Cny scholars march 2018

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MARCH 2018

Central New York



Meet some of CNY’s finest E agle News is pleased to announce a new annual feature in our newspapers intended to provide recognition for some of Central New York’s most talented and dedicated students. We’ve asked the high schools in our coverage area to nominate two seniors to be rec-

ognized for their accomplishments both inside and outside the classroom. Each of these students provided us with some information about themselves, including their future aspirations those who have inspired them. As community newspapers, we take the re-

sponsibility of celebrating the achievements of our young people seriously, and a great deal of our coverage is devoted to bringing you news of local children and teens. Please take a few minutes to read through these profiles of some of our areas best and brightest young minds.


1 0 MARCH 2018


Jacob Lax Cicero North Syracuse High School Class of2018 Parents: Robert and Leslie Lax Activities and achievements: Student Assistant to the NSCSD Athletic Director Video Developer of NYSPHSAA Battle of the Fan (finalist in 2015-2016 and winner in 2016-2017) Member of the CNS Athletic Captains Club Worked for NYSPHSAA social media Developed district-wide video for Superintendent Annette Speach on district funding CNS Athletic Department sports photographer Sports photographer for Lifetouch Photography for Section III High School Athletics Helped make video for Cicero Police Department focusing on police officers connecting with the community CNS Yearbook sports/club photographer and editor Photographer for CNS athletics social media pages (Twitter, Facebook and website) Being an active member in my school community is something I take a lot of pride in . I personally measure my own life by how many lives I’ve positively impacted, how many people’s lives

I’ve made better. Doing my part to help our community lets me express that. Being our school sports photographer, I’ve traveled with many of our talented athletic teams and have gotten the opportunity to meet and connect with coaches, parents and student athletes. Taking pictures of high school sporting events might not seem like the most exciting job, but it gives me the ability to capture once-in-a-lifetime moments, moments that these students and parents can always have, and always remember. Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: Myself and a few other people are trying to start our own technology company geared toward improving education at the K-12 and college levels, with an emphasis on school safety. It’s in the early stages as of now, but we’ve been meeting with business leaders in the community, and working closely with the teachers and administration in the NSCSD. Education is a big passion of mine, and it’s very exciting to be in a position where we can effect positive change. In the future I aspire to be a successful businessman who is known for his passion toward advancing education and helping people. Biggest influence on your life:

The biggest influence on my life would have to be my family and my teachers. They’ve always been there for me in more ways than one. Whenever I’m down, they pick me up and put a smile on my face. They’ve always pushed me to be the best version of myself and support the pursuit of my passion. It’s been said before but it bears repeating, no one achieves anything alone. I owe all my accomplishments, past, present and future, to the people who have helped me along the way and who have always been there for me.

Brody Guido Cicero-North Syracuse High School Class of 2018 Parents: Dave and Carrie Guido Activities and achievements: Varsity lacrosse Principals Cabinet Captains Club Legislative Committee Star Leadership National Junior Honor Society Business Honor Society Four-time Scholar Athlete Award recipient Communication Award recipient Physical Education Award re-

cipient Business Honors Award recipient Post-graduation and career aspirations: I will be attending Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. I am going to study business and play lacrosse. I am not 100 perscent sure what I would like to do yet. I am either thinking about going into sales/marketing or broadcasting anchor/sports analyst. Biggest influence on your life: My biggest influences in my life are my parents. They have

guided me in the right direction and given me the confidence to always be myself. They love me unconditionally and teach me important skills that have gotten me tot the point I am at today. They come to every lacrosse game, regardless the weather or other things that come up. They come to every event I help out in/run to support me, and are always behind me with every decision I make. I can’t express how thankful I am for my parents.

