Three Year Business Strategy
2014 - 2017
Introduction 2
The story so far... 3 Governance of Ealing Mencap 5
A local profile
Our strengths and weaknesses 12 Our current organisational structure 15
Our current provisions
The role of our strategic plan 27 Customer input and feedback 29 Our vision, our mission, our aims 32 Core values 33 Underpinning our vision 34
How we will achieve this
Summing up 58
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Introduction Ealing Mencap is proud of the person-centred advocacy, advice, community access, respite and supported employment services we provide to young people, children and adults with a learning disability and their families in Ealing. We actively campaign for their individual and collective rights to be part of mainstream society, and to have the same life chances as anyone else. We are a leading charity in Ealing with almost 50 years of experience behind us. We believe in supporting local people, as well as those living in the wider West London area. We do this by combining a consistent, high-quality service with local knowledge, local innovation and local response. We are committed to working with our customers, partners and local authorities. We develop partnerships to forge new creative ways of working that deliver quality support as well as the services our customers and funders want. We are passionate about campaigning, advocating and supporting our customers. Ealing Mencap has provided a service to 1100 individuals with learning disabilities and their carers in the last 12 months. We have consulted on how Ealing Mencap could set a vision and plan for the next three years. The outcome is clear. Ealing Mencap’s overall aim of campaigning and providing advice and support services to improve the quality of life for people with a learning disability in Ealing is still appropriate. Our customers and their carers value the services and support we provide; we should consolidate these and continue to raise quality throughout. We will also focus on continuing to provide extra or alternative innovative service where needed. We will continue to consult with our customers and encourage their participation at every opportunity. 2
The story so far... Ealing Mencap was formed by a group of parents and carers in 1965. One of their first achievements was to find a place where people with learning disabilities could participate in activities and events. After raising £10,000, a site was found in Stockdove Way in Perivale and was leased to us by the council for a peppercorn rent. A building was erected in 1968 with a life expectancy of 10 years; in fact the first incarnation of the building we know as Enterprise Lodge endured until 2010. The volunteering bedrock of the organisation was established through Gateway Clubs. A separate company - Ealing Mencap Housing - was set up in the 1980s to manage three group homes in partnership with Notting Hill Housing Trust. These homes continued until the mid 1990s when they transferred to Certitude (known then as Ealing Consortium). A development officer was employed in the late 1980s as a response to the trend towards local charities employing staff to deliver services and this resulted in a service to support families in Southall being established in 1989. A few small projects were established around this time but it was recognised that additional skills would be required to develop the organisation further and a director was appointed in 1993. The years since have seen steady growth as the reforms and additional investment resulting from the ‘Valuing People’ government White Paper began to take effect. In 2000, our turnover was £0.39 million and grew to £1.8 million in 2013-14, with 46 full-time equivalent staff members. Since our inception, Ealing Mencap has become wellknown and respected for its active campaigning for people’s rights and for developing personalised, innovative support and services. 3
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
In 2005, the campaign to build a new Enterprise Lodge began in earnest with the acquisition of the freehold of the land from the council, following a successful fundraising campaign. Over the next four years over £1 million was raised to build and equip a modern activity and resource centre. We are very proud of this achievement and Enterprise Lodge remains the spiritual home of Ealing Mencap (see pictures right). Demolition...
June 2011 saw a new funding round for Health and Social Care grants and due to the financial constraint on the country and the public sector, the organisation suffered significant cuts to grant funding. Combined with a further impending reduction in grants in 2015, the current economic climate, and the ever-changing health and social care agenda, we continually have to re-evaluate what we are doing as an organisation. Regular evaluation of what our customers want from us, on-going financial stability and, ultimately, sustainability is key for us to continue to provide the quality of support and service we offer and to develop further in the future. This will enable us to continue to deliver and establish successful and innovative support for people with learning disabilities and their families of all ages and ethnic backgrounds, especially in the area of personal budgets where we have seen a significant increase in revenue in the past few years.
... and completion.
“These cuts… the current economic climate and the ever-changing health and social care agenda means that we have to continually re-evaluate what we are doing as an organisation.” 4
Governance of Ealing Mencap The trustees, who are legally accountable for the work of the charity, meet on a bi-monthly basis and as part of a structured agenda they receive a report from the Chief Executive who is responsible for the overall day-to-day operation of the organisation. They have a good insight into all areas of work. Apart from the paid staff, the trustees also have the support of a network of volunteers who perform many activities, including running leisure clubs and the organisation of fundraising events. The Head of Services has a responsibility to support the Gateway clubs and facilitate regular meetings with the Chief Executive and appointed trustees. The trustees are required to satisfy the rules regarding operating as a charity and a company limited by guarantee, and their assent is required to ratify the annual accounts as correct and true. Although the organisation is run relatively informally, our legal obligations are honoured at all times and professional advice is taken as necessary.
George Venus, Chair.
The trustees in 2013.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
A local profile Ealing is the third most populated borough in London and has an estimated higher than average number of people with learning disabilities living there. The figures and facts have been taken from Ealing Council’s most up to date Joint Needs Assessment and Ealing Mencap’s database.
