Cazenovia Republican Digital Edition - July 13, 2022

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Week of July 13, 2022 Home of The Usborne Family



Three-day driving competition returns By kate Hill Staff Writer

Following a two-year hiatus, the full three-day Lorenzo Driving Competition (LDC) will return to Cazenovia July 1517. Held on the grounds of Lorenzo State Historic Site, the carriage pleasure driving competition is one of Cazenovia’s signature summer events and the only horse show of its kind in Central New York. Visitors can park and experience the show for free, purchase food from food trucks, shop, enter a silent auction, and explore the site, including the Lorenzo mansion, formal gardens, Dark Aisle Arboretum, carriage house, and collection of antique vehicles. Located at 17 Rippleton Road, Lorenzo is the 1807 Federal-style home of John Lincklaen, Holland Land Company agent and founder of Cazenovia. The Lincklaen/Ledyard family continually occupied Lorenzo until the property and its contents were conveyed to New York State in 1968. The site is operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and supported with help from the Friends of Lorenzo (FOL).

On July 6, the Village of Cazenovia Board of Trustees approved the village appointments for 2022-23. Prior to opening the discussion on the proposed appointments, Mayor Kurt Wheeler swore in Kathy Wooster Hahn and Maureen Fellows to the office of village trustee. Hahn, who was newly elected on June 21, has filled the seat of former trustee/deputy mayor Dave Porter, who stepped down after 12 years of service to the village. She has taken over Porter’s duties as commissioner of water & sewer and fire commissioner. She will also serve as the sustainability/climate action plan coordinator and United Climate Action Network liaison. Fellows, who has served on the board since 2016, has taken over as deputy mayor and will continue her duties as police commissioner and court liaison. She has also taken over as the village’s Cazenovia Area Community Development Association (CACDA) representative. Wheeler also swore in Rhonda M. Youngs as acting village justice. “[Youngs] is the consensus recommendation from the greater Cazenovia legal community to fill the position of acting justice,” said Wheeler. “She comes highly recommended from our current justice, former acting justice, and village attorney, who all spoke very highly of her.” According to the approved list of appointments, Trustee Justin Fuchs will continue his primary duties as public works commissioner and serve as the employee

Assistant code enforcement officer named By kate hill Staff writer

Submitted photo

Lorenzo State Historic Site in Cazenovia will host the Lorenzo Driving Competition July 1517. Pictured: Lisa Andersen driving her Hackney Horse Heyday put to an 1890 Runabout. Since its inception in 1977, the LDC has typically been held on the third weekend in July.

“Lorenzo Driving Competition is the Lorenzo


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Village approves annual appointments, discusses dam By kate Hill Staff Writer

Town of Cazenovia

health insurance consultant. Trustee Cindy Bell Tobey will serve as parks & recreation commissioner and tree commissioner. Both Bell Tobey and Wheeler will serve on the lake watershed committee. Wheeler noted that the village is fortunate that all the individuals in appointed positions such as village engineers, water superintendent, zoning board of appeals chairman and superintendent of public works, agreed to serve another term and have been reappointed. During the July 6 Village of Cazenovia Board of Trustees meeting, Mayor Kurt Wheeler swore in Rhonda M. Youngs as acting village justice. The board also approved its annual resolutions, making the following designations: The official day and time for regular board meetings is the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. The official newspaper is the Cazenovia Republican. The official depositories are Key Bank, M&T Bank, Chase Manhattan, HSBC Bank, and Community Bank, N.A. The official mileage for the year 2022-23 is 62.5 cents per mile.

Mill Street Dam and backflow issues

During the meeting, both Wheeler and CACDA Executive Director Lauren Lines reported on the ongoing issues associated with the Mill Street dam. One of two dams at the south end of Cazenovia Lake, Mill Street dam, referred to as the “lower dam” or “creek dam,” controls the water level in the old canal that runs along the Willow Patch and once helped regulate

Kate Hill

During the July 6 Village of Cazenovia Board of Trustees meeting, Mayor Kurt Wheeler swore in Kathy Wooster Hahn (far left) and Maureen Fellows (far right) into the office of village trustee. the water levels of the Erie Canal. The second dam, referred to as the “upper dam” or “lake dam,” is located near Carpenter’s Pond and controls the level of the lake. Chittenango Creek flows into the canal just east of the upper dam. Wheeler explained that during large precipitation events, water pours into the Chittenango Creek watershed and fills the canal area between the two dams like a bathtub. According to the mayor, the water level in the canal has always been regulated by opening the lower dam’s sluice gates, which are raised vertically to allow water to flow through the opening at the bottom. If the gates are opened too much, almost all the water pours out, leaving a “muddy mess” and very little water. If the gates are then closed to refill the canal and there is a big storm event, the water gets too high and backflows over the upper dam and into the lake.

Ideally, Wheeler said, the water should flow from Chittenango Creek, which is coming from the Rippleton Road area, and then turn the corner by the upper dam and continue down Chittenango Creek towards Chittenango. “When it gets so high, it actually goes over that upper dam and flows, along with a whole bunch of silt, right into the lake and causes all kinds of damage to the lake,” he said. During her report to the board Lines said she was waiting on a grant application to study the backflow and lower dam issue. According to Lines, the Cazenovia Lake Association has contracted with a firm to conduct a limited feasibility study on a couple of options regarding the dam. “If that’s done in time, then I can apply for funds to do a further and more complete study of that,” Lines said. “In that case, we would be asking the village to Village l Page 11

On July 11, the Cazenovia Town Board adopted a resolution authorizing the appointment of Dale Bowers to the newly created position of part-time assistant code enforcement officer, to assist with the administration of the Town of Cazenovia Zoning/Codes Enforcement Office. Under the direct supervision of Town Supervisor Bill Zupan, Bowers will be tasked with performing the following duties: helping home owners and contractors to review projects as they relate to the town code; explaining zoning laws and local building ordinances to applicants; assisting applicants in completing building permit applications and other applications for approval of the local governing body; referring applicants who need variances to the Town of Cazenovia Zoning Board of Appeals and applicants who need site plan approval or are subdividing land to the Town of Cazenovia Planning Board; attending planning and zoning board meetings to comment on proposed projects, etc.; reviewing zoning and subdivision laws to ensure compliance; and investigating complaints of alleged zoning law violations. According to Councilor Kyle Reger, the town is hiring an assistant code enforcement officer to help serve its needs when Zoning and Codes Enforcement Officer Roger Cook is unavailable. The adopted resolution notes that the position is temporary under New York State Civil Service Law and the appointment is effective July 11, 2022. The board also appointed Jon Vanderhoef to the position of planning board alternate member. He will serve for the remainder of 2022, with his term expiring Dec. 31, 2022.

In other news

During his monthly report, Councilor Jimmy Golub informed the board that the Cazenovia Lake Association and Cazenovia Preservation Foundation are planning a creek cleanup between the Mill Street dam (“lower dam” or “creek dam”) and the “upper dam” or “lake dam” near Carpenter’s Pond. Mill Street dam controls the water level in the old caTown


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Volume 213, Number 28 The Cazenovia Republican is published weekly by Eagle News. Office of Publication: 35 Albany St., Second Floor, Cazenovia, NY 13035. Periodical Postage Paid at Cazenovia, NY 13035, USPS 095-260. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Cazenovia Republican, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206.

community: Caz College, CWR and InterFaith Works welcome resettlement family.


Achievers: Caz FD assistant chief named Fire Educator of the Year. PAGE 12

Editorial ��������������������� 4

Obituaries ���������������� 13

history ������������������������ 5

PennySaver ���������������� 6

letters ������������������������ 4

2 July 13, 2022

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Madison County begins park improvement project Upstate New York is filled with many beautiful locations, and in the summer of 2022 Madison County’s newest park is improving upon its already enchanting appeal. Delphi Falls County Park, a 66acre property that Madison County opened in 2018 that features a majestic two-tiered waterfall, will enter into Phase 1 of its improvement project. The changes that the park will undergo will begin turning the Madison County’s vision of the property into a reality, making it a must see destination for residents and visitors alike. Phase 1 of the project will see the park undergoing numerous upgrades that are intended to increase the overall experience for visitors while keeping its natural beauty. Upgrades will include a new

parking lot, restroom, ADA overlook of the lower falls and an upgraded entrance sign. There will also be a rim trail with several overlooks added, which go up to the currently inaccessible upper falls. In addition, a new bridge will be constructed to connect both sides of the park. During the June 14 Madison County Board meeting, an agreement was authorized with Upstate Companies LLC for the construction of the Delphi Falls project. The total project cost for these improvements is $1.3 million, with, $1 million of that coming through State grants. A New York State Parks Park l Page 14

Madison County is prepared to start work on its Delphi Falls improvement project. Submitted photo

Cazenovia Republican

Cazenovia Republican

July 13, 2022 3

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Caz College, CWR and InterFaith Works welcome resettlement family


azenovia College together with Cazenovia Welcomes Refugees (CWR) and InterFaith Works will welcome a family from Afghanistan to Cazenovia. The college, CWR and InterFaith Works teamed up to renovate a college-owned building to return the twostory structure back into a single-family home. After nine months of reconstruction, the family designated for the home is scheduled to move in this summer. The home located at 43 Lincklaen St. has undergone extensive renovations under the guidance of CWR’s Dave and Carolyn Holmes, and the Irving Construction Co. Since the home was once student residences and more recently, administrative offices and storage, a kitchen had to be designed and installed with new electrical and water access, bathrooms had to be gutted and modernized along with installation of new flooring and carpet throughout the entire home. Additionally, to bring the home up to code, fire and safety features were updated. InterFaith Works is the fiscal sponsor and organizational partner for CWR, which raised funds for the cost of the renovations and provided volunteers to assist with renovating 43 Lincklaen. “This is a unique project,” noted Beth Broadway, president and CEO of InterFaith Works. “It doesn’t happen very often where you have a civic group and college committed at this level to welcome New Americans.”

Cazenovia College not only offered the property to be used as rental housing, but students in the college’s residential design class led by Interior Design Program Director and Associate Professor Grace Tallini contributed ideas, technical drawings and design and structural planning services to guide the renovation work. A recent Cazenovia College graduate, Amanda Pressly ’22, began working with CWR her sophomore year at Cazenovia. As the technology assistant, Pressly managed communications for CWR with the Cazenovia community sending newsletters and posting on the website and social media the status of the project as well as requests for items for the residence, including furniture and supplies. CWR Steering Committee co-facilitators Kathy Bice and Carolyn Holmes also credit two Cazenovia High School students, Quinlan Emhoff and Erin Kuhn, with helping to bring awareness to the project and the contributions CWR is making in the community. Emhoff and Kuhn worked to bring the importance of the resettlement program into the high school. They participated in World Refugee Day, organized a drive for goods, and put kits together to welcome new refugee families. Emhoff also spoke at a CWR event to highlight its activities and recruit new members. “It is really cool to see 43 Lincklaen now as a home for a family,” Quinlan said. “It looks great.” “We are looking forward

Submitted photos

Cazenovia College together with Cazenovia Welcomes Refugees and InterFaith Works will welcome a family from Afghanistan to Cazenovia this summer.


to welcoming the children of the family into the community,” added Kuhn. “We can babysit, take them for ice cream and all sorts of things.” As the family moves into their new home later this summer, CWR will continue to act as their liaison to the community. “CWR will be the family’s resource for any assistance they may need, including registering their children for school, finding doctors, dentists, or simply navigating local stores and events,” Bice said. “I am excited to welcome a family to 43 Lincklaen,” noted David Bergh, president of Cazenovia College, who has served on the CWR

Need a New Venue for your Gathering? • Graduation Parties • Baby/Bridal Showers • Birthday Parties • Meetings Rent the American Legion Post 88 Event Center For Any Occasion! To reserve your date contact: Linda Parisou 315.655.4379 • 26 Chenango Street, Cazenovia

steering committee since it first began in 2018. “I applaud the contributions of our students that assisted in making this project come to fruition along with the collaboration between the College, CWR and InterFaith Works. It has been a great partnership that we look forward to continuing.”

LOST CAT IN CAZENOVIA AREA $$$ Reward offered for his safe return Dark grey striped tabby with no white markings. Green collar with white tag. Please check under decks, sheds, barns, garages. Share with friends and neighbors Thank you! 607-316-4360 (cell)

4 July 13, 2022

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Cazenovia Republican


our voice

Enjoy the water

Living in the Finger Lakes region comes with many perks, not the least of which is the access we are able to enjoy to the many lakes in our region. Throughout the summer many can be found out on the lakes taking advantage of the long, warm days to enjoy boating, water skiing and other related activities. Swimming, in lakes or pools, is also a popular way to cool off on a hot summer day. All of these activities are great and we hope many people are able to find the time to get out and enjoy the natural resources we are fortunate to have as much as possible. But whenever you are out on or in the water, it is good to keep some safety tips in mind. When boating, along with taking the appropriate safety courses, it is important to think of driving a boat in the same manner you might approach driving a car. And like driving a car the same guidance applies when it comes to operating a boat while intoxicated, as applies to a car — don’t do it. Intoxication has been found to be the leading cause of boating related accidents and fatalities. Take the safety of yourself, your guests and others on the water seriously when boating. According to the American Red Cross, when it comes to swimming, in any body of water, there are also some important things to keep in mind. These include: Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards. Always swim with a buddy; do not allow anyone to swim alone. Never leave a young child unattended near water and do not trust a child’s life to another child; teach children to always ask permission to go near water. Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets around water, but do not rely on life jackets alone. Maintain constant supervision. Make sure everyone in your family learns to swim well and consider taking lessons at the YMCA or similar organizations. If you have a pool, secure it with appropriate barriers. Many children who drown in home pools were out of sight for less than five minutes and in the care of one or both parents at the time. Avoid distractions when supervising children around water. If a child is missing, check the water first. Seconds count in preventing death or disability. Have appropriate equipment, such as reaching or throwing equipment, a cell phone, life jackets and a first aid kit. Know how and when to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. Protect your skin. Limit the amount of direct sunlight you receive between 10 and 4 p.m. and wear sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15. Drink plenty of water regularly, even if you’re not thirsty. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them. Also consider enrolling in a home pool safety, water safety, first aid and CPR/AED courses to learn how to prevent and respond to emergencies. Along with these safety measures, there is also an environmental aspect to take into consideration to protect the lakes and other natural resources we are fortunate to have. In an effort to curb the spread of invasive species, the New York State DEC has implemented cleaning programs with washing stations at or near boat launches. Boats, trailers, waders and other fishing and boating equipment can spread aquatic invasive species from waterbody to waterbody unless properly cleaned, dried or disinfected after use. Although some invasive species such as water milfoil are readily visible to the human eye, many others are too small to be readily noticed. To avoid spreading invasive species please follow the guidelines in the following steps: check, clean, drain, dry and disinfect. The most effective method to ensure that no invasive species or fish diseases are transported to a new body of water is to completely dry your boating and fishing equipment.

