8 minute read
11:30-12:45 MICHAEL BALDWIN Design Technology
Level 4 - Room 4031 Target Audience: MS / HS Using Student Leadership and Creativity to Create a Sustainable World - This interactive workshop will explore the use of video, music, web design, smart device Apps, and graphic design for non-experts in the development of community service projects. The workshop presenter will share challenges and successes to developing a successful school-wide sustainability project. Participants will be asked to share and problem-solve projects they are working on. Groups based around the five topics will share their insights at the conclusion of the workshop.
HAMISH BETTS Arts – Visual
Level 1 - MS Art Room 1188 Target Audience: All Experiments and Explosions – Steampunk, Rag-bags, and Wrything in Between - This practical and interactive workshop will give innovative ideas and examples to assist practitioners in creating environments and routines that facilitate open inquiry in the visual arts. The goal is to support students and teachers as they grow in confidence, creativity, and the ability to express themselves with depth and intentionality. We will look at examples of an open art-room design, with classroom management strategies and easy to adapt art techniques and skills.
JAMES DOBLE Physical Education
Level 2 - Gymnastic Gym Target Audience: All Wall Climbing Fun and Engaging for All - This workshop examines lots of fun warm up games for climbing that create interest and an enjoyable climate for learning. Some fun knots for life will be covered in the middle of the session. Please come prepared to climb in this session.
KATE DORE General Education
Level 1 - MS 1033 Target Audience: K – 12 Handing Over the Roadmap: Fostering Student Ownership through Metacognitive Routines - In this workshop, participants will reflect on Kate’s personal journey curating student ownership of learning through establishing metacognitive routines and developing neurological literacy. This endeavor started as a tangential inquiry into neurology during a 6th grade class, with a provocation of “Are our brains the same”? Their curiosity launched a classroom routine of reflecting on neuroplasticity and brain functioning, in which students support their own learning through knowledge and understanding of how their brains work, and how to take the driver’s seat.
Level 1 - Fine Arts Theater Target Audience: Middle School Devising Drama from Any Text - This practical workshop will share and demonstrate strategies in how to bring a variety of texts to life. Participants will use these strategies to devise a group performance. Firstly, participants will interpret the text, and then build on this understanding to bring it to life on stage, which could be performed in the classroom, or as big as a school production. Materials to take away include an MYP unit plan, supporting literacy scaffolds, and more.
Level 1 - Orchestra Room 1116 Target Audience: K – 12 The Sociable iPad (Developing Educational iPad Apps) - Divided into four components, the workshop will demonstrate apps for use in the music classroom that encourage social interaction (maths and LOTE may also be referenced). An overview of the process of app development will show the internals of an app. Ideas on using the iPad’s various capabilities will be demonstrated, and finally, instructions on building simple apps will complete the workshop. Simple app development ideas are suitable for teachers or students.
AMY FERGUSON Home Living Cooking
Level 1 - Art Room 1147 Target Audience: All Grade Levels Making Cooking Real Again - The Many Benefits of the Art of Cooking - Participants first learn about the essential elements of making a Japanese bento box. A variety of vegetables, fruits, proteins, and other goodies will be provided. Participants will have 20 minutes to create a beautiful and unique bento box. Boxes will be judged and participants will discuss the challenges and the highlights of this culinary experience. Lastly, there will be a discussion of how and why cooking is an essential elective class for students of all ages.
KEN FORDE Technology
Level 1 - MS Faculty Lounge Target Audience: ES/ MS/ HS Using Google Drive and Auto-crat to Create and Share Assessment - Through Google Drive it is possible to report assessment to students quickly and efficiently using a combination of docs, sheets, and ‘add-ons’. If you are unfamiliar with Google Drive and ‘add-ons’, such as ‘auto-crat’, this is the perfect opportunity to gain an understanding of these highly powerful tools and develop tools for your own practice.
ADAM FRASER Arts – Drama
Level 1 - AMR 1110 Target Audience: Grades 4 – 12 Social and Emotional Learning through Playback Theatre - This workshop will put into question the role that 21st century morals and ethics has in your classroom. Workshop participants will be given practical demonstrations of the various forms of Playback Theatre and will be led through a concept of “checking in” where participants engage with each other and share a little of what is present in their life.
