Contents Contents
1. General Provisions
1.1. Current condition of construction industry, development trends (EU and Ukraine)
1.2. Key terms and definitions
2. Issue to be resolved
2 1 Key challenges to be resolved through BIM implementation
2.2. BIM Description
2.2.1. BIM in the context of asset life cycle
2 2 2 Focus shift
2.2.3. IPD function
2 3 BIM and GIS interaction
2 4 Interaction of BIM and Smart Cities
2.5. Feasibility of BIM implementation in Ukraine
2 6 European and World Experience of BIM Implementation
2.6.1. Chronology of Implementation Ways
2.6.2. Comparative Table of Methods to Implement BIM under the Government Order
2.6.3. ISO and CEN Standardization
2.7. Preconditions for implementing BIM in Ukraine
2.7.1. Strengths 2 7 2 Weaknesses
2.7.3. 2.7.3 Opportunities
5.1. Principles for BIM technologies introduction and Concept implementation
2.7.4. Risks 3. Consistency with strategic documents 3.1. Consistency with EU strategic documents 3.2. Consistence with strategic documents of Ukraine 4. Purpose and period of concept implementation
4 1 Changes in the construction sector governmental regulation 4.2. Changes in the public contracting system 4.3. Concept implementation periods 4 4 Stakeholders 5. Ways for Concept Implementation
5.1.1. Model for BIM dissemination and introduction
5 2 UA BIM Task Group
5 3 List of legal and regulatory documents to be amended
5.4. Phases of concept implementation
5.4.1. Phase I, Preparatory Stage
5 4 2 Phase I, Stage 1
5.4.3. Phase I, stage 2 5 4 4 Phase I, Stage 3
5.4.5. Further phases
5.4.6. Overall implementation plan
5.5. Pilot projects
6. Expected Results
6.1. Criteria and indicators of result achievement
6 1 1 Indicators of Phase 1 action achievement
6.1.2. Indicators of Phase 1 task achievement
6.1.3. Indicators of Phase 1 objective achievement 6 1 4 Indicators of pilot project results
6.2. Monitoring of objective achievement
6.3. Risks for Concept Implementation 6 3 1 Political
6.3.2. Legal, regulatory, statutory 6 3 3 Economic, financial 6.3.4. Organizational, management, HR 6.3.5. Technical 6 3 6 Information communication
Cost items and funding sources
Cost items
Funding sources
8. Developed by
1. General Provisions
1.1. Current condition of construction industry, development trends (EU and Ukraine)
The construction sphere is one of the primary sectors for most countries that the efficiency of the entire economic system functioning, including an environment condition, depends on The significance of this sector for the economy of any country may be explained due to the fact that the capital construction generates lots of jobs, and is a major consumer for intermediate products (up to 40% of raw materials, chemicals, electrical and electronic 1 2 equipment, etc ) and related services
Due to their economic significance, the construction sector outputs may have a substantial impact on the general economy development. The economic benefit of this sector development is in the multiplied effect of funds invested into the construction and interrelated processes, since the construction sector development is accompanied by development of construction materials industry and manufacturing of the equipment for their production, engineering, metallurgy and metal processing, petro chemicals, glass production, timber processing and porcelain (pottery) industry, transport, power engineering, etc The construction sector also creates a base for the development of small and middle businesses that results in creating new jobs Thus, the construction sector growth fosters the national economy strengthening and resolves many social issues
The construction sector is one of key sectors for any economy For instance, in the EU its share amounts to 9% of GDP while in Ukraine this is at 3 97% of GDP, though with a steady 3 4 growth for the recent years (Table 1) It should be noted that construction consists of three key subsectors: residential, non residential (commercial and social), and infrastructure. In 2016, in Europe, residential and non residential assets constituted 78% of the total construction, with remaining 22% for engineering structures In Ukraine the residential and 5 non residential asset share is 47 3% of the total construction (20 78% residential, 26 52% non residential), and engineering structures 52 7% 6
3 European CommissionInternal - Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs - Construction 2 Environmental Impact Of Construction Materials And Practices 1 Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector and its enterprises
4 State Statistic Service of Ukraine 4
6 The amount of construction products manufactured by types (2010-2017) 5 EU construction sector output. Learning from mistakes.
73 8% of the total amount of construction works performed were new construction, rehabilitation and refurbishment, 17 4% capital and 8 8% current repairs, correspondingly 7 7 Capital investments for 2018
Yeah GDP Construction, total Buildings Including: Engineering structures Residential Non residential
2010 1 079 346 42 918 3,98 % 19 659 45,81 % 6 876 16,02 % 12 782 29,78 % 23 259 54,19 %
2011 1 299 991 61 671 4,74 % 26 745 43,37 % 8 137 13,19 % 18 608 30,17 % 34 926 56,63 %
2012 1 404 669 62 937 4,48 % 28 104 44,66 % 8 523 13,54 % 19 581 31,11 % 34 832 55,34 %
2013 1 465 198 58 586 4,00 % 28 257 48,23 % 9 953 16,99 % 18 304 31,24 % 30 328 51,77 %
2014 1 586 915 51 108 3,22 % 24 856 48,63 % 11 292 22,09 % 13 564 26,54 % 26 252 51,37 %
2015 1 988 544 57 515 2,89 % 28 907 50,26 % 13 908 24,18 % 14 998 26,08 % 28 607 49,74 %
2016 2 385 367 73 726 3,09 % 38 106 51,69 % 18 012 24,43 % 20 093 27,25 % 35 620 48,31 %
2017 2 983 882 105 682 3,54 % 52 809 49,97 % 23 730 22,45 % 29 079 27,52 % 52 873 50,03 %
2018 3 558 706 141 213 3,97 % 66 791 47,30 % 29 344 20,78 % 37 446 26,52 % 74 421 52,70 %
Table 1.1.1 – Amount of construction products manufactured in Ukraine (construction works performed), by types (UAH mln) 8
Though the construction sector is a key driver of the entire economy, it is facing numerous challenges common to many countries.
8 State Statistic Service of Ukraine
10 Employment in Europe - Statistics & Facts
11 Number of business entities by types of business in 2018
12 Employed population by businesses, 2012 – 2018
9 Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs – Construction 5
In the EU over 3.9 mln companies, with 18 mln jobs, are in the construction business , that 9 accounts for about 7.87% of the total number of employed population. According to 2018 10 data, 52,531 business entities, including 29,590 companies, and 22,941 sole traders operated in the construction sector in Ukraine, i e 2 85% of the total number of business entities in the country In 2019 the number of construction sector employees totals 11 665,300, i e 4 07% of the total number of able bodied population, though the actual number 12 of the construction sector employees is higher due to the «shadow» employment – plus 15,900 only according to the official data of 2018.13 13 Ukrstat – unofficially employed population by business areas
The construction sector is not homogeneous, so its component indicators may differ a lot. In Europe companies, with over 250 employees, amount to under 1% of all construction companies, and provide 21% of the total sector production, while 94% of all companies employ less than 10 people full time, but provide 39% of the total sector production In Ukraine, the construction sector deems to be split between «big» and «small» players. The «big» deal with «heavy» construction: major infrastructure, industrial facilities, large residential complexes, etc The «small» players are many dedicated companies, often with a rather focused business (heating and ventilation, water supply, electric power supply, low current systems, acoustics, interiors, etc ) that act as subcontractors or are contracted for small projects, e g private dwellings These two groups are very different in terms of performance, and efficiency.
A low performance of the construction sector is largely due to small companies that deal with specific subcontracts. In other words, construction of industrial and civil infrastructure has much better indicators though contractors, and subcontractors responsible for a large share of value in the real estate and rehabilitation projects, have lower performance indicators that the sector on the whole This also impedes generation of a sufficient critical mass among the players that is necessary to catalyze radical changes across the entire sector.
The construction has also a rather long supply chain, i e from project development to its implementation and operation, that includes lots of small and big enterprises, with a partial loss of the information as a result (since it substantially depends on capacities to accumulate, operate and exchange data, their quality and reliability).
Construction is one of the most overregulated sectors, with a great many laws, resolutions, other legal and regulatory documents and standard acts, excessive bureaucratic procedures that have a direct or indirect impact on its activities, rapidness, and performance Some of them have not been changed for ages, they are out of date and conflict in many cases with current processes in the sector To amend these norms is usually a challenge, both politically and bureaucratically.
Non transparency and corruption
One of the most challenging signs of the complicated regulation and bureaucracy is insufficient transparency, and certain corruption risks backed with numerous mandatory approvals, inspections, etc., and causing potentially material financial expenses.
The labour productivity gain in construction has been only 25% of the industry growth pace for the last two decades (1.0% against 3.6%, correspondingly) that rated the construction sector the lowest in terms of performance This could be partially explained by construction sector difficulties with introducing digital innovations that might support improving
performance and profitability. According to the statistical data, though the labour 14 productivity in the construction sector of Ukraine is demonstrating a relative growth, it 15 remains, anyway, very low comparing to more developed countries, making up to 16 18% of this indicator in the USA and up to 30% in the EU states
Figure 1.1.2 – Labor productivity growth lags behind that of manufacturing and the total economy
There is a substantial gap between the construction sector needs and the available labor force capacity The average age of professional staff in construction is growing all over the 16 world, including Ukraine, with the staff qualification falling down, that makes introducing 17 changes necessary to achieve a substantial labor productivity growth more challengeable, particularly in terms of automation and use of new technologies. There is a need to raise competence, improve the higher education quality and make it adaptable to present day challenges
It should be noted that in 1995 2015 labor unit costs in the construction (amount of money paid for a unit of produced labor force or wages increase deducting the labor productivity growth) increased, with a composed annual rate, by 2 4%, comparing to 1 3% in manufacturing, and only 0 3% in service sector Combination of low qualifications, low labor productivity, and wages increase should become a sufficient stimulus for the companies to resolve the sector issues and, therefore, promote the labor productivity growth.
Inefficient use and resource assessment
14 ECSO – Building Information Modelling in the EU construction sector
15 Productivity of labor and productivity of capital
16 Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector and its enterprises
Being one of major consumers of raw materials and related products for construction, the sector is known for using them inefficiently, generating a lot of waste (up to 25 30%) when 18 repairing and building (demolition, repairs, construction), that are almost never reused now.
Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) 17 Report on financial stability for 2018 7
This is also often complemented with inadequate assessment of the produce amount and quantity, over or under supply, logistic losses when transporting and storing, that, with the building products price permanently increased, making the overall construction and 19 operation costs grow substantially
Description of contracts
Contract structure and nature are one of material barriers for increasing the construction sector performance Penalties, risks, and remuneration during contracting have a different impact on the process actors, resulting in risk rejection and cooperation reduction
The contents of contracts that start including BIM approaches is also rather «partly baked» and rather often unrealistic
Imperfectness of processes
Another key issue for the sector is an inefficient management of designing, building, operating, etc This decreases the labour performance, because the work is to be stopped, well established supply chains for materials, equipment, labour force, etc have to be re developed and destroyed
For instance, an average deviation from the construction and infrastructure project implementation program is assessed in 20 months, with the cost overruns reaching up to 80% for all projects.20
20 The digital future of construction
Construction Industry Trends in 2018 That Will Carry Over Into 2019
Figure 1.1.3 – Estimated expenditure overrun and implementation schedule delays.
Life cycle management
21 Building information modelling. Imperatives for building and operation process optimization
22 Reform in construction: entire system to be changed 9
The general lack of approaches to the entire facility life cycle management (including life cycle assessment, operational costs, cost analysis, etc ) should be specifically noted While the construction investment activities in well developed countries of the world are step by step restructured, with a focus moved from design and construction to the entire facility life cycle, none of such system approaches can be observed now in Ukraine, but for some developments and proposals Such a trend adversely affects implementing the 21 22 23 governmental policy on construction sector development in general; efficiency of planning and using budget funds, and prevents from multiplying the effect through introducing new technologies and approaches Such situation is caused by some factors that are described in more detail in the preconditions (see 2.7). 23 Architecture and construction design of construction facility based on its life cycle modelling
Underinvestment into ITs
The slow pace of innovations in the construction industry is rather a consequence of a systematic shortage of broad statistical, analytical, operational, economic and other data required, at almost all key stages and processes. Such a situation in the sector may be generally described as a certain «information vacuum» that prevents the sector (unlike others, such as mechanical engineering) from accumulating and managing consistently and systematically the data over the lifecycle of objects, creating a robust analytical framework for decision making.
The construction sector is almost at the bottom by digitization index, and can be defined as 24 a highly localized and fragmented sector that lags behind by most criteria. Moreover, due to using traditional design methods there exists a rather substantial issue of constant «loss» of data at each of transfers to the next facility life cycle stage. At the same time investments into construction information and communication technologies are too small, compared to other sectors
The construction sector spends only 1% of its income for R&D projects (scientific research, development of new technologies and methods, etc ), compared to 3 5 4 5% for the automotive and spacecraft industries
The next diagram presents an impact/ likelihood matrix for new technologies that may become drivers for the construction sector
future, Ex.
– McKinsey & Company – Imagining construction’s digital
McKinsey & Company – Imagining construction’s digital future
Considering the identified motivator challenges, the construction sector has now a great potential for further changes. Given the rapid development of new technologies (industrial 3D scanning and printing, drones, augmented reality, robotization of construction sites, new materials, up to date software and information platforms), most of which have reached market maturity for a widespread use, digitalisation of the construction sector, where the using Information Modeling Technologies and Approaches (BIM) is the key factor, is increasingly recognized as a potential driver for the sector, which can significantly contribute to a sustainable development, including the EU Strategy 2020.
So, for instance, a full scaled digitizing in the non residential construction is expected to result into annual global fund savings of EUR 0.6 1.0 trillion (13% 21%) at design and construction phases, and EUR 0.3 0.4 trillion (10% 17%) at operation ones. ,25 26
McKinsey & Company – Digital Europe: Pushing The Frontier, Capturing The Benefits
ECSO – Building Information Modelling in the EU construction sector
1.2. Key terms and definitions
Construction Asset (asset)
A building, a structure together with its foundation and engineering equipment, utility and communication networks as well as their complexes with certain construction and industrial specifications and purpose.27
Facility Life Cycle
A package of consistent in contents and time periods of construction asset functioning since its creation concept till decommissioning and disposal.27
CAD (computer-aided design)
A system for automated design or automated design system, this is an automated system designated for automating the product design process to receive a package of design and engineering documents as final product sufficient to produce and operate further the design asset. When using the CAD, a geometrical model of the product is created (mainly 2D, 28 sometimes 3D, solid), design documents are generated backed by this model (product drawings, specifications, etc ) and then the product is further supported
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Use of a shared digital representation of a built asset to facilitate design, construction and operation processes to form a reliable basis for decisions.29
Building Information Model (BIMs, Building Information Models)
A set of structured and unstructured information containers (data packages) within the 30 integrated information system that contain necessary geometrical, physical, functional, and other facility features, and a source for documents supporting the asset life cycle (design documents, cost estimates, etc.). The contents of the building information model is identical to the design document contents, extended with the additional data. 31
Note 1: Most often these are files (largely but not always in their own formats, that contain their own specific data), with information downloading functionality, with an option of exchanging or networking with other process participants, to improve the cooperation and interaction efficiency
DBN.B.1.2-5:2007 – Annex А
DSTU 2226-93 Automated systems. Terms and definitions – 2.5
29 ISO 19650-1:2018 – 3.3.14
30 ISO 19650-1:2018 – 3.3.8
DBN А.2.2-3, s.3.17
BIM Management
A more specified concept based on Information Management definition. In terms of 32 construction sector, this means implementing tasks and procedures applied to inputting, processing, generating and transferring the data to ensure accuracy and integrity of information within the entire asset life cycle
BIM management means also leading the BIM implementation process within an organization, ensuring the achievement of BIM related objectives, and supporting development/ delivery of new services and information model use efficiency 33
BEP (sometimes BxP, BIM Execution Plan)
A plan prepared by the suppliers to explain how the information modelling aspects of a project will be carried out and agreed by all parties. BEP explains roles of project parties, 34 their duties, outlines final results to be achieved and their achievement timing as well as standards to be used and procedures to be followed It is developed as pre and post 35 contact execution plans to meet, first of all, customer’s Information Requirements (EIR)
BIM Levels (BIM maturity level)
A concept developed to explain clearly certain criteria of expected competence, required processes, fundamental standards and recommendations, their interrelation and application method within the construction sector upgrading and digitizing strategy 36 37
It was recognized that such transformation process should be slow, with well defined milestones presented as following «levels»:
BIM Level 0
The initial zero level features mainly 2D CAD drafting, lack of full fledged collaboration links between the project participants. The information is stored and distributed via paper or electronic prints, or a mixture of both (formats: PDF, DWF, DWG)
BIM Level 1
PAS 1192-2:2013 – 3.26
33 BIM Dictionary - BIM Manager
PAS 1192-2:2013 – 3.6
35 NBS – What is a BIM Execution Plan (BEP)? 34
36 NBS – BIM Levels explained
The first level means a well established management of digital arranged construction information including that generated by 2D or 3D CAD systems within the common data environment (CDE). It features a harmonized introduction of international standards and protocols for storing and transferring the data, their naming and organizing 37 The levels of BIM adoption across the industry and sectors
BIM Level 2
The second level encompasses the generation and management of structured and inter coordinated information models consisting of both object oriented 3D geometrical and non graphical data prepared by different parties during the project life cycle within the context of a common data environment 38
BIM Level 3
The third level has not been officially defined yet, but it should provide for a full integration, interoperability, and interaction of the data, models, processes to manage the project life cycle. Thus, all parties should, directly or indirectly, work within the common model kept in the centralized storage, using open formats for collaboration among disciplines and parties, and being able to integrate freely not only with the models but also with various data structures
Figure 1.2.1 – BIM maturity levels
BIM Dimensions
A generalized meaning of «way» in which particular kinds of data are linked to an information model (e g , time, funds, etc ) The first two dimensions: 2D and 3D are mainly used to build up a 2D or 3D asset geometry By adding additional dimensions of data you can start to get a fuller understanding of your construction project how and when it will be delivered,
38 HNWG’s
«BIM Level 2»
what it will cost and how it should be maintained etc. There are several kinds of such dimensions:39
4D (programming)
4D BIM adds an extra dimension of information to a project information model in the form of scheduling data that can be used to obtain accurate programme information and visualisations, procedure works, logistics, building process simulation, etc. and that presents a sequence and logic of project implementation
5D (cost)
Possibility to extract accurate information on direct and additional costs for each building component/ system, including other types of associated costs is at the heart of 5D BIM. Extrapolation of the quantities of a given component/ system on a project, applying cost rates to those quantities would thereby helps planning and monitoring the overall financial, labour, and other costs within the project implementation
6D (operation/maintenance)
6D BIM involves the inclusion of information on the manufacturer of a component, its installation date, required maintenance and details of how the items should be configured and operated for optimal performance, energy performance, along with lifespan and decommissioning data
nD There are several more appearing measurements that have not been clearly connected to a certain dimension and generally formalized, such as Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, Safety, etc
Information Requirements
A specification for what, when, how and for whom information is to be produced.40
AIR (Asset Information Requirements)
Information requirements in relation to the operation of an asset
EIR (Exchange Information Requirements)
Information requirements in relation to an appointment
OIR (Organizational Information Requirements)
Information requirements in relation to organizational objectives.
