Excellence Health 2012

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iron maidens: Relay team competed in the 2012 Syracuse 70.3 on June 24.

“Having the thought that you have two other strong women relying on you to do your part for the team is an incredible feeling.” To read more see page 3.

Excellence in Health & Human Services July 4, 2012

milestone: HOA will celebrate its 30th year in Central New York this July.

looking ahead:

On July 11, get tips on home decor, maintenance and leaders in the Central New York home industry in Excellence in Home, & Garden.

“Cancer care has come a long way in 30 years but what has not changed is the practice’s dedication and commitment to their patients, employees and our community.” To read more see page 10.

2012excellence Debunking myths... from head to toe A supplement to Eagle Newspapers

Strike while the iron is


By Alyssa Lafaro Running a half marathon is challenging. It requires at least three months of training, two pairs of new sneakers, and if you’re anything like me, lots and lots of ice for your knees. Imagine running a halfmarathon (yes, that’s 13.1 miles, folks), but you also have to swim 1.2 miles and bike 56 miles prior to that half-marathon. That is what it takes to complete the Ironman 70.3 in Syracuse. Competitors took to the line on June 24. The race director, Ken Hammond, was exuberant for this year’s competition, which offered a new course, new weather conditions (for the past two years the race was in September), and new opportunities for athletes to use the race in preparation for the July Ironman in Lake Placid. This race also provided more chances for professional athletes to attend the world championships in Las Vegas. “We increased slot allocations,” explained Ken. “Last year, we gave away 50 slots to qualify athletes to go to the world championships in Las Vegas. We now offer 100 slots for athletes to qualify for Vegas. We’re the only East Coast race that has 100 slots.” The race’s largest sponsor this year was Fleet Feet Sports, which promoted the Ironman 70.3 in many ways, especially through email blasts that were sent out to about 20,000 people and through promotions on their in-store televisions. “Fleet Feet held a panel to discuss how to prepare for the Ironman 70.3 and things of that nature,” Ken elaborated. “They also had a big volunteer group that came out to help with the race.” See 70.3 on page 2





By Jennifer Wing With the internet as a tool, many myths can be dispelled with just the click of a mouse. Here are a few myths from childhood that are perpetuated still:

1. If you go out with wet hair, you’ll catch a cold.

Not so, according to Jim Sears, a board-certified pediatrician in San Clemente, California and a cohost of the daytime-TV show “The Doctors.” “Feeling cold doesn’t affect your immune system,” he said, citing a study done at the Common Cold Research Unit, in Salisbury, England, in which a group of volunteers was inoculated with a cold virus. Half the group stayed in a warm room while the rest took a bath and stood dripping wet in a hallway for half an hour, then got dressed but wore wet socks for a few more hours. The wet group didn’t catch any more colds than the dry. Source: healthmad.com.

2. Sitting too close to the TV is bad for the eyes.

According kidshealth.org, “Although parents have been saying this ever since TVs first found their way into our homes, there’s no evidence that plunking down right in front of the TV set damages someone’s eyes. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) says that kids can actually focus up close without eyestrain better than adults,

so they often develop the habit of sitting right in front of the television or holding reading material close to their eyes. However, sitting close to a TV may be a sign of nearsightedness.”



3. The more sweets you eat, the worse your teeth will decay.

According to thehealthblog.net, it is not how much sweets you eat that leads to tooth decay but how long your teeth are exposed to sweets. Therefore, it’s not harmful for the teeth if you eat a lot of chocolates and cakes. Just make sure to brush your teeth right after eating and they’ll be all right.




4. A base tan prevents sunburn.

According to the American Cancer Society, “A base tan gives you very little protection against sunburn. A base tan may, in fact, increase the chance you’ll get a burn, because you may choose to stay out longer without properly protecting your skin.”


See Myths on page 4

When is bariatric surgery the right option for you? By Carmen E . Zafar Any person who is overweight is struggling, but in a different way. He or she is looking to reach a healthy, ideal weight according to a physician’s advice. When your regular doctor informs you that you have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or some form of organ failure due to being overweight, you must take action and make a change, a lifestyle change. More than a third (35.7 percent) of adults in the United States are obese, and approximately 17 percent of children and adolescents between the ages of 2 and 19 are also obese, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. New Yorkers are no exception with a reported 23.9-percent obesity rate as of less than two years ago. Locally, about 28.2 percent of the population in Onondaga County is battling obesity, according to the CDC. Obesity is considered a weight of 20 percent more than the normal weight for a person’s height. When ‘diets’ and exercise don’t work One local bariatric surgeon believes that besides genetics our modern society has guided many people to obesity. “The way we live in this modern society…genetics haven’t changed but our environment has changed a lot more,” said Dr. Bill Graber, a bariatric surgeon affiliated with St. Joseph’s Hospital in Syracuse. “We get obese from our environment. We drive a lot, work inside buildings, there’s so much food around that we tend to eat when we’re not hungry.” Think

about how many work functions or family functions you attend that are Percentage dominated by eating, and of U.S. adults eating unhealthy foods, who are obese no less. Graber says the Percentage of U.S. types of foods we eat are children who are key to the lifestyle we obese want. Eating “real food” is Source: Center for Disease Control something Graber and his and Prevention associates firmly believe in. What’s a real food? “Anything without a label, something that grows on a tree or can be picked from the ground and has a root,” according to Graber. Graber calls these powerful tools the key to satisfying an appetite but not overeating. While he suggests looking carefully at the labels and the processed foods we take in, this doesn’t mean you cannot have a meal at your favorite restaurant every now and then. Being conscious of what we eat is what saves us from putting on extra, unnecessary weight. “We see many patients that don’t follow a regimen at all. They have tried tons of diets and sometimes exercise just doesn’t work.” He says diets don’t work for some people because they have a hard time following it because of a work schedule or cannot afford to stay on the food plan. In addi-

A ‘growing’ problem?

35.7 17

See Surgery on page 3

2 / Health/Excellence 2012 July 4, 2012



CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



Being an Iron Maiden at the 2012 Syracuse 70.3 transition area. Now, Kristen took off on her bike with a modest time in mind. However, knowing her very well, I knew she would come in wheels blazing. Kristen has already completed the Ironman 70.3 Syracuse twice…on her own! This year, she decided to compete as a relay with us, and I cannot say how happy Diana and I were that she did so. I was feeling much anxiety as I knew Diana was done and Kristen was on the course, and I was yet to run! This thought plagued me for hours…literally, hours. As the weather grew warmer and I grew more tired having been up with the team since 4 a.m. that morning, I grew even more anxious. I thought, “This is ludacris. It’s mid-80s out, it’s almost noon and I am going to run a half-marathon?” At that point, I knew I was in it for my team. Thankfully, I listened to some of that anxiety, and headed down to transition early with Diana to prepare for my run. Good thing, too, because Kristen rocked the bike course by breezing through 56 miles (with many hills) in 2:41:39 — a superb time. Now, it was my turn. I set out on the rolling 13.1-mile Jamesville course that peaked with a hill at 855 feet of elevation, knowing full well that my fellow Iron Maidens had done their part — it was up to me now. Having been a distance runner since the age of 9, I know that running mid-day in the

2012excellence A business and economic forecast.

is a supplement to: Eagle Newspapers 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, N.Y. 13206 Phone: (315) 434-8889

Publisher: David B. Tyler

Managing Editor: Jennifer Wing

Fax: (315) 434-8883

Baldwinsville Messenger

Cazenovia Republican

Eagle Bulletin


Skaneateles Press


Circulation Manager: Lori Newcomb

Cover Design: Jennifer Wing


summer isn’t a “smart idea”. However, when you’re committed to an event like this, it comes with the territory. The running course comprised of two loops that had very little shade. Would you be surprised if I said it was hot? No matter, I forged on and couldn’t wait to complete the first loop so I could run past my teammates for The Iron Maidens line up in order pre-race, from left, Diana Adlowsome encouragement. itz, the swimmer; Kristen Heath, the cyclist; and Farah Jadran, the Returning on the final runner. The relay competed in the 2012 Ironman Syracuse 70.3 held uphill climb that lasted for Sunday, June 24, in Jamesville. The Iron Maidens finished in 5:09:33. more than a mile, I knew this another for this event. was it. I would be crossing the I want to personally applaud Diana, my finish line, but not just for myself, but for the shark, and Kristen, my bike rock star, for giving Iron Maidens. it their all. It was because of your phenomenal Diana and Kristen saw me running in for efforts that I was able to stay motivated for a the final stretch and immediately started to high-noon hot and hilly run. cheer and pushed me harder. My final kick You two are amazing and it was an honor turned into a hot pursuit for the line. to compete along side both of you. I clocked a 1:53:17 half-marathon for the As for next year, we’ll either be the Iron team — we had done it. Maidens again, or Diana, Kristen and Farah The Iron Maidens finished 11th out of 50 for the Ironman 70.3 Syracuse. relays and were only behind all-men relays or Stay tuned… relays that contained one woman in the mix. Our official finishing time was 5:09:33, Farah Jadran is the managing editor of which included 3:10 of transition time. Syracuse Woman Magazine and the associate I cannot say enough how happy I am to editor of Parent, both Eagle Newspapers have been on this relay. Each woman did her publications. She can be reached fjadran@ part, and we knew that we could count on one eaglenewsonline.