HOW CAN WE HELP? Call us: (315) 434-8889 Email us:; Office hours: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Stop in or mail us: 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206 Subscription info: Lori Newcomb, ext. 333,

What is old? I

was making an observation about the status of my skin when a good friend replied, “What do you expect? You’re getting older.” Well, I didn’t expect my skin to look like old wrapping paper. Ugh! Where is that written? I do appreciate being here on this earth, enjoying all that there is to be enjoyed, but I do not like being considered old. Old is a pejorative term, something akin to a fungal infection or the smell of a wet dog. Let’s see, what synonyms are attached to old: useless, worn out, out of style, decrepit, creaky, slow, outof-date, decaying. My gosh, even the thesaurus that comes with my computer says that old is “comes from the past.” The media is chock full of negatives when it comes to old. Shows that are involved in clothing define unfashionable clothing as “something grandma would wear” Really? And, truly, does anyone design for the bodily changes that come along with osteopenia with a growing loss of height while weighing the same? What is old? Dr. Spock outlined the stages and benchmarks of infants and children, with the caveat that all children grow and develop at their own pace. I have the old, very worn book, “Baby and

Child Care,” that guided me through those benchmarks with my children. I wondered this morning if there was a book of similar structure for the stages and benchmarks of aging and growing older. What I am looking for is a book that tells you what happens when the telomeres of your chromosomes fall off. Just so you don’t have to rush to a dictionary or Google to find out what telomeres are and how they affect aging, I’ve copied this for you: Telomere length shortens with age. Progressive shortening of telomeres leads to Senescence and apoptosis transformation of somatic cells, affecting the health and lifespan of an individual. Senescence means “deterioration with age,” apoptosis means cell death and somatic refers to the body … Oh, yes, telomeres are the ends of your chromosomes. I wanted something like “Baby and Child Care” for people past 60 - describing what happens over time, e.g. why isn’t my hair the same as it was when I was 25 or even 40? Hair is an important topic for people who have accumulated birthdays. For many, hair tends to disappear on some places while increasing in others. When does this begin? What factor of aging

dictates this? Why gray? I mean why not … oh, maybe red? What about our innards? Do they go through stages? Can predictions be made about their state of operations as we accumulate the years? When does our gut start to say “are you kidding” when we eat a sausage with onions and pepper sandwich? How long does it take to make anything dairy morph into the equivalent of a natural gas mine? When does our pantry have more Maalox, simethicone and Imodium than onions, garlic and cabbage? At what point in life do our joints start to creek and leak synovial fluid? Why do even the skinny people have to have their joints exchanged for titanium replacements? Knowing this we could prepare by adding ace bandages, Advil, Arthritis Strength Tylenol and stronger stuff to our growing pharmacopeia replacing running shoes, skis, and ballet flats. Oh, and don’t forget finger and toe nails. Why isn’t there a book that warns you about the deterioration of these parts of our bodies? When will it be time to stop having mani-pedis because you don’t want to gross out the manicurist? When will open toe shoes be Ramblings from the empty nest

Ann Ferro

verboten? And then there is the insidious and oh-so silent crumbling of our skeleton. While the sun and other factors are beating up our skin, underneath, taking calcium and Vitamin D doesn’t seem to help as the stuff of which our skeleton is made migrates somewhere else maybe to our gall bladder to make stones? What’s the timeline on this one? This book based on the clarity of “Baby and Child Care” would also offer hints about options for one’s attire as parts of our body undergo changes. Forewarned is forearmed. By the way, I have a number of very cute shoes that I can no longer wear because of the artistic way arthritis has reorganized my toes. They are free to anyone who wears a 10 W. A book could have helped me … nah! I would have bought the shoes anyway. And as I was sweeping up this morning, I got to thinking poetically, as if that dust was the accumulation of my telomers and years, or probably just crumbs from my last donut. Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.


Breaking the law

To the editor: It never ceases to amaze me every year around the 4th of July the number of otherwise law-abiding citizens willfully breaking the law by setting off fireworks in their yards. It’s not enough, apparently, that every village in the area has a scheduled fireworks display. My dogs have to endure people blowing things up for nights leading up to the 4th and on the 4th. I believe that one can be patriotic in observance of the 4th without knowingly breaking the law and terrorizing wildlife and domestic pets. It’s illegal in NYS, people. Ron Chesbrough Manlius

Thanks Delphi FD

To the editor: The Caz Counterpoint New School Rising Stars Band was getting ready to play in the 4th of July Parade when we couldn’t get our generator to start to supply power for the guitar and piano. Fortunately the Delphi Falls Fire Department truck was behind us and let us use a portable generator so the band could play their totally groovy music in the parade. Thank you Delphi Falls Fire Department for making the music happen. We hope our band can be behind your truck next year. Cheers! Sharye Skinner Cazenovia


To the editor: I have just returned from my early morning walk on the Mill Run Park trails where at this time of year I was able to both get a bit of needed exercise and consume some of the delicious now ripening blackberries which are so abundant in that park.

Managing Editor: Jennifer Wing, ext. 340, News Editor: Jason Gabak, ext. 319, Reporter: Kate Hill , ext. 325, Reporter: Jason Klaiber, Sports Editor: Phil Blackwell, ext. 348, Display Ads EB: Linda Jabbour, ext. 304,

Kudos to those who so many years ago acquired the land for this unique park through which Limestone Creek courses and which contains so much topographical and vegetative variety along with the usual deer and other frequently seen local animals. The fact that this gem is located within the limits of the Village of Manlius and thus readily accessible to so many including local dog walkers, families and others is amazing. Kudos also to the Village of Manlius for recently giving a higher priority to maintenance and improvement of Mill Run Park. The following have been recently accomplished: With the assistance of a local Boy Scout as a volunteer project the closed bridge over a portion of Limestone Creek has been repaired and reopened thus restoring access to an island in the middle of the creek. Gravel has been placed on a portion of the perimeter trail where accumulated rainwater had previously made passage difficult. A concrete pad has been poured to provide a base for a new bench at one of the Park entrances. Dead and at times dangerous trees have been marked for removal or in some cases have already been removed. I applaud the excellent maintenance of the park by village employees and only recommend that the deteriorated asphalt entry walk accessing the playground, pavilions and other facilities be resurfaced when time and resources are available. J. Thomas Bassett Manlius

Thanks for your support

To the editor: On behalf of all those who organized and took part in the 2022 Cazenovia July 4th Footraces, we would like

Display Ads CR: Lori Lewis, ext. 316, Classified Advertising: Patti Puzzo, ext. 321, Billing questions: Alyssa Dearborn, ext. 305, Legal Advertising: Luba Demkiv, ext. 303, Publisher: David Tyler, ext. 302, Creative Director: Gordon Bigelow, ext. 331,


to thank the many people and groups who helped to make it possible. We were delighted to be fully “back in action” with in-person 10 mile, 5K and 1 mile fun run races this year! Many thanks to our generous race sponsors: Fleet Feet Sports, the John Dermody Insurance Group, Cazenovia Family Fitness, McIntosh Box & Pallet Company. Thanks also to our prize sponsors Ralph Monforte/Cazenovia Jewelry, the Brewster Inn and the Lincklaen House/Due Passi Pizzaria. Thanks to River Valley Foods for the refreshing Italian ice, to HP Hood for the chocolate milk to recharge our runners, to TOPS for their gift card and assistance with finish line food and drinks, to McDonalds of Cazenovia for the water stop cups and to the Cazenovia Bagel Co. for the discounted pricing on their bagels. We also appreciate the continued support of the Cazenovia Village Police Department, the Madison County Sheriff ’s Department, CAVAC, Cazenovia Fire Department Rescue Squad, National Grid, and the Town and Village of Cazenovia. Thank you to the many volunteers who handed out bib numbers and shirts, worked water stops, controlled the traffic, set up cones, cheered on the runners, passed out refreshments and cleaned up after the event. People like you are the life blood of our sport. The efforts of all those who helped organize and support the race were critical to the success of the event. Thanks to all those who helped in ways large and small to make the event successful. No matter what your contribution to the 49th Annual July 4th Footraces, your help is deeply appreciated. Most of all, thank you to our many runners! We hope to see all of you next year for the milestone 50th Anniversary of our race. July 4th Race Committee Cazenovia

LETTER & ADVERTISING POLICY Eagle News welcomes letters to the editor, and reserves the right to edit for space, clarification or to avoid obscenity, but ideas will not be altered. Letters should be legible and no more than 500 words long. Only one letter per month will be allowed by the same writer. The editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject submitted letters based on its discretion. Letters used do not necessarily reflect the newspaper’s opinions. Anonymous letters receive no consideration. Send letters to or Eagle Newspapers, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, N.Y. 13206. Editorial deadline is noon each Friday for the following week’s edition. Eagle News reserves the right to reject any advertising it does not deem appropriate. Refunds for errors and omissions in advertising are limited to the cost of the original ad. Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 10 a.m. for the next week’s paper. Classified Advertising Deadline: Thursday at 10 a.m. for the following week’s paper. Legal Advertising Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m. for the following week’s paper. This free community newspaper exists to serve the informational needs of the community and to stimulate a robust local economy. No press release, brief, or calendar item can be guaranteed for placement in the paper, nor run for multiple weeks, unless

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Eagle News

July 13, 2022 5

CNY’s Community News Source


Assemblyman Stirpe: Give the gift of life at blood drive Since 2007, I’ve teamed up with the American Red Cross to host my annual Lifesavers Blood Drive to combat summer blood shortages. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and an active flu season, the need for blood and plasma donations at hospitals has increased to a critical level. Since the COVID health crisis began, the American Red Cross has experienced a 10% decline in the number of people donating blood. This has led to a national blood crisis and the worst blood shortage in over a decade. It’s more important than ever that we each do our part to help over-

come this challenge and save lives. Each blood drive garners an impressive turnout of selfless donors. Last year, we were able to collect 157 units of blood, enough to help up to 471 hospital patients, and I’m confident this year’s drive will be no different. I’m aiming to collect at least 200 units of blood this year to break 2018’s record of 182 units of blood and provide the American Red Cross with the support it needs. I encourage everyone to join me on Tuesday, July 19, at Driver’s Village, 5885 E. Circle Drive, Cicero to support this cause.

Years Ago in History By Cindy Bell Tobey

80 years ago – July 16, 1942

Like mushrooms in the night, Madison County seems to be sprouting a sudden growth of steel towers. One night a barren hillside is a mere haven for grazing cattle; the next finds a hundred-foot structure reared into the sky. And no one seems to know where, how or why. Such a tower recently appeared on a hill on the Ridge Road north of Cazenovia. It sprung up one night and then all of a sudden it disappeared. Another suddenly appeared on the very top of Johnnycake Hill, with a U. S. Geodetic Survey directional bench mark, in brass, set in a concrete base beneath it. A similar one was reported near Eaton. No one saw it go up or knows why it was erected. Reports from an observation post watcher indicated that a searchlight was being used apparently to flash messages in Morse code from the one on Johnnycake Hill. According to one unconfirmed report, the towers are being used to man airway routes.

60 years ago – July 12, 1962

Blood and plasma donations are used to treat a myriad of medical conditions, including cancer, leukemia, sickle cell disease, anemia, severe burns and trauma, internal bleeding, premature births and blood transfusions. It’s extremely helpful for people who’ve fully recovered from COVID-19 to donate, as their plasma contains antibodies that can help treat those affected by the virus. Given the risk to patient care due to the national blood shortage, blood and platelet donations are urgently needed to help prevent further delays in vital medical treatments. All blood types are needed, especially types O positive and O negative and platelet donations to reverse this crisis. The blood donation process is easy and straightforward. Most New Yorkers qualify to be a volunteer donor. Donors in New York State must be at least 17 years of age to donate, or 16 with written consent from a parent or guardian. In addition, volunteers must weigh at least 100 pounds, be in good health and be properly hydrated before and after donation. It’s highly recommended that donors drink an extra 32 ounces of water on the day they donate and wait 56 days between donations if you wish to donate multiple times.