Central New York


Eagle News 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, N.Y. 13206 Phone: (315) 434-8889

Publisher: David B. Tyler Managing Editor: Jennifer Wing Circulation Manager: Lori Newcomb



MARCH 2018

Lindsey Kilpatrick Fayetteville-Manlius High School Class of 2018 Parents: Tim Kilpatrick and Kelly Kilpatrick Activities and achievements: 2018 Dance Marathon MC for Camp Good Days and Special Times Three-year (grade 9-11) graphic design chair for Relay For Life Three-year captain of Step Team Planning committee for Black History Month Assembly as well as singing, dancing and stepping. Two-year member of Science Honor Society, One year National Honor Society High Honor Roll stu-

dent. Three-year varsity starter, senior captain of Field Hockey. Five-time Scholastic Gold Key winner. Volunteer with Camp Good Days, Special Times, a camp for kids whose lives have been affected by cancer. Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: Attend University of Massachusetts at Lowell and major in mathematics focusing in probability and statistics, minoring in psychology and play on their Divi-

sion I field hockey team. Want to be a political science statistician. Biggest influence on your life: My biggest influence throughout my life has been my sister. I always looked up to her due to her competitive drive in everything she does. My parents have also been a big influence, my mother being my biggest fan and my dad coming to the turf with me day after day to train. My family has always valued success in school and sports but never ranking anything over good character.

Maryam Rahaman Fayetteville-Manlius High School Class of 2018 Parents: Fatima Rahaman and Riazur Rahaman Activities and achievements: Yearbook Club Editor-in-Chief FM Crew Team Community Wide Dialogue National Honor Society President Science Honor Society Scholastic Art Award recipient Every 15 Minutes Committee French Club French Honor Society LeMoyne College Heights

Award High Honor Roll New York State Scholar Athlete Award National French Exam – Honorable Mention Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: Not sure what career is the best for me yet – I’m only hoping to be in a field that I enjoy personally, but also find enriches the world around me. I hope to use the college experience to discover different fields and find where

I can best help the world. Biggest influence on your life: The people I love – it’s a common answer, but the people I love have truly made me want to be a better person, friend and family member. The wonderful family I have been blessed with has given me an amazing foundation and they have always encouraged me not to strive for greatness, but to strive to be a person who loves and cares for their world. And I couldn’t do anything without the love of my parents.

Julian Spencer C.W. Baker High School Class of 2018 Parents: Janine and Jeff Spencer Activities: Musicals, 9th/10th/11th/12th (Once Upon a Mattress, Seussical, Sweeney Todd, White Christmas, Peter Pan); Chamber Choir, 11th/12th; Diversity Club/ Acceptance Coalition, 9th/10th; Student Council, 11th/12th (Vice President, President); Ex-Officio Student Board Member, 12th; Hospital Volunteering (summer of 2017, 50+hrs); Piano Lessons, 9th/10th/11th/12th; Voice Les-

sons, ninth/10th/11th/12th; Volunteering (Samaritan Center, Church activities, School events.) Achievements: Junior National Honor Society, 9th; National Honor Society, 12th; High Honor Roll, 10th/11th/12th; Post-graduation plans, career aspirations: I am going to Rochester Institute of Technology in the fall to study Biomedical Science. My goal is to become a Physician Assistant after that

in a grad program. Biggest influence on your life: The biggest influence on my life is definitely my older brother, Jonathan. He always pushes me to be the best that I can be. He is always there for me when I need him and supports me in everything I do. He helps me push to be the best person and to not care what everyone else thinks about me. When I have a long day, he has a way of changing my mood right around. I do not know what I would do without him.

Meredith Ramin C.W. Baker High School Class of 2018 Parents: John and Diane Ramin Activities and achievements: Figure skating – synchronized figure skating in Rochester; Lifeguarding; Co-president of Key Club; Tutoring; ESL lunch group; TEAM Room volunteering; Mentoring at the elementary school; Nominated for Baker’s Homecoming Dozen; Nominated

for the Baldwinsville Rotary Club’s November “Student of the Month.” Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: I plan to attend Nazareth College to study communication sciences and disorders. I also plan to continue synchronized figure skating.

Biggest influence on your life: My parents are the biggest influences in my life. They have both taught me that it is important to work hard for the people and things that you love. They are such an inspiration to me every day because they never stop supporting my little brother or me. I am so grateful for them.



