update Each summer since 1981, around 400 of the brightest students from every part of Europe have come together for 2 weeks of intense workshops, lectures, exhibitions and events, in the name of exchange of ideas, culture and experience. Manchester Victorious: Following a year of preparation and hard work, the UK team flew out to Nicosia, Cyprus with Manchester as the focus of the bid to bring easa to England for the first time since it’s creation in Liverpool. The bidding process came down to a straight decision between Turkey and the UK, with more than 13 hours of debating before the announcement that Manchester would host the 30th summer assembly was reached. The bid of the easaUK team was: Sponsored by: Manchester School of Architecture, University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Salford, Marbella Creative Industries and CUBE. Partnered by: Marketing Manchester, Manchester City Council and ASK Supported By: Stephenson Bell Architects, CCINW, Manchester Knowledge Capital, NWRDA, Bruntwood, RIBA NW, MSA, Denton Corker Marshall, Richard Murphy Architects, ARCA, and Steven Hodder Associates.
update Each summer since 1981, around 400 of the brightest students from every part of Europe have come together for 2 weeks of intense workshops, lectures, exhibitions and events, in the name of exchange of ideas, culture and experience. Ask Developments become first easa Partner: We are delighted to be able to announce Ask Developments have become the first partners of easaUK2010. Ask were heavily involved in the bid process and have continually expressed an interest in partnering the event and as such have pledged: a building to act as easaHQ, primary spaces for the assembly itself, along with backing, support and assistance. Julian Stott, Development Executive at Ask Developments, said; “We are delighted to support the EASA Manchester team and the exciting 2010 European event. We are looking forward to seeing EASA’s new headquarters receive a makeover that brings the event and First Street together.”
easa010 Newsreel: Latest updates and news about the assembly and run up events can be found at: www.easa010.tumblr.com For any and all enquiries about easa and how to become a partner contact: chris.easamcr@googlemail.com