70.3 Mary Beth Romagnoli, an employee at Fleet Feet and past participant in the Ironman 70.3 Syracuse, encourages women to get involved with such races. Since she has spent a lot of time training for and competing in triathlons in the past, she is more than qualified to hand out advice to new athletes. “There are a lot of women in the over 50 level that didn’t benefit from Title IX in sports,” stressed Mary Beth. “There are women that come in and say, ‘I’ve never put my face in the water.’ And they are going to go out and do a triathlon.” Mary Beth loves to let women pick her brain. “They get their feet wet, and they get the bug and the confidence to finish,” she said. In terms of training for the race, Mary Beth advises that the most important thing is to have a plan. Women, especially, have to realize how much time it takes to train for a triathlon, calculating in all the other activities that deal with their role as mother, wife, and employee. “I have teenage boys who have sporting events, so I’ll get up and ride at 4:30 a.m. That way I get my training in then without bothering anyone else,” explained Mary Beth. Brendan Jackson, the director of triathlon training programs at Fleet Feet Sports, encour-

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ages beginners to start small, first running a sprint triathlon distance (on average a .47 mile swim, 12.4 mile bike, 3.1 mile run). Then he transitions athletes into an Olympic distance, which is about double the sprint. “One of the things we look at,” explained Brendan, “is we like to assess and see what level people are at and where they can progress.” Many beginners have experience in one or two of the sports involved with a triathlon, so the main focus for the triathlon is truly athlete-specific. Some need to spend more time in the water, while others need to log more miles on the bike. Lastly, Brendan recommends getting out on the actual course a few times so you know what you’re up against. “I think it’s helpful for people to see what they will be racing on and with that level of confidence,” explained Brendan. He does not recommend, however, repetitively running the course. You need variety. “I’m a huge believer that variety is the spice of life,” he said. For more informaiton on the Ironman 70.3 series or the results of the Syracuse race, visit ironmansyracuse.com or visit your local Fleet Feet location at 5800 Bridge St. in East Syracuse.


By Farah F. Jadran It’s one thing to let yourself down when you’re competing in an athletic arena, but it’s another, if you’re letting down your teammates. Although having a solid support system is key when training and competing in triathlons, the sport is very much an individual sport. However, it turns into its own monster when you form a triathlon relay! And that’s exactly what my two friends and I did for this year’s 2012 Ironman 70.3 Syracuse. The race was held on a sunny, and yes, very hot Sunday, June 24, at Jamesville Beach Park in Jamesville. Having the thought that you have two other strong women relying on you to do your part for the team is an incredible feeling. You’re not just out there competing for yourself, you’re out there competing as a team. Myself, Diana Adlowitz, of Rochester, and Kristen Heath, of Brewerton, made up the trio with red and yellow racing tops that donned the team name, “Iron Maidens”. Diana started off the day for us in the water at 7:55 a.m. for the 1.2-mile swim. It would be an understatement for me to say, “she’s fast,” because she is exceptionally fast. All day I kept calling her my “speedy dolphin” or my “shark” because of that stealthy swimming leg she completed. Diana clocked a 31:27 for the team, and by the end of the day, we decided on the nickname, “shark”. Her talents went a long way as she sprinted up to our cyclist, Kristen, waiting in the



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Re-upping my resolution

tion, many bariatric surgery candidates that he sees don’t exercise enough, again, because of their work schedules or family commitments. Every person is different. Some people can mange to follow a diet or fit in exercise no matter how busy he or she is, however, Graber says it comes down to the psychological strength of the person. “Everyone tries something, memberships or taking walks…just cannot get enough exercise in on a modern day,” Graber says. Typically, a patient a patient of his will get on a 1,000-calorie diet but still be hungry and eat more, and also they won’t have enough time to exercise. “Now you’re eating more calories than you’re burning. A food and exercise diary makes things real…you see it. You’re more cognizant.” Making the lifestyle change Approaching her one-year anniversary of undergoing bariatric surgery on May 19, 2012, Judy Flynn, 52, of Syracuse, says this was her chance. “I decided I needed to change my life,” Flynn said, who was 51 years old on the day of her surgery. She stood 5-feet 2-inches and weighed 240 pounds on May 19, 2011. Since then she has lost 105 pounds and has reached the healthy, ideal weight for her height. “I feel great,” she says. “And I have so much energy. Flynn, a registered nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital, said she kept seeing post-op patients on her rounds who just underwent bariatric surgery and she would always talk to them about their experience. As a member of the medical community, Flynn knew she was unhealthy. Fifteen years ago, she was diagnosed with diabetes and experiencing kidney problems.

As the days fly by, I find that it is harder and Jennifer harder to fit in time for exercise during the work week. Momsense I made a promise to myself that I would always find the time to run and go to exercise classes and have unfortuately, not kept that promise. I try to run at least five times a week, but have not been to a class in a while. Running itself would seem to be enough to stay in shape, but I definitely am finding that my body is not as toned as it was when I was regularly going to classes that involved free weights. If you read the cover article about health myths, you will see that one of the myths “busted” is that cario burns the most fat. In fact, weightlifting has been proven to be a bigger fat burner. Although I haven’t lost my muscle tone from neglecting to lift weights, there is a certain firmness to my muscles — such as my abdominal muscles— that has been lost. I need to make the commitment again to attend these classes. I originally felt I could, perhaps, just take care of business with free weights at home, but that didn’t pan out. It turns out I do a lot better with someone else telling me what to do and how many times to do it. It is a lot more difficult for me to find the motivation to keep pushing through the pain myself. Although I still run, another side effect of not lifting weights seems to be a loss of endurance. I struggle through my usual run, and have hit the wall a few times. That wall needs to be knocked down, or at least scaled over. That loss of endurance has also carried into my


July 4, 2012/3 From page 1

She knew this was brought on by her unhealthy weight. “At work I would always see people dealing with horrible things (such as amputation) because of their diabetes. I didn’t want to be there in 10 years.” Now, she has “felt great for a year” and says this was an important change in her life. “Getting under control is wonderful.” Bariatric surgery was not her first choice. Accoring to Flynn, she tried it all. “I have lost significant amounts of weight in my adult life,” Flynn said. The first time was when she was in her mid-30s and decided to follow the Weight Watchers regimen and lost 70 pounds. Within a year she gained the weight back and a few more pounds on top of that. At age 45, she got on the L.A. Weight Loss plan and lost 80 pounds. What happened after this big loss? The first occurrence was repeated and she gained all 80 pounds back and a few more. “I just didn’t know how to maintain it moving forward.” During the last two years, she decided to put herself first. “If you’re even considering the surgery, go to a support group,” she advises. “You can just listen. There are real people that have gone through it, and family members of people who have gone through it as well.” Flynn went to a consultation at Dr. Graber’s office in February of 2011, and she said that and her support group were two of the best resources she had on this important life decision. Besides preparing for her surgery, she found out why she ate the way she did. She has struggled with her weight her whole life. “I found out that this part of the country is not great in the winter, it seems to depress me and I eat

comfort food,” she said. “There’s some genetics with being overweight in my family, but this was more of an eating issue. I would eat when I was happy but then became unhappy that I gained more weight. It was a vicious cycle.” Flynn says that although she may look different now, it’s the way she feels that is most important. “The reason why we do it is for health reasons. “We need to get healthier. You look better, but this is not a cosmetic procedure, it’s a medical procedure.” Even after surgery, there is work to be done. Like Flynn, staying conscious of what you eat and how often or how vigorously you exercise is vital. Now that Flynn has rid her body of ailments like swollen joints brought on by supporting too much weight, she is a runner, and proud of it. The Plan Even a year out of surgery, with strong signs of success, there is still work to be done. Dr. Graber suggests continuing the diary for both exercise and food, but also, a post surgery client must have a strong everyday support system. Whether this is family, friends or a support group, this system must work to follow a positive example as well. “The family needs to get involved,” Graber said. “Eating potato chips in front of someone who shouldn’t be eating them, is not helping them. Everyone needs to be on the same page.” More information on Dr. Graber’s practice and bariatric support groups can be found at www.drgrabermd.com. Graber says if surgery doesn’t work, then the patient should go back and work with him and nutritionists to figure out the next step.


