Cazenovia Republican Digital Edition - Aug. 31, 2022

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SuBmitted pHoto

By kAtE Hill Staff Writer On Aug. 15, local nurse practitioner Jessica Colby, MSN, WHNP-C opened Revive Vitamin & Hydra tion Infusion Lounge at 3227 US-20 in Cazenovia. The new business spe cializes in intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy, a treat ment that delivers vitamins and minerals directly to the bloodstream.According to the Revive website, the technique by passes the digestive system, ensuring that all dosed supplements are immedi ately available on a cellular level.“With traditional oral supplements, the diges tive system metabolizes these nutrients signifi cantly, reducing the ab sorption rate to anywhere from 8-40%,” the website states. “IV delivery leads to 99.9% absorption, allowing for maximum impact and minimal waste. Restoring, optimizing and maintain ing vitamin and nutrient levels this way improves the body’s state of health and overall well-being.”

and hydration infusion lounge opens on Route 20


By kate Hill Staff Writer Recently, Jim Joseph, a Cazenovia resident and dean of the Madden School of Business at Le Moyne College, was invited to serve on the International Associ ation of Jesuit Universities (IAJU) Task Force support ing the Inspirational Para digm for Jesuit Business Education.Founded in 2018 and run by the Society of Jesus, the IAJU is an association of Jesuit Catholic universi ties and institutes of higher education.Members come from the six educational associations representing geographical areas where the Society of Jesus operates. These in clude more than 200 Jesuitrun higher education in stitutions in more than 50 countries.In2019, 12 business edu cation leaders came togeth er at the invitation of the IAJU to develop a pathway to drive transformation in Jesuit business education. The resulting paper, titled “An Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Edu cation,” was published in JuneAccording2020. to the IAJU website (, the paper aims to present the case for a reexamination of how Je suit institutions prepare the next generation of business leaders to respond to the challenges facing humanity and to lead in the creation of a more inclusive and just world.

Colby said IV vitamin therapy has not been evalu ated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but its benefits have been anecdotally re ported for decades. “Not just anybody can do this,” she added. “You need to be a nurse practi tioner or, in certain states, a physician. And you need to have a DEA license to obtain/prescribe the vita mins.”The Revive website ad vertises that IV therapy can help increase energy levels, promote faster weight loss, relieve hangovers, treat certain nutrient deficien cies, cleanse the body of toxins and free radicals, promote better cardiovas cular health, ease anxiety and promote relaxation, increase wellness, relieve pregnancy symptoms, DNA repair, support addic tion recovery, reduce acne, promote hydration, help manage autoimmune dis ease symptoms, effectively deliver micronutrientserals,tomsenhancemanceimprovehelpsymptomswoundantioxidants,immune-boostingacceleratehealing,reduceofmigraines,withagemanagement,athleticperforandrecovery,andbeauty.“You’retreatingsympwithvitamins,minaminoacids,andthatyour

The global challenges referenced in the paper in clude extreme poverty, envi ronmental degradation, and lack of access to the goods and services necessary to survive and thrive such as nutrition, healthcare, edu cation, decent jobs, clean water, sanitation, affordable housing, and clean energy.

body either produces on its own — but sometimes, for whatever reason, is not pro ducing enough of — or re quires from your diet,” said Colby. “Our diets are usual ly deficient in these types of things no matter how well we eat because the majority of us have some type of di gestive malfunction where we are not absorbing to our maximum capacity. [IV therapy] works around that and gets those vitamins to a cellularColbylevel.”added that the treatment can be particu larly useful for people with certain gastrointestinal conditions that prevent proper absorption of nutri ents.Revive offers an exten sive infusion menu, includ ing the “Ultimate Detox

The paper states that it is typically those on the mar gins — including women, children, minorities, mi grants and refugees, and indigenous communities — who are most excluded from the benefits of the market system. At the same time, the paper argues, inequal ity in income and wealth remains high both within and between countries, and in some instances, inequal ity is Anincreasing.Inspirational Para digm for Jesuit Business Education proposes that universities, particularly undergraduate and gradu ate business schools, play a crucial role in addressing these challenges and build ing opportunities for posi tive“Wechange.have a responsibility not only to reshape our cur ricula, but also to touch our students’ hearts and minds so that they can be a light to the world and use their skills and talents to address the grave challenges fac ing us all,” the paper states. “While individual faculty members and schools have made progress, business education in general has not systematically made this es sentialMadeshift.”upof 14 scholars from Jesuit universities across six continents, the Inspirational Paradigm task force is charged with driv ing the Inspirational Para digm initiative forward. Joseph was formally in vited to join the task force on Aug. 1, 2022. Prior to this appoint ment, he served as co-chair of the Inspirational Para digm Selection Committee. “This is the culmination of everything I have been working for over the past decade,” said Joseph. “The opportunity to impact Je suit business education on a global scale is the honor of a lifetime.”Joseph explained that his role on the task force is to help Jesuit business educa tion accomplish three goals, the first of which is to renew businessAccordingcurricula.toJoseph, new curricula will be developed considering the insights of Catholic social teaching and will encompass anthropol ogy, ethics, corporate social responsibility, governance, sustainability, and under standing of the current so cialThereality.curricula will em brace the efficacy of the market economy, while also emphasizing that economic activity must serve the com mon good, especially by meeting the needs of the poor and the excluded. Ad ditionally, curricula will stress that all private and public economic activity must be based on environ mentally sustainable prac tices.The second goal cen ters on the use of the Igna tian pedagogical paradigm, which Joseph explained recognizes the importance of context, experience, re flection, action, and evalu ation.“The Ignatian paradigm is one of holistic forma tion,” the June 2020 paper states. “It seeks to inculcate the right attitudes and val ues in our students based on the premise that ‘becoming’ is more important than sim ply knowing. A ‘co-curricu lar’ component, including direct contact with the poor and excluded, is central.” The final facet of Joseph’s work will involve develop ing a vision of the skills needed by the next genera tion of business leaders. According to Joseph, Jesuit business education must build upon the foun dation of humanities and technical education and include the essential skills needed for a “new kind of leadership.”TheInspirational Para digm calls for these new leaders to view uncertainty and ambiguity as opportuni ties and to rely on creativity, communication, and story telling as important skills for bringing about positive change. At the same time, they must view leadership as an opportunity to serve others and the common good.Joseph graduated from Le Moyne in 1983. He served as president and CEO of Oneida Ltd. — one of the world’s largest designers, marketers, and distributors of housewares products — from 2006 to 2012, leading the company’s turnaround and subsequent sale to Monomoy Capital Partners in Recently,2011.hewas elected lead director of the Austinbased, publicly traded real estate development compa ny Stratus Properties, Inc. He has been on the board since 2015. At Le Moyne, Joseph served as the Madden School executive-in-resi dence from 2012 to 2014. He was then appointed dean of the Madden School in 2014 and special assistant to the president in 2017. In 2021, he was elected to his third three-year term on the International Asso ciation of Jesuit Business Schools Board of Directors. In spring 2021, the Car roll School of Management at Boston College named him its inaugural Ignatian Global Carroll School Fel low. The fellowship was established to further con nect the Carroll School to the global network of Jesuit business teachers/scholars andJosephinstitutions.iscurrently pur suing a doctorate in ex ecutive leadership from Le Moyne. His dissertation

On Aug. 1, Jim Joseph, Cazenovia resident and dean of the Madden School of Business at le Moyne College, was invited to serve on the international Association of Je suit Universities task Force supporting the inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education.

SuBmitted pHotoS

Home of The Colligan Family Week of Aug. 31, 2022 FREE • Proudly serving Cazenovia sinCe 1808 CazenoviarePubliCan Com PENNY SAVER: CNY’S BEST BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY INSIDE! WORK  BUY  SELL  TRADE  GET IT DONE Volume 213, Number 35 The Cazenovia Republican is published weekly by Eagle News. Office of Pub lication: 35 Albany St., Second Floor, Cazenovia, NY 13035. Periodical Post age Paid at Cazenovia, NY 13035, USPS 095-260. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Cazenovia Republican, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206. Milestones: Cazenovia couple to wed. PAGE 2 sports: Cazenovia boys golf routs Lafay ette in opener. PAGE 15 LABOR DAY CAleNdAr 13 ediTOriAl 6 hiSTOrY 7 leTTerS 6 mileSTONeS 2 ObiTUArieS 15 PeNNYSAVer 8 SPOrTS 15 Caz resident to serve on international task force for Jesuit Business Education

Earlier this month, local nurse practitioner Jessica Col by, MSN, WHNP-C opened Revive Vitamin & Hydration infusion lounge on Route 20 in Cazenovia.

Revive l Page 2 Task force l Page 3


The infusions are administered in a space that Colby described as quiet, calm, and“[Therelaxing.lounge has] great chairs that vibrate and recline if people want a little nap or massage during their infusion,” she said. “They can do whatever they like — read, sleep, be on their phone, chat with a friend, listen to music.” In addition to infusions, Revive also of fers subcutaneous and intramuscular injec tions of certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12 for energy and vitamin D3 for helping to regulate mood in the winter months.

Blend,” the “De-Stress Blend,” the “Pain Relief Blend,” and the “Myers’ Infusion,” a popular mix of B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium based on the first vitamin infusion mix, developed by John Myers, M.D. in 1954. “My menu is a little bit bigger than most vitamin clinics, because I was really trying to make it so someone could find what they were looking for,” Colby said. Upon each client’s arrival, Colby takes time to collect a brief health history and discuss their individual goals and symp toms to determine the most suitable infu sion mix and treatment frequency.

