3 minute read
honor patriots
The Fayetteville-Owahgena chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution worked with the New York and Ottawa chapter from Port Huron Michigan to honor three individuals who were involved in the American Revolution.
The organization, which is based on members tracing their lineage back to the American Revolution, has about 180,000 members in 3,000 chapters across the country.
The members, as demonstrated by the June 2 ceremony, work to honor and remember those patriots who served in the revolution.
Every chapter of the DAR has different traditions that are part of their ceremonies.
The Michigan chapter, for example used memorial cards to further highlight the achievements of the three honored at the event.
The Port Huron Michigan chapter also made battle streamers in the colors of the two units that Carr and Everson were a part of during their service of the American Revolution.
The streamers were given to their sister chapter in Fayetteville to create a friendship between the two DAR chapters. “We have learned a lot from the New York chapter, and they learned a lot from us,” Anderson said.

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