GR604 Student Project Milton Bradley Rebrand

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milton bradley the rebranding process

milton bradley the visual strategy guide

company history overview

milton bradley the visual strategy guide

the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

contents 03



brand mission


brand potential



brand grids

table of contents



target audience

target audience






the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

company history overview

our past

In order to look forward for the future of Milton Bradley we must look back to see where the company came from, and what it represents. The deep connection with our customers comes from a shared love of learning and play. By looking at old products and services and leaders we seek to return to our roots and provide quality and unique experiences only Milton Bradley can provide.


milton bradley

the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

company overview

Milton Bradley is more than just a game and toy company. It is an organization

founded in fun, and supporting collaborative learning through play for all ages.

Started by the brilliant inventor and education enthusiast by the same name, Milton Bradley strives to fulfill his vision and support education through play to help us grow together. Now the company is rebranding to find new avenues to support and educate in our communities. This rebranding will include a new logo and visual system, an assessment of our mission and audience, as well as a look into future services and products potential.



the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

company history

a look back

Much like The Checkered Game of Life, the company Milton Bradley has had its ups and downs of success and struggles. But from those struggles comes new innovation. In 1860, when presidential nominee Abraham Lincoln grew a beard, rendering the lithograph copies Bradley was selling passé, he found a new use for his machine: producing The Checkered Game of Life, and kick-starting a successful businesses. Over the years, Bradley focused his passion on children’s education, while always trying out new games to share fun with the world. He was the soul of the company and believed in what he created, even if it didn’t make money to start with. After his death in 1911, the company continued producing educational materials, and new games, however they struggled to keep up with the times, losing out significantly on the move to video games. Milton Bradley was eventually bought out and merged into Hasbro in 1984.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

1860 1860

Milton Bradley opens the first color lithography shop in Massachusetts, selling copies of Abraham Lincoln until the Presidential nominee grows a beard ruining the “likeness” of the print.


Bradley begins producing The Checkered Game of Life as a new way to use his lithography machine. While the game was not new, Bradley’s version of life focused on personal goals and business success rather than puritan morals like other games.


Bradley creates the first travel games to soldiers in the Civil War to ease boredom. The games include his own Checkered Game of Life, along with checkers and chess. 4


1877 1869

Bradley attends a lecture by Elizabeth Peabody on the importance of learning through creative activities. She was a founder of kindergarten in the US, based on the philosophy of Fredrich Fröbel. Bradley was inspired by the movement and began publishing a magazine, and producing wooden blocks as “Kindergarten gifts” to promote Fröbel’s ideas.


After a recession, Bradley is given an ultimatum from his investors to abandon his Kindergarten school supplies (created mostly for 2 Springfield schools, and provided for free) and focus only on games. Instead, Bradley’s good friend George Tapley invests in his company, becoming president, and allowing Bradley to focus on both education and games.


After much experimenting, Bradley establishes a set of standard colors for young school children which are worked into standardized school supplies featuring watercolor sets, wooden blocks, crayons, and games.


The Milton Bradley company creates the first set of croquet sold in America. Bradley writes the rules himself from oral descriptions of the game, and his own idea of fairness.


Educational supplies begin turning a profit as Kindergartens open across the country. Teachers can buy anything from multiplication sticks, to furniture, to books, to toy money.


Milton Bradley dies at 74. The company is taken over by Bradley’s son-in-law Robert Ingersoll, along with Tapley’s son William.


Milton Bradley company now has 5 factories for manufacturing in Springfield MS, and report sales for the year of $3.5 million. Without the genius of the founder, sales began to plummet, and the educational department becomes the primary source of income.

company timeline


1939 1939

Game sales drop, while the educational division keeps Milton Bradley afloat. Colored crayons account for 1/3rd of the company’s profit, as the company struggles to come up with new games.


On the brink of bankruptcy, the company hires James Shea as president. Shea begins a campaign, known to workers as “Shea’s Big Bonfire”, to clear out years of accumulating inventory from the old plant. During WWII, most of the profits were from Shea’s personal invention of a joint which was used for aircraft in the war, and also from a revival of the old travel games for soldiers.


The original Indian game of Snakes & Ladders is modified for a schoolyard setting of Chutes & Ladders to make it more friendly for children, and released for sale. Also released are Candyland and Rack-O as top selling games.


The game of Concentration is introduced based on the wellknown TV memory game show. It sells one million copies in eight months, the largest sale in a single year for the industry up to that point.


Despite a push towards teaching aides again, such as reading instruction games, the educational department contributed less than 7% of profit to the company.


1982 1963

The 100th Anniversary of the company brings a new version of The Game of Life, featuring spokesperson Art Letterlink (Tv and Radio personality known for Kids Say the Darndest Things, among others). Twister was released, becoming popular with children, then reached a new level with adult audiences when Johnny Carson played the game on The Tonight Show with Eva Gabor.


Milton Bradley acquires Playskool Mfg. Co. the largest preschool toy manufacturer in the country.


Black children were depicted on the cover of Chutes & Ladders for the first time.


Milton Bradley enters the electronic game industry, late the curve, with their new top seller Simon.


While president Shea Jr. originally avoided the video game market, deeming it an expensive fad, it became clear from Atari’s success that this industry would not be going away. After quickly trying to create their own game console, Milton Bradley scraps the project at a $30 million loss.


Milton Bradley is still profitable with it’s classic table games and educational materials, and is bought by Hasbro. By 1988, Milton Bradley products account for more than 20% of Hasbro’s profits.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

no one gets anywhere without working together. — tristan donovan author of “It’s All a Game: The History of Board Games from Monopoly to Settlers of Catan”



the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

who we were

Starting in the 1800s, the brand started with a well crafted, but home-made style to match the technology of the times. Bradley was a big proponent of reusing and finding new and creative uses for things instead of getting rid of them. This fueled the creativity of the brand and resulted in some very unique and functional new games and products.


visual representation — past

Milton Bradley


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

what we strive for

The future of the brand will be colorful and playful as well as messy. Experimenting is a large part of play for kids and adults, and it is important to let loose and get a little messy to see what will happen. We continue to reuse materials in new and creative ways and work with each other to have fun and get creative for unexpected results.


visual representation — future

milton bradley



the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

company history overview

our future

Using the founder Milton Bradley as inspiration, we will now look further into how the company can leverage that passion for education, innovation, collaboration and fun to reconnect with our core audience and re-establish the brand. We will look into rewriting the mission statement, determining keywords to represent how the company presents itself, as well as delving into the target audience eventually.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

looking forward

The purpose of this rebrand is to explore new ways Milton Bradley can encourage

learning in fun ways to support collabora-

tive development of early minds, as well as “kids” of all ages.


brand potential

By expanding outside of educational toys and tools, the future of Milton Bradley will foster collaboration between all ages and make learning fun through play and creativity. Not just for family units, Milton Bradley will focus on learning and supporting together between colleagues, mentors, and peers. With activities, classes, and experience centers, we can explore and learn together in new ways. Also, by bringing in more technology to the Milton Bradley toolbox, we can share and learn together across the globe in an instant. There will be opportunities to collaborate with non-profit organizations such as Boys & Girls Club, or Girl Scouts of America, or even public spaces such as museum or parks. Additionally, collaboration with technology companies to improve and provide more global connections and sharing or knowledge, skills, and information.


coming together to learn through play


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

brand mission

brand mission

Our mission is to encourage life-long

collaborative learning through creativity and play.

By sharing ideas and supporting one another we can grow and shape a better world for everyone.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley


discover. “There is no creativity or innovation without failure.” —Brené Brown Young kids need to make mistakes and get messy to begin to understand the world around them. Even as adults we learn best through mistakes and finding our own path.




“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” —Bernard Shaw

“Play is the highest form of research.”

Using both sides of the brain helps develop critical thinking and problem solving in learners of all ages.

Learning happens when we are creative and experiment through play. That play can help us develop and grow without even realizing we are learning.

—Albert Einstein



the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

company history overview



the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

target audience We have identified a diverse target audience and assigned attributes and personas to each in order to focus this re-branding. While these individuals all come from different areas, with different stories, they all value: education. community. creativity.


visual strategy guide | milton bradley

urbanite mom margot jelani 33 | brooklyn, ny | store manager


Margot works full time so she can send her son Dakarai to a high end private daycare center because she wants him to get a good education so he can one day attend a good college. Margot buys an annual pass to the local Arts Center because she wants Dakarai to be well rounded and appreciate different kinds of art from different cultures. Margot breastfed Dakarai because she read that it would help his mind develop faster than with formula instead.


Margot started a weekend play group in her apartment building because she wants to make sure Dakarai gets a chance to play with kids of different ages to help him understand others. Margot takes every holiday in Vermont with her family because she misses her large family the rest of the year and wants Dakarai to have a sense of community within his own family.


