April Syracuse Parent 2012

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parent Help for SYRACUSE


April 2012


A guide to special resources for special kids 14

Camp fun!

How to choose the right summer camp 7 April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month

‘Because it shouldn’t hurt to be a child’

Center marks 10 years in CNY helping abused children, their families



2 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012

Editor - Jennifer Wing

...where Kids have fun!

Robert D.Willis ...but the kids Free “Get Acquainted� Visit

call him Dr. Bo

434-8889 ext. 340 editor@syracuseparent.net Associate Editor - Farah F. Jadran calendar@syracuseparent.net Ad Sales - David Tyler 434-8889 ext. 302

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Syracuse Parent and CNY Family is a unit of Community Media Group LLC. Published monthly. Deadline for advertising and calendar events is the 15th day of the month preceding publication. Display advertising rates available upon request. Syracuse Parent reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. We do not guarantee any of the information, services, or products published in this or any issue. The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this paper. Copyright Š 2008 by Syracuse Parent and CNY Family. No portion of Syracuse Parent may be reproduced without permission from the editor.

With a little perspective, we’re doing really well Two years ago, through my work, I became acquainted with a woman David whose autistic son is a few years older than my own. She was interested in writing a column about being the parent of an autistic child From the for one of our publications in the Publisher Albany market, and came highly recommended by people I know and work with there. I met her just about the time that my son, John, was turning 4. Before I knew the full nature of her situation, we shared some pictures of our children and just talked for awhile as people in similar circumstances will do. I was lamenting about John’s difficulty with communication, his propensity for running away, and the strict routines our lives required for any sort of normalcy. Carrie and I were confused and scared about what the future would hold for John, and for our family with John in it. We were burdened by all the things we couldn’t do, the places we couldn’t go, and the thought and process that went into even the simplest of activities. Autism was hard for us. I remember her saying “It sounds like John is doing really well,� and although I never said it, I thought, “Really well? Compared to what?� I soon found out that her son, 8 at the time, was prone to violent outbursts. He would attack her and others ferociously and


See From the publisher on page 3

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Show children they matter

It seems strange to me that there are so many statistics about child abuse out there, yet it’s a subject that many adults, even parents, have a hard time discussing amongst themselves or, even more importantly, with their children. In a time when people are up in arms about animal cruelty, the support of gay marriage and Momsense bullying in our schools, it seems that something so heinous, something that is prevalent in our own communities, should also gain the attention it deserves. Every day in this country there is news of a child being hit, neglected and, yes, even raped or killed. In speaking with Julie Cecile, executive director of the McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center, one statement she made hit me like a ton of bricks: “It has been reported that one in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused by the time they are 18,” she said to me. I then went online and found the source of this statistic: “The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder estimates that one in six boys, and one in four girls, are sexually abused. The abuser is a stranger in only one case out of 10; 60 percent of abusers know their victims but are not part of the family. The perpetrator is a relative in three cases out of 10. Most abusers are male; women are responsible for 14 percent of sexual crimes against boys and 6 percent of cases involving girls.” This statement appears on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Prevention Information Network website. But Cecile really broke it down into terms to which I could relate. “Look at your daughter’s group of friends, and your son’s group of friends as well, and know that there may be someone in those groups that have been, are or will be abused,” she said. “In many cases, the abusers are someone they know and trust.” It makes me ill to think of someone hurting one of the children I know, one of the kids who comes to my house to play with Barbies, to play video games or hide-andseek, or to just hang out and watch a movie, laugh and joke and, well, be the carefree kids they should be. So, what should we do to help those children, especially if we don’t know the abuse is happening? I think all we can do is let the children in our lives know that they matter; that they are special, worthwhile human beings that are important in their own right. I’m certainly no expert on child abuse. I don’t boast degrees in psychology, psychiatry, social work or even early childhood development, but I think there are basic ways adults can help children, both those who are abused and not:



✓ Keep them safe and let them know they are safe when they are at your home. I take the responsibility of having children visit our home very seriously. There is always a typical amount of tomfoolery and teasing amongst the kids, but it is kept in the spirit of fun and friendship and is not mean or hurtful. ✓ Listen to them. The fact that you give weight to their statements and are interested in what they have to say will help to bolster their self-esteem. That old adage, “Children should be seen and not heard,” should never have been coined, in my opinion. ✓ Let them be kids. Childhood is such a brief period in their lives, so make it great. When they are gathered in your house, let them leave their cares at the door. It seems to me that children are older beyond their years at an even earlier age than when I was a kid. There’s enough time for them to worry about day-to-day stress associated with being an adult when they are older. ✓ Know that, if you feel a child is being abused, there are ways to anonymously report your suspicions. There are hotlines to call, listed on page 4. There are many resources online as well, including helpguide.org, childwelfare.gov and childhelp.org. It’s important to remember that these children get their cues from us. When we are with them, we should give them the care and respect that they deserve. Anything less than that can be devastating to a child, especially a child who is experiencing abuse in their lives. It’s as former South African President Nelson Mandela said, “Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear.” So make sure the children in our lives feel safe, valued and, most of all, loved, and you can’t go wrong, in my eyes.

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012 • 3

Parent mail

Year-round Judaism

My wife and I send our children to a Jewish Day School. We also send them to Jewish camps and belong to a synagogue. Why? Because as a Jewish person living in America I worry about Jewish continuity and education. And I know that the school-shul-camp triangle works. An article on the PEJE (Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education) website entitled “Day School + Camp= Year- Round Judaism” supports this view: “Day schools are where you can really learn about Judaism, since students spend so much of their lives there,” says Len Saxe, day school alumni dad and director of the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University. “And camp is where you can build on that learning by living Judaism.” Synagogue dues, school tuition and camp fees make these Jewish experiences extremely expensive. However, financial aid, scholarships and special arrangements abound. It is critical that no child be denied this opportunity. Accordingly, generous financial aid is available to ensure that every family can afford to give this gift to their child. The Foundation for Jewish Camp’s “One Happy Camper” program provides up to $1,000 for first-time campers attending a Jewish sleepaway camp (jewishcamp.org.) Substantial financial aid is available from Day Schools and Synagogues, as well, so that no one is turned away for lack of money. But you do have to ask for fee reductions in order to receive them, so don’t be shy. Synagogues, schools and camps are all parts of a whole. A child who takes part in all three lives a 12-month-a-year Judaism. He or she doesn’t take a “vacation” from Judaism over the summer. Instead, his or her summers are spent being part of a large community of Jewish youngsters celebrating and living Judaism joyfully. The children that have these experiences take pride in themselves and in their identity. They learn the Hebrew language and understand what it means to be a member and future leader of the Jewish community. You also should know that your contributions, and those of other Jewish community members, make the opportunity of attending camp possible for many children. Consider the priceless gift to your child of an educational experience that will be unique and special for their entire lives. Remember: Day School + Jewish Camps + Synagogue Membership = Year-Round Judaism. Shabbat Shalom, Ron Koas, Head of School Syracuse Hebrew Day School

