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Government funding for accredited real estate training Pages
Government funding for accredited real estate training
The REIV offers the CPP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice and the CPP51119 Diploma of Property (Agency Management). These qualifications can be completed as a full-time or part-time student.
Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding is only available through approved training providers. Government funded courses at the REIV are:
• CPP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice: can be completed as a full time, or part time student and is a traineeship pathway • CPP51119 Diploma of Property (Agency Management): can be completed as a full-time or part-time student.
CPP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice
There are three ways to fund your qualification CPP41419 Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice.
• Skills First Government funding Concession (eligibility criteria applies): Out-of-pocket fee $500 • Skills First Government funding (eligibility criteria applies): Out-of-pocket fee $2,500 (payment plans available) • Full fee (not eligible for Government funding): Out-of-pocket fee $6,500 (payment plans available)
Employers offering traineeships may be eligible for further government funding.
CPP51119 Diploma of Property (Agency Management)
There are two ways to fund your qualification CPP51119 Diploma of Property (Agency Management)
• Skills First Government funding (eligibility criteria applies): Out-of-pocket fee $4,500 (payment plans available) • Full fee (not eligible for Government funding): Out-of-pocket fee $8,000 (payment plans available)
Employers offering traineeships may be eligible for further government funding support. people (under 20), Apprenticeships and Foundation Skills, and otherwise requires students do progressively higher qualifications to be eligible.
If you are under 20 years old you can do Skills First training at any level. Students must be 18 or older to train at the REIV.
If you are 20 years or over, you can usually only do Skills First training at a higher level than any qualification you already have.
Qualification level
The REIV accredited training is a Level IV qualification, to be eligible any prior qualification should be Level 3 or under.
There are also limits on how much Skills First training you can do. The limits are:
Eligibility for Skills First Government funding
Eligibility can only be confirmed after an REIV Enrolment Form and Skills First Declaration is completed. There is no cost or obligation associated with this process.
Some of the key eligibility criteria relevant to the CPP41419 and CPP51119 are listed here. Further details are available at skills.vic.gov.au
To be eligible for Skills First training, you must be: • An Australian citizen, or • An Australian permanent resident, or • A New Zealand citizen
Skills First prioritises training for young

• You can’t start* more than two qualifications in a year • You can’t do more than two Skills First qualifications at the same time • If you’ve already started* up to two government-subsidised qualifications at the same level in your lifetime you can’t do another Skills First qualification at that level.
These limits encourage you to make informed decisions about your training and employment opportunities and finish your training.
* This includes courses you start but don’t finish. Victorian Skills Gateway’s funding eligibility checklist can be found at skills.vic.gov.au/s/how-to-checkyour-eligibility Eligibility for Skills First Government funding – Concession
Concession is only applicable for CPP41419 Cert IV in Real Estate Practice.
You may be eligible for a concession if you hold a valid and current:
a) Health Care Card issued by the
Commonwealth; b) Pensioner Concession Card; c) Veteran’s Gold Card; d) An alternative card or concession eligibility criterion approved by the
The concessions also apply to a dependant spouse or dependent child of a card holder.
If you self-identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, you will receive a concession regardless of the level of the course you wish to enrol in.
Concession does not apply to fullfee-paying students.