Margot received her AA in creative writing because she likes the escape of writing about other people’s lives. Margot bought Dakarai a large art set for Christmas last year because she likes to color with him in the evenings as a calm way to bond and talk about his day.


audience profiles — 2:8

conscientious kid kai huang 7 | chicago, il | student


Kai goes to a catholic school across town because when he was in kindergarten he was bullied at the public school so he started going to private school. Kai always does his homework because his teacher gives away a prize each year to the students with the best grades and he wants to win. Kai started Code Academy this year because he wants to have a pet robot someday and is hoping he will learn how to create and program a robot.


Kai plans to be a doctor when he grows up because he wants to be able to help those around him when they get sick like his neighbor who has cancer. Kai asks to go to the park on the weekends when his dad can take him because he likes to see all the people in the park and imagine what they are thinking about.


Kai makes his parents home-made cards for their birthdays and holidays because his parents are really happy with what he draws and always hang them on the fridge. Kai cooks breakfast with his dad on Saturday mornings because he likes to experiment with different pancake combinations with his dad and have special time just the two of them.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

future engineer tony rodriguez 29 | boston, ma | phd candidate


Tony is working towards his PhD in Engineering because he enjoys solving math problems, and wants to stay in school and learn more as long as he can. Tony watches documentaries in his free time because he wants to know more about other cultures and countries. Tony reads a bedtime story to his niece Danica every night because he wants her to have a good vocabulary.


Tony hosts a game night with his lab mates once a month because he thinks it is important that they form a connection outside of work and get to meet their families. Tony listens to public radio every sunday morning because he likes to hear the puzzles and trivia and play along with other people in their homes around the country.


Tony buys Legos for Danica because he hopes building together with Legos now will encourage her to become an engineer too. Tony purchased a used electric piano for his apartment because he plans to learn to play just like his mom used to do at night when he was falling asleep.


audience profiles — 4:8

future teacher jasmine kalani 15 | boulder, co | sophmore


Jasmine wants to be an elementary school teacher when she grows up because she enjoys playing with her younger siblings and wants to make an impact on the future generation by making sure they are well educated. Jasmine takes as many AP classes as she can fit in her schedule because she wants to go to Yale or Harvard and needs a strong transcript to be considered. Jasmine tutors her middle school neighbor in math once a week because she wants to practice teaching to see if she likes it for a career.


Jasmine is part of the debate team at school because she likes to work with others in a team environment but she doesn’t do well in any physical sports. Jasmine attends meetings with the youth group at her church once a week because she like to be around people that have similar beliefs and values.


Jasmine makes jewelry in her spare time because she likes to be unique and is proud of her work when she gets compliments on something she has made. Jasmine sketches when she travels on vacation with her family because she doesn’t like to write about her feelings in a journal but wants to remember her trip.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

helper nanna loretta hudson 59 | atlanta, ga | retired nurse


Loretta watches her grandson Tyler after school each day because her daughter works late and Loretta doesn’t think any of the after school options are worth the money. Loretta takes Tyler to the library once a week because they have afternoon science lessons and she thinks he will get better grades if he learns to like science more.


Loretta hosts holidays each year because she likes to see her children and grand children all together and hear the house full of noise again. Loretta attends swim classes at the club house 3 times a week because she likes to talk with her neighbors during class and hear about their families achievements and struggles. Loretta volunteers for Meals on Wheels once a week because she hopes that one day people will be there to take care of her when she, so she wants to do her fair share while she can.


Loretta keeps a garden in her yard because she likes to grow vegetables with Tyler and teach him how to cook family recipes like her father used to do. Loretta keeps a subscription to Highlights because it includes activities for her to try with Tyler after school and it keeps him occupied instead of getting into trouble around the house.


audience profiles — 6:8

super-hero mom amber marcellino 42 | Boise, id | pharmacist


Amber works a flexible schedule because she wants her daughter Briana to attend public school and meet more kids than at a small private school, but needs to be available to pick her up when Briana’s autism becomes too overwhelming and she needs a break Amber attends an autism support group for parents because she learns new tips and techniques for parenting and finds it cathartic to vent about problems with other parents who are in the same situation she is in. Amber encourages Briana to participate in the summer reading challenge each year because she wants her to become a good reader to help in her studies when she is older.


Amber owns a gaming PC because she enjoys teaching Briana how to play Minecraft because she thinks it is a good way for Briana to meet and play with other kids online in a safe way. Amber drives across town to enroll Briana in Karate because she wants Briana to make friends and release energy after a long school day.


Amber takes Briana to church every week because she likes that the members help those in need and she wants to teach Briana to be generous with others. Amber browses Pinterest at work each day because she likes to save new recipes to try on the weekends and experiment with new food combinations.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

audience adjacent

young dad

amir syed 20 | los angeles, ca | truck driver


Amir lives with his mother because he likes having her around to look after his daughter Rani while he is on the road and to teach her Arabic while she is young. Amir spends the weekends watching baby einstein with Rani because he wants her to be ahead of her classmates when she starts kindergarten by knowing how to read. Amir doesn’t plan for Rani to attend college when she is older because he doesn’t think he will be able to afford it so he doesn’t want her to be disappointed.


Amir doesn’t like to go to big events because the crowds of people make him feel anxious and overwhelmed. Amir spends holidays with his mom and daughter Rani only because his family mostly lives outside of the country and he cannot afford to visit them often.


Amir likes to listen to local bands at the bar down the street because he never learned an instrument himself and he is impressed with people that can play. Amir doesn’t enjoy drawing anymore because he lost at a competition a few years ago and felt very discouraged by his skills so that he hasn’t tried much anymore.


audience profiles — 8:8

audience adjacent

puzzle master levi goldblatt 72 | phoenix, az | retired military


Levi gets the local newspaper and the New York Times delivered to his house each morning because he likes to complete the crosswords puzzles so that his mind stays sharp and he doesn’t get dementia like his wife had. Levi did not attend college, because after the war he was able to work in a local grocery store, eventually becoming manager without needing higher education. Levi is part of a senior men’s book club because he likes to meet up with friends and talk although he rarely reads the book because they mostly talk about family anyway during their meetings.


Levi walk to the park to read twice a week because he likes to see the people that walk by and often talks to new people to learn interesting things. Levi marches in the local parade every July 4th as part of the Vet group because he is proud to have fought for his country and done his part to protect his friends, neighbors and loved ones.


Levi bought his grandson a baseball glove for his birthday because he hopes he will join the school baseball team instead of acting in musicals at school because he doesn’t think acting and dancing is good for a growing boy. Levi watches only 1 hour of TV a day because he thinks that TV will rot your brain, but he does like to watch the history channel for the war documentaries.



the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

the competition Looking at competition for the company is important to make sure that we stand out as separate. By looking at what the competition offers we can find open spots in the market for needs or products that our competition does not offer.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

current competition

Current competition for Milton Bradley

are similar board game, educational toy, and school supply companies.

Milton Bradley differs from this competition however in that it focuses on collaboration and sharing, as well as encouraging learning through play for all ages, not just young children.


competition — current

Parker Brothers started around the same time as Milton Bradley creating Parlour games, however they focus on getting ahead, and games without morals.

Mindware is a subsidy of Oriental Trading Company and creates and sells educational toys, including board games and puzzles.

Ravensburger began in the late 1800s as well, however it originated in Germany, later finding international markets. They create puzzles and games as well as educational supplies.

Goliath Games focuses their toys on child development and early learning. A dutch company, they are currently the 3rd largest game developer in North America.

Crayola competes with Milton Bradley for school art supplies. Where Bradley focused on standard colors, Crayola offers a much wider range and diversity of mediums.

RoseArt is an art supply and stationary company. While they focus mainly on children’s art supplies rather than fine art supplies, they also carry office supplies.

Hasbro began with school supplies, and moved into action figures with the GI Joe. After passing up Mattel in 1980 they have expanded into games, film, and educational toys as well.

Kids II is the parent company for Bright Starts and Baby Einstein. Focusing on developmental infant toys and entertainment in America and internationally.

Mattel offers a wide variety of toys for all ages, and collaborates with other organizations such as Nintendo and Lego.

Lego is competition as an educational toy brand. Promoting STEM learning, Lego goes beyond toys to encourage fun learning through their colorful blocks.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

adjacent competition

Adjacent competition includes companies that people use for play and fun, as well as companies that help people learn in unique ways.


competition — adjacent

Duolingo is a free website and mobile application which teaches language through interactive games and activities. Based on science, they provide a way to learn that is effective and fun.

Six Flags is an amusement park where kids and adults alike can come to ride rides and enjoy family attractions. This is another way families can play and have fun together.

Wilson Sporting Goods manufactures all sorts of sports equipment both for professional and kids clubs including soccer, football, baseball, tennis, and more.

