2020 Eagle’s Nest Foundation
ANNUAL REPORT Experiential education for young people, promoting the natural world and the betterment of human character.
LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dear Eagle’s Nest Families, What a year 2020 was for everyone, and Eagle’s Nest was no exception. When we made the determination to not run summer programs as usual, you, our loyal friends and families, rallied around us. With words of encouragement, hours of volunteer time, and gifts to the Annual Fund, you buoyed our spirits and provided the financial support that helped bridge the void that a loss of summer income created. Despite the difficulties we faced last year, there were also many bright, shining moments. Our semester 50 faculty and students showed incredible resilience creating and adapting to an online curriculum. In May, we wrapped up construction (under budget and on time) of our long-planned Housing and Offices Building. Our family retreats this summer provided respite for many and Noni Waite-Kucera, Executive Director of Eagle’s Nest Foundation. brought us great joy to once again have people on our campus. This fall, we “built a bubble” for our school and had in-person learning on campus throughout the full semester. For all of this, I owe an incredible debt of gratitude to the faculty, staff, and trustees of our organization who worked tirelessly and above and beyond any call of duty to make 2020 a success. While some of our efforts toward our Centennial Priorities had to be put on the back burner this year, we have been making significant progress on others. Toward diversity, equity, and inclusion, we have updated our gender inclusion policy and are working now to make updates to our dorms and cabins to accommodate those policy changes. Our board began the work of creating a trustee DEI Committee, and Camp in particular has been engaging in work toward re-imagining and re-modeling our groups formally known as tribes in an effort to continue the previously begun work of removing names, symbols and activities irreverent of Native American peoples and culture. We have also made significant strides in streamlining some of our business practices around budgeting and financial modeling to increase our nimbleness in a time that is requiring such. While we did not have summer campers for whom we awarded financial aid, we did grant 28 of our total 48 Outdoor Academy students $423,300 in aid in 2020. Of that total, $144,490 (34%) was generously funded by you, our donors, through both the Annual Fund and our endowed scholarships. The endowed scholarships designated for Camp and Hante for 2020 that were not granted will be rolled over to 2021 to help expand the aid we are able to give when we know needs will likely be high. Our year ahead will have challenges of its own, but we also know we will face them with you by our side. I am eternally grateful for your support that has come in so many ways. Eagle’s Nest Foundation remains strong because of you. With deepest gratitude,
OA $1,030,534
FOUNDATION $425,091 HANTE $9,133
CAMP $509,456
Program Operations
$ 150,944
Facilities & Vehicles
$ 161,935
General Operations
$ 251,392
Promotions & Marketing
$ 40,424
Loan Interest
$ 23,112
Property Insurance & Tax
$ 46,028
Trustees & Reunions
$ 13,924
$ 1,396,947
$ 2,084,725
Top Four: OA $1,096,297
Over $100,000 $20 ,000 - $100,000
CAMP & HANTE $55,942
$1,000 - $10,000 $100 - $1,000 Less than $100
*These are unaudited figures.
2020 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Our Board of Trustees are elected in February of each year and serve three-year terms. Officers Trustees Jonathan Romm, MA Heather Goodling, MA Richard O'Hara, MEd Cissy Kelton Byrd President Davidson, NC
Cormac Connor, JD Vice President Chevy Chase, MD Cain Cox Secretary Asheville, NC David Gilbert, MAT Treasurer Greensboro, NC
Will Abberger, MA Tallahassee, FL Gail Bunce Apex, NC Margaret Esposito, MA New Orleans, LA Lyne Gamble Raleigh, NC
Atlantic Beach, FL
Baltimore, MD
Chapel Hill, NC
Troy Hendrick, JD Atlanta, GA
Doug Oswald, JD Longview, FL
Dee Anna Smith, MBA Washington, DC
Wendy Heilbut, JD New York, NY
Harold Philipsen Williamsburg, VA
Tom Rogers, PhD Decatur, GA
Jamey Lowdermilk, JD Greensboro, NC
Mike Peed Wallingford, CT
Diane Ulmer MSW, LCSW Denver, CO
Julee Nunley, MBA Winston-Salem, NC
Edee Waite Robinson Mt. Dora, FL
Helen Waite Penrose, NC
Letter from the
Camp Director In a year that has been challenging on many levels, my heart has been filled with so much gratitude. I am enormously grateful to the Eagle’s Nest community for lifting up and supporting Eagle’s Nest in the months following our announcement that we would not be able to open camp for our campers during the summer of 2020.
Paige Lester-Niles (far right), husband Andy, daughter Posey, and son Finn.
