Cazenovia Republican - April 27, 2022

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Week of April 27, 2022 Home of The Awald Family



Kicking off Earth Week in Cazenovia Three local leaders give presentation By kate Hill Staff Writer On Monday, April 18, Cazenovia Earth Week 2022 (April 18-24) kicked off with “Our Environment: Moving Forward,” a presentation and community conversation facilitated by Sherburne “Shere” Abbott, Jocelyn Gavitt, and Lauren Lines — three local individuals with unique leadership experiences. Abbott recently retired from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, where she served as university professor of sustainability science and policy and director of environment, sustainability and policy. Previously, she was a senior advisor to President Barack Obama (confirmed by the US Senate on April 30, 2009, as the associate director for environment and energy in the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President), serving as a deputy to the president’s science advisor. She has also served on the board of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) since 2014. Next fall, she will begin teaching at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Gavitt is a landscape architect and planner who specializes in community engagement, planning, and design. She earned degrees from Cornell University and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, and she has extensive experience in master planning, site design, and recreational planning. Lines is the executive director of the Cazenovia Area Community Development Association (CACDA), an independent non-profit organization representing a broad cross-section of stakeholders in the Greater Cazenovia Area. CACDA helps local organizations, governments, and residents accomplish their goals and objectives through consensus building, planning, cooperative efforts, networking, locating funding sources, grant writing,

project implementation, and educational programs for the public.

Climate-, energy- and sustainability-related aspirations and realities

Abbott began the presentation with some historical background on Earth Day, which was first celebrated on April 22, 1970. According to Abbott, the first Earth Day remains the largest single-day public protest in the history of the United States, and it demonstrated an emerging public awareness of air and water pollution and its implications. “Most of the pollutants, we could actually see,” she said. “You could see the smog; you could see the [pollution in the water].” The first Earth Day resulted in several major pieces of federal legislation in the 1970s, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act. Abbott noted that the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Toxic Substances Control Act all represent “end-of-pipe” solutions. “We solve the pollutant issues after the pollution occurs,” she said. “[Conversely,] the National Environmental Policy Act was formed with the view that maybe we should think about our actions before we take them and figure out what the environmental consequences are [prior to making decisions].” Abbott added that Earth Day not only brought about government oversight of the environment in the 1970s, but it is also the day the landmark Paris Agreement — an international treaty on climate change — was opened for signature in 2016. She next stated that the international/national approach to environmental issues has changed drastically since the 1970s. “We [now] see them as more integrated, we have better science, and we are aiming our solutions at people, not just the environment,” she said. Abbott then explained that while the 1970s were focused on

BOE discusses state’s commitment to 100% electric buses by 2035 By kate Hill Staff Writer

Kate Hill

Cazenovia Earth Week 2022 (April 18-24) kicked off on April 18 with “Our Environment: Moving Forward,” a presentation and community conversation facilitated by Sherburne “Shere” Abbott, Lauren Lines, and Jocelyn Gavitt (left to right). end-of-pipe solutions, the 1980s were about linking human development with the environment. “Human progress is linked [with] natural resources and our preservation of natural resources,” she said. “There was a whole lot of science that showed that the two were inseparable, and that led to [a] series of conferences leading up to the [official] definition of ‘sustainable development’ by the Brundtland Commission. . .” In 1987, the United Nations (UN) Brundtland Commission defined sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Such development requires an integrated approach that takes into consideration environmental concerns along with social and economic development. According to Abbott, the 1990s were centered on “making good on” the environmental aspirations of the 1980s. “How do societies move forward in a way that really transforms the way that we think about development and environment?” she said. “Earth Day in those years became focused on sustainable development in the United States — [issues of] social justice and social transformation and climate change and energy all came into the fore. On the international side, [the] conferences produced a lot of information about what to do and how to think,

but mostly they were aspirational. The problem is that all the environmental damage was continuing. . . People were less poor and living better [but] the climate is changing — we have known about this challenge since the late 1800s — and things are getting worse. So how do you marry the two? . . . How do we transform human societies in ways that benefit the humans and provide equity but also do it in a way that is transforming the way we use energy and that is less damaging to the climate?” The past decade, Abbott explained, has been focused on integrating science into issues of climate, energy, and sustainability. According to Abbott, science informs the international climate agenda today more than ever before. She pointed specifically to the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the UN body for assessing the science related to climate change. Created in 1988, the IPCC provides policymakers with comprehensive assessment reports about the state of scientific, technical, and socio-economic knowledge on climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation such as reducing the rate and magnitude of climate change. “I used to lead the US delegation for[theIPCC]around2010,”saidAbbott. “That’s a group of thousands Earth Week


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Students raise funds for PTA through kindness By kate hill Staff writer

On April 18, the Burton Street Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) launched a new fundraiser, “Raise Craze,” which will run through May 13. Students can participate by registering with Raise Craze, an online platform that enables them to set up secure, custom websites where they can request donations from friends and family via email, text, or social media. The students then go out and pay it forward by completing Acts of Kindness (AOKs) in their homes, school, and community. Each AOK is represented as a leaf on the school’s “Kindness Tree.” Under the tree are bins for students to donate non-perishable food items and toiletries to CazCares food pantry and clothing closet. According to Nicole Maggio, who is co-president of BurSubmitted photo ton Street PTA this year along with Nikki Skeele, the Raise Craze platform suggests doing something “Craze-y” to mark The Burton Street Elementary School Parent Teacher Association launched Students l Page 4 its “Raise Craze” fundraiser, which will run through May 13.

During the April 25 Cazenovia Central School District Board of Education (CCSD BOE) meeting, Assistant Superintendent/School Business Official Thomas Finnerty reported that the recently passed New York State budget includes a plan to make the state’s approximately 50,000 school buses 100 percent electric by 2035. The new mandate will require that, by 2027, all new school bus purchases will be zero-emissions, and by 2035, all school buses on the road will be zeroemissions. Finnerty stated that although he and the other district business officials and superintendents he has spoken to are not opposed to the shift to clean energy, they have concerns regarding the “practicality” and costs of making the transition to electric buses within such a limited timeframe. BOE l Page 17

Submitted photo

Julie Gratien will be the visiting artist at Cazenovia Artisans for the month of May.

Cazenovia Artisans host visiting artist Just in time for spring’s burst of color upon our winter bleached senses, Cazenovia Artisans welcomes Julie Gratien as their visiting artist for the month of May. In Gratien’s newest work, the combination of her interest in the complex designs of the natural world and her constant exploration of “what if?” come together to create tactile surfaces with both visual and actual dimension. Starting with fibrous paper, Julie chooses colors and textures to build a close up and personal view of her subject. In addition to teaching art in the public schools for 22 years, Gratien has been actively teaching adults and children through community art classes and has received numerous teaching honors as well as earning recognition at many professionally juried art shows. Cazenovia Artisans invite you to come see Gratien’s newest mixed media collages at our gallery at 39 Albany St. The show will run from May 2- May 31. Gratien will be present on Saturday, May 7 from 2 to 5 p.m. to for an artist’s reception which is open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.

Volume 213, Number 17 The Cazenovia Republican is published weekly by Eagle News. Office of Publication: 35 Albany St., Second Floor, Cazenovia, NY 13035. Periodical Postage Paid at Cazenovia, NY 13035, USPS 095-260. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Cazenovia Republican, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206.

sports news: Girls track second at VVS Invitational.


calendar: Check out local events happening around you.


Calendar �������������������� 7

history ���������������������� 13

Editorial ��������������������� 8

PennySaver �������������� 10

letters ������������������������ 8

Sports ������������������ 15-17

2 April 27, 2022

Earth Week

l From page 1 and thousands of scientists that get together and write reports. They just issued their latest report. They do it every six years.” According to Abbott, the most recent report is significant because it is the first to include a chapter on the social aspects of climate change mitigation. “What that means is that the social science is robust enough to be included in the report,” she said. “We know that economies can grow within a clean energy system, and that it doesn’t kill the economy to move towards a clean energy system. We know that it provides more equity and equity is good, because once people have increased equity, they are more likely to be in favor of climate policies and they are more likely to do things that are more favorable to the environment. . . All this stuff has data and information and shows [that] sustainable development is a reality if we think about it in a planning sense.” Abbott concluded her remarks by pointing out that the development of the US has been costly to the environment, and that this country, along with the other top greenhouse gas emitters, has played a considerable role in creating the current global problem. According to Abbott, the US and China combined are responsible for almost 40 percent of the total global greenhouse gas emissions annually. In 2019, for example, China was responsible for about 27 percent and the US was responsible for about 13 percent. “Historically, since the industrial revolution [and] actually going back to 1850, the US share of cumulative emissions is about 20 percent,” she said. “China, with later industrialization, is responsible for about 11 percent of the total. Total emissions [are] what we’re worried about in terms of temperature rise, which equates with increasing risk of damages, but the amount we produce per person — that is, US per capita

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source emissions — is about twice China’s. Abbott pointed out that the US accounts for only 5 percent of the world’s population, while China accounts for about 20 percent. She also reported that the world’s wealthiest ten percent of people collectively emit around half of all global emissions. “The richest people’s carbon footprint is about 175 times higher than the poorest,” she said. “There’s an inequity in the role and responsibilities for the problem, and there is probably an inequity in the role and responsibilities for the solutions. That is, we need to be out in front with innovation, with sharing our knowledge, [and probably with helping to pay] for developing countries to absorb these new technologies.”

Climate-, energy- and sustainability-related aspirations in planning

In her remarks, Gavitt highlighted some of the changes in human thinking and behavior that need to happen to transform climate-, energy- and sustainability-related aspirations into realities. “We can’t continue to look at everything the way we always have,” she said. “. . . Change is difficult, and we are going against a lot of cultural norms.” Gavitt pointed specifically to housing norms and the long-held ideas about what it means to succeed in this country. “Over the course of [many, many decades], we have privatized a lot of activities and things that used to be in the public realm,” she said. “If you think about back in the day, before I was even alive, there were more public plazas being used by the general public as social gathering spaces. People were going to public pools for recreation. People were going to the park and playgrounds and gathering together. Over the course of many decades, it became the cultural norm or a sign of success to have a pool in your backyard, a playset in your backyard, your own

yard that you mowed, and your own house — with four walls that were insulated against the exterior — that you managed. When you multiply that times the millions and millions of people who are sold on that dream. . . it has a massive global impact.” According to Gavitt, reversing the desire to achieve this version of the American Dream and ultimately transitioning back to cohabitating and/or sharing communal spaces and facilities would require creativity, exciting design solutions, and a willingness to think differently about the meaning of success. Gavitt also discussed the agricultural landscape and the challenges associated with sustainable farming. “How do we do that and have our farmers still make a profit and be able to make a living?” she said. “[The sustainable] things we might ask to happen would cost so much, and then the cost of our food goes up. The tradeoffs are immense. These aren’t easily solved problems; that’s why we’ve treaded water for as long as we have. It’s going to take very innovative solutions to [develop] the model for this. Are we willing as a society to pay a lot more for our food? Not many people are going to say yes to that, but if we want to change a lot of things, it’s going to cost us.” Gavitt next stated that she believes one potential avenue for change is to begin looking at landscapes, particularly urban spaces, in terms of their potential to meet both human and environmental needs. “Any time we are making changes, [we should] look at all the different ways our landscape can be performative,” she said. “[We need to start thinking beyond] ‘I need 25 new parking spaces for my store,’ and instead think ‘I can get 25 parking spaces on a permeable, tree canopied landscape with a really great filtration system that will purify the water, and I’m going to add an immense amount of vegetation to this area, it will be shaded, and it will lower the heat

Cazenovia Republican index.’ We need a way to get many levels of performance in everything we do, and we need a lot of changing attitudes to make that happen.” Gavitt concluded by advocating for leading by example and working to move sustainability from niche to normal. She also highlighted the importance of purchasing goods that are produced as locally as possible to avoid supporting the creation of large carbon footprints through overseas plane travel and/or long truck trips.

Local accomplishments and community dialogue

Lines wrapped up the presentation with an overview of some local efforts to mitigate climate change. According to Lines, both the Town and Village of Cazenovia were among the first municipalities in the state to be designated NYSERDA “Clean Energy Communities.” The Town of Nelson received the designation soon after. The Town and Village of Cazenovia are also recognized by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as Bronze Certified “Climate Smart Communities.” “This means that our local officials and staff people in our municipalities have taken a proactive approach to reducing energy usage,” Lines said. The actions taken by the community to achieve these designations include creating climate action plans and greenhouse gas inventories and subsequently completing multiple small and large projects, such as LED street lighting. “By the time NYSERDA came out with the Clean Energy Communities program and we looked at it, we were almost there,” Lines said. “That’s why we were able to get that designation among that first cohort.” Lines explained that the designations not only give the community “bragging rights” and potentially attract new residents, but they also Earth Week l Page 3

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Earth Week

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l From page 2 lead to funding. As a direct result of the designations, Cazenovia has received nearly $400,000 in funding for multiple projects, such as replacing the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in the Village Municipal Building and the fire station and insulating the Town of Cazenovia Highway Garage. Lines explained that the designations also help to bolster grant applications for future projects by giving the community credibility. Additionally, Lines said, the designations are significant because they are the result of decisions and actions that benefited the town and village. “Usually, they ended up being really good fiscal decisions and certainly good governance decisions,” she said. “Mostly, those actions that we took to get to the designations were cost saving — they were either no cost or paid off in a very short period of time. So, it wasn’t that the

town and village had to spend a whole bunch of money to reach this level, they were just good decisions anyway. . . That’s often true for all of us when we are making decisions about our own homes.” Lines encouraged the attendees to take advantage of some of the programs available to local homeowners, including the town and village’s heat-pump campaign (, which kicked-off on April 23 at the village hall. “The things that the local governments have done are really important, but there is a lot more potential if you look at all our homes and our cars,” she said. “All the individual actions people can take add up to a lot more than even the local governments, so I encourage you to look into those opportunities and take advantage of what’s out there.” Following the presentation, the speakers opened a dialogue with the audience members, who asked questions and discussed several topics, including their personal efforts and/or struggles to live sustainably, actions that could be taken locally moving forward, and the potential

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roles of technology, particularly artificial intelligence, in addressing the climate crisis.

Cazenovia Earth Week 2022

Cazenovia Earth Week 2022 involved 26 local groups coming together to present more than 20 events exploring the practical actions people can take in their homes, neighborhoods, and communities to help save the planet. This year’s events were presented by the following organizations: Scout Troop 18, Cazenovia College (seven different groups), Cazenovia Heritage, Cazenovia Garden Club, Cazenovia Lake Association, Cazenovia Preservation Foundation, Cazenovia Public Library (CPL), Cazenovia Rotary Club, Cazenovia Village Tree Commission, Greater Cazenovia Area Chamber of Commerce, Madison County Chapter of

April 27, 2022 3 Trout Unlimited, Madison County Department of Solid Waste, New Woodstock Free Library, Project Café, Town of Cazenovia, Town of Nelson, United Climate Action Network (UCAN), Village of Cazenovia, CNY Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America, and USDA Forest Service. According to Earth Week organizer and UCAN Steering Committee member Geoffrey Navias, the participating groups joined together to encourage each other, learn from each other, and hold each other to a higher standard. The celebration focused on three major themes — moving away from fossil fuels and towards electric, understanding and protecting Cazenovia’s freshwater resources, and applying creativity and ingenuity to finding better ways to reuse, recycle, and reinvent trash.

4 April 27, 2022


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From page 1 the end of a successful fundraiser. If the Burton Street students reach their goal of $10,000, Principal Kara May will kiss a piglet owned by third grade teacher Kara Burry. If they reach $15,000, Superintendent Christopher J. DiFulvio will be slimed. “I really have no idea how we decided on the piglet kissing and slime,” said Maggio. “Nikki and I were meeting with Mrs. May about our tentative plans for Raise Craze, we threw it out there, and she agreed! If we reach our goals, the students will get to see it at our closing ceremony. I think the kids are going to really enjoy it. . . Mrs. May has been incredibly supportive in helping us get this fundraiser off the ground. She is invaluable to our success as a PTA, and we couldn’t do it without her.” The grade level and class that complete the most AOKs over the course of the fundraiser will also be awarded fun activities. The funds raised will go toward supporting Burton Street PTA programs, helping to create an inclusive equipment pathway, and assisting in furnishing the STEAM (science, technology, l

engineering, the arts, and mathematics) Room. One of the PTA programs that will benefit is an Additional Funding Request (AFR) program that enables teachers and staff to submit requests for funding that would not ordinarily be supported through the school’s budget. According to Maggio, the PTA has received approximately $15,000 in requests in 2022 for next year. Examples of current AFR submissions include a field trip to Rogers Environmental Center, the Cazenovia Public Library Enrichment Program, flexible adaptive seating, like wobble stools, and high-interest classroom books that support and engage readers of differing abilities. “We love being able to say yes to as much as possible and our fundraisers help make that a reality,” said Maggio. In partnership with Hazel’s Hope — a local not-for-profit established to help families of children with special needs through increased access to adaptive equipment — and Burton Street, the PTA is planning to help fund the construction of a pathway to the school’s soon-to-be installed inclusive playground equipment. “Last summer, Burton Street

received a beautiful new playground and blacktop area,” said Maggio. “In addition to the new playground, Mrs. May and the amazing team of therapists at Burton Street Elementary selected inclusive playground equipment that they felt would be beneficial to the school’s outdoor play space and that all students could utilize. The Burton Street PTA donated over $24,000 to the district to help fund this equipment. After some COVID-related delays, the new playground equipment has finally arrived and it will be installed later this spring or during the summer.” According to Maggio, the new pathway will make the equipment more accessible to students of all abilities. Burton Street’s STEAM Room, which is available for use by staff and students daily, is equipped with “makerspace” technologies, robotics, construction supplies, and space for various activities, experiments, and project storage. “Many science classes take place in the STEAM Room,” said Library Media Specialist Katie McGinnis. “. . . All classes are encouraged to use the space for instruction in order to enhance lessons and allow room for exploration within the curriculum.”