Kiwi Crate is a subscription based activity kit for kids they receive monthly in the mail. With fun projects, and arts activities, the crates have new activities and adventures each month.

Scholastic is a publishing company focusing on improving child literacy in America. They support events such as book fairs, along with selling books and other educational supplies.

Khan Academy is for both younger kids and high school students studying for the SATs. This non-profit organization provides online video lessons to help students reach a specific goal.

Boys and Girls Club is an after school program offered in many metropolitan areas. They focus on educational activities, and homework help for the students that attend.

Chegg is an organization focused mainly for college students offering discounted or rented text books, online tutoring, and other student services.

Escape The Room is one of the top escape room experiences in America. Players compete as a team to solve puzzles in order to “unlock” the door and leave.

Konami developed and produced the video game Dance Dance Revolution to promote physical fitness in Japan along with other video games such as Frogger after.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

aspirational competition

Moving forward, Milton Bradley will be focused on collaboration between

people of all ages, and provide opportunities for unique and creative learning

that is fun. The future competition are organizations that use play to foster

learning as well as sharing platforms to allow information and inventions to be shared for free with each other.


competition — aspirational

TED is a media company which hosts conferences and releases talks recorded at these conferences for free. The goal of TED is to spread knowledge and provide new personal perspectives.

Maker Faire is an international organization that stemmed form the “maker movement” encouraging DIY projects. The Faire each year is a place to share inventions and teach new ways to make things.

Flickr hosts online video and image sharing, often with Public Domain licensing, allowing the user control over their photos. More than 3.5 million new images are uploaded daily to the site.

Mojang Sudios is a Swedish video game design company and developer of Minecraft. Minecraft allows people to explore online and work together to build and create.

Slack is set up as a business communication platform, but is used for easy sharing of information between any group. It offers a variety of ways to talk and share data between users.

Lynda, now owned by LinkedIn is an online collection of video courses in a wide range of subject matters for anyone. It is a subscription based platform allowing members access to all videos.

Exploratorium is a museum focused on STEM, and though their target audience are children, people of all ages enjoy and learn in the space. They provide interactive exhibits for learning.

Color Factory is an art exhibit of unusually colorful rooms set up to provide visitors with unique and immersive new experiences with color. The art is a collaboration of many artists from San Francisco.

Recreational Equipment, Inc. is an outdoor equipment and clothing company, however is also based in education around play outside. With classes and group excursions, REI focuses on play together.

Codecademy offers online coding classes for adults wanting to learn how to code in a number of languages. It provides a free option as well as a paid “pro” version.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

brand attributes

By looking at what words define our competition both good and bad, it can help focus in on how Milton Bradley would like to be perceived. Here we compiled a list of attributes positive, negative and neutral about the competition, as well as a list of 5 words that Milton Bradley would like to own.











2. entertaining

2. educational

2. flashy

3. exciting

3. age-appropriate

3. complicated

4. crafted

4. useful

4. dated

5. innovative

5. vintage

5. childish

brand attributes

milton bradley is...

cooperative. accessible. gratifying. enduring. vivid.





the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

next steps

With a strong understanding of the history and personality of our brand and its audience we can move forward into the rebranding process by creating a new logo and visual system to support the research we have conducted and present the company in a new fun way that stands by our keywords better. The next book “The Visual Development Guide” will dive into the process of logo development.


the visual strategy guide | milton bradley


Andrea Piacquandio p. 41 Anna Samoylova p. 32 Daria Obymaha p. 44 Dave Photoz p.2 Ian Dooley p. 18 Joao Reguengos p.22 Kelly Lacy p.0 Matheus Bertelli p. 1 Mentatdgt p.12 Mi Pham p. 20 Yan p. 7 44

company history overview



the visual strategy guide | milton bradley

company history overview


milton bradley the visual development guide


process book | milton bradley

milton bradley the visual development guide


the visual development guide | milton bradley

contents 12

round one


round two


refined sketches


computer roughs


table of contents



refined designs

look-alike logos

color selections

visual system

round three

final logo



the visual development guide | milton bradley

company history overview

the visual development This rebrand of the company starts with a new logo to represent the direction of the company. Here you will see the process of selecting the new logo from rough sketches to final revised digital design and selected colors. The process begins by casting a wide net and sketching as many divergent ideas as possible. From those, favorites were discussed and chosen. The next round of sketching took those ideas and created new ideas focused around a single keyword phrase that represents the vision of the company. From those rough computer drafts, a final set of sketches was created to nail down final options for the logo even more specifically.


the visual development guide | milton bradley

a look back

Much like The Checkered Game of Life, the company Milton Bradley has had its ups and downs of success and struggles. But from those struggles comes new innovation. In 1860, when presidential nominee Abraham Lincoln grew a beard, rendering the lithograph copies Bradley was selling passé, he found a new use FOR his machine: producing The Checkered Game of Life, and kick-starting a successful businesses. Over the years, Bradley focused his passion on children’s education, while always trying out new games to share fun with the world. He was the soul of the company and believed in what he created, even if it didn’t make money to start with. After his death in 1911, the company continued producing educational materials, and new games, however they struggled to keep up with the times, losing out significantly on the move to video games. Milton Bradley was eventually bought out and merged into Hasbro in 1984.


company history overview


the visual development guide | milton bradley


1800 S








logo history and current logo

our current logo

Milton Bradley’s logo has not changed all that much over the years since the 1940s when the first logo was registered. The logo has always featured the initials large, and usually in red and blue. There were also some alternate logos featuring keys with the tagline “Key to Fun”, although these also included the signature initials. For this rebrand, we will be redoing the logo to better represent the company. While not abandoning the initials which our audience has come to recognize, we will be adding more playfulness and personal connection fit the brand mission


the visual development guide | milton bradley

who we are

Milton Bradley is more than just a game and toy company. It is an organization

founded in fun, and supporting collab-

orative learning through play for all ages. Started by the brilliant inventor and education enthusiast by the same name, Milton Bradley strives to continue to fulfill his vision to support education through play to help us grow together.


coming together to learn through play 8

brand mission

brand mission

Our mission is to encourage life-long

collaborative learning through creativity and play.

By sharing ideas and supporting one another we can grow and shape a better world for everyone.


the visual development guide | milton bradley

brand keywords


Keywords were chosen to represent the company during internal exploration of

the brand to remind us what is the core of what we do. Those keywords were

then transformed into phrases for a more in-depth exploration and inspiration for the logo creation.


company keywords

discover. create. fun.



the visual development guide | milton bradley

company history overview

logo development:

round one

The first round of logo development is casting a wide net of ideas to see what could possibly work. This time of rough sketches includes jotting down all ideas, good and bad as they might spark something new in the future. For this round we have taken our keywords for the brand: discover, create, fun, and evolved them into key phrases. These phrases bring new words and inspiration while still applying to the brand that is Milton Bradley.



the visual development guide | milton bradley

round one sketches | discover

round 1: discover

go farther to find the unexpected.


the visual development guide | milton bradley 16

round 1: initial logo sketches go farther to find the unexpected

round one sketches | discover


the visual development guide | milton bradley 18

round 1: initial logo sketches go farther to find the unexpected















An abstract minimal graphic of

Another exploration of migration.

Exploring the stars above, Milton

An iceberg shows only a small

a mountain, containing the

Here the initials have movement

Bradley aims high. This sharp

portion out of the water, but

signature initials of the company

as if they are being pushed by the

angular graphic shape appeals to

runs deep beneath. Here, the

shows how we search outdoors

speed of the flying goose.

an older audience and represents

company may be known for game

an edgier view of the brand.

and children’s art supplies, but

and find the challenges to conquer together.

2 A paper plane represents not only childlike excitement and building, but also the sense of setting free

5 A bold wordmark, this emphasizes


the unexpected, with a combina-

Like a splash of mud, sometimes

tion of upper and lower case letters.

we find joy in the unexpected


to soar to new destinations.

Both in lowercase letters for


a friendly and approachable

they represent so much more for the audience: the iceberg below the water.

places. This is a more abstract and hand created concept for the signature initials.

appearance, the interior of the


Representation of the quilt pattern

letters is filled with topo lines

Dumbo octopus are found in the

“flying geese” exploring migration

representing travel and adventure

deep sea. These cute little animals

as a way to go further no matter

waiting for those that seek it.

are the epitome of finding the

what you find there.

round one sketches | discover


unexpected if you dive deep.



the visual development guide | milton bradley

round one sketches | create

round 1: create

release your imagination.


the visual development guide | milton bradley 22

round 1: initial logo sketches release your imagination

round one sketches | create


the visual development guide | milton bradley 24

round 1: initial logo sketches release your imagination















The flying pig is a symbol of the

This concept logo shows a single

Creating a whimsical face, the “B”

This concept logo is a more literal

impossible. This whimsical pig

dandelion seed taking flight.

of the initials hides inside the “M”

interpretation of STEAM learning

represents attempting whatever

Carrying wishes and in search

and is created from negative space

showing building blocks creating

we set our minds to, and that

for new lands, the dandelion

representing again, the imagina-

the initials.

together we can make

represents childhood wonder and

tion and its ability to create what

anything happen.

excitement as well as wishes

we cannot see.


and adventure.