See Resolution on page 7

Health/Excellence 2012

Knowing changes everything.



4 / Health/Excellence 2012 July 4, 2012



CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



‘Live More’ with Hearth Management Community to be featured in segment with Larry King It was lights, camera, action on June 26 for residents, family and employees of The Hearth at Sycamore Village in Fort Wayne, Ind. Hearth Management, a leader in the senior housing industry, has been selected for a full length feature segment on “InView” with Larry King,

airing this fall. With thousands of baby boomers retiring each day, senior living communities are challenged to insure this new wave of retirees continues to enjoy the lifestyle they worked so hard to achieve. Hearth Management has developed the “Live More” philosophy

to meet these challenges. With communities stretching across four states this “Live More” philosophy has attracted national attention. “Live More” is a lifestyle philosophy woven throughout daily living for residents in a Hearth community. “Live More”

Know Your Numbers!

Do you know that Diabetes and High Blood Pressure are the leading causes of Kidney Disease?

• What is my Blood Pressure? • What is my Blood Sugar? • What is my Cholesterol Level? • What is my GFR? • What is my BMI?

Your Numbers

Normal Ranges


High Blood Pressure can hurt the kidneys and lead to life-long kidney disease. High Blood Sugar may mean fasting less than 100; Diabetes, & Diabetes is the most non-fasting common cause of kidney failure. less than 140 Too much Cholesterol can build less than up in blood vessles in the kidney 200mg/dl and cause a “kidney attack.” Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) 90-120 ml/min is the best way to show kidney function. normal weight and BMI Body Mass Index (BMI) is a tool to show weight status. Being over weight can make diabetes hard to control; it of 18.5 - 24.9 raises blood pressure, and can hurt the kidneys

less than 120/80


Questions to Ask Your Doctor

This campaign’s goal is to educate the adult population of Central New York to their risk factors (hypertension, obesity, and diabetes) of developing chronic kidney disease. The Kidney Foundation of CNY is going to help you KNOW YOUR NUMBERS. So that you can, “begin taking charge of your own health to a healthier, longer life.” The crucial numbers you need to know are: Blood Pressure; BMI; Cholesterol; GFR; and Blood Sugar (Glucose).

is a holistic approach with the understanding that all facets of the human condition require acknowledgement for optimal health and wellness. Residents’

social, emotional, spiritual, vocational, environmental, nutritional, intellectual and physical needs are considered when formulating activities, outings, speak-

Hearth at Greenpoint celebrates 20 years

The Hearth at Greenpoint is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Located at 150 Old Liverpool Road in Liverpool, offers independent and enriched living. The Hearth at Greenpoint has been part of Central New York for just two decades, yet its impact transcends time. As part of its Hearth and Greenpoint interacts with local daycare, hosting a “Story Hour” once a 20th year celebramonth for 4- and 5-year-olds. tion, the Hearth at Greenpoint will be participating in 20 good deeds, including: 1. Sponsoring a student from the Cicero North Syracuse School District for the Plank Road Chamber. The BOCES recipient is planning to become a nurse. 2. Volunteering on the North Area Meals on Wheels Gala committee. 3. Donating a raffle basket for Julie’s fundraiser at Cicero Elementary School on behalf of her nephew – Julie is Director of Activities at The Hearth at Greenpoint, The Hearth at Greenpoint representatives will also be meeting with several agencies over the next few weeks including Girl Scouts, VanDuyn Home and Hospital, Children’s Hospital and the Rescue Mission. The Hearth at Greenpoint will again be a site for the Onondaga county “Catering to Caregivers” in October, will be working with employee Marc Smith, a Gulf War veteran, to help fulfill veterans’ needs and will again be involved in the Salvation Army Kettle fundraiser — “Can you ring.” The site also interacts with local daycare, hosting a “Story Hour” once a month for 4- and 5-year-olds. Call 849-9273 for a tour or visit thehearth.net for more information.

Myths 5.Cardiovascular exercise is best to burn fat

According to Shape.com, while “cardio” (jogging, running, hiking, etc.) burns more calories than resistance training during your workout, lifting weights burns more fat overall. Shape.com reported that, in a study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, women who completed an hour-long strength-training workout burned an average of 100 more calories in the 24 hours afterward than those who skipped the weights.

6. Finding a lump in your breast means you have breast cancer. 17986

ers, meals, community space and décor. Hearth Management operates communities in New York, Connecticut, Indiana and Tennessee.

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc., “If you discover a persistent lump in your breast or any changes in breast tissue, it is very important that you see a physician immediately. However, eight out of 10 breast lumps are benign, or not cancerous.” The foundation urges women to “take charge of your health by performing routine breast self-exams, establishing ongoing communication with your doctor and scheduling regular mammograms.”

7. Eating just before bedtime is fattening.

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, “What you eat, not when, makes the difference; calories have the same effect on the body no matter when

From page 1

they are consumed.” According to eatright. org, there is evidence that eating regular meals does help promote weight loss by reducing fat intake and minimizing impulsive snacking.

8. Exercise eliminates cellulite.

According to Dr. Lionel Bissoon, author of “The Cellulite Cure,” this is untrue, as cellulite, which is “little pockets of herniated fat” cannot is tough to be targeted when you exercise, however, “building smooth muscle beneath the skin can help smooth out the surface.” Source: diet.com.

9. Osteoarthritis of the knee is the result of “overuse.”

According to UW Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, studies of long-distance runners have shown they are not more likely to get arthritis than more sedentary individuals, “however, people in occupations that require extreme and repeated heavy exertions (such as farmers) experience higher rates of osteoarthritis.”

10. Shoes cause bunions.

Bunions are most often caused by an inherited faulty mechanical structure of the foot. It is not the bunion itself that is inherited, but certain foot types that make a person prone to developing a bunion. Although wearing shoes that crowd the toes won’t actually cause bunions, it sometimes makes the deformity get progressively worse. Symptoms may therefore appear sooner. Source: The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.

Health/Excellence 2012



CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



July 4, 2012/5

Patients come first at Auburn Memorial Medical Services By Jennifer Wing The goal of Auburn Memorial Medical Services (AMMS) is to be the trusted, first choice provider of quality health care for its community. Established in September of 2007 to provide medical care to Auburn and the surrounding communities, Auburn Memorial Medical Services currently consists of seven specialty practices: Auburn Regional Diabetes and Endocrinology, Auburn Ear Nose and Throat Services, Surgical Services of Auburn, Neurology Services of Auburn, Auburn Obstetrics and Gynecology, Auburn Orthopaedic Specialists and Podiatry, and Auburn Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine. “We created this multispecialty medical group so that patients in our community could receive these services here and not have to travel to Syracuse or Rochester,” Erin Foley, practice administrator, said. “We are continuing to add more specialties as they are identified by the primary care physicians in the area and patients in the community.” Dedicated to serving all individuals in need of healthcare and providing the best practices and the highest level of technology, AMMS strives to make patients comfortable through good communications, history-taking and comprehensive diagnostic evaluations. The staff works with patients and their doctors to develop a treatment plan and carry it through to completion. At

AMMS, patients come first and nobody is turned away regardless of ability to pay. All of the physicians of AMMS are board certified or board eligible in their respective specialties. Additionally, the practice employs several certified nurse midwives, nurse practitioners and physician assistants to provide a comprehensive health care team. Their offices are conveniently located within walking distance of Auburn Community Hospital. All ancillary services (radiology, laboratory, MRI, audiometry, pulmonary function testing) are easily accessible from all office locations. Additionally, all members of the medical staff maintain full hospital privileges at Auburn Community Hospital. “Our group helps to sustain the hospital and it’s growing every day,” Foley said. “The community loves that we are here and that they don’t have to go somewhere else for high quality care.” The medical staff at Auburn Obstetrics and Gynecology is the only provider delivering babies at Auburn Community Hospital. “Last year we did just over 400 deliveries, and this year we are projecting 430 deliveries,” Foley said. Another large part of the practice is orthopedic surgery. “In September we will welcome a new physician, Robert Swift, who will be specializing in sports medicine,” Foley said.

