Rochester City School District Calendar 2009-2010

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2009-2010 Rochester City School District


Welcome to the new school year! Over the last year and a half, the Rochester City School District has started on a new path toward our goal of ensuring that every child has access to world-class content taught by world-class teachers in schools led by world-class leaders. Our journey on that path is guided by our core values: • Achievement – Improving student achievement through a laser-like focus on teaching and learning with an emphasis on results. • Equity - Equitable distribution of resources based on the needs of schools and students.

Malik Evans Board of Education President

Jean-Claude Brizard Superintendent of Schools

• Accountability – Use of data to ensure that we hold adults accountable for the success of all students. Our students are at the center of the work we do every day. Through the collaborative efforts of our school leadership, teachers, support staff, partners, and parents and families, we have demonstrated real improvement in student performance: • More students are meeting state standards in English Language Arts in grades 3-8. • More students are meeting state standards in Math in grades 3-8. • Our four-year graduation rate has increased 13 percentage points in two years. And our work continues. We are excited about the new school year and the opportunities it brings for greater growth in student achievement. We are holding our students—and ourselves—to high standards as we work to ensure that all students are post-secondary ready. The results promise to be exceptional, and we look forward to sharing them with you. Sincerely,

Jean-Claude Brizard

Malik Evans

RCSD Board of Education

Malik Evans President 131 W. Broad St. Rochester, NY 14614 423-2207

Van Henri White Vice President 131 W. Broad St. Rochester, NY 14614 271-6780

Board Liaison to: Wilson Commencement Academy, Wilson Foundation Academy, Preschool Parent Program, Schools 4, 8, 20, 42 and 43

Board Liaison to: Franklin Campus, Monroe High School, Youth & Justice Program, Schools 19, 36, 41, 50, 54, and 57

Thomas Brennan 32 Lake View Park Rochester, NY 14613 254-8953

Melisza Campos 131 W. Broad St. Rochester, NY 14614 262-8525

Cynthia Elliott 131 W. Broad St. Rochester, NY 14614 262-8525

Willa Powell 395 Canterbury Road Rochester, NY 14607 442-8360

Allen K. Williams 131 W. Broad St. Rochester, NY 14614 262-8525

Board Liaison to: Edison Campus, Marshall High School, Schools 7, 15, 23, 34, 35, and 39

Board Liaison to: East High School, Family Learning Center, Schools 1, 5, 9, 12, 17, and 22

Board Liaison to: Charlotte High School, School Without Walls Commencement Academy & Foundation Academy, Young Mothers and Interim Health Academy, Nathaniel Rochester Community School, Schools 2, 10, 14, and 58

Board Liaison to: Jefferson High School, School of the Arts, Florence Brown Pre-K Center, Schools 6, 16, 29, 33, 44 and 52

Board Liaison to: Dr. Freddie Thomas High School, Native American Resource Center, Northeast College Preparatory High School, Northwest College Preparatory High School, Schools 25, 28, 30, 45 and 46

Sarah DeLaus Student Representative Wilson Magnet High School Commencement Academy Grade 12 President, Student Leadership Congress


Board of Education Meetings

The Rochester Board of Education is a seven-member board elected by the citizens of Rochester to direct and oversee the operations of the school district. Board Commissioners serve four-year terms. Among the duties of the Board of Education are the following:

Meetings of the Rochester Board of Education are generally held on the fourth Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the District’s Central Office, 131 West Broad Street in Conference Room 3A. All business meetings are open to the public and a portion of the agenda is set aside for speakers. To address the Board, call the Board of Education office at 262-8525 by noon on the day of the meeting at which you wish to speak. Business meetings are also televised via RCTV Channel 15. For more information, call the Board Office at 262-8525, send an email to, or visit

• Setting the strategic direction of the District through policy development and adoption. • Appointing the Superintendent of Schools. • Promoting an alliance of teachers, administrators, students, parents, citizens, government, and community resources. • Working to secure adequate resources for maximizing student learning. • Ensuring the wise use of community educational assets and resources. • Serving on Board committees addressing the areas of Board Governance & Development, Audit, Community & Intergovernmental Relations, Finance & Resource Allocation, Policy Development & Review, and Excellence in Student Achievement. • Representing the best interests of the citizens of Rochester through effective leadership. Board Commissioners serve as liaisons to specific schools. Board liaisons visit their assigned schools periodically and serve as advocates to the full Board on behalf of those schools.

2009-2010 Business Meetings are scheduled for: September 24 October 22 November 19 December 17

January 28 February 25 March 25 April 29

May 27 June 17 July 22 August 26

RCSD Directory Academics....................................................................1 Academic Intervention Services for Students..............1 Administrative Offices Phone Numbers.....................19 Adult & Career Education.............................................1 Advanced Placement Courses.....................................1 Arts...............................................................................2 Athletic Eligibility..........................................................2 Attendance...................................................................2 Audiology.....................................................................2 Bilingual Education Council.......................................10 Bullying Prevention.......................................................2 Career and Technical Education (CTE).........................2 Certificate of Employability..........................................2 Character Education....................................................2 Code of Conduct..........................................................3 Code of Discipline........................................................4 Counseling Services.....................................................4 Curriculum (Academics)...............................................1 Customer Service Center.............................................4

Gifted and Talented Students (Major Achievement Program)...................................................................8 Grading Requirements (Academics).............................1 Grief Resource Network...............................................6 Health Education..........................................................6 Health and Medical Services........................................6 Health-e-Access...........................................................7 High School Choice (Registering for School).............11 Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection...........................7 Homeless Program.......................................................7 Homework....................................................................8 Homework Hotline (Dial-A-Teacher).............................4 How to Address Issues Involving Your Child................8 Immunizations (Registering for School)......................11 I’M READY Program.....................................................8 Internet Use..................................................................8 Language Assessment and Placement........................5 Learning through English Academic Program (LEAP)...5

Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services.............................4 Dial-A-Teacher..............................................................4 Dress Code (Code of Conduct)....................................3 Dream Schools.............................................................4

Major Achievement Program........................................8 Make-Up Days (Emergency School Closings).............5 Meals for Students (Food Service)...............................6 Megan’s Law (Emergency Information)........................5

Early Childhood Education (Pre-K Programs)............10 Eastman Pathways Program (Arts)...............................2 Elementary School Choice (Registering for School)...10 Emergency Information and Plans...............................4 Emergency School Closings........................................5 EnCompass..................................................................5 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).......5 English Language Learners....................................5, 10 Environmental Safety...................................................5 Extended Learning Opportunities................................5 Extracurricular Eligibility...............................................2

National Academy Foundation (NAF)...........................9 Native American Resource Center...............................9 No Child Left Behind Act..............................................9

Fatherhood Initiative...................................................10 Fire Drills.......................................................................6 Food Service................................................................6 Foreign Language.........................................................6

Parent Information Centers........................................10 Parent Involvement.......................................................9 Parent Liaisons...........................................................10 Parent Organizations..................................................10 Parent University..........................................................9 Personal Student Information, Release of..................10 Physical Education.....................................................10 Prekindergarten Programs.........................................10 Registering for School................................................10 Report Cards (Academics).....................................1, 11 Rochester Education Foundation...............................11

SAT/PSAT Tests..........................................................11 Safe School/Whistleblower Hotline............................11 School Addresses and Telephone Numbers..............18 School-Based Health Center Clinics............................7 School-Based Planning Teams..................................10 School Profiles...........................................................12 Smilemobile..................................................................7 Social Work and Psychology......................................12 Special Education......................................................12 Speech-Language Services.......................................13 Student and Family Support Centers.........................13 Student Leadership Congress....................................13 Student Records........................................................13 Student Support Services............................................7 Students First.............................................................14 Summer Programs.....................................................14 Telemedicine (Health-e-Access)...................................7 Testing........................................................................14 Time Schedules for Schools......................................17 Title I (No Child Left Behind Act)..................................9 Transfer of Flags Ceremony.......................................14 Transportation............................................................14 Universal Prekindergarten (Pre-K Programs)..............10 Visitors to Schools (Code of Conduct)............................3 Volunteering and Partnerships...................................15 Website.......................................................................15 Whistleblower Hotline.................................................11 Work Permits for Students.........................................15 Workforce Preparation................................................16 Work-Study Programs................................................16 Young Adult Evening High School..............................16 Youth Development & Family Services.......................16



The Rochester City School District’s academic program is aligned with rigorous state and national learning standards in support of high student achievement. (For more about learning standards, visit www.emsc.nysed. gov.) The District uses a coherent, aligned curriculum districtwide (Grades 5 to 9, ELA and Math), an essential attribute of high-achieving schools and districts. Specific academic goals are in place for all grades and subjects, and those goals are consistent from school to school. The district is in the process of establishing a fully aligned curriculum in all subject areas. Benchmark Assessments are held throughout the school year to measure student progress and allow direct support to student’s individual academic needs. Elementary students receive report cards four times during the school year: early, mid-point, third quarter, and fourth quarter. Secondary students receive report cards six times during the academic year (October, December, February, March, May and June). Report cards are designed to capture the degree to which students learned what was taught. Instruction and intervention are targeted to student needs, ensuring accountability for the academic success of all students.

Grades K-6 In kindergarten, student progress is reported in reading, math, science, social studies, motor skills, and personal growth. For the first marking period, the teacher provides a checklist that lets parents know the areas in which the child needs extra help at home. For the second, third, and fourth marking periods, a report card is sent home (see below). In grades 1-6, student progress is reported in language arts, writing, math, science, social studies, music, physical education, art, and personal growth. Report cards for grades K-6 use the following grading system to indicate the student’s progress toward New York State and District standards: 4 – Exceeds standards. Grasps and consistently applies the key concepts and skills for the grade level. 3 – Meets standards. Student grasps and applies most grade-level concepts and skills and performs at the level expected. 2 – Partially meets standards. Beginning to, and occasionally does, grasp and apply key concepts and skills, but produces work that contains many errors. 1 – Far below standards. Working at a level that is one or two years below grade level. N/A – Not assessed at this time.

In addition, for each subject area, the student’s effort level is noted using the following: E – Excellent S – Satisfactory N – Needs improvement Students spend a minimum of 7 years in elementary school depending on academic progress. The goal of instruction is to enable students to leave grade 6 reading at a level that will allow them to be successful in high school. Students who are not meeting grade-level standards are eligible for academic intervention services (see Academic Intervention Services for Students). Teachers of elementary students who are not meeting standards will notify parents during the year and provide appropriate academic intervention. Students who are still not meeting standards in grade 6 may be required to spend additional time in elementary school. Parents will be notified by the school in January of the sixth-grade school year.

Grades 7-12 For grades 7-12, student progress is reported using the following grading system: A+ (95-100%), A (90-94%), B+ (85-89%), B (80-84%), C+ (75-79%), C (70-74%), D (65-69%), and F (below 65%). The State Education Department requires that districts offer courses and programs of study that lead to a New York State Regents Diploma. Specific courses are required, and students must earn 22 credits to be eligible for a Regents Diploma. Rochester’s high schools offer state-required courses that allow students to earn the following: • 4 credits of English • 4 credits of Social Studies • 3 credits of Mathematics • 3 credits of Science • 1/2 credit of Health • 1 credit of Fine Arts • 1 credit of a language other than English • 2 credits of Physical Education • 3.5 credits of elective courses. In addition to state-required courses, each school offers its own unique programs that prepare students for graduation. For more information on school programs, grade placement, and promotional criteria, contact your child’s school counselor or visit the District’s website at

Academic Intervention Services for Students

Students who have not met or are at risk of not meeting the New York State academic standards in the core subjects (English language arts, mathematics, social studies, science) are eligible to receive Academic Intervention Services (AIS). Parents will be notified in writing by the school as soon as the student is determined to be eligible. Parents may also contact their child’s teacher, counselor, or principal if they would like to have Academic Intervention Services provided for their child. Working together, school staff and parents develop an intervention plan that will provide the student with additional instruction and, if necessary, other support services such as counseling, study skills training, attendance improvement, wellness center services, and extended-day opportunities. Contact your child’s school for more information or call 262-8324. See also No Child Left Behind Act.

Adult and Career Education Services

The District’s Office of Adult & Career Education Services (OACES) serves more than 9,000 adults annually through job training, certificate courses, workplace education, test preparation, and literacy and English language development programs. Whether you are seeking career skills, computer skills, a high school diploma or American citizenship, we have a program for you. For a course catalog or more information, call IMPROVE or 467-7683 or visit See also Workforce Preparation.

Advanced Placement Courses

The Advanced Placement (AP) program gives high school students an opportunity to take college-level courses and to obtain college credit based on their performance on rigorous AP examinations. The Rochester City School District offers AP courses in more than 20 subject areas, including biology, calculus, chemistry, physics, U.S. and European history, art history, English, French, Latin, and Spanish. Students should contact their school counselors for more information.



The Arts program in elementary and high schools includes instruction in music and art to help students reach New York State learning standards in these areas. Instrumental music is offered in elementary schools starting in grade 4. String Instruction is available in some elementary schools; string lessons begin in Grade 3 where available. Arts experiences are offered to all K-6 students in theatre, dance, music and visual art. For specific offerings, call your child’s school or see the school profiles on the District’s website, www.rcsdk12. org. Through the Eastman Community Music School’s Pathways Program, students have opportunities to earn scholarships to take weekly music lessons at the Eastman Community Music School. District music teachers recommend outstanding students in grades 5-12 who would benefit from the program. Interested students compete in an audition, and students who are accepted attend an orientation. For more information, contact your child’s school music teacher, call the RCSD Arts Department at 328-0037 ext. 1080 or call the Eastman Community Music School at 274-1400. Through the Creative Workshop at the Memorial Art Gallery, students have opportunities to earn scholarships to take weekly art classes at the Memorial Art Gallery. District art teachers recommend outstanding students in grades K-12 who would benefit from the program. For more information, contact your child’s school art teacher or call the RCSD Arts Department at 328-0037 ext. 1080.

