.” Knight is from North Carolina and was rated as high as 19th nationally at the guard position and 73rd overall coming out of high school with two state championships. Knight’s first year for the Eagles was one of the best freshman seasons by anyone that has gone through the program. Along with earning Atlantic Sun All-Freshmen team honors, Knight was awarded Newcomer of the Year by FGCU and finished the season ranked first on her team for blocks and second in the conference. Following a stellar freshman season, Knight suffered a season-ending injury to her ACL during preseason workouts causing her to redshirt in her sophomore year. Last season, Knight helped lead the team to its second NCAA tournament appearance following Atlantic Sun Conference regular season and tournament championships. The Eagles faced off against Oklahoma State in the first round of the tournament where they fell 61-60 in overtime. Knight posted a double-double with 11 points and 11 rebounds in that game. “We’re just trying to get better. We

Eagles add sharpshooter from Indiana By Matt Shipley Assistant sports editor @matthshipley Every year in college sports coaches deal with loss of their leaders to graduation and the gain of inexperienced freshman through recruiting. This year for the Florida Gulf Coast University women’s basketball team is no different as they saw arguably the programs best player graduate. The Eagles now prepare not to fill that void but to build an even stronger program on top of what was left behind. The gain for FGCU women’s basketball was Tayler Goodall, a standout high school basketball player from Indiana. Goodall was a four-year varsity letterwinner and three year starter at Columbus North High School where she led her team to a 90-15 record with three Conference Indiana championships and three state sectional titles as well. For a team known primarily for their shooting around the perimeter the Eagles attained yet another threat from beyond the arc. Goodall set the record for 3-pointers in a high school career and in a single season with 144 and 73, respectively. Along with shooting 44 percent from beyond the arc as a senior, Goodall finished her high school career with a 36game streak with at least one 3-pointer made. The team is hopeful in Goodall’s potential to become an even better college athlete. Senior Jenna Cobb, the leader of the team, is optimistic on what she will bring to this team. “You know how it is freshman year, getting started,” Cobb said. “But I think we’re going to see Goodall good things from Taylor Goodall.” Goodall is a perfect fit for Smesko’s perimeter offense and coming from Indiana feels comfortable with the team despite being the only true freshman on the roster. The Eagles are hungrier than ever this year following last season’s first round loss in the NCAA tournament and the experience on this team will be a huge factor in how the year turns out. With a team returning four starters and Goodall’s youth there is no rush for her development. “The transition has been a little tough,” Goodall said. “But the team has been really supportive and so have the coaches so it’s been tough and easy at the same time.” Goodall left high school with honors such as three First-Team All-Arena honors, a First-Team IBCA Senior All-State player, and being a member of the 2014 Indiana All-Star team. Fans are hopeful for continued success in her collegiate career. “The team, the hard work, the atmosphere, and the campus,” Goodall said on what brought her to Southwest Florida. A great pickup for the Eagles this offseason that will continue this team’s current success in the coming years.

haven’t really been watching film of that game,” the guard explained. “We’re pretty much focusing on us first and the things we need to get better with internally and whatever outside stuff we need to focus on will be worked on next.” Standing at six-foot-three she is the tallest player on the team and uses that to her advantage. The guard finished with 93 blocks on the year setting a new single-season record for FGCU. Knight knows she plays a major role in the Eagle’s line-up and is always trying to improve her game. “I’m trying to step it up each year and always be a leader. I am trying to be more of a vocal person on the court and continue to do the things I have known in the past,” she says. Whitney Knight and the FGCU Women’s basketball team begin their season on November 14th against George Washington University in Alico Arena and plan to build on last years NCAA appearance. The Eagles have only one loss in regular season conference play in the past four years and prepare to chase their fifth-straight regular season title. “We expect to do better than last year and we expect to improve,” Knight said. “We have the same goals that we are working on accomplishing and are expecting big things this year.”

EN Photo/Tessa Mortensen Kaneisha Atwater goes up for a layup against George Washington.