Staff at Auburn Memorial Medical Services includes: Matthew Kertesz, RN, CDE, CDN; Rajesh Rao, MD; Marge Tracy, CNM; Valerie Collins, Practice Manager Ortho/Gen Surg/Neuro/Endocrine/Podiatry; Jessie McDowell, LPN; Loren VanRiper, MD; Richard Erali, DPM; Thomas Sullivan, MD; Ijaz Rashid, MD; Jamie Congdon, Practice Manager ENT/Pulm; Carol Kuryla, Practice Manager Ob Gyn; Jennifer Ambrose, RN; and Tanya Testa, LPN. There are many benefits to having a number of physicians who are experts in various specialties under one multispecialty group practice. “The physicians work together and refer patients amongst each other. A large medical group is more efficient and cost effective, with records easily accessible as they are shared electronically. For

example, somebody in orthopedics might need to see a neurologist, or a diabetic might need to see a podiatrist. We have those physicians on staff and it makes the continuity of care better.” Foley said. For more information or to find a location please visit auburnmedicalservices.com or call (315) 255-7011

Karl Lutz Monuments: Quality craftsmanship since 1932 By Brian Smith “They don’t make things like they used to” is an all-too-common phrase uttered today, whether discussing products manufactured on American soil or abroad. If your thoughts fall in line with the above sentiment, consider Karl Lutz Monument Company, Inc. a business that has bucked that trend, instead exhibiting exceptional quality and craftsmanship, as it has since 1932 in the Eastwood section of Syracuse. “My grandfather, the first Karl Lutz, came here from Germany in 1927 and opened the business in 1932, where we still are today. The store today was actually my grandfather’s home,” said Karl Lutz III, who co-owns the business with his father. The youngest Lutz takes care of the day-to-day operations. “The European craftsmanship has been passed down through each generation, and we do all of the carving of monuments and markers in our shop out back.”

Lutz said his company’s work is in cemeteries throughout Central New York. He encourages families to come to his shop during the selection process, which allows them to have peace of mind while creating a lasting memory for a loved one. “There won’t be any surprises. You pick the color of stone you want and let us know what you want on it,” Lutz said. “We do it ourselves, which helps defray costs of shipping. Once we’ve ordered the stone, there’s also usually a much quicker turnaround than if something has to be sent out.” Lutz’s stone monuments are granite, which he receives from all over the world. In the past, choices were gray or pink, but green, red and blue granite has been discovered relatively recently, allowing for a larger selection. In addition to granite, Lutz said his company works with bronze. Lutz Memorials serves people of all faiths, has over 200 stones on display and their work is unconditionally guaranteed.

Lutz said his company also does its own settings in the cemetery, and is available to wash and repair older stones. “Our focus is meeting all of the needs of a customer during a very tough time,” said Lutz. “We want it to be as smooth as possible on our end.” Keeping in line with the ethos of quality craftsmanship that the company has put into its work for 80 years, Lutz usually eschews using a computer program to carve monuments with a laser. Sure, there are times when he will use the technology, but he prefers his From left are Karl Lutz, Jr., Karl Lutz, Sr., and Phil Lutz. hands, a mallet and a chisel. located at 2718 James St. Business hours are 8 “The details on an angel’s face, or a petal of a rose, are going to come a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9 through much better by hand carving,” he a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. The shop is closed Sundays. For more information, call (315) said. “It is how we like to do things.” Karl Lutz Monument Company, Inc. is 463-0621, or visit lutzmonuments.com. 17990

Karl Lutz Monument Co., Inc. 2718 James Street, Syracuse, New York 13206 Phone 315-463-0621 • Fax 315-463-7703

We offer:

• Monuments and markers of all types • Best available granites from around the world • Quality bronze memorials • Quality mausoleums and war memorials • Cemetery lettering of all types • Carving and lettering done on our premises • All work unconditionally guaranteed • Over 72 years experience • Serving families of all faiths • Over 200 stones on display Our family will be pleased to assist you with all of your questions concerning the purchase of a family memorial and help you understand your options when choosing a stone.

Business Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm • Sunday: Closed

“As in 1932, each stone is personalized and hand crafted with the utmost attention to detail and is unconditionally guaranteed to last through the ages.”

6 / Health/Excellence 2012 July 4, 2012



CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



YMCA grows to meet community needs The needs of the community are great, and the YMCA is growing to meet them. “Our programs are designed to meet the most critical needs of the community,” said Hal Welsh, CEO of the YMCA of Greater Syracuse. “We’re reaching out, with new facilities and programs, because the needs are great.” For example, cancer is the leading cause of death in Onondaga County. The Y’s free programs for cancer survivors offer group support and exercise designed to restore their strength. Diabetes is one of the nation’s costliest diseases, and it is growing at an alarming rate. About a third of Americans are at high risk of developing diabetes. The Y’s 16-week diabetes prevention program aims to reduce their risk of developing the disease in half. Drowning is the secondleading cause of accidental

Meeting needs in your community For more information about joining the YMCA, visit ycny.org or call your local branch. Downtown YMCA 474 6851 East Area Family YMCA 637 2025 East Area Family YMCA - Manlius 637 2025 North Area Family YMCA 451 2562 Southwest YMCA 498 2699 YMCA Arts Branch 474 6851 x328

death among children, and the risk is highest for minority children. The Y’s free Urban Swim program gives kids the skills they need to stay safe around water. The Y’s inclusion program ensures that all kids get to play, regardless of their physical or mental abilities.

The Y offers cost-free memberships to the families of deployed military personnel to ensure that they have the support they need to stay strong. To provide more space and time for these and other needed programs, the YMCA of Greater Syracuse is opening two new facilities this year. Each branch will bring people together for healthy activities, for nurturing the potential of youth, and for supporting neighbors, Welsh said. The Southwest Y, on the campus of Onondaga Community College, opened in January. The new facility includes a large fitness center with all-new equipment, group fitness rooms, and a two-court gymnasium. It also features the area’s only indoor 200-meter track. The Manlius Y, at 140 West Seneca Turnpike, is expected to open July 16. It will feature five outdoor and

The YMCA has something to offer for everyone. three indoor tennis courts and a large School-Age Childcare Center. It will also feature the Y’s regional Athletic Performance Center, designed to help youth and adults reach their potential. The other YMCA of Greater Syracuse branches are: the Downtown YMCA in Syracuse, the East Area

Family YMCA near Fayetteville, the North Area Family YMCA in Clay, and the YMCA Arts Branch, which provides programs throughout Central New York. The YMCA of Greater Syracuse is a diverse association of men, women and children joined by a shared commitment to strengthen

community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. That’s why income level is never a barrier to membership, thanks to the generous support of donors, Welsh said. “Everyone is welcome at the YMCA,” Welsh said.

Seneca Family Dental: Serving CNY for 30 years


Pictured, back row left to right: Bela Patel, Janet Ferrante, Donna Knosp; front: Dr. Ravi Dabir, Harini Dabir.

Seneca Family Dental is celebrating its 30th year of providing dental health care in Central New York. The office, which was originally 500 square feet, has grown to 2,200 square feet. “Some of our office highlights our excellent dental health care with the latest equipment such as digital X-rays, which cuts radiation exposure by almost 90percent,” said Dr. Dabir. “We have an excellent hygiene department. We provide total dental health care for our patients including white fillings, bleaching, dentures, root canal treatments, gum treatments, minor orthodontic treatment, crowns, bridges, implants and extractions as well as major and minor surgical procedures. Prompt emergency dental care is also provided.”

