Star Review Digital Edition - May 11, 2022

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Week of May 11, 2022 Home of The Capria Family

Proudly serving Liverpool, Salina, North Syracuse, Cicero & Clay


Throwing shade


School budget, BOE elections are May 17 By Ashley M. Casey Associate Editor

Residents of the Liverpool and North Syracuse school districts head to the polls on Tuesday, May 17, to vote on their respective districts’ 2022-23 school budget and slate of school board candidates. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 17. The polling place for the Liverpool Central School District is the Wetzel Road Gym. There are two polling places for the North Syracuse Central School District. Residents who live SOUTH of Route 481 vote at the Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Road, North Syracuse). Residents who live NORTH of Route 481 vote at Cicero Elementary School (5979 Route 31, Cicero). Read on for the highlights of each district’s budget. The Star-Review sent a questionnaire to each candidate for Liverpool and North Syracuse school boards, but did not receive a response from all candidates. The Q&As with the candidates who did respond will be posted on

Liverpool Central School District Submitted photos

The NSEEP PTO donated $15,000 toward the campaign to add three shade structures to the playground.

PTO donates $15K to playground project Last summer, the North Syracuse Early Education Program launched its re-envisioned and renovated playground serving the school’s 240 students, as well as the larger community in Onondaga County. This inclusive, fully accessible playground was carefully designed around the needs of children with developmental disabilities and those of typically developing children. The school’s students have spent many happy hours at the playground during the school day and many children and their families have enjoyed it at other times, as it is open to the public after school hours. Recently, the school began a fundraising campaign to add three shade structures to the beautiful, still-new playground in order to protect kids, caregivers

and teachers from harmful UV rays. “These 16-foot long, barrel-vaulted, two-column design, cantilevered shade structures will be angled to block the rays of the sun as it moves across the play area during the hottest part of the day,” playground project coordinator Cheri Rotelli wrote on GoFundMe. “The cantilever design Cheri Rotelli, physical therapist at NSEEP will allow us to install and playground project coordinator, fills the structures just off the in the 80% mark of the playground shade edge of the poured rub- project’s goal. ber surface. The surface fundraising goal. won’t be disturbed and A portion of the donation was the children will have no obstamade possible through the school’s cles to free movement and play.” On April 22, Rotelli had an Gertrude Hawk fundraisers and unexpected but wonderful sur- the PTO wants to thank all of the prise as the school’s PTO pre- families who supported that camsented her with a $15,000 check paign. The school continues to toward the shade project. With raise money through a GoFundMe the PTO’s generous donation, the page for the cause. Visit https://gocampaign has reached 80% of its to learn more.

Planning board considers revoking American High’s special-use permit By Russ Tarby Contributing writer When it convenes at 7 p.m. Monday, May 23, for its monthly meeting at the village hall, the Liverpool Planning Board will consider a proposed resolution to revoke the special-use permit issued to American High/Academy at Syracuse Studios five years ago. Citing more than a half-dozen alleged violations of land-use stipulations along with multiple complaints from neighbors, the proposed resolution could also lead the village of Liverpool to slap American High with fines and lawsuits. Representatives from American High and its academy at the former Liverpool High School building at 800 Fourth St. attended the planning board’s previous two meetings to discuss the alleged violations, such as afterhours truck traffic and late-night film shoots with lights, noise and litter. American High CEO Jeremy Garelick bought the building in 2017 for $1 million and turned it into a trade school for aspir-

ing filmmakers while using it as a set for production of low-budget teen-oriented romantic comedies. Planning Board Chair Joe Ostuni Jr. repeatedly quizzed academy representatives about the trade school’s lack of accreditation while noting that commercial filmmaking, warehousing and contracting continue there. At the April 25 meeting, board attorney Richard Andino presented the 1,500-word proposed resolution. After a lengthy list of alleged violations and neighborhood complaints, the first item to be resolved takes aim at the facility’s commercialization: “The planning board hereby finds that the above-referenced violations and issues related to the use of the property by the Academy at Syracuse Studios and unauthorized commercial enterprises have resulted in a detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood which surrounds the property; and ... the planning board hereby directs the Academy at Syracuse Studios to immediately cease and desist any activities which are unauthorized by the above-refer-

enced land-use approvals.” The proposed resolution could revoke American High’s amended site plan approved by the board in 2020 and its special-use permit issued in 2017. “As a result of the academy’s failure to comply with the timeframes for completion of site improvements the amended site plan approval is hereby deemed expired and null and void,” the proposed resolution continues. “Failure to remedy the abovedescribed violations shall result in the possible revocation of the academy’s special-use permit, prosecution of violations in the village of Liverpool Justice Court, and such further legal action necessary to bring the property and the use thereof into compliance with the special-use permit. … The academy must still comply with all other aspects of the village zoning law and other laws, rules and regulations; and that this resolution shall take effect immediately.” In addition to Ostuni, the planning board members are Bob Bradt, Sam Reppi, Jim Rosier and James Taft.

Budget highlights

Appropriations for the 2022-23 budget total $173,451,163. The estimated tax levy will be $92,454,745. Other revenue breaks down as follows: • State aid: $74,692,024 • Federal aid: $300,000 • Fund balance: $3,760,950 • Other revenue (sales tax, PILOT agreements, charges for services and more): $2,243,444 Proposition 2, the annual bus purchase proposition, requests the purchase of six large school buses, two large school buses with double luggage boxes, three small school buses with air conditioning, one small school bus with wheelchair capability, two Chevy Suburbans, one 8-by-24-foot heavy-duty enclosed utility trailer and one heavy-duty delivery truck with a 26-foot dry van body and heavy-duty liftgate. The total cost of the bus proposition is $1,755,463. Proposition 3 seeks to establish a capital reserve fund in which the district can set aside money annually for future renovations or major purchases. Also on the ballot are the Liverpool Public Library’s budget and trustee candidates. To learn more, visit For a full Liverpool school budget breakdown, please refer to the Budget Edition of the Liverpool School Bell, which was mailed to residents and can be found at

BOE candidates

There are seven candidates running for three 4-year terms and one 1-year term on the Liverpool Board of Education: • Erika Adigun • Nicholas Blaney • Craig Dailey • Hayley Downs • Alicia Letta • Kimberly Martin • Jason Sobotka

North Syracuse Central School District Budget highlights

Appropriations for the 2022-23 budget will total $188,367,855. The tax levy will be $98,574,564. Other revenue — payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) agreements, county sales tax, $5.25 million in fund balance and other sources — totals $9,966,110. North Syracuse is set to receive $79,827,181 in state aid. Proposition 2, the annual bus purchase proposition, seeks to purchase ten 65-passenger gasoline engine school buses; two 42-passenger gasoline engine school buses with three wheelchair positions, hydraulic lift and air conditioning; and five maintenance and operations department vehicles. The total cost is not to exceed $1,890,381. After state aid and before STAR exemptions, the annual tax impact on a $100,000 home would be about $2.61. Proposition 3 addresses an air conditioning issue at North Syracuse Junior High School. The chiller system needs to be replaced at a cost of $1.4 million. The district is covering the local share of the cost from its fund balance, so there is no additional tax impact for this project. Taxpayers will also be off the hook for Proposition 4, a $7.5 million initiative to replace outdated lighting systems with LEDs and make other energy saving tweaks to older buildings in the district. State aid and the NSCSD’s fund balance will cover the cost. The NSCSD ballot also includes the Salina Library’s budget proposition. To learn more, visit For a full budget breakdown, please refer to the Budget Edition of District Dispatch, which was mailed to residents and can be found at

BOE candidates

There are four candidates running for three 3-year terms on the North Syracuse Board of Education: • Robert Crabtree • Matthew Hermann • Nicole Planty • Amanda Sugrue

Volume 130, Number 19 The Star-Review is published weekly by Eagle News. Office of Publication: 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206. Periodical Postage Paid at Syracuse, NY 13220, USPS 316060. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Star-Review, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206.

recipe of the month: Easy cookies.


sports news: Liverpool softball gets 9-0 shutout of C-NS.


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Obituaries ������������� 3,12 PennySaver ���������������� 6 Recipe �������������������������� 5 Sports ����������������������� 13

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2 May 11, 2022

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History Mystery North

Last week’s answer By Dorothy Heller Clay Historian

Pictured is Clara Rose Thomas, whose grandfather, R. C. Melvin, owned much of Horseshoe Island in the early 1900s and land around Clay, Liverpool and North Syracuse. The picture behind her is a painting of the beautiful farmhouse where she grew up. This is about some of her memories of growing up in this area. Clara Rose’s father, born in 1906, was Warren Melvin. The father of Warren and his sister, Harriet, was R. C. (Rob) Melvin, the owner of the Horseshoe Island property. At that time it was called Horseshoe Island but well-known as “Big Bend” because of the shape of the peninsula. Originally it was a favorite hunting and fishing area for the Haudenosaunee, mainly the Onondagas. They fished and hunted, dried their catches over open fires, leaving the bones. for spring floods to wash down stream to Three Rivers where the Oneida and Seneca Rivers meet to form the Oswego River flowing north. Although she doesn’t remember because she was only 1 year old, Clara Rose’s first visit was in 1939 to a large family reunion at the Pavilion on the left inside the dirt circle road on Horseshoe Island. (Her brother Bob was born exactly three years later.) Her uncle, Mr. Lamb, who owned a cottage on the Oneida River side, had a new motorboat which was one of the first on the island. Clara Rose vividly remembers going with her father on the yearly cattle drive from their house in Lysander, up Route 57 to Bonstead Road and left on Horseshoe Island Road to the island. Each Memorial Day they drove the cattle there and then drove them back on Columbus Day. They were pastured inside the treeless circle of land, which was grated. It was a 10-mile trip from home, and when they reached the old wooden one-lane bridge, one dairy cow refused to cross and would rather swim to the mainland. She may have been afraid looking through the metal braided floor at the water or the noise of her feet on the metal. Brother Bob road a buckskin horse on the drives that he sometimes let her ride around the farm. Clara Rose remembers across the dirt road at the riverside was an ice cream stand with fancy wrought-iron mission chairs. Her grandfather’s lots sold all along the river and

she said, “We got a good deal on mission chairs for the summer peoples’ cottages.” Aunt Harriet would pick mushrooms in the fields. Many people would spear carp with their pitchforks. One farm she remembers on the left was noted for their vegetables, eggs and strawberries — the Gross Farm. People came in by boat in the summer, many from Oswego. It was William Gross and his wife who had the small convenience store on the island, selling bait for fishermen and soda and ice cream for the summer people. Often during the summer Warren would receive a message from neighbors on the island that a calf had been born because many females had been bred before they left on the drive. A niece of Gross’s, Hilda Coon, added a couple of her memories from visiting her Uncle William’s farm. One was that Melvins would hold a big barbecue in the spring in the center of the circle for a small price for the residents of the island. There were also horse races around the circle. Oliver Hughson, a longtime resident of Clay, remembers racing his Model T Ford around the circle. Clara Rose completed her memories with the fact that it was swampy on the island and once it was flooded even before reaching the Gross farm. They stopped the drives in 1947 after Grandpa Melvin passed away. She married Walt Thomas in 1950. Besides raising a family, they became very interested in crafts. Clara Rose was — and still is — an avid weaver and Walt was an expert broom maker. They did public presentations and every year demonstrated at the State Fair. Beverly Archer was the first reader to contact the Star-Review correctly identifying Clara Rose Thomas. Check back soon for another edition of History Mystery North. Email your guess to editor@ or leave a message at 315-434-8889 ext. 332 with your guess and your name by noon Friday. If you are the first person to correctly identify an element in the photo before the deadline, your name and guess will appear in next week’s newspaper, along with another History Mystery feature. History Mystery is a joint project of the StarReview and area historians in Cicero, Clay, Liverpool and North Syracuse.

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Spring Community Sale

Star Review

Salina Library to host book sale May 14 By Janet Myrto Richards Adult Program Coordinator

The Friends of Salina Library will hold their semi-annual book sale from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 14. You’ll love the low prices! Adult books are 50 cents to $1, children’s and teen books are 25 cents to 50 cents, DVDs are $2, audio books are $1, and CDs are 25 cents. The $5 bag sale starts at 2 p.m. For rock bottom prices on our book sale remainders, stop in during regular

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Send your events to acasey@ Notices must have the date, time and location of the event. Deadline for submissions is 12 p.m. Friday. Event information may be subject to change, so be sure to contact the event organizer to confirm the details. No calendar item can be guaranteed for placement in the papers, nor run for multiple weeks, unless it is a paid announcement. All free placement is on a space-available basis.

SAVE THE DATE Baker ‘72 Reunion

The Baker High School Class of 1972 will hold its 50th reunion July 22-23, 2022. Festivities will take place July 22 at River Grill in Baldwinsville ($15 per person) and July 23 at the Cicero American Legion ($50 per person). Reservations deadline is June 15. Make checks payable to Baldwinsville Class of 1972, and mail to: Joan Reeves, PO Box 295, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Follow “Baldwinsville Class of 1972” on Facebook for up-to-date information.

THROUGHOUT MAY Baby Bounce & Rhyme

9:15 a.m. Wednesdays in May. Skaneateles Library, 49 E. Genesee St. Bond with your baby during this program featuring nursery rhymes, books, movement and fingerplays, followed by sensory exploration. For babies up to 18 months. Registration required; visit


Arbor Day Celebration

10 a.m. Camillus Fire Department, 5801 Newport Road. The village of Camillus will celebrate Arbor Day with a tree planting and dedication ceremony in the memory of the life of Mr. Mike McBride, former chief of the Camillus Fire Department and village of Camillus trustee, for all of the years of dedication to the department and the village. We invite all to attend.

MAY 13-14

SHS Plant Sale

1 to 6 p.m. Friday, May 13; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 14. Creamery Museum, 28 Hannum St., Skaneateles. The fourth annual spring plant sale benefiting the Skaneateles Historical Society features perennials, 50 varieties of plants, many native plants and shrubs. All of the plants were donated from local residents’ gardens — if you love it in their garden you can grow it in yours! Children’s planting table activities will be held May 14. There will also be garden paraphernalia and a basket raffle. For more infor-

Centerville Courts Community Room

Saturday, May 14th • 9am - 3pm Jewelry, Accessories, Small Wares, Purses, Knick Knacks All our unwanted treasures!

Masks Required

400 Sandra Lane, North Syracuse

hours, Monday, May 16, through Thursday, May 19. The deals get better throughout the week. We’re here from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Do you think you might like to join the Friends of Salina Library? They meet five times per year and do book sales and other fundraising. Sign up at the book sale. For more information about Salina Library, please visit our website at or call 315-454-4524.

mation, visit or call 315-685-1360.


Sudden Serendipity Spring Sale

8 to 10 a.m. Schroeppel Historical Society, 486 Main St., Phoenix. The sale will feature a large variety of plants, as well as special items, including a documented display of antique kitchen items from the home of Arthur and Myrtie Moyer, prominent Phoenicians who lived during the time of the Phoenix Fire. The items from their kitchen were generously donated by their grandsons, David Moyer and Tom Moyer Luebberman. Come to enjoy the shopping and to view the newly renovated study room (previously a kitchen) made possible by the generosity of current and former residents of Phoenix and Schroeppel, and a grant from the Richard S. Shineman Foundation. All-You-Can-Eat Belgian Waffle Breakfast

8 to 11 a.m. Lamson Grange #588, 9108 Fenner Road, Baldwinsville. Menu: Belgian waffles, peach topping, warm syrup, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, beverages; $10 adults, $5 children 6-12, free for children 5 and under. For more information, call 315-413-8993. Crochet for Beginners

1:30 to 3 p.m. Skaneateles Library, 49 E. Genesee St. Join us in the Teen section as we learn how to crochet. Led by a teen volunteer, participants will make a bookmark as they learn how to double crochet, weave in their loose ends, and create a tassel. All supplies are included. For ages 12+ who are new to crochet. Registration required; visit skanlibrary. org.


