Russian-02 howareyou cs3 ol v2

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14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?

2. how are you? 2. how are you? Как дела?


WARM UP ❑ Before watching film A1, have a brief “warm up” session to remind pupils of the Russian words and phrases they already know. Play one or two of the games from chapter 1. ❑ Watch film A1: “How are you?” Animation Two Russian space dogs, Belka and Strelka, are launched into space. Belka asks Strelka how she is. Strelka replies that she is well / good. The dogs land on a planet and meet an alien. They greet him and ask how he is. He says he is fine / OK. The next planet they land on is decorated as if Film A1: Belka asks Strelka how she is for a party. This happy alien says he is well, thank you. Finally they meet a very unhappy looking alien. He says he is not well /not good. Belka and Strelka’s capsule lands back on earth. The scientists greet them and ask how they are. The dogs reply that they are well. Asking people how they are We see adults and children asking each other how they are. These sequences include some extended conversations which pupils are not expected to understand fully. The will be able to listen out for the key words and phrases introduced in this section as well as familiar greetings and goodbyes. Question and answer Children reply to the question “How are you?” GET USED TO THE SOUNDS - online flashcards with sound and optional text

SHOW 02 FLASHCARDS: How are you? ❑ Echoing: Select ‘How do you feel?’ on the flashcards. Show each picture; pupils echo the question. “Как дела? ”. Before you click on ‘?’ to hear the answer, ask pupils what they think it will be. Click on ‘?’ to check; pupils echo the phrase. RESPOND WITH UNDERSTANDING ❑ Echoing: Draw an OK “smiley face” on the board and say “нормально”. The children echo the words. Draw a face with a huge smile and say “хорошо”. The children echo your words and intonation. Finally, draw a sad or grumpy face and say “плохо!”

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EARLY START RUSSIAN ❑ If you have a puppet who speaks only Russian, greet him: “Привет! Как дела?” The puppet replies “хорошо”. The puppet now asks the class “Как дела?” Children reply “Привет! нормально”. (See “Making puppets” in CROSS-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES). ❑ You move around the room, greeting individuals “Как дела?” Each child gives the reply s/ he prefers. If a pupil is obviously not sure how to reply, you (or the puppet) can always help by asking “хорошо?” as a way of giving the child the answer. The child can then echo it back to you. ❑ Invite a confident pupil to come in through the door, to greet you and ask how you are “Привет! Как дела?” You reply “хорошо спасибо (well, thank you) Как дела?” The pupil replies using whichever phrase s/he prefers. Repeat this with several more pupils.

online Teacher Preparation


Как дела? -

{How are you? {How's it going?

хорошо - fine нормально - ok; good

плохо! - not good / bad спасибо - thank you очень - very

Click the online Teacher Preparation section which presents the pronunciation of all the new words and phrases - together with simple language awareness points.

❑ Let pupils take it in turns to make the puppet ask “Как дела?” ❑ Ask pupils to move round the room. They should greet each other, ask how they are and say goodbye as they move on to talk to someone else. Join in yourself to help the less confident children. To make this into a game, encourage pupils to talk to as many different people as they can in the time allowed. Add variety to the way you greet the children. For example, call across the room to an individual as if you have not seen her for a long time, e.g. “Olivia! Как дела?” You could vary the previous activity by playing the game using music. If possible use authentic Russian music. Pupils move around the room as the music plays. When the music stops, they turn to the nearest person and greet each other and ask how they are. When the music starts again, they say goodbye and move on to greet someone else.


❑ Classroom routines: use “Привет! Как дела?” whenever you meet individual children around the school. At the beginning of the school day you could greet pupils using “Доброе утро” then ask “Как дела?” ❑ Classroom routines: During the course of virtually any lesson you can ask “Как дела?” when you are moving round the room looking to see how pupils are coping with their task. ❑ Art and design: making puppets Some children will find it easier to talk through a puppet rather than to “perform” themselves. Pupils can design and make their own puppets which can be used for practising conversations in the foreign language right from the early stages. Old socks can be a good basis for a simple puppet. Your puppets can, of course, only understand Russian! You can have fun by giving each a personality: one could be “naughty” and always getting into trouble; another could be “grumpy” or “shy”.

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14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?

2. how are you?

Singing Russian

❑ Watch film A2: Song: “Как дела?” Play the song again. Children join in singing alongside the Russian children. Привет! Привет! Как дела?

Hello! Hello! How are you?

Очень плохо!

Very unwell / bad!

Привет! Привет! Как дела? Hello! Hello! How are you?

Очень, пока!

Not well / not good, bye!

Film A2: children singing the “How are you?” song

Привет! Привет! Как дела?

Привет! Привет! Как дела?

Нормально, спасибо!

Очень хорошо!

Hello! Hello! How are you?

Hello! Hello! How are you?

OK, thank you!

Very well!

Hello! Hello! How are you?

Hello! Hello! How are you?

Привет! Привет! Как дела?

Привет! Привет! Как дела? Нормально, пока!

Хорошо, пока! Well, bye!

OK, bye!

Talking point

THE RUSSIAN “SPACE DOGS” Belka and Strelka were sent into orbit around the Earth on spaceship Sputnik-2 launched in 1960. After orbiting the Earth 18 times the dogs returned safely back to Earth. This was the first ever successful return of living creatures after a space mission. Belka (Белка) means squirrel; Strelka (Стрелка) means little arrow.

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