Star Review Digital Edition - Sept. 14, 2022

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The district begins the year with a renewed mission and vision and a recommitment to be “Brighter Together.” These concepts have come out of the collective work of a Strategic Action Team, whose charge was to de velop a vision, mission and goals to ensure the long-term success of the District. The collective work provides our school community with a renewed mission and shared goals to meet the needs of every student: To educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement and prepare them to be productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society.

This year, the Karl W. Saile Bear Road Elementary School reopened its doors to its entire population of kindergarten-grade 4 students after more than two years of extensive reconstruction and renovation. Originally constructed in 1958, KWS Bear Road Elementary School had been in need of repairs when the NSCSD passed its first referendum for the project in 2016. That project was stalled due to higher than anticipated construction costs and shortages in the labor market. After a second success ful referendum in December of 2019, construction was fi nally able to begin in May of 2020 but required the reloca tion of some students and staff.

Motorcyclist dies in Salina crash

Festivalgoers are welcome to explore

For more information, visit north

“They seem excited about seeing all the artifacts and so forth and they come back each year,” she said.

“The areas not covered by this law in clude the sidewalks immediately adjoin ing parks, squares, or public places; any pedestrian route through any park strip, median or mall that is adjacent to ve hicular traffic; parking lots or roadways; theatrical productions; and any portion

The motorcycle left the north shoulder of the road where it struck the curb, causing Vallejo to be ejected from the motorcycle. He was pronounced deceased at the scene.

overhead door. The suspect fled from the area and was not immediate located. Later that day, at approximately 10:40 p.m., the same individual reportedly returned to the Justice Center and again rammed his pickup truck into an overhead door.

the former Cigarville Railroad Station, Sellen-Weller barn, replica log cabin and the Visitor Center to learn about Clay’s history as a thriving tobacco industry town in the 1800s. The log cabin, a rep lica of the first built in Clay, contains furnishings and household items used by residents in the 19th century.

The Clay Historical Association holds monthly open houses and frequent pro grams with area historians and local au thors like Jim Farfaglia, who will be at tending the CHA Fall Fest. A resident of Fulton, Farfaglia presented on his body of work at an Aug. 21 CHA program. He has written about the Blizzard of ’66, the former Nestlé factory in Fulton and the muck farms of Oswego County.

“The process of transforming this school into the model educational environment that it now is, has been long and difficult but it has absolutely been worth it,” Su perintendent Daniel D. Bowles said. “We want to thank

This year there are many exciting things taking place and some new faces have been added to the district and its schools.

Before the days of housing develop ments and bustling traffic on Route 31, Clay was a farm town. Each autumn, the Clay Historical Association reminisces about the town’s rural beginnings and celebrates the season with its fall festival. This year’s CHA Fall Festival takes place Saturday, Sept. 17, at Clay Historical Park (behind Immanuel Lutheran Church and before the railroad tracks). There is free admission and parking.

Joining Farfaglia for the authors’ meet-and-greet is humorist Ermine Cun ningham, who recently moved from Central New York to Colorado. Her most

Deputies investigating the crash reported that Vallejo, operating a Suzuki motorcycle, was traveling west on Court Street when he lost control of the motorcycle.

The next meeting of the North Syra cuse Village Board of Trustees will be held at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22, at the North Syracuse Community Center, located at 700 South Bay Road.

N. Syracuse begins new school year

The suspect vehicle fled the scene how ever, responding patrol deputies observed the on South Townsend Street. Deputies attempted to conduct a traffic stop on the pick-up in the area of South Townsend

Volume 130, Number 37 CaleNdar 11 death NotiCes 10 history 12 editorial 4 sports news: Liver pool, C-NS football off to quick starts. PAGE 13 library news: StorywalksAlzheimer’s-relatedoffered. PAGE 2 letters 5 obituaries 10 PeNNysaVer 6 sPorts 13 the Star-Review is published weekly by Eagle News office of Publication: 2501 James st , suite 100, syracuse, N y 13206 Periodical Postage Paid at s yracuse, N y 13220, us P s 316060 POSTMASTER: s end change of address to Star-Review 2501 James st s uite 100, s yracuse, N y 13206 Home of The Omerovic Family Week of Sept. 14, 2022 Proudly serving liverPool salina north syracuse cicero & clayFREE • eaglestarreview com PENNY SAVER: CNY’S BEST BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY INSIDE! WORK  BUY  SELL  TRADE  GET IT DONE See Our Ad In Newspaper!Today’s Celebrating God’s Story MORE DETAILS Yesterday, Today, and Forever Join us for monthourlongcelebration Celebrating God’s Story, Yesterday, Today, andMOREForeverDETAILS

At 2:25 a.m. on Sept. 10, deputies monitoring the Justice Center’s security surveillance system observed an unidenti fied male operating a GMC Sierra pick-up, allegedly intentionally ram his pick-up truck into the Justice Center’s sally port

FrittErS ANd FELLowShiP

recent book is “EVolution: Rose and Vera Save Mother Earth,” a mystical realism novel about two retirees who are tasked with saving the planet.

The driver reportedly refused to comply and entered Interstate 81North, where the driver accelerated the vehicle in excess of the posted speed limit.

Street and East Adams Street.

Antonio Vallejo, 27, of Syracuse, died after a motorcyle crash on Saturday, Sept. 11, ac cording to Onondaga County Sheriffs.

While the 2020 festival was canceled due to the pandemic, Koch said last year’s celebration was well-attended.

Smokers waiting for the village of North Syracuse’s proposed local law gov erning smoking and vaping in public will have to hold their breath for a bit longer. The village board of trustees decided to table the issue Sept. 8 after deeming the proposal too restrictive.

By offering a look into Clay’s past, the CHA crew is hoping they can help save Clay’s“I’dfuture.liketo see more conservation of the land. We’ve got only one farm left in the town,” Koch said.

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of the park that is not used for park pur poses,” Russell Municipalitiesadded.will be required to post signage indicating smoking is prohibited; Tobacco-Free CNY can provide free signs and help with policy implementation.

Air1 assisted ground units by monitor ing the direction of the suspect vehicle as it continued northbound. As the vehicle approached the State Route 31 exit, depu ties were able to successfully deploy stop sticks, which disabled the vehicle, allowing for them to take the suspect into custody without further incident.

The driver, Kevin Somer, 33, was charged with two counts of criminal mis chief in the second degree, driving while intoxicated, reckless driving, unlawful fleeing a police officer and was issued sev eral traffic tickets.

Schools l Page 12

Elementary school updated

SubmittEd by LAuriE Cook NSCSD SChool INformatIoN offICer


“If you had a smoke-free zone on vil lage property, that’d solve all your prob lems,” resident Ken Ryan said.

According to Mayor Gary Butter field, the local law was drafted by Code Enforcement Officer Brian Johnstone. Village Attorney Robert Germain made some additions and revisions to John stone’sDeputydraft.Mayor Pat Gustafson called Germain’s revisions “a little too restric tive.”“I have a real problem with telling … a private citizen walking along a public street that they can’t smoke,” Gustafson said. “I’m not a smoker — never have been. That’s my right. It’s their right to smoke too.”

“It’s not like it used to be when the farmers and everybody would get togeth er. They used to meet at church and there was socials and stuff like that, and there isn’t that anymore,” Koch said.

CHA President Ruth Koch said the festival recalls a slower but more con nected way of life.

he 2022-2023 school year began for North Syracuse Central School District students on Wednesday, Sept. 7.

Butterfield said the village follows On ondaga County’s laws regarding smok ing, but Strong noted that people were using cannabis at a concert he attended recently at St. Joseph’s Health Amphi theater at StrongLakeview.suggested the village consult employee unions in crafting the local law, as it may affect workers who smoke. New York State Labor Law does not require employers to provide designated smoke breaks, but it requires unpaid meal pe riods and provides for optional but paid restThebreaks.village will revisit the proposed law at a future meeting.

According to a letter to the village from Rachael Russell, a public health ed ucator for Tobacco-Free CNY, New York State Public Health Law now “prohibits smoking and vaping of tobacco and can nabis products between sunrise and sun set at all playgrounds in New York when one or more children under age 12 are present.”Asof Oct. 13, smoking combustible tobacco and/or cannabis products will not be allowed in public parks. This re striction does not include vaping and e-cigarettes. The law also allows munici palities to fine offenders $50.

Most festival fans are lifetime residents of Clay, like Koch, but CHA welcomes those who are newer to the community to discover the history and heritage of the area,“We’dtoo. like to get more people interest ed in history,” she said, adding that CHA encourages people to join and volunteer.

Cha Fall Festival returns sept� 17

by AShLEy m. CASEy assoCiate editor

North Syracuse tables public smoking restrictions

Karate John’s martial arts students will be showcasing their skills, and Civil War re-enactors will be on the scene as well. Margaret Currier will present a chair caning demonstration. Lt. Jonathan An derson will host a display of the history of the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office.

Koch said there is a devoted group of festivalgoers who return each year.

According to Onondaga County Sher iffs a Cicero man has been charged with intentionally ramming his vehicle into the Justice Center’s Sally Port overhead door twice in one day.

Somer is being held in the Onondaga County Justice Center pending his ar raignment.

Local vendors will be at the Clay historical Association Fall Festival.

Koch and her fellow CHA volunteers are hoping visitors will revive some of that community spirit by gathering to enjoy apple fritters, play games, meet lo cal authors and see live demonstrations.

Court Street between Roxford Road North and Wayland Road was closed for several hours while members of the Sheriff’s Office Accident Investigation Team investigated the crash.The sheriffs office reported that speed ap pears to have played a factor in the crash.

Only one resident weighed in at the Sept. 8 public hearing on the matter.

Cicero man faces charges for allegedly driving into Justice Center twice in one day

Trustee Christopher Strong thanked Germain for his additions but agreed with“IGustafson.understand the spirit of [protect ing] young kids at play, but obviously we’ve seen the turn of where New York State has gone recently,” he said.

by AShLEy m. CASEy assoCiate editor

Nearly 30 vendors have signed up to sell food and crafts, Koch said. Clay His torical Park’s next-door neighbor, Im manuel Lutheran Church, will be selling their famous apple pies.

Girl Scout Troop 10871 of Central Square will be doing face painting for kids.

At approximately 1:20 a.m. sheriff’s depu ties, along with rescue personnel, responded to Court Street nearRoxford Road North for a fatal crash involving a motorcycle.

early childhood. Reading to children from an early age can help close the vocabulary gap and prepare children to enter Kindergarten with the skills they need to succeed. Most impor tantly, sharing books with children promotes a lifelong love of books and reading.

“The Day Abuelo Got Lost: Memory Loss of a Loved Grandfather” by Diane Anda shares the experience of a child whose grand father experiences loss of memory, causing them to find new activities to appreciate to gether. This StoryWalk is set up on the LPL’s Dinosaur Garden lawn through September.


“Younger children may not understand why their grandparents and great-grandpar ents are having memory issues or why their parents are struggling to provide care to a parent or grandparent. Connecting through books and the library is a wonderful way to help ease children’s anxiety and fears around the disease,’’ Campbell said.

Nopl CreatIve DIreCtor

“What a Beautiful Morning” by Arthur Levine tells the story of a little boy, Noah, whose grandpa seems to have forgotten how to do the things they love. This StoryWalk is be ing circulated between four Liverpool Central School District elementary schools, where there also will be information for teachers and parents to share with students who may be experiencing life with a family member who

2 sept 14, 2022 star revieweagle News • CNy’s Community News s ource Renegades2022NewJeep Gladiator!!2022NewJeepCompass2022NewJeep12INSTOCK All DIESELNew ROUTE 481 315-598-8118 Thank You... Thank You Very MuchTomGilbo See Entire Inventory At: WWW.PAR-K.COM Home of the Your JEEP Connection September 17, 2022 • 10 am to 5 pm Fill - a - Bus Walmart, Rt. 31 8770 Dell Center Dr, Liverpool, NY 13090 Foods needed for “Blessings in a Backpack” to feed children over the weekend. 1) Ready-to-serve soups w/easy open lids, e.g. chicken noodle, veg. beef 2) Macaroni & cheese microwavable cups - any brand 3) Chef Boyardee, all varieties 4) Fruit and grain breakfast bars - NO NUTS 5) 100% juice box or pouch 6) Applesauce cups, any brand 7) Fruit cup, any variety or brand Drop off before the 26th at St. Paul’s , St. Matthews, 1st United Methodist or Liverpool First Presbyterian Church all in Liverpool NY. Or drop off at St. Stephens Lutheran Church located at 873 Dewitt Street, in Syracuse. Also First Student Bus Garage or Syracuse City School District Bus Garage. 369 6th North Street, Syracuse. Blessings in a Backpack Liverpool Chapter 1854 Tax identification number for Blessings in a Backpack is www.blessingsinabackpackliverpoolny.org26-1964620 PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • Asset Protection • Estate Planning • Probate Administration Law Office of Shawn W. Lappin 201 2nd Street, Liverpool, New York 13088 (315) 699-3914 Visit the Eagle Newspaper Facebook page to sign up for our NEW digital edition. Wake up to the Star Review in your inbox every Wednesday morning! Sponsored by ALzhEimEr’S-rELAtEd StorywALkS oFFErEd

It may seem like a big goal, but every book counts. Even if your child wants to hear the same book repeatedly, you can count it each time. You can also count the books your child hears during library story times, in daycare or preschool, or with a friend or family member, as long as your child listens to the entire book.

“The Alzheimer’s Association, Central New York Chapter is proud to partner with Liverpool Public Library to help educate younger children about the disease and the changes they may be seeing in their loved ones,’’ said Kristen Campbell, Senior Director of Programs for the Chapter.

was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

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Families can read two Alzheimer’s related Storywalks through September in a collaboration be tween the Liverpool Public Library and the Alzheimer’s Association Central New york Chapter.

LPL l Page 12

by AmANdA robErtS

1000 books before kindergarten

Research shows that the most reliable pre dictor of school success is being read to during

As the countdown continues to the Alzheimer’s Association’s Walk to End Al zheimer’s on Sunday, Sept. 25, on the campus of Onondaga Community College, a col laboration with the Liverpool Public Library brings a pair of special StoryWalk books to raise awareness to the community throughout September.“Whilepeople often recognize the effects Alzheimer’s has on spouses and adult chil dren, they don’t always realize how confusing it is for young children when a family member starts to lose their memory,” said LPL chil dren’s and family services coordinator Joellyn Murry. “LPL is trying to help families talk to their children about Alzheimer’s disease by sharing two special StoryWalks this month.”

