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Session 4

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Session 3


DENNIS SALE -- The ‘Thinking Curriculum’: A Practical Framework for Promoting Good Thinking (Part I)

This workshop demonstrates the key design steps in developing a practical whole curriculum approach for promoting critical and creative thinking in any curriculum area. The framework has been developed over many years of applied research in systematically infusing thinking throughout the curriculum development cycle (e.g., learning outcomes, instructional methods, assessment, etc).

ANTHONY SKILLICORN AND SUSAN EDWARDS -- Meeting the Rischard Challenge

How might an international school build a program that will empower students to address global issues in a meaningful way? How do educational institutions link the curriculum to the practicalities of addressing global problems? Using the United World College of South East Asia’s Global Concerns program as a springboard, we provide a model for schools to actively address ten of the ‘20 Global Problems’ as identified by Jean-Francois Rischard.

DENNIS SPARKS -- Dialogue with Dennis Sparks

This session provides an opportunity for participants to dialogue with Dennis Sparks regarding the ideas presented in his keynote.

JEFF UTECHT -- Beyond E-Mail – Communicating in the 21st Century (Part 1)

Many Schools rely on e-mail as their main line of communication with students, parents, the community and even among staff. The new World Wide Web, known as Web 2.0, is allowing schools to move beyond e-mail and communicate in a variety of ways. Through the use of podcasts, blogs, Google tools, and other new free web based programs, schools can communicate in more effective and relevant ways with their audience. Come learn what communicating in the 21st Century looks like. (Participants are encouraged to bring laptops)

PAUL WHITE -- Teaching with Tablets: The Development and Use of a One to One Tablet Laptop Program

This workshop will look at some of the pitfalls and tips for piloting a laptop program. It will consider the total cost of ownership and how such programs can be funded. How laptops can be used to enhance teaching and learning and the special benefits of tablets and digital ink. Notes for the workshop will be posted on my blog: http://educationwithtechnology.blogspot.com/

RONALD MILES WILDER -- Overcoming Obstacles to Effective Teacher Supervision: What Schools Can Do (Part 1)

Overcoming teacher antipathy and ambivalence toward the evaluation process is essential to fulfilling the legitimate purposes of teacher evaluation: accountability, and improvement of instruction. This presentation is based on findings from research on the evaluation structures of schools and qualifications of administrators in the EARCOS region in their evaluation of teachers.

DR. NAOMI WOOLSEY -- Add Another AERO to Your Quiver

The AERO Project, supported by the U.S. Office of Overseas Schools, has continued to grow by developing new standards in music, visual arts, and world languages, which augment the existing standards in science, social studies, mathematics, and English/language arts. AERO also has created courses in curriculum mapping, evidence to excellence (process for collaborative review of student work) and academic leaders to assist schools as they become standards-based. Come and learn more about these developments and how your school can benefit from AERO’s offerings.



Grand Ballroom






ART COSTA -- Learning to Listen with Skill and Empathy

Skillful listeners are aware of, employ, and monitor their own use of certain non-judgmental response behaviors. Their intent is to enhance the quality of communications, to model listening and empathizing, and to establish rapport.

ROSE HASTINGS -- Why Do Alumni Relations at International Schools?

This session will present the history of alumni relations at ASIJ, describing challenges and opportunities. It will include cooperative activity involving brainstorming in small groups, and then a wrap-up.

JOSH RECKORD / BILL KENTTA -- Recognizing and Dealing With Burnout in Ourselves and Others

Do you (or someone you know) feel irritated much of the time—tired, stressed, and stretched to the limit by the demands of your life? Do you feel like you’re burning, or in danger of burning out? More people than ever are stressed, exhausted, and unfulfilled, but carry on their lives in the same way, regardless. They do so at their own peril. Attend this session to learn how to protect against burnout.

Grand Ballroom




DAVID KOUTSOUKIS -- Creative Tools for Teaching Values (Part 2)

In this workshop you will discover a simple but powerful method for teaching values; learn how to teach values in a variety of contexts; learn how to teach values using multiple intelligence methodology; learn about resources that will save you hours of preparation time; and learn how to make values education fun!

JOHN LITTLEFORD -- The Current State of Instability: Research Patterns in the Chair/Head Partnership

The partnership of head and chair is crucial to the success of a school head and school. In 80% of the cases where a head leaves under duress or is stressed by board behavior, it is due in part to an uncomfortable partnership with the chair. In 20% of governance difficulties with boards, the board chair/head partnership is seen as too close, and the rest of the board rebels at what it considers to be a lack of critical oversight of the head by the chair. This session will outline the key reasons for this instability and the core solutions to ensuring and enhancing healthy chair/head partnerships.

JOHN RITTER -- Good Governance – Keeping Our Promises

Governance training is becoming a normal practice at international schools, due in part to recently added accreditation standards. How can we assure that this training “takes”? How can we increase the prospects that the goodwill, good intentions, and good understanding expressed at governance training at the beginning of the year are put into practice through the rest of the year? At this session we will consider methods—within training and beyond—to help boards and heads better implement and sustain what is learned in training . . . to help us keep our promises for good governance through the year.

CHRIS ROOSE -- The Building Blocks of School Security

This workshop is designed to assist in the implementation or enhancement of an already-existing school security program. Discussion will center on understanding security principles using a building block instruction method. Areas to be discussed: Threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, guard force, access control, building design, and prospective security additions.



Negeri Sembilan


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