Athletics/Extracurricular Eligibility Rochester’s interscholastic sports program offers opportunities for students to participate in competitive sports at the modified, freshman, junior varsity, and varsity levels. Student athletes are provided opportunities for physical exams and must be re-qualified by a nurse or doctor prior to each season. The sports program supports academic achievement by emphasizing the following eligibility requirements: • Maintain at least a C average in all subjects. • Maintain 93 percent daily attendance in each class. • Demonstrate good citizenship. The same requirements apply to student eligibility for extracurricular activities such as music groups, drama clubs, step teams, MasterMinds, science and math leagues, and more. Student eligibility is assessed at each of the high

schools by the Athletic Department. College scholarships are offered for students who excel in both academics and athletics. For more information, call 262-8281. See also Physical Education.


The Rochester City School District is committed to increasing our student’s academic performance through student attendance. It is our mission and goal to establish a clear collaboration and communication between RCSD departments and the Community by implementing strategies for improving student attendance. The participation section of the policy on student attendance applies only to those students enrolled in middle and high schools and includes students with disabilities. Students at this level must maintain a minimum level of attendance in each class, each marking period, in order to be eligible to receive a passing grade. Minimum level of attendance is defined as 93% attendance required. While the above figure is the minimum level required, it is the Board’s expectation that all schools will continually strive toward 100% attendance. Parents are responsible for providing a written excuse for any absence within five days of the absence. Parents should call the school when their child is going to be absent. Those who wish to be notified when their child is absent without permission should inform the school in writing and include a daytime telephone number where they can be reached. If you have any questions regarding the student attendance policy, call the Office of Student Attendance at 262-8570.


The Department of Audiology provides school-based services from NY State licensed and certified audiologists. Educational audiology services include comprehensive diagnostic and treatment/rehabilitative services for students with auditory impairments; management of the state-mandated hearing screening program in conjunction with school nursing services; and consultation services for students, families and school staff.

Bullying Prevention

See Character Education, Safe School/Whistleblower Hotline.

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Career & Technical Education (CTE) is a kindergarten through adult area of study that includes rigorous academic content closely aligned with career and technical subjects. The purpose of CTE is to provide learning experiences where students become aware of a broad spectrum of careers and develop skills that are applicable to personal and career roles and are necessary for employment in specific career areas or postsecondary study. Successful programs will prepare students for life as productive members of society. In grades nine through twelve, CTE includes the specific disciplines of agriculture education, business and marketing education, family and consumer sciences education, health occupations education, technical education, technology education, and trade/industrial education. For more info on CTE programs within the Rochester City School District, contact the CTE office at 585-2628532.

Certificate of Employability

The Certificate of Employability allows high school students to demonstrate their mastery of specific school and workplace standards that are valued by employers and to gain a competitive edge in their job search. Awarded at graduation, the Certificate of Employability serves as evidence that a student has met standards for academics, applied learning, attendance, and citizenship and will make a responsible, high-performing employee. Students must maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average and 93% attendance to qualify. For more information, contact the School-to-Work coordinator at your school or call 262-8327.

Character Education

Character education focuses on the development of positive character traits to promote a healthy school climate and enhance student learning. Character education is integrated into the curriculum in each school to create a positive moral culture, promote responsible behavior, improve peer relations, and support values-based learning. In addition to their own character education programs, many schools also participate in nationally recognized programs that promote a positive school environment. These include the Olweus Bullying Prevention program, PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Skills), Character Counts, and PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Services).

3 These programs help students learn how to make positive choices, resolve conflicts peacefully, respect others, and take personal responsibility for their behavior. Contact your child’s school for information on the specific programs taught there.

Code of Conduct

The District’s Code of Conduct promotes a positive learning environment for all students. It spells out expectations for the responsible behavior of all partners in the school community: students, teachers, administrators and other staff, parents, and visitors to schools. The Code is available at all schools and on the District website ( Among the expectations for students and parents are the following:

Students • Work to the best of their ability and strive toward the highest levels of achievement. • Attend school every day and be in class on time and prepared to learn. • Contribute to a safe and orderly school environment and show respect toward others. • Follow the rules for appropriate student conduct and accept responsibility for their actions. • Treat teachers, administrators and other school personnel, and other students in a respectful, positive manner, and seek help from school staff in solving problems that might lead to disciplinary action. • Report to school officials any information that may help prevent danger or injury to others. Tell a teacher, principal, or other staff member, or use the District’s Safety Hotline: 1-866-284-7040.

Parents and Guardians • Send their children to school on time and ready to participate and learn. • Insist their children follow the student dress code and school rules. • Communicate regularly with their children’s teachers about student growth and achievement. • Convey to their children a supportive attitude toward education and school personnel. • Conduct themselves with civility in all dealings with their child’s school. • Make sure their child’s school has the parent’s current address and other information in case of emergency (e.g., phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and names and numbers of relatives to contact in emergencies). Emergency

information should be current and contain the names of all adults (over 18) who are authorized by the parent to pick up their child.

Dress Code An important aspect of the Code of Conduct pertains to appropriate dress on school property. The following is a summary of the District’s dress code: • All aspects of a student’s appearance should be safe, appropriate, and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process. Students who violate the dress code will be required to cover or remove the offending item and, if practical, to replace it with an acceptable item. Students who refuse to do so will be subject to discipline, up to and including suspension. • The following are not appropriate on school property: - Stocking caps, “doo rags,” and bandanas. - Hats (except for medical or religious purposes). - Revealing clothing. - Clothing that includes items that are vulgar, ob scene, or disrespectful of others. - Clothing that promotes the use of alcohol, tobac co, or illegal drugs or that encourages illegal or violent activities. - Underwear should be completely covered with outer clothing, and pants should be held up with a belt of appropriate size for the student’s waist. In addition, individual schools may implement their own dress codes. Visitors to schools, including parents, are also expected to dress appropriately while on school property or attending school functions. Teachers and other school personnel are expected to model and reinforce appropriate dress at school and to help students understand its importance.

Prohibited Student Conduct The Code of Conduct prohibits student behavior that is: • Violent—including assault, possession of weapons, bullying, use of threatening actions or words in person or by computer, and destruction of property. • Disorderly—actions which disrupt the normal operation of the school or endanger the health, safety, welfare, or morals of others. • Disruptive—actions which interfere with the education of other students or the ability of the teacher to teach. • Insubordinate—failure to comply with school or District

rules or the reasonable directions of school personnel. • Dishonest—cheating, plagiarism, etc. For academic and other reasons, students cannot bring devices with camera capacity to school.

Searches on School Property All persons entering any District property are subject to search of their person and parcels. No person refusing such search shall be permitted to remain on District property. Student lockers, desks, and other storage areas at school, as well as computers and software, may be searched at any time by school officials. Students are responsible for what is kept in their lockers. The District reserves the right to monitor e-mail, websites, and Internet access of students at school.

Visitors to Schools Parents and other citizens are encouraged to visit Rochester’s schools to observe the work of students and teachers. However, schools must maintain certain limits regarding visitors so that their primary mission of teaching and learning can take place effectively. The following are among the rules for visitors stated in the Code of Conduct: • Upon arriving at school, all visitors must report to the main office. They must sign in and obtain a visitor’s badge to wear while in the school. • Visitors, including parents, who wish to observe a classroom in session must arrange for such a visit in advance by contacting the teacher. • Teachers are expected not to take class time to discuss individual matters with visitors. Meetings with teachers should be pre-arranged by phone or through written correspondence. • For the safety of students, unauthorized persons on school property will be considered trespassers and will be asked to leave. If necessary, the police will be called.

Public Conduct on School Property All persons on school property are expected to conduct themselves in a civil, peaceful, and lawful manner. “School property” includes all buildings, property, and grounds used for school and school-related activities, including school buses, and the Board of Education and Central Administrative Offices. Examples of impermissible conduct would include behavior which is violent or abusive; which injures or threatens injury to others or to property; which disrupts classes, meetings or activities; is uncivil or abusive to-

4 wards teachers or administrators; or which is harassing or discriminating against others on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, age, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. Possessing or using weapons, possessing or consuming alcoholic beverages or controlled substances or being under the influence of either is prohibited. Any person who violates the rules of conduct or who, in refusing to comply with the reasonable directions of school officials, fails to abide by these requirements may be barred from District property.

Obtaining the Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct in its entirety is available in the main office of each school and on the District’s website, A copy can also be obtained by calling 262-8363.

Code of Discipline

The Superintendent’s Regulations of Intervention & Discipline (Code of Discipline) links the behaviors prohibited by the Code of Conduct with interventions and disciplinary consequences. The goal is to help students understand why their actions are unacceptable and to provide support for improved behavior and focus on school. The code identifies five levels of inappropriate behavior: insubordinate, disorderly, disruptive, violent, and serious violent behavior. For infractions at each level, it outlines a range of disciplinary procedures and possible interventions. Examples of intervention include parent outreach, counseling, conflict resolution, behavioral progress reports, individual behavior contracts, and services to support students transitioning from suspension. The code is available in all schools and on the District’s website,

Counseling Services

Counseling services are available in all Rochester city high schools and are provided by certified school counselors. Counseling services include assistance with academic areas including high school course options, college and career counseling, and personal/social issues. For more information, contact your child’s school.


See Academics.

Customer Service Center

The District’s Customer Service Center, located at 30 Hart Street, provides assistance to parents and members of the community in solving problems, addressing complaints, and resolving conflicts and other school-related issues when normal procedures have failed. (See How To Address Issues Involving Your Child.) The Center’s professional staff can also answer customers’ questions about the District, its policies and administrative procedures. They also provide assistance to schools in resolving issues. For more information, call the Customer Service Hotline: 324-9999. The Customer Service Hotline is open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from September through June (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during summer).

Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services

The District offers instructional services for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Services are available districtwide, with a concentration of services offered at School No. 1, Monroe High School and East High School. In addition to their instructional program, students who are deaf or hard of hearing may receive support from all or a combination of the following specialists: teachers of the deaf, paraprofessionals, interpreters, notetakers, signingskills coaches, C-print captionists and audiology staff. For more information, call 262-8477 directly or call New York Relay Service (TTY) at 1-800-662-1220 to be connected.


Students and parents who need assistance with homework are invited to call Dial-A-Teacher at 262-5000 from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. There is no charge for this call. Dial-A-Teacher online assistance is also available. You can email your questions to teachers at Homework help is available from Dial-A-Teacher staff members at the Arnett Library, 310 Arnett Blvd., from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Homework questions can also be answered through the Homework Hotline program on WXXI-TV (channel 21, cable channel 11) from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. For information, call the Rochester Teachers Association at 546-2681 or Dial-A-Teacher at 262-5000 and ask for Mark Powers, Director.

Dream Schools

The District is providing concentrated resources to six traditionally low-performing schools to support and sustain improvement. These “Dream Schools” are School No. 8, School No. 45, International Finance Career High School at Franklin, Global Media Arts High School at Franklin, Jefferson High School, and Wilson Foundation Academy. This current school year, East High School will become part of the Dream Schools Initiative. School leadership teams are conducting the transformation process in each school, providing greater structure and opportunities for students to accelerate their academic growth. In addition to rigorous academics, the schools offer college and career planning, intensive tutoring, and extracurricular activities. They also offer extended school days, providing academic support to students after school and on weekends. The Dream Schools concept in Rochester is modeled after similar strategies in New York City (Chancellor’s District) and San Francisco (Dream Schools).

Early Childhood Education

See Prekindergarten Programs.

Elementary School Choice See Registering for School.

Emergency Information, Emergency Plans

Parents and guardians are expected to keep their children’s schools updated with information needed in case of an emergency. The school office should have the names of people who can be contacted in an emergency, and current home and work phone numbers for each. If those numbers change during the year, parents should notify the school immediately. Each school has a plan for responding to emergency situations that may occur during the school day. These include situations such as medical emergencies, weatherrelated emergencies, utilities failures (electricity, gas, water), and situations involving school safety and security including bomb threats and intruders in schools. The plans enable schools to be prepared in the event of an emergency and to protect the safety and well-being of students, staff, and visitors. Plans are reviewed regularly by school staff and are updated in accordance with directives from District safety officials working in conjunction with state and federal agencies.

5 Megan’s Law Under the New York State Sex Offender Registration Act (“Megan’s Law”), the District is notified by the Rochester Police Department whenever a convicted sex offender has moved into a residence near a school. Notifications are maintained in school offices and may be reviewed by parents upon request during school hours. A comprehensive, searchable listing of sex offenders is available on the website of the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, http://criminaljustice.state.

Emergency School Closings

In the event that schools are closed due to severe weather or other emergency situations, an announcement will be made on local T.V. and radio stations. The District will notify stations by 6:00 a.m. if schools are closed for the day. Also, parents and staff will receive an automated telephone call informing them of the closure. Information will also be posted on the District’s website, When city public schools are closed, no transportation will be provided to any schools or programs served by the City School District. If schools remain open during inclement weather, it is the responsibility of parents to decide if it is safe for their children to travel their usual routes to school. If it becomes necessary to close schools early on a given day, an announcement will also be made on local T.V. and radio stations, and a phone call will be made to parents. School personnel will not leave their buildings until all students are provided transportation home and walkers are dismissed.

Make-up Days In accordance with New York State law, school must be held a minimum of 180 days each school year. If emergency closings cause the number of instructional days to fall below the minimum, make-up days will be held on June 25, 2010 and, if necessary, June 28, 2010.