Minutes after the announcement was made, we began receiving messages of support and love, along with donations to help us meet the financial challenges of being without tuition for an entire season. In total, we received $52,110 in camp tuition donations, and over 180 families rolled over all or part of their tuition from 2020 to 2021. In a time of great need, you all stepped up to do what you could for a community that you hold dear. Reading your messages and reconnecting with Eagle’s Nesters from years past gave us the strength and encouragement to keep going! I’ve always said that Eagle’s Nesters are the best
EAGLE’S NEST CAMP & HANTE people I know. I feel and believe that now more than ever! With your support, we started to dream about what we COULD do! Eagle’s Nesters are a creative and resilient group; we know how to bring magic to a rained out cookout. It brought us joy to imagine what could be and to create something that would allow us to continue to share the Eagle’s Nest community with others. In mid-June, after just a few short weeks of planning and building a brand new program, we opened campus for “Family Retreats.” We were so excited when the first family rolled up to the gate! When they rolled down their window for screening, we passed each family a bag of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, and each round of screening questions included “Are you excited for the next few days at Eagle’s Nest Camp?” Fortunately, that was the only question on the list that received an enthusiastic “YES!” For the next five weeks, we welcomed 39 families for a long weekend during which they enjoyed swimming in the lake, doing yoga, helping in the garden, hiking the trails, eating great food, making tie dyes, and laughing by the campfire as the sun set and the stars shined. We loved reconnecting
with alums, getting to know camper parents and providing a place where people could find peace and joy. As I look forward to the upcoming summer, I’m grateful that our enrollment for 2021 is strong. I know that our campers and their parents are eager for the experience of being in a community where they can play, be outdoors and be kids away from the stresses of the world. We’re eager to provide that experience and have been working not only on the precautions that will keep our campers and staff healthy, but also on a program that will be magical and FUN! We know that the summer of 2021 will look a little different, but we also know that it will be wonderful in its own special way. Thank you for your tremendous support this year! Thank you for opening your heart and your arms to Eagle’s Nest and embracing us in your care. We look forward to the day when we can give you a big hug back.
LETTER FROM THE OA DIRECTOR Semesters 50 & 51 Greetings from 43 Hart Road and The Outdoor Academy! The thirty wonderful young people who have decided to make OA Semester 52 part of their high school experience are currently on the trail, braving chilly rains and steep ascents. They are settling into an eleven-day expedition during which they will not only form deep connections over campfire laughs and shared struggles, but they will also build a student bubble that will have the rare opportunity to spend these next four months largely unmasked and in close contact as they live and learn together. Semester 51 was an incredible success marked by good health, meaningful in-person learning, and immediate impact on the lives of its 28 exceptional students. Glenn DeLaney with his son, Elem.
Indeed, few schools anywhere are able to do what we have been able to do here at The Outdoor Academy, though it has looked a bit different at times. Teachers are masked up and keeping
THE OUTDOOR ACADEMY their distance, we have put trips to Smiley’s and Mountain Song on hold for the time being, and we are not belting out “Left Hind Leg of a Rabbit” at the top of our lungs before lunch. We have had to carefully wrap some of these traditions up and place them gently on a shelf for safekeeping, but we know where they are and will dust them off when the time is right. In the meantime, however, our Cornerstones of Intellect, Environment, Craft, and Community are as rock-solid as ever, and our students have been able to fully immerse themselves in a distinctive academic experience and a powerful community setting. It has taken immense work on the part of our faculty, administrators, the Eagle’s Nest Foundation staff, OA families, and our wonderful partners at Transylvania County Health Department to pull this off. Folks worked through their vacations, teachers have creatively planned new approaches to how we operate, and parents have honored us with their faith in our vision and trust in our plans. None of these efforts, however, would have been possible without you. Your support of Eagle’s Nest Foundation and The Outdoor Academy—particularly in such a challenging year—has made an OA experience
accessible for so many of our students. They are the reason we come to work in the morning, and your generosity and belief in our mission has given us that opportunity. <maybe insert some financial aid stats here?> Whether you were a student, parent, faculty member, or simply a friend of the school, you left your mark on OA. Your continued financial support is helping our current students, who so desperately need the community and the challenges we offer, to leave their own mark. More importantly, you are supporting the growth of young people who will have the desire, the skills, and the courage to go forth from OA prepared to build communities and meet the challenges that the world has in store for them. On behalf of the faculty, staff, and students of The Outdoor Academy, you have our deepest gratitude. Give thanks!
SPECIAL CAMPAIGNS Our Camp families helped to ensure the future of Eagle’s Nest Camp by donating a portion or all of their 2020 paid tuition.