To schedule an appointment, you can visit or call 1-800-REDCROSS and use my sponsor code Al Stirpe. Walk-ins and first-time donors are welcome at the event, which will take place from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Donors can save time by using RapidPass to complete their pre-donation materials and health history questionnaire online prior to arriving to the blood drive. Donors can get started by following the instructions at or using the Blood Donor App. A blood donor card (if you have one), driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check in if you wish to donate. You can also go to: I’m looking forward to coming together as a community for this important cause at my 16th annual Lifesavers Blood Drive. For more information about the blood donation process and national blood shortage, visit the Red Cross website at news-and-events/press-release/2022/ blood-donors-needed-now-as-omicronintensifies.html, or reach out to my office at 315-452-1115 or StirpeA@

CNY SPCA pet of the week

Paxton is looking for his big break

The hamlet of New Woodstock was crowded with some 8,000 spectators when the one-mile parade and Fourth of July fireworks display highlighted the Madison County Firemen’s Field Day last Wednesday. The Field Day opened on Tuesday, July 3 with a dance in the evening on the veranda at Mystic Mountain with Wayne Schramm and his orchestra from Delphi, and concessions and the midway. On Wednesday the Field Day opened at 11 a.m. with the grand parade at 1 p.m. forming on the ball diamond. New Woodstock was jammed for an hour as 10 bands, 17 fire companies, uniformed outfits and apparatus joined in the parade. Climbing up the one-mile road to Mystic Mountain the paraders withstood the blazing July 4 sun. The Cazenovia firemen were judged best in the parade. Hamilton was given second prize and Morrisville third.

40 years ago – July 14, 1982

Submitted by Donna Newman Photo by Amy Williams Paxton is a hidden treasure who’s hiding in plain sight. He came to the shelter in April as a stray. We think he’s about a year old, and he weighs 57 pounds. He’s friendly, playful, and part of the doggy playgroup. He’s sweet, he’s affectionate, and he loves people. We think he would do well in a home with respectful, school-aged kids. The only question is, why hasn’t this great dog been discovered yet? Maybe he’s waiting for you to find him! If you’d like to know more about adoption, email frontdesk1@ or call 315-454-4479.

2022 Kathryn Fish Lecture Series Sunday, July 17th - 1-2pm

20 years ago – July 10, 2002

Those who left right after the Fourth of July parade missed quite a scene. Bob McKinnon won the “Kiss a Cow” contest sponsored by the youth of the Cazenovia/Erieville/Nelson United Methodist churches, raising approximately $650. Penny Noll, director of Cazenovia Children’s House, finished in second place raising approximately $575. Charlie Davis, of Hawknest Farm in Erieville, donated his cow Lola to be kissed. A little (not so little) calf named Montgomery tagged along for the event too. A total of approximately $3,200 was raised, which will enable the church youth to help send five or six cows to third world countries. Heifer Project International, a not-for-profit agency based in Little Rock, Ak., will coordinate the purchase and delivery of livestock, and will help train the recipients how to take care of the animal and use it for milking and/or breeding purposes (not to slaughter them), and how to become self-sufficient.

Mary Sorrendino, LMHC, CASA A Review of Her Book “Misery to Ministry”


There may be algae in Cazenovia Lake, there may be weeds, but the water, according to Cazenovia’s Public Works Administrator, Francis Van Deusen, is fit to drink. “That is, if it’s chlorinated,” Mr. Van Deusen said. “New York State is very cautious about drinking water and to meet the state standards, it does have to be chlorinated.” The lake is an auxiliary water supply for Cazenovia village, and as such, is tested monthly. Two samples are taken, one of “raw” water and one after chlorine has been added, and Mr. Van Deusen says the chlorinated sample meets the state’s regulations. The tests are made at the village pumping station that is at the left of the pier at Lakeland Park by Water Testing Laboratories of Cazenovia. A pipe that extends 800 to 1,000 feet out in the lake that connects with the pumping station is checked periodically by the Cazenovia Rescue Squad’s scuba diving team. “If we didn’t have the water tested regularly, and there were an emergency so that we needed the lake water, the State would make us wait 48 hours after a test before we could use it,” Mr. Van Duesen explained. “So we keep a good operation and maintenance program going, including testing the pump.”

Next Lecture: Sunday, August 21 Dr. Nasri Ghaly – Syracuse Psychiatrist - Dementia


Come Visit The Farm! See “Chocolate Cream” and the goats. Walk the track and enjoy the farm.

Jim Marshall Farms Foundation, Inc.

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SHOP LOCAL! To Advertise Call 315-434-8889


New digouts, resurface, repair or seal driveways, parking lots, roads, etc. Free estimates. Call Al LaMont, anytime,

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6 July 13, 2022


CNY’s Community News Source



Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.





Masonry Repairist

Need to advertise your business? Have a job opening? Rental? We can help you with all of your advertising needs. *Business Ads *Employment ads *Rental Ads *Inserts *Web Advertising *Ad-A-Notes & More!

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Eagle News



We Save You Time & Money! Our Services: *Appliance Removal *Trash Hauling *Yard Cleanup *Garbage Disposal *Junk Removal *Construction Debris. American Owned ~ Veteran Operated. Contact Us Today for a FREE ESTIMATE 844-GET-JDOG (844-438-5364) Schafer's Junk & Cleanout Service


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1. Absence of difficulty 5. Preserve a dead body 11. Gratitude 14. The act of coming together again 15. More cushy 18. Visionaries 19. Large, fish-eating bird 21. Indicates near 23. NY Mets legend Tommie 24. Icelandic books 28. Pop 29. Hammer is one 30. Sense of selfimportance 32. Thyrotrophic hormone 33. Can’t be found 35. Electronic data processing 36. Passports and licenses are two 39. Snake-like fishes 41. Air Force 42. Popular computers 44. Intermediate ecological stage 46. Wings 47. Used in combination 49. Laid back 52. Jewelled headdress 56. Slow 58. Famous Falls 60. Reassertions 62. Periods of time 63. Hyphen


*Brush Mowing *Land Clearing *Dump Truck Service *Bobcat & Dozer Service *Post Hole Drilling *Septic Designs & Repairs *Demolition Work *Logging *Clean-outs *Junk Hauling *Property Maintenance *Erosion Control Now accepting all major credit cards Insured. 25 Years Experience

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Floors Dull & Dirty? Specializing In Floor Care. Com/Res. Clean & Polish Floors, Hardwood, Ceramic & Tile, Carpet Cleaning. Free Est.


JD Haulers Junk & Cleanout Service Rates start at $19.00! We Clean Out Attics, Basements, Sheds, Yards, Brush Removal & More! We take down Garages, Sheds, Fences, Pool & More! Make That Junk Go Away! Serving all of CNY “I can't believe they are here already”

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1. Body part 2. Mimics 3. Expel large quantities 4. Sea eagle 5. Genetically distinct varieties 6. Dialect of Chinese 7. Famous Mr. T character 8. Consumed 9. Chinese dynasty 10. Menace to yards 12. Ireland 13. Palm trees 16. Fungal disease


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45. Morning 48. Length of a line (abbr.) 50. Double curve 51. Small, thin person 53. Worn by exposure to the weather



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Eagle News






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LAWNCARE Lorenzo's Landscaping

Mowing Services, Syracuse, Mattydale, Dewitt, Fayetteville, East Syracuse & Jamesville. Free Estimates & Fully Insured. Call or Text Lorenzo @ 315-391-6554


Schafer's Junk & Cleanout Service


Rates start @ $19.00! We Haul Away: Appliances, Trash & Yard Cleanup, Basement Floods, Sheds, Pools, TV's, Tires, Paint. Same Day Service! We Go ANYWHERE! 315-884-2135 We are Open & we are following regulations to be safe!

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Load, Unload, Paking Services, Small or Big. Also, Cleanouts.

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Call 315-434-8889

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Big Take Downs, Experienced Landscaping, Shrubs & Stump Removal. Free Estimate OSHA Certified. We Accept MC/VI David Lalonde 315-751-0370 or 315-455-5860

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TREE REMOVAL & CLEANUP Rates Starting at $49.

We take down trees, yard cleaups, brush removal, Trees Removed, Land Clearing. Same Day Service. Call JD Haulers 315-450-2230 We are Open & we are following regulations to be safe!

Albert Home Products 315-476-7972

STEPS Senior Discounts & Free Estimates. Spring & Fall Clean-ups

*P: 315-633-2081 *C: 315-427-6070

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Gary Vona's Lawn Service

Job's done within 6-8hrs! Express, Same Day Service! 315-450-2230 We are Open & we are following regulations to be safe!

~Commercial & Residential~

117 E. Manlius St, E. Syracuse

Joe 315-463-5611

“I can't believe they are here already”

Residential * Commercial Complete tree & stump removal Certified Climber 315-672-3398 Sen & Military Discounts Fully Ins, Free Est



Call Doug 315-727-8900 For a FREE Estimate

JD Haulers Junk & Cleanout Service Rates start at $19.00! We Clean Out Attics, Basements, Sheds, Yards, Brush Removal & More! We take down Garages, Sheds, Fences, Pool & More! Make That Junk Go Away! Serving all of CNY



We are Open & we are following regulations to be safe!

PD PROPERTY ENHANCEMENTS A Full Service LANDSCAPING Company from LAWN MOWING (starting at $19.99) to Pruning, also STUMP GRINDING and a Year round Groundskeeper available for Commercial & Residential clients! Fully Insured w/workman's comp. Free Estimates with Senior & Military Discounts.

Ken 315-297-2822

JEFF & LAUREN'S Residential Moving Service.

Desantis Property Service


Plumbing/HVAC Residential/Commercial 24 Hour Emergency Service Small Jobs Welcome Locally Owned & Operated Over 25 Years Experience Insured * Licensed


Call Today 315-863-8621

*LANDSCAPING *Mowing*Bobcat Service *Mulching *Pavers *Spring/Fall Cleanups *Power Washing * Property Maintenance *Planting *Gutter Cleaning *Deck Power Washing & Staining. Residential/Commercial, Reasonable Rates, Fully Insured





*Spring Cleanup *Edging *Mulching *Trimming *Weeding *Flower Beds *Planting *Decorative Stone *Sod Installation *Bush & Brush Removal *Retaining Walls *Walkways *Patios *New Landscape Design & Installations. Free Estimates * Fully Insured. Call or Text Lorenzo or Juan 315-391-6554




Liverpool Seamless Gutters


Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.

Estate Cleanouts. Attic, Basement & Garage Cleanouts. Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Household Cleanouts. Discount Dumpster Rental... You Load or We Load. Serving CNY since 1998. Family Owned & Operated. Free Estimates * Fully Insured.


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July 13, 2022 7

CNY’s Community News Source

*Mowing *Trimming *Spring/Fall Cleanups *Backhoe/Dumptruck, Brush Hogging, Mulch & Topsoil, Excavator Service (all types of digging)



Mulching, Spring Clean-ups, Trimming & Landscape Design. Professinal & Dependable. 20 Years Exp. Serving All of CNY. Low Prices and Ins. 315-516-3127

Interior/Exterior Painting & Cabinet Refinishing Free Est, Insured, References

Roots Removed. Fits through 36” gate. Fast, Reliable, Affordable. We Show Up! Call David 315-516-0241



KING OF THE JUNGLE PAINTING & CONTRACTING Int/Ext Painting, Drywall, General Repairs & Power Washing. Free Estimates, Reasonable Rates, Senior Discounts. Over 30 Years Experience. OSHA Certified. We Accept MC/VI. David Lalonde 315-751-0370 or 315-455-5860


Patti Puzzo

at (315) 434-8889 ext. 321 or email

LAKE EFFECT Tree Service

*Specialize in Hard-to-Get Areas *Certified Climber & Aerial Lift Service. Serving Skaneateles, Otisco & Marcellus 315-720-0020

to place your employment openings!

8 July 13, 2022


CNY’s Community News Source

Eagle News

CLASSIFIEDS/GENERAL Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.

Eagle News

July 13, 2022 9

CNY’s Community News Source


REAL ESTATE Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.

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Liverpool, NY




It’s what we are and it’s what we give you!

