7 minute read
Session 9
Title: How to Die, How to Remember, and How to Boom Target Audience: Teachers of Grades 6 - 12 Public Speaking is a physical act. When we read aloud in class, or deliver a poem, speech or skit in front of an audience we employ our voices, and our entire body in the delivery. Through the use of improvisational acting techniques, we will explore ways to become effective and dynamic public speakers (and we will employ our entire body, including our guts, lungs, fingers and teeth to help us along).
Title: Word Walls and Scaffolding: Tools that Help Students Build Bridges Target Audience: Upper Elementary through high school (science-focused, but great for all disciplines) A variety of high-concept/low-text instructional methods will equip participants to teach content effectively especially to English language learners. Vocabulary development and Word Walls enable students to grasp concepts while having language requirements sheltered and scaffolded. Practical scaffolding strategies and exemplars will be shared, including a variety of visual, non-linguistic representations.
Title: Supporting English Language Learners with Learning Differences: A Problem Solving Approach Target Audience: K-12 educators concerned with meeting the needs of English Language Learners with differences in learning. Educators struggle to effectively meet the needs of increasing numbers of English Language Learners with Learning Differences. In this interactive workshop, participants will gain an understanding of a Problem Solving Approach incorporating evidence-based practices in Second Language Acquisition, Special Education and General Education to support these diverse learners.
Title: Building Connections: Developing Academic Language in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms Target Audience: grades 3-12, teachers of all subjects Research has shown that increasing student interaction and engagement leads to greater achievement. This session focuses on engaging, student centered strategies that can be used with students of all proficiency levels in mainstream classes. We will discuss the importance of high expectations for second language learners, as well as how to scaffold instruction to ensure students acquire the academic language they need to successful. Many ideas to implement right away!
Title: “Critical Friends Groups: What Is This Malarkey?” Target Audience: Teachers/Counselors or Administrators, K-12 CFGs are grounded in the philosophy that in order to improve student learning, educators need sacred time to meet regularly and share expertise. CFGs are teacher/counselor groups where practitioners look at student and adult work and have generative conversations about teaching/learning dilemmas. Most teachers problem-solve in isolation, but CFG allows that thinking to be shared. CFGs are structured by protocols. Workshop addresses how CFGs might take collaborative efforts and protocol use to the next level.
Title: Incorporating political cartoons into the curriculum Target Audience: Middle and High School This workshop addresses using editorial cartoons to teach and assess students’ analytical skills. An emphasis is placed on editorial/political cartoons as an effective tool to develop and strengthen these critical thinking skills and to assist with differentiation of instruction. The workshop will provide participants with tested and practical methods and resources for incorporating cartoons into the curriculum.
Title: “Abracadabra” Writing Ideas That Work Like Magic Target Audience: Elementary Teachers, Ell Teachers, Enrichment Teachers Participants will learn writing tricks to create independent writers right before their eyes. Presto! Make your hesitant writers disappear and make writing fun and accessible to ALL students. The purpose of the workshop is to provide direct instructions, step-by-step guidelines, and student examples that make writing easier, faster, and more rewarding. Participants will appreciate the practical tools that are shared so that they can immediately return to their classes and start implementing the unique, multi-sensory approaches.
Title: The Power of the Arts Target Audience: K-12 This workshop will focus on the power of the arts in the lives of teachers and students. We will explore personal and educational philosophies as to how the arts are powerful through teaching and learning. The workshop will allow educators to explore various ways in which photography can be implemented across the curriculum. Through hands on activities and discussions, participates will gain creative ideas and insight as to how the arts empower their own lives as well as the lives of their students.
Ballroom 1
Myanmar 2
Malaysia 1
Ballroom 3
Ballroom 2
Title: Natural Helpers: How to Create a Support Network in Your School Target Audience: Counselors, Homeroom, Teachers, Advisors, and Coaches. Could include Elementary or Secondary This workshop acknowledges that students naturally discuss problems and concerns with people they trust. Training will assist with teachers being successful with communication skills, decision making/mediatoin skills, and awareness of limits. By the end of the workshop teachers will be better equipped to help those students who ask for assisstance. A model for extending this idea for setting up a Peer Helper Program at their school will also be explore.
Title: Classroom Guidance Activities on Bully Awareness Target Audience: K-12 Counselors, Teachers And Administrators The purpose of this workshop is to share with other counselors and educators classroom activities that target bully awareness. The workshop will be broken into three separate sessions. The first activity will demonstrate how some forms of communicating with students can be interpreted as bullying. The second session is a classroom activity that teaches students the effects of put downs and compliments. The last session provides attendees with bibliotherapy tools that can be used in the classroom.
Title: Book Clubs: A Class Program Utilizing Small Group Reading Strategies Target Audience: Upper Elementary/Middle School This workshop focuses on a “book club” program used in my 5th grade classroom. We begin with a brief description of the clubs within the context of the entire reading program. Discussions cover strategies for effectively creating, maintaining, and assessing book clubs. Lastly, small groups read a selection, complete role sheets, and participate in a book club meeting. A handout packet includes timetables, role sheets, and several other goodies.
Title: Effective Strategies and Assessments in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Classroom Target Audience: Grades 3-12 teaching Chinese as a Second Language teachers. The workshop will be conducted mostly in Chinese. How do we Chinese teachers generally find out what our students know and what they can do? Through the various effective strategies and performance-based assessment we can motivate student’s ad enable them to connect with real world situation. In this workshop we will demonstrate some hands-on strategies, performance-based assessment and rubrics samples assessments in the classroom.
Title: Math, Clubs, Math Competition, and The Greatest Unsolved Problem. Target Audience: HS and MS Mathematics teachers In 1990, David Hilbert presented the world with 23 mathematical challenges. At the close of the century, 22 had been solved. This workshop will take you on a mathematical journey through the 1900’s and you will discover some interesting mathematicals that you can use in your classroom. Bring your TI-84. In the process, the group will discuss Math Clubs and Math Competitions available to students.
Title: “Just Beam It: Handheld Across the Curriculum Target Audience: More of K-8 “Millenial students love using handheld devices. See how handheld computers can make the dream of one-to-one computing a reality and how they can enhance learning and teaching in the elementary and middle school classrooms.“
Title: Simply Speaking Target Audience: Middle/High School Speech or English Teachers The workshop provides information on how to create comfortable and competent speakers. Participant will learn simple activities to improve speaking. Activities are short and can be done on a daily basis. Everything included in the workshop can be used for struggling or advance speakers.
Title: Want Boys to Read More? Give Them Blood and Thunder Target Audience: Primary and Middle School Teacher Interested in Children’s Literature and/or Getting Boys to Read More The statistics agree, boys today don’t read. Yet, in previous generations boys read as much as girls. What happened? Since WWII, children’s stories have gotten ever less frightening. The result: boys think reading is boring. This workshop offers a surprisingly simple way to change their minds: give them blood and thunder.
Title: From content to assessment: UbD , stage 2 Authentic performance tasks Target Audience: Especially for HS classes (including IB) but can also be applied to MS as well. Have you ever bargained for goods in your second or third language? Have you ever designed a house with a stubborn architect or had to consult a doctor when traveling? In this workshop, we’ll explore different ways to assess oral proficiency by doing role plays depicting real life situations. Techniques and ideas on how to assess students’ participation and how to enrich the cultural content in the foreign language classroom will also be presented.