From the publisher

from page 2

without warning. One moment, he would be singing sweetly and the next he would be gouging at her eyes or kicking and punching her. She laughed about making her weekly trip to Pearl Vision to get her glasses repaired. A woman of slight build, she feared being alone with her little boy, who was quickly growing strong enough to overpower her. The people at her son’s school feared for themselves and the other students. He severely injured himself kicking out the windows in his bedroom during a tantrum. Finally, the situation reached a boiling point when he unbuckled himself from his car seat and attacked her while she was driving. She needed help, and began to consider the possibility that her son, whom she adored, would not be able to live with her anymore. She’s a wonderful writer, and I became addicted to her blog, which documented the day-to-day struggles she faced, and the challenge of loving a child who is sweet one moment and so destructive the next. Carrie and I would read each entry with trepidation. Could this happen to our John? To us? To our family? Her son, who has since turned 10, now lives at a school/facility for children with severe autism. She seems upbeat with his progress, and her life is no longer spinning out of control, but those feelings of freedom and relief are coupled with a sense of guilt. She is still a mom, but that role has changed, for better and for worse. That change has left a hole that can’t be fully closed in a weekend visit. And John’s progress continues. His language, his abilities, his sense of humor - they all continue to develop, slowly but steadily. Autism is hard, sure. It always will be. But my friend was right: we’re doing really well. David Tyler, publisher of Syracuse Parent, lives in Eastwood with his wife, Carrie, and their children, John and Abby. He can be reached at dtyler@eaglenewsonline.com.

4 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012

‘Because it shouldn’t hurt to be a child’ McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center marks 10 years of service to the community By Jennifer Wing Abuse comes in many different forms such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. Although the thought of hurting a child is inconceivable to many, child abuse happens more often than you may think. In fact, some may find the statistics shocking. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: —More than 740,000 children and youth are treated in hospital emergency departments as a result of violence each year — that’s more than 84 every hour. —More than 3 million reports of child maltreatment are received by state and local agencies each year — that’s nearly six reports every minute. For two families, statistics such as these sparked action. In 1998, members of the McMahon and Ryan families of Syracuse began working with members of the Child Abuse Management Team (which is composed of professionals involved with child abuse efforts.) A needs assessment concluded that the creation of a facility focusing on child abuse issues was critical. “Dr. Paul McMahon’s dentist office was empty upon his retirement, so the family wanted to look to see what was missing in the community,” Julie Cecile, executive director of the McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center, said. “They were able to connect with Dr. Ann Botash, a nationally known child abuse pediatrician.” Botash works through the Golisano Children’s Hospital CARE (Child Abuse Referral and Evaluation) clinic. “One of Dr. Botash’s dreams was to have a Child Advocacy Center,” Cecile said. The result ws the center, which was incorporated in December of 1998 and is the only Child Advocacy Center (CAC) in all of Onondaga County.

All under one roof A consistent meeting place and training facility for child abuse professionals, the center offers a way to coordinate what is needed to help children who are abused. “We’ve taken 50 to 60 people from different agencies, including front line workers and investigators, members of the Sheriff ’s Department, city police, Child Protective Services and those in both the medical and mental health field, and brought them here,” Cecile said. “They’ve If you believe a child is in immediate danger, Call 911. committed their efforts to this mulOther numbers to call: tidisciplinary apOnondaga County Hotline: 422-9701 proach to address the cases that come New York State Hotline: 1-800-342-3720. through here.” National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-A-CHILD And those cases are “serious physical and sexual the majority of people that do this are people that [the abuse ones,” Cecile said. “To give you an idea, Ononchildren] know, love and trust — there’s that added daga County in 2010 had over 5,000 child abuse calls layer of knowing that as adults we are supposed to be — about 400 or 500 of those would come through here. protecting the children, but sometimes those people A big portion of child abuse is neglect – those cases are that should be protecting them are the abusers. It is a handled through Child Protective Services with offices very hard job to do.” in the civic center.” Other needs that are met through this cooperative “These front line workers are amazing people,” approach are providing a child-friendly location for Cecile said. “Every day they put these kids at the foreinterviews and supervised visitation for CPS; educafront, making sure they are protected. And to know that tional resources for non-offending caretakers; educational resources for mandated reporters and other professionals and a central location for tracking of all abused children. The accepted national standard Teaching awareness for quality investigation and interThe center also aims to raise community awareness vention of child sexual and physiand prevention of child abuse. cal abuse is the development and “We have a child abuse prevention program called operation of a Child Advocacy ‘High Five’ through the schools that is for students in Center (CAC). The CAC approach kindergarten through second grade with two part-time brings all essential services and outreach coordinators,” Cecile said. “The program supports for abused children to talks to kids about things like how their body is special one safe, child-friendly location. and should be protected and to know who to go to if The CAC ensures non-threatening, child-focused environment they are ever uncomfortable. The outreach worker for interviews with the child vicalso meets with the teachers and school social worker tim with rapid and efficient access and does parent information sessions so everyone is to a full range of services, while prepared if there is a disclosure [of abuse].” maximizing communication and “High Five” is currently in the Syracuse, Liverpool coordination among numerous and Westhill school districts. law enforcement and treatment Cecile said parents should play a role in informing providers. At left is one of the their children about the dangers of abuse.

To report suspected child abuse:

What is a CAC?

therapy rooms at the center.