PIR (Project Information Requirements)
39 NBS – BIM Dimensions
Information requirements in relation to the delivery of an asset 40 ISO 19650-1:2018 – 3.3.2 and next 3.3.4, 3.3.6, 3.3.3, 3.3.5 15
LOI(n) (Level of Information (need))
Framework which defines the extent and granularity of information Now it includes the 41 concept of asset geometrical detailing level and information coverage rate
IFC Format (Industry Foundation Classes)
A model of data designated for describing architecture, structural, and construction data of assets. This is a universal object oriented data format with an open specification that is not 42 controlled by any company or a group of companies The format was developed and is supported by buildingSMART to facilitate collaboration in the construction sector within BIM projects The most often used specifications for information transfer are IFC2x3 (less often ifcXML2x3) and IFC4.
Native Format
An own (proprietary) format of certain software files to store and transfer data, given its internal specific features and functionality
Open BIM
A universal approach to exchange data based on open standards and workflows. Open BIM is an initiative of buildingSMART and several leading software vendors using the open buildingSMART Data Model 43
Note 1: There are several open formats today developed by buildingSmart (including IFC, BCF, COBie, etc.) that make it possible to transfer data between various tools and platforms.
CDE (Common Data Environment)
An agreed source of information for any given project or asset for collecting, managing and disseminating each information container through a managed process 44 «CDE» term could be considered at one and the same time as a set of certain standards and protocols regulating the ways of organizing, storing, and naming various information containers (data), and describing their exchange and circulation, as well as certain software solutions ensuring implementation of such processes technically.
SMP (Standard Methods and Procedures)
A general concept for the set of standard methods and procedures establishing the rules for project used information management within the CDE For instance, the adopted rules for naming, exchanging and status codes. Using major SMPs is a fundamental component 45 46 of BIM implementation.
41 ISO 19650-1:2018 – 3.3.16
43 buildingSmart – Technical Vision
44 ISO 19650-1:2018 – 3.3.15
45 PAS 1192-2:2013 – 3.38
42 buildingSMART – IFC Introduction 16
46 bsi – Little Book of BIM
IPD (Integrated Project Delivery)
A contract approach that unites people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that applies jointly talents and competencies of all parties to optimize the project results, to increase the value for the owner, to reduce losses and to maximize efficiency at all stages of design, production, construction and operation Such cooperation is further based on trust and full transparency of all processes that means establishing project common objectives and supporting them, and bearing a joint responsibility for the investment result within the entire facility life cycle.
The IPD principles may be used to various contract agreements, may include actors beyond the standard triad of owner, architect, and contractor.
GIS (Geographic Information System)
An information system dealing with the information concerning phenomena/ assets associated with the location relative to the Earth So this system is for recording, storing, 47 modifying, managing, assessing and representing all forms of geographic information that makes it possible to combine modelled images of territory (e maps, diagrams, satellite and air images of the surface) and tabular information (various statistic data, lists, economic indicators, etc )
47 ISO 19101-1:2014 – 4.1.20 17
2. Issue to be resolved
2.1. Key challenges to be resolved through BIM implementation
The construction sector faces today a wide range of system based and interrelated issues and challenges (see 1 1) Construction is considered rather inefficient both as process itself and in terms of final results, that extends the implementation time, increases construction and operation costs, reduces the quality, safety level, environmental protection, etc. Technologies and management approaches used in the national construction sector are out of date compared to the EU states
Review of construction sector situation in Ukraine verifies the need of:
1. Fundamental changes in generating, storing, exchanging, and transferring the information, using its further and improving the efficiency of the asset management at all life cycle stages 2. Unification of information management and exchange processes. 3. Improvement of contract management efficiency during the construction asset life cycle 4. Increase of sector investment attractiveness. 5. Improvement of competitiveness of sector Ukrainian companies 6. Transparence of construction investment process and pricing. 7. Forecasting of construction operational costs and a sustainable development of the construction sector 8. Digital transformation of a number of state functions, services, and systems, and their general integration and interface 9. Reduction of regulatory load. 10. Improvement of construction sector energy performance 11. Improvement of construction sector environmental performance. 12. Improvement of construction asset safety 13. Legal and regulatory framework for using the BIM within the entire life cycle. 14. Harmonization of national standards and requirements with the European ones 15. Establishment of information and methodology basis for the further sector evolution within more global concepts as Smart Cities, Digital Twins, Digital Single Market, Industry 4 0, etc
Figure 2.1.1 – Diagram of positioning BIM and related approaches in the sector context (construction sector; problems, challenges, opportunities; digitization + improvement of legal regulations, management approaches, investment construction processes etc…)
One of prime key tasks to be resolved is to create conditions for overcoming the «information vacuum» in the construction sector. Nowadays it features a consistent lack of statistics, construction, operation, and economic data, that are generally disintegrated, chaotic, incompliant, non transparent, etc
Incompleteness of agreed data makes solving the issues much more difficult, reduces analytic opportunities for the search and adoption of strategic solutions, and their final effect evaluation, deforms a consistency of implementing new methods and technologies in the sector on the whole This situation, instead, supports information erosion, pricing «washing out», confrontation of interests of investment construction process actors at the different stages within the entire life cycle, instead.
System based processes of generating and exchanging the digital information on the building is a key aspect to improve construction sector performance and quality as well as to establish a single data source overall the sector Thanks to building information modelling and managing the functionality and quality of asset management processes may be improved during the entire life cycle, reducing the design, construction, and maintenance costs, and optimizing in parallel key project indicators (cost, construction efficiency, quality, environment impact, etc.). Introducing the information modelling makes it technically possible to move from a traditional information management process (, figuratively, from paper to digital information media) to creation of expert models to optimize key project indicators based on the reliable, agreed data, enhancing the creation of conditions necessary for the future transfer to the principles of the construction facility life cycle management
Using BIM would increase the transparency of investment construction processes, predictability of results, create certain conditions for rethinking, improving or simplifying existing regulatory procedures, the legal regulatory framework, the nature of contracts, etc
Thus, by developing and using a single information field, implementing and applying BIM technologies and approaches, construction would become able to significantly reduce the adverse effects caused by the overall sector fragmentation Standardization, unification of digital processes and unified «rules of the game» will allow for integrating the small and middle businesses, at a larger extent and with a higher quality, in the construction investments, improving their efficiency and interaction with the customer, through the creation of more transparent and consistent mechanisms of exchange, as well as information management over the facility life cycle
In addition to the factor of labor involved, the reasons for the low construction sector productivity are complex in nature and largely depend on the imperfection of management processes, the obsolete system of construction management The use of BIM could help interrelate the resources, operations, timing, their interlinking with the production, increasing the accountability, manageability of processes, their efficiency, monitoring and planning. BIM could also help to create a framework required for introducing new technologies and practices for example, automation and robotization of construction sites, the use of drones, new approaches to modularizing and standardizing construction products, the use of algorithmic methods for their preliminary design (algorithm driven design) and manufacturing, industrial 3D printing, machine learning algorithms etc., that has a positive impact on the quality and pace of construction.
Ultimately, the use of BIM offers some opportunities to address environmental issues and use resources in a more efficient way.
The construction sector consumes a lot of non renewable energy that causes huge CO2 emissions. The total amount of CO2 emissions in the global construction sector in 2019 reached 5.7bln ton that makes about 23% of the total CO2 emissions produced by the global economy According to the EU information, to transfer to a competitive low carbon 48 economy in 2050, the level of CO2 emissions in the construction sector is planned to be reduced by 40 50% in 2030, and by 90% in 2050 The BIM technologies allow for managing 49 the building energy performance, calculating required indicators at the design stage, and selecting the best appropriate option.
Construction is one of the largest though most inefficient consumers of raw materials and other related products, and it creates a significant amount of construction waste with low recycling rates. One of the EU's goals by 2020, according to the Waste Framework Directive, is to achieve 70% of the reuse, recycling or recovery of construction waste during the 50 development or dismantling of sites The BIM application optimizes the use of resources51 for example, the availability of BIM models of existing buildings will help analyze more accurately and match with needs of a new facility the available amount of reusable materials
Carbon emission of global construction sector
Communication From The Commision To The European Parliament And The Council
Directive 2008/98/EC on waste
Resource efficiency in the building sector
that can be recovered through recycling, in order to develop the most effective approach to dismantling, logistics, etc
Figure 2.1.2 – Evolution of current life cycle processes
One of the ways to resolve the above mentioned issues, in addition to general digitization and financial restructuring of the sector, is introducing BIM technologies and approaches. For instance, with the similar technologies implemented in the UK, the construction costs reduced by 15 25% in average and the construction facility indicators were improved 52
The full fledged digitizing of construction projects may result in 13 21% of cost savings at the phase of design and construction, and up to 10 15% at the phase of operation
52 Government Construction 22
It should be noted that a minimum increase of initial costs, even by 2%, for improving and optimizing the design solutions may contribute to average savings of up to 20% regarding the total costs
Applying such technologies in Ukraine may have a similar effect, subject to an integrated approach on BIM implementation aimed, first of all, on changing the construction asset management processes, and based on the information modelling during the entire asset life cycle
2.2. BIM Description
The concept BIM fundamentals were outlined as early as in the 1960s, almost the very first 53 days of using electronic equipment However, at some stages the BIM application was 54 preceded with using CAD systems (that was in most cases a logical follow up of the conventional drawing method) The reason for this is that in order to reach its present day level and its capacities, the information modelling had to pass a certain evolution, backed with available technologies in computer and information fields, new concepts and approaches for design and construction
What differs principally the BIM from conventional 2D/3D CAD:
● In terms of model, CAD are files where information component are non linked graphical data as independent 2D/3D views such as plans, sections and elevations built of graphical entities only, such as lines, arcs, circles, hatches, and their parameters as thickness, type, colour, etc The BIMs are files where information media are interrelated and structured components or systems that building assets are composed of, such as spaces (zones), walls, beams and columns, and carry all information related to geometrical, physical and other attributive characteristics within the asset life cycle. ,55 56
● In terms of process, CAD is a digital presentation of conventional drawing production during the design work when amending a graphical image requires a consistent check and renewal of all others, i.e. an unreliable, error prone process that is one of the major causes of poor documentation BIM is a production of digital building image based on object oriented approach, an integrated information model, that concentrates and stores all necessary data used at all stages of life cycle as a reliable base for decision making.
BIM application has a direct or indirect impact on all parties involved into the capital construction BIM is a principally different method of generating, using and exchanging the data of asset life cycle. Such terms as BIMs (building information model) and BIM (building information modelling) are often used as inter changeable and inter related that proves a substantial increase of term significance and usage for meeting the growing sector needs Therefore the BIM concept is much more comprehensive than a simple translation or acronym expansion and may be described by three key ideas:57
As interaction process
Douglas C. Engelbart – Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework
Charles M. Eastman – The Use of Computers Instead of Drawings in Building Design
BIM: A New Paradigm for Visual Interactive Modeling and Simulation for Construction Projects
Information Flow Comparison Between Traditional and BIM-Based Projects In The Design Phase
A joint and interactive process of all stakeholders supported by various instruments, technologies, and software and with the use of certain approaches and methodologies 57 NBIMS – Part 1: Overview, Principles, and Methodologies
for creating and managing digital representations of geometrical, physical, functional, and other parameters at all stages of asset life cycle
● As product
A final product result of BIM process should be an integrated information system that is represented by information model/s (BIMs) with all the necessary information on the asset and may be used by all stakeholders.
● As life cycle management
The information models with necessary and updated data available at each of stages allow for applying them as analytical base, operating the asset life cycle, from design start till operation end, using the models for preparing and adopting efficient financial, design, construction, operational, and engineering solutions, etc.
It should be also stated that information modelling capacities depend also on available ITs, software and physical parameters of networks and hardware
2.2.1. BIM in the context of asset life cycle
Transforming the construction sector in an effective way assumes application of information modelling at all stages of asset life cycle Though transformation in general envisages a more global digitizing process, the BIM principles and technologies are considered as one of key ways for its implementation since using the BIM helps building up a consistent approach to generating, exchanging, transferring, assessing and using the information.
Figure – Problems of losing the data in asset
life cycle stages transition
A substantial amount of data that should become, as stated, a reliable basement for decision making and transferred for processing and using at the next life cycle stage, is generated during the asset life cycle One of the first tasks to be solved through BIM application is to minimize materially data «losses» on transferring from one stage to another, to ensure their consistency, opposite to conventional methods when the information path was «disrupted» at the end of each stage in paper drawing form. This becomes possible 58 through using an information model as a kind of database within the CDE where all necessary data are accumulated and stored in a centralized way, following the standards and procedures adopted during the entire life cycle 59
The highest effect of the BIM application is surely to be achieved when it is implemented and used at full rate at each stage of the asset life cycle, starting at the earliest possible asset life cycle and consistently till its very end
At the concept stage one of major tasks to create an information model is to take into account urban development conditions, major equipment, power supply systems, to list buildings and structures and their principal design features, locations for connecting to engineering networks and utilities and network alignments, necessary to achieve the project objectives However, in addition to resolving the conventional objectives at this stage, the BIM application helps research the entire list of future building capacities not only through its 3D representation, but also with a preliminary analytical check of its key performance
59 RICS – International BIM Implementation Guide 58 Rethinking the project development process through the use of BIM
indicators to achieve the best result regarding energy performance, comparison of design options, environment impact, forecasting and management of asset cost, etc The available database built on the previous projects helps improve substantially the analysis, the early stage decision making system, and provide the customer or operator with a more complete vision on the future project and its parameters. Thus, applying the BIM at this stage allows for creating a proper project structure and building up a base for optimizing management decisions on its implementation
At the design stage concept stage models, together with the entire information collected for the project (both in 3D and other formats) at the previous stage, are used, to develop major models of necessary disciplines and specific design document sections This is the stage when the BIM may have the maximum impact on the project since a wide range of asset final indicators, including the value ones, depend on the design solutions adopted that are developed and detailed. To achieve the effect all experts participating in the project are involved in team work, to collaborate and coordinate their work on designing through the use of building consolidated information models This strategy allows for producing several design iterations are produced to search and identify inter disciplinary collisions, design mistakes, both visually and automatically with software, to optimize architecture, design and engineering solutions, in line with key project indicators established at the concept stage. In fact, these models are also used to create the entire necessary design documents.