Joint Needs Assessment Information facts, figures, trends and comparisons Nationally and locally, it is difficult to estimate the true prevalence of how many people have a learning disability. In general more is known about those people with moderate or severe learning disabilities because these people are likely to be in touch with local services. However, it is estimated that nationally the number of people who have a learning disability is about 2.5% of the population (this includes people who have a mild, moderate and severe spectrum/disability). At this estimated percentage there should be around 7,962 people in Ealing with a learning disability. It is projected that the prevalence of people with a learning disability will increase by 1% per year.*
*2012-13 Ealing Joint Needs Assessment Learning Disability & Autistic Spectrum disorder. Chapter 20.10 p5
The prevalence of learning disabilities and projecting future need in Ealing Based on Ealing Council’s estimates for 2012 the number of people (aged 18 and over) who have a learning disability should be 6,013; this is projected to increase by around 3% by 2015. Around 1,277 people (an increase of 254 people) will have moderate/severe learning disabilities and therefore will be likely to require local services, 317 of those people will have severe learning disabilities. It has been estimated that around 97 people will also display and challenge services and support.* Projections of short-term and long-term future prevalence of people in Ealing with a learning disability can give us an indication of future need. However, these figures are based on national estimates and therefore do not take into account local factors, such as a large South Asian community, or the high number of migrants from developing countries (e.g. Somalia, Bangladesh) who may have poor access to antenatal and neonatal health care. There is also high deprivation in parts of the borough. There is an expectation that the numbers of people with a learning disability should be even higher.* *2012-13 Ealing Joint Needs Assessment Learning Disability & Autistic Spectrum disorder. Chapter 20.10 p10
How many people does Ealing Mencap support? We are working with approximately 1100 customers and carers, as well as 140 members.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
People with learning disabilities known to Ealing Social Services There are 1006 adults* with learning disabilities known to the Ealing Social Services as of May 2014. They break down into the following categories:
Male - 597 Female - 409
18 to 59 (829) 60+ (177)
White – 529 Mixed – 35 Asian – 242 Black – 145 Chinese/other ethnic group – 38 Not stated - 17 *Figures taken from ‘Working Together for Better Lives’, Ealing Council’s adults learning disability strategy.
Challenges we face There is a constant shift in Government legislation; changes in Government expectations and financial pressure being placed on the public sector in turn impacts on our customers as well as us as an organisation. The changes in how support is commissioned and the move towards personal budgets mean that Commissioners are looking for more professional and flexible organisations. Due to personalisation there is a distinct requirement for flexibility and immediacy to meet customer wants and needs. A ‘one size fits all’ environment will no longer work. While we recognise that we still need to provide long-standing services which are popular with our customers, we also have to deliver services which attract funding. The need for flexibility and immediacy means that it is vital that as an organisation we invest in training and progression for personnel as well as an up to date infrastructure to manage this. In turn, this will ensure that our staff understand and embrace Ealing Mencap’s values - and feel valued themselves - and are equipped with everything they require to deliver quality services. We will be working in a developing and increasingly competitive marketplace, and we will need to be just as competitive to become a robust enough business to obtain the revenue we need to deliver services. We acknowledge that this does represent a potential conflict of interest in respect of our values to campaign and advocate as a truly independent voice. 9
“Commissioners are looking for more professional and flexible organisations… A ‘one size fits all’ environment will no longer work.”
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Opportunities we can seize The expected impact from changes to the Health and Social Care Act 2012, the Welfare Reform Act 2012 and the Care Act 2014 mean that Ealing Mencap will need to continue to support and advocate for our customers as a priority. This is particularly important in relation to the changes in benefit and housing reform, public sector cuts and the impact this will have on our customers accessing social care support. The need to fund preventative support services is evident. Our restructured services have helped us to provide a clearer gateway to our organisation for our customers and stakeholders, and allows us to access the revenue we need. We already provide support and services for our customers with a personal budget which gives us an advantage over some of our competitors. There will also be more opportunities made available in future as Adult Social Care and the NHS begin working more closely. Nationally, more attention has been placed on the needs and aspirations of people with learning disabilities. There is a need for more flexible day, respite and holiday opportunities for children, young people and adults with a learning disability within Ealing and the neighbouring boroughs. There is also a need for employment support, vocational training and real paid work opportunities. Whilst personalisation opens up competition in the marketplace we will continue to proactively engage with our existing partners and seize new opportunities to partner up, wherever relevant. 10
Whilst we have services already providing these opportunities, they will need to be constantly reviewed and either consolidated or adapted to provide positive outcomes for our customers. We also need to ensure that we can find enough funding and offer other innovative ways of providing support and opportunities for the many individuals who do not meet the fair access criteria for social care. Ealing Mencap has the drive and enthusiasm to provide more innovative and flexible support not just for its customers, but staff and volunteers as well. A robust and effective programme of support, encouragement and development for staff and volunteers will be vital in providing the innovative opportunities our customers will request or require in future. Our Three Year Strategy will also enable our organisation to work with Ealing’s Learning Disability Partnership Board, our customers, the local authority and other relevant partners to deliver and oversee the new Ealing Adults Learning Disabilities Strategy, ‘Working Together for Better Lives 2014 – 2019’. We endorse and will actively support the delivery of the four priorities and subsequent outcomes of this strategy. They are; 11
Priority 1 - More people living in ordinary accommodation Priority 2 - Better health and wellbeing Priority 3 - Being part of the community Priority 4 - Support for carers
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Our strengths & weaknesses What Ealing Mencap staff feel we are good at (taken from our 2014 vision days) As an organisation we are well-known locally and well thought of. We listen to our customers. We strive to provide a professional and consistent service that challenges and campaigns for individual rights. We celebrate partnership working and we are working closely with National Mencap, our five North West London Mencap Consortium partners and other key organisations within North West London. We have a dedicated board of trustees, managers and staff and a re-evaluated and restructured service. We are creative, innovative and person-centred. We know what we need to do to improve and move forward. We have fostered good relationships with all our key stakeholders and commissioners within the council. We have excellent volunteers and a dedicated staff member for recruitment, training and retention.