In his suite of offices, Dabir addresses life-long dental needs, explaining that good dental health care begins at age 2. “By 2 years of age,” Dabir said, “baby teeth are all in, and that’s time to get a child used to the dentist’s office.” Dabir enjoys working with children, and his special way with youngsters is “to talk with them in their language, to calm and reassure them.” “I give them a small mirror,” Dabir said, “so they can watch and see that there are no hidden secrets.” Contrary to what some young parents believe, the toddler state is not too early to begin a six-month checkup schedule. “They chew, they eat, they can get tooth decay,” Dabir said. “But, don’t wait until a tooth hurts and it is too late to do a simple procedure.” Dabir explains to parents that regular checkups can catch small cavities when they are easier to treat. Baby bottle syndrome, according to Dabir, is a common cause of baby tooth decay. “This happens,” Dabir explained. “When a baby goes to sleep with a bottle of juice or milk held in his mouth. Both juice and milk have sugar. I tell young mothers to remove the bottle and wipe the teeth with a wet gauze pad. Or, replace the milk or juice in the feeding bottle with water, at least while bedtime feeding.” Sipping or drinking too much soda like Coke, Pepsi, Gatorade or similar drinks causes tooth decay and Dabir warns that these kinds of drinks are very acidic in nature and they harm the tooth enamel, making the enamel week and hence the tooth is decayed. In the Baldwinsville area, the addition of fluoride to the drinking water supply should help to form a tough enamel layer, making teeth stronger and considerably more resistant to decay. Teeth are one part of the body that do not heal themselves. Teeth, once decayed, have to be treated with filling materials like composite (white filling), which bonds to the remaining tooth and blends in. Dabir does not advocate removal of good silver fillings to do composite white fillings. Dabir completed six months of intensive training in the treatment of gum disease at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in the Bronx. Gum disease, Dabir said, is a concern most prevalent in middle-aged people. Gum disease can cause bad breath and bleeding while brushing. Gum disease is now linked to enhance some systemic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and low birth weight babies if pregnant mothers have gum disease. Regular cleaning and checkups for gum disease are advised. See Seneca Dental on page 10

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CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



July 4, 2012/7

Steinberg offers a world of adventure within Ra-Lin Three simple tests Ra-Lin Discount at 625 Burnet Ave., Syracuse, is small on square-feet but not on service, with knowledgeable stsaff that offers personalized consultations for hunting, outdoor or seasonal equipment demands. With a selection catered to local needs and the bonus of outlet prices, you can find everything you need, and save money. Binoculars and pepper spray are some of Ra-Lin’s most popular items, said owner David Steinberg. Steinberg, whose family has owned and operated the sporting goods department within Ra-Lin since 1959, said the mild winter forced him to get creative with the rebranding of some products, such as calling flannel gear “shirt jackets.� “The strange winter has hurt and helped, and basically things have a way of balancing out,� said Steinberg, a fixture in the department for decades, first as an employee for his father, and now as the owner. “People [weren’t] going out and buying large winter coats. They [were] coming here just to add layers if they aren’t wearing a big coat every day of the season.� It’s all a part of tailoring their merchandise to meet the needs of the customer. “Some areas have grown, while others have shrunk in our department,� Steinberg said. “We sell what is selling, basically, with

stand-bys like firearms and our targetry products.� Binoculars remain popular with customers throughout the year. They can be used during all seasons, from hunting, to hiking and camping, to Syracuse University football and basketball games at the spacious Carrier Dome. Steinberg sells Nikon and Bushnell binoculars, ranging in price from $30 to $200 and above, depending on size, qualities and features. With the end of winter, Steinberg also stocks plenty of raingear for golfers and others itching to experience the great recreational areas Central New York has to offer. Steinberg added that his department sells new and used guns. The latter, wheth- David Steinberg’s family has owned and operated the sporting goods departer it’s a handgun, rifle or ment within Ra-Lin since 1959 shotgun, is an affordable way for a novice again, or at least recommend whether hunter to get into the sport. Steinberg and something is worth fixing or not,� said his staff will also do minor repairs and Steinberg. “We will also recommend gunsmiths in the area.� restorations on guns. For more information, call Steinberg “We don’t have a machine shop on the and his staff directly at 472-7874. premises, but we can get a gun working


From page 3

day-to-day life as well. I feel tired more often, which causes me to be a bit more irritable. It’s amazing how not following the weightlifting regimen I was used to

has impacted me so quickly. This has been quite a wakeup call for me. By hook or by crook, I plan to fit these classes in, again.

There is too much lost without them and a lot to be gained with working out just three hours a week.

your doctor should do More than 26 million Americans — one in nine adults — have kidney disease. Millions more are at increased risk for getting it, and most don’t know it. Kidney disease can be found and treated early to prevent more serious kidney disease and other complications. The National Kidney Foundation of CNY recommends three simple tests to check for kidney disease: Blood pressure. High blood pressure is the second most common cause of kidney disease (Diabetes id the first) Keeping blood pressure under control is important to lower risk of kidney disease, heart and blood vessel disease, and stroke. Urinalysis. A urinalysis is a test that checks a sample of your urine for the amount of protein, blood (red blood cells and white blood cells) and other things. Protein and red and white blood cells are not normally found in the urine, so having too much of any of these may mean kidney disease. Having protein in the urine is one of the earliest signs of kidney disease especially in people with diabetes. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR is estimated from results of a serum (or blood) creatinine test. The GFR tells how well your kidneys are working to remove wastes from your blood. It is the best way to check kidney function. If you are at an increased risk for kidney disease (have diabetes, high blood pressure, or family history of diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney disease), you should find out if you have kidney disease. Ask your doctor about these three simple tests. They should be done at least once a year so that if you have early kidney disease, it can be treated right away. Early kidney disease can and should be treated to keep it from getting worse! For information on upcoming kidney health screenings in your area, visit cnykidney.org or call 476-0311

Our 30 Year Serving CNY




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8 / Health/Excellence 2012 July 4, 2012



CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



‘Free’ still has meaning with Seneca Federal

Christiana Chirporactic Office, PC, is located at 7924 Oswego Road in LIverpool.

Dr. Christiana marks 34th year

Dr. Richard F. Christiana, a local chiropractor, is celebrating his 34th year in practice. He is involved with the New York State Chiropractic Association on the local level and has, in the past, been a member of its Statewide Board of Directors and has been in the House of Delegates. He has maintained on-going post-graduate education and


See Dr. Christiana on page 9

In today’s economy, everyone is looking for ways to save money. On average, most financial institutions charge fees for the most basic bank services. “Seneca Federal Savings and Loan provides exceptional personal customer service that sets us apart from other financial institutions without all the additional fees charged by others�, said President and CEO, Katrina M. Russo. “Seneca Federal offers free checking accounts, with no minimum balance service charge; free online banking and free debit cards� said Russo. “In today’s world, ‘free’ still has meaning with Seneca Federal. We strive to provide our customers with outstanding customer service; ‘no- to low-’ fee structure, while providing competitive savings interest rates. “In addition, we provide competitive mortgage and consumer loan rates � Russo said. “In our 85 year history as a full service community financial institution, Seneca Federal has supported local businesses and members of the communities it serves by providing basic banking services for free. We will continue providing basic banking services to our customers even though the cost of doing business continues to rise.� Let Seneca Federal help you save money by opening a free checking account with free online banking and a free debit card, today.


"Our Mission is to provide safe, drugless, natural, scientific, and effective chiropractic healthcare to the families of Central New York in order to achieve optimal health and well-being"



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Health/Excellence 2012



CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



July 4, 2012/9

The focus is on the patient at Malara Eyecare Practice offers the best in eye care for the whole family By Jennifer Wing Dr. Richard Malara and his team of caring professionals at Malara Eyecare & Eyewear Gallery are dedicated to providing personalized eye care for the whole family. With state-of-the-art technology and high-quality personalized service, the staff works closely with patients, focusing on improving their quality of life and vision wellness. Located at 8395 Oswego Road in Baldwinsville, at Malara Eyecare the patient comes first, and the practice offers the convenience of serving the whole family’s eye care needs under one roof, whether through fitting them with eyeglasses or contact lenses, diagnosing cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases or recommending LASIK and other eye surgery procedures. A highly-skilled optometrist, Dr. Malara and his experienced staff will take the time to answer all of their patients’ questions, explain treatment options and provide the highest quality eye health treatments available. Malara Eyecare’s years of experience in diagnosing and treating typical vision disorders such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, amblyopia, presbyopia, cataracts, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy ensure that patients receive the best therapeutic medical eye care. Patients diagnosed with an eye disease receive the best treatment available to get their eyes healthy again. At Malara Eyecare & Eyewear Gallery, they offer the best treatment based on the diagnosis, and recommend a wide variety of approaches, including improved nutrition, prescription medicines, therapy and vision exercises or medical procedures. In addition, the Malara Eyecare team offers a wide array of the very best high quality eye care products at reasonable

A highly-skilled optometrist, Dr. Malara and his experienced staff will take the time to answer all of their patients’ questions, explain treatment options and provide the highest quality eye health treatments available. prices. Patients never pay too much for the best quality in eyeglasses, contact lenses, sunglasses, progressive and bifocal lenses and outstanding service. Although many do not realize it, the best way to protect your vision is with a yearly eye checkup. Even a basic eye exam can instantly detect such health-threatening condi-

tions as tumors, vascular irregularities and diabetes-related injury to the retina. At Malara Eyecare, that basic checkup is brief and painless. For more information or to make an appointment call 622-3500 or visit drmalara.com.