EnCompass: Resources for Learning is a community partnership that provides one-on-one academic and behavioral support for students. Students are assigned tutors and coaches who meet with them on a regular basis during or after the school day. Tutoring reinforces the school instructional program and supports what students are learning in class. Coaching helps students develop specific skills to support their learning.

For more information, call 266-7277 or visit www.

English Language Learners

The Department of English Language Learners (ELL) is responsible for improving academic outcomes for all English Language Learners, including bilingual students, and supporting their family involvement. For more information, call 262-8234. The District’s ELL programs serve students whose primary language is other than English. Programs include courses in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Sheltered English Immersion (LEAP), Newcomer classes, and Native Language Arts with content area classes that are taught using both English and Spanish (Bilingual/Dual Language).

Bilingual Education Bilingual Education uses both the student’s native language and English to help the student acquire academic knowledge and language proficiency in two languages. The following bilingual programs are offered: • Full-day Prekindergarten Program (Schools No. 9, 33) • Developmental Bilingual Program (Schools No. 9, 17, 22, 28, 35, Monroe) • Dual Language Program (Schools No. 12, 33, Monroe)

Learning Through English Academic Program (LEAP) LEAP offers support for the simultaneous development of English language proficiency and content-area concepts in English to students whose native language is other than English, (and/or opt out of bilingual programs). The program helps students improve their English language skills, build academic knowledge, and make a positive adjustment to school. It is offered at Schools No. 5, 14, 15, 50, and Jefferson High School. Students in LEAP also receive ESOL services. Additional schools are offering integrated forms of LEAP this year. Short Term NEWCOMER Programs are offered to new entrants at the Elementary Level at #44 School, and at Jefferson HS and Monroe HS for Secondary levels.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) ESOL services help students from other language backgrounds develop English language skills for success in school and beyond. Certified ESOL teachers offer support in English through academic subjects. Cross-cultural

understanding is another important goal of all ESOL instruction. Students develop English skills through specialized instruction by ESOL teachers in collaboration with the rest of their educational program, either as a separate class or within a core content area classroom. ESOL serves students in every school in the District and is an integral component of all programs that serve English Learners at all grade levels, K-12.

Language Assessment & Placement Services Language Assessment & Placement services are provided for parents and students from pre-K through grade 12 whose native language is not English. Language assessors test students to determine English Proficiency Levels for informing placement options for academic programs. English Language Learners are entitled to services and programs that address their language needs, as well as their interests and academic needs. Interpretation is provided to parents when needed. To schedule a language assessment, call 324-3220.

Environmental Safety

The District is committed to maintaining school and work environments that are safe and healthy for students, staff, and visitors. We closely follow state and federal regulations as well as our own stringent procedures for preventing and eliminating environmental risks in our buildings, including those related to lead paint, pesticides, water and air quality, and asbestos. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the District maintains a program of inspecting each school building for asbestos-containing building materials and developing written management plans to maintain safe environments in our schools. Information on each school’s asbestos activities is available for review in the main office of each school. A master copy is available in the Facilities Department at the District’s Service Center, 835 Hudson Ave. For more information, call 336-4005.

Extended Learning Opportunities

Extended learning opportunities for students are offered in all Rochester City Schools. These may include before, during, and after-school academic programs, as well as Saturday, School Break, and/or Summer Programs. Contact your child’s school for specific information. For information about Supplemental Educational Services (SES) please see No Child Left Behind.


Fire Drills

According to New York State law, all schools must hold at least 12 fire drills a year, eight of which must be held before December 1. Drills will be called by school principals at their discretion and recorded/noted for review as needed.

Food Service

Breakfast and lunch for students are offered in every school. At the start of the school year, parents will receive more information about school meals, including prices. Monthly menus are available on the District’s website, Depending on family income, students pay full or reduced prices for school meals, or receive meals at no cost. All school meals are subsidized by the federal government. For your child to be eligible for free or reducedprice meals, an application form must be submitted to the food service office at your child’s school and approved each school year. If you receive Social Services, you will receive a direct certification letter from New York State prior to the opening of school. You must bring this letter to the food service office at your child’s school, rather than an application. If you are not eligible in September but become unemployed, have a decrease in household income, or have an increase in family size during the school year, you may request and complete an application at that time. For more information, call 336-4100.

Foreign Language

The foreign language program is designed so that students learn to use foreign languages for meaningful communication in both spoken and written form. The program emphasizes language as it is used in real-life situations that students encounter. Through foreign language study, students develop sensitivity to the cultural and linguistic heritage of other groups, understand their influence on American culture, and become prepared to participate in a society characterized by linguistic and cultural diversity. Foreign language instruction includes American Sign Language, Mandarin Chinese, French, Kiswahili, Latin, and Spanish. All high schools and several elementary schools offer foreign language instruction. For more information, contact your child’s school, or visit

Gifted and Talented Students

See Major Achievement Program.

Grading Requirements See Academics.

Grief Resource Network

The District’s Grief Resource Network is comprised of staff from each school who have been trained as Grief Resource Specialists. They act as a resource to students, their families, and other school staff members in dealing with a range of experiences including death, the loss of a home, parental separation, and other life-changing events. The goal is to help them express their grief and loss in healthy ways which in turn allows them to maintain their focus on learning. For more information, call 262-8294.

Health Education

Health Education is a holistic approach that requires the collaboration of home, school, and community, providing knowledge and skills to enable students to make responsible and informed decisions and adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Health Education prepares students to meet the challenges of healthy living, focusing on all aspects of health and well-being—physical, mental, emotional, and social—and providing knowledge, motivation and life learning skills.

Health and Medical Services

The Student Health Services department forms partnerships within the District and with the larger health care community to provide services to students and to fulfill State mandates. In addition to those listed below, examples of service partnerships include: R-CAN Asthma Nurse Consultant, ABVI’s Vision Care for Kids, the Insurance Facilitated Enrollment Program, and the U of R School of Medicine free physical examination program. Our collaboration with the Monroe County Department of Public Health is a substantial support to the department activities.

Confidentiality and Privacy The RCSD follows all laws pertaining to student confidentiality and privacy. Specifically, the school is governed by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). The school will seek your permission to release any educational or medical information outside of school. The school will

share any educational or medical information within the school on a need-to-know basis with those adults who supervise your child. Your own physician will require that you sign a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) release for them to share important health records with the RCSD, such as immunization records or health appraisals. We suggest at the time you register your child for school that you sign a HIPAA release for these basic records before you leave the registration center. If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse.

School Nursing Services Through a contract with Monroe I BOCES, school nurses, licensed practical nurses, and/or nursing aides are assigned to all city schools during school hours and during summer schools. Their responsibilities include: • Managing medical emergencies. • Caring for students with minor injuries and illnesses at school. • Administering medications. • Planning interventions for children with special needs. The District complies with New York State laws and regulations. State requirements for school health services include: • A complete immunization record for all students. • Scoliosis screening in grades 5 through 9. • Vision screening for new students and those in grades Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10. • Hearing screening for new students and those in grades Pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10. • Receipt of a physical examination form for new students and those in grades Pre-K, K, 2, 4, 7, 10. Physical examination forms are available at each school’s health office, at the Parent Information Centers, and on the District’s website. Physical examinations should be conducted by your private health-care provider. If an examination is done in school, written parent permission is required. An examination is valid for one year through the last day of the month in which the examination was conducted. • Documenting blood pressure, height, weight, and calculation of the Body Mass Index (BMI) for students’ physical examinations. (BMI results are reported to the State in group form—individual student information is not provided. If you do not want your child’s information included, please notify your school nurse in writing.) • A physical examination each year for secondary school sports.

7 If you do not want your child screened, please notify your school nurse in writing. If your child must receive medications or treatments at school, please provide the school with your written permission and a doctor’s signed order. Forms are available at the school health office and on the District website’s “Health Services Forms for Parents.” All medications must be in an original labeled container and delivered to school by an adult. Please see the school nurse if you want your child to self-medicate or to carry an inhaler or Epi-Pen. If a student needs an ambulance or if he/she needs to be sent home, the nurse or aide will attempt to call the parent. Parents and legal guardians must provide the school with the following emergency information updated as necessary to keep the school informed of changes to the following: • Home, work, and cell telephone numbers. • Names and phone numbers of others who can be called in an emergency. • Name and phone number of the child’s health-care provider. Parents are encouraged to contact the school nurse with questions or concerns. If a student is ill, he/she should remain at home to recover and avoid spreading the illness. Parents are expected to notify the school when a child is ill at home, and to have the child bring a written excuse when he/she returns to school. The excuse must note the type of illness or injury that caused the absence. If there is no excuse, a violation of state education law will be noted on the student’s record.

School-Based Health Center Clinics School-Based Health Center Clinics are located at the following schools: • School No. 9 (325-7828 ext. 1140) • School No. 33 (482-9290 ext. 1141) • East High School (288-1390) • The Edison Educational Campus (647-2200 ext. 2306) • Dr. Freddie Thomas High School (324-3425) • The Franklin Educational Campus (324-3726) • Marshall High School (458-5734) The School-Based Health Center Clinics offer primary health-care services at no cost to enrolled students and their families. A family’s health insurance will be billed only if the student has coverage. The clinics work with parents, guardians, and students’ primary-care providers in the community. Each clinic provides comprehensive and accessible services such as: • Physical examinations for work or sports.

• Treatment of injuries and illnesses. • Prescriptions for medications. • Immunizations. • Laboratory tests. • Health education. • Counseling. In order to receive these free services, a student must have an enrollment form signed by his/her parent or legal guardian. Forms are available at the School-Based Health Center Clinic in each school identified above.

School-Linked Health Clinics Full-service health care is offered to students and families in clinics adjacent to Schools No. 6 and 17. These services include pediatric and adult primary care, dental care, psychiatric assessment, counseling, and others. Services at School No. 6 are provided by the Anthony Jordan Health Center (423-5800); services at School No. 17 are provided by Unity Health (368-4500) and Eastman Dental (436-8123). Enrollment information is available by calling the clinic.

Smilemobile Free dental screenings for students are offered by dental hygienists and dentists through periodic visits to schools by Eastman Dental’s Smilemobiles. Further dental work, if necessary, is available at no cost other than what is covered by a family’s existing insurance coverage. The following schools participate in Smilemobile visits: Schools No. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 19, 22, 29, 33, 36, 39, 41, 43, 45, and 50. Principals will notify parents when enrollment forms are available. You must complete the enrollment form in order for your child to receive this service.

Telemedicine (Health-e-Access) Schools No. 6, 8, 9, 14, 20, 22, 36, 39, 45, 53, and 58 have a program called Health-e-Access that allows children to see a doctor or nurse practitioner without leaving school. Offered in partnership with the University of Rochester Medical Center, the program uses video and Internet connections to enable health-care professionals located off-site to examine children while they remain at school. A diagnosis can be made and prescriptions written without a visit to the doctor’s office. For more information, contact the schools listed above. An enrollment form must be completed before service is given to your child.

Student Accident Program RCSD has contracted with Excellus BlueCross BlueShield to manage self-coverage up to $15,000 after

the student’s own insurance coverage for accidental injury suffered by the student during school, on the way to and from school, and during school-sponsored and supervised activities, including athletics. For more information or forms, contact your school nurse or School Health Services at 262-8497.

Student Support Services The District provides a range of support services for students at all schools: • Audiology • Drug and Alcohol Prevention • Grief Resource Network • Home/Hospital Instruction • Medical Management and Assistive Technology for Children (MATCH) • Occupational/Physical Therapy • School Health Services • School Nursing Services • Social Work/Psychology • Special Education Compliance/Committee on Special Education/Specialized Services • Speech/Language and Hearing Services For more information, contact your child’s school. See also Student and Family Support Centers.

High School Choice

See Registering for School.

Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection

The Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection serves students who are at high risk of dropping out of school. Through the collaborative support of youth advocates, school staff, workplace mentors, and parents, the program not only keeps students in school, it helps them perform at higher academic levels, complete their education, and prepare for the workforce. For more information, call 2567500.

Homeless Program

Rochester City School District’s Program for Homeless Students and Families’ primary function is to ensure that students living in homeless/ temporary living situations are identified, immediately enrolled in school, and have full and equal opportunity to succeed in school as mandated by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Title X, Part C, of the No Child Left Behind Act. Examples of temporary living situations include but

8 are not limited to: emergency or transitional shelters or programs; doubled-up with friends or relatives due to loss of housing, economic hardship, domestic violence and/or disaster; motel, hotel or campground; car, bus, train station or other public place; abandoned building or some other inadequate accommodations; awaiting foster care placement. Under McKinney-Vento, eligible students have the right to: • Immediate (same or next day) enrollment (fully participating in classes and activities) in school, even when documentation normally needed for registration is not available. • Expedited transportation to the school. • Immediate special education services if the student has a current IEP (even if the IEP itself is not available or from another district). • Participate in any school activity available to other students. • Free school meals without filling out an application. Additionally, RCSD Homeless Program offers new emergency school clothing and school supplies if lack of either is a barrier to school attendance and/ or success. If you or others you know are living in a situation listed above, please ask any Rochester City School District or Community Agency staff person to call Roseann Kilduff at 262-8000, ext. 2070 for current referral information.