You can sign up for the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program at your nearest NOPL location or by visiting our website at nopl. org/1000bbk. There you will find a welcome letter, printable tracking sheets, information about rewards, and links to websites with free e-books and e-audiobooks for kids.

by mArk biALCzAk lpl CommuNICatIoS SpeCIalISt

Families are also encouraged to come into the LPL while visiting to read this special StoryWalk. “They’ll find other books about feelings, dementia or other difficult situations they might be facing,” Murry said.

As children start a new school year, parents and caregivers are coming to the library look ing for ways to prepare their preschool chil dren for Kindergarten. In 2017 the Northern Onondaga Public Library (NOPL) introduced the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, a na tionwide challenge that encourages parents and caregivers to read aloud to their children regularly.Byreading three books each day, your child can reach the 1,000-book goal in under a year, or for a longer time frame, by reading one book a night, you can reach the 1,000-book goal in three years. Either way, you’re providing your children with essential early literacy skills.

lPl with alzheimer’s association CNy

sept 14, 2022 3eagle News • CNy’s Community News s ourcestar review Celebrating God’s Story Yesterday, Today, and EVENTSForever VISIT TGPONLINE.ORG/175 FOR TIMES AND INFO • CELEBRATING YESTERDAY A LOOK BA C K AT THE LAST 175 Y EARS OF MINISTR Y SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 • 9:30 AM 12 NOON • G ATHERING// O UR PAST SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2022 • 10 AM 11 AM • WORSHIP & P RAY ER N IGHT OUTDOOR BBQ//PRAISE AND PRAY ER WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 • 6 PM 6:45 PM • G ATHERING// O UR FUTURE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 • 10 AM 11 AM • JEREM Y CAMP CON C ERT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 (TICKETS ON WEBSITE) • 7 PM 420 S. MAIN ST., NORTH SYRACUSE 13212 • PH: (315) 458-0271

When the first plane hit the tower at about 8:46 a.m., no one was sure what wasReportshappening.from the ground coming across news networks wondered if it was some kind of freak accident and if so how could it have happened?

Classified Advertising: Patti Puzzo, ext 321 ppuzzo@eaglenewsonline com billing questions: alyssa dearborn, ext 305, adearborn@eaglenewsonline com

And looking back on it, it seemed like an eternity, but it was less than two hours, about an hour and 42 minutes, until both towers collapsed.

But as we watched this unfold in real time, many of us looked for an explanation, some way to make sense of what we were seeing, grasping at any news report that flashed across the screen for some kind of answer.

kiNdNESS, ShAriNG CArry oN

In the early 1990s, I at tended the auctioning off of the Cobblestone at the corner of First and Tulip streets, exactly a block away from The Retreat. John Gormel was there and I was amazed to hear him make the successful bid of $100,000 for the historic old building.Morerecently, Gormel and his family continued to de velop properties on the Basin Block bounded by Lake Drive, First Street and South Willow Street adjacent to Onondaga Lake Park.

Before establishing The Retreat in 1972, Gormel had operated a Mobil gas station in the village. He then purchased a former soda shop at 302 Vine St. and turned it into a tavern which he named The Retreat.

It stands out among the cookbooks in the glass covered case, its spine announcing the name, “Sea and Shore,” in sparkling gold letters. It was a gift from my sister, Joan, who knows how much I love to wander through all things Cornwall. Written by a young woman who spent her youth in Cornwall and who became a chef, the pages are full of reminiscences, recipes and photos of the land of King Arthur, Merlin and Camelot and my mother and grandmother.

Liverpool’s most prominent publican John Gormel passes at 78

There were still no real answers, but after the second plane, it became appar ent this was not some kind of horrific accident.Watching it unfold, it seemed like only seconds and at the same time it seemed like those minutes stretched on forever before the second plane hit.

“Look what he did,” Wil son exclaimed. “He took that little soda shop or dress shop there at Vine and First, and he just kept making it bigger

More specifically, this lovely book reminded me that time changes all things. My grandmother and my mother, both from this area in England, would find the tone of remembrance the same, but so much in the telling would have been strangely foreign, with references to objects and foodstuffs that are relatively new.

Legal Advertising: luba demkiv, ext 303, ldemkiv@eaglenewsonline com Publisher: david tyler, ext 302, dtyler@eaglenewsonline com Creative director: Gordon bigelow, ext 331, art@eaglenewsonline com

The Clay Historical Fall

Festival is set for Saturday, Sept. 17 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Clay Historical Park, otherwise known as “Cigar ville,” off of Route 31.

A man of vision

A full half-century after starting out in the restaurant business, John Gormel died Wednesday, Sept. 7 at age 78.

OuR vOicE

“He did get thrown out of at least a couple of local bars,” said his longtime friend, former salesman Terry Wilson. “He could be loud and argu mentative, and some people don’t like that.”

I’ve written about John many times. He often attended and sometimes haggled with village officials at trustees meetings and planning board

It is hard to think that 21 years have passed since the events that shook our country and changed the world, took place at the World Trade Center complex, Ground Zero, as it came to be known, on that bright morning of Sept. 11,Many2001. of us woke up in the morn ing and started our days much like any other day, ready to go to work or school and we either saw as we watched the morning news or were quickly in formed by friends or family to turn on the news and see what was happening in New York City.

In 2014 they opened the Barking Gull at 116 S. Willow St. and in 2018, they bought the White Water Pub at 110 S. Willow. The Gull is avail able for private parties, but the White Water remains dark.

Buchta is a certified crop advisor and New York State Erosion and Sediment Control Certificate Program certificate holder, currently working for the Onondaga County Soil and Water Conservation District where he serves as program manager.

We each lived in different worlds, with different ways of solving life’s challenges, more comfortable with those with which we lived as chil dren. We spoke similar languages, just enough to be almost fluent in each other’s patois.

Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.


Of course, Friends Forever needs financial support, but also needs volunteers - foster parents, who take on the responsibility of caring for animals until they are adopted, with full support from the central staff, as well as volunteers who can give some time to the facility itself, the main building and the new barn as cleaning staff. Who doesn’t know how to put on a pair of gloves and clean? Donating a few hours a week means that more puppies, kit tens, dogs and cats will find their forever homes. Yes, something as basic as cleaning a cage can mean a life is saved and that is important, whether you learned to live life at the turn of the twentieth century or today. Who would have thought that knowing how to clean would be so valuable?HowdoI get from my cookbook to this? No matter how the culture changes, no matter how something held in memory is challenged by something new, no matter how many inventions change our lives, no mat ter how recipes are rearranged to ac commodate new spices, gadgets and such, the kindness to God’s creation remains the same.

These ceremonies were a solemn tribute to those who were lost that tragicTheyday.are all people we will remem ber and should never forget.

Consider a couple of inter esting outings planned for this coming Saturday.

“Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good –Dylannight.” Thomas.

My daughter and I, in conver sation the other day, discussed how difficult it is to make sense of cultural changes that happen so fast that we find it hard to accom modate the changes, planned and unplanned, that happen because of them.Still, while our heads swim and our minds and hearts are assaulted by the demands of these dramatic changes, there are still some things that filter through that are true whether they were acknowledged by my grandmother, my mother, myself or my offspring. Kindness and sharing have no cultural eddies.

It wasn’t only this book that brought this truism home. Yester day, I clicked on a Facebook page that offered pictures of famous people as children. Other than Tina Fey, I didn’t recognize another

LETTER display Ads: Paul Nagle, ext 308, pnagle@eaglenewsonline com display Ads: lori lewis, ext 316, llewis@eaglenewsonline com

My grandmother’s formative years were without electricity, phones, television, automobiles or air travel. For her daughter, my mother, electricity and phones as well as radio and automobiles were as common as the air we breathe and for us, my siblings and I, all that were common to my parents were modified by the electronic era. For my children, their world always in cluded electronics and social media. And for my grandchildren …

Over the years as he enlarged and renovated that restaurant, he expanded his village holdings by buying The Cobblestone, building the Barking Gull and purchasing the White Water Pub.

4 sept 14, 2022 eagle NewsCNy’s Community News s ource VIEWPOINTS Eagle News eagle News welcomes letters to the editor, and reserves the right to edit for space, clarification or to avoid obscenity, but ideas will not be altered letters should be legible and no more than 500 words long only one letter per month will be allowed by the same writer the editorial board reserves the right to ac cept or reject submitted letters based on its discretion letters used do not neces sarily reflect the newspaper’s opinions anonymous letters receive no consider ation send letters to letters@eaglenewsonline com or eagle Newspapers, 2501 James st suite 100, syracuse, N�y� 13206 editorial deadline is noon each Friday for the following week’s edition eagle News reserves the right to reject any advertising it does not deem ap propriate refunds for errors and omissions in advertising are limited to the cost of the original ad Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 10 a m for the next week’s paper Classified Advertising Deadline: thursday at 10 a m for the following week’s paper Legal Advertising Deadline: thursday at 5 p m for the following week’s paper this free community newspaper exists to serve the informational needs of the community and to stimulate a robust local economy No press release, brief, or calendar item can be guaranteed for place ment in the paper, nor run for multiple weeks, unless it is a paid announcement all free placement is on a space-available basis Copyright: this publication and its entire con tents are copyrighted by Community Media Group llC reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without written consent all rights reserved delivered free by request to households with onondaga County zip codes to subscribe, use the subscription coupon in this paper, or visit www eagle newsonline com subscription rates apply outside of onondaga County

sessions, and I usually identi fied him as “the man with the mile-wide smile.” Not only did I admire his toothy grin, I also saw him as the dedi cated deliverer of high-caliber hospitality in our humble mile-square village. He will be missed.Gormel’s funeral mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, 411 S. Main St., in North Syra cuse followed by a gathering of mourners at the Barking Gull in Liverpool. In honor of John’s passing, The Retreat will be closed on that day.

Clover vs. grass The Liverpool Community Gardeners (LCG) invites the public to its fall lecture series. The first event is titled Clover vs. Grass at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at the Liverpool Pub lic Library. Folks can gather in the library’s Carman Room to hear the presenter, LCG member Aaron Buchta.

Fall fun

Last word

At the time no one knew what the machinations were behind this act and it would take some time before there were any answers.

“famous person” on that list. They fell into the category of things like strange foods that we are supposedly add ing to our meals and fads that remain odd such as pumpkin spice everything. Where were the “famous people” that I knew? No Robert Redford, No Cary Grant and, for sure, no Perry Como… they are relegated to another generation’s culture.

Think seriously about how just a few hours of your time can make an appreciable difference in the lives of those with no voices. Call Friends Forever and see how you can help – 315-668-1003 or email at forever friendsny@

Despite his prickly person ality, Gormel rose to the top of his profession. Wilson, who grew up in Liverpool, de scribed John as a man who had imagination and vision.

ann Ferro

Here is one of them:

Livin’ Liverpoolin


Even those of us in Central New York, watching from some 250 miles away were struck by the scene as it unfolded.Wefelt it and we were trying to make some sense out of what we were seeing.Trying to impose logic on some thing so momentous that the mind simply can not process it, many of us sat awe struck, at a complete loss for words.There were feelings of fear and con fusion, even for those of us watching on the television, there was pain, sadness, terror, a true sense of loss hung over that day and the days and weeks that followed. And it still hangs over this day 21 years later.

An astute and tenacious businessman, Gormel was also a witty conversationalist with an unusual sense of humor. He often claimed that he was forced to open his own tavern because he had been 86ed by all the other joints in town

Female foursome At 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18 Liverpool Public Library kicks off its fall concert series with a performance by the all-women Opus Black String Quartet. The free concert is presented in collaboration with the Liverpool Is The Place Committee, with state funding administered by CNY Arts;; 315-457-0310.

and better.” He added plenty of parking spaces and hired cooks and bartenders who maintained high quality food andTheservice.Retreat grew from its original 600 square feet into its present 6,500 square feet, with a capacity of up to 250 in warm months when its patio is open.

& ADVERTISING POLICY Call us: (315) 434-8889 Email us: newsroom@eaglenewsonline com Office hours: M-F, 8:30 a m - 4:30 p m Stop in or mail us: 2501 James st suite 100, syracuse, Ny 13206 Subscription info: lori Newcomb, ext 333, lnewcomb@eaglenewsonline com managing Editor: Jennifer Wing, ext 340, jwing@eaglenewsonline com News Editor: Jason Gabak, ext 319, jgabak@eaglenewsonline com Associate Editor: ashley Casey, ext 332, acasey@eaglenewsonline com Sports Editor: Phil blackwell, ext 348, pblackwell@eaglenewsonline com

treasure and talent in the name of animals without voice. Abandoned, surrendered or rescued, cats, dogs, gerbils, birds, etc. are taken in, cared for and adopted out to scrupu lously-vetted families.

Yesterday we surrendered four oh-so-sweet kittens, born to a young feline mother who wandered into our home to give birth under by daughter’s dresser seven weeks ago. We took them to Friends Forever in Pennelville, where I was awed by the dedication and caring of the all-volunteer staff. The facility was pristine in cleanliness and the care that was given to our little kittens exemplary. They were immediately given their shots, de-wormed, re lieved of fleas and placed in a clean and spacious cage. Eventually, they will share a wonderful space in the kitten room where potential adopt ers can see them. The concept, its physical manifestations, created by Casey Newton-McClaren, is the outpouring of the donation of time,

russ tarby

It was about 9:03 a.m. when the sec ond plane hit the South Tower.

Not only can you get a glimpse of our area’s local his tory, you can also buy fruits, veggies and baked goods such as apple fritters; nitureanimals,andofthey’revendors,”a.m.thatdronMosleysonsite/,downatJohnPark,JeremyandJessicafromtheCozmicCaulhostaFallFunBazaarsameSaturdayfrom11to4p.m.“Wealwayshave80to100Jessicasaid,“andsellingawidevarietyproducts–jewelry,bathbeautyitems,crochetedclothes,artwork,furandphotography.”

21 years later

It was only in the aftermath that some facts came to light about what happened, including Flight 77, which hit the Pentagon and Flight 93 which was believed to be headed for Washing ton D.C., but crashed near Shanksville, PA after passengers struggled to subdue theNearlyhijackers.3,000 lives were lost, 2,977 of those lives were people simply going about their own business, headed to work, headed out on flights. Some of those people even called Central New YorkImmediatelyhome. emergency person nel, fire departments, police and other first responders were on the scene and ran into those buildings, respond ing to what was unfolding, with the one singular goal to help anyone they could and save as many lives as they could and many of them were people who sacrificed their lives trying to helpTheyothers.were many, too many, people who didn’t make it home that night to see their family and kiss their kids goodnight and live the lives they had planned.Thispast weekend many in our communities gathered to mark this day and share memories and reflections on what happened on Sept. 11.