Camp Tuition Donations
Total raised $52,110 Total # of donors: 106
In 2020, Eagle’s Nest Foundation launched the Gear Lending Library initiative in an effort to provide access to quality outdoor gear and clothing for campers and students to enhance their outdoor experiences and also help to relieve the financial burden of Camp, Hante, and The Outdoor Academy for our families. We are still building our Gear Lending Library and are grateful for donations of gently used and/or new items. Donors who donated items to the GLL: Dee Anna Smith Cara Varney Holly Resnick David Morgan Liberty Mountain Michelle Turner Kristine Hall S51 Families who donated funds for the GLL: Sarah Alvord Lloyd and Ashley Bell Leslee Alexander and Paul Breeding Mariana and Noah Byrd Alene and Keith Campbell Brian Fireman Heather Graham and Christopher Gergen Sally and Jeff Lewis Dana and Greg Wilmoth
OA Semester 51 families were given the opportunity to donate funds that would specifically go toward purchasing items for the Gear Lending Library. Semester 51 families donated $817 toward this initiative, which has been used (along with other funds) to purchase foul weather bibs, puffy jackets, zero degree sleeping bags, liner gloves, mittens, and fleece pants as a way to provide additional cold-weather gear for participants. If you’re interested in donating gently used and/or new items to the Gear Lending Library, please contact David Morgan at david@enf.org.
Giving2020 Day
We celebrated our 2nd Annual Community Giving Day on December 15th; a day filled with raffles, prizes and charitable giving. Total raised: $14,075 Total # of donors: 102 Stay tuned for details about Giving Day 2021!
Fire Keepers provide consistent, reliable support. Total # of active Fire Keeper memberships: 42 Total # of NEW Fire Keepers in 2020: 21 With as little as $5/month YOU can join the Fire Keepers by making a recurring donation. Contact Camille (camille@enf. org) with questions or make your pledge online today!
Just because we weren’t able to celebrate The Outdoor Academy’s 25-year milestone as planned doesn’t mean we won’t have a celebration; it just means we have to get creative! As we reflect on the 51 semesters’ worth of students and faculty that have shaped the OA program, we find that so many components of a semester at OA remain the same, especially the integral sense of community. In celebrating 25 years (plus 1!) of The Outdoor Academy, we will strive to emulate the strong sense of community found in each and every semester and share it among the entirety of OA students, alumni, former and current staff, OA families, friends of OA, and more during the OA 25th Anniversary celebration. What does this look like? As much as we long for an in-person gathering in which we can hug, sing and hold hands, and share meals communally, we need to continue to protect everyone’s health and safety. So, we will be hosting virtual activities in honor of this incredible OA community later this year. We’re working on finalizing details, so stay tuned for more information.
VOLUNTEERS OA SEMESTER LEADERS 1995-2020 OA Semester Leaders, chosen by their peers, serve as the representatives for their semester for years to come. Those names that have been italicized also serve on the OA Semester Leaders Council. 1 Alyssa Merwin, Rebecca Hilinski 2 Anna Allen 3 Whitney Hannah 4 Abigail Poe Akre 5 Jamey Lowdermilk 6 Charly Nelson, Caitlin Ellis 7 Sarah Candler 8 Claire Douglass, Katharine Wilkinson 9 Julia Maccini, Megan Mess, Andrea Wolf 10 Meredith Dowling, Liz Levitt, Kari Reynolds 11 Mary Grace Elliott, Ben Lerer, Lauren Prince 12 Chris Metzloff 13 Elizabeth Koenig, Rosie Yakob, Lauren Dillon-Merrill 14 Anna Lipton-Galbraith 15 Laura Northrop 16 Amy Peddie 18 Nate Sutton, Walter Kucera
19 Callie Sadler, Gary Sorcher, Josh Rosenstein, Brandon Tankard 20 Carson Hale 21 Sarah Mackey 22 Clay Pittman, Jennifer Cohen, Emily Northrop, Blake Ross 23 Nora Stedman 24 Anna Graves 25 Reily Kennedy, Shira Moch, Colin Istvan, Cecilia Kucera, Jack Mize 26 Emily Fish 27 Gabrielle Dowell 28 Tom Krome, Adriane Spiro 29 QSierra Pierce, Kate Sutton 30 Annie Giarla, Kendall Clark, Park Inglefield 31 Maddie Vogelsang, Selene Munoz 32 Allison Moore, Lily Tidwell 33 Jebe Moiwai, Sophia Navarre 34 Eliza Renner
35 Jessica Bolin 36 Clare Ende 37 Walker McDonald, William Reed, Rachel Weaver 38 Sadie Lerman, Miles Krebs-Moberg 39 Myles Schwartz, Tyler Powell 40 Logan Morlino, Wren Garrison 41 Ruth Dibble, Grace Schneider 42 Adriana Baumann, Daisy Gould, Sophie Pippin 43 Ansley Kish, Ailey Morlino, Christina Kovalik 44 Kathryn DeVillier, Bas Philipsen 45 Mimi Ashkin-Baker, Atticus Head 46 Megan Wick, Ellen Poulter 47 Anna Benzel, Francesca Medieros 48 Cassidy Wells, Kara Williams 49 Dinah Rogers, Greta Matties 50 Eliot Barrengos, Olivia Hardin-Nieri 51 Jaya Connor, Franny Dicus-Breen
Semester 51
Given the circumstances surrounding the spring worldwide pandemic, we held off on running a Parents Campaign in Semester 50. However, Semester 50 parents donated over $2,600 from room and board refunds that were issued in response to the transition into virtual learning due to COVID-19.