At the tender stage a key task is to organize and systematize (classify) the created model content by types of materials, works, and services, to estimate the cost, duration, and sequence of construction, as well as to define key quality indicators for the project, implementation strategy, to select contractors, and/or suppliers, and to tender Applying the BIM at this stage would optimize a contractor selection, to refine initially engineering solutions as well as to forecast the project implementation program and cost in a more realistic way.
Applying the BIM has a substantial impact on the construction stage A specific asset information model comprises a set of 3D, graphical, text, and calendar information (4D BIM) on managing and implementing construction works (including temporary, logistic ones and others), funding the construction and costs (5D BIM) as well as visualizing the process of asset development Such model may be synchronized with a work implementation program to monitor the actual status of assets, to track and assess possible deviations, to record resource and budget expenditure, to obtain analytical data on needs in materials, building machinery load, work force or necessary products delivery to the construction asset as well as to receive other operational information in real time mode.
With the construction completed, the asset model may be updated against an as built survey/ documents, with all modifications and deviations taken into account, to represent a factual digital copy of the asset «as it is» and to use it at the next stage.
At the operational stage the obtained information model (6D BIM) is expected to contain all necessary data for efficient building management and use. This data may include information on a manufacturer of certain equipment/ system, an installation date, required maintenance and details on how the devices should be adjusted and operated in the proper way, to be energy efficient as well as data on the service life and decommissioning Applying COBie formats for such tasks may provide numerous advantages and simplify the
information exchange. A digital and centralized representation of such data, combined with the 3D model, substantially facilitates the building management, simplifies obtaining the information necessary for the further assessment and monitoring of the asset functioning, decision making, planning It should be stated that filling such data is of importance still on stages of concept and design since allows for making the most appropriate and effective decision, given a long term period of building operation.
Collecting the operational data during the operation period with a use of sensors, monitoring systems, reports and other sources of receiving the information is an important part for all stages. These data are constantly processed and assessed to be used further for optimizing and improving the key asset indicators In this context applying modern technologies IpT (internet of things) may help substantially to collect and assess further the necessary data Finally, the information model may be used for disassembling or renovating further, rehabilitating or redesigning the asset.
Figure –BIM technologies within construction asset life cycle
2.2.2. Focus shift
Thus, we can state that the construction sector, together with the allied ones, is demonstrating a trend to shift from producing drawing to generating and managing the information as intellectual, analytical asset, that changes fundamentally the approach to all processes, and shifts the focus from their linear step by step progress to a more interactive and collaborative process. It should be pointed out that this does not always result into a significant speed up of the processes, this refers more to re assignment of priorities a share of effort used for routine operations decreases, with the resources released to be allocated for a more intellectual and technological activity, focused on quality of design solutions, information models, analytical surveys, management, etc.
Figure – Focus shift and effort redistribution
The construction sector has been traditionally more focused on design, and, particularly, construction costs, leaving other stages without sufficient attention Usage of BIM helps revise the approach, expanding the construction cost analysis for the entire asset life cycle This makes it possible to evaluate in a different way proportionality and value of costs at stages of the investment and construction process.
To achieve a basically new level, changes within the BIM implementation are expected to incorporate all key areas of activity of the organizations and all stages of the asset life cycle It is rather natural that transformation can take place gradually, encompassing local segments of activity (and even achieving positive results individually in each of them), but this significantly reduces the final cumulative effect, especially in terms of managing the asset life cycle
The present day technologies may be resisted at the beginning since the staff often prefer traditional and understandable methods To adapt completely to any new technology and use it efficiently, a training curve for each expert, group or organization may be used during the certain period, that allows for using in parallel traditional methods for a certain extent till the moment when the obtained knowledge and skills would allow for reaching at the least the same level of productivity as the traditional one.
Figure – BIM use efficiency subject to time and skills
It is also important to highlight that BIM should be considered more as a certain instrument (or, taking wider, methodology, approach) that, opening new possibilities, is not a final target itself Information modelling and its derivatives should be used for the whole complex of tasks, including analytical, organizational, management, and strategic ones, and should not be less significant than planning, forecasting, risk management, quality control, etc.
BIM is often related to the general processes of economy digitization, including the construction sector, where there is a substantial scope of issues related to e document flow, authorization procedures, inter relations with governmental bodies, over regulation, etc However, in these cases the rationale of such combination should be subject to maximum
check of current process logic and reasonability (which are usually conventional and paper based), their legal and regulatory framework to proceed with upgrading In other words, the situations that can be described by saying «digitizing irregularity we receive a digital irregularity» should be avoided It is senseless to expect all construction sector challenges to be settled through BIM introduction, though this could provide more technical capacities for improving a wide range of present day processes.
2.2.3. IPD function
The use of BIM technologies and related processes lead to changes in contractual obligations between customers and contractors, as the scheme of interaction between all key stakeholders of the investment and construction process changes This may be somehow difficult due to the novelty of this approach, but ultimately, the use of the new scheme improves significantly the quality of their interaction, trust and consistency of interests Such a contract approach is often described as IPD (Integrated / Joint Project Delivery)
The key IPD features can be summarized as follows:
● Mutual benefits: IPD contracts provide for identifying a value as the primary economic criterion for investment. This value is estimated at the stage of conceptualization, is calculated based on indicators, is compared with market prices and investor capacities, and then is monitored throughout the whole implementation process for the sake of procedural and financial transparency
● Early definition of objectives: project objectives are developed and agreed by all stakeholders at the early stage of the investment construction process, that allows for achieving a proper contribution of each party to the project at following stages to improve the cost effectiveness of the integrated investment procedure. The early statement of information requirements (EIR) by the customer is important, too.
● Early involvement of key stakeholders: within the IPD project, all key stakeholders are involved in all the processes from the starting point. Since about 70% of the decisions affecting the investment economy are taken within first conditionally 10% of project time, the impact of the amount of knowledge and experience, competencies and capabilities of all parties at this initial stage is crucial
● Clearly defined standards, continuous and open communication: IPD provides clear, regular, transparent communication between all key project stakeholders, with constant and free access Approaches and methodology should be based on pre-agreed standards (including BIM) and have a common information field (CDE).
● Use of appropriate technologies: Projects are based on open, accessible technologies and work formats that are outlined in the Project BIM (BEP) Execution Plans
Thus, the IPD approach can be a kind of driver and assistant in applying the BIM, because it changes the «rules of the game» in the investment and construction activities to more consistent, open ones. Such approach has a positive effect on the motivation, human factor, interaction and coherence of all process participants that is important in implementing BIM.
2.3. BIM and GIS interaction
Since any construction occurs in certain geographical locations, a geo spatial information is an integrated and an extremely important component of any project
The geographic information is important for decision making in construction, due to both the optimization of the asset location in terms of availability of external engineering networks and utility systems, and the need to optimize energy costs for operation through accounting the data of solar, wind activity of the terrain and precipitations The integration of BIM and GIS over time allows project parties to better understand the impact of decisions before, during and after project construction.
Today, the development of GIS systems is considered separately, within several independent organizations (GIS Association of Ukraine, Union of Surveyors and Map Makers of Ukraine, UkrGEO, etc.
However, the full fledged BIM development is almost impossible without using geoinformation systems as sources of inputs for design and further management of asset life cycle It is also important for creating the interfaces to take into account requirements of European, national and local geo portals ,60 61
To put it in brief, the system interfacing procedure may be defined as follows:
1. data selection from geoinformation systems and databases of urban development and land surveying documents, development of actual terrain surface, geology, existing utility systems, building, and structures, to obtain start data for design;
2. information modelling with using base or supporting points of design correlated with the asset coordinate system and azimuth;
3. positioning of the created assets in the geoinformation systemж
4. GIS and BIM data based asset management.
Interfacing between BIM and GIS may be presented by a diagram below
National geospace data infrastructure
MAYNO analytical information system (PROPERTY)
Figure 2.3.1 – Interface between BIM and GIS62
It is also worth mentioning a key difference between these systems GIS is aimed at accumulating and managing the information about existing assets or assets being planned This information is primarily used to operate them BIM is aimed at managing the project, that is, changes related to the assets For example, the information on the highway number, pavement condition, owner, usage statistics, etc. refer to the GIS; the information on the construction / rehabilitation of the same highway, including calculation of earthworks, design of kilometer points, longitudinal profiles, etc refer to the BIM
Thus, GIS makes a valuable contribution to the information modelling process through providing the information about the construction site, geospatial data, assessing the environmental impact, etc
ISO/CD 19166 Geographic information -- BIM to GIS conceptual mapping (B2GM)
Figure 2.3.2 – BIM and GIS operations running continuously in Smart Cities
To integrate BIM and GIS the following should be checked:
● A coordinate system shall be correctly identified to support a direct data transmission from/ to GIS system;
● All BIM model assets shall be simulated correctly and fit the required level of detail and information (LOI)
2.4. Interaction of BIM and Smart Cities
The BIM technology capacities, if used efficiently, allow for integrating not only with GIS but also with other innovative approaches, , as Smart Cities, IoT, Big data, Digital Twins and more. The interrelation of these tools with each other is the subject of constant research for scientists, business, authorities, NGOs, that gives the space for new developments of IT specialists. Though it is too early to describe the final form of interaction between the BIM and other technologies, it is imperative to pay attention to the prospects for using them jointly in the near future
Smart Cities is one of the most up to date trends in the development of any present day city, so a sound and efficient use of natural resources due to global warming and the risk of resource scarcity has become a priority for finding new management solutions due to global warming and risk of resource deficit. There are different interpretations of the SMART CITIES term, but in most cases they come to the concept of a city that uses modern technologies to improve the quality of life in it Smart Cities technologies are integrated into appropriate structures to increase quality of service delivery, reduce costs and resource consumption, and improve communication and consensus with residents That is, the Smart Cities concept offers the public the highest quality with minimal resource consumption thanks to a smart mix of technology in the building, in the district and in the city. With growing urbanization, the number of residents also grows more and more. According to the UN, by 2050, 68% of the world's population will live in cities, so Smart Cities should create a better 63 quality of life for them
In this context, the role of BIM technology is to become a tool that helps the very first days create a BIM model of managed «smart building» and utilities that will then become a core element of a smart city as it will be used throughout the facility life cycle Therefore, with BIM models for all buildings and infrastructure in the city, integrated GIS and IoT solutions, and with the help of Smart Cities, it becomes possible to integrate them with other infrastructure technologies of the district, city and country.
Thus, the process of creating full scaled Smart Cities could become much easier and more effective with using BIM technologies, and the Smart Cities construction pace depends on the pace of their advancing and using in the cities
UN – 68 % of the world's population projected to live in urban areas by 2050
2.5. Feasibility of BIM implementation in Ukraine
There has been a steady correlation between the level of sector digitizing and their performance increase for the last ten years (see a graph below) with examples of the companies in construction and other sectors using digital technologies and earning high profits The mining uses digital innovations to improve the labor productivity and search for new ways to manage changes. In the 1970s big aerospace companies introduced computer 3D modeling that transformed the way of designing aircraft and increased the sector performance ten times However, the construction sector still lacks an integrated platform to cover design, construction, operation
Figure 2.5.1 – Relationship between digitizing rate and productivity growth
It is the BIM technologies that should become the platform and help improve such major components as:
● Efficiency of design, manufacturing, construction, and operation;
● Building energy and environmental performance;
● Resource using efficiency;
● Transparency and efficiency of financial expenses;
The use of BIM as a tool that primarily operates the information component (in some cases the focus is deliberately shifted to the Building Information Management, i e information management within construction assets), together with new methodologies and information technologies, will create necessary conditions for the consistent creation, accumulation, management and exchange of key information in the single environment to be widely used by all construction sector players. This is fundamentally required for reforming and modernizing further the sector, encompassing a huge range of tasks, starting from creating a sound basis for decision making in investment and construction processes, transferring to life cycle management and value analysis, improving capital investment monitoring, refining pricing system, up to integrating and interlinking the governmental services and information systems.
The Building Information Modeling (BIM) introduction is assumed to be an information management solution for design, construction, and operational stages of facility life cycle. The UK Cabinet of Ministers report shows 19.6% savings in capital spending through using the BIM, with £ 840mln saved on £ 3 5 billion construction costs in the 2013/2014 financial year
It should be noted that implementing the BIM technologies referring to the life cycle is of particular importance for the public sector, where assets are built and operated out of budget funds For this purpose the BIM technologies allow for saving and using at the maximum efficient rate the public funds for building such facilities, that would cause increasing the number of built and rehabilitated assets. Such technologies also help minimize corruption risks in implementing. Therefore, the public sector will receive a tool to monitor the public spending on construction, and the public sector will be able to manage the project in a transparent way, and increase the level of public confidence
As to the business, the interest of companies in using BIM technology is driven by possible improvement of design quality, reduction of construction and operation risks and costs that would increase the construction companies revenues In addition, the operations would be optimized due to eliminating out of date processes, that usually slow down and cause work duplication or additional load to achieve certain traditional requirements that are no more relevant in the present day conditions. However, this is not possible within the obsolete regulatory framework Its update needs a detailed analysis, a broad discussion and a search for common solutions by all three sectors representatives
With foreign and national experience assessed, and scientific and research studies in the BIM area carried out as well as the acquired knowledge adapted to the national specific features, benefits due to information modeling use have been defined:
● Expenditure reduced
● Design document preparation period cut down
● Probability of design errors decreased
● Asset completion periods shortened
● Key indicators under control and work completion deadlines met
● Information on study and test results, design documents and reports submitted promptly in e format
● Construction cost indicators adjusted timely
● Most appropriate building energy performance indicators taken into account for design
● Efficiently GIS integrated
● Meaningful use of accumulated database and knowledge on the capital construction asset at all its life cycle stages by all project stakeholders
● Reliable storage and use of actual and sound information that helps reduce the number of errors and collisions at all stages of asset life cycle
● Probability of engineering, plan and financial risks reduced at all stages of asset life cycle
● Costs reduced and construction process efficiency increased due to standardizing design solutions and improving the rate of automation of design and construction works
● Scopes and timing of work performed at all stages of asset life cycle optimized due to the improved accuracy of interdisciplinary solutions
● Construction process monitored and planned financial indicators assessed on the asset model that ensures a transparency of actually performed work scopes
● Improvement of accuracy of planning the work implementation timing and budget at all stages of asset life cycle
● Asset electronic passport produced
● Legal debate settled easier
Implementing the BIM within a coherent information ecosystem would reduce the impact of industry fragmentation and enhance its players’ collaboration improvement At the same time, the general unification and algorithmization of processes and relationships of the sector entities, the powerful information support and dissemination of supporting materials and the best practices improve the quality and efficiency of small and middle company’s workflows, and increase their overall involvement into investments and construction through improving the end result quality of their services.
Figure 2.5.2 – Assessment of digitization impact on construction sector in Europe
European and World Experience of BIM Implementation
Digitizing the construction sector is more and more understood as sector potential changes that may essentially support a sustainable development in line with EU 2020 Strategy 64
Taking this into account, the European Commission has developed a number of policies and initiatives, including EU Directive 2014/24/EU aimed at the construction sector digitizing 65 EU BIM Task Group, with 23 EU states being its members, was set up The purpose of this group is to bring together national efforts into a common and aligned European approach to develop a world class digital construction sector. It is worth noting that adoption of this 66 directive became a stimulus factor for many European states to include BIM technology introduction into the activity agenda
As a result, the EU member states have gradually accepted the digital construction innovations, with the BIM technologies leading the process. The BIM European market was assessed at EUR1 8bln in 2016, and, as forecasted, would increase by 13%, reaching EUR2 1bln in 2023 67
This being said, the BIM introduction ways and pace in the European countries differ from those in other developed ones Therefore studying success and mistakes made by other states would be an important stage
Generally speaking, four legal ways for introducing BIM may be identified, that evolve during the implementation
1) Applied voluntarily
Key point: to create conditions for a possible application of BIM and usage of its benefits. All countries start introduction with this stage.
Advantages: the construction sector may itself start applying BIM, studying successful implementation cases may push other companies to start using the BIM Conditions are the same for small and big companies
Disadvantages: introduction is not consistent, though used on permanent basis, there are risks of low pace of introducing BIM into the construction
64 EUROPE2020 – A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
65 EU Directive 2014/24 / EU 40
Business Wire (2017). Europe Building Information Modeling Market (2017-2023) 66 About EU BIM Task Group
2) Mandatory for construction: when State is a customer, and project parameter exceeds a certain threshold
Key point: to efficiently use the budget funds, the BIM technologies are used in the public construction for projects exceeding a certain set threshold (project cost, asset area, asset complexity, number of floors, etc )
Advantages: a partial transition to applying the BIM technologies, allowing small companies that cannot afford BIM technologies to receive small government orders Application in the commercial sector is voluntary
Disadvantages: a gap is created between BIM and non BIM companies, inconsistency of collecting building data in one format
3) Mandatory for the entire construction sector is State is a customer
Key point: to use efficiently the budget funds, the BIM technologies are mandatorily used in the public construction
Advantages: a large scale implementation is encouraged, with the public procurement accounting to a significant share of the market; as a result a lot of projects start using the BIM This contributes to the efficient use of budget funds
Disadvantages: risks for small companies that do not have funds to implement BIM technologies; as a result, public contracts are awarded to big companies There could be a need to increase a project cost at the initial stage of implementation.