- mcmahonryan.org

See Center on page 13

Health & nutrition

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012 • 5

Protect your children, yourself and your investment by preventing lead poisoning By Ann Barnett, Public Health Educator Lead poisoning can be prevented. The most common source is lead paint. If disturbed, lead paint can turn into lead dust that you can’t see. This lead dust can get on your child’s hands and then into his or her mouth. If lead gets into a child’s body, it could cause: Learning problems Behavior problems Growth problems Hearing loss Kidney damage Anemia Protect your children from lead poisoning: Have your child tested for lead at age one and again at age two. Wash children’s hands often, especially

before eating and before bedtime because young children often put their hands into their mouth. Wash toys, pacifiers, and bottles after each use, even if they don’t look dirty. Run the cold water a few minutes before using for drinking, cooking, and preparing baby formula because plumbing in older homes may contain lead. Mop floors often with a damp mop and use disposable wipes or wet paper towels to clean windowsills. It is important to not vacuum lead paint chips because this can cause lead dust to circulate throughout your home. Do not use imported pottery, crystal, or pewter for storing food or liquids as they may contain lead. Feed children foods rich in protein, Vitamin C, iron, and calcium. Good nutrition helps prevent lead from being

Tobacco: What’s changed since you were a teenager? By Mary Carney, MPH, CHES, Public Health Educator, Tobacco Free Onondaga County Think back to when you were a teen. You might remember smoking on an airplane, hanging out in a smoky diner, and buying a pack of cigarettes for less than a dollar. Thankfully those things have all changed. Due to the high price of cigarettes and New York State smoking laws, smoking rates have dropped. Still, one in five teens will start smoking before they graduate from high school, in part because of manipulative marketing and new tobacco products. Manipulative marketing Tobacco companies use different ways to market their products today than they did 30 years ago. They now market directly to consumers using text messages, emails, and social media. They also make sure their products are displayed prominently behind the counters in as many retail stores as possible, while using packaging that is especially attractive to youth. This is not entirely new, but studies show that the presence of tobacco displays in stores is a main influence on youth to start smoking. New tobacco products There are a variety of new smokeless tobacco products on the market that can be used indoors and in places with “no smoking” rules. You can buy finely-ground tobacco in teabaglike pouches (Snus) and dissolvable tobacco shaped like mints (Orbs) or toothpicks (Sticks). There are kiosks in the malls devoted to selling battery operated devices that vaporize tobacco (Electronic Cigarettes or “E-cigs”). It is easier to hide a smokeless tobacco product, which may be part of the reason why a growing number of teens are using them. A positive change: The power to protect youth Tobacco Free Onondaga County is working to reduce the amount of tobacco marketing that youth see in stores. To learn more about what we can do in Onondaga County, call 435-3280 or visit us at: TobaccoFreeOnondaga.org. You can also now find us on Facebook and Twitter.

absorbed into the body. Check the Consumer’s Product Safety Commission website at cpsc.gov for product recalls on toys, jewelry and more. Protect yourself and protect your home: Read the lead disclosure rule pamphlet: “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” before renting or buying a house built before 1978. This pamphlet has important information about how to safely own and repair an older home, visit epa.gov/lead/pubs/lead. Keep your home in good condition by repairing any peeling or chipping paint. When paying for work to be done, only hire EPA certified contractors. For a list of certified contractors, visit epa.gov/lead/ pubs/renovation. Learn how to remodel safely, protect yourself, and your family when doing

home repairs yourself. Call 435-3271 today to sign up for a free Lead Safe Work Practices Training. Apply for a Community Development Grant to remove lead and increase the value of your home, if you have a child under age six who lives at or visits your home regularly or are pregnant. Visit ongov.net/cd to see if you are eligible. For additional information, about free trainings or about home repair grants in Onondaga County call the Lead Poisoning Control Program at 435-3271 or visit ongov.net/departments/health/lead, find us on Facebook at facebook.com/ongovhealth or visit the department’s display March 15-18, 2012 at the Home and Garden Show being held at the New York State Fairgrounds. If you live outside of Onondaga County, call your local health department for more information.

Ask the expert

There’s no need for fear during your child’s visit to the dentist Submitted by The Kid’s Dentist, Dr. Robert D. Willis lf your child has tooth decay that needs to be removed then he or she will need restorations, most often white fillings, known as composites. You and your child will be treated with courtesy and respect. Our goal is to earn your trust. You have the right to ask questions about the recommended treatment and any options. We will speak to you and your child in terms that both of you can understand and we will answer any questions. As you prepare your child, the less you say is usually better. Do not communicate any anxiety that you may feel. Eliminate words such as “hurt, drill or needle” - we do not know these words in our house. We have special words for all of our treatment. We offer nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia or “laughing gas” for children who need restorations. With laughing gas children enjoy a remarkable relaxation. It eliminates apprehension, nervousness and tension and allows for a cooperative, well-managed pediatric patient. It induces a warm, fuzzy sensation while your child is awake and responsive. lt also eliminates a gag reflex. There are no after effects so that your child can resume normal activities following the appointment. Our presentation for a dental “filling” is totally positive, nothing to fear. The Kid’s Dentist is located at 7282 Oswego Road in Liverpool, 451-6260.

Health & nutrition

6 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012

By Mary Ann Russo, MS, RD, CDN What are legumes? They are seeds that dry in their pod. Legumes include beans (kidney, pinto, Lima, cannellini, black), lentils, peas (chickpeas, blackeyed peas, cow peas) and nuts. They are also are called dried beans and peas. Legumes are so plentiful in nutrients that they qualify for two food groups. Legumes are included as a subgroup of vegetables. It is recommended that a person eat three cups of legumes per week to assist with meeting total recommended vegetable servings. Legumes can also be used as a lean protein source or meat substitute, and then it falls into the meat group called dried beans and peas, as a plant-based protein. Legumes are a good source of protein, iron, folate, potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium, calcium and complex carbohydrate and are rich in phytonutrients. Legumes offer a great amount of fiber, soluble and insoluble, which can help in the management of weight, diabetes, lowering cholesterol and prevent constipation. Legumes contain no cholesterol and are low in sodium, saturated fats and calories. They also are gluten free. Legumes are very versatile in the kitchen. They are found in many forms and are inexpensive replacement for meat. They can be found dried which is the best buy or canned and frozen for convenience. Legumes can stand alone or be used to prepare dishes, such as soups, stews, salads, dips, casseroles and sandwich spreads. To prepare legumes from dry form, it’s recommended that you change the water several times during soaking, and avoid using the soaking water to cook the beans as the water will have absorbed some of the gas-producing indigestible sugars. Canned beans are just as nutritious and save preparation time. If you are monitoring your sodium intake, canned beans can be drained and rinsed to remove about 40 to 50 percent of their sodium or look for canned beans labeled “no salt added.” The recipe at right is a non-traditional way to get your family to add beans into their diet and provide protein and fiber. Each muffin will provide 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber.