10 July 13, 2022 LEGALS NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION 1016 Lancaster LLC. Filed with SSNY on Office: 1/21/2022. Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 305 NY Ave Unit 2 Jersey City NY 07307. Purpose: any lawful EB-291727 LEGAL NOTICE 111 Boxwood, LLC has been formed under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Law. The articles of organization were filed with the New York Secretary of State on June 22, 2022. The county in which the office is located is Onondaga. The New York Secretary of State has been designated as the agent of the LLC upon whom process may be served. The New York Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process served to Joyce Orlandella, EA, 5858 E Molloy Rd Ste 160, Syracuse, NY 13211. The purpose of this LLC is any lawful business purpose. EB-292515 SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ONONDAGA - NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY, Plaintiff, -againstFrederick D. Jackson a/k/a Frederick Douglas Jackson, if living, and if he/she be dead, any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or generally or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; Dionetta Copes; Crouse Health Hospital Inc. DBA Crouse Hospital; Carlton L. Green; New York State Department of Taxation and Finance; Synchrony Bank; United States of America Department of Treasury; New York State Department of Taxation and FinanceTax Compliance Division-C.O.-ATC; NYS Tax Commission; Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Onondaga County Health Department Division of Environmental Health; and JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE #1 through #7, the last seven (7) names being fictitious and unknown to the Plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or parties, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the mortgaged premises described in the Complaint, Defendants - Index No. 001142/2020 Plaintiff Designates Onondaga County as the Place of Trial. The Basis of Venue is that the subject action is situated in Onondaga County. To the above named Defendants YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff�s Attorney(s) within 20 days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. That this Supplemental Summons is being filed pursuant to an order of the court dated June 8, 2022. NOTICE-YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME - If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclo-

swer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information LEGALS on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable Deborah H. Karalunas, J.S.C. dated June 8, 2022 filed June 8, 2022. The object of this action is to foreclose a mortgage and covering the premises known as 216-18 Palmer Avenue Syracuse, NY 13207 a/k/a 216 Palmer Avenue #18 Syracuse, NY 13207 a/k/a 218 Palmer Avenue Syracuse, NY 13207 a/k/a 216-218 Palmer Avenue Syracuse, NY 13207. Dated: June 8, 2022 Filed: June 8, 2022 Pincus Law Group, PLLC., Attorney for Plaintiff, By: George J. Weissinger, Esq., 425 RXR Plaza, Uniondale, New York, NY 11556 (516) 699-8902. EB-292068 NOTICE OF FORMATION: 3100 BURNET AVENUE LLC filed Articles of Organization with the NYS DOS on June 27, 2022. The DOS is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The office of the LLC and address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process shall be 3056 Burnet Avenue, Ste 9, Syracuse, NY 13206, Onondaga County. The purpose of the LLC is to engage in any business permitted under law. EB-292847 Notice of Formation of 5346 Gulf Road LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State (SSNY) on 5/27/2022. Office loCounty of cation: Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to 3611 Warners Road, Syracuse, NY 13209. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. EB-291296 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION 6788 NORTHERN BLVD., LLC, Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 06/02/2022. Office loc: Onondaga County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 971 Spencer Street, Syracuse, NY 13204-1136. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. EB-291458 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONONDAGA INDEX NO.: 003167/2009 SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Plaintiff designates Onondaga County as the place of trial situs of the real property U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF10 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST,, Plaintiff, against MICHAEL E. O'CONNOR, as Guardian ad Litem for the respective heirs-at-law, nextof-kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignees, lienors, creditors and successors in interest and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through JEFFREY CLARK who may be deceased by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise, any right, title or interest in the real property described in the complaint herein, JEFFREY A. CLARK, JR. HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF JEFFREY CLARK, HEATHER CLARK HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF JEFFREY CLARK, KELSEY CLARK HEIRS TO THE ESTATE OF JEFFREY CLARK, AMBER CLARK HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF JEFFREY CLARK, SARA MUNNELL HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF JEFFREY CLARK, MARGARET CLARK, PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING THROUGH THE IRS, CROCKETT, REX JANELLE KLIPON, FIRE & WATER RESTORATION, LLC, CITIBANK, N.A., GRANT VILLAGE APARTMENTS LLC, CITIBANK, N.A., GRANT VILLAGE APARTMENTS LLC, CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A., NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE, Defendants. To the above named Defendants: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the attorneys for the Plaintiff's Attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or

MONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance onLEGALS the attorneys for the Plaintiff's Attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York) in the event the United States of America is made a party defendant, the time to answer for the said United States of America shall not expire until (60) days after the service of the Summons; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF RUSHMORE MANAGEMENT LOAN SERVICES LLC AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. The Summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court of the State of New York and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of ONONDAGA on 04/21/2022. This is an action to foreclose on a mortgage. ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land together with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the County of Onondaga and State of New York (SBL# 038.-02-10.2), said premises known as 7409 Collamer Road, Syracuse, NY East 13057. As of May 31, 2022, there is due and owing to the plaintiff, the principle sum of $74,817.50. The relief sought in the within action is a final judgment directing the sale of the described premises above to satisfy the debt described above. BERKMAN, HENOCH, PETERSON, & PEDDY, P.C., 100 Garden City Plaza, Garden City, NY 11530. EB-292103 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONONDAGA INDEX NO. 000560/2022 Plaintiff designates ONONDAGA as the place of trial situs of the real property SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Mortgaged Premises: 8727 WHITING ROAD, CICERO, NY 13039 Section: 087, Block: 11, Lot: 09.0 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY Plaintiff, vs. PATRICK D. MICALE, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF MICALE; CORRINE JOSEPH MICALE, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF CORRINE MICALE; ANTHONY MICALE, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF MICALE; CORRINE MICHAEL MICALE, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF CORRINE MICALE; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DISTRIBUTEES OF THE ESTATE OF CORRINE MICALE; any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specific lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, deexecutors, scendants, deadministrators, visees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN NEW DEVELOPMENT; YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; "JOHN DOE #1" through "JOHN DOE #12," the last twelve names being fictitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons

stated, are unknown to whom process against it plaintiff; SECRETARY OF may be served. NYSS HOUSING AND URBAN shall mail copy of proDEVELOPMENT; NEW cess to the LLC, 2539 YORK STATE DEPART- State Route 11A, La 13084. AdMENTCNY’s OF Community TAXATION Fayette, NewsNY Source AND FINANCE; UNITED dress of office maintained inLEGALS jurisdiction of STATES LEGALS OF AMERICA; "JOHN DOE #1" through formation: 222 E. Dun"JOHN DOE #12," the klin Street, Suite 102, City, MO last twelve names being Jefferson fictitious and unknown 65101. Copy of Certifito plaintiff, the persons cate of Formation on file or parties intended being with Missouri Secretary the tenants, occupants, of State at 600 W. Main persons or corporations, Street, Jefferson City, Purpose: if any, having or claim- MO 65101. ing an interest in or lien Any lawful purpose. upon the premises, de- EB-291144 scribed in the complaint, Defendants. Notice of Formation To the above named Deof ANGONA PROPERfendants YOU ARE HEREBY SUM- TIES LLC, a Domestic MONED to answer the Limited Liability CompaComplaint in the above ny (LLC). Articles of Orentitled action and to ganization filed with the serve a copy of your An- Secretary of State of swer on the plaintiff�s New York (SSNY) on attorney within twenty 05/19/2022. Office loca(20) days of the service tion: County of Onondaof this Summons, exclu- ga. SSNY is designated sive of the day of ser- as agent of LLC upon vice, or within thirty (30) whom process may be days after service of the served. SSNY shall mail same is complete where copy of process to: 234 service is made in any Earl Ave, Syracuse, NY, manner other than by 13211, USA. Purpose: personal delivery within any lawful purpose. the State. The United EB-292852 States of America, if designated as a defenNotice of Form. of dant in this action, may BARANOVSKY, LLC. answer or appear within Arts. of Org. filed with sixty (60) days of ser- SSNY on 05/31/2022. vice. Your failure to ap- Office location: Onondapear or to answer will ga SSNY desg. as agent result in a judgment of LLC upon whom proagainst you by default cess against it may be for the relief demanded served. SSNY mail proin the Complaint. In the cess to 709 FRONT event that a deficiency ROYAL CIRCLE, FAYETbalance remains from TEVILLE, NY, 13066. the sale proceeds, a Any lawful purpose. judgment may be en- EB-291614 tered against you. NOTICE OF NATURE OF Notice of Formation ACTION AND RELIEF of Benzeen Gas, LLC. SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the Arts of Org. filed with above caption action is Secy. of State of NY 06/21/2022. to foreclose a Mortgage (SSNY) to secure the sum of Office location: Ononda$133,500.00 and inter- ga County. SSNY desigest, recorded on Febru- nated agent of LLC upon ary 27, 2002, in Instru- whom process may be ment Number 3271402 served. SSNY shall mail and in Liber 12403 at copy of process to c/o Page 0300, of the Public The LLC, 101 Chaumont Records of ONONDAGA Drive, Syracuse, NY County, New York., cov- 13209. Purpose: any ering premises known lawful activity. as 8727 WHITING D-292797 ROAD, CICERO, NY 13039. Notice of Formation The relief sought in the of Bread and Butterwithin action is a final cream LLC, a Domestic judgment directing the Limited Liability Compasale of the premises de- ny (LLC). Articles of Orscribed above to satisfy ganization filed with the the debt secured by the Secretary of State of Mortgage described New York (SSNY) on above. 03/10/22. Office locaONONDAGA County is tion: County of Onondadesignated as the place ga. SSNY is designated of trial because the real as agent of LLC upon property affected by this whom process may be action is located in said served. SSNY shall mail county. copy of process to: NOTICE 5194 Kasson Rd, SyraYOU ARE IN DANGER cuse, NY 13215. PurOF LOSING YOUR HOME pose: any lawful purIf you do not respond to pose. this summons and com- EB-291668 plaint by serving a copy of the answer on the atNOTICE OF FORMATION torney for the mortgage OF DOMESTIC LIMITED company who filed this LIABILITY COMPANY; foreclosure proceeding against you and filing Name of LLC: CHERRY the answer with the VALLEY 5 HOLDINGS, court, a default judg- LLC; Date of filing: ment may be entered 6/1/2022; Office of the and you can lose your LLC: Onondaga Co.; The NY Secretary of State home. Speak to an attorney or has been designated as go to the court where the agent upon whom your case is pending for process may be served. further information on NYSS may mail a copy how to answer the sum- of any process to the mons and protect your LLC at 4472 Cherry Valley Turnpike, LaFayette, property. Sending a payment to New York 13084; Purthe mortgage company pose of LLC: Any lawful will not stop the foreclo- purpose. EB-291623 sure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF NOTICE OF LLC THE ANSWER ON THE FORMATION ATTORNEY FOR THE Partners, PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE Clarendon COMPANY) AND FILING LLC. Filed with SSNY on Office: THE ANSWER WITH 3/20/2018. Onondaga County. SSNY THE COURT. designated as agent for Dated: June 8, 2022 ROBERTSON, AN- process & shall mail to: SCHNEID, 109 S Warren Street, Ste SCHUTZ, CRANE & PARTNERS, 404, Syracuse, NY United States 13202. PurPLLC pose: any lawful. Attorney for Plaintiff EB-291725 Aric H. Peymann, Esq. 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310 NOTICE OF Westbury, NY 11590 FORMATION OF 516-280-7675 LIMITED LIABILITY EB-292840 COMPANY PURSUANT TO §206 OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY LAW Notice is hereby given that the undersigned NOTICE OF FORMATION have formed a limited liof Sakiri Enterprises, ability company, purLLC, a Domestic Limited suant to §206 of the Liability Company (LLC) Limited Liability Compawith offices located in ny Law, the particulars Onondaga County, for of which are as follows: the purpose of any law- 1. The name of the limful act or activity under ited liability company is the Limited Liability “CLEARJO LLC” Company Law. The Arti- 2. The date of filing is cles of Organization June 3, 2022. were filed with the Sec- 3. Onondaga County is retary of the State of the county within the New York (SSNY) on State of New York where June 8, 2022. SSNY is the office of the limited the agent designated to liability company is loreceive service of pro- cated. cess on behalf of the 4. The Secretary of LLC. SSNY shall mail a State is designated as copy of such service of agent of the LLC for serprocess to Adnan Sakiri, vice of process and the 266 South Central Av- post office address to enue, Ramsey, New Jer- which the Secretary of sey 07446. State shall mail copy of EB-291782 any process against the LLC is William G. Cleary, 1 Island Road, Stuart, FL 34996. 5. There is no registered agent for service. NOTICE OF FILING OF 6. The limited liability APPLICATION FOR company is formed for AUTHORITY OF any lawful business purALPHA STAR OMEGA pose. LLC EB-291621 Name: Alpha Star Omega LLC (LLC). Authority filed with NY SecNotice of Formation retary of State (NYSS): of Limited Liability 5/24/2022. LLC orgaCompany (LLC) nized in Missouri on Name: D&T VENTURES 2/24/22. NY office loca- OF NY, LLC. Articles of tion: Onondaga County. Organization filed with NYSS designated as Secretary of State of agent of LLC upon New York (SSNY) on whom process against it June 15, 2022. County: may be served. NYSS Onondaga. SSNY desigshall mail copy of pro- nated as agent of LLC cess to the LLC, 2539 upon whom process State Route 11A, La against it may be served. Fayette, NY 13084. Ad- SSNY shall mail copy of dress of office main- process to 4115 Makyes tained in jurisdiction of Road, Syracuse, NY formation: 222 E. Dun- 13215-9716. Purpose: klin Street, Suite 102, to engage in any and all Jefferson City, MO business for which LLCs 65101. Copy of Certifi- may be formed under cate of Formation on file the New York LLC Law.

