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Reflection on ETC2018: The “Perfect Storm
SENIA BOARD: Karli Koning, Tanya Farrol, Freddie Wagner, Lori Boll, Uwe Maurer, Brenda Deen, Kathryn Balsamo, Priscilla Leighton, EARCOS Executive Director, Dr. Dick Krajczar a community of educational gurus that left me buzzing with inspira-
Reflection on ETC 2018: The “Perfect Storm” Written by Freddie Wagner, in collaboration with the SENIA Board
While both EARCOS and SENIA host annual conferences, the “perfect storm” only happens once every three years, when SENIA and overwhelmed by the support and encouragement of their col-
EARCOS join forces to bring best practice strategies and interventions for special needs learners to the forefront.
This year the EARCOS/SENIA conference was held at the Shangri-la Hotel located on the vibrant Chao Phraya River in Bangkok, Thailand. The weekend of learning kicked off with many pre-conference sessions, including the opportunity to learn from SENIA sponsored speakers such as Dr Stephen Shore, Dr. Bonnie Singer, Dr. Ann Helm us, Ochan Powell and Kristen Pelletier, and Dr. James Delisle. During the days that followed, in addition to the high quality invited speakers and teacher workshops, participants were inspired each morning during the keynote addresses by Norman Kunc and Emma Van der Klift, Pernille Ripp, and Dr. Chip Donohue. Although the SENIA/EARCOS “perfect storm” will not happen again
One of the most powerful pieces of the annual SENIA conference is the ability to network with like-minded educators working in the area of learning support. The power of the EARCOS/SENIA partnership is that it allows for educators to cross fences. Individuals working in the schoolhouse who might not normally have access to professional learning opportunities focused on differentiated instruction practices, now have multiple workshop options available. This increases every educator’s “toolbox” of strategies which helps your calendar! See you all at Hong Kong Academy on February 22-
to support differently abled learners.
To quote Vanessa Weber from Malaysia, “The conference was the perfect forum to not only share my personal pedagogy, but also to gion. My takeaways were so empowering, that I found I reshaped my practices the first day back to school. The conference represented tion”
Many SENIA/EARCOS conference attendees echoed her sentiments and were grateful for the connections made and often felt leagues. Hannah from China found the conference “very powerful” and Dan from Taiwan stated that “very necessary conversations” happened throughout the weekend.
An unspoken but important reminder to educators is that no matter what role you play in the school - You are needed and you make a difference! SENIA hopes to help lead that charge, by encouraging and empowering teachers that what they do matters and the students under their care require and benefit from their advocacy.
until 2021, there are many ways to continue SENIA’s mission (“to support and combine our strengths to help raise awareness and advocate for the individuals in our lives”) yearlong. We encourage you to join or start a local chapter in your host country, consider stepping up to be your school’s next SENIA Teacher Representative, and subscribe to our social media avenues to learn about ongoing professional development opportunities.
I f you are new to the region, put the 2019 SENIA conference on learn about the many inspiring practices happening all over the re-
24, 2019!