Cazenovia Republican

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The Burton Street Elementary School Parent Teacher Association launched its “Raise Craze” fundraiser, which will run through May 13. According to Maggio, the mission of the Burton Street PTA is to put children first in its initiatives, to maintain a great rapport with fellow parents, teachers, support staff, and administrators, and to donate time and other valuable

resources to the community. For more information, visit To learn more about Raise Craze and hot it works, visit

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Eagle News

April 27, 2022 5

CNY’s Community News Source

Manlius Girl Scout launches Are you ready for the golf season? mental health and art therapy class

Ana Dentler By Jason Klaiber Staff Writer For her Gold Award project, a local Girl Scout has begun an eight-week virtual class focused on fusing therapeutic art activities with informative conversations about mental health. Presented under the title “Crafts & Care,” the series of online meetups was launched on April 25, and it will resume at 4:30 Eastern time every Monday afternoon through June 13. These afterschool sessions are the idea of Manlius Girl Scout Troop 10168 Ambassador Ana Dentler, who will lead the way during each of the roughly hour-long classes. Currently a junior at Fayetteville-Manlius High

School, Dentler said she will draw on her teenage perspective to create a comfortable, relaxing and “low-key” environment open to registered participants ages 13 to 18. Though she readily makes clear that she’s not a mental health professional, the 16year-old is intent on fostering a space for creativity while shining a light on bullying and issues like the heightened anxiety and loneliness that has stemmed from social isolation in the COVID era. “Mental health is just as important as physical health,” Dentler said. “To the best of my ability, I want to spread awareness about what others might be going through and how to help youth in my community.” She said, however, that

the dialogue can mostly steer away from the disclosure of intimate details if that suits the group members’ wishes. “The discussions will be kept pretty broad, so no one has to share anything personal if they don’t want to,” Dentler said. Only requiring pieces of paper and basic household coloring supplies, the art therapy halves of the weekly classes are meant to be interactive, stress-releasing exercises for those involved. “It doesn’t have to be perfect art or anything either,” Dentler said. “It can just be a way to express yourself.” The Girl Scout of 10-or-so years said she chose to go the virtual route for the gatherings to quell any contagion Scout l Page 6

Month-long exhibit of area artist’s work comes to Unitarian church

Let’s face it, when March hits the calendar in CNY, most golfers get a strange disease that is commonly referred to as “The Bug”. If you ask 100 golfers to explain what it is, you would probably get 100 different answers. For me, it simply meant being outside again after a long, cold and inactive winter. A close friend explained it this way…it’s a “mental high”. The real key for all of us is to try to figure out a way to get ready for the season. Unfortunately, It’s sad to say that about 75% of amateur golfers are ill prepared to go to the first tee to kick-off the golf season. If you are one of the 75%, pay attention, what follows just might save you a few aches, perhaps even a serious pain in your head that might last long after the golf season begins. I know…I know…I write a column every year near the end of April saying the same thing…year, after year, after year. Tough! I intend to keep doing it as long as I am able because I know that being physically, mentally and emotionally prepared for golf, our jobs, family, friends and life is critical to our longevity. Hopefully, this will be the year that you make the commitment to do something… anything…that will better prepare you for the rigorous golf season that is just around the corner. After all, when you add up all of the obstacles you are going to face, it certainly must be a daunting task for many of you to: wake up early in the morning, rush through your breakfast, make sure you have your golf shoes, a hat, balls, tees and your wedge, that is still where you left it in the back yard after practicing a few pitch shots the night before. Don’t forget to call your playing partner about the weather forecast…partly sunny, 71 degrees, with wind at 8MPH. You really have a difficult life but somebody’s got to do it. For some, a temperature of at least 35 degrees is a “go”. To others, 45 degrees is a “green light” and to the vast majority of golfers, 55 degrees and above seems to be the “magic number”. Once you decide where you fit, the rest is easy. Let’s Get Ready ! 1. Before you even think about taking a full swing with your driver, I am begging you to find a golf specific “stretching” routine that you can follow just three times a week for 15 minutes per session. If you don’t have a personal trainer or physical therapist who lives next door to you, check out u-tube. It’s a great place to find videos that make your routine easy and fun. 2. There is no better way to start the golf season than to be “perfectly clear” on what you want your golf swing to look like this season.

Perry Noun is the former executive director of the Northeastern NY PGA as well as a competitive amateur golfer and winner of the New York State Super Senior Amateur Championship. Perry Noun can be heard on “Tee Time With The Pronoun” on... News Radio 570 WSYR and 106.9FM.

If you are “perfectly capable “ of finding your own “perfectly clear” swing, go at it! If you aren’t, please do yourself a big favor and find a PGA Coach or Instructor to help make this season your best ever. 3. After one week of stretching, grab your “Big Dog” (driver) every other day and start making 25 half-speed-swings. The 2nd week make 50 half-speed-swings. Yep…you got it…75 the 3rd week and 100 the 4th week. No matter how hard you try to convenience me you swing at half-speed, I know you will be swinging at full-speed by the end of the 2nd week. Just don’t hurt yourself. 4. If you don’t know by now that practicing the “short game” is absolutely the best way to lower your golf scores, shame on you. You can buy an inexpensive putting matt for practicing at home as well as plastic whiffle balls (golf ball size) for chipping…before you challenge the golf course. 5. You “must” make a commitment to increase your “club-head-speed”. There are 3 ways to do it: strength training…stretching… and following the Super Speed Golf approach. They know that the farther you hit a golf ball, the shorter the distance to the flag for your approach shot, which allows you to hit the ball closer to the flag for shorter putts and more birdies. Super Speed Golf Come on folks…it’s not that difficult. Make the commitment…get in shape…try working out with friends…start swinging your driver 100 times a day…and if you don’t read a book or articles about the “Mental Game” on a regular basis, you might as well find another sport to play. The problem with playing another sport is that sooner or later you will still have to accept the value of learning more about the “Mental Game”, so you might just as well stick-it-out with golf. You a;ready own golf clubs. I would love to see every golfer in CNY have the best season of golf they have ever had.

By Jason Klaiber Staff Writer

Remember Mom on Mother’s Day

Sunday May 8th et with a Hanging Bask ate fic rti Ce ft or Gi

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Quality Annuals, Perennials, Vegetable Plants, Geraniums, Herbs & Hanging Baskets

FARM MARKET IS OPEN FOR THE SEASON Greenhouses Opening On Sunday, May 1st Hours: Tuesday thru Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. CLOSED MONDAYS Garden Seeds • Onion Sets • Seed Potatoes • Peat Moss • Potting Soil Topsoil • Composted Manure • Mushroom Compost • OCRRA Compost • Lime Plant Fertilizer • Garden Fertilizer • Gardening Soil • Straw • Gift Certificates Thru

THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL: PANSIES & VIOLAS- Buy 3 PACKS -Get 1 More FREE! Sun. May 1st Submitted photo

North Syracuse resident Suzanne Masters will have her artwork displayed.

including chair yoga teachings for seniors at North Syracuse and Cicero libraries. Her artistic touch has also carried over to her career as a painting contractor over the last 38 years. She presently runs the company by the name of Suzanne & Son’s Painting, for which she concentrates on interiors and, within that focus, the transformation of a room’s vibration with the right colors and shades. “Art’s a big love of mine, and I hope to be doing it the rest of my life,” Masters said. To view her portfolios and learn more about her various efforts, visit or Those interested in taking an up-close gander at Masters’ exhibited work are asked to call ahead of time to make sure the universalist society has opened the gallery part of its church, which is located at 3800 E. Genesee St. in Syracuse. Reachable at 315-446-8920, the local place of worship’s office hours are Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

6905 Route 80, Tully, New York (315) 683-5532 • WE DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT OR DEBIT CARDS


An upcoming exhibit at May Memorial Unitarian Church will showcase pieces by textile artist Suzanne Masters. The display of the North Syracuse resident’s work, most of it categorized as abstract, is set to be featured in the church’s gallery through the month of May. Mentioning that her art takes a certain level of open-mindedness to fully appreciate, Masters said she has recently started experimenting with placing coats and coats of acrylic paint on top of each other. This technique applies to much of her May display, which is, in spots, met with torn paper collaging as well. Masters said her layering approach results in unique textures and a degree of transparency that pokes through each blanket of paint on the 12-by-12-inch boards she uses. She said it has also taught her to trust her artistic instincts, though her confidence is boosted at the same time her fear of mistakes is lowered because of the fact that nothing committed to the board has to be permanent. Hoping to one day find herself a larger, more well-lit studio, Masters’ creative process for her artwork has additionally involved the integration of “gifts” from the outdoors, such as seeds, feathers, leaves, sticks and pinecones. “I love to marry several elements to create one piece,” she said. Dating back to her days studying surface pattern and design at Syracuse University, Masters has also developed love for the Japanese fabric-manipulating dyeing technique of shibori, the pit firing of pottery, as well as African, aboriginal and Native American styles of art. She has also become a henna artist, oftentimes gravitating toward a burnt-orange-like color for the prepared plant-based paste, while other segments of her days are devoted to energy healing practices and yoga instruction,

Village of East Syracuse

Full time DPW Laborer Seeking qualified candidate for a variety of semi-skilled maintenance repair and related activities. Operate various tools, equipment and vehicles. CDL needed, training for the CDL will be provided Apply before May 6, 2022 To: Village of East Syracuse, 204 North Center Street East Syracuse, NY 13057 or email to:

Antique Home Furnishings Sale Sat & Sun. April 30 & May 1 10:00 untill 4:00 109 Academy Street Fayetteville N. Y.

P.E. Mulligan first opened the door of his business at 65 Albany Street in 1896. A lot of things have been sold over those counters since then. Everything from coffee and spices to Irish linen handkerchiefs to skirts and sweaters to Webkinz and baby clothes. In 1908 Mr. Mulligan splurged on an ornate three drawer National cash register, which he called “one Big extravagance”. It is the stores biggest treasure and is still used to ring up sales. The front door has a thumb print on the brass latch with determined fingers that have come through the doors over the last 126 years. After 49 years we have been blessed with loyal employees and customers. Your support, conversations and laughter have been appreciated beyond words. Now it is time for “Otis and Matilda” to begin their own story and success as they turn another page to fulfill their dream. With heartfelt thanks, Lisa Nichols

Sheraton style bow front sideboard & china cabinet, dinning table & 6 chairs, Mahogany Federal Style bedroom set, Walnut Victorian marble top dresser, Period Chippendale Chest, Empire Melodian Desk, Seth Thomas Grandmother Clock, deco clock, fancy Mahogany lib table, Victorian Walnut tufted loveseat,Chippendale style tea table, 2 Empire footstools, 10 Oriental Rugs, 4 sets Sterling Flatware 91 pc Pine Tree, 70 pc. Lily, Madame Jumele plus 75 misc. pcs, bowls trays, compotes, S&C, S&P, tongs,etc. Mettlach 1 L. Stein Child of Munich, Majolica pc, set of Wedgwood, Copeland, Haviland settings, cut glass, tea cart Punch set, English Silver Tea Set, mirrors, 5 Royal Doulton Figures, pr. Cranberry & leaded lamp, Maxfield Parrish Print, Hall Groat Water color, prints Engravings oil paintings, set 4 oak chairs, Workbench, Vict. & early sidechairs, old Gumball machine, cherry D. L table, old linens & quilts, rockers, contents of garage, & kitchen cupboards, large amount Books, maps etc., plus much much more 100 pics sign up Fri 4:00

Sale By Birchmeyer & White & White Cash, MC, Visa, Disc, NYS Checks w/ID 315 383-1152