Homework is an important part of the learning process in the RCSD. The process of completing homework supports the establishment of good study habits, individual responsibility and time management. All of these skills are required for success in school and the workplace. Quality homework reinforces what students learn in school and provides a superb opportunity for parents to be involved in their child’s education. In general, students are expected to do homework each night as follows: Grades K-2.......... 15 minutes Grade 3................ 30 minutes Grades 4-5.......... 30-60 minutes Grades 6-8.......... 11/2 - 21/2 hours Grades 9-12........ 21/2 - 31/2 hours (including study time) Parents are in a powerful position to support their child's academic achievement. Homework is a responsibility of each student and the direct involvement of parents

should be minimal; however, younger students more likely require the support of their parent. Students should have an area of study that is free from distractions and access to basic materials (paper, pencil, pen, ruler, and eraser). In the event that a child is unable to complete an assignment, it is helpful if the parent contacts the teacher immediately. In addition to teacher-assigned homework, students will benefit greatly from at least 20 minutes of reading each night. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's teacher(s) early in the year regarding specific expectations for homework.

program will continue their academic programs along with supportive services built directly into the program that include ongoing relationships with caring adults; safe places with structured activities; access to services that promote healthy lifestyles, including physical and mental health; opportunities to acquire marketable skills and competencies; and opportunities for community service and civic participation. For more information, contact Jerome Watts, at 2541240 or

Homework Hotline

In accordance with the District’s Code of Conduct, District computer equipment shall be used only for purposes consistent with the District’s educational and business mission and not in violation of law or copyright. The use of District equipment, e-mail, Internet access, and websites is subject to monitoring without prior notice or express consent. Users shall have no expectation of privacy. All Internet users, including students, are required to sign an Internet Use Agreement Form, available in schools, stating that they will abide by District rules for Internet use. Students must also have the form signed by a parent. For a copy of the Code of Conduct, including rules for Internet use, call 262-8525.

See Dial-A-Teacher.

How To Address Issues Involving Your Child

If you have a concern about an issue involving your child, begin by making an appointment to meet with the teacher. Most problems can be successfully resolved at the classroom level when a parent and teacher work together. If the issue goes beyond something the teacher can address, contact the school’s main office to arrange an appointment with the principal. You may also contact the school’s parent liaison/home school assistant at the elementary level, or the school counselor at the high school level. If a concern remains after you have followed these steps, please contact the Customer Service Hotline at 3249999. Customer Service staff will assist you with trying to reach resolve to your issue. Finally, if the concern has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may contact the New York State Department of Education using the link on the Parents and Students Forms page on the district’s website.


See Registering for School.

I’M READY Program

The Rochester City School District I’M READY Alternative Program (“I am a Mature, Respectful, Engaged, Accountable and Determined Youth”) is for students who have been placed on long-term suspension by the Superintendent of Schools and are ready to transition back to the school environment. The program promotes a personalized learning environment where every student enrolled in the

Internet Use

Language Assessment & Placement See English Language Learners.

Major Achievement Program

The Major Achievement Program (MAP) provides students in grades 4-6 with opportunities for enrichment and acceleration beyond the conventional curriculum. Students become eligible for MAP by classroom teachers recommending children who exhibit academic potential, aptitude, and performance. Students are selected for MAP through an evaluation process that combines input from the MAP office, classroom teachers, and parents. For more information, call 262-8272.

Make-Up Days

See Emergency School Closings.

Meals for Students See Food Service.


Megan’s Law

See Emergency Information.

National Academy Foundation (NAF)

The National Academy Foundation (NAF) is an acclaimed national network of high school career academies, or schools within schools, that offer rigorous, career-themed curricula created using current industry and education expertise. The mission of NAF is to provide students with experiential education using both traditional classroom learning and internships, in career-oriented areas in order to support the development of America’s youth toward current and future personal and professional success. Through the Academies, local businesses partner with schools to ready students for the world beyond high school. These business professionals help by securing internships, volunteering in classrooms, acting as mentors, and serving on local advisory boards. NAF programs are available in three RCSD schools: East High School; the School of Business, Finance, and Entrepreneurship at Edison; and the International Finance and Career High School at Franklin. There are three NAF programs currently in place: the Academy of Finance (AOF), the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism (AOHT), and the Academy of Information Technology (AOIT). For more information contact Rhonda Neal, Coordinator, at 262-8440 or visit the district’s website.

Native American Resource Center

The Native American Resource Center is a cultural enrichment program designed to meet the specific educational needs of Native American students in grades K12. Students learn about their cultural heritage through a curriculum that reinforces their school’s traditional social studies program. The Resource Center also offers programs at District schools to teach about the history and culture of Native Americans. These programs are aligned with State Social Studies Standards and the 4th grade text book. The Resource Center is located at School No. 19, 465 Seward Street. For more information, call 324-9305.

No Child Left Behind Act

(See also How to Address Issues Involving Your Child.) The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 is a federal law designed to improve education for all children

and to help close the achievement gap between disadvantaged and/or minority students and their classmates. It holds schools and school districts responsible for results, gives parents greater choices, and supports highly qualified teachers, promoting teaching methods that work. Current highlights include: • Focusing federal Title I funds to strengthen language arts and math instruction, after-school academic programs, and academic support for English language learners. • Ensuring greater opportunities for parents to become active partners in their children’s education. • Allowing greater choices for parents and students attending low-performing schools. • Strengthening federal policies governing state testing, school accountability, and teacher and paraprofessional qualifications.

Parent Involvement

In addition, NCLB requires school districts to: • Notify parents when their children’s schools or the District have been cited for low performance. Parents must be notified 2 weeks before the beginning of the school year or as soon as the list of Schools in Need of Improvement (SINI) is released by New York State. • Offer eligible students (as defined by NCLB) the opportunity to receive supplemental education services in the form of tutoring or after-school programs, or offer students in low-performing schools the opportunity to transfer to higher performing schools. Parents have the right to request an NCLB transfer. If a parent wishes for his/her child to remain at the low-performing school, the student may be eligible to receive Supplemental Educational Services (SES) tutoring. • Inform parents of the certification of their children’s teachers. Parents should put their request for information in writing to the school principal. For more information, visit the Rochester City School District website at You will find links to NCLB, School Choice, SES tutoring, the New York State NCLB site, and the U.S Department of Education’s “No Child Left Behind” website. You may also call the Title I/NCLB Office directly at 585-262-8679.

Office of Parent Engagment. This office develops and implements strategies for increasing parent participation in education. Staff in this office serve as the District’s liaison to Districtwide parent groups, provide support to schools in collaborating with parents, and developing school-based parent organizations. In addition, they offer training programs for parents and staff, and monitor and evaluate parent involvement activities in schools and throughout the District. The Office includes the District’s Customer Service Center, Parent University, Fatherhood Initiative and a training program for Parent liaisons and Home School Assistants. It is located at 30 Hart Street, in rooms 119, 120, and 122. All parents are encouraged to be involved in their children’s education. To find out more, call 262-8000 ext. 1190. The Office can also be contacted using Customer Service Center provides assistance to parents/guardians and members of the community in solving problems, addressing complaints, and resolving conflicts and other school-related issues when normal procedures have failed. In addition, the Customer Service Center provides assistance in connecting parents/guardians to community resources. (Contact: Customer Service Representatives, 324-9999) Parent University provides training workshops to help parents strengthen their skills in supporting their children’s education, including helping with homework, test preparation, communication, and understanding curriculum. It also offers a Parent Leadership Academy to prepare parents for leadership roles in parent organizations. In addition, Parent University provides professional development to staff in the area of developing partnerships with parents. (Contact: Coordinator, 324-9960.)

Parent Information Centers See Registering for School.

(See also Code of Conduct, Customer Service Center, No Child Left Behind Act.) If you would like to be added to the District’s parent e-mail list for news and information updates, send your request to More than any other factor, parent and family involvement increases student achievement and success. By working with their children’s schools and supporting their education at home, parents play an important role in helping students get the most out of their school experience. NOTE: Throughout this calendar, the word “parents” is used to indicate any adult with parental responsibility or guardianship of a student.

Parent Resources

10 Fatherhood Initiative provides fathers with resources and tools to build stable families and enhance their involvement with their children. Offered are a variety of workshops, retreats, and conferences specifically designed for fathers in the areas of parenting, communication, and leadership development. (Contact: Coordinator, 262-8000 ext. 1201.) Parent Liaisons/Home School Assistants. Each elementary school has its own parent liaison and several high schools have their own home school assistant. These school staff members serve as a connection between home and school. They facilitate communication with parents, help parents navigate the school system, and support parent involvement activities in the schools. To find out how to contact your school’s parent liaison/home school assistant, contact the school office or call 262-8000, ext. 1190. Department of English Language Learners. This department provides information and support for the families of Hispanic and bilingual students and students who speak a language other than English. For more information, call 262-8234. (See also English Language Learners.) Hearing Impaired Services. Parents who are hearing impaired can request special services from the District by calling New York Relay Service (TTY) at 1-800-662-1220 or emailing (See also Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services.)

Parent Organizations Districtwide Parent Council. The District has established a districtwide parent group designed to provide a common voice for parents and a forum for parent involvement and cooperation with the District. It is comprised of representatives from PTOs, PTSAs, School-Based Planning Teams, District-level parent groups, community parent groups, and parents at large. The districtwide parent group meets periodically with the Board of Education and the Superintendent; assists in identifying problems and proposing solutions; assists the District in surveying the needs and interests of parents in the collective bargaining process; and makes recommendations on the District’s obligation to parent involvement under legislation and policy. In addition, this districtwide group networks with national and state coalitions supporting Title I programs under NCLB. Members participate at the national and state levels in discussions of Title I education programs and lobby for federal funding to support programs to improve student achievement. It also holds an annual conference for parents in collaboration with the Office of Parent Engagement. Parents

and community members are invited to participate in national, state, and local conferences on parent involvement. For more information, visit or call 262-8000 ext. 1190. PTAs/PTOs. Parent-Teacher Associations/Organizations support and advocate for children in their schools and in the community. For more information, contact your child’s school or call 262-8000, ext. 1190. School-Based Planning Teams. These teams are responsible for reviewing student performance, setting goals for academic improvement, and designing a program for the school to meet those goals. Parents are welcome to be a part of the team at their child’s school and to work with the principal and teachers in developing the school’s improvement plan. For more information, contact your child’s school or call 262-8000, ext. 1190. Bilingual Education Council. This body advises the Superintendent on issues regarding bilingual education including curriculum and instructional materials. Meetings are held monthly. For more information, call 262-8234. The Flower City Parents Network. The Flower City Parents Network is a place for Rochester City School District parents and those interested in City Schools to help and support each other, give advice to other parents, and share information, experiences and resources. Looking for a forum where you can discuss your child’s education from a parent’s perspective? Check out the Flower City Parents Network website at

Personal Student Information, Release of

Parents of District students have the right to request that the District not release “directory information” about their children to outside organizations. Directory information is defined as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, awards received, and identity of most recent previous school attended. Occasionally, the District may be asked for such information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law by parent or student associations, social service or community groups, or providers of educational, training, or employment opportunities, including recruiters for colleges and the armed services. Parents should notify the District if they do not want any or all such information released without prior consent. Parents may do so by completing the non-disclosure form available in schools and also located on the

Forms section of the district website. The District will keep a record of your response in this matter. This information will also be communicated by your child’s school in the beginning of the school year. See also Student Records.

Physical Education

Physical Education is a required part of the curriculum for all students. The mission of Physical Education is to enable all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a foundation for a healthy, productive, and fulfilling life in a global environment. Physical Education provides a unique opportunity to develop concepts, skills, and attitudes that reinforce personal wellness and the ability to manage one’s life. For more information, call 262-8281.

Prekindergarten Programs

Rochester’s prekindergarten programs build the foundation for high academic performance and lay the groundwork for what children will be expected to learn and do as they progress through elementary and high school. Prekindergarten programs are offered at 24 elementary schools and 21 community-based organizations located throughout the city. Bilingual pre-K programs are offered at Schools No. 9 and 33. Children who will be four years old by December 1st can be registered to begin prekindergarten in September. For more information, call 262-8140, or visit us on the District’s website:

Registering for School

Parents can register their children for school at any one of the Parent Information Centers. Northeast Zone

836 North Goodman Street 288-2008

Northwest Zone

30 Hart Street 262-8070

South Zone

353 Congress Avenue (corner of Post Ave., former School No. 37) 232-2012

Parent Center staff will assist parents with every step of the registration process. They can also provide parents

11 with information about the schools available to their children to help them make an informed choice. Parents of children who speak a language other than English can arrange for a language assessment for their child by calling 324-3220. The assessment will help determine the best placement for the student in an academic program.

Elementary Schools Children who will be five years old on or before December 1 should be registered to start kindergarten in September. Rochester’s elementary school choice system divides the District into three attendance zones: Northeast, Northwest, and South. Parents can choose from among all the schools in the zone in which they live (including their neighborhood school), as well as from several “citywide” schools open to all students. School selection catalogs and applications are mailed to parents in early spring. They are also available at that time on the District’s website,, and at pre-K sites in the city. Profiles of each elementary school are also available on the website. Detailed information regarding every public school in the state can be obtained at To register your child for elementary school, including prekindergarten and kindergarten, visit the Parent Information Center nearest you. Be sure to bring the following papers: • A copy of the child’s birth or baptismal certificate, Alien Registration Card, or passport. • Proof of immunization from your health-care provider. (Contact your Parent Center for specific requirements.) • Proof of address (e.g., utilities bill, phone bill, lease or mortgage). • Proof of guardianship (if child does not reside with parents). • Photo identification for the registering parent/guardian.

High Schools School selection catalogs and applications are mailed to parents of students entering high school in late fall. They are also available at that time on the District’s website, www. Profiles of each high school are also available on the website. If you are new to the District or re-enrolling in high school (grades 7-12), you can register at one of the Parent Information Centers. You may also call the Office of Student Equity & Placement at 262-8241.

