8 minute read
Keynote Speaker: Graham Brown-Martin SESSION 1
BRAD AUGUSTINE / PHIL ROGERS SEL TPS - Function Room 6 Making International Schools More Human: How to Build a SEL Culture and Strategy - Research shows Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills are teachable and benefit all students. However, balancing rigorous academic curriculum with a supportive well-being program is challenging for international schools. This interactive workshop invites participants to share ideas while examining how some international schools strategize for SEL at the secondary level.
GRAHAM BROWN-MARTIN Making TPS - Ballroom 2 / 3 Learning by Making - Research shows that people learn better when they’re inspired and making something original for themselves or their community. This is learning by making and it is rooted in the learning theories of Vygotsky and Papert, social constructivism and constructionism respectively. During this highly interactive, hands-on workshop, Brown-Martin will explore with participants how, through the lens of making and project-based learning, we can de-silo traditional subject boundaries and nurture critical, creative and computational thinking skills to collaboratively solve real-world challenges.
STEPHEN CATHERS / KRIS STICE Innovative Curriculum TMS - Meeting Room 10 Evolution of an Ocean Science Program - International School Suva decided to create an Ocean Science program as a school-wide distinctive program. This presentation will show how the program evolved from concept to a school-wide focus for curriculum, service, and global engagement. We will share the power of distinctive programs in general as well as providing some evidence of how in-depth, hands-on learning experiences seem to affect crossdisciplinary learning, student interest, overall achievement, parent involvement, and third party partnerships.
MERCIA DE SOUzA Project-Based Learning TMS - Meeting Room 2 Preparing Generation z for the Future - A Case Study - 21st Century Project-Based Learning is an innovative approach to learning that teaches a multitude of strategies critical for Generation Z’s success in a world where we cannot be sure that the knowledge we impart today would still be relevant when students enter the workforce. A case study.
RYAN FOREMAN / JOSEPH FONSECA Child Exploitation TMS - Meeting Room 4 Combating the Overseas Sexual Exploitation of Children - Diplomatic Security works alongside the FBI as a dedicated team proactively involved in combating the overseas sexual exploitation of children. Based on their mutual experiences investigating the sexual abuse of children, the presenters will provide you with their insights, warning signs and steps to successfully protect your students from sexual abuse in your school.
MARK GERAETS Engagement TMS - Rose Garden It’s as Much about How Much You Care as it is About How Much You Know! - Student success is more than knowing the subject. The impact of a strong relationship, meaningful engagement, programs that place the student first have a huge impact. This workshop looks at our part in the nurturing of the individual, beyond the subject we teach. It provides a chance to reflect; ideas to engage, and examples of programs that work. T. Roosevelt said it so well: ‘Nobody cares about how much you know until they know how much you care’.
GREGORY HEDGER Managing Change TPS - Hibiscus Garden Managing Change in Our Schools - Change is one of the most difficult things we do as school leaders, yet one of the most important. We’ll look at managing change through activities, discussion, and examples. In particular, we’ll look at the work of John Kotter and his eight stages of change in relationship to our schools.
KELLY JO LARSON Strategic Planning TPS - Ballroom 1 Changing Your Culture With A “DIY” Strategic Planning Process - Some contend integrating business principles in a school is like mixing oil and water. After completing year-three of a Balanced Scorecard Strategic Planning approach, we understand it can be transformational. Since our process was done internally and over time, it could be replicated by any school, no matter the size.
VIMI LIMA SANTOS / VEENA D’SILVA Leadership TPS - Function Room 2 Shared Leadership: Leading Together, Learning Together - This session looks at how to harness diverse cultural backgrounds, experiences and qualifications to create a sustainable model of shared leadership. We provide a case study on how our primary leadership team works together to transform school leadership into an example for the whole community: leading together, learning together.
RAMI MADANI New Teacher Orientation TPS - Function Room 9 Innovative, Differentiated, and Sustainable Orientation Program for New Teachers - How do we ensure that the mission, vision, values and practices of our schools are sustained and advanced as faculty and staff turn over? How do we provide an orientation program that is differentiated, self-managed, and which encourages teachers to be self-directed learners? Access to differentiated online learning, flexible learning time, clearly defined expectations, and an approach that provides accountability are essential to ensure that new and returning faculty have the same set of knowledge and skills. This session presents how to develop a school’s knowledge base and use it to design individualized, manageable training, thereby better preparing teachers to operate in alignment with the school’s direction and practices.