Think outside the box. Here, Milton


Bradley has opened the box ,

A visual combination of a cloud

represents achieving the impossible,

allowing ideas to flow freely, and

and a thought bubble. This

and unlikely. A flying fish is a real

new innovations to be explored.

represents dreaming and aiming

animal, however also represents

high as we imagine and invent

seeking out new and working hard

the future.

to achieve what you want.

represents new ideas. The signature



initials are found in the center of

Just the shadow of the initials are

The butterfly is created from the

the light bulb fueling the inspiration

seen here, as the rest of the letter

signature initials, and is shown

and ideas of our users.

shape comes from our imagina-

flying away to new adventures.

3 Though a little cliche, the light bulb

round one sketches | create


Like the flying pig, the flying fish

tion and are created by the user.



the visual development guide | milton bradley

round one sketches | fun

round 1: fun

experience life through a smile.


the visual development guide | milton bradley 28

round 1: initial logo sketches experience life through a smile

round one sketches | fun


the visual development guide | milton bradley 30

round 1: initial logo sketches

experience life through a smile















With an abstract “MB” of chunky

Dopamine is a hormone that

Play can get messy, but Milton

“When life gives you lemons, make

shapes that bring a fresh take to

makes us happy. It is created from

Bradley doesn’t shy away from that

lemonade”. Here, the lemon wedge

the logo. This concept is very kid

interacting with others and leads

mess as it can lead to big smiles

is also the shape of a big smile

friendly with the large comical

to more enjoyment in life.

and great new innovations

showing that optimism in a splashy

and discoveries.

colorful logo.

tongue sticking out.

2 As we connect with others, it is often by talking while we interact. This shows that verbal connection between people, while appealing

5 Milton Bradley Initials are created


by abstract smile shapes, just as

Collaboration is important to

Milton Bradley promotes fun

Milton Bradley, especially between

and smiles.

generations. Here two people of

to a more adult and alternative


audience base.

An over the top quirky face, the

3 Simple bold t ype treatment compacts the name together, allowing a large smile to stand out.

round one sketches | fun


different ages are enjoying a smile together while they talk and laugh.

name Milton Bradley becomes the


hair of the character. This would

B y replacing the “O” in the

apply to a younger audience

company name, we are showing how integral to the company brand happy people are.



the visual development guide | milton bradley

company history overview

logo development:

round two

The next round of logo development brings more focus from the wide range of options in the first round of sketches. Here we focus on a single phrase to explore ideas: spark your imagination. These sketches are more refined, and then the top 10 directions were brought to the computer for rough digital mock-ups in black and white.



the visual development guide | milton bradley

round two sketches

round 2: create & discover

spark your imagination.



the visual development guide | milton bradley

spark your imagination.

round 2: sketches

round two sketches


the visual development guide | milton bradley

round 2: computer roughs spark your imagination.












round two computer roughs







These neutered sprites showcase

Shining bright among competitors,

This bold exclamation mark is

Almost exploding with energy,

the collaboration and teamwork

Milton Bradley is about ideas and

a different representation of the

sound, and excitement, this

at the center of Milton Bradley.

sparking new innovations. While

Eureka moment in learning and

concept logo radiates fun from

Whether adults or children, we

light bulbs are cliche, this flash of

in play. Loud and bold it shows

the company name.

must work together to make

light shoes the eureka moment

the shouts of children playing

everyone shine and succeed.

when you discover something

together, or a proud exclamation

exciting and new.

of joy.

A wish breaking free, this dandelion


9 & 10

see is inspired by imagination and

Reaching for the sky, this cloud

A butterfly is made from the initials

creativity being released. Here,

holding the signature initials of the

a dandelion puff also reminds us

company shows how the company

of the childlike wonder we get from

reaches to achieve great heights

to soar as a butterfly might.

blowing on these fuzzy seeds.

in learning and opportunities for all.




Showcasing playfulness, the upper

Milton Bradley is about having fun

The initials are placed within an

together and learning through

open box, allowing the viewier to

play. What better represents this

explore the unknown and discover

than a big smile.

new things.


as the wings shows how Milton Bradley sets the imagination free

and lower case letters in the text represent show collaboration between all generations.



the visual development guide | milton bradley

company history overview

logo development:

round three

For this round in the logo development, the most applicable and promising logos have been selected from round two for further refinement. The main logo concepts chosen to move forward are the smile logo, and those with the cloud or thought bubbles.



the visual development guide | milton bradley

round 3: refined sketches

round three sketches











The black text on yellow feels too

The cloud is more of a thought

Keeping with the original colors of

harsh for the brand so it was

bubble here with the uneven

red “M” and blue “b”, but with a new

changed to blue for the final iteration

bottom. It felt too uneven so it did

twist on the typeface and style.


not make it to the final iteration.


The multi-colored dots below


represent the blossoming

Use of upper and lower case letters

representative of a cloud, however

imagination or idea

to represent adults and children

it feels to heavy in the corner and

working corroboratively together.

off balance so it was changed to

Using a solid blue bubble is more

an outline for the final.


the visual development guide | milton bradley

round 3: refined designs with addition of color




round three refined designs





Milton Bradley is all about having

Emphasizing imagination and

Milton Bradley’s logo has always

fun together, and so a logo

learning, this logo concept is

been represented by an “MB”

representing that pure happiness

colorful and fun, presenting all the

which this representation continues

is appropriate. The large yellow

possibilities for the audience with

with. The cloud represents grand

dot brings to mind happiness

the open thought bubble. Milton

ideas dreamt up, while the gold

and sunshine. The color palette

Bradley encourages everyone to

outline shows the sun rising behind

is simple with blue and yellow,

reach for the sky and imagine that

those ideas to support and

softer than the standard black

anything is possible.

encourage the growth.

and yellow. It brings to mind a slightly younger audience.


the visual development guide | milton bradley

final logo

Milton Bradley’s new updated logo features a more modern and playful image to better represent the brand. A thought bubble rests above the name “Milton Bradley” showing the potential for expression, creativity and imagination within us all. The letter forms are created specifically for this logo and are used exclusively for Milton Bradley.


new logo for Milton Bradley



the visual development guide | milton bradley

company history overview


look-alike logos By looking at other companies with similar concepts for their logos, we are able to ensure that the rebranding of Milton Bradley does not end up too similar to another logo already in existence. In this case, we were also able to determine from research that a smile in a logo is fairly common, including as part of several of our close competitors.


the visual development guide | milton bradley

smile logos

Smiles in logos were very easy to find, indicating that the idea is not original enough. Two competitors: Hasbro and Crayola came up through research as having smiles in their logos as well.


logo similarity research | smiles



the visual development guide | milton bradley

cloud logos

These examples were a little harder to track down. Many were literal representations of cloud or wireless storage and IT companies. There were many also that used speech bubbles, which are very similar to the thought bubble in the Milton Bradley concept.


logo similarity research | clouds



the visual development guide | milton bradley

mixed type logos

When researching colorful and mixed type logos, there were many colorful kids logos, however most found were not stacked words fitting into each other as with the Milton Bradley concept. Additionally, many were hand drawn and uneven letterforms, giving them a more childlike appearance. The most similar found are probably Plasticine, and Tinta Leo.


logo similarity research | mixed type




the visual development guide | milton bradley


visual standards The next step after determining the new logo will be to set up a set of standards for the visual system. These standards will clarify proper ways to use the logo, appropriate colors and typefaces, as well as specifics on the anatomy of the new logo. Before setting up this guide of standards, we have looked to current companies for inspiration on how to present these standards for others to use.


the visual development guide | milton bradley

visual standards inspiration BOEING This is a very good example not just of what the new system is, but also why. They introduce this new graphic element which is at the soul of the rebrand right away to give meaning to the rest of the guide.

They also have a very good example of how not to use these new graphic elements. By numbering the visual examples and explaining on the side, it makes for a clean layout that still provides plenty of written examples as well.


Their typography examples show good hierarchy and is clear. On the left they list the typeface options, while showing the many ways to use it on the right page. Seeing the type in context helps make it more clear how to use the different typefaces.

inspiration: visual standards


They also do a good job of showing how the logo can be used in different ways and on different background. Each example has a written description to make it more clear.


the visual development guide | milton bradley

visual standards inspiration UPS While it is a pretty short document, the page showing the logo is very clean and informative. They have a long written description, as well as showing the space and sizing of the logo. Its good that they explain which option is preferred, and which is the alternate logo.