& Western Railway limited access highway (A), a petition to seek ju- (NYS&W) cercano a la of the New York State cuse Village Hall para apuntalar los esnorth and south of this dicial review of the con- Renwick Avenue y el Eminent Domain Proce- Village of Tully Village fuerzos de planificación Hall dure Law. section until it meets demnor's determination cruce entre la I-81/I-690 vial de larga distancia. Community El FDR/FEIS describe el back up with I-81 (cur- and findings must be serán demolidos, y el The purpose of the Westcott rently I-481). Project is to address Center filed within 30 days after tránsito de esta sección Proyecto; la considCommunity News Source News , 2022 structural deficiencies A 30-day public review eraciónCNY’s the the condemnor's com- de la BLEagle Lengthening of de los efectos 81 recorrerá and non-standard high- period on the FDR/FEIS sociales, económicos y westbound I-690 on- pletion of its publication una calle de ciudad de way features while creat- will extend through May ambientales que resulramp from Bear Street. of its determination and 30 MPH entre las calles ing an improved trans- 16, 2022. New substan- tarían de la impleNew interchanges con- findings. Further, the portation corridor tive comments received mentación del Proyecto structed from I-690 at exclusive venue for judi- Van Buren y Pearl. La through the City of Syra- during this period that y las medidas necesarias Crouse Avenue and Irv- cial review of the con- BL 81 seguirá siendo cuse that meets the were not previously ad- para mitigar los efectos ing Avenue, new en- demnor's determination una autovía de acceso By Jason Klaiber of Oxford’s trance and exit ramps and findings is the ap- limitado al norte y al sur in theMarch” EIS willas arneedsEarldressed transportation “The adversos.. El documento be responded to in the and provides the infrasto/from BL 81 connect- pellate division of the de esta sección hasta se publicará en el sitio Staff Writer ranged by English conductor Elgar ing with East Willow supreme court in the ju- que vuelva a unirse con tructure to support long- Record of Decision for web del Proyecto en Howarth.the Project. Street, James Street, dicial department where la I-84 (actualmente Irange transportation Comments may be subplanning efforts. and Erie Boulevard. “SUBE is committed to providany part of the property 481). 81opportunities el día The Syracuse University Brass A new exit ramp from BL mitted by mail (see adThe FDR/FEIS describes 15 de abril de 2022. to be condemned is lo- Prolongación de la raming a variety of music that people Ensemble (SUBE) will the perform pa de acceso en sentido 81 to Colvin Street. Project; athe consid- dresses below), by e- Asimismo, usted podrá cated (§ 207 (B), § 208). enjoy look to every mail (at forward I81Opportunieration of social, eco- and North Clinton Street Further information on oeste de la I-690 desde pops concert at the United Church revisar una copia del would be reconstructed this project is available la calle Bear. and environmenFDR/FEIS durante el hoyear,”, Gloria Manuel,and/or the Fayof Fayetteville on May 1nomic, to benefit and extended. tal effects that would re- by leaving a voicemail at rario de atención al upon request during Nuevos cruces construietteville church’s communications the people of Ukraine. sult from implementaImprovement to local normal working hours. dos desde la I-690 en la 1-855-I81-TALK (855- público en las siguientes avenida Crouse y la chair a member of its outreach andand481-8255). streets and intersec- Direct inquiries to: tion concert of the Project; sedes a partir del 15 de The Sunday afternoon avenida Irving, nuevas tions. Frechette, P.E. pops are measures to mitigate ad- Mark 2022. Mark Frechette, P.E. abril de committee. “The spring in the church’s sanctuary is schedrampas de entrada y sal1.7 miles of new or re- Project Director verse effects. The docu- Project Director New York State Departanticipated year Departand were uled to begin at 3 p.m., and thewill orgaYork State ment be posted to Newevery constructed shared vehi- New York State Depart- ida hacia/desde la BL 81 ment of Transportation cle and bicycle lanes. ment during of Transportation, the an Project Region 3 Office ment of Transportation, conectando con la calle sorelyat missed the pandemic nizers expect it to last about hour website East Willow, James y el 2.0 miles of new or re- Region 3 Region 3 City of Syracuse Clerk's year in 2020 and the spring of ’21.” and a half. 81opportunities on April 333 East Washington Office constructed shared use 333 East Washington bulevar Erie. Manuel said the ensemble’s conNueva rampa de salida Street 15, already 2022. In addition, paths. DeWitt Community LiStreet To add to the $2,000 desde la BL 81 hacia la Syracuse, NY 13202 may review ductor a copy and 1.0 miles of a new cycle Syracuse, NY 13202 brary musicians are “excepraised by its parishionersyou last month, calle Colvin. of the FDR/FEIS during Rick Marquis track Dunbar Center and hard-working the church will collect freewill offerDivision Administrator business hours tional,” at the talented 12.5 miles of new or re- Aviso de determinación Reconstrucción y extenEast Syracuse Free LiFederal Admin-aneclocations on they constructed sidewalk and that tellHighway “interesting brary y conclusiones de la au- sión de la calle North ings during the concert following in order to istration and after April 15,dotes” 2022: before Improved transit ameni- diencia pública sobre la Clinton. Submitted photo Fairmount Community the playing of certain cover the provision of humanitarian ties. New York State Depart- Leo W. O�Brien Federal LibraryThe Syracuse University Brass Ensemble Mejora de calles locales Ley adepops Procedimientos is scheduled to perform concert at the United Church of pieces. Building mentdiapers, of Transportation This design alternative para la Expropiación e intersecciones. aid like maternal health kits, Faith Hope Community Fayetteville on May 1. The performance will benefit Ukrainian refugees. was selected based on a Forzosa (EDPL) 11A Church Clinton ofAvenue, Region 3 Office Notice of EDPL Center Reconstrucción o TheUnited Fayetteville disinfectants and bottled water to balanced consideration AVISO SOBRE LA LEY creación de 1,7 millas de City of Syracuse Clerk's Suite 719 Determination and Fayetteville Free Library with SU Brass for more Ukrainian refugees. ThisOffice assistance has partnered reception in the United Church of approval. cians with permanent residence Albany, NY 12207 of the need for safe and DE PROCEDIMIENTOS carriles Findings of Public LaFayette Public Library compartidos thanLi30 years to fundraise for other HearingSt., through efficient transportation; Departamento de TransDeWitt Community EX- Fellowship Liverpool Situated Public Library PARA LA para vehículos biciclewill be carried out through the emerat 310 E. Genesee Hallyafter the the College of Arts and Sci- Fayetteville’s NOTICE OF EMINENT the social, economic, PROPIACIÓN FORZOSA tas. porte del Estado de Nuebrary Manlius Library causes and organizations on local, gency relief efforts of the United concert. Directions and other inforthe United Church of Fayetteville ences and Hendricks Chapel. MemDOMAIN PROCEDURE and environmental ef- (EDPL, EN INGLÉS) va York Dunbar Center Marcellus Free Library Reconstrucción o national worldwide scales. With Nations social welfare organization (EDPL) PROYECTO DE VIADUCof the Project; and East Syracuse Free Li- and is accessible, is located found with visit de to bers fects include university faculty, staff mation can Y becreación Maxwell Memorial and Li- parkingLAW DETERMINACIÓN de 2 amillas DETERMINATION ANDmembers national, state, and local TOofINTERESTATAL brary (Camillus) CONCLUSIONES DE LA website, brary right an average two concerts 81 put on vías de uso compartido.or UNICEF and its partners., behind the sanctuary. and students along with the church’s FINDINGS OF PUBLIC environmental protec- AUDIENCIA (I-81) Fairmount Community PÚBLICA Creación de 1 milla de Minoa Library by the two entities every year, some The musical fundraiser will inensemble performing onAU- othertionaccomplished call mainpara number, 315UpstateREALIZADA New with HEARING HELD P.I.N. 3501.60 Library goals. Project beneEL 17a Y 18to its NortheastTheCommunity carriles bicicletas. other beneficiaries have been Inter17&18, 2021 Yorkfits include improved DE AGOSTO637-3186. Condado de Onondaga, Faith Hope CenterMay Library DE 2021 clude Steve Sykes-arranged tunesCommunity 1 is a group of 35GUST professionalinstrumentalists. Reconstrucción o NEW YORK STATE traffic flow and mobility, DEPARTAMENTO Nueva York DE creación de 12,5 millas OCPL Beauchamp of Central New York for from “The HunchbackCenter of Notre Faith Works level brass and percussion musi-OF The public isofinvited a DEPARTMENT aging in-to attend Fayetteville Free Library modernizing TRANSPORTE DEL ES- de aceras. Branch Library the purpose of refugee resettlement, Dame,” which features music comTRANSPORTATION frastructure and elimi- TADO DE NUEVA YORK Aviso de disponibilidad LaFayette Public Library OCPL Betts Branch LiMejora en servicios de PROJECT IDENTIFICAnating non-standard and N.º DE IDENTIFICACIÓN tránsito. de laHistorical declaración Society, final de the Public Library the Manlius brary posed by Alan MenkenLiverpool and lyrics Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, JefferTION NO. 3501.60 impacto ambiental Manlius Library Haiti Educational non-conforming high- DEL PROYECTO EstaHerkimer, OCPL Central Library alternativa de disPartnership, locawritten by Stephen Schwartz. El Departamento de OCPL White Branch LiMarcellusThe Free Library INTERSTATE way features, support 3501.60 l From page 5 81 (I-81), son, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, eño se seleccionó sobre tionsLi-hardTransporte hit by floods anddeearthdel Estado show will also contain Alan Ferries’ Maxwell Memorial INTERSTATE 690 (Ifor long-term planning INTERESTATAL 81 (I- la base de una considbrary Oswego, Otsego, St. Lawrence, Schuyler, Seneca, Nueva brary (Camillus) quakes, the INTERSTATE 481 classroom efforts, improved County Onondaga concerns, to provide690), distance from the set- pedes- 81), INTERESTATAL 690 eración equilibrada entre F-MYork Food(NYSDOT), Pantry, youth arrangements of a Johann Sebastian en cooperación con la Clerk's Office Minoa Library (I-481) trian and bicycleSteuben, facili- (I-690), Tioga, INTERESTATAL Tompkins, Wayne, and Yates la necesidad de councontar ting, and also to allow for the participation of invitees missionary groups, Franklin ElemenBach gigue fugue, Irving Berlin’s Northeast Community Administración Federal Onondaga Free Library CITY OF SYRACUSE, transit ties, improved ties 481 (I-481) in New York and Bradford and Tioga counties con un transporte sedistrict in Massachusetts. their new playground, deforCarreteras (FHWA), Salinafrom Center Library tary School Libraryher former school VILLAGE OF NORTH amenities, and improved CIUDAD DE SYRACUSE, guro y eficiente; los “Puttin’ on the Ritz,” and “Salute in Pennsylvania. SYRACUSE AND EAST access and connectivity ha preparado un Informe OCPL Beauchamp VILLAS DE NORTH Skaneateles Library The Gold Award is considered the highest and residents of Flint, Michigan reefectos sociales, to the Count” as well Branch as Richard SYRACUSE, TOWNS OF de Diseño Solvay Public Library Library to major activity centers SYRACUSE E EAST To contact Ana Dentler with any questions about achievement for 11th andAND 12th grade Girl quiring water. Strauss’ “Feierlicher Einzug” DEWITT CICERO in theScouts. City of Syracuse. Final/Declaración Final Southwest OCPL Bettsas Branch Li- clean Community SYRACUSE, PUEBLOS económicos y ambienher GoldDE Award project or to sign her classes, talesupdelfor Proyecto; y los ONONDAGA COUNTY Under the Community de the outreach Impacto brary music DEWITT Y CICERO CenterThese Library awards are earned through the development Every year, commitarranged by the ensemble’s objetivos de protección email Included should In accordance with the traffic Ambiental/Evaluación FiOCPL Central Library Grid alternative CONDADO DE ONONDASyracuse Housing Auprojects and the pursuit of lasting solutee talks about needs of the world of original ambiental nacionales, director Jim Spencer and for the ve- class OCPL Leroy White Branch Li- nal del Artículo 4(f) thority Administration Eminent Domain Proce- flow and mobility be GA participant’s name, age and preferred a decision dure Lawproblems. (EDPL), the hicles, pedestrians, and De conformidad con la estatales y locales. Entre (FDR/FEIS) para and el runbrary Officetions to community-wide Anderson’s “Bugler’s Holiday,” the before making email address. links and updates will then del be los beneficios is a synopsis bicyclists would generalde church’s Viaducto I-board Onondaga Countyit byProyecto Au- offollowing Ley de Class Procedimientos Syracuse Girl Housing Scouts NYPENN Pathways (GSNYboth the Paul Lovatt-Cooper piece “Vitae ning proyecto se incluyen una of the determination and ly improve as communicated 81 (el "Proyecto"). El thority: Pioneer Homes would para laviaExpropiación Clerk's Office email. PENN) serves in grades K-12been across 26 counand Syracuse University’s brass enAeternum” and William Byrd’s findings that have safety. Land use condi- Forzosa (EDPL, en in- mejora del flujo y la Proyecto se ha adelantaOnondaga Free Library Housing Au-girls Syracuse ties, namely Allegany, Broome,the Cayuga, Chemung, and eventual made regarding pro- tions are expected to re- glés), se presenta el movilidad del tránsito, do questions de conformidad con thority: Salina Library semble for Abbott Toomey posed project to im- main unchanged while siguiente resumen sobre una modernización de los requisitos previstos Towers Skaneateles Library New York State en las reglamentaciones Syracuse Metropolitan prove a section of Inter- elderly individuals and la determinación y con- una estructura antigua y Solvay Public Library Department of que se una eliminación de carstate 81 (I-81) in the individuals with disabili- clusiones Southwest Community del Concejo de 1978 so- Transportation Council Transportation bre Calidad Ambiental a Syracuse University Bird City of Syracuse. Center Library ties would benefit from tomaron en relación con acterísticas no estánINTERSTATE 81 (I-81) These determination and new and improved facili- el objeto propuesto para dares y no conformes Syracuse Housing Au- los efectos de poder im- Library VIADUCT PROJECT thority Administration plementar las disposi- Town of Cicero Town findings have been made ties. The project would mejorar una sección de con las normas de la auP.I.N. 3501.60 in consideration of state- not result in dispropor- la Interestatal 81 (I-81) tovía, apoyo para esfuerciones procesales de la Hall Office Onondaga County, Syracuse Housing Au- Ley Nacional de Política Town of DeWitt Town ments submitted by the tionately high and ad- en la ciudad de Syra- zos de planificación a New York Ambiental (codificada Hall thority: Pioneer Homes public both during and verse effects on environ- cuse. largo plazo, mejora de Notice of Availability Syracuse Housing Au- como Título 40 del Códi- Town of Elbridge Town after the public hearing mental justice communi- Esta determinación y las tránsito peatonal y de biof Final Environmental thority: Toomey Abbott go de Reglamentaciones Hall se cicletas, mejora de serviconclusiones held for this project. ties. Impact Statement Federales, Partes 1500- Town of Fabius Town This project will proceed The project is expected tomaron en consid- cios de tránsito y mejora Towers The New York State De- Syracuse Metropolitan 1508), y los Proced- Hall toward multiple contract to be constructed over eración de las declara- de acceso y conectividad partment of Transporta- Transportation Council imientos de Impacto Town of Hastings Town lettings, with the first the course of 6 years ciones presentadas por hacia centros de activition (NYSDOT), in coop- Syracuse University Bird Ambiental y Afines de la Hall being scheduled for the under multiple con- el público tanto durante dades importantes de la eration with the Federal Library Construction la audiencia pública cel- ciudad de Syracuse. FHWA: Regla Final (Títu- Town of Lysander Town Fall of 2022. Acquisition tracts. Highway Administration Town of Cicero Town lo 23 del Código de Hall of the right-of-way re- provisions, work phas- ebrada en virtud del Con la Cuadrícula Comu(FHWA), has prepared a Hall Reglamentaciones Fed- Town of Manlius Town quired is scheduled to ing, and special provi- proyecto, como después nitaria (Community Final Design Report/Fi- Town of DeWitt Town erales, Partes 771 y Hall begin in June of 2022. sions will be in place to de esta. Este proyecto Grid), mejorará tanto el nal Environmental Im- Hall 774), los Procedimien- Town of Marcellus Town The basic design of this minimize the distur- avanzará con los múlti- flujo de tránsito y movilpact Statement/Final Town of Elbridge Town tos para la Imple- Hall project has not been bance to those traveling ples contratos adjudica- idad alternativos de veSection 4(f) Evaluation Hall mentación de la Ley Es- Town of Onondaga changed, consisting of a through the project cor- dos, de los cuales el hículos, peatones y ci(FDR/FEIS) for the I-81 Town of Fabius Town tadual de Revisión de la Town Hall Community Grid solu- ridor as well as the peo- primero está previsto clistas, así como la seViaduct Project (“the Hall Calidad Ambiental del Town of Salina Town tion to accommodate the ple living and working in para el otoño de 2022. guridad. Se espera que Project”). The Project Town of Hastings Town NYSDOT (Título 17 de Hall replacement of the this corridor. Access to La adquisición del dere- no haya cambios en las has been advanced in Hall los Códigos, Reglas y Town of Skaneateles viaduct system carrying homes and businesses cho de vía requerida condiciones de uso de la accordance with the re- Town of Lysander Town Reglamentos de Nueva Town Hall I-81 through portions of will be maintained dur- está programada para quirements of the 1978 Hall comenzar en junio de tierra a la vez que las York, Parte 15), y el Town of Van Buren the city of Syracuse. ing construction. personas mayores y las Council on Environmen- Town of Manlius Town Manual de Desarrollo de Town Hall Features of the project Copies of this determi- 2022. tal Quality's regulations Hall nation and findings will El diseño básico de este personas con discapaciProyectos del NYSDOT, Village of East Syracuse consist of: for implementing the Town of Marcellus Town así como también de Village Hall The conversion of I-81 be forwarded upon writ- proyecto no ha sido dades se beneficiarán de procedural provisions of Hall conformidad con las dis- Village of Liverpool Vil- between the junctions of ten request without cost. modificado y consiste de los servicios nuevos y the National Environ- Town of Onondaga posiciones previstas en lage Hall solución de mejorados. El proyecto I-481 to BL 81and the Those property owners una mental Policy Act (codi- Town Hall el Artículo 2 de la Ley de Village of Manlius Vil- redesignation of I-481 to who may wish to chal- Cuadrícula Comunitaria no provocará efectos defied as 40 CFR Parts Town of Salina Town Procedimiento de Do- lage Hall I-81. lenge condemnation of (Community Grid) para sproporcionadamente 1500-1508), the FHWA's Hall minio Eminente del Esta- Village of Minoa Village The existing Viaduct their property via judicial albergar el reemplazo altos y adversos sobre Environmental Impact Town of Skaneateles do de Nueva York. system between the New review may do so only del sistema de viaducto las comunidades de jusHall and Related Procedures: Town Hall El objeto del Proyecto Village of North Syra- York Susquehanna & on the basis of issues, que llevaba a la I-81 a ticia ambiental. Final Rule (23 CFR Parts Town of Van Buren consiste en abordar las cuse Village Hall Western Railway facts, and objections recorrer trayectos de la Se espera que el proyec771 and 774), the NYS- Town Hall estruc- Village of Tully Village (NYS&W) bridge near raised at the hearing (§ ciudad de Syracuse. Es- to se construya en un deficiencias DOT Procedures for Im- Village of East Syracuse turales y las característi- Hall Renwick Avenue and the 202 (C) (2) of Article 2, tas son las característi- plazo de 6 años mediante múltiples contratos. cas del proyecto: plementation of the Village Hall cas de carreteras no es- Westcott Community I-81/I-690 interchange EDPL). State Environmental Village of Liverpool Vil- tándar, a la vez de crear Center would be demolished Each individual assess- Conversión de la I-81 Se establecerán disposiQuality Review Act (17 lage Hall un corredor vial mejora- Un plazo de revisión and traffic along this ment record billing own- entre las intersecciones ciones de construcción, NYCRR Part 15), and the Village of Manlius Vil- do a través de la Ciudad pública de 30 días del section of BL 81 would er (“property owner”) or de la I-481 a BL 81, y re- trabajos por fases y disespeciales NYSDOT Project Devel- lage Hall de Siracusa que satisfa- FDR/FEIS se extenderá travel along a 30-mph his or her attorney of designación de la I-481 posiciones para minimizar las moopment Manual, as well Village of Minoa Village ga las necesidades de hasta el 16 de mayo de city street between Van record whose property como I-81. as in accordance with Hall transporte y brinde la in- 2022. Aquellos nuevos Buren and Pearl Streets. may be acquired shall El sistema de viaducto lestias para quienes cirthe provision of Article 2 Village of North Syra- fraestructura necesaria comentarios sustan- BL 81 would remain a note that, under § 207 existente entre el puente culen por el corredor del of the New York State cuse Village Hall para apuntalar los es- ciales que se reciban du- limited access highway (A), a petition to seek ju- New York Susquehanna proyecto, así como para Eminent Domain Proce- Village of Tully Village fuerzos de planificación rante este plazo y que no north and south of this dicial review of the con- & Western Railway quienes viven y trabajan dure Law. vial de larga distancia. Hall se hayan abordado con section until it meets demnor's determination (NYS&W) cercano a la en el corredor. Durante The purpose of the Westcott Community El FDR/FEIS describe el anterioridad en el EIS se back up with I-81 (cur- and findings must be Renwick Avenue y el la construcción, se manProject is to address Center filed within 30 days after cruce entre la I-81/I-690 tendrá el acceso a los Proyecto; la consid- responderán en el Reg- rently I-481). structural deficiencies A 30-day public review eración de los efectos istro de la Decisión del Lengthening the the condemnor's com- serán demolidos, y el hogares y empresas. of and non-standard high- period on the FDR/FEIS sociales, económicos y Proyecto. westbound I-690 on- pletion of its publication tránsito de esta sección Se podrá solicitar, por way features while creat- will extend through May ambientales que resul- Los comentarios se po- ramp from Bear Street. of its determination and de la BL 81 recorrerá escrito, una copia de ing an improved trans- 16, 2022. New substan- tarían de la imple- drán presentar por New interchanges con- findings. Further, the una calle de ciudad de esta determinación y portation corridor tive comments received mentación del Proyecto correo (véanse las direc- structed from I-690 at exclusive venue for judi- 30 MPH entre las calles conclusiones que se enthrough the City of Syra- during this period that y las medidas necesarias ciones más abajo), por Crouse Avenue and Irv- cial review of the con- Van Buren y Pearl. La viará sin costo alguno. cuse that meets the were not previously ad- para mitigar los efectos correo electrónico (en ing Avenue, new en- demnor's determination BL 81 seguirá siendo Aquellos propietarios needs dressed in the EIS will adversos.. El documento I81Opportunities@transportation trance and exit ramps and findings is the ap- una autovía de acceso que deseen apelar la exand provides the infras- be responded to in the se publicará en el sitio, y/o dejando to/from BL 81 connect- pellate division of the limitado al norte y al sur propiación forzosa de su tructure to support long- Record of Decision for web del Proyecto en un correo de voz al 1- ing with East Willow supreme court in the ju- de esta sección hasta propiedad mediante rerange transportation the Project. 855-I81-TALK (855-481- Street, James Street, dicial department where que vuelva a unirse con visión judicial podrán planning efforts. any part of the property la I-84 (actualmente I- hacerlo sobre la base de Comments may be sub- 81opportunities el día 8255). and Erie Boulevard. The FDR/FEIS describes mitted by mail (see ad- 15 de abril de 2022. .comMark Frechette, A new exit ramp from BL to be condemned is lo- 481). asuntos, hechos y objeProlongación de la ram- ciones que hayan surgithe Project; the consid- dresses below), by e- Asimismo, usted podrá P.E. 81 to Colvin Street. cated (§ 207 (B), § 208). eration of social, eco- mail (at I81Opportuni- revisar una copia del Director del Proyecto North Clinton Street Further information on pa de acceso en sentido do en la audiencia (§ nomic, and environmen-, and/or FDR/FEIS durante el ho- New York State Depart- would be reconstructed this project is available oeste de la I-690 desde 202 (C) (2) del Artículo tal effects that would re- by leaving a voicemail at rario de atención al ment of Transportation, and extended. upon request during la calle Bear. 2 de la EDPL). sult from implementa- 1-855-I81-TALK (855- público en las siguientes Region 3 Improvement to local normal working hours. Nuevos cruces construi- Cada propietario de facdos desde la I-690 en la tion of the Project; and 481-8255). sedes a partir del 15 de 333 East Washington streets and intersec- Direct inquiries to: avenida Crouse y la turas de registros de measures to mitigate ad- Mark Frechette, P.E. tions. Mark Frechette, P.E. abril de 2022. Street avenida Irving, nuevas evaluación individual (en verse effects. The docu- Project Director 1.7 miles of new or re- Project Director New York State Depart- Syracuse, NY 13202 adelante, “propietario”) ment will be posted to New York State Depart- ment of Transportation Rick Marquis constructed shared vehi- New York State Depart- rampas de entrada y sal- o su abogado de regla BL 81 ida hacia/desde the Project website at ment of Transportation, Region 3 Office cle and bicycle lanes. ment of Transportation, Administrador de Direcconectando con la calle istro con propiedad que 2.0 miles of new or re- Region 3 City of Syracuse Clerk's ción Region 3 pueda ser adquirida de81opportunities on April 333 East Washington Office Federal Highway Admin- constructed shared use 333 East Washington East Willow, James y el berá presentar, de bulevar Erie. 15, 2022. In addition, Street DeWitt Community Li- istration paths. Street Nueva rampa de salida acuerdo con el § 207 you may review a copy Syracuse, NY 13202 brary Leo W. O'Brien Federal 1.0 miles of a new cycle Syracuse, NY 13202 desde la BL 81 hacia la (A), una petición de reof the FDR/FEIS during Rick Marquis Dunbar Center track Building visión judicial de la debusiness hours at the Division Administrator East Syracuse Free Li- 11A Clinton Avenue, 12.5 miles of new or re- Aviso de determinación calle Colvin. following locations on Federal Highway Admin- brary constructed sidewalk y conclusiones de la au- Reconstrucción y exten- terminación y concluSuite 719 and after April 15, 2022: Fairmount Community Albany, NY 12207 istration Improved transit ameni- diencia pública sobre la sión de la calle North siones de expropiación dentro de los 30 días New York State Depart- Leo W. O�Brien Federal Library ties. Ley de Procedimientos Clinton. BM/PO/SR/EB-288330 ment of Transportation Building Faith Hope Community This design alternative para la Expropiación Mejora de calles locales posteriores a la finalNotice of EDPL ización de la publicación e intersecciones. Region 3 Office was selected based on a Forzosa (EDPL) 11A Clinton Avenue, Center Determination and o de la determinación y City of Syracuse Clerk's Suite 719 balanced consideration AVISO SOBRE LA LEY Reconstrucción Fayetteville Free Library Findings of Public Office LaFayette Public Library Albany, NY 12207 of the need for safe and DE PROCEDIMIENTOS creación de 1,7 millas de conclusiones de exHearing compartidos propiación. Asimismo, DeWitt Community Li- Departamento de Trans- Liverpool Public Library EX- carriles efficient transportation; PARA LA NOTICE OF EMINENT brary the social, economic, PROPIACIÓN FORZOSA para vehículos y bicicle- la sede exclusiva para la porte del Estado de Nue- Manlius Library DOMAIN PROCEDURE revisión judicial de la detas. Dunbar Center and environmental ef- (EDPL, EN INGLÉS) Marcellus Free Library va York LAW (EDPL) o terminación y concluEast Syracuse Free Li- PROYECTO DE VIADUC- Maxwell Memorial LiY Reconstrucción fects of the Project; and DETERMINACIÓN DETERMINATION AND brary national, state, and local CONCLUSIONES DE LA creación de 2 millas de siones de expropiación TO INTERESTATAL 81 brary (Camillus) FINDINGS OF PUBLIC es la cámara de apelaFairmount Community (I-81) environmental protec- AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA vías de uso compartido. Minoa Library HEARING HELD AULibrary Northeast Community P.I.N. 3501.60 tion goals. Project bene- REALIZADA EL 17 Y 18 Creación de 1 milla de ciones de la Corte GUST 17&18, 2021 carriles para bicicletas. Suprema del departaFaith Hope Community Condado de Onondaga, Center Library fits include improved DE AGOSTO DE 2021 NEW YORK STATE o mento judicial en donde Center traffic flow and mobility, DEPARTAMENTO DE Reconstrucción OCPL Beauchamp Nueva York DEPARTMENT OF Fayetteville Free Library Branch Library modernizing of aging in- TRANSPORTE DEL ES- creación de 12,5 millas se encuentre cualquier TRANSPORTATION de aceras. parte de la propiedad LaFayette Public Library frastructure and elimi- TADO DE NUEVA YORK Aviso de disponibilidad OCPL Betts Branch LiPROJECT IDENTIFICALiverpool Public Library nating non-standard and N.º DE IDENTIFICACIÓN Mejora en servicios de por expropiar (§ 207 de la declaración final de brary TION NO. 3501.60 (B), § 208). Manlius Library PROYECTO tránsito. OCPL Central Library impacto ambiental non-conforming high- DEL Esta alternativa de dis- Se podrá solicitar inforINTERSTATE 81 (I-81), Marcellus Free Library El Departamento de OCPL White Branch Liway features, support 3501.60 INTERSTATE 690 (IMaxwell Memorial Li- Transporte del Estado de brary for long-term planning INTERESTATAL 81 (I- eño se seleccionó sobre mación adicional sobre 690), INTERSTATE 481 brary (Camillus) County Nueva York (NYSDOT), Onondaga efforts, improved pedes- 81), INTERESTATAL 690 la base de una consid- este proyecto en horario (I-481) Minoa Library en cooperación con la Clerk's Office trian and bicycle facili- (I-690), INTERESTATAL eración equilibrada entre laboral normal. Enviar la necesidad de contar los pedidos a la siguCITY OF SYRACUSE, Northeast Community Administración Federal Onondaga Free Library ties, improved transit 481 (I-481) VILLAGE OF NORTH Center Library de Carreteras (FHWA), Salina Library amenities, and improved CIUDAD DE SYRACUSE, con un transporte se- iente dirección: SYRACUSE AND EAST OCPL Beauchamp ha preparado un Informe Skaneateles Library access and connectivity VILLAS DE NORTH guro y eficiente; los Mark Frechette, P.E. sociales, Director del Proyecto SYRACUSE, TOWNS OF Branch Library de Diseño Solvay Public Library to major activity centers SYRACUSE E EAST efectos DEWITT AND CICERO OCPL Betts Branch Li- Final/Declaración Final Southwest Community in the City of Syracuse. SYRACUSE, PUEBLOS económicos y ambien- New York State Departtales del Proyecto; y los ment of Transportation, ONONDAGA COUNTY brary Under the Community DE DEWITT Y CICERO de Impacto Center Library OCPL Central Library Ambiental/Evaluación Fi- Syracuse Housing Au- In accordance with the Grid alternative traffic CONDADO DE ONONDA- objetivos de protección Region 3 ambiental nacionales, 333 East Washington OCPL White Branch Li- nal del Artículo 4(f) thority Administration Eminent Domain Proce- flow and mobility for ve- GA dure Law (EDPL), the hicles, pedestrians, and De conformidad con la estatales y locales. Entre Street brary (FDR/FEIS) para el Office Onondaga County Proyecto de Viaducto I- Syracuse Housing Au- following is a synopsis bicyclists would general- Ley de Procedimientos los beneficios del Syracuse, NY 13202 of the determination and ly improve as would para la Expropiación proyecto se incluyen una BM/PO/SR/EB-288328 Clerk's Office 81 (el "Proyecto"). El thority: Pioneer Homes Onondaga Free Library Proyecto se ha adelanta- Syracuse Housing Au- findings that have been safety. Land use condi- Forzosa (EDPL, en in- mejora del flujo y la Salina Library do de conformidad con thority: Toomey Abbott made regarding the pro- tions are expected to re- glés), se presenta el movilidad del tránsito, posed project to im- main unchanged while siguiente resumen sobre una modernización de Skaneateles Library los requisitos previstos Towers en las reglamentaciones Syracuse Metropolitan prove a section of Inter- elderly individuals and la determinación y con- una estructura antigua y Solvay Public Library que se una eliminación de carSouthwest Community del Concejo de 1978 so- Transportation Council state 81 (I-81) in the individuals with disabili- clusiones bre Calidad Ambiental a Syracuse University Bird City of Syracuse. ties would benefit from tomaron en relación con acterísticas no estánCenter Library Syracuse Housing Au- los efectos de poder im- Library These determination and new and improved facili- el objeto propuesto para dares y no conformes