After registering, your child will be enrolled in school and provided information about transportation, if eligible. When registering your child, be sure to bring the following papers: • Copy of the child’s birth or baptismal certificate, Alien Registration Card, or passport. • Proof of immunization from your health-care provider. (Contact the Parent Center nearest you for specific requirements.) You may also bring the fax number of your child’s health care provider. • Proof of address (e.g., utilities bill, phone bill, lease or mortgage). • Proof of guardianship (if child does not reside with parents). • Report card or other academic records from school previously attended. • Photo identification for the registering parent. Placement staff can also contact your child’s previous school district for all of the above information except for the parent’s photo i.d. At the end of grade 9, students may apply for a transfer to a different high school program for grades 10-12, depending on available space and student eligibility. For more information, call the Office of Student Equity and Placement at 262-8241.

Adult and Career Education Services Adults interested in GED, ESOL, Adult Basic Education, occupational, or other OACES programs at the Family Learning Center, 30 Hart St., should call 262-8000 for enrollment information.

Report Cards

Report card issue dates are listed on the monthly pages of this calendar. See also Academics.

Rochester Education Foundation

Rochester Education Foundation (REF) is an independent, not-for-profit organization focused on raising resources to help Rochester city school students be successful by supporting community partnerships and serving as a positive change agent for city students. REF offers a variety of programs serving student needs. Through Give Back, Give Books, REF has provided more than 18,000 new books to enable book clubs and special parent-child events to occur at city schools and to support student home libraries. The REF also has donated

about 600 musical instruments for city student use since the launch of its Spring for Music program in 2005. The organization also operates Kidbridge urban-suburban partnership program and supports partnerships with city school students. For more information or to donate to the Foundation, visit or Contact REF by e-mail at or call 271-5790.


Administered by the College Board, the SAT is taken by college-bound high school students in their junior year. The results are used by colleges as one element of their admissions criteria. The test includes sections on writing, math, and critical reading. The SAT is administered on Saturdays throughout the year; dates of the test and the registration deadlines are included on the monthly pages of this calendar. The PSAT, also administered by the College Board, prepares students for the SAT and helps them develop the academic skills they need for college. All District students in grades 10 and 11 are required to take the PSAT. The PSAT measures verbal reasoning, critical reading, writing skills, and math problem solving. Data from the test will be used to gauge student performance in these areas and to strengthen instruction to support students’ skill development. For more information, contact your child’s school counselor.

Safe School /Whistleblower Hotline

To support safe schools and an ethical workplace, the District has in place a “Safe School/Whistleblower Hotline.” The hotline provides a single, confidential number that students, parents or employees can call anonymously to report threats of violence and illegal or unethical activities. The toll-free hotline number is 1-866-284-7040. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Callers may remain anonymous. Students, families and employees are encouraged to use the hotline to report threats, violence, bullying, harassment, illegal or potentially dangerous activities, fraud, theft, discrimination, misuse of funds, conflicts of interest, and other ethics violations. Callers can speak anonymously with a hotline interviewer and answer a series of questions to determine the nature of the concern. Based on the issue, a report is then relayed to an independent Board/District official so that appropriate action can be taken.

12 Students and families can also call CrimeStoppers at 423-9300 with information about criminal activity. If you have questions about the Safe Schools Hotline, call the Department of Security at 262-8600. If you have questions regarding the Whistleblower Hotline, call the Office of the Auditor General at 262-8399.

School-Based Planning Teams

See Parent Involvement or contact your child’s school for more information.

School Profiles

Detailed information on each school and program in the District is available under “Schools” on the District’s website, School profiles are also available at the Parent Information Centers (see separate listing).

Social Work and Psychology

The Department of School Social Work and School Psychology Services offers support from clinically trained specialists including consultation from a child and adolescent psychiatrist. School social work services include consultation for students, families and school staff during crisis, and prevention and early intervention services such as peer mediation and conflict resolution. School social workers are also involved in students’ developmental skills and character development. School psychological services consist of psychological and academic assessments, consultation, and crisis intervention, which are provided to students to improve the student’s academic success. The services are provided by a New York State certified school psychologist, who consults and works with students, teachers, administrators and parent to improve positive academic and behavioral outcomes for students. Primary Project is a school-based early detection and prevention program currently in several elementary schools. The program seeks to enhance learning and adjustment skills and other school-related competencies and to reduce social, emotional and school adjustment difficulties among children in pre-K through grade 2. Using carefully developed screening and detection methods, young children with early school adjustment difficulties (e.g., mild aggression, withdrawal and learning difficulties) that interfere with learning are identified. They are then given effective support from carefully selected, trained child associates who work under close professional supervision of a licensed school social

worker or a school psychologist. For more information, call 262-8473.

Special Education

The following outlines the steps which parents and the District must follow when they believe a child has an educational disability.

Notification of Possible Disability School districts are required to identify all children who may have an educational disability. If you have a child who may have a disability and who is not receiving special education services, please submit the following information to your child’s school or to any public school office: the child’s name and date of birth; the disability you believe the child may have; the parent or guardian’s name, address and telephone number; the language spoken at home; and the parent’ or guardian’s signature. For more information about special education, and to obtain a copy of the State Education Department document outlining the rights for parents of children with disabilities, call 262-8454.

Referral You, your doctor, your child’s teachers or other people involved with your child may submit a written referral for a school-age child or preschool child who may have a disability. A referral is a request to evaluate a child for a possible educational disability. The written referral must be sent to your child’s principal or to the Committee on Special Education (CSE), or the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE), 131 West Broad Street, Rochester, New York 14614. District personnel must then evaluate your child.

Evaluations The evaluations performed for your child may include a social history, achievement tests, a health assessment, psychological tests, speech/language/hearing tests, and any other tests which may be necessary. Before an initial evaluation can be done, the District must have your written consent. Your consent is voluntary and may be withdrawn any time prior to completion of the evaluations. If you do not wish to consent to the evaluations, you will be invited to a meeting at your child’s school to discuss your objections. If you do not attend this meeting or if you continue to object, the District will determine whether a due process hearing should be held to decide whether an evaluation is necessary.

If the evaluations are done and you disagree with the results, you have the right to get an independent evaluation which the CSE/CPSE must consider when making its recommendation on your child’s special education program. If you want this independent evaluation to be at District expense, you must notify the CSE/CPSE in writing. The District will determine whether a due process hearing will be necessary.

CSE/CPSE Meeting The CSE/CPSE meeting to discuss your child’s educational needs will be held after the evaluations are completed. The CSE/CPSE will notify you of the date, time, location and who is expected to attend the meeting. You will be notified at least five school days before the meeting. You may bring anyone you wish to the CSE/CPSE meeting. If the CSE/CPSE determines at the meeting that your child has an educational disability that negatively impacts his or her school performance and will require special education services, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for your child will be developed with your input. The appropriate classification (type of disability) and special education services for your child will also be discussed with you. If your child is being recommended for a special education program for the first time, the CSE/CPSE will ask you to sign for consent for services. If you are not in attendance at the meeting, a copy of your child’s proposed IEP will be mailed to you along with a consent form and return envelope. Special education services for your child cannot begin without your consent.

Individual Education Plan (IEP) The IEP states your child’s classification, the type of program, specific special education and related services to be provided, duration of program (10 or 12 months), present levels of academic performance, any special needs for transportation, annual goals, and any special testing procedures or equipment to be used. The IEP must explain the extent, if any, to which your child will not be in regular education programs. Your child’s classification, services, and program will be reviewed once a year by a subcommittee of the CSE/CPSE. At any time, you may ask for a review of your child’s IEP, classification, special education services and/or program by writing to the CSE/CPSE.

Due Process Rights If you disagree with any part of the recommendation of the IEP, you may make a written request for mediation (which will be conducted by the Center for Dispute Settle-

13 ment) or an impartial hearing. Your request must state specifically what you disagree with. If you request a hearing, the hearing must be held and a decision made within 45 days of your written request. If you are represented by an attorney at a hearing or a subsequent appeal to the State Review Office or court, and if your appeal is successful, your reasonable attorney’s fees may be paid by the District. If you have questions about your due process rights, please contact the District’s Law Department at 262-8412.

Plans. In addition, speech/language enrichment is provided to all kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms with a focus on basic concepts, phonemic awareness, vocabulary and oral language development. Speech-language Therapists also consult with families and staff regarding speech/language development, disorders and strategies. For more information contact the Speech-Language-Hearing Department at 262-8477.

Transition Planning

The department of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy provides both diagnostic services and direct and consultative services to preschool and school-age students as indicated in the Individual Education Plans (IEP), 504 Accommodation Plans, or General Education Service Plans. Occupational Therapists also provide enrichment to all kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms, reinforcing basic concepts, vocabulary, and language development through fine and gross motor activities, emphasizing appropriate sensory-motor strategies. For more information, contact the Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Department at 262-8466.

When your child reaches age 12, the school district as required by state law will conduct a career assessment. This will serve as the foundation for a formal transition plan which will be developed when your child is 15. The transition plan is included in your child’s IEP and is reviewed annually. The purpose is to make your child’s education relevant to his or her future and help prepare your child for the adult world. Taking into consideration your child’s unique needs, interests, and strengths, the plan will identify school and community supports to help your child achieve his or her goals. These may include career counseling, vocational assessment, community-based instruction, job coaching and shadowing, work experience and volunteering, college or adult education services, and independent living skills. For more information, see your child’s school counselor or call 262-8129.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Rochester City School District policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in accessing its programs. If you would like accommodations made for a child with a disability, you may obtain a Section 504 accommodation form from the Student Support Services team at your child’s school. The District also has a grievance procedure for student disability discrimination complaints. For more information, please contact the Section 504 Coordinator for the District: Ed Yansen, Supervising Director, Student Support Services, 131 West Broad Street, Rochester, New York 14614, (585) 262-8459.

Speech-Language Services The department of Speech & Language provides diagnostic, direct and consultative speech-language therapy services to preschool and school-age students as indicated in Individualized Education Programs (IEP), 504 Accommodation Plans, and General Education Therapy Service

Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Services

Student and Family Support Centers

Student and Family Support Centers are collaborations among schools, agency partners, families, and community. They build on and complement the resources of the school (Educational Support Services, School Counselors, School Social Workers, and in school programs and opportunities) by bringing community agencies into schools to deliver additional services either directly or through referrals and linkages to other community resources and opportunities. In-school services typically include crisis intervention, peer mediation, leadership skills building, anger management, counseling to prevent risk behaviors, mental health, behavioral health care, and employment related support. The goal of the centers is to equip students with the social and emotional skills and resources to succeed in school and become productive members of the community. Student and Family Support Centers operate at Clara Barton School No. 2, Charlotte High School, Frederick Douglass College Preparatory Campus, East High School, Edison Educational Campus, Franklin Educational Campus, Jefferson High School, Marshall High School, Monroe High School, and Wilson Magnet High School Foundation Academy. The centers operate through partnerships with the County of Monroe, the City of Rochester, and the United Way of Greater Rochester.

For more information, contact your child’s school.

Student Leadership Congress

Every high school offers leadership opportunities for students through student government and/or other schoolbased organizations. Those who want to get involved on a Districtwide level can participate in Student Leadership Congress, a body that represents the voice of Rochester students. It consists of student representatives from each school who want to develop leadership skills and engage in community service. The president of Student Leadership Congress serves as the official spokesperson for the students of the District and as the student representative to the Rochester Board of Education. For more information, contact your child’s school or call 262-8373.

Student Records

(See also Personal Student Information, Release of.) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents of students 17 years of age and younger, and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”), certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are: (1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the school receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to see to the school principal, who will make arrangements and notify the parent or eligible student when and where the records may be inspected. (2) The right to request the amendment of any of the student’s education records believed to be inaccurate. Parents or eligible students should write to the school principal, clearly identifying the part of the record they want changed and specifying why it is inaccurate. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify them of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will also be provided. (3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests (i.e., the need to review an education record in order to fulfill his

14 or her professional responsibility). A school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official performing his or her tasks; or an official of another school district in which a student seeks to enroll. (4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the school district to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Such complaints should be filed with the following office: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-4605 (5a) “Directory Information” is defined in FERPA as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, awards received, and identity of most recent previous school attended. Occasionally, the District may be asked for such information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law by parent or student associations, social service or community groups, or providers of educational, training, or employment opportunities, including recruiters for colleges and the armed services. Federal law requires that the armed services be treated equally with other employers. Sometimes the news media seek such information about students, including athletes, who have won awards or attained notable achievements. (5b) Parents should notify the District if they do not want any or all such information released without prior consent. Parents may do so by completing the non-disclosure form available in schools and also on the District’s website, The District will keep a record of parents’ response in this matter.

Students First

“Students First” is the official television program of the Rochester City School District, produced by the Communications Department with the involvement of city high school students. Each week, “Students First” provides our community with a fresh, lively look at the exciting activities taking place in Rochester’s schools and the latest in District news and information. A student-anchored newscast, with students also handling technical duties behind the camera, is a regular part of this one-hour program. “Students First” airs: Friday 4:00–6:00 pm Saturday 10:00–11:00 am 10:00–11:00 am Monday 1:00–5:00 pm 4:00–6:00 pm Tuesday 2:00–4:00 pm

RCTV 15 City 12 WBGT Cable 18 (over-air channels 40 and 26) City 12 RCTV 15 RCTV 15

For more information, call 262-8755.

Summer Programs

The District’s summer programs provide academic support as well as opportunities for enrichment, acceleration, credit recovery, review, and real-world application of academic skills. Students are engaged in active, exciting learning to give them the support and skill development they need for the coming school year. Programs are available for children from preschool age through high school, with special attention to the transition years between elementary and secondary school. Students must pre-register at their schools or at specific locations. They will be notified before the end of the school year. For information, contact your child’s school or call 262-8770.