Semester 51 Parents raised $29,525 (which set a new record high in OA Parents campaign history!) with 83% participation. In addition, Semester 51 families donated $817 to our Gear Lending Library.
CAMP REPRESENTATIVES 2019-20 FLORIDA Sarah Davidoff Dana Lirette GEORGIA Gigi Gill Vicki Grey Gregory Whitmore LOUISIANA Margaret O’Reilly Danielle Sutton MARYLAND Cormac Connor Leah Larson-Rabin
NORTH CAROLINA Zanne Garland James Irons Starr Sink Christina Soriano NEW JERSEY Karen & Jeffrey Sutphen TENNESSEE Kathy Friedman VIRGINIA Anne Reed
Bill Spedding & Jill Fleuriet Craig & Tiffany Head Noah & Mariana Byrd
HONOR ROLL The following donors have generously chosen to support Eagle’s Nest Foundation during a challenging year. These gifts totaled $393,395 and over 645 alumni, campers, students, parents, friends and family gave back to 43 Hart Road. To all our donors, know that our gratitude runs much deeper than listing your name on these pages, and to YOU we Give Thanks.
White Oak Gifts of $10,000+
Cedar Waxwing Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous The Benevity Community Impact Fund Sarah Candler & Ted McKenna
Golden Eagle Gifts of $1,000 - $4,999 Anonymous Will Abberger & Mary Anne Koos Catherine Abrams Abigail Poe Akre Taylor's Family (Class of 51) Alvord Family Foundation Ballou & Liebert Family Erika & Jason Barnes Ashley & Lloyd Bell Kate Benson The Bernard Family Foundation Will & Kate Betz, in honor of Paige LesterNiles JDB Charitable Fund Wendy & Graham Brugh, Dry Ridge Farm The Bruno Family Richard Brodkin & Lois Buerkle Bustin & DeHate Family Byrd Giving Fund Jacob & Rachel Chapman Wendy & Andy Childers Jean & Harrison Cohen
LBA Foundation, The Bunce Family Chris Chapman & Mary Beth Blackwell-Chapman The Fleshman-Pratt Foundation
The Gould Family Foundation The Sweetgrass Foundation Troy Hendrick & Theo Beck, in honor of Noni Waite-Kucera Gretchen & Roger Herbert Charitable Fund Jack L. & Rachel C. Koch Dudley & Elis Olsson
Karl & Cynthia Pond Hugh & Ruth Rogers Betsy & Carlton Sexton Joe & Dorine Smith, in honor of Romy & Dee Smith James Wallace & Barbara Pequet, in memory of Jaimie Wallace
Cormac & Anupama Connor Cain & Ronnie Cox Anu & Paul Dawson Shawn McKee & Mary Dwyer Facebook The Fireman Family The Mabee Family Foundation Elaine & Joe Friebele, in memory of Jaimie Wallace David & Kathy Friedman Lyne & Kathryn Gamble Zanne Garland & Jackson Anderson Giarla & Michelson Charitable Foundation David Gilbert & Margaret Rowlett Kate Goldenring Beaver & Heather Goodling Gordon Family Fund John Guignard The Hagan Family Fund Katy & Tim Hall, in honor of Noni Waite-Kucera & Greg Kucera Wendy Heilbut Suzanne Madison Hogg Amanda Huestis Tom Irons Sr. The Kempton & Harvey Family Michael & Christine Kieffer
Kleiman Family, in honor of Paige & Andy LesterNiles Elen Knott, in memory of Mo Waite William & Lenor Krome Leah Larson-Rabin Nina Waite Leip Anita & Elycia Lerman Paige & Andy Lester-Niles** John Lodge Jamey Mavis Lowdermilk, in honor of Dr. Tad & Ellen Lowdermilk Julia Maccini Sarah & Carlos Marques Sammi & Alex Masi, in honor of Holly Resnick Terry & Patrick McDaid Alyssa Merwin & Richard Henderson Patricia Moore Northwestern Mutual Foundation Julee & Kevin Nunley, in honor of Noni WaiteKucera Ellena Ochoa & Ted Ridgway Doug Oswald Joe & Karen Page The Pardue Family Katie Barge Paris Harold Alfond Foundation, in honor of Steve & Jane Akin, Sus G. Torres & Kyla G. de Asla
