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Memorial Day

Memorial Day

It is what it is. It has been a rough week for me. The comorbidities that have been plaguing me for some time decided to ramp up the dizziness and nausea.

I spent a lot of the time sitting up straight on the loveseat in the living room trying not to provoke the symptoms by not moving my head or body.

Finally, I threw in the “I can deal with this” towel and I went to the doctor begging for some kind of diagnosis and attack plan.

The doc revisited the symptoms, initiated some testing culminating in a wait-and-see plan plus one medicine.

OK. I am taking some medicine and will go back in a week.

I know, being elderly and dizzy is a common occurrence, but not for this old lady.

While I was waiting, I worked on my own plan for getting things done. I mean, someone has to clean out the refrigerator.

A carton of milk should not stick to the shelf. Right?

The inside of my car could be made off limits by the board of health.

Dust will not remove itself nor will the clothes in the hamper wash themselves.

I was determined to rise above the awfulness by force of mind.

This was my challenge. I could break down my chores and projects into smaller

Thanks for your support

To the editor:

On behalf of the Skaneateles School District and the Odyssey of the Mind teams traveling to the World Finals competition in May at Michigan State University, we want to thank the community of Skaneateles. Whether you donated a raffle prize, bought a glass of lemonade off the street, came to our BBQ fundraiser or gave a cash donation, we could not have done it without you. We send our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you. Odyssey of the Mind helps our youth learn how to work cooperatively and to creatively problem solve. The greater Skaneateles community demonstrated this through its support of our program. Thank you!

EllEN WOlFORd oDyssey of the minD CoorDinator

Gas ban of ‘dubious value’

To the editor: Once again, our politicians have passed another “feel good” law of dubious value and increasing costs to the taxpayers. I’m talking about the natural gas ban on new construction.

My main concern is over our electrical grid that can’t support the increase in the use of electricity. Without substantial upgrades to the grid the potential for massive outages

Editor: Jennifer Wing, ext 340,

Editor: Jason Gabak, ext 319,

Editor: Phil Blackwell, ext 348, pblackwell@eaglenewsonline com

Ads: Paul Nagle, ext 308, pnagle@eaglenewsonline com display Ads: Lori Lewis, ext 316, llewis@eaglenewsonline com segments that I could attack while holding on to something and thinking good thoughts.

It seemed to a be a sensible, reasonable plan, but that strategy limped because you can’t weed your garden while holding onto something.

You have to bend over to do this and bending initiates dizzy.

How do I get the laundry down to the basement where the washer and dryer are? Getting down stairs means holding on to railings on both sides of the staircase. I only have two hands. Is the laundry on its own?

Most of the stuff that you do to maintain a home can make me dizzy, especially cooking dinner. (I am probably exaggerating the cooking thing)

Or I could sit on that loveseat and daydream about aspirational things, like winning the lottery and hiring someone to paint the house and sand the floors and fix the porch.

I could dream of lying on a sandy beach with a stack of good books and adult beverages at my side.

In that dream I would have reached my Weight Watcher goal…but even dreams aren’t that ridiculous.

I could be strolling could be catastrophic. How do we cook, heat our homes, run electric vehicles? Is the environmental impact of any substantial significance? What about threats to the system itself? Many questions remain for me. dANiEl KAy liverPool

Salina has no capacity

To the editor: The end of Title 42 has come as no surprise to anyone with an ounce of knowledge of federal border policy. For months, it was set to sunset, and Gov. Kathy Hochul was still caught off-guard and flat footed, unprepared to respond to the illegal migrant crisis.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the leader of the largest “sanctuary city” in America, has already begun making plans to send illegal migrants to upstate towns without warning, cooperation, or a comprehensive plan.

Let me be clear – We do not have room in Salina, and our community is not prepared to shelter and provide for a spate of migrants that New York City refuses to take care of in their “sanctuary city.”

I have heard of inquiries made on our hotels for six month to two year stays for illegal migrants, and our hotels simply cannot accommodate that. This would delay, if not permanently halt, development projects that our Town desperately needs.