FGCU women win first two at home Eagles next travel to Auburn to face Tigers By Matt Shipley Assistant sports editor @matthshipley The Florida Gulf Coast University women’s basketball team has kicked off the season on a great note, winning its first two games of the season in Alico Arena. The girls look to avenge last year’s first-round loss in the NCAA tournament to Oklahoma State. The Eagles began their season last Friday with an 88-75 win over George Washington University at home. Following the season-opening win, FGCU took on Florida International University on Tuesday, and they put on a defensive showing, blowing out the Panthers 97-49. Senior and team captain Jenna Cobb led the team with an all-around game on the court. She helped out with 12 points

and dished four assists. She also added two steals in the game where FGCU snagged 13 steals to FIU’s one. Stephanie Haas also stepped up for FGCU on the night as she led the team in scoring with 15 points on 6 for 7 shooting. Four FGCU starters scored double-digit points as well as Kaniesha Atwater off the bench with 12. The Eagles showed off their shooting skills all night, including making 13 3-pointers on 40.6 percent shooting. Each starter for the Eagles added a 3-pointer as well as six players off the bench adding threes of their own. Coach Karl Smesko used this game to get all players involved as 14 of 15 active players saw time on the court as they prepare for their next game against Auburn University on Thursday. “A lot of people had really good performances,” Smesko said. “It was a good win for us going into Auburn.”



2014-15 Women’s Basketball Schedule Date





George Washington

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m. (W) 88-75



Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m. (W) 97-49



Auburn, Ala.

7 p.m.


Ave Maria

Fort Myers, Fla.

5 p.m.


Wichita State

Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

3:30 p.m.



Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

3:30 p.m.


Ohio State

Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

1:15 p.m.


Southern Mississippi

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m



Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.



Daytona Beach, Fla.

7 p.m.


Northern Colorado

Fort Myers, Fla.

4:30 p.m.


Cal State Northridge

Philadelphia, Pa.

4 p.m.



Philadelphia, Pa.

2 p.m. / 4 p.m.

U.S. Virgin Islands Paradise Jam

Hawk Classic at Saint Joseph’s University



Cambridge, Mass.

7 p.m.



Fort Myers, Fla.

4 p.m.


North Florida

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.



Jacksonville, Fla.

7 p.m


USC Upstate

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.


Kennesaw State

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.



Nashville, Tenn.

7:30 p.m.


Northern Kentucky

Highland Heights, Ky.

7 p.m.



DeLand, Fla.

1 p.m.


Northern Kentucky

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.



Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.


Kennesaw State

Kennesaw, Ga.

7 p.m.


USC Upstate

Spartanburg, S.C.

2 p.m.


North Florida

Jacksonville, Fla.

7 p.m.



Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.

Atlantic Sun Women’s Basketball Championship


Atlantic Sun Conference Championship

Campus Sites

2014-15 Atlantic Sun Women’s Basketball Preseason Honors and Awards Preseason Atlantic Sun All-Conference Team



Guard/ Forward Forward

Whitney Knight Melody Doss



Preseason Women’s Basketball Coaches Poll



Junior Senior

Amber Porter

Northern Kentucky Stetson



Jama Sharp




Jenna Cobb




Stephanie Haas Kristina Wells



Guard Forward Center Forward

Kennesaw State Lipscomb

Ashley Southern Brittany USC Upstate Starling Cherisse Burris Stetson

Senior Junior Junior Senior

Place Team (First-place votes) Points

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

FGCU (6) Stetson (2) Northern Kentucky USC Upstate Jacksonville Lipscomb Kennesaw State North Florida

62 58 47 34 33 24 18 12

Preseason Women’s Basketball Media Poll Place Team (First-place votes) Points


FGCU (11)



Stetson (4)