HONOR ROLL Larry Renfro Tom & Hannah Knott Rogers Jonathan & Eliza Romm Emily & Ben Rosenberg Betsy & Bryan Ross Fund of the Lurie Family Charitable Fund David Sacks Mimi Selig, Selig/Weiss Charitable Gift Fund Harold Philipsen & Tracy Shackelford Gregg & Phin Sheets
Black Bear Gifts of $500 - $999 Anonymous (2) Anonymous, in honor of Benjamin Moseley Jones Jr. Anonymous, in honor of Staff John & Josie Amory, in honor of Helen Waite John & Wendy Barclay Richmond Chapter of the American Marketing Association Nicola & Kimberly Bullock Mariana & Noah Byrd The Byrd Family Fund Darci Carlton Debbie Clapper Jim Clower Joanna Cohen The DeLaney Family, in honor of Semester 50** The DelVecchio Family John Diaz & Cheryl Case-Diaz Dibble Family Fund of Central Carolina Community Foundation, in honor of Katie Harris & Ted Wesemann Donovan Family Charitable Fund, in memory of Jaimie Wallace The Esposito Family Veronica Everett Corrine Fantz Gracia & James Farrer Debra & Evelyn Fish Carrie Foote Mike & Sara Fox, in honor of Ellen Fox Lena Friedman The Gaynes Family
Bobcat Gifts of $250 - $499 Anonymous (2) Anonymous, in honor of Semester 28 Anonymous, in honor of Margie Rowlett & David Gilbert Elizabeth Andersen Terry Andersen Sarah Anderson Sherin Amiri, in honor of Graham Hooker The Beeson Family Jeff & Amy Benedict
Pisgah Forest Rotary Club Robert & Joy Sherman Audrey Sherry Gunshor Dee Anna Smith & Roman Riedmueller & Family Laura & Bill Snyder Raftery-Spiro Contribution Fund Frank Stier Diane Ulmer & Jess Tillis Winslow & Charles, Jill, Richard & Lauren Umberger
Velez & Mendez Family Noni Waite-Kucera & Greg Kucera** Chapman-Wheeler Family Dale & George Williams, in honor of Cain Cox David Wilson Myron Zeitz, in memory of Jaimie Wallace The Zervigon Family Duke Energy Foundation Katy Varney & Dave Goetz Recover Brands The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
The Goldstein/Jahnke Family Indigo Grady Amy Graham Gergen Family Gravel Family Fund Bruce Grob & Banta Whitner Erin Malone The Guzzardi Family Meggan & Brody Hartman Tiffany & Craig Head, in honor of Samantha 51' & Atticus 45' Kristen & David Holder Innospec, Inc. Sada, Emily, & Jackie Jacobson Bo Johns Jordan-Bloch Family Gift Fund The Kennedy Family King Family Giving Fund Klingsberg & Vaughan Family Caitlin & Walter Kucera, in memory of Moseley Waite The Latham Family The Lenchik Family Dr. Jeffrey H. Levenson & Dr. Ilene S. Levenson Lipsitch & Melnick Family The Lodge & Alexander Family The Lowry Family Alaina Gimbert Sarah Marsh & Matt Reeder Dawn & Heiner Matthies The Dowling Family The Meehan Family Fund The Ritchie & Morano Family Rex & Viki Nelson, in memory of Renée "Mimi" Busdicker Bob & Mary Ann Norris Rick & Jane O'Hara, in memory of Mo Waite
The Mills Family Stephen H. Oswald, in memory of Kenneth F. Oswald Jr. & Sr. Kimberly & Brad Paisley The Peed Family, in honor of Faculty & Staff Michael & Dori Perling, in memory of Dr. Lance Perling Jerilyn & Brian Perman Jessica & Jeff Pierce The Pippin Family The Powell Family William Whitley & Cheryl Reid Tom & Edee Robinson Louis Morano Marti & Billy Rosenberg Martha Rowlett Callie Sadler** The Shenton Family, in honor of David A. Gilbert Adele Shepherd Bill & Pat Shropshire Jane G. Smith Liz & Jesse Smith** Jamie Steele Pat & Andy Stevenson The Tuchman Family The Vigilante Family Paige Vinson Gina & Ben Weinstein, in honor of Holly Resnick Dana & Greg Wilmoth The Wofford Family The Wratchford Family Credit Suisse Matching Gifts Program Johnson & Johnson