Dr. Christiana

From page 8

has completed a three-year training in electrodiagnosis, (nerve conductions and electromyography). He graduated from National College of Chiropractic in 1979. He is receiving ongoing postgraduate training in advanced electrodiagnostics at the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Port Orange, Fla. Aside from maintaining his prac-

tice in Liverpool, he provides his expertise in electrodiagnostics for a number of area chiropractors and medical offices in the surrounding Syracuse areas. His office provides spinal decompression, hands-on chiropractic therapeutic procedures and passive modalities such as diathermy, ultrasound, muscle stimulation and

interferential currents. He is trained in McKenzie exercise protocols and has been trained in chiropractic rehabilitation on the post-graduate level since 1996. His office also offers flexion-distraction techniques for spinal stenosis and some disc disorders. Dr. Christiana is available for outside speaking engagements and talks

on several health-related topics. He lectures to medical practices on the appropriate use of elctrodiagnosis in the evaluation of neck and arm syndromes that involve pain and/or weakness and relate to the network of nerves which have their origins in the spine, (brachial plexus injuries and conditions.)



Attorney and Counselor at Law

Francis C. Stokes

Attorney and Counselor at Law






“We are a Debt Relief Agency, under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code�

1 0/ Health/Excellence 2012 July 4, 2012



CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



HOA of CNY celebrates 30th anniversary Hematology-Oncology Associates of CNY is a national leader in cancer care Hematology-Oncology Associates of CNY, a national leader in cancer care, will celebrate its 30th anniversary this July. Cancer care has come a long way in 30 years but what has not changed is the practice’s dedication and commitment to their patients, employees and our community.

In 2003, the practice built its first comprehensive cancer center in East Syracuse and developed the first Integrative/Complementary Therapy program in Central New York. This 65,000 square foot cancer center remains home to the best and brightest physicians and staff, leading

edge drug therapies and technologies, state of the art equipment, an Integrative/Wellness program and holistic services and programs to meet the nutritional and emotional needs of patients, their caregivers and families. The cancer center also has a lovely boutique, comprehensive imaging center and donates space that is home to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast cancer foundation. The practice also operates a comprehensive cancer facility on Onondaga Hill in Syracuse and has satellite offices in Rome and at North Medical Center in Liverpool. A new satellite office, complete with infusion and supportive services will open in Auburn in April of 2012. Located in Camillus, HOA also provides the only physician sponsored Healing & Wellness Center in New York State. Winner of the national 2009 HOPE Award for Clinical Best Practice and Outstanding Leadership, the skill and spirit of the people is what separates HOA from any other cancer center. This is supported by a 99 percent patient satisfaction rate.


See HOA on page 11

The mission of Hematology-Oncology Associates of CNY is to provide the highest level of quality care in a healing environment for the mind, body and spirit or patients dealing with cancer and blood disorders.

Seneca Dental

CANCER CANCER BEWARE BEWARE “I had had cancer. cancer. “I Cancer never Cancer never had had me.” me.”

Yesterday, I got out my fishing rod. I couldn’t help thinking of everyone at Yesterday, HOA. It was when Irod. found out. I was disI gotlast outspring my fishing I couldn’t helpoverwhelmed, thinking of everyone traught scared. I thought fishingout. daysI was wereoverwhelmed, over. Then I went at HOA.– Itand was last spring whenmy I found disto HOA.– My all said, “We have thewere technology to fight traught and medical scared. team I thought my fishing days over. Then I went thisHOA. thing!”My and showedteam me the CyberKnife. It sounded scary, but when I to medical all said, “We have the technology to fight learned howand it worked safe it was, I had hope forscary, the first this thing!” showedand mehow the CyberKnife. It sounded but time. when I Your attitude really inspired your staffI always encouraged metime. and learned how it worked and howme, safe it was, had hope for the first your plan of action worked. I may cancer never Your attitude really inspired me,have yourhad staffcancer, alwaysbut encouraged me had and me. Today, kidsworked. and I areI heading your plan ofmy action may have had cancer, but cancer never had up toToday, the lake. me. my kids and I are heading up to the lake. ™

Centers for Cancer Care and Blood Disorders Centers for CParkway ancer CW. are and lood Disorders Onondaga Hill Brittonfield Taft Rd BW. Genesee St E Chestnut St Liverpool W. Taft Rd Liverpool

W.Camillus Genesee St Camillus


Rome St E Chestnut Rome


Syracuse East Syracuse Onondaga Hill Brittonfield Parkway Syracuse East Syracuse

From page 6

Dabir offers specific treatment to control gum disease. Dabir completed an intensive course in implant placement treatment at New York University Dental School. “We do offer our patients implants for single tooth replacements and multiple implants to stabilize full dentures. We urge you to call our office for a free consultation if your old full dentures are loose and hurting you,” he said. Dabir reminds people that dentures don’t need to hurt. “As we age,” Dabir said, “we lose bone. We don’t have the same physiology. There is wear and tear on the body and that includes the jawbone structures and gums. The dentures people were fitted for in their 60s may not be the same fit they need when they’re 65 or 70 years old.” People often suffer through denture discomfort, assuming that where dentures are concerned, pain is to be expected. But, they don’t have to hurt. “When the denture becomes loose because of shrinking tissue and begins to loosen, the unwanted movement can cause sore spots on the gums. When this occurs, it is time to see a dentist,” Dabir said. Dabir earned his bachelor’s degree in India and completed his graduate studies at St. Christopher’s Hospital for children, Temple University in Philadelphia, specializing in children’s dentistry. Before coming to Baldwinsville to start his private practice, he was an associate professor at New York University of Dentistry in the Children’s Dentistry Department. Dabir and his family consider themselves very fortunate to live in the Baldwinsville area. Dabir is very thankful to be able to serve the dental needs of the local community. The economic times are not good these days, people have lost jobs and their dental insurances, don’t worry we are going to be developing a program to offer basic dentistry at very nominal cost, Dabir said, adding for those who cannot afford fees, we will waive the charges. Look for more information in this paper coming in the future editions. Seneca Family Dental, P.C. is located at 5 Lock St., Baldwinsville. Office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. New patients are welcome. Call 638-0276 for an appointment. Many Insurance plans are accepted; Visa and MasterCard are also accepted.

Health/Excellence 2012



CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



July 4, 2012/11

Dr. Suzanne Shapero: Family and cosmetic dentistry The Dental office of Dr. Suzanne Shapero, has made several changes over the last year in order to better serve the Central New York community. “The state-of-the-art equipment is important,” said Dr. Shapero. “Equally important is making the trip to the dentist a good experience for our patients. Our patients tell us we’re succeeding in doing that!” As for new equipment, Dr. Shapero has installed digital x-ray equipment, an intraoral camera, computer screens in every room, and interactive patient education software. “This update has been fantastic” said Dr. Shapero. “We can show patients actual pictures of the inside of their mouths, right there on the screen in front of them. The new digital x-ray system works off the same screen, so they can really see what is going on and ask questions.” She further explained that the amount of radiation is significantly reduced using a digital versus a film based system. The education system contains animated still pictures and movies on a wide range dental procedures and topics. Patients can take a printed version of any of these subjects home with them for further review. Dr. Shapero and her staff regularly update their

skills through continuing education classes accredited by the American Dental Association. Notably, their emphasis has been on the most recent research linking periodontal disease to heart attacks, strokes, and reduction of the body’s ability to control blood sugar. “My staff and I are committed to showing patients how dental health is an important part of their total healthcare package,” said Dr. Shapero. And here’s news you can’t ignore about oral cancer. Did you know that every hour of every day, one American dies of oral cancer? Did you also know that 70 percent of oral cancers are detected in the late stages, and that 43 percent of these late stage diagnosed patients die within five years? These statistics from the American Cancer Society are alarming. If those were not enough, here are a few more from the same report: The death rate for oral cancer in the United States is higher than the following types of cancers: Hodgekin’s Disease, cervical, brain, liver, kidney, ovarian and testicular. Over the past 40 years, overall death rates from all types of cancers has decreased, however, not so for oral cancers. The incidence of oral cancer has increased by 5.5 percent and the death rate has increased by 1.1 percent.

The good news is that oral cancer is 90 percent curable when found in the early stages. Dr. Shapero has just become certified to perform the only FDA approved in office test for early stage oral cancer detection. The test takes less than five minutes, doesn’t hurt, and can be done during a regular dental visit. This test costs $50 and is covered by some insurance providers. Dr. Shapero encourages every one to get tested, and to ask your dentist specifically for a VizLite oral cancer screening. She feels that it is especially important, for those patients in a high-risk category. This includes, any type of tobacco use, especially smokeless tobacco. The risk goes up significantly when combined with alcohol consumption. See Dr. Shapero on page 15

Dr. Suzanne Shapero

HOA deepest appreciation to the patients who allow it the privilege to serve.