11:30-12:45 CARRIE GREV / CATH RANKIN Arts – Drama
Level 1 - MS Drama Room 1149 Target Audience: K – 12 Communicate, Collaborate, and Create - This workshop is practical, verbal, and physical. We will play together with work, where everything is focused into the ‘thinking’ leading into the ‘doing’. The work asks, over and over in many different forms: ‘How can we communicate better? Collaborate better? Engage better? How can we do and be something better?’ The workshop provides exercises that can be applied straight into the classroom context.
Level 1 - Art Room 1186 Target Audience: All Interdisciplinary Visions - This workshop will work with a range of visual, print, and film texts to interrogate the place and value of interdisciplinary teaching and learning within the arts/language arts in the high school environment. Interactive activities and sharing of previous successful interdisciplinary projects at a range of international schools will unfold around this core enquiry. Input from previous collaborators includes former head of visual arts, NIST, Val McCubbin (aide).
Level 1 - HS Band Room 1128 Target Audience: Elem. School Student-Generated Children’s Musical Theater in Upper Elementary School - From conception to production, a guide to leading your upper elementary school students through the process of putting on an original musical theater production. This workshop will include a “toolkit” of valuable organizational tools and resources for you to take away and use at your own school.
MATTHEW JOHNSON General Education
Level 1 - MS 1035 Target Audience: K – 12 Aspiring Administrators: Taking the Next Step toward Leadership - Whether you are a classroom teacher, instructional coach, grade level coordinator, or teacher leader, there are very practical steps that you can take to move forward into an administrative role. In this workshop, we will explore topics such as: building a portfolio, finding a mentor, creating a positive online presence, strengthening relationships, and conceptualizing your own vision and beliefs. If you are interested in becoming an administrator, you can take that first step today!
Level 1 - MS 1127 Target Audience: Grades 6–12 Using Think-Aloud Protocol and “Tech”niques for the Performing Arts Classrooms - The Think-Aloud protocol is an easy technique that can be used to enhance students’ learning and the teacher’s understanding of that learning in and out of the classroom. In this workshop, teachers, in small groups, will experience first-hand how to use the Think-Aloud protocol for the classroom. They will use exemplars provided by the presenter, and they will have the opportunity to discuss and work out ways they can adapt the protocol to suit their classroom environments for teaching and learning.
Level 4 - HS Film Lab 4005 Target Audience: All Four Practical Production Lessons for Beginning Student Filmmakers - The presentation aims to showcase four different filmmaking lessons to give beginning student filmmakers a solid foundation in basic filmmaking techniques. The practical lessons are modeled on essential techniques used by professional filmmakers. These lessons provide students with the necessary foundation for developing filmmaking skills. Topics include: how to properly film a conversation between two actors.
Level 1 - HS Room 1169 Target Audience: All Gettin’ Wit Da Timez: Modernizing the Art Approach - Looking at different ways to teach art that makes it interesting and relevant for teachers and students.
Level 1 - MS 1036 Target Audience: K – 12 21st Century Education through Video Games and Youtube - This workshop intends to explore the modern phenomenon of sandbox video games and their potential use in the classroom. Youtube as a new platform for lesson delivery will also be discussed and presented from practical perspective.
CAMARIN SACHDEVA General Education
Level 1 - MS 1034 Target Audience: K – 12 Executive Function Skills – A Core Cognitive Component in the Area of Personal, Social, and Academic Performance - The purpose of this workshop is to present educators with the theoretical background of the core cognitive component of development referred as executive function skills. This workshop addresses both mindset and tools and strategies that educators can implement in classroom as well as with parents’ involvement to help students with weak executive function skills develop autonomy and ownership in area of personal, social. and academic performance. Participants will develop an in- depth understanding of executive function skills and processes; and, just how executive function skills influence students to achieve success across grade levels, will be explored.
AMY SMITH Physical Education
Level 1 - HS Faculty Lounge 1093 Target Audience: MS/HS The PE Teacher’s Guide to Teaching Health - In an international community, health education is often added as an afterthought or tasked to physical education teachers who do not have enough time to prepare. In this interactive workshop, participants will be provided with a toolkit of ready-to-go projects and lesson ideas that are current and relevant to the unique needs of the international student. Please bring your laptop!