1 2 MARCH 2018


Katherine Graziano West Genesee High School Class of 2018 Parents: Mary and Joseph Graziano Activities and achievements: -Volunteering with St. Charles-St. Ann’s Youth In Ministry and Peer Ministry -Volunteering at Mini Cats Track and Field Camp -Music Ministry at St. Charles-St. Ann’s, Principal Flute Player in West Genesee Wind Ensemble, AllCounty Flute/Piccolo, All-State Flute Alternate, Central Winds All-Star Wind Ensemble Flute, Flute/Piccolo in West Genesee Marching Band 9th-12th grade -Varsity Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field for all 4 years of high school (Competed in the League meet in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade for Indoor Track and 10th and 11th grade for Outdoor Track) -Math League Captain, qualified for and attended the State Math League Competition -Co-Founder and Vice President of Red Cross Club -Treasurer of Academic Decathlon -National Honor Society and French Honor Society -Other School clubs/organizations including: Class of 2018 Senate, French Club, Wildcate Mentor Pro-

gram, Respect and Responsibility -State Finalist for the Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship -Top Ten in Class of 2018 (#3) Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: I want to major in occupational therapy and minor in music, but I don’t know where I want to go to school yet. Biggest influence on your life: Participating in different forms of ministry at my church have had the biggest influence on my life. Through Youth In Ministry, I have completed service projects that help the poor. For example, we go to the Oxford Inn multiple times each year to serve either breakfast or dinner to the homeless men that sleep there. In Peer Ministry, I help teach Confirmation classes, and I help run retreats for the Confirmation Candidates at my parish. With the help of both of these ministries, I realized my passion for helping people, which led me to look into occupational therapy as a career. Through my participation in Music Ministry, I have realized that I want music

to be part of my life forever, and because of this, I have decided to minor in music when I go to college. Through Youth In Ministry, I have formed many close friendships with some great people that I otherwise would have never met. I am very thankful for the opportunities I’ve had through my parish.

Ryan Gentilcore West Genesee High School Class of 2018 Parents: Theresa and Donald Gentilcore Activities and achievements: Ryan has been an active member in both his school and community throughout his four years at West Genesee. Ryan was recently named Valedictorian of the graduating class and has taken the most rigorous courses offered. He is the founder of an investment club and is a supervisor at the Westar Federal Credit Union Student Branch, both programs are in their second year at the school. He is also National Honor Society president, co-

ordinating multiple events through this organization. In addition, Ryan is a student athlete, playing on the Boys Varsity Soccer Team for two years. This season he was named Second Team All-League and won the Regan-Stamatel Ideal Teammate Award. Ryan is also a recipient of the Cornell Book Award and the CNY Leaders of Tomorrow Award. Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: Ryan plans on going to a fouryear school, majoring in Finance. He has not yet made a college decision.

After college, Ryan plans on becoming an Investment Banker. Biggest influence on your life: Ryan’s grandfather, John Cashion, has been the biggest influence on his life. He taught Ryan the importance of working hard. There are no shortcuts on the road to success. In addition, Mr. Cashion believed in helping others and has been recognized for activities like helping his neighbors on a daily basis. John Cashion was Ryan’s biggest fan when it came to his soccer career at West Genesee. He went to every game and cheered louder than anyone else.

Hugh Schader Jordan-Elbridge High School Class of 2018 Parents: Meg and Bruce Schader Activities and accomplishments: Cross Country (Captain) Outdoor Track National Honor Society Varsity Club Masterminds Science Olympiad (Vice President) Bausch + Lomb Honorary Science Award CNY Young and Amazing Award in Math

Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: I’m not completely sure about what I want to do with my life. I’m currently considering computer science as a major, but my ultimate career goal is to be an entrepreneur of some sort. Biggest influence on your life: Growing up on a farm has taught me two vitally important lessons. The first is that there are a lot of things in life that don’t come easily, so hard work is imperative for success. The second is that I definitely don’t want

to become a farmer when I grow up, but I do want to have full control over what I do with my life. The one thing that I’ve always admired about my parents being farmers is that they get to decide what they do every day and how they do it. This comes along with a lot of responsibilities and drawbacks, like never being able to go on vacation because the cows need to be milked twice a day, every day. However, I would argue that it is worth the sacrifices for my parents to be able to pursue their dreams and do what they love.