4) Mandatory for any construction
Key point: the application of BIM technologies is mandatory for building all assets.
Advantages: a complete transition to BIM technologies that would reduce the cost of construction projects in the future
Disadvantages: risks for small companies that do not have funds to implement BIM technologies; as a result, the construction market is shared by big companies There could be a need to increase a design cost at the initial stage of implementation
The following table shows which countries and when have chosen the way necessary for implementation
USA68 Since 2003 In some states since 2010
Denmark Since 2007 Since 2007 also local 69 and regional projects: since 2011 (DKK 20 mln) since 2013 (DKK 5 mln)
Finland70 Since 2007 Since 2007 (> 1 mln) 71 Norway72 Since 2007 Since 2010 р UK73 Since 2009 Since 2016 р Spain Since 2009 Since 2018/19 74 Since 2025 75 / 2019 in Catalonia
Singapore Since 2010 Since 2012 р since 2014 (> 20k m2) since 2015 (> 5k m2) 76
Czech Republic77 Since 2011/12 Since 2022 р
Russian Federation78 Since 2014 Since 2019 р Since 2025
Republic of Belarus79 Since 2012 Planned since 2023 France80 Since 2014 Since 2017 (non infrastructure) 81 Poland Since 2012 82 Since 2025 р 83 Germany84 Since 2015 2020 (infrastructure)
Republic of Kazakhstan85 Since 2017 Since 2020 (but for engineering infr assets) Since 2022
2.6.1. Chronology of Implementation Ways
Implementation way/ Country Way 1: voluntary application Way 2: mandatory for public order over a set threshold Way 3: mandatory for public order Way 4: mandatory for any construction
85 Concept for introducing information modelling technology into the industrial and civil construction of Republic of Kazakhstan 84 BIM in Germany 83 Project BIM Standard PL 82 BIM Klaster 81 Russian government to mandate BIM from 2019? 80 PTNB - OPERATIONAL ROADMAP 79 Declaration of Mr G.Purs, RSRC Director 78 Concept for implementing the life cycle management system for capital construction assets with information modelling technologies used (the document is on stage of testing and ratifying 77 BIM Implementation Strategy in the Czech Republic 76 International BIM implementation guide 75 The implementation of BIM in Spain: Past, Present and Future 74 A strategy to introduce mandatory BIM working in public sector projects has been launched in Spain 73 National BIM Report 2016 72 Global BIM – which countries have adopted Building Information Modelling? 71 Experiences from the BIM adoption in Finland and UK 70 BIM adoption and implementation around the world: Initiatives by major nations 69 Existing Practices of Building Information Modeling (BIM) Implementation in the Public Sector 68 General Services Administration (GSA) 42
All countries have started with voluntary introduction of BIM technologies. This process includes such phases as: set up of a working group composed of representatives of governmental bodies, the business sector and the public; introduction of necessary changes to create favorable conditions for applying the BIM technologies, separation of implementation stages and assignment of desired BIM level to each of them , selection of pilot projects, and development of new training programs and areas for staff BIM training or retraining
It should be noted that there are also many methods for the state to promote applying the BIM technologies not only as a customer but also as a regulator not only establishing a legislative framework for the BIM technologies use, but also working on favorable conditions for the transition to the BIM use These may include tax privileges, grants, a partial reimbursement of funds for the software purchase, free training programs, expert’s support, large scale media support, etc.
The public ordered construction accounts for a substantial share of the market in most countries So implementing the mandatory BIM use for the assets being built under the public contracts needs special care. Regarding this area, the difference in implementing the pilot projects out of public funds depending on the type of construction should be pointed out:
● Infrastructure;
● Residential development;
● Non residential development.
This difference helps checking the use of BIM technologies may be checked in terms of type of assets the state plans to build the first or priorities in terms of saving resources and time (e g , construction of infrastructure for the Olympic Games in the UK)
Considering diversity of software products (usually dedicated on certain tasks and/or disciplines) used for information modelling at various life cycle stages, there exist several approaches to the data sharing (exchange):
● Using native (proprietary, closed) formats, i e using own software formats that simplifies significantly the data exchange, since this exchange occurs in the unified environment, using the same procedures and software capacities On other hand, such format absolutely depends on software developer through its development and support strategy, and is substantially (sometimes completely) restricted to interface with other software packages.
● Open BIM concept an approach built on using open formats and protocols, with IFC format being the most applicable and widely used. The format has an open specification without any vendor’s (software developer) control, though almost all software packages may be operated by this format in other words, they support its structure, and export/ import data out/in the IFC format On the other hand, being focused on universal usage it may cause discrepancies in interpreting the data in
different software environments, problems with transferring the data, a slower pace in supporting and implementing new technologies and standards
● Given these two circumstances, the third mixed approach also exists when both previously mentioned ways for data exchange are simultaneously used Most countries prefer the mixed approach The reason for this is openness and «neutrality» of IFC format, independence from software developers and vendors that rejects any blames of lobbying their interests; intellectual property protection, a higher financial effectiveness, etc. However, awareness of all disadvantages of using the IC format allows for delivering such data in the native formats, too, ensuring a certain balance and flexible approach conditions Within the BIM implementation projects at the national level, almost all countries are mainly focused on regulating certain requirements at the stage of BIM model submission to governmental bodies (e g , national expertise, national archives, some inspecting bodies, etc.).
It should be specifically noted that, despite some differences, in many countries, at the time of the BIM introduction, the key construction sector stakeholders features turned out to be rather similar in terms of awareness, capabilities and nature of information modeling approach use In most cases of using the BIM It was design companies that used the BIM most widely ones of the early adopters in implementing new approaches and technologies. They were followed by construction contractors. The least interested turned out to be most of the owners, investors, developers, etc Regarding this approach, Ukraine as well as other 86 CIS countries were not exceptions 87
Such a difference can be explained by certain differences in the nature and scale of construction sector entities’ actions, technological, labor force, and institutional conditions For example, design, in comparison to the scale and complexity of the tasks that customers, owners face, is a more focused area, and has gained some experience in using software, even when CAD systems were used, that created the necessary background for a faster transition to the BIM. In the meantime, the area where the owner, investors, developers act, embraces more global processes, connects quite a large number of different companies, organizations and groups of specialists, possessing different levels of competence, technological ability, builds up a rather long supply chain, etc Unfortunately, shortage of awareness, lack of necessary software and technical solutions that could meet the challenges of such a process and cover the entire life cycle, an undeveloped regulatory framework, complicated the process of transition to BIM technologies and approaches.
At the same time, the use of BIM is still uneven and limited among representatives of the European construction sector. The BIM implementation is fragmented in the context of the life cycle, and is mostly observed at the design and construction stages rather than at the operation and maintenance ones For instance, this trend is verified by the UK data: 90% of project teams (and mostly architectural ones) use BIM, with any direct requirements to do this, compared to about 25% of construction contractors. Some studies also verify the absence of such a request from construction project customers, investors that is mainly
Level of using BIM in Russia
SmartMarket Report - The Business Value of BIM
explained by lack of awareness of the BIM benefits (rather than its non acceptance), especially during the construction and operation stages 88
Such features and differences, in turn, have been taken into account in developing national BIM implementation strategies
2.6.2. Comparative Table of Methods to Implement BIM under the Government Order
Country Way 2, timing, objectives, results
Pilot Project Data formats
Mandatory for public contracts over 2 7mln EUR since 2011 All types IFC
Finland Requirements are focused on public administrative buildings, mandatory implementation since 2007 (the first version of requirements), renewed requirements of COBIM 2012
Norway Mandatory for public contracts since 2010, mandatory use of open standards since 2016
UK 5 years for BIM2 level that is mandatory for public contracts and all assets since 2016
Infrastructure assets IFC
All types IFC,
Non residential development schools and prisons
Spain Mandatory since 2018 for buildings, since 2019 for infrastructure development Infrastructure assets
Czech Republic
2017 2021 pilot project implementation Since 2022 mandatory for public contracts over a certain cost threshold
Native, PDF COBie 89
All types IFC
France At the central level, focused on good examples and assessing previous projects, plan approved in 2017 IFC, Native
2017 2020 pilot projects, Since 2020 BIM is mandatory for all infrastructure projects under public contract
2018 2019 pilot projects (roads and railways) ,90 91 2021 2024 Phase 2 of pilot projects is suggested
Ambitious educational program Mandatory for public contracts since 2025 92
Infrastructure assets IFC, Native
Infrastructure assets
2020 2022 pilot projects Since 2022 BIM is mandatory for public contracts
89 The Business Value of BIM for Owners 88 ECSO – Building Information Modelling in the EU construction sector
IFC, Native
92 Project BIM Standard PL 91 Pilotaż
All types (but for engineering infrastructure assets) 45
Zaprojektowanie i budowa obwodnicy Zatora
w ciągu drogi krajowej
Russian Federation 2021 2024 establishment of unified digital platform, pilot projects
Since 2025 BIM is mandatory for public contracts
Belarus Pilot projects
Mandatory for all types since 2023
For 3 years 76% of construction companies have started using the BIM for construction
By 2020: achievement of a highly integrated and technologically advanced construction industry, with cutting edge firms and a skilled and proficient workforce
23 public construction projects (residential, medical, educational, sports and industrial assets)
All types
IFC, Native93
Since 2003 mandatory for public construction, but each state has individual regulation
All types IFC, Native, 3D PDF/3D DWF
All types
IFC, Native94
All countries have much in common but each one selects an implementation way, considering individual preconditions.
A 100% leader for implementing the BIM technologies at the national level is the United Kingdom According to the survey of the National Building Specification, (NBS) of 2016, the usage of BIM technologies in the UK was reported to grow from 13% in 2011 to 54% in 2016 of the entire construction business. According to the NBS survey of 2019, 63% of British 95 companies are sure that the BIM would become mandatory for all construction projects 96
Denmark's experience regarding the BIM technology implementation is interesting in terms of the public contracts It was in 2007 when Denmark introduced the BIM requirements in its laws on public procurement For 10 years, the country has become one of the European leaders in introducing the BIM, rivaling the UK In 2011 Denmark introduced a share for mandatory BIM use under the public contract, then increased it, and nowadays the country is approaching the mandatory use of BIM for all public contracted construction assets. In 2016 78% of Danish development companies were aware of the BIM and used it for creating a 3D visualization, assessing the performance with BIM, and identifying the conflicts 97
93 Concept for implementing the life cycle management system for capital construction assets with information modelling technologies used (the document is on stage of testing and ratifying
France decided to introduce the BIM without any forcing tools. Instead, it launched an extensive information campaign, in order to explain to all construction industry players the benefits of BIM:, new training programs, ambitious conferences, and rewards for the companies that were the best in the BIM usage process In order to keep a level playing field for big and small businesses and avoid monopolies in the construction sector, the companies became able to initiate, independently and without any stringent requirements, the use of BIM . As a result, the BIM implementation reached 38% in France in 2017, and the BIM awareness among businesses in the construction and real estate sectors increased 46
European Construction Sector Observatory
National BIM Report 2019
BICP Global BIM Study - Lessons for Ireland’s BIM Programme
GSA BIM Guide Series 01
from 22% to 35% in 2016 and 2017, correspondingly. In addition, 26% of construction project owners started implementing BIM for construction projects 98
Poland did not make using BIM mandatory, but it did invest in education, training and awareness raising Some universities, such as the Warsaw University of Technology, have developed courses related to BIM («Implementing BIM in Structural Design» and «BIM in Digital Construction») These programs have been ranked among the highest rated 99
The implementation of BIM technologies in the USA is imbalanced due to differences in the legislation of the states In 2010 Wisconsin became the first US state that demanded BIM for all public projects, with the total budget over USD5mln, and for a new construction over USD 2.5 mln. 72% of the US construction companies are considered to use the BIM for 100 substantial savings of funds within their projects.101
When implementing the BIM technologies, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus have chosen the way to create their own standards, taking into account the specifics of their own construction market, the capacity of companies and the political situation. However, this approach results in delaying the implementation of the BIM technologies and impedes the integration with the European and world markets, requires considerable time and financial resources to implement BIM in the country This caused fierce debate in the RF, and in 2018 2019 a need to return to a more refined harmonization with the international standards was recognized, since certain provisions of own Russian standards and legal and regulative documents explicitly contradict now certain provisions of the initial standards 102 In addition, the situation appeared with parallel and overlapping actions of two technical committees that caused inconsistency and contradiction in positions and BIM implementation ways 103 104
Considering the Ukraine’s course to European integration, it is reasonable to follow a proven way of the European BIM leaders and use the European standards that would significantly speed up and cheapen the implementation, open the European market, and promote attracting the investments.
98 Galiano-Garrigos et al. (2018). Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations II
100 Wisconsin becomes the first state to require BIM on public projects
101 Current state of BIM in the major countries of the world
102 On standardizing information modelling technologies for capital construction assets
103 Marina Korol’, Key risk with BIM implementation is to be late with its implementation
99 Allplan (2018). Winners of the Students' BIM Competition in Poland 47
Using the BIM becomes often a part of the national digitization program, for instance, Finland has included into the transport sector digitization. BIM implementation and application experience abroad shows also that all the functionalities and benefits of information modeling cannot be reduced to any one specific software product It is not reasonable to adapt business and government interface to any software That is why it is necessary to be focused on optimizing the processes of designing, construction and operation, on building a new level of interaction among construction project parties and on developing the legal framework. 104 Russian BIM, Do we «second freshness» standards?
According to Geoffrey A. Moore’ Crossing the Chasm principle, as to BIM technology application, Ukraine is generally in the group of later awareness regarding the global scale This is not solely a negative factor, since allows for using the lessons learnt and avoiding critical mistakes, though it is necessary to strive to reach the more advanced groups Inside the country the technologies awareness is growing by the same principle, that should be taken into account by focusing on innovators and companies that are ready to become early adopters and promote the latest technologies in the construction sector, including the BIM
Figure – Geoffrey Moore’s diagram and technology adoption cycle (chasm)
2.6.3. ISO and CEN Standardization
International construction standards and norms are regulated by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), while in Europe they are also subject to the 105 European Committee for Standardization (CEN) 106
The International Organization for Standardization consists of 117 member states, 41 associate members, 4 subscriber members of observer states Ukraine adjoined the ISO on full membership in 1993 There is a technical committee SO/TC 59 in the ISO structure, that consists of 8 subcommittees, including SC 13 on BIM where Ukraine is not represented
The ISO/TC 59/SC 13 technical committee deals with managing and digitizing the information on buildings and building works, including the building information modelling (BIM) It includes 8 active working groups, with 12 standards adopted already and 8 standards on drafting.
105 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
106 European Committee for Standardization 48
Working Group Name
ISO/TC 59/SC 13/JWG 12 Development of building data related standards
ISO/TC 59/SC 13/JWG 14 GIS-BIM interoperability
ISO/TC 59/SC 13/TF 1 Terminology
ISO/TC 59/SC 13/TF 2 Business Planning and Strategy
ISO/TC 59/SC 13/TF 6 Framework for object-oriented information exchange
ISO/TC 59/SC 13/TF 8 Building information models - Information delivery manual
ISO/TC 59/SC 13/TF 11 Product data for building services systems model
ISO/TC 59/SC 13/TF 13 Implementation of collaborative working over the asset lifecycle
Table – Structure of technical committees
In order to implement BIM in Ukraine, it is necessary to purchase, translate, study and adopt the developed ISO standards and join the working groups of the ISO / TC59 / SC13 technical sub committee
The European Committee for Standardization consists of 34 member states, with Ukraine being an affiliated member since 1997 The CEN activities are aimed at harmonizing international standards in Europe as well as representing the interests of European countries in drafting the international standards.
The GEN includes CEN/TC 287 Geographic Information technical committee It deals with standardization in the field of digital geographical information for Europe The Committee develops a structure of standards and guidelines that regulate the methodology for identifying, describing and transferring geographical data and services. This is done in close collaboration with ISO / TC 211 to avoid overlapping The standards will support a consistent use of geographical information throughout Europe to make it compatible with that used internationally The Committee supports a spatial data infrastructure at all levels of Europe Joining this committee and bringing national standards in line with CEN should become one of the key tasks for successful BIM implementation.