How could we improve?
Acknowledging and building upon the work that Ealing Mencap has carried out in the past – many of these services have been developed over time due to the wishes of our customers. Separate services are in danger of working in isolation from one another. Time management versus crisis management – being proactive rather than reactive. We need a shared vision and shared values as an organisation. Our staff need the opportunity to develop and access to training. Our systems, finances and procedures have been very outdated. We need to be transparent and candid about the quality of our services with ourselves and our customers. We need to be realistic about our costs and ensure we can function as a business. We need to improve our communication internally as well as externally, in order to effectively and proactively engage with each customers, carers, partners and each other.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
We need to be ambassadors for our customers and our organisation at all times. We need to set up robust, useful and open feedback forums for our customers and ensure that information gathered from them is acted upon appropriately. We need to improve our data monitoring to show the impact our services provide and the difference they make to our customers’ lives. We need to find the resources to promote our services and engage with new partners whenever possible.
Our current organisational structure (as of October 2014) Trustees Chief Executive
Business Support
Business Development
Providing support and activities for you, your family, or your supporters.
Helping you and your family or supporters to speak up and get what you need.
Ensuring our organisation runs well and advertising what we do and why.
Sourcing money to provide consistency and help us innovate in new services.
Short Breaks, Holidays & Respite
Advocacy & Advice Services
Developing business opportunities
Daytime Group Activities
Travel Training & Travel Buddy Service
Personal Assistant Service Inployment – Micro Enterprise and Work Skills Training Specialist Groups & Friendship Clubs
Transition & Young People EalingHELP website
Business Administration Volunteering Premises Human Resources Marketing IT Referrals
Sourcing funding and grants Fundraising
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Our current provisions Services Our Aim
We will deliver a range of high-quality services that improve the lives of people with learning disabilities by providing them with new opportunities for personal development and growth. We will challenge stereotypes and campaign for equality by delivering accessible and inclusive services within the community that enable people to build their sense of self-worth, confidence and life opportunities.
RealMe The RealMe service consists of the following areas:
Short breaks, holidays and respite
RealMe delivers respite services and can support individuals in their own homes, in the community or as part of a group.
In addition to established evening and weekend groups RealMe can also support customers on prearranged overnight holidays. 16
The aim of this service is to provide family members with a break from their caring responsibilities, while supporting people with a learning disability to enjoy new experiences. Individuals can be supported in groups or one-to-one within their own home or in the community.
Daytime Group Activities
RealMe provides an extensive programme of structured group activities enabling people to gain confidence accessing the community, learn new skills, and develop their interests and quality of life.
There are also opportunities for customers to take part in group sports, leisure and community activities, including individuals who have high support needs.
All leisure activities have a focus relating to improving health, social skills or developing skills for life.
Personal Assistant Service
This service provides the fullest level of personalised support on a one-to-one basis to people in their own homes and in the community.
This service is registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission and is focused on assisting people to achieve outcomes that they have chosen themselves.
RealMe daytime customers show their craft skills.
Three Year Strategic Plan
Specialist Groups and Friendship Clubs
Having opportunities to socialise with peers and build relationships is very important to people with learning disabilities, as with anyone else. To help meet this need we run a Young People’s Saturday group, a Sunday group for people with more complex needs, Gateway Clubs including the Gateway Active Award, and The Base nightclub.
Increasingly, people with learning disabilities are taking the lead role in organising and arranging these activities.
Services for people without a budget
RealMe also offers services to individuals who do not receive an individual budget but are funded through other means, such as through grants or privately paying.
There are also a limited number of places available for people who have a learning disability who are not eligible and are unable to pay for services.
These opportunities are only available for a limited period of time and there is an expectation that customers accessing activities through this route will be able to become a volunteer, a peer-mentor, or move on to paid employment as soon as possible, either in one of our micro-enterprises or in the local community, supported through our RealMe employment support service.
2014 - 2017
Inployment Our Inployment micro-enterprises provide the opportunity for people to benefit from real work skills training, moving them closer towards paid employment. Current opportunities include bike maintenance and public service. Assistance to find paid work and job coaching can also be purchased on a one-to-one basis as required.
Inployment will provide supported employment, voluntary placements and on-site work experience for people with learning disabilities. The micro enterprises are:
On Your Bike – an all-ability cycle hire scheme for people who may have difficulty using a traditional bicycle. The service is led by people with learning disabilities who are trained in cycle maintenance and health and safety. Customers are supported to ride in local parks accompanied by an On Your Bike trainee. This service is run in partnership with Ealing Bike Hub.
The Base – an events management group led by people with learning disabilities. Events include The Base - a supported nightclub which involves trainees with learning disabilities in all elements of planning and running the night.
Football Academy – a service which is managed by a co-ordinator who has a learning disability and brings together footballers from Ealing and neighbouring boroughs to play against one another in mixed teams. This service is run in partnership with Hanwell Town Football Club. 19
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Brent Lodge Park Butterfly House – a seasonal service at Brent Lodge Park Animal Centre. Ealing Mencap trainees staff the butterfly house and a neighbouring gift shop and learn skills in retail, stocktaking, customer relations and handling money.