State and local exams (assessments) are intended to ensure that students have the skills they need to meet challenging graduation requirements and are prepared for success in life after graduation. During the 2009-2010 academic year, a series of three benchmark assessments will be implemented in English language arts and mathematics (Grades 3 to 9). These benchmark assessments will model the attributes of statemandated assessments. These assessments will better

inform classroom instruction in a timely manner and support earlier intervention to support student achievement. New York State exams are designed to measure student achievement in English language arts and math in grades 3-8; social studies in grades 5 and 8; and science in grades 4 and 8. Exams for these grade levels are required by federal law. High school students are required to pass rigorous Regents exams that reflect high standards in the core academic subjects. Wherever possible, test dates have been listed on the monthly pages of this calendar. For more information, contact your child’s school. See also Academics.

Title I

See “No Child Left Behind” Act.

Transfer of Flags Ceremony

Every year, the District, with the support of Bausch & Lomb, recognizes each school’s top students in academics and citizenship. The students, known as Standard Bearers, are honored at the Transfer of Flags ceremony which will be held at Monroe High School. This year will mark the 121st observance of the ceremony, the oldest surviving tradition in the District. The ceremony will be held Sunday, May 16th at 1:30 p.m. Rehearsal will be Friday, May 14th.


Students who live more than a mile and a half from the school they attend and children who have certain disabilities receive free transportation to and from school. Parents are informed of arrangements for their children’s transportation before school opens in September. It is important to remember that information sent out in August will change as a result of student addresses changing. During the first few months of school, please expect changes that may possibly alter route times up to 30 minutes. The District uses contracted school buses and the Regional Transit System (RTS) for student transportation. Students who ride RTS buses will receive a temporary bus pass in the mail before the first day of school while awaiting a permanent pass. If your address changes during the school year, you must notify your child’s school office or one of the District’s Parent Information Centers so that appropriate transportation arrangements can be made. The Transportation Department cannot take this information directly from parents.

15 It is each parent’s responsibility to be home to receive children at the end of the day. For more information, call the Transportation Department at 336-4000. Important Information for Students Who Ride School Buses: The Rochester City School District is committed to providing safe and reliable transportation for each child. It is important to remember that each child contributes to the success of a safe ride to and from school each day. Any student who disrupts the normal operation of the bus or endangers the safety of others while entering, leaving, or riding on the bus or any district vehicles may be immediately suspended from transportation and face disciplinary action, including loss of transportation privileges. Please take a moment to review the School Bus Safety Rules below and take this opportunity to discuss them with your child. • When boarding the bus, find a seat immediately. • No smoking. • No eating or drinking. • Respect and obey your driver and/or attendant. • Do not swing or play with seat belts as the buckles can cause serious injury. • Respect other students and their property. • No use of profanity or offensive language. • Do not call fellow students inappropriate names. • Stay in your seat while the bus is moving. • Keep the bus clean. Do not leave papers or garbage on the floors or seats. • Keep head, hands, and arms inside the bus. • Keep aisles clear – arms, legs and bags can create safety hazards for other students boarding the bus and can block the way in the event of an emergency. • Do not throw items at each other or the driver. • Be courteous, talk quietly. • Gather your items prior to arriving at your stop. Move quickly through the bus as you exit. Wait for the bus to stop before getting up to leave. • Students are not permitted to bring items such as live animals, glass objects, or any school project that cannot be safely held on the student’s lap. • Electronic toys or items should be left at home. • Students should not remove items from book bags until they get home. Books are permitted for reading. If something happens on the bus, please tell the driver or bus attendant before you get off the bus. Behavior

that will not be tolerated includes: bullying, fighting, injury to another student, display or threat of weapon and any inappropriate sexual discussion or behavior. Additional Bus Transportation information: • Be outside at your assigned stop at least 10-15 minutes ahead of time. If a child misses the bus, it will be the parent’s responsibility to get the child to school. • Be on time. Buses will leave school 10 minutes after dismissal. • Ride only the bus assigned to you. • Before you cross the street, wait at your stop for the universal crossing signal from the driver (a hand signal you will be taught at the beginning of the year), or wait for an attendant to come across to get you. If the driver honks the horn while you are crossing, it means it is not safe to cross and you should return to the curb. Safety Tips for Students Who Walk To School: • Cross at corners, not mid-block or between parked cars. • Stop and look in all directions before crossing. Watch for turning cars. • Be extra alert in bad weather, when visibility is reduced and cars cannot stop as fast. • Obey the directions of police officers, crossing guards, and safety patrols. Pay attention to traffic signs and signals. • Use the “buddy system.” Walk with a friend whenever possible. • Never talk to strangers or get into a stranger’s car. Tell a parent or teacher if you’ve been approached by a stranger. • Get a Safe Walking Route Map from your school. The map outlines the safest possible walking route to school.

Universal Prekindergarten

See Prekindergarten Programs.

Volunteering and Partnerships

The District is committed to building partnerships that contribute to the success of its students. Thanks to community partners and volunteers who support the work of our schools, students are realizing success documented through increased test scores and improved performance. The District welcomes community involvement in support of its students. Meaningful opportunities are available

for partners in a number of areas including curriculum support, tutoring and mentoring, school-to-career experiences, and technology. In addition, partnership activities can be linked to New York State academic standards through projects involving literacy, math, science, social studies, the arts, and physical education. Schools can also utilize other resources such as scholarships, donations of books, assistance with student exhibitions, guest readers and speakers, classroom presentations, rewards for improved academic performance/ attendance, before/after-school and lunch-time activities, paid/unpaid internships for students, and job shadowing for students and staff. For more information on how to volunteer or become a partner with a school, visit or call 2628133.


Information on District events, news, school profiles, special programs, and more are available on the Rochester City School District’s website, The website serves as a major source of information for parents and the community. If you do not have a computer with Internet access at home, visit your local library or community center. In addition, the District provides news and information directly to parents via e-mail. To be added to the parent email list, send your address to

Work Permits for Students

New York State requires individuals under age 18 to have a work permit before they begin work. Rochester City School District’s Work Permit Office is located on the first floor of 131 West Broad Street in the Student Records Department. The office is open Monday through Friday from noon to 5:30 p.m. To apply for a work permit, students are required to complete the following: • An Application for Employment Certificate signed by their parent or guardian. Be sure to enter age, social security number and address on the form. • A Pre-Employment Physical Certificate signed and dated by their doctor indicating proof of a physical exam within one year of applying for a work permit. Students can check with their school nurse to see if a Pre-Employment Physical Certificate is on file. These forms are available on the District website at or in the Work Permit Office.

16 In addition to the completed forms, students must bring one of the following with them when requesting a work permit to validate date of birth: birth certificate (copy or original), baptismal certificate, unexpired passport, permanent resident card, or current unexpired driver’s license.

have at least a 2.0 grade point average and 93% school attendance to enter the program, and are required to raise their average to 2.5 and maintain at least 93% attendance to continue participating. For more information, contact your child’s school or call 262-8327.

Workforce Preparation

Young Adult Evening High School

The Office of Adult & Career Education Services (OACES) helps adult students learn the skills they need for success in the workplace and outside the classroom. The department offers: • Free GED and adult basic education classes and State GED testing. • The Refugee Assistance Program providing ESOL instruction, citizenship classes and other transitional services. • Career and Technical Education courses and programs leading to certification such as Office Practice/Computers and a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program. • Distance Learning permitting instructor-supported study at home. • The Employment Services Group offering job placement services for adult education students. • Family Literacy/Early Childhood Education providing day care and universal pre-K so that adult students can learn with their families. • Adult Continuing Education offering evening classes and on-line learning. • Employment Preparation including the C.A.R.E.E.R.S. Program (Community & Adults in Rochester - Employment & Education Resource System) and the Community Work Experience Program (CWEP). These opportunities are offered to eligible parties without regard to gender, race, age, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability. Inquiries regarding this non-discrimination policy should be directed to Paul Burke, Director of Office of Adult & Career Education Services (OACES), 30 Hart Street, Rochester, NY 14605. For more information, call 467-7683 (IMPROVE) or visit the district’s website.

Work-Study Programs

Work-based learning opportunities for students to obtain both paid and unpaid work experience are available through the Career and Technical Education program at their schools. Work-based learning is designed to lead students directly into entry-level jobs, further career-related training and education or certified apprenticeships. Students must

The Young Adult Evening High School, offering academic support, counseling, and college preparation, is a late afternoon and evening school designed to serve older students who have been in high school for at least three years and have a minimum of 9 credits. Students may be considering dropping out of school because they are behind or have adult responsibilities that make attending school in the daytime difficult. To be eligible for enrollment in the Young Adult Evening High School a student must: • Be 17 to 20 years old. • Be currently enrolled in a RCSD high school. • Have a minimum of 9 course credits. • Have been in high school for 3 years or more. For more information, call 262-8850, ext. 1100.

Youth Development & Family Services

The Youth Development and Family Services Division (YDFS) is responsible for the integration and management of student and family support services to enhance students’ social-emotional and academic performance. The division’s goal is to produce productive members of society, future leaders and life-long learners. The Division includes, Youth Development and Student Attendance, Guidance and Counseling, Human Services Systems, Adult and Career Education Services, Parent Engagement, Rochester Surround Care Community, Student Health Services and Student Placement. For more information, call 262-8522.

Time Schedules for Schools


New in 2009-10 This year, the Rochester City School District is using a two-tier bus system for elementary schools. This reduces the number of buses on the road and allows for added safety measures on all buses and shorter ride times for many students.

Elementary Schools

High Schools

Tier 1 (Grades K-6)

Tier 1 (Grades 7-12)

School No. 1, 3 (NRCS), 8, 12, 15, 20, 22, 25, 29, 30, 34, 36, 41, 43, 44, 45, 50, 53 & 57

East, Monroe, Wilson Foundation Academy, Wilson Commencement Academy, School of Business, Finance & Entrepreneurship at Edison, School of Engineering & Manufacturing at Edison, School of Imaging & Information Technology at Edison and School of Applied Techonology at Edison.

Students Report Dismissal

7:50 a.m. 2:10 p.m.

*All Wednesdays are early dismissal days. Students report at the usual time and are dismissed at 1:25 p.m.

Students Report Dismissal

Alternative Schedules:

7:20 a.m. 2:00 p.m.

*All Wednesdays are early dismissal days. Students report at the usual time and are dismissed at 1:15 p.m.

Tier 2 (Grades K-6) School No. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23, 28, 33, 35, 39, 42, 46, 52, 54, 58 Students Report Dismissal

9:15 a.m. 3:35 p.m.

*All Wednesdays are early dismissal days. Students report at the usual time and are dismissed at 2:50 p.m.

Tier 2 (Grades 7-12) Marshall, Charlotte, Jefferson, Dr. Freddie Thomas, Northwest College Prep, Northeast College Prep, International Finance & Economic Development Career High School at Franklin, Bioscience & Health Careers High School at Franklin and Global Media Arts High School at Franklin Students Report Dismissal

Before- and After-School Programs: All schools offer breakfast for students before school and academic support programs before or after school. Contact your child’s school for specific times.

8:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m.

*All Wednesdays are early dismissal days. Students report at the usual time and are dismissed at 2:15 p.m.

School of the Arts Students Report Dismissal: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 1st: 2nd: Wednesday Friday

8:05 a.m. 2:55 p.m. 3:55 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 2:55 p.m.

School Without Walls Foundation Academy Monday-Friday Students Report 7:45 a.m. Dismissal 2:15 p.m. Wednesday Dismissal 1:00 p.m. School Without Walls Commencement Academy Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Students Report 8:00 a.m. Dismissal 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday: Students Report 8:40 a.m. Dismissal 2:30 p.m. Young Mothers & Interim Health Academy Students Report 8:30 a.m. Dismissal 2:57 p.m. Wednesday Dismissal 1:55 p.m.

NOTE: During exam weeks in January and June, high school students’ daily schedules will vary. Check with your child and his or her school for your child’s exam schedule.

Ruth Decastro

Grade 11

Monroe High School

Art Teacher: Linda Machanoff



September ‘09 TUESDAY


Office of Parent Engagement

Parent University

First Day of School for Teachers Superintendent’s Conference Day

262-8000, ext. 1190 Register for courses today!



Safe School Hotline: 1-866-284-7040







First Day of School for Students (Full Day) Modified Fall Sports Begin Early Dismissal



8 Registration deadline for October SAT

Labor Day (All facilities closed)



15 Curriculum Night for Global Media Arts High School at Franklin



23 Open House for School No. 52 Curriculum Night for School of the Arts



30 Open House for Schools No. 28 and 58 Early Dismissal


Fall Meet & Greet at School No. 46





Rosh Hashanah Begins

24 Open House for Schools No. 5, 12, 23, 35, 36, 45, 50, 57, Business Finance & Entrepreneurship at Edison Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Early Dismissal



Open House for School No. 39

Family & Staff Cookout 16 17 at School No. 19 Open House/Recruitment Night for School No. 9 Curriculum Night for School No. 46 Bilingual Education Council Meeting Open House for Schools No. 25, 5:30 -7 p.m. , 30 Hart Street Charlotte High School, Northwest College Prep Early Dismissal


Open House for School No. 2


AP Night at Northwest College Prep

Early Dismissal

Open House for School No. 6, Bioscience & Health Careers at Franklin, and Jefferson High School



S M T W 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 31

T 6 13 20 27

F 1 7 14 21 28

Informational Fair at School No. 9

S 8 15 22 29


S M T W 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

F 2 9 16 23 30

S 3 10 17 24 31

RTA Dial-A-Teacher Homework Hotline

262-5000 Monday-Thursday 3:30-7 pm

Jonathan Siharath

Grade 12

East High School

Art Teacher: Tim Graham


S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

W 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24

F 4 11 18 25


S 5 12 19 26

S 1 8 15 22 29

NOVEMBER 2009 M 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24

W 4 11 18 25

T 5 12 19 26

F 6 13 20 27


S 7 14 21 28

October ‘09







Registration deadline for November SAT Meet the Teacher Night at School No. 15 Parent University Open House for Schools No. 1, 19, 262-8000, ext. 1190 School of Imaging & Information Register for courses today! Technology Curriculum Night for School of Imaging & Information Technology at Edison

RTA Dial-A-Teacher Homework Hotline



Office of Parent Engagement

262-5000 Monday-Thursday 3:30-7 pm


Safe School Hotline: 1-866-284-7040





10 SAT Test

Open House/Curriculum Night for Schools No. 7, 22, 54 Open House for School No. 34



Elementary School 13 Parent-Teacher Conferences Curriculum Night at School No. 9 GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.

