At the end of this presentation you should be able to:
This presentation will deliver outcomes related to the following Competency/s from the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2015: Design: Conceptual Design
Explain the importance of product certification and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
3.3 Design response incorporates assessment of the physical location and relevant wider regional, contextual and environmental issues.
Describe features of product certification programs such as Global GreenTag and Declare
Describe aspects of building certification programs such as Green Star and Living Building Challenge
3.4 Design response incorporates assessment of relevant legislation, codes and industry standards. Design: Schematic Design
4.2 Evaluation of design options against values of physical, environmental and cultural contexts.
At the end of this presentation you should be able to:
This presentation will deliver outcomes related to the following Competency/s from the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2021:
Explain the importance of product certification and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
PC12 Provide independent, culturally responsive and objective advice in accordance with relevant building codes, standards, technical specifications and guidelines, and planning regulations, including climate change implications, across all aspects of architectural practice.
Describe features of product certification programs such as Global GreenTag and Declare
Describe aspects of building certification programs such as Green Star and Living Building Challenge
PC24 Be able to prepare and analyse project development options in response to a project brief – its objectives, budget, user intent and built purpose, risk and timeframes, including environmental sustainability considerations.
PC31 Be able to identify, analyse and integrate information relevant to environmental sustainability – such as energy and water consumption, resources depletion, waste, embodied carbon and carbon emissions –over the lifecycle of a project.
Richard started working in the Earp tile business in his school holidays from the age of 13. Working in sampling, packing, merchandising or sales it’s been a part of his whole life. Tiles are in his blood.
Starting in the business in a full time capacity in 1987, working in the warehouse, and moving into a marketing role shortly after, he found the business of ceramic tile to be of great interest.
Richard worked collaboratively with Carl Strautins on the AWT method for measuring sustainability of slip resistance of tiles from its inception Carl and Richard worked together for 6 years developing a system that enabled professionals to understand the performance of tile over time as if it had been installed, enabling the industry to better identify risk and make informed decisions. It is rapidly becoming the global standard, and best practice in the selection of flooring materials. The project was undertaken voluntarily, and although during the process the industry tried to sue Strautins and Earp, the outcome is now proven, to the betterment of the industry
Qualicer the international forum on ceramic tile is held every two years in Spain. It is a must for people wishing to understand the dynamics of global ceramic tile manufacturing and to understand the performance of the products in the sector. Richard has been to Qualicer 2008,10,12,14,16. One of the few industries attending this event he has gained a valuable insight into how international standards, and committees work to improve and enhance this beautiful building material.
Richard has visited manufacturing plants all over the world, and during his visit to China in 1998 (one of the first Australians in the industry), realised the vast differences in manufacturing there were in different countries; even within each country. It was at that point Earp Brothers decided to focus on quality and environmental responsible manufacturers. A igning with the leading producers globally, Earp were the first tile company to join the Green building Council, and the first to certify tiles for David Baggs’ Global Greentag certification system and the Declare Label from the Living Building Challenge, many years ago.
There is no ceramic university, and the practical experience gained from being part of such a great family enterprise as Earp Brothers (established in 1883) has enabled Richard to add great value to an industry, particularly in the education of design professionals. With his passion for ceramic products, he has been heavily involved in not just material design and supply, but active in the development of better testing and certification systems for ceramic tiles to improve the built and natural environments far into the future.
E /
Q1) Why is product certification (Declare Label and Global GreenTag) important when specifying Green Star rated projects?
Q2) What does LCA mean and what is the importance of it in the Green Star process?
Q3) What does the Living Institute DECLARE Label look for when assessing products?
Q4) What are the four Green Star certification rating tools, set out by the Building Council of Australia (GBCA)?
Q5) What are the benefits of Green Star rated buildings?
Q6) List the three criteria required to be certified under the Living Building Challenge?
Did you know that 80 percent of Australians believe that climate action is necessary? They are asking for places that enhance wellbeing, respond to climate change, reduce emissions, and prepare for future challenges and we need to start with where we live, work, learn and play.
Any brand can claim to be an environmental saviour with a few 'natural' ingredients and some sharp marketing. Buyers don't know who to trust. Fake products in green packaging take sales away from genuinely deserving brands. The planet continues to be exploited in the name of inauthentic green design. Everyone suffers.
