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Field l

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According to CBSA President Brian Gardner, the goal of the event was to celebrate the park’s two newly improved youth baseball/ softball fields and the CBSA community. The organization also wanted to publicly thank its sponsors and donors, the Town and Village of Cazenovia, and the local community.

“We did a lot of work over the last year and none of it would have been possible without their support and contribution,” said Gardner.

CBSA’s recently completed field improvement project involved replacing the stone dust infields with dirt infields. Both fields were also regraded and shaped to fill in low areas and help control runoff when the fields are wet. Additionally, a new mound was built on the main field, new scoreboards were installed on both fields, and the fences between the two fields were separated to improve access to both sides.

The project was a combined effort of CBSA and the Village of Cazenovia, which owns the Burton Street Fields.

“The village has been very grateful for the wonderful partnership with CBSA,” said Mayor Kurt Wheeler. “Their active involvement in terms of expert input on what improvements are most needed and their assistance with marshalling resources to do the work have both been invaluable. With their help we have been able to make great strides in improving the facilities for all the youth of the greater Cazenovia area in a way that is fair to village taxpayers.”

According to Gardner, the feedback from players, families, spectators, and community members has been positive.

“Our players are finding it easier to slide, field balls, and develop their skills,” he said. “We have had several softball games at the Burton Street Park on Field 2 this year, which was not possible in previous years. . . We have ongoing talks with the village to continue to improve the park and maintain all that has been done. We will prioritize goals every year for further growth with the support of the village and community.”

During Community Day’s main event, CBSA thanked its sponsors and donors, including the Redmond/Garay family, who made a sizeable donation to the organization in memory of Duncan John Redmond, who was stillborn a week before his due date in August 2016.

To honor Duncan’s memory, his family launched Duncan’s Dash, a fun run designed to provide children with opportunities to engage in recreation and physical activity.

Pre-COVID, the event was held each August for three years in partnership with the village and Project CAFÉ, whose student members made popcorn and cotton candy, ran with the kids, and helped set up. Project CAFE, Inc. also acted as the non-profit recipient of the donations on behalf of Duncan’s Dash.

A portion of the proceeds from the events was put toward the purchase of baby swings that are now located at Lakeside Park. The remaining funds were combined with donations from Duncan’s parents, Jessica Garay and Garrett Redmond, and his grandparents, Ken and Pat Garay and Gerard and Gigi Redmond, to contribute $5,000 to CBSA.

Jessica, Garrett, and their two sons, Graham and Jordan, presented the check to Gardner on behalf of Duncan’s Dash on Oct. 2, 2021. Wheeler and Project CAFÉ President Hannora Race also attended the presentation.

The family’s donation helped CBSA to exceed its $25,000 fundraising goal to support the field improvements.

To recognize the contribution and memorialize Duncan, CBSA has named Field 1 “Duncan’s Diamond.”

On Community Day, a new sign was unveiled on the backstop, and Duncan’s brother Graham threw the first pitch to dedicate the new field.

“We are thrilled to support the CBSA and the great work they do to provide baseball and softball opportunities for children in the Cazenovia community,” said Jessica. “It is really touching to have the field named in memory of our son, Duncan. We will always remember him, and now his name will be there every time we watch our older son, Graham, play.”

CBSA also recognized its players who will age out of Little League and move on to the school programs next year.

Ruby Gillis, a sixth-grade softball player, sang the National Anthem to open the ceremony.

Community Day also featured baseball and softball league games throughout the day; raffles of local goods and services; apparel for sale; coffee, donuts, and breakfast pizza in the morning; snacks and drinks all day; and food from the Tubesteaks Food Truck.

In lieu of a monetary admission charge, CBSA requested “admission” in the form of an item to donate to Caz Cares food pantry and clothing closet.

In addition to launching its annual Community Day, CBSA has also started a tradition of formally dedicating the spring season to an individual who has contributed to and helped improve the organization over the years.

The 2021 season is dedicated to Dominic Paglia, a former CBSA and Cazenovia baseball player who passed away tragically in October 2021.

“Even after moving on from CBSA, he was involved in helping with clinics and volunteering at events for the younger players throughout his baseball career in Cazenovia,” said Gardner. “We know he is greatly missed by his friends, family, former teammates, and coaches.”

CBSA dedicated the Spring 2022 season to Terry Damon, who was one of the first CBSA board members and served as league director, president, fundraising director, coach, and mentor to players and volunteers. Damon passed away in February of this year.

“We hope to honor all that he did for those who knew him and for all future players to know of him,” said Gardner.