June 15, 2022. County: Onondaga. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 4115 Makyes Road, LEGALS Syracuse, NY 13215-9716. Purpose: to engage in any and all business for which LLCs may be formed under the New York LLC Law. EB-292475 Notice of Formation of D. WORTEL & ASSOCIATES, LLC, Art. of Org. filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) 06/20/22. Office location: Onondaga Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 2332 Ashburn Dr, Lafayette, NY 13084. Purpose: any lawful activities. EB-292474 Notice of Formation of D.G. Baker Mental Health Counseling Services, PLLC, a Domestic Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/4/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 4987 S. Eagle Village Rd. Manlius, NY 13104. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-291654 Notice of Formation of Ease Trucking LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 05/03/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 7014 13th Suite 102, Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11228. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-292064 Notice of Formation of Elite Auto Detail LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 5/22/2022. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 115 Solar Street, Apartment 505. Syracuse, NY 13204. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-291235 Notice of Formation of EMPIRE INVESTORS AND MANAGEMENT GROUP, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 04/21/2022. Office location: Onondaga SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 116 BOULDER RD., SYRACUSE, NY 13209. Any lawful purpose. EB-291128 Notice of formation of Enders Road LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Sec'y of State (SSNY) on 06/15/2022. Office location: Onondaga County. Princ. office of LLC: 5607 Muscovy Lane, Manlius, New York 13104. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to above address. Purpose: any lawful activity. EB-292446 Notice of formation of Fallon Goodyear, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 6/13/22. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 12 Burton Cazenovia, NY St., 13035. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. EB-292562 Notice of Qual. of FGNYC CLAY, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 06/03/2022. Office location: ONONDAGA. LLC formed in DE on 05/25/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE#400, HARRISON, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. EB-291703 Notice of Qual. of FGNYC DEWITT, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 06/03/2022. Office location: ONONDAGA. LLC formed in DE on 05/25/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE#400, HARRISON, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. EB-291700 Notice of Qual. of FGNYC FAIRMOUNT, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 06/03/2022. Office location: ONONDAGA. LLC formed in DE on 05/25/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it

Notice of Qual. of FGNYC FAIRMOUNT, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 06/03/2022. Office locaLEGALS tion: ONONDAGA. LLC formed in DE on 05/25/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 AVMAMARONECK ENUE#400, HARRISON, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. EB-291701 Notice of Qual. of FGNYC SYRACUSE, LLC. Auth. filed with SSNY on 06/03/2022. Office ONONDAGA. location: LLC formed in DE on 05/25/2022. SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to: 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE#400, HARRISON, NY 10528. Arts. of Org. filed with DE SOS. Townsend Bldg. Dover, DE 19901. Any lawful purpose. EB-291702 1800 Axa Tower I 100 Madison St Syracuse NY 13202 Name of LLC: GEN V LABS, LLC; Date of filing: 5/27/2022; Office of the LLC: Onondaga Co.; The NY Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail a copy of any process to the LLC at 4472 Cherry Valley Turnpike, LaFayette, New York 13084; Purpose of LLC: Any lawful purpose. EB-291627 NOTICE OF FORMATION of GEORGE AND ANGIE'S SBG, LLC. Art. of Org. filed with NY Secretary of State (SSNY) 06/28/2022. Office location: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 57 Ely Dr, Fayetteville, NY 13066. Purpose: Any lawful activity. EB-293002 Notice of Formation of George Delivery Solutions LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 6/7/2020. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 202 Herkimer Street, Apt 1, Syracuse, NY 13204. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-291724 Notice of Registration of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Name: GREEN LAKES DENTAL LLP. Certificate of Registration was filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on June 22, 2022. County: Onondaga. Principal business location: 105 Maple Drive, Fayetteville, NY 13066-1624. SSNY designated as agent of LLP upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 105 Maple Drive, Fayetteville, NY 13066-1624. Purpose: to engage in any and all business for which LLP's may be registered under the New York Partnership Law. EB-292863 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION Inner Harbor Media, LLC. Filed with SSNY on 6/13/2022. Office: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 401 W. Kirkpatrick St. Syracuse NY 13204. Purpose: any lawful. EB-292049

NOTICE OF FILING OF ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION IN NEW YORK BY A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Eagle News Name: JAG Holdco LLC. Articles LEGALS of Organization filed with sec. of state of NY(SOS) on 6/8/22. Office location: Onondaga County. SOS is designated as agent of LLC for service of process. SOS shall mail copy of process to 304 Walnut Street, Fayetteville, NY 13066. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. EB-291865 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PURSUANT TO §206 OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY LAW Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a limited liability company, pursuant to §206 of the Limited Liability Company Law, the particulars of which are as follows: 1. The name of the limited liability company is “JOEY'S FINE ITALIAN LLC” 2. The date of filing is May 24, 2022. 3. Onondaga County is the county within the State of New York where the office of the limited liability company is located. 4. The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC for service of process and the post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail copy of any process against the LLC is William G. Cleary, 1 Island Road, Stuart, FL 34996. 5. There is no registered agent for service. 6. The limited liability company is formed for any lawful business purpose. EB-291389 NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION JW GR Properties, LLC filed Arts. of Org. with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/2/2022. Office: Onondaga County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: The LLC, P.O. Box 411, Fayetteville, NY, 13066. Purpose: any lawful act. EB-292123 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING VILLAGE OF FAYETTEVILLE Please take notice that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Fayetteville will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, July 18, 2022 on or about 6:00pm, to hear public comment on a proposed Local Law to amend Chapter 122, Peddling and Soliciting, of the Village of Fayetteville Code to add Article IV, Seasonal Sale of Food From Fixed Outdoor Locations. The hearing will be held in the Municipal Building, 425 E. Genesee Street in the 1 st floor Board Room. At the above time and place all interested parties will be heard. Written comment on the proposal may be submitted prior to the public hearing at the Office of the Village Clerk, 425 East Genesee Street, Fayetteville, New York 13066.Copies of the proposed Local Law are available for inspection at Village Hall, Village of Fayetteville, 425 East Genesee Street, Fayetteville NY 13066 and may also be viewed on the Village Website at Dated: July 5, 2022 Lorie Corsette Village Clerk-Treasurer Village of Fayetteville EB-293278

NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION J HAMILTON HOLDINGS LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 6/17/2022. Office: Onondaga Cty SSNY Desig. Agent for process & shall mail to 5820 Clearview Expwy, Oakland Gardens, NY 11364. General Purpose. EB-292700

LITTLE ENTERPRIZE LLC Art of Org. filed with the SSNY on 04/26/2022. Office: ONONDAGA County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, LEGALCORP SOLUTIONS 1060 Broadway Suite 100 ALBANY, NY 12204 Purpose: Any lawful purpose. EB-292864

J.C.'s Jet Cleaners, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 5/9/2022. Cty: Onondaga. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Joseph Caroccio, 2920 East Genesee Syracuse, NY St., 13224. General Purpose. EB-292801

NOTICE OF LLC FORMATION Mcdonald Road Holdings LLC. Filed with SSNY on 6/9/2022. Office: Onondaga County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: 4818 Mcdonald Rd Syracuse NY 13215. Purpose: any lawful. EB-292045

J.C.C. Ventures, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 5/10/2022. Cty: Onondaga. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to Joseph Caroccio, 2920 East Genesee Syracuse, NY St., 13224. General Purpose. EB-292800 NOTICE OF FILING OF ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION IN NEW YORK BY A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Name: JAG Holdco LLC. Articles of Organization filed with sec. of state of NY(SOS) on 6/8/22. Office location: Onondaga County. SOS is designated as agent of LLC

Notice of Formation of Mind, Body & Spirit Marriage Family Therapy PLLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on June 29, 2020. Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 159 Forest Hill Dr., Syracuse, NY 13206. Purpose: any lawful purpose. EB-291951