The cover page also is very sharp and well made with the bold colors.


inspiration: visual standards

Mennonite Church This is a very nice overview both of the project and of the guide itself. They explain simply the purpose of the document, and show examples from a big picture on what the document will include. This document also has really nice pacing, without packing too much onto a page.


the visual development guide | milton bradley

visual standards inspiration Right Turn Retail The explanation of the color palette is large and clear. They layout the primary color palette, while giving options for other colors and explaining how to use them. The colors themselves have a “common name” to make it easier to refer to, along with PMS numbers and websafe RGB color numbers.

They were very clear about the logo use and options leaving no room for interpretation! With many pages they described spacing, color variations, size requirements, and explanations of the different elements.


Explaining specifics such as stationary with precise measurements makes it more consistent and leaves no room for error.

inspiration: visual standards

John Deere

They also do a good job showing the different components and specifics of the logo, including breaking it up and showing just part to explain when necessary. They also show the logo in relation to images and body copy.





the visual development guide | milton bradley

next steps

Now that we have established a new logo to represent our brand, it is important to set the stage and lay out a set of standards for how to use the new logo and visual system. The next book in the series “The Visual Standards Guide” will go into detail about proper ways to use and reproduce the logo and represent the brand visually.



the visual development guide | milton bradley

company history overview



Autumn Goodman p.26


Brooke Cagle p.48

Old Navy

Dino Reichmuth p14


Eddie Kopp p.32

Mennonite Chruch

Eliza Anker p.3

John Deere

Gabriel Baranski p.10

Right Turn Retail

Giandrea Villa p20 Jude Beck p.12 Warren Wong p. 28 Thought Catalogue p.1 You X Ventures p 56 WorldCleanupDay p. 40



the visual development guide | milton bradley

company history overview



milton bradley the visual standards guide

2 the visual standards guide | milton bradley

company history overview

milton bradley the visual standards guide


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

contents 01

introduction who we are brand mission brief history


table of contents



main logo





graphic element

size chart

business system

new logo

the system

the visual standards guide | milton bradley

who we are

Milton Bradley is more than just a game and toy company. It is an organization founded

in fun, and supporting collaborative learning through play for all ages.

Started by the brilliant inventor and education enthusiast by the same name, Milton Bradley strives to continue to fulfill his vision to support education through play to help us grow together.



coming together to learn through play

2 the visual standards guide | milton bradley

brand mission and rebranding statement

brand mission

Our mission is to encourage life-long

collaborative learning through creativity and play.

By sharing ideas and supporting one another we can grow and shape a better world for everyone.


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

a brief history

Much like The Checkered Game of Life, the company Milton Bradley has had it’s ups and downs of success and struggles. But from those struggles comes new innovation. In 1860, when presidential nominee Abraham Lincoln grew a beard, rendering the lithograph copies Bradley was selling passé, he found a new use of his machine: producing The Checkered Game of Life, and kick-starting a successful businesses. Over the years, Bradley focused his passion on children’s education, while always trying out new games to share fun with the world. He was the soul of the company and believed in what he created, even if it didn’t make money to start with. Today Milton Bradley is rebranding to bring back the joy and innovation that founded the company. Focusing on connecting people together for a life of learning through play, Milton Bradley is proud to present a new face for the company and plenty of new opportunities.


company history overview

logo evolution timeline

1800 S







6 the visual standards guide | milton bradley

company history overview

discover. create. fun.


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

new updated logo

Milton Bradley’s new updated logo was implemented in 2020 and represents a more modern and playful image to better represent the brand. A thought bubble rests above the name “Milton Bradley” showing the potential for expression, creativity and imagination within us all. The letter forms are created specifically for this logo and are used exclusively for Milton Bradley.


new updated logo


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

logo anatomy

When using the logo, it is important to maintain a standard spacing for consistency across the brand. To help maintain this consistency, the logo anatomy shows spacing and layout of the full logo based on the second “o” leading up to the thought bubble as x for reference.


logo anatomy





8x 10x

1/8x 4 3/4x

1/4x 1/4x





8x 11

logo variations



12 the visual standards guide | milton bradley

logo variations


The primary logo, or signature, includes both the thought bubble as well as the name Milton Bradley. The logo can also be split up into different components for more flexible applications. The thought bubble can be used on it’s own as a graphic element (explained in more detail later in this book), or with the signature initials inside as an alternate logo. In all variations of the logo, it must be used with the appropriate colors.


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

alternate logo anatomy

Just as the signature logo must maintain consistency of spacing, so too should the alternate logo remain standardized. Here, the anatomy is explained for the alternate logo as well. The spacing here is based off the larger circle below the cloud as “x” to base all other measurements off. This allows the logo at any size to remain consistent in appearance, and can be referenced to the main logo as well.


company history overview



1 1/2x

6 1/4x

x 1/8x


x 6 3/4x 15

the visual standards guide | milton bradley

color variations

The logo, whether signature, wordmark, or alternate can be used as full color, or as a single color of any one of the standard logo colors. It cannot contain just 2 of the colors however, or mix up the color order in the logo. In certain cases, a color logo may not be appropriate, so the logo also may be used in black or white. In all cases, the best color shall be chosen for high contrast with the background, as well as aesthetic and emotional appeal.


company history overview




the visual standards guide | milton bradley

logo size chart

See the following chart for guidance on when to use each type of logo variation. If the application of the logo is small (under a half inch), it should be used as the alternate logo only. Under a quarter of an inch, the logo is too small to be seen and should not be included in any form at that size. For larger logos (over 2 inches) it should be used only as the full signature logo.


logo size application chart


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

clear space

It is imperative that the logo does not get crowded in a design as it will take away from the ability to recognize the logo and establish a strong brand. When placing the logo, either signature or alternate, ensure that there is proper clear space around the logo so that other text and images, or the edge of the page are not too close to crowd the logo.


clear space standards










the visual standards guide | milton bradley

logo don’ts

Maintaining logo standards by using the correct colors is vital to the consistency and maintenance of Milton Bradley’s image. Only use the logo in approved color schemes and applications.


inappropriate logo application

solid cloud shape

mixed up colors

2 colors only

non-logo colors

different typeface

combination of logos

stretch or distort

misalignment 23

the visual standards guide | milton bradley

color palette

In 1880, after about a decade of experimentation and consultation, founder Milton Bradley established a standard set of colors for school children including red, orange, yellow, green blue, and violet. That set of colors is still a standards in classrooms today. For this rebrand, we wanted to refresh that standard of school colors. While other colors may be used in designs as well, the primary color palette, including the logo colors are as follows:


color standards


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

our typefaces Serifa: This quality slab serif font was designed by Adam Frutiger in 1966, and has stood the test of time. It’s a more modern slab serif than traditional wood-cut letters, fitting the future of Milton Bradley well, while the serifs give stability and respect to the brand. Serifa was used as the initial base of the logo type, although it was modified and redrawn for the final version. While there are many weights of Serifa available, the main typefaces used by Milton Bradley are as follows:


typographic standards

Poppins: Poppins is a much more recent font family, released by ITF (Indian Type Foundry) in 2014 from designer Johnny Pinhorn. This geometric sans serif is particularly readable as a web font, allowing Milton Bradley to stay consistent both in print and digitally with improved legibility. It is a minimal typeface that pairs well with the character and stability of Serifa. While there are many weights of Poppins available, the main typefaces used by Milton Bradley are as follows:


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

graphic element

As part of the logo, the thought bubble can also be used as a graphic element. This graphic element is referred to as The Idea. The Idea can be used in any of the logo colors, yellow, or white. As with the logo, there are specific uses of The Idea graphic to keep brand consistency. The best use of the graphic is on an image to provide emphasis and give the feeling of innovation and imagination. It can be used as an abstract shape, or as a literal representation of someone thinking. The Idea should always be open inside to show the possibilities for innovation and imagination. It should never be used as a frame for an image or text inside.


the idea: overview


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

how to use the graphic


join us!

join us! float The Idea above important text 30

DO NOT place text within The Idea

the idea: how to use


place The Idea on an image, (it is okay to bleed off the edge)

can be used as an abstract shape or a literal representation of a person thinking

DO NOT use The Idea as a frame for an image

DO NOT place a second image inside The Idea 31

32 the visual standards guide | milton bradley

company history overview


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

program names

For program names such as MB Labs, MB Teachers Training, etc, the secondary logo can be used in place of the “MB” in the title, however it must follow these guidelines. The secondary logo will be placed above the rest of the program name written in Serifa, using a capital letter for the beginning of each word. While lowercase letters are encouraged elsewhere for the brand, these program names should follow standard proper noun rules.


program names standard


x 1/2x

name written in Serifa


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

business system

A standardized business system has been set up using the logo and brand standards mentioned previously. Only approved colors and typefaces will be used to maintain the brand visual system. While other print material may be needed, this business system is to give the general idea of business print materials as well as proper use of the brand elements in context.