There is also CEN/TC 442 BIM Technical Committee that cooperates closely with ISO/TC59/SC13 and focuses on BIM technologies. Joining this one committee should be the next objective for Ukraine on BIM technology development.
Figure –Interaction between working groups and committees It should be pointed out that some goals may be achieved through the EU Ukraine Association Agreement:107
● Article 338: Mutual cooperation shall cover, among others, the following areas: promotion of energy efficiency and energy savings, including through the establishment of energy efficiency policies and legal and regulatory frameworks, with the aim of achieving major improvements corresponding to EU standards, including efficient generation, production, transportation, distribution and use of energy, compatible with the functioning of market mechanisms, as well as the efficient utilisation of energy in appliances, lightings and buildings;
● Article 55: Technical cooperation: (c) fostering the development of the quality infrastructure for standardisation, metrology, accreditation, conformity assessment and the market surveillance system in Ukraine;
Digitizing the construction sector that would become inevitable for BIM technology implementation, would help Ukraine be faster integrated in the European digital market. Digitizing is also paid a substantial attention in EUROPE 2030, EU Sustainable Development Strategy 108
Towards A Sustainable Europe By 2030
Ukraine EU Association Agreement
2.7. Preconditions for implementing BIM in Ukraine
Introducing the BIM technologies in Ukraine has been gradually coming to the top positions in the agenda within a long period The start of the BIM implementation in European and neighboring countries made Ukrainian companies be interested in these technologies, with some of them having started using these technologies Considering how the BIM technologies are developing the construction industry, representatives of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories have paid attention to a request of the experts community that started developing in Ukraine and made a statement about the interest in implementing BIM technologies 109
This section describes the factors that have an impact on implementing the BIM technologies in the construction sector of Ukraine The SWOT analysis helps split major factors and phenomena into four categories:
1) Strengths that support implementation;
2) Weaknesses that slow down implementation;
3) Opportunities that are offered by implementation;
4) Risks that occur in implementation.
2. dfdf 2 7
2.7.1. Strengths Availability of accessible technologies and software (though licensed level is up to 10 20%);110 An active BIM expert community that is ready to support the BIM implementation in Ukraine (initiative UA BIM Task Group launched its work in February 2019); Availability of professionals (designers, engineers, supervisors, etc.) experienced in using BIM technologies; A number of conceptual and strategic developments available now, lessons learnt (positive and negative) by other states, including Europe and the CIS, on BIM implementation that is a valuable source for study and analysis;
2 7 1 5 The signed Ukraine EU Association Agreement promotes integration of the Ukrainian and the European markets that would be impossible for the construction without BIM technology implementation;
2 7 1 6 Certain intentions and governmental initiatives on digitizing, integrating into European markets, including the construction sector Acknowledgment, inter alia, of the BIM technology implementation
109 Governmental website 51
110 According to data of leading sector software suppliers
significance by the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories;109 Experience gained by big private companies in using the BIM technologies for asset design and construction as well as availability of dedicated companies that provide certain knowledge and work experience, in line with both international ISO standards and Ukrainian norms, through out sourcing;
2 7 1 8 Despite the BIM has not been legitimized yet, big companies have started using these technologies for optimizing processes and saving funds. Thus the experience of designing and building infrastructure, residential and non residential assets (a number of large residential areas) as well as using BIM technologies by Ukrainian public institutions has been got already; Intention of governmental bodies to improve energy performance, which substantial part depends on the construction sector;111 Legal initiatives aimed at supporting the sector digitizing;112 113 Implementation of the EU project «Assistance to Ukrainian Authorities for Improvement of Infrastructure Project Cycle Management» that co finances the BIM Road Map implementation. New possibilities for 114 adjacent sectors: «smart» digital cities and «intellectual» energy systems, manufacturing, cybersecurity, new materials; Own BIM training courses delivered by some companies, though this has not been done on system base yet; Availability of existing and proven classification systems (Uniformat, MasterFormat, Uniclass, CCS, etc ) that may be borrowed or adapted 2 dfdf 2 7
2.7.2. Weaknesses Lack of legal and regulatory framework for implementing and using ITs, including BIM for the construction;
111 Ukraine is to reduce a final consumption by 30% up to 2030
112 Creation of Single State E-System for Construction 52
113 «On construction norms» on improving norm rating in construction
2 7 2 2 BIM usage for the construction assets under public contracts is not legitimized, that restrains the companies to use the BIM and spend the public funds in a more efficient way; 114 Complex Action Plan for improving infrastructure project management in Ukraine Documents with BIM technologies are not accepted for the state examination, that doubles the work and makes it necessary to produce paper documents twice, even if the company uses BIM for the work;
2 7 2 4 National standards are not harmonized with international (ISO), including European (CEN) ones that prevents integrating the Ukrainian construction sector with the international and European markets;
2 7 2 5 Excessive bureaucratization of construction processes that demands a huge flow of required paper documents in line with the valid laws; Disintegration of the construction investment process due to assignment of competences, regulation and management to different governmental bodies: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Agriculture (investments and standards), Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories (construction, operation), Ministry of Finance (order); Lack of approaches to the asset life cycle management;
2 7 2 8 Low level of sector digitization (no legal and regulatory frameworks); There is no unified classification approach to design for using the information model within the entire life cycle; There is no single location for storing digital data as well as governmental systems and services are not generally integrated and interlinked; Ways to select properly a software for specific design, construction, operational, and financial management tasks are not clear; Management competences are not sufficient to upgrade workflows on using the BIM technologies; Construction process parties (including customers, investors) lack a sufficient understanding of the BIM technologies and their advantages and perceive them improperly There is no consistent communication to explain benefits of using BIM; Actions of public sector, business and the public are not coordinated that prevents from developing a unified view on implementing the BIM technologies and reforming the construction sector on the whole;
2 7 2 15 Lack of consistent state approach to develop training programs on BIM for the higher educational establishments; Lack of translated BIM materials and courses.
Opportunities Ukrainian companies who have gained experience in Ukraine may enter the European and international markets; Data on all construction assets may be digitized (BIM+GIS and stored centrally further; Efficiency of using public funds (investments and operations) may be improved; Transparency of using public funds may be increased; Construction asset cost may be reduced;
2 7 3 6 Construction project implementation rates may be increased; Life cycle management introduction is supported; Impact of power carrier cost growth may be reduced due to shifting to the ITs for design, construction, and operation with a high level of forecasting and monitoring; Power savings efficiency may be substantially promoted; 36660 students (academic year 2018 2019), i e 3% of the overall number of Ukrainian students, study in «architecture and 115 construction» area, and in 2019 7247 graduated from the higher educational establishments with diplomas on «architecture and construction», that would allow potentially for getting a lot of trained staff, with BIM technology training programs be introduced in the educational establishments;
2 7 3 11 A potential of high capacity IT market in Ukraine estimated at USD5 bln, with up to 200,000 people working , that may be involved to support technically the BIM introduction;116
115 Higher education in Ukraine, 2018
2. 2
7 2.7.3.
2 7 3 12 Membership in ISO and affiliated membership in CEN that would allow in the future to participate in developing and improving the standards Insufficient work on eliminating weaknesses may increase the risk occurrence probability 116 Ukrainian IT market in numbers 54
2.7.4. Risks BIM implementation may cause lack of interest and resistance to introduce the technology among the corrupted governmental officials; There are no enough accurate statistic data (investments, GDP, etc.) that hinders developing proper KPI for adopting and monitoring the system wide decisions; Risk of lobbying a unique implementation way, with development of own standards that would increase resource inputs compared to harmonizing with international and European ones;
2 7 4 4 A low interest of small and middle companies due to a lower economic feasibility for them, given the BIM process specific nature, when economic and technical effect may be received only at a construction stage, while the scope of works at the design stage increases, as well as a need of substantial investments into procuring the software, replacing workflows, and re raining the staff, without any relevant stimuli from the State; Asymmetry of risks and awards in construction, lack of standardized business and contract templates in construction, that a cross cutting process may be linked to; Investors are not ready to invest additionally into the information models that may be used not only for construction but also for operation of assets;117
2 7 4 7 It is common that a construction asset investor would not operate it, so it is not interested in the BIM advantages; There are not sufficient financial resources to implement BIM technologies; Some professionals may resist due to a required re qualification and additional trainings; Focus of existing software mainly on stages of design, the functionality to support needs of other stages is significantly lower, that may slow down the BIM implementation within the entire life cycle; Risk of losing just trained staff to foreign companies working abroad (or outsourcing/ outstaffing) 117 BIM modelling. Review of opportunities and prospects in Ukraine
2. 2 7
To remove these issues and implement the BIM efficiently, it would be reasonable to use the experience of the companies that have been working already with these technologies For this purpose UA BIM Task Group (see 5 2) should be set up, composed of representatives of governmental bodies, developer companies, and the public Engagement of all stakeholders and distribution of functions among them are priority tasks for the efficient BIM technology implementation.
Consistency with strategic documents
3.1. Consistency with EU strategic documents
The BIM technologies have a significant impact not only on construction but also on other sectors This section is dedicated to EU strategic documents related to construction and BIM technologies.
1. Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector and its enterprises118
Adopted: EU Commission, 2012, valid till 2020
Importance of construction sector to achieve objectives on reducing the greenhouse gases emissions With construction, emissions are planned to be reduced by 40 50% (2030) and by 90% (2050) It is stated that through resolving global challenges in the construction a lot of issues in various sectors, such as safety, health, energy performance, disaster resistance, etc may be resolved.
Adopted: EU Commission, 2019
p.18 19 Plans on reducing an adverse effect on the environment include a number of actions in the construction sphere, namely, improvement of building energy performance This would be achieved through using the BIM technologies that help estimate and manage these indicators at the early stages of asset design
3. A Clean Planet for all A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy120
Adopted: EU Commission, 2018
A need to expand further innovative technologies in construction is pointed out. Construction sector is important for improving energy performance, and reducing a greenhouse effect, so that a zero level of greenhouse gases emission in the air should be reached by 2050
4. The European construction sector a global partner121
Adopted: EU Commission, 2016
The significance of the construction sector in the economy of Europe and any other country is highlighted The BIM technologies are used for the general purpose to increase the public money value, to improve the public property quality, and to sustain the sector competitiveness, to reduce an adverse impact on the environment.
Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector and its enterprises
A Sustainable Europe by 2030
A Clean Planet for all A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy
The European construction sector: a global partner
5. EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIGITAL STRATEGY a digitally transformed, user focused and data-driven Commission122
Adopted: EU Commission, 2018
A great role of information technologies in all sectors, and the significance of their development at all national levels and in all industries are pointed out
Adopted: EU Commission, 2018 p 146 Significance of construction sector and insufficient efficiency of construction processes themselves as well as services provided are pointed out. Importance of implementing the BIM technologies to manage the entire construction project life cycle and a need adopting ISO and CEN standards for this purpose are highlighted.
7. Shaping the Future of Construction A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology124
Adopted: World Economic Forum, Committed to improving the state of the world, 2016 p 10 The BIM technologies play a major role in improving the construction project productivity, reducing their implementation duration, increasing the construction asset quality, safety, and sustainability But to make these advantages practicable, the state support and a close cooperation with the business are needed
8. EU BIM Task Group «Handbook for the introduction of Building Information Modelling by the European Public Sector»125
Adopted: EU BIM Task Group, 2017
This Handbook is key guidance for introducing the BIM by European public sector and is aimed at providing the government officials and the public sector with knowledge to properly lead the construction sector It was developed by the EU BIM Task Group composed of representatives of the public sector, infrastructure facility final operators, and politicians from over 20 European countries
123 2019 Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation 59
124 Shaping the Future of Construction
Summing up the documents considered, one may acclaim that the European Union countries understand the BIM technology significance, and carry out necessary studies, take consistent steps on a wider application of BIM technologies. Objectives to be achieved through using BIM technologies in construction are relevant for Ukraine, that faces the same, though more serious, challenges in the construction sector 125 Handbook for the introduction of Building Information Modelling by the European Public Sector
Thus, the general digitizing process in the construction may be conditionally divided into 3 major parts:
Figure 3.1.1 – Subdivision of overall digitization processes
3.2. Consistence with strategic documents of Ukraine
One should note that the number of Ukrainian strategic documents is substantially smaller compared to that of the European Union, preventing the understanding of general strategic intention of the State in all spheres. The existing documents do not explicitly mention BIM technologies, though their implementation contributes to achieving many tasks set by government bodies and mentioned in various documents Among them:
● Promotion of sector based cooperation between Ukraine and the EU within the Strategy of integration of Ukraine into the EU since the BIM technologies may make the 126 Ukrainian construction market substantially closer to the European one , considering, in particular, the following articles:
- 56 on approximation of standards;
101/102 on authorizing to deliver the services, including in architecture, urban development, landscape development, engineering, etc;
- 151 on harmonizing the public procurement systems with the EU standards 338 in sections that support energy efficiency approaches;
- 361 on cooperation in order to improve the environment, use soundly natural resources, and address environmental issues;
- 365 in the section on cooperation in order to develop sector strategies on the quality of environment and air, waste and resource management, infrastructure and technology investment strategy;
367 on harmonizing policies and funding for infrastructure upgrading
- 368 on removing administrative, technical, border and other obstacles;
369 on improving the policy in infrastructure sector to identify and assess better the infrastructure projects for different modes of transport
- 379 in the section on cooperation in managing structural changes in the industrial and business policy, environmental and energy issues, such as energy efficiency and cleaner production
● Strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine 2020 and Strategy of sustainable 127 development of Ukraine 2030 in terms of transport infrastructure reform, energy 128 efficiency program, and innovation development program;
● Support for achieving energy efficiency and energy savings objectives within the Strategy of Low Carbon Development of Ukraine up to 2050;129
On approving the Strategy for Integration of Ukraine into the European Union
On Strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine 2020
128 Strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine 2030
● Ordinance of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine no 67r of 17 January 2018 «On approving the Concept of Development of Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018 2020» and adopting an action plan for its implementation, namely, item 9: 130 130
On approving Concept of digital economy development
«Development of road maps for digital transformations and digital development models for base and perspective sectors...»;
● Draft Concept for public management in urban development developed in 2019 with 131 the support of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories, together with GIZ. The document indicates that the performance improvement of sector, construction companies, asset development and operation is linked in the developed countries to the building information modelling, with Ukraine lagging substantially behind in the BIM use. Solutions to remove the reasons slowing down a full scaled BIM use are outlined;
● Memorandum of cooperation «Road Map for Implementing Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Creating Construction Assets, Architecture Assets» was signed by the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories, USCC, BRDO, CBU, and ICEG. The purpose of this MOC signing is to establish a long term cooperation, to join 132 effort of all stakeholders on BIM implementation in Ukraine, and to take all priority steps that are necessary for this.
The processes going in the country that seems to be positive for implementing BIM technologies:
● Industry 4 0 in Ukraine national movement dealing with developing and implementing the national Industry 4 0 strategy in Ukraine However, this document is not legally 133 binding and does not officially represent any governmental body’s position, it presents only a public opinion of non governmental organizations and private experts, and is defined as a principal recommendation document of «Association of Industrial Automation Enterprises of Ukraine» The strategy is aimed at developing high tech technologies in the industry and covers seven key areas one of which is a full scaled digitizing of key sectors of industry, power engineering, and infrastructure. The infrastructure assets may be digitized when constructed through using BIM technologies but they are not mentioned in the Strategy;
● Establishment of dedicated Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine highlights a current interest and political will to introducing modern technologies in the State;
● Establishment of «E State» coalition of non governmental organizations and developers of e democracy solutions to improve the quality and increase the number of e services is one more evidence for relevancy to implement up to date ITs in all spheres, including the construction.
131 Concept of public management in urban development
132 Signing of MOC on BIM Implementation in Ukraine 62
One may conclude that the State faces a shortage of strategic documents for the construction sector and does not understand a need to implement BIM technologies though demonstrates an intention to develop ITs in all sectors. Therefore, to implement efficiently a communication campaign is required in order to attract more attention from the 133 Development Strategy »Industry 4.0»
governmental bodies to the BIM technology functionalities and agree the future strategic documents with the developed Concept.
With a lack of other strategic initiatives the BIM technologies are over focused on, considering to be a main catalyst for construction sector changes.
4. Purpose and period of concept implementation
4. Purpose and period of concept implementation
The concept purpose is to develop a strategy for implementing BIM technologies resolve the Ukrainian construction sector issues in part (see 2 1) Given the BIM implementation rationale (see 2 4) and world’s experience (see 2 5) there exist two major areas for implementing: governmental c, and public contract Each area has its specific features and individual strategic objectives and tasks. To take a decision on the best ways of introducing BIM, the current construction sector situation (see 1.1) and existing preconditions (see 2.5) should be taken into account.