Blueberry bean muffins

Makes 20-24 muffins 2 (15-ounce each) cans red kidney beans, drained, rinsed or 3 cups cooked if using dried beans 1/3 cup milk 1 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup butter or margarine, softened 3 large eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen 3/4 cup chopped pecans Process beans and milk in food processor or blender until smooth. Mix sugar and butter in large bowl; beat in eggs and vanilla. Add bean mixture, mixing until well blended. Mix in combined flours, baking soda, salt and spices. Gently mix in blueberries. Spoon mixture into greased or paper-lined muffin cups; sprinkle with pecans. Bake muffins in preheated 375°F (190°C)oven until toothpicks inserted in centers come out clean, 20 to 25 minutes. Cool in pans on wire racks five minutes; remove from pans and cool.

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Day camp, academics, theater, circus skills, Programs run June 25 through August 17. ƐƉŽƌƚƐ͕ ƌŝǀĞƌ ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ͕ ^ d WƌĞƉ͕ ĂŶĚ much more for ages 4 - 17.


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Legume trivia

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012 • 7

Camp fun!

It’s that time of year again... time to plan the fun times your kids will have this summer at camp

Choosing the right summer camp It

can be difficult to envision warm summer days when the wind is blowing and the snow is falling. However, the winter months are a great time to explore summer camp options. In fact, many camps have strict enrollment timelines that require decisions to be made prior to spring. Attending summer camp has been a tradition in the United States for more than 150 years. Statistics indicate that around 30 million American kids attend summer camp See Summer camp on page 11

Accepting applications for 3 and 4 year olds. 16868



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Pre-School Camps



8 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012

Play with a purpose By Tom Meier Camp Director at Baltimore Woods Nature Center

Camp Exploration

Discover, Explore, Experience School Age Summer Camp at Learn As You Grow





“Play is work for her.� This is what my mother said to my older sister when she had her first baby. Julia, my niece, was putting blocks in a box, dumping them out, putting them back in again. A few years later, she plays make believe with her princess dolls, coming up with fascinating stories that really only make sense to a five year old. I remember going for a walk with my sister and her family through the woods - the game Julia and I were playing was a primitive version of “house.� We were looking for trees that would make good homes, and every one that we found had to be climbed on (or Kids enjoy the outdoors at Baltimore Woods Nature Center. in, if possible) and thoroughly simple activity like building a rock dam in a creek, for no other reainspected. Our favorite was a giant old oak, long dead, that was son than to see what happens, can teach a child a lifetime of lessons, hollowed out inside with enough room for the two of us to sit build neural connections, teach them problem solving and creative down to dinner. That was a few years ago, and still we look for thinking, physics, simple machines, the nature of water, teamwork. good tree homes whenever we go walking. All of this without teachers, tests, lesson plans, goals and objectives, Play is work. This idea fascinates me—really, who wouldn’t curricula standards, or time limits—simply through play. rather play than work? For adults, play is something we do to take At Baltimore Woods we have recognized these benefits that a break from work, to get away from desks and responsibilities. For come from “nature play�. Our camps are designed to allow children, it is completely different. Children learn through play. A See Play on page 9

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Camp Directory



As You Grow n r a e

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012 • 9


from page 8

children the freedom to explore the woods at their own pace, through whatever sparks their interests, and with few limitations. Certainly we endeavor to keep them safe, but we also strive to keep them unencumbered by structure. This is not an easy balance to achieve, and it requires a special quality in a counselor to recognize the difference between what children truly need and what an adult thinks they need. Our counselors are board-certified teachers, experienced guiding and supervising children. To what end? We can aid a child’s mental, physical, and social development, certainly. But there is more. This idea of nature play, of allowing children to have frequent, positive experiences in nature—of creating an emotional attachment to nature—is the first step toward fostering a sense of stewardship for the environment as they grow into adults. Better wordsmiths than I have said it this way: â€œâ€Śjust as children need good nutrition and adequate sleep, they may very well need contact with nature.â€? –Richard Louv “Teach less, share and experience more: let nature be the teacher as much as possible. Resist the urge to spout off facts and everything you know about what you see. Focus first on helping children experience nature through their senses and their feelings.â€? –Joseph Cornell “We will not fight to save what we do not love.â€? –Stephen J. Gould Please visit baltimorewoods.org/camp for information and registration packets for the many nature play day adventure camps for children ages 4-14 offered by Baltimore Woods Nature Center this summer. 16864

Registration now open Nature Camps 2012 Camps abailable include the Summer Nature Day Camps, Nature and Art Camp and Voyager Camps. Check out the Baltimore Woods website for details and registration forms: baltimorewoods.org.

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t’s Look Wha at Daily lunches & snacks served in our outdoor pavilion g Happenin nment Enviro Creative ay Camp D Summer 2012 Program 66 since 19





C.E.D.S. is accredited by the NYS Department of Education and licensed by NYSOCFS Our Summer Day Camp is licensed by Onondaga County. School yr. program runs Sept.- June for 18 mo.- Kindergarten.


Syracuse, New York Chess-Intro-Sequel


Christian Brothers Academy July 30-Aug. 3rd 2012

s s s s s s s

1 0 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012

PEDIATRIC Kid-friendly browsing ASSOCIATES

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The internet can be an exciting adventure, but for those with children it can be a scary addition to an already dangerous world. Here are a few services that funnel kids towards child-friendly options and remove the chance of accidental exposure to inappropriate content. Kidoz.net blocks all links that lead to unapproved content, preventing those pages from being viewed. The KIDO’Z team also moderates and pre-approves all content, and the kid-friendly interface allows kids to navigate even if they are too young to read or write. Zoodles.com offers young children a virtual toy box of educational, entertaining sites that are age and interest specific. BuddyBrowser.com is a secure web browser made just for kids, including a kid-safe Internet Messenger, and resources for education, gaming and fun.

KidZui.com provides a child-friendly search option, games, videos, and more. Parents are also given access to reports about how time online is spent. Pikluk.com is an email system and internet browser for children. Web use is limited to websites and email addresses that parents must pre-approve before using. KidSplorer.com provides a database of kid-friendly websites that parents can customize. Parents can also customize time management settings to limit time spent online. ZACbrowser.com is the “Zone for Autistic Children.” Zac Browser is the first internet browser developed specifically for children with autism and other special needs. It not only offers a controlled environment, but also simplifies the browsing process, making it less frustrating for children.