4000 Embarcadero Rd, San Francisco Ca, 94105

4000 Embarcadero Rd, San Francisco Ca, 94105

OFFICE : 813.958.1256

offic e : 813.958.1256 fax : 813. 295.8285

FAX : 813. 295.828 5

Dreema Singh

569 J St. Sacramento, Ca 9819

Dear Ms. Singh,

October 15, 2020

Due to extensive customer feedback, and the results of current testing, I wanted to inform you that MB Labs Sacramento will be delayed from its original launch date of November 15th, until Q1 2021.

We are confident that time for additional testing will serve to make MB Labs Sacramento more effective. For those customers that you believe will now consider a competitive service, the marketing department is developing a promotional offering, which sales reps can share with their customers to help reduce those who will now go to our competitors. More information about this will be forthcoming from Marketing. Management is also aware that this might impact those sales reps carrying quota for MB Labs and this news may impact them adversely. We are prepared to relieve quota on those sale reps who can demonstrate those customers they have received commitments from their managers. AS disappointing as this news may be, we are confident in our employees, and know the additional time will serve this company well by creating a more successful service. Sincerely,

Juan Martinez


Juan Martinez program educator

813.958.1256 4000 Embarcadero Rd, San Francisco Ca

4000 Embarcadero Rd, San Francisco Ca, 94105


the visual standards guide | milton bradley

PHOTOGR A PH Y : Alex Alvarez p. 6 Grita Krishnamurti p. 1 Himanshu Singh Gurjar p.38 Vidar Nordli Mathisen p. 32


company history overview


40 the visual standards guide | milton bradley

company history overview


milton bradley a bright future

2 future brand opportunities | milton bradley

company history overview

milton bradley a bright future


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

contents 01

overview rebranding objective mission statement keywords

table of contents



chart and organization

in-depth descriptions

opportunities descriptions

the story and visualizations

6 future brand opportunities | milton bradley

who we are

We started this rebranding as a way to reinvigorate the Milton Bradley brand and reconnect with our audience and customers. Now with research into our past and brand personality, a new logo and visual system to represent who we truly are, Milton Bradley is ready to expand. Here we explore new options for potential markets, educational opportunities and services we can provide to support our audience and provide fun learning to the community.


2 future brand opportunities | milton bradley

mission and keywords

discover. create. fun.

Our mission is to encourage life-long collaborative learning through creativity and play.

learning through play

4 future brand opportunities | milton bradley

opportunities organization


PRO.1 MB Contact Circuits Kit PRO.2 MB Physics Tricks


SER.1 MB Interactive Tutoring SER.2 MB EduCrate Subscription SER.3 MB Pen Pals App


ENV.1 MB PlayVille Amusement Park ENV.2 MB Labs ENV.3 MB Outdoor School


EXP.1 MB Adopt-A-Grandparent EXP.2 MB Office Connections EXP.3 MB Art Therapy

educational opportunities

EDU.1 MB Teacher Training EDU.2 MB Parenting Classes EDU.3 MB Graffiti Tour & Class


EVT.1 MB Creative Connections Fair EVT.2 MB Educators Conference

co-branding opportunities CBO.1 MB Wii Learn CBO.2 MB Cereal Box


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

PRO.1 | product

PRO.2 | product

MB Contact Circuits Kit

MB Physics Tricks

Hold hands to connect the circuit in this

Explore the world of physics with this

interactive electricity experimentation kit.

set of tricks sure to wow your friends.

This interactive science experiment kit explores electricity and the human body. Not to be completed solo, young scientists must hold hands, or touch elbows to pass the gentle current through their bodies to complete various tasks such as turning on a light bulb, or running a fan.

This deck of cards teaches tricks which appear like magic tricks, or illusions at first, but are actually rooted in science. Each deck comes with supplies, explanations of the science behind it, and numerous ways to experiment and advance the trick.

The MB Contact Circuits Kit reinforces our mission of collaborative learning by encouraging and requiring students to work together in order to accomplish the activities and see the rewards.

MB Physics Tricks reinforces our mission of learning through play by teaching kids real life physics experience while they enjoy playing tricks on their friends.

Comparable to: Snap Circuits // Homeschool Science Tools // Smart Lab

Comparable to: Spruce Crafts // Toppr // 101 Physics Tricks

Differing from Snap Circuits and Smart Lab which also carry children’s electricity experiments and activity kits, MB Contact Circuits Kit establishes teamwork while learning science to practice early on cooperative experimenting.

MB Physics Tricks are different from other science magic kits on the market because they provide new opportunities to experiment within the tricks. Not a just one way to complete each trick, the set shows ideas and teaches the beginning of each trick, then allows the child to explore and take ownership of their own magic tricks.

Ages: 8-13

Ages: 8-16


brand opportunities

SER.2 | service

MB Interactive Tutoring

MB EduCrate Subscription

Experience innovative new teaching

A subscription based supply of educa-

education to help students stay ahead.

and learning for kids of all ages.


SER.1 | service

techniques with one-on-one focused

Our tutors are trained educators familiar with alternative methods. We are here to help your struggling student learn in a different way. When school just isn’t working, let us step in for the afternoons to help with new ways to teach through fun. Your students won’t even know they are learning, but their grades are guaranteed to improve. MB Interactive Tutoring reinforces our mission of collaborating for improved education by pairing students with trained educators to work together to find the best learning methods personalized for each individual. Comparable to: Kahn Academy // Sylvan Learning // Tutor Doctor Our MB Interactive Tutoring is unique from other tutoring services like Kahn Academy and Tutor Doctor because we focus on kinesthetic learning and alternative education models. Ages: 6-18

tional games and tools to optimize fun

This monthly crate subscription is filled with educational games and activities to foster critical thinking and experimentation. EduCrates can be themed with art, science, engineering, nature, or coding and specialized by age range. Each crate contains all the necessary supplies and instructions that is sure to keep your family laughing and learning. An MB EduCrate Subscription reinforces our mission of making learning fun by providing new activities for kids based on their interests to encourage continued experimentation and learning. Comparable to: Little Passports // Crate Joy // Kiwi Crate // Spangler Science Club // MakeCrate Users can choose a different theme each month to try something new, or stick to their favorite subject matter. Ages: 3-16




future brand opportunities | milton bradley

SER.3 | service

ENV.1 | environment

MB Penpals App

MB PlayVille Amusement Park

Connecting people across the globe.

Family vacations should be fun, but they

Like a dating service, for friendship, Milton Bradley pairs participants based on questionnaires, and provides a platform for safe and easy communication. Whether talking to a new friend across the country, or across the globe, the platform provides chat and video features, translation abilities, and online games. The app also includes its own open-source resource guide for country and cultural information to improve communication and cross-culture appreciation. MB Penpals App reinforces our mission of connecting people through collaborative learning by safely introducing peers across borders, and languages, as wel as promoting cultural education. Comparable to: Slowly // Bottled // Soul // Yubo // Doongle Pen Pals is unique from other similar apps in that it focuses on educating about the countries, for a more appropriate and respectful connection between people. Ages: 12-99

can also be educational!

This amusement park is all about family’s coming together to have fun and explore, all the while learning. Not just pure entertainment, MB PlayVille focuses on hands-on STEAM experiments and opportunities for both kids and grown-ups alike to learn through play. MB PlayVille Amusement Park reinforces our mission of learning through play by offering numerous rides and experiences that feel like play for all ages, but also provide an educational opportunity. Comparable to: Lego Land // Exploritorium // Sea World Unlike Lego Land and the Exploritorium in San Francisco which both focus on a younger audience, PlayVille will provide playful learning opportunities for kids and adults alike. By learning together with your family, you are more likely to retain the knowledge, and continue interacting together to learn in new and fun ways. Ages: 2-99


brand opportunities

ENV.3 | environment

MB Labs

MB Outdoor School

These community centers will offer

Some of the best learning can happen

and provide tools and space for

the classroom outside?


ENV.2 | environment

classes, connect community members experimenting.