Changes in the construction sector governmental regulation
Objectives Tasks
1 Full scaled BIM implementation process.
2 Conditions for generating, storing, managing the information on the construction facility (asset), using its further, and improving the asset management efficiency at all stages of the life cycle.
1.1. Administrative and operational
2.1. To ensure legal conditions for using the BIM technologies at all construction asset life cycle stages
2.2. To revise the rules on producing design documents to allow for using the BIM technologies in full
2.3. To amend the list of qualification requirements for an entity responsible for performing certain types of works – section on BIM
2.4. To adopt relevant decisions for implementing BIM pilot project
2.5. To support the construction sector digitizing. To establish a state system for data storage and management
2.6. To provide inspecting bodies with resources and staff to perform their functions electronically
3 Promotion of sector integration of Ukraine into the EU.
3.1. To harmonize state standards and norms with ISO and CEN on requirements to the information model components at different asset life cycle stages
3.2. To approximate to digital principles of Europe within the Digital Single Market concept
3.3 Adaptation and introduction of BIM courses and materials in the Ukrainian educational establishments
4 Increased investment attractiveness of the sector and competitiveness of Ukrainian
4.1. To approve requirements on using the BIM in the public contracts
companies, creation of conditions for integrating small and middle businesses.
5 Improvement of energy performance, safety of construction assets, sustainable sector development.
4.2. To create enhancing instruments for organizations using the BIM technologies in their business
5.1. To use BIM technology advantages to achieve certain objectives of Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ukraine 2020, Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ukraine 2030 in terms of transport infrastructure reform, energy efficiency program, innovation development program, Strategy of Low Carbon Development of Ukraine up to 2050134
6 Increased quality and accuracy of calculating design and construction costs and accounting operational ones. Improved efficiency and transparency of using resources at all stages of asset life cycle.
7 To create information and methodology base for the further sector evolution within the framework of more global concepts, such as Smart Cities, Digital Twins etc.
6.1. To create and maintain unified electronic state classifications of materials, works, and other structured data to improve the accuracy of forecasting the asset indicators at its early stages, to improve methodology of project assessment in line with international standards
7.1. To revise educational programs of higher educational establishments (1 IV certified levels) and to develop educational programs for professions related to the BIM
To establish procedures to certify experts on BIM
7.2. To create infrastructure for city digital maps to submit an actual model for the design company as inputs to design the urban infrastructure facilities
It should be noted that BIM technologies can operate separately within specific organizations. However, due to the sector fragmentation, individual companies are not able to transform the sector as a whole, so governmental regulation would allow for getting out of one organization limits and making stakeholders collaborate at all stages of the asset life
A unified approach to information processing and accumulating methods that becomes possible mainly due to governmental regulation, creates conditions for increasing the accuracy of final project result forecasts (cost, operating costs, quality indicators), helping to optimize the investment costs and increasing the efficiency of the construction sector as a whole.
Strategy of Low Carbon Development of Ukraine up to 2050
4.2. Changes in the public contracting system
8 Improvement of efficiency and transparency of using the public money at all stages of asset life cycle.
9 Optimization of public construction timing
10 Improvement of quality indicators for energy performance, environmental performance, safety of public construction assets.
8.10.1. To prepare, implement and review pilot projects with the State as customer
8.10.2. To provide governmental bodies with a possibility to order, accept and use the projects with BIM technologies
8.10.3. To increase the number of public contracts with a provision on using BIM technologies
8.10.4. To increase the number of staff with required qualification skills to order, accept, and operate the assets digitally
The state, as the major contracting authority for construction, should be interested in achieving these objectives To do this the political will should be in place, and the tasks stated accomplished
The achievement of all objectives that Concept is aimed at would also need tasks in institutional and administrative spheres to be resolved
4.3. Concept implementation periods
● To achieve BIM 0 Level about 2 years (2020 2021)
● To achieve BIM 1 Level about 5 years (2020 2025)
● To achieve BIM 2 Level about 5 years (2025 2030)
● To achieve BIM 3 Level about 5 years (2030 2035)
Preparatory stage Set-up of UA BIM Task Group, institutional and research work 2020 To start 6 actions
Stage 1 Use of e-documents only for the communication of all construction process participants 2021 To start 29 actions
Stage 2 Implementation of most actions 2022 – 2024 To start 5 actions
Stage 3 Finalization of Phase 1 and identification of next steps for BIM development in Ukraine 2025 To start 7 actions
4.4. Stakeholders
BIM key stakeholders may be grouped as follows:
1. Investors and developers 2. Customers
2.1. Public customers
2.2. Private customers
3. Designers
3.1. Architects
3.2. Structural designers
3.3. Engineers
3.4. Cost estimate experts
3.5. Examination
3.6. Urban developers
3.7. Design and construction supervisors
3.8. BIM experts
3.9. GIS фахівці 3.10. GIS experts
7.1. Manufacturers of construction materials 7.2. Manufacturers of engineering equipment
Operational and maintenance companies
8.1. Apartment building co owner association (OSBB)
8.2. Housing and utilities companies (ZhKH)
8.3. Public maintenance companies
8.4. Private maintenance companies 9. Scientific research and educational establishments
9 1 Higher educational establishments (І IV certificate levels)
9.2. Research institutes
9.3. Specifically certified education centers
9.4. Self regulated organizations
10. Governmental bodies
10.1. Parliament of Ukraine
10.2. Cabinet of Ministers
10.3. Key Ministries
10 3 1 Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine
Building companies
Construction supervision
Software and IT solutions vendors and suppliers 7. Manufacturers
10.3.2. Ministry of community and territory development
10 3 3 Ministry of infrastructure
10 3 4 Ministry of finance
10.3.5. Ministry of development of economy, trade and agriculture 10 3 6 Ministry of education and science
10 3 7 Ministry of culture, youth and sports of Ukraine
10.3.8. Ministry of power engineering and environment protection
10.4. State Statistics Service of Ukraine
10.5. Other governmental and national services and agencies
11. Permitting and inspection bodies
11.1. DABI (State Inspectorate for Architecture and Construction)
11.2. KRU (Audit Office)
11.3. SUPPR (Special Department for Anti Sliding Underground Works)
11.4. Other monitoring and auditing bodies
12. International institutions and donors
13. Non-governmental organizations and associations
14. Representatives of priority Technical Committees for implementing:
14.1. TC 302 energy efficiency of buildings and structures, 14.2. TC 311 Pricing and cost estimating norms in construction; TC 312 Information support
14 3 TC 317 Technical aspects of standardization, TC 319 Urban development examination.
14.4. Representatives of other technical committees concerned 14.4.1. TC 301 Metal construction, 14 4 2 TC 303 Building structures, 14 4 3 TC 304 Protection of buildings and structures, 14.4.4. TC 305 Building products and materials, 14 4 5 TC 306 Utility networks and structures, 14 4 6 TC 307 Roads, 14.4.7. TC 308 Engineering surveys, 14 4 8 TC 309 Construction technologies, 14 4 9 TC 313 Residential construction, 14 4 10 TC 314 Land development, 14.4.11. TC 315 Technogenic safety means for buildings and structures, 14 4 12 TC 316 Civil design, 14 4 13 TC 318 Construction of mining and transport facilities, 14.4.14. TC 320 Special purpose facilities, 14 4 15 TC 321 Bridge construction
15. End users
Ways for Concept Implementation
5.1. Principles for BIM technologies introduction and Concept implementation
The BIM implementation is a long term process but technological, economic, and political conditions may somehow modify the process, the concept may be efficiently implemented subject to following the fundamental principles it was based on:
Harmonization with European approach
Based on the positive and negative experience of other countries, the most efficient option is to use the best practices of implementation instead of looking for their own unique way. These principles are supported by the Ukraine EU Association Agreement
5.1. Principle of preventing establishment of legal and engineering barriers in favor of any stakeholder when BIM is implemented in design, software, expertise, etc;
5.2. Open BIM Principle that means using open formats (including IFC) and allowing construction companies to choose freely any software without any restrictions;
5.3. Principle of anti corruption and transparency in developing procedures required for the concept implementation;
5.4. Principle of harmonizing with international and European standards instead of drafting one's own
Lean approach
Implementation should proceed gradually and involve only the resources necessary for each particular stage
5.5. Principle of subsidiarity, resolving issues at the proper level of state power that is sufficiently authorized for this;
5.6. Principle of graduality, namely, indication specific steps in the Concept that are necessary for implementing BIM technologies in Ukraine, where the further development is regulated by future relevant strategies;
5.7. Principle of correspondence when actions for the BIM implementation should not exceed the level of necessity.
Interaction and cooperation
Implementation would be a success only if all stakeholders collaborate and coordinate their steps
5.8. Principle of inter sector consolidation of effort among the State, business and the public to implement the Concept efficiently;
5.9. Principle of consensus, to study and account positions of all stakeholders in implementing the BIM technologies;
5.10. Principle of equity during establishing market conditions by state;
5.11. Principle of promoting and enhancing the use of BIM technologies in Ukraine by state.
Evidence based implementation
Data backed decisions are more objective and reliable, and depend less on perception of individuals
5.12. Principle of implementation with strengths available taken into account , i e using a successful experience of Ukrainian business and existing technologies;
5.13. Principle of data based approval of necessary decisions (current statistics, panel discussions, international experience);
5.14. Criteria for concept implementation success evaluation should be in line with the best international approaches
Coverage of wide context
To achieve a synergy effect interaction of construction and adjoining spheres as well as all major stages of construction asset life cycle should be taken into account.
5.15. 5 15 Principle of accounting sustainable development objectives to use a positive BIM technology impact not only in construction but also in adjoining spheres for the overall state development, namely, environment protection, power engineering, education, safe manufacturing, cultural heritage conservation, etc;
5.16. 5.16. Principle of creating conditions and procedures to transfer to the life cycle management
5.1.2. Model for BIM dissemination and introduction
For defining BIM implementation / dissemination pathways within an organization (micro) or across the market (macro), two principles are usually used: top-down and bottom-up. 135
The top-down model is a push for the authorities to make it compulsory to use a solution that is perceived to be favorable. At the micro level, top down dissemination / implementation occurs when the management of the organization (regardless of its size and sphere of activities) initiates the implementation of specific decisions Due to this, sometimes coercive, impetus, solutions disseminate downwards the chain of authority and are implemented in conjunction with training programs and incentives
The bottom-up model refers to adopting technologies, processes, or approaches without any forcible pressure by the bottom entities At the macro level, this happens when small organizations or those at the bottom of the supply / authority chain make certain innovative decisions or use approaches; which then slowly become common practice and gradually spread up along the entire chain Similarly, bottom-up diffusion occurs when employees at the lower end of the chain of authority implement an innovative solution that is step by step recognized and accepted by middle and senior management
However, there is a less visible, but no less important, model from inside outside This model applies to all the organizations and individuals occupying the «middle» space that separates the «bottom» from the «top» At the micro organizational level, team leaders, department heads, and unit managers promote the accepted decisions up and down the chain of authority. At the macro market level, this model becomes visible when medium-sized organizations (in relation to existing markets, such as financially powerful real estate developers, large contractors, large design bureaus, etc ) influence the dissemination / adoption of technologies and approaches in smaller organizations involved in the construction industry They also promote and actively encourage larger organizations, associations and authorities in the supply / authority chain to make and eventually standardize their decisions
Different organizations and players in the market demonstrate different dynamic patterns due to various variables. However, the top down, bottom up and bottom out diffusion dynamics are complementary Thus, it is a misconception that one dynamics may be better than the other At the moment there is no sound and proved statement that top down dynamic pattern increases the speed of dissemination / introduction in an organization or market 135
Bilal Succar – Top-Down. Bottom-Up and Middle-Out BIM Diffusion
Figure – BIM diffusion model, interaction of markets and participants
5.2. UA BIM Task Group
The world experience analysis (see 2 6) has shown that to introduce and develop the BIM technologies communities were usually set up to serve as a tool for promoting and introducing the BIM technologies As noted in the preconditions (see 2 7), there is no BIM expert medium at the governmental level in Ukraine, though it is present in the business Therefore, the logical strategy for creating a common platform to promote the BIM would be an interaction of representatives of all stakeholders (see 4.4) with equal voting power: the power, the business, and the public Under this model the process participants will be involved into developing decisions in a balanced manner, that would have a more positive impact on their implementation than an administrative enforcement of orders «from upstairs». Given a large scope of works, their versatility, and a length period required for the Concept implementation, it is necessary to set up a dedicated institution that would coordinate efforts of process participants, relying on their practical experience, but without over bureaucratization
To implement the Concept efficiently it is planned to set up UA BIM Task Group community for the period sufficient to integrate the BIM completely in the construction sector (about 10 15 years) Involving representatives of all stakeholders in the institution is necessary to develop a common vision of BIM technology introduction, consolidate effort, be aware of the entire range of challenges related to introduction, assign functions and allocate responsibility among the stakeholders to face the challenges; create a strong competent platform, maintain an inter sector dialogue on a regular basis (the power, the business, and the public), ensure a transparency of implementation process; develop jointly further strategic documents, hold campaigns on promoting the BIM technology use in Ukraine, support creation of educational programs and courses on BIM technology learning, attract financial resources to implement BIM technologies; survey regularly the situation with the BIM technology implementation and related processes
The organization should consist of three components:
1. Members representatives of all stakeholders, with the proportionally equal number of votes, who take decisions. Composition legal entities;
2. Experts skilled professionals providing their assessment before the decisions in a certain area are taken Composition legal entities and physical persons;
3. Secretariat a coordinating body for the organization to manage current and administrative tasks
The strategic purpose of the set up institution is, together with all participants, to built up the own vision of further actions, and work out a program for implementing the developed Concept
There exists an example of such establishment in Ukraine that includes representatives of different sectors CoNG (Consulting Monitoring Group), CoST, Construction Sector
Transparency Initiative). Should such group be set up at a certain ministry, there is a risk 136 that the activity of other process participants would drop down This being said, incorporation into a governmental structure would impose certain limits for actions within the Budget Code, even if additional funding sources are involved The result would be a decrease of group performance and additional costs for reporting and their duplicating. In addition, not all donors are ready to finance organizations at governmental institutions that would significantly reduce a pool of potential partners
It should be noted that different bodies would lead at different implementation stages, so the set up of UA BIM Task Group would allow for addressing the issue in the comprehensive manner.
The international experience of implementation also demonstrates setting up of similar organizations that deal with developing the BIM technologies in the state, uniting representatives of stakeholders For instance, there was UK BIM Task Group in the UK at the implementation stage, 2011 2016, replaced with CDBG & UK BIM Alliance in 2017, or Planen Bauen 4.0. GmbH in Germany.
Figure 5.2.1 – UA BIM Task Group set-up diagram
136 About CoST 77
Figure 5.2.2 – Organization structure
Body Description
UA BІM Task Group Board
Figure 5.2.3 – UA BIM Task Group Board
The supreme collective body is composed of stakeholder representatives, with proportionally equal number of votes.
Committees Permanent or temporarily committees for a certain area (software, hardware, standardization, education, research, etc.), set up upon the organization need and composed of the stakeholder representatives.
A group if persons approved by the Board in charge of technical, operational, and administrative work.
To approve organization decisions, its mission, strategy, tasks, etc., to discuss proposals, produce tasks for other organization participants and bodies.
To give an expert’s opinion and recommendation regarding the area issues, and to submit them to the Organization Board for consideration and approval, to follow-up and implement directly the developments. To make proposals on further actions of the organization generally in the area.
To ensure administratively the organization operation, coordinate work of all other bodies, to hold communication, prepare reports and implement the decisions approved by the Board.
Table 5.2.4 – UA BIM Task Group organization
UA BIM Task Group activity may be split in individual areas. The set up committees would be responsible for:
A. Educational to resolve issues of training and re training the staff required for the full scaled use of BIM at all levels
B. Research to carry out analysis on required areas to systematize data, forecast and evaluate results, plan the actions, etc
C. Pilot projects to support selection, implementation and completion of pilot projects stated by the Concept
D. Standardization to advocate harmonization of Ukrainian standards with international ones to barrier free use of BIM technologies
E. Legal and regulatory framework to advocate necessary amendments to the legal and regulative documents of Ukraine
F. Technical to resolve technical issues related to using BIM technologies in Ukraine
The Secretariat is responsible for:
A. Organizational to administer the actions, coordinate the activities of organization committees, address operational tasks
B. Communication to involve as many as possible stakeholders to initiate, and hold actions, maintain information resources, advocate the organization interests, present the results of the activity to the public
List of legal and regulatory documents to be amended
Fundamental international standards to be adopted in Ukraine:
ISO # ISO Full Title
ISO 12006-2
ISO 12006-3
Building construction -- Organization of information about construction works -- Part 2: Framework for classification
Building construction -- Organization of information about construction works -- Part 3: Framework for object-oriented information
ISO/TS 12911 Framework for building information modelling (BIM) guidance
ISO 16354 Guidelines for knowledge libraries and object libraries
ISO 16739-1 Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for data sharing in the construction and facility management industries -- Part 1: Data schema
ISO 16757-1 Data structures for electronic product catalogues for building services -- Part 1: Concepts, architecture and model
ISO 16757-2 Data structures for electronic product catalogues for building services -- Part 2: Geometry
ISO 19650-1
ISO 19650-2
Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) -- Information management using building information modelling -- Part 1: Concepts and principles
Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) -- Information management using building information modelling -- Part 2: Delivery phase of the assets
ISO 22263 Organization of information about construction works -- Framework for management of project information
ISO 29481-2 Building information models -- Information delivery manual -- Part 2: Interaction framework
Standards being developed to be adopted afterwards.