ADAM OLENN Marketing TPS - Function Room 1 Web Slinging Without a Supervillain - Learn how one school took an entirely different and customer-centered approach to its website that sidestepped technical hurdles, kept budgets low, and delivered a revolutionary new user experience that transformed online inquiries.
10:00 - 12:30 10:00 - 18:00 11:15 - 11:30
BLAKE ROBERTS Co-Teaching TMS - Meeting Room 5 The Power of Co-Planning and Co-Teaching - Within this presentation, you will learn just how powerful co-planning and co-teaching can be. An explanation of both, co-planning and co-teaching, will be discussed as well as a plan to implement both within your school!
ERIN ROBINSON Diversity and Inclusion TMS - Orchid Room Beyond Tolerance: Courageous First Steps in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Is your school upholding its mission to develop global citizens--or is your school perpetuating a colonial model of international education? It takes courage to ask tough questions about the role of power and privilege in international schools. In this session, you will learn how to leverage opportunities that move schools toward greater cultural competence in policies, procedures, and practices. This interactive workshop is for leaders who want to galvanize their schools to move from talk to action.
DAVE SHEPHERD Advancement TPS - Function Room 4 A Road Map to Advancement - Establishing an Advancement function can be a daunting prospect. This workshop will guide you through the journey to establish a comprehensive institutional, sustainable and scaleable operation. The first part will ensure you have a thorough understanding of what Advancement is and is not for your school, how Advancement can distinguish your school from others and how to evaluate where you currently are on the journey. The second part will focus on establishing clearly defined goals, strategy, programme priorities, performance indicators and the opportunities for growth. It will stress the elements required to institutionalise Advancement work across the entire school.
ANN STRAUB Intercultural Leadership TPS - Function Room 8 Leading Schools Interculturally - “What is meant by intercultural leadership, and do all cultures define and value leadership in the same way?” “ What are the universal traits of successful leadership as defined by the Globe Study, and what specifically is required for a school focused on developing global citizens?” These are a few questions which will be addressed in this interactive workshop. Most EARCOS schools have defined themselves as being “international” with the goal of developing global citizens. Participants will reflect on what this really means and will begin to develop an understanding of the leadership traits and strategies required to operationalize the vision of developing global citizens. This will be accomplished through looking at research, analyzing an international school case study, applying the traits of intercultural leadership using cultural frameworks, and reflecting on our own strengths as intercultural leaders.
DANA WATTS Professional Development TMS - Meeting Room 1 Professional Development in Our International Schools. The Study of a PD Addict: A Case Study of the International Educator - In a world where our access to knowledge and sharing continues to grow exponentially by the minute, as international educators, we have an insatiable thirst for professional development. Dana will share the results of her recent dissertation study on the relationship between professional development and professional capital within the EARCOS international schools in Asia. Find out what PD international educators are currently doing and why they like to keep doing it. Additionally, Dana will share her recommendations on how to create a sustainable PD program at your school that integrates the human, social and decisional capital within the content of your school.
KENDALL zOLLER Presentations TPS - Function Room 10 The First Five Minutes - What should happen within the first five minutes of a presentation? Discover nine things you can do within the first five minutes to produce a positive learning environment, a sense of community, and a willingness of participants to go on the journey with you. You will create an opening and discover how simple yet eloquent a deliberate choreography can be. What you create can be applied to meetings people look forward to, don’t look forward to, or may even be captive audience members to. Whatever your perspective, you may never look at openings the same again and may never do openings the same again.
10:00-12:30 JOHN LITTLEFORD SCHOOL BOARD PRECONFERENCE (continued) (OPEN to all Delegates) Leadership Through Engagement: Search and Transition and Ensuring the Legacy of the Head
1. Healthy search protocols including appropriate engagement of the community in the search 2. Managing internal candidates 3. Forming and guiding the search committee 4. The Importance of a transition committee and a transition plan 5. What should an “entry plan” for a new head look like? 6. “Rules of the Road” for heads in their first, second and third years
10:00 - 18:00 International School Leadership Program University of San Francisco / Washington State University
11:15 - 11:30 TRAVEL TIME
TPS - Function Room 7
TMS - Meeting Room 7