Samantha Whalen Jordan-Elbridge High School Class of 2018 Parents: Rebecca and Keith Whalen Activities and achievements: Masterminds co-captain for three years Science Olympiad for three years – senior year got first place in forensics at a regional competition and 11th place as a team, which is amazing. Student Council secretary –

senior year Post-graduation and career aspirations: Studying industrial engineering at the University at Buffalo – not certain of exact career path, but it will involve helping others in some way, shape or form. Biggest influence on your life: My sister, Meghan, who always kept me levelheaded and smiling.

Hunter, who helped pull me out of a dark place and was (and still is) the best friend a girl could ask for. Tess, my true friend, the one I can always count on for a laugh. Last, but not least, a star that will remain anonymous, the one that reminded me to always keep my metaphorical crown on my head.



MARCH 2018


GCC continues innovation in helping students succeed

Submitted photo

In addition to the new Student Success Center, GCC also just opened the Richard C. Call Arena, an athletic facility offering a Field House, Fitness Center, classrooms, coaches’ offices and a special press box overlooking the Turf Field.


he new front door of the Student Success Center at Genesee Community College continues a longstanding tradition of GCC employing the latest technology, alongside specially trained professionals, to help guide students toward success. At GCC’s Student Success Center, success coaches are helping students of all ages explore, launch, refine or advance their careers. Since the new facility opened last summer, GCC success coaches have logged more than 1,500 one-to-one coaching sessions, fielded

more than 12,000 telephone inquiries, and followed-up on nearly 1000 ‘early alerts’ from GCC faculty. This new level of intentional engagement helps students achieve career success. In addition, College Scheduler is just one of nine new software programs that students and advisors use to manage academic progress. While Scheduler can reduce a typical 45minute registration process down to 15 minutes, other empowering course registration utilities at GCC include Student Advising Profile and Credentials Solution Transcripts

Plus, Student Outcome Tracking, Student Educational Planner and Axiom, DegreeWorks and Banner Mobile. With these stateof-the-art software solutions, GCC students secure the best pathway for the most effective, timely degree completion. To watch a short, 1:21 minute video about College Scheduler, go to As GCC success coaches help prepare students for academic challenges, an array of new degree and certificate programs are available for long-term, career stability. Among GCC’s newest programs are Food Processing Tech-

nology, Nanotechnology, Marketing and Social Media, Supply Chain Management and Veterinary Technology. GCC also offers four degrees in human healthcare including Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Respiratory Care and Sleep Technologists, who work in the growing number of sleep clinics. To see firsthand how GCC can help you exceed your goals, attend a GCC Open House on Saturday, April 14 from 9-11am. You can register online at offices/admissions/visit/, or call 866-CALLGCC.


1 4 MARCH 2018


Taylor Neumann BOCES – Cicero-North Syracuse High School Class of 2018 Parents: Kimberly and Thomas Neumann Activities and achievements: I have been involved in the Winterguard at CNS for six years. I currently have two gold, three silver and a bronze medal from MidYork Circuit. I also have a bronze WGI medal.

I participated in the marching band at CNS for four years. I am enrolled at BOCES for cosmetology. Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: I plan to attend Cosmix Makeup Artistry in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. I wish to become a professional makeup artist.

Biggest influence on your life: Meeting many new people during high school. Also being a part of a team activity which gets to travel around America for competitions. My parents have also influenced me a lot over my high school career.

Matt Johnson East Syracuse Minoa Central High School Class of 2019 Parents: Jackie and Dale Johnson Activities and achievements: Tillie’s Touch, vice president; ESM Model United Nations Club, co-president; Member of Foreign Language Honor Society and National Honor Society; GPA over 90.

Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: To attend college and obtain a degree in political science, though I’m undecided on which university to attend and what to do following obtaining a degree. Biggest influence on your life: My father has been the

biggest influence on my life. He has taught me how to overall become the best person I can. He’s set the example for me to be grateful and gracious for every opportunity life provides for you and to give to others constantly because it’s the right thing to do.

Athena Summers

East Syracuse Minoa Central High School Class of 2019 Parents: Richard and Mandy Summers Activities and achievements: Audio drama and voice acting; Voiced “Crystal O’Dark” in “The Weeping Tree” and was “Narrator No. 2” in “A Sleep Hollow Retelling;” Voiced “Broomtilda” in “The Witch and the ATC;” Writer’s Guild; Anime Club; Overall high school GPA above 90.

Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: Career aspirations include potentially becoming a professional voice actress, author or librarian. I also hae an interest in pursuing forensic photography. Biggest influence on your life: Aside from my father, who I do voice acting with and my late

older brother James Williford, I’ve been influenced by 1980s cartoons such as “He-Man,” She-Ra,” “Ulysses 31,” “Where on Earth is Carmen San Diego” and “Defenders of the Earth” as well as Studio Ghibli and the forgotten anime “Ova Geo-Armor: Kishin Corps.”

Charlie A. Reynolds Jamesville DeWitt High School Class of 2018 Parents: Jeremy and Stacey Reynolds Activities and achievements: Over the past four years while attending Jamesville DeWitt High School, I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to paricipate in many different activities, both in and out of school. Fore the first time I was on a swim team, although I have been a certified SCUBA diver, I never realized the fun I could have with competitive swimming. I also participated in the OCM BOCES program, where I learned Auto Body Collision Technology for the past two years and made the National Technical Honor Society list. Between my junior and senior years I enlisted in the New York Army National Guard as a Cavalry Scout. I went to Fort Benning, GA, for basic training. I spent three years in the Civil Air Patrol, where I spent a week at a summer CAP camp and also became an NRA Certified Rifle Instructor. The Civil Air Patrol was structured and fun and gave me my very first introduction to what the military would be like. I have been a member of the town of Manlius Police Explorer Post 906 for the past four years. I am a sergeant in the post and hold the position of squad leader. The Explorer post is for young people ages 1421 who have an interest in law enforcement as a career. We assist at special events, traffic details and

with large group events. I also work part time at the Manlius Police Department detailing the patrol cars. Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: During the summer of 2018 I will be heading back to Fort Benning for eight to 10 weeks to finish my Cavalry Scout training. After that I will be coming back to Syracuse where I plan on attending Onondaga Community College. I plan on taking general studies classes at OCC and a few automotive classes. After obtaining a college certificate or two-year degree I plan on transferring to a four-year school or to request an active duty deployment with the Army. My career aspiration is to become a police officer where I can serve my local community and raise a family while still serving in the NY Army NG. Biggest influence on your life: The biggest influence in my life is my family. My dad is a police officer, which means he always has something to say as to what I should do or not do. He usually gives me good advice and lets me make my own mistakes to learn from. My mom was a teacher who left her career when my parents started having kids. She balances out my dad and takes care of everything we need. My mom is the glue of the family. My brother is my best friend and “room mate.” His advice usually gets us in trouble. My sister is my

biggest cheerleader and really a tough kid with tow older brothers. My grandfather “Bump” died when I was in eighth grade and he was my best bud. He lived behind us with my grandmother “Ween.” Ween has a “new guy” who is no longer a “new guy.” He is a great friend and mentor and has helped me in my life choices as I get older. His name is Ron and he was able to swear me in when I enlisted in the Army National Guard. My other grandparents are BlamBlam and PaPa, who have encouraged me and guided me at every turn and decision when I needed. My aunts, uncles and cousins round out my influences along with my girlfriend, Tapaingga.