The entrepreneur said that given the number of event venues in town, she is hoping to offer her services — particu larly her “Hangover Relief Blend” and “Beauty Blend” infusions — to wedding parties leading up to and following the bigToday.learn more about Revive and its of ferings, visit Caz couple to wed

2 Aug. 31, 2022 Cazenovia republicaneagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Help Wanted Crossing Guards (permanent and subs) Contact the Cazenovia Police Department at 315-655-3276 for information or stop in the Village Office for an application. We VolunteerNeed: Crew Coordinators, Drivers and EMT’s for all shifts. Come join our family group and see what community is all about! For more information call: 315-655-9798 or 315-655-0300 Visit the Eagle Newspaper Facebook page to sign up for our NEW digital edition. Wake up to the Cazenovia Republican in your inbox every Wednesday morning! Sponsored by 123168Tel: (315) 655-8101 Did you know That any prearranged or prepaid funerals may be transferred to another funeral home at any time? Call us if you have any questions. I’ve growingbeenplantsfor23yearsthatthriveinCNY. 25 varieties PERENNIAL SALE Small Pots - 5 for $20 1 Gallon - $9 Clematis - $15 Climbing Rose Bushes - $25 MUMS MUMS Eagle Newspapers is here to help readers share their milestone celebrations, including birth announcements, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and milestone birthdays. The deadline to submit an announcement is 10 a.m. the Friday before publication. Announcements of up to 250 words with a photo cost just $50, with an additional 15 cents per word over 250 words. Announcements will be posted to within 24 hours of receipt of payment. To submit a milestone announcement, email Alyssa Dearborn at, or call 315.434.8889 ext. 305. Share your milestone celebrations! MilESTONES

The injectable vitamins and nutrients administered by Revive are purchased only from FDA approved and regulated 503(a) and 503(b) compounding pharmacies. Colby received her bachelor of science in nursing at Boston College and her grad uate nursing degree at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She said she always aspired to own a business, but for many years she was un sure of how best to incorporate her clinical skills, education, and strengths. She was introduced to IV vitamin ther apy by a friend and fellow nurse practitio ner who opened a vitamin and hydration infusion lounge a couple hours away dur ing the COVID-19 pandemic. At the time, Colby, who has multiple autoimmune disorders and was on immu nosuppressants, had stepped away from her job to protect her health prior to the release of the vaccines. She said that while experiencing an ulcerative colitis flare-up, she sought out her friend’s services to help her absorb nu trients, feel a little better, and have more energy.Despite several hospitalizations and medications, the flare-up did not subside, and Colby was forced to undergo three sur geries, the first of which was a year ago. She recalled that she was unable to work at that point and couldn’t get the idea of IV vitamin therapy out of her head. According to Colby, her interest in the technique was inspired not only by the benefits she personally experienced, but also by the potential she saw in it for help ing“Iothers.worked a lot in women’s health,” she said. “I would come across women who lost days [at a time] to something like a migraine, where they would be in their bed, unable to care for their family or themselves or go to their jobs because they just needed dark and quiet. There’s an in fusion, which is really focused on migraine relief, that [people in that state can get] and it just knocks it right out. This idea of feeling better and getting back to living is really what got me hooked.” To learn more about IV vitamin therapy, Colby took a course and started research ing the treatment. “I thought, ‘This is it; this is what I can see myself doing,’” she said. “. . . Learning [the business side] kind of kept me sane while I was recovering from my three sur geries.”ForColby, who has resided in Cazen ovia for the past four years, starting her business within her own community was important. Not only did she believe her services could benefit the population, but she was also eager to get to know people better after two years of the pandemic and a year of self-isolation due to her health. She learned about her current space, located above the Reflections of You sa lon near Nelson Corners, during a hair appointment with Stephanie ParkhurstHaight, owner of both the salon and the building.“Wekept talking about it, and we felt like it was a very good fit,” said Colby, who spent several months renovating the second floor with help from her family. Since opening, Colby has already worked with clients seeking help with COVID recovery, weight loss, increased energy, and boosted immunity.

l From page 1Revive


Mari Valonis and Jonny Haines

The of Mari Valonis (Dickson City, PA) Jonny Haines (Sackets Harbor, N.Y.) residents of Ca zenovia was announced on Aug. 11, 2022, during a trip to Cape May, N.J. with the Valonis family. Jonny asked for Mari’s hand in marriage while looking for sea glass at Sunset Beach and Mari accepted. Their wedding is slated for early autumn 2023, the of ficial date and location of the event is yet to be affirmed, but they plan to hold the ceremony in Cazenovia. Anyone wanting to wish congratulations to the couple may email them at or just say hello when you see them around town. They’re looking forward to continuing to call Caz their home as they move forward with their lives together - the town where they first met and have made many friends and many memories as well.

Aug. 31, 2022 3Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source Registration is now open for Fall Session 1 beginning on September 12th BeginnerAdultclinicsFridayorSaturdayat10:00amJuniorRookiesclinics (ages 7-9) Thursday or Friday5:00pmat Call Brian at 315 870 0405 or visit our website for more details at Free overgrip with racquet stringing or $5 off a new replacement grip. September Pro Shop Special will explore collaboration within the Jesuit business school worldwide network. At the time of his appointment to the Inspiration al Paradigm task force, he had completed all the required coursework and was preparing to defend his dissertation in spring 2023. “When I left the private sector and re turned to my alma mater, I had two goals in mind,” said Joseph. “[Number one,] give back to Le Moyne College by help ing to build not only a top-ranked business school, but one with a heart and soul. The Madden School has become all of this and more. [Number two,] give back to the Jesuit Order on a global scale. This appointment is another step in that direction.” To learn more about the Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education, visit digm jesuit-business-education l From page 1 Task force

4 Aug. 31, 2022 Cazenovia republicaneagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Aug. 31, 2022 5Eagle News CNY’s Community News Source “Fresh From OurProduceFarm” Like us Facebookon OPEN: Thursdays & Fridays 10am-5pm. Saturdays & Sundays 10am-4pm Closed: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays 6905 Route 80, Tully, New York (315) 683-5532 • WE DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT OR DEBIT CARDS • Mums • Combo Pots • Geraniums • Wave Petunias • Millet • Flowering Kale & Cabbage • Hanging Baskets • Houseplants • Cactus • Aloe • Succulents • Herbs • Cut Flower Bouquets - Local Beef - Maple Syrup - Straw - Potting Soil - Mulch - Gardening Soil - Top Soil - Compost - Peat Moss - Fertilizer - Lime - Gift Certificates areMelonsready “We Grow Our Own”ROWE’S PENNSYLVANIAFAMOUSPEACHES Satisfaction: We Make It Right! Thursday’s 3-6 pm at Manlius True Value 8225 Cazenovia Road, Manlius, NY 13104 Phone @ the Farm: 315-852-9821 from DeRuyter NY

Tiger is back…not By doNNa Photo by Donna

as a player… a leader! CNY SPCA PET OF THE WEEK Noodle Needs a home


can be heard on

Perry Noun is the former executive director of the Northeastern NY PGA as well as a competitive amateur golfer and win Perry Noun “Tee News Radio 570 WSYR 106.9FM.

I submitted the article below about 4 hours before Jay Monaghan, President of the PGA Tour, announced his newest “Revenue Sharing Plan” for Tour players on television to the media and golf fans all over the world. I believe strongly his announcement is a direct result of the meeting I write about in my article below Last week Tiger Woods ew up to Wilmington, Delaware from his home in Jupiter, Florida to attend a meeting with an undisclosed number of PGA Tour players who were competing in the BMW Championship. Rickie Fowler joined Tiger on the ight and also attended the meeting including Rory McIIroy, Justin omas, Will Zalatoris, Xander Schau ele, Patrick Cantlay, who won the BMW Championship for the 2nd year in a row, and several other players. Although no one who attended the meeting was willing to disclose any speci c details of what was discussed, the players certainly acknowledged there was unity going forward to come up with speci c ideas that would improve the PGA Tour.Although Tiger did not compete in the BMW Championship, he was there for one reason and one reason only…to PRESIDE over the meeting to show his continued support of the PGA TOUR in their new battle for supremacy over the new start up challenger…the LIV Tour. You might remember that Tiger made his position perfectly clear at this years British Open when he said the PGA Tour players who le , “turned their backs” on the entity that allowed them to succeed and felt the new LIV Tour, led by Greg Norman was wrong. ose were strong words by Tiger that weekend and they remain powerful and impactful today and I believe this is the reason Tiger is now the new LEADER of the PGA Tour players. Rory McIIroy put his feelings this way, “It’s impactful, and I think it shows how much he cares about the Tour and how much he cares about the players that are coming through and are going to be the next generation. We’re moving into a di erent era and we just have to think about things a little di erently”.



When Rory was asked what role Tiger is playing, he said, “He is the hero that we’ve all looked up to. His voice carries further than anyone else’s in the game of golf. His role is navigating us to a place where we all think we should be”. Let’s face it…the PGA Tour had it made for over 20 years promoting the game of golf. ey had a new young PGA Tour player named Tiger that got over 5 million new golfers to start playing golf and millions more to watch golf on television. ey started making more money than at any other time in their history. In the 10 years before Tiger started playing on the PGA Tour, the leading money winner earned a total of $653,296. Can you name the player? It was Greg Norman, believe it or not. How ironic! Let’s go 10 years ahead to 1996, the year Tiger arrived on Tour, Tom Lehman was the leading money winner, over the ten year period, with a total of $1.78 million. In Tiger’s rst 10 years on Tour, he was the total leading money winner with earnings of $10.6 million. Tiger has earned just over $120 million playing golf on the PGA Tour and is personally responsible for creating opportunities for all PGA Tour players to become millionaires. One thing seems certain…TIGER WOODS WILL CONTINUE TO BE INVOLVED. Justin omas, one of Tiger’s best friends put it this way, “If he’s not behind something, then one, it’s probably not a good idea in terms of the betterment of the game. Two, it’s just not going to work. He needs to be behind something. I think he’s been a great kind of leading role in a lot of ways in the game for a lot of us”.

ner of the New York State Super Senior Amateur Championship.

newman There are many different noodles in the world – egg noodle, Thai chicken noodle, even a pool noodle - but none is as fun as a dog named Noodle! This cutie came to the shel ter as a stray. We think he’s five years old, but he acts like a fifty-pound puppy. Noodle is a good-natured guy would do well in a home with respectful kids. While Noodle is full of energy and always ready to go on the next adventure, his favorite place is by your side. If you’re looking for fun and a friend for life, Noodle is the dog for you! If you’d like to learn more about adoption, email frontdesk!@ or call 315454-4479.

Time With The Pro noun” on...

Apply for free school lunches

Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat. Ferro

To the Wheneditor:your kids go back to school across our state this fall, their school breakfast and lunch won’t automatically be free like they have been through the pandemic. We know many kids struggle with hunger at home, and getting them a healthy breakfast and lunch ensures they can thrive in and out of the classroom. But because federal rules have switched back to the pre-pandemic status quo, families and caregivers in many areas, including Central New York, will have to submit an appli cation to qualify for free or reduced-price meals. If you’re a parent, it’s incredibly important to fill it out right away. You can find them on your school or district’s website, or in person at school offices.Beyond ensuring your kids can get their school meals, the forms may qualify your fam ily for additional benefits like discounted exam fees and college applications, extracurriculars, scholarship opportunities, and even home wi-fi. They can also help your child’s school secure ad ditional classroom resources that will support all students’ education. So as you’re checking things off your back to school to-do list, be sure to fill out the school meal application. After all, nutritious school meals are as important to students’ learning as notebooks and pencils. rachel saBella Director of no KiD hungry new yorK

Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 10 a.m. for the next week’s paper.