Columbus Day (All facilities closed)




Parent-Teacher Conferences at School No. 36

REF Partnership Awards Dinner Rochester Riverside Convention Center



Secondary report cards mailed this week

Curriculum Night for School No. 39

PSAT Exam 14 (10th and 11th grade students) Parents’ Breakfast with the Principal at School No. 43 Career/College Fair for seniors GED Testing, Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street, 3:00-7:00 p.m.

Open House for Dr. Freddie Thomas High School, School of Engineering & Manufacturing at Edison

Early Dismissal

Math Night at School No. 2

Early Dismissal

Hispanic Heritage 21 Celebration Dinner at School No. 9 Open House for North S.T.A.R. Bilingual Education Council Meeting 5:30 -7 p.m. , 30 Hart Street Early Dismissal



Early Dismissal


Secondary School Parent-Teacher Conferences



Hispanic Heritage Celebration at School No. 36

Careers in Construction 22 Monroe County Fleet Center 145 Paul Road Board of Education Hispanic Heritage Observance 5:30 p.m. Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.






Registration deadline for December SAT


Nicholas Ficklin Grade 8 East High School Art Teacher: Paul Brandwein



November ‘09





Superintendent’s Conference Day (No school for students) Modified Winter Sports I Begin


9 Winter Sports Begin Elementary report cards sent home this week



Recruitment Night for Bioscience & Health Careers at Franklin GED Testing 10 Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m. Veterans Recognition Night at School No. 36 Recruitment Night at Jefferson High School


Recruitment Night for Global Media Arts High School





Modified Winter Sports II Begin 4 Parents’ Breakfast with the Principal at School No. 43 Schools of Choice Open House for School of the Arts Town Meeting at School No. 28

Early Dismissal







ELA Night at School No. 52 Social Studies/Native American Night at School No. 19


International Dinner at School No. 15


SAT Test



Veterans Day (All facilities closed) GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m. Buddy Reading at School No. 9 18 ELA Night at School No. 2 Recruitment Night for World of Inquiry School No. 58 Bilingual Education Council Meeting 5:30 -7 p.m. , 30 Hart Street Early Dismissal


Safe School Hotline: 1-866-284-7040

Open House for School No. 46


Recruitment Night for Northwest College Prep, School of Engineering & Manufacturing at Edison


Thanksgiving Recess (No school for students Nov. 25-27)

Thanksgiving Day (All facilities closed Nov. 26-27)

Office of Parent Engagement

RTA Dial-A-Teacher Homework Hotline

30 262-8000, ext. 1190 Register for courses today!





Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.


Parent University

Kindergarten Snuggle Up and Read at School No. 9

262-5000 Monday-Thursday 3:30-7 pm


S M T W 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

F 2 9 16 23 30

S 3 10 17 24 31


S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28

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W 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24 31

F 4 11 18 25

S 5 12 19 26

Sherelle Gee Grade 9 School Without Walls Foundation Academy Art Teacher: Annie Burch

Katie Tiedemann Grade 12 East High School Art Teacher: Tim Graham

Shakiyla Jamison Grade 12 East High School Art Teacher: Tim Graham



RTA Dial-A-Teacher Homework Hotline

Office of Parent Engagement


262-8000, ext. 1190











Holiday Band Concert at Global Media Arts High School GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.


Registration deadline for January SAT

Secondary report cards mailed this week



Academic Pep Rally at Global Media Arts High School


Parents’ Breakfast with the Principal at School No. 43



Annual Cookie Contest at School No. 9

Parent-Teacher Conferences at School of Engineering & Manufacturing at Edison


Virtual Enterprise Rochester Region Trade Fair at Genesee Community College

Early Dismissal

Hanukkah Begins

Fall Concert at School No. 39 16 Fall Exhibition Night at World of Inquiry School No. 58 Bilingual Education Council Meeting 5:30 -7 p.m. , 30 Hart Street Literacy and Holiday Extravaganza at School No. 28



Early Dismissal




SAT Test






Winter Concert at School No. 46 Grades 4-6 Holiday Concert at School No. 50 Winter Sing-Along at School No. 52 Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.


Christmas Day (All facilities closed Dec. 24-25)




GED Testing, Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street, 3:00-7:00 p.m.

Winter Recess (No school for students Dec. 21-Jan. 1)


School No. 25 Breakfast with Santa

Early Dismissal

Winter Chorus Concert at School No. 6


Safe School Hotline: 1-866-284-7040

Recruitment Night for Charlotte High School

Register for courses today!

Fall Book Fair at School No. 9


Parent University

Monday-Thursday 3:30-7 pm

December ‘09


S 1 8 15 22 29

NOVEMBER 2009 M 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24

W 4 11 18 25

T 5 12 19 26

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S 7 14 21 28

Kwanzaa Begins JANUARY 2010

S M T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31

F 1 8 15 22 29

S 2 9 16 23 30

Jayvan Santos Grade 11

Hemanta Adhikari Grade 11

Wilson Magnet High School Commencement Academy

Art Teacher: Brendan Shea


S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

W 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24 31

F 4 11 18 25


S 5 12 19 26

January ‘10

S 7 14 21 28


M 1 8 15 22

T 2 9 16 23

W 3 10 17 24

T 4 11 18 25

F 5 12 19 26


S 6 13 20 27



RTA Dial-A-Teacher Homework Hotline



Office of Parent Engagement




Parent University

262-8000, ext. 1190


Register for courses today!

Monday-Thursday 3:30-7 pm


Safe School Hotline: 1-866-284-7040

New Year’s Day (All facilities closed)












Three Kings Day Winter Modified Sports II Begin


Early Dismissal



Parents’ Breakfast with the Principal at School No. 43 Early Dismissal


18 GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Recess (All facilities closed)




Parent-Teacher Conferences at Jefferson High School and School of the Arts

GED Testing 20 Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street, 3:00-7:00 p.m. Bilingual Education Council Meeting 5:30 -7 p.m. , 30 Hart Street Early Dismissal




Winter Wonderland at School No. 6

SAT Test

28 Math Night at School No. 52


NY State Regents Exams Jan. 26-29

Early Dismissal

Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.



Ashley Shim

Grade 12

School Without Walls

Art Teacher: Kate Cochran


February ‘10







Safe School Hotline: 1-866-284-7040



Town Meeting, Parent Conferences, Report card pick-up night at School No. 39 Elementary report cards sent home this week


Registration deadline for March SAT

Early Dismissal



10 Parents’ Breakfast with the Principal at School No. 43 Parent-Teacher Conferences at School No. 36

Secondary report cards mailed this week


Early Dismissal





National Academy Foundation Showcase Rochester at Bryant & Stratton Greece Campus



Black History Month Celebration Dinner at School No. 57 Town Meeting at School No. 46 Math Night at School No. 39 Charlotte High School Parent-Teacher Conferences




Primary Concert at School No. 46 Grades K-4









February Recess (No school for students Feb 15-19) Presidents Day (All facilities closed)

Valentine’s Day


22 GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.

Ash Wednesday

23 GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.

Bilingual Education Council Meeting 5:30 -7 p.m. , 30 Hart Street African American Heritage Celebration Dinner at School No. 9 Early Dismissal

28 Office of Parent Engagement

Parent University

262-8000, ext. 1190 Register for courses today!

Board of Education Black History Month Observance 5:30 p.m. Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.

RTA Dial-A-Teacher Homework Hotline

262-5000 Monday-Thursday 3:30-7 pm

Black History Month Celebration at School No. 36 JANUARY 2010

S M T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31

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S 7 14 21 28

MARCH 2010

M 1 8 15 22 29

T 2 9 16 23 30

W 3 10 17 24 31

T 4 11 18 25

F 5 12 19 26

S 6 13 20 27

Ashley Morales

Grade 6

Mary McLeod Bethune School No. 45

Art Teacher: Penny Carlson-Palma



March ‘10






Safe School Hotline: 1-866-284-7040







Office of Parent Engagement

Parent University

262-8000, ext. 1190 Register for courses today!

Parent-Teacher Conferences at School of the Arts

Early Dismissal



Arts Education Open House at Central Office, 6:00 p.m.

Spring Sports Begin



Modified Spring Sports Begin




16 GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.


Parents’ Breakfast with the Principal at School No. 43 Parent-Teacher Conferences at School of Engineering & Manufacturing at Edison Early Dismissal

National College Fair Riverside Convention Center 9 a.m.-12:00 p.m. for students 6:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. for general public GED Testing, Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street, 3:00-7:00 p.m. Bilingual Education Council Meeting 5:30 -7 p.m. , 30 Hart Street St. Patrick’s Day

24 Virtual Enterprise International Trade Fair in New York City (Mar. 24-25)



Early Dismissal



Secondary report cards mailed this week

Math Night at School No. 19 25 Parent-Teacher Conferences at Jefferson High School Registration deadline for May SAT Board of Education Women’s History Month Celebration 5:30 p.m. Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.

262-5000 Early Dismissal





Curriculum Night at School No. 5

RTA Dial-A-Teacher Homework Hotline

Palm Sunday


Prime Time Reading at School No. 43

All-City Concert


Passover Begins


Open House for School No. 15

Early Dismissal

Family Bingo Night at School No. 6




SAT Test

Monday-Thursday 3:30-7 pm

S 7 14 21 28


M 1 8 15 22

T 2 9 16 23

W 3 10 17 24

T 4 11 18 25

F 5 12 19 26

S 6 13 20 27

APRIL 2010

S M T W 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

F 2 9 16 23 30

S 3 10 17 24

Jessica Hourruitiner

Grade 10

School of Business, Finance & Entrepreneurship at Edison

Art Teacher: Alanna Wilcox

S 7 14 21 28


M 1 8 15 22 29

T 2 9 16 23 30


W T F S S 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 2 17 18 19 20 9 24 25 26 27 16 23 31 30

MAY 2010

M T W T F 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31

S 1 8 15 22 29




Safe School Hotline: 1-866-284-7040







Office of Parent Engagement

Parent University

262-8000, ext. 1190 Register for courses today!

Literacy Night at School No. 39




Good Friday (All facilities closed)












Academic Fair/Spring Recruitment Night at School No. 1 Easter Sunday


Elementary report cards sent home this week


Guest Reader Week at School No. 9



13 GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.



Parents’ Breakfast with the 14 Principal at School No. 43 Media Explosion at Global Media Arts High School GED Testing, Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street, 3:00-7:00 p.m. Early Dismissal


Spring Recess (No school for students April 19-23)

Charlotte High School Parent-Teacher Conferences

Early Dismissal


Bilingual Education Council Meeting 5:30 -7 p.m. , 30 Hart Street



Registration deadline for June SAT Peace Parade at School No. 2 Peace Week at School No. 2 Spring Book Fair at School No. 9

Early Dismissal

Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Family Night is Prime Time at School No. 9

RTA Dial-A-Teacher Homework Hotline

262-5000 Monday-Thursday 3:30-7 pm

Amy Lin

Grade 11

School of the Arts

Art Teacher: Susan Tkach


S M T W 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28

T 1 8 15 22 29


F 2 9 16 23 30

S 3 10 17 24

S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28

JUNE 2010 T 1 8 15 22 29

W 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24

F 4 11 18 25


S 5 12 19 26



9 GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.

Mothers Day


262-8000, ext. 1190

Monday-Thursday 3:30-7 pm

Register for courses today!

121st Annual Transfer of Flags Ceremony 1:30 p.m.

Secondary report cards mailed this week













ELA Night at School No. 19


Parents’ Breakfast with the Principal at School No. 43

National Academy Foundation Year-End Event

Rehearsal for Transfer of Flags Ceremony

Early Dismissal


Elementary School Parent-Teacher Conferences


Spring Band Concert at Global Media Arts High School

Early Dismissal

Secondary School Parent-Teacher Conferences


Sisterhood Dinner at School No. 9 Spring Concert at School No. 50


Bilingual Education Council Meeting 5:30 -7 p.m. , 30 Hart Street


Memorial Day (All facilities closed)



SAT Test

GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.



Parent University




Office of Parent Engagement

Early Dismissal


RTA Dial-A-Teacher Homework Hotline


Safe School Hotline: 1-866-284-7040

Early Dismissal

Senior Exhibition at Global Media Arts High School 27 Science Fair at School No. 19 Primary Field Day at School No. 36 Nick Zona Elementary Track Meet Awards Celebration at School of Engineering & Manufacturing at Edison Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.


Youth & Justice Program’s Parent/Student Night with Baden Street Settlement


Intermediate Field Day at School No. 36


Pancakes for Parents at School No. 9


Aamber Hart

Grade 11

John Marshall High School

Art Teacher: Dwight Robinson




June ‘10 1



Safe School Hotline: 1-866-284-7040 THURSDAY






Office of Parent Engagement

Parent University

Spring Concert and Art Show at School No. 39

262-8000, ext. 1190 Register for courses today!