Green certification is a tool that cuts through the greenwash and empowers professionals and consumers alike to confidently choose products that have been made in the most planet-friendly way possible.
Founded by Green Building Council of Australia in 2003, Green Star is an internationally recognised rating system setting the standard for healthy, resilient, positive buildings and places. Developed for the Australian environment, Green Star has certified thousands of sustainable fitouts, buildings, homes and communities right across the country.
Enhancing our health and quality of life
Restoring and protecting our planet’s biodiversity and ecosystems
Driving resiliency in buildings, fitouts, and communities
Contributing to market transformation and a sustainable economy
Guiding the sustainable design and construction of schools, offices, universities, industrial facilities, public buildings, retail centres and hospitals.
Improving the sustainability of projects at the precinct or community scale.
Transforming the interior fitouts in everything from offices and hotels to bank branches and shops.
Supporting higher levels of operational efficiency within existing buildings.
Green Star rating tools for building, fitout and community design and construction reward projects that achieve best practice or above sustainability outcomes.
This means that Green StarDesign, As Built, Interiors and Communities projects can achieve a Green Star certification of 4-6 Star Green Star. Buildings assessed using the Green StarPerformance rating tool can achieve a Green Star rating from 1-6 Star Green Star.
Green Star for New Buildings requires buildings to be efficient, promote health, have lower resource usage and be mindful of future climate conditions.
must also:
Be designed with future decarbonisation of our built environment in mind
Protects environmentally significant areas
Emits less carbon for its construction and during operations
Is water efficient
Has improved air, light, acoustics, and product finishes
Promotes physical activity
Is built with climate change in mind
Manages environmental impacts during construction
Embraces the diversity of our population during construction
Enables practices that reduce operational waste
Is verified to work
must also:
Be fully electric
Be more efficient
Be powered by renewables
Built with even lower upfront carbon emissions
Our Green Star rating system assesses the sustainability of your project at all stages of its lifecycle.
From the infancy of architectural drawings and community development plans to the bricks and mortar of construction, the furniture and paints of its interior and the efficiency of its operations, Green Star will help you achieve the best sustainability outcomes.
Climate action, resource efficiency and health & wellbeing are at the top of issues to address. Issues related to these, such as resilience, biodiversity and nature losses, and a stronger focus on social impacts are rising in importance.
2015 was a historic year in which 196 UNFCCC Parties came together under the Paris Agreement to transform their development trajectories so that they set the world on a course towards sustainable development, aiming at limiting warming to 1.5 to 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels.
The Paris Agreement requests each country to outline and communicate their post-2020 climate actions, known as their NDCs.
Together, these climate actions determine whether the world achieves the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement and to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as soon as possible and to undertake rapid reductions thereafter in accordance with best available science, so as to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs in the second half of this century.
Create demand for low carbon products
Recognise ethically manufactured products
Reduce significant environmental impact
Drive investment in a circular supply chain
Drive transparency in the supply chain
G r e e n S t a r B u i l d i n g s i n t r o d u c e s a n e w R e s p o n s i b l e P r o d u c t s F r a m e w o r k . T h i s f r a m e w o r k a i m s t o r e w a r d p r o d u c t s f o r h a v i n g l o w e r e n v i r o n m e n t a l i m p a c t , b e i n g t r a n s p a r e n t , r e s p e c t i n g h u m a n r i g h t s , a n d p r e p a r i n g f o r a l o w c a r b o n f u t u r e .
G r e e n S t a r B u i l d i n g s a l s o i n t r o d u c e s a n e w m i n i m u m e x p e c t a t i o n f o r r e d u c i n g u p f r o n t c a r b o n e m i s s i o n s f r o m p r o d u c t s a n d m a t e r i a l s . T h i s n e w c r e d i t ' U p f r o n t C a r b o n E m i s s i o n s ' r e w a r d s g o o d d e s i g n c h o i c e s a n d l o w e r c a r b o n p r o d u c t s i n b u i l d i n g s .
Green Star is Australia's trusted mark of quality for the design, construction and operations of sustainable buildings, fitouts and communities. The rating tool, certification and evolution of the tool is informed by the following ten principles:
Green Star is holistic.
Green star is targeted.
Green Star is outcomes focused.
Green Star is industry developed and adopted.