2022, and June 17, 2022, to become effective July 1, 2022. ELECTRIC Niagara Mohawk Cazenovia Republican Eagle News • CNY’s Community NewsPower Source , 2022 11 Corporation d/b/a National Grid (“NMPC”) filed tariff revisions in response to a New York State Public Service Commission (“PSC”) orOn Tuesday June 28 a crew of in the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of der establishing Phase 1 of the Electric and Gas 18 Boy Scouts and 10 leaders from Christ) range of the Rockies in Bill Relief Program. Troops in Cazenovia, Munnsville, northeastern New Mexico. The Notice of Complete Phase 1 of the Electric Application Oneida and Verona departed Syr- high mountains which dominate and Gas Bill Relief ProDate: 04/11/2022 gram provides cusacuse Regional Transportation the rough terrain have an elevaApplicant: JEFFREY tomers with active acSTOWELL Center by train headed for a life tion ranging from 6,500 at base counts who are currently Facility: STOWELL'S EXchanging trek through the Sangre camp to 12,441 feet. enrolled in the Energy CAVATING & TRUCKING Affordability Program de Cristo Mountains at Philmont During their trek, Boy Scouts INC. NELSON FENNER (“EAP”) or who enroll in ROAD NELSON, NY Scout Reservation in Cimarron and their leaders will cover over the EAP on or before DeApplication ID: 7-2599N.M. They will arrive in Raton 80 miles of wilderness in 10 days. cember 31, 2022, or 00001/00004 who received benefits Permits(s) Applied for: 1 N.M. Amtrak station on June 30 They will carry everything - Article 23 Title 27 from New York State and will catch a short bus shuttle they need to survive in a pack Mined Land Reclamation Emergency Rental AssisSubmitted photo to Philmont Scout Reservation weighing up to 1/3 of their body Project is located: In tance Program or the Area scout, including scouts from Cazenovia headed to Philmont Scout Reservation for 10 days in the MULTIPLE TOWNS in where they will spend the next 10 weight from camp to camp. They Home Energy Assistance MADISON COUNTY wilderness. Program Regular Ardays in the wilderness. will be participating in backcounProject Description: The rears Supplement proapplicant proposes Philmont Scout Reservation try programs including black system, building gram, by manytopeople in their commuof new trails bill ing to surmount the challenges a one-time recommence mining acis the Boy Scouts of America’s powder/ muzzle loading shoot- and forest restoration. credit Along for anythe arrears of hiking and camping attivities highwithin nities. the previon their bill as premier High Adventure Camp ing, burro packing, archaeology, trek, scouts will balance ously in permittedTo Life-Offund volunteer training and be physically altitudes and learning to live of and prior to a bill date (LOM) area of and the largest youth camp in rock climbing and rappelling, challenged with rocky with The harmony with nature andMine each other support services for your loof Maytrails 1, 2022. Stowell's Gravel Mine, a the world serving nearly one mining and gold prospecting and 1,000-foot climbs,PSC orderterrain also estabrough other. Boymine Scout Troop or Cub Scout sand and cal gravel lishes the Arrears east of Nelson million participants since 1938. fly fishing. Pack, Road. text the word localscouts to and ever-changing weather con- Man- This trip was made possible Program The current proposal is Philmont encompasses 140,711 The trek will also include a ditions, all whileagement being within by each scout’s individual pop844-615-4269. to mine 7.66 acres dur(“AMP”) Surcharge to acres or about 214 square miles conservation project to help with bear and mountainrecover the permit term, corn sales, peanut sales anding other lion territory. costs of these within a 7.66-acre LOM credits. of rugged mountain wilderness the upkeep of Philmont’s ecoThese Scouts bill will be learn- fundraising activities supported on a 12.41-acre parcel In addition, the PSC has owned by the applicant. approved an alternative All proposed mining acrecovery mechanism to tivities within the previrecover deferrals of unously disturbed area, inbilled fees that resulted cluding mineral extracfrom laws enacted durtion techniques and on On July 24 at 2 p.m., author Daniel Koch France: French Ambitions on Oneida Lake in ing he played American football and baseball. At located the COVID-19 Pansite NAHOF screening, iswill re- at 5255 Pleasant Valley demic. Order will return to his Central New York roots and 1634” (New York Almanack). Oxford,ThehePSC rowed in the Christ Church 1st sume Road,asPeterboro. previously evalalso establishes the Late through envi- the exterior exhibits of will speak on his upcoming 2022 publication of Koch grew up in Oneida. He completed a Payment VIII. Currently he coaches rugby. He enjoys uatedDown thethestreet, Charge and ronmental review pur“Land of the Oneidas: Central New York State bachelor of arts in history and French at the Other runningWaived and triathlon. the Gerrit Smith Fees He is a member of the suant to 6 NYCRR 617,Estate National Historic to Environmental and the Creation of America, From Prehistory State University of New York at Albany, with (“LPCO”) Bedford Surcharge Harriers Athletic Club. Koch cur- State Landmark (GSENHL) are open from dawn Review (SEQR) associated lostwife and two children in Quality to the Present” at the National Abolition Hall a year abroad at the Université de Paris (IV) recover rently lives with his to dusk. Act, Regulations, and as revenues. of Fame and Museum (NAHOF) in Peterboro. Sorbonne and (X) Nanterre. He then studied Notice Bedford, and visits his hometown of permitted The by buildings of the Estate are open on the Departis England, hereby given ment. Topsoil be from 1 to 4 p.m. Both starting July 1, Koch will emphasize the importance of the for an M.St. and D.Phil. (Ph.D.) in history at that Oneida eachonJuly. Saturday and will Sunday stockpiled on site and the dollar LPCO admission SurCNY region to our national history. the University of Oxford. Koch is currently 2022, A five includes the Koch the sites are will alsobeopen for special events and preparcel revegecharge and on August 1, tated once group the mineral Koch came to the attention of NAHOF the senior deputy head (vice master) at Bedford 2022, program and entrance to the hall of fame and arranged tours. the AMP Surdeposit is exhausted, with the article “Flying the Confederate Flag School. He will be taking up post at Loughbor- charge museum. protocol may be required accordwill commence with COVID a final reclamation on customer bills and in the North is a Special Sort of Disgrace” (His- ough Grammar School as headmaster in SepThe National Abolition Hall of Fame and plan ing to to provide the coronavirus status at the time of an area will be included in the for a vegetated grasstory News Network) and “Teaching Anti-Rac- tember 2022. Museum (NAHOF) is open from noon to 4 an event. Please check for updates at nationNiagara Mohawk Power Delivery line item. The land meadow with poCorporation d/b/ahis- LPCO ism on the New York Frontier: Beriah Green’s The main interests of Koch, apart from p.m. onand Saturdays and Sundays June 4 to about tential, naAMP surfuture developNational Grid is and located on to the4 p.m. Monday – Wednes- ment for agriculture, and 315-684-3262. Oneida Institute” (History of Education So- tory and education, are PURPOSE: languages,THE andFILING he is charge Aug. 28 noon, website. For Resrecreation, or residential OF NEW AM- NMPC ciety). He also published “New York, New a keen sportsman. Growing up inTARIFF New York, day until Aug. 10. uses. The mine site is MENDMENTS TO P.S.C. idential customers: located east of the interNO. 220 ELECTRICITY https://www.nationalsection of Nelson Road P.S.C. 219 GAS TO New York State Canal Corporation has left the home/Rates/Rate-Stateand its team of partners work towards a perma- and wanted; it is not a good value bePutnamtherefore, Road, in the COMPLY WITH THE l From page 1 Towns of not Fenner andeverything we wanted. Or sluice gates almost entirely open to allow rapid nent solution. cause it’s doing COMMISSION'S OR- ments.aspx Nelson, Madison CounBusiness customers and DATED added JUNE “stopper In other news one might be slightly higher [in cost], but it’s DERS 16, and be the applicant. . . The deadline is July 29, drainage in a storm event ty. https://www.national2022, IN aP.S.C. CASES logs” in front of the dam to retain base level of The board approved updates to the village’s going to last Availability of longer Applica-and be a better product. . and I don’t really have anything to go on quite 14-M-0565, et al., AND Documents: Filed is always to provide the water in the canal but also allow any excess to procurement policy to ensure that it is consis. Our goal, of course, DATED JUNE 17, 2022, business/Rates/Rateyet, so it’s going to be a little bit of a crunch.” application documents, CASES 17-E- Statements.aspx. ofP.S.C. the logs. tent with current New York State law. best Department value for ourdraft taxpayers, and this actually and Lines added that she also plans to explore pour directly over the topIN 0238, et and al. if we want Copies of the amendpermits where applica-to do that, and this is con“They said we can look at it, enhances our ability Additionally, the board set a public hearing New York Environmental Facilities CorporaTEXT: Notice is hereby ments to P.S.C. No. 220 are available for into add another [log] to bring up Niagara anotherMosix Electricity for Aug. 1are at 7available p.m. regarding the proposed ad- ble, sistent with changes York State law.” given itthat tion’s Green Innovation Grant Program. spection during normalto New Notice of formation hawk Power Corporation Wheeler. “I’ve been for dition ofinspection chapter 130, A second was scheduled public and a purchasing chapter, to business at thehearingof hourspublic Solar Energy for According to Wheeler, the ultimate solution to 12 inches, [we can],” said d/b/a National Grid has can be obtained by writaddress of 7:05 the p.m. contact arenew getting to a the village code. Aug. 1 at regarding Consulting a proposed reviis a stream restoration, which would involve tracking it, and I think we filed tariffclose amendServices, LLC. person. To ensure timely ing National Grid, Reguallows lotsthe of capac“Itand provides for municipalities service sion toatchapter of theArticles villageofcode to set an ments with Public lation the time169 of inOrganization removing the lower dam to make the stretch of level that is optimum that Pricinga provision DeService Commission to filed with the Secretary spection, itstandard is recomity if we get a big storm event, so we don’t get objective regarding towing illegally to not necessarily have to take the lowest bidpartment, A-4, 300 Erie water from the upper dam down to behind the comply with the Com- Boulevard West, Syramended that an appoint- of State on 06/23/2022. the backflow into the lake, yet still maintains a der, but to go through an analysis and select parked vehicles within the village. mission's Orders dated library look like the rest of Chittenango Creek. ment be made with the Office Location: MadiNew York 13202 June 16, to and be- cuse, for2022, the fish theon good orCompany's service that is the best value,” said contact Theperson. Village of Cazenovia BoardThe of SecreTrustson County. Notice of Formation Instead of the wide, slow-moving body of water relatively healthy environment or the come effective August 1, State Environmental tary offirst StateMonday is designatof CHUCK'S other species that are in there.” Wheeler. “Sometimes, for instance, we will put ees typically meets on the of website at: http://www.that was artificially createdWOODCHUCKS, nearly 200 years ago 2022, and June 17, Quality Review (SEQR) ed as agent upon whom LLC. Wheeler concluded 2022, that he believeseffecthe out a bid for a new truck or a new fire appara- Determination each month at 7 p.m. the Village Municipal to become Project is in process against the LLC Of Org. with as part of the Erie CanalArts. system, thatfiled section Gas person may have the lowest bid, aBuilding, tive July 2022.create a tus, and the NoticeCorporation’s of Formation solution The Type I action and willSt. may be served. on 05/25/2022. Canal will1,help 90 Albany would be rocky and fasterSSNY moving. Niagara Mohawk Power ELECTRIC not have a significant ef- Secretary of State shall Light at the End of Office location Madison. of satisfactory interim situation while the village but they didn’t satisfy every aspect of what we As a short-term solution to the problem, fect on the environment. mail any process against SSNY desg. As agentthe of Life Doula Service LLC, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a NaA coordinated review the LLC served upon LLC upon whom pro- a Domestic Limited Lia- Corporation d/b/a Na- tional Grid (�NMPC�) revisions in (“NMPC”) filed tariff with other Arch Street, cess against it may be bility Company LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS (LLC). tional Grid LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS involved him to 105 LEGALS agencies was performed Chittenango, NY 13037. served SSNY mail pro- Articles of Organization filed tariff revisions in response to a New York TOWN OF CAZENOVIA Notice of Complete cess to 3877 THOMAS filed with the Secretary response to a New York State Public Service and a Negative Declara- The company does not OFFICIAL NOTICE Application tion is on file. have a specific date of ROAD, CAZENOVIA, NY, of State of New York State Public Service Commission (�PSC�) NOTICE OF PUBLIC SEQR Lead Agency NYS dissolution in addition to 13035. Any lawful pur- (SSNY) on June 12, Commission (“PSC”) or- order establishing Phase Date: 04/11/2022 HEARING JEFFREY Department of Environ- the events of dissolution 2022. Office location: der establishing Phase 1 1 of the Electric and Gas Applicant: pose. Zoning Board of set by law. The purpose mental Conservation County of Madison. of the Electric and Gas Bill Relief Program. STOWELL CR-291612 Appeals SSNY is designated as Bill Relief Program. Phase 1 of the Electric Facility: STOWELL'S EX- State Historic Preserva- of the company is to Notice of Formation Notice is hereby given agent of LLC upon Phase 1 of the Electric CAVATING & TRUCKING tion Act (SHPA) Deter- conduct any lawful busithat a public hearing be- of Compass Blue, LLC, a whom process may be and Gas Bill Relief Pro- and Gas Bill Relief Pro- INC. NELSON FENNER mination Evaluation us- ness permitted by the fore the Zoning Board of Domestic Limited Liabili- served. SSNY shall mail gram provides cus- gram provides cus- ROAD NELSON, NY ing a Structural-Archae- Limited Liability CompaAppeals of the Town of ty Company (LLC). Arti- copy of process to: 602 tomers with active ac- tomers with active ac- Application ID: 7-2599- ological Assessment ny Law of the State of Cazenovia will be held cles of Organization filed Forbes Ave, Chittenan- counts who are currently counts who are currently 00001/00004 Form or other informa- New York. on July 25, 2022 at 7:30 with the Secretary of go, NY 13037. Purpose: enrolled in the Energy enrolled in the Energy Permits(s) Applied for: 1 tion has concluded that CR-292830 Program - Article 23 Title 27 the proposed activity will PM, at the Town Office State of New York any lawful purpose. Affordability Program Affordability Building, 7 Albany (SSNY) on 7 June 2022. CR-292371 (“EAP”) or who enroll in Mined Land Reclamation not impact registered, TOWN OF CAZENOVIA (“EAP”) or who enroll in Street, Cazenovia, to Office location: County OFFICIAL NOTICE the EAP on or before De- the EAP on or before De- Project is located: In eligible or inventoried of Madison. SSNY is NOTICE OF PLLC consider the application NOTICE OF PUBLIC cember 31, 2022, or cember 31, 2022, or MULTIPLE TOWNS in archaeological sites or designated as agent of FORMATION of Ross & Debra Frisbie. historic structures. who received benefits MADISON COUNTY HEARING Velky-Reger, who received benefits Property is located at LLC upon whom pro- Marla from New York State from New York State Project Description: The DEC Commissioner Poli- Zoning Board of Appeals may be served. cess PLLC. Filed LCSW, 4966 Coe Road, CazenEmergency Rental Assis- applicant proposes to cy 29, Environmental Notice is hereby given ovia. Tax Map Number SSNY shall mail copy of 5/31/22. Cty: Madison. Emergency Rental Assis- tance Program or the recommence mining ac- Justice and Permitting that a public hearing betance Program or the to: Compass process SSNY desig. for process 75.-1-31.2. Zoned Rural tivities within the previ- (CP-29) It has been de- fore the Zoning Board of Home Energy Assistance Home Energy Assistance Blue, LLC, 520 12TH ST. & shall mail 132 Albany A. ZBA File # 22-1429. termined that the proCazenovia, NY Program - Regular Ar- Program - Regular Ar- ously permitted Life-Of- posed action is not sub- Appeals of the Town of Proposed special use S, APT. 1737, ARLING- St, Cazenovia will be held Mine (LOM) area of rears Supplement prorears Supplement proVA, 22202, USA. TON, 13035. Purp: any lawful. permit - Additional acon August 22, 2022 at gram, a one-time bill gram, a one-time bill Stowell's Gravel Mine, a ject to CP-29. cessory structure re- Purpose: any lawful pur- CR-291992 CR-293136 7:30 PM, at the Town credit for any arrears credit for any arrears sand and gravel mine pose. quested. Office Building, 7 Albany NOTICE OF LLC balance on their bill as balance on their bill as east of Nelson Road. NOTICE OF FORMATION All interested parties CR-292628 FORMATION of and prior to a bill date of and prior to a bill date The current proposal is of 7 Willows Farm, LLC, Street, Cazenovia, to wishing to appear at NOTICE OF PUBLIC Media Haus, LLC filed of May 1, 2022. The to mine 7.66 acres dur- a Domestic Limited Lia- consider the application said hearing may do so MEETING Arts. of Org. with the PSC order also estab- of May 1, 2022. The ing the permit term, bility Company (LLC). of Jonathan Brodock. in person or by other also estabPSC Order TOWN OF CAZENOVIA Property is located at Sect'y of State of NY lishes the Arrears Manrepresentative. Commulishes the Arrears Man- within a 7.66-acre LOM Articles of Organization 5125 Temperance Hill COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (SSNY) on 6/10/2022. agement on a 12.41-acre parcel filed with the Secretary Program nications in writing relatProgram owned by the applicant. REVIEW SPECIAL Office: Madison County. (“AMP”) Surcharge to agement of State of New York Road, Cazenovia, NY. ing thereto may be filed BOARD SSNY has been desig- recover costs of these (“AMP”) Surcharge to All proposed mining ac- (SSNY) on June 30, Tax Map Number 75.-1with the Zoning Board of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- nated as agent of the recover costs of these tivities within the previ- 2022. Office location: 8. Zoned Rural A. ZBA Appeals prior to, or at EN that the Town of LLC upon whom pro- bill credits. bill credits. ously disturbed area, in- 4729 Roberts Road, File # 22-1435. PSC has In addition, the said hearing. Cazenovia Comprehen- cess against it may be In addition, the PSC has cluding mineral extrac- Cazenovia, NY 13035, Proposed area variance Copies of the application sive Plan Review Special served and shall mail approved an alternative construction a small of special use permit are Board will meet at the process to: c/o Media recovery mechanism to approved an alternative tion techniques and on County of Madison. storage barn in the front available for public in- Town of Cazenovia Town Haus, LLC, 8977 North recover deferrals of un- recovery mechanism to site screening, will re- SSNY is designated as yard. recover deferrals of un- sume as previously eval- agent of LLC upon spection at the Town Hall, 7 Albany Street, Main St., Canastota, NY billed fees that resulted All interested parties Offices during business Cazenovia, New York, on 13032. Purpose: any from laws enacted dur- billed fees that resulted uated through the envi- whom process may be wishing to appear at served. SSNY shall mail enacted durfrom laws ronmental review puring the COVID-19 Panhours. Wednesday, July 20, lawful act. said hearing may do so demic. The PSC Order ing the COVID-19 Pan- suant to 6 NYCRR 617, copy of process to: in person or by other Thomas Pratt, Chairman 2022 at 8:00 a.m. To L. Davis, 4729 Melissa State Environmental also establishes the Late demic. The PSC Order Zoning Board of Appeals continue their review to NOTICE OF LLC representative. CommuPayment Charge and also establishes the Late Quality Review (SEQR) Roberts Road, Cazen- nications in writing relatTown of Cazenovia update the ComprehenFORMATION ovia, NY 13035. PurDated: May 26, 2022 Waived Fees Payment Charge and Act, Regulations, and as sive Plan for the Town of Mitchell Mccullough LLC Other ing thereto may be filed CR-291147 Waived Fees permitted by the Depart- pose: any lawful pur- with the Zoning Board of Cazenovia. Arts of Org. filed SSNY (“LPCO”) Surcharge to Other pose. Dated: June 23, 2022 6/13/22, Madison Co. recover associated lost (“LPCO”) Surcharge to ment. Topsoil will be Appeals prior to, or at CR-293306 NOTICE OF LLC Connie J. Sunderman, SSNY design agent for revenues. said hearing. recover associated lost stockpiled on site and FORMATION the parcel will be revegeTown Clerk process & shall mail to Notice is hereby given revenues. Notice of Formation of Copies of the application 5thGen&ThenSome LLC. Town of Cazenovia Zenbusiness Inc. 41 that starting on July 1, Notice is hereby given tated once the mineral Limited Liability of Area Variance are Filed 5/3/22. Cty: Madi- CR-292718 State St #112 Albany, 2022, the LPCO Sur- that starting on July 1, deposit is exhausted, Company (LLC) available for public inson. SSNY desig. for with a final reclamation charge and on August 1, NY 12207 General Pur2022, the LPCO Sur- plan to provide an area Name: HMP Shaw Prop- spection at the Town OfNotice of Formation process & shall mail 451 2022, the AMP Surpose. charge and on August 1, for a vegetated grass- erties, LLC. Articles of fices during business Snug Harbor Ln, of ETHEREAL BRIDAL CR-292471 charge will commence Organization filed with hours. Deruyter, NY 13052. COLLECTION LLC, a Doon customer bills and 2022, the AMP Sur- land meadow with po- Secretary of State Thomas Pratt, Chairman mestic Limited Liability charge will commence Niagara Mohawk Power Purp: any lawful. tential future develop- of New York (SSNY) on Zoning Board of Appeals will be included in the Company (LLC). Artion customer bills and Corporation d/b/a CR-291991 ment for agriculture, May 16, 2022. Office Lo- Town of Cazenovia Delivery line item. The cles of Organization filed National Grid LPCO and AMP sur- will be included in the recreation, or residential cation: Madison County. Dated: July 6, 2022 with the Secretary of PURPOSE: THE FILING Notice of Formation Delivery Service Adjustuses. The mine site is SSNY designated as CR-293320 charge is located on the of Burmaster Group State of New York OF NEW TARIFF AM- NMPC website. For Res- ment line. The LPCO located east of the inter- agent of LLC upon LLC, a Domestic Limited (SSNY) on 03/30/2022. MENDMENTS TO P.S.C. idential customers: and AMP surcharge is section of Nelson Road whom process against it NOTICE OF LLC Liability Company (LLC). Office location: County NO. 220 ELECTRICITY https://www.nationallocated on the NMPC and Putnam Road, in the may be served. SSNY FORMATION Articles of Organization of MADISON. SSNY is AND P.S.C. 219 GAS TO For Residential Towns of Fenner and shall mail copy of pro- Voe Coqui Productions filed with the Secretary designated as agent of COMPLY WITH THE home/Rates/Rate-Statecess to: 59 Sullivan Nelson, Madison Councustomers: LLC. Filed 1/17/22. Cty: ORof State of New York LLC upon whom pro- COMMISSION'S Street, Cazenovia, NY Madison. SSNY desig. ty. ments.aspx https://www.national(SSNY) on March 11, cess may be served. DERS DATED JUNE 16, and Business customers 13035. Purpose: to enAvailability of process & shall mail 2022. Office location: SSNY shall mail copy of 2022, IN P.S.C. CASES https://www.nationaltion Documents: Filed gage in any and all busi- 10 Center St, Cazenovia, home/Rates/Rate-StateCounty of Madison. process to: 10 GILLETTE 14-M-0565, et al., AND ness for which LLCs application documents, 13035. Purp: any ments.aspx SSNY is designated as LN, CAZENOVIA, NY DATED JUNE 17, 2022, and Business customers and Department draft may be formed under lawful. agent of LLC upon 13035. Purpose: any IN P.S.C. CASES 17-E- business/Rates/RateNew York LLC law. the permits where applicaStatements.aspx. CR-291990 https://www.national0238, et al. whom process may be lawful purpose. ble, are available for in- CR-293426 TEXT: Notice is hereby Copies of the amend- SSNY shall mail CR-292564 spection during normal Notice of Qual. given that Niagara Mo- ments to P.S.C. No. 220 business/Rates/RateNotice of formation copy of process to NOTICE OF LLC business hours at the WHC, LLC. hawk Power Corporation Electricity are available Statements.aspx. of Solar Energy Charles W. Burmaster, FORMATION Auth. filed with SSNY on Consulting 4762 Fox Hill Road, Jpl Aviation, LLC Arts of d/b/a National Grid has for public inspection and Copies of the amend- address of the contact 06/07/2022. Office locaServices, LLC. Erieville, New York Org. filed SSNY 6/14/22, filed new tariff amend- can be obtained by writ- ments to P.S.C. No. 219 person. To ensure timely Madison. LLC 13061. Purpose: any Madison Co. SSNY de- ments with the Public ing National Grid, Regu- Gas are available for service at the time of in- Articles of Organization tion: spection, it is recomlation and Pricing Delawful purpose. sign agent for process & Service Commission to partment, A-4, 300 Erie public inspection and mended that an appoint- filed with the Secretary formed in DE on SSNY CR-292814 shall mail to John M comply with the Com- Boulevard West, Syra- can be obtained by writ- ment be made with the of State on 06/23/2022. 05/27/2022. Office Location: Madi- desg. as agent of LLC Leary 4048 Mary Lynn mission's Orders dated cuse, New York 13202 ing National Grid, Regu- contact person. son County. The Secre- upon whom process Notice of Formation Dr Canastota, NY 13032 June 16, 2022, to be- or on the Company's lation and Pricing De- State Environmental tary of State is designat- against it may be served. come effective August 1, of CHUCK'S General Purpose. partment, A-4, 300 Erie Quality Review (SEQR) ed as agent upon whom SSNY mail process to: 2022, and June 17, website at: http://www.WOODCHUCKS, LLC. CR-292470 Boulevard West, SyraDetermination Project is process against the LLC 600 MAMARONECK AV2022, to become effec- Arts. Of Org. filed with cuse, New York 13202 a Type I action and will may be served. The ENUE #400, HARRISON, Gas Notice of Formation tive July 1, 2022. SSNY on 05/25/2022. Niagara Mohawk Power or on the Company's not have a significant ef- Secretary of State shall NY, 10528. Arts. of Org. ELECTRIC Office location Madison. of Light at the End of SSNY desg. As agent of Life Doula Service LLC, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a Na- website at: http://www.- fect on the environment. mail any process against filed with DE SOS. A coordinated review the LLC served upon Townsend Bldg. Dover, LLC upon whom pro- a Domestic Limited Lia- Corporation d/b/a Na- tional Grid (�NMPC�) with other involved him to 105 Arch Street, DE 19901. Any lawful cess against it may be bility Company (LLC). tional Grid (“NMPC”) filed tariff revisions in BM/PO/SR/CR/EBagencies was performed Chittenango, NY 13037. purpose. CR-292035 served SSNY mail pro- Articles of Organization filed tariff revisions in response to a New York 292960 cess to 3877 THOMAS filed with the Secretary response to a New York State Public Service and a Negative Declara- The company does not have a specific date of ROAD, CAZENOVIA, NY, of State of New York State Public Service Commission tion is on file. (�PSC�) 13035. Any lawful pur- (SSNY) on June 12, Commission (“PSC”) or- order establishing Phase SEQR Lead Agency NYS dissolution in addition to 2022. Office location: der establishing Phase 1 1 of the Electric and Gas pose. Department of Environ- the events of dissolution

