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Finney defeats Fadden for Liverpool mayor seat

By ruSS TarBy ConTribuTing WriTer

Democrat Stacy Finney – a middle-school art teacher – will become the 14th mayor of the village of Liverpool on July 3, after defeating Republican Trustee Christina Fadden by a vote of 381 to 299 on Tuesday, June 20.

Finney, 48, is the second Democrat ever to win election as mayor, the third non-Republican ever to hold the office and the second female to do so.

Her fellow Democrats – trustee candidates Melissa Cassidy and Rachel Ciotti – also won their races. Ciotti was the election’s top votegetter with 460, while Cassidy drew 415 votes to outpace the Republicans, incumbent Dennis Hebert who received 265 votes and newcomer Ryan Miller who got 239.

Finney thanked those who voted and said, “I’m honored to have been elected by the citizens of the village of Liverpool, and look forward to working with them over the next two years and beyond.”

Finney and her family, husband Ray Finney, son Nathan and daughter Amelia, have lived in Liverpool since March 2011.

After hearing the results at the village hall on election night, Fadden met with a small group of disappointed supporters at The Retreat. The only statement Fadden made was to express concern for her backers. Fadden did telephone Finney to congratulate her, she said.

That same night, Finney hosted an informal victory party attended by some 45 supporters in the backyard of her home.

Her initial goal as mayor, she said, “is to get up to speed on the history of current initiatives. There are many exciting things happening in the village, and I hope to build on and expand what our current administration has in the works.”

One of her priorities is to revamp the village website.

“I also want to get more people involved,” Finney said. “Our greatest resource is the people in this gem of a community of ours. We have so much passion, talent, and drive – and my goal is to mobilize people to make the village of Liverpool even better than it already is.”

At Finney’s victory bash, Mark Spadafore – who chaired the April 28 Democratic Party caucus that nominated Finney, Cassidy and Ciotti – noted that the village should now be marked with a blue banner on maps.

On a more serious note, Spadafore – the Upstate political director for 1199 SEIU – said the three winning Democrats wellrepresent “the new village of Liverpool.”

“Look around,” he said. “The people who live here are chang- ing, and these candidates are part of that newness.”

In this year’s election there appeared to be more young voters than in past years, he said, and the village’s demographics are becoming more diverse.

Soule road MS hosts academic awards night

More than 90 Soule Road

Middle sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders recently earned honors during the school’s end of the year Academic Awards. Winning awards were:

Highest Average 1: Kaitlyn

Rosales (6 Orange), Andrew

Mazza (6 Blue), Rachael Maliwacki (7), Emily Huynh (8)

Highest Average 2: Vivian

Bearup (6 Orange), Abigail

Baroody, (6 Blue), Ashley

Watson (7), Kathryn Lebiedzinski (8)

Physical Education Award: Michael Klaehn (6), Brennan Muller (6), Alexandra White (7), Maura Woods (8), Jane Razza (8)

Reading Achievement: Jackson Latta (6 Orange), Danika

Besner (6 Blue), Jenna James (7), Kensley Blaise (8)

Band Directors Award: Viv- ian Bearup (6 Orange), Abigail

Baroody (6 Blue), Madison

Lapp (7), Cameron Leece (8)

Choral Directors Award:

Molly Woods (6), Dominic

Giamartino (8)

Orchestra Directors Award:

Benjamin Razza (6), Rachael

Maliwacki (7), Olivia Ander- son (8)


Award: Ryan

Haghighi Fard (6 Orange), Joseph Bund (6 Blue), Sidney

Harrington (7), Peyton Hotaling (7), Alexis Goodfellow (8), Mason Southworth (8), Addison Vadney (8)

Accel Math: Ian Garland (7), Kathryn Lebiedzinski (8)


Science Award: Katia Lallier (6 Orange), Abed-Al-Qader Mansour (6 Blue), Ashley Watson (7), Jack DeGennaro (7), Logan Maslyn (8), Jillian Fox (8), Justine Douglas (8)

Living Environment Award: Emily Huynh (8), Marilyn Andrejko (8), Anthony Dennis (8)

Social Studies Award:

Audriana Patankar (6 Orange), Benjamin Razza (6 Blue), Ashley Watson (7), Kara Baroody (8), Nicholas Sousou (8)

ELA Award: Morgan Latham (6 Orange), Chelsea St Amour (6 Blue), Rachel Maliwacki (7), Ashley Watson (7), Cooper Kohanski (8), Isa- bella Goncalves (8)

Warrior Award: Ashton Shaw (6 Orange), Neha

Adusumilli (6 Blue), Graciella Owens (7), Ruben Mendez III (7), Elizabeth Morton (8), Gabriella Hamilton (8)

Most Improved Award: Celia Debo (6 Orange), Jordan Dery (6 Blue), Andrew Haynes (7), Andersen Thompson (7), John DePasquale Jr. (8), Ava Musci (8)

Spanish Award: Jacksen Indolfi (7), Alester Hommel (7), Sophia Puccia (8), Eseroghene Uloho (8)

French Award: Rachael Maliwacki (7), Cameron Leece (8)

Perseverance Award: Jamie DePasquale (6), Caira Massey (6), Megan Bogawitch (7), Blake Allen (7), Natalie Cor-

Chestnut Hill students earn honors

rigan (8), Isaiah Fuentes (8)

Family & Consumer Science

Award: Matthew Redhead (6), Katherine Martin (7), Lauren Sacco (8)

Tech Award: Elijah Pirro (6), Ashley Watson (7), Joseph Ciotti (8)

Health Award: Andrew Mazza (6), Laila Burgin (7), Gabriella Hamilton (8)

Excellence in Visual Arts

Award: Bianca Serao (6), Mathew Redhead (6), Kylie Beach (7), Sienna Miller (7), Olivia Dardis (8), Ava Patterson (8)

Triple C Award: Jillian Fox (8), Emily Huynh (8)

Math League: Charlie Checksfield, Patrick Hyland, Logan Maslyn, Joshua Rosales II, Addison Rancier

Presidential Award: Tyler Trent, Abigail Benziger, Amber Misener, Ahmad El Hamayel, Cameron Leece, Sasha Thompson, Charlie Checksfield, Dominic Giamartino, Victoria Gul, Dylan McCoy, Tyler Donohue, Andrew Hall, Eseroghene Uloho, Madelyn Jewett, Corinne Cioci, Tyler Huson, Anthony Dennis, Ava Patterson, Foster Walker, Grady Parrotte, Joshua Rosales II, Patrick Hyland, Marilyn Andrejko, Nicholas Sousou, Maura Woods, Logan Maslyn, Kathryn Lebiedzinski, Emily Huynh

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The story Challenger files complaints with Attorney General published in the June 21, 2023 issue of the Star Review could leave readers with the impression that text messages that were part of the complaint made against Salina Supervisor Nick Paro to the state attorney general’s office by candidate Stella Penizotto were written by Paro. The text messages alluded to in the story were from councilor David Carnie.

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