8 GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.



NY State Regents Exams June 15-18 and June 21-24

Flag Day


21 Moving Up Ceremony for Schools No. 7 (K), 9 (K), 25 (gr.6), 45 (gr. 6), 58 (K)

Fathers Day






Celebration of Learning at School No. 6

GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.

Summer Concert at School No. 46 Grades 4-6

Early Dismissal

Academic Pep Rally at Global Media Arts High School

GED Graduation Ceremony 16 Spring Exhibition Night at World of Inquiry School No. 58 Bilingual Education Council Meeting 5:30 -7 p.m. , 30 Hart Street Early Dismissal





SAT Test



Carnival Day at School No. 36 Family Picnic at School No. 46 Field Day at School No. 39 (Rain date June 15) Student Talent Night at School No. 9


Family Lunch Picnic at School No. 52



Moving On Day at School No. 28 Field Day at School No. 1 End of the Year Picnic at School No. 15

Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Last Day of School for 25 26 Teachers Elementary report cards Moving Up Ceremony for Schools Moving Up Ceremony for sent home this week Graduation Ceremony for Schools No. 1 (K), 2 (K), 5, 9 (gr. 6), No. 2 (gr. 6), 6 (K & gr. 6), 7 (gr. 6), Graduation Ceremony for Global Media Arts, Northwest Graduation Ceremony for 12 (gr. 6), 19 (K), 22 (K), 23 (K), 12 (K), 19 (gr. 6), 25 (K), 28 (gr. 6), Charlotte, Bioscience & College Prep, School of the Arts, Dr. Freddie Thomas High School 35 (gr. 6), 36 (K), 43 (K), 46 (K), 35 (K), 36 (gr. 6), 46 (gr. 6), Health Careers at Franklin, Business School of Engineering & 50 (K & gr. 6), 54 (K), 57 (K) Moving Up Ceremony for Finance & Entrepreneurship at Manufacturing, School of Imaging & Schools No. 1 (gr. 6), 22 (gr. 6), 23 (gr. 6), Award Ceremonies at School No. 9 Edison, Jefferson High School Early Dismissal Information Technology 28 (K), 43 (gr. 6), 54 (gr. 6), 57 (gr. 2) Last Day of School for Students


RTA Dial-A-Teacher Homework Hotline

262-5000 Secondary report cards mailed this week

Akwaaba Presentation at School No. 39

Spring Concert at School No. 52

Early Dismissal

Spring Chorus Concert at School No. 6

Monday-Thursday 3:30-7 pm

S 2 9 16 23 30

MAY 2010

M T W T F 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31

S 1 8 15 22 29

S 4 11 18 25

JULY 2010

M T W 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

F 2 9 16 23 30

S 3 10 17 24 31

Christian Allen

Grade 6

Clara Barton School No. 2

Art Teachers: Erica Salgado, Angela Kraus


S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28

JUNE 2010 T 1 8 15 22 29

W 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24


F 4 11 18 25

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M 2 9 16 23 30

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W 4 11 18 25

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F 6 13 20 27









S 7 14 21 28






















Independence Day

GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.



GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.

Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.






Jomaris Quiones Grade 12 Monroe High School Art Teacher: Marianne Rizzo





August ‘10






10 GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.












GED Testing Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street 3:00-7:00 p.m.















Board of Education Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m.



31 S 4 11 18 25

JULY 2010

M T W 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

F 2 9 16 23 30

S 3 10 17 24 31

S 5 12 19 26

SEPTEMBER 2010 M T 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28

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S 4 11 18 25


ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Franklin Montessori School (preK-6)

John Walton Spencer School No. 16 (preK-6)

Henry W. Longfellow School No. 36 (preK-6)

950 Norton Street, 14621............................. 325-0935 Martin B. Anderson School No. 1 (preK-6) 85 Hillside Avenue, 14610............................ 473-1533 Clara Barton School No. 2 (preK-6) 190 Reynolds Street, 14608......................... 235-2820 Nathaniel Rochester Community School No. 3 (K-9) 85 Adams Street, 14608 ............................. 454-3525 George Mather Forbes School No. 4 (K-6) 198 Dr. Samuel McCree Way, 14611........... 235-7848 John H. Williams School No. 5 (preK-6) 555 N. Plymouth Avenue, 14608.................. 325-2255 Dag Hammarskjold School No. 6 (K-6) 595 Upper Falls Blvd., 14605....................... 546-7780 Virgil I. Grissom School No. 7 (preK-6) 31 Bryan Street, 14613................................ 254-3110 Roberto Clemente School No. 8 (preK-6) 1180 St. Paul Street, 14621......................... 262-8888 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School No. 9 (preK-6) 485 N. Clinton Avenue, 14605..................... 325-7828 Dr. Walter Cooper Academy School No. 10 (K-2) 690 St. Paul Street, 14605........................... 324-2010 James P.B. Duffy School No. 12 (K-6) 999 South Avenue, 14620............................ 461-3280 Chester Dewey School No. 14 (2-6) 690 St. Paul Street, 14605........................... 325-6738 The Children’s School of Rochester No. 15 (K-6) 494 Averill Avenue, 14607............................ 262-8830

321 Post Avenue, 14619.............................. 235-1272 Enrico Fermi School No. 17 (preK-6) 158 Orchard Street, 14611........................... 436-2560 Dr. Charles T. Lunsford School No. 19 (preK-6) 465 Seward Street, 14608........................... 328-7454 Henry Lomb School No. 20 (preK-6) 54 Oakman Street, 14605............................ 325-2920 Lincoln School No. 22 (preK-6) 27 Zimbrich Street, 14621............................ 467-7160 Francis Parker School No. 23 (preK-6) 170 Barrington Street, 14607....................... 473-5099 Nathaniel Hawthorne School No. 25 (preK-6) 965 N. Goodman Street, 14609................... 288-3654 Henry Hudson School No. 28 (K-6) 450 Humboldt Street, 14610........................ 482-4836 Adlai E. Stevenson School No. 29 (preK-6) 88 Kirkland Road, 14611.............................. 328-8228 General Elwell S. Otis School No. 30 (K-6) 36 Otis Street, 14606................................... 254-3836 John James Audubon School No. 33 (K-6) 500 Webster Avenue, 14609........................ 482-9290 Dr. Louis A. Cerulli School No. 34 (K-6) 530 Lexington Avenue, 14613..................... 458-3210 Pinnacle School No. 35 (K-6) 194 Field Street, 14620................................ 271-4583

85 St. Jacob Street, 14621.......................... 342-7270

Andrew J. Townson School No. 39 (preK-6)

145 Midland Avenue, 14621........................ 467-8816

Kodak Park School No. 41 (preK-6)

279 W. Ridge Road, 14615.......................... 254-4472

Abelard Reynolds School No. 42 (preK-6)

3330 Lake Avenue, 14612............................ 663-4330

Theodore Roosevelt School No. 43 (K-6)

1305 Lyell Avenue, 14606............................ 458-4200

Lincoln Park School No. 44 (preK-6)

820 Chili Avenue, 14611.............................. 328-5272

Mary McLeod Bethune School No. 45 (preK-6)

1445 Clifford Avenue, 14621........................ 325-6945

Charles Carroll School No. 46 (K-6)

250 Newcastle Road, 14610........................ 288-8008

Helen Barrett Montgomery School No. 50 (K-6)

301 Seneca Avenue, 14621......................... 266-0331

Frank Fowler Dow School No. 52 (preK-6)

100 Farmington Road, 14609...................... 482-9614

Flower City School No. 54 (K-6)

311 Flower City Park, 14615........................ 254-2080

Early Childhood School of Rochester No. 57 (preK-2)

15 Costar Street, 14608............................... 277-0190

World of Inquiry School No. 58 (K-7)

200 University Avenue, 14605..................... 325-6170

HIGH SCHOOLS Bioscience and Health Careers High School at Franklin

John Marshall High School (gr. 7-12)

School of Engineering and Manufacturing at Edison

(gr. 7-12) 950 Norton Street, 14621.................... 324-3730 Charlotte High School (gr. 7-12) 4115 Lake Avenue, 14612................................... 663-7070 Dr. Freddie Thomas High School (gr. 7-12) 625 Scio Street, 14605........................................ 262-8850 East High School (gr. 7-12) 1801 E. Main Street, 14609................................. 288-3130 Global Media Arts High School at Franklin (gr. 7-12) 950 Norton Street, 14621.................................... 324-3720

180 Ridgeway Avenue, 14615............................. 458-2110 Nathaniel Rochester Community School (gr. K-9) 85 Adams Street, 14608...................................... 454-3525 Northeast College Preparatory High School (gr. 7-12) 940 Fernwood Park, 14609................................. 324-9273 Northwest College Preparatory High School (gr. 7-12) 940 Fernwood Park, 14609................................. 324-9289 School of Applied Technology at Edison (gr. 9-12) 655 Colfax Street, 14606..................................... 324-9783

(gr. 9-12) 655 Colfax Street, 14606..................... 324-9782

International Finance and Economic Development Career High School at Franklin (gr. 7-12)

School of Business, Finance and Entrepreneurship at Edison (gr. 9-12)

950 Norton Street, 14621.................................... 324-3725 James Monroe High School (gr. 7-12) 164 Alexander Street, 14607............................... 232-1530

655 Colfax Street, 14606..................................... 324-9781

School of Imaging and Information Technology at Edison (gr. 9-12) 655 Colfax Street, 14606..................... 324-9794 School of the Arts (gr. 7-12) 45 Prince Street, 14607....................................... 242-7682

School Without Walls (gr. 7-9) 111 N. Clinton Ave.,14604..................... 324-3111 (gr. 10-12) 480 Broadway, 14607........................ 546-6732 Thomas Jefferson High School (gr. 7-12) Edgerton Park, 14608......................................... 458-2280 Wilson Foundation Academy (gr. 7-9) 200 Genesee Street, 14611................................. 463-4100 Wilson Commencement Academy (gr. 10-12) 501 Genesee Street, 14611................................. 328-3440

Programs & Services


Customer Service Center 30 Hart Street, 14605.............................324-9999

Adult Education..................................... 262-8000 Athletics................................................. 262-8281 Attendance............................................ 262-8522 Bilingual Education................................ 262-8234 Board of Education............................... 262-8525 Career and Technical Education............ 262-8532 Communications................................... 262-8363 Customer Service Hotline..................... 324-9999 Department of Law................................ 262-8412 Food Service......................................... 336-4100 GED Programs...................................... 262-8000 Guidance............................................... 262-8294 Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection.... 256-7500 Hispanic Student Services.................... 262-8234 Human Capital Initiatives ..................... 262-8597 Interpreters for the Hearing Impaired.... 262-8454 Linea de Información Se Habla Español.................................................. 262-8220 Major Achievement Program................. 262-8131 Office of School Chiefs......................... 262-8233 Parent Engagement............................... 262-8000 Prekindergarten..................................... 262-8140 Safety and Security............................... 262-8600 School Innovation.................................. 262-8230 Special Education................................. 262-8454 Student Placement/Registration........... 262-8277 Student Records: Elementary...................................... 262-8349 Secondary....................................... 262-8523 Special Education........................... 262-8558 Superintendent’s Office......................... 262-8378 Teaching and Learning.......................... 262-8323 Testing................................................... 262-8559 Title I/NCLB........................................... 262-8679 Transportation....................................... 336-4000 Volunteers and Partnerships................. 262-8133 Work Permits......................................... 262-8564 Youth Development & Family Services... 262-8522

Family Learning Center 30 Hart Street, 14605.............................262-8000 Florence S. Brown NYS Pre-K Center 500 Webster Avenue, 14609..................288-2410 High School Equivalency Testing Center 30 Hart Street, 14605.............................262-8000 I’M READY Alternative Program 2 Austin Street, 14606............................254-1240 Language Assessment and Placement Center 30 Hart Street, 14605.............................324-3220 Native American Resource Center 465 Seward Street, 14608......................324-9305 North S.T.A.R. Educational Program 30 Hart Street, 14605.............................324-9945 Parent Information Centers: Northeast Zone: 836 N. Goodman Street, 14609.......288-2008 Northwest Zone: 30 Hart Street, 14605.......................262-8070 South Zone: 353 Congress Avenue, 14619..........232-2012 Rochester Preschool-Parent Program 353 Congress Avenue, 14619................328-3360 Youth and Justice Programs 353 Congress Avenue, 14619................262-8939 Young Mothers and Interim Health Academy 30 Hart Street, 14605.............................454-1095

For numbers not listed here, call....... 262-8100

Student Leadership Congress Join with other students once a month after school for fun and rewarding activities focused on community service and leadership development. Interested? Call 262-8373 or email:


Rochester City School District 131 West Broad Street Rochester, NY 14614


Board of Education Malik Evans, President Van Henri White, Vice President Tom Brennan Melisza Campos Cynthia Elliott Willa Powell Allen K. Williams Student Representative Sarah DeLaus Superintendent of Schools Jean-Claude Brizard Produced by the Department of Communications Tom Petronio, Chief Communications Officer Lindsay Bachman, Senior Communications Assistant Lori Mulhern, Graphic Designer Samuel Kercado, Spanish Translator Todd Hall & Tom Moughan, Video/Media Services Rosalia Torres, Secretary Printed by Graphic Designs Printing & Finishing, Inc. RCSD: An Equal Opportunity Provider With regard to both educational programs and employment, the Rochester City School District makes opportunities available without regard to age, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual origin, marital status, disability, genetic disposition, or HIV or hepatitis carrier status. Equality of opportunity in employment includes hiring, firing, wages, salaries, promotion, and other conditions of employment. Inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to our Title IX (Discrimination) Compliance Officer at 585-262-8583, or our Section 504 (Disabilities) Compliance Officer at 585-262-8459. Address for both officers is Rochester City School District, 131 W. Broad St., Rochester NY 14614.

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