July 13

Scouts attend Philmont Scout Reservation

Author Daniel Koch to speak at Abolition Hall of Fame


12 July 13, 2022

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Cazenovia Republican

Cazenovia FD assistant chief named Fire Educator of the Year By kate Hill Staff Writer


n June 17, life-long Cazenovia resident Sam Usborne was awarded the Fire Educator of the Year Award by the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs (NYSAFC) at the organization’s annual conference and trade show in Syracuse. Usborne is currently an assistant chief of the Cazenovia Volunteer Fire Department, a NYSAFC Hands-on Training (HOT) instructor, a New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control instructor, a Madison County instructor, and a published contributor to NYSAFC’s quarterly magazine, SIZE UP. He also serves the local community as the Village of Cazenovia Street Crew Chief. He first became involved in the fire service in 1978 when he joined the Cazenovia Fire Department at 18. He started as a fire service educator in 1999 “I decided to become involved in fire service training and education because I was influenced by several mentors and instructors when I first joined the fire service,” Usborne said. He added that his favorite part about being an instructor is seeing some of his students further their fire service careers and eventually become



leaders. Founded in 1904, the NYSAFC is a not-for-profit organization that serves the leaders and future leaders of New York’s emergency services, “Providing Service to Those Who Serve.” The Fire Educator of the Year Award, which recognizes outstanding effort in fire service training and education, is presented annually in memory of NYSAFC Past President Fred W. Singer, a 40-year member of the Vestal Fire Department who was a highly regarded teacher and champion of firefighter safety and training. Any NYSAFC Individual Member who is a fire service instructor providing training within NYS at the state, county, or department level is eligible for the award. Usborne was nominated by NYSAFC Chief Executive Officer Bruce E. Heberer. In his letter of nomination, Heberer expresses that Usborne exemplifies the best attributes of a good instructor. “Throughout his many years as instructor, he has strived to quietly be the best he could be,” wrote Heberer. “Every moment of every day is a learning experience for Sam. Questioning everyone he contacts, soaking up information to stay on top of and ahead of the educational game.” According to Heberer, Usborne’s desire to learn from others, including instructors, officers of other departments,

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nal that runs along the Willow Patch and once helped regulate the water level of the Erie Canal. The upper dam controls the level of the lake. Just east of the upper dam, Chittenango Creek flows into the canal. “Because we’ve opened up the dam



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oldest American Driving Society-recognized pleasure driving show in the country,” said Show Manager Hannah Polson. “In the last several years, we have lost a number of great shows due to retiring management and loss of land and venues. It is important to keep this sport alive as it is a connection to our past and highlights the elegance and grace of a past era, as well as showing the unique connection between driver and equine. Drivers are a friendly, supportive, and enthusiastic group in the equestrian sports world. There is no better venue to highlight our shared history than having the show at the Lorenzo Historic Site.” In 2020, the show was canceled due to COVID-19, and in 2021, the organizers offered a modified version of the traditional event. “We offered a modified version so that drivers had something to participate in since so many other shows had been canceled,” said Polson. According to Polson, LDC usually draws between 60 and 80 competitors from across New York, Mid-Atlantic states, and New England. This year, 35 to 40 drivers are en-

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On June 17, life-long Cazenovia resident Sam Usborne was awarded the Fire Educator of the Year Award by the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs. Pictured left to right: NYSAFC President Robert Kloepfer, Usborne, and NYSAFC Chief Executive Officer Bruce E. Heberer. and students, has affectionately earned him the nickname “Mr. Question.” The letter also commends Usborne for his work ethic, humility, heart, eagerness to share his knowledge, calm and efficient teaching style, and dedication to providing his students with the best learning experience possible. “I know that there are so many instructors who would qualify for this honor,” He-

berer wrote. “However, in my opinion, Instructor Usborne is most deserving because of his unassuming, down to earth, relatable teaching method, his level of knowledge in all areas, and his great desire to continue his education every day, along with his long, devoted tenure to make the next generations the best trained, combat ready, intelligent and safety conscious firefighters our service desperately needs.”

Usborne received his award in front of his friends, colleagues, and students during NYSAFC’s HOT at the Syracuse Fire Department Training Center. “I felt very humbled and honored, but [I] felt that there are others that are more deserving of the award,” Usborne said. For more information on the NYSAFC, visit nysfirechiefs. com.

on Mill Street, the water level is lower, so we see more debris [between the dams],” Golub said. The councilor added that community volunteers are needed for the cleanup, which is tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday, July 28. During the supervisor’s report, Zupan announced that the estimated cost of upgrading the Cazenovia Wastewater

Treatment Plant is between $16 million and $20 million. “We will be going out looking for grants and funding opportunities to do the upgrades,” Zupan said. In their reports, Reger and Councilor Kelli Johnson both mentioned that the first week of the Cazenovia Joint Youth Recreation Program started earlier that day and that there are still spaces avail-

able for future weeks. Directed by Kristen Brink, the program serves children from Cazenovia, Fenner and Nelson. The Cazenovia Town Board typically meets on the second Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. For more information, visit or call the town office at 315-655-9213.

tered to compete. “[We] have a competitor, Paul Maye, coming from Virginia who will be driving the Ayrshire Farm Shires,” said Polson. “He will be competing in two different divisions — Pair Horse and Antique Vehicle — with a pair of Shires. He will also be demonstrating the ‘mad man hitch’ with all four horses on Sunday, July 17 at 11:45 a.m. in the main ring.” The 2022 competition will also include drivers and horses from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Connecticut, and Ontario, Canada. This year’s festivities will begin on Friday, July 15, with obstacle classes, a Timed Country Drive, and, beginning at 4:30 p.m., two signature competitions in the main ring. The first is the Antique Vehicle Turnout, featuring vehicles built prior to 1940. The second, the Picnic Class, will showcase both the competitors’ reinsmanship — the art of communicating with the carriage driving horse through the reins, whip, and voice — and ability to set a festive table complete with homemade goodies for the judge to sample. The classes will be followed by the “Hats Off to Lorenzo!” opening gala, which will feature drinks and hors

d’oeuvres on the lawn and a hat competition. Tickets are $25 at the door and include a souvenir wine or beer glass that can be refilled without charge. Lamplit Farms will offer complimentary horse-drawn carriage rides around the Lorenzo grounds, and the mansion will be open 5:30 to 7 p.m. for free tours. Saturday, July 16, will feature a full schedule of pleasure driving classes. The last classes before the noon lunch break are two fan favorites: the Carriage Dog class, which is judged primarily on the suitability of the dog to serve as a companion to the driver, and the Drive & Ride class, in which the horses are hitched and driven in the first portion of the event and then, after lunch, ridden and judged under saddle. “[The Carriage Dog class is] meant to be a fun, stylish, and entertaining class, and there’s a huge ‘aww’ factor that is not part of the official judging criteria,” said LDC board member Janis Barth. “It isn’t really a costume class for dogs, although there does seem to be a natural affinity between poodles and flowered hats, and we’ve had at least one bulldog in a top hat and tuxedo. I’ve yet to see a spectator who isn’t putty in their paws.” On Sunday morning, the Pleasure DrivePace, another trademark activity, will take horse and driver through the countryside

surrounding Lorenzo. The course challenges drivers to pace their horse(s) and finish as close as possible to an ideal time set in advance. Classes resume in the main ring after lunch and continue through the afternoon. “Lorenzo State Historic Site has gladly hosted the Lorenzo Driving Competition for over four decades as the sport of carriage driving demonstrates the main form of transportation from the time that Lorenzo was built and throughout much of its history,” said Lorenzo Site Manager Michael Roets. “It is our pleasure to have a weekend of horses and carriages moving across the landscape as they bring the history of the site alive for our visitors and help us to highlight our extensive carriage collection and exquisite 1891 Carriage House. We are grateful for the Lorenzo Driving Competition Board and volunteers who year after year bring this excellent competition and demonstration of history to Lorenzo and the Cazenovia Community.” For more information on the LDC, visit To learn more about Lorenzo, call 315655-3200, visit lorenzo/,, or follow the site and FOL on Facebook and Instagram.