6 April 27

SU Brass to perform benefit concert for Ukraine


Eagle News

April 27, 2022 7

CNY’s Community News Source

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Send your events to Alyssa Dearborn at adearborn@ eaglenewsonline. com. Notices must have the date, time and location of the event. The deadline for submissions is 10 a.m. on Friday for the following week’s editions. MARCH 1 - APRIL 29 Evolution of Mythical Creatures Art Exhibit

New Woodstock Free Library. The exhibit by Julia Donigan traces the design of mythical creatures from initial concepts and sketches to final paintings. APRIL 1–30 New Fabric Handworks by Sharon Bottle Souva

Open Sunday-Saturday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Artist reception to be held Saturday April 2 from 2-5 p.m. Cazenovia Artisans, 39 Albany st, Cazenovia. Call (315) 655-2225 for more information about the exhibit and the reception. APRIL 18 THROUGH 23 Clothing Drive

Library hours, Cazenovia Public Library. Drop off clean, dry, folded clothing donations. Please no socks or underwear. All donations will be given to The Key, Caz Cares, Look Again, the Rescue Mission, and the Salvation Army. This event is a part of Caz Earth Week. WEDNESDAY APRIL 27 Village of Cazenovia Democratic Caucus Meeting

6:45 p.m. Board room upstairs at the Cazenovia Public Library. The caucus will be meeting to nominate candidates for the Village elections. Positions for nomination are two seats on the Village Board of Trustees. All registered Democrats in the Village of Cazenovia are welcome. For more information, contact Kristi Andersen at 315-559-2251 or THURSDAY APRIL 28 Storytime: Birds

11-11:30 a.m. New Woodstock Free Library. Come listen to stories about our feathered friends and make your own bird craft. FRIDAY APRIL 29 Friday Matinee Movies: 1917

1 p.m. Fayetteville Free Library. Join for a viewing of 1917. This movie is rated R. Cazenovia Forum: Leadership Concepts with Marc Polymeropoulos

7 p.m. Catherine Cummings Theater, 16 Lincklaen st. Cazenovia. As a part of the Cazenovia Forum series, Marc Polymeropoulos will talk about his ideas on commanding a team or operation under difficult circumstances. The discussion will be based on his book, Clarity in Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the CIA, as well as his experiences working as a senior intelligence officer. Polymeropoulos retired in 2019 from the Senior

Intelligence Service ranks at the CIA after a career in operational headquarters and in field assignments. A reception will follow at the Lincklaen House where copies of his book will be available. This discussion is free and open to the public. SATURDAY APRIL 30 Earth Fest

10 a.m.-2 p.m. Fayetteville Free Library. Learn about a variety of electric and hybrid vehicles. Connect with local organizations who offer resources and volunteer opportunities to help make our community more sustainable. This event is presented by Sustainable Manlius. Prescription Drug Take Back Event

10 a.m.-2 p.m. Walmart, 2024 Genesse st. Oneida. For National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, the Madison County Sheriff’s Office will host a collection event for old, expired, and unused medications to be properly disposed of. The collection will accept all prescription medications, patches, lotions, ointments, over the counter medications, vitamins, samples, and veterinary medications. The collection will not accept sharps and liquids. All vapes must have the battery removed. If you cannot attend, Madison County offers other year round collection locations. To find your closest location, go to pharmaceutical-waste. Madison County Drug Take Back Day

10 a.m.-2 p.m. Cazenovia Police Department, 90 Albany st. Cazenovia. In partnership with BRiDGES and the Madison County Department of Health, the Cazenovia Police Department will be hosting a drug take back event. Bring your old, expired, and unused medications to dispose of safely. If you cannot attend on the 30th, the new medication disposal kiosk located in the police station foyer will be open weekly from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. For more information, call Maureen Campanie at (315) 697-3947 or email Genetic Genealogy

3-4:30 p.m. Fayetteville Free Library. Learn about the three DNA tests available, the companies that offer them, and how to understand your results. Presented by Amanda Perrine. Registration is required. APRIL 30 & MAY 1 Onondaga Art Guild Spring Show

10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday and 12 p.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday. Emmanuel Episcopal Church. 400 West Yates St. East Syracuse. Oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels, ceramics, and more will be on display at the annual spring show. The show offers an opportunity for the public to experience the diverse works

of art created within the past couple of years. Many artists will be available in person to answer any questions that you might have. MONDAY MAY 2 Silverwood Clarinet Choir “Spring Imagination” Concert

6 p.m. St. David’s Episcopal Church, 14 Jamar dr. Dewitt. Enjoy a 12-member choir performing a variety of music on clarinets. Founded in 2006, this group performs original compositions as well as arrangements of well-known pieces of all styles from all over the world. The concert will be conducted by Allan Kolsky, a principal clarinet player for Symphoria. This event is open to the public. Regular adult tickets cost $20. Student tickets are free. Tickets will be available at the door but can be purchased online from the Civic Morning Musical website. Visit or email for more information. Saturday, MAY 7 Artist Reception: Growing Colors Mixed Media Collages by Julie Gratien

2-5 p.m. Cazenovia Artisans, 39 Albany St., Cazenovia; 315-655-2225.Exhibit featured through May 31. SUNDAY MAY 8 Bones East Concert

2 p.m. St. Joseph’s Church, 4600 West Genesee st. Camillus. Founded in the early 1980s by the late Howard Kelley, Bones East is a 25 member trombone ensemble made up of semi-professionals, retirees, and students who volunteer their time and talent. This one hour concert will feature exciting music composed and or arranged by CNY residents. This family friendly concert is free and open to the public. Donations are encouraged and will help support the church’s community food pantry and Meals on Wheels. THURSDAY MAY 12 Cazenovia Community Blood Drive

1 p.m.-6 p.m. Cazenovia American Legion Post 88, upstairs. 26 Chenango st. All blood types are needed. Please consider giving a Power Red cell donation if O-, O+, A-, or B-. Call 1-800733-2769 or visit and enter CazAmericanLegion to schedule an appointment. SATURDAY MAY 14 Madison County Antiracism Collaboration

1:30 p.m. Smithfield Community Center, 5255 Pleasant Valley rd. Peterboro. The National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum invites the public to an afternoon with antiracism organizations, speakers, activities, exhibits, and resources. Funded by the Central New York Community Foundation, this project hopes to bring together county antiracism initiatives to

share ideas and develop exhibits at the museum. This event is free and open to the public. Email nahofm1835@gmail. com for more information. Steak Dinner

4 p.m.-6 p.m. First United Methodist Church, 246-248 East ave. Minoa. Adult meals cost $15 and include a 10-12 oz charcoal grilled strip steak cooked to order, salad, baked potato, roll, and pie. Children ages five and under will receive a free hotdog and potato chips. All dinners are take-out only. SUNDAY MAY 15 Bike Distribution Day

11 a.m.-1 p.m. Hamilton Central School Bus Garage, West Kendrick ave. Hamilton. Nearly 500 low-income children and adults have pre-registered to receive a free bike, helmet, and lock from Community Bikes. Community Bikes is a not for profit organization based in Hamilton that collects and reconditions donated bicycles for low-income individuals. Visit their website at for more information. THURSDAY MAY 19 TACNY Sweet Science: Meier’s Creek Brewery Plant Tour

5:30 p.m. in person at Meier’s Creek Brewery, Cazenovia. Join the Technology Alliance of Central New York for an in person tour of Meier’s Creek Brewery. The Sweet Science Series hosts lectures and events about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for adults of all levels of technical understanding. No recording of the tour will be allowed. Pre-register at SATURDAY MAY 21 TACNY Junior Cafe Scientifique: The Science of Mistakes

9:30 a.m. in person at the MOST or on Zoom. Join the Technology Alliance of Central New York for a hybrid discussion with Chad Jaconski. This program is for middle-school students and features discussions with STEM professionals. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required for both in person and Zoom attendance options. In person attendees can spend the rest of the day at the MOST as TACNY’s guests. Online attendees will receive a family pass to visit the MOST for another time.

MAY 22

Jewish Community Center’s Annual Meeting and Gala

11 a.m. Owera Vineyards, 5276 East Lake rd. Cazenovia. The theme for the annual meeting and gala is New York City style brunch. For tickets and more information, contact Erin Hart at or 315-445-2040. MONDAY MAY 30 Village of Minoa Memorial Day Parade

11 a.m. Starting at Lewis Park and concluding at the Municipal Building on North Main st. As a tribute to our war heroes, the Village of Minoa and the American Legion Post #1102 will be hosting a Memorial Day Celebration.


Building Digital Worlds with Drones and Geospatial Technology

9:30 a.m. in person at the MOST or on Zoom. Join the Technology Alliance of Central New York for a hybrid discussion with Joseph Segretto. This program is for middle-school students and features discussions with STEM professionals. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required for both in person and Zoom attendance options. In person attendees can spend the rest of the day at the MOST as TACNY’s guests. Online attendees will receive a family pass to visit the MOST for another time. JULY 15-16 Cazenovia CS Class of 1971 50+1 Reunion

The Cazenovia CS class of 1971 is invited to the 50+1 reunion! Enjoy a school tour, a golf outing, Saturday evening dinner and dancing, and more. For more information about the reunion, call or text Tim McArdle at (585)472-1014. You can also email him at MONDAYS Jinglebugs

Every Monday at 10 a.m. Manlius Village Centre Auditorium. Shake and move with Miss Windy! All ages are welcome and all children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver. Adherence to social distancing guidelines are required. WEDNESDAYS Family Storytime

Every Wednesday at 10 a.m. Manlius Village Centre Gym. Join the Manlius Library and listen to Miss Karen read stories! All ages are welcome. Adult supervision and adherence to social distancing guidelines are required. Paws & Relax

Every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. Manlius Library’s Teen Room. Feeling stressed? Need a study break or a furry snuggle? Love dogs and want to relax? Stop by the library for canine stress relief! The Manlius Library has teamed up with Pet Partners of CNY to bring therapy dogs to the Teen Room. No registration is necessary. THURSDAYS

Free ESOL Class

Every Thursday at 10 a.m. Manlius Library’s Community Room. Practice your English skills for free in the library’s Community Room. Adults of all nationalities and skill levels are welcome. No registration is necessary. FRIDAYS Jazz Listening Parties with Dick Carr

12:45 p.m. Manlius Senior Activity Centre. Join veteran disc jockey Dick Carr to listen to famous from the 20th century and the best of the big bands. Carr will provide historical information about the era and answer questions. This event is partnered by the Manliu library and is free to the public.

8 April 27, 2022

CNY’s Community News Source

Eagle News


Eagle News

our voice

Honor Earth

While it may sound trite or cliché, or more than anything blatantly obvious, the reality is we only have one planet and we do need to take care of it. It was with this concept in mind that Earth Day first started. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day events now take place all over the world. 2022 marked the 52nd commemoration of Earth Day and what started as a grassroots effort to raise awareness about environmental issues has grown to be an annual event recognized in more than 193 countries every April 22. Locally, nationally and globally issues such as climate change and pollution are often explored on Earth Day. But this is also a time when people will explore issues such as renewable energy or even get a jump on Arbor Day and plant trees are take part in other green initiatives. While it is certainly important to have a time like Earth Day set aside to bring these issues to the forefront, the reality is these are issues we all can and need to be cognizant of regardless of the date on the calendar. While April 22 may be the one day that helps many of us to stop and consider the health of our planet, environment and communities, the concept is one that extends well beyond one day. And in recent years a great emphasis has been put on this time of year with some organizations making the effort to expand Earth Day into the entire month of April to better shine a light on environmental issues and create a dialogue that helps people focus on just how critical these issues are. Locally we don’t have to look far to see that we are fortunate to have access to a great deal of the natural beauty nature provides. From the rolling hills and valleys of our region to the Finger Lakes, from parks and nature preserves to hiking trails and breath taking scenic views, we are fortunate to have access to such an incredible part of the world. Many people each year travel here just to enjoy a little bit of what we are able to see and enjoy every day. With this in mind, it is important we look at what we can do to help keep our part of the world safe and healthy whether it is Earth Day or Earth Month or any other time of the year. During Earth Day and the days leading up to it, many volunteer groups have gone out and cleaned up, picking up trash along the roads and cleaning out ditches or spent afternoons out in nature preserves and walking trails, picking up debris that has collected over time and we commend them for their dedication and commitment to taking on this work on their own time and in the interest of keeping things in order for the greater good of their communities. But even in our day to day lives, all of us can do things to help, even if it is just in our own little corner of the world, around our own homes, a little effort can go a long way. Picking up debris we find blowing along the street or sidewalk and making sure it is properly disposed of, making a better effort to recycle and separating out recycling from trash, keeping yard clippings and other waste in order and properly disposed of, even planting a tree and properly caring for it to take advantage of the ways planting can give back to the eco system, are all just some small ways we can all do our part to protect our planet all year long. Whether it is being mindful of recycling or turning off lights in rooms in our homes when they are not is use, or learning more about greener initiatives or rolling up our sleeves and cleaning up, there are many small steps we can all take to be better stewards. By protecting these precious resources, by taking even small steps, we can make every day Earth Day.

HOW CAN WE HELP? Call us: (315) 434-8889 Email us:; Office hours: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Stop in or mail us: 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206 Subscription info: Lori Newcomb, ext. 333,

Discussions of war at the salon

The economics of the hair salon are simple. It’s the best use of a bit of my income. It’s my escape, especially on a Friday. Today, the chatter in the salon was ordinary, relaxed, a discussion on binge watching “Killing Eve,” some grumbling about the changing weather and the price of eggs and meat, when, in a heartbeat, the easy focus of the salon changed. A strangled, “Oh, my God!” An intake of astonishment directed to the television. “Look at that,” a reference to the videos of the new bombings of Kyiv. Beck, one of the stylists, commented, “I am disgusted … disgusted isn’t the right word,” she sputtered, waving her hands in the air. “I can’t think of the right words, but look at that. Children being killed” … She took a breath and turned to no one in particular. What happened to guilt, to shame? All of those civilians killed, hospitals, schools bombed. This is the 21st century. I didn’t think this could happen. It’s like WWII all over again.” One of the customers added, “And what about the millions of Ukrainians who have fled the country? I can’t imagine what it must be like to have to flee with little notice. Who do you take with you? What do you take with you? and where do you go? My God, did you see those

Ramblings from the empty nest

Ann Ferro women with their babies and their pets and maybe a suitcase, if that, desperate to get away, leaving their fathers, husbands and sons to fight?” Mary Kate, a regular on Fridays, continued the thought. “I was baking a cake for my husband’s birthday last week and the same questions popped into my mind,” she said. “How would I negotiate the need to leave my spouse and my home, my adult children? I have no idea where I would go. I guess it would have something to do with why I had to leave … but the news out of Ukraine is so disheartening.” Ideas about what to do bounced around the room. “Well, I know that I would take my dog and my medicine but what else?” “I would take my computer, it has everything in it ... and my phone.” “I’d have to take some family photos and my cats.” But what would be so weighty to drive us out of our homes? Something the Russians did to get back at us for helping Ukraine? Do you think that might happen? The stylist who initiated this discussion, chimed in.

“Isn’t that the issue that has prevented the U.S. from giving Ukraine air cover and bigger weapons?” “You know,” I said, not ever being the shy violet, “what makes me want to throw something at the TV is the constant speculation on whether it can be proven that Putin is a war criminal. My God, that is like watching an arsonist set your neighbor’s house on fire and then spending your time as your neighbor pleads for help, calling the guy who set the fire a bunch of names. Name calling does nothing but distract us from the basic issue of Ukraine’s ability to counter the enormous firepower of Russia.” “Yeah”…another voice interrupted … “This is a difficult position for the U.S. If Ukraine goes, which nation is next? If it is a NATO nation, we are immediately involved.” My stylist added, “Look at all the blue and yellow flags, the collections of material and donations to help. We’ve sent billions of dollars worth of weapons to Ukraine.” Continuing my brilliant, according to me, assessment, I said, “All the hoopla about supporting Ukraine helps us feel good, but does little for the actual war.” And yet another sort of analogy – “It’s like have a neighbor whose house is on fire ask you to use your hose to help put out the flames and you, in return,

give him a bucket. We can’t provide the air cover that Zelensky is asking for - at least not directly - to do so would risk a direct war with Russia. And then, as part of NATO, think of what happened after the Archduke was assassinated in June of 1914 … by August, all of Europe was engaged in what we call WWI.” Mary Kate joined in, “And if that happened, the war would not only happen in Europe. We very well might have to figure out who, what, when and where to go on short notice.” The conversation continued, with us speculating on how each would face the need to evacuate, when Jenn, a gal who was still in the waiting room, said, “If this is Putin’s war, what would happen if there were no more Putin? If I were he, I’d be very careful about what I ate.” That seemed to take the angst out of the air and the focus to change back to something more appropriate, when Jenn wondered if the well-known narcissist, Putin, colored his hair and if he was taking anabolic steroids since his face looks very rounded. Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.