Classified Advertising Deadline: Thursday at 10 a.m. for the following week’s paper.

Our vOiCE

mark Burger executive Director, ononDaga county SwcD

6 Aug. 31, 2022 Eagle NewsCNY’s Community News Source VIEWPOINTS Eagle News

To the Lookingeditor:out the window from time to time each day, each week, each month and each year, I seeDogsthem!of all breeds, sizes, shapes and names. Some are under control and some are out of control.Names like Charley, Henry, Buddy, Beauty, Gus, Teddy and Ozzie have all pranced by at one time or another. Sooner or later, they all fade away like a calendar on a wall. The love and run they brought to so many households can not be measured on a scale. These unforgettable four-legged characters could always be found on one end of a leash with pages of our lives attached to the other. DANIEL LAWLESS fayetteville FROM THE MAILBAG

“He built that for me,” she said with great pride. It was a lovely house.The narration continued as we passed the fields where the fall vegetables were growing and learned which member of the family was responsible for them. It was to the Barn at the Farm Café we headed next. Jane had told us about its origins as a hundred-year-old barn. We were interested after a hot and more than humid afternoon of berry picking. Inside we saw the result of expert craftmanship in the addition, faithful to age of the hundred-year-old barn to which is was attached. . The cocktails were great too.

emptyfromRamblingsthenest Ann

Eagle News welcomes letters to the editor, and reserves the right to edit for space, clarification or to avoid obscenity, but ideas will not be altered. Letters should be legible and no more than 500 words long. Only one let ter per month will be allowed by the same writer. The editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject submit ted letters based on its discretion. Letters used do not necessarily reflect the newspaper’s opinions. Anonymous letters receive no consideration. Send letters to or Eagle Newspapers, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, N.Y. 13206. Editorial deadline is noon each Friday for the following week’s edition. Eagle News reserves the right to reject any advertising it does not deem appropriate. Refunds for errors and omissions in advertising are limited to the cost of the original ad.

Farmers and the fair To the editor: It’s that time of year again, time to get excited for the NYS Fair! We are especially excited to see the Milk Bar return with strawberry milk. Prepare yourselves for the spectacle of the iconic butter sculpture, the dairy barn, and the cow birthing center. Don’t forget about the crop growing contest results located in the Horticultural Building. What is often forgotten during our 13-day celebration of agriculture is that production agriculture is a tough, complex, costly job. Dairy farmers are required to maintain compliance with extensive state and federal regulation. Often the romantic image we painted of production agri culture during the Fair neglects the details of farming.Many are unaware that farms are required to maintain sufficient land to responsibly apply manure, or that farms follow a detailed plan to apply nutrients prescribed by a certified CAFO planner.Recycled nutrients in manure fertilized crops help maintain soil health. A dairy farmer in 2022 must comply with many additional regulations dictating the timing of manure applications than at any other time in our state’s history. As a result, farms store these recycled nutri ents close to the agricultural lands facilitating the incorporation of nutrients in the spring, summer, and fall, as dictated by the crop, soil nutrients, and climactic conditions. So, let’s take these next two weeks to celebrate the Great NYS Fair, and in so doing, applaud our farmers, regulatory folks, and all those behind the scenes bringing strawberry milk to the Milk Bar, and butter turned into a sculpture.

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To all the dogs

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Focus on wellness

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The month of August was dedicated to National Wellness Month, but no matter what month or day it may be there is never a bad time to take your overall health and wellness into consideration. Both mentally and physically our well ness is vital and these are things that like any other aspect of our lives need and deserve time to be focused on. And increasingly in recent years we are coming to have a better understanding of the connection between these two aspects of ourselves and how they collectively play a role in how we feel. In a world that moves ever faster and is connected 24/7 and where the line between work and personal life is blurry, we are realizing that the constant toll on our mental wellness can impact our physi cal wellness and manifest in physical ways with feelings of being tired or rundown or mentally drained. But many agree that by taking some time to focus on wellness and do things that benefit our personal wellbeing we can break this cycle. But as difficult as it can be to find the time, our awareness of how important this is continues to grow as we come to better understand the toll constant stress can take on our health. While there are numerous opinions about ways to better care for our overall wellness, there seems to be consensus around several key things that we can do to improve our overall wellness. Doing an online search can provide a great deal of information to consider and of course speaking with your healthcare provider is an important resource when you are making any decisions about your health and wellness. Some common examples include things like exercise, even 30 minutes a day, is be lieved to have significant benefits to both physical and mental health. Exercise, depending on what form it takes, can have a variety of benefits. It can help improve mood while also helping maintain a healthy weight or helping with weight loss, it can boost energy, help with pain management and improve cardiovas cular health among other benefits. Along with exercise stretching is also recommended, not only to help muscles before and after exercise but also for over all health benefits. For people who may work in a situa tion where they are on their feet all day or people who work at desks, stretching can help with aches and pains as well as help with back pain and better posture. Stretching can also help us relax and release some stress benefiting our mental health as well. And as we better understand the con nection between our physical and mental wellness we are learning how feeling bet ter and relieving those aches and pains can help improve our mental feeling of wellbe ing.It is also recommended to take some time to get outside, especially exercise like going for a walk or hike and getting some fresh air have been found to improve memory and help lower blood pressure while also helping improve mood. When exercising or in general focusing on breathing is also recommended as deep breathing has been found to help relive stress and when we are stressed it has been found we often take shallow breaths and may even hold our breath, tensing up over time. Deep breathing can help relive that.And other factors such as getting enough sleep are vital to our physical and mentalLackwellbeing.ofsleephas been connected with weight gain, depression and anxiety and can even take a toll on our immune system. And getting enough water is also highly recommended.Hydrationwe know plays an important roll in our health. In the warmer months of summer being dehydrated can be danger ous but staying hydrated can help our body manage nutrients, lower blood pres sure and improve our mood. Other things like taking a break from social media and taking the time to con nect with friends and family can also play an important part in how we feel and our overall health and well being.

The heat was oppressive, but we were determined to finally pick some black raspberries. I was my jam making time of the year and I wouldn’t be deterred. Outfitted with buckets, baskets and fans that hung around the neck, we headed to Navarino Orchards. One sticking point had me bit wor ried. The berries are a tad bit on the far away side from the parking lot and, since my walking ability is what you might categorize as minimal, getting from said park ing lot to the picking area was a problem.But,ever resourceful, I had a plan. Cane at the ready, I started the trek out to the berry patch ahead of the spouse, thinking that at his normal pace, he would catch up to me when I was about half way there. While it was a scorcher of a day, with humidity near 90 percent, the lack of rain had left the ground dry. As I teetered and wobbled along, my footfalls and cane sent clouds of dust into the air. I heard it before I saw it. An interesting, rather beat-up vehicle looking like a cross between a truck and a jeep pulled up beside me. In the driver’s seat, an athlet ically-slim gal of what we might call a “certain age” offered me and my fast-approaching spouse a ride. I enthusiastically accepted. We scrambled into the seat and our driver, whose name was Jane, took us the rest of the way to the area of the patch “where few go to pick.”According to Jane, “Most start in the front and never reach this back area. It’s full of berries.” Jane stayed with us as we began to pick, adding berries to the bas kets of each of us while offering a few pointers on how to gather our harvest“Pullquickly.backthe leaves,” she said. “Everyone forgets to do that - look underneath.” I complemented her on the way the berries had been cared for, obviously wired up, watered and weeded out, morphing into a reminiscence of the wild black caps that my grandmother and I picked … a thousand years ago. Jane responded with her own memories of the same where she grew up on a farm in Marcellus. “I’m a Leach,” she said. “Mar ried a man from South Onon daga.”“Inever finished high school; we got married young. People did that in those days. My life has been my family and this,” she said, as she waved her hand indi cating the wide expanse of berries and apple trees. Our volunteer chauffer and expert berry picker stayed with us as we filled our containers as we chatted about life and family. She then asked, “How old are you?Iresponded, “82.” “Me too,” she said. “When’s your birthday?” I told her June 7, and she replied, “Well, I’ll be! Mine is JuneShe4.”sidled next to me and told me how lucky I was to have my husband with me in a voice meant for my spouse to hear. “My husband died too young. He was so good at everything he did - he created this business; he was the best carpenter.” She stepped back and waved her hand at the farm … “all this and my house and the barn. When you are finished I’ll take you on a tour of theOffplace.”again on the ancient Gator, our guide took us past the various field where the different varieties of apples were grown, adding a lively narration about their uses and when they would be ripe. As we rounded one of the apple or chards, there, in the middle of the ripening apples, was Jane’s house.

Jane’s daughter, Brenda, joined us and expanded on the birth of this café. “A relative wanted to get married here and so we did built this venue. There is even a bridal suite upstairs.” As we were leaving, I thanked Jane for her hospitality and asked her how she maintained her health and energy. “What do you eat?” I asked. “Dry Cheerios, water and coffee … that’s it.” Her daughter and the bartender verified her claim. As we headed home, I said to no one in particular, “I think Jane’s diet a try.” After my spouse stopped laugh ing, I continued… “after I make and eat a black raspberry pie.”




AFC North – The onus is on Cincin nati to prove that its magical 2021-22 wasn’t a one-year wonder. A retooled Bengals offensive line is sure to get challenged by a healthy Baltimore who will want to run right at them. Pittsburgh moving on from Ben Roethlisberger proved less troublesome than what Cleveland did, hitching its future to troubled DeShaun Watson, the Browns perhaps not caring about the brutal PR blowback it has already received.

NFC East – Were it not for all the inher ent pressure any team in Dallas faces, the Cowboys might like its long-term chances with any amount of defensive improvement. Philadelphia is ahead of schedule and still might not have that allimportant franchise QB. A new regime should make the Giants far more competi tive and watchable, at least better than a Washington Commanders side that might be years (and competent ownership) from real renewal.

Less than five years later, Basla stands behind the tasting room bar of his own fam ily operated distillery in Cazenovia and is giving back to his hometown community by creating local spirits and more local jobs. The Basla/Ruddy family purchased a 90-acre property, built in 1817, known as “The Maples,” in 2014 and began construction of the Madison County Distillery in 2016 – a 5,000 square foot rustic distillery located at 2412 Route 20 East in Cazenovia near Aldi’s. The distillery’s first spirit, Stone Quarry Vodka, can be found at restaurants and liquor stores like the Bae Loch Inn, JS Hight & Sons wine and liquor store in Cazenovia and the tasting rooms at Seneca Street Brewpub in Manlius and Good Nature Brewing Company in Hamilton. In the near future, the dis tillery plans to add brown spirits such as whiskey to the mix and, last week, began the testing phase for General’s Gin.