As a community of life-long learners, MB Labs serves as a central point providing space for workshops, a place to meet like-minded new friends, and an opportunity to explore new tools and share ideas with peers. MB Labs reinforces our mission of collaborating and learning through play by providing a space where kids and adults can come together with others in their community to play and experiment, all while learning as they go. Comparable to: Maker Studio // Fab Lab // Creative Compass The idea of collaborative spaces to foster innovation and provide tools individuals may not otherwise have access to is not new. Where MB Labs stands apart from companies like Fab Lab and Maker Studio, is their focus on children’s learning and tools in collaboration with adults and parents.

outside the classroom, so why not bring

School kids will come together to explore outside and utilize the real world to capitalize on teachable moments and support classroom learning. With a field trip to the MB Outdoor School, classes will practice their same lessons from class-time but in a new setting and with different technique to improve learning for all students. MB Outdoor School reinforces our mission of learning through play by providing fun and engaging new ways to look at standard classroom lessons and inspire kids through fun. Comparable to: San Mateo Outdoor Education // Foothill Horizons // French Creek Outdoor School While many outdoor schools focus on nature appreciation and environmental education, Milton Bradley will focus on utilizing the world around us to support more standard education lessons such as math, writing, and history. Ages: 10-12

Ages: 4-99 COOPER AT E



future brand opportunities | milton bradley

EXP.1 | experience

EXP.2 | experience

MB Adopt-aGrandparent

MB Office Connections

Bringing generations together for

Give coworkers have a chance to build

mentorship, companionship, and community.

relationships outside of work and play together.

Funded by Milton Bradly, elementary students will be paired with nearby retirement homes to visit and connect the generations. There, students will practice reading to their adopted grandparents, or make a painting with them. The interaction will not only form needed social interactions for all participants, but will encourage trying new things and supporting the community.

Teamworking classes will be taught to co-workers to help them get to know one another and form a closer bond for improved productivity and creativity in the workplace. Beyond just trust falls and sharing sticks, participants will play sports together, and compete in trivia competitions all the while building meaningful relationships and learning about each other.

The MB Adopt-a-Grapdparent program reinforces our mission of collaboration for a life-long pursuit of learning by bringing generations together to share knowledge and have fun together.

MB Office Connections reinforce our mission of bringing people together through play by fostering positive relationships and collaboration in a fun and cooperative environment.

Comparable to: Big Brother Big Sisters // National Mentoring Partnership

Comparable to: Team Bonding // Venture Team Building // Wildly Different

This program is not only about providing mentorship and support for young students, but also providing companionship and stimulation for senior citizens of our community.

MB Office Connections brings a less structured approach than competitors. Instead we offer a Montessori style environment where individuals can choose their activities. When they are more relaxed and having fun, those personal relationships will improve on their own.

Ages: 6-110

Ages: adult 10

MB Art Therapy

MB Teacher Training

Through creative outlets we can learn to

Teachers will find resources and support

with whatever the world throws our way.



EDU.1 | educational opportunity

brand opportunities

EXP.3 | experience

control our emotions and begin to deal

With MB Art Therapy, Milton Bradley will provide art therapy for low-income schools to help students manage emotions and make the best of their school experience. It is important that kids learn early-on coping mechanisms to deal with PTSD, anxiety, ADHD, and more, helping them from falling behind their peers.

at these engaging and collaborative

With Milton Bradley Teacher’s Training, educators can sign up for a wide variety of rotating workshops. Whether practicing conflict resolution techniques, learning the newest trends in biology from experts in the field, or group problem solving sessions, there is a workshop for everyone.

MB Art Therapy reinforces our mission of learning through play and creativity by teaching kids how to use creative expression and outlets to thrive emotionally and academically.

MB Teacher Training Workshops reinforce our mission statement of collaboration through education by bringing teachers and experts together to create improved learning environments for students everywhere.

Comparable to: American Art Therapy Association // Very Well Mind

Comparable to: Learner’s Edge // Scholastic // Cal Academy

Milton Bradley is bringing art therapy to lowincome schools where they otherwise would not have the opportunity for therapy in schools. This service helps those that need it the most learn to succeed against the odds with all the resources necessary.

While Learner’s Edge currently provides online resource classes for teachers, MB Teacher Training has the added benefit of learning together. This collaboration helps improved learning and makes it more fun.

Ages: 5-18

Ages: adult




future brand opportunities | milton bradley

EDU.2 | educational opportunity

EDU.3 | educational opportunity

MB Parenting Classes

MB Graffiti Tour & Class

Resources for new and experienced

Take a tour of your city’s murals to learn

children into the best adults they can.

end with a group beautification project

parents to help them shape their

Classes are hosted for a variety of parental needs including baby care, early elementary schoolwork, adolescent mental health, and more. We strive to foster an ongoing community of parents no matter the age of their children. Our classes will provide parental support as well as education expertise. MB Parenting Classes reinforce our mission to provide collaborative and supportive education for all ages by hosting classes for parents to help them learn to be effective parents. Comparable to: First 5 // Family Paths // Life Matters What makes Milton Bradley’s Parenting Classes unique is the long-term end goal for our parents. We don’t just provide classes for parents with babies, but help parents at all stages support their children’s growth and help them become better citizens of tomorrow.


about the your community. Tours will of their own community mural.

Cities across the county are utilizing local artists to beautify the city with socially conscious and artistic building murals to tell a story of the community. MB Graffiti Tour will start with a walking tour of the local community to admire and discuss the murals present, then end with an art lesson and participation in a community art mural as part of the city’s beautification. MB Graffiti Tour & Class reinforces our mission of learning together through creativity by bringing neighbors together for a community art project and learning about their own community in the process. Comparable to: Wild SF Tours // Bombing Science // LA Art Tours // Graffiti Mundo

Workshops will be held at MB Labs facilities

By combining appreciation of current artists work throughout the city and contributing their own, participants gain a unique and valuable connection with their neighborhood.

Ages: adult

Ages: 13-99

brand opportunities

EVT.2 | event

MB Creative Connections Fair

MB Educators Conference

Come together with your community

An annual meeting-of-the-minds

the exciting world of art and science.

come together for a week of learning,


EVT.1 | event

to celebrate innovation, and experience

An annual fair hosted in city centers across the country allows families to gather for a weekend of learning, sharing, and creating. Artists, Scientists and more gather to give workshops, and learn from one another. The MB Creative Connections Fair reinforces our mission of collaborative learning through play by bringing together a community of experts and enthusiasts for a fun filled event to share and learn new innovations in science and art fields. Comparable to: Makers Faire // USA Science & Engineering Festival // STEM Expo // Kinetic Sculpture Race Unique from other similar community fairs, the Milton Bradley Creative Connections Fair focuses equally on science and art and the connections between both. Ages: 2-99

where educators of all sorts can sharing, and enrichment.

Educators of all kinds are welcome to attend the annual conference and help shape our education system for the future. The conference will include workshops, sharing sessions, as well as keynote speakers. The MB Educators Conference reinforces our mission statement of collaboration through education by bringing teachers and experts together to create improved learning environments for students everywhere. Comparable to: California Teacher’s Association // Magna Publications // NSTA Milton Bradley’s conference stands apart from the competition because we strive to bring together educators of all kinds to create a united and innovative future of education for children everywhere. Ages: adult




future brand opportunities | milton bradley

CBO.1 | co-branding opportunity

CBO.2 | co-branding opportunity

MB Wii Learn

MB Cheerios Box Activities

Utilizing kinetic learning, video games

Compete with friends across the globe


to you on the back of your morning

have never been this interactive and

Together with Nintendo, we will get kids up and moving while they learn. These new series of games are played on the Nintendo game console, featuring Math Golf, Vocabulary Bonaza, and Geography Bowling. MB Wii Learn reinforces our mission of fostering learning through play by providing active games that teach while requiring physical movement for a fun and unique learning environment. Comparable to: Math Blaster // Big Brain Academy // Xbox Fitness While there are plenty of computer video games with educational messages and puzzles to solve, including movement and interacting with other players makes Milton Bradley and Nintendo’s Wii Learn games unique in the industry. Ages: 8-99


in artistic and engineering feats brought Cheerios box.

Instructions for an activity, art project, or science experiment will be posted on the back of the box with necessary tools created from the box. Families will post their completed projects on social media to compete in that week’s game with others all over the world. MB Cereal Box Activities partnership reinforces our mission to provide collaborative learning and promote experimentation by bringing people together across the globe through unique creative activities that will spark innovation. Comparable to: Nintendo Labo // Kellogg’s Family Rewards While Cheerios, as well as other cereal companies such as Kellog’s, often provide entertainment incorporated into their boxes, Milton Bradley will bring real learning opportunities to this venue. Ages: 4-99




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SER.1 | service

Interactive Tutoring Experience innovative new teaching techniques with one-on-one focused education to help students stay ahead.

Our tutors are trained educators in alternative education. We are here to help your struggling student learn in a different way. When school just isn’t working, let us step in for the afternoons to help with new ways to teach through fun. Your students won’t even know they are learning, but their grades are guaranteed to improve. 16

company history overview

A student makes ceramics while practicing grammar.


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Students study engineering with wooden blocks at their home.