Thoughts on the Gothic Cottage

To the editor: To me, a home or structure is so much more than its exterior walls, windows, general shape, lateral or horizontal siding, and front doors - though as a real estate agent when representing or showing old houses, I’ve often commented that the “windows are the home’s eyes, and the front door, its smile.” But the beating heart of a building is its interior, and the Gothic Cottage’s heart itself is at risk if Plan C goes ahead and transforms the two front rooms into busy offices with desks, file cabinets, and copy machines. During my infrequent visits, I’ve enjoyed the ambience of times gone by just by sitting in those front rooms adorned with portraits and period furniture. It’s experiences such of those that have reminded me of the quaint historic town I moved to in 2004, and I’m sad to consider its fundamental charms being eroded. At no expense to the citizens, Cazenovia Heritage had architectural plans drawn which, if implemented, would provide the required space for meetings and offices, and be totally accessible without the need to construct a costly elevator. The addition of 2,698 square feet would incorporate an exterior quite similar in look to the original structure, whereas as it was explained to me, Plan C’s rendering (as designed by the architectural firm of Holmes, King, Kallquist and Associates) would have a markedly different appearance so as not to be confused with the old structure. If the only two options being considered by the board are adding a mere 838 square feet and a costly elevator to the existing Gothic Cottage or building a new structure, I think the Compromise Plan should not have been ruled out. Personally, I would feel disheartened to apply for a new dog license in those once stately rooms, even if the pocket doors and fireplaces are still located somewhere behind the office furniture. Pat Carmeli Cazenovia

Hard to reconcile

To the editor: It’s hard to take the observance of Earth Day in Cazenovia seriously after the recent vote at the school to install two

Managing Editor: Jennifer Wing, ext. 340, News Editor: Jason Gabak, ext. 319, Reporter: Kate Hill , ext. 325, Reporter: Jason Klaiber, Sports Editor: Phil Blackwell, ext. 348, Display Ads EB: Linda Jabbour, ext. 304,

synthetic turf fields. While there can be a debate over the cost and longevity of artificial turf versus natural grass fields, there is no question that plastic waste is a pervasive problem. Artificial turf fields are a huge recurring source of waste. Setting aside a day or week to observe Earth Day is important and I fully support that. Earth Day is about more than that- it’s about the choices we make in our personal lives and as a community. The celebration of Earth Day following on the heels of this vote is hard for me to reconcile. Sue Braun Cazenovia

Senior Center townhouse development proposal To the editor: A proposal was presented at the April 11, 2022 Fayetteville Board of Trustees Meeting to build a new development on the green space adjacent to the Fayetteville Senior Center. We believe the value of the green space to the neighborhood and the village is exceedingly more valuable than 13 units of rental property. The green space compliments the Fayetteville Memory Garden with its space. The removal of the many beautiful established trees on the lot, over 25, would be a terrible loss. People also use this space to walk and play with their dogs. In this neighborhood, this is the only open green space we have. This is a residential neighborhood of single family dwellings. This lot is the size appropriate for a single family home in this area. The huge townhouse building filling up the whole front of the property is completely out of character for the neighborhood. And then there are the additional six cottages in the back. It is way too much for the size of the property. The units were first presented as senior housing. two level townhouses are not at all compatible with the concept of senior living. We would think that walkability would be an important issue to consider for seniors. This location is certainly not walkable to anything for seniors, for example the library or Towne Center. Quality of life has to be considered, true senior living areas include easy access to services like coffee shops, dining, busses and

Display Ads CR: Lori Lewis, ext. 316, Classified Advertising: Patti Puzzo, ext. 321, Billing questions: Alyssa Dearborn, ext. 305, Legal Advertising: Luba Demkiv, ext. 303, Publisher: David Tyler, ext. 302, Creative Director: Gordon Bigelow, ext. 331,


beauty parlors. It was also admitted that there was no actual definition of what a “senior” meant and the phrase “affordable housing” was used. Both these statements are very concerning. It was further concerning to hear that the village is not interested in being the landlord to these rental properties, and neither is the Senior Center. So that would put management in the hands of an outside third party? There was mention of a Senior Center deficit and the center potentially profiting from this development. If this financial need could not be filled by grants or funding options, we believe the community would rise to the occasion. The green space itself could be used for that. We would love to see more concerts and more children’s events there. In addition, there are very successful local businesses who should certainly be engaged in supporting an important part of the community which has enabled their success We ask that the Fayetteville community walk the property where this development would stand. Spend a few moments enjoying the beautiful peaceful space. We would like to think we live in a village that appreciates, is proud of and protects its green spaces. Jay and Kristen Swaine Fayetteville

Not equivalent

To the editor: I read Mike Friend’s letter to the editor on “Common Tactics” in the April 13th edition of the Eagle Bulletin with great dismay. He would have you believe that the great ill of our society right now is “name calling” propagated primarily by the “Left.” That somehow my labeling of someone a “transphobe” is actually remotely equivalent to the hundreds of bills advanced in states across this country exclusively by conservative politicians and legislatures denying queer people like me access to healthcare, school resources and basic human rights. Or that calling someone a racist is worse than widespread disenfranchisement of African-American voters occurring across the nation right now through Trump’s “Big Lie,” GOP gerrymandering, and voter suppression tactics. If only Mr. Friend cared as much about Letters l Page 9

LETTER & ADVERTISING POLICY Eagle News welcomes letters to the editor, and reserves the right to edit for space, clarification or to avoid obscenity, but ideas will not be altered. Letters should be legible and no more than 500 words long. Only one letter per month will be allowed by the same writer. The editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject submitted letters based on its discretion. Letters used do not necessarily reflect the newspaper’s opinions. Anonymous letters receive no consideration. Send letters to or Eagle Newspapers, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, N.Y. 13206. Editorial deadline is noon each Friday for the following week’s edition. Eagle News reserves the right to reject any advertising it does not deem appropriate. Refunds for errors and omissions in advertising are limited to the cost of the original ad. Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 10 a.m. for the next week’s paper. Classified Advertising Deadline: Thursday at 10 a.m. for the following week’s paper. Legal Advertising Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m. for the following week’s paper. This free community newspaper exists to serve the informational needs of the community and to stimulate a robust local economy. No press release, brief, or calendar item can be guaranteed for placement in the paper, nor run for multiple weeks, unless

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Eagle News

April 27, 2022 9

CNY’s Community News Source


An official crisis at hand


he item cancels out the expepopped up rience and the enjoyRandom on Twitter, ment of it all. Thoughts as things I get it – we were Phil Blackwell tend to do these days. in pandemic hibernaA lacrosse game tion for a while, but took place at Baldwinsville dur- now a year has passed since bringing the school break. What hap- ing back full crowds for high school pened in the game wasn’t the story, sports events, so the excuse of pentas it ought to be with high school up COVID-19 energy should be sports. gone. No, it was afterward that, acAnd it’s tempting, for sure, to tie cording to athletic director Chris the behavior of a few zealous parCampolieta, two game officials ents to the larger hostile political “were confronted by an adult who environment and its rewarding bad, verbally assaulted them”. extreme behavior at the expense of Apparently, it wasn’t enough to class and dignity. But this issue is sit in the stands and yell from a dis- damaging enough without adding tance at every single call that didn’t that layer of complication. go a team’s way. It had to continue, What to do, then? face-to-face, in the kind of manner Perhaps the best approach is to which bullies would appreciate. encourage students to consider ofWhen detailing this incident, ficiating while they’re still in high Campolieta made a very clear point, school, before the demands and relating one incident to a far larger burdens of adulthood make it more issue that threatens the very viabil- difficult. If nothing else, frame it as ity of high school sports, short-term a way for athletes to stay connected and long-term. to the sports they love when their “If we as the adults/role mod- playing days are over. els cannot respectfully hold each Even getting a few more young other accountable to act civilized men and women interested in offitoward (officials) and understand ciating might alleviate the shortagthat these are human beings trying es we see in some places and the agto give our student-athletes an au- ing officiating pool in other places. thentic experience, I’m afraid that At the very least, it’s worth a try. we may not have enough of them to More important in the short continue officiating.” term, though, is what that message For years now, at the local, state from Campolieta said at the conand (likely) national level, the lack clusion in terms of how we should of officials in all sports, at all levels, treat officials in general. has slowly mushroomed into a full“Give them a break. Rather than blown crisis, which is not surpris- ripping them apart, try thanking ing if you spend any time at these them. Thank them for giving your kids a chance to compete and to events. Little League, Pop Warner, club have fun. We can all do better.” Will they always get the calls soccer, travel hockey, youth basketball leagues – name the team sport, right? Of course not. They’re huchances are there’s always a couple man, just like us. But they are willof parents turning up the volume to ing to endure all the slings and arlet everyone know that every single rows in service of something more call or non-call is a disgrace or a important than themselves. Funny, we teach our kids (or at scandal or an affront to their way least I hope we do) these very same of life. At times, high school games are values and virtues to put the needs different, and a bit more civil. Yet of others ahead of their own. Then, even if they’re constantly reminded at the games, a few of us want evat the start of each game to show erything done our way, or else. You want accountability? You the proper levels of sportsmanship and respect, soon enough decorum want to make sure that the games goes out the window and the con- go on at a high level with highquality officiating? Maybe, instead spiracies start anew. Little wonder, then, that varsity of pointing fingers, look in the mirfootball schedules have to be altered ror and do better. That’s the right call. Every time. in order to have enough officials each night. Worse yet, there’s very Phil Blackwell is sports editor at Eafew young faces among officials regardless of the sport, because the gle News. He can be reached at pblackabuse to which they are subjected well@

Earth Day thoughts

To the editor: I was greeted this morning by brilliant sunshine and plumage of a male Cardinal perched on the electric wire outside my bedroom window. We made eye contact long enough for him to

send me a message, “what are you going to do for me today?” I must admit that when a colleague and fellow volunteer suggested I share some thoughts about my participation at EarthFest 2022, coming up on April 30, I said to myself, “who would be interested in the random thoughts of a sometimes dithering 75 year old grandfather of 5?” If you have read this far, I, at least, have partially succeeded. This week of Earth Day, we have been inundated with programming addressing the critical state of our environment via, primarily PBS (natu-

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Cornell Cooperative Extension has some tips to help people be mindful of the avaian flu. Submitted by Megan Henderson and Amy Barkley Cornell Cooperative Extension Madison County Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is a serious, fatal disease of poultry that is at top of mind for many. Since the beginning of the year, it’s been identified in over 350 wild birds in 20 states, including New York. New York has also had three cases of HPAI to date in backyard poultry flocks, which resulted in the death of 268 birds. It is up to us as good friends and neighbors to help protect domestic poultry flocks. One of the ways that we can do this is to take down our wild bird feeders for a little while. While this disease is mostly carried by wild waterfowl, research has shown that other wild bird populations can carry it too, especially if they share nesting and feeding grounds with wild waterfowl. These populations include perching birds and songbirds. For this reason, we are recommending that folks that feed wild birds who also have poultry at home or who work with poultry take down their bird feeders until the threat of the disease has passed. It is uncertain as to when it will be safe to put feeders back out, but scientists believe that case loads should decrease over the summer months. The highest risk of spreading the disease

is now, during the spring migration. That said, this is a disease of the colder months, and we may see cases spike again during the fall migration. For those who have poultry at home, taking down bird feeders is especially important. Additional ways to protect flocks include a.) keeping your flock away from wild birds, especially wild waterfowl b.) keeping people who aren’t responsible for poultry care away from your flock, and c.) if you must visit other poultry or areas that wild birds frequent, change into clean clothing and footwear before entering poultry housing. This disease can cause unusual deaths and illness in both wild and domestic birds. Concerns about dead or sick wild birds can be directed to your local Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) office. Unusual whole-flock illnesses or deaths in poultry can be directed to NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets: 518-457-3502; the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture): 866-536-7593; or your local Cornell Cooperative Extension Office. Correction: A previous version of this article recommended that all people with bird feeders should take them down until the threat of HPAI has passed. This statement has been amended to recommend that only those who own or work with poultry take down their feeders.

rally). In addition to being partially surrounded by many with similar concerns, the message conveyed is clear; get, and be, involved, take action. You ask, “what can I do as an individual?” Start by becoming informed about those advocating for the environment and making a difference. The perfect opportunity to get started is forth-coming on April 30 at the Fayetteville Free Library where Sustainable Manlius is hosting EarthFest 2022 from 10 to 2 p.m. Connect with environmentally focused organizations and view an array of electric

vehicles. Oh yes, where do I focus my efforts? Onondaga Earth Corps (, a not for profit organization based in Syracuse whose mission is to “empower young people to be active participants in creating positive change for themselves, their communities and their environment. Thanks for sticking with me. Hope to see you on Saturday the 30th. Oh, and bring your returnable bottles and cans and leave them with me. Pieter Keese Fayetteville

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From page 8 real harm to human life and equal access to democracy under our Constitution as he does about his “bad smelling” words. Kate de la Garza Fayetteville l

Help stop avian flu

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10 April 27, 2022


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Estate Cleanouts. Attic, Basement & Garage Cleanouts. Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Household Cleanouts. Discount Dumpster Rental... You Load or We Load. Serving CNY since 1998. Family Owned & Operated. Free Estimates * Fully Insured.

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JD Haulers Junk & Cleanout Service Rates start at $19.00! We Clean Out Attics, Basements, Sheds, Yards, Brush Removal & More! We take down Garages, Sheds, Fences, Pool & More! Make That Junk Go Away! Serving all of CNY




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Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.


HOME IMPROVEMENT Additions, Siding, Roofing, Kitchen/Bath, Sunrooms, Pole Barns Any Type Home Remodel. Senior Discount. 315-699-3728

April 27, 2022 11

CNY’s Community News Source

MILLER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Plumbing/HVAC Residential/Commercial 24 Hour Emergency Service Small Jobs Welcome Locally Owned & Operated Over 25 Years Experience Insured * Licensed

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We take down trees, yard cleaups, brush removal, Trees Removed, Land Clearing. Same Day Service. Call JD Haulers 315-450-2230 We are Open & we are following regulations to be safe!


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Advertise Here! Contact Patti Puzzo at 315-434-8889 ext. 321 or ppuzzo@

12 April 27, 2022


CNY’s Community News Source

Eagle News

CLASSIFIEDS Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.

Eagle News

CNY’s Community News Source

Years Ago in History

By Cindy Bell Tobey

10 years ago – April 25, 2012

While the Cazenovia Town Highway Department has maintained excellent standing with local residents for its ability to cope with unexpected overnight blizzards, the department has also been gaining a sterling reputation online, on the Internet auction site When the town board authorized the sale of five pieces of equipment and copier/printers at its April 9 meeting, highway superintendent Tim Hunt said the department has received about $19,500 more than expected during recent sales. “It’s been very good for the town… Our equipment costs are lower than the towns that are keeping their equipment for 20 years,” Hunt said. “What we’re really trying to do is make sure that we get enough money for the equipment, that it can be replaced with a new piece of equipment. So far, we’ve been very successful.”

8 years ago – April 30, 2014

The Town of Manlius Police Department recently recognized a Fayetteville-Manlius School District educator for her dedication to teaching students


about health and safety. Elementary and middle school health educator Cynthia Vogt, a Cazenovia resident, received the 2014 Town of Manlius Police Benevolent Association Educational Service Award in recognition of her educational efforts pertaining to personal safety, bullying prevention, the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, nutrition and good decisionmaking. “Mrs. Vogt brings a unique teaching style into her classroom that keeps her students engaged throughout the lesson,” said Manlius Police Office Angela Palmer.

6 years ago – April 27, 2016

A major redevelopment project has been proposed for the eastern edge of the village of Cazenovia, with the cornerstone of the plan to be the construction of a 17,000-square-foot Aldi grocery store. The Aldi aspect is the most immediate part of the plan, but the total tentative project on land currently occupied by the defunct diner and motel on Route 20 is slated to include the potential construction of a pharmacy, a credit union and a five-acre section of anticipated senior apartment housing. If approved, and brought to fruition, the redevelopment project is expected to generate up to $8 million in new investments in

April 27, 2022 13

the village, bring in jobs, revenue and new residents and grow the overall village tax base by millions of dollars. The proposal is only in the beginning stages of municipal, review and approval, however, with the next step to be annexation of the proposed land from the town into the village.

4 years ago – April 25, 2018

Will the Cazenovia High School boys golf team follow suit with their competitors and move their season to fall? With the continuation of Central New York’s never-ending winter, the possibility may be more of a reality. Athletic Administrator Mike Byrnes and boys golf team Head Coach Tom Murlin, brought this option to the attention of the Cazenovia Board of Education at its April 16 meeting. “The weather is better, the courses are in better shape and our kids have all summer to get ready for this season,” said Byrnes. “And not only that, but the season switch could make their competition better.” “Two of our big rivals have already made the switch this year,” said Byrnes, referring to Skaneateles and Westhill deciding to move their golf season to the fall.

EMPLOYMENT Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.



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Advertise Here! Contact Patti Puzzo at 315-434-8889 ext. 321 or

14 April 27, 2022 LEGALS Notice of Formation of PRIMROSE YK, LLC, Art of Org. filed Sec'y of State (SSNY) 03/17/2022. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process: 8241 Turnstone Drive, Manlius, NY 13104. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-286959 Notice of Formation of LLC. #hashtag, LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of Org. with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/28/2022. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process may be served and SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at c/o Heather L. Sunser, Esq., Barclay Damon LLP, 125 East Jefferson Street, Syracuse, NY 13202. Purpose: any business permitted under law. EB-287386 Notice of Formation of LLC. 101 North Salina St Preferred Member, LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of Org. with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/31/2022. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process may be served and SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at c/o 101 North Salina St Preferred Member, LLC, 1 Websters Landing, Syracuse, NY 13202. Purpose: any business permitted under law. EB-287673 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONONDAGA Index No. 008320/2019 Date Filed: 3/28/2022 SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Premises being foreclosed: 112 Diana Avenue Syracuse, NY 13210 Santander Bank, N.A. f/k/a Sovereign Bank, N.A. f/k/a Sovereign Bank, Plaintiff, -againstTamika L Blount a/k/a Tamika Blount as Heir at Law, Beneficiary and Distributee of the Estate of Patricia Blount a/k/a Patricia A. Blount, deceased, Vanessa Williams as Heir at Law, Beneficiary and Distributee of the Estate of Patricia Blount a/k/a Patricia A. Blount, deceased, and all the heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid Defendants at law, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and successors in interest of the aforesaid classes of persons, if they or any of them be dead, and their respective husbands, wives or widows, if any, all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to the Plaintiff, except as herein stated, Kamin Harris as Heir at Law, Beneficiary and Distributee of the Estate of Patricia Blount a/k/a Patricia A. Blount, deceased, and all the heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid Defendants at law, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and successors in interest of the aforesaid classes of persons, if they or any of them be dead, and their respective husbands, wives or widows, if any, all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to the Plaintiff, except as herein stated Shalika Reed as Heir at Law, Beneficiary and Distributee of the Estate of Patricia Blount a/k/a Patricia A. Blount, deceased, Joheem German as Heir at Law, Beneficiary and Distributee of the Estate of Patricia Blount a/k/a Patricia A. Blount, deceased, Shantaneque Waller as Possible Heir at Law, Beneficiary and Distributee of the Estate of Patricia Blount a/k/a Patricia A. Blount, deceased, Home HeadQuarters, Inc., New York State Affordable Housing Corporation, City Court Clerk OBO People of the State of New York, Internal Revenue Service- United States of America, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance-Tax Compliance Division-C.O.-ATC �JOHN DOE #1" through and including “JOHN DOE #25", the Defendants last named in quotation marks being intended to designate tenants or occupants in possession of the herein described premises or portions thereof, if any there be, said names being fictitious, their true name being unknown to Plaintiff, Defendant(s). TO THE ABOVE DEFENDANTS:

tation marks being intended to designate tenants or occupants in possession of the herein described premises or portions thereof, if any there be, said names betheir true ing fictitious, LEGALS name being unknown to Plaintiff, Defendant(s). TO THE ABOVE DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your Answer, or if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance on the Plaintiff's attorneys within twenty (20) days after the service of the Summons exclusive of the day of service or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner than by personal delivery within the State. In case of your failure to appear, or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in this Complaint. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: The foreSummons is going served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Joseph E. Lamendola, a Justice of the Supreme Court, Onondaga County, entered Feb. 25, 2022 and filed with the complaint and other papers in the Onondaga County Clerk's Office. THE OBJECT OF THE ACTION is to foreclose a mortgage recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Onondaga on July 2, 2008 in Book 15575, mortgage page 6, covering premises k/a 112 Diana Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210 a/k/a Section 060, Block 14, Lot 04.0. Plaintiff designates ONONDAGA County as the place for trial. Venue is based upon the County in which the mortgaged premises is situated. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Dated: March 18, 2022 Carle Place, New York Karen B. Migdal, Esq. Stein, Wiener & Roth, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff One Old Country Road, Suite 113 Carle Place, New York 11514 (516)-742-1212 76688/DOVEN #99352 EB-287914 NOTICE OF FORMATION of 121 Richardson Avenue, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) with offices located in Onondaga County, for the purpose of any lawful act or activity under the Limited Liability Company Law. The Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of the State of New York (SSNY) on March 29, 2022. SSNY is the agent designated to receive service of process on behalf of the LLC. SSNY shall mail a copy of such service of to Carvin process Kennedy at 138 Ripley Place, Elizabeth, NJ 07206 EB-288058