The aim of all the micro-enterprises is for them to become self-sustaining and provide paid employment to people with learning disabilities. To do this they need to attract customers, bring in revenue and generate enough income to pay staff as well as contribute to the on-costs of Ealing Mencap.
In addition to micro-enterprises, Ealing Mencap is also developing other services to support individuals with learning disabilities to access mainstream paid employment.
Green and Clean
Green and Clean is a social enterprise established in partnership with Ealing Mencap offering gardening and cleaning services.
We provide paid employment for cleaners with learning disabilities. Customers can visit sites to gain experience and work in pairs with cleaners on private sites and council contracts.
Ealing Mencap also manages The Dig allotment site in Hanwell where horticulture training and work experience takes place. 20
Access Our Aim
Is to enhance the quality of life, increase independence and improve life opportunities for children, young people and adults with disabilities, and their carers. We will provide independent advice, advocacy, information, and specialist support services. We will support, teach and campaign, empowering our customers to speak up and live the lives they want. We will listen to our customers. We will involve them in delivering services and ensure that all communication is in plain, clear language so that all our services are Accessible to all.
The Disability Advice Bureau DAB provides a service that can help individuals with disabilities and their carers to speak up, understand their rights and get the support and services they are entitled to. Trained and experienced advice workers and advocacy caseworkers can help in the following areas;
Benefit form filling, Disability Living Allowance, Carer’s Allowance, debt advice, Blue Badge applications, pensions, challenging decisions, advocacy, support with housing and housing benefit issues and support planning
Our dedicated advice and advocacy service is based in South Ealing with an additional outreach advocate working within the Asian community in Southall. DAB’s advocacy and advice service is provided in partnership with Ealing Centre for Independent Living. 21
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
3Cs A free, confidential service for families of all children with special needs, living in the borough of Ealing. The service provides counselling and offers individual, couple and family work. Ealing Partners Power Group Ealing Partners represents people with a learning disability at Ealing’s Learning Disability Partnership Board and sub-groups. The Power Group is made up of 10 elected representatives who speak up for people with a learning disability about important local issues. Ealing Partners are regularly consulted by the council, Clinical Commissioning Groups, the voluntary sector and other bodies in line with Ealing’s Health and Wellbeing strategy and Ealing’s governance and accountability arrangements. The group also delivers learning disability awareness training and assists with the development of Easy Read documentation. Transition The Transition team works closely with the West London Youth and Connexions service. We support and campaign on behalf of young people who are preparing to leave school or college, as well as young people who have left college and are stuck at home with nothing to do. The team provides information, advice and support to young people and their families about their choices including college, work, volunteering, apprenticeships, leisure, short breaks and housing issues. 22
The team can support young people to develop person-centred plans, apply for college places and work opportunities, and plan for the future. Through facilitation of drop-ins and speaking up groups, the Transition team advocates on behalf of young people to get the services they need and influences decision makers in Ealing Council. The team runs information sessions for parents at local special schools, and also at Ealing Carers’ Centre to help parents understand the choices that come with transition. Travel Training The Travel Training service teaches students with disabilities to travel independently on public transport in Ealing, Hounslow and Hillingdon. The service offers person-centred, one-to-one training to build the skills and confidence needed to travel safely and independently. Learning these skills can often help to build confidence and independence in many other areas of life.
Travel Buddy The Travel Buddy service gives adults with disabilities the support they need to travel safely, and more independently, on public transport. This support often helps them to access many day services, employment, education and social opportunities that they would otherwise not be able to get to. The service trains and employs Travel Buddies who are independent travellers with learning disabilities, and are fully trained in how to meet the needs of each individual they support. 23
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
EalingHELP A website for parent carers of children and young people with disabilities. It offers a wealth of information on statutory and voluntary services within the borough, news and events locally and nationally, leisure activities, legal services, newsletters and blogs. EalingHELP also uses social media creating the opportunity to directly link to other parents and carers through a Facebook group and utilises Twitter to deliver instant information updates.
The 2014 redesign of the EalingHELP website.
Business Support Our Aim
We will provide professional support services to support the organisation, including its staff and volunteers.
The Business Support department provides administrative and support functions enabling efficiency and transparency throughout the organisation. The department establishes and maintains efficient and effective financial and HR systems, regulations and tools to ensure good financial management and effective use of resources. The Business Support team ensures Ealing Mencap is a supportive working environment which enables staff and volunteers to feel valued, motivated and committed to playing their part in supporting the organisation to meet its strategic objectives. It is important that the members of our staff and volunteer teams are treated as individuals, yet always fairly and equally within the wider context of the organisation.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Business Development Our Aim
Ensuring Ealing Mencap can maintain existing services and develop new ones through fundraising, grant applications, tenders and personal budgets to help us to provide consistency and do more.
Business Development works across Ealing Mencap’s departments supporting each area to maintain and increase the amount and sources of revenue through: Restricted funds – Business Development will source funding through grants, tenders and partnerships ensuring full costs are recovered. Unrestricted funds – direct marketing, fundraising events, legacy funding, sponsorship and online fundraising. Services – Business Development will review and update Ealing Mencap’s charging and pricing policies to ensure the organisation’s core services continue to generate income. Cost saving measures – including the use of volunteers, assets, reciprocal arrangements and free services.
The role of our Strategic Plan Our plan sets out a broad and clear direction of what we need to do over the next three years, whilst still allowing us the freedom to respond positively to new opportunities that may emerge when the strategy is reviewed. Our Strategic Plan has been developed in conjunction with our customers, their carers and families, other partners, trustees, managers, and staff within the organisation.