Coin & Currency Show

10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Holiday Inn (the former Maplewood Inn), 400 7th North St., Liverpool. Hosted by the Onondaga Numismatic Association. 24 tables of professional dealers will buy/sell coins and paper money. Everyone is welcome, advanced collector or beginner. Children welcome, accompanied by an adult. Free evaluations available. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated. For more information, visit Oslo Lodge. Sons of Norway presents:

Norwegian Constitution Day 1 p.m. Fayetteville Senior Center, 584 E. Genesee St. (Route 5). Celebrate a Norse Holiday with lunch and a lawn parade. Arrive at 1 p.m. to sign in and meet the local

Vikings. The lawn parade steps off at 1:30 followed by a traditional picnic lunch of hot dogs, lefse, soda, chips, cake and ice cream. Everyone is welcome. Admission is $5 at the door; children 10 and under free. Reservations required. Call 315622-7211. If the sun shines, bring a lawn chair. CHA Open House

1 to 3 p.m. Clay Historical Park, 4939 Route 31. Learn about the Clay Historical Association and take a walk through the Cigarville train station, log cabin, Sellen-Weller barn, and check out the Visitor’s Center Museum. For more information, visit clayhistoricalassociation. Skaneateles Elementary Book Club

2:30 p.m. Virtual; hosted by Skaneateles Library. This month we’re reading “Science Comics: Trees by Andy Hirsch.” Each month we’ll read a book or graphic novel and then get together to chat about the book and do an activity. Pick up your copy of the book curbside. For kids in grades 3-5. Registration required to receive Zoom link; visit


AAPI Storytime Series 3

6 to 7 p.m. NOPL North Syracuse, 100 Trolley Barn Lane. May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. This week, we will learn about Ellison Onizuka and Hazel Ying Lee. For more information, call 315458-6184 or visit

WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 North Syracuse Art Guild

12:30 p.m. NSEA Teacher’s Union Building, 210 S. Main St., North Syracuse. This month’s presenter is Judy Hand. She will talk about her interesting research on the life of Mary Cotter: architect, artist and a woman ahead of her time. Anne Frank: Her Life, Her Diary, and Beyond

6:30 p.m. Virtual; hosted by Skaneateles Library. Anne Frank is possibly the most well-known victim of the Holocaust with millions of people around the world aware of her life in hiding through her diary. Not as well-known is the story of her early life, from her birth in Frankfurt, through her family’s migration to Amsterdam, to the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands, and the time after her arrest, including the fates of the people she hid with. John Damond will fill in those pieces and tell the story of the diary within the context of the war and the Holocaust during this virtual program. Registration required to receive the Zoom link. visit

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Eagle News

May 11, 2022 3

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OBITUARIES Genevieve Johnson, 98 Focus was family


Genevieve Johnson, 98 1/2, passed away in the late afternoon of April 19, 2022, surrounded by her children, as well as some of her grandchildren and great grandchildren, at that moment. Born Oct. 6, 1923, a fraternal twin to her brother, Jerry, in Grand Forks, N.D., the great-granddaughter of immigrants who migrated to America and Canada from western Ireland at the time of the potato famines in the early to mid-1800’s, through the port cities of Boston, (probably) Montreal, and New Orleans, settling eventually around Chicago, Kankakee, IL, and N.D., Gen was one of seven children born to Henry O’Keefe and Francis (Kerin) O’Keefe, and the last surviving member of that group. After graduating from the University of North Dakota, she ended up in Chicago, working as a flight attendant for TWA. There she met on

Genevieve Johnson a blind date a fellow North Dakotan (Fargo), Henry A. Johnson, known sometimes at that time, although of Norwegian descent, as “Swede,” a recently-returned Naval veteran of WWII, and wellknown in North Dakota for his basketball exploits. Also known as “Hank,” educated as an electrical engineer at North Dakota State, Henry was just starting a business career in sales. Despite her fiercely proud Irish heritage, and Catholic faith, Gen married the Norwegian, Lutheran “Hank,” by virtue of a special dispensation granted for them to

Michael Callahan

Marine Corps. veteran Michael Leo Callahan entered eternal life on April 30, 2022. He died at home in Suffolk, VA, with family at his side. The son of Dennis Leo and Clara Bell (Gorman) Callahan, Michael was born on April 30, 1929, in Syracuse. He attended Marcellus Central School after the family moved in 1938 to a 10-acre farm on Casson Road near Howlett Hill. Michael was president of his senior class when he graduated in 1947. Accepted into the NROTC, he attended the University of South Carolina, Columbia and spent summers in midshipmen training abroad. Michael graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1951 and, choosing to serve in the U.S. Marine Corps, pursued training as an engineering officer at MCB Quantico, VA. He served in the Korean Conflict in 1952-53 as a first lieutenant with A Company, 1st Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, commanding the truck and engineering operations. He completed his two years of active service at Quantico and then served six years in the reserves, retiring as a captain. Michael was hired as a mechanical engineer by the television receiver department of General Electric, Liverpool, in 1953, and worked for the company for 34 years. On July 3, 1954, he married Mary Frances Leach, fellow graduate of Marcellus Central High

Michael Callahan School and date to his senior prom. They began their 67-year life together on Maple Street, Marcellus, in a house that Michael and his father had renovated. When GE relocated its television operations to Suffolk, VA, the family, now with six children and mother-in-law Fannie Leach, moved to Chesapeake. Michael finished his engineering career in 1993 after six years with the Naval Electronics System Engineering Center (NAVELEX), Portsmouth. Michael is remembered for his quiet authority, patience, and light heart. He was devoted to his beloved wife and constant in his support of family and in service to his church. A member of Church of the Resurrection from its mission days, he at times led the parish council, stewardship initiatives, fundraising campaigns, and festival efforts, and helped with the upkeep of the parish and the Well, a diocesan retreat center. His service embodied the Vatican II belief that the Catholic Church is its people.

do so, on June 28, 1947, and they began a lifelong partnership, raising four children, in an adventure that led Gen and Hank, due to corporate job transfers, from Chicago to suburban New York City and New Jersey, Upstate New York, back to Chicago, then to Connecticut, and, finally, retirement in California, always choosing wonderful communities, with great school systems, to live in— in succession, the Northwest side of Chicago, Park Ridge, Park Forest, Clarendon Hills, IL, then on to Eastchester, N.Y., on to Madison, NJ, then to Gen’s favorite, Skaneateles, back to Oak Park, IL, then to Stamford, CT, and finally, retirement in Santa Ana/Tustin/Orange, CA, where Hank died in 2001. The focus of Gen’s life was always family, both immediate and extended. She gave birth first to William (1948), then, Irish twins Gerald (1950) and Jennifer Sue (1950) and Marianne (1953). Gen was an active mother, sewing clothes, finding the best swimming spots, and making lifelong friends Michael’s retreat was the garage amid his tools; he was ever building, repairing and problem solving. In his later years he happily applied his ingenuity and building know-how at his daughter Kate’s sheep farm. Michael is survived by daughters Mary Anne Callahan, Mary Therese Callahan and husband Doug Strehlow, Mary Patricia Callahan and husband Bob Wislinski, Mary Catherine (Kate) Callahan and husband John Moore, son Daniel Joseph Callahan and wife Lora, and daughter-in-law Beverly Kuhn Hoyer and husband Dave Hoyer; 15 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife (2021), father (1986) mother (1978), and son John Leo (2013). The family expresses its deep gratitude to Brenda Harper of Comfort Keepers, Franklin, and to the nursing staff of Step Down, Sentara Obici Hospital, Suffolk. A viewing was held 6 to 7 p.m., Monday, May 9, at B. W. Foster Funeral Home, 1926 High St., Portsmouth. A Mass of the Resurrection was celebrated 11 a.m., Tuesday, May 10, at the Church of the Resurrection, 3501 Cedar Ln., Portsmouth. A ceremony followed at the Albert G. Horton, Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery, 5310 Milners Road, Suffolk. In lieu of flowers please send donations to Doctors Without Borders. Condolences may be registered at

wherever she was. The house was always open, and she fed and entertained innumerous kids’ friends, relatives, visitors, and Hank’s business associates, while also working as a nursery school and Head Start teacher, as well as other part-time jobs to fill in the family income, and hunting the best bargains around for food, clothes, and other necessities, as well as antiques, collectibles and yard-sale finds. She became a clearinghouse for her large, extended family, enjoying her relationships with her siblings, vast array of cousins, aunts and uncles, in-laws and mother Franny, able to relay messages, whereabouts and whatabouts concerning any to another. Her talents, and gifts to all, were her sparkling eyes and smile, which exuded optimism, humble sincerity and empathy, her ability to make and keep friends, quickly find out someone’s entire story and never forget it, make all feel comfortable and at ease; she enjoyed a good laugh, including on her, and remembered all the stories. She was also very sensitive, fiercely loyal and proud of her kids and family, and not afraid to assert herself or speak her mind. She could also be pretty competitive when it came to bridge, bingo, her kids’ sports’ teams, a chosen few college teams (Notre Dame, Univ. of North

Dakota, Dartmouth, Syracuse), favorite pro teams, and quarterbacks (Joe Montana, especially), and often rooted for certain players based on things other than their athletic abilities. Beautiful, intelligent, pragmatic, generous, not shy, funny, caring, and “a character” would all be words to describe her. In her last few years, life became hard for Gen, but she managed to smile and laugh it off; while hard for her, her extended life was a gift to those near to and around her. Gen, who was also called “Murphy” by her husband, and known as “Nonnie” to all the grandkids, was predeceased by her husband Hank (2001), eldest daughter Jennifer Ames (2010), parents Henry and Frances O’Keefe, siblings—Bette, John, Margaret, Bill, twin brother Jerry, and beloved younger sister, Maureen, daughter-in-law Melinda (Jerry), most other in-laws, numerous cousins, aunts and uncles. She is survived by her children, Bill and wife Sara Johnson (Hanover, NH), Jerry Johnson (Tustin, CA), and Sam Johnson (San Rafael, CA), son-in-law Jack Ames (Palos Hills, IL); grandchildren Kaitlyn Sikora (Luke), (San Francisco, CA), and Kara Johnson (Tustin, CA), Kris Ames (Kerri), (Frankfort, IL), Melissa Jurzec (Dan), (Tinley Park, IL), Elizabeth

The affordable answer to

Ames-Wollek (Ray), (Tinley Park, IL), Mara Bailey-Olson (Chris), (San Anselmo, CA), Sean Bailey (Kersta), (San Anselmo, CA), Erin Petrilli (JT), (San Francisco, CA); step-grandchildren: Bart Wells (CA), Andrew Trimmer (Hailey), (Tacoma, WA), Katharine Libby (Kevin), (Boston, MA and York, ME), and Matt Eaton (Somerville, MA); great-grandchildren: Connor Sikora, McKenna, Cayden and Madison Ames, Daniel Jurzec, Leo Wollek, Winston, Ellery Jane, Hendrik Olson, Penny and Arlo Bailey, Sloane Petrilli, Declan and Emerson Trimmer, Vivienne Libby, many nieces and nephews, and lifelong friends, especially Bette Fitzharris and Marianne Sims, who she stayed in touch with until the very end. The family would like to thank the caregivers at Park Plaza Assisted Living and Cadence Hospice, both of Orange, CA, and Liz Allen, for their care of Gen, and, also, the friends she made at Park Plaza that watched out for her, towards the end of her life. A Celebration of Life is planned for July 23, somewhere in Orange County, yet to be determined. If anyone wishes to make a donation in memory of Gen, please just give to your chosen charity or cause, or, just try to treat all with kindness, respect, acceptance, a smile and a sense of humor.

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Share your milestone celebrations!

Eagle Newspapers is here to help readers share their milestone celebrations, including birth announcements, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and milestone birthdays. The deadline to submit an announcement is 10 a.m. the Friday before publication. Announcements of up to 250 words with a photo cost just $50, with an additional 15 cents per word over 250 words. Announcements will be posted to within 24 hours of receipt of payment. To submit a milestone announcement, email Alyssa Dearborn at, or call 315.434.8889 ext. 305.

4 May 11, 2022

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our voice

Teacher appreciation

For those of us who have completed our years of school, from elementary and even through college, it is likely we have some perspective that let’s us look back and think fondly of some of our favorite teachers. Even for students who are still in the midst of their school days, there are probably teachers they have already created special bonds with or moments where they feel that their teacher has made a difference in their lives. This influence can make a big difference. It can come in any of the myriad things teachers do that resonate with a student. Whether it is taking those extra minutes to listen when a young students has a story they are excited to share or taking that extra time to help work through a math problem or listening to a student’s ideas on the meaning of a classic book or showing appreciation for writing skills or fanning the flame for students with a love of the arts or music or encouraging them to go the extra mile on the athletic field, teachers have an influence that resonates. In some cases it can even be this influence that helps us on our path to follow our passions and study harder, or push ourselves to explore new ideas in college or even helping us find our path in our adult lives with careers that were inspired by those little extra bits of encouragement we got from that teacher that we remember years later. Needless to say the role teachers play in our lives is not one that is easily confined or defined by the strict parameters of the school day and can have a lasting impact on our lives. According to, since 1984, the National PTA has designated one week in May as a special time to honor the men and women who lend their passion and skills to educating our children. Last week, the first full week of May, was set aside as that week to stop and think about the educators in our lives and the lives of our children and to show our appreciation. In recent years teachers have shown an incredible ability to adapt and keep working to offer the best possible education for students. In 2020 as everything closed there was a great deal of uncertainty about so much, including how schools would function. Teacher rose to the challenge of teaching remotely and adapting lessons to this new reality. This was no small task and one that had to come together fairly quickly. Even as schools slowly returned to normal, teachers had to adapt to split schedules where students were present part of the time and remote other days. And even now as schools have returned to more or less normal, teachers are still working to address the challenges that the past couple of years posed, often going the extra mile to help student who may need a little extra help. This is all in addition to the many hours teachers put in on evenings, weekends and holidays to grade work, prepare lessons, make evaluations and numerous other tasks that cannot be done during the regular school day. Many teachers even go above and beyond purchasing supplies and other needed materials for their classes with their own money. For many of us the pandemic may have given us a little more insight into what it is like to be a teacher and a better sense of the work they put in every day. For many of us this has helped give us a deeper appreciation for the role educators play in the lives of our children. While the appreciation week has passed, like any other profession, extending courtesy and appreciation can go a long way. It never hurts to reach out to your children’s teachers and have a conversation, ask questions and let them know the work they do makes a difference. Or for other ideas visit to get some thoughts on ways to show appreciation for local teachers.

HOW CAN WE HELP? Call us: (315) 434-8889 Email us: Office hours: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Stop in or mail us: 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206 Subscription info: Lori Newcomb, ext. 333, This free community newspaper exists to serve the informational needs of the community and to stimulate a robust local economy. No press release, brief, or calendar item can be guaranteed for placement in the paper, nor run for multiple weeks, unless it is a paid announcement. All free placement is on a

Oddities and quasi-paradise


ur house was built the water and the shower Ramblings in 1929 out of leftcurtains made showerfrom the overs. Through ing impossible. So, we empty nest the years, as we’ve gave up and took baths. remodeled, we’ve discovered These were nothing like Ann Ferro all kinds of oddities that the baths in the movies or speak of frugality in construction mateon TV … fear of burning the house down rials, and the creative use thereof. The with all of the candles kept us to bathing house is a mixture of positives and negawith only the ceiling fixture alight. tives. One of the positives was the claw I begged my spouse to install a shower foot tub in the bathroom. It took a while in the basement. He tried all kinds of logifor us to discover that the tub only had cal arguments to dissuade my suggestions, three of its claws. Some delusional person but I wore him down. We put one of those had propped a metal coffee can under inexpensive prefab units right next to the the tub where one of the feet should have door that led to the old cistern and hung been. It balanced itself on three feet for a medicine cabinet on the wall. I gussied years. up the place a bit with a nice bath mat, As romantic as the claw foot tub seems, filled the cubbies on the shower wall with you can’t easily take a shower in one. emollients and soaps and pondered what We tried to remedy that by installing a plants could survive the bleak darkness of telephone shower at first, and then a cona cellar that had only glass blocks to let in traption that looks like a metal halo on a light. We had a real shower. stick.. You attach a shower curtain to the It was, and is, chilly in the basement. ring and stand inside. It was a hopeless Very chilly. Taking a hot shower on a failure. The shower curtain would stick to cold winter’s day was fine until you had your body as soon as the water began to to leave the shower to dry yourself off. flow. We replaced that with the same kind That was a challenge. You had to move of track that held the curtains hospitals fast. Did I tell you that the washer and use to separate beds. Failure again. Some dryer were only a yard or so away from kind of non-metallic magnetism between the shower? It was out of this propinquity

that I discovered paradise. I had done a load of laundry that had included towels. The dryer cycle ended at the same time as my shower and retrieving a towel just fresh out of the dryer was like Archimedes discovering the law of displacement. Although, thank the Lord, I didn’t feel the need to run down First Street yelling “Eureka!” I was thinking of that the other night as I finished my ablutions in the shower that we installed about 10 years ago in a small addition to our original bathroom. It’s lovely, but there are no hot towels to be had. Granted, the bathroom is not as chilly as the cellar, but the failings of our abode seem to rise up in the cool of the bathroom, reminding me that you can’t have it all. Maybe that’s the charm of our house - hot towels in the basement and a very nice shower stall on the second floor. Kind of like that coffee can under the tub. Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.