NOTICE OF FORMATION of a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 1808 Court Street, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/06/2022. Office location: Onondaga County. Princ. Office of LLC: 900 West Avenue, Apt. 1433, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. EB-288285 NOTICE OF FORMATION of 184 Hope Avenue, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) with offices located in Onondaga County, for the purpose of any lawful act or activity under the Limited Liability Company Law. The Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of the State of New York (SSNY) on March 14, 2022. SSNY is the agent designated to receive service of process on behalf of the LLC. SSNY shall mail a copy of such service of process to Carvin Kennedy at 138 Ripley Place, Elizabeth, NJ 07206

were filed with the Secretary of the State of New York (SSNY) on March 14, 2022. SSNY is the agent designated to receive service of process on behalf of the LLC. SSNY shall mail a LEGALS copy of such service of process to Carvin Kennedy at 138 Ripley Place, Elizabeth, NJ 07206 EB-286489 NOTICE OF FORMATION: 2900 JAMES STREET LLC filed Articles of Organization with the NYS DOS on October 14, 2005. The DOS is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The office of the LLC and address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process shall be, 3056 Burnet Ave., #9, Syracuse, NY 13206, Onondaga County. The purpose of the LLC is to engage in any business permitted under law. EB-286914 Notice of Formation of 3808 LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/24/2022. Office Location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Centolella Law, P.C., 5793 Widewaters Pkwy, Suite 210 DeWitt, New York, 13214. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-287470 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION 404 SCOVILLE HOLDINGS, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC), filed with the Sec of State of NY on March 14, 2022. NY Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to Davies Law Firm, P.C., 210 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, NY 13202. General Purposes. EB-286800 Notice of Formation of 4652 Nixon Park Drive LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on 3/15/2022. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 4652 Nixon Park Dr., Syracuse, NY 13215. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-288530 Notice of Formation of: 6542 Woodchuck Hill Road LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 4/12/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: LLC, P.O. Box 600, Manlius, NY 13104. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-288284 Notice of Formation of 715 MARYLAND AVENUE, LLC, Art of Org. filed Sec'y of State (SSNY) 11/02/21. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process: 119 Driftwood Drive, State College, PA 16803. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-280440 8390 Oswego Road, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 1/14/2022. Cty: Onondaga. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Lauris Sean Rigdon, 4524 Providence Rd., Jamesville, NY 13078. General Purpose. EB-288199 Notice of formation Accentuate Body Enhancement LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 12/11/2021. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: PO BOX 73, Syracuse, NY 13211. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-287458 Notice of Formation of Alison Alexander Properties, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on March 14, 2022. Office 99location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 670 E Lee Pl, Azusa, CA 91702. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-286726 Notice of Formation of LLC. Anchor Hawthorne, LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of Org. with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/22/2022. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of the

District, must state the residence of each signer, and must state the name and residence of Notice of Formation the candidate. of LLC. is also given CNY’s CommunityNOTICE News Source Anchor Hawthorne, LLC that the Board of Educaadopted the fol(LLC) filed Arts. of Org. tion has LEGALS LEGALS with Secy. of State of NY lowing rules prescribing (SSNY) on 03/22/2022. the manner of submitOffice location: Ononda- ting questions or propoga County. SSNY desig- sitions for the purpose nated as agent of the of preparing ballots for LLC upon whom pro- the voting machine: cess may be served and 1. A verified petition SSNY shall mail process signed by at least 25 to the LLC at c/o Anchor qualified voters in the Hawthorne, LLC, 333 District shall be filed West Washington Street, with the Board of EducaSuite 500, Syracuse, NY tion on or before April 13202. Purpose: any 18, 2022, setting forth business permitted un- the proposition or quesder law. tion sought to be voted EB-286951 upon. 2. Such petition shall be subject to approval by the Board of Education and to approval by the District legal counsel LEGAL NOTICE as to form and legality. NOTICE OF ANNUAL 3. Thereupon the quesSCHOOL DISTRICT tion or proposition shall HEARING AND be placed upon the votELECTION OF ing machine for voter JAMESVILLE-DEWITT consideration. CENTRAL SCHOOL NOTICE is also hereby DISTRICT given that applications NOTICE is hereby given for absentee ballots for that a Public Hearing for election of members of the purpose of discus- the Board of Education sion of the expenditure and voting on such othof funds and the budget- er propositions as may ing for the 2022-2023 appear on the official school year will be held ballot may be applied for in person and remotely at the office of the Clerk on May 9, 2022 at 7:00 of the School District. pm, Eastern Daylight Any such application Saving Time, in lieu of must be received by the the Annual Meeting and Clerk by May 10, 2022, pursuant to Section if the ballot is to be 2017(6) of the Educa- mailed to the voter or at tion Law. least the day before the NOTICE is also given election if the ballot is to that voting by the quali- be personally delivered fied voters of the to the voter. Absentee Jamesville-DeWitt Cen- ballots must be returned tral School District, for to the Clerk by 5:00 p.m. the election of board on the day of election. members, propositions In addition, a list of all and the budget will be persons to whom absenheld by voting machine tee ballots shall have between the hours of been issued will be 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., available in the office of Eastern Daylight Saving the Clerk during regular Time on Tuesday, May business hours prior to 2022 at the the day of the elections, 17, Jamesville-DeWitt High except Saturday, SunSchool. day, and holidays, and NOTICE is also given will be posted at the that the following propo- polling place. sitions will be submitted By order of the Board of to the voters: Education, JamesvilleProposition #1 School DeWitt Central School Bus Replacement District. Shall the Board of Edu- Timothy Decker, School cation of the Jamesville- District Clerk DeWitt Central School EB-287067 District (“District”) be authorized and directed to purchase two (2) gasoline buses at an approximate cost of NOTICE OF ANNUAL $124,461 each, one (1) VOTE AND ELECTION gasoline bus at an approximate cost of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV$87,162, one (1) gaso- EN: That the annual budline bus at an approxi- get hearing will be held mate cost of $82,751, on May 9, 2022 at 6:00 and one (1) microbus at p.m. for the purpose of an approximate cost of discussing expenditure 60,387, not to exceed of funds for the 2022$499,952, such sum to 2023 school year and be raised by levy of a tax the budgeting thereof. upon the taxable proper- The hearing is open to ty of the District to be the public and will be collected in annual in- held at the Central High stallments in the years School located at 6400 and amounts as the Fremont Road, in the Board of Education shall Town of Manlius, New determine in accordance York. Any updated inwith Section 416 of the formation about access Education Law and, in and location in light of anticipation of such tax, the COVID-19 pandemic issue obligations of the will be published on the School District�s web District? Proposition #2 Purchase site at when availof a Front End Loader Shall the Board of Edu- able and questions may cation of the Jamesville- also be directed to the DeWitt Central School District Clerk at 315District (“District”) be 434-3004, or kskaauthorized and directed to purchase a front end NOTICE IS FURTHER loader at an approximate GIVEN: The copies of the cost of $200,00 not to detailed statement preexceed, such sum to be pared by the Board reraised by levy of a tax garding the amount of upon the taxable proper- money which will be rety of the District to be quired for school purcollected in annual in- poses for such fiscal stallments in the years year, specifying the sevand amounts as the eral purposes and the Board of Education shall amount for each (the determine in accordance “Budget”), and the tax with Section 416 of the exempt report may be Education Law and, in obtained by any District anticipation of such tax, resident on the District issue obligations of the website and at the office of the District Clerk loDistrict? cated at the District OfProposition #3 Library Shall the Board of Edu- fice, 407 Fremont Road, cation of the Jamesville- East Syracuse, New York DeWitt Central School 13057 between the District (“District”) levy hours of 8:00 a. m. and and collect a tax in the 4:00 p.m. on each day amount of $1,544,958 other than a Saturday, Dollars for the support Sunday, or holiday durof the Community Li- ing the fourteen (14) brary of Dewitt & days immediately preJamesville, pursuant to ceding the public hearSection 259 of the Edu- ing on the Budget and thereafter until the date cation Law? NOTICE is also given of the vote on the Budthat a copy of the state- get. ment of the amount of NOTICE IS FURTHER The annual money which will be re- GIVEN: quired for the 2022- meeting and election of 2023 school year for members of the Board of school purposes may be Education of the East obtained by interested Syracuse Minoa Central persons at each school School District, vote house in the district upon the appropriation from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 of necessary funds to p.m. each business day meet the estimated exstarting May 3, 2022 penditures for the fiscal (other than Saturday, year commencing July 1, 2022 and authorizing Sunday, or holiday). NOTICE is also given the levy of taxes, and that petitions nominat- vote upon any other properly ing candidates for the propositions office of member of the submitted will take place Board of Education must on May 17, 2022, in the be filed in the office of High School new gymthe Clerk of the District nasium located at 6400 between the hours of Fremont Road in the 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Town of Manlius, New and no later than 5:00 York, between the hours p.m. Monday, April 18, of 12:00 noon and 9:00 p.m. The vote will be on 2022. Three vacancies on the the adoption of the DisBoard of Education are trict budget for such fisto be filled by a vote to cal year, which will apbe held on May 17, 2022 pear as Proposition No. at the Jamesville-DeWitt 1 on the ballot; and to High School (3 - 3 year elect three (3) members terms). The term of the to the Board of Educafollowing incumbents tion for a term of four expires on June 30, years commencing July 2022: Sharon Archer, 1, 2022 and ending June Lorianne DeForest and 30, 2026. Candidates for the office Renee James Murad. Each petition must be of member of the Board directed to the Clerk of of Education shall be the District, must be nominated by petition. A signed by at least 25 separate petition is requalified voters of the quired to nominate each District, must state the candidate. Every petition residence of each sign- must (i) be directed to er, and must state the the District Clerk; (ii) be name and residence of signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified votthe candidate. NOTICE is also given ers of the District, (iii) that the Board of Educa- state the residence of tion has adopted the fol- each signer and the lowing rules prescribing name and residence of the manner of submit- the candidate; and (iv) ting questions or propo- be filed with the office of sitions for the purpose the District Clerk, at the Office of preparing ballots for Administrative

candidate. Every petition must (i) be directed to the District Clerk; (ii) be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the District, (iii) state the residence of each signer LEGALSand the name and residence of the candidate; and (iv) be filed with the office of the District Clerk, at the Administrative Office Building, located at the District Office, 407 Fremont Road, East Syracuse, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. local time, no later than April 18, 2022 by 5:00 p.m. local time. Petition forms for candidates may be obtained from the District Clerk at the district office. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in-person voting will be conducted in a manner consistent with NYS Department of Health guidelines intended to protect voters and school district personnel and may include the requirements that voters wear masks and maintain proper social distancing. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN: that military voters who are qualified voters of the School District may apply for a military ballot by requesting an application from the District Clerk at 315434-3004 or For a military voter to be issued a military ballot, the District Clerk must have received a valid ballot application no later than 5:00 pm on April 22, 2022. In a request for a military ballot application or ballot, the military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the application or ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the following additional propositions shall be voted on at such annual vote and election: PURCHASE OF SCHOOL BUSES “Shall the Board of Education purchase and, at the option of the Board, finance eight (8) student transportation vehicles at an estimated cost not to exceed $860,843, including necessary furnishings, fixtures and equipment and all other necessary costs incidental thereto and to expend a total sum not to exceed $860,843 which is estimated to be the total maximum cost thereof, and levy a tax which is hereby voted for the foregoing in the amount of $860,843, which shall be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education and in anticipation of the collection of such tax, bonds and notes are hereby authorized to be issued at one time, or from time to time, in the principal amount not to exceed $860,843 and a tax is hereby voted to pay the interest on said obligations when due?” MINOA LIBRARY “Shall the annual appropriation for the Minoa Library be increased from $235,000 to $239,700 and shall the Board of Education of the East Syracuse Minoa Central School District be authorized to collect such sum by a tax levy?” NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN: That qualified voters may apply for absentee ballots. Applications for absentee ballots may be obtained at the office of the School District Clerk at 407 Fremont Road, East Syracuse, NY. Any such applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the date of the vote and election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the vote and election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Absentee ballots must be received at the District Office by 5:00 PM on May 17, 2022. A list of all persons to whom absentee voters' ballots shall have been issued shall be available for public inspection in the office of the School District clerk during regular office hours each of the five days prior to the election, except Sundays and shall also be posted at the polling place at the election of members of the Board of Education. EB-285173

Notice of Formation of Aron Kolb Architecture PLLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 02/25/2022. Office locaCounty of tion: Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 4349 November Lane, Syracuse, NY 13215. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-287799

Articles of Organization of ASA EXPRESS LLC ("LLC") were filed with Sec. of State of NY ("SSNY") on 4/9/2022. Office Location: Onondaga County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any

Articles of Organization of ASA EXPRESS LLC ("LLC") were filed with Sec. of State of NY ("SSNY") on 4/9/2022. Office Location: Onondaga County. SSNY has LEGALS been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to, and the LLC' s principal business location is 6759 Schuyler Road, Syracuse, New York 13057. Purpose: any lawful business purpose. EB-288706 NOTICE OF TENTATIVE COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL (Pursuant to Sec. 506 of the Real Property Tax Law) Notice is hereby given that the Assessor of the Town of Manlius, County of Onondaga, has completed the Tentative Assessment Roll for the current year; that a copy thereof has been left at the Assessor's Office, 301 Brooklea Dr., Fayetteville, NY, where it may be seen and examined by any person interested therein until the FOURTH TUESDAY OF MAY. Additionally, the entire roll will be available on Onondaga County�s web site at: ts/assessmentrolls.html Individual property information can be found at: The Assessor will be in attendance with the Tentative Roll at the above location as follows: Wednesday, May 4 10:00 AM. - 2:00 PM Wednesday, May 11 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, May 11 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Wednesday, May 18 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Saturday, May 14 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Saturday, May 14th is by appointment only. On May 24, 2019, from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM and from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM, the Board of Assessment Review will meet at 301 Brooklea Dr., Fayetteville, NY 13066, in the Town of Manlius meeting room, in said town, to hear and examine all verified written complaints in relation to such assessments, on the application of any person believing themselves agthereby. grieved Grievance forms and instructions are available at the Department of Assessments or at: df/publications/orpts/gri evancebooklet.pdf PATRICK J. DUFFY, IAO Sole Assessor EB-288742 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION Bergenfield LLC. Filed with SSNY on 4/5/2022. Office: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 5100 Bergenfield Way Fayetteville NY 13066. Purpose: any lawful. EB-288297 Notice of Formation of Berkana Acres LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/14/22. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 7014 13th Ave, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-287657 Notice of Formation of BGC RES LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) 3/11/22. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 125 Barclay Street, Syracuse, NY 13209. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-287137 Notice of Formation of Blueprinttransit LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on January 24, 2022. Office location: County of ONONDAGA. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 708 Kirkpatrick Street #2, SYRACUSE, NY 13208. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-286929 Notice of formation of BOLES PHYSICAL THERAPY PLLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 03/23/2022. Onondaga. County: SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 8091 Wild Lemon Lane, Manlius, NY 13104-9792. Purpose: to engage in any and all business for which PLLCs may be formed under the New York PLLC Law.

SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Eagle 8091 News Wild Lemon Lane, Manlius, NY 13104-9792. PurLEGALS pose: to engage in any and all business for which PLLCs may be formed under the New York PLLC Law. EB-287410 Notice of formation of Cedar Pointe View, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/14/22. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 5183 Bridle Path Rd., Fayetteville, NY 13066. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. EB-288423 Notice of Formation of CH Construction & Renovation, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on April 12, 2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 178 Oakley Dr. E., Syracuse, NY 13205. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-288361 Notice of Formation of LLC. Chariot Transportation Group, LLC (LLC) filed Arts. of Org. with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/14/2022. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process may be served and SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at c/o Raquan PrideGreen, 109 Hobart Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13205. Purpose: any business permitted under law. EB-286455 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; Name of LLC: CJ AND COOPER, LLC; Date of filing: 4/6/2022; Office of the LLC: Onondaga Co.; The NY Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of any process to the LLC at 114 Rosebud Drive, Syracuse, New York 13219; Purpose of LLC: Any lawful purpose. EB-288272 Notice of Formation of: Clearzara LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/14/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: LLC, 344 S. Warren St., Suite 202, Syracuse, New York 13202. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-286452 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION CODEMAN PROPERTIES, LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 03/22/2022. Office loc: Onondaga County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 7399 Mapleview Rd., Cicero, NY 13039. Reg Agent: Franklin A. Josef, 519 East Genesee St., Fayetteville, NY 13066. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. EB-286976 Notice of Formation of Creative Upstater, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on April 5, 2022. Office is located in the County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Dan Thompson at 338 Bryant Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13204. EB-287971 Notice of Form. of CYPRIS THOMAS, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 3/30/22. Office location: Onondaga SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 444 S. Salina St Syracuse, NY 13201. Any lawful purpose. EB-288613 Notice of Formation of DACAR HOLDINGS LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/31/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 7769 Rolling Ridge Drive, Manlius, NY 13104. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-288644 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION DAVID HENRY PROPERTIES, LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 03/22/2022. Office loc: Onondaga County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 7411 Mapleview Rd., Cicero, NY 13039. Reg Agent: Franklin A. Josef, 519