Boats, to the Skaneateles Vol unteer Fire Department for putting in all the effort for give the community a parade to love.

Every consumer can be a part of this move ment.What credit cards or bank do you use?

That was true when it was just cards and dice and roulette wheels. Now, sped up by technol ogy, cell phones and apps, it can go from curiosity to catastrophe in mere minutes, not days or weeks or months.

by kiP CoErPEr


Fossil fuels

To the editor:


FrAN rotuNNo FiSh for the Sla boarD of DIreCtorS

* Do you still misjudge the wind?

munity groups honored in the Labor Day Parade this year and we thank the fire department for the honor.

For so many reasons, “We love a parade” - a community showcase and, specifically for the SLA, an opportu nity to showcase our many efforts to keep the Skaneateles Lake clear and its water

sept 14, 2022 5eagle News CNy’s Community News s ource


030444 030033 New digouts, resurface, repair or seal driveways, parking lots,

“An Oxford stud y made this point, stating, ‘the most far-reaching threat to fossil fuel companies’ comes from increased social and political stigmatization of their activities and the resultant uncertainties around their longterm viability. Within finance, government, and civil society, the divestment movement has forced a fundamental reckoning with the future of the global energy system.” (Forbes magazine Feb. 20, 2021).

It could be Daily Fantasy Sports. It could be casinos who have sports books. And don’t forget all those mentions of point spreads during the actual pro grams, as if they are more impor tant than the players and coaches.

In other words, it doesn’t take much effort to get drawn into the spectacle. It’s as if the bright lights of casinos, once limited to Las Vegas and Atlantic City, have streamed into every home, every laptop, and we can’t help but get drawn in to the promise of riches, even though the house is bound to prevail nearly every time.

* Do you hold the nish of your golf swing more o en?

* Did you nally minimize some the silly mistakes you usually make on the golf course?

ers with little or no chance of win ning. Then again, Leicester City was 5,000-to-1 to win the Premier League in 2015-16, and a couple of folks were set for life after making that wager.

We love a parade

* Have you improved the speed of your putts?

* Were you able to focus for an entire round of golf at least once ?

1. Golf will maintain your physical health.2.Golf will keep you mentally active.

But, here in Skaneateles, the Ska neateles Volunteer Fire Department gives the community members and visitors a different type of parade to love on Labor Day.

is is the time to evaluate the clubs in your bag to decide whether you should use them next year or replace them. e same goes for your shoes, balls, gloves, etc.. It is also time to come to terms with your goals and expectations as they relate to your golf scores. For example:

Fossil fuels power our vehicles, control the climate in our buildings, and perhaps of primary concern - make plastics.

Free estimates.

try and get through an entire commercial break between innings, or between football possessions, without one or more attempts to solicit your dollars into some form of wager.

f there is a supreme chal lenge for the modern sports fan, it’s trying to stay focused on the main thing – who wins, who loses, and how did it happen.Trywatching any game, start to finish, in 2022. Not only is there the usual barrage of prod uct-pitching before, during and after the action, it’s what they’re hawking.Seriously,

Before then, the simplest thing to do is disengage. Refrain from too much time spent in fantasy leagues. Don’t get caught up in nickel-and-dime wagers on smaller situations that, if ever successful, feeds into the brain a notion that the good fortune can continue when it never, ever does.

Isabella Karpinski in the Milfoil Monster Costume with Carolyn Mc Swain as a Milfoil Team Member “mat ted” the Milfoil Monster all along the parage route. Max Karpinski and Lilly Miller carried the “Milfoil Control” banner that can be seen on the Milfoil Team boats when they are out work ing on the lake and Elliot Holm and Tara McSwain, junior Invasive Species Monitoring Stewards, carried the sign to remind all that our SLA Stewards help those who come to launch ensure their watercraft and trailers are clean, drained and dry.

they’ve allowed sports culture to get transformed into the kind of spectacle we have seen in Great Britain for decades. Across the Atlantic, they have long centered their sports around what kind of odds, reasonable or ridiculous, you can get on literal ly any event, sports or otherwise.

McMahon:Irecently perused the 2012 Onon daga County Legislature District Maps at t

* Have you learned how to win more o Neveren?underestimate the value of gaining knowledge and experience durning the golf season. Use the next three months to focus on your game by improving on your answers to the questions

Perry Noun is the former executive director of the Northeastern NY PGA as well as a competitive amateur golfer and winner of the New York State Super Senior Amateur Championship. Perry Noun can be heard on “Tee Time With The Pronoun” on... News Radio 570 WSYR and 106.9FM.

One of the reasons they are so ubiquitous in our communities is that fossil fuel compa nies are heavily subsidized by governments and supported by banks and financial institu tions.Fossil fuel companies need to be respon sible for the consequences of their negative impact on the environment. And banks and institutions need to also feel responsibility for their support for this pollution creating industry.We,the consumer, can help move the needle toward more corporate responsibility by divesting our money in banks and institu tions that support fossil fuel exploration.

Finally… bene ts of playing golf for the next three months in CNY are signi cant…

* Did you lower your handicap?

5. Golfers get more sun and feel better. AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN!

3. Golf will relieve stress.

Also, this map leaves much to be desired in terms of clarity. The overall level of detail is insufficient; making it difficult to, for example, distinguish one district from another.

* Are you still fearful of embarrassing yourself in front of friends or playing partners?*Didyou shoot your best round of golf ever this year?

To the Onondagaeditor: County Executive Ryan

And who knows? You might be actually your team won the game. Your real team.

In 1932 when Victor Arden and Phil Orman wrote the song “I love a pa rade,” they gave tribute to the military parades of the times that still ring true for the present on Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Veteran’s Day.

The SLA was showcased by our boat/float, “The Dr. Robert Werner Research & Education Boat” with the Werner Family (Jo, Kitty, Kurt and Andy) on board the boat along with the boat’s do-designer and builder, Bill Dean and Tess Torrisi in charge the candy toss. John Menapace, codesigner and builder of the boat, and Paul Torrisi, SLA president, carefully pulled the boat and its passengers in theFrankparade.Moses, SLA executive direc tor, and I are thankful for the students who volunteered to also showcase our efforts to keep Skaneateles Lake clear and its water pure.


Support Your Community SHOP LOCAL! To Advertise Call 315-434-8889 Land For Sale 4.9 acres, Downer St. Baldwinsville alongside Route 690 East off ramp. Across from ArrowSpace. $325,000 Call Dan Piciucco (315) 758-0021 Acropolis Realty Group 2002590 Collision Service Serving CNY For OVER 60 Years. 315.638.0285KEN’S 100 Syracuse BaldwinsvilleSt.,M-F7to5:30 You’re Driving Home Our Reputation ! • Complete Frame & Body Shop • Free Estimates • We Work With Your Insurance Co.• Loaner Cars 2002287 Phone 315-635-5951 HARDWARE & GARDEN CENTER BECK’S STONEDRIVEWAY EARLY BIRD SPECIAL $165 3 DELIVEREDTRUCKLOADYARDANDDUMPED 2002208 INDOOR STORAGE

Private clubs, semi-private, resort and public clubs know from experience that in CNY the number of golf rounds played in September drop o dramatically. Almost all of the golf leagues are over, teachers and students go back to school, the weather cools down, and…golfers loose interest and get lazy! If you are one of the golfers who put your clubs away in September in CNY, you are not entitled to be called one of the important “core” golfers in America. You are probably a “fake, lazy” poor golfer who had a lousy season on the links. Ok…ok…this may be a little harsh. Delete “fake and lazy”.

Choose a credit card and/or bank that avoids fossil fuel investment and invests in local communities and alternative energy.


It is a parade that embodies so much of the life and spirit of Skaneateles – organizations, businesses and com munity groups “march” to showcase who they are and what they do for the community and the community and visitors come to cheer them on and, of course, grab some of the never-ending candy.After two years of no parade, this year the crowds on the sidewalks and gathered on lawns in front of village houses were never ending

That exploration should be winding down, not ramping up.

* Were you able to cope better with distractions when playing under pressure?*Didyou improve your greens in regulation?*Didyou improve your fairways hit o the tee?,the NFL discouraged game announcers from even men tioning the topic, and the inten tions were sincere as long as there wasn’t a DraftKings of FanDuel around. Now, the charade is gone, which might be more honest, but also several dimensions more dangerous.Howlong will it take before we hear of players whose effort on the field, or court, or ice, is altered by the insane betting ac tion going on around them? If it does, we are certain to hear a fair amount of feigned outrage from parties associated with the same organizations gladly letting the betting crowd run rampant now as long as it enriches them.

miChAEL b hESS CamIlluS

e truth is your garage, closet or basement are the last place your clubs should be this month if you want to improve and be the best golfer you can be… NEXT YEAR! Yep, that’s what my knowledge and experience proves…year, a er year, a er year!

None of this is new. Oddsmak ers and gambling have funda mentally shaped sports history, from the Black Sox of 1919 to the point-shaving of the 1950s to Pete Rose, with a whole lot of major and minor scandals in between.


For example, there’s the wager ing on players during the Open Championship, with millions plunking down pounds for golf

The golf leagues are over… Now what?

Find them at terban k

Of course gambling will never fully go away. Some will always do so, regardless of our pleas. But if professional sports leagues are smart, they should continue to, or start right now, do all in their powers to remind fans that enjoy ing the games doesn’t require having anything on the line other than pride and bragging rights.

* Do you know how far you hit every club in your bag?

Baldwinsville, NY Campers, Autos, etc. Rates start @ $220 for season. Please call for 315-626-2466/315-224-4252details: roads, etc. Call Al LaMont, anytime, (315)

What the Supreme Court did in 2018 by allowing states more lee way in decisions on sports betting was far more than whatever tired analogy (can of worms, Pandora’s Box) is trotted out in scenarios likeBasically,this.

How about, at the least, labeling the main thoroughfares with street names to serve as points of reference?

It was brought mainstream, to network television, by CBS in the 1970s when Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder had a starring role on “The NFL Today”. These were not just winks and nods. It was a clarion signal, a recognition that a large percentage of the audience cared only about which way the

Phil blackwell

rEALLy, PLEASE, doN’t bEt oN it

If you want to learn more, please consider coming to a workshop on divestment at noon at St. James’ Church, Skaneateles on Oct. 2.

4. Golf will help you sleep better.

481-7248 cell

Questioning legislative maps

Is this map current?

The Skaneateles Lake Association (SLA) was pleased to be selected by the fire department to be one of the com

So yes, the occasional fortune is made. Far more often, though, it’s money floating away that never returns, a few quid here and there soon turning into a few thousand and you are addicted.

Phil Blackwell is sports editor at Ea gle News. He can be reached at pblack well@