During the ceremony, Cazenovia Lakers Baseball Head Coach Tim Mascari spoke about Paglia’s ongoing support of Little League, and longtime CBSA board member Roger Cook remarked on Damon’s character and innumerable contributions to CBSA.

To learn, visit cazbaseballsoftball.org.

Kate Hill

The Cazenovia Baseball Softball Association (CBSA) held its first annual Community Day at Burton Street Park on Saturday, June 11. During the main event, CBSA recognized its players who will age out of Little League and move on to the school programs next year.


Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/05/22. Office location: Madison County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 2439 NYS 12B Hamil

Notice of Formation of Lollman Auto Repair, LLC.

Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/05/22. Office location: Madison County. SSNY designatNotice of Formation ed as agent of LLC upon KOESTER SWAMP whom process against it PROPERTIES, LLC may be served. SSNY (“LLC”) filed Articles of shall mail process to: Organization with the NY 2439 NYS 12B, HamilSec. of State (�SSNY�) ton, NY 13346. Purpose: Notice of Formation on 5/4/22. Office loca- any lawful activities. of Henneberg Home In- tion: Madison County. CR-290604 spections, LLC, a Do- SSNY is designated as mestic Limited Liability agent of LLC upon Company (LLC). Arti- whom process against it cles of Organization filed may be served and shall with the Secretary of mail a copy of process State of New York to 2119 Conley Road, (SSNY) on March 23, Chittenango, NY 13037. 2022. Office location: Purpose: any lawful acCounty of Madison. tivity. SSNY is designated as CR-290768 agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 5451 Oxbow Road, Cazenovia, NY 13035. Purpose: any lawful purpose. CR-290274


Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/27/22.Office location: Madison SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. Notice of Formation of: SSNY mail process to RW3 DEPOT 2 LLC. 1366 Kinderhook Rd, Articles of Organization Chittenango, NY 13037. were filed with the SecAny lawful purpose. retary of State of New CR-289268 York (SSNY) on 04/18/2022. Office is located in the County of Notice of Formation Madison. SSNY is desof CHUCK'S ignated as agent of LLC WOODCHUCKS, LLC. upon whom process Arts. Of Org. filed with may be served. SSNY SSNY on 05/25/2022. shall mail copy of proOffice location Madison. cess to 6474 Route 20,SSNY desg. As agent of Bouckville, NY 13310. LLC upon whom pro- Purpose is any lawful cess against it may be purpose. served SSNY mail pro- EB-289979 cess to 3877 THOMAS ROAD, CAZENOVIA, NY, 13035. Any lawful purpose. CR 291612

Notice of Formation of CHUCK'S WOODCHUCKS, LLC.

Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/25/2022. Office location Madison. SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail proTOWN OF CAZENOVIA cess to 3877 THOMAS


NOTICE OF PUBLIC 13035. Any lawful pur-


Zoning Board of CR-291612


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Cazenovia will be held on June 27, 2022 at 7:30 PM, at the Town Office Building, 7 Albany Street, Cazenovia, to consider the application of Douglas & Leslie Brackett. Property is located at 5090 Lakewood Way, Cazenovia, NY. Tax Map Number 76.13-1-9. Zoned Lake Watershed. ZBA File # 22-1423. Proposed area variance 6'8” of south side yard setback relief for the construction of an attached garage. All interested parties wishing to appear at said hearing may do so





Zoning Board of Appeals

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Cazenovia will be held on June 27, 2022 at 7:30 PM, at the Town Office Building, 7 Albany Street, Cazenovia, to consider the application of Douglas & Leslie Brackett. Property is located at 5090 Lakewood Way, Cazenovia, NY. Tax Map Number 76.13-1-9. Zoned Lake Watershed. ZBA File # 22-1423. Proposed area variance 6'8” of south side yard setback relief for the construction of an attached garage. All interested parties wishing to appear at said hearing may do so in person or by other representative. Communications in writing relating thereto may be filed with the Zoning Board of Appeals prior to, or at said hearing. Copies of the application of Area Variance are available for public inspection at the Town Offices during business hours. Thomas Pratt, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Cazenovia Dated: May 23, 2022 CR-290795


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a regular meeting, held on June 9, 2022, the Town Board of the Town of Nelson duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which follows, which resolution is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to Article 7 of the New York State Town Law. The full resolution is on file in the office of the Town of Nelson Town Clerk 4085 Nelson Road, Cazenovia, New York 13035 for review by all