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Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012 • 1 1

Summer camp


A good ear is learned... We can teach it!

All children are born with talent. It needs to be awakened! All children can learn music if it’s introduced in their formative years!

These types of questions will help you narrow down your options. Then you can visit and interview camps to find one that is the best fit. When visiting camps, go armed with a checklist of questions. Some of these can include: 3 What is the philosophy of the camp? 3 Can you explain a typical day?

There are many different camps available. Some offer a “little bit of everything.” Others cater to academics, sports, specific hobbies or even religious preferences. Don’t wait too long to research and sign up for camps because many fill up quite early or have an extensive waiting list. That is why choosing a camp should be part of a winter to-do list.

Accepting Applications for Fall 2012

• Piano/Keyboard • Ear Training • Percussion • Music Reading

Musical skills that last a lifetime Convenient DeWitt Location



3 What are your finances like? Do you have a budget for summer camp? 3 What size camp do you desire? 3 Should the camp be co-ed or single sex? 3 How far do you want your child to travel for summer camp? What are the options in your area? 3 Are there any camps that have been recommended by friends or family members? 3 What kinds of activities do your children enjoy?

Summer camp is a fun way that millions of children spend their summers each year. 3 What are the types of activities and facilities offered? 3 What is the camper-to-counselor ratio? 3 What is the camp’s drug/alcohol policy? 3 Does the camp have insurance and security personnel? 3 What percentage of staff return each year? How are staff selected and trained? 3 What kind of health care is provided? 3 Can you tell me about the policy on phone calls and family visits? 3 What do you do in the event of emergencies?




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each year. There are many benefits to summer camp. Camp enables children to stay engaged during the summer when there may be limited interaction with school friends. It also gives parents both a safe and viable daycare solution during the summer. Summer camp pulls together children from different neighborhoods, social classes and backgrounds, which can make it a good place to meet new people -- some of whom may become lifelong friends. Camps also provide a variety of activities that can challenge children to try new things that go beyond their comfort zones. Some children are very receptive to the idea of attending summer camp. Others need a little coaxing. But summer camp should never be forced on a child who does not want to go. In such instances, consider local daytime programs that may fill the void instead of programs that require being away from home. Once the decision for summer camp is made, there are some questions to answer.

from page 7

1 2 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012

Things Sun April 1

Stories with Sally. 10:30 to 11 AM. For Children 3 and under, must be accompanied by an adult. Free. No Registration required. Maxwell Memorial Library, 14 Genesee St., Camillus. For more information, call 672-3661. Cuddletime. 11:30 AM. Enjoy rhymes, songs, stories and more with your baby at this language building program. For babies not yet walking and an adult. Fayetteville Free Library, 300 Orchard St., Fayetteville. 637-6374, ext. 319. NOOK, The Simple Touch Reader. 7 PM. Bring your NOOK and explore the many features of our fabulous, easy to use eBook. Reader. Please RSVP at the NOOK counter or call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt.

Mon April 2

DivorceCare: Seminar/Support Group: Are you going through a separation or divorce? Come and get support from others who understand what you are going through. 7 PM at Northside Baptist Church, 7963 Oswego Road (Seneca Mall Plaza across from KMart), Liverpool. Beginning April 2. Contact Northside Baptist Church at 652-3160.

Tue April 3

Syracuse Hebrew Day School Chorus. 7 PM. The Syracuse Hebrew Day School Chorus will present a performance in support of their book fair fundraiser. Throughout the day, Barnes & Noble will contribute a percentage of every sale made with a special Bookfair voucher to the Syracuse Hebrew Day School. Please call to confirm, 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt.

Wed April 4

Voyage of Purpose by David Bennett, Cindy GriffithBennett. 7 PM. Join the authors for a talk and signing. By relating one man’s amazing tale of triumph over death on multiple occasions, this book brings a fresh perspective to near death experience literature. Please call to confirm, 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt. Baby Talk, Wednesdays in April and May, 10 to 11 AM. $5 each or attend 6 times for $20 Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse; 471-8331. Do you have a new baby? Craving some adult interaction in your day? Come to Baby Talk and visit with other moms of infants to discuss topics like sleeping through the night, nutrition for your baby, and taking care of mom lead by a certified Parent Educator. Bring your baby with you and leave each week with a parenting tip to try. Language ARTS. 3:45 to 5 PM. $20 members/$25 non-members. Teacher: Michael Schaaf During this session of Art After School, students will discover the connection between words and visual art. Students will create altered books, visual poetry, cartoons to create visual sentences, and other word-based art projects. This class will reinforce language arts skills in a fun and creative way. Participants will also get a behind-the-scenes look at the installation of the Made in New York 2012 exhibition. Students should dress for a mess. Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, 205 Genesee St., Auburn. Call 255-1553 to register today by phone or register online at myartcenter.org.

Thu April 5

NOOK, The Simple Touch Reader. 7 PM. Bring your NOOK and explore the many features of our fabulous, easy to use eBook Reader. Please RSVP at the NOOK counter or call the store at 449-2948. Please call to confirm, 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt. Storytime. Every Thursday at 10 AM. Barnes & Noble story times are always fun, filled with great books,



silly songs and cool activities. Great for toddlers and preschoolers. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt.

Sat April 7

Croak by Gina Damico. 1 PM. Talk, Q&A and signing. In this spirited (no pun intended) debut, Damico playfully explores the nature of life and the afterlife. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt. Easter Eggstravaganza. 10 AM to Noon. Kids of all ages, parents and grandparents can enjoy interactive discovery stations that use hands-on participation to share the real story of Easter. Community Wesleyan Church, 112 Downer St. in the village of Baldwinsville. Parking is available off Frawley Drive or Ford Street. For more information, please call the church office at 638-2222 or 635-3501 or visit the church website at communitywesleyanchurch.com.

Mon April 9

Spring Art Camp at the Schweinfurth Art Center incorporates high-quality art instruction with gallery visits, exclusive demonstrations, class discussion, and other unique art-based experiences that only the Art Center can offer. Join us for individual days or all week. The camp runs from 9:30 to 11:30 AM, April 9 to April 13. For ages 6 -12. The cost is $70 members/$95 non-members for the full week of camp. Individual days are $15 members/$20 nonmembers. There is a 10 percent off discount for multiple children per household. For more information or to register, visit myartcenter.org or call 255-1553. 205 Genesee St., Auburn.