6 sept 14, 2022 eagle NewsCNy’s Community News s ource PENNY SAVER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. ACROSS1.Autonomic nervous system 4. Kids love it in summer 8. 10.DashesPolynesian sarong 11. Chapter of the Koran 12. Evildoer 13. Japanese commercial city 15. A way of binding 16. Early FrenchChristianityhistorian 17. Kids’ term for bugs 18. Beloved family holiday activity 21. Work unit 22. Bundle 23. A number or amount not speci ed 24. Military of cial (abbr.) 25. Queens ballplayer 26. Type of gibbon 27. Norma Jean’s stage name 34. Places 35. Bluish greens 36. Argued publicly 37. Having the shape of a cube 38. They star at weddings 39. Indian associatedgod reproductionwith 40. Ocean sun shes 41. Slowly leak through 42. Plant part 43. Midway between south and southeast DOWN1.Accumulate on the surface of 2. Not a good feeling 3. Got smaller 4. Helped a golfer get around 5. Military forces 6. Partner to ways 7. Low, one-horse sleigh 9. Japanese seaport 10. Inclined to favor 12. Avid reader 14. Lead singer of Heart 15. Pigeon sound 17. Vital part 19. People who are not Jewish 20. Shed tears 23. Pokes holes in the ground 24. Beverage receptacle 25. Stone used to surface roads 26. French-Belgian river 27. Type of phone 28. Long-lasting light bulb 29. Type of medication (abbr.) 30. German city 31. Animal disease 32. They’re in martinis 33. Get away from 34. Dormouse 36. managementDatabase system CROSSWORD SUDOKU ***Perfect for Homeowners*** 315-430-1121 Unlimited Weight * No Hidden Fees BLACKTOP PAVING & SEALING New Digouts, Resurface, Repair or Seal Driveways, Parking Lots, Roads, etc. Free Estimates. Call Al 315-481-7248LaMont(cell) All Quality Blacktop & Concrete Certified by the BBB. Welcome Front Line Responders, Senior Citizens & Veterans. “Early bird's get the price” Seasons On! Res/Com. 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sept 14, 2022 7eagle News CNy’s Community News s ource PENNY SAVER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. CLEAR THE CLUTTER Garage Sale Season is HERE and the Eagle Pennysaver has got you covered. Call 437-6173 to advertise your sale today. Deadlines are Wednesdays at 7pm for the following week’s paper. DISCOUNT DUMPSTER RENTAL You Load or We Load Famil y Owned & Operated QUICK PI CKUPS TO COMPLETE CLEANO UTS Est ate Cl ea nouts Attic , Ba se ment & Gara ge Clea nouts Yar d Was te, Cons truct ion Debr is, Hous ehold Clea nouts Se rvi ng CNY s inc e 1998 Fa mily Owned & Oper at ed Fr ee Est imate s * Full y Ins ure d 315 430 1121 Interi or/Exterior Painti ng & Cabinet Refi nis hi ng Free Est , Insured, Ref erences 315 685 1062 www facebook com/a aronpai ntingcny WE MAKE & Repair Most Scr ee ns ! Also New & Insulat ed Glas s & Repair s! Por ch Enc los ur es We hav e Aluminum Combi na tion Stor m & Sc ree n Win dows & Vinyl Re pla ce ment Windows Albert Home Produc ts 117 E Manlius St E Sy ra cus e 315 476 7972 Al s Painting Int er ior / Ex ter ior Unbeat able Price s! Fre e Es t I ns ure d 315 380 0312 Seni or Citi zen & Mil it ar y Dis counts Driveway / Drainag e Landscape / Sand / Stone Dust Hard Fill / Clean Fill Landscaping Geotext ile Fabric (By t he Roll or Sheet) Deliv er y Av aila ble 315 457 2 394 BAR GAI N TREE SERVIC E Re sidential * Commer cia l Complet e tre e & s tump re mova l Ce rt ifie d Climber 315 672 3398 Se n & Milita ry Dis count s F ully I ns Fr ee Est www bar ga int re es er vic e ne t *ROOFI NG Siding Conc re te *Dec ks *Fa sc ia *Sof fit *De molit ion & Any Other of your Home I mprove ment Nee ds ! Ser ving the CNY Area GU TTERS HAND YM AN H EATING HO ME IM PRO VEMEN T H OUS E JACKING JU NK HAULIN G JU NK HAULIN G LAN DSCAPI NG LAWN CA RE MA SON RY MA SON RY M OVI NG SERVICES PAINTIN G PLUM BING PRINTIN G ROO FING ROO FING ROTOTILLIN G SCR EEN R EPA IR SN OWPLO WING STO NE STU MP GR INDI NG TREE SERVIC E WIND OW CLEANIN G CONDITIO NED AIR A/C or No He at Serv ic e Cal l Star tin g At $75 or A/C or Furna ce Tu ne Up $75 43 Yea rs Ex pe rie nc e Lic ens ed , Bonde d & Ins ur ed 24 HR Serv ice BBB Member Wit h A+ Ra ting 315 458 2653 *Fall Cleanups *Landsc aping & Mul chi ng, Paver Wa lkways & Pat ios *Lighti ng See us on Facebook **Now adding Snow Plow account s i n Manli us Joe 315 463 5611 36 Yea rs Exper ience KI NG OF THE JUNGLE PAINTIN G & CONTRACTI NG Int/ Ex t Painting Drywa ll Ge ner al Re pa irs & Power Wa shing Fr ee Est imat es Rea sonable Rat es Senior Di scounts Ove r 30 Ye ar s Ex pe rien ce OSHA Ce rti fie d We Acc ept MC/VI Dav id Lalonde 315 751 0370 or 315 455 5860 QUALITY TREE SERVICE Big Tak e Downs Experi ence d Lands caping, Shr ub s & St ump Re mova l F ree Es timat e OSHA Cert ifie d We Ac ce pt MC/ VI Dav id Lalonde 315 751 0370 or 315 455 5860 STU MP GR INDI NG Roots Re move d Fit s thr ough 36 gat e Fa st Rel iabl e Affordable We Show Up! Cal l Davi d 315 516 0241 P AINTING INT/EX T Smal l Wall Repai rs Fair P rices Q ual ity Work Free Est Ins C all 315 744 7198 GREENLAW N MOWING Mul ching Spring Cle an ups Trimming & Landsca pe De sign Prof es sin al & Dependable 20 Ye ars Ex p Serv ing All of CNY Low Pri ces a nd I ns 315 516 3127 HOUSE JACKING House , Camp, Ga rage & Porc he s *Struct ur al Lev eling & St rai ght ening *ALL WOOD ROT REPAI RS *Support Bea ms & Floor J ois ts *F oundat ion Repai rs *Bowed & Crac ke d Founda tions *I nte rior/ Ex t erior Wa ll Rep air s/Re su rfa ci ng *WATERPROOFING We t Bas ements Ma de Dr y! Int er ior /Ext er ior Dr aina ge Sy ste ms *Yar d & Gutte r Fou ndation Dra ina ge Ba se me nt Walls Sea led Owners on ALL Proj ects No Job To o Sma ll! A Fami ly Bus ines s *Genera tions of Qua lity Work All phas es of inter ior /e xte rior re mode lin g a nd re nova tions a ddition s, finish bas ements & mor e *A+ Member of BBB* Call Doug 315 727 8900 For a FREE Estim ate EXP ERT CONTRACTING 315 420 7600 Commer ci al & Re sidentia l Roofing & Siding Als o Spec iali zing In Repair, Re stora tion of Flat Roofs Resi denti al Roof ing Leaks & Repai rs *Siding *Fulll y I ns ur ed *Senior Disc ount Fr ee Est imates Qualit y Work Ov er 30 year s Ex perienc e A+ Rat ing BBB IMMANUEL ENTERPRI SE I NC Roofing & Sidi ng Spe cia list Hone st & Affordable Rat es Insure d 3 15 240 0887 MA SONRY MAN Pa rge Founda tions , Wal ls Chimne y' s & Cella r Wa lls (insi de & out), Cr ac ked Floor J ois t s Replac ed 30 Yea rs Ex p, Ins, F re e Es t Se ni or Di scount Cal l Gary 315 675 9762 or 315 396 1442 Gar y Vona's Lawn Ser vice Fa ll Cle anups SNOWPLOWI NG Commer ica l/Res ide nt ial Ma nli us F M E Sy r Fre mont Minoa are as 315 439 8301 GMS PAI NTI NG Inte rior / Ext erio r *De ck Sta ining Powe r Wa shing Com/Re s, Fre e Es tima te , Insure d 315 452 0538 Landscape Dami ani's Paint ing Now offe ri ng Lands cape & Ma inte na nc e, Cle anups Wee ding, Tri mmi ng Mulc hing Dec or ati ve St one, Old Bush/Brush Re mova l, Et c F ully Insure d F ree Es timat es Call or Text 315 807 4305 EAGLE NEWS DES IGN * PRINT *DELIV ER Cal l 315 434 8889 ATTENTI ON !!! JD'S HANDYMAN SERVI CE Money sa ving low p ric es No job too big or s mallI ! “Men us e De wa lt tools , th e boys use the c he ap tools Ca ll J D a ny plac e you live we go! MC/VI, 7 day s a wee k Call 315 884 2135 Right now you will re ce ive a fr ee $2 5 gift ca rd wi th one of our se rvi ces JD Haule rs J unk & Cl eanout Serv ic e Rates sta rt at $19 00! We Cl ea n Out Att ics , Base ments , She ds, Yar ds Br us h Remov al & Mor e! We ta ke down Gar age s Sheds Fe nc es Pool & Mor e! Ma ke That Junk Go Away! Se rvi ng all of CNY I can t believe they are here already J ob s don e wit hin 6 8hr s! Expres s Sa me Da y Se rv ice ! 315 450 2230 We a re Op en & we a re f ollowing re gulat ions to be s afe ! Sc hafer's J unk & Cleanout Serv ic e WE DO CLEANOUTS Rates start @ $19 00! We Ha ul Away : Applia nc es, Tra sh & Ya rd Clea nup Bas eme nt F loo ds She ds Po ols TV's Ti res Pa int Sa me Da y Se rvi ce ! We Go ANYWHERE! 315 884 2135 We ar e Op en & we ar e fol lowing regulat ions to be sa fe! JEFF & LAUREN' S Residenti al Moving Servic e Load Unload Pak ing Ser vic es Smal l or Big Als o, Clea nouts $$$ Saving Pric es Same Day Express Servi ce A House hold name You Ca n Trus t JD Haul ers ” 315 450 2230 We a re Op en & we a re f ollowing re gulat ions to be s afe ! TREE REMOVAL & CLEANUP Rates St arting at $49 We ta ke d own tr ee s yar d cle aups br us h re mova l, Tre es Removed, Land Cle ar ing Sa me Day Se rvi ce Ca ll JD Haulers 315 450 2230 We a re Op en & we a re f ollowing re gulat ions to be s afe ! STEVENS TREE SERVIC E, BIG OR SMALL WE DO EM ALL Fa mi ly Owne d & Oper ate d Comple te Tre e Re mov al Se rvi ng CNY Re sident ial Comme rc ial *Munic ipa lity *Buc ket Truck *Storm Damage Res tora tion *Spring/F al l Debris Cl ean Up Ful ly Insured Fr ee Est ima te s 315 466 2858 ( lea ve a mess age) or 315 75 0 6002 jody835@gmail c om RELI ABLE ROTOTI LLING Ga rdens Lawns Br us h Hog & Post Hole Drilling 315 633 2486 MILLER CONS TRUCTION S ERV IC ES Plumbing/ HVAC Res ide nti al/Comme rci al 24 Hour Emergenc y Ser vic e Small Jobs We lcome Loca lly Owne d & Oper ate d Ov er 25 Ye ars Ex per ience I ns ure d * Lice ns ed Ken 315 2 97 2822 Liver pool Seam less Gutt er s 315 457 0403 or 31 5 314 957 0 Ser ving CNY For Over 30 Year s 10 Yr La bor & 20 Yr Mate ri al Warr anty *Var iet y of Colors *Le af Protec tion Cle anouts Fa sc ia/ Soffit Re pla ce ment & Re pa irs F re e Es t F ullly I ns li verpools eamless gutt er s co m Lorenzo's Interi or & Exteri or Home Repairs *Pa int ing I nt/ Ex t *Drywall Re pai r Power Was hi ng & Sta ining *Ba seme nt & Found at ion Re pai r & Pa int ing *Any Ca rpentry Re pa ir for Deck s & Stai rs Cal l Lore nzo 315 391 6554 Fa ll Cle anups Ed ging Mulching *Trimming *We eding *Flowe r Be ds Pla nting Dec or ati ve Stone *Sod Ins tal lat ion *Bush & Brush Re mova l *Reta ining Wal ls *Wa lkwa ys *Pa tios *New Land sca pe Des ign & I ns tall ati on s Fr ee Est imate s Full y Ins ure d Call or Tex t Lorenz o or J ua n 315 391 6554 HAN DYM AN LUKE GRAVES No J ob to Bi g or Small 315 396 8570 or 315 676 5906 LANDSCAPE DESI GN, Stump Gri ndi ng Svc es , Se as ona l Cle an Haul Away Svce s Full T ree Se rvi ce Full y I ns ure d Follow us on F ac eb ook! Ev er green Landsc ap ing 315 766 8792 ROO F MA N We Stop Leaks ! Serv ing Sy rac us e & Surr ound ing Suburbs Res idential & Commerci al Roof ing Spec ialis t Shi ngl e Roofs / 25 & 30 Yr Shingl es *Slat e & Tile Repairs *Fla t Roof Repair s *Por che s *Dormer s *Ga ra ges *Rubbe r Roof Repair s *Ne w Roofs *ReRoofs Lea k Re pa irs Rotte d Plywood Repl ac ed *I ce Snow & Wi nd St orm Damage All Work Guaranteed! War rant y 5 10 30 Year s Compa re p ric es Yo u ll be gla d you did! Fully Insured F re e Es tima tes Insuranc e Cl aims, Senior Citi zen Disc ounts 315 430 9903 Desantis Property Ser vic e *LANDSCAPI NG Pr oper ty Maintenance La ndsc aping Mowing Trimmi ng Mulc hi ng, Pav er s, Spr ing & Fall Cl eanups Bobca t Serv ice Gr av el Dri vewa ys & Wal kway s Insta lle d, Dr ainage Work & Tr enching Shed Pa ds Insta lle d, Dirt , Gr av el & Sa nd Hauled & Spr ead Re sidential /Comme rc ial Fully I ns ure d 315 730 2285 MODERN HO ME TEC H Addit ions Siding Roofing Ki tchen/Ba th Sunrooms Pole Barns Any Type Home Remode l Senior Disc ount 315 699 3728 Re sidential Window Washing Se rvi ce Fre e Es tima tes Aff ordable Dependa ble Fully Ins 315 689 6600 ROOF LEAK S & REP AIRS NEW ROOFS www murta ughre stora ti ons co m $0 Down, 12 mont hs no interest FREE ESTI MATES*F ULLY INSURED 315 432 5600 A Company You Can Count On ONONDAGA CHIMNEY & MASONRY SERVI CES *Chimney Re builds & Repair s *Re taining Wa lls *St eps *Bri ck Bloc k & Stuc co F oundat ion Repai rs Fre e Es tima te s *Fu ll y Ins ur ed Se ni or Di scounts 315 453 2909 Se rv ing Syr acus e for 30 y ea rs We a re ope n & following guidelines Interi or Paint ing Any Size Job Fr ee Es timates Full y I nsu red 315 400 1503 LAKE EFFECT Tree Serv ice *Spe ciali ze in Ha rd to Ge t Ar eas *Certi fie d Cli mber & Aer ial Li ft Serv ice Serv ing Sk aneat ele s Ot isc o & Mar cel lus 315 720 0020 TRIM A LIMB TREE SERVICE Cer tifi ed Climbe r Buc ke t Tr uc ks Ar ial Li fts , Stump Gri ndi ng Speci aliz ed in Haz ar dous Tre e Re mova ls Se nior Cit ize n Dis count F re e Es t, F ully I ns 315 468 1211 SNOWP LOWING Commercial & Resident ial All as pe cts of Snow Remov al Roofs Sidewalk s * Et c Driv eway s st ar ting @ $149 99 Sign contr ac t bef ore Oc t 1 and get $25 off y our contr ac t s easo nal rate Senior & Mil itar y Di scounts Fre e Est ima te s * F ully I ns ure d pdproper ty enha nc eme nt s com 315 766 6135 PD PROPERTY ENHANCEMENTS Commercial & Resident ial FULL SERVICE TREE COMPANY *TR IMMING & REMOVAL *STUMP GRI NDING & LOT CLEARING Fully Insured with Workmans Compens at ion Free Esti mate with Senior & Mili tary Di scounts pdproper ty enha nc ement s com 315 766 6135 RAINBOW PAINTI NG & CONTRACTING All Home I mprove ments from A to Z Commer cia l/Res ide nt ial Ba se me nt Mold Remov al *Re mode ling *Wa ter pr oofing Dry wa ll Deck s & F ence s *Concr ete Re pai rs *Landsca pi ng *Plumbing *Pre ss ure Was hing *Clea nouts *F loor Tiling *Painting *Tre e Serv ice *Sid ing et c SPRING/ SUMMER SPECI ALS! 35 Yea rs Exper ience Lic ense d & Insured Senior /Vete ra n Disc ount EPA Ce rti fie d Call 315 925 1595 All Work Gua ra nte ed R D M CONSTRUCTION Home Re mode ling Addi tions Home Re pa irs Pai nt ing Siding Kit chen & Baths, Ba se me nts, Deck s Ove r 25 yrs exp Fr ee Es t 315 289 6524 STEVEN LASHOMB'S TREE SERVICE Buc ke t Tr uc k, Cl imber , Stump Gri ndi ng Fully Ins Sen Disc ount 315 516 9020 Super ior Scapes In c Landscaping & Hardscaping Speciali st D esign & Install , Brick pav ers, Ret ai ning Walls 315 952 1142 vis it us at superiors capes com SUPER IOR SCAPES SN OWPLOWI NG Call for Be st Ra tes !! ! Nor th Syr ac us e & Liv er pool 315 952 1142 *All I nt eriors 1 Room to F ull Hous e *Ce ili ngs *Tri m & Walls *Dependable & Clean Excellent References 315 263 1541 I ns ure d * Res idential/ Comme rc ia l & Re al ty Proper ty * Cle an Ups *Lawn Maint * Edging * Mulc h & De corat ive Stone Se e our webs ite f or other s erv ic es: www s yr ac us ela wn c om 315 451 1542 Senior Disc ounts & Fr ee Est imate s Spring & Fal l Clea n ups *P: 315 633 2081 *C: 315 427 6070 SPECIALIZING I n St ruc tural Le ve ling Stra ighte ning & Ja ck ing Ca mps, Hous es, Ba rns , Gara ge s, Sheds Por ches & More Be am Re pla ce me nt , F loor Joist Replac ement Conc re te F oundat ion Repair & Fl atwor k 30 Year s Exp 10% Senior Disc ount Cal l Art @ 315 675 3270 or 315 345 6120 A RO OFI NG COMPANY YOU CAN COUNT ON Best Pr ic es in CNY! Li fetime Shingles & Workmans hi p Ins Fr ee Est Sen Citi zen Dis count 315 391 0998 JUNK A WA Y We pic k up & haul a ny thing y ou don't want Chea per tha n a ny o ther pric e! 7 day s a we ek Ca ll t oday ! Pi ckup Today! Trash i s cheap don t over pay! 315 395 0907 Best Roofi ng Company Ev er!!! Ne w Roofs * Roof Repairs (al l ty pe s) Gables * Fla ts *40 y rs Exp Re fe r e nc es Fu lly Insure d Call Toda y! !! Re sponse Today! !! Lif etime Roof The La st Roof you will eve r buy! Call Charli e 315 4 78 1894 A2