ISO # ISO Full Title
ISO 19650-3
ISO 19650-4
Organization of information about construction works -- Information management using building information modelling -- Part 3: Operational phase of assets
Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) — Information management using building information modelling — Part 4: Information exchange
ISO 19650-5
ISO/DIS 21597-1
ISO/DIS 21597-2
ISO/DIS 23386
ISO/CD 23387
ISO 29481-1
Organization of information about construction works -- Information management using building information modelling -- Part 5: Specification for security-minded building information modelling, digital built environments and smart asset management
Information container for data drop -- Exchange specification -- Part 1: Container
Information container for data drop -- Exchange specification -- Part 2: Dynamic semantics
Building information modelling and other digital processes used in construction -- Methodology to describe, author and maintain properties in interconnected dictionaries
Product data templates, for products and systems used in construction works, stored in a data dictionary framework -- Part 1: General concepts, relations, and general structure of product data templates, and how to link the product data templates to Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
Building information models -- Information delivery manual -- Part 1: Methodology and format
ISO/AWI TR 23262 GIS (Geospatial) / BIM interoperability
Given that the consistent BIM implementation would cause structural changes in many adjoining activity areas, the following standards are recommended for consideration and adoption:
ISO # ISO Full Title
ISO 15392 Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works – General principles
ISO 15686-1 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 1: General principles and framework
ISO 15686-2 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 2: Service life prediction procedures
ISO 15686-3 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 3: Performance audits and reviews
ISO 15686-4 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 4: Service Life Planning using Building Information Modelling
ISO 15686-5 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 5: Life-cycle costing
ISO 15686-6 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 6: Procedures for considering environmental impacts
ISO 15686-7 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 7: Performance evaluation for feedback of service life data from practice
ISO 15686-8 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 8: Reference service life and service-life estimation
ISO 15686-9 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 9: Guidance on assessment of service-life data [Technical Specification]
ISO 15686-10 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 10: When to assess functional performance
ISO 15686-11 Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 11: Terminology
BS EN 16310 Engineering services. Terminology to describe engineering services for buildings, infrastructure and industrial facilities
ISO 19101 Geographic information
ISO 21500 Guidance on project management
ISO 55001 Asset management — Management systems — Requirements
IEC 81346-1
IEC 81346-2
IEC 81346-12
Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 1: Basic rules
Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products – Structuring principles and reference designations – Part 2: Classification of objects and codes for classes
Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 12: Construction works and building services
Adopting ISO standards in the construction sector is not something new. The standards that have been adopted earlier:
ISO DSTU# ISO Full Title
DSTU ISO 128-1 Technical product documentations— General principles of representation — Part 1: Introduction and index
DSTU ISO 128-23:2005 Technical product documentation — General principles of representation — Part 2: Basic conventions for lines
DSTU EN ISO 216 Writing paper and certain classes of printed matter — Trimmed sizes — A and B series, and indication of machine direction
DSTU EN ISO 3766:2018 Construction drawings. Simplified representation of concrete reinforcement
DSTU EN ISO 4157-1:2018 Construction drawings. Designation systems Buildings and parts of buildings
DSTU EN ISO 4157-2:2018 Construction drawings. Designation systems Room names and numbers
DSTU EN ISO 4157-3:2018 Construction drawings. Designation systems Room identification
DSTU EN ISO 4172:2018 Technical drawings — Construction drawings — Drawings for the assembly of prefabricated structures
DSTU EN ISO 6284:2018 Construction drawings — Indication of limit deviations
DSTU EN ISO 7200:2005 Technical product documentation. Data fields in title blocks and document headers
DSTU EN ISO 7437:2018 Technical product documentation. Construction drawings. General principles for making drawings for pre-manufacturing construction elements
DSTU EN ISO 7518:2018 Technical product documentation. Construction drawings. Simplified representation of room dismounting and redesigning
DSTU EN ISO 7519:2018 Technical drawings. Construction drawings. General principles of presentation for general arrangement and assembly drawings
DSTU EN ISO 8560:2018 Technical drawings. Construction drawings. Representation of modular sizes, lines and grids
DSTU EN ISO 9431:2018 Construction drawings — Spaces for drawing and for text, and title blocks on drawing sheets
DSTU EN ISO 11091:2018 Construction drawings. Landscape drawing practice
DSTU EN ISO 13567-1:2018 Technical product documentation - Organization and naming of layers for CAD - Part 1: Overview and principles
DSTU EN ISO 13567-2:2018 Technical product documentation - Organization and naming of layers for CAD- Part 2: Concepts, format and codes used in construction documentation
DSTU ISO/TR 16310:2018 Symbol libraries for construction and facilities management
The legal and regulatory framework should be revised in terms of its relevance with the present day construction sector conditions, in particular when this refers to out of date requirements for producing design documents, a conflict between the existing DBN/ DSTU provisions and adopted ISO DSTU, etc
At the moment the following state norms and standards are suggested to be revised:
Suggested amendments in brief
DBN A.2.2-3:2014 Composition and contents of design documents for construction in terms of incorporating provisions and requirements to produce new design document forms with BIM technologies applied
DBN A.3.1-5:2016 Organization of construction manufacturing in terms of using BIM
DSTU-N B А.2.2-10:2012
DSTU-N B А.2.2-4:2009
DSTU-N BА.2.2-11:2014
DSTU B D.1.1-7:2013
Guidance on examining the design documents for construction
Principal requirements to design and working documents. General provisions
Guidance for construction designer’s supervision
Rules for estimating the costs of design and survey works and construction design document examination
Resolution № 560 Procedure for approving examining construction design documents that should allow for developing the design documents produced with BIM technologies
Resolution № 668 General conditions for signing and implementing contracts in capital construction
Resolution № 903
Order № 45
On designer’s and engineer’s supervision in building an architecture asset
Drafting amendments to the Procedure on producing design documents for construction of facilities approved by MInregion order no 45 of 16 May 2011 , registered at Minjustice on 1 June 2011, no 651/19389
Drafting amendments to the Procedure on producing design documents for construction of facilities approved by MInregion order no 45 of 16 May 2011 , registered at Minjustice on 1 June 2011, no 651/19389
Introducing additions to professional certification of contractors responsible for certain works (services) in the architecture sector Introducing additions to professional certification of contractors in the architecture sector
On the other hand, to implement the BIM at a full scale, certain technical handbooks, regulations, and protocols on modelling principles and requirements, data exchange, should be developed, based on the best international practices
To speed up the process some regulations to be introduced as priority may be adopted by «cover page method».
5.4. Phases of concept implementation
The BIM implementation requires a large amount of resources, including funding To implement the BIM Concept efficiently the process is split in four major phases:
1 Phase I BIM technology implementation in Ukraine To start with using BIM at Level 0 and transfer to BIM Level 1, at the phase completion Possibility to use BIM technologies on the private and public contract facilities. Training in BIM usage for customers, designers, and examination.
During this phase the pilot projects are implemented with a limited number of design, expert institutions and contracting authorities.
2 Phase II BIM technologies development in Ukraine up to BIM Level 2 Establishment of the requirements for a mandatory use of BIM at certain public contract facilities according to relevant criteria. Training for builders to build assets with BIM technologies
The Phase I experience is shared with a wider range of contracting authorities, expert and design institutions. The pilot projects are implemented with building companies involved
3. Phase III BIM technologies development in Ukraine up to BIM Level 3. Extension of criteria for mandatory use of BIM technologies at public contract facilities Training in BIM based asset operation/ maintenance
At Phase III beginning, the number of BIM projects with positive state examination reports is expected to be sufficient, and the building companies would be involved at a larger scale The pilot projects with operation/ maintenance companies would be launched at this phase
4 Phase IV Mandatory BIM use at the public contract facilities and consideration of a need to introduce criteria for the private contracts
The BIM projects would cover the building life cycle stages, including the operation / maintenance
To achieve these implementation phases such actions are planned that are in line with tasks set (see 4 1 and 4 2) and under of responsibility of certain committees (see 5 2)
5.4.1 Phase I, Preparatory Stage
The actions to be taken for managing further the work on achievement of objectives set are expected to be assigned at the preparatory stage (see below and in Table, 5.4.6) To approve the developed Concept for implementing BIM technologies in Ukraine (task 1.1) Committee G
5 4 2 2 To set up UA BIM Task Group for implementing the Concept and taking preliminary actions to develop a common vision by all group members (task 1 1) Committees G, H To build up an organization and its bodies Committee G To approve statutory documents Committee G To allocate functions and duties Committee G To create information resources (website, social networks) Committee Н
Using the experience gained and materials produced during the development of the Concept, it is possible to increase the pace of the preparatory stage Some actions of this and further stages would keep on going as presented on the implementation program outline (see 5.4.6)
5.4.2. Phase I, Stage 1
The priority task for this stage I is to create conditions for using BIM technologies free in Ukraine Advanced learning of the best BIM use practices in Ukraine (task 1 1, Committee B) This includes, inter alia, the following actions: To study in depth the best experience of using BIM in Ukraine (task 1 1 ) Committee B To assess digital maturity of construction sector (task 2.5., 3.2., 7.2.) Committees B, F To consider necessary amendments to legal regulations (task2 1 , 2 2 , 3 1 , 9 2 ) Committees B, E To assess necessary competencies of professionals to implement BIM projects (task 2.3., 7.1., 9.4.) Committees A, B To harmonize urgently through translating basic international ISO and CEN standards defining the terms, general principles of creating models and using them at the asset life cycle stages (task 3 1 ) Committee E To make necessary amendments of the legal regulative framework (task 2 1 , 2 2 , 9 2 ) Committees E, H To amend national standards establishing principal requirements to the design documents and examination in terms of using the BIM (task 2.1., 2.2., 2.6., 4.1., 9 3 ) Committee E To assess a project economic component ( objective 6, 9) Committee B To measure project preconditions, operational processes, and their performance in the BIM implementation (task 6.2.). Committee B
86 To define priorities, assess links, critical factors, risks and change management for successful implementation (task 6 2 ) Committee B To join EU BIM Task Group by UA BIM Task Group representatives (objective 3) Committee G To accede ТК ISO/TC 59/SC 13 by Ukraine (objective 3) Committee G To accede ТК CEN/TC 442 BIM by Ukraine (objective 3) Committee G To create a unified classification code (task 6 1 ) Committees B, D, F To approve the final terminology (task 3 1 , 2 2 ) Committees D, E, F To introduce and support systems and platforms for creating, accumulating, exchanging and operating key sector data (including pricing one) Committees D, F To integrate with existing e systems for delivering services and information in the construction sector, to update them further in line with BIM opportunities and requirements (e g , to integrate with the existing public procurement PROZORRO system, to develop proposals on functionality of the Unified State E System for Construction suggested in Bill 1081, etc )(task 2 5 , 3 2 , objective 6, 9) Committees D, E, F To define and approve the BIM level contents in Ukrainian conditions (task 1.1.) Committees B, G, D To determine life cycle stages in terms of BIM and to harmonize with the best international practice (e g , RIBA) Committees B, G, D (1 1 ) To update a contract base in line with BIM nature and IPD principles (Committee Е task2.2.)
5 4 3 21 To develop and select promoting tools for BIM technologies users (task 4 2 ) Committees B, E To select and prepare public pilot projects (task 2 4 , 9 1) Committee C To develop and implement BIM educational programs (task 7 1 ) Committee A To develop capacity building courses regarding BIM ( (task 2.6., 7.1., 9.4.) Committee A To hold regional and national events on sharing experience among BIM experts (task 1 1 , 5 1 , 7 2 , 9 4 ) Committee H To carry on a BIM communication campaign (task 1 1 , 5 1 , 7 2 , 9 4 ) Committee H To maintain BIM Task Group information resources (social networks, website) (task1 1 ) Committee H To focus UA BIM Task Group actions on promoting BIM technologies in Ukraine (task 1 1 , 5 1 ) Committee H
It is expected that as a result of taken actions Ukraine would achieve BIM Level 0 when the document flow among all parties at the stage of design is only in electronic format, and there are no legal restrictions for any company to use BIM technologies.
5.4.3. Phase I, stage 2
At the second stage the previous areas would be developed, though with certain differences: To start implementing the pilot projects (task 2 4 , 9 1 ) Committee C To assess and compare processes and economic component of BIM & Non BIM projects along the whole supply chain (task 9 1 objective 6, 9) Committee B
87 To contribute actively (as Ukraine) in EU BIM Task Group, ТК ISO/TC 59/SC 13, ТК CEN/TC 442 BIM (1 1 objective 3) Committee G To hold the first international events on sharing the BIM technologies use experience (task 1 1 , 7 2, 9 4 ) Committee H To keep on UA BIM Task Group actions in the areas of panel discussions, communication, holding events and supporting necessary amendments to the legal and regulative documents 1 1 Committees G, H
This stage is the most ambitious in terms of tasks planned and the most important for reaching the Concept results
5.4.4. Phase I, Stage 3
The final stage of Phase I would sum up the whole phase outcomes, namely: To finish the design phase of pilot projects (task 9 1 ); Committee C To evaluate the design phase of pilot projects (task 9.1.); Committee B To study the rate of increased use of BIM in Ukraine (task 9.1., 9.3.); Committee В To improve educational programs, introduce necessary programs for secondary educational establishments (task 2 6 , 7 1 , 9 4 ) Committee A To keep on UA BIM Task Group actions in the areas of panel discussions, communication, holding events and supporting necessary amendments to the legal and regulative documents (Committee G, H) To demonstrate publicly implementation results (Committee H 4.2., 5.1., 9.4). To start drafting new strategic documents aimed at developing BIM technologies in Ukraine (Committee G)
BIM Level 1 is expected to have been achieved with all the Concept actions accomplished, that would push a large scaled use of BIM technologies at the public contract facilities to optimize quality indicators and use budget funds in a more efficient way.
5.4.5. Further phases
Developing the next steps depends significantly on the results of Phase 1, the pace of its goals achievement and the emergence of new technologies that are being developing constantly At the same time, the actions started at Phase I should be continued and deepened. In general, all actions can be divided into the following areas: organizational, research, standardization, legal, educational, communication, public contracting and achievement of defined BIM levels
For the sake of clarity and understanding of the differences between all components of the implementation process, the overall plan for implementing BIM technologies in Ukraine is presented below
5.4.6 Overall
implementation plan
To visualize the actions they are presented chronologically in the following table:
Time based plan for implementing BIM technologies in Ukraine
To approve the developed Concept for implementing BIM technologies in Ukraine
To set up UA BIM Task Group for implementing the Concept and taking preliminary actions to develop a common vision by all group members
To build up an organization and its bodies
To approve statutory documents
To allocate functions and duties
To create information resources (website, social networks).
To study in depth the best experience of using BIM in Ukraine.
To study international experience of countries which models correspond to the BIM technologies implementation model in Ukraine
To assess digital maturity of construction sector
To consider necessary amendments to legal regulations
To assess necessary competencies of staff for implementing BIM projects
Фаза І Фаза ІІ Фаза ІІІ Фаза ІV Підготовч ий етап Етап І Етап ІІ Етап ІІІ 20222025 20252030 20302035 Заходи 2019 2020 І половина 2021 ІІ половина 2021
To harmonize urgently through translating basic international ISO and CEN standards defining the terms, general principles of creating models and using them at the asset life cycle stages
To advocate necessary amendments of the legal regulative framework
To amend national standards establishing principal requirements to the design documents and examination in terms of using the BIM
To assess a project economic component
To establish project pre-conditions, operational processes, and their performance in the program implementation
To define priorities, assess links, critical factors, risks and change management for successful implementation
To join EU BIM Task Group by UA BIM Task Group representatives
To accede ТК ISO/TC 59/SC 13 by Ukraine
To accede ТК CEN/TC 442 – BIM by Ukraine
To create a unified classification code
To approve the final terminology
To introduce and support systems and platforms for creating, accumulating, exchanging and operating key sector data (including pricing one)
To integrate with existing e-systems for delivering services and information in the construction sector, to update them further in line with BIM opportunities and requirements (e.g., to integrate with the existing public procurement PROZORRO system, to develop proposals on functionality of the Unified State E-System for Construction suggested in Bill 1081, etc.)