OPINION years Ago in History

After nearly eight years from idea to completion, the new 80-room Hampton Inn and Suites Cazenovia held its official grand opening ribbon cutting Wednesday morning, Aug. 24. Numerous local, regional and state dignitaries, including Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, participated in the event and called it a huge benefit, not only to Cazen ovia, but to Madison County as well. “This creates an opportunity for people to come see what we know about this region,” said Hochul. “As someone who travels the whole state, you’ve got something special here.” Hochul, who hails from Buffalo and completed her undergraduate degree at Syracuse University, praised the hotel and Central New York region as a beautiful place to visit and stay. She said projects like the Hampton Inn are “telegraphing statements” that upstate communities build on the strengths of their past to grow and thrive for their future. “Other people want to share in this and they need a place to stay,” she said. “I think this is just the beginning.”

The New York Landmarks Conservancy recently announced 23 Sacred Sites Grants totaling $294,500 will be awarded to historic religious properties throughout New York state – including $1,500 to the First Presbyterian Church in Cazenovia. “You don’t have to be religious to understand that religious institutions contain some of our finest art and architecture. Many also provide vital social service programs and cultural activities that make significant contributions to their communities,” said Peg Breed, president of The New York Landmarks Conservancy. “The First Presbyterian Church in Cazenovia, New York was pledged a $1,500 grant towards a project to repair and replace rotted and missing trim on the wood tower. Past grants for the church have supported stained-glass restoration, roof and structural repairs and steeple restoration.” The First Presbyterian Church of Cazenovia was the first church built in Cazenovia and was moved to its pres ent location on the village green in 1828. The wood-frame building was designed by Philip Hooker, the designer of Hyde Hall in Cooperstown and many public buildings in Albany, and was completed in 1806.

Another National Foot ball League season starts Thursday when the Los Angeles Rams, defending its crown, welcome a Buffalo Bills side bent on finally delivering a Lombardi Trophy to its division, here’s how every thing looks. AFC East – Thinking that he was the missing piece, the Bills nabbed Von Miller, wanting its defense to resemble the unstop pable offense Josh Allen leads. Around them, New England lurks as quietly as it ever has in the millennium, allowing Mi ami to grab headlines by acquiring Tyreek Hill, though that alone won’t threaten Buffalo’s place on top. The Jets remain in perpetual purgatory, hoping that young tal ent on both sides finally starts to blossom.

There, familiar and tired narratives might take over, but all of them get cast aside if the Bills’ lifetime ambitions lead to a prize that makes a lifetime of heartache worth all the pain.

Arizona might have too much drama to really make a title push. Seattle, unaccus tomed to rebuilding for a decade, now must do so.And where does this all lead? To Glen dale, the Cardinals’ home stadium, where next February all of civilization will stop and grade the commercials, gawk at the halftime show (and might even like it) and some of them might even pay attention to the game without a betting interest.

NFC West – The pure greatness of Aaron Donald (who really is the league’s best player) and Cooper Kupp will assure that the Rams don’t get complacent in its quest to repeat. Trey Lance is thrown into the deep end in San Francisco, where the Niners hope he can lead them back to glory.

NFC North – What allows Green Bay to break in new and unproven receivers (and fix the special teams that killed them a season ago) is the disrepair around the Pack. Minnesota brought in a new coach and GM but might not have upgraded its roster yet. Chicago, also with new leadership, is com mitted to tearing it all down, no matter the time frame, and while Detroit has certainly bottomed out, the Lions still might be a season from really breaking out.

SuBMITTED By PATTy catalaNo cce maDiSon county When people say the word “farmer,” what images come to mind? Maybe you think of someone who works the land or someone who has animals or maybe someone who grows their own food but will also sell their products, some one who runs a dairy and in general, someone who isn’t afraid to get dirt under their nails. Which one of these is right? All of the above, and more, of course!

AFC South – Tennessee, who had the conference’s best record a season ago, might rue trading A.J. Brown, putting even more pressure on Derrick Henry to produce. Indianapolis simply needs a consistent Matt Ryan to complement an otherwise solid ros ter. Jacksonville is free of Urban Meyer and can now start to climb, perhaps even ahead of Houston, whose talent dearth won’t get solved for at least a couple of years.

ThoughtsRandom Phil Blackwell

Phil Blackwell is sports editor at Eagle News. He can be reached at pblackwell@

8 years ago – Sept. 3, 2014 Cazenovia resident Rick Marchant was awarded a Best of Show and a blue ribbon in the New York State Fair’s Fine Arts Exhibition for his oil painting, “Perkins Cove.” Of the 1,100 pieces submitted in the fine arts competition, 300 were selected for exhibition and awards given in professional, amateur, youth and wildlife art divisions. Marchant won first place in the professional category, and then Best of Show among all four divi sions. “I enjoy participating in this show because it is so well organized and so well at tended,” said Marchant, who has submitted to the state fair competition seven times and won multiple ribbons. “Because it will be viewed by thousands, I try to submit work that represents my best effort.”

it’s hard work. It’s roll ing with the punches, making a plan and then adjusting it, adjusting it again, and again, until some days you wonder if you’re really running this show. The answer to that is: of course you aren’t. The weather runs the show. The animals, sometimes run the show. The pests and diseases sometimes run the show. The crops also run the show. Your job is to take what time you’ve been given in each day and work around the many challenges that shape every day, every week, month, and year. And that takes quite a lot of gumption.Ifit’ssuch hard work, if there are so many chal lenges, why become a farmer? Because every one who has set out to become a farmer to shape the land, sooner or later realizes that actually, the land ends up shaping you. You know the time of year for the most beau tiful sunrises, you know the point of ripeness at which that fall raspberry will melt in your mouth, you know how to smell when rain is coming, and you know the relief that comes when those first raindrops fall after a long dryThere’sspell. a lot to learn when you become a farmer. You will learn it one challenging thing at a time. But that doesn’t mean you have to go in blind.CCE Madison has a lot of great resources, including staff people, who are here to help you getStartingstarted. Sept. 1 for five consecutive Thurs days, CCE Madison will be hosting a Becoming a Small Farm series which includes: Reading the Land, Soils; the back bone of your farm, Pur chasing Your Land, Are You Ready for Animals? and Leaving Your Land in Good Hands. Full class descriptions with links to register can be found here: emailstycce.orwebsiteCounty,tiveonfarmseriecornell/

NFC South – We all know that if Tampa Bay makes it two championships in three seasons, a person with the initials TB will get all the attention and glory – and it’s not new head coach Todd Bowles, or any other player on a still-loaded Bucs roster. New Or leans, with a great defense, can successfully move on from Sean Payton. Carolina might not improve enough to save Matt Ruhle’s job, while in Atlanta the Falcons are full of young energy, and that’s about it.


Farmers come from all walks of life. In our formerly agrarian society, just about everyone was a farmer. It was as normal to grow food for your own family as it was to take a breath of air. These days, not everyone is a farmer or wants to be one, but in Madison County, more and more people are getting inter ested in what it takes to work the land, to feed themselves and others and to rely on their own two hands to support themselves and their families.Iffarming is anything,

6 years ago – Aug. 31, 2016

4 years ago – Aug. 29, 2018

When Lieutenant General Mike Basla retired from the Air Force and was asked what he wanted to do next, he said, “I want to make something in Americal and create jobs.”

Aug. 31, 2022 7Eagle News CNY’s Community News Source 030033 New digouts, resurface, repair or seal driveways, parking lots, roads, etc. Free estimates. Call Al LaMont, anytime, (315) 481-7248 cell Email: 123160 Handy Man, Home Improvements, Additions, Garages, Replacement Windows, Siding, Electrical, Brush Chipper, Kitchen/Bath and Basement Remodeling. Peter Baker Owner 315-289-2170 TREES • SHRUBS • LAND CLEARING Fast Response - Professional Service Call John Benedict•315-439-8326 TREE REMOVAL Help Wanted - Call for info • Large Selection Of Frames • High Quality Personal Service • Fit all Eyeglass Prescriptions • Contact Lenses - All Types • Most Insurance & Union Programs Accepted • Eye Examinations ALFRED RUSSITANO, Optician 174 Canal St., Canastota • 697-3334 CANALOPTICALTOWN INDOOR STORAGE Baldwinsville, NY Boats, Campers, Autos, etc. Rates start @ $220 for season. Please call for 315-626-2466/315-224-4252details: 030444 Support Your Community SHOP LOCAL! To Advertise Call 315-434-8889 One on One Personalized Fitness Training For All Levels Cy Gatewood - Owner/Trainer IronFitnessGrit Call for a personal consultation: Cazenovia, NY Jamesville Hardware 6515 East Seneca Turnpike, Jamesville N.Y. 13078 (315) 469-2888 Pick-up & Delivery • Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-2 All Major Credit Cards Accepted Bob Powell - Owner • Small Engine Repair • Sharpening Service • Screen & Glass Repair • Lamps Re-Wired • Oil Lamps & Supplies • Dietz Lanterns & Parts • Porches • Decks • Windows • Doors • Kitchen/Bathroom •Remodeling • Additions • Electrical • Barn Repairs 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE Steve Derek Sandy 315-655-5975 Riedl’s Renovations


10 years ago – Aug. 29, 2012

AFC West – Yeah, this division is loaded. Kansas City’s once-secure place at the helm could get threatened by any of the other three. The talent-rich Chargers only need to stay whole to at least secure a playoff spot. Davante Adams gives the Vegas Raid ers its best receiver since Tim Brown, but can it stop anyone? Denver is convinced Russell Wilson, and all his big-game and leadership skills, leads a Broncos revival.

A long-awaited NFL crown?

