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sweet saranac

Cazenovia canine gets attention in national competition

By JAson GABAk Editor

There is a lot to be said about what pets bring to our lives.

Pets can bring companionship and a feeling of love and being loved, but studies have even shown that pets can have benefits on our mental and physical health.

This connection between pets and their human companions can be intangible, but when it clicks, there is something special about it that just feels right.

When Phillip and Audrey Hamilton met their dog Saranac, Audrey said the connection was just there and everything felt just right and they were ready to bring Saranac into their home.

“We acquired Saranac when she was nine weeks old from a breeder in Syracuse,” Audrey said. “I have grown up with German Shepherds and really wanted one to join our family. When we saw how smart Saranac was, we knew she was the one for us. She was also adorable with the exact coloring I wanted.”

The puppy that the Hamiltons brought home at nine weeks is now 18 months and the Hamiltons have only come to love her all the more.

Currently the Hamiltons are seeing that many others love Saranac almost as much as they do.

Saranac is among the dogs competing across the country in the online contest to find America’s Favor- ite Pet, held through PAWS.org. PAWS.org is a charitable, non profit entity that raises money and profiles the plight of rescue animals and the shelters that house them.

Given the love the Hamiltons have for Saranac they decided to enter her in the contest and see what would happen.

“The contest was online, and we thought it would be a great way to support our local pet shelter, Wanders Rest, in the event that Saranac wins,” Audrey said. “We plan on donating the prize to this charity. Even though our puppy is a pure-bred German Shepherd; my husband and I wholeheartedly support pet adoptions.”

And while the Hamiltons know how special their dog is, they weren’t sure what to expect going into this contest.

“I didn’t know what to expect, however, it seems to be going well and Saranac has been consistently first or second up to now,” Audrey said. “She has made it to the quarterfinals, and it is feeling more challenging.”

Audrey said this achievement feels good, but she said admits it is unexpected.

This success has come from votes across the country, but Saranac has also received a great deal of local support to earn a spot in the quarterfinals.

“This means she is in the top 1% of the animals who entered this contest nationally,” Phillip wrote. “Over the past month or so, we have consistently solicited community support and received it plenty. In fact, it is doubtful that Saranac would have lasted in the contest this far with the considerable Cazenovia community support she has received, both in the form of daily votes and philanthropic financial giving.”

Audrey said the Hamiltons have worked to draw attention to Saranac in this competition, using social media and reaching out friends and family to garner support.

Seeing this support has meant a lot to the Hamiltons.

“We are very appreciative of all the local support and that of our families and friends,” Audrey said. “We have emailed friends and made posts daily on Facebook. Our community seems to find Saranac as beautiful as we do.”

If Saranac should win, as the

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