Jeff & A.K. Benninghofen Emily Bianchi & Jonathan Markham Sam Blumenfeld Innes & Carl Boland Laura & Jason Bonander Paul Meisner & Mary Boshkoff, in honor of Jackson Meisner The Bridges Family Cindy Brillante Bill Brower, in honor of Cynthia Brower Ellen & Geoffrey Burnham The Christy Family Julie & Terry Connor, in honor of our children & grandchildren
Kristin Connor, in honor of Ida Sarah Convissor, Josh Greenberg & Leah Greenberg The Corradini Family Thorns & Perry Craven Sarah Carl Croset & Samuel Croset The Abramson Family The Daniels Family Phyllis & Philip DeLaney Amy Diamond Allyson & Ryan Dickey Bill & Becky Dodrill Laurent & Katharine Dubois The Dunn Family
HONOR ROLL Noah Eaker The Ellison Family Carmen Fadem The Forde Family Jeffrey Fromuth Cesar & Jennifer Garcia Vicki & Peter Generelly Heidi Gingerich & Phillip Bales Nancy Goldstein Lisa Goldy & Ron Ramsing Sara Gonzalez & Juan Vallejo Dani Goodling Vicki Gray Rebecca & Scott Hardin-Nieri Wyatt Hendrix The Stokes/Hildebrand Family The Whipple-Hoog Family Ingram & Horn Family Jeni Indresano & Matt Stella Bobbie, David & Madison Kelly Michael & Robyn Kennedy The Kirkman Family Susanne Kistin & Family Lou & Marti Kucera Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kutcher Sam & Leila Lane, in honor of Madalyn Wofford
Woodchuck Gifts of $100 - $249 Anonymous (8) Anonymous, in honor of Marcy Nadel Anonymous, in honor of Pete & Ginny Rowlett Doug & Susan Abramson Lauren & Matthew Agrella-Sevilla The Allen Family Sarah Alvord Amazon Smile Foundation Marcus Bach-Armas Jack & Maggie Bannister Glenn Barcheski Chris Barge & Erin Koenig Heather Barlow & Terry Evans Eleanor Bathory & Gist Croft Beak! The Morris-Benedict Family Jeff Benninghofen Semester 51 Alumnus Gift W Edwin Bonsey & Kathryn B Bonsey Jon Dicus & Jenny Breen Tom & Donna Brim Ad & Martha Brown The Burke Family Michael Byrd Evan Center Jason Chepenik Nathan & Theo Egan The Conway Family, Daniel & Jenna Conway (August, Winx, Paul) Krin Cosner Drew Dettweiler Laurie Dickey
The Emmett-Lawson Family, in honor of Paige Lester-Niles Jeff & Sally Lewis Kai Lewis, in honor of all Semester 51 Faculty, Staff & Students The McNally Family Julie Luttinger & Charlie Graves Robin Lynne Michael Maccini & Barbara Koenig Brady & Sarah Mackey Catherine McGrady & Chuck Matthews Amanda Mills Amanda & David Moore Morrow Insurance Agency Elisabeth Moughty Adrienne & Adav Noti Rich Orland, LaQuita Martin & Eli Orland Shane Clark & Kelly Pippinger-Clark Jen Powell Prus-Carson Giving Fund Lydia Beaudrot Read Steve & Adrienne Robins Dana & Ryan Sample The Scholes Young Family Lenore Shamey Isabelle Kurtz
Glenn Siegel, in honor of Ethan, Micah, Naomi & Ezra Siegel The Silverman-Young Family Starr Sink The Slaton Family James & Kirkland Smith Liz Snyder & Rachel Wood Liv Chepenik Missy & Terry Stein Whitney Stewart Sylvan & Erik Taylor Robert Teirney Tekulsky, Salvagno & Corwin Ellen Thompson, in honor of William J. Thompson Caroline Toy The Turner Family The Waites Gambill & Waits Family Stella Waugh, in honor of Phil Spiro & Linda Raftery Marcia & Jerry Weinkam Ted Wesemann & Jane Davidowski** Ruth & Carrol Wilson**
Tiffany Dill & Reid Carlson Janet Doellgast Laura & Burgin Dossett Carol Dugger, in honor of Ben Otis D. Lerer Kara Dyckman Elise Emil Jori & Daniel Falcon Elizabeth Faith Fales Fig Richard Fireman The Flatley & Vadelund Family Spedding & Fleuriet Family, in honor of Hazel Spedding Judy & Natalie Forsythe Jordy Frankel The Fuller Family Julia Fuster Brendan & Kate Gardes Steven Garland & Edna Green Patty & Steve Ghertner Mark Glazer & Cindy Stone Nancy Goldring & Robert Hartheimer Jayme Goldman Jacob Goodling Elizabeth Grace & Randal Bennett David Gray Tiffin Vaughn & Dana Griffin Sarah & Matt Fraser Janet & Adam Guy Kristine Hall** Harris & Pflueger Family Josie Harris, in memory of Moseley Waite Benjamin Hartheimer Beth Helmey, in honor of Joe & Phyllis Arnold The Hobbs family Amanda Hoffman