MARCH 2018

Evan Wright BOCES - Cicero North Syracuse High School Class of 2018 Parents: Scott and Anne Wright Activities and achievements: I have been a racecar driver at many local tracks since I was 14 years old. I compete in the four-cylinder super stock class, driving the number 41 car that is a tribute to my grandfather. I have competed at many tracks throughout New York including Brewerton Speedway, Fulton Speedway, Thunder Mountain

Speedway, Paradise Speedway and Five Mile Point Speedway. I have earner top 10 in points at four different tracks and have won Rookie of the Year at Fulton Speedway. Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: I have committed to Morrisville State College in the Automotive Management program with a Presidential Scholarship. I would like to use my degree to open my own

business in the community. I am also in preparations to begin racing throughout the East Coast in the Sport Compact Dirt Racing Association Series. Biggest influence on your life: The biggest influences in my life have definitely been my parents Anne and Scott Wright, my godparents Art and Sue Keiser, all of my extended family and both of my grandmothers.

Olivia Bird Marcellus High School Class of 2018 Parents: Diana and Mike Bird Activities and achievements: Varsity Girls Soccer, team captain Varsity Outdoor and Indoor Track All School Show, show leader and dance captain Heart of New York Teen Institute Youth Staff All County and All State NYSSMA Festival, flute Jazz Band, saxophone National Honor Society, trea-

surer RHO Kappa, secretary National Spanish Honor Society, president Student Council, vice president Senior Class secretary SADD, vice president Character Education Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: I plan to attend a four year university to study biology then obtain a DDS to pursue a career in dentistry. Biggest influence in your life:

The most influential people in my life are my parents. I look up to them in so many ways. They’ve taught me to always work hard and do my best, but also to always have fun. When facing tough times, my mom reminds me to focus on the good things and not get weighed down by the bad. My dad is my biggest cheerleader and never fails to make me smile. I would not be the person I am today without their unconditional love and guidance.

Rachel Randall Marcellus Senior High School Class of 2018 Parents: Scott and Sandy Randall Activities and achievements Student Council President Captain of varsity volleyball team Crouse Hospital Junior Volunteer Program, 160 plus hours of service Everson Teen Art Council, council member Cornell University Book Award Coca-Cola Scholar program semi-finalist Scholastic Art Award God Key

winner, two awards Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Essay Contest first place winner Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: I plan to attend a four year university to study health services and hopefully pursue medical school. Biggest influence in your life: My older sister Hayley has been the biggest influence on my life thus far. She has always been a role model for me as I watched

her work hard in school and otherwise, in order to achieve her goals. She has always been my best friend and biggest supporter. I have also been fortunate enough to have excellent teachers at Marcellus who have guided me both inside and outside of the classroom. They have fostered my aspirations and encouraged me to balance my academics with my other interests such as music and art.

Sofia Liaw Jamesville-Dewitt High School Class of 2019 Parents: Kathleen rland-Silverstein and Merrill Silverstein Activities and achievements: Editor-In-Chief of Rambunctious, the school’s art and literarty magazine Placed in top seven in New York state both sophomore and junior year in Poetry Out Loud, a national poetry recitation competition Recipient of 16 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards of varying levels Recipient of a Gold Medal in the Level 2 National Spanish Exam Recipient of a Silver Medal in the Level 3 National French Exam Varsity Cross Country Athlete in ninth, 10th and 11th grade Recipient of a silver Empire State Student Association Award for playwrighting Invited into National Honor Scoeity Act/direct in Drama Show in ninth, 10th grade Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: For my undergraduate degree, I would like to double major in romance languages (French and Spanish)

and linguistics and study abroad. In grad school I would like to major in language interpretation and translation. Eventually I would like to either become a literary translator or a conference interpreter somewhere like the United Nations. Biggest influence on your life: I lived and attended school in Oxford, England, for three months during my freshman year. Almost every day, I ran past a man I presumed to be homeless in Christ Church Meadow. He had no idea who I was, but he gave me a thumbs up and a “you’re doing good” every time I looped around. Being the spoiled teenager I am, I hadn’t wanted to come to Oxford because it meant leaving the precarious ecosystem of high school four months after I had begun it. Consequently, I refused to get involved with any extracurricular activities at school there because I went thorough life for those months believing that everything was temporary, so why did it matter. Yet whether it was a bad day or a good one, he performed that little act of kindness for me, and I found myself running extra laps just so I could feel seen again. By the time I left England, I didn’t want to, and upon my last time

seeing who I had dubbed “Christ Church Meadow Man,” I knew I was going to miss him, because he had been a constant variable for the entire time I was there. What I learned was that he may have been without a house, but I was the one who refused to make England my home during my time there. He and the entire experience living abroad taught me that even if things are temporary, they’re still worth it.