Northern Kentucky






USC Upstate






Kennesaw State



North Florida




Smesko’s Shooters 0

DyTiesha Dunson

Year: Junior Hometown: Albany, Ga. Position: Guard


Bethany Murrell

Year: Junior Hometown: New Palestine, Ind. Position: Forward


Stephanie Haas

Year: Junior Hometown: Avon Lake, Ohio Position: Guard


Haley Laughter

Year: Redshirt Freshman Hometown: Asheville, N.C. Position: Forward


Jessica Cattani


Year: Junior Hometown: Fort Pierce, Fla. Position: Guard

Year: Redshirt Freshman Hometown: Muskego, Wisc. Position: Guard


Kady Schrann

Anthi Chatzigiakoumi

Jaime Gluesing

Year: Junior Hometown: Solon, Ohio Position: Guard



Whitney Knight

Year: Redshirt Junior Hometown: WinstonSalem, N.C. Position: Guard

Year: Senior Hometown: Athens, Greece Position: Forward



Tayler Goodall

Year: Freshman Hometown: Columbus, Ind. Position: Guard

Year: Senior Hometown: York, Pa. Position: Guard


Kaneisha Atwater


Year: Redshirt Senior Hometown: New Holland, Ohio Position: Guard

Taylor Gradinjan

Year: Redshirt Freshman Hometown: Cudahy, Wisc. Position: Guard

Jenna Cobb


Katie Meador

Year: Junior Hometown: Salem, Ill. Position: Forward


Amanda Moore

Year: Junior Hometown: Seymour, Ind. Position: Guard


Randa Payne

Year: Redshirt Freshman Hometown: Ohio Position: Guard


Morgan Blumer

Year: Redshirt Freshman Hometown: Milton, Wisc. Position: Guard




Brett Comer

Year: Senior Hometown: Winter Park, Fla. Position: Guard


Armand Shoon

Year: Sophomore Hometown: Miami, Fla. Position: Guard


Zach Johnson

Year: Freshman Hometown: Miami, Fla. Position: Guard


TeJai Allen

Year: Sophmore Hometown: Jacksonville, Fla. Position: Guard


Nate Hicks


Year: Senior Hometown: Conyers, Ga. Position: Guard

Year: Redshirt Senior Hometown: Panama City Beach, Fla. Position: Forward/Center



Jamail Jones

Brian Greene Jr.


Filip Cvjeticanin

Year: Senior Hometown: Zagreb, Croatia Position: Forward

Year: Redshirt Sophmore Hometown: Chicago, Ill. Position: Guard


Logan Hovey

Year: Redshirt Freshman Hometown: Orlando, Fla. Position: Forward

Year: Redshirt Senior Hometown: Atlanta, Ga. Position: Guard


Bernard Thompson


Marcus Blake

Year: Redshirt Senior Hometown: Mimai, Fla. Position: Forward

Marc-Eddy Norelia

Year: Redshirt Sophmore Hometown: Orlando, Fla. Position: Forward


Eric Moeller

Year: Redshirt Sophmore Hometown: St. Louis, Mo. Position: Forward

Julian DeBose


Year: Redshirt Junior Hometown: Washington, D.C. Position: Guard

Nick Pellar


Year: Redshirt Sophmore Hometown: Munster, Ind. Position: Forward


Demetris Morant

Year: Redshirt Sophmore Hometown: Miami, Fla. Position: Forward


Christian Terrell

Year: Freshman Hometown: Jacksonville, Fla. Position: Guard



2014-15 Men’s Basketball Schedule Date





Nova Southeastern

Fort Myers, Fla.

2 p.m. (W) 63-51


UC Santa Barbara

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m. (W) 81-75 (OT)



Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.


Estero, Fla.

6 p.m.

Gulf Coast Showcase

11/24/2014 11/25/2014

Hawaii/San Francisco

Estero, Fla.



Green Bay/ECU/Fresno State/Evansville

Estero, Fla.


Sioux Falls, S.D.

5 p.m


South Dakota State


Florida Tech

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.



Springfield, Mass.

2 p.m.



Fort Myers, Fla.

2 p.m.



Fort Myers, Fla.

7:30 p.m.



New Rochelle, N.Y.

2 p.m.



Cincinnati, Ohio

4 p.m.



Pittsburgh, Pa.

7:30 p.m.


Ave Maria

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.


UC Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, Calif.

10 p.m



Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.


North Florida

Jacksonville, Fla.

7 p.m.



Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.


USC Upstate

Spartanburg, S.C.

7 p.m.


Kennesaw State

Kennesaw, Ga.

2 p.m.



Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.


Northern Kentucky

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.

DeLand, Fla.

3:30 p.m

Highland Heights, Ky.

7 p.m.




Northern Kentucky



Nashville, Tenn.

5 p.m.


Kennesaw State

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.


USC Upstate

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.


North Florida

Fort Myers, Fla.

7 p.m.



Jacksonville, Fla.

2 p.m.

Atlantic Sun Men’s Basketball Championship



Higher Seed




Higher Seed




Higher Seed

2 p.m.