Susan & Steve Hoffman Joe Huber Linda Hunt Ivey Inman Carey Jackson Sharon Jackson Deborah Jakubs & Jim Roberts, in honor of Logan Roberts Joshua Bratcher Johnson Family Serena Jones Anna E. Jordan Tyler Kameh Stephen Kay & Jennifer Weissman Lucy Keeble Sarah Keefe Paula Kelton Margaret Kimble C. Kirkman & T. Carollo Louisa Klein Peggy Knudson Steve & Melissa Kucera Brooks Daverman David, Rebecca & Rose Anna Laudicina The LeFevre & Toone Family, in honor of Paige Lester-Niles Tina Leonard Ellie & Kelsey Leonardsmith Finn Lester-Niles Alex Masi Brenda Lo-Griffin Tad & Ellen Lowdermilk, in honor of Jamey Lowdermilk Jim & Gail Macfie Lucile Houseworth & Mark Magnuson Shereen Mahoney
HONOR ROLL Annie Mantynband Arrington McCoy, in honor of Ted Wesemann The McDowell Family The Coplon/McNally Family Vesper Mei & Mark Bellermann Hallie Meushaw John, Lucy & Flora Meyer The Meyer-Braun Family Susan & John Mickey, in honor of Hollis Mickey Calvin & Molly Miller Tiffany Miller & Miguel Chumacero Dave Moffatt** Mims Montgomery & Tyler Pace** Allison Moore Renee Mullen Alison Murphy Isabel Nelson & Diogo Teixeira Lopes Amy Norman Stephanie Novak Nusnbaum Family The Palmer Family James Parana Ali Heston & Rob, Micah, Caleb & Zoe Parsons The Benzel Family Julie Pittman The Egdal-Podhorzer Family
Deer Mouse Gifts of $1-99 Anonymous (5) Anonymous, in honor of Jamey Lowdermilk Elise Ackerman Anne Amos & Family Nora Arkin, in honor of June Morgenstern Phyllis G. Arnold, in honor of Hannah Helmey Richard Bakal Luke Bartelme Barbara Barton Noah Goetsch Berch Blaser Family Sharon Bloom Caroline Bluhm The Brenner Family William Brower William & Margaret Brungs Lydia Burnet Mary Caldwell Lewis & Rita Callaway The Family of Celeste Campbell, Semester 51 Student Hannah & Bill Castrucci, in honor of Julie C. Morgan & Mo Waite Hannah Charbel** Etain E. Connor Claudia Cummins Kelsey Daly Brown Glenn Davis Susan & Kris Deal R. Emmylou Dooly Bonnie Dowling Mary Grace Elliott The Engimann-Ackermann Family Smith-Ettin Family
Leslie & Deena, in memory of Mo Waite Maddy Pearce Tom & Debbie Printy, in honor of Heather Goodling The Rabb family Reed/Johnston Family Lauren Rock & Jarad Schiffer Von Rollenhagen & Alexandra Mahoney, in honor of Zoe Rollenhagen Katie Rowlett** Pete & Ginny Rowlett, in honor of Margaret Rowlett & David Gilbert The Salomon Family Jess & Emre Saricicek Katie Schill Linda & Jeffrey Schilling Kimberly Schultz Jane Schulz Judy Scoville Betty Seckinger, in honor of Madeline Conley Ken & Kathy Shapiro Anna Shugoll Sill Family Thomas Simchak Elizabeth & Larry Sommerfeld Diane R. Sorcher The Spears Family
James Staman & Teresa Bennett James A. Humphries III Grace Morsberger, in honor of Jake Stern Heather Stewart Ami Student Anne & Darren Sumich Millie Tan Deborah Thalberg The Thompson Family Nancy & Craig Tillison Lillian & Edwin Updike The Vance Family Rodrigo Vargas** Jake & Kathy Vogelsang, in honor of Maddie & Abby Vogelsang Ivy Ross Cailen Waddell Helen Waite Margot Wallston, in memory of Moseley Waite Jennifer Walton KC Webb Cara Varney & Todd Weinkam** Rita Wilson Claire Wofford Wright & Yeglin Family Keri & Billy Zink The Carlyle Group