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Cazenovia Republican

July 13, 2022 13

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

OBITUARIES Robert E. Horstmyer, 87 Korean War veteran

Robert E. Horstmyer, 87, of Cazenovia, passed away Thursday, June 30, 2022. He was born Jan. 1, 1935, in Schenectady to Raymond and Evelyn Horstmyer. He was a graduate of Manlius Military Academy, and then went on to earn his bachelor’s degree in business administration from Colgate University. Bob was a veteran of the Korean War where he served in the U.S. Air Force as an F86 fighter pilot and as an advisor to the Korean Air Force. Robert began his career with the IBM Corporation in 1958 with management positions in sales, business development and general management where he excelled and was infamously known as the “Horse”. He retired in 1987 as the General Area Manager of Central New York. Upon his retirement he was appointed vice president of the CIS Corporation and later became a partner of SCS Inc. Robert was an active member of the community including Chairman of the United Way of Onondaga County, a member of the Cazenovia Rotary Club, Board member of Consolidated Industries, member, and former trustee of the First Presbyterian Church of Cazenovia. He was also a member of the Cazenovia Club, the Cazenovia Civic Club, and the Century Club. He remained a staunch supporter of his alma mater class of ’55 as a member of the Colgate Maroon Council and enjoyed attending Raider sporting events. Bob had a passion for golf and tennis. He could often be found on the courts of Cazenovia Tennis Club, or the greens of Cazenovia Country Club,

Robert E. Horstmyer Onondaga Golf and Country Club, the Cazenovia Golf Club, and Bear Creek Country Club in Hilton Head, South Carolina. During the winter, Bob enjoyed skiing and was a lifetime member of the Cazenovia Ski Club and a member of the National Ski Patrol. He gave generously of his time to organizations and cherished spending time with family and friends. Bob is survived by his wife of 66 years, Elaine “Sam” Horstmyer; his children, Steve (Peggy) Horstmyer of Cazenovia, Dave (Patti) Horstmyer of Schenectady, Lisa (Ed Kennedy, Jr.) Schaffner of Cazenovia and Karen (David) McDonough of Manlius; nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A memorial service was held 10 a.m., Thursday, July 7, 2022 at the First Presbyterian Church of Cazenovia, 27 Albany St., Cazenovia. The family received friends in the fellowship hall of the church following the service. In lieu of flowers, contributions in Robert’s memory may be made to CAVAC, 106 Nelson St., Cazenovia, NY 13035. Condolences for the Horstmyer family may be left at

William N. Gottschall, 74 Vietnam veteran

William N. “Bill” Gottschall, 74, died on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at his home in Fayetteville. He was predeceased by his parents Harry N. Gottschall and Edna M. Clohecy Gottschall. Bill was a veteran of the US Navy during the Vietnam War. He retired from Verizon in 1994. He organized and was past-president of the CNY Balloon Club, a communicant of Immaculate Conception Church and was a former member of the North Syracuse Jaycees. Survived by his wife Patricia M. (Gorman) Gottschall; children: Katherine (Anthony) Futia, Timothy (Katelyn), Jennifer (Zack) Swift; sisters: Lucille Chester, Barbara (Bill) Lang; 7 grandchildren with one on the way; and several

William N. Gottschall nieces and nephews. A heartfelt thanks to Heather Ryan and her family for the special part they played in his life. Services and burial will be in 2023 in Manlius Village Cemetery. Online condolences,

John Keegan, 84

CAVAC volunteer, retired engineer John Keegan, a longtime resident of Cazenovia, died peacefully, with his children by his side, on July 2, 2022, in Gainesville, FL. He was 84. He was born to parents Joseph and Mary Keegan in Manhattan, on Feb. 15, 1938; the oldest of two children. He graduated from Manhattan College in 1959 with a degree in engineering and started what would become a distinguished career, first at Stearns & Wheler in Cazenovia, and later at O’Brien & Gere in Syracuse, retiring in 2003. On Jan. 16, 1960, he married Jane Fields in Bronx, N.Y., and the two embarked on a 62-year journey that included raising two children,

Stephen A. Nourse, 60

Army veteran Stephen A. Nourse, 60, of Fabius, passed away Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at home with his loving family by his side. He was born October 12, 1961 in Syracuse to Richard and Veronica Nourse and was a veteran of the U.S. Army. Stephen was a truck driver for many years. He was a farrier and enjoyed buggy and carriage rides with his horses at Lorenzo, the New York State Fair, at parades and with the New York State Draft Horse Club. Stephen was a talented

Arthur P. Jayne, 74

Navy veteran Arthur P. Jayne, of DeRuyter, passed away July 15, 2021, one day short of his 75th birthday. Art was predeceased by his father Arthur L. Jayne, mother Doris A. Seymour and wife Elaine. He is survived by daughters Laura Jayne and Lisa Jayne of DeRuyter, sisters Grace Meddaugh of Cortland and Susan Middleton of Baldwinsville and brothers Edward Seymour of Austin, TX, and Henry Seymour of Cortland and several stepbrothers and sisters. Art was a hard worker, strong provider and a problem solver. A loving and supportive father, brother and friend, always ready and willing to help out in any way he could. A navy veteran of the Vietnam era, he remained humble about his military service.

countless friends and frequent adventures. They were active parishioners of St. James Catholic Church, supporters of local art and theater, members of Cazenovia Country Club, where John could often be found with at least one of his children, and, later in life, they became active in local theater groups, performing work behind the scenes and on stage. Their marriage was the embodiment of the love, kindness and generosity that imbued and guided his life. John was a public servant and teacher at heart. He was a volunteer at the Cazenovia Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps (CAVAC) for more than 40 years, and in 2015, he was honored with the Life Membership Award for his distinguished service. He was kind and softly spoken, and always had

time to answer a question, offer advice or to help solve a problem—no matter how small. He will be dearly missed by his loved ones, and the many people whose lives he touched. John is survived by his wife, Jane; his daughter, Jennifer Yackel; his son, Michael Keegan and his partner Laura; his niece, Laura Fanning; and his granddaughters, Noelle Yackel and Maura Keegan. He is preceded in death by his brother, James Keegan and his parents. The family will receive friends Monday, July 18, 2022, from 4 to 6 p.m. at Michael E. Brown Funeral Services, 2333 Fenner Rd., Cazenovia. Funeral services will be held 10 a.m., Tuesday, July 19, 2022, at St. James Catho-

carpenter and mechanic who could fix or build just about anything. His passions were hunting and spending time with his family. Stephen is survived by his wife of 13 years, Stanne (Preston) Nourse; his children, Elizabeth Nourse of Cortland, Richard (Misty) Nourse of Pompey, Stephen Russell of Fabius and Thomas Nourse of Fabius; his mother, Veronica Nourse of Fayetteville; his sisters, Michelle (Kevin) Westcott of Vestal, Heather Nourse of Baldwinsville and Charlene (Darren) Nourse of Sebring, Florida; his brother, Richard D. (Mary) Nourse of Fenner; two grandchil-

dren, Jessie and Jacob Nourse; nieces and nephews Rachel, Trevor and Emily Nourse, Jeremy Johnson and Jonathan Westcott. He was predeceased by his father, Richard C. Nourse and by a son, Tyler Russell. Calling hours were held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, July 11, 2022, with services following at Michael E. Brown Funeral Services, 2333 Fenner Road in Cazenovia. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Cazenovia. Contributions in Stephen’s memory may be made to the New York State Draft Horse Club,

Art had a life-long love of all things mechanical, especially antique cars. A talented and wellrespected craftsman, his

work is on display at the Northeast Classic Car Museum in Norwich, N.Y. A Celebration of Art’s

John Keegan lic Church, 6 Green St., Cazenovia with Deacon John Addante as celebrant. Burial will follow at St. James Cemetery. Contributions in John’s memory may be made to CAVAC, 106 Nelson St., Cazenovia, NY 13035. Condolences for the family may be left at

Stephen A. Nourse c/o Lester Coit, 421 Salt Rd., Locke, NY 13092. Condolences for the family may be left at michaelebrownfuneralservices. com.

life will be held at The Farm, 3191 East Road, Cazenovia, Sunday, July 17, at 1 p.m. with a brief ceremony at 2 p.m.

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14 July 13, 2022

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Cazenovia Republican

Arts Alive in CNY: Cazenovia Counterpoint Festival The Society for New Music is presenting an expanded Cazenovia Counterpoint Festival during July showcasing young artists and professionals. The month-long festival features musicians, visual artists, composers, poets and writers from across Central New York who are eager to bring their art to a larger audience. Guests are welcome each Saturday throughout the month of July to enjoy new music at the Cazenovia Farmers Market from 10 to noon. New music from artists such as Matheu Campbell, pianist and composer from Skaneateles; Sam Lovas, guitarist and composer and Lana Stafford, flute; NSQRD (Nick Fields & Nick Abelgore), a multi-instrumentalist duo who perform their versions of the standards as well as original music; and Chris Spinelli, a classical and jazz pianist from Jamesville-DeWitt, who just earned his MM at Syracuse University.

Urban Sketchers (Bill Elkins) & Cazenovia Area Painters (CAP) join forces on July 16 from 10am to noon to dominate the beauty of Cazenovia, culminating in a “throw-down” at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church from 1 to 4 p.m. During the Art Exhibition Reception, music by CNY Jazz Youth Orchestra. On July 20 the Rising Stars program continues at First Presbyterian at noon. This program features violinist Heather BuchananWise, a rising junior at Holland Patent high school; Dominic Fiacco, organist from Poland, NY who is home-schools and just completed the two-week organ camp at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia (by invitation only); and mezzo Soprano, Ava Tyler, a rising junior at Cicero North Syracuse high school. The artists will be performing pieces written just for them by composers Emmanuel J. Sikora and Gregg Welcher, alongside the clas-


Cazenovia Counterpoint continues

Young Composer’s Corner is a week-long mentoring program is led by Paul Leary at First Presbyterian Church in Cazenovia. The program takes place from July 11 to July 15. On July 23, Society Players will be performing the Young Composer’s Corner’s compositions live at the Lakeland Park Pavillion. The YCC composers include Finn Carruthers-Coles (Dewitt), Evan Chaddock (Onondaga Hill), Daniel Feng (Fayetteville-Manlius), Jack Gottemoeller (Virginia, summers in Cazenovia), Michael Guarneiri (Verona), Rachel Harris (Mount Markham), Angelina Huntley (Ed Smith MS), Will Keefe-Shafer (Manlius Pebble Hill), Zayde Lekic (ITS-Syracuse), Alex McGlaughlin (West Genesee), Jonah Sauve (Chittenango), Nathan Schierer (Cazenovia), and Daniel Zeng.

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Eagle Newspapers is here to help readers share their milestone celebrations, including birth announcements, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and milestone birthdays. The deadline to submit an announcement is 10 a.m. the Friday before publication. Announcements of up to 250 words with a photo cost just $50, with an additional 15 cents per word over 250 words. Announcements will be posted to within 24 hours of receipt of payment. To submit a milestone announcement, email Alyssa Dearborn at, or call 315.434.8889 ext. 305.

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On July 24 Society Players presents “Full Ride.” Society Players include Laura Enslin, voice, and percussionists Andrea Scheibel, Rob Bridge, Jennifer Vacanti, and Julia Ross. Music by Marc Mellits, Julia Wolfe, Ivan Trevino, Nic Scherzinger, and Ed Ruchalski will be performed. “Home Burial,” a one-act opera by Charles Lupia, based on Robert Frost’s poem “The Death of the Hired Man” will premiere in the Catherine Cummings Theater in the village of Cazenovia on July 30. The opera is directed by Gerard Moses in conj. with Studio 24, libretto by David Feldman, and set and lighting done by JT Lee. The cast includes Daniel Fields, Laura Enslin, David Neal, Katie Weber, Dominick Corbacio, Kelli Wright and Society Players, Sar Strong, Peter Rovit, and Zachary Sweet.



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Among the performances will be a one act play titled “Home Burial,” featuring performers such as Daniel Fields and Katie Weber. Prior to the opera, there will “The Long Shadow of Linbe performances of “Cowboy coln” by Stephen Paulus. Songs” by Judith Cloud and

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Grant and SAM/DASNY Grant from Senator Rachel May pay out $500,000 each. Construction is currently set to begin July 12. “The county is thrilled to begin the process of improving upon the Delphi Falls Park. The upgrades should bring multiple benefits for residents by providing new activities and enhancing access to the natural features of the property,” said Scott Ingmire, director of Madison County Planning Department. “Not only will Delphi Falls continue to be a premier destination for local residents, but the goal is to attract outside visitors to the area as well.”

Madison County’s 2018 purchase of the 66-acre property was made possible by an extremely generous donation from Harold Jones, a retired Syracuse University professor. The park includes acres of woodland and riparian forest along the East Branch of Limestone Creek, steep gorge walls, and a two-tiered waterfall, the Upper (54 feet) and Lower (62 feet). It is currently open year round from sun up to sun down for people to enjoy the majesty of the falls. Delphi Falls County Park is located at 2006 Cardner Rd, New Woodstock, NY. For more information please visit or contact the Madison County Planning Department at 315-366-2376.

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