They said they want:
A wide variety of quality services and activities.
For Ealing Mencap to offer holistic, linked-up services; to be a ‘one-stop shop’ for support, activity and advice.
Services that develop peoples’ skills for later in life. Positive future service planning – working together on a strategic direction for the organisation.
Continuity and consistency.
Reduced isolation.
Three Year Strategic Plan
Services for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities.
Well-trained staff who understand the issues.
2014 - 2017
Support and advocacy to access council services and understand rights.
Information about available services – both within Ealing Mencap and elsewhere locally.
Support for dealing with individual issues including in emergencies; to be a listening ear and a problem-solver.
Ealing Mencap to be parent and carer friendly. Support in campaigning and lobbying for rights. Good value for money and access to be affordable.
Customer input and feedback In February 2014 a consultation day was held for customers who use their personal budgets to purchase services from Ealing Mencap. The day was facilitated by Hammersmith & Fulham Mencap and SafetyNet People First to ensure impartiality. Fifty-one customers were asked what they liked and what they would change about the the services they received. Overall 84% (171 individual responses) of the answers from customers said that they were happy with the choices that they had, the activities that they engaged in and being a part of Ealing Mencap overall. In total there were just eight negative responses about the service, amounting to just four percent of the overall responses. Customers were also encouraged to use the ‘diary room’ where they spoke about their experiences, saying that they chose to come to our services because they;
gained experience.
liked to see friends and socialise.
were ‘bored’ at home.
thought staff were ‘fantastic.’
learned new skills.
84% Happy 12% Neither
4% Unhappy
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Customers also suggested areas which could be improved upon. These included;
staff having more time to listen to issues.
having smaller group sizes for activities.
better resources and equipment.
not liking staff leaving.
having more options for sessions.
All of the customer feedback from the day was heard and relevant elements were incorporated into our overall Strategic Plan. You can click the image below to view the video taken from the feedback day.
Images taken from the feedback day video.
We consulted with our funders - including our personal budget and direct paying customers - and other people we work with and they said they wanted us to provide: Professional and flexible services. Value for money. More partnership working. Better monitoring. Different and individualised deliverable outcomes. Help and support to meet individual and local need. Challenge. Information and advice. Creativity and social enterprise. Added value with volunteers and matched funding. Quality services that meet targets and outcomes. Services that enable people to grow by taking risks, whilst ensuring they are safeguarded.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Our vision, our mission, our aims s
We have placed the views of our customers’, partners’ and staff team in the context of the current social and financial climate, whilst also considering our rich history and where we want to be in three years. We feel that the following statements reflect all of these elements.
Our Vision - what we want to achieve for people with learning disabilities.
“People with a learning disability and their family or carers in the borough of Ealing will be valued, supported, and listened to, so they can reach their potential and have the same life chances as others.”
Our Mission - how we see our role in achieving that vision.
“We want to be one of the lead learning disability organisations in Ealing that campaigns for people’s rights, creates opportunities, showcases our customers’ talents and skills, breaks down barriers, overcomes isolation and changes lives.”
Core values These are the things that are important to us and influence the way we work.
Ensuring that our customers and partners are heard, understood and appreciated.
Providing quality services that are delivered professionally and consistently across the entire organisation.
Reflecting the wants, needs and desires of our customers, staff and stakeholders.
Challenging prejudice and misunderstanding of learning disability.
Putting the person at the centre of all that we do, and responding and adapting as needed.
Being brave in our decisions, bold in our thinking and innovative in our approach.
Involving people with learning disabilities, their carers and their families in our decision making and future plans.
Ensuring that we are open, approachable and welcoming.
Being supportive of each other as colleagues, remain respectful towards our partners, and actively listening and reacting.
Enabling employees and volunteers to perform to their potential by providing guidance, skills training and support. A fraction of the people we work with and for.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Underpinning our vision In order to assess if we have been successful in implementing our strategy we will need to measure them against ten agreed outcomes and aims, which will help guide the direction that the organisation moves in. Below are the aims and outcomes that we want to ensure filter down into each of the four areas of the organisation.
Aims & Outcomes By the end of 2017; 1.
Our services will be even more effective. We will improve the ways that we look at and use the information that our services keep. This will help us improve our ability to use gathered information to better our services and reach more people.
We want all of our customers and the people who support them to be able to access and understand our services.
We will reach out to more people with learning disabilities and their families, including people who don’t get any money from local social services and those with complex needs.
We will encourage our customers to get involved in their community, showcasing their abilities, talents and skills, to positively influence people’s views of learning disability and our organisation.
Our customers will be involved in the running of Ealing Mencap by making decisions about the services we provide and how they’re run. We will listen, understand and act upon their feedback.
We will increase the amount of money we have to make sure the organisation is fit for the future. Our fundraising will be bringing in additional money and we will look for new ways to fund services and support customers.
We will have increased the number of organisations that we work with so we can share skills and knowledge, provide new services and avoid duplication.
Our staff will always be well trained, skilled and enthusiastic about improving the lives of people with learning disabilities.
We will have an open and easy to understand budgets and accounts for our customers, staff and supporters to be able to see how the money is spent.
10. Our policies and procedures will be current, in line with the law, and our staff will understand and work to them. Our organisation will meet all legal requirements to ensure our customers and employees are both protected and fairly supported.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
How we will achieve this Each Ealing Mencap department (Services, Access, Business Support and Business Development) has committed to supporting each of the ten aims and outcomes. Their plans for the future have been collated here to provide a direction for the organisation as a whole. This will enable us to measure how successful we have been in meeting our aims come 2017. 1.