Dot Fahlbusch Marise Fernandes & Richard Brough Julie Fields Vanessa Fields, in honor of Sam Fields Brigid Fox Edwin Frank Sophie F., in honor of Miya Shitama & Jenny Gay Raphe & Tracy Geor Susan Gies-Conley & Madeline Conley, in memory of Mo Waite Lilian Gomez Meredith Green Emily Hall Anne R. Harris Dotti Harris Harris Teeter TIE Program Andrea, Jeff & Haley Haulk** Stephanie Hellert Ann Herren Molly Herrmann** Rebecca & Ben Hilinski Julie Holt** Eileen Hood John & Rebekah Huggins Nathan Iyer Sada Jacobson Baby Barbara Janowitz Joan Johnson Linda & Steve Johnson The Miles Katzen Family Maja Keech Heather Kolter Joe & Wendy Kotowski Laura Kraus Lovenshimer Elaine Kreuz Sara Krome Jessica Harris Leon & Simon Leon Boneshaker Bagels
Sarah E. Lettes Gabi Levine & Patrick Basinger Emilie Lewis Allison Linney Gina Linville Jasmine Isobe & William Loafman, in memory of Jaimie Wallace Alexandra MacMartin (*Karpen), in honor of Leah Karpen Tracey Howell Maier, in memory of Rachael Panning Janet Mathews-Flynn Gary & Candace McCoy Abe McKay Frank McLeod, in honor of Daisy McLeod Alyson Merlin Megan Mess Hollis Mickey, in honor of John & Susan Mickey Pattie Midgett & Dan Nicholson Craig & Judy Miller Shira Moch Brooks Moore Madison Moore NC State Employees Combined Campaign Michael Nelson Patrick Nelson Jade Neuburg The Ngo Family The Nichols Family Lanier Olsson Cecil & Nancy Owen Eleanor (Ellie) Palmer, in memory of Jaimie Wallace Alyssa Panning Tim Peck Isa Satake Poulter Family
HONOR ROLL Lorinda Price & Linnea Curtiss Lily Rager Shashi Starling (Reddy) Heather Richardson The Rojas-Castillo/Silberstein Family Helen M. Rose, in honor of Lena, Lou & Geofrey Friedman Taylor/Ross Family The Satterwhite Family Cecilia & George Schaaf Fred & Darcy Scott
Gifts in Kind The Bunce Family Rich & Cissy Byrd Roberta Carver Anita Cava Krin Cosner Johnny Davis, Acorn Climbing Dee Edelman Amy Gatch Madeline Conley Beaver & Heather Goodling Meredith Green Kristine Hall June Haulk
Elizabeth & John Shapard Barry Shapiro, in memory of Jaimie Wallace Erin Shu Ellen Smith Sara Soba Allison Stalla Carly Summers Ben Sunding Ellie Tan Mac Thomson John & Priscilla Tinsley
Jimmy Trujillo & Maria Walker Irwin Venick Steven Venick Maddie Vogelsang Margaret Dyer Watson Julie Wells, in honor of Cassidy Wells Chris & Camille Webb** Cathy Williams Cherry Woodruff The Wooldridge Family BI-LO Community Bag Program
Margaret Kimble Terri Koch Greg Kucera John Lodge John & Susan Mickey Dave Moffatt David Morgan Viki Nelson Julee & Kevin Nunley Doug Oswald Veronica Pesantes George Pond & Melanie Macneil Sarah Post Poulter Family Jeffrey Prado Holly Resnick
Owen Von Riedesel Katie Ries Steve & Adrienne Robins Victoria Taylor Debra & Jeffrey Schwartz Dee Anna Smith & Family Dwayne Thornton Michelle Turner Cara Varney Todd Weinkam Ted Wesemann Camille Wick Rosie & Faris Yakob Liberty Mountain The Hub
There are many staff members—from OA faculty to summer counselors, to administrators, to camp nurses— who give back not only their time but their financial support to the Annual Fund. These individuals are recognized throughout the Honor Roll with two stars alongside each name. We honor the commitment they have each made to Eagle’s Nest and the young people we serve.
EAGLE’S NEST FOUNDATION 43 Hart Road Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 828-877-4349
FOLLOW US! @outdooracademy @eaglesnestcampnc @hanteadventures
MAKE A GIFT www.enf.org/give-now development@enf.org