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Welcome Message from the Executive Director
Dear ETC Delegates:
Welcome to the 2012 EARCOS Teachers’ Conference (ETC) at the Shangri-La, Bangkok, Thailand. What a great venue for the 10th ETC. We hope you will enjoy our great lineup of special presenters and the conference site.
The ETC has three excellent keynote presenters in Cathy Davidson, Steve Layne, and Jason Ohler. We have 11 preconference offerings, and 105 special presenter workshop sessions geared to meet our teachers’ needs. In addition, our job-a-like sessions will provide an opportunity for teachers to meet with their colleagues who work in similar disciplines. ETC has 55 scheduled teacher workshop sessions, which are always practical and well-presented. Please support your fellow teachers. Students will again be highlighted in our general sessions. The International School of Bangkok and The New International School of Thailand will perform at our general sessions on Thursday and Friday. Saturday’s general session will begin with the Shanghai/EARCOS Film Festival Winners. Our EARCOS schools have great talent, so help support our students by being prompt for each general session.
Thanks to all our ETC teacher representatives who have spent many hours assisting their teachers with workshops, registration for the conference, and hotel and transportation arrangements. Without their dedication, it would be impossible to host our conference the way we do. Thanks to our EARCOS staff members who have worked endless hours to assist with the many details and logistics. The contributions of Elaine, Vitz, Ver, Edzel, and Robert with their attention to detail are commendable. Our assistant director Bill Oldread has been invaluable in organizing our conference strands of digital literacy, literacy, modern language, English as an additional language, special needs, counseling, and technology.
Finally, it is always my wish for our delegates to make good contacts, be challenged by our presenters, renew friendships, and enjoy our hospitality. Visit our exhibitors and let them know that we appreciate their sponsorship that helps us provide the best conference possible. I’m proud and happy to be the director of this wonderful organization. Remember next year we will be at Concordia International School in Shanghai.
Dick Krajczar EARCOS Executive Director