sult in any significant the proposed Section environmental effects. 165-104.1 as amended in said Local Law. The NOW, THEREFORE, BE full text of said original IT Local Law No. B-2022 RESOLVED, by the has been on file at theEagle News • CNY’s Community News Source Board of Trustees of the Cazenovia Republican Town Clerk's Office at Village of Cazenovia, the Town Offices located Madison County, New at 7 Albany Street in the York, as follows: Town of Cazenovia for Section 1. For the speinspection by all intercific object or purpose by Phil Blackwell riors, the Lakersested didpersons. not get Card (five goals, one assist) of paying the cost of furNOTICE IS FURTHER ther repairs to the Lakeon the board until the second and Anna Spitzer (three GIVEN that on February land Park Outlet Wall Perhaps the last thing half, by which point by Phil Blackwell goals, three assists) led the Westhill 14, 2022, the Town and Pier, in and for said Board having determined Mustangs. that Village, there are hereby the Cazenovia girls lacrosse was well out in front, this proposed Local Law authorized to matches be issued team needed was to see an- steadily built a 7-0 Having split its first two advantage Chittenango returned to is a Type I action purup to $2,000,000.00 seEnvi- on Thursday against other blast of winter weath- in the first half. suant to the State action of the season before the April of saidschool Village rial bonds ronmental QualityJordan-Elbridge Repursuant boys to the Local Fier. break, the Cazenovia tennis Maren Smith and Katie and, led view Act and a negative nance Law of the State Sporting a 4-2 record, the Rajkowski had declaration team climbed above again by Tomi Newkirk, the those goals, was adopted of Newthe York..500 mark at thatearning time. Lakers saw some valuable with Hadley Schug just before the snow interrupted evBears ripped past the Eagles Section 2. The estimated NOTICE IS FURTHER maximum cost of the practice time taken away by an assist. Mackenzie erything again. Halli15-3 to improve its overall GIVEN that a public aforesaid specific object hearing on the issue of to 5-1. last week’s snowstorm, even day had five saves The Lakers’ 5-0 as Grace record or shutout purpose of Puis proposed Local Law No. $2,000,000.00, and the if it didn’t alter the game Winkler and B-2022 laski last Monday included three Rosemary Newkirk finished with was noticed for plan forended the financing schedule. singles matches which in 6-0, Mahoney led Westhill, each March 14, 2022 four and goals and two assists, thereof is by the ispublication of the Notice So Cazenovia found itself with four goals and one as- supported by Ashley O’Hara 6-0 decisions. suance of up to of Public Hearing was $2,000,000.00 serial facing Westhill last Thurs- sist. In order, Traian Cherciu handled accomplished as and perCara Kielbasa, who each of said Village law. on Sunday night, a difficult oppoBrian Pond in bonds first singles, with Playing again had three-goal hat tricks. hereby authorized to be IS FURTHER nent in any circumstances, day, CazenoviaNOTICE Garret Lounsbury roaring pasttoGarlost, 17-3, Brooke Walters scored twice, issued pursuant the GIVEN that subsequent Local probut made more so by the to Marcellus, with rett Starbird and, in Finance third Law, singles, adding an assist as Skyler the public only hearing to the vided, however, that to held Madison on March 14, Brown, 2022 time it would take to find its goals coming from Jake Wardell handled Myer Butler. Alazayah Smith and the extent any grants-inand based upon input received for such aid are game rhythm again. Caitlin Sgambellone had one DeAngelis, Dalireceived Dennisson from the public object or purpose, or the In a 14-2 loss to the War- and Riley Knapp and as stakeholders, wasapiece. Claire itgoal Board of Trustees shall LEGAL NOTICE determined by the Town appropriate other NOTICE OF Board to revise and monies of the Village RESOLUTION amend proposed Local therefor, the amount of ADOPTED BY THE Law No. B-2022. Said bonds to be issued purBOARD revisions and amendsuant to this resolution OF TRUSTEES OF THE ments will provide better VILLAGE OF CAZENOVIA shall be reduced by the clarification as to the acamount of any such MADISON COUNTY, cess road permeability, grants-in-aid and/or apNEW YORK the allowable height for The resolution published propriations. commercial solar facility herewith was adopted Section 3. It is hereby panels and fencing, apon the 7th day of Febru- determined that the periplicability to Town ary, 2022, subject to od of probable usefulowned properties and permissive referendum, ness of the specific obrequire annual inspecthat the period of time ject or purpose for the tion of commercial solar has elapsed for the sub- serial bonds herein aufacilities. mission and filing of a thorized is twenty (20) NOTICE IS FURTHER Notice of Formation petition for a permissive years, pursuant to subNOTICE OF FORMATION of Hartwood Farm LLC, GIVEN that a revised and referendum and a valid division 7 of paragraph a of Leonards a Domestic Limited Lia- amended version of propetition has not been of Section 11.00 of the Transportation LLC. bility Company (LLC). posed Local Law No. BArticles of Organization 2022 was presented to Date of filing of Articles filed, and accordingly Local Finance Law. It is filed with the Secretary the Town Board at a reg- of Organization: Feb. 22, the resolution became hereby further deterof State of New York ular meeting thereof 2022. Office location: effective on March 10, mined that the proposed Madison County. The 2022, and the validity of maturity of the said seri(SSNY) on March 16, held on March 14, 2022. 2022. Office location: NOTICE IS FURTHER Secretary of State has the obligations autho- al bonds may be in exCounty of Madison. GIVEN that a second been designated as the rized by such resolution cess of five (5) years. SSNY is designated as public hearing on the is- agent of the LLC upon may be hereafter con- Section 4. Subject to agent of LLC upon sue of proposed Local whom process against it tested only if such obli- the provisions of the Lowhom process may be Law No. B-2022 was no- may be served and the gations were authorized cal Finance Law, the authorize the or purpose power toLEGALS to which it can for an object served. SSNY shall mail ticed forLEGALS April 11, 2022 address LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS copy of process to: and publication of the serve process is: 8482 for which the Village of issuance and sale of the LEGAL NOTICE: 5258 Irish Ridge Rd, Notice of Public Hearing State Route 13 Canasto- Cazenovia is not autho- serial bonds herein auThe Cazenovia Central Chittenango, NY 13037. was accomplished as ta, NY 13032. The char- rized to expend money thorized is hereby deleSchool District has is- Purpose: any lawful pur- per law. acter of the business is or if the provisions of gated to the Treasurer of sued a Request for Pro- pose. NOTICE IS FURTHER any lawful purpose. law which should have the Village, the chief fisposal (RFP) for the pro- CR-286934 GIVEN that subsequent CR-288086 been complied with as cal officer of the Village. vision of an After School to the public hearing of the date of publication The power to prescribe LWW PROPERTY Program for children, for held on April 11, 2022 of this notice were not the terms, form and MANAGEMENT, LLC NOTICE OF 90 to 100 students in and based upon input substantially complied contents of said serial Articles of Org. filed NY CONTINUATION OF grades K - 4, for the received from the public with, and an action, suit bonds herein authorized, of State (SSNY) Sec. PUBLIC HEARING 2022-2023 school year. and stakeholders, it was or proceeding contest- including the power to Office in Madi4/14/22. TOWN OF CAZENOVIA Proposals are due on or determined by the Town ing such validity is com- designate said serial son Co. SSNY desig. before 3:00 PM on May NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- Board to revise and menced within twenty bonds as �qualified tax 6, 2022. Notice of Inter- EN that, pursuant to Mu- amend proposed Local agent of LLC whom pro- days after the date of exempt obligation" purest Form must be sub- nicipal Home Rule Law Law No. B-2022. Said cess may be served. publication of this no- suant to Section 265(b) SSNY shall mail process mitted to the District by and Town Law, there revisions and tice, or such obligations (3) of the Internal RevApril 18, 2022. Go to has been presented to amendments related to to 6170 Valley Mills St., were authorized in viola- enue Code of 1986, as & Rt. 46, Munnsville, NY the Cazenovia CSD web- the Town Board of the Town owned properties. tion of the provisions of amended and, is hereby site to obtain the RFP Town of Cazenovia, New NOTICE IS FURTHER 13409, which is also the the Constitution of the delegated to the Treadocuments: https:// York, at a regular meet- GIVEN that a further re- principal business loca- State of New York. surer of the Village, the ing thereof held on vised and amended ver- tion. Purpose: Any law- Susan Dady, chief fiscal officer, conQuestions regarding the February 14, 2022, pro- sion of proposed Local ful purpose. sistent with this resoluVillage Clerk CR-288388 posed Local Law No. BRFP should be directed Law No. B-2022 was tion and the provisions BOND RESOLUTION titled, “A Local 2022, to Thomas Finnerty, presented to the Town Notice of Formation DATED: February 7, of the Local Finance Asst. Superintendent/ Law to Amend Chapter Board at a regular meet- of MARK DIORIO PHO- 2022 Law. 165 (Zoning) of the School Business Official ing thereof held on April TOGRAPHY / MOMENT- RESOLUTION AUTHO- Section 5. Subject to Code of the Town Town at 315-655-1340. The 11, 2022. WORX PHOTOGRAPHY, RIZING, SUBJECT TO the provisions of the LoCazenovia Central of Cazenovia with Re- NOTICE IS FURTHER LLC, a Domestic Limited PERMISSIVE REFEREN- cal Finance Law, the School District reserves spect to the Town of GIVEN that the full text Liability Company (LLC). DUM, THE ISSUANCE power to authorize the the right, where it may Cazenovia Solar Regula- of said Local Law, as re- Articles of Organization serve the District, to re- tions.” Said Local Law, if vised and amended, is filed with the Secretary OF $2,000,000.00 SERI- issuance and sale of quest additional infor- enacted as originally on file at the Town of State of New York AL BONDS OF THE VIL- bond anticipation notes mation or clarifications proposed, would allow Clerk's Office located at (SSNY) on MARCH 17, LAGE OF CAZENOVIA, in anticipation of the isCOUNTY, suance and sale of the from proposers, or to al- the Town of Cazenovia 7 Albany Street in the 2022. Office location: MADISON NEW YORK, TO PAY serial bonds herein aulow corrections or omis- to address the potential Town of Cazenovia for County of MADISON. THE COST OF FURTHER thorized, including renegative impacts of inspection by all inter- SSNY is designated as sions. REPAIRS TO THE LAKE- newals of such notes, is largescale solar projects ested persons. CR-288691 agent of LLC upon by providing additional NOTICE IS FURTHER whom process may be LAND PARK OUTLET hereby delegated to the protections related to GIVEN that the Town served. SSNY shall mail WALL AND PIER, IN Village Treasurer, the Notice of Formation agricultural resources, Board will hold a further copy of process to: 469 AND FOR SAID VIL- chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such LAGE. of CNY PROPERTY town roadways, decom- public hearing on the CARE LLC, a Domestic missioning and uniform proposed Local Law, as MAIN STREET, APT. C, WHEREAS, pursuant to terms, form and content, Limited Liability Compa- solar guidelines for such amended, at the Town of ONEIDA, NY 13421. Pur- the provisions of the and shall be sold in such Environmental manner, as may be preny (LLC). Articles of Or- uses. This Local Law Cazenovia Offices locat- pose: any lawful pur- State Quality Review Act and scribed by said Village ganization filed with the would further provide ed at 7 Albany Street in pose. CR-287424 the regulations of the Treasurer, consistent Secretary of State of clarification for the re- the Town of Cazenovia New York State Depart- with the provisions of New York (SSNY) on quirements of Payment on May 9, 2022, at 7:30 Meeks Trucking LLC, 3/19/2022. Office loca- in Lieu of Tax (PILOT) p.m., or as soon there- Arts of Org. filed with ment of Environmental the Local Finance Law. tion: County of Madison. Agreements and Host after as the matter can Sec. of State of NY Conservation promulgat- Section 6. An annual SSNY is designated as Community Benefit be heard, at which time (SSNY) 3/2/2022. Cty: ed thereunder, it has appropriation shall be agent of LLC upon Agreements to be asso- all persons interested Madison. SSNY desig. been determined that the made in each year suffiwhom process may be ciated with such uses will be heard. Additional- as agent upon whom project hereinafter de- cient to pay the principal served. SSNY shall mail and for the purposes ly, the public wishing to process against may be scribed is an Unlisted of and interest on the copy of process to: 131 and intents described in observe the proceedings served & shall mail pro- action which will not re- said serial bonds beWest Seneca St. Suite the proposed Section or participate remotely cess to David W. Meeks, sult in any significant coming due and payable 133, Manlius NY 13104. 165-104.1 as amended may do so by using a Sr., 9080 Lewis Point environmental effects. in such year. There Purpose: any lawful pur- in said Local Law. The free version of the Zoom Canastota, NY NOW, THEREFORE, BE shall annually be levied, Rd., pose. full text of said original software at 13032. General Purpose. on all of the taxable real IT CR-287375 Local Law No. B-2022 Video participants can CR-287355 RESOLVED, by the property in said Village, has been on file at the access Zoom at the folBoard of Trustees of the a tax without limitation TOWN OF CAZENOVIA Town Clerk's Office at lowing link: https:// Village of Cazenovia, as to rate or amount sufTOWN BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE the Town Offices located madisoncounty-ny. Madison County, New ficient to pay said princiNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVTOWN OF FENNER at 7 Albany Street in the pal and interest as they EN that the Town Board York, as follows: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, Town of Cazenovia for due and that the Comprehensive inspection by all inter- For audio participants, of the Town of Cazen- Section 1. For the spe- become call (646) 558-8656 and ovia, will meet at the cific object or purpose payable. The faith and Committee of the Town ested persons. of Fenner will hold a NOTICE IS FURTHER enter ID: 872 8186 Cazenovia Town Hall, 7 of paying the cost of fur- credit of said Village are irrevocably Albany Street, Cazen- ther repairs to the Lake- hereby public meeting on GIVEN that on February 1971. ovia, Madison County, land Park Outlet Wall pledged for the payment Thursday, April 28 at 14, 2022, the Town April 11, 2022 New York on Monday, and Pier, in and for said of the principal of and 7:00 PM at the Fenner Board determined that Connie Sunderman May 9, 2022 at 7:30 Village, there are hereby interest on said serial Town Offices located at this proposed Local Law Town Clerk p.m. for the purposes of authorized to be issued bonds as the same be3151 Fenner East Road, is a Type I action pur- Town of Cazenovia conducting their regular up to $2,000,000.00 se- come due and payable. Cazenovia, NY 13035 re- suant to the State Envi- CR-288294 monthly meeting. Addi- rial bonds of said Village Section 7. All other matgarding the writing of a ronmental Quality Retionally, the public wish- pursuant to the Local Fi- ters except as provided new comprehensive view Act and a negative NOTICE OF LLC ing to observe the pro- nance Law of the State herein relating to the seplan. All interested per- declaration was adopted FORMATION rial bonds herein authoceedings or participate of New York. sons are welcome to at- at that time. tend this meeting. Inter- NOTICE IS FURTHER J. Newman Painting, remotely may do so by Section 2. The estimated rized including the date, ested individuals may GIVEN that a public LLC, Arts of Org. filed using a free version of maximum cost of the denominations, maturiappear in person, by hearing on the issue of with Sec. of State of NY the Zoom software at aforesaid specific object ties and interest payor purpose is ment dates, within the agent, or may address proposed Local Law No. (SSNY) 2/16/2022. Cty: prescribed committee by comments B-2022 was noticed for Madison. SSNY desig. Video participants can $2,000,000.00, and the limitations as agent upon whom access Zoom at the fol- plan for the financing herein and the manner in writing. March 14, 2022 and process against may be thereof is by the is- of execution of the Dated: April 18, 2022 publication of the Notice served & shall mail pro- lowing link: https:// suance of up to same, including the conmadisoncounty-ny. Town of Fenner, of Public Hearing was $2,000,000.00 serial solidation with other isComprehensive Commit- accomplished as per cess to 417 Broad St., Oneida, NY 13421. Gen- For audio participants, bonds of said Village sues, and also the ability tee law. eral Purpose. call (646) 558-8656 and hereby authorized to be to issue serial bonds CR-288573 NOTICE IS FURTHER CR-286490 issued pursuant to the with substantially level enter ID: GIVEN that subsequent Local Finance Law, pro- or declining annual debt 872 8186 1971. to the public hearing Notice of Formation vided, however, that to service, shall be deterApril 13, 2022 Notice of Formation of Cyber Hedgehogs, held on March 14, 2022 the extent any grants-in- mined by the Village Connie J. Sunderman, LLC, a Domestic Limited and based upon input of JML Planning, LLC, a Town Clerk aid are received for such Treasurer, the chief fisLiability Company (LLC). received from the public Domestic Limited Liabili- CR-288315 object or purpose, or the cal officer of such VilArticles of Organization and stakeholders, it was ty Company (LLC). ArtiBoard of Trustees shall lage. Such bonds shall determined by the Town cles of Organization filed LEGAL NOTICE filed with the Secretary appropriate other contain substantially the Board to revise and with the Secretary of NOTICE OF of State of New York monies of the Village recital of validity clause amend proposed Local State of New York RESOLUTION (SSNY) on 3/14/2022. therefor, the amount of provided for in Section 3/23/22 ADOPTED BY THE Office location: County Law No. B-2022. Said (SSNY) on bonds to be issued pur- 52.00 of the Local Firevisions and amend(date). Office location: BOARD of Madison. SSNY is suant to this resolution nance Law, and shall ments will provide better OF TRUSTEES OF THE County of Madison. designated as agent of shall be reduced by the otherwise be in such clarification as to the acVILLAGE OF CAZENOVIA SSNY is designated as LLC upon whom proamount of any such form and contain such MADISON COUNTY, road permeability, cess agent of LLC upon cess may be served. grants-in-aid and/or ap- recitals, in addition to NEW YORK SSNY shall mail copy of the allowable height for whom process may be those required by Secpropriations. process to: 8087 State commercial solar facility served. SSNY shall mail The resolution published Section 3. It is hereby tion 51.00 of the Local Route 13, Canastota, NY panels and fencing, ap- copy of process to: herewith was adopted determined that the peri- Finance Law, as the Vilto Town 20 Center St, Cazenovia, on the 7th day of Febru13032. Purpose: any plicability owned properties and NY 13035. Purpose: any ary, 2022, subject to od of probable useful- lage Treasurer shall delawful purpose. require annual inspec- lawful purpose. permissive referendum, ness of the specific ob- termine consistent with CR-288524 tion of commercial solar CR-287210 that the period of time ject or purpose for the the provisions of the Lofacilities. has elapsed for the sub- serial bonds herein au- cal Finance Law. NOTICE IS FURTHER Notice of Formation mission and filing of a thorized is twenty (20) Section 8. The validity of NOTICE OF FORMATION of Hartwood Farm LLC, GIVEN that a revised and petition for a permissive years, pursuant to sub- said serial bonds, and of of Leonards referendum and a valid division 7 of paragraph a any bond anticipation a Domestic Limited Lia- amended version of proTransportation LLC. petition has not been of Section 11.00 of the notes issued in anticipability Company (LLC). posed Local Law No. BArticles of Organization 2022 was presented to Date of filing of Articles filed, and accordingly Local Finance Law. It is tion thereof, may be filed with the Secretary the Town Board at a reg- of Organization: Feb. 22, the resolution became hereby further deter- contested only if: of State of New York ular meeting thereof 2022. Office location: effective on March 10, mined that the proposed 1) Such obligations are Madison County. The 2022, and the validity of maturity of the said seri- authorized for an object (SSNY) on March 16, held on March 14, 2022. 2022. Office location: NOTICE IS FURTHER Secretary of State has the obligations autho- al bonds may be in ex- or purpose for which said Village is not authoCounty of Madison. GIVEN that a second been designated as the rized by such resolution cess of five (5) years. SSNY is designated as public hearing on the is- agent of the LLC upon may be hereafter con- Section 4. Subject to rized to expend money, agent of LLC upon sue of proposed Local whom process against it tested only if such obli- the provisions of the Lo- or whom process may be Law No. B-2022 was no- may be served and the gations were authorized cal Finance Law, the 2) The provisions of served. SSNY shall mail ticed for April 11, 2022 address to which it can for an object or purpose power to authorize the law which should be copy of process to: and publication of the serve process is: 8482 for which the Village of issuance and sale of the complied with at the 5258 Irish Ridge Rd, Notice of Public Hearing State Route 13 Canasto- Cazenovia is not autho- serial bonds herein au- date of publication of Chittenango, NY 13037. was accomplished as ta, NY 13032. The char- rized to expend money thorized is hereby dele- this resolution are not acter of the business is or if the provisions of gated to the Treasurer of substantially complied Purpose: any lawful pur- per law. NOTICE IS FURTHER any lawful purpose. pose. law which should have the Village, the chief fis- with, and an action,