Our immigrant and refugee communities are vibrant classified Advertising: Patti Puzzo, ext 321 ppuzzo@eaglenewsonline com

Billing questions: alyssa Dearborn, ext 305, adearborn@eaglenewsonline com legal Advertising: Luba Demkiv, ext 303, ldemkiv@eaglenewsonline com

Publisher: David Tyler, ext 302, dtyler@eaglenewsonline com creative director: Gordon Bigelow, ext 331, art@eaglenewsonline com through the park or Baltimore Woods, playing with my little grandsons on the floor or watching the older ones play sports.

I could be the toast of the Riviera, sing with a symphony orchestra, have nice hair … so many options.

There is one thing I would never consider in my wildest thoughts - to dream of becoming a Sports Illustrated cover model at my age.

After all, I am not Martha. Eighty-one-year-old Martha Stewart announced that she will be on the cover of the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated

“I have never had any plastic surgery, only a little filler twice a year,” she said.

I do have one of those love-hate relationships with Martha, who says she practices Pilates, has two dermatologists, a daily routine of skin care, eats clean and healthy and has good genes.

She discussed how the swimsuit was chosen for the cover. She refused anything frilly and wanted something more modern.

She saw this as her challenge.

And here I am trying to figure out what happened to me, not only because of the dizziness, but also because I couldn’t be on the cover of the swimsuit edition of any publication that was read by human beings.

Why not?

Well, I don’t have a dermatologist. Have you tried to make an appointment at a and integral to the fabric of our town, but we are neither ready nor funded to provide for those who skirt the legal system, forcing their way into Salina.

I commend County Executive Ryan McMahon for his factfinding to know the true capacity Onondaga County may have for illegal migrants, but the Town of Salina has no capacity to offer that equation.

Our town has been hit with crushing blows in recent years from our business corridors being shuttered by state mandates during the COVID-19 lockdowns to the impending devastation of the Interstate81 project.

The Town of Salina cannot afford another unfunded, unplanned, and unwelcomed emergency created by a flagrant lack of preparation from our state covernment.

NicK PARO salina toWn suPervisor

Liverpool Forward

To the editor: This letter is in regard to support for the “Liverpool Forward” ticket for village elections. History is being made in the Village of Liverpool! For the first time ever, we have three very capable Democratic women running for mayor and trustees positions and I am here for it! All three of these women represent a commitment to this beloved village like no one I’ve ever seen. They embrace our village police with love and respect, they understand the challenges dermatologist lately? we face living here (y’all know crossing the main roads isn’t easy!), and they are also dedicated to the importance of maintaining the beauty of this village that we walk around every day for peace and enjoyment, for many years to come! sARAH AlAMONd liverPool

I have no idea what Pilates is. I do have an exercise bicycle, a very good one, but have been warned not to use it because of my loose artificial hip. Bet she doesn’t have one of those.

I do have a skin care routine. It is called washing my face with soap and rinsing well.

I don’t’ think that is what Marta was referring to.

My diet is lousy. I eat over the sink when I am not cooking for my spouse. Too many carbs. My genes are not stellar either.

Oh, and my swimsuit is an antique.

I bought it for $35 in 1966. It is in the chest at the foot of the bed in my daughter’s old bedroom, a reminder that one time, in the long ago, I could wear something like that.

Martha is not holding on to furniture and walls to get around nor is she looking in a mirror and wondering how what she sees has happened.

There is no amount of filler that can fix me.

What I do share with Martha is that I, too, have not had any plastic surgery. My version of fillers are chocolate. There is that. Explains a lot.

Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.

I’ve never known anyone in this village with more integrity and willingness to collaborate with others. I look forward to seeing that happen.

It is my hope that all village residents turn out for the election of Village of Liverpool mayor and board trustees on June 20 and vote for Stacy Finney for mayor, and Melissa Cassidy and Rachel Ciotti for trustees! I was pleasantly surprised recently to find out from Dustin Czarney, Onondaga County elections commissioner, that this village now has 40% Democratic voters, 28% Undeclared voters, and 26% Republican voters, so bringing a fresh perspective to the board of trustees is certainly obtainable! See you at the polls!

Micron water

To the editor:

I read your article about the Micron fab plant being built in Clay NY. You failed however, to mention the 20+ million gallons of water per day this plant will use, whether this water will be recycled and the impact on the water quality of Lake Ontario. Are you hiding something?

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