7 minute read
13:45 - 15:15 JILL BROMENSCHENKEL ELL MS MEETING ROOM 6 Digital Tools and Language Learning - How can student-driven exploration, critical thinking, and digital communication via ipad apps and web tools impact language development? We’ll explore apps and digital tools for each stage of language acquisition, as well as real academic interaction, rehearsal, expression, and collaboration that fosters language growth. Participants will also experience support apps EAL students can access to drive and their own language learning and create products for academic communication.
KIRSTEN DURWARD General Education PS FUNCTION ROOM 4 Engaging Students in Assessment for Learning - Interested in strategies to support self-directed learning among your students? Looking for simple ideas to transform your classroom community and give you clear feedback on how and when students are learning? We’ll briefly review the research basis, touch on the seven strategies of Assessment for Learning, and explore practical ways of engaging all students in learning while getting clear feedback on understanding.
MATTHEW GLOVER Literacy (Writing/Reading) PS FUNCTION ROOM 10 Increasing Energy and Motivation for All Writers - How do teachers invite young children to write? How can teachers match entry points into writing with children so that energy for writing is maximized? These questions are related to issues of motivation for writing. Participants will examine five possible entry points that, when matched with individual children, tap into their motivation to write. Through the use of numerous authentic writing samples, this session will also provide teachers with invitations and strategies that nurture children’s disposition towards writing.
DOUG GOODKIN Early Childhood Education PS FUNCTION ROOM 8 Dance and Movement in the Preschool Years - Young children need to move. This workshop will show how you can combine movement with the thinking mind and the social intelligence through play, party games, folk dances, and movement exploration. Come prepared to move and be moved!
ANN HELMUS SENIA / Open to All PS FUNCTION ROOM 6 The Art of Assessment - A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment is a powerful tool for understanding a student’s learning style; specifically, what is the student’s potential and whether there are issues that are undermining the student’s ability to meet his or her full potential. In order to determine the student’s profile of strengths and weaknesses, the evaluator must carefully integrate strands of information from the student’s history, clinical observations, and performance on standardized tests. Once the student’s profile has been delineated, then recommendations can be made for supporting the student by building on strengths in order to circumvent or remediate weaknesses. The process of neuropsychological assessment will be explained and contrasted with psycho-educational evaluation. Cross-cultural issues in neuropsychological assessment will also be introduced.
NAOMI KELLY / CATH MELLOR Counseling (for all delegates) MS MEETING ROOM 2 “Coping with Worries,” A Parent and Child Anxiety Group - Participants will be introduced to a seven week program for primary aged students and their parents who are experiencing high levels of anxiety and distress. This workshop will introduce, evaluate, and explore the complexities of transferring an anxiety group program for children and parents, devised for an external agency, into a school context.
ROBIN MONTGOMERY Technology MS MEETING ROOM 3 21st Century Reading and Writing: Transmedia Storytelling - Get started transforming reading and writing in your classroom with Transmedia Storytelling. Find out what it is, see samples, learn about tools, and start to plan a transformative transmedia reading and writing experience for your students today.
KAY ODDONE Technology MS MEETING ROOM 10 Making Sense of Makerspaces: Creating Space for Invention & Imagination - Access to new tools and technology allows students to invent and create in ways never before possible. This workshop will explain what a makerspace is, how to develop one and give practical guidance for those wishing to bring Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) alive in their classrooms and libraries.
GREG O’CONNOR SENIA / Open to All PS FUNCTION ROOM 7 Essential iPad Apps to Support Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Their Engagement and Access to Learning. - This workshop will provide an overview of frequently used apps to support the personalized interventions and teaching strategies that have been found to be effective in ensuring the inclusion of students with ASD in schools, and beyond. The apps to be overviewed will support the areas of communication, curriculum access, social skills, and positive behaviour. Workshop takeaways for participants will include an understanding of how the iPad can be used to support children with ASD in the classroom, practical activities that support communication, social learning and positive behaviour, and a list of apps to support students with ASD.
13:45 - 15:15 STEVI QUATE Literacy (Writing/Reading) PS FUNCTION ROOM 1 Writing in the Disciplines: Mentoring Students to Write like a Scientist, a Historian, or even a Reviewer of Literature - Isn’t effective writing just plain good writing? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. What counts as effective writing of fiction is not necessarily the same as effective writing of history or science. Join us in this highly interactive workshop that promises to be practical, yet grounded in a solid research base. Designed for middle and high school teachers of English, science, and social studies, this workshop investigates these questions: What does it mean to write in a disciplinary-specific way? What is common to all good writing?
BONNIE SINGER SENIA / Open to All PACIFIC BALLROOM 2 & 3 Overcoming the Blank Stare: Getting Kids Started with Writing Assignments - So many students struggle with writing! This workshop will introduce a set of instructional strategies that support students with initiating their writing assignments, analyzing assignment demands, and setting individual writing goals. These research-based strategies can be used with students in any grade level within classroom, small group, and/or individual settings.
JEFF STEURNAGEL Counseling (for all delegates) MS MEETING ROOM 5 The Intercultural Development of School Counselors - This session includes an overview of recent research that explored the intercultural sensitivity of 334 school counselors in international schools. School counselors in this study were citizens of 39 nations and represented international schools in 74 countries. The presentation will provide a review of literature, the results of which individual and professional factors contribute to counselors’ intercultural sensitivity, and a discussion of next steps for the profession overseas.
JAMES STRONGE Assessment PACIFIC BALLROOM 1 Assessing Teacher Quality: Teacher Evaluation for International Schools - How can teacher evaluation provide both professional growth opportunities and performance accountability? What research-based performance standards and scoring rubrics should be used in evaluating teachers? How can multiple data sources be included in a practical manner? And how can/should teacher performance be connected fairly to student performance? This workshop will provide an overview on how to implement the U.S. Department of State supported evaluation system that was designed and field-tested explicitly for international schools. The workshop will include an introduction to the tools necessary for implementation of the teacher evaluation system.
AMY THOMPSON / MELISSA BERG Counseling (for all delegates) MS MEETING ROOM 1 How to Help Students Recognize Anxiety - Anxiety is a mental illness that can affect any student. It isn’t always obvious who is experiencing it or who is likely to develop it. For students at a highly competitive international school, however, there may be additional factors that contribute to their likelihood of developing it. Come to this session to learn about: (1) risk factors (2) ways that it can manifest in your classroom, and (3) strategies to make your classroom an anxiety friendly one.
JEFF UTECHT Technology MS MEETING ROOM 4 Google Apps in the Classroom - This session will focus on using Google Apps in the classroom with students in grades 3–12. This free educational service encompasses a powerful set of tools that is revolutionizing education. Combining these tools with other free Google products like Google Maps and Google Earth only enhances the learning for students. We will go hands-on with real lessons being used in classrooms right now as we discuss how Google Apps changes the learning environment. From science notebooks, to collaborative notes and classroom newspapers, we’ll get our hands dirty with what these powerful tools have to offer. Participants will need a Google Account.
15:15 - 15:45 TEA & COFFEE BREAK
Sponsored by Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
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