8 sept 14, 2022 eagle NewsCNy’s Community News s ource PENNY SAVER GENERAL/CLASSIFIEDS Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. PENNY SAVER EMPLOYMENT Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. Newspaper Delivery (Surrounding Syracuse) Delivery of newspapers/magazines -- Part time – approx. 9-15 hrs/week -- (flexible) -- MUST be done during normal 8-5 hours. MUST work EVERY Wednesday starting at 8:00 a.m. $13.50/hr. -- MAIN DUTY is to drive company van usually 1-2 days a week (3 or 4 days at end/beginning of month) making newspaper/magazine exchanges. If route can not be finished Wednesday then MUST work Thursday to finish it. We have 6 papers so VERY CRITICAL the proper paper goes in proper delivery area. Keep track of returns on a log. Lifting of 40 lbs. Clean drivers license required. Please send resume to Lori Newcomb, Circulation Manager, Eagle Newspapers, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse NY 13206 by email or call 315-434-8889 ext. 333 Call 437-6173Us Need Advertisetoit? Do PositionHaveYouAtoFill ?

sept 14, 2022 9eagle News CNy’s Community News s ource PENNY SAVER GENERAL/CLASSIFIEDS Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. 64217_5 APARTMENTSSTONELEIGH 1 Bedroom Senior Citizens (age 62 or older) or a permanent mobility impairment where you receive a Social Rentapt.unitsincomeMustdisability.Securityqualifyunderguidelines.Non-handicappedavailablenow.Callnowtoviewanorhaveussendyouanapplication.SubsidizedUnits-isbasedonyourhouseholdincome. (315)400ApartmentsStoneleighLambAve.Canastota,NY13032697-2847 EQUAL HOUSING 1 Bedroom Senior Citizens (age 62 or older) or a permanent mobility impairment where you receive a Social Security disability. Must qualify under income guidelines. Accepting applications now! Call now to view an apt. or have us send you an application. Subsidized Units - Rent is based on your household income. Stoneleigh Apartments 400 Lamb Ave.Canastota, NY 13032 (315) 697-2847 APARTMENTSSTONELEIGH 1 Bedroom Senior Citizens (age 62 or older) or a permanent mobility impairment where you receive a Social Rentapt.unitsincomeMustdisability.Securityqualifyunderguidelines.Non-handicappedavailablenow.Callnowtoviewanorhaveussendyouanapplication.SubsidizedUnitsisbasedonyourhouseholdincome. APARTMENTSSTONELEIGH(315)400ApartmentsStoneleighLambAve.Canastota,NY13032697-2847 1 Bedroom Senior Citizens (age 62 or older) or a permanent mobility impairment where you receive a Social Rentapt.unitsincomeMustdisability.Securityqualifyunderguidelines.Non-handicappedavailablenow.Callnowtoviewanorhaveussendyouanapplication.SubsidizedUnitsisbasedonyourhouseholdincome. (315)400ApartmentsStoneleighLambAve.Canastota,NY13032697-2847 Rental Of ce Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am to 5pm by appiontment only 315-451-3110Liverpool, NY 24 maintenance,hour small pets welcomed. PINECRESTMANORAPTS.COM NOW LEASING 1, 2 & 3 ApartmentsBedroom PENNY SAVER REAL ESTATE Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. Contact Patti Puzzo at 315-434-8889 ext. 321 or ppuzzo@eaglenewsonline.comAdvertise Here! 2 DAY - AUCTION S EP T EMBER 21-22 4:30 PM S ELL IN G 3 E STAT ES @ 7807 P L AIN VI LLE R D , P L AIN VI LLE NY All kinds of blowers, weed eaters, garden tools, chains, paints, toolboxes, hand, power and air tools, grease guns, hammers, Dovetail machine, grinders, air compressor, folding table, step ladders, vinyl canopy/tent, ext. ladder, pool equip., ball hitches, some misc. lumber, small weather vane, fishing equip., ProForm treadmill, air-nailer, sockets, drills, air-metal shears, table saw, heaters, shop vacs, wheel barrow, wheel chair, misc. bedding, electrical, hardware, air conditioner, wood clamp, lawn ornaments, holiday decorations, pipe wrenches, clamps, sword, dishes, metal toy cars & trucks, children’s games, cookware, Pyrex, numerous toys & tain sets, dolls, dome trunk, Oak drop front desk, loveseat recliner, 4 person hot tub (Barefoot Spa -, like new), Shopsmith w/ attach, Shopsmith dust collector, misc. chairs, gun cabinet, Pianola Player Piano w/bench & 50+ rolls, Exec office desk, coffee & end tables set, dressers, Depress. Bdrm set, cabinets, folding chairs, early stands, early dresser w/ mirror, Mahogany dinning set w/4 chairs & buffet, 5maple chairs, drafting table, Dbl brass bed, lanterns early fans, child’s china cabinet, sm. Victorian marble top stand, early pictures & frames, trunk, cast iron stove, Mahogany vanity w/bench, maple dresser w/mirror & desk, Mahogany cedar chest, lamps, collection of baseball cards, china set, pots/ pans, knick-knacks, sewing machines and cabinets, sgl/dbl beds, birdseye maple dresser w/mirror, books, children’s games, collection of BB guns, 10x7 & 12x9 Oriental rugs. (Day 1 – Items auctioned will take bidder requests, Day 2 rest of items to the bare walls)

Auctioneers note: This is a partial listing. Go to #4840 for photos. Dean D.Cummins Auctioneer 315-626-2248/315-246-5407

Lois messé, 98

Thelma M. Miller, 91, of Cary, NC, passed away Sept. 1, 2022. Fergerson Fu neral Home, North Syracuse, has arrange ments.

James D. Flora, 72, of Red Creek died Aug. 30, 2022. The Bush Funeral Home of Elbridge has arrangements.

by doNNA NEwmAN photo by alexaNDer martIN meluCCI

Lois messé

John R. Lewien, 77, of Baldwinsville, passed away Sept. 3, 2022. Maurer Funeral Home, Inc. Liverpool, has arrangements.

In lieu of flowers, donations in Lo is’s name may be made to the Marcellus Historical Society or St. Francis Xavier Church.

Born in Canada, her parents moved to Syracuse when she was a child. She graduated from Most Holy Rosary High School in 1943 and Syracuse University in 1947. Lois married Thomas Messé after he returned from Army service in Europe in WWII. She taught physical education at East Syracuse Minoa, while Tom fin ished college, and continued as a substi tute teacher while raising three children in Marcellus.Loisand

predeceased by her husband, Thomas, and her parents John and Kath leen Rankin. Surviving relatives are her son Jack (Ellen) of New Ipswich, NH; her daughter Barbara (Carlile) Bolton-Smith of Skaneateles; her son Bill (Susan) of Syracuse; grandchildren Rick (Stacey) of DeWitt; Brian of Syracuse; Graham of Red Lodge, MT; and Adrienne of Brattleboro, VT. Also, three great-grandchildren Bri anna, Liam and Kate, and many relatives in Nova CallingScotia.hours

Joanne E. Marsh, 82, of Cicero, passed away Aug. 30, 2022. Fergerson Funeral Home, North Syracuse, has arrangements.

Paul B. Loran, 72, of Memphis, passed away Sept. 8, 2022. The Bush Funeral Home of Elbridge has arrangements.

akota is a Native American word that means “friend or ally” and that’s the perfect name for this friendly girl. d akota came to the shelter through no fault of her own, when her people were unable to care for her. She’s sweet, friendly, loves to go on walks, and loves to be with people. w e think she would make a wonderful pet for an active family. She would benefit from training (but who wouldn’t?) and she has a heart as big as the great outdoors. i f you’re look ing for an ally, look no further – d akota is waiting for you at the CN ySPCA! For more information about adoption, call 315-4544479 or email frontdesk1@

10 sept 14, 2022 eagle NewsCNy’s Community News s ource

Co-founded Marcellus Motors

Lois was a communicant and eucharis tic minister at St. Francis Xavier Church, Marcellus, and an avid golfer at Skaneate les Country CommunityClub.service was an important part of Lois’s life. She volunteered her time and energy to numerous charities.

were from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sept. 7 at Ryan Funeral Home, 44 E. Main Street, Marcellus. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated the next morning at 11 a.m. in St. Francis Xavier Church, One West Main Street, Marcellus. The Rite of Committal and burial followed at St. Mary’s Cemetery, DeWitt.


mEEt dAkotA

Tom moved to Marcellus in 1951 and founded Marcellus Motors on Main St. as the youngest Ford dealership in NYS. They later owned and operated Onondaga Oil Company Inc. for several decades with divisions in Syracuse and Marcellus distributing heating oil and petroleum products throughout several counties in Central NY.

ing staff of the Dome as she consistently attended games in her wheelchair up into herShe90s.was

Deborah J. Fish, 63, of Cicero, passed away Sept. 5, 2022. Maurer Funeral Home, Inc. Liverpool, has arrangements.



In the 1960s she was the parent leader of troops of Brownies, Cadet Scouts and Cub Scouts. Lois enjoyed her service on the CNY Council of the AFS, an international cultural exchange program. She and Tom hosted cultural exchange students in their home from Mexico and Trinidad/Tobago. They were leaders of the community effort to raise funds for a building on North Steet to facilitate religious release time educa tion. She loved the outdoors and taught numerous children to swim as one of the originators of the Red Cross Learn to Swim program at Austin Park, Skaneateles.

Lois will be remembered as an avid Syr acuse University football and basketball fan. She started attending games at age 5, in 1929, with her father in Archbald Stadi um; and, was well-known by the welcom


Lois Rankin Messé, 98, of Marcellus, passed away peacefully Aug. 29, 2022, in the comfort of her own home.

The Cicero United Methodist Church Caring Support Group is sponsoring a trip to Williamstown, Kentucky, to visit the Noah’s Ark Encounter and Creation Museum from Sept. 26 through Oct. 1. Trip includes transportation and lodging, aquarium, three breakfasts, three dinners, driver gratuity and much more. Cost is $875 per person for double occupancy; $975 for single. For more info, contact Mary Alice Scheel at 315-6997181.

Fall Fun Bazaar

9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14; bag sale 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15. Baldwinsville First United Methodist Church, 17 W. Genesee St. Donations will be accepted in the church dining room between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12, and Thursday, Oct. 13.

Associated Artists of CNY Show Manlius Library, 1 Arkie Albanese Way. Associated Artists of CNY is holding its 95th Annual Juried Members Show. An opening reception will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 25. This show is free and open to the public.

CHA Fall Festival 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Clay Historical Park, 4939 Route 31. Come and enjoy apple fritters, hotdogs, coneys, and drinks! Check out the Kiddie Corner with games. Girl Scouts will be doing face painting. In the Visitor Center is a table of Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office history. Karate John’s will put on a demonstration show. Civil War re-enactors will perform in the park. There will be a chair caning demonstration in front of the Log Cabin. Come and take out a book with the NOPL Pop-Up Library. Throughout the park you’ll see vendors and live demos. Come and visit with authors Jim Fargalia and Ermine Cunningham. Admission and parking are free. For more information, visit clayhistoricalassociation.

Fall Rummage Sale

1 to 4 p.m. Thursdays. Baldwinsville Public Library, 33 E. Genesee St. Through the Central New York Library Resources Council (CLRC) and LiteracyCNY, BPL will be able to provide one-on-one help with in-depth computer, tablet, and smartphone or internet questions. Learn how to create a resume, use Microsoft Excel, upload pictures from a flash drive, apply online for a job, or use a smartphone, just to name a few. Just go to the Information Desk to inquire about computer help. This is a drop-in program so no appointment is needed. Grab -n- Go Community Dinner 4 to 6 p.m. or until supplies last. St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 2840 Cold Springs Road, Baldwinsville. September’s dinner is chicken and biscuits! Dinners are free to all and everyone is welcome. Drive-thru only.


TACNY Junior Café Scientifique: Gree Technol ogy in Urban City Development 9:30 to 11 a.m. Museum of Science & Technology (MOST). The program is primarily for middle school students. Come early for a continental breakfast, and stay and visit the MOST, as our guest, when the program is over! Must RSVP to Trunk Sale for Haiti 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. St. Michael’s/St. Peter’s Church, 4782 W. Seneca Turnpike, Onondaga Hill. Hold a garage sale from your car and keep what you earn; $35 space rental fee benefits our twin parish in Haiti. Call 315673-1429 for information and to reserve a spot.