To define and approve the BIM level contents in Ukrainian conditions.
To determine life cycle stages in terms of BIM and to harmonize with the best international practice (e.g., RIBA)
To update a contract base in line with BIM nature and IPD principles
To develop and select promoting tools for BIM technologies users
To select and prepare public pilot projects
To develop and implement BIM educational programs
To develop courses on capacity strengthening in terms of BIM
To hold regional and national events on sharing experience among BIM experts
To carry on a BIM communication campaign
To maintain BIM Task Group information resources (social networks, website)
To focus UA BIM Task Group actions on promoting BIM technologies in Ukraine
To start implementing the pilot projects
To assess and compare processes of BIM & Non-BIM projects along the whole supply chain
To assess cost effectiveness of BIM & Non-BIM along the whole supply chain
To contribute actively (as Ukraine) in EU BIM Task Group, ТК ISO/TC 59/SC 13, ТК CEN/TC 442 - BIM.
To hold the first international events on sharing the BIM technologies use experience
To finish the design phase of pilot projects
To evaluate the design phase of pilot projects
To study the rate of increased use of BIM in Ukraine
To improve educational programs, introduce necessary programs for secondary educational establishments
To demonstrate publicly implementation results
To start drafting new strategic documents aimed at developing BIM technologies in Ukraine
To facilitate allocating the functions among UABAMTask Group parties, the actions may be split by following areas:
Area Actions
To assess necessary competencies of staff
To develop and implement BIM educational programs
To support introducing BIM training courses in the dedicated
To develop courses on re-training the staff
To create online training courses (task 7.1)
To improve educational programs, introduce necessary programs for secondary educational establishments
To study in depth the best experience of using BIM in Ukraine
To study international experience of countries which models correspond to the BIM technologies implementation model in Ukraine
To assess digital maturity of construction sector
To consider necessary amendments to legal regulations
To assess necessary staff competencies on implementing the BIM projects
To assess a project economic component
To measure project preconditions, operational processes, and their performance in the program implementation
To define priorities, assess links, critical factors, risks and change management for successful implementation
To create a unified classification code
To define and approve the BIM level contents in Ukrainian conditions.
To determine life cycle stages in terms of BIM and to harmonize with the best international practice (e.g., RIBA)
To develop and select promoting tools for BIM technologies users
To assess and compare processes of BIM & Non-BIM projects along the whole supply chain
To assess cost effectiveness of BIM & Non-BIM along the whole supply chain
To evaluate the design phase of pilot projects
To study the rate of increased use of BIM in Ukraine
Pilot projects
To select and prepare public pilot projects
To start implementing the pilot projects
To finish the design phase of pilot projects
To review and record the results, findings, received within the pilot projects
To create a unified classification code
To approve the final terminology
To introduce and support systems and platforms for creating, accumulating, exchanging and operating key sector data (including pricing one)
To integrate with existing e-systems for delivering services and information in the construction sector, to update them further in line with BIM opportunities and requirements (e.g., to integrate with the existing public procurement PROZORRO system, to develop proposals on functionality of the Unified State E-System for Construction suggested in Bill 1081, etc.)
To define and approve the BIM level contents in Ukrainian conditions.
To determine life cycle stages in terms of BIM and to harmonize with the best international practice (e.g., RIBA)
To consider necessary amendments to legal regulations
To harmonize urgently through translating basic international ISO and CEN standards defining the terms, general principles of creating models and using them at the asset life cycle stages
To advocate necessary amendments of the legal regulatory framework
To amend national standards establishing principal requirements to the design documents and examination in terms of using the BIM
To approve the final terminology
To update a contract base in line with BIM nature and IPD principles
To integrate with existing e-systems for delivering services and information in the construction sector, to update them further in line with BIM opportunities and requirements (e.g., to integrate with the existing public procurement PROZORRO system, to develop proposals on functionality of the Unified State E-System for Construction suggested in Bill 1081, etc.)
To develop and select promoting tools for BIM technologies users
Technical To assess digital maturity of construction sector
To create a unified classification code
To approve the final terminology
To introduce and support systems and platforms for creating, accumulating, exchanging and operating key sector data (including pricing one)
To integrate with existing e-systems for delivering services and information in the construction sector, to update them further in line with BIM opportunities and requirements (e.g., to integrate with the existing public procurement PROZORRO system, to develop proposals on functionality of the Unified State E-System for Construction suggested in Bill 1081, etc.)
Organizational To approve the developed Concept for implementing BIM technologies in Ukraine
To set up UA BIM Task Group for implementing the Concept and taking preliminary actions to develop a common vision by all group members
To build up an organization and its bodies
To approve statutory documents
To allocate functions and duties
To join EU BIM Task Group by UA BIM Task Group representatives
To accede ТК ISO/TC 59/SC 13 by Ukraine
To accede ТК CEN/TC 442 – BIM by Ukraine
To define and approve the BIM level contents in Ukrainian conditions.
To contribute actively (as Ukraine) in the EU BIM Task Group, ТК ISO/TC 59/SC 13, ТК CEN/TC 442 - BIM.
To keep on UA BIM Task Group actions in the areas of panel discussions, communication, holding events and supporting necessary amendments to the legal and regulatory documents
To start drafting new strategic documents aimed at developing BIM technologies in Ukraine
To set up UA BIM Task Group for implementing the Concept and taking preliminary actions to develop a common vision by all group members
To create information resources (website, social networks).
To advocate necessary amendments of the legal regulatory framework
To hold regional and national events on sharing experience among BIM experts
To carry on a BIM communication campaign
To maintain BIM Task Group information resources (social networks, website)
To focus UA BIM Task Group actions on promoting BIM technologies in Ukraine
To hold the first international events on sharing the BIM technologies use experience
To keep on UA BIM Task Group actions in the areas of panel discussions, communication, holding events and supporting necessary amendments to the legal and regulatory documents
To demonstrate publicly implementation results
5.5 Pilot projects
They are necessary at each implementation phase because the developed international and national methods of using BIM technologies should be put to the test. In addition, the pilot projects are also useful for training the public sector to be an employer with BIM technologies used Based on the results of the pilot projects implemented, an analysis should be done that would demonstrate the effect obtained from using BIM technologies in Ukraine
But the pilot projects demonstrate the most positive effect only provided that the requirements for their selection be clearly understood
Criterion Options Preferred option Justification
Employer Public order, private order Public contract
The private sector has been using the BIM technologies already as it observes their positive effect. It is necessary to obtain practical results when using the BIM technologies in the public contracts, having trained the public sector simultaneously to deal with the facilities using the BIM
Scope (and complexity) Big, middle, small Middle and small
The most positive effect may be achieved using the BIM technologies at big facilities. But such scales require a lengthy implementation and impose risks due to the implementation challenges. Thus, the most effective way is to test the technology for simpler projects that are not very complicated in implementing and do not need significant time for it
Sphere Residential, non-residential, infrastructure , industrial
Tailor-made Standardized
Given the construction scopes in every sphere and their specific nature, all of them should be taken care of. Thus it is recommended to select pilot projects in each sphere.
To use the project results more effectively they should not be single cased, but be applied scale wise across the regions.
Table 5.5.1 – Pilot project selection criterias
Figure 5.5.2 – Construction project hierarchy
6. Expected Results
6.1. Criteria and indicators of result achievement
To evaluate the implementation of Concept objectives and BIM implementation each action aimed at achieving them should be assessed For this purpose such indicators are suggested to use:
6.1.1 Indicators of Phase 1 action achievement
Actions Indicators
To approve the developed Concept for implementing BIM technologies in Ukraine
To set up UA BIM Task Group for implementing the Concept and taking preliminary actions to develop a common vision by all group members
Quantity of Concept actions achieved
The Concept has been approved. Funds for implementing the Concept have been allocated
The number of organizations, and experts involved into the groups, UA BIM Task Group assessment. The organization and its bodies have been set up. The statutory documents have been approved.. The functions and responsibilities have been assigned. The information resources (website, social networks) have been created.
To study in depth the best experience of using BIM in Ukraine.
To study international experience of countries which models correspond to the BIM technologies implementation model in Ukraine
To assess digital maturity of construction sector
To consider necessary amendments to legal regulations
To assess necessary competencies of staff to implement the BIM projects
To harmonize urgently through translating basic international ISO and CEN standards defining the terms, general principles of creating models and using them at the asset life cycle stages
To analyze the legal regulative framework and make necessary amendments
To amend national standards establishing principal requirements to the design documents and examination in terms of using the BIM
To assess a project economic component
To measure project preconditions, operational processes, and their performance in the program implementation
Quantity of cases and organizations searched, typology of facilities, attracted experts, the UA BIM Task Group assessment
Quantity of international experience proposals approved for implementation, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Compliance with international methodology standards, assessment of opportunities, drawbacks, existing practices, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Compliance with the concept principles, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Availability of review, quantity of functions and their competences, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Quantity of standards adopted, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Quantity of drafted amendments to legal and regulative acts, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Quantity of amendments adopted. Change of average design time thanks to BIM processes and tools. Assessment of the design document quality by experts
Availability, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Availability, UA BIM Task Group assessment
To identify priorities, to assess links, critical factors, risks and change management for successful implementation)
Availability, UA BIM Task Group assessment
To join EU BIM Task Group by UA BIM Task Group representatives Fact of joining
To accede ТК ISO/TC 59/SC 13 by Ukraine Fact of acceding
To accede ТК CEN/TC 442 – BIM by Ukraine Fact of acceding
To create classification systems
To approve the final terminology
To introduce and support systems and platforms for creating, accumulating, exchanging and operating key sector data (including pricing one)
To integrate with current e-systems for delivering services and information in the construction sector, to update them further in line with BIM opportunities and requirements (e.g., to integrate with the existing public procurement PROZORRO system, to develop proposals on functionality of the Unified State E-System for Construction suggested in Bill 1081, etc.)
To define and approve the BIM level contents in Ukrainian conditions.
To determine life cycle stages in terms of BIM and to harmonize with the best international practice (e.g., RIBA)
To update a contract base in line with BIM nature and IPD principles
To develop and select promoting tools for BIM technologies users
To select and prepare public pilot projects
To develop and implement BIM educational programs
Availability, compliance, UA BIM Task Group assessment, scopes of market use
Availability, quantity of terms, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Availability, quantity of systems, UA BIM Task Group assessment, number of users, amount of data, system quality and performance
Quantity of e-systems, with integrated BIM functionalities, quality, UA BIM Task Group assessment, number of users
To develop courses on staff capacity building in terms of BIM
To hold regional and national events on sharing experience among BIM experts
To carry on a BIM communication campaign
Availability, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Availability, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Availability, quantity of contracts signed under the new approach, price of signed contracts, UA BIM Task Group assessment. Quantity of contracts completed
Quantity of tools adopted, UA BIM Task Group assessment, expected impact forecast, cost of promoting tools
Quantity of selected projects, typology, area, quantity of organizations, total project value
Quantity of programs, instructors, students, UA BIM Task Group assessment, program dissemination across the country, quantity of educational establishment, areas.
Quantity of courses (local, online), quantity of staff retrained, UA BIM Task Group assessment, program dissemination across the country, quantity of qualifications
Quantity of events and participants, sector coverage, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Quantity of events and participants, sector coverage, UA
To maintain BIM Task Group information resources (social networks, website)
To focus UA BIM Task Group actions on promoting BIM technologies in Ukraine
To start implementing the public pilot projects
To assess and compare processes and economic component of BIM & Non-BIM projects along the whole supply chain
To contribute actively (as Ukraine) in EU BIM Task Group, ТК ISO/TC 59/SC 13, ТК CEN/TC 442 - BIM.
To hold the first international events on sharing the BIM technologies use experience
To finish Phase 1 (design of public pilot projects)
To assess the public pilot projects
BIM Task Group assessmentоцінка UA BIM Task Group
Quantity of website population, quantity of subscribers in the social networks and mailing lists, rate of audience involvement in discussions
Quantity of meetings, discussions, developed documents, resources attracted, sectors covered, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Quantity of pilot projects selected, start on time, availability of required resources
Project operational and economic indicators, with BIM and without BIM used
Share of representative participation in the total quantity of actions, quantity of actions for disseminating the experience and quantity of attendees
Quantity of actions and attendees, quantity of countries, speakers, experts, areas, costs
Quantity of pilot projects implemented
Economic and quality pilot project indicators, UA BIM Task Group assessment
To study the rate of increased use of BIM in Ukraine Availability, percentage of use
To improve educational programs, introduce necessary programs for secondary educational establishments
Quantity of educational establishments, programs, staff
To demonstrate publicly implementation results Events, coverage
To start drafting new strategic documents aimed at developing BIM technologies in Ukraine
Other studies, sociological surveys if necessary
Availability of strategy, plan, quantity of documents, parties
6.1.2 Indicators of Phase 1 task achievement
Task Indicator
Administrative and operational support of Concept implementation
To revise the rules on producing design documents to use the BIM technologies in full.
To provide legal conditions for using the BIM technologies at all asset life cycle stages
To amend the list of qualification requirements for an entity responsible for performing certain types of works – section on BIM
To support construction sector digitizing. To establish a state system for data storage and management
To provide inspecting bodies with resources and staff to perform their functions electronically
To harmonize state standards and norms with ISO and CEN on requirements to the information model components at different asset life cycle stages
To approximate to digital principles of Europe within the Digital Single Market concept
To approve requirements on using the BIM in the public contracts
To create enhancing instruments for organizations using the BIM technologies in their business
To use BIM technology advantages to achieve certain objectives of Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ukraine 2020, Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ukraine 2030 in terms of transport infrastructure reform, energy efficiency program, innovation development program, Strategy of Low Carbon Development of Ukraine up to 2050.137
To create and maintain unified electronic state classifications of materials, works, and other structured data to improve the accuracy of forecasting the asset indicators at its early stages
UA BIM Task Group assessment (by General Board, of activities of committees and secretariat, number of tasks achieved
Rules on producing design documents have been updated or cancelled, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Number of organizations using BIM technologies, quantity of projects, with a positive examination report, total value of the projects that passed examination or were commissioned
Fact of amendment, UA BIM Task Group assessment
System is available, necessary processes have been revised and digitized, amount of data, UA BIM Task Group assessment, amount of digitized information increased, number of involved organizations
Availability, competence, UA BIM Task Group assessment, number of trainings, trainees. Testing and assessment of test results
Number of standards, compliance of standards, UA BIM Task Group assessment, assessment by EUD to Ukraine
UA BIM Task Group assessment, assessment by EUD to Ukraine
Availability, typology, UA BIM Task Group assessment, number of public contracts with BIM used, project value
Number of instruments adopted, forecast and impact, UA BIM Task Group assessment, quantity/scale of using the instruments
Assessment of performance of construction assets designed with BIM, reform indicators
Availability, types and systems, UA BIM Task Group assessment, coverage amount, coverage percentage, availability of updating procedures
Availability, UA BIM Task Group assessment, percentage of usage 137 Strategy of Low Carbon Development of Ukraine up to 2050
To develop a methodology for assessing the projects
To revise educational programs of higher educational establishments (1 – IV certified levels) and to develop educational programs for professions related to the BIM.
To establish procedures to certify experts on BIM
To create infrastructure for city digital maps to submit an actual model for the design company as inputs to design the urban infrastructure facilities.
To prepare, implement and review pilot projects with the State as customer
To provide governmental bodies with a possibility to order, accept and use the projects with BIM technologies
To increase the number of public contracts with a provision on using BIM technologies
To improve the qualification of the staff with required competences to order, design, build and operate the assets digitally
To monitor the indicators of public assets built with the BIM used: cost, time and quality
Quantity of staff with required competences after educational programs, number of programs by aspects, number of certificates granted
Availability, UA BIM Task Group assessment, digitizing percentage increase, availability of updating procedures
Number of completed pilot projects, evaluation of pilot projects, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Number of public contracts with BIM used, their values, number of projects passed the examination, number of projects implemented and commissioned
Number of staff with required competences
Expert’s evaluation of indicators, UA BIM Task Group assessment based on the developed comparative analysis
6.1.3 Indicators of Phase 1 objective achievement
Objectives Indicators
In the public regulation system
Full scaled implementation process
Set-up of UA BIM Task Group, assessment of organization actions, market survey
Conditions for generating, storing, managing the information on the construction facility (asset), using its further, and improving the asset management efficiency at all stages of the life cycle
Availability, UA BIM Task Group assessment, number of projects, total value of projects, number of users
Promotion of sector integration of Ukraine into the EU Membership in international organizations, assessment of the Ukrainian legