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Friends of Lorenzo to present Garden Gala

By kAtE hill Staff writer

The Lorenzo State Historical Site will host its annual Friends of Lorenzo (FOL) Garden Gala on Thursday, June 8 from 6 to 8 p.m.

The public is invited to join FOL in celebrating 40 years of support for the restoration and maintenance of Lorenzo’s 1914 Ellen Biddle Shipman-designed formal garden.

Timed to showcase the garden’s peony blossoms, the event will feature hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer, and other refreshments, as well as music by the Cazenovia High School Quartet, and several raffles.

“It’s a wonderful time to see the peonies in bloom surrounded by other spring flowers in the formal garden,” said FOL President Tracy Palmer.

The “Corks and Keg Raffle” will offer guests the chance to take home a special wine or some microbrew beers.

Floral arrangements will be raffled off so guests can take a small part of Lorenzo’s garden home with them.

FOL will also be raffling off a cocktail party and house tour at Lorenzo for 14 people.

“It’s a fun way to share some of Cazenovia’s history with friends and family,” said Palmer.

Submitted pHoto

The gala will be held on Thursday, June 8 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Lorenzo State Historic Site.

Attendees can also enter a raffle for the “Historic Wooden Bowl from Lorenzo,” which was handcrafted locally by Neal Parker of GingerWorks.

According to Palmer, the wood is from the black locust tree that was planted on the property to commemorate the Oct. 26, 1819, wedding of Jonathan D. Ledyard — brother-in-law of John Lincklaen — to Jane Strawbridge. Due to its age and condition, the tree was

“We are thrilled to have public support for our students and teachers,” said Superintendent Chris DiFulvio on May 17. “I would like to thank all community members for voting. This budget will ensure that our students get the best possible education, help with necessary infrastructure updates in technology, and support curricular updates. In particular, I would like to thank our poll workers, especially our student volunteers. Working the budget vote was a first-hand experience for our [advanced placement] government students.”

The budget brochure states that the district continues to operate with one of the lowest tax rates in the region.

“The district continues its commitment to strategic and responsible longterm fiscal planning by utilizing a combination of a tax levy increase of 6.99 percent and appropriated fund balance of $1.1 million to help reduce the overall impact to taxpayers,” the brochure states.

Additional cost-saving measures include energy performance contracts, cooperative purchasing through BOCES, collaborative shared services, and continual assessment and realignment of resources.

“Most importantly, the budget supports maintaining and reinforcing equity in our current programming for students, including mental health supports, robust fine arts and music programs, dynamic athletic programs, an array of extra-curricular offerings, and overall district safety,” the budget brochure states.

The brochure also highlights the fact that New York State Foundation Aid is increasing by approximately $802,000, and the total state aid is increasing by $1.3 million.

On May 16, voters also approved a bus purchase proposition, authorizing the district to purchase and finance four replacement school buses, including necessary furnishings, fixtures, and equipment and “all other costs incidental thereto,” and to expend a total sum not to exceed $633,132. According to the resolution, the sum is to be raised by the levy of a tax upon the taxable property of the school district and collected in annual installments.

Additionally, residents authorized the district to levy a tax in the amount of $498,241 for the Cazenovia Public Library and $187,185 for the New Woodstock Free Library.

The bus proposition was approved by a vote of 462 for and 218 against, and the library proposition passed by a vote of 539 to 146.

In the BOE election, both candidates ran unopposed. Woodworth and Kelly will serve three-year terms commencing July 1, 2023, and expiring June 30, 2026.

School board meeting

On the day of the vote, the BOE convened for its regular monthly meeting.

In honor of National EMS Week, which is May 21-27, the BOE recognized the district’s student emergency medical services (EMS) providers.

CCSD currently has 17 students who are volunteer members of the Cazenovia Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps (CAVACS) Student Corps.

Past CAVAC President Sara Mitchell provided the board with some information on the responsibilities of the student corps and accepted certificates of appreciation from DiFulvio on behalf of the district.

According to Mitchell, the student corps had 40 members prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and they are working to build their numbers back up.

“[The students] run their own organization through CAVAC,” Mitchell said. “They select their own members. The members have to apply. The kids themselves interview [the applicants] and decide who can join the student corps. Their grades, of course, are important; they have to keep them up in order to still be members.”

All the student members are cardiopulmonary resuscitation- and au-

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