Tue April 10

NOOK Tablet and NOOK Color. 7 PM. Bring your NOOK Tablet or Color and learn about the many features of these dynamic interactive devices at this 1-hour tutorial. Please RSVP at the NOOK counter or call the store at 449-2948. Crafty Cooking for Kids! 10 to 11:30 AM. Bring your child for a fun morning of “cooking up crafts” in the kitchen. We will cook homemade scented play-dough that lasts forever, mix up some bouncy and squishy flubber, and perform magical science to create Goop! All ingredients will be provided and every child will recieve samples to bring home. Get ready to cook up some fun during Spring Break! Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd. E., $20 for parent and children, ages 3 to 8. 471-8331. childrensconsortium.org.

Wed April 11

Playful Art For PreSchoolers. 1:30 to 3 PM. Parents and children will discover the book Questions, Questions by Marcus Pfister. This visually appealing picture book asks open-ended questions and lets children ponder the answers. We provide the inspiration and tools; you and your child provide the creativity and curiosity! Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd. E., Syracuse. $20 for parent and child, ages 3 to 6. 4718331. childrensconsortium.org. Baby Talk, Wednesdays in April and May, 10 to 11 AM. $5 each or attend 6 times for $20 Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse; 471-8331. Do you have a new baby? Craving some adult interaction in your day? Come to Baby Talk and visit with other moms of infants to discuss topics like sleeping through the night, nutrition for your baby, and taking care of mom lead by a certified Parent Educator. Bring your baby with you and leave each week with a parenting tip to try.

Thu April 12

Syracuse Opera Preview: Puccini’s Madama Butterfly. 7 PM. Douglas Kinney Frost, director of music, and selected principals from the show will present a

Beaver Lake contest open to photographers The Friends of Beaver Lake are sponsoring an amateur photo contest to capture the beauty and diversity of Beaver Lake Nature Center. Photograph entries must be taken at Beaver Lake Nature Center and must be submitted between March 1 and July 31. Entries will be judged for cash prizes in the following age categories: 11 and under, 12-17 years, and 18 and over. Cost is $5 per entry. Beaver Lake Nature Center, an Onondaga County Park, is located three miles west of Baldwinsville off of Route 370. Admission is $3 per vehicle. For more information, call the Nature Center at 638-2519 or visit OnondagaCountyParks.com. preview of Giacomo Puccini’s Madama Butterfly. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt. Storytime. Every Thursday at 10 AM. Barnes & Noble story times are always fun, filled with great books, silly songs and cool activities. Great for toddlers and preschoolers. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt.

Sat April 14

Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Bookfair. All-day event. Throughout the day, Barnes & Noble will contribute a percentage of every sale made with a special Bookfair voucher to Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt.

Wed April 18

Baby Talk, Wednesdays in April and May, 10 to 11 AM. $5 each or attend 6 times for $20 Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse, 471-8331. Do you have a new baby? Craving some adult interaction in your day? Come to Baby Talk and visit with other moms of infants to discuss topics like sleeping through the night, nutrition for your baby, and taking care of mom lead by a certified Parent Educator. Bring your baby with you and leave each week with a parenting tip to try.

Thu April 19

Storytime. Every Thursday at 10 AM. Barnes & Noble story times are always fun, filled with great books, silly songs and cool activities. Great for toddlers and preschoolers. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt.

Sat April 21

Memoirs of Normalcy: Journey from Sedentary to Extraordinary by Joleene DesRosiers Moody. 1 to 3 PM. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself. You can start right now, no matter where you are in your life. Join us for a meet & greet with the author from 1-3 PM. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt.

Mon April 23

The Power of Portion and Movement! 1 to 2:30 PM. Your child learns about healthy nutrition choices from you. Together, we will explore the fun ways you and your child can learn about nutrition and exercise, while learning how to incorporate healthy choices into dayto-day activities Afterwards, we’ll make a healthy snack together to take home! Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd. E., Syracuse. $20 for parent and child, ages 3 to 5. 471-8331. childrensconsortium.org continued on next page

Things Tue April 24

Judy’s Book Club. 7 PM. Join Judy and the group by the fireplace as they discuss The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philippe Sendker. A poignant and inspirational love story set in Burma, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats spans the decades between the 1950s and the present. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt. Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Group. 7 PM. Welcome, Central New York children’s writers and illustrators! Come for a discussion at our children’s stage. A great way to get information and connect with local authors and illustrators. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt.

Wed April 25

Promoting Literacy in your Infant. 7 to 8:30 PM. Early literacy for very young children doesn’t just involve books. Parents and caregivers are a vital component of the child’s experience with reading and language. All of these variables—the child, the book, the parent, and the relationship—work together to support or discourage the development of emergent literacy skills. Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd. E., Syracuse. $20/person; $30/ couple. 471-8331. childrensconsortium. org. Baby Talk, Wednesdays in April and May, 10 to 11 AM. $5 each or attend 6 times for $20 Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd East, Syracuse; 4718331. Do you have a new baby? Craving some adult interaction in your day? Come to Baby Talk and visit with other moms of infants to discuss topics like sleeping through the night, nutrition

for your baby, and taking care of mom lead by a certified Parent Educator. Bring your baby with you and leave each week with a parenting tip to try.

Thu April 26

Off the Beaten Path: Stories from People Around the World by Ruth J. Colvin. 7 PM. Join us for a talk & signing with Ruth Colvin. Off the Beaten Path provides a fascinating glimpse into the lives, cultures, and beliefs of people around the world through their own stories. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt. Storytime. Every Thursday at 10 AM. Barnes & Noble story times are always fun, filled with great books, silly songs and cool activities. Great for toddlers and preschoolers. Call the store at 4492948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt.

Sat April 28

Literacy Empowers All People (LEAP) Bookfair. All-day event. Throughout the day, Barnes & Noble will contribute a percentage of every sale made with a special Bookfair voucher to the LEAP. Call the store at 449-2948. Barnes & Noble, 3454 Erie Blvd E., DeWitt. Family Fun Fair. 10 AM to 1 PM. A free community event for families in Central New York. Featuring parachute games, seed planting, playground games, hot dogs and lemonade, and family fun & safety tips! Join us to recognize National Playground Safety Week! Children’s Consortium, 2122 Erie Blvd. E., Syracuse. Free, donations accepted. 4718331. childrensconsortium.org.


Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012 • 1 3


Expert on honey bees to speak at Beaver Lake Nature Center

Wednesday, April 4 at 7 pm, Beaver Lake Nature Center welcomes an expert on honey bees to share how bee boxes can bring new life to a garden. This program is well-suited for anyone thinking of acquiring bee boxes, as well as for those interested in learning more about the ecology of these amazing social insects. Pre-registration required. $8 per person. Beaver Lake Nature Center, an Onondaga County Park, is located 3 miles west of Baldwinsville off of Route 370. For more information, call the Nature Center at 638-2519 or visit OnondagaCountyParks.com. Early Education

North Syracuse Early Education Program at Main Street School is now accepting registrations for their 20122013 School Year Pre-Kindergarten Program and for the 2012 Pre-Kindergarten Summer Program. The North Syracuse Early Education Program is for 3 and 4 year old children. The 2012 Summer Program runs from July 3, 2012 through August 13, 2012. In order to enroll in the 2012 summer program, children must be 3 years old by Dec. 1, 2012. Tuition is $175 for the three day morning program, $270 for the five day morning program, $170 for the three day afternoon program and $265 for the five day afternoon program. For more information about pre-kindergarten programs at the Early Education Program at Main Street School or to schedule a visit, please contact Cindy Proulx at 218-2222 or 218-2200. More information about the programs is also available on the school’s website at www.nscsd.org/main.cfm. Summer Nature Day Camps 2012

at Baltimore Woods. Multiple child, refer-a-friend, and early registration discounts. Before and After Care is available for all camp sessions. Summer Nature Day Camp runs from July 9 through August 31 for ages 5 to12, 10 AM to 3 PM. The 182-acre property is alive with campers enjoying week-long sessions loaded with educational activities and outdoors play. Nature’s Little Explorers is for preschoolers ages 4 and 5. Dates TBD, 10am to noon . These children get in on the action with their own camp groups. Teen Camps for ages 13 through 15 run from July 16 through August 24, 10am to 3pm. Campers engage in hands-on learning experiences that will challenge their minds, develop new skills, and dig deeper into nature conservation. For more infor, visit baltimorewoods.com. Baltimore Woods Nature Center. 4007 Bishop Hill Road, P.O. Box 133. Marcellus.

Center “Parents teach their kids fire safety and how to cross the street, but they need to teach children at a younger age how to protect themselves and their bodies,” she said. “We see a lot of little kids who have been abused, and I think we need to have age appropriate tools in the schools. And the abuse is happening. It has been reported that one in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused by the time they are 18.” Community costs The cost of abuse to the child is immeasurable, but the cost to taxpayers is not. The CDC reported that “the total lifetime cost of child maltreatment is $124 billion each year.” But the CAC model has been found to be cost effective for taxpayers. “The community pays three times as much for a child to go through the system when a CAC is not in place,” according to the McMahon/Ryan website. And, according to the findings from the National Child Advocacy study, “On a per-case basis traditional investigations were 36 percent more expensive than CAC investigations … generating a savings of more than $1,000 per case.” New digs The center moved in June of last year from its original site, established in April 2002 in an 1860-era house donated by the two families on Onondaga Street to a totally renovated 30,000-square-foot building, the former Reid Hall at 601 East Genesee St. This new

from page 4

Golf tourney to benefit center 100 Holes 4 Kids event set for May 21

The Ninth Annual 100 Holes 4 Kids Golf Tournament to Benefit The McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center will be held Monday, May 21, at the Skaneateles Country Club. Funds raised during the event will go to services provided by the center. You can pledge to a golfer or be a tournament sponsor. The McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Site a nonlocation provides space for all the agencies that are members of the Child Abuse Response Team to colocate under one roof, achieving the goal of providing Onondaga County with a state of the art Tier 1 Child Advocacy Center. Part of the move was in response to needing more space to accommodate the center’s expanding roles, which include: ✓Serving as the coordinator of the Onondaga County's Child Abuse Response Team. ✓ Providing services to nearly 300 child victims and their families every year.

profit organization dedicated to serving child abuse victims and their families in the Onondaga County. The mission of McMahon/Ryan is to keep children safe from abuse, bring healing to those who have been abused, educate our community as to preventing abuse from happening and recognizing the signs of abuse. For more information visit mcmahonryan100holes4kids.org.

✓ Hosting the Child Abuse Response and Evaluation Clinic from Upstate Medical University. ✓Hosting the Onondaga County Sheriff 's Department and Child Protective Services on site. ✓ Providing education and outreach on child abuse prevention and awareness to school-age children. The McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center is located at 601 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY. For more information call 701-2985 or visit mcmahonryan.org.

1 4 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012

Special resources for special kids

Special needs students and the college process by Maria Badami Physical, cognitive, psychological and learning disabilities pose special challenges for many college-bound high school students. Parents of students with special needs must be especially vigilant as not all high school counselors are able to provide the guidance these students require in the college search process. With the help of educators, doctors, therapists and learning specialists, once a student has been identified as a special needs student the next critical step is the development of a comprehensive Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Developed by the team of educators and specialists, the IEP ensures that the student’s needs are accommodated and the documentation requirements for college are completed in the required timeframe. Many families are surprised at the volume of documentation required for both standardized testing and college applications when disclosing special needs and when requesting special accommodations in college. Clearly, the various disabilities require different testing. However, the documentation should provide evidence of the student’s disability and his or her need for accommodations. The College Board which administers the PSAT, SAT and AP exams requires that the tests used to diagnose learning disabilities meet the following specific criteria: a comprehensive cognitive and academic assessment, that the test be administered individually and under standard conditions, and nationally-normed. The most common tests accepted by colleges and universities include: Nelson-Denny Reading Test, SATA (Scholastic Abilities Test for Adults), Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale, WISC – IV (Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children), and Woodcock- Johnson Psyhoeducational testing/Achievement tests. The sheer number of these tests suggests that this process takes time and teamwork with the school. Also, not all testing can be done just one time. Specific examinations needs to be conducted within a certain number of years before requesting special accommodations. For example, a letter from a physician may need to be written within the last 12 months. Special needs students should be particularly diligent in the college search process. All colleges are required to meet the standards set by Section 504 of the American with Disabilities Act. However, not all departments of