By 2017, our services will be even more effective. We will improve the ways that we look at and use the information that our services keep. This will help us improve our ability to use gathered information to better our services and reach more people.
We will achieve this in the following ways:
We will make sure that we have good contract management and robust service level and partnership agreements that are legal, and in place to meet all expectations and outcomes relating to grants and tenders.
We will make sure that the organisation and our staff are aware of and meet at all times the regulated and legal requirements of our services. They will constantly work towards achieving the highest standards.
We will regularly overview and keep in contact with services contracted out to freelance providers or those who are geographically isolated.
We will meet the monitoring requirements of our funders promptly and efficiently via an improved database, infrastructure, and staff input. 36
We will develop, produce, implement and use a robust, targeted, real-time performance data system. This will help us to improve our performance and the quality of our work, which will support us to meet and evaluate our organisational success and our funders’ requirements.
We will set up and use meaningful and accessible customer feedback mechanisms for all areas of our work. This will help us to review our existing services, plan improvements and identify gaps in provision which will support sustainability and innovation.
We will research other areas to deliver on or develop good practice by fostering links with relevant agencies and organisations and apply them to our work. We will share information internally and be accountable as individuals to proactively seek out information about the rest of the organisation and the wider health and social care field.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
By 2017, we want all of our customers and the people who support them to be able to access and understand our services. We will achieve this in the following ways:
All our services will proactively work with marketing and the management team to promote the charity within the local community and engage with funders, potential customers and the people who support them.
Our staff and volunteers will work within our organisational values and will be given the training and support to ensure our customers receive a service they expect.
Our customers will be given the accessible information to enable choice, control and access to the same opportunities as other people.
We will ensure our organisational and service information is accessible to customers, staff and volunteers in order for them to be fully aware and understand what we do and what services we provide. An organisational Communication and Marketing Plan will be developed and implemented which will enable us to;
involve and listen to the voice of people with learning disabilities and their carers. conduct market research to identify customers’ wants and their needs, using feedback to develop or adjust services aiding the further development of the marketplace within Ealing and surrounding boroughs.
provide clear information about Ealing Mencap services to be shared with all parts of Ealing Mencap and relevant outside agencies, improving access to our services.
assist with the review and development of systems, materials, information and procedures appropriately pitched to our customers. This will enable, accurate, current and helpful access to support and services. assist with our sustainability and financial targets.
Three Year Strategic Plan
By 2017, we will reach out to more people with learning disabilities and their families, including people who don’t get any money from local social services and those with complex needs.
We will achieve this in the following ways:
2014 - 2017
We will be a high profile, vibrant and welcoming organisation, providing a voice about issues affecting people with a learning disability and their families, in order to encourage more people to seek us out.
An organisational Business Development Plan will be established and implemented which will enable us to;
proactively market and organise events and community activities which engage with potential customers and raise awareness of the work Ealing Mencap does. identify and apply for new opportunities for the organisation to grow and engage with more people, including grants and tenders, trade and enterprise, and partnership work with other organisations. sustain the services we already have that our customers value and need. We will actively work towards Ealing Councils’ Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the other relevant strategies and outcomes that flow from this, especially the local authority Learning Disability Strategy.
We will work with the local authority, the Clinical Commissioning Group, and other voluntary sector, private and community groups. We will actively campaign the needs and concerns of our customers as well as our charity’s services to these stakeholders and referrers. We will explore new and innovative ways of reaching more people and identify the resources that are needed to do this. We will especially seek to connect with people who are not eligible for support from the local authority and those with complex needs. We will provide the flexible personalised services people are asking for and seek funding for the ones that require it. Our staff will be well versed and trained in supporting all of our customers, particularly those with complex physical or social needs. We will evaluate and ensure that we are making the best use of our resources, whilst always offering best value. We will monitor and report use of our services to demonstrate changes in customer access and activity. We will reach out and establish new ways of connecting with hard to reach carers.
We will endeavour to work towards having a self-funded, robust advocacy and advice service.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
We will develop in partnership with our customers, staff and stakeholders an organisational employment strategy enabling us to; continue growing our own experienced and dedicated staff team, who work to the organisation’s values. support young marginalised local people into work, via apprenticeships. offer employment training opportunities for those customers who want to gain the skills to work towards open employment. seek funding and network with relevant stakeholders and local employers to establish open employment opportunities for people with learning or physical disabilities. The organisation will actively promote and provide clear information about the services we have.
By 2017, we will encourage our customers to get involved in their community, showcasing their abilities, talents and skills, and positively influencing people’s views of learning disability and our organisation.
We will achieve this in the following ways:
We will have organisational activities and events to promote Ealing Mencap, maximising interaction between people with learning disabilities and the wider community to improve integration and reduce stigmatisation.
In conjunction with our customers we will raise the public profile of the organisation.
We will raise the level of campaigning undertaken, identify campaigning objectives each year and plan delivery by;
working in partnership with our customers, carers and lead partners including Peoples Partners, the Power Group, national Mencap and the North West London Consortium of Mencaps and the local voluntary sector. enabling the Access Services to become the campaigning base within Ealing Mencap and sourcing funding to facilitate this work. continuing to support the work of the Partners Power Group and look at ways of enhancing their role as representatives of people with learning disabilities in Ealing. ďƒ˜ 43
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
We will aid integration and reduce stereotypes and discrimination by delivering more community integrated activities through both employment and leisure. This will enable people with learning disability to take their place in their community as well as utilise the resources and facilities available to all people locally.