CNY Senior Housing & Care Expo 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. E-Shed, CNY Regional Market, 2100 Park St., Syracuse. Community Living Advocates has teamed up with Loretto and PACE CNY to host this free event for Central New Yorkers over 50 and those looking to find resources and services for their older loved ones. Enjoy breakfast and lunch from PB&J’s Lunch Box and listen to live music from Power of Two. Sign in at the door to receive your free bag and passport to facilitate your chance to win door prizes throughout the event. For more information, visit seniorhousingexpo2022/

11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Johnson Park, Liverpool. Browse dozens of arts and crafts vendors, enjoy live entertainment and feast at the concession stand. For more information, contact Jessica Mosley at or 315-409-4024.

Upstate HealthLink: Living Healthy with a Chronic Condition 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Zoom. The Chronic Disease Self Management Program (CDSMP) is a peer-led health program for adults 18 and up with any ongoing health condition (asthma, COPD, arthritis, etc.). CDSMP enhances a person’s ability to manage their health and maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle. All class participants receive booklets and resources via mail. Email to register.

Witness to Injustice 6 to 8:30 p.m. Carman Community Room, Liverpool Public Library, 310 Tulip St. Through the use of meaningful quotes and blankets that represent part of Turtle Island (the Western Hemisphere), participants explore the history of the indigenous peoples that is rarely learned. It helps participants deepen their understanding about European colonization and the denial of Indigenous peoples’ nationhood throughout U.S. history up to the present time. This program will be cosponsored by the following public libraries in Onondaga County: Baldwinsville, LaFayette, Liverpool, Maxwell, NOPL and Tully. Please register on the Liverpool Public Library calendar;


Loads & Loaves of Love Program Noon to 2 p.m. Colonial Laundromat, 24 E. Genesee St., Baldwinsville. Get a load of laundry done for free with a voucher. Each voucher includes quarters for one regular wash cycle, 30 minutes in the dryer, detergent sheet and dryer sheet. Pick up a voucher for the free laundry at Baldwinsville Food Pantry, Canton Woods, B’ville Cares, PEACE, or Bee Full Food Pantry at Baker High. Sponsored by St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. Elementary School Book Club 2:30 p.m. Skaneateles Library, 49 E. Genesee St.

deep South becomes a suspect in the murder of a man she was once involved with. Rated PG-13; run time 125 minutes (2022). For more information, visit or call 315-685-5135.

Walk 4 CMT 9 a.m. Willow Bay, Onondaga Lake Park, Liverpool. Funds raised by the Walk 4 CMT campaign fuel the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association to find treatments for CMT and ultimately a cure. To donate or register, visit

5 to 8 p.m. Cayuga Museum of History and Art, 203 Genesee St., Auburn. The Skaneateles Area Arts Council will present an evening of art, music, and friends to kick off the fifth Art4Skarts Juried Art Show and Sale. Tickets for the opening reception are $60 per person with proceeds going to the Skarts Grants Program. They may be purchased at or at the door the day of the event. The exhibit and sale will continue during museum hours until Saturday, Sept. 24.


Video Game Club 4 to 6 p.m. Thursdays, Sept. 22, 29; Oct. 6, 13.

Upstate HealthLink: Vertigo Noon. Zoom. Join us to discuss the most common form of vertigo along with diagnosis and treatments. Question and answer session to follow with Annina Dougherty, PT, DPT, Rehabilitative Therapies, Upstate Medical University. Email to register.

For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please call the church at 315-635-6442.

This month we’re reading “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” by Jeff Kinney. Each month we’ll read a book or graphic novel and then get together to chat and do an activity. For kids in grades 3-5. No registration. For more information, visit or call 315-6855135.

American Red Cross Blood Drive 1 to 6 p.m. Faith Journey UMC, 8396 Morgan Road, Clay. Schedule an appointment at Tuesday Night Movie: ‘Elvis’ 6 p.m. Baldwinsville Public Library, 33 E. Genesee St. Johnny Appleseed Storytime 6 p.m.-7 p.m. North Syracuse Library. Let’s read about Johnny Appleseed and make a fun apple craft!

sept 14, 2022 11eagle News CNy’s Community News s ource


Mah Jongg @ Salina Library Noon to 2 p.m. Salina Library, 100 Belmont St., Mattydale. Mah Jongg is a fascinating rummy-like game you play with tiles rather than cards. Instruction is available for beginners. Do you have experience? You can help to teach others. For more information, visit or call 315-454-4524.

Baker ‘62 Reunion Baker High School Class of 1962 will hold its 60th reunion Sept. 16 and 17. A meet and greet will be at The Wood (self-pay) from 4 to 6 p.m. on Friday. Dinner on Saturday at Tassone’s is $35 per person. Please email Karen at or call Rheta at 315-635-3291 for details.


Upstate HealthLink: Living Healthy with a Chronic Condition 5:30 to 8 p.m. Zoom. The Chronic Disease Self Management Program (CDSMP) is a peer-led health program for adults 18 and up with any ongoing health condition (asthma, COPD, arthritis, etc.). CDSMP enhances a person’s ability to manage their health and maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle. All class participants receive booklets and resources via mail. Email to register.

Friends of BPL 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Baldwinsville Public Library, 33 E. Genesee St. Learn about the Friends of the Baldwinsville Public Library and how you can help with upcoming projects. For more information, email Krista Wells at

Homeschool Meet-up 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Brewerton Library. Come to NOPL Brewerton to meet with other local homeschooling families. Need materials on a particular subject? We will have librarians available to aid you in selecting resources.

WEDNESDAY SEPT. 21 Chakra Art on the River 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Three Rivers Park Pavilion, 8879 Oswego Road, Clay. Celebrate autumn with the Town of Clay Seniors. Enjoy making an art project and chair yoga. All art supplies and classes are free. Bring coffee, lunch, and your own chair. You must be registered with Clay Safety ID; contact Chrissy Clancy at 315-6523800 ext. 137 or

Community Conversations: How to Avoid Scams & Fraud 10 a.m. Skaneateles Library, 49 E. Genesee St. The Community Conversations series connects our neighbors with local leaders, organizations and community members. Skaneateles Police Chief Scott Heggelke will share helpful tips and hints on how to avoid various kinds of scams out there and how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud. He will also discuss how to spot red flags that may indicate a fraudulent encounter and what to do if you or a loved one are targets of a scam. There will be plenty of time for Q&A and conversations with Chief Heggelke at the conclusion of the program. For more information, visit or call 315-685-5135.

Onondaga Numismatic Association’s Coin and Currency Show 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Holiday Inn, 400 7th North st., Liverpool. 24 tables of professional dealers will buy/ sell coins and paper money. Everyone is welcome. Free evaluations available. Free admission/Donations appreciated.

Author Talk with Alexis Hall 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. North Syracuse Library. Join us this evening for a discussion with Alexis Hall, bestselling author of books such as A Lady For a Duke and Boyfriend Material! Alexis will be joining us virtually from the UK. The author talk will be followed by a Q&A session.

SAVE THE DATE Kentucky Trip


Jazz on Tap: John Spillett Trio 2 to 5 p.m. Finger Lakes On Tap, 35 Fennell St., Skaneateles.

Drumming in Autumn 10:30 a.m. Three Rivers Park Pavilion, 8879 Oswego Road, Clay. Celebrate autumn with the Town of Clay Seniors. Ball drums will be supplied for registered seniors, though personal drums are encouraged. Free snacks and a fall equinox project will be provided. This event is open to the community and all are welcome. Bring your own chair. Call 315-652-3800 ext. 137 to register.

Learn to Play Mah Jongg 1 to 2:30 p.m. Baldwinsville Public Library, 33 E. Genesee St. During a four-week class, learn to play Mah Jongg. It’s not the game you play on your phone but a more complicated rewarding game with tiles. Registration is required for this in-person class;

Trunk or Treat 5 to 6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28. Davidson Ford, Route 31, Clay. Hosted by Greater Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. To register your business, call 315-4573895 by Oct. 21; registration is $35.

‘That Dam Murder’ 7 p.m. Schroeppel Historical Society, 486 Main St., Phoenix. Historical researcher Steve McMahon presents the story of the body of a murdered man found floating in the Oswego River in 1911, during the building of the new dam and Barge Canal in Phoenix. McMahon will also show 21 rare images from glass plate negatives taken five years before the Great Fire of 1916, many of which will be revealed here for the first time. Free admission and refreshments courtesy of SHS members; donations are greatly appreciated. Visit for more information.



MONDAY, SEPT. 19 Afternoon Book Club 1 p.m. Skaneateles Library, 49 E. Genesee St. Join us on the third Monday of every month to chat books! Come every month or just for the books that interest you most. Meetings are casual and everyone is welcome. This month we’re reading “Band of Sisters” by Lauren Willig. Books are available at the library. Registration requested; visit or call 315-685-5135.

Taste of B’ville Noon to 10 p.m. Paper Mill Island, Baldwinsville. Each food and drink vendor offers low-cost samples as well as full-sized portions. The event will feature live music by Dave Wolever, Billy J & Dion, Dangerous Type Band and Off The Reservation. Johnnie-Lynn Fioramonti from the Painting Café will be doing face painting. For more information, visit


Digital Literacy Program


TACNY Sweet Science Series: Scrub Willow for Renewable Energy and Environmental Applications 5:30 to 7 p.m. A tour of the SUNY ESF Tully Research Station, 550 NY-281, Tully, NY 13159. Attendance is limited and must RSVP to


Friday Film: ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ 7 p.m. Skaneateles Library, 49 E. Genesee St. American mystery thriller drama based on the 2018 novel where a woman who raised herself in the marshes of the

Kids Crafts: Printmaking Art 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Cicero Library. Come to the library and create some cool art prints using a method called printmaking! Please register at or call the Cicero Library at 315-699-2032.


Between the Covers Book Club 6:30 to 7 :30 p.m. North Syracuse Library. This month we’re reading “A Lady for a Duke” by Alexis Hall to prepare for the author talk on Sept 19.

Send your events to adearborn@eaglenewsonline. com. Notices must have the date, time and location of the event. Deadline for submissions is 12 p.m. Friday. No calendar item can be guaranteed for placement in the papers, nor run for multiple weeks, unless it is a paid announcement. All free placement is on a spaceavailable basis. Event information may be subject to change, so be sure to contact the event organizer to confirm the details.

Art4Skarts Opening Reception

SEPT. 16-17

Mah Jongg @ BPL 3 to 5 p.m. Baldwinsville Public Library, 33 E. Genesee St. Once you have learned how to play Mah Jongg or are an experienced player, join others in gaming at the library. Please register.

Baldwinsville Public Library, 33 E. Genesee St. Come join the Town of Lysander and the Baldwinsville Public Library for in-person video game meetups! This is a space for kids to come and socialize with one another while also getting to play their favorite video games. We will provide laptops, a Wii, a Nintendo Switch, and even an oculus VR headset. Visit for more information and to register.

These StoryWalks are sponsored by Gold en Bee Bookshop of the Village of Liverpool.

North Syracuse Junior high School offers adulting class Cicero-North Syracuse High School is offering a new class for our Juniors and Seniors, “Adulting 101.” This course will be student driven while focusing on broad skills to as sist them with daily living after high school. Students will create a “Life Manual” that they will keep at the end of the semester that is interactive and personalized. This course will explore everyday life after graduation with motivation, drive and purpose.

Office of the LLC: Onondaga Co.; The NY Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom pro cess may be served NYSS may mail a copy of any process to the LLC at 5117 Coffee Tree Lane, North Syracuse New York 13212; Pur pose of LLC: Any lawful SR-296940purpose.

Formation of OEM Properties LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on August 31 2022. Office location: County of Onondaga SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 7694 Fox Tail Pines, Liv erpool, New York 13090 Purpose: any lawful pur pose.SR-296703

Notice of Formation of MB Services One LLC, a Domestic Limited Lia bility Company (LLC) Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/21/2022 Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom pro cess may be served SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 7717 Bain bridge Drive, Liverpool NY 13090. Purpose: any lawful SR-296739purpose.

Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 9/7/22. Office in Onondaga Co. SSNY de sig. agent of LLC whom process may SSNY shall mail process to 1210 Oswego St., erpool, NY 13088. Pur pose: Any lawful pur SR-296952pose.

Email your guess to starreview@eaglenewson or leave a message at 315-434-8889 ext. 340 with your guess and your name by noon Friday. If you are the first person to correctly identify an el ement in the photo before the deadline, your name and guess will appear in next week’s newspaper, along with another History Mystery feature. History Mystery is a joint project of the Star-Review and Clay Historian Dorothy Heller.

Great Auk Dme LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 5/4/2022. Cty: Onondaga. SSNY desig as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail pro cess to 8112 Brewerton Rd., Cicero, NY 13039 General SR-296896Purpose.

Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom pro cess may be served SSNY shall mail copy of process to: The LLC 6024 Monopoli Path, Ci cero, NY 13039. Pur pose: any lawful pur SR-295113pose.


the opportunity for daily after school tutoring and tons of fun activities. Parents are reminded of the school’s monthly PTO meetings.


ga County. SSNY designated agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to c/o The LLC, 107 Wilson Av enue, Liverpool, NY 13088. Purpose: any lawful SR-296377activity.

(SSNY) 8/4/2022. Office location: Onondaga Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of pro cess to 9 Tree Line Drive, Liverpool, NY 13090. Purpose: any lawful SR-295630activities.

be served

ONONDAGAINDEX 001352/2022NO.: SUPPLEMENTAL-SUMMONS. Plaintiff designates ONONDAGA COUNTY as the place of trial based upon the location of the premises herein described having tax map Section 111, Block 10, Lot 18.0, NORTH SYRACUSE A/K/A CLAY, NY, County of ONONDAGAWILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST tors,visees,administrators,scendantsatbands,wives,andthroughsaidorandTIONPARTMENTNEWREVENUEAMERICAUNITEDWILLIAMCLOONANTATEASNAN,A/K/AWILLIAMTOKELLYWILLIAMCLOONANTATEASPHILOMENAI,-against-GOODEVE,HEIRTOTHEES-OFWILLIAMP.A/K/ACLOONAN,IMBESI,ASHEIRTHEESTATEOFP.CLOONANWILLIAMCLOO-KEVINCLOONAN,HEIRTOTHEES-OFWILLIAMP.A/K/ACLOONAN,STATESOF-INTERNALSERVICE,YORKSTATEDE-OFTAXA-ANDFINANCE,anyallpersonsun-knowntoplaintiff,claim-ing,orwhomayclaimtohaveaninterestin,orgenerallyorspecificlienupontherealpropertydescribedinthisaction;suchunknownpersonsbeinghereingenerallydescribedandintendedtobeincludedinthefol-lowingdesignation,namely:thewife,widow,husband,widower,heirs-atlaw,nextofkin,descendants,executors,administrators,de-visees,legatees,credi-tors,trustees,commit-tees,lienors,andas-signeesofWILLIAMP.CLOONANA/K/AWILLIAMCLOONAN,de-ceased,anyandallper-sonsderivinginterestinlienupon,ortitletorealpropertyby,orunderthemtheirrespectivewidows,hus-widowers,heirs-law,nextofkin,de-,executors,de-legatees,credi-trustees,commit-

Notice of Formation of Stan's Tint Shop LLC a Domestic Limited Lia bility Company (LLC) Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/31/2022 Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom pro cess may be served SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 316 Rebecca Street, North Syracuse NY 13212. Purpose: any lawful EB-295282purpose.