2014-15 Atlantic Sun Men’s Basketball Preseason Honors and Awards Preseason Atlantic Sun All-Conference Team




Preseason Men’s Basketball Coaches Poll


Point Guard

Brett Comer







Bernard Thompson Martin Smith




Ty Greene

USC Upstate



Jamail Jones




Delbert Love

Kennesaw State


Point Guard

J.C. Hampton



Forward/ Guard Forward

Beau Beech

North Florida



Place Team (First-place votes) Points

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

North Florida


North Florida


63 53 51 32 24 23 14 13

Preseason Men’s Basketball Media Poll Place Team (First-place votes) Points


FGCU (25)






North Florida (1)



USC Upstate



Chris Davenport Dallas Moore

FGCU (7) North Florida (1) Lipscomb USC Upstate Northern Kentucky Kennesaw State Jacksonville Stetson

Northern Kentucky 101








Kennesaw State




Men’s basketball

Newcomers, welcome to Dunk City By Matt Mramar @ENSportsMatt The Florida Gulf Coast University Eagles underwent quite a makeover this offseason, with five former players gone and multiple new additions joining the team. To recap, FGCU’s program cornerstone Chase Fieler graduated in May, in addition to Eric McKnight and DaJuan Graf transferring and Kevin Boyle deciding to end his basketball career. In addition, Filip Cvjeticanin is out for the season and will take a medical redshirt this year. In their place are a collection of incoming freshmen and transfers who will make solid contributions to the Eagles this season. Let’s take a look at some of the fresh faces. Christian Terrell - Fr. / Providence HS (Jacksonville) Terrell is a high-flying, dynamic guard who is best known for his vicious dunk over the summer the landed him at No. 1 on “SportsCenter’s Top Ten”. An energetic leader, the 6-foot-4 Terrell is active on both ends of the floor and has great awareness for a young player. While he most likely won’t be a huge contributor for the Eagles this season, he is a great addition to

the program and looks to have a very bright future. Demetris Morant - RS Soph. / UNLV T r a n s f e r. Morant comes over to the Eagles from UNLV, and the redshirt sophomore is eligible to play Morant immediately due to a hardship waiver approved by the NCAA. The 6-foot8 Morant is incredibly explosive above the rim, and welcomed himself to Dunk City with a win at the Dunk City After Dark dunk contest. Combined with Marc-Eddy Norelia, Morant will help form the Eagles most dangerous front court in program history. Marc-Eddy Norelia - RS Soph. / Tulane Transfer. Let’s be honest, everybody knows Marc-Eddy. He was a fixture at the end of FGCU’s bench last season, bringing

Eagles win back-to-back home games to open season By Matt Mramar @ENSportsMatt The Florida Gulf Coast University men’s basketball team started its season off right this weekend with two wins against Nova Southeastern and UC Santa Barbara. The Eagles first game didn’t go as planned and the Eagles needed almost all 40 minutes to finish off an inferior Nova team. In the end, the Eagles athleticism and shooting led them to a 63-51 victory. FGCU was without Julian DeBose, a dynamic backcourt transfer from Rice, due to a three-game suspension announced on Saturday prior to the afternoon contest. Tulane transfer Marc-Eddy Norelia notched a double-double in his first game in an FGCU uniform, registering 16 points and 13 rebounds in the win. Norelia also earned the Atlantic Sun Newcomer of the Week award for his performance against the Sharks. Jamail Jones led the Eagles in scoring with 17 points and added 10 rebounds as well as he and Brett Comer both also notched double-doubles. Freshman Christian Terrell also played very well in his 14 minutes of action and looked like a solid rotation player for the Eagles. On Monday night, FGCU squared off against the Gauchos of UCSB and their star forward Alan Thompson, who drew four NBA scouts to Dunk City. The second game was a stark contrast from the bland performance of Saturday evening, with FGCU playing with energy and intensity from the opening tip. “To tell you the truth, it was a great college game for this time of the year,” head coach Joe Dooley said of the 81-75 overtime victory. “[UCSB Coach] Bob [Williams] has a very, very good team. They’re going to win a lot of games.”

FGCU handled the 6-foot-8 Williams well defensively despite his 29 points and 16 rebounds. “I think overall we played well,” Bernard Thompson said after the game. “We locked up, we stuck to our plan, our defensive plan and we were pretty disciplined on both ends of the floor.” Brett Comer exploded against the Gauchos for 28 points and 11 assists, his second consecutive double-double to start the season. Going into Wednesday’s contest against Ohio University, Comer now stands only three assists away from breaking the Atlantic Sun all-time record for career assists. In crunch time at the end of regulation and in overtime, Comer continually answered the call and stepped up in critical situations. “I’m kind of crazy,” Comer said, “I guess I just kept going and going and going, and whatever I was getting I kind of just took.” Comer found his rhythm down the stretch, taking control of the offense and driving the lane with authority. “I kind of feel like I got in a groove tonight at the end and I just took over,” he said. Jones also added his second consecutive double-double, and his fifth in the last 10 games dating back to last season, with 14 points and 11 rebounds. The Eagles offense looked much more in-sync against the Gauchos than they did against Nova, but OU presents another major challenge for FGCU. “They’re good,” Dooley said of the Bobcats. “Won 26 games last year, so we’ve got our hands full again on Wednesday.” The Eagles square off with OU at 7 p.m. Wednesday night at Alico Arena.

