Syracuse Woman Magazine - January 2021 - 10th Anniversary Edition

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The women of Syracuse Woman Magazine RENÉE MOONAN


Putting pen to paper to write about something I have loved for 10 years has been an emotional challenge. A decade of Syracuse Woman Magazine has created so many beautiful and heartfelt memories. I truly believe in this magazine's mantra, "Women Supporting Women." That is why I decided to honor my mother, who passed away in 2018. She is the reason I love this magazine so much. Most women's lives are better when supported by other women - a lesson I learned early on in life. I was blessed with an amazing first woman role model in my Mom and she was the guide on which I patterned my life. My Mom's love was unconditional, her faith in God resounding and her support of her children was unwavering. I was raised with tenacious encouragement. My Mom was always in my corner and really made me feel like I could accomplish anything if I put my heart and soul into it. Even when I stumbled she never gave up on me. To this day this was her greatest gift: she believed in me even when I gave up on myself. I may falter along the way but that's OK because she taught me to just keep trying. Syracuse Woman Magazine has allowed me to live out how I was raised and to improve every day on being a better person. When we launched this beautiful magazine there were three amazing women by my side - Farah Jadran, Linda Jabbour and Colleen Farley whom I remain friends with to this day. There are so many women to thank: our talented creative director (and my prayer warrior) Andrea Reeves who came aboard in 2014; Cindy Bell, our past cover photographer; and Alice Patterson, our current cover photographer, who empowers women all over CNY to feel comfortable in front of a camera. The man at the helm of Syracuse Woman Magazine, publisher Dave Tyler, who trusted in the dream of a woman's magazine enough to make it a reality. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all our loyal supporters, readers and clients. We are here today because of you, and only you! ■



2011 marks the beginning of the best and most inspiring and rewarding professional relationships that I have made through my work with Syracuse Woman Magazine, and its community of local women. While working at SWM since August 2011, as one of two major sales account managers for our monthly magazine, I have had the pleasure to meet and work with so many local women, and help promote what they do for their individual businesses and organizations. Many of our advertising clients have been with us since the beginning and the relationships that we’ve developed have gone beyond professional interactions and become personal and meaningful friendships. For each month's issue of SWM, we strive to feature the most inspiring and engaging local women - women who come from all walks of life and who have interesting, compelling, and thought-provoking stories. I also feel a very strong sense of purpose and direction, not just for what we bring to our Syracuse community in telling the stories of these wonderful women, but also with our continued partnerships and affiliations with so many charitable organizations that focus on improving the lives of women in Central New York. On a personal note, I cannot say enough, and give enough praise to our team at Syracuse Woman Magazine. We have had the most amazing group of talented editors, writers and designers during our 10-year journey. I am grateful for their time and efforts in making this beautiful magazine what it is today. January 2021

I know there are so many more exceptional and inspiring stories to tell for SWM. I look forward to continuing to meet our great women throughout CNY, and I look forward to reading these on the pages in the coming issues and years to come! Happy 10th Anniversary to us at Syracuse Woman Magazine! Let's celebrate in 2021 for all the good things to come! ■



My only other job was a cashier at Nichols in Liverpool and we counted back change in those days. So, art, design and teaching has been my life, love and career for a very long time. I am the history of graphic design. I believe art is not what you see but what you make others see. Ruth Ansel, first art director of Harper’s Bazaar in the sixties said, “being a magazine designer is like being an orchestra conductor.” For me, the challenge, beauty and magic of the composition that is Syracuse Woman Magazine lies in the visual “sounds” of diverse photography styles and subject matter with content that tells each story in a way that is functional, aesthetic and wrapped in human feelings. Our talented and well-rehearsed ensemble brings their best to each issue. I wish I could say I had the luxury of time, but my ultimate inspiration is the deadline. When I’m not burning midnight and weekend hours putting my SWM masterpiece together, I’m an art director at Zoey Advertising, adjunct professor at OCC, coproducer of nationally-airing docuseries, “Honor Flight Heroes” and a magnet for an eclectic collection of professional and familial relationships. Sometimes it feels more like plate spinning! It takes orchestration, sure, but I’ve built a life I don’t need a vacation from. How many can say that? I don’t let anyone rent space in my head who isn’t a good tenant and I am the energy I want to attract… I just can’t help myself… we designers don’t retire, we die. ■



Shining a light on women entrepreneurs and community leaders is what I’m all about, both literally and figuratively. Over the last six years, I’ve photographed remarkable women with such interesting and varied stories for Syracuse Woman Magazine. There are cancer survivors, cystic fibrosis warriors, allies for refugees, government officials, financial planners, performers, educators, artists, neighborhood volunteers, small business owners, corporate leaders, and about everything in between. While each has their unique paths, there’s a common thread (most likely orange in color) which is Syracuse - a community they have found, built and leaned on. Growing up in a military family, and then moving often as an adult, I never had one city or town to call home for long. I had no idea what to expect when I left Los Angeles and relocated to Syracuse, in 2007. Rebuilding my business from scratch, was challenging, but when I pivoted to personal brand photography for creative women entrepreneurs, I discovered my happy place at work, and I also found my hometown. With both of my businesses Alice G Patterson Photography and Loving My Company LLC, I help women entrepreneurs with all of their personal brand photos and social media marketing images. I’ve put all of my blood, sweat and tears into building these businesses, and yet, when someone asks “What do you do?,” I often lead with, “I’m the cover photographer for Syracuse Woman Magazine.” It’s become a major part of how I define myself. ■ 10th Anniversary Edition

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