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a regular meeting, held on June 9, 2022, the Town Board of the Town of Nelson duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which follows, which resolution is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to Article 7 of the New York State Town Law. The full resolution is on file in the office of the Town of Nelson Town Clerk 4085 Nelson Road, Cazenovia, New York 13035 for review by all interested parties during regular business hours. ABSTRACT The Town of Nelson Town Board has approved a resolution authorizing the conveyance to the State of New York/Department of Environmental Conservation, of an approximately 7.512+ acre parcel of property, located in the Town of Nelson Tax Map No.: 96.00-1-26.14, which was formerly used as a swamp trail and which is no longer needed by the Town and further authorizing the conveyance of an access easement associated with the same. June 9, 2022 Deborah J. Costello Town Clerk






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a regular meeting, held on June 9, 2022, the Town Board of the Town of Nelson duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which follows, which resolution is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to Article 7 of the New York State Town Law. The full resolution is on file in the office of the Town of Nelson Town Clerk 4085 Nelson Road, Cazenovia, New York 13035 for review by all interested parties during regular business hours. ABSTRACT The Town of Nelson Town Board has approved a resolution authorizing the conveyance to the State of New York/Department of Environmental Conservation, of an approximately 7.512+ acre parcel of property, located in the Town of Nelson Tax Map No.: 96.00-1-26.14, which was formerly used as a swamp trail and which is no longer needed by the Town and further authorizing the conveyance of an access easement associated with the same. June 9, 2022 Deborah J. Costello Town Clerk, Town of Nelson CR-291764

Phil Blackwell | Sports Editor | 434-8889 ext. 348 | pblackwell@eaglenewsonline.com



The Cazenovia girls track and field team concluded its stellar 2022 campaign with a series of season best performances at last Thursday’s Section III state qualifying meet at Cicero-North Syracuse’s Bragman Stadium..

Seventeen members of the squad advanced to the elite event as competitors or alternates one week after winning the Section III class B-2 championship.

The 4x800 meter relay led off the competition for Cazenovia, finishing third among all Division II teams.

For the New York State Public High School Athletic Association meet, schools are divided into two categories: Division 1 (enrollment of 600 or more) and Division 2 (under 600).

Among the 100 schools in Section III, 21 are Division 1 and 79 are Division II, creating fierce competition among the many small schools to advance as only the top individual or relay qualifies in each event.

Senior Claire Braaten led off the 4x800 with a strong 2:32.83 leg before passing the baton to Faith Wheeler, who ran her fastest 800 of the season in 2:31.21.

Senior Nadia Segall kept the Lakers in a strong position with a 2:38.12 leg before handing off to Dinah Gifford who finished with a 2:33.25 effort to cap Cazenovia’s best overall time of 2022 at 10:15.38.

The 4x100 team also ran their fastest time of the spring with seniors Melanie Michael and Katie Whitney starting and finishing the face and juniors Grace Dolan and Corinne Albicker running the middle legs.

The foursome executed three perfect exchanges to earn a time of 51.88 and to finish in fourth place in Division II.

The Laker 4x400 team also put on their best performance of the season to post their fastest time of 4:16.05 and earn third place in Division II Ironically, their time would have put them first among the larger Division 1 teams as West Genesee won that race in 4:16.83.

Grace Dolan led of the relay with her fastest time of the season in 1:01.2 before passing to senior Mary Williams, who also achieved a personal best time during her leg at 1:06.3.

Olivia Ruddy ran an outstanding third leg in 1:04.4, just a fraction of second from her all-time best before passing to anchor Meghan Mehlbaum who saved .2 off her best time to finish in 1:03.6.

Gifford returned to compete individually for the Lakers in the 2,000meter steeplechase, her signature event during the season. She earned fourth place among all Division 2 athletes with an excellent time of 8:11.94, just off her season best of 8:03.0.

Susie Pittman led the Lakers’ field event athletes, competing in the pole vault one week after tying the school record in that event at 9 feet 6 inches.

She was just off her record-setting height at the qualifier, clearing nine feet to earn fourth place in her division.

Captain Katie Whitney closed out the Lakers’ 2022 campaign with strong performances in both the semis and finals of the 100-meter dash.

She earned her way into the finals with a 13.16 effort in the semifinals and capped her distinguished career with a 13.15 effort to earn fifth place among all small school sprinters at the competition.

The series of outstanding performances was a fitting conclusion for Cazenovia’s season which saw them complete an undefeated run to capture the regular season league title and achieve first place finishes at the Onondaga and Clinton Invitationals and impressive wins at both the OHSL Liberty and sectional meets.