We will provide professional and personalised services to enable people with learning disabilities to make a positive contribution to the community. Our Communication and Marketing Strategy will support the organisation to increase its presence in the community. We will develop accessible promotional materials that support our customers to voice their issues, concerns and ambitions of people with learning disabilities.
By 2017, our customers will be involved in the running of Ealing Mencap by making decisions about the services we provide and how they’re run. We will listen, understand and act upon their feedback.
We will achieve this in the following ways:
We will have established and implemented a comprehensive programme and the support required to enable customers to be meaningfully involved in the planning, delivery and development of our services. We will review the way that customers participate in the running of our services, via regular accessible surveys and focus groups. We will have a customer sub-board and service steering groups. A sub-board member will be elected to sit upon the main board of trustees.
Our customers and staff will have an active voice and a visible presence in the fundraising element of our organisation.
Customers will be involved in campaigning. Customers will be more involved in recruitment. We will consult with and involve our customers in this Business Strategy and the reviewing of its progress.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
We will make sure that all of our services are customer friendly and accessible; we will set up an ‘Easy Read’ forum which will evaluate the accessible information we produce. To do this we will produce a clear communication plan, making sure that; all information will be approved by the Easy Read forum.
our information is understood and helpful.
where staff with disabilities are employed that our systems are accessible and adapted for them to use and they feel well supported to do so. We will proactively job-carve and enable more opportunities for people with learning disabilities to work within the organisation either in a paid or voluntary capacity.
By 2017, we will increase the amount of money we have to make sure the organisation is fit for the future. Our fundraising will be bringing in additional money and we will look for new ways to fund services and support customers.
We will achieve this in the following ways:
The organisation will have an updated and regularly reviewed Business Development Strategy. This strategy will have; trustee sign-off.
management and service area agreement and input to identify and address service budgets and shortfalls or gaps in provision.
agreed yearly percentage targets to generate unrestricted and restricted funds.
targets for tenders and grants to sustain existing revenue and working with finance and grant reapplication.
clear and robust contract/grant/personal budget income oversight
plans to continue pursuing grants awarded by independent bodies alongside applying for ‘vulnerable’ statutory grants.
a focus on inclusivity with staff and customer input.
flexibility and innovation at its core.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Whilst remaining reliant on statutory and grant funding to provide our advice, advocacy and campaigning services, we want an independent voice and we will actively try to gain further independence from this funding.
We will continue to provide and develop more innovative and flexible personal budget services.
We will work with Health & Social Care commissioners in both the local and surrounding councils to provide provision for customers, and continue to shape the marketplace.
We will be a ‘one step ahead’ organisation; all staff and volunteers will take responsibility for proactively seeking out up-to-date information about the field we work in. We will make sure that this is fed back to everyone who needs to know, and adapt to changes as required.
We will look at different ways to fund services including sponsorship.
We will have robust financial oversight and all staff will be aware of their services budgets and will work inside its parameters.
7. By 2017, we will have increased the number of organisations that we work with so we can share skills and knowledge, provide new services and avoid duplication.
We will achieve this in the following ways:
We will network, actively seeking out and attending forums to ensure Ealing Mencap is in a strong position to negotiate for partnership and consortium work. We will use our existing experience of the challenges of partnership working to help; maintain existing partnerships. gain new ones.
build better links with other similar or complementary services.
provide more joined up customer focused services.
We will have strong and agreed Service Level Agreements, robust contract management, strong financial and administrative functions. This will help us to; have effective consortiums and partnerships.
correctly deliver contractual obligations.
ensure our partners are happy.
Three Year Strategic Plan
provide coherent support for our customers.
provide receipt of payment.
2014 - 2017
We will place ourselves in a strong position for partnership work by maintaining accurate records that demonstrate that we deliver quality services and expected outcomes.
We will consider new project and contract work in neighbouring boroughs as opportunities arise.
By 2017, our staff will always be well trained, skilled and enthusiastic about improving the lives of people with learning disabilities.
We will achieve this in the following ways:
All departments will contribute to the gathering and evaluation of evidence to assess where Ealing Mencap currently stands on staff health and wellbeing. We will decide what we want to invest in and what areas we want to focus upon that will most benefit Ealing Mencap’s staff and business strategy aims.
We will develop a simple Staff Health & Wellbeing strategy that will help us gain and maintain an even more motivated and committed workforce; a workforce that succeeds and meets the challenges they face at work by ensuring that; staff take ownership of their work, are proud of what they produce and they understand the importance of accuracy, consistency and quality. staff are supported by well-trained managers who coach, mentor, listen and feed back.
line management is effective and fair.
staff have the team support they need.
we have flexible working practices, where practicable.
we all understand and own our Three Year Business Strategy and that we work to the vision, mission and values within it.
Three Year Strategic Plan
all staff are part of the strategy review process.
staff have regular constructive supervision and ongoing support.
2014 - 2017
staff have a yearly appraisal with clear objectives and outcomes.
staff have clear individual and team identified training objectives as appropriate.
team meetings take place and opportunities are set up for staff to share ‘down time’ together, so they feel involved, consulted and engaged with both their own service and Ealing Mencap as a whole.
career development opportunities are actively sought for staff both within teams and the wider organisation.
We will develop and implement a Learning and Development Reward Strategy.