Last week’s answer: The photo included here is of the last parsonage of the Euclid Methodist Church. It is now the home on Morgan Road of Paul and Cheryl Parsons. They gave me much his torical information on their house; Cheryl said it was found in the CHA files. Some is written by Laura Mogg Woods, a descendant of one of the eight Young siblings who settled in Clay in the early 1800’s. Laura writes from her memory, and also information from her ancestors, a first-hand-history of the parsonage

Laura continues on with “Time takes its toll of everything and a new parsonage was badly in needed. In 1900, a Building Committee comprised of Rev. C. D. Fisher, pastor, Andew Palmer; and John Mogg was named and a Syracuse contractor engaged to build the structure. The stork

The first resident pastor was The Rev. William Morse in 1854. Though no record of his residence was found, in 1860 the house just south of the present church building was used as a parsonage. Church history records the first parsonage was purchased in 1862 for Rev. Royal Houghton just north of the present one. It was deeded to the church organization in 1864 when Rev. Giceon was pastor .


More than six million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease – a leading cause of death in the United States. Additionally, more than 11 million family members and friends provide care to people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

Before school morning help will be offered from 7:15 to 7:30 a.m. ev ery day to any student that would like help on projects, homework or cur riculum. Locations, by subject, are: English – room 214; Living Environ ment – room 269; Earth Science –room 272; Social Studies – room 114; French – room 304; Spanish – room 303; and Math – room 309.

Roxboro offers many after school events, activities

Firm PLLC a Domestic Professional Limited Liability

Notice of formation of Martinez Brothers Foods andLLCServices, Art. Of Org. filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) 8/4/2022. Office location: Onondaga Co SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 9 Tree Line Drive, Liverpool, NY

Notice of Formation of ShortEdge LLC, a Do mestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Arti cles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on July 5th 2022. Office location: County of Onondaga SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 7608 Oswego Rd #2234 Liverpool, NY 13090 Purpose: any lawful pur SR-296612pose.

Laura Mogg Woods closes with: “Many very pleasant evenings were enjoyed there and some of us are still living who have fond memories of those good times.”

Notice of Formation of MB Properties One LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/21/2022 Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom pro cess may be served SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 7717 Bain bridge Drive, Liverpool NY 13090. Purpose: any lawful SR-296741purpose.

Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 7/29/22. Office in Onondaga Co. SSNY de sig. agent of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 7173 State Route 31 Cicero, NY 13039, which is also the principal business location. Pur pose: Any lawful pur SR-296537pose.

Mental Health workshops will be offered for parents at the Meet the Teacher Night focusing on current mental health issues that seen in students and giving parents strate gies and resources when dealing with theirThisstudent.year’s positivity project will focus on the Other People Matter Mindset with the school community. The other people matter mindset fo cuses on identifying and appreciating the good in others, supporting them when they struggle, knowing that my words and actions affect others, being present and giving others my atten tion and cheering their successes.


Gillette road middle School wel comes new staff Gillette Road Middle School is pleased to welcome several new staff members: Sarah Jones, new associ ate principal, is joining the adminis trative team at Gillette Road Middle School. Jones will be the administra tor overseeing the fifth grade staff and students at GRMS. Dave Cordone, building principal, will be oversee ing all sixth grade staff and students. Shawn Akley will be overseeing all seventh grade staff and students. Gil lette’s Academic Intervention Servic es (AIS) will be moving from an everyother-day delivery model to a daily model to offer more intense academic interventions for qualifying students. Gillette also welcomes an additional half-time counselor from Liberty Re sources, and a full-time student men tor from Onondaga County’s Promise Zone Program.

Arts of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 6/20/2022. Cty: Onondaga. SSNY desig as agent upon whom process against may be served & shall mail pro cess to 4990 Alexis Dr., Liverpool, NY 13090 General SR-295487Purpose.


Notice of Formation of Jack Paints LLC, a Domestic Limited Liabili ty Company (LLC). Arti cles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/25/2022

Notice of Formation of Cerio Law Compa ny (PLLC). Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State (SSNY) on 5/25/2022. Office loca tion: County of Ononda ga. SSNY is designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to 311 North Main Street, North Syracuse, NY 13212 Purpose: Any lawful pur pose. SR-295800


12 sept 14, 2022 star revieweagle News • CNy’s Community News s ource

Notice of Formation of Jillie Dogs and Cater ing LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Compa ny (LLC). Articles of Or ganization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 7/28/2022. Office loca tion: County of Onondaga. SSNY is des ignated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of pro cess to: 4238 Lucan Road, Liverpool New York 13090. Purpose: any lawful SR-296115purpose.

The Alzheimer’s Association, Central New York Chapter also is collaborating with the LPL for the Purple Story Time, at 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 12, in the Carman Commu nity Room. Representatives will be available to discuss effects of the disease with family members.


Notice of Formation of Drezzi, LLC, a Do mestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Arti cles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 07/11/2022. Office loca tion: County of Onondaga. SSNY is des ignated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of pro cess to: 4330 Cinnamon Path, Liverpool, NY 13090. Purpose: any lawful SR-294838purpose.


l From page 1Schools


Since there were no social rooms then, most of the affairs were held in the parsonage. Mrs. Fisher, the pastor’s wife, was a charming hostess, who although she had five children, really kept open house at all times.

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; Name of LLC: FILOSI ENTERPRISES, LLC; Date of filing: 9/6/2022; Office of the LLC: Onondaga Co.; The NY Secretary of State has been designated as the agent upon whom pro-

(SSNY) 08/25/2022. Office location: Madison County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: c/o 1257 State Route 31 Bridgeport, NY 13030 Purpose: Any lawful ac tivity.SR-296723

hiSTORY MYSTERY NORTh do you know anything about this picture?

County records show that three-fourths of an acre on Lot 24, Town of Clay was deeded by B. S .Coats and his wife, Charlotte Coats to the trustees of the M. E. Church of Euclid. Trustees were: Daniel Schoolcraft; Gideon Palmer; Henry Abbott, J. H. I. Diefendorf; and Morgan Lawrence.

Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom pro cess may be served SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 311 Chest nut Heights Drive, Liver pool, NY 13088. Pur pose: any lawful pur SR-296361pose.

our community for their investment in our schools, our staff for their pa tience and our students and families for their perseverance,” Bowles said. “As we consider what our students need to be safe and successful in their educational lives, we offer this beauti ful building as a shining example.”


In New York alone, there are more than 410,000 people living with Alzheimer’s. Ad ditionally, more than 563,000 family members and friends provide care to people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias in New York State.

NOTICE OF FORMATION of JDI Management,TimberLLC. Art. of Org. filed with NY Secretary of State (SSNY) 08/25/2022. Of fice location: Madison County. SSNY designat ed as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: c/o 1257 State Route 31, Bridgeport, NY 13030.

was hovering above the parsonage and I recall that my father urged the contactor to hurry the job as everyone wanted the new arrival to come to the new parsonage. Fate was against them and Aleita was born in the old

Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom pro cess may be served SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 7103 Lakeshore Rd., Cicero NY 13039. Purpose: any lawful SR-296100purpose.

Both the Alzheimer’s Association, Central New York Chapter, and the Liverpool Public Library have free resources for children and adults on the disease and how to navigate a diagnosis.Ifyou’d like more information go to or call the 24/7 Helpline at 800-272.-900. To learn more about the Walk to End Alzheim er’s on Sept. 25 go to

Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom pro-

This old parsonage held many memories for Laura Mogg and her family. Her father’s sister, Sarah Mogg, had a millinery shop in the front room at one time. This was long before it became a parsonage. The Rev. Daniel D. Davis, Laura’s grandfather, came to Euclid as the pastor for Euclid and Morgan churches in 1879. In this house, her mother, Carrie Davis, married John Mogg on November 17, 1881. He was a widower with a son, H. Seymour Mogg, aged 16, and a daughter, Clara Louise Mogg, aged 14. Their descendants may still be in the Clay area.

Notice of Formation of Claridge Equity Group LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/22/2022

This week’s question: Do you know who these two men might be? Why and when they settled in Clay? Check the physical condition of the man on the left for a hint!

Office location: Ononda ga County. SSNY desig nated agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to c/o The LLC, 107 Wilson Avenue, Liverpool, NY 13088. Purpose: any lawful activity.

Notice of Sugarholics Candy Shop, LLC. Arts of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) 08/26/2022.

l From page 2


The faculty and staff at Roxboro Middle School welcomed families and students to the school with a growing list of after school events and activi ties. Details will be shared via their new communication platform, Parent Square. Their new “Rising Roxstars” club will begin in October, offering

designates ONONDAGA COUNTY as the place of trial based upon the location of the premises herein described having tax map Section 111, Block 10, Lot 18.0, NORTH SYRACUSE A/K/A CLAY, NY, County of ONONDAGAWILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST #4”plaintiff,stated,whosesignees,tees,tors,visees,administrators,scendantsatbands,wives,andthroughandTIONPARTMENTNEWREVENUEAMERICAUNITEDWILLIAMCLOONANTATEASNAN,A/K/AWILLIAMTOKELLYWILLIAMCLOONANTATEASPHILOMENAI,-against-GOODEVE,HEIRTOTHEES-OFWILLIAMP.A/K/ACLOONAN,IMBESI,ASHEIRTHEESTATEOFP.CLOONANWILLIAMCLOO-KEVINCLOONAN,HEIRTOTHEES-OFWILLIAMP.A/K/ACLOONAN,STATESOF-INTERNALSERVICE,YORKSTATEDE-OFTAXA-ANDFINANCE,anyallperknowntoplaintiff,claim-ing,orwhomayclaimtohaveaninterestin,orgenerallyorspecificlienupontherdescribedinthisaction;suchunknownpersonsbeinghereingenerallydescribedandintendedtobeincludedinthefol-orunderthemtheirrespectivewidows,hus-widowers,heirs-law,nextofkin,de-,executors,de-legatees,credi-trustees,commit-lienors,andas-allofwhomandnames,exceptasareunknownto“JOHNDOEthrough“JOHNDOE#12,”thelasttwelvenamesbeingfictitiousandunknowntoplaintiff,thepersonsorpartiesintendedbeingtheten-ants,occupants,per-sonsorcorporations,ifany,havingorclaiminganinterestinorlienuponthepremises,de-scribedinthecomplaint,DEFENDANTS.YOUAREHEREBYSUM-MONEDtoanswerthecomplaintinthisactionandtoserveacopyofyouranswer,or,ifthecomplaintisnotservedwiththissummons,toserveanoticeofappear-anceonthePlaintiff'sAttorneywithin20daysaftertheserviceofthissummons,exclusiveofthedayofservice(orwithin30daysaftertheserviceiscompleteifthissummonsisnotpersonallydeliveredtoyouwithintheStateofNewYork);andincaseofyourfailuretoappearoranswer,judgmentwillbetakenagainstyoubydefaultforthereliefde-mandedinthecom-plaint.NOTICEYOUAREINDANGEROFLOSINGYOURHOMEIfyoudonotrespondtothisSummonsandCom-plaintbyservingacopyoftheanswerontheattorneyforthemortgagecompanywhofiledthisforeclosureproceedingagainstyouandfilingtheanswerwiththecourt,adefaultjudg-mentmaybeenteredagainstyouandyoucanloseyourhome.Speaktoanattorneyorgotothecourtwhereyourcaseispendingforfur-therinformationonhowtoanswerthesummonsandprotectyourproper-ty.Sendingapaymenttoyourmortgagecompanywillnotstopthisfore-closureaction.YOUMUSTRESPONDBYSERVINGACOPYOFTHEANSWERONTHEATTORNEYFORTHE TATE OF WILLIAM P. CLOONAN A/K/A WILLIAM CLOONAN, KELLY IMBESI, AS HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM P. CLOONAN A/K/A WILLIAM CLOONAN, KEVIN CLOONAN, AS HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM P. CLOONAN A/K/A WILLIAM CLOONAN, UNITED STATES OF namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs-at law, next of kin, descendants, BkoAanceservewith#4”plaintiff,stated,whosesignees,tees,tors,visees,administrators,scendantsatbands,wives,andthroughsaidorsonsceased,WILLIAMCLOONANsigneestees,tors,visees,administrators,executors,de-legatees,credi-trustees,commit-lienors,andas-ofWILLIAMP.A/K/ACLOONAN,de-anyandallper-derivinginterestinlienupon,ortitletorealpropertyby,orunderthemtheirrespectivewidows,hus-widowers,heirs-law,nextofkin,de-,executors,de-legatees,credi-trustees,commit-lienors,andas-allofwhomandnames,exceptasareunknownto“JOHNDOEthrough“JOHNDOE#12,”thelasttwelvenamesbeingfictitiousandunknowntoplaintiff,thepersonsorpartiesintendedbeingtheten-ants,occupants,per-sonsorcorporations,ifany,havingorclaiminganinterestinorlienuponthepremises,de-scribedinthecomplaint,DEFENDANTS.YOUAREHEREBYSUM-MONEDtoanswerthecomplaintinthisactionandtoserveacopyofyouranswer,or,ifthecomplaintisnotservedthissummons,toanoticeofappear-onthePlaintiff'snotrespondtothisandprotectyourproper-ty.Sendingapaymenttoyourmortgagecompanywillnotstopthisfore-closureaction.YOUMUSTRESPONDBYSERVINGACOPYOFTHEANSWERONTHEATTORNEYFORTHEPLAINTIFF(MORTGAGECOMPANY)ANDFILINGTHEANSWERWITHTHECOURT.Dated:Syosset,NewYork,August24,2022.Roach&Lin,P.C.,attorneyforPlaintiff,6851JerichoTurnpike,Suite185Syosset,NY11791.Tel:516-938-3100.Totheabovenameddefendants:TheforegoingsummonsisserveduponyoubypublicationpursuanttoanOrderoftheHon.DonaldAGreenwood,aJusticeoftheSupremeCourtStateofNewYork,datedJuly21,2002andfiledwiththeONONDAGACountyClerktogetherwiththesupportingpapersthereon.ThisisanactiontoforecloseamortgageheldbyPlaintiffonthepremisesknownasSection111,Block10,Lot18.0NORTHSYRACUSE/K/ACLAY,NY,CountyfONONDAGAasdescribedinthecomplaintonfileandcommonlynownas43WATERURYDRIVE,NORTHSYRACUSEA/K/ACLAYNY13212.73336BM/PO/SR/EB-296230


This was asked on April 5, 1864 and War ranty Deed was dated April 25. 1864. The final Deed was recorded December 8. 1864.