Girls Lakers lax take loss to Westhill

said serial bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied, on all of the taxable real property in said Village, , 2022 a tax without limitation as to rate or amount sufficient to pay said principal and interest as they become due and payable. The faith and credit of said Village are hereby irrevocably Only in payment doubles did Cazenovia pledged for the of the principal of and – and here Cartsurrender a game interest on said serial er Ruddy and Cy Lurie won 6-0, bonds as the same become payable. Potter and Austin 6-1 due overandCaiden Section 7. All other mat- Falso and Ford Dufrane. Andrew ters except as provided Brown handled Logan Trump and herein relating to the serial bonds Dufrane herein authoColton 6-0, 6-0. rized including the date, Cazenoviamaturiagain did not surdenominations, ties and ainterest render pointpayin Friday’s 5-0 win ment within the seeing Cherciu, over dates, Lafayette, limitations prescribed Lounsbury herein and the and mannerWardell each win of execution the their singlesofmatches without dropsame, including the conping a game. Falso solidation with other is- and Gabe Reasues, also the ability Harris and Mark gan and topped Devin to issue serial6-1, bonds Humphrey 6-1, with Lurie and with substantially level Ruddy 6-0, 6-1 over Alex or decliningwinning annual debt service, shall Scott be deterBush and Heath. mined by the Village Treasurer, the chief fiscal officer of such Village. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Village Treasurer shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 8. The validity of said serial bonds, and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation thereof, may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said Village is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be LEGALS LEGALS complied with at the Notice of Formation date of publication of this resolution are not StreamGo Water USA substantially complied LLC (“LLC”) filed Artiwith, and an action, cles of Organization with suit or proceeding con- the NY Sec. of State testing such validity is (“SSNY”) on 12/2/21. within Office location: Madison commenced twenty days after the County. SSNY is desigdate of such publica- nated as agent of LLC upon whom process tion, or 3) Such obligations are against it may be served authorized in violation of and shall mail a copy of the provisions of the process to 3101 Seneca Turnpike, Canastota, NY constitution. Section 9. This resolu- 13032. Purpose: any tion shall constitute a lawful activity. statement of official in- CR-287974 tent for purposes of Regulations Treasury Notice of Formation Section 1.1502. Other than as specified in this of T and H Strack LLC, a resolution, no monies Domestic Limited Liabiliare, or are reasonably ty Company (LLC). Artiexpected to be, re- cles of Organization filed served, allocated on a with the Secretary of longterm basis, or other- State of New York wise set aside with re- (SSNY) on 04/06/2022. spect to the permanent Office location: County Madison. SSNY is funding of the object or of purpose described here- designated as agent of LLC upon whom proin. Section 10. Upon this cess may be served. resolution taking effect, SSNY shall mail copy of the same shall be pub- process to: PO Box 522, lished in full in The Cazenovia, NY 13035. Cazenovia Republican, Purpose: any lawful purthe official newspaper of pose. said Village, together CR-288244 with a notice of the Village Clerk in substantialNOTICE OF PUBLIC ly the form provided in HEARING Section 81.00 of the LoTOWN OF NELSON cal Finance Law. Section 11. This resolu- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVtion is adopted subject EN that the Town Board to permissive referen- is considering the donadum pursuant to the ap- tion of certain Town plicable provisions of property and certain Section 36.00 of the Lo- easement rights to New cal Finance Law and Ar- York State/New York ticle 9 of the Village Law State Department of Enof the State of New vironmental Conservation (DEC). The donated York. property is more particCR-288508 ularly described as apNOTICE OF LLC proximately 7.52+ acres FORMATION currently part of Tax Orchard South Lawncare Map No.: 96.00-1-26.14 LLC Articles of Organiza- which is utilized as the tion filed with the SSNY Town of Nelson swamp on 03/31/22 Office: trail. Information reMadison County. SSNY garding the land donadesignated as agent of tion is on file at the the LLC upon whom Town Clerk's Office at process against it may the Nelson Town Office be served. SSNY shall located at 4085 Nelson mail copy of process to Road, Cazenovia, New the LLC, 9169 Old Or- York 13035 for inspecchard Road, Canastota, tion by all interested NY 13032. Purpose: persons. Any lawful purpose. NOTICE IS FURTHER CR-288646 GIVEN that the Town Board will hold a public Notice of Formation of Rasmussen Develop- hearing on the proposed ment LLC, a domestic land donation at the NelLimited Liability Compa- son Town Office located ny (LLC). Articles of Or- at 4085 Nelson Road, ganization filed with Cazenovia, New York Secretary of State of NY 13035 on May 12, 2022 on 2/14/02 under name at 6:45 p.m., or as soon Rasmussen Equipment thereafter as the matter Sales LLC. Certificate of can be heard, at which Amendment filed with time all persons interestSecretary of State of NY ed will be heard. on 3/6/06 changing April 21, 2022 name to Rasmussen De- Deborah J. Costello velopment LLC. NY of- Town Clerk fice location: MADISON Town of Nelson County. Secretary of CR-288786 State is designated as agent upon whom proThe Altschul cess against the LLC Group, LLC, may be served. Secretary of State shall mail a Arts of Org. filed with copy of any process Sec. of State of NY against the LLC served (SSNY) 2/2/2022. Cty: upon him/her to c/o THE Madison. SSNY desig. LLC, 4371 South as agent upon whom Lebanon Rd., Earlville, process against may be NY 13332. Purpose: to served & shall mail proengage in any lawful act cess to 50 Maple Ave., Hamilton, NY 13346. or activity. General Purpose. CR-287769 CR-286981 Notice of Formation of S&H 2 Property ComNotice of Formation of: pany, LLC, a Domestic WITHY HOLLOW, LLC. Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Or- Articles of Organization ganization filed with the were filed with the SecSecretary of State of retary of State of New (SSNY) on New York (SSNY) on York 3/14/2022. Office loca- 03/14/2022. Office is tion: County of Madison. located in the County of SSNY is designated as Madison. SSNY is desagent of LLC upon ignated as agent of LLC whom process may be upon whom process served. SSNY shall mail may be served. SSNY copy of process to: shall mail copy of pro1489 Owahgena Road, cess to 3195 Green Rd, Cazenovia, NY 13035. Erieville, NY 13061. Purpose: any lawful pur- Purpose is any lawful purpose. pose. CR-287624 CR-288242

April 27

Caz tennis beats Pulaski, LaFayette


16 April 27, 2022

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Cazenovia Republican

Lakers see two games moved back by Phil Blackwell

Twice last week, the Cazenovia boys lacrosse team was supposed to learn about itself playing on the turf at Cazenovia College’s Christakos Field – but it never took the field. The massive snowstorm that hit last Tuesday morning postponed both the game that night against Marcellus and a showdown with reigning sectional Class D champion Westhill two nights later. They’ll get made up this week – Westhill first on Tuesday, then Marcellus on Saturday with a tough game in between against Christian Brothers Academy Wednesday at Alibrandi Stadium. In the meantime, Chittenango took a 2-1 record into its game against Tully/ Fabius-Pompey last Wednesday night, and was unable to keep up in a 15-12 loss to the Black Knights. Thomas Berry (seven goals, three assists) and Lane Edinger (six goals, four assists) carried Tully/F-P and negated

some fine Chittenango performances as Conner Meeks-Vaughn had five goals and three assists, with Brendon Barnard getting three goals and three assists. Vincent Lazzaro had two goals and one assist. Less than 24 hour later, the Bears faced Jordan-Elbridge and again found itself in a close one – but this time was able to do enough to hold off the Eagles 14-13. Chittenango jumped out 7-2 in the first quarter and then would match everything J-E threw at them over the next two periods, with Meeks-Vaughn and Barnard each netting four goals. Fighting back, the Eagles, trailing 13-9, nearly caught up in the final minutes, Wade Brunelle and Nixon Karcz each getting three-goal hat tricks as Brunelle added three assists. To hang on, the Bears needed Ethan Robles and Tom Navin to both score twice helping Barnard and Karcz. Alex Moesch and Ryan Moesch added single goals as Jacob Owens won 20 of the 24 face-offs he took.

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Cazenovia Area Chamber of Commerce 95 Albany St. Suite C, PO Box 618, Cazenovia, NY 13035 315-655-9243 | | To advertise here call Lori Lewis 315.434.8889 x 316 May Activities

Starting Saturday, May 7th - Every Saturday through the summer. Summer Farmers Market on the Village Green. 9am-2pm

Thursday - Tuesday 11-8 Closed Wednesday

May 7th Caz Artisans Reception w/Julie Gratien “Growing Colors” 2-5 pm


May 8th Mother’s Day Brunch w/ Oscar’s Food Truck at Critz Farms 11 a.m. May 12th American Legion Blood Drive 1-6 pm May 14th Critz Farms “Apple Blossom Festival” Music, Beer & BBQ noon-5 pm May 28th Live Music w/Butternut Creek Revival at Critz Farms 5-8 pm May Thursdays at 6 pm and Sunday at 1 pm Live Music at Meier’s Creek Brewery May Thursdays - Sundays Food Trucks at Critz Farms w/entertainment see website for times

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Live Music at Brae Loch Inn May 2nd t The Cadleys 5:30-7:30 pm May 5th t Mark Douglas 6-8:30 p.m. May 6th t Big D Due 6-9 pm May 9th t The Cadleys 5:30-7:30 pm May 12th t Mark Douglas 6-8:30 pm May 13th t Colin Aberdeen 6-9 pm May 16th t The Cadleys 5:30-7:30 pm May 19th t Mark Douglas 6-8:30 pm May 20th t Mark Nanni 6-9 pm May 23rd t The Cadleys 5:30-7:30 pm May 26th t Mark Douglas 6-8:30 pm May 27th t Greg Hoover 6-9 pm May 28th t Butternut Creek Revival 5-8 pm May 29th t Bob Lyna 6-9 pm May 30th t The Cadleys 5:30-7:30 pm

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Jessica Amidon, Owner • (315) 751-8395 •

Cazenovia Republican


Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

April 27, 2022 17

Phil Blackwell | Sports Editor | 434-8889 ext. 348 |

Caz girls track second at VVS Invitational by Kurt WHeeler


he Cazenovia girls track and field team scored in 15 of 18 events to earn 91 points and a second place finish among 14 teams at last Saturday’s Vernon-VeronaSherrill Invitational. Only Class A power East SyracuseMinoa (141) outscored the Lakers as the team achieved 26 new season-best performances during the meet. Junior Faith Wheeler led the team as she won the pole vault with a 7-foot effort, captured second in the 800-meter run in a season-best 2:40.2 and led off the Lakers’ fourth-place 4x800 meter relay. Senior captain Melanie Michael was also sharp for Cazenovia, earning second in the 400 meter hurdles in a seasonbest 1:12.9, third in the 100 hurdles in 17.7 seconds and leading off the secondplace 4x100 relay to a time of 54.5. Corinne Albicker also scored in the 100 hurdles, taking fifth in 19.9 seconds in her first attempt ever at the event. She also joined senior captain Katie Whitney and Jane Lee in the successful 4x100 and captured third in the long jump with a leap of 14 feet 5 inches. Whitney added a strong second-place finish in the 100-meter dash in 13.4 seconds and a quick 28.9 in the 200-meter dash. Claire Braaten headlined the Lakers’ effort in the distance events, earning sectional qualifying times in both the 1,500-meter run (second place, 5:31.1) and 3,000-meter run (fourth place, 11:55.1). Grace Kingsley earned season best times in both the 800 and 1,500 while

Kate Millson achieved a personal best of 2:52.3 in the 800. Lauren McLean led a trio of Cazenovia runners in the grueling 2,000-meter steeplechase event, earning sixth place in a sectional time of 9:04 flat. Senior captain Mary Williams also hit the sectional standard with a 9:12.4 effort with Zoey Gagne close behind at 9:18, while Williams and Gagne returned to join Millson and Wheeler in the 4x800. Grace Dolan was strong in the 400meter dash, sprinting to a fourth place time of 1:03.2, just two tenths of a second off the elite State Qualifier standard. She also led off the third place 4x400 relay that included Maleigha Coffie, Meghan Mehlbaum and Olivia Ruddy, who ran a personal best leg of 1:06.5. Danielle Smith led Cazenovia’s throwers, placing fifth in the discus at 68’4” and achieving a season best in the shot put with a 24’4 ½” effort. Michaela Tobin (60’6” in the discus) and Karly Vaas (23’10 ½” in the shot) also earned personal best performances. Senior captain Katie Pavelchak (fourth in the high jump at 4’6”), Emma Steinberg (sixth in the pole vault at 6 feet) and Sophie Rheaume (sixth in the long jump at 13’8 ½”) rounded out the Lakers’ scoring in the field events. Maleigha Coffie added a season best of 29’8” to lead the team in the triple jump. Cazenovia will host Christian Brothers Academy on Wednesday as, after last week’s meet with Westhill was postponed it opens a regular season of league competition and strives for a 10th league title over the past 12 seasons.

Cazenovia baseball scores 28 runs against J-E by Phil Blackwell

It finally cleared up and dried up for the Cazenovia baseball team to resume OHSL Liberty division action late in the week, and the Lakers didn’t waste the opportunity. Meeting Jordan-Elbridge last Friday at Cor-


l From page 1 “National Grid said their infrastructure will not support the charging of all these buses at this point,” he said. “There are going to have to be massive overhauls from National Grid, so that’s going to increase costs statewide.” Finnerty added that since the grid cannot support electric buses at this time, an alternative option would be to charge a maximum of eight vehicles at a time with a device that hooks up to a gas- or diesel-powered generator. “We have 24, so we’d have to do it in three cycles, and I don’t know who is going to be here at night to switch them all out,” he said. Finnerty also informed the board that one of his colleagues works at a rural school district that has already started designing a bus garage to accommodate electric vehicles, and that CCSD will begin the process soon. He noted that while

tland’s Gutchess Field, the Lakers simply unloaded in the five innings it required to pound the Eagles 28-0. The damage included a 10-run second inning and 12-run fourth inning, Cazenovia accumulating 19 hits, led by Jacob Grevelding, who went five-for-five with

four singles, a double, four RBIs and four runs scored. Sully Clarke scored five times as he, along with Jack Donlin and Joey Awald, got three RBIs apiece. Ben Orbach had three hits and drove in a pair of runs and A.J. Rothfeld scored three runs.

CCSD covers about 120,000 square miles, his colleague’s district covers 170,000 square miles. “They have to look at long-range buses,” he said. “that’s an additional $54,000 for the long-range batteries. Right now, we’ve got a referendum item that will go on the vote this May for three [diesel engine] buses [at $110,000 or $120,000 a piece].” “One electric bus with a long-range battery, which I imagine we will need too, is $407,000. If we want to replace three buses, that’s $1.2 million. Who is going to have to bear the brunt of that? The taxpayer. . . They say that the upkeep of them is much less expensive, but at four times the cost, we could pay for all kinds of repairs for that.” According to Finnerty, the district is currently on an eight-year bus replacement plan because the vehicles are covered by warranty for that duration. He also stated that, right now, districts have

the option to lease buses for a maximum of five years. With the electric buses, the state will allow for 10-year leases. “Maybe they have a longer life-span, but I’m not sure,” he said. “Leasing might be something we need to look at.” Finnerty concluded his report by explaining that his goal was not to take a stance in favor or opposed to the transition to electric, but rather to bring the board’s attention to the challenges it could present down the road. “I’m certainly not saying it’s a bad thing,” he said. “It’s just going to present challenges that we will have to work through. I just want you to stay informed.” CCSD BOE meetings are usually held at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. Meeting dates are listed on the district website and the school calendar. For more information, visit of education.

Cazenovia girls track and field runner Faith Wheeler helped the Lakers to a secondplace finish in last Saturday’s Vernon-Verona-Sherrill Invitational, leading off the 4x800 relay and placing second in the 800-meter run.

Cazenovia softball beats Homer by Phil Blackwell All the snow that fell early last week kept the Cazenovia softball team from taking on Homer until things cleared up later in the week. And when it did, the Lakers were ready for it, able to put together a consistent hitting approach that translated into an 8-3 victory over the Trojans.

Cazenovia managed to score runs in each of the first five innings, peaking when it got two runs in the second and three runs in the third. Riley Newcomb, Julia Bush and Abby Falso each earned a pair of walks, with Bush scoring twice. Mya Skeele added an RBI as she also pitched five innings, combining with Luka Galle to strike out 10 Homer batters.

Are you ready for the golf season? Let’s face it, when March hits the calendar in CNY, most golfers get a strange disease that is commonly referred to as “The Bug”. If you ask 100 golfers to explain what it is, you would probably get 100 different answers. For me, it simply meant being outside again after a long, cold and inactive winter. A close friend explained it this way…it’s a “mental high”. The real key for all of us is to try to figure out a way to get ready for the season. Unfortunately, It’s sad to say that about 75% of amateur golfers are ill prepared to go to the first tee to kick-off the golf season. If you are one of the 75%, pay attention, what follows just might save you a few aches, perhaps even a serious pain in your head that might last long after the golf season begins. I know…I know…I write a column every year near the end of April saying the same thing…year, after year, after year. Tough! I intend to keep doing it as long as I am able because I know that being physically, mentally and emotionally prepared for golf, our jobs, family, friends and life is critical to our longevity. Hopefully, this will be the year that you make the commitment to do something… anything…that will better prepare you for the rigorous golf season that is just around the corner. After all, when you add up all of the obstacles you are going to face, it certainly must be a daunting task for many of you to: wake up early in the morning, rush through your breakfast, make sure you have your golf shoes, a hat, balls, tees and your wedge, that is still where you left it in the back yard after practicing a few pitch shots the night before. Don’t forget to call your playing partner about the weather forecast…partly sunny, 71 degrees, with wind at 8MPH. You really have a difficult life but somebody’s got to do it. For some, a temperature of at least 35 degrees is a “go”. To others, 45 degrees is a “green light” and to the vast majority of golfers, 55 degrees and above seems to be the “magic number”. Once you decide where you fit, the rest is easy. Let’s Get Ready ! 1. Before you even think about taking a full swing with your driver, I am begging you to find a golf specific “stretching” routine that you can follow just three times a week for 15 minutes per session. If you don’t have a personal trainer or physical therapist who lives next door to you, check out u-tube. It’s a great place to find videos that make your routine easy and fun. 2. There is no better way to start the golf season than to be “perfectly clear” on what you want your golf swing to look like this season.

Perry Noun is the former executive director of the Northeastern NY PGA as well as a competitive amateur golfer and winner of the New York State Super Senior Amateur Championship. Perry Noun can be heard on “Tee Time With The Pronoun” on... News Radio 570 WSYR and 106.9FM.

If you are “perfectly capable “ of finding your own “perfectly clear” swing, go at it! If you aren’t, please do yourself a big favor and find a PGA Coach or Instructor to help make this season your best ever. 3. After one week of stretching, grab your “Big Dog” (driver) every other day and start making 25 half-speed-swings. The 2nd week make 50 half-speed-swings. Yep…you got it…75 the 3rd week and 100 the 4th week. No matter how hard you try to convenience me you swing at half-speed, I know you will be swinging at full-speed by the end of the 2nd week. Just don’t hurt yourself. 4. If you don’t know by now that practicing the “short game” is absolutely the best way to lower your golf scores, shame on you. You can buy an inexpensive putting matt for practicing at home as well as plastic whiffle balls (golf ball size) for chipping…before you challenge the golf course. 5. You “must” make a commitment to increase your “club-head-speed”. There are 3 ways to do it: strength training…stretching… and following the Super Speed Golf approach. They know that the farther you hit a golf ball, the shorter the distance to the flag for your approach shot, which allows you to hit the ball closer to the flag for shorter putts and more birdies. Super Speed Golf Come on folks…it’s not that difficult. Make the commitment…get in shape…try working out with friends…start swinging your driver 100 times a day…and if you don’t read a book or articles about the “Mental Game” on a regular basis, you might as well find another sport to play. The problem with playing another sport is that sooner or later you will still have to accept the value of learning more about the “Mental Game”, so you might just as well stick-it-out with golf. You a;ready own golf clubs. I would love to see every golfer in CNY have the best season of golf they have ever had.

18 April 27, 2022

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Cazenovia Republican

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