MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 | VOLUME 69, NO. 20
2011 APTA Annual Meeting & EXPO New Orleans, LA
EAO, Human Machine Interface Systems Used by Many Train Builders Special to Passenger Transport
any of the world’s most prestigious train builders— including Alstom, Siemens, Bombardier, Stadler, and Hitachi—look to EAO Corporation for innovative and intuitive Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems and components for cockpits, passenger access, and passenger convenience. EAO has experience in developing HMI systems in rail applications that meet industry best practices for component placement, size of surface area, legend size and color, emergency stop switch configuration, protection guards and shields, and other rail cockpit and passenger ergonomic factors. The goal for designing cockpit operator and passenger access controls is to provide optimal usability, efficiency, and safety. These designs use multiple shapes, textures, and haptic response (communication through touch) to differentiate specific control functions and provide a tactile indicator without the need to look at the controls. Good HMI system design for rail includes: n Defining HMI functionality depending on the operator; n Designing with human factors and ergonomics in mind; n Selecting the appropriate control technologies, from pushbutton to touchscreen; n Selecting the appropriate commu-
nications technology intuitive, attractive, and from hard-wired to easy-to-use for both ablebus implementation; and less-than-able-bodied and passengers. n Identifying and The Series 04 also offers meeting relevant push-in termination contacts standards. (PIT). This switch features EAO has received Intera Phoenix Contact spring national Railway Industry terminal connection, which Standard (IRIS) certificareduces assembly time by as tion, which ensures that much as 70 percent when its products for the railway compared to traditional industry meet globally screw terminals. recognized levels of qualComplementing the ity. IRIS offers an efficient Series 04, and frequently and transparent system for used in railway passenger auditing railway suppliers, access applications, EAO replacing the individual designed the Series 56 An example of EAO Corporation’s Human Machine Interface designs for public management system evalu- transportation vehicle cockpits. pushbuttons within the ations of Alstom Transport, guidelines of Americans with AnsaldoBreda, Bombardier TransportaThe company’s popular Series 04 Disabilities Act and TSI-PRM (European tion, and Siemens Mobility. EAO earned selector switches meet UIC 612 and are Technical Specifications of InteroperabilIRIS Rev.02 certification following a used in operator cab, passenger access, ity for Persons with Reduced Mobility) rigorous inspection of its global manuand passenger convenience applicastandards. The Series 56 includes raised facturing facilities. tions. The Series 04 includes square and and illuminated open/close symbols The firm produces a comprehensive round pushbuttons, indicators, selector, for door opening applications. It is range of specialized controls for rail and keylock switches in an appealing, also available with a Multi-Tone Sound cockpits and driver desks. EAO provides modern, flush mount style. Module that can be used to increase high-reliability HMI systems and comThe Series 04 hybrid is a rugged, passenger awareness when used with ponents for use in both new builds and large-lever selector switch that features a other ADA and TSI-PRM components for rail vehicle refurbishment projects that tough, anodized aluminum handle with audible and visual identification. follow UIC 612 guidelines. This standard a comfortable grip. Behind the lever is a In addition to EAO’s advanced switches addresses the layout and functional stainless steel locking mechanism that for railway applications, enhanced engravrequirements of each control device. can withstand harsh operation, impact, ing capabilities allow for complete customEAO supplies special lever switches and possible vandalism. Bombardier ization. EAO can draw from its extensive for operating specific controls, typically has used this device as a door locking library of ISO legends and symbols or can braking and lighting, as recommended mechanism on passenger restrooms draw, import, or scan customer specific by UIC 612. to improve comfort and privacy. It is legends for use.
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