intensity and fun while waiting to become eligible to play, and this year, that energy is pouring out on the court. Norelia is an animal on the glass and has the ability to change a game with his energy. Look for him to have a breakout season and be a key part of the Eagles’ success all year long. Eric Moeller - Sophomore / JUCO Transfer. After playing last season at the College of Central Florida, Moeller comes to the Eagles at the perfect time. After struggling with their frontcourt depth all year last year, the 6-foot-11 Moeller seems like a perfect remedy for the Eagles problems. Moeller is surprisingly nimble and athletic for a player his size, and figures to make a big impact and play crucial minutes for an FGCU team that has typically operated without a true center. Look for him and Nate Hicks to help solidify this team from the inside out. Julian DeBose - RS Jr. / Rice Transfer. Despite being suspended for the first three games of the season, DeBose will be a key weapon in the Eagles backcourt upon his return. The 6-foot-4 transfer is dynamic and is a legitimate scoring threat from anywhere on the floor. DeBose is a slasher and cuts

to the basket with authority, something that could pay great dividends when FGCU gets out in transition. DeBose will have to be a meaningful contributor if FGCU hopes to go back to the NCAA Tournament. DeBose In addition to the guys listed above, FGCU also gains Logan Hovey back from injury, as well as a pair of Auburn transfers in Brian Greene Jr. and Nick Pellar. Last season, depth was a major reason why the Eagles failed to make it back to the tournament and fizzled out early in the NIT. This year should be a different story, and it seems as if FGCU has turned a weakness into one of its biggest strengths with a core of solid additions that can make an impact down the stretch.

Get to know freshman guard Christian Terrell By Matt Mramar @ENSportsMatt SportsCenter’s Top Ten. The crown jewel of highlights for sports fans everywhere, and a place that most of us will never be able to brag about being. But for Christian Terrell, that is not the case. Terrell will forever have bragging because of the vicious highflying dunk that landed him at No. 1 on the #SCTopTen. But the b u s i n e s s major from Providence High School doesn’t brag, and in fact, he really doesn’t talk about it much at all. “I gained like Terrell 1,200 twitter followers after, but other than that, nothing really changed,” the 6’-foot-4 freshman said. After choosing FGCU over University of North Florida in his hometown of Jacksonville, Terrell said he loves the team, the school and especially the campus. Freshmen typically don’t see the floor much at FGCU, but Terrell played a key role in the Eagles’ season-opening win against Nova Southeastern University. The freshman logged seven points in 14 minutes of action, and gave the Eagles a muchneeded energy boost. While that heavy workload was likely the result of a combination of unusual factors,

Terrell understands that his role on this team is fluid and he is willing to fit whatever role is asked of him. “I just try to do whatever [Coach Dooley] tells me to do,” Terrell said. “And if that’s play 10 minutes or sit and only play four minutes, I’m fine with it.” Terrell added that he didn’t want to set any individual goals stats-wise for this season, saying all that matters is that the team ends up back in the NCAA Tournament. His role will likely continue to fluctuate throughout the season, but Terrell has already proven he can step up in big situations if he’s needed. For a team such as FGCU that struggled with depth last year due to injuries and suspensions, having a weapon such as Terrell on the bench to fill the void in any situation is invaluable. In his own words, he doesn’t do anything particularly unbelievable on the floor but he makes sound plays at both ends of the floor. His energy on defense was contagious for the Eagles on Saturday, and head coach Joe Dooley didn’t fail to take notice of the young guard’s play. “He made a big shot in the first half to give us a little momentum,” Dooley said. “He was very active defensively, had a couple deflections. It’s just a learning process and I think one of the things that helps is having him guard seniors.” Those seniors, Brett Comer and Bernard Thompson, have taken Terrell under their wing and helped him accelerate the adjustment from high school to college basketball. With his high-flying ability, Terrell is a perfect fit in Dunk City, and he’ll be keeping the highlight reels turning for years to come.




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