Green Star reflects best practice.
Green Star is robust.
Green Star is transparent.
Green Star is verifiable.
Green Star promotes innovation.
Green Star celebrates achievement.
Green Star's many benefits are applicable to most building projects, including:
lower operating costs
higher return on investment
attract and retain tenants
enhanced marketability
productivity benefits
reduced liability and risk
healthier places to live and work
demonstration of Corporate Social Responsibility
future-proofed assets
competitive advantage
On average, Green Star rated new buildings produce 55% less greenhouse gas emissions than standard practice buildings. New Green Star buildings also use an average of 66% less electricity, 51% less water and send 96% less waste to landfill during construction than standard practice.
See the Green Star In Focus page for up to date information on why you would use Green Star.
The Paris Agreement sets a rising cost to owning assets that emit high levels of carbon - and the international Monetary Fund estimates that there are at least $17.5 trillion of these high carbon-emitting assets that risk becoming "stranded assets".
Obtaining a Green Star rating now future proofs assets ahead of regulatory changes and reduces risks of buildings becoming stranded assets - or at the very least uncompetitive in a sector that is responding to the climate change challenge.
Green Star certification demonstrates that well designed assets can result in lower operating margins and provide future proofing against changes from a regulatory or utility cost perspective.
There is an increasing stranded asset risk for companies that are not transitioning with the economy towards a sustainable future. The survivors in the long term are more likely to be green than brown.
Louise McCoach, Special Counsel, Gilbert - TobinFor 35 years we ’ ve worked with world renowned manufacturer Porcelanosa Group in Spain. Sharing our passion for continual improvement and environmental sustainability, Porcelanosa have become our brand partners and together we have created an exclusive supply chain of sustainable tile products for the Australian market.
Our range of Porcelanosa Group floor and wall tiles are certified by Global GreenTag and the Living Future Institute DECLARE Label in Australia.
Our certified products earn credits under the GBCA GreenStar, LEED, BREEAM and the Living Building Challenge project rating systems.
Whether you want to create a safe and healthy environment for your family, demonstrate design, facilities management or procurement leadership or meet the needs of an environment project rating tool, Global GreenTag's ‘umbrella’ certification is the solution.
t h e o n l y t h i r d p a r t y c e r t i f i c a t i o n r e c o g n i s e d b y a l l m a j o r g r e e n b u i l d i n g , i n t e r i o r s ,
o p e r a t i o n s a n d i n f r a s t r u c t u r e r a t i n g t o o l s .
t h e o n l y s i n g l e s o u r c e c e r t i f i e r f o r a l l d o c u m e n t a t i o n n e e d s
A C C C A p p r o v a l a n d C e r t i f i c a t i o n M a r k s t a t u s
e a s y t o i n t e r p r e t r a t i n g i n f o r m a t i o n
e x t e r n a l l y c e r t i f i
Without understanding every impact a product has on the environment from cradle-to-grave, it is impossible to make a sustainable decision. Therefore every potential impact on the environment is audited (on-site), documented and reported right through from raw material extraction to end of life recycling.
R e a d y f o r m o d e r n s l a v e r y r e p o r t i n g , G l o b a l
G r e e n T a g d e l i v e r s t h e w o r l d ' s f i r s t M o d e r n
S l a v e r y D e c l a r a t i o n f o r p r o d u c t s - t h e G l o b a l
G r e e n T a g I n t e r n a t i o n a l M o d e r n S l a v e r y
T r a n s p a r e n c y D e c l a r a t i o n .
Global GreenTag operates an ISO 14025 compliant Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) program. EPD’s provide a transparent and holistic overview of the environmental impacts of a product at every stage of its life cycle, from ‘cradle to fate’.
The EPD is the outcome of a complete Life Cycle Analysis report which can also be reported in accordance with ISO 21930 or EN 15804. In these formats they are LEEDv4 and BREEAM compliant.
Every EPD is underpinned by relevant Product Category Rules (PCR). These are a set of specific rules, requirements and guidelines for developing EPD’s for products that can fulfill equivelant functions. PCR’s determine what information should be gathered, how that information shoudl be evaluated, and how it should be presented in a form of environmental declaration.
PCR’s are an integral part of product rating scorecard.