8 Aug. 31, 2022 Eagle NewsCNY’s Community News Source PENNY SAVER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. ACROSS1.Taxi4.Cattledisease (abbr.) 7. Before the present 8. They burn in a grill 10. Enough (archaic) 12. “A Doll’s playwrightHouse” 13. Long loop of cloth worn around the waist 14. Napoleonic Wars battle 16. Chinese surname 17. Fragrant essential oil 19. Follows sigma 20. Model 21. A place with many dining options 25. BBQ dish 26. Corn comes on it 27. A sheep in its second year 29. Triad 30. They __ 31. Actor DiCaprio 32. TV’s “Edith Bunker” 39. Sustenance 41. Man who dishonorablybehaves 42. Cause a loud, harsh sound 43. A way to take in liquids 44. Gene type 45. The Miami mascot is one 46. Excessive tissuesaccumulationuidin 48. Casino machine 49. Contains cerium 50. Something with a letter-like shape 51. HandwovenScandinavian rug 52. Legendary actress DOWNRuby1.Conqueror2.Kinrelation3.Increasesthe value of 4.5.PackPopular nut 6. Dogs’ enemies 8. Former OSS 9. Unpleasant person 11. Come again? 14. Beverage container 15. Rock formation 18. Dorm of cial 19. The bill in a restaurant 20. Type of jug 22. Importance requiring swift action 23. Out t 24. Small Eurasian deer 27. Weight used in China 28. A major division of geological time 29. Popular beverage 31. Con ned condition (abbr.) 32. Practical joking 33. Pouchlike structure 34. Pound 35. Lilly and Manning are two 36. Stopped discussing 37. Baltimore ballplayer 38. Candymaker 39. One thousandth of a second (abbr.) 40. Northern sea duck 44. Partner to cheese 47. 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Our Tr aile rs will NOT RUI N your driv eway ! $20 off when you me nti on t his a d Call 315 884 2135 DEMOLI TI ON Great Prices Full y I ns Free Est 50 Years In Busin ess Com/Res Fi sher Compani es 315 652 3773 MILLER ELECTRIC/HVA C Res ide nti al/Comme rci al 24 Hour Emergenc y Ser vic e Small Jobs We lcome Loca lly Owne d & Oper ate d Ov er 25 Ye ars Ex per ience I ns ure d * Lice ns ed Ken 315 2 97 2822 ~LEN'S FLOOR CARE~ F loors Dull & Dir ty? Spec ializi ng In F loor Ca re Com/Res Cl ean & Polis h Floor s Har dwood Cer amic & Tile Car pe t Cl ea ning F ree Es t 315 433 9536 MID S TATE DOOR, INC 505 F ac tor y Ave Sy rac us e Gar age Doors & Ope ne rs Fe aturi ng Amarr Gar age Door s & Spec ialt y Ca rri age House Sal es I ns ta llat ions & Serv ic e M F 8 5, Sat by Appt 315 455 5736 Large Supply of 15 ” 16” Seas oned Spl it Har dwoods Als o 12” & Che rry Wood Av aila ble Any siz e loa d de live red All Cre dit Car ds & HEAP Ac ce pt ed Cal l or Text 315 668 9663 www nort he rnfir ewood ne t CHI MNEY CLEANING SPECIAL Call 315 453 2909 ONONDAGA CHIMNEY & MASONRY SERVI CES Se rv ing Syr acus e for 30 y ea rs We a re ope n & following guidelines ALL TYPES OF BLACKTOP PAVING *Ne w Dig Out s *Res urf ac e *All Re pair s *Driv eway s *Pa rk ing Lot s *Bas ke tba ll Cour ts F ree Es tima te Fully Insured WE PAVE YOU SAVE We Do Conc re te & Ma sonry Wor k Member BBB P LS Constr uction 315 876 0978 Ne w & Repai rs Gar age Fl oor s *Sidewa lks *Founda tion Work Re taining Wa lls Me mbe r BBB We Do Blac kt op Paving Fr ee Est imate Fu lly Insured PLS Construction 315 876 0978 Ov er 20 yrs Exp Remote Re pai rs *Any repai r/v irus re mov ed Amaz on, Al exa & Googl e De vic es Set up *We Come to Your Home or Busines s *Wire le ss Networki ng Apple Suppor t *Smar t TV Set Up cont rol y our home fr om anywhere in the wo rld Cal l Sam 315 378 9061 I will be at a ny writte n es timat e 10% off labor Av aila ble Evenin gs & Week ends www f usi onpcs com BOBCAT, DITCH WI TCH & M INI EXCA VATO R SERVICES Genera l Gr ading *Ex ca vat ion Diggi ng *Ca ble & Dra ina ge Tre nching *Priv ate Unde r Ground Cable Lo ca ting NO J OB TOO SMALL 315 662 3062 BARLETTA ELECTRIC Re s Wiring Li c & Ins Ele ctr icia n New Insta lla t ion & Rewiring F re e Es t Stev e Barl ett a 315 863 1600 KO TARY D RYWALL & PAINTING Wat e r Damage Spec ialis t, Plas ter Wal ls & Ce il ings Re pa ired Tex tur e Cei lings Ove r 45 y ea rs e xp eri ence 315 254 3119 SYRACUSE DUMPSTERS *F as t Se rv ice *L ow Rate s *Up Fr ont Pr ice s 7 Day a Week Delivery 315 629 9050 A1