support services are equal. Families with special needs students should research the specific credentials of the support staff and determine how truly “special needs friendly” the institution is. Many colleges have cut back on support services and are staffed by part time or adjunct staff, while other colleges have created a niche by specializing in specific disability services. Even colleges with strong disabilities departments may not have experience with your son or daughter’s specific disability. To find lists of schools which have strengths in specific disabilities visit the website InsideCollege (Colleges for Students with Asperger’s or Colleges with a Physically Disabled Friendly Environment). Websites like CollegeXpress can also direct students to schools which will accommodate specific needs. With the proper guidance, research and support, special needs students can get into colleges that meet their needs and have successful college experiences. Maria Badami, MS is a college consultant with College Directions CNY, 243-6658, collegedirectionscny@gmail. com, 7030 East Genesee St., Fayetteville, NY 13066 .

Autism discussed during conference April 26 Autism Awareness Walk also planned

A program, “Children With Social, Emotional and Behavioral Challenges, Including Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Collaborative Problem Solving Approach,” will be presented from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on April 26. Presented by Ross Greene, Ph.D. the conference will be held at the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel and Conference Center, 801 University Avenue, Syracuse.

Cost is $85 for professionals by April 6, and $95 for professionals between April 7 and 16. Admission is $55 for parents by April 6, $65 from April 7 through 16. For online registration go to AutismSyracuse. com. The conference is sponsored by the Margaret L. Williams Developmental Evaluation Center in conjunction with the CNY Coalition for Young Children with Special Needs. For more information go to AutismSyracuse.com or call 472-4404.

Autism Awareness Walk slated for April 28

The Autism Awareness Walk will be held at 10 a.m. April 28 at Long Branch Park in Liverpool. Hosted by the Central New York Autism Society of America, the 7th annual “one piece at a time” Autism Awareness Walk will feature children’s activities, including a bouncy house and other fun activities. Participants will also be able to visit vendor tables. Light refreshments will

be provided. Walkers can collect pledges in support of our Autism Awareness Walk directly online via a FirstGiving site, but this is not a requirement to register and attend the walk, as the main goal of the walk is to promote the awareness of autism and its related disorders to thecommunity. Visit firstgiving.com/cnyasa/cnyasawalk-2012 to register. Any additional questions can be answered by emailing cnyasa@yahoo. com.

Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012 • 1 5

Special resources for special kids Home based therapy – let’s play Autism and ADHD diagnosis, for children. Our mission at POST is to serve as an inspiration to touch families, and their communities through integrated and reflective practices. The teams focus not only on therapeutic interventions with the individual child, but also strive to understand and incorporate the unique differences of each family as a

Liberty POST is proud to announce the opening of our diagnostic ADHD and Autism clinic. Our staff includes: Doctor of Psychology Physical Therapists Special Education Teachers Occupational Therapists Speech/Language Pathologists Social Workers


referred to as the “POST Play Team” who support children and their families through a DIR® lens, a therapy model created by the late Dr. Stanley Greenspan. DIR® is a framework that: identifies the child’s emotional and intellectual developmental (D); determines the child’s individual way of reacting to and comprehending movement, sound, sights and other sensory input (I); and forms learning relationships in home, and community activities to enable further progress (R). This individualized learning relationships model utilizes the child’s natural interests and emotions to create interactions that help the child master the stages of relating, communicating, and thinking. In the DIR®, r, communicating, and thinking are the foundations of all human interaction. In addition, Liberty POST is proud to announce the opening of a diagnostic clinic. In the clinic, Liberty POST will be providing a full range of diagnostic services, including

whole. In doing so, they facilitate and foster enriched interactions which support healthy relationships. POST creates a dynamic dance between parents and their child, where play and emotion drive learning. Liberty POST’s Play Team members are excited to be part of each child’s journey to success!

In addition to your child’s assessment, we also offer the services of a Nutritionist and follow up parental seminars to help support you through the process. For more information, please contact our Director, Laura Zaferakis, at 315.425.1004 Ext. 1522


“Thanks Liberty POST for developing the social skills I knew my son had deep within. My husband’s goal of attending a baseball game and sitting for 1 inning was achieved this past year -- and for the record, they made it to the 7th!” - The Cullen Family. This is the response of a mother, the mother of a child with Autism, who, like many of the families serviced by Liberty POST began the process of looking for therapy to help their child talk. Our clinicians work with families using a play-based approach that utilizes the child’s emotions to drive learning and skill development. We are focused on the importance of a child’s natural learning environment, and a family’s unique strengths and needs, which helps us to best serve a diverse population. Our philosophy encompasses a developmental approach, used in both therapy and assessment, in which relationships and social emotional development are the driving force for all interventions. Liberty POST is a dynamic agency in the Syracuse area providing services to families and their children identified with special needs. POST’s therapy addresses children with a diverse range of challenges including but not limited to mild speech delays, global developmental delays, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Autism. POST stands for Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy, as well as Special Instruction Teacher services. These are the primary services provided by the agency; however services also include that of social work and psychology. Our clinicians provide a variety of services to children ages birth through five including evaluations, direct therapies through Early Intervention (EI) or Committee for Preschool Special Education (CPSE), and private pay services. Liberty POST has a team of clinicians

1 6 • Syracuse Parent and CNY Family • April 2012

Autism Awareness Programs supported by Kohl’s Autism and Related Disorders Program

CONFERENCE Children with Social, Emotional & Behavioral Challenges Including Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Collaborative Problem Solving Approach PA R E N T S & P R O F E S S I O N A L S - YO U A R E I N V I T E D ! $ &"! *$ '% ! ( $% &* "& "! $ ! !& $ + ! ( $% &* (

April 26, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Presenter Ross Greene, Ph.D. Online registration at AutismSyracuse.com Professionals: $85 (by April 6) $95 (A45.0 < &5*276 '; April 6) $65 (April 7-16) For more information go to AutismSyracuse.com or call 472-4404.

Sponsored by Margaret L. Williams Developmental Evaluation Center in conjunction with CNY Coalition for Young Children with Special Needs.


Register: AutismSyracuse.com

“one piece at a time�

hosted by CNY ASA Central New York Autism Society of America


Saturday, April 28th 10:00 am Long Branch Park in Liverpool.

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