All departments will work with and be supported by Ealing Mencap’s Business Support team, ensuring that;
the organisation fulfils its personnel functions. trustees, managers and staff are aware of the organisation’s financial position. 52
staff and volunteers are clear about their roles, responsibilities and what is expected of them.
the necessary training to improve, maintain and develop staff members’ skills and support is facilitated, reviewed and recorded.
Our staff will be well trained and understand the need for effective recording and data entry, enabling the organisation to;
maintain accurate records of our outcomes and the quality of them.
have accurate, available, up-to-date information.
demonstrate that we deliver expected outcomes.
support and improve our customers’ lives. place ourselves in a strong position for partnership work. generate further grants and income. All departments will liaise with Business Development to ensure partnership, grant and business opportunities can be fully acted upon.
Three Year Strategic Plan
By 2017, we will have open and easy to understand budgets and accounts for our customers, staff and supporters to be able to see how the money is spent.
We will achieve this in the following ways:
2014 - 2017
The senior management team, led by Business Development will agree with the trustees at the start of each year a clearly defined Financial & Business Development Strategy which will help the organisation assess our financial needs on a regular and planned basis. This will ensure that; the sources of support required to meet our objectives and fulfil the organisational mission are prioritised.
we are continually planning for both growth and stability.
All service managers will contribute to and formalise the implementation and the development of financial systems, policy and procedure and will actively disseminate its practice to all staff and volunteers.
Staff will be well versed and trained in the financial procedural areas they will need to participate in.
Our finance will not be seen as an area that is separate or ‘just doing the books’. It will be integrated within and add value to the overall planning and management of our organisation. Business Development and Business Support’s finance key aims will be to support the organisation to;
monitor its financial matters and sustainability. have multiple sources of income.
have multiple ways of generating income. have strategic, action and financial planning regularly.
have clear adequate financial systems to ensure accountability.
have a good public image.
be clear about its values and have financial autonomy.
oversee and provide clear and regular financial information for decision-making.
offer a transparent and accountable finance structure.
We will ensure that we have a transparent and equitable pricing structure for our personal budget customers;
ensuring that the service we provide meets an individual’s support plan and outcomes, and is set within the customers’ budget.
by using and reviewing our referral, assessment and review process and procedures.
Our annual reports and trustee budget reports will be accessible, helping our members, customers, our planned customer sub-board and elected learning disabled trustee to understand and be involved in our organisation’s finances.
Three Year Strategic Plan
By 2017, our policies and procedures will be current, in line with the law, and our staff will understand and work to them, making sure our organisation meets legal requirements and our customers and employees are both protected and fairly supported.
We will achieve this in the following ways:
2014 - 2017
The senior management team will ensure that the service departments they are responsible for are fully compliant in respect of regulations. They will work with any relevant legislative or statutory bodies in conjunction with Business Support, ensuring that; the necessary policies and procedures are in place. staff and volunteers are trained and are aware of their responsibilities and they are given the correct, up-to-date information to carry these out. policies and procedures that address obligations relevant to Care Quality Commission (CQC) requirements will initially be developed by the Services department, prior to management ratification.
Policies and procedures will be written in clear, concise, simple language. They will have a consistent format and will be easy to use, so what needs to be done can be easily followed by all users.
Where required policy and procedures will be in an easy read format for our customers.
Once implemented, an Easy Read forum will ratify all accessible policies and procedures.
All procedures will be developed with the customer, staff, or end-user in mind.
Staff will be involved in the development of policy and procedure, enabling a sense of ownership.
Procedures should offer the user options whenever feasible. Procedures which are unnecessarily restrictive may limit their usefulness.
There will be a rolling training programme in line with the organisation training matrix. This will encompass training on the organisation’s procedures and policies. All department managers and relevant staff will assist with the provision and induction training on the organisation’s policies and procedures.
The senior management team will be responsible for reviewing existing and developing new policies and procedures where relevant.
Three Year Strategic Plan
2014 - 2017
Summing up We realise that this is an ambitious strategy. In some cases what we want to achieve is relatively minor and will simply require a different approach or change in the way we already do things. Some of our aims will require a more major culture shift and considerable effort to make happen. But we’re confident that with the energy, enthusiasm and dedication of the trustees, staff team and volunteers, we will break new ground with this strategy. They have made Ealing Mencap the well-respected organisation that it is, and we know they will continue to do so in the future. We’d also like to extend our thanks to everyone who has had a hand in pulling this Three Year Strategic Plan together. We’re a far-reaching and wide-ranging organisation with skills and experience in many areas; trying to filter all that down into one all-encompassing plan was very difficult and required a huge amount of work from every level. As for the next three years, we’re looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead, the opportunities we can seize, and to offering people with learning disabilities - as well as their families and carers - in Ealing and our neighbouring boroughs, the very best support that we can offer.
George Venus
Lesley Dodd
Chair Ealing Mencap
Chief Executive Ealing Mencap
Ealing Mencap is an independent charity (No. 1054061) and a company limited by guarantee (No. 3039319) CQC Registered Service No. 1-131465411 This document contains images created by Photosymbols
Registered office address at Enterprise Lodge as below Get in touch: Enterprise Lodge Stockdove Way Perivale Greenford UB6 8TJ 020 8566 9575
The Lido Centre 63 Mattock Lane West Ealing London W13 9LA
The Carers’ Centre 44 South Ealing Road Ealing London W5 4QA
020 8280 2222
020 8840 8573
: @ealingmencap
The voice of learning disability.