Our MB Interactive Tutoring is unique from other tutoring services like Kahn Academy and Tutor Doctor because we focus on kinesthetic learning and alternative education models. 18

company history overview


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A student celebrates her recent success after showing her passed math test to her tutor. 20

MB Interactive Tutoring Overview

active learning that works for YOU. MB Interactive Tutoring reinforces our mission of collaborating for improved education by pairing students with trained educators to work together to find the best learning methods personalized for each individual.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

EDU.1 | educational opportunity

Teacher Training Teachers will find resources and support at these engaging and collaborative workshops.

With Milton Bradley Teacher’s Training, educators can sign up for a wide variety of rotating workshops. Whether practicing conflict resolution techniques, learning the newest trends in biology from experts in the field, or participating in group problem solving sessions, there is a workshop for everyone.


company history overview

Teachers share notes during a workshop.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

A lecturer facilitates a group sharing session during a workshop at MB Labs. 24

MB Teacher Training Overview

learn from experts... MB Teacher Training Workshops reinforce our mission statement of collaboration through education by bringing teachers and experts together to create improved learning environments for students everywhere.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

While competitors currently provide online resource classes for teachers, MB Teacher Training has the added benefit of learning together. This collaboration helps improved learning and makes it more fun.

During a break-out session, participants share stories from their classrooms.


company history overview

...learn from each other. 27

future brand opportunities | milton bradley

ENV.1 | environment

PlayVille Amusement Park Family vacations should be fun, but they can also be educational!

This amusement park is all about family’s coming together to have fun and explore, all the while learning. Not just pure entertainment, MB PlayVille focuses on hands-on STEAM experiments and opportunities for both kids and grown-ups alike to learn through play.


company history overview

Visitors play with family members in Physics Town.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

Unlike Lego Land and the Exploratorium in San Francisco which both focus on a younger audience, MB PlayVille will provide playful learning opportunities for kids and adults alike. By learning together with your family, you are more likely to retain the knowledge, and continue interacting together to learn in new and fun ways.

Park goers observe as artists create new chalk art down Main Street. 30

company history overview


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Visitors of all ages get hands-on experience with science.


MB PlayVille Amusement Park

hands-on learning for the whole family. Not only is hands-on learning important for early childhood development, but it’s MORE FUN for all of us! At MB PlayVille Amusement Park, there is no shortage of activities and opportunities to get messy, have fun, and learn while you play together. MB PlayVille Amusement Park reinforces our mission of learning through play by offering numerous rides and experiences that feel like play for all ages, but also provide an educational opportunity.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

EXP.1 | experience

Adopt-aGrandparent Bringing generations together for mentorship, companionship, and community.

Funded by Milton Bradley, elementary students will be paired with nearby retirement homes to visit and connect the generations. There, students will practice reading to their adopted grandparents, or make a painting with them. The interaction will not only form needed social interactions for all participants, but will encourage trying new things and supporting the community. 34

company history overview

Learning from each other in unexpected ways.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

Delivering joy to senior community members.


MB Adopt-A-Grandparent

we care for our community. MB Adopt-a-Grandparent is unique from other mentoring programs because it fosters a two-way street of benefits for both members in the partnership. This program is not only about providing mentorship and support for young students, but also providing companionship and stimulation for senior citizens of our community.


38 future brand opportunities | milton bradley

company history overview

The MB Adopt-a-Grapdparent program reinforces our mission of collaboration for a life-long pursuit of learning by bringing generations together to share knowledge and have fun together. Whether reading a story together, doing an arts and craft project, or playing a game together, participants are sure to form a bond, and learn together.

Participants form bonds of friendship while learning and playing together.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

CBO.1 | co-branding opportunity

Wii Learn Utilizing kinetic learning, video games have never been this interactive and educational.

Together with Nintendo, we will get kids up and moving while they learn. These new series of games are played on the Nintendo game console, featuring Math Golf, Vocabulary Bonaza, and Geography Bowling.


company history overview

Friends stay active and enjoy playing in their free time together.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

A class plays an educational game for PE on a rainy day. 42

MB Wii Learn Overview

MB Wii Learn reinforces our mission of fostering learning through play by providing active games that teach while requiring physical movement for a fun and unique learning environment. While there are plenty of computer video games with educational messages and puzzles to solve, including movement and interacting with other players makes Milton Bradley and Nintendo’s Wii Learn games unique in the industry.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

move. play. learn.

Two friends race home after school to play their favorite game together.


company history overview


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

ENV.2 | environment

Labs These community centers will offer classes,

connect community members and provide tools and space for experimenting.

As a community of life-long learners, MB Labs serves as a central point providing space for workshops, a place to meet like-minded new friends, and an opportunity to explore new tools and share ideas with peers.


company history overview Families congregate in the yard to talk and play.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley 48

MB Labs reinforces our mission of collaborating and learning through play by providing a space where kids and adults can come together with others in their community to play and experiment, all while learning as they go.

company history overview

Students explore acids and bases during a science class. 49

future brand opportunities | milton bradley

a space to play and learn together. The idea of collaborative spaces to foster innovation and provide tools individuals may not otherwise have access to is not new. Where MB Labs stands apart from companies like Fab Lab and Maker Studio, is their focus on children’s learning and tools in collaboration with adults and parents.


company history overview

New friends rest on the mat while playing. 51

future brand opportunities | milton bradley

EXP.3 | experience

Art Therapy Through creative outlets we can learn to control

our emotions and begin to deal with whatever the world throws our way.

With this school program, Milton Bradley provides art therapy for low-income schools to help students manage emotions and make the best of their school experience. It is important that kids learn early-on coping mechanisms to deal with PTSD, anxiety, ADHD, anger management and more, helping them from falling behind their peers. 52

company history overview

A student sketches on the floor during refection and journal time. 53

future brand opportunities | milton bradley

MB Art Therapy reinforces our mission of learning through play and creativity by teaching kids how to use creative expression and outlets to thrive emotionally and academically.

A high school student takes a break from class to paint and help her refocus. 54

company history overview


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Students practice art in a variety of mediums to release stress and express themselves.


MB Art Therapy Program

create. grow. thrive. Milton Bradley is bringing art therapy to low-income schools where they otherwise would not have the opportunity for therapy in schools. This service helps those that need it the most learn to succeed against the odds with all the resources necessary.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

ENV.3 | environment

Outdoor School Some of the best learning can happen outside the classroom, so why not bring the classroom outside?

School kids will come together to explore outside and utilize the real world to capitalize on teachable moments and support classroom learning. With a field trip to the MB Outdoor School, classes will practice their same lessons from class-time but in a new setting and with different technique to improve learning for all students.


company history overview

Students read about some unusual animals that live nearby.


learn more from the world around you.

60 future brand opportunities | milton bradley

company history overview

Students prepare for a night hike. 61

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Teens work in pairs to practice using drones to collect data. 62

company history overview

MB Outdoor School reinforces our mission of learning through play by providing fun and engaging new ways to look at standard classroom lessons and inspire kids through fun. While many outdoor schools focus on nature appreciation and environmental education, Milton Bradley will focus on utilizing the world around us to support more standard education lessons such as math, writing, and history.


future brand opportunities | milton bradley

SER.2 | service

Penpals App Connecting people across the globe. Like a dating service, for friendship, Milton Bradley pairs participants based on questionnaires, and provides a platform for safe and easy communication. Whether talking to a new friend across the country, or across the globe, the platform provides chat and video features, translation abilities, and online games. The app also includes its own open-source resource guide for country and cultural information to improve communication and cross-culture appreciation.


company history overview

A woman video-calls with her new penpal. 65

future brand opportunities | milton bradley

Friends learn new facts about a penpal’s country through the app. 66

MB Penpals Application

learn. share. explore. MB Penpals App reinforces our mission of connecting people through collaborative learning by safely introducing peers across borders, and languages, as well as promoting cultural education.


68 future brand opportunities | milton bradley

company history overview

MB Penpals is unique from other similar apps in that it focuses on educating about the countries, for a more appropriate and respectful connection between people.

Penpals talk over a video call to practice their language skills.


70 future brand opportunities | milton bradley

website and more information

for more information visit:


72 future brand opportunities | milton bradley

company history overview

PHOTOGR A PH Y : Adria Crehuet p.72 Andre Ouellet p.36 Anna Earl p.42 Dragon Pan p.2 Alex Green p.56 Cotton Bro p.48 Fauxels p.26 Gustavo Fring p.16 Ibadah Mimpi p.58 Jack Sparr p.64 Ketut Subiyanto p. 66 & 18 Mentatdgt p.24 Min An p.60 Rodnae Productions p.38 Sarah Dietz p.52 Wendy Wei p.62 Saad Chaundhry p.15 Sergiu Valena p.35 Zachary Nelson p.41


74 future brand opportunities | milton bradley

company history overview


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