The mission of Hematology-Oncology Associates of CNY is to provide

the highest level of quality care in a healing environment for the mind, body

and spirit of patients dealing with cancer and blood disorders.


now prostate cancers with groundbreaking results. HOA maintains the

Dr Suzanne Shapero, DMD, MBA, PC Family & Cosmetic Dentistry “Don’t be afraid of the dentist, Dr Shapero is not only a dentist, but a good friend. Thanks to everyone there for making the trip to the dentist a painless and friendly experience.” - Phillip E., patient


One of the best kept secrets of HOA is its Clinical Cancer Research division. HOA will also celebrate its 25th year of participation with the National Cancer Institute as Central New York’s only Community Clinical Oncology Program. This prestigious affiliation allows cancer patients in our community to access clinical research trials and collaborate with major cancer centers across the nation. In 2 0 0 8 , HOA w as nationally recognized by the American S o ciety of Clinical Oncology by receiving its annual, prestigious, “Clinical Trials Award.” The practice’s accruals to clinical cancer trials and research are the highest in Central New York. Hematology-Oncology Associates of CNY has been recognized by the Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI) Certification Program, an affiliate of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. The QOPI Certification Program provides a three-year certification for outpatient hematologyoncology practices that meet the highest standards for quality cancer care. HOA is the only cancer practice in CNY to achieve this status. HOA has always been committed to high-tech treatments for cancer care. In November of 2007, it became the first and only provider of CyberKnife services in Central New York and it continues to have the only CyberKnife® in town. The availability of this technology has dramatically affected the array of treatment options for brain, spine, lung, kidney, pancreatic, liver and

From page 10

1 2/ Health/Excellence 2012 July 4, 2012



CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



Living Proof Longevity Center focuses on the whole patient that aging is actually a treatable condition. We encourage our patients to embrace the aging process and optimize their good health.” Living Proof Longevity Centre provides an array of services including aesthetics, laser treatments, bariatrics, and hormone replacement therapy. One of the newest technologies Living Proof offers is CoolSculpting, a nonsurgical procedure that freezes fat cells to reduce body fat without damaging other tissue. Unlike other procedures to eliminate stubborn fat, CoolSculpting is completely noninvasive with most patients able to return normal activity immediately. Living Proof Longevity Centre is Central New York’s only certified CoolSculpting practice. In addition, Living Proof specializes in other weight loss treatments including bariatrics, the medical practice of weight reduction, and Medifast, a low calorie diet that is medically supervised. At Living Proof, doctors perform a complete metabolic analysis and determine the weight loss needs for each patient to achieve ideal body weight. Hormone levels are then optimized to help patients achieve their goals. Each patient has their caloric requirements measured and then specific diets are prescribed according to their levels. Elizabeth, 59, of Camillus, a patient of Dr. Sue’s for nearly ten years understands exactly what that approach means. “I came to Dr. Sue for a weight loss program not realizing that it was only a small part of what I could do to impact my overall well-being. Through a deliberate and personalized approach, I worked with the team to begin hormone replacement therapy, aesthetic, bariatric and Medifast services. And I have truly never felt better.” Living Proof also provides several skincare treatments designed to rejuvenate and promote healthy skin. A licensed aestheti-

ABOVE: Pictured left to right is the LPLC staff, front: Anne Daggett, RN, Dr. Mark McConn, Jennifer Bellerdine, LPN, Susan Randall-Mantella, RN, FNP, Gina Plaza-Glover, LPN, and Maryellen Thibeault, RN; back: Joanna Meyers, RN, Kristin Sweeney, RN, Dawn Scott, PA, Dr. Susan Merola-McConn, Heather James, RN,KarleneKistner,LPN,Dr.MaryAnnMillar,TaralynneJenkins, LPN, and Melissa Griffin, LPN. RIGHT: Pictured is Dr. Susan Merola-McConn, Living Proof Longevity Centre. cian is trained to provide several treatments including facials, microdermabrasion and hydrafacials. Many of the treatments use natural antioxidants, Tea Tree oils, and salicylic acid to exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturize the skin. Living Proof Longevity Centre is part of St. Joseph’s Medical, P.C., DBA, North Medical, an affiliate of St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center.


Aging is inevitable! The goal for most is to age in a way that allows you to fully engage in life—no matter how old you are. The practice of anti-aging and integrative medicine has sparked conversation around the country. Living Proof Longevity Centre was one of the first medical practices in Central New York to incorporate integrative medicine practices into patient care. Integrative medicine focuses on the care of the entire individual including the body, mind, and spirit. By combining state-of-the-art technologies and carefully researched healing procedures, Living Proof Longevity Centre does just that. According to U.S. News and Health, “the goal is to unite the best that conventional medicine has to offer with other healing systems and therapies derived from cultures and ideas both old and new” (health.usnews.com). Living Proof providers work closely with patients to identify and apply advanced scientific and medical technologies specifically designed for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases. Many of the treatments are completely natural and provide the patient with a relaxing and safe alternative to conventional medical treatments. Dr. Susan Merola-McConn, St. Joseph’s Medical, P.C.’s executive vice president, started Living Proof Longevity Centre with her husband Dr. Mark McConn, chief medical officer of St. Joseph’s Medical P.C. in 2000. According to Dr. Sue, as she is fondly referred to at the practice, “We believe that taking a proactive approach to the aging process can help patients lead healthy, active, disease free lives. Our services are preventative and wellness-based and we teach our patients

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July 4, 2012/13

Get well, be well, stay well at Seneca Chiropractic Seneca Chiropractic & Family Wellness’ mission is to provide comprehensive care for all of their patients’ musculoskeletal needs, as well as nutritional counseling in order to give the best solutions to achieve optimal wellness. “Our main focus has shifted a bit over the years,” said Dr. Theodore A. Baldini. “In the past we were doing more acute care for injuries, but have now shifted more towards whole patient wellCamillus, 100 Weatherridge Drive; Liverpool, 7960 Oswego Road; Manlius, 119 West Seneca St.; ness. We are looking at the Phone: 622-7060 Phone: 622-7060 Phone: 682-6030 person as a whole and dealing with all of their health and another facet of the practice is massage therapy. it makes a difference. We also have people that still come concerns so they can stay well instead of saying ‘you are “That helps with general wellness as well,” Dr. Baldini and see us from when we opened in 2000, who still refer having this problem, let’s just deal with it.’ We are being said. “It’s become very popular and I just hired a new people to us.” more proactive and keeping people well instead of just therapist I personally taught who is excellent.” dealing with them when they have a problem.” All services offered have one overall goal in mind. Educational series offered Through both communication and education Seneca “The trend is moving towards prevention and wellThis month Seneca Chiropractic starts an educaChiropractic strives to provide quality care and ensure ness and trying to stay away from or reduce the use of tional series of 40-minute wellness seminars. that the most appropriate decisions about their patients’ medication and surgery,” Dr. Baldini said. “We want to “In July we will be addressing common golf injuries care have been considered. With offices in Liverpool, help people to try to accomplish that as much as pos- and how to avoid them,” Dr. Baldini said. “In August Camillus and Manlius, Seneca Chiropractic aims to sible.” the seminars will be geared more towards runners, adhelp patients achieve their health and wellness goals dressing adrenal fatigue and how overtraining taxes the throughout their lives. Working as a team hormonal system. We will give tips on how to prevent To further this, Dr. Baldini is pursuing a degree in The chiropractic staff at Seneca Chiropractic also that from happening, thus avoiding injuries and improvnutrition. includes David J. Stevens, David J. Isabella, and our sup- ing their performance. “Being able to assist patients with their nutritional port staff Mary Kate Migdal and Amy Sheneman. For more information about the seminars viswellness will help to address other areas of their health,” “Our entire staff is instrumental in providing the best it Seneca Chiropractic’s Facebook page at facehe said. “The nutritional component of people’s health quality care to patients – everyone from those who work book.com/pages/Seneca-Chiropractic-and-Familyaffects things such as high cholesterol, obesity and dia- the front desk to the providers are part of our team,” Wellness/221632844564039. For more information betes, and these factors contribute to general health. It Dr. Baldini said. “We have people that come from other about Seneca Chiropractic, visit seneca-chiro.com. is all interconnected.” practices who comment on that team approach and how The practice’s Camillus location offers acupuncture

Seneca Chiropractic and Family Wellness’ three locations:

7960 Oswego Road Liverpool, NY 13090 (315) 622-7060

100 Weatherridge Dr. #200 Camillus, NY 13031 (315) 622-7060


119 West Seneca St. Manlius, NY 13104 (315) 682-6030


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Live home. Live well. If you were asked to name the people who work at a health care facility, your answer would likely be nurses and doctors. Registered respiratory therapists (RRTS) probably wouldn’t make your top five list unless you have experience with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or ventilators. RRTs often stand in the shadows. “What people often do not understand is that a respiratory therapist is a lung specialist who can treat their lung ailments and, hopefully, make their life better,” says Timothy Curtis, RRT, respiratory care manager for Franciscan Health Support, part of Franciscan Companies. “We teach patients about the disease process and what they need to do to either overcome it or to live with it the best way possible.” This education is essential to the success of respiratory treatment at home. Given a historically high rate of hospital readmission for these conditions, Franciscan’s RRTs put the utmost importance on the transition from hospital to home. “We enable patients to go home and continue their care in order to improve their quality of life and activities of daily living,” Curtis says. Every day, Franciscan’s RRTs work one-on-one

with patients. They show parents how to use infant apnea monitors, evaluate people for oxygen devices, set patients up on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines, fit CPAP masks, and more. Mary Jane Luke, RRT, works primarily with CPAP and bilevel positive airway pressure (BIPAP) patients— people who sleep poorly and seek treatment. As an obstructed sleep apnea sufferer herself, Luke understands both sides of the condition — as a patient and as a therapist. “Not only do I educate patients about the machine and fit their masks, but I also explain the outcomes of not using the equipment,” Luke says. “I reassure patients that this treatment will help them sleep better and will improve their quality of life.” Respiratory problems often cause a domino effect. If you’re not sleeping, for example, you are likely suffering from other issues — such as memory problems — that do not seem to be related to a lack of sleep. “When I call patients a week or two after they begin using CPAP/BIPAP and they tell me how amazing they feel, I am so rewarded,” Luke explains. “This treatment is not only good for patients, but they actually feel so

Tim Curtis, respiratory care manager at Franciscan Health Support, explains how to properly use patient care equipment.

See Franciscan Health on page 15

Plantar Fascitis – A podiatrist’s perspective By Dr. Daniel T. Smith

A study of women’s foot complaints revealed that 85 percent of foot pain can be improved by changing their shoes to more appropriate footwear. That is an amazing statistic considering the amount that people pay for a pair of shoes is about twice as much as a standard co-payment at a doctor’s office. Plantar fascitis is an inflammation affecting the band of tissue along the arch of your foot. The inflammation typically feels like a burning in your heel after periods of rest or upon

stepping out of bed in the morning. A quick explanation of plantar fascitis is in order. In the simplest of scenarios, the inside portion of the foot drops to the floor. This is called pronation. Then, the strain on that band of tissue causes microtears at its insertion into the heel bone. This is the pain you feel as you walk on your hell. When we sleep, these microtears heal partially because the band is slackened when we are not bearing weight on our feet. Then we get up in the morning and we begin the cycle of

tearing and healing all over again. This is the saga known as plantar fascitis. If you hop out of bed and hobble around for 20 or 30 minutes because of pain in your heel before your feet feel somewhat normal, then you have fascitis. A quick improvement may be seen by changing into a better pair of shoes. Running shoes are filled with tons of technology designed to help promote good foot functioning. This is why I often direct people with See Westside Podiatry on page 15

Dr. Daniel T. Smith

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Westside Podiatry Center

Health/Excellence 2012



CNY’s source for news, views & things to do



Dr. Shapero Make an appointment today. It’s easy, painless and can save your life. The office is certified for Invisalaign invisible braces, an adult orthodontic system used for minor tooth corrections. This system allows patients to wear tight fitting arch trays, similar to clear retainers, without the inconvenience of wires and brackets. In order to be more available, the office is open until 7 p.m. Tuesdays.

Westside Podiatry Michelle Rurka, of Baldwinsville, learns how to use everyday appliances in a real kitchen setting as part of her rehabilitation treatment plan.

Short-term rehabilitation gets you home again

Franciscan Health much better all-around!” Franciscan Companies soon will launch a program called TLC (Teach, Learn, Comprehend). The in-home patient education and assessment program will benefit patients by providing them with the tools and support they need to live well at home. For example, respiratory therapists will reinforce the proper techniques for medication use. Physicians will benefit by receiving direct feedback from the therapist regarding how their patients are doing in the home setting and information on additional equipment or services that may

From page 11

They are also a par provider for Delta Dental PPO, Delta Dental Premier and DeCare. Local employers include Wegmans, Anheuser-Busch, AARP, Erie Insurance, Lockheed Martin Corp., M&T Bank, New York Power Authority, Clifton Springs Cavalier Transportation and others. The practice of Dr. Suzanne Shapero is located at 1 Charlotte St. in the heart of Baldwinsville. Call 635-6643. From page 14

of patients who try conservative care can avoid such interventions. I will typically recommend about five to eight different approaches to fascitis. Stretching, shoes, anti-inflammatories, massage and taping are all parts to the solution. A quick diagnosis always leads to a quick treatment with fascitis. The amount of inflammation builds as time passes and the vicious cycle of healing and tearing continues. Waiting longer will require more and more aggressive treatments including steroid injections. If you need any further information regarding your foot problems don’t hesitate to contact your local podiatrist. Dr. Daniel T. Smith is a podiatrist at Westside Podiatry Center, LLP, and can be reached at his office, 685-3338. For more information visit westsidepodiatrycenter.com. From page 14

improve patients’ health. “Living with lung disease is not an easy thing, and I believe patients can use all the support they can get to achieve a more comfortable, fulfilling lifestyle,” says Linda Tillson, RRT, who is on the committee spearheading the TLC project. “I am very excited about it because I feel we will be able to more fully utilize our skills as respiratory therapists to help patients live well at home.” For assistance and information about Franciscan Health Support’s RRTs, call 458-3200.


In a blink of an eye, Michelle Rurka’s life changed forever. On her way to visit her family in New Jersey, she hit a patch of black ice on the highway and lost control of her car. It flipped several times before resting on its roof. The impact of the crash broke her back. Once stabilized in the hospital weeks later, she chose Syracuse Home @ McHarrie Place for short-term rehabilitation to help her recover from her injuries. “I am so grateful for the care I received at Syracuse Home. The therapists are well-trained, supportive and committed to helping us return home to our families,” says Rurka. Syracuse Home @ McHarrie Place is one of Central New York’s most recommended short-term rehabilitation programs. “Our program focuses on recovery by helping individuals build the strength, independence and confidence they need to return home,” says Kelly O’Neill-Rossi, Director of Development & Marketing. The professional rehabilitation therapies staff works with individuals who are recovering from elective surgeries like hip or knee replacements, injuries such as multiple fractures resulting from accidents, complications from stroke or other diagnosis. Physical and occupational therapies develop skills that enable residents to lead independent lives. “After my accident, I never thought I would walk again. Within three weeks of rehabilitation, I returned home. Words cannot describe how wonderful it felt to actually walk into my home. I can’t say enough about my experience. The nurses went above and beyond their normal duties to address my individual needs. I highly recommend Syracuse Home @ McHarrie Place for short-term rehabilitation,” says Rurka. Occupational therapies address muscle strength, range of motion, plus cognitive and visual skills that enhance every day activities. When appropriate, speech therapies address treatment and management of communication impairments as well as swallowing disorders. Located on a beautiful 140-acre campus in historic Baldwinsville, Syracuse Home @ McHarrie Place is part of the McHarrie Life Senior Community continuum of care which includes; independent retirement living, assisted living, memory care, respite care, skilled nursing care and short-term rehabilitation. As a not-for-profit organization, Syracuse Home boasts a 161-year mission of providing quality healthcare to all of those in need throughout the Central New York region. To learn more about our short-term rehabilitation program, please call our admissions coordinator at 638-2521.

fascitis to running shoes as a general recommendation. The difference in support between a dress flat and a running shoe designed for mild to moderate pronation is immense. The forces exerted by the inner edge of the shoe against the arch force it higher in the air and thereby reduce the strain on the foot. People can get 100 percent relief of their foot pain by changing their shoes. In my experience, these types of people are the ones you see wearing their running shoes to and from work and even around the house. These people are using the shoes as treatment rather than for mere transportation. If you only wear your therapeutic running shoes 10 percent of your day on your feet, then you shouldn’t expect more than 10 percent of improvement. The surgical treatments for fascitis are effective, but more than 90 percent

July 4, 2012/15

7740 Meigs Road, Baldwinsville, New York 13027, www.mcharrielife.org





1 6/ Health/Excellence 2012 July 4, 2012


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