Global GreenTag’s LCARate certification is a world first, ‘beyond LCA’ Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) based rating system for health and sustainability preferred products from ‘cradle to grave ’ . Based on a full disclosure of ingredients it looks in detail at the health and ecotoxicity impacts as well as looking at every impact of the product and its ingredients at every life stage, from raw material extraction, processing and transport to product manufacture, packaging, in use cleaning and maintenance, replacements and end of life disposal or recycle.
Considered healthy in use, may contain up to 1% ingredients of primary concern that have some identified risks, require systems shown to protect workers and environment in manufacturing, use only legally sourced wood and ethical, child and slavery free employment practices. They are good products compared to Business as Usual.
Healthy in use, may contain up to 0.5% ingredients of primary concern that have some identified risk, require systems shown to protect workers and environment in manufacturing, use only legally and sustainably sourced wood and ethical, child and slavery free employment practices. They protect the planet’s biodiversity, are better than average for climate change. They are very good product compared to Business as Usual.
Very healthy in use, contains ingredients which pose no health impacts in use, requires systems shown to protect workers and environment in manufacturing, use only legally and sustainably sourced wood and ethical, child and slavery free employment practices. They protect the planet’s biodiversity, they minimise climate change. They are excellent products compared to Business as Usual.
The best of the best, no health impacts, or substances of concern at any stage of the life cycle. Products use only legally and sustainably sourced wood and ethical, child and slavery free employment practices. They protect and restore the planet’s biodiversity, are typically ‘climate neutral’ and often ‘climate positive’. They are world leading products.
GreenRate certification is a Green Building Council of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa recognised product rating system designed to meet the requirements of Green Star ‘Sustainable Products’ credits. All certified products are examined for ‘Fit-for-Purpose’ and confirmed for Building Code compliance.
50% of available credits
75% of available credits
100% of available credits
Equates to a 50% Sustainability Factor in the Green Star rating tool Sustainable Products credits.
Equates to a 75% Sustainability Factor in the Green Star rating tool Sustainable Products credits.
Equates to a 100% Sustainability Factor in the Green Star rating tool Sustainable Products credits.
In conjunction with Veolia Australia and New Zealand, one of Australia’s leading environmental services providers with over 30 years industry experience in implementing effective, innovative and sustainable waste management, we have developed a Product Stewardship Program that enables our tiles at the end of their life, to be 100% recycled. As an uncontaminated load at end of life, your tiles can be taken to recycling facilities in Sydney, Melbourne and Newcastle areas, and recycled through crushing for use in building materials, tiles, road bases, bedding sands or aggregates. The Product Stewardship Program closes the sustainability loop creating a complete cradle-to-grave sustainable tile solution.
September 2020 saw the announcement of a very exciting, forward thinking initiative from Brisbane Council, who are now providing financial incentives to developers through their Green Building Incentive Policy.
Applicants who receive approval on a building greater than three storeys between July 2020 and June 2022 are eligible for a financial payment equivalent to 50% of infrastructure charges paid for Council networks. *other eligibility conditions apply
“By incentivising the construction of high-quality and environmentally sustainable homes, we’ll also be making further steps towards our future blueprint goal of promoting best practice design in Brisbane,”Lord Mayor, Adrian Shrinner
Listed property group Mirvac expects to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. Key steps include maximising energy efficiency and developing all-electric buildings powered by 100 per cent renewable energy.
"Human-induced climate change is a significant threat to our planet, and as a key player in the built environment industry, which contributes a quarter of Australia's carbon emissions, we have a responsibility to eliminate more carbon than we emit."
- Mirvac General Manager, Sarah Clarke
Dexus, Cbus Property and Nightingale Apartments have joined the likes of AMP Capital Wholesale Office Portfolio, Cundall, Frasers Property Australia, GPT, Integral Group, Stockland and the City of Sydney in committing to the Global Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment, a global initiative challenging organisations to achieve net-zero operating carbon emissions across their portfolios by the year 2030.
Dexus, Lendlease and Frasers Property Australia top the world's leading environmental, social, and governance index. The GRESB sector leader awards program recognises real estate and infrastructure companies, funds and assets that have demonstrated outstanding leadership in sustainability.
The Australia and New Zealand property sector topped the GRESB global rankings for the tenth consecutive year with a score of 77, comfortably beating the Asian region at 72.