Aug. 31, 2022 9Eagle News CNY’s Community News Source PENNY SAVER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. QUICK PI CKUPS TO COMPLETE CLEANO UTS Est ate Cl ea nouts Attic Ba se ment & Gara ge Clea nouts Yar d Was te, Cons truct ion Debr is, Hous ehold Clea nouts Di sc ount Dumpster Rental You Load or We Load Se rvi ng CNY s inc e 1998 Fa mily Owned & Oper at ed Fr ee Est imate s * Full y Ins ure d 315 430 1121 Interi or/Exterior Painti ng & Cabinet Refi nis hi ng Free Est , Insured, Ref erences 315 685 1062 www facebook com/a aronpai ntingcny WE MAKE & Repair Most Scr ee ns ! Also New & Insulat ed Glas s & Repair s! Por ch Enc los ur es We hav e Aluminum Combi na tion Stor m & Sc ree n Win dows & Vinyl Re pla ce ment Windows Albert Home Produc ts 117 E Manlius St E Sy ra cus e 315 476 7972 Al's Painting Int er ior / Ex ter ior Unbeat able Price s! Fre e Es t I ns ure d 315 380 0312 Seni or Citi zen & Mil it ar y Dis counts Driveway / Drainag e Landscape / Sand / Stone Dust Hard Fill / Clean Fill Landscaping Geotext ile Fabric (By t he Roll or Sheet) Deliv er y Av aila ble 315 457 2 394 BAR GAI N TREE SERVIC E Re sidential * Commer cia l Complet e tre e & s tump re mova l Ce rt ifie d Climber 315 672 3398 Se n & Milita ry Dis count s F ully I ns , Fr ee Est www bar ga int re es er vic e ne t *ROOFI NG *Siding *Conc re te *Dec ks *Fa sc ia *Sof fit *De molit ion & Any Other of your Home I mprove ment Nee ds ! Ser ving the CNY Area BLESS ED LANDSCA PING Don't le t your Yard get ov er grown Beauti fy it! Call Now i s How! Quality Se rvic e at F air Rat es Spr ing/F all Cle an ups Wee di ng Mulching & More! Fre e Es tima te s *Fu ll y Ins ur ed Se nior Dis counts Ser ving Manl ius F aye tte vi lle Dewitt & Syra cuse “Your Fami ly Company ” 15% off e ver y Landsc aping Job (Limite d ti me off er ) Cal l Today 315 863 8621 GU TTER CLEANIN G GU TTERS HAND YM AN H EATING HO ME IM PRO VEMEN T H OUS E JACKING H OUS E JACKING JU NK HAULIN G LAN DSCAPI NG LAN DSCAPI NG LAWN CA RE MA SON RY M OVI NG SERVICES PAINTIN G PAINTIN G PLUM BING PRINTIN G ROO FING ROTOTILLIN G SCR EEN R EPA IR SN OWPLO WING STO NE STU MP GR INDI NG TREE SERVIC E CONDITIO NED AIR A/C or No He at Serv ic e Cal l Star tin g At $75 or A/C or Furna ce Tu ne Up $75 43 Yea rs Ex pe rie nc e Lic ens ed , Bonde d & Ins ur ed 24 HR Serv ice BBB Member Wit h A+ Ra ting 315 458 2653 Spring Cleanups *Landscaping *Light ing *Mowi ng *Mul ching *Pati o s *Walkw ays Joe 315 463 5611 35 Yea rs Exper ience KI NG OF THE JUNGLE PAINTIN G & CONTRACTI NG Int/ Ex t Painting, Drywa ll, Ge ner al Re pa irs & Power Wa shing Fr ee Est imat es , Rea sonable Rat es, Senior Di scounts Ove r 30 Ye ar s Ex pe rien ce OSHA Ce rti fie d We Acc ept MC/VI Dav id Lalonde 315 751 0370 or 315 455 5860 QUALITY TREE SERVICE Big Tak e Downs, Experi ence d Lands caping Shr ub s & St ump Re mova l F ree Es timat e OSHA Cert ifie d We Ac ce pt MC/ VI Dav id Lalonde 315 751 0370 or 315 455 5860 STU MP GR INDI NG Roots Re move d Fit s thr ough 36” gat e Fa st Rel iabl e Affordable We Show Up! Cal l Davi d 315 516 0241 P AINTING INT/EX T Smal l Wall Repai rs Fair P rices Q ual ity Work Free Est Ins C all 315 744 7198 GREENLAW N MOWING Mul ching Spring Cle an ups Trimming & Landsca pe De sign Prof es sin al & Dependable 20 Ye ars Ex p Serv ing All of CNY Low Pri ces a nd I ns 315 516 3127 HOUSE JACKING *House Camp Ga rage & Porc he s Struct ur al Lev eling & St rai ght ening *ALL WOOD ROT REPAI RS *Support Bea ms & Floor J ois ts *F oundat ion Repai rs *Bowed & Crac ke d Founda tions I nte rior/ Ex t erior *Wa ll Rep air s/Re su rfa ci ng WATERPROOFING We t Bas ements Ma de Dr y! Int er ior /Ext er ior Dr aina ge Sy ste ms Yar d & Gutte r Fou ndation Dra ina ge Ba se me nt Walls Sea led Owners on ALL Proj ec ts No Job To o Sma ll! A Fami ly Bus ines s *Genera tions of Qua lity Work All phas es of inter ior /e xte rior re mode lin g a nd re nova tions , a ddition s finish bas ements & mor e A+ Member of BBB Call Doug 315 727 8900 For a FREE Estim ate EXP ERT CONTRACTING 315 420 7600 Commer ci al & Re sidentia l Roofing & Siding Als o Spec iali zing In Repair Re stora tion of Flat Roofs *Resi denti al Roof ing *Leaks & Repai rs *Siding *Fulll y I ns ur ed Senior Disc ount Fr ee Est imates , Qualit y Work Ov er 30 year s Ex perienc e A+ Rat ing BBB IMMANUEL ENTERPRI SE I NC Roofing & Sidi ng Spe cia list Hone st & Affordable Rat es Insure d 3 15 240 0887 MA SONRY MAN Pa rge Founda tions , Wal ls Chimne y' s & Cella r Wa lls (insi de & out), Cr ac ked Floor J ois t s Replac ed 30 Yea rs Ex p, Ins, F re e Es t Se ni or Di scount Cal l Gary 315 675 9762 or 315 396 1442 Gar y Vona's Lawn Ser vice Mowing Tr imming *Spring/F al l Cl ea nups *Bac khoe/ Dumpt ruck Brus h Hoggi ng Mulch & Tops oil Ex cav at or Se rvi ce (all types of di gging) Commer ica l/Res ide nt ial 315 439 8301 GMS PAI NTI NG Inte rior / Ext erio r De ck Sta ining *Powe r Wa shing Com/Re s Fre e Es tima te Insure d 315 452 0538 Landscape Dami ani's Paint ing Now offe ri ng Lands cape & Ma inte na nc e Cle anups Wee ding Tri mmi ng, Mulc hing, Dec or ati ve St one Old Bush/Brush Re mova l Et c F ully Insure d F ree Es timat es Call or Text 315 807 4305 EAGLE NEWS DES IGN * PRINT *DELIV ER Cal l 315 434 8889 ATTENTI ON !!! JD'S HANDYMAN SERVI CE Money sa ving low p ric es No job too big or s mallI ! “Men us e De wa lt tools th e boys use the c he ap tools Ca ll J D a ny plac e you live we go! MC/VI 7 day s a wee k Call 315 884 2135 Right now you will re ce ive a fr ee $2 5 gift ca rd wi th one of our se rvi ces JD Haule rs J unk & Cl eanout Serv ic e Rates sta rt at $19 00! We Cl ea n Out Att ics , Base ments , She ds, Yar ds Br us h Remov al & Mor e! We ta ke down Gar age s, Sheds, Fe nc es , Pool & Mor e! Ma ke That Junk Go Away! Se rvi ng all of CNY I can t believe they are here already J ob s don e wit hin 6 8hr s! Expres s Sa me Da y Se rv ice ! 315 450 2230 We a re Op en & we a re f ollowing re gulat ions to be s afe ! Sc hafer's J unk & Cleanout Serv ic e WE DO CLEANOUTS Rates start @ $19 00! We Ha ul Away : Applia nc es Tra sh & Ya rd Clea nup Bas eme nt F loo ds She ds Po ols TV's Ti res Pa int Sa me Da y Se rvi ce ! We Go ANYWHERE! 315 884 2135 We ar e Op en & we ar e fol lowing regulat ions to be sa fe! JEFF & LAUREN S Residenti al Moving Servic e Load, Unload, Pak ing Ser vic es , Smal l or Big Als o Clea nouts $$$ Saving Pric es Same Day Express Servi ce “A House hold name You Ca n Trus t JD Haul ers 315 450 2230 We a re Op en & we a re f ollowing re gulat ions to be s afe ! TREE REMOVAL & CLEANUP Rates St arting at $49 We ta ke d own tr ee s, yar d cle aups , br us h re mova l Tre es Removed Land Cle ar ing Sa me Day Se rvi ce Ca ll JD Haulers 315 450 2230 We a re Op en & we a re f ollowing re gulat ions to be s afe ! STEVENS TREE SERVIC E BIG OR SMALL WE DO EM ALL Fa mi ly Owne d & Oper ate d Comple te Tre e Re mov al Se rvi ng CNY *Re sident ial *Comme rc ial *Munic ipa lity *Buc ket Truck *Storm Damage Res tora tion *Spring/F al l Debris Cl ean Up Ful ly Insured Fr ee Est ima te s 315 466 2858 ( lea ve a mess age) or 315 75 0 6002 jody835@gmail c om RELI ABLE ROTOTI LLING Ga rdens, Lawns, Br us h Hog & Post Hole Drilling 315 633 2486 MILLER CONS TRUCTION S ERV IC ES Plumbing/ HVAC Res ide nti al/Comme rci al 24 Hour Emergenc y Ser vic e Small Jobs We lcome Loca lly Owne d & Oper ate d Ov er 25 Ye ars Ex per ience I ns ure d Lice ns ed Ken 315 2 97 2822 Liver pool Seam less Gutt er s 315 457 0403 or 31 5 314 957 0 Ser ving CNY For Over 30 Year s 10 Yr La bor & 20 Yr Mate ri al Warr anty *Var iet y of Colors *Le af Protec tion *Cle anouts *Fa sc ia/ Soffit Re pla ce ment & Re pa irs F re e Es t, F ullly I ns li verpools eamless gutt er s co m Lorenzo s Interi or & Exteri or Home Repairs *Pa int ing I nt/ Ex t *Drywall Re pai r *Power Was hi ng & Sta ining *Ba seme nt & Found at ion Re pai r & Pa int ing Any Ca rpentry Re pa ir for Deck s & Stai rs Cal l Lore nzo 315 391 6554 *Fa ll Cle anups *Ed ging *Mulching *Trimming *We eding *Flowe r Be ds *Pla nting *Dec or ati ve Stone *Sod Ins tal lat ion *Bush & Brush Re mova l Reta ining Wal ls *Wa lkwa ys *Pa tios *New Land sca pe Des ign & I ns tall ati on s Fr ee Est imate s * Full y Ins ure d Call or Tex t Lorenz o or J ua n 315 391 6554 HAN DYM AN LUKE GRAVES No J ob to Bi g or Small 315 396 8570 or 315 676 5906 LANDSCAPE DESI GN Stump Gri ndi ng Svc es , Se as ona l Cle an Haul Away Svce s Full T ree Se rvi ce Full y I ns ure d Follow us on F ac eb ook! Ev er green Landsc ap ing 315 766 8792 ROO F MA N We Stop Leaks ! Serv ing Sy rac us e & Surr ound ing Suburbs Res idential & Commerci al Roof ing Spec ialis t *Shi ngl e Roofs / 25 & 30 Yr Shingl es *Slat e & Tile Repairs *Fla t Roof Repair s *Por che s *Dormer s Ga ra ges Rubbe r Roof Repair s *Ne w Roofs *ReRoofs *Lea k Re pa irs *Rotte d Plywood Repl ac ed *I ce, Snow & Wi nd St orm Damage All Work Guaranteed! War rant y 5 10 30 Year s Compa re p ric es Yo u'll be gla d you did! Fully Insured F re e Es tima tes Insuranc e Cl aims Senior Citi zen Disc ounts 315 430 9903 Desantis Property Ser vic e *LANDSCAPI NG Pr oper ty Maintenance La ndsc aping, Mowing, Trimmi ng, Mulc hi ng Pav er s Spr ing & Fall Cl eanups, Bobca t Serv ice , Gr av el Dri vewa ys & Wal kway s Insta lle d Dr ainage Work & Tr enching Shed Pa ds Insta lle d, Dirt , Gr av el & Sa nd Hauled & Spr ead Re sidential /Comme rc ial , Fully I ns ure d 315 730 2285 MODERN HO ME TEC H Addit ions, Siding, Roofing, Ki tchen/Ba th Sunrooms Pole Barns Any Type Home Remode l Senior Disc ount 315 699 3728 ROOF LEAK S & REP AIRS NEW ROOFS www murta ughre stora ti ons co m $0 Down, 12 mont hs no interest FREE ESTI MATES*F ULLY INSURED 315 432 5600 A Company You Can Count On ONONDAGA CHIMNEY & MASONRY SERVI CES Chimney Re builds & Repair s *Re taining Wa lls St eps Bri ck, Bloc k & Stuc co *F oundat ion Repai rs Fre e Es tima te s Fu ll y Ins ur ed Se ni or Di scounts 315 453 2909 Se rv ing Syr acus e for 30 y ea rs We a re ope n & following guidelines Interi or Paint ing Any Size Job Fr ee Es timates Full y I nsu red 315 400 1503 LAKE EFFECT Tree Serv ice *Spe ciali ze in Ha rd to Ge t Ar eas *Certi fie d Cli mber & Aer ial Li ft Serv ice Serv ing Sk aneat ele s, Ot isc o & Mar cel lus 315 720 0020 TRIM A LIMB TREE SERVICE Cer tifi ed Climbe r, Buc ke t Tr uc ks, Ar ial Li fts Stump Gri ndi ng Speci aliz ed in Haz ar dous Tre e Re mova ls Se nior Cit ize n Dis count F re e Es t F ully I ns 315 468 1211 SNOWP LOWING Commercial & Resident ial All as pe cts of Snow Remov al Roofs Sidewalk s * Et c Driv eway s st ar ting @ $149 99 Sign contr ac t bef ore Oc t 1 and get $25 off y our contr ac t s easo nal rate Senior & Mil itar y Di scounts Fre e Est ima te s * F ully I ns ure d pdproper ty enha nc eme nt s com 315 766 6135 PD PROPERTY ENHANCEMENTS ~Commerc ial & Res ident ial~ FULL SERVICE TREE COMPANY *TR IMMING & REMOVAL *STUMP GRI NDING & LOT CLEARING Fully Insured with Workmans Compens at ion Free Esti mate with Senior & Mili tary Di scounts pdproper ty enha nc ement s com 315 766 6135 RAINBOW PAINTI NG & CONTRACTING All Home I mprove ments from A to Z Commer cia l/Res ide nt ial Ba se me nt Mold Remov al *Re mode ling *Wa ter pr oofing Dry wa ll Deck s & F ence s *Concr ete Re pai rs *Landsca pi ng *Plumbing *Pre ss ure Was hing *Clea nouts *F loor Tiling *Painting *Tre e Serv ice *Sid ing et c SPRING/ SUMMER SPECI ALS! 35 Yea rs Exper ience Lic ense d & Insured Senior /Vete ra n Disc ount EPA Ce rti fie d Call 315 925 1595 All Work Gua ra nte ed R D M CONSTRUCTION Home Re mode ling Addi tions Home Re pa irs , Pai nt ing, Siding, Kit chen & Baths Ba se me nts Deck s Ove r 25 yrs exp Fr ee Es t 315 289 6524 AWESOME HOME SERVI CES CNY S #1 GUTTER CLEANER Gutte r Clea ning & Flush *De ck Was h & Seal Siding Wa sh *Window/ Sc ree n Cle aning 10% of f Gut ter Cl eani ng (exp 9/30/2022) 20% of f Deck Wash & Seali ng (exp 9/30/2022) 315 457 0954 315 729 8851 Owner: Rob Pres ton * I ns ure d aweshome11@gmail c om awe some ho mes er vic es c ar rd c o/ STEVEN LASHOMB S TREE SERVICE Buc ke t Tr uc k Cl imber Stump Gri ndi ng , Fully Ins, Sen Disc ount 315 516 9020 Super ior Scapes In c Landscaping & Hardscaping Speciali st D esign & Install , Brick pav ers, Ret ai ning Walls 315 952 1142 vis it us at superiors capes com *All I nt eriors 1 Room to F ull Hous e *Ce ili ngs *Tri m & Walls *Dependable & Clean Excellent References 315 263 1541 I ns ure d * Res idential/ Comme rc ia l & Re al ty Proper ty * Cle an Ups *Lawn Maint * Edging * Mulc h & De corat ive Stone Se e our webs ite f or other s erv ic es: www s yr ac us ela wn c om 315 451 1542 Senior Disc ounts & Fr ee Est imate s Spring & Fal l Clea n ups *P: 315 633 2081 *C: 315 427 6070 SPECIALIZING I n St ruc tural Le ve ling, Stra ighte ning & Ja ck ing Ca mps Hous es Ba rns Gara ge s Sheds, Por ches & More Be am Re pla ce me nt F loor Joist Replac ement , Conc re te F oundat ion Repair & Fl atwor k 30 Year s Exp 10% Senior Disc ount Cal l Art @ 315 675 3270 or 315 345 6120 A RO OFI NG COMPANY YOU CAN COUNT ON Best Pr ic es in CNY! Li fetime Shingles & Workmans hi p Ins Fr ee Est Sen Citi zen Dis count 315 391 0998 JUNK A WA Y We pic k up & haul a ny thing y ou don t want Chea per tha n a ny o ther pric e! 7 day s a we ek Ca ll t oday ! Pi ckup Today! Tras h i s cheap d on't ov er pay! 315 395 0907 Best Roofi ng Company Ev er!!! Ne w Roofs * Roof Repairs (al l ty pe s) Gables Fla ts 40 y rs Exp Re fe r e nc es *Fu lly Insure d Call Toda y! !! Re sponse Today! !! Lif etime Roof The La st Roof you will eve r buy! Call Charli e 315 4 78 1894 Contact Patti Puzzo at 315-434-8889ext.321or ppuzzo@ Advertise Here! A2