Image Equipment & Ma terials LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec of State (SSNY) 8/03/22 Office in Onondaga Co SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom pro cess may be served SSNY shall mail copy of process to 7670 Totman Rd, North Syracuse, NY 13212. Purpose: Any lawful SR-296436purpose.

building was sold for $47.00 and moved to the property owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bush. To burn the mortgage and celebrate the opening of the new parsonage, a banquet was held there on December 21, 1900. Plates were laid for 120 at a dollar per plate. Toastmaster was J. C. Brooke, Dean of Law at Syracuse University. Speakers were: J. C. Nichols, Presiding Elder; T. R. Green, a Methodist Minister; and J. B. Kenyon, Editor of the Northern Advocate – a church paper published in Syracuse at that time.

Notice of Formation of L15 Holdings LLC, a Domestic Limited Liabili ty Company (LLC). Arti cles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 8/1/2022 Office location: County of Onondaga. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom pro cess may be served SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 4950 Darlen Drive, Liverpool, NY 13088. Purpose: any lawful SR-296737purpose.


by dorothy hELLEr Clay hIStorIaN


ty Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 05/09/2022.

Date of filing: 9/6/2022;


Notice of Formation of Pandora's Barn LLC, a Domestic Limited Liabili ty Company (LLC). Arti cles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 05/09/2022.

But the Northstars’ defeat to Liverpool in that Section III Class AA semifinal stung plenty, and gave a large group of returning players a heap of motivation for 2022.

Five different Warriors – Marsh, Muller, Mia Wright, Isabella Melfi and Jailyn Parrotte – earned the five goals, with Molly Ryan and Hope Adigun joining Wright, Muller and Melfi in the assist column.

Not until the third quarter did C-NS’s passing game start

Alexa Snyder, Shannon Brown and Nicole Conklin each put in goals to help, while Wameling had an assist. Richardson only had to make three saves.

to get on the board or record many shots. But in the final period the Warriors took full advantage of a rare attack as Katia Fla vin, off a feed from Caitlyn Guilfoil, put in theThengame-winner.Liverpool would welcome Baldi wnsville to LHS Stadium last Wednesday, just as C-NS was facing F-M, and despite solid defense most of the way, it could not overcome the Bees’ quick start in a 2-0 loss.

bury, and after a sluggish start took over in the second half to defeat the Crusaders 28-14.

Here, it proved a low-scor ing first half, the Northstars getting on the board with Lemon’s eight-yard TD run in the first quarter, but then blanked by Monroe-Wood bury, who pulled even 7-7, where it stood at halftime.

Knowing full well that its main mis sion of toppling Baldwinsville remains ahead, the Cicero-North Syracuse field hockey team still wanted to make sure that no other Class A rival had caught up from behind them. Back-to-back games proved this point, starting on Sept. 2 when the Northstars took on Rome Free Academy and, with a fine all-around effort, blanked the Black Knights 5-0. Constantly on the attack, C-NS found particular success with Chrissy Wagner, who burned RFA for a three-goal hat trick with some help from Gabby Wameling, who also scored. RFA did not just defend most of the way, able to post a series of opportunities, none of which it could convert as C-NS goalie Avery Rich ardson stopped all eight shots she faced. Then, in its SCAC Metro division open er last Wednesday night, the Northstars battled Fayetteville-Manlius and it was a tight game until a late offensive surge by the Northstars produced a 5-1 win over the Hornets. All through the first three periods,

Liverpool, who had lost its season opener to Pittsford on Aug. 31, rebounded at home against Little Falls two days later, pulling out a 1-0 decision over the Mount ies. For three quarters, neither side was able

When Liverpool met up with RFA on Saturday, it fell to the Black Knights 3-1, the only Warriors goal coming in the first quarter when Guilfoil converted. They were still tied, 1-1, at halftime, but RFA got clear with single goals in each of the last two periods. Hannah Lowder had two of the Black Knights’ three goals.

the Warriors left B’ville with some new found confidence, Jacob McQuarters hav ing recorded six saves.

three shots overall as Zach Scott got an as sist on one of Melfi’s tallies.

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Liverpool and new head coach Joe Sindoni would debut against Henninger, a Thursday-night clash at LHS Stadium where the War riors would put up plenty of points and put away the Black KnightsHenninger,59-24. who beat Not tingham 52-32 the week be fore, would find it far more difficult to do anything against an inspired Liverpool defense, who kept the Black Knights off the board throughout the

Liverpool, C-NS football off to quick starts

Neither team scored in the first half and then exchanged goals after intermission, with Grace Muller converting for Liverpool off a pass from Alexa Marsh and Brooke Bort converting for J-D.

CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: Liverpool High School students fill the stands at LhS Stadium for last thursday night’s football season opener, where the warriors defeated henninger 5924 in Joe Sindoni’s head coaching debut; Liverpool wide receiver Vincent McBride (5) finds the end zone on a touch down; Liverpool linebacker kendar Patterson(9) reaches out to make the tackle, with Jayden Forde (52) in pursuit.

to click. A long completion from Razmovski to Tristan Johnson set up a go-ahead 20yard scoring pass to Nathan Williams.Latein the period, Raz movski made it 21-7 with an other 20-yard scoring strike, this one to Jayceon McGrew, and Anthony Johnson got the clinching points in the final quarter by sprinting 49 yards to the end zone.

When it came to the C-NS game at F-M, the Northstars, who were off to a 1-1 start, would play a strong first half on the defensive side against the Hornets, who had netted 10 goals in its first two games. And even when Sam Duncanson put F-M in front early in the second half, the Northstars answered, Jake Trubia netting the tying goal. From there, neither side could net a game-winner in the rest of regulation and 20 minutes of overtime, Wy att Dupell making nine saves while F-M counterpart Jake Lavelle stopped 11 of the Northstars’ 12 shots. Back on Sept. 2, C-NS began its own Optimist Tournament at the Gillette Road complex, taking on Central Square and defeating the Redhawks 2-1. They traded goals in the first half, Dante Melfi converting for the Northstars and Alex Maciarello finding the net for Central Square. Melfi returned to net the go-ahead goal in the second half, and C-NS held on from there, limiting the Redhawks to just

by PhiL bLACkwELL

No one on Whitesboro could stop Emilee Rio, who put in all three of her team’s goals for a hat trick, twice off feeds from Alison Dimitrijevski as McKenna Slate also ha d an assist. Goalie Meghan McGrath recorded five saves.

by PhiL bLACkwELL

Liverpool, C-NS boys soccer get good early resultsC-NS girls soccer falls to Central Square

by PhiL bLACkwELL

Liverpool, still basking in adulation after that stunning playoff win over C-NS, began 2022 on a good note as it played traditional Class A power Jamesville-DeWitt to a 1-1 draw on Sept. 3.

Two players were the story here. One was Ryan Colton, who gave the Redhawks all three of its goals for a well-timed hatMuchtrick. of the rest of the time, the Northstars were in Central Square’s end, yet could get nothing past Redhawks goalie Samantha Haley, who managed to stop all 19 shots sheInfaced.all, C-NS would play its first five matches on the road, including last Tuesday’s trip to Whitesboro, where it reversed the results of the season opener, prevailing by that same 3-1 margin.

C-NS, at 2-0, would travel to Alibrandi Stadium to meet 2-0 Christian Brothers Acad emy, the reigning state Class A champions who got moved up this fall, while the Warriors would meet its neighbors from Baldwinsville after both won lopsided season openers.

Making sure Horseheads did not get too close, C-NS added two more touchdowns in the third quarter, Zim merman capping one drive with a two-yard plunge and Razmovski going 10 yards for another after a fourth-down stop.C-NS returned to Brag man Stadium last Friday for its home opener against Sec tion IX power Monroe-Wood

The Warriors able to keep the Red Rams quiet through 20 minutes of a new overtime format where a “golden goal” would end it. Hannah Smith had seven saves, with J-D counterpart Lindsay Parker getting eight saves.

One thing is for certain, though – C-NS won’t go to the post-season undefeated, knocked off in its season opener by Central Square in a 3-1 defeat.

Liverpool followed up on Friday with an impressive 5-0 shutout over Fulton to move to 2-0-1 overall, again display ing plenty of scoring balance.

by PhiL bLACkwELL

New starters were on the field on both sides of the ball, yet C-NS still quickly assumed control, grabbing a 14-0 lead before the first quar ter was La’Quandone. Lemon capped the first scoring drive with a five-yard touchdown run. A few minutes later, Farook Ibrahim’s long run set up the Northstars deep in Horseh eads territory, and from the one Jaxon Razmovski scored.

The Blue Raiders did get on the board in the second quarter, but C-NS matched it, driving to the Horseheads four before Leonzo Zimmer man converted, leaving the Northstars in front 21-7 going to halftime.

quarter touchdowns, sending the Warriors to 1-0 in advance of the trip to Baldwinsville, with the Bees having handled Rome Free Academy 55-13 in its season debut.


Getting its first win of the season last Tuesday, Liverpool blanked Rome Free Academy 4-0 largely thanks to the pass ing of Alexa Marsh, who dished out a trio of assists.

Jallyn Parrotte scored twice, with Grace Muller and Eli ana Scivetti earning single goals. Muller also picked up an assist, the Warriors overcoming 11 saves by Black Knights goalie Miranda McCormick.

Each of the Liverpool and CiceroNorth Syracuse boys soccer teams sense an opportunity to rise up and fight for Class AA supremacy after the recent domination of Fayetteville-Manlius. In the Warriors’ case, it put on a strong season-opening per formance at Baldwinsville on Sept. 1, able to rally twice and pick up a 2-2 draw with the Bees. Six days later, it was the North stars getting its own draw, but doing so at F-M, the 1-1 decision a signal that the race for sectional honors might be wide-open. Having struggled so much against B’ville in recent years, Liverpool didn’t flinch when Evan Smith scored in the opening min utes for B’ville. Answering quickly, Edis Omerovic found the net, and it was 1-1 go ing into halftime. Midway through the sec ond half, a Warriors foul inside the 18-yard box led to a penalty kick that Johan Savage converted for the Bees. Trailing 2-1, Liver pool again pushed and, in the last minute of regulation, Omerovic tied it. Neither side scored in the 20 minutes of overtime, and

Now C-NS faced Holland Patent on Saturday and had its toughest test so far, but was able to get a 3-2 victory over the Golden Knights.Wagner led the way again, not only getting a goal, but assisting on tallies by Wameling and Shannon Brown. Richard son’s six saves negated HP goals by Alivia Alexander and Izzy Stalker.

firstMeanwhile,half. the Warriors’ new-look offense put together a trio of scoring drives, mostly fueled by its ground attack.

C-NS field hockey team roars past RFA, F-M

A pair of mid-September showdowns will determine just where the Cicero-North Syracuse and Liverpool foot ball teams stood in the Class AA pecking order.

Whether the pressure of an undefeated regular season got to the Cicero-North Syracuse girls soccer team at the wrong moment in 2021 will always be an open question.

hal heNty

F-M’s defense frustrated C-NS and Sarah Porter’s goal meant that the two sides were tied1-1 going into he fourth quarter Down the stretch, though it was all Northstars, who netted four unanswered goals as Wagner, who scored twice, led the way, overcoming a fine effort from Hornets goalie Kaleigh Hamilton, who got 10 saves.

Back on Sept. 2, C-NS had opened by going to Horseh eads and earning a 35-14 vic tory over the Blue Raiders.

Though the flow of play was relatively even, it was B’ville converting once in each of the first two periods, Abigail Mantone netting one goal and assisting on the other, by Erin Gee. Arianna Webber made five saves and blanked the Bees in the second half, yet the Warriors could get none of its five shots past Bees goalie Caley Gee.

Christian Brothers Academy awaited in the finals after beating New Hartford 5-1, and this one proved close, too, only this time the 2-1 decision went against the Northstars. Melfi’s third goal of the sea son, assisted by Gagan Adhikari, left C-NS in front 1-0 at the break, but the Brothers stormed back, tying it and moving in front led by Connor Morgia, who scored once and assisted on Santiago BetancourtTropia’s tally, overcoming Wyatt Dupell’s six Assaves.C-NS was battling F-M, Liverpool was blanking Henninger 4-0, with goals from four different players – Omerovic, Christian Hope, Tyler Vivacqua and Diar ouga Docure. Nick Hope had an assist, as did Antonio Wilson and Bobby McQuat ters. Late in the week, C-NS put away Corcoran 3-0, its defense again a strong point as its record improved to 2-1-1 over all. Melfi scored again, joined by Titus Dimitroff and Adam Bonnier, who each got their first goals of the season.

Jah’Deuir Reese put Liv erpool on the board with a seven-yard touchdown run in the first quarter. He added a 56-yard scoring sprint after John Sindoni threw 30 yards to Vincent McBride for an otherHavingTD. gained a 21-0 lead by halftime, Liverpool lost the shutout when Vince Hunt scored for Henninger early in the third quarter, but a 21point outburst in that frame by the Warriors erased any suspense.Reese, who had 12 car ries for 134 yards, netted his third TD on an 18-yard run after Urijah Matthews scored from 18 yards out and the defense got involved when Ian Herrera returned a Black Knights fumble 18 yards for six Christianpoints. Coppin and Edward Reed addd fourth-

14 sept 14, 2022 star revieweagle News • CNy’s Community News s ource

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