With the use of asset-level data reporting, more than 96,000 assets across 64 countries were scored for energy, greenhouse gas emissions and water use intensities by entity and property type.
Governments are considering legislation that will force the real estate sector to meet targets for the amount of carbon 'embodied' in new buildings, not just the energy efficiency of the finished building.
Embodied carbon refers to the emissions produced in obtaining, manufacturing and transporting building materials, and can be reduced by using recycled or sustainable materials, as well as designing for disassembly.
As organisations such as the World Building Council and architecture 2030 advocate for legislated targets, several buildings are already leading the way.
"Barangaroo South, Sydney, has 20% less embodied carbon compared to standard construction." - Lendlease
“Poor quality buildings and shoddy workmanship simply won’t fly anymore, ” Chandler said. “We’ve got a robust plan in place to put the consumer first and improve transparency and accountability across the sector.”
The New South Wales government-appointed Building Commissioner David Chandler will be handed new powers in a bid to beef up regulation across the state’s construction industry and prevent defective buildings hitting the market.
Chandler’s appointment was brought forward by the state to overhaul an industry rife with building defects following highprofile failures at Opal and Mascot Towers. Developers will also be rated on their record of building failures, finances, complaints, insurance claims and other such factors using software developed by data company Equifax.
Where does a product come from?
What is it made of?
Where does it go at the end of its life?
The commonly-used chemicals on the Red List are:
Harming construction and factory workers
Declare is an ingredients initiative for building products that is designed to shape a greener, healthier environment for construction workers, business employees, and customers alike.
The Declare program labels goods with a full list of ingredients, and expands the transparency of the building market.
The Living Building Challenge is the built environment’s most rigorous performance standard. It calls for the creation of building projects at all scales that operate as cleanly, beautifully and efficiently as nature’s architecture.
To be certified under the Challenge, projects must meet a series of ambitious performance requirements, including net zero energy, waste and water, over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy.
Living buildings give more than they take, creating a positive impact on the human and natural systems that interact with them.
The Living Building Challenge is organised into seven performance areas called Petals. Each Petal is further sub-divided into Imperatives, which address specific issues through detailed requirements.
The intent of the Materials Petal is to help create a materials economy that is non-toxic, ecologically restorative, transparent, and socially equitable.
Q1) Why is product certification (Declare Label and Global GreenTag) important when specifying Green Star rated projects?
Q2) What does LCA mean and what is the importance of it in the Green Star process?
Q3) What does the Living Institute DECLARE Label look for when assessing products?
Q4) What are the four Green Star certification rating tools, set out by the Building Council of Australia (GBCA)?
Q5) What are the benefits of Green Star rated buildings?
Q6) List the three criteria required to be certified under the Living Building Challenge?
Q4) What are the four Green Star certification rating tools, set out by the Building Council of Australia (GBCA)?
A) The GBCA employs four rating tools introduced in 2020 to set explicit benchmarks and define optimal architectural practices across various domains. These four rating tools encompass Communities, Design and As Built, Interiors, and Performance.
Q5) What are the benefits of Green Star rated buildings?
A) Green Star projects typically prioritise the implementation of industry best practices, promote innovative design, and emphasise outcome-driven approaches. They are inherently verifiable, targeted, and transparent, striving towards a common objective.
Q6) List the three criteria required to be certified under the Living Building Challenge?
A) To be certified under the Challenge, projects must meet a series of ambitious performance requirements over a 12 month period:
i) Net zero energy;
ii) Net zero waste;
iii) Net zero water.
Q1) Why is product certification (Declare Label and Global GreenTag) important when specifying Green Star rated projects?
A) Delivers transparency and verification to the specifier by ensuring that the materials are suitable for their intended purpose and have undergone third-party audits to ensure compliance.
Q2) What does LCA mean and what is the importance of it in the Green Star process?
A) The LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) process facilitates complete accountability throughout the manufacturing process, effectively mitigating risks associated with the selection of healthy and sustainable materials. This encompasses every stage, from the extraction of raw materials to end-of-life and beyond. By adhering to BCA, NCC, and other new government regulations, it effectively eliminates risks for architects and practices.
Q3) What does the Living Institute DECLARE Label look for when assessing products?
A) The origin of the product, its material composition, and the destination at the end of its life cycle are all taken into account.
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