10 Aug. 31, 2022 Eagle NewsCNY’s Community News Source PENNY SAVER GENERAL Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.

Aug. 31, 2022 11Eagle News CNY’s Community News Source PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS/ EMPLOYMENT Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. Contact Patti Puzzo at 315-434-8889 ext. 321 or Advertise Here! PENNY SAVER REAL ESTATE Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. 64217_5 APARTMENTSSTONELEIGH 1 Bedroom Senior Citizens (age 62 or older) or a permanent mobility impairment where you receive a Social Rentapt.unitsincomeMustdisability.Securityqualifyunderguidelines.Non-handicappedavailablenow.Callnowtoviewanorhaveussendyouanapplication.SubsidizedUnits-isbasedonyourhouseholdincome. (315)400ApartmentsStoneleighLambAve.Canastota,NY13032697-2847 1 Bedroom Senior Citizens (age 62 or older) or a permanent mobility impairment where you receive a Social Security disability. Must qualify under income guidelines. Accepting applications now! Call now to view an apt. or have us send you an application. Subsidized Units - Rent is based on your household income. Stoneleigh Apartments 400 Lamb Ave.Canastota, NY 13032 (315) 697-2847 APARTMENTSSTONELEIGH 1 Bedroom Senior Citizens (age 62 or older) or a permanent mobility impairment where you receive a Social Rentapt.unitsincomeMustdisability.Securityqualifyunderguidelines.Non-handicappedavailablenow.Callnowtoviewanorhaveussendyouanapplication.SubsidizedUnits-isbasedonyourhouseholdincome. APARTMENTSSTONELEIGH(315)400ApartmentsStoneleighLambAve.Canastota,NY13032697-2847 1 Bedroom Senior Citizens (age 62 or older) or a permanent mobility impairment where you receive a Social Rentapt.unitsincomeMustdisability.Securityqualifyunderguidelines.Non-handicappedavailablenow.Callnowtoviewanorhaveussendyouanapplication.SubsidizedUnitsisbasedonyourhouseholdincome. (315)400ApartmentsStoneleighLambAve.Canastota,NY13032697-2847 Rental Of ce Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am to 5pm by appiontment only 315-451-3110Liverpool, NY 24 maintenance,hour small pets welcomed. PINECRESTMANORAPTS.COM NOW LEASING 1, 2 & 3 ApartmentsBedroom Call Us 437-6173Need to Advertise it? Do PositionHaveYouAtoFill ?

244 Betsy Avery Peth Road, Stanley Road, Mount Pleasant Drive, Oxbow Road, Ridge Road, Indian Lookout Road, bus stops at Wright Road and Audubon Heights. 227/251 Chris Anderson West Lake Road, Owahgena Terrace, Temperance Hill Road, Owahgena Road, Palmer Road, west side of Route 92/ Syracuse Road from Pompey Hollow Road to Route 20. Shuttle stop at 44 Lincklaen Street. Morning: Pick up on south side of Ledyard Ave. 224/252 Kevin Hardke Cheesefactory Road, East Lake Road from Village of Cazenovia to district line, North Lake Road, Owera Point, Mark Lane, Christian Drive, Cazenovia Terrace, Chard Road, Ormonde Drive, Glenwood/Preston Drive, Hoffman Lane, Hickory Lane. Afternoon add bus stops at Williams Street and Nickerson Street for Burton Street students.

235 Kate Santiago Route 20 west from Route 92 to district line, Pompey Center Road north and south of Route 20, Gulf Road, Windy Hill Rd, Oran Gulf Road, Oran Delphi Road north of Route 20, Carpenter Street, Willow Place and Hurd Street. Shuttle Burton Street students from Green Street to Burton Street in morning and back in the afternoon.

245 Kim Perry in the morning, 241 Charlie Curtis in the afteroon Cobb Hill Road, Dugway Road, north end of Kiley Road, Delphi Road, Thurber Road, 3876 & 2930 East Road, Thompson Road, Burlingame Road, Rippleton Cross Road, Gillette Lane. Afternoon: Add Mill Street/Chenango Street, East Road to Wellington Drive, Wellington Drive.

BOCES ROUTES 241 Charlie Curtis Morning BOCES to Thompson Road, departs High School at 7:30 a.m. Return to High School at 11:15 a.m. 245 Kim Perry Afternoon BOCES to Thompson Road departs High School at 11:05 a.m. Return to High School at 3:05 p.m.

LATE ROUTES Cliff Ducey, 232 Chittenango Falls, Perryville, Fenner area Deb Brown, 250 Fenner-Nelson, Erieville area Nancy Westfall, 242 South of Cazenovia, New Woodstock area Sue Smith, 234 Cazenovia Lake and Pompey area

Bus Numbers and Driver

248 Mike Karcher Juddville Road, Coulter Road, Holmes Road, bus stop at Mill Street/Elm Street, north side Village of New Woodstock, Route 13 east side from blinking light in New Woodstock to Delphi Road. 242 Nancy Westfall Route 92/Syracuse Road (east side) from Route 20 to district line. Bus stops on Route 92/Syracuse Road at Marilyn Park, Sunset Lane, 4400 92/Syracuse Road and Coe Road, Route 92/Syracuse Road west side from district line to Pompey Hollow Road, Pompey Hollow Road north and south of Route 20, bus stop at Bethel Road, Oran Delphi Road from district line to Route 20, Route 20 from Oran Delphi Road to Route 92, Meadow Hill Rd, Grassy Lane.

247 Linda Sevier Stonebridge Road, Francis Road, Mutton Hill Road, Wyss Road, Fenner Road east side from Wyss Road to Fenner East Road, Bingley Road from Nelson Road to Irish Ridge Road, Shephards Road, Fenner Road from Cody’s corners to Village, Davis Road, Hill Road, bus stop at Douglas Way. Afternoon Add: Shuttle stops at Park Street, Nelson Street crosswalk (south side) and Carriage Lane.

243 Mike Cunningham Damon Road, Smith Road, Corkinsville Road, Route 13 south from School Street to district line, Barrett Road, Parker Road, Webber Road, School Street, East Road from Delphi Road to Wellington Drive, South Village and South Meadow.


233 Jamie Huftalen Hall Road, North Lake Road, Bus Stop at McCarthy Road, Walrath Road, Jones Road, Tuscarora Road, bus stops at Chaphe Hill Road, Funk Road, Marris Road and Tainter Road, Hardscrabble Road, Irish Hill Road, Constine Bridge Road, Number Nine Road.

Cazenovia School District – Transportation Department Assignments for the 2022-2023 School Year

234 Sue Smith Route 13/Gorge Road from Village of Cazenovia to district line, Fossil Rock Road, bus stop at Stables Road, Corwin Street, Lincklaen Street from Corwin Street to Ten Eyck Ave., shuttle stop at intersection of S. Ten Eyck Ave. and Lincklaen Terrace, shuttle stop at 97 Lincklaen Street.

246 Dan Snyder Nelson Road from Bingley Road to Ingalls Corner Road, Colgrove Road, Ingalls Corner Road, Milestrip Road, Ray Road, Quarry Road to district line, Perryville Road from Siebenbaum Road to Nelson Road, Bear Swamp Road, Woodland Road, Irish Ridge Road, Bingley Road from Irish Ridge Road to Route 13/Gorge Road, shuttle Middle School/High School students from Burton Street to Emory Ave. In the morning and back to Burton Street in the afternoon. 231 Caitlin Ryan Erieville Road from Hardscrabble Road to district line, Firetower Road, Sanderson Road, Dugway Road, Eatonbrook Road, Damon Road, Nourse Road.

232 Cliff Ducey Route 20 east from Village of Cazenovia to district line, Midstate Lane, Erieville Road from Nelson to Nourse Road, Judd Road, Lyon Road from Judd Road to Erieville Road, Welsh Church Road, Old State Road, Richards Road, Argos Road, Putnam Road, Nelson Road from Putnam Road to Nelson. Mornings: Add cross walk on Nelson Street, north side 239 Rick Bosworth Nelson Road from Putnam Road to Wyss Road, South Road, Cody Road, Buyea Road, Fenner East Road, Larkin Road, Peterboro Road, Nelson Road from Peterboro Road to Moraine Road west side only, Moraine Road, Roberts Road, Michigan Road, Emick Lane. Shuttle stop on Farnham Street morning and afternoon.