Mansion was built from a Sears Catalog Home Kit Village Historian DoriThe building with anne Elitharp Gutierrez the Corinthian-columned Livin’ in pointed out an error in our porch was extensively Liverpool April 20 column about the renovated by its thenCorinthian Court building owner, the late gift-shop Russ Tarby going up for sale. I wrote proprietress Sohyla Ziaie. – in the first sentence, for It’s 110 years old, but cryin’ out loud! – that the building with the mail-order house remains one of the a balcony dates back to 1870. Wrong! village’s stateliest structures. It boasts a Sure, that corner at the junction of big front porch over which stands a secVine and Oswego streets has been a busy ond-story roofed balcony supported by a location ever since the village was incor- pair of strong, scrolled ionic columns. porated in 1830. An oyster saloon served The current asking price is $450,000. seafood there in the early days, and in If interested, call realtor Frank Procopio the 1870s German immigrant Michael at 315-928-5394, or visit procopiorealHeid Sr. opened his first grocery in a brick building there. “If these walls could talk,” Procopio The elegant three-story wooden wisely wrote on his website, “they would structure that we now see at 514 Ostell you of the remarkable changes that wego St. was actually built by Liverpool have taken place in this historic area of storekeeper Leonard Scharrer in 1910. Liverpool over the past century.” And I don’t mean that he commissioned carpenters to construct it. Green thumbs needed Volunteers are sought to help with No, Lenny Scharrer sent away for a light gardening maintenance at the Livready-to-assemble Sears Catalog Home erpool Willow Museum, which opens its Kit, a “build-your-own-house” mailsummer season on June 11. order item. And then he hammered the Located on the grounds of the Gleason three stories together with his own bare Mansion, 314 Second St., the museum’s hands! landscaping needs include weeding, trimCorinthian Court ming and seasonal mulching and prunIn 1966, long after Scharrer moved to ing. A green thumb may help with the pruning, but the other tasks don’t require St. Petersburg, Fla., Dr. Robert Hagen such expertise. A crew of two could easpracticed medicine there from the late 1920s until 1967. More recently, dubbed ily handle the work in about an hour a month. “Corinthian Court” in 2016, it housed Tools and necessary supplies will be several business tenants such as JT’s provided by the Historical Association Creamery and Café, Infra Rayz and a of Greater Liverpool, which operates the Styling Studio.

museum dedicated to the willow weaving industry which thrived here in the 19th century. If interested please contact me, Russ Tarby, at 315-409-8426 or

Young lions at Sharkey’s

Student musicians from across Central NY will converge this month for the second annual CNY Jazz Interscholastic Jazz Festival organized by CNY Jazz, whose executive director is drummer Larry Luttinger, who lives in Liverpool. The event is scheduled for two consecutive Sundays, May 15 and 22, from 2 to 8:30 p.m. under the covered pavilion at Sharkey’s, 7240 Oswego St., Liverpool. Admission is free. Fifteen high-school and middle-school bands will perform with internationally acclaimed artist-educators who will observe, perform as guest soloist with every band and then give real-time constructive feedback onstage at the conclusion of each performance. May 15 will feature keyboardist Chuck Lamb, veteran of the Brubeck Brothers and many of his own groups. Baritone saxophonist Gary Smulyan of the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra will serve as the May 22 guest;; 315-479-JAZZ. Here are the lineups: Sunday May 15 2 p.m. Ray Middle School Bee Sharps 3 p.m. Rome Free Academy Jazz Ensemble 4 p.m. Oswego High School Jazz Ensemble Mansion l Page 12


Support B’ville budget, candidates

To the editor: On May 17 the Baldwinsville School District voters will have the opportunity to vote on the 2022-23 budget and proposals as well as candidates for the board of education. As a former Baldwinsville educator and coach and as a former 12-year member of the school board, I recommend voting for the budget and all proposals, but I have great concerns about the election for school board. In the past, when more than three candidates ran for the board, the teachers’ union conducted interviews of the candidates and then decided whom they would endorse. This year, with nine candidates running for three spots,

the BTA (Baldwinsville Teachers Assn.) as well as BESPA (Baldwinsville Educational Support Personnel Assn. - another union) chose a slate and conducted no interviews. The candidates endorsed and chosen by the unions include Brian Dingle, current board VP; Sam Schraven, former president of BESPA; and Tanya Rosado-Barringer, the candidate who finished last in last spring’s election. Six excellent, well-educated candidates from all walks of life were shunned. One incumbent board member and five new faces were totally disregarded. Obviously the unions want to stack the board to avoid potential dissenting opinions, but, of greater concern is that the board members must vote on contracts with the unions. It would certainly be beneficial for the unions to have “chum-

Managing Editor: Jennifer Wing, ext. 340, News Editor: Jason Gabak, ext. 319, Associate Editor: Ashley Casey, ext. 332, Sports Editor: Phil Blackwell, ext. 348, Display Ads: Paul Nagle, ext. 308, Display Ads: Lori Lewis, ext. 316,

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Creative Director: Gordon Bigelow, ext. 331,


my” board members when it’s time for salary negotiations. I ask the voters to study the candidates carefully, watch their interviews on PAC98, read their biographies on the school website. I don’t know all of the new candidates well, but I do know that they put themselves out there not knowing that the deck would be stacked against them. I am familiar with Luke Gasowski. Last year Luke came in second in the board’s vote on an appointment to replace Christy Bond after her resignation and yet even he wasn’t given the courtesy of an interview this spring. In my opinion Luke is one of the most outstanding candidates ever to run for the board of education, and I highly recommend casting a vote in his favor. I have no idea what his national politics are, and I

don’t care. His whole life has been dedicated to others, and he’s a quality guy through and through. We’re lucky to have him residing in Baldwinsville. Lastly, incumbent, Joan Reeves, chose not to run again this year. Joan has served the community on the board for many years bringing a sense of history and sound judgement to the position. She has held the positions of board president and vice president several times, and we all owe her a huge “Thank You” for her selfless commitment to the youth of Baldwinsville and the many hours she has spent in board meetings, agenda planning sessions, conferences, committee meetings, etc. over the years. Jim Goulet Baldwinsville Letters


Page 5

LETTER & ADVERTISING POLICY Eagle News welcomes letters to the editor, and reserves the right to edit for space, clarification or to avoid obscenity, but ideas will not be altered. Letters should be legible and no more than 500 words long. Only one letter per month will be allowed by the same writer. The editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject submitted letters based on its discretion. Letters used do not necessarily reflect the newspaper’s opinions. Anonymous letters receive no consideration. Send letters to or Eagle Newspapers, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, N.Y. 13206. Editorial deadline is noon each Friday for the following week’s edition. Eagle News reserves the right to reject any advertising it does not deem appropriate. Refunds for errors and omissions in advertising are limited to the cost of the original ad. Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 10 a.m. for the next week’s paper. Classified Advertising Deadline: Thursday at 10 a.m. for the following week’s paper. Legal Advertising Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m. for the following week’s paper.

Eagle News

May 11, 2022 5

CNY’s Community News Source

Recipe of the Month

Easy cookies Strawberry cookies

1 box strawberry cake mix 1 tsp baking powder. 2 eggs. 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1/2 tsp cherry or almond extract 1 cup white chocolate chips 1 cup milk chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350° and line 2 baking sheet with parchment pa-



From page 4

Gas tax cap

To the editor: Several weeks ago, the county legislature passed a measure which would cap the collection of gasoline taxes at $3 a gallon. This measure will not go into effect until June 1. My question is why? Is there a procedural issue that prevents this measure from going into effect immediately? At a minimum, and based on the timing of its passage, this measure should have gone into effect May 1. If the county legislature is so concerned about the financial wellbeing of their constituents, why wait? Timothy M. Dwyer Baldwinsville

Say no to Parents’ Rights candidates To the editor: As school board elections approach, you may see candidates running on a platform of “Parents’ Rights.” It is important to understand what this movement represents. Across the country, the banner of parents’ rights has been raised to justify

Lemon cookies and strawberry cookies are fun springtime treats. Submitted photo

have a duty to the community at large. Public education represents a compact in which everyone – whether they have kids in school or not – invests in a school system with the expectation that the students who graduate will be hardworking and independent-thinking citizens. Students who are unable to discuss difficult ideas will simply not be prepared for civic life. Leaders don’t become leaders by avoiding uncomfortable topics. “Parents’ rights” is a disservice veiled with a feel-good label. Parents’ rights candidates fundamentally do not understand the civic duty that public schools owe to their communities, and they have not earned your vote. Gregg Eriksen Skaneateles

destructive changes to curriculum. In Tennessee, state legislators are attempting to purge school libraries of books they deem inappropriate, with one legislator publicly advocating for book burning. In Florida, the mendacious “Don’t Say Gay” bill prevents the most innocuous discussions of LGBTQ topics, erasing LGBTQ identity and leading to hostile school environments for LGBTQ students, a group that already faces disproportionately high health and suicide risks. Nationwide, the parents’ rights movement derides the accurate teaching of slavery and race relations in America, mislabeling it as Critical Race Theory and villainizing attempts to teach about historic forces of inequality. The ideas and discussions that the parents’ rights movement seeks to stifle may make some individuals uncomfortable. They may make some students uncomfortable. But grappling with uncomfortable ideas is necessary for growth and development. For that reason, the parents’ rights movement leaves our children woefully undereducated and under prepared for life in a complex world. This under preparation weakens our civic fabric and is a disservice to us all. Although parents should and do have control over large portions of their children’s lives, public schools do not exist to appease the specific sensibilities of individual parents. Public schools also

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Consider Adigun

To the editor: As an elected official for the better part of the last 25 years representing the Town of Clay, I cannot stress enough how important local elections are. None more so today than our local school election. Liverpool school district taxpayers are fortunate to have a choice of eight candidates eager to serve on our school board. I would encourage voters to respectfully consider Erika Adigun as one of your choices. I have come to know Erika as a

Advertise Here! CONTACT

Patti Puzzo



1. Amounts of time 5. A ship’s place at a wharf 10 Point a finger at 12 Large, burrowing rodent 14. Raises the stakes 16. Measure of illumination 18. Cast out 19. One who is staid 20. A word used for emphasis 22. Military missions 23. Wet with rain 25. Selling at specially reduced prices 26. Word element meaning ear 27. __ student, 28. Blood relation 30. Make into leather 31. One billionth of a second (abbr.) 33. Containing salt 35. A seat 37. A type of fine pottery 38. You’re caught red-__! 40. “Heat” director Michael 41. Expression of creative skill 42. Title of respect 44. Crony 45. Payroll experts 48. Actress Remini 50. Famed consumer advocate 52. Indigenous Thai person 53. Fitzgerald and Baker are two 55. Cooking tool 56. Decorate a cake with frosting 57. The seventh note of a major scale 58. Transfer from private to state ownership 63. A set of five

65. Removes 66. Foolish persons 67. Lower parts of a wall


1. Old EU money 2. Some put it on steak 3. Sign language 4. Sowed on the ground 5. Tags 6. Everyone has one 7. Arguments 8. N. African capital 9. Midgame (abbr.) 10. Change as needed 11. Functioning as a consonant


13. An island in the north Atlantic 15. Carpenter’s tool 17. Small football player 18. Ghosts say it 21. Explain through logic 23. Having ten 24. Criticize 27. Arms of the sea 29. Belonging to a bottom layer 32. __ Caesar, comedian 34. Licensed health care pro (abbr.) 35. Swiss cottage 36. Cleft lip 39. Loud, unpleasant noise 40. Disfigure

To the editor: For the third time in the last year, members of the Rotary Club of Baldwinsville’s Interact Club have been instrumental in helping Baldwinsville Public Library set up for our three -day book sale. These enthusiastic high school students arrive cheerful, focused, and ready to work! Thousands of books were moved up from the basement to the Community Room in record time. Although several of the students had helped us out before, we also had some newbies who worked right alongside the more experienced members. BPL staff can’t thank them enough for sharing their time with the library. This is an exceptional group of kids, and we enjoy every interaction we have with them! Thank you - we appreciate your support! Meg Van Patten Baldwinsville Public Library Director

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confident, thoughtful person who will work diligently on behalf of children, parents and teachers. Transparency and accountability are important principles for Erika and I am confident she will represent all stakeholders well on the board of education. Thank you for your consideration. James Rowley Chairman Onondaga County Legislature


1 lemon cake mix 1 tsp baking powder. 2 eggs. 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1/2 tsp lemon extract 1 cup white chocolate chips 1 cup milk chocolate chips


43. Kayakers traverse them 44. Authored 46. Small freshwater fishes 47. Macabre poet 49. Carthaginian statesman


New digouts, resurface, repair or seal driveways, parking lots, roads, etc. Free estimates. Call Al LaMont, anytime,

(315) 481-7248 cell 51. Principle underlying the universe 54. Common Japanese surname 59. The bill in a restaurant

60. Small constellation 61. Chap 62. Equal 64. One quintillion bytes (abbr.)


Lemon cookies

per. In a small bowl whisk eggs, oil and extract and set aside. In a medium bowl mix together cake mix and baking powder. Add egg mixture to cake mixture and stir all together until all the lumps disappear. Divide dough into two bowls and fold milk chocolate chips into one and white chips into the other. Using a small cookie scoop, drop balls onto baking sheet. You will want your balls to be mounded. Bake for 10 minutes. Allow to cool and then transfer to wire rack. For more visit Patti @ Pandora’s Box, IG: @ppultorakBlog:


By Patti Pultorak

6 May 11, 2022


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May 11, 2022 7

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8 May 11, 2022

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a probable term of ten lot. A listing of all pernishings, where receive fixtures and youyou receive New York on May 17,where a Social Security equipment and all other (10) years. The Board of sons to whom an absenSecurity 2022 from 6:00 A.M. to a Social disability. incidental thereto, Education is further au- tee ballot is issued will costs 9:00 P.M., prevailing disability. and expend a total sum thorized to pay into the be available for inspecMust qualify under time, for the purpose ofMust qualify under not exceed 2022 Capital Reserve tion by any qualified votincome guidelines. to guidelines. voting on the proposi-income regular busiduringSource in the 2021-2022 $1,760,000, which is es- Fund CNY’s Eagle News CommunityerNews tions described in the Non-handicapped Non-handicapped school year and annually ness hours in the Distimated units available be the total Notice of Annual Districtunits available now. cost thereof, thereafter funds from trict Clerk's Office during Meeting hereinafter setCallCallnowmaximum now view to to view anan and said amount, or so the School District�s each of the five days beforth. apt. or have us send apt. or have us send thereof as may be available funds balance, fore the election, except Section 2. The busi-youyouanmuch an application. application. Sunday, and shall also reimbursement State necessary, shall be Visit ness to be acted upon atSubsidized ouraid self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Subsidized Units be posted at the polling Units - by on to the School District raised the levy of a said Annual DistrictRent Rent is based your is based onon your place at the election of account of capital tax upon the taxable Meeting shall be as stat-household household income. income. LEGAL NOTICE property of said School projects, such other members of the Board of ed in the Notice thereof, Stoneleigh Education. NOTICE OF FORMATION Stoneleigh monies as the voters District and collected in and the District Clerk is Apartments NOTICE IS FURTHER OF LIMITED LIABILITY annual installments as may direct, any unexhereby authorized and Apartments GIVEN that military votCOMPANY 400 Lamb Ave. by Section 416 400 Lamb Ave. pended amounts in the provided directed to cause the ers who are qualified CCI BALDWINSVILLE Canastota, Canastota, District's existing 2014 of the Education Law; Notice of said Annual LLC NY 13032in anticipation of Reserve Fund upon its voters of the School Dis13032 District Meeting to be NYand, trict may apply for a mil- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV(315) 697-2847 expiration in 2024, and (315) 697-2847 such tax, obligations of published in the Balditary ballot by requesting EN that the abovewinsville Messenger and said School District, in other legally available an application from the named limited liability funds of the School Disthe Post-Standard, the principal amount not District Clerk at 315- company has been newspapers having a to exceed $1,760,000, trict in an amount deter- 638-6055 or formed for the transacmined by the Board of general circulation with- shall be issued? Education up to the For a tion of business in New 1 Bedroom Senior PROPOSITION III in the District, such pubmaximum authorized military voter to be is- York State and else(Capital Project) lications to be made four Citizens (age 62 or sued a military ballot, where. (4) times each in such Shall the Board of Edu- amount. the District Clerk must 1. The name of the limolder)newspaper or a permanent PROPOSITION V within the cation undertake a capihave received a valid ited liability company is (Land Acquisition) project tal improvement seven (7) weeks next mobility impairment ballot application no lat- CCI Baldwinsville LLC. Rental Office Hours: resopreceding such Annual consisting of the recon- Shall the following er than 5:00 P.M. on 2. The Articles of Orgawhere you receive Mon. - Fri. 8am to District Meeting, the first struction and renovation lution be adopted? April 21,5pm 2022. In a re- nization of CCI Baldtheappiontment Board publication to be at least of, and the construction Resolved thatby onlya military bal-TS.COwinsville a Social Security LLC were filed quest for M RAP forty-five (45) days prior of improvements, addi- of Education of the Bald- lot application A N Oballot, with the New York SecR E S T Mor C E disability. winsville Central School IN P tions and upgrades to to the date of said Annuthe military voter may retary of State on April various District build- District is hereby autho- indicate their preference 21, 2022. al District Meeting. rized to purchase propMust qualify under and facilities and ings Section 3. The 24 hour for receiving the applica- 3. The County within School District, as a lo- the sites thereof, the erty located in the Town tion ormaintenance, small New York in which the ballot by mail, income guidelines. of Van Buren, County of cal agency pursuant to purchase of original furwelcomed. offices of CCI Baldfacsimile pets transmission t equipment, Onondaga and State of or email. the New York State Envi- nishings, winsville LLC are to be Non-handicapped ronmental Quality Re- machinery and appara- New York, Liverpool, consistingNY of Section 5. The vote located is Onondaga unitsview available now. tus required in connec- approximately .22 acres upon the propositions to County. Act (“SEQRA”), ECL Section 8-0101, et tion with the purposes of vacant land located be submitted to the 4. The New York SecreCall now to view an for which such build- on O'Brien Road, identi- qualified voters shall be tary of State is designatseq., and implementing 6 send NYCRR ings, facilities and sites fied as Tax Map No. by ballot on voting ma- ed as the agent for CCI regulations, apt. or have us Part 617 (the “Regula- are used, all to include 064.-01-05.0 (the chines and the District Baldwinsville LLC upon you an application. tions”), having reviewed site, access, parking, “premises”) and more Clerk is hereby autho- whom process in any the impact of the acqui- athletic field and play- fully described in the le- rized and directed to action or proceeding field improvements, de- gal description available have the necessary bal- against it may be served. sition of Units the student Subsidized transportation vehicles molition, utility, me- in the District office, at a lot labels printed in form The address within New Rent is on your andbased other equipment de- chanical, plumbing and cost of $10,000, and corresponding as nearly York to which the Secrescribed herein upon the electrical improvements said sum shall be paid as may be with the re- tary of State shall mail a household income. environment, hereby de- as well as payment of from funds available to quirements of the Edu- copy of the process in termines that it consti- professional fees and all the School District in the cation Law. any action or proceeding Stoneleigh tutes a "Type II Action" other necessary costs unexpended fund balSection 6. This Res- against CCI Baldwinsville under the Regulations incidental to such work ance. olution shall take effect LLC which may be Apartments therefore a which does not exceed and expend PROPOSITION immediately. served upon him/her is LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS VI LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS 400 Lamb Ave. thresholds established total sum not to exceed (Board of Education The motion having 990 James Street, SyraGarageman's Lien Sale MEETING OF THE been duly moved, the cuse, NY 13203. CCI under SEQRA and, as $32,800,000, which is Candidates) BOARD OF EDUCATION Canastota, such, is not subject to estimated to be the total To elect three (3) mem- resolution was acted Baldwinsville LLC does Make: BMW OF THE review under SEQRA; maximum cost thereof, bers to the Board of Ed- upon by the Board of not have a registered Model: X3 30i NY 13032 BALDWINSVILLE Section 4. Said An- and to pay for the ucation for three-year Education and there agent within New York Year: 2010 VIN: WBXCENTRAL SCHOOL (315) (7/1/22 - were 7 votes in favor of State. nual 697-2847 District Meeting Project by (i) spending terms DISTRICT shall be called by giving the unexpended balance 6/30/25). The seats are the resolution and 0 5. The business of CCI PC9C48AWJ33275 IN THE COUNTY OF the following notice in approximate presently held by Brian votes against the resolu- Baldwinsville LLC is to Owner: Kirk Germaine the ONONDAGA, NEW YORK thereof which super- amount of $3,550,199 Dingle, Denise Falso, tion as follows: conduct, without limita- Date of Sale: May 25, A Regular Meeting sedes anyEQUAL Jennifer Patruno, tion, any lawful business 2022, and 3:00pm HOUSING or versions on deposit in the Distric- Joan Reeves OPPORTUNITY of the Board of Educa- sections previously ap- t's existing Capital Reactivity authorized by Place of Sale: 9073 OsNOTICE IS FURTHER President Road, Baldwego tion of the Baldwinsville proved by the Board and serve Fund approved by GIVEN that a public bud- Voting Yes law. winsville, NY 13027 Central School District, which may be edited by the voters in March of get hearing will be held Brian Dingle, Vice BM-288945 BM-288946 Onondaga County, New the District Clerk, upon 2017 and terminating on Tuesday, May 10, President Baldwinsville Central York held at 2810 West the advice of counsel as such fund, (ii) spending 2022 at 7:00 P.M., at Voting Yes NOBLES PLAZA, LLC Schools Entry Road, Bald- needed: Denise Falso $1,449,801 from the 2810 West Entry Road, Articles of Org. filed NY Baldwinsville, New Voting Yes winsville, New York, in NOTICE OF ANNUAL District's existing Capital Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Sec. of State (SSNY) York 13027 Anthony Germano said School District on SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE IS FURTHER Reserve Fund approved 4/4/22. Office in NOTICE TO BIDDERS March 21, 2022, at 7:00 MEETING by the voters in March GIVEN that a copy of the Voting Yes Sealed bids are to be ad- Onondaga Co. SSNY deMichele Goeckel P.M. (Prevailing Time). OF THE VOTERS OF THE of 2019, and (iii) by the statement of the amount dressed and delivered sig. agent of LLC whom There were present: BALDWINSVILLE levy of a tax which is of money which will be Voting Absent to: Baldwinsville Central process may be served. Jeffrey Marier Jennifer Patruno, PresiCENTRAL SCHOOL hereby voted in the required for the ensuing School District, Attn: SSNY shall mail process dent DISTRICT amount of $27,800,000, year for school purposes Voting Yes Tiffany Turner, 29 East to 8608 Melvin Drive Frank Matus Brian Dingle, Vice PresiTHE BOARD OF ED- subject to available State may be obtained during Oneida Street, Bald- South, Baldwinsville, NY dent UCATION OF THE BALD- aid or to any other rev- the fourteen days imme- Voting Yes winsville, New York 13027, which is also the Joan Reeves Denise Falso WINSVILLE CENTRAL enues available for such diately preceding the anprincipal business loca13027. Anthony Germano SCHOOL DISTRICT purpose, which tax shall nual budget vote except Voting Yes They will be received un- tion. Purpose: Any lawMatthew Yager Jeffrey Marier HEREBY GIVES NOTICE be levied and collected Saturdays, Sundays or til Wednesday, May 25, ful purpose. Frank Matus that the annual meeting in annual installments in holidays, at the office in Voting Absent 2022 at 1:00PM at BM-287973 Joan Reeves of the qualified voters of such years and in such each school house in the BM-289243 which time they will be There were absent: said School District, amounts as may be de- District between the Notice of Formation opened for: NOTICE OF ANNUAL Michele Goeckel Onondaga County, NY, termined by the Board of hours of 8:00 A.M. and of Radiant U, LLC, a DoGENERAL OFFICE MEETING OF MEMBERS Matthew Yager will be held in the Dis- Education and in antici- 3:00 P.M., and on the mestic Limited Liability SUPPLIES #392 OF SENECA FINANCIAL Others Also Present: trict Operations Building, pation of the collection date of the election. Company (LLC). Articles Specifications and bid MHC Joseph DeBarbieri, 29 East Oneida Street, of such tax, bonds and NOTICE IS FURTHER of Organization filed with Deputy Superintendent Baldwinsville, NY on notes of the District are GIVEN that petitions Notice is hereby given forms may be obtained the Secretary of State of Kimberly Vile, Asst. May 17, 2022 from 6:00 hereby authorized to be nominating candidates that the Annual Meeting as said office or online New York (SSNY) on Supt. for Management A.M. to 9:00 P.M. for the issued at one time, or for the office of Member of Members of the at (De- 3/29/2022. Office locaServices and District purpose of voting, upon from time to time, in the of the Board of Educa- above-named MHC will partments/Business Of- tion: County of The Clerk the proposed budget for principal amount not to tion must be filed with be held at Seneca Sav- fice/Purchasing). Onondaga. SSNY is desOf Education reBoard 35 Oswego Street, ings, David Kilcourse, Assis- the Baldwinsville Central exceed ignated as agent of LLC $27,800,000, the District Clerk no later tant Superintendent for School District as rec- and a tax is hereby voted than April 18, 2022 be- Baldwinsville, New York serves the right to reject upon whom process any and all bids. on the 17th day 13027 Human Resources ommended by the Board to pay the principal and tween the hours of 9:00 may be served. SSNY It was moved by Bri- of Education for the fis- interest on said obliga- A.M. and 5:00 P.M. at of May, 2022, at the Any bids submitted will shall mail copy of probinding for SIXTY be hour of 10:45 A.M. of an Dingle, and seconded cal year beginning July tions when due? the Clerk's Office. Peti(60) days subsequent to cess to: 8710 Radburn by Trustee Denise Falso, 1, 2022, and upon the tions must be directed said day. The business date of bid opening. Drive, Baldwinsville, NY PROPOSITION IV to be taken up at the that the following reso- following propositions, (2022 Capital Reserve to the District Clerk, 13027. Purpose: any By order of the Board Of Annual Meeting said lution be adopted: must state the name and which shall appear on Fund) Education, Baldwinsville lawful purpose. shall be: RECITAL the ballot in substantial- Shall the following reso- address of the candidate Considering and voting Central School District, BM-289567 WHEREAS, the pro- ly the following form: and must be signed by upon reports of officers Onondaga County, Baldlution be adopted? Advertisement for Bids posed acquisition of PROPOSITION I RESOLVED, that in ac- at least 30 residents of and committees of the winsville, New York Name of Project: Student Transportation (2022-2023 Budget) cordance with Education the District, and include MHC; 13027. Tannery Creek Box CulVehicles, acquisition of Shall the proposed bud- Law section 3651, the the residence of each Considering and acting Dated: May 8, 2022 vert Replacement and land, establishment of a get of One Hundred Board of Education of signer. Kimberly A. Vile upon ratification of the Stream Debris and Sedicapital reserve fund, and Eighteen Million, Nine the Baldwinsville Central NOTICE IS FURTHER acts of directors and of- Assistant Superinten- ment Removal the Capital Project are Hundred Thirty-Seven School District is hereby GIVEN that qualified vot- ficers of the MHC; dent for Mgt. Services Owner/Project Sponsor: items subject to voter Thousand, Three Hun- authorized to establish a ers may obtain applicaElection of two directors BM-289598 Village of Baldwinsville approval; and dred Forty-Seven Dollars Capital Reserve Fund, to tions for absentee bal- to fill the offices, the Project Description: WHEREAS, the ($118,937,347) for the be designated “2022 lots from the District term of which is in acNOTICE OF FORMATION - Removal of an existBoard seeks to approve Baldwinsville Central Capital Reserve Fund,” Clerk's Office. Complet- cordance with the CharOF DOMESTIC LIMITED ing 60-foot long, 7' x 5' propositions related to School District as rec- to defray the cost of ed applications for ab- ter and Bylaws of the LIABILITY COMPANY; stone and concrete box the proposed projects ommended by the Board construction and recon- sentee ballots must be MHC. Name of LLC: Genesis and other necessary in- of Education for the fis- struction of School Dis- received by the District William LeBeau - 3 Year Health LLC; Date of Fil- culvert under Warner Avenue; formation in relation to cal year beginning July trict buildings, facilities Clerk no later than 5:00 Term ing: 4/11/2022; Office of the 2022 Annual Meet- 1, 2022, be adopted and and grounds, including P.M., on May 16, 2022 if James Hickey - 3 Year the LLC: Onondaga Co.; - Installation of a new 50-foot long, 10'-11' x ing; shall the Board of Edu- original equipment, ma- the ballot will be picked Term The NY Secretary of BE IT RESOLVED by cation be authorized to chinery, apparatus, ap- up at the District by the DATED this 1st day of State (NYSS) has been 6'-4' aluminum box culvert with wing walls, rethis Board of Education levy the necessary taxes purtenances, designated as the agent paving of Warner Avfurnish- voter, and must be re- April, 2022 as follows: therefor? upon whom process enue (box culvert, wing ings, and other inciden- ceived no later than 5:00 Jamie L Nastri,Secretary Section 1. The AnPROPOSITION II The walls, cutoff walls, and may be served. tal improvements and P.M., on May 10, 2022, Seneca Financial MHC nual Meeting of the (Student Transport Vehi- expenses in connection if the ballot is to be BM-287387 NYSS may mail a copy invert to be supplied by qualified voters of the cles) of any process to the Village, Contractor will therewith, in an ultimate mailed to the voter. Notice of Formation Baldwinsville Central Shall the Board of Edu- amount not to exceed Completed applications LLC at 1992 Penfold be responsible for asSchool District, Ononda- cation of the Bald- Ten Million Dollars received after 5:00 P.M. of BROWN FITNESS Way, Baldwinsville, NY ga County, State of New winsville Central School ($10,000,000.00) plus on May 10, 2022, will CNY LLC, a Domestic 13090; Purpose of LLC: sembly); - Removal of up to 10 York (the “School Dis- District be authorized to accrued interest and require the voter to per- Limited Liability Compa- Any lawful purpose. fallen trees across the trict”), will be held in the purchase and finance re- other investment earn- sonally appear at the ny (LLC). Articles of Or- BM-288233 stream; District Operations placement student ings. The 2022 Capital District Clerk�s Office to ganization filed with the - Removal of approxiNotice of Formation Building, 29 East Oneida transport vehicles, in- Reserve Fund shall have receive an absentee bal- Secretary of State of Street in Baldwinsville, cluding necessary fur- a probable term of ten lot. A listing of all per- New York (SSNY) on of JET ME OUTTA HERE mately 400 cubic yards New York on May 17, nishings, fixtures and (10) years. The Board of sons to whom an absen- 4/28/2022. Office loca- LLC, a Domestic Limited of earth adjacent to the County of Liability Company (LLC). stream bed to create ad2022 from 6:00 A.M. to equipment and all other Education is further au- tee ballot is issued will tion: ONONDAGA. SSNY is Articles of Organization ditional floodplain stor9:00 P.M., prevailing costs incidental thereto, be available for inspecthorized to pay into the designated as agent of filed with the Secretary age. time, for the purpose of and expend a total sum The Engineer's Estimate 2022 Capital Reserve tion by any qualified votvoting on the proposi- not to exceed Fund in the 2021-2022 er during regular busi- LLC upon whom pro- of State of New York for the Project is April 7, cess may be served. (SSNY) on tions described in the $1,760,000, which is esness hours in the Disschool year and annually SSNY shall mail copy of 2022. Office location: $100,000. Notice of Annual District timated to be the total May 11, thereafter funds from trict Clerk's Office during process to: 8219 Scarlet County of Onondaga. Beginning: Meeting hereinafter set maximum cost thereof, each of the five days be2022, Contract Bid Docthe School District�s is designated as SSNY Bladwinsville, NY Dr, forth. and said amount, or so available funds balance, fore the election, except uments may be obtained Section 2. The busi- much thereof as may be Sunday, and shall also 13027. Purpose: any agent of LLC upon in person or by mail reimbursement State aid process may be whom lawful purpose. ness to be acted upon at necessary, shall be be posted at the polling served. SSNY shall mail (provide your FEDEX acsaid Annual District raised by the levy of a to the School District on place at the election of BM-289093 account of capital copy of process to: count number) from the Meeting shall be as stat- tax upon the taxable members of the Board of LEGAL NOTICE projects, such other 8 Edgewood Drive, Bald- issuing office, Dunn & ed in the Notice thereof, property of said School Education. NOTICE OF FORMATION monies as the voters winsville, NY 13027. Sgromo Engineers at and the District Clerk is District and collected in NOTICE IS FURTHER OF LIMITED LIABILITY Purpose: any lawful pur- 5800 Heritage Landing hereby authorized and annual installments as may direct, any unex- GIVEN that military votCOMPANY Drive, East Syracuse, pended amounts in the pose. directed to cause the provided by Section 416 ers who are qualified CCI BALDWINSVILLE New York 13057, TeleDistrict's existing 2014 BM-288443 Notice of said Annual of the Education Law; voters of the School DisLLC phone: (315) 449-4940. District Meeting to be and, in anticipation of Reserve Fund upon its trict may apply for a mil- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVPartial sets of Bidding Notice of Formation published in the Bald- such tax, obligations of expiration in 2024, and itary ballot by requesting EN that the aboveDocuments will not be winsville Messenger and said School District, in other legally available an application from the named limited liability of JJ Collins LLC, a Do- available from the Issumestic Limited Liability the Post-Standard, the principal amount not funds of the School Dis- District Clerk at 315- company has been ing Office. Neither Ownnewspapers having a to exceed $1,760,000, trict in an amount deter- 638-6055 or formed for the transac- Company (LLC). Articles er nor Engineer will be mined by the Board of For a of Organization filed with general circulation with- shall be issued? Education up to the military voter to be is- tion of business in New the Secretary of State of responsible for full or in the District, such pubPROPOSITION III maximum authorized sued a military ballot, York State and else- New York (SSNY) on partial sets of Bidding lications to be made four (Capital Project) Documents, including where. (4) times each in such Shall the Board of Edu- amount. the District Clerk must 1. The name of the lim- 03/02/2022. Office loca- addenda, if any, obtion: County of PROPOSITION V newspaper within the cation undertake a capihave received a valid ited liability company is Onondaga. SSNY is des- tained from sources othseven (7) weeks next tal improvement project (Land Acquisition) ballot application no lat- CCI Baldwinsville LLC. er than the issuing ofShall the following resopreceding such Annual consisting of the reconer than 5:00 P.M. on 2. The Articles of Orga- ignated as agent of LLC fice. upon whom process lution be adopted? District Meeting, the first struction and renovation April 21, 2022. In a re- nization of CCI BaldUpon request, all interpublication to be at least of, and the construction Resolved that the Board quest for a military bal- winsville LLC were filed may be served. SSNY ested parties may review mail copy of proshall of Education of the Baldforty-five (45) days prior of improvements, addilot application or ballot, with the New York Seccess to: 27 Sun Mead- the hard copy of the Bid to the date of said Annu- tions and upgrades to winsville Central School the military voter may retary of State on April ows Way, Baldwinsville, Specifications and DrawDistrict is hereby authoal District Meeting. various District buildindicate their preference 21, 2022. NY 13027. Purpose: ings by visiting the Section 3. The ings and facilities and rized to purchase prop- for receiving the applica- 3. The County within above-referenced adHome Inspection. erty located in the Town tion or ballot by mail, New York in which the BM-289514 School District, as a lo- the sites thereof, the dresses by appointment. of Van Buren, County of facsimile transmission offices of CCI Baldcal agency pursuant to purchase of original furThe contract specificathe New York State Envi- nishings, equipment, Onondaga and State of or email. winsville LLC are to be tions and drawings may Notice of Formation Section 5. The vote located is Onondaga of JRHARPJR LLC, a be examined free of ronmental Quality Re- machinery and appara- New York, consisting of view Act (“SEQRA”), tus required in connec- approximately .22 acres upon the propositions to County. Domestic Limited Liabili- charge at the Village of ECL Section 8-0101, et tion with the purposes of vacant land located be submitted to the 4. The New York Secre- ty Company (LLC). Arti- Baldwinsville Clerk�s ofseq., and implementing for which such build- on O'Brien Road, identi- qualified voters shall be tary of State is designat- cles of Organization filed fice beginning May 11, regulations, 6 NYCRR ings, facilities and sites fied as Tax Map No. by ballot on voting ma- ed as the agent for CCI with the Secretary of 2022: (the chines and the District Baldwinsville LLC upon State of New York Village of Baldwinsville Part 617 (the “Regula- are used, all to include 064.-01-05.0 tions”), having reviewed site, access, parking, “premises”) and more Clerk is hereby autho- whom process in any (SSNY) on 04/25/2022. 16 West Genesee Street the impact of the acqui- athletic field and play- fully described in the le- rized and directed to action or proceeding Office location: County Baldwinsville, NY 13027 sition of the student field improvements, de- gal description available have the necessary bal- against it may be served. of Onondaga. SSNY is (315) 635-3521 transportation vehicles molition, utility, me- in the District office, at a lot labels printed in form The address within New designated as agent of The bid documents are and other equipment de- chanical, plumbing and cost of $10,000, and corresponding as nearly York to which the Secre- LLC upon whom pro- available on a USB flash scribed herein upon the electrical improvements said sum shall be paid as may be with the re- tary of State shall mail a cess may be served. drive and hard copy. environment, hereby de- as well as payment of from funds available to quirements of the Edu- copy of the process in SSNY shall mail copy of You must give the foltermines that it consti- professional fees and all the School District in the cation Law. any action or proceeding process to: 7771 Gloria lowing information to tutes a "Type II Action" other necessary costs unexpended fund balSection 6. This Res- against CCI Baldwinsville Drive, Baldwinsville NY obtain the flash drive: under the Regulations incidental to such work ance. olution shall take effect LLC which may be 13027. Purpose: any Company Name PROPOSITION VI which does not exceed and expend therefore a immediately. served upon him/her is lawful purpose. - Contact Name Adthresholds established total sum not to exceed (Board of Education The motion having 990 James Street, Syra- BM-289485 dress - Phone Number been duly moved, the cuse, NY 13203. CCI under SEQRA and, as $32,800,000, which is Candidates) - E-mail Address - All such, is not subject to estimated to be the total To elect three (3) mem- resolution was acted Baldwinsville LLC does Addendums will be ismaximum cost thereof, bers to the Board of Ed- upon by the Board of not have a registered review under SEQRA; sued via E-mail Section 4. Said An- and to pay for the ucation for three-year Education and there agent within New York




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The Engineer's Estimate for the Project is $100,000. Beginning: May 11, 2022, Contract Bid Documents may be, 2022 obtained 9 in person or by mail (provide your FEDEX account number) from the issuing office, Dunn & Wednesdays at 7pm. at Sgromo Engineers 5800 Heritage Landing Drive, East Syracuse, New York 13057, Telephone: (315) 449-4940. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available from the Issuing Office. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the issuing office. Upon request, all interested parties may review the hard copy of the Bid Specifications and Drawings by visiting the above-referenced addresses by appointment. The contract specifications and drawings may be examined free of charge at the Village of Baldwinsville Clerk�s office beginning May 11, 2022: Village of Baldwinsville 16 West Genesee Street Baldwinsville, NY 13027 (315) 635-3521 The bid documents are available on a USB flash drive and hard copy. You must give the following information to obtain the flash drive: - Company Name - Contact Name AdLEGALS dress - Phone Number - E-mail Address - All Addendums will be issued via E-mail - FedEx number if by mail A refundable deposit ($50.00 for hard copy of Contract Bid Documents and $15.00 for USB Flash Drive) will be required for copies of each set of Contract Bid Documents in the form of a check made payable to Dunn & Sgromo Engineers. Bidders will receive a full refund of the deposit if all documents/ flash drives are returned to the Engineer's office within 3 days after the award of the contract. All potential Bidders must be registered with Dunn & Sgromo Engineers in order to receive any addenda, or bidding notices. Bids for the above project will be received by the: Village of Baldwinsville Village Clerk's Office 16 West Genesee Street Baldwinsville, NY 13027 (315) 635-3521 On or before June 14, 2022, until 2:00 P.M., (Local Time), and then, at said office, publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after that time will not be accepted. All interested parties are invited to attend. Each bid shall be accompanied by Bid Security in the form of a Bid Bond, Certified Check, official bank check, or a Letter of Credit (in a form agreeable to the Village of Baldwinsville) in the amount of 5% of the total bid amount. The successful Bidder's security will be retained until they have signed the Owner Contractor Agreement, and furnished the required 100% Labor and Material Payment Bond, 100% Performance Bond, and acceptable insurance documentation. Each bid shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the name of the Project, Name of the Bidder, and the date and time of the bid opening. Questions will be accepted by email to by 12:00 PM on June 10, 2022. The anticipated start of construction will be on or about August 1, 2022, the anticipated substantial completion date will be 30 days from the start of construction, and the anticipated completion date of construction, including all punch list work, is October 3, 2022. Failure to meet these dates will result in liquidated damages and engineering charges in accordance with the Contract Bid Documents. NOTE: These dates may change if delivery of the box culvert is delayed. This project is subject to all state and local governing laws and regulations, and New York State Department of Labor Prevailing Wage Rates are to be paid under the Contract. The Village of Baldwinsville reserves the right to waive any and all irregularities in Bids, and bidding, and to reject any or all Bids, or rebid the Project solely at the Village Board's discretion. Bidders shall promptly notify the Village of any errors, omissions, conflicts, and/or ambiguity that they identify in the contract documents by emailing Maureen Butler, Village Clerk 5/5/2022 Village of Baldwinsville BM-289694

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10 May 11, 2022 LEGALS Tax Map ID#061.-01-12.1 NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 148-9, 148-12, 148-13, 148-14, 148-15, 148-16, 148-18, 148-20, 148-21, 148-29, and 148-36 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Skaneateles and Section 274-a and 274-b Town Law of the State of New York, the Planning Board of the Town of Skaneateles will hold a Public Hearing on the application of John Cherundulo/Mandana Farms LLC for a Special Permit. The application is for a building for storage including for personal, business, and boat storage. The property in question is located at 1871 West Lake Road in the Town of Skaneateles, New York and bears Tax Map ID#061.-01-12.1 A copy of the application is available for inspection at the Town Hall, 24 Jordan Street, Skaneateles, New York. SAID HEARING will be held on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 6:45 p.m. at the Town Offices, 24 Jordan Street, Skaneateles, New York or electronically as required by local and/or Executive Orders applicable to COVID 19. At that time all persons will be heard or have an opportunity to provide written comment on this application. Donald Kasper, Chair Planning Board -Town of Skaneateles Dated: May 4, 2022 PO-289613

INDEX NO.: 002785/2020 Date Filed: 04/29/2022 SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS WITH NOTICE MORTGAGED PREMISES: 205 Natick Circle, Camillus, NY 13031 SBL #: 062.-04-25.0/62 Plaintiff designates Onondaga County as the place of trial; venue is based upon the county in which the mortgaged premises is situate. STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF ONONDAGA State of New York Mortgage Agency, Plaintiff, vs. Public Administrator of Onondaga County, as Administrator of the Estate of Cheryl A. Leatz; Sheila Sayles, as Heir-atLaw to The Estate of Cheryl A. Leatz; Cynthia Jobson, as Heir-at-Law to The Estate of Cheryl A. Leatz; Mark Leatz, as Heir-at-Law to The Estate of Cheryl A. Leatz; James Leatz, as Heir-atLaw to The Estate of Cheryl A. Leatz; Unknown Heirs of the Estate of Cheryl A. Leatz, and all the heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid defendants, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid classes of person, if they or any of them be dead, and their respective husbands, wives or widows, if any, and all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to plaintiff, except as herein stated; United States of America o/b/o Internal Revenue Service; New York State Department of Taxation and Finance; The Board of Managers of Springhill Condominium I; Board of Directors of the Springhill Homeowners Association Inc.; FIA Card Services NA; Arrow Financial Services LLC; HSBC Bank Nevada NA; The People of the State of New York o/b/o City Court Clerk; John Doe #1 through #6, and Jane Doe #1 through #6, the last twelve names being fictitious, it being the intention of Plaintiff to designate any and all occupants, tenants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises being foreclosed herein, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the attorneys for the Plaintiff within 20 days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE MORTGAGE COMPANY WHO FILED THIS FORECLOSURE PROCEEDING

NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT BY SERVING A COPY OF LEGALS THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE MORTGAGE COMPANY WHO FILED THIS FORECLOSURE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT, A DEFAULT JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AND YOU CAN LOSE YOUR HOME. SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY OR GO TO THE COURT WHERE YOUR CASE IS PENDING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON HOW TO ANSWER THE SUMMONS AND PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. SENDING PAYMENT TO YOUR MORTGAGE COMPANY WILL NOT STOP THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. THE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $50,925.00 and interest, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Onondaga on September 7, 2001, in Book 11789, Page 001, covering premises known as 205 Natick Circle, Camillus, NY 13031, SBL #: 062.-0425.0/62 The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. The Plaintiff also seeks a deficiency judgment against the Defendants and for any debt secured by said Mortgage which is not satisfied by the proceeds of the sale of said premises. TO the Defendants Unknown Heirs of the Estate of Cheryl A. Leatz, and all the heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and successors in interest of any of the aforesaid defendants, next of kin, distributees, devisees, grantees, trustees, lienors, creditors, assignees and successors in Interest of any of the aforesaid classes of person, if they or any of them be dead, and their respective husbands, wives or widows, if any, and all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to plaintiff, except as herein stated, the foregoing Supplemental Summons with Notice is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Joseph E. Lamendola of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Onondaga, dated March 10, 2022 and filed March 18, 2022. Dated: 05/04/2022 /s/ Kyle Jacobs Kyle Jacobs, Esq. McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 840 New York, New York 10170 Phone: 347.286.7409 Fax: 347-286-7414 Attorneys for Plaintiff, State of New York Mortgage Agency HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE NEW YORK STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT WE SEND YOU THIS NOTICE ABOUT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT YOU ARE IN DANGER YOUR OF LOSING HOME. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND TO THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT IN THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT CAREFULLY. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL AID OFFICE TO OBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE. The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid office, there are government agencies and non-profit organizations that you may contact for information about possible options, including trying to work with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department of Financial Services at 1-800-342-3736 or visit the Department's website at FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to "save" your home. There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner's distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires any-

to "save" your home. There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner's distress. You should be extremely careful about LEGALS any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. PO-289581 Notice of Formation of 783 Franklin LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/29/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 787 Franklin St, Skaneateles, NY 13152. Purpose: any lawful purpose. PO-287568 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION 857 Crow Hill, LLC filed Arts. of Org. with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/10/2022. Office: Onondaga County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: The LLC, P.O. Box 786, Skaneateles, NY, 13152. Purpose: any lawful act. PO-287955 Notice of Formation of A&J Holbrook Construction, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 4/14/2022. Office locaCounty of tion: Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 1038 Old Route 31, Jordan, NY 13080. Purpose: any lawful purpose. PO-289477 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: BIG RED CONTRACTING, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 12/2/21. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC at PO Box 725, Skaneateles, New York 13152. Purpose: For any lawful purpose. PO-287911 Notice of formation of Birds of A Feather Natural Wellness, LLC. Articles of organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on March 21, 2022. Principle office is located in Onondaga County. The SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: PO Box 117, Skaneateles Falls, New York 13153. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. PO-288333 NOTICE Name of LLC: BLH Abbott Trucking, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with NY Dept. of State on 5/2/22. Office Location: Cortland County. Sec. of State designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to principal business location: 4920 Kinney Gulf Rd, Cortland, NY 13045. Purpose: any lawful activity. PO-289484 Notice of LLC Formation of BRB Farms, LLC, a NY limited liability company (LLC). Arts. of Org. filed with NY Sec. of State (NYSS) on 3/11/2022. Office: Onondaga County. NYSS designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. NYSS shall mail process to: P.O. Box 275, Elbridge, New York 13060. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. PO-287647 LEGAL NOTICE Public Meeting - Budget Hearing/Annual Election and Vote West Genesee Central School District NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Education of the West Genesee Central School District will hold a public budget hearing on May 4, 2022 at 6:00 P.M., at the West Genesee High School Library at 5201 West Genesee Street, Camillus, NY 13031, for the purpose of discussing the proposed expenditure of funds for the 2022-2023 school year and the budgeting thereof. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the annual meeting and election of members of the Board of Education of the West Genesee Central School District, and the vote for the appropriation of necessary funds to meet the estimated expenditures for the fiscal year com-

year and the budgeting essary, shall be raised thereof. by the levy of a tax upon TAKE FURTHER NOTICE the taxable property of that the annual meeting said School District and and election of members collected in annual inof theCNY’s Board Community of Educa- stallments as provided News Source tion of the West Gene- by Section 416 of the see Central School Dis- Education Law; and, in LEGALS LEGALS trict, and the vote for the anticipation of such tax, of said appropriation of neces- obligations sary funds to meet the School District, in the estimated expenditures principal amount not to $1,744,000, for the fiscal year com- exceed mencing July 1, 2022 shall be issued? PROPOSITION II and authorizing the levy of taxes, and the vote re- (Capital Reserve Fund): garding any other Shall the Board of Edupropositions properly cation of the West Genesubmitted will be held at see Central School Disthe West Genesee High trict, be authorized to School Auditorium lobby establish a Capital Reon Tuesday, May 17, serve Fund for a ten-year 2022 between the hours term pursuant to Section of 6:00 A.M. and 9:00 3651 of the Education P.M., by machine ballot Law to be named “2022 unless machines are un- Capital Reserve Fund” available, in which case and fund such fund in paper ballots will be an amount not to exceed $2,000,000, inclusive of used. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE accrued interest and that a copy of the pro- other investment earnposed budget for the en- ings, to be used for rensuing year for school ovations and additions purposes and the ex- to all District facilities, emption report may be including purchase of obtained by any District equipment, technology classroom resident during the four- upgrades, and/or teen (14) days before equipment infrastructure the annual meeting, ex- school cept Saturday, Sunday equipment, site developor a holiday, during the ment, athletic fields, storm and sanitary sewhours of 9:00 A.M. to er, driveways, and park3:00 P.M. at each of the ing lots, such reserve following schoolhouses: fund to be funded from Camillus Middle School, (i) year-end budget surEast Hill Elementary plus funds known as School, Onondaga Road unassigned fund balElementary School, Split ance, as available, for Rock Elementary the fiscal year ended School, Stonehedge Ele- June 30, 2022 and each mentary School, West fiscal year thereafter for Genesee Middle School, the term of the reserve and West Genesee High fund, (ii) transfers of exSchool. cess monies from Board TAKE FURTHER NOTICE of Education designated that petitions nominat- reserves, (iii) amounts ing candidates for the from budgetary approoffice of member of the priations from time to Board of Education must time, and (iv) New York be filed in the District State Aid received and Clerk's office between made available by the 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Board of Education from no later than April 18, time to time, all as per2022. Each petition mitted by law? must be directed to the PROPOSITION III District Clerk, must be (Fairmount Community signed by at least 25 Library): Shall the West qualified voters of the Genesee Central School District, must state the District levy and collect residence of each sign- a tax, pursuant to Secer, and must state the tion 259 of the Educacandidate's name and tion Law of the State of residence. New York, in the sum of TAKE FURTHER NOTICE $368,855 (which is an that 3 vacancies on the increase of $7,232 from Board of Education are the Fairmount Commuto be filled to fill the ex- nity Library Tax Levy in piring terms of Elizabeth effect from 2021-2022 Donaldson, Jennifer in the sum of $361,623) James, and Aaron Ry- for the continuing supder, each for a 3-year port and maintenance of term commencing July the free library services 1, 2022 and concluding offered to District residents by the Fairmount June 30, 2025. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE Community Library histhat qualified voters of torically supported by the District may obtain the residents of the applications for an ab- West Genesee Central sentee ballot from the School District? PROPOSITION IV office of the District Clerk. Completed appli- (Maxwell Memorial Lications must be received brary): Shall the West by the Clerk of the Dis- Genesee Central School trict no later than 4:00 District levy and collect P.M. on May 16, 2022, a tax, pursuant to Secand must be received no tion 259 of the Educalater than 4:00 P.M. on tion Law of the State of May 10, 2022 if the ab- New York, in the sum of sentee ballot is to be $366,778 (which is an mailed to the voter. increase of $7,192 [or Completed applications 2%] from 2021 in the received after 4:00 P.M. sum of $359,586) for on May 10, 2022 will re- the continuing support quire the voter to per- and maintenance of the sonally appear at the of- free library services office of the District Clerk fered to District resiMaxwell by to receive an absentee dents ballot. A listing of all Memorial Library historipersons to whom an ab- cally supported by the West Genesee Central sentee ballot is issued School District? will be available for inPROPOSITION V spection in the office of (Onondaga Free the District Clerk be- Library): Shall the West tween the hours of 8:00 Genesee Central School a.m. and 4:00 p.m. dur- District levy and collect ing each of the 5 days a tax, pursuant to Secprior to the election, ex- tion 259 of the Educacept Sundays, and shall tion Law of the State of also be posted at the New York, in the sum of polling place at the elec- $102,907 (which is an tion. Guidance regard- increase of $2,997 from ing absentee voting due the levy in effect from to concerns related to 2021-2022 in the sum of COVID-19 will be pub- $99,910) for the continlished on the School uing support and mainDistrict's website when tenance of the free liavailable and questions brary services offered to may also be directed to District residents by the the District Clerk at 315- Onondaga Free Library 487-4563 or cde- historically supported by the West Genesee CenTAKE FURTHER NOTICE tral School District? that military ballots may PO-286192 be applied for by qualified voters by requesting an application from the Notice of Formation District Clerk at 315- of Castle Creek Housing 487-4563 or cde- LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Completed applications Articles of Organization for military ballots must filed with the Secretary be received by the Clerk of State of New York no later than 5:00 p.m. (SSNY) on 3/17/2022. on April 21, 2022. In a Office location: County request for a military of Onondaga SSNY is ballot application or bal- designated as agent of lot, the military voter LLC upon whom promay indicate their pref- cess may be served. erence for receiving the SSNY shall mail copy of application or ballot by process to: 120 KASSON mail, facsimile transmis- ROAD PO BOX 462, sion or e-mail. CAMILLUS, NY 13031. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE Purpose: any lawful purthat at said annual meet- pose. ing and election held on PO-288173 May 17, 2022, the following propositions will be submitted to voters: NOTICE PROPOSITION I Name of LLC: Charlie's and THC For His LLC. Arti(Transportation Maintenance Equipment cles of Organization filed Purchase): Shall the with NY Dept. of State Board of Education of on 4/14/22. Office Lothe West Genesee Cen- cation: Cortland County. tral School District be Sec. of State designated authorized to purchase as agent of LLC upon and finance twelve (12) whom process against it replacement student may be served and shall transportation vehicles, mail process to principal one (1) maintenance van business location: 5 and one (1) wide area Cherry Lane, Cortland, mower, including, for NY 13045. Purpose: each, necessary furnish- any lawful activity. ings, fixtures and equip- PO-288582 ment and all other costs incidental thereto, and expend a total sum not LEGAL NOTICE to exceed $1,744,000, Notice of formation of which is estimated to be Davis Rivers Properties, the total maximum cost LLC. Arts. of Org. filed thereof, and said with Secy of State of NY amount, or so much (SSNY) on 4/20/22 unthereof as may be nec- der LLC Law Sec. 203. essary, shall be raised Office location: 7 Douby the levy of a tax upon glas St., Cortland, NY the taxable property of 13045, Cortland County. said School District and SSNY designated as collected in annual in- agent upon whom prostallments as provided cess against LLC may be by Section 416 of the served who shall mail Education Law; and, in process to Joseph anticipation of such tax, Rivers, 7 Douglas St., obligations of said Cortland, NY 13045. School District, in the Purpose: Any lawful principal amount not to business. Perpetual exexceed $1,744,000, istence.

Office location: 7 Douglas St., Cortland, NY 13045, Cortland County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against LLC may be served who shall mail process LEGALS to Joseph Rivers, 7 Douglas St., Cortland, NY 13045. Purpose: Any lawful business. Perpetual existence. PO-288981 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION GEDDES HOLDINGS LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 04/21/22. Office: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 106 Silverlace Terrace, Syracuse, NY 13219. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. D-288836 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application Date: 05/03/2022 Applicant: GASPARINI LANDSCAPING CO INC 5072 SMORAL RD CAMILLUS, NY 13031 Facility: HORAN RD DEVELOPMENT HORAN RD - 0.2 MI NW MILTON AVE ON THE RIGHT|TAX ID: 015.-0305.3 CAMILLUS, NY 13031 Application ID: 73120-00177/00002 Permits(s) Applied for: 1 - Article 24 Freshwater Wetlands 1 - Section 401 - Clean Water Act Water Quality Certification Project is located: in CAMILLUS in ONONDAGA COUNTY Project Description: Applicant proposes the construction of a single story mixed use commercial building with associated utilities and parking within portions of the adjacent area of Class 2 NYS Regulated Freshwater Wetland SYW-15. Construction of the 3880 square foot building will result in approximately 450 cubic yards of adjacent area fill, and 80 cubic yards of adjacent area excavation to accomodate the stormwater detention basins. A natural vegetative buffer will be remain, a permanent fence will be installed around the limits of disturbance, and boulders will be placed along the roadside to reduce historic fill. Availability of Application Documents: Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person. State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination Project is an Unlisted Action and will not have a significant impact on the environment. A Negative Declaration is on file. A coordinated review was performed. SEQR Lead Agency NYS Department of Environmental Conservation State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination The proposed activity is not subject to review in accordance with SHPA. The application type is exempt and/or the project involves the continuation of an existing operational activity. Availability For Public Comment Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than 05/26/2022 or 15 days after the publication date of this notice, whichever is later. Contact Person TRENDON P CHOE NYSDEC 615 Erie Boulevard W Syracuse, NY 132042400 CC List for Complete Notice Tiffany Toukatly, DEC BEH US Army Corps of Engineers Matthew Vredenburgh Town Supervisor ENB PO-289716 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LLC: JAL Kids Farm LLC filed Arts. Of Org. with Secy. Of State of NY on 04/25/2022. Office Location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom Process may be served and SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at C/O Jeffrey B. Davis, 61 Main Street, Camillus, NY, 13031. Purpose any business Permitted under law. PO-289218 Tax Map ID#029.-01-02.2 NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 148-9, 148-12, 148-13, 148-14, 148-15, 148-16, 148-18, 148-20, 148-21, 148-29, and 148-36 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Skaneateles and Section 274-a and 274-b Town Law of the State of New York, the Planning Board of the Town of Skaneateles will hold a Public Hearing on the application of Transportation Project LLC for a Special Permit. The application is for a transportation building for Lake Limo including parking for vehicles, of-

Section 274-a and 274-b Town Law of the State of New York, the Planning Board of the Town of Skaneateles will hold a Public Hearing on the application of TransportationLEGALS Project LLC for a Special Permit. The application is for a transportation building for Lake Limo including parking for vehicles, office, rest room, and breakroom. The property in question borders both Old Seneca Turnpike and Mottville Road in the Town of Skaneateles, New York and bears Tax Map ID#029.-01-02.2 A copy of the application is available for inspection at the Town Hall, 24 Jordan Street, Skaneateles, New York. SAID HEARING will be held on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 6:35 p.m. at the Town Offices, 24 Jordan Street, Skaneateles, New York or electronically as required by local and/or Executive Orders applicable to COVID 19. At that time all persons will be heard or have an opportunity to provide written comment on this application. Donald Kasper, Chair Planning Board -Town of Skaneateles Dated: May 4, 2022 PO-289612 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION Padraic & Thierry LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 4/28/22, Cortland Co. SSNY design agent for process & shall mail to Zenbusiness Inc. 41 State St #112 Albany, NY 12207 General Purpose PO-289530 Notice of Formation of Pilates with Chloe LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/2/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 38 E. Genesee Street, Lake Level Apartment, Skaneateles, New York 13152. Purpose: any lawful purpose. PO-287370 Notice of Formation of Playday Indoor Play and Parties LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/05/2022. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 156 Forrest Way, Camillus, NY 13031. Purpose: any lawful purpose. PO-288069 TOWN OF SKANEATELES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing shall be held by the Town Board of the Town of Skaneateles at 7:00 p.m. on June 6, 2022 regarding Proposed Local Law 2022-A “A Local Law Amending Chapter 148 of the Code of the Town of Skaneateles” for your review and comment. A copy of the local law and related materials is available for review at the Town Clerk's Office the Town of of Skaneateles, 24 Jordan Street, Skaneateles, New York or at zoning-and-comprehensive-plan/. An opportunity to be heard in regard to such local law will be given at the hearing to those favoring or opposing the same, as well as any comments on the environmental significance of such local law. Communication in writing in relation thereto may be filed with the Town Board or at such hearing. Said Hearing will be held on Monday, June 6, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Skaneateles Town Hall, 24 Jordan Street and via Zoom at https:// 30076478, Meeting ID: 832 3007 6478, Passcode: 150560. At that time, or for a period of time thereafter, all persons will be heard or have an opportunity to provide written comment on this Proposed Local law and draft Plans. Dated: Skaneateles, New York May 3, 2022 Julie A. Stenger, Town Clerk Town of Skaneateles PO-289511 LEGAL NOTICE Sealed bids will be received as set forth in instructions to bidders until 10:30 A.M. on Thursday, June 02, 2022 at the NYSDOT, Office of Contract Management, 50 Wolf Rd, 1st Floor, Suite 1CM, Albany, NY 12232 and will be publicly opened and read. Bids may also be submitted via the internet using A certified cashier's check payable to the NYSDOT for the sum specified in the proposal or a bid bond, form CONR 391, representing 5% of the bid total, must accompany each bid. NYSDOT reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Electronic documents and Amendments are posted to The Contractor is responsible for ensuring

bond, form CONR 391, representing 5% of the bid total, must accompany each bid. NYSDOT reserves the right to reject any orEagle all bids.News Electronic documents and Amendments are LEGALS posted to The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all Amendments are incorporated into its bid. To receive notification of Amendments via e-mail you must submit a request to be placed on the Planholders List at const-planholder. Amendments may have been issued prior to your placement on the Planholders list. NYS Finance Law restricts communication with NYSDOT on procurements and contact can only be made with designated persons. Contact with non-designated persons or other involved Agencies will be considered a serious matter and may result in disqualification. Contact Robert Kitchen (518) 457-2124. Contracts with 0% Goals are generally single operation contracts, where subcontracting is not expected, and may present direct bidding opportunities for Small Business Firms, including, but not limited to D/W/MBEs. The New York State Department of Transportation, in accordance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federallyassisted programs of the Department of Transportation and Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200, Title IV Program and Related Statutes, as amended, issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all who respond to a written Department solicitation, request for proposal or invitation for bid that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability/handicap and income status in consideration for an award. Please call (518)4572124 if a reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the letting. Region 03: New York State Department of Transportation 333 E. Washington St., State Office Bldg., Syracuse, NY, 13202 D264821, PIN SRCC22, Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Onondaga, Oswego, Otsego, Schoharie, Seneca, Sullivan, Tioga, Tompkins Cos., SIGN REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT UPSTATE CENTRAL: Regions 3 & 9, No Plans, Incentive/Disincentive Provisions, Bid Deposit: 5% of Bid (~ $40,000.00), Goals: MBE: 5.00%, WBE: 10.00%, SDVOB: 6.00% PO-289126