1 6 MARCH 2018


Benjamin Zinger Liverpool High School Class of 2018 Parents: Andrew and Robin Zinger Activities and achievements: - Two years of Varsity Cross Country and Track where I was part of the 2016 Sectional Championship team for Cross Country and received the Spirit of the Sport Award as a Senior for Cross Country. - Eagle Scout out of Troop 139. - Member of the DECA Club at Liverpool High School. - Member of Symphonic Band

at Liverpool High School. Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: After high school, I plan on attending Le Moyne College where I will be studying in the Madden School of Business. I will also be a member on the Men’s Cross Country and Track Team. After college, I would like to work for a sports team where I would like to be the Director of Operations. Biggest influence on your life: The biggest influence in my life

has been my parents because they have always pushed me to be my best. Without them I would not have been able to make it as far as I have. My parents constantly support me because they always go to all of my Cross Country and Track meets and are cheering the hardest for me. They always push me to get good grades in school so that I can be successful. On top of all of that, they have always encouraged me to give back and to be helpful to others.

Jeffery Ross School: Liverpool High School Class of 2018 Parents: Jeff and Joelle Ross Activities and achievements: Captain of the Varsity Swim Team Captain of the Varsity Crew Team Vice President of the National Honor Society American Legion Boys State 2017 Delegate Section III Leadership ProgramCaptains and Coaches Leadership Academy

Varsity Club Officer Co-Editor of the Yearbook Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: I will be attending the United States Military Academy at West Point. Upon graduation I will be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United Army. I also plan on majoring in computer science. Biggest influence on your life: The biggest influence on my life has been my parents, Jeff and

Joelle Ross. From the beginning they have always been my number one supporters, but more importantly, they have given me so many amazing building blocks and values that I have built my life around. They taught me the importance of hard work, the necessity of discipline, and the value of self-confidence. I would not be the person that I am today without my two parents and want to thank them for being the best parents a kid can ask for.

Nicole DeRosa Skaneateles High School Class of 2018 Parents: Nancy and Bob DeRosa Activities and achievements: Track, cross-country, part time job at pizza shop, Vernak’s, summer internship at school’s tech department, full time, high honor roll, graduating one year early, RIT Computing Medal 2017, co-valedictorian, National Honor Society, Middle School Tutoring Program Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: I plan to major in electrical engineering in college with the hope of getting a job in the field there after. I have my college choices narrowed down to Georgia Tech and several UCs including UCLA and UC San Diego. Biggest influence on your life: From a very early age, I saw my oldest sister explore her intellectual interests in math and science. She taught me to embrace my own appreciation of the STEM subjects no matter what. Most recently she inspired me when she graduated from UC Berkley, demonstrating that any mountain can be overcome.

Lucas Rathgeb Skaneateles High School Class of 2018 Parents: Keryn and Thomas Rathgeb Activities and achievements: Activities: Track and Cross-Country, Environmental Club, Writing Club, guitar, computer programming Achievements: First Team All League Cross-Country, National Honor Society, Syracuse University Undergraduate Summer Research Poster Symposium Fourth Place General Science Category, valedictorian Post-graduation plans and career aspirations: I would like to major in computer science or theoretical physics. I would like to work on nuclear fusion or some type of technology that could improve the environment. Biggest influence on your life: The biggest influences on my life are my teachers, not just my school teachers, but those among my family and friends as well. They continually inspire me tom ask deep meaningful questions and never stop pursuing the answers.

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