6 minute read
2:00 - 3:30 LIV ARNESEN Strand: Global Issues Luther Hall H216, H217
Access Water 2013 This workshop links to the polar expedition to the importance of water. A curriculum on water is currently under development. The curriculum will tackle such issues as the availability and scarcity of fresh water, the crisis of fresh water, water as commodity, water as a metaphor for life, global water and global warming, and water and gender.
LOuIS BERGONZI Strand: Strings R302 Strings Room
Ensemble Skill Development: The Long and Short of Rehearsal Techniques (Part 2) An overview of principles and practical techniques designed to improve an orchestra’s rhythm, sound production, and intonation. Ways of keeping the whole group involved in the rehearsal process will also be explored. Applicable to elementary, middle, and high school string and symphonic orchestras. Please bring instruments.
DEBRA BERKEY Strand: Physical Education MS Gym
Individualized Physical Education Programming Effective teacher assessment techniques utilize variables that both the observer and performer recognize and understand. A systematic approach to live and taped observation will be presented focusing on planning, presentation, management, feedback, and student performance. The system supports self-reflection as well supervision and mentoring specific to the content area of physical education.
MEGAN CAMPISI Strand: Drama Theater R101
Documentary Theater: Giving Voice to Those Who Have None Sharing untold stories is one of theater’s most important jobs. We look at how theater has been used to share stories and points of view that have been forgotten, silenced, or ignored, and then use active exercises to develop our own pieces using interviews and found text that combine art with social change.
DAVID COLLETT / BEN PAuLSON Strand: Technology M178
Assessment 2.0 Assessment, while essential, can be frustrating for students and teachers. Assessment 2.0 aims to address these concerns by showing interactive ways to use formative and summative assessment to enhance and engage student learning while also making your life easier. This workshop will explore the development of efficient 21st century assessment practices featuring some easy tips and tools you can use on Monday.
SARAH DAPuETO / SALLY ALLNuT Strand: Visual Arts M173
iBrush, iCreate, Integrating Technology in the Art Room Integrating the creative process and enhancing student learning through efficient and effective use of available technologies. Students create on the iPad, use Macbooks and digital cameras as tools to plan and create artworks. Students also become more engaged in documenting and reflecting on their work in a meaningful and ongoing manner.
LEANNE ERICKSON Strand: Physical Education Dance Studio H041
You Can Teach Dance! This is a practical workshop for teachers who teach dance but may not consider themselves dancers or dance teachers. We will create a supportive environment for creativity to take form. Structuring a class, inspiring your students to move, teaching the elements of dance composition as well as ideas for music, choreography assignments, and student work examples will be part of this workshop.
DAVID GRAN Strand: Visual Arts R401
Introduction to Animation Animation is still a relatively young art form, and yet it is one that both dominates popular culture and has entered the world of contemporary art. This workshop will offer both a short history of the medium and a hands on investigation of a few different techniques for basic animation principles for classroom use.
CSI: Choral Score Investigation – Helping Singers use the Evidence on the Page The rehearsal process can become mechanical and repetitive for singers and conductors alike when the only priority is ensuring correct pitches and rhythms. Mono-directional instruction, from conductor to singer, results in disengaged and somewhat uninformed singers. This session will offer ways to empower singers to think critically and use the evidence they see on the page to become informed, expressive, self-sufficient musicians.
2:00 - 3:30 GRAY MACKLIN Strand: Counseling (K-12) P204
Beyond Grades: using Human Data to Make More Informed Decisions This presentation focuses on the importance of understanding classroom and student motivation orientation. It also addresses ways counselors can help teachers to determine students’ personal strengths/weaknesses to balance a performance and a learning oriented classroom. The presentation also includes references to research on motivation in children and the role classrooms have on shaping motivation in students.
ERIC MOORE Strand: Technology M179
iWork and uDL: using iWork to Facilitate Brain-based Instruction This workshop will be a hands-on approach to helping teachers recognize the potential of iWork apps (specifically Pages and Keynote) to reach multiple intelligences and apply the theory of Universal Designs for Learning (UDL) through multiple means of presentation, modeling of 21st century skills, and to promote paperless teaching.
MONNA MCDIARMID Strand: Counseling (High School) P202 Compassion and Technology in the Counseling Office It can be difficult for busy counselors to learn and incorporate new technologies into our daily work, but these tools can have an enormous impact on our work with students. In this session we will explore various tools such as creating short videos and podcasts, creating your own blog, using Facebook and Twitter to connect with students, and the Google suite of tools including Gmail, Google Drive, forms and presentations as well as Google Reader. (Bring your computer if you have one with you.)
KELLY MCFADZEN Strand: Visual Arts R403
Finding the Artist in Every Child Whether it is the shy student who rarely speaks, the class clown who hides his insecurities, or the support student who struggles in every class, they all have something to say. I believe that there is an artist in every child and the power of finding that artistic voice can be life changing. Nothing has taught me this lesson more than having a student who is quadriplegic and seeing her go from the student sitting on the sidelines to a student who ‘dances’ through her art. Please join in my journey to Finding the Artist in Every Child. It is an adventure that has change my life and will inspire you to find the artists in your students.
HAZEL MCCLuRE Strand: Counseling ES/MS P203
Exploring the TCK World through Children’s Images What can we learn about how our students see their world, from their artwork? This presentation takes a look at the conscious and unconscious messages in images created by third culture and cross cultural kids. Images were collected as part of a research project at GIS in 2010-2012.
LINDSEY NICKLAS Strand: Visual Arts M172
The Cartographer’s Gift: Maps in Children’s Literature The focus of the workshop will be to demonstrate ways to assist students in transferring visual awareness into literacy skills. Using maps found either as end papers or text illustrations within books, participants will be guided through concrete steps and activities that lead to greater engagement and reading comprehension. Valuable take-home resources include a comprehensive outline of children’s books with maps, guided reading grids to assist with specific reading strategies, and differentiated task cards including suggestions for ELL students.
ADAM TAYLOR / SHANE MORRIS Strand: Physical Education E124 MSR
Make Fit a H.I.I.T. The benefits of incorporating a high intensity training mode across the PE curriculum and athletics department.
CAROLYN TEMERTZOGLOu Strand: Physical Education PC Ford Gym
TGFu: Simply Good Game Pedagogy This workshop employs effective game pedagogy as the framework to develop students’ physical literacy. Participants will be introduced to the principles of TGfU (Teaching Games for Understanding) through a variety of small-sided games selected from each of the four game categories - Target, Striking/Fielding, Net/Wall and Territory.
3:30 - 6:00 Closing Reception for all Delegates SuNDAY | 31 March 2013
8:30-4:30 International School Leadership Program - USF/WSU H304