TOWN OF MARCELLUS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Article III Section 205-9 of the Town of Marcellus Subdivision Regulations adopted April 1, 2009, a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of said Town, Monday, June 6, 2022 at 6:30 P.M. at the Town Hall, 22 East Main Street, Marcellus, New York for the purpose of considering the preliminary application for a one (1) lot subdivision known as “Smith-Masters Subdivision”, located at Cherry Valley Turnpike, Marcellus, NY in an Agricultural zone. A copy of the preliminary layout is on file in the Town Hall and may be examined during regular hours. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard in respect to such proposed application. Persons may appear in person or by agent. Jerry Wickett, Chairman Planning Board Town of Marcellus, New York PO-289574

SNL DG, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 4/1/2022. Cty: Onondaga. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 109 Watchtower Ln., Syracuse, NY 13219. General Purpose. PO-289230

Eagle News

LEGALS Notice of LLC Formation of 407 King Avenue, LLC, a NY limited liability company (LLC). Arts. of Org. filed with NY Sec. of State (NYSS) on 3/31/22. Office: Onondaga County. NYSS designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. NYSS shall mail process to: 9055 Brewerton Road, Brewerton, New York 13029. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. SR-287932 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP; Name of LLP: ADVANCE FAMILY DENTAL CARE, LLP; Date of filing of Certificate of Registration: April 27, 2022; Office of the LLP: Onondaga Co.; The NY Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of any process to the LLP at 7278 Buckley Road, North Syracuse, New York 13212; Purpose of LLC: Any lawful purpose. SR-289262 AGGNME 726, LLC: Notice of Formation of LLC. Art. of Org. for AGGNME 726, LLC ("LLC") were filed with the Sec. of State of NY ("SSNY") on 04/28/2022. Office Location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to the LLC, 8795 Emmons Mercantile, Brewerton, NY 13029. Purpose: To engage in any lawful activity. SR-289264

May 11, 2022 11

CNY’s Community News Source

AGGNME 726, LLC: Notice of Formation of LLC. Art. of Org. for AGGNME 726, LLC ("LLC") were filed with the Sec. of State of NY ("SSNY") on 04/28/2022. Office Location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process LEGALS to the LLC, 8795 Emmons Mercantile, Brewerton, NY 13029. Purpose: To engage in any lawful activity. SR-289264 Notice of Formation of ALLSFAIR PROPERTIES, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on July 28, 2021. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 4396 Oak Orchard Rd., Clay, New York 13041. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. SR-287362 Meeting Notice Notice is hereby given that the annual LOT OWNERS MEETING OF THE PINE PLAINS CEMETERY ASSOCIATION INC. of Clay, New York will be held at the Clay Historical Association building located at 4939 Rt. 31 in Clay, NY next to the railroad tracks. The meeting will be held on Saturday May 14, 2022 beginning at 10am. The purpose of this meeting will be to elect trustees and other such business that may come before the Board of Directors. All lot owners are invited to attend. Steven C. Kempisty, Esq.-President for the Pine Plains Cemetery Association Inc. SR-284739 Notice of formation of Bridge PR, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/4/22. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 105 First St., Liverpool, NY 13088. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. SR-288982

Notice of formation of Bridge PR, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/4/22. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon LEGALS whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 105 First St., Liverpool, NY 13088. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. SR-288982 Notice of Formation of Canine Clarity 315, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with he Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/04/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 8480 Maple Road, Clay, New York 13041. Purpose: any lawful purpose. SR-287818 Notice of Formation of: Central New York Family Health Nurse Practitioner PLLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/9/2021. Office locaCounty of tion: Onondaga County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 5701 E. Circle Dr. Ste 108 #264, Cicero NY, 13039. Purpose: any lawful purpose. SR-288202 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP; Name of LLP: CERAVOLO ENDODONTICS, LLP; Date of filing of Certificate of Registration: April 27, 2022; Office of the LLP: Onondaga Co.; The NY Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of any process to the LLP at 7293 Buckley Road, North Syracuse, New York 13212; Purpose of LLC: Any lawful purpose. SR-289263

NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP; Name of LLP: CERAVOLO ENDODONTICS, LLP; Date of filing of Certificate of Registration: April 27, 2022; Office of the LLP: Onondaga Co.; The NYLEGALS Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of any process to the LLP at 7293 Buckley Road, North Syracuse, New York 13212; Purpose of LLC: Any lawful purpose. SR-289263 NOTICE OF FORMATION of GR8FNDS.COM, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) with offices located in Onondaga County, for the purpose of any lawful act or activity under the Limited Liability Company Law. The Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of the State of New York (SSNY) on March 4, 2022. SSNY is the agent designated to receive service of process on behalf of the LLC. SSNY shall mail a copy of such service of to Carlotta process Brown, 5341 West Taft Road, North Syracuse, New York 13212. SR-289437 Hodag Electric, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 3/24/2022. Cty: Onondaga. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to 5 Orangewood Liverpool, NY Dr., 13090. General Purpose. SR-289229 HOMER'S AUTOMOTIVE, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/20/22. Office in Onondaga Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Sara Ungaro, 600 Bailey Rd., North Syracuse, NY 13212. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Principal business loc: 217 N. Main St., North Syracuse, NY 13212. SR-289623

HOMER'S AUTOMOTIVE, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/20/22. Office in Onondaga Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Sara Ungaro, 600 Bailey Rd., LEGALS North Syracuse, NY 13212. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Principal business loc: 217 N. Main St., North Syracuse, NY 13212. SR-289623

Notice of Formation of LACEY'S SOLUTIONS, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 12/07/21. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. LEGALS SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 8136 Firenze Lane, Clay NY 13041. Purpose: any lawful purpose. SR-288288

Notice of Formation of JCB of CNY, LLC Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of the State of New York (SSNY) on 4/22/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 6076 Smith Road, North Syracuse, NY 13212. Purpose: any lawful purpose. SR-288891

NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION MCGR Enterprises, LLC filed Arts. of Org. with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/23/2022. Office: Onondaga County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: The LLC, 6010 Misty Ridge Ln., Cicero, NY, 13039. Purpose: any lawful act. SR-288907

Notice of Formation of JMC Staffing Agency LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 4/02/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 8430 Oswego Rd #539, Liverpool, NY 13090. Purpose: any lawful purpose. SR-289393

Notice of Formation of Raising Cain Music LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 02/21/22. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 154 Eagles Pointe Circle, Liverpool, NY 13090. Purpose: any lawful purpose. SR-287870

Notice of Formation of LACEY'S SOLUTIONS, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 12/07/21. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 8136 Firenze Lane, Clay NY 13041. Purpose: any lawful purpose. SR-288288

Notice of Formation of Robinson & Powell Holdings LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/14/22. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Brandon Powell 102 Riverdale Rd, Liverpool, NY 13090. Purpose: any lawful purpose. SR-287500

Notice of Formation of Robinson & Powell Holdings LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/14/22. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail LEGALS copy of process to: Brandon Powell 102 Riverdale Rd, Liverpool, NY 13090. Purpose: any lawful purpose. SR-287500 Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC) Name: Rock Star Enterprises, LLC. Articles of Organization filed by the Department of State of York on: New 07/22/2002. Office location: County of Onondaga. Purpose: Any and all lawful activities. Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC 7607 Oswego Road Liverpool, NY 13090 Biennial Statement filed 03/18/2022 changing address for process to: 7608 Oswego Road PO Box 2333 Liverpool, NY 13090 SR-289075 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION SHAWSHANKED DETAILING, LLC. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 03/14/2022. Office in Onondaga Co. SSNY desig Agent of SHAWSHANKED DETAILING, LLC upon who process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 112 Hanover Liverpool, NY Ave, 13088. The principal business location shall be 112 Hanover Ave, Liverpool, NY 13088. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. SR-287517 Notice of formation of SPINK PSYCHOLOGY, PLLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/01/2022. County: Onondaga. SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to P.O. BOX 3115, Liverpool, NY 13089. Purpose: to engage in any and all business for which PLLCs may be formed under the New York PLLC Law. SR-287894

Notice of formation of SPINK PSYCHOLOGY, PLLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of LEGALS State of New York (SSNY) on 04/01/2022. County: Onondaga. SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to P.O. BOX 3115, Liverpool, NY 13089. Purpose: to engage in any and all business for which PLLCs may be formed under the New York PLLC Law. SR-287894 Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC) Name: Twin Trees Pizza on 57, LLC Articles of Organization filed by the Department of State of New York on: 02/16/2007. Office location: County of Onondaga. Purpose: Any and all lawful activities. Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC 7608 Oswego Road PO Box 2333 Liverpool, NY 13090 SR-288287 Articles of Organization of Upstate Canvas and Upholstery LLC ("LLC") were filed with Sec. of State of NY ("SSNY") on 3/23/2022. Office Location: Onondaga County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to, and the LLC's principal business location is 6292 Locomotive Lane, Cicero, New York 13039. Purpose: any lawful business purpose. SR-287368

12 May 11, 2022

CNY’s Community News Source

Eagle News

Golf bits and pieces… The Longest Golf Course in The World is… The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Golf Club in Lijiang, China. The course plays 8,548 yds. and is a par 72 golf course. You can expect to play some par-4’s that should be played as par5’s. However, because it is a mountain course, you should be able to hit the ball farther. Ok, great, thanks for the pep talk! The Longest Golf Course in The World By Mileage Distance and Land Space is… The Nullarbor Links course in Australia. This course spreads out over 150 miles and “must” be driven by car to complete each hole. The average distance between each hole is 41 miles…only automobiles…no golf carts. The actual course is only 6,750 yards long but…41 miles between holes would be a big pain…you know where…for me. How about you? The Longest Golf Hole in the World is… You guessed correct. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Golf Club in China has the longest. It is the par-5 fifth hole that measures 711 yards…AND…If you want to get away from what we call “traditional” golf courses, there is a monster hole in South Korea at the Gunsan Country Club that measures 1,097 yards. Are Golf Courses Playing Longer? You bet they are. Because golf club technology has advanced significantly and allowed us to hit the ball farther, golf courses have had to adjust by making them longer to maintain the “degree of difficulty”. This phenomenon has universally become known as, “The Tiger Woods Effect” on the PGA Tour. Tiger was one of the longest drivers on Tour and the game became almost unfair to the other players who couldn’t hit the ball as far. You do remember… don’t you? You might also remember that in 1980, the average driving distance on the PGA Tour was about 257 yards. The average distance today is around 296 yards. Forty yards closer to the green certainly makes your approach shot a lot easier. How Do You Determine What Yardage You Should Play A Golf Course? A research team at Athletic Motion Golf came up with a simple formula to determine your ideal course yardage by using your 5 iron (or 5 hybrid) distance. They admit it is not perfect, especially for beginners, but they say it is a “helpful guidepost”: * If your 5 iron distance is 100 yards, your ideal course yardage is 3,600 yards. * If your 5 iron distance is 120 yards, your ideal course yardage is 4,320 yards.

OBITUARIES Perry Noun is the former executive director of the Northeastern NY PGA as well as a competitive amateur golfer and winner of the New York State Super Senior Amateur Championship. Perry Noun can be heard on “Tee Time With The Pronoun” on... News Radio 570 WSYR and 106.9FM.

* If your 5 iron distance is 140 yards, your ideal course yardage is 5,040 yards. * If your 5 iron distance is 160 yards, your ideal course yardage is 5,760 yards. * If your 5 iron distance is 180 yards, your ideal course yardage is 6,480 yards. * If your 5 iron distance is 200 yards, your ideal course yardage is 7,200 yards. I am at 165 yards for an ideal course yardage of around 5,900 yards. Works for me! How Many Calories Do You Burn In A Round Of Golf? * Men burn more calories than women…. naturally. * Your weight will also be a factor in calories burned golfing. * Heavier golfers tend to burn more calories than lighter golfers. Examples: A 200 pound male would be expected to burn 400-500 calories per hour. A 150 pound male would be expected to burn 250-400 calories per hour. A 170 pound female would be expected to burn 250-400 calories per hour. A 130 pound female would be expected to burn 200-350 calories per hour. Do the math. Golf is a wonderful form of exercise. According to a recent study from Harvard, the average male golfer would burn 100 calories more per hour by walking rather than riding in a cart. Let’s round it off at 75 calories per hour for women. Com-on folks… Golf is probably one of the best forms of exercise for your legs, arms, back muscles and core known to mankind. I strongly recommend you stretch before you play as well as after you play to get the lactic acid out of your muscles….especially your legs. It’s time to play golf!

Joanne Wilson, 84 Retired teacher

Joanne Christine Cook Wilson went to be with her Heavenly Father on Tuesday May 3, 2022, after a short illness. She was at home surrounded by her husband and daughter at her passing. She and her husband had recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. There’s was a bond built on faith in Christ understanding that time is eternal and their final home will be with Him in heaven. Joanne was 84 years young. She was born April 8, 1938, to Alma and Steven Cook, both predeceased, in the town of Elmira, N.Y., where she grew up. Joanne leaves behind two grandchildren, Chelsea



Joanne Wilson Sweet and Ryan (Katy Fykes) Sweet as well as two great grandchildren, Cecilia and Charlotte Sweet. Joanne had one sister, Pauline Taylor, who predeceased her, and has a surviving nephew, Steve Cook, and a niece, Christine Taylor Dutton. Joanne attended Keuka College and began her teaching career in 1961.

From page 4

6 p.m. Baldwinsville High School Jazz Ensemble 7 p.m. Cicero-North Syracuse Jazz Ensemble, Vocal Jazz Ensemble and Treble Threats Sunday May 22 2 p.m. East Syracuse-Minoa Jazz Ensemble 3 p.m. Soule Road Middle School Jazz Band, Liverpool High School Jazz Lab, LHS Stage Band, LHS Jazz Ensemble 6 p.m. Camillus Middle School

She taught middle school science in the Baldwinsville School District for 35 years and retired in 1997. Since her retirement she traveled with her husband, spent time with her daughter and grandchildren and volunteered at her church. She was so very sociable and made friends of mere strangers wherever she went. She touched hundreds of lives during her life and made people feel valued and loved. There will be calling hours at Falardeau Funeral Home in Baldwinsville on Sunday, May 15, from 2 to 5 p.m. The pastor of Faith Baptist Church will offer a few words at the end of calling hours. In lieu of flowers please send donations to the Syracuse Rescue Mission.