DETERMINED RUN: Cazenovia girls track and field runner Mary Williams ran a personalbest leg of one minute, 6.3 seconds during the 4x400 relay in the June 2 Section iii state qualifying meet at Cicero-North Syracuse.

Lakers’ Kent is NYSPHSAA 400-meter champion Boys tennis


No one in the New York State Public competes in High School Athletic Association Division II ranks ran the boys 400-meter dash better than Cazenovia’s Andrew Kent. state semifinal

Capping a tremendous senior season, Kent claimed that top honor during last By PHiL BLACkWELL Friday’s NYPSHSAA championships at Cicero-North Syracuse’s Bragman Sta- On a wet Thursday morning, the dium and, in doing so, became the first- Cazenovia boys tennis team boardever ed a charter bus in front of its high

Entered in two sprints, the 400 and school, sent off by well-wishing par200, Kent knew there was more pres- ents, community members and fellow sure in the 400 since that was a single students. race, unlike the 200, which had opening- The Lakers’ destination was none round heats leading to finals. other than the USTA-Billie Jean King

Fighting both the field and gusty National Tennis Center in Queens, winds, Kent finished in 50.14 seconds as annual home of the U.S. Open and the he tumbled across the finish line. Over- New York State Public High School all, that put him second behind Bishop Athletic Association championships. Loughlin’s Wesley Noble, who won in Cazenovia was part of a brand-new 49.53. state team tournament, having already

However, since Noble was not in the defeated Maple Hill (Section II) and NYSPHSAA field, Kent was victori- Plattsburgh (Section VII) to make it ous in that division, his closest pursuer to last Friday’s state final four. Cobleskill-Richmondville’s Charlie In the semifinal round, the Lakers Foote, who finished in 50.27. challenged the Long Island champi-

Moving to the 200-meter dash, Kent ons, Wheatley, with the winner to get went 22.84 seconds in the opening round, to the final later that day against Bythe eighth-fastest time, just enough to ram Hills or East Aurora. advance to the final round on Saturday. Unable to get points from sin-

Picking up his pace, Kent went 22.45 gles players Traian Cherciu, Garret seconds here, putting him fifth overall, Lounsbury and Jake Wardell, along and not far from the winning 21.92 from with the doubles teams of Cy LurieNewark’s Norwood Hughes, who edged Carter Ruddy and Andrew FalsoJohnson City’s Dayzin Legare by seven- Gabe Reagan, Cazenovia lost, 5-0, to thousandths of a second. Wheatley.

Saturday was also when the Lakers’ If it was any consolation, Wheatley 4x800 relay team of Brandon McColm, would go on and, after Byram Hills Cooper Hughes, Michael Senehi and beat East Aurora 4-1, claim the chamCassidy Gilmore raced, with Will Austin pionship match by a 3-2 margin. and Faham Murad as alternates. Mamaroneck beat Commack 5-2

In a time of eight minutes, 17.65 sec- for the state Division I team title, onds, the Lakers broke its own school Commack having edged Bethlehem record by more than two seconds and 4-3 in the semifinals, the Eagles havfinished fifth in Division II, fourth ing taken out Fayetteville-Manlius in NYSPHSAA. East Aurora won in earlier in the state tournament. 7:50.88. Back in the state qualifier on June 2, the Lakers’ 4x800 team surprised everyone, running 12 seconds faster than at sectionals, to take first place in a school record time of 8:20.06. Gilmore ran an incredible 2:00.73 anchor leg, quicker than the 2:00.82 anchor he would do at the state meet. Kent won both the 200 and 400, even as he was challenged in the 400 for perhaps the first time this season and responding well. Tully freshman Ryan Rauber made a race of it, but Kent won convincingly with a time of 49.36 seconds, breaking a school record held by Ric Thomas since 1986. Kent was not challenged in the 200, though, and won with a time of 22.59 seconds. Conor Frisbie set a personal record in the pentathlon, scoring 2,453 points to take seventh place, while the 4x400 meter relay team of Dan Millson, Thomas Insel, Jaden Kaplan, and Gilmore had a fifth place finish with a time of 3:37.93. To round out its work in the relays, the Lakers’ 4x100 meter relay team of Millson, J.P. Hoak, Elijah Clement and Andrew Lee came in sixth place with a time of 46.17 seconds.

marK evanS

Cazenovia boys track and field senior Andrew Kent won the program’s first-ever New york State Public High School Athletic Association championship last Friday when he ran the 400-meter dash in 50.14 seconds.

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