Eagle's Nest Camp
This day is both exciting and challenging for parents and children.
Arrival times are based on the first letter in your camper's last name:
• A-G arrival time between 9:00AM-10:00AM(EDT)
• H-O arrival time between 10:00AM-11:00AM(EDT)
• P-Z arrival time between 11:00AM-12:00PM(EDT)
Our staff will greet you at the entrance to Eagle’s Nest and direct you to park your car and then check-in. After you’ve completed this process, you and your child will walk to the cabin to meet the counselors and begin the transition. Parents and guardians are invited to spend a brief period of time at the cabin meeting the counselors and seeing the cabin. Please use this time to establish the transition of care to the counselors and hug your child goodbye. We'll whisk them away for a Health Hut and lice screening while you head back to your car. If you feel that this transition will be difficult, please make a “goodbye” plan with your child before coming to camp and stick with that plan! We can help.
Haubenreiser, our Assistant Camp Director of Hante and Outdoor Programs,
Additionally, as a Foundation, we provide anti-racism education and training at Eagle’s Nest for our full-time and seasonal staff members. We also provide funding for employees to attend anti-racism webinars, conferences, and training.
Also, Eagle's Nest has a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion(DEI) Committee that oversees a number of sub-committees working on specific projects related to DEI work in the organization. These projects include supporting individuals with disabilities, hosting monthly DEI discussion groups, and writing blog posts and Eagle bi-annual newsletter articles to share updates with our readers on DEI Committee projects and proposals. Learn more about DEI work being done at Eagle's Nest.
indicated by the camper or participant
Winter Contact: 336-761-1040
Summer Contact: 828-877-4349
You can donate online here.
Personal information, including transgender status, about individual campers or participants is private and will not be disclosed by camp staff. If, while at camp, a participant discloses that they identify as a gender different than their sex assigned at birth, the Camp Director will work with the individual participant to create a plan for how the participant will be supported at camp. Eagle’s Nest leadership staff will encourage the participant to seek support from their parent(s) or guardian(s) and assist the participant in this process.
Winter Contact: 336-761-1040
Campers who are unable to swim are encouraged
life skill
can also be a fun outdoor activity that helps kids step out of their comfort zones
, or if there is another reason for them not to take the swim test - paige@enf.org,
Summer Contact: 828-877-4349
This summer, all baggage or trunks must be shipped via Ships Camps. Please arrange shipment via the Eagle’s Nest Ships Camps site. Please do not send pre-paid shipping labels to camp We only ship trunks from camp via Ships Camps.
You can ship trunks easily to camp via Ships Camps. All of our information is preloaded in there for easy shipping.
This summer, all baggage or trunks must be shipped home from camp via Ships Camps. Please arrange shipment via the Eagle’s Nest Ships Camps site. Please do not send pre-paid shipping labels to camp.
**Please Note: Eagle’s Nest is not responsible for any luggage lost or damaged in transit to or from camp.
Winter Contact: 336-761-1040
Summer Contact: 828-877-4349
Winter Contact: 336-761-1040
Summer Contact: 828-877-4349
Winter Contact: 336-761-1040
Summer Contact: 828-877-4349
of treatment to provide an email with detailed information specific to your camper’s case. Eagle’s Nest will also email you directly within 24 hours of Opening Day screenings to inform you that lice were found, your camper was treated for lice, and the cost of the lice treatment. Eagle’s Nest will also schedule Heads-Up AVL to return to camp for a recheck of your camper a week after treatment, which is included in the $250 treatment cost.
If your licensed pharmacy does not offer this service, you can purchase the packaging and fill the daily doses yourself. You must also bring the original prescription bottles to camp with your camper.
C R the "Accounts" tab in CampDoc - -
Select the program associated with the tuition amount when adding the Protection Plan.
Last year we raised $650 toward the ENF Gear Lending Library to buy new gear that we can lend out to campers and participants in need of gear.
Diamond Brand Outdoors: Local provider of camp gear.
These items help us to build-up our Gear Lending Library for camper use during camp!
Or consider making a cash donation to help us purchase new items for our Gear Lending Library.
Canteen Accounts: Each camper has a canteen account, through which they may purchase camp memorabilia and T-shirts, postage stamps, toiletries, or get small amounts of money for special outings. Canteen deposits
· to $60 · to $75