High Strung Jazz Violin Ensemble, West Genesee Middle School Jazz Band, West Genesee High School Jazz Ensemble.

Last word

“I am sick of the reckless drivers on Sunflower Drive! Speeding, blowing through stop signs and just now as my kids were getting off the bus some a hole went flying through the stop sign. If you are tired of it too please file a complaint with Onondaga County Sheriff ’s Office here’s the link:” --Gary Reed posted on nextdoor, May 5

Star Review

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

May 11, 2022 13


Liverpool softball gets 9-0 shutout of C-NS C-NS boys lacrosse edgby Phil Blackwell

For the first time this spring, the Liverpool and Cicero-North Syracuse softball teams would confront one another last Tuesday afternoon at the Gillette Road complex. And it turned into another showcase for the Warriors, who rode Cassie Wiggins’ strong pitching and a well-balanced approach at the plate to a 9-0 victory over the Northstars. Liverpool was no. 16 in the state Class AA rankings, a direct byproduct of handing no. 20-ranked Baldwinsville its first defeat of the season, 13-0, back on April 28. This game was another shutout, with Wiggins close to flawless. All

she allowed was one hit, a Riley Barrett single, amassing 10 strikeouts while not walking anyone. Meanwhile, the Warriors took charge with a three-run second inning and four-run third inning off Northstars pitcher Lilian Hotalin before Eva Farone took over in relief the rest of the way. Julia Wike went three-for-five to pace Liverpool, with Gracie Zankowski and Lily Stevens each getting a pair of hits. Ava Falvo drove in a pair of runs, with single RBIs going to Wike, Stevens and Zankowski. C-NS went from here to taking a 5-1 defeat to West Genesee on Friday afternoon, the Wildcats breaking through with three runs in the

first inning and adding two runs in the fifth. Sydney Puttkamer drove Paige Glassford home with the Northstars’ lone run in the sixth. WG pitcher Maria Brandt not only threw a complete game, she doubled and drove in two runs as teammate Sophia VanHorn added three hits and an RBI. Amid this busy week, Liverpool may play up to six games, including doubleheaders against West Genesee Tuesday and against Ballston Spa and Fairport Saturday at Carrier Park. C-NS faces Baldwinsville Thursday and then plays four games in the Mudville Tournament Saturday and Sunday, all against foes outside the Section III ranks.

C-NS girls track defeats F-M for second time by Phil Blackwell

With one big meet, the CiceroNorth Syracuse track and field teams would figure out where it stood amid the contenders in the SCAC Metro division. The showdown last Wednesday between the girls Northstars and Fayetteville-Manlius was particularly anticipated, since C-NS had beaten F-M in the April 30 Chittenango Invitational. And once again the Northstars would finish in front, winning by a score of 75-63, led by Lilly Capria, Cha’Nya Jones and Jayden Mackey, who each won a pair of events. Capria, who claimed three wins at the Chittenango meet, cleared 4 feet 10 inches in the high jump and went 32’5 1/2” for first place in the triple jump. Jones threw the shot put 31 feet and the discus 75 feet to take those titles. Mackey excelled in the sprints, going 13.35 seconds in the 100meter dash and then taking the 200 in 27.54 as Kate Putman broke up F-M’s hold on distance races, tearing to a time of 4:40.45 at 1,500

meters. Meanwhile, the C-NS boys lost, 75-65, to F-M despite three event wins from Carlton Garnes, who went 16.65 seconds in the 110 high hurdles, went 18’9 1/2” in the long jump and 37’1 1/2” in the triple jump. Vincent Pisa had a winning shot put toss of 36’11”, with Richard Browne tossing the discus 89 feet. Jordan Ballard took the 200 in 25.58 seconds as James McConnell tore to a time of 52.77 in the 400 sprint. When C-NS defeated Baldwinsville 90-49 a couple of days later, Mackey went 12.70 seconds in the 100 sprint and 26.44 in the 200 to win there. Hannah Boyle returned, going 4:47 flat in the 1,500 and taking the 400 sprint in 1:00.81 as Katie Putman ranthe 800 in a swift 2:11.11 and tore to a time of 9:51.19 in the 3,000-meter run. Grace Murray won the 400 hurdles in 1:10.19 and Danielle Crivelli was first in the 100 hurdles in 16.47 seconds. Jones threw the shot put 28’9” and Kaleigh Bosimenu

had a top discus throw of 76 feet. At that same meet, the C-NS boys lost 104-37 to B’ville while defeating Corcoran. Garnes did have a big long jump of 21’6” and went 15.44 seconds in the 110 hurdles as Gavin McAllister took the 400 sprint in 51.80 seconds and cleared 10’6” in the pole vault. Liverpool would have its own meet against C-NS Wednesday at Bragman Stadium. Before that, though, the Warriors would go to West Genesee last Wednesday and swept both the Wildcats (86-46) and Corcoran (112-5) on the girls side. Beatrize Gurgol and Sophia Jarosz each won twice for Liverpool, with Gurgol putting up a time of 18.1 seconds in the 100 hurdles and then claiming first in the long jump with 13’10”. Jarosz handled two of the sprints, taking the 200 in 27.2 seconds and the 400 in 1:04.5 as Kaitlyn Burt won the 400 hurdles in 1:14.5. Eva Woodworth went 11:06.1 at 3,000 meters as Allie Cary threw the shot put 32 feet.

Liverpool boys tennis goes 1-1, beats Auburn by Phil Blackwell

Once more, the Cicero-North Syracuse and Liverpool boys tennis teams would meet one another Monday afternoon, a rematch of their April 28 battle won by the Northstars. Prior to that, though, the Northstars and Warriors both would have matches rained out early last week – C-NS against first-place FayettevilleManlius, Liverpool against Baldwinsville. When action resumed a day later, the Warriors found itself in a close battle with Auburn, but was able to edge the Maroons 4-3 to improve its overall record to 2-2. Three points came from a singles sweep, where Justin Barrett handled Ryan Stechuckak 6-1, 6-2, Evan Miller won 6-4, 6-3 over Gabriel Volo and Cole Potrzeba worked past Brody Wagner 6-4, 6-1 as Needing just one point in doubles, Liverpool got it from Aidan Hunter

and Andrew Caimano, who in two sets worked past Tom Deming and Colby Wagner 6-2, 7-6 (7-5). Rain also kept C-NS from facing East Syracuse Minoa on Wednesday – but it dried up by Friday, when the Northstars challenged Baldwinsville and lost, 6-1, to the Bees. Preventing the shutout, Brady Petranchuk endured a first-set tiebreaker to beat Logan Bolton 7-6 (9-7), 6-0 in third singles, while Matt Jordan and Brandon Nguyen both lost in straight sets. In doubles, Andrew George and Mike DeGroat lost, 6-4, 6-3, to Cameron Dougherty and Tyler Blum, with DeGroat also pairing with Timothy Mai during a 6-3, 6-2 defeat to Connor Tutor and Andrew Jung. Liverpool faced ESM on Friday and handled the Spartans 6-1. Sweeping the doubles, the Warriors had Billy Balduf and James Welch handle Ari Oviedo and Noah Satterlee 6-1, 6-0, with John Ioannidis and Mason

Pinchin beating Dan Krusse and Ayush Patel 6-3, 6-0. Anthony Ranieri and Brad Ritter won 6-4, 6-4 over Jayce Domres and Joe Leveroni as Hunter and Caimano won 7-5, 6-1 over Jacob Harman and Donovan Randall. Bryce Blanch lost in singles 6-0, 6-0 to ESM’s Josh Spilka, but Miller made up for it, beating Krish Patel 7-5, 6-1 as Potrzeba pushed past Luke Tumulty 6-0, 6-1. C-NS made up the match with ESM on Saturday and also prevailed 6-1, with Jordan’s 6-4, 4-6, 6-0 win over Domres preserving a singles sweep started by straight-set wins from Dupell and Nguyen. Pete Gill and Ryan Keil handled Jacob Harmon and Jacob McGuigan 6-1, 6-1, with Joe DeGroat and Tim Mai beating Oviedo and Luke Tumulty 6-3, 6-0 as George and Jackson Dufort won 6-0, 6-0 over Patel and Donovan Rndall.

Girls lacrosse Northstars roll past Liverpool, 12-5 by Phil Blackwell

For all they had both done so far this spring, the Cicero-North Syracuse and Liverpool girls lacrosse teams had not yet faced each other. That changed last Thursday night, when the rivals clashed at LHS Stadium and the Northstars, mostly propelled by a big first half, controlled the contest and defeated the Warriors 12-5. Not wanting to let Liverpool get any sort of momentum, C-NS was aggressive from the opening draw, with several different players able to get those crucial draws, leading to extra possessions and goals. By halftime, it was 9-2, and the Northstars effectively thwarted any Warriors comeback attempt, goalies Nicole Mirra and Nicole O’Neil combining to stop 10 of the Warriors’ 15 shots. Sophia Nesci, with four goals

and one assist, and Mackenzie Prentice, with two goals and three assists, led a well-balanced C-NS attack. Brooke Molchanoff, who won five draws, scored three times as Gabby Ciciarelli had two goals and Tori Iannotti added a goal. On Liverpool’s side, Mia Berthoff and Gianna Carbone both found the net twice, Berthoff adding an assist. Maggie Tifft had the other goal. Two nights earlier, C-NS battled Fayetteville-Manlius at Bragman Stadium and put together its best all-around effort of the season, bringing some new players to the forefront in a 17-6 romp of the Hornets. These same two teams had met April 14 and F-M, on its home turf, had pulled it out 11-10, but C-NS had made some adjustments and, in all phases of the game, controlled F-M in the rematch.

Molchanoff, who had four goals, and Prentice, who had three goals and two assists, now paired with Ciciarelli, who matched Molchanoff converting four times. Helping them all, Nesci had a career-best five assists to go with her pair of goals. Shea Firth had one goal and one assist, with Iannotti, Sam Klein and Rylie Kocik also finding the net. C-NS lost a close 11-10 decision to Irondequoit (Section V) on Saturday afternoon. Molchanoff, Prentice and Maggie Putman each scored twice, with single goals going to Ciciarelli, Firth, Klein and Rocik. In a tough stretch this week, Liverpool would have to travel to West Genesee, Baldwinsville and Jamesville-DeWitt, all in a span of five days as C-NS would face the Wildcats at home after taking on Westhill.


es Liverpool in overtime by Phil Blackwell

To cap the first week of May, the Liverpool and CiceroNorth Syracuse boys lacrosse teams would confront one another on the turf at Bragman Stadium, and it proved quite memorable. Even though it was the Warriors who had enjoyed the better start to the 2022 season, it was the Northstars finishing on top this night, rallying late in the fourth quarter and then prevailing, 12-11, in overtime. A close contest between the rivals was expected, and C-NS got the early advantage in a high-scoring first half, doing enough to battle its way to an 8-6 lead at the break. Then Liverpool’s defense clamped down for much of the second half, surrendering only one goal in the third quarter as it pulled even, 9-9, then converted twice early in the final period. Now trailing 11-9, the Northstars pulled out of its slump just in time, Mason Ciciarelli hitting on back-to-back goals to tie it, his third and fourth tallies of the night as Elijah Martin assisted on the equalizer. With all the momentum going into OT, C-NS gained possession and Mason Blakeman, who already had five goals and one assist, passed it to Ciciarelli, who beat Owen Salanger for the game-winner. Aside from Cicarelli and Blakeman, Martin got two goals and two assists, with Ian Leahey adding a goal and assist and John Carter also getting an assist. Each of Peter Carter’s 14 saves proved important. On Liverpool’s side, Aaron Clouthier, Joe Sacco and Owen Michaud each had three-goal hat tricks, with Clouthier gaining a pair of assists. Jalen Graham and Jackson Furr had the other goals as Dom Osbeck got an assist and Salanger was quite busy in the net, earning 23 saves. C-NS had gone to Fayetteville-Manlius last Tuesday, looking to sweep a Hornets side it defeated on April 16, and it did so while putting together its most comprehensive performance of the season on the way to a 14-5 victory. It was 13-10 in that first meeting, with the difference in the rematch a stellar defensive effort on the Northstars’ behalf, the back line making several stops and Peter Carter recording 15 saves. Blakeman, with five goals and two assists, paced the attack, with Ciciarelli adding three goals and one assist. Leahey and Michael Koehler each scored twice as John Carter and Cy Liberman had single goals. Elijah Martin got two assists, with Caleb Martin, Nick Ludwig and Nick Bisesi adding single assists. After their battle with one another, C-NS and Liverpool would both have games against West Genesee in this, the last full week of the regular season as the Northstars also meet East Syracuse Minoa Saturday and the Warriors will again challenge Baldwinsville on Thursday after its game with the Wildcats.

C-NS baseball beats West Genesee twice by Phil Blackwell

Asked to deliver another pitching gem for the Cicero-North Syracuse baseball team, Bryce Zicaro did so – and handed West Genesee its first loss of the season. The Northstars put an end to the Wildcats’ 10-game win streak in a tense 1-0 decision last Tuesday in Camillus, with Zicaro equaling what he did April 22 when he tossed a complete-game shutout to beat Baldwinsville by that same slim margin. For five innings, Zicaro and WG ace Ryan Klementowski traded scoreless frames, Klementowski striking out seven while limiting C-NS to four hits. Both pitchers got help from their defenses to snuff out possible rallies. In the top of the sixth, Eric Korzeniewski took over for Klementowski. With two out, C-NS’s Anthony Testa beat out an infield hit, stole second and raced home with the go-ahead run as Zicaro doubled to the left-field wall. Needing nothing more, Zicaro worked through a scoreless sixth and, in the seventh, capped it with a game-ending double play to snuff out one more WG rally. All told, Zicaro limited the Wildcats to four hits, struck out six and did not surrender a walk. Thee same two teams met again four days later on that same WG diamond, and once again C-NS triumphed, this time with a big first inning the key to a 4-2 victory over the Wildcats. Again facing Korzeniewski on the mound, the Northstars got to him for all four of its runs in the top of the first, one each driven in by Corey Cartier, Carter King, Jake Lukasiewicz and Grayson Giddings. Staked to that early advantage, Sam Shaw was solid on the mound, shutting out the Wildcats until single runs were scored in the sixth and seventh innings. Still, Shaw finished the game, striking out five and overcoming six WG hits. In a way, C-NS may have felt relieved that its game at Liverpool last Monday was rained out, allowing for Zicaro to be saved for the first WG battle. As that was going on, Liverpool was facing Baldwinsville for the second time this season and taking a 6-1 defeat to the Bees. With runs in four of th first five innings, B’ville went in front 5-0, and all the Warriors could manage was Nate Benjamin driving home Lance Phillips in the bottom of the fifth.Jack Hoppe took the loss, pitching five innings before relief stints from Noah Klasen and Aidan Bincoe. Gavin Miller pitched 6 2/3 innings for the Bees, holding Liverpool to four hits. Rains interrupted things for the next couple of days, including C-NS’s attempt to avenge its only two losses of the season to Fayetteville-Manlius, which was pushed back to May 19. It was dry enough on Friday, though, for C-NS to defeat Syracuse 5-2, getting a jump as it would in the West Genesee rematch with three runs in the top of the second before adding single runs in the fourth and seventh. Casey Gunnip pitched a complete game, allowing five hits bur striking out six. Cartier’s home run was the big blow as he also singled and produced a pair of RBIs. Nick Klamm also drove in a run as Testa earned a pair of hits. Then on Saturday, as C-NS was topping West Genesee again, Liverpool was earning its own high-profile victory by pulling out a 1-0 decision over reigning sectional Class A champion Christian Brothers Academy. Warriors pitcher Noah Klasen was superb on the mound, limiting the potent CBA lineup to five hits and two walks while striking out eight. All that Liverpool needed, as it turned out, was a run in the bottom of the second, scored by Alex Evans. Gianni Toscano and Tyler Vivacqua gained two hits apiece.

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