250 Debra Brown Nelson Heights Road, Mosley Road, Thomas Road, Lyon Road, Ballina Road, Eastview Drive, Stone Quarry Road from Johnson’s four corners to Route 20, Charles Road. 230 Winnie Macheda Morning: Route 13 south from Village of Cazenovia to Ballina Road, Wellington Drive, East Road from Wellington Road to Chenango Street, Chenango Street/ Mill Street, Nelson Street, south side, Carriage Lane. Afternoon: Shuttle Burton Street student to Cazenovia Children’s House and Rippleton Center. Shuttle High School/Middle School students to Burton Street and Fenner Field. 229 David Crockett Freber Road, Perryville Road from Siebenbaum Road thru the hamlet of Perryville, Falls Road, bus stop at bottom of Carey Hill Road, Emhoff Road, Rathbun Road, Lincklaen Road, Maple Road, Summerfield Road, Syosset Drive, Ten Eyck.

OUT OF DISTRICT ROUTES 245 Kim Perry Immaculate Conception - Leave Emory Ave complex 7:50 a.m. 237 Marva Gott Spring Route BOCES 236 Karen Enders Thompson Road BOCES and ESM High School 240 Laura Emmons Morning: Christian Brothers Academy, Manlius Pebble Hill School and OCC Afternoon: Add Immaculate Conception

238 David Masiclat Route 13 south, west side from Delphi Road to blinking light in New Woodstock, Route 80 from Bass Road to district line, Kiley Road, Reservoir Road, Dam Road, Tucker Road, Stanton Road, south side Village of New Woodstock from Bass Road to School Street including bus stop at Pearl Street, Route 13 from Delphi Road to Village of Cazenovia, Ledyard Ave.

14 Aug. 31, 2022 Cazenovia republicaneagle News • CNY’s Community News Source Kids are going back to school. Please remember to stop for school busses! Fall Registration Accepting New Students! (315) 472-7874 625 BURNET AVENUE, SYRACUSE, NY 13203 Store Hours: SPORTING GOODS Don’t forget to stop and not pass stopped school buses! ALL STUDENTS K-12 will be riding the same bus this year to and from school. Morning pick up will begin at approximately 7:00 a.m. for those families living on the outskirts of the school district. Buses will drop off at the High School/Middle School complex beginning at 7:45 a.m. Buses will then travel to Burton Street for a 7:57 a.m. drop Afternoonoff. routes will load at Burton Street at 2:28 p.m. and then travel to the High School/Middle School for a 2:45 p.m. dismissal. An adult must be present in the afternoon when we are dropping off younger students. Please email Kim Nowak or Karen Cowherd with any transportation questions. You may also call 315-655-1326.

September 1st - 5:30-7:30pm. Cazenovia Public Library Art Opening Reception w/Richard Marchant. 3rd - 10:30am-12:30. Chalking the Walk at Cazenovia Public Library


Aug. 31, 2022 15Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source 315-655-9243 | | To advertise here call Lori Lewis 315.434.8889 x316 95 Albany St. Suite C, PO Box 618, Cazenovia, NY 13035 HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 9:30am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 3pm TWO LOCATIONS! Cazenovia 2451 Route 20 E. Hamilton 2352 State Route 12B Jessica Amidon, Owner • (315) 751-8395 • Cazenovia Area Chamber of Commerce MORSE KAYAK RENTALS 315-655-2400 • Cazenovia Group Rates • Transportation Available RECREATIONAL & FISHING KAYAKS STAND UP PADDLE BOARDS Thursday - Tuesday 11-8 Closed Wednesday 315-815-4160 3264 US Rt.20 E Cazenovia, NY www.madcotacos.com13035

Margery A. Pinet Barbara J. Oakley Mary Ellen Hughes


Barbara J. Oakley, 98 Worked at Fm schools Barbara J. Oakley, of Cazenovia, passed away on Aug. 24, 2022, a week before her 99th birthday. She was born Sept. 2, 1923, in Elmira, N.Y. She was an employee of the Fayetteville-Manlius School Dis trict, working as secretary for the Pleasant Street School Principal and the FM Guidance Department. She was a community volunteer in Mor risville, where she resided for many years. She was a lifetime friend, mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother.Barbarais survived by her son William Oakley (Joan) and daughter Mary Reidy (Robert); Grandchildren Kimber ly Oakley, Cheryl Villalon, Dr. Theresa Oakley Elias (George), Dr Jill Reidy (Clayton), Molly LeStage (Mat thew) and Tonki (Barbara)

JAZZ N CAZ Live Music at Meier’s Creek Live Music at the Brae Loch

By PHil BlACkWEll A veteran-laden Cazenovia boys golf teams has every intention of, at the very least, repeating what it did, taking 12 of 14 regular-season matches, including all nine in the Onondaga High School League Lib erty National division. Opening its new season against LaFay ette last Monday at Cazenovia Country Club, the Lakers got good contributions from all of its top players in a 205-269 win over the Lancers. Jack Byrnes led the way, his nine-hole 37 ably backed up by teammates Chris Kelly and Liam Colligan, each of whom posted rounds of 39. Will Guider finished fourth, shooting 43. Just behind the 46 from LaFayette’s Christian DeJoseph, Nick Guider finished with a 47. Cazenovia would host Phoenix Tuesday before a key early-season test Wednesday against Christian Brothers Academy at Drumlins.

Mary Ellen Hughes Worked in the medical field Mary Ellen “Peggy” Hughes, 82, of Cazenovia, passed away peacefully at home on Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022, following a brief illness. She was born June 7, 1940, in Syracuse to Edward and Cecilia O’Hara. Peggy was employed in the medical field as an office manager for 16 years with Genesee Walnut Orthopedic Sur geons and then as the billing man ager with Dr. Brown and Dr. Schu, which merged into Syracuse Surgi cal. She was then employed for sev eral years with Elbadawi & Dalope PC in Fayetteville until her retire ment in 2007. Peggy was a member of the Cazenovia 9 Hole Women’s League. Peggy is survived by her sons, Scott (Ginger) Hughes of Eaton and Jeffrey (Edie) Hughes of Cazenovia as well as several nieces and neph ews. In addition to her parents, she was prede ceased by her hus band, M. Bernard “Bernie” Hughes; a sister, Gladys McGee and by her four brothers, James, Robert, Richard and John O’Hara.Calling hours were held from 2 to 5 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 25, 2022, at Michael E. Brown Funeral Services, 2333 Fenner Road in memoryContributionsCazenovia.inofMrs.

Margery A. Pinet, 78, passed away on June 26, 2022, at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Syracuse. Born in Augusta, Maine, she grew up in the Boston area where she attended Medford High School and went on to graduate from the University of New Hampshire as an Eng lishHermajor.teaching career began at North Kings ton Rhode Island High School. Her next teaching assignment was at the University of Georgia, Athens, where she taught English and was involved in the formation of the Learning Center. In 1979, she joined the faculty of Ca zenovia College. Over the next 43 years she served the college in multiple posi tions.She founded the Learning Resource Center, becoming its director. In 1991 that center was cited in the National Di rectory of Exemplary Programs in De velopmental Education. She served as Program Director of In dividualized Studies, Associate Dean of the Summer College, Dean for Academic Affairs and Executive Vice President. She received the New York State Col lege Learning Skills Association Award for Outstanding Professional Service in the field of Developmental Education. She loved Cazenovia College and was highly respected as a mentor to students, faculty and Followingfriends.herretirement in 2006 she was invited to serve on the college’s Board of Trustees, where she served until 2017. From 2015 to 2016, Marge was called to serve as Interim Presi dent using her leader ship skills to transition the college to a new presidency.Shewas a frequent contributor to in-ser vice programs for fac ulty and students. In the Cazenovia commu nity she was a member of the Cazenovia Public LibraryMargeryBoard.was prede ceased by her parents, Reverend Gordon and Dorothy Wash burn and her loving companion of 18 years, Charles Monahan and his son, Gregory.Sheis survived by her sister, Marsha Washburn (Robert) Dishman; niece, Ju lia (Neil) Adam; nephew, Jeffrey Dish man, grandnieces and nephews, Cecilia and Sloane Adam and Leonora, Frey and Rowan Dishman who she lovingly men tored in their education; and Charles’ children, Diana (Dr. Hrayr) Attarian, Jean Taggert, and David Monahan. Marge had a love of sports that com pleted her. Sharing the New York Yan kees with Chuck, she would answer “How’s your day?” with “Not so good, the Yankees are losing!” A celebration of life will be held at the Lincklaen House 79 Albany Street, Cazenovia, from 3 to 5 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022. Please reply to Shari at Cazenovia College: 315 -655-7128. She taught and mentored all she met. She is missed! For guest book, please visit schepp


17th - 2 pm. 18th - 2 pm. Lorenzo Fine Arts Tour. 20th - 7-8 p.m. The Moores of Fort Banning Presentation w/ 23 & 23rd24th-6:30-9:30pm. Art Trail Opening Reception at Caz College Art Gallery. 24th & 25th 30th - 6 pm. Oct 1st - 1 pm.

ilyProgram.AnatomicalcaltheparticipatingWinnie.ChristopherBen,Henry,Cody,Joshua,drenGreat(Christopher).DownsGrandchilBrandon,Lynette,Noah,Sam,Audrey,Annie,Andy,andBarbarawasinUpstateMediUniversityGiftThefamwillcelebrate her life at a later date. In lieu of flowers dona tions may be made to CAVAC, 106 Nelson St, Cazenovia, NY 13035.

3rd - 2-5pm. Cazenovia Artisan’s Reception w/Linda Bigness at Cazenovia Artisans. 9th - 7 to 9:30pm. Anniversary Celebration. Caz Arts Open House at Carpenter’s Barn, Lakeland Park. 10th - 10-11am. Gardening Class w/Nancy Hook at Cazenovia Public Library. 10th. Caz Arts Free Workshops. Carpenter’s Barn Lakeland Park.

Margery A. Pinet retired CazenoviafromCollege

Hughes may be made to CAVAC, 106 Nelson St., Cazenovia, NY 13035. Condolences for the Hughes family may be left at michaelebrown

16 Aug. 31, 2022 Cazenovia republicaneagle News • CNY’s Community News Source In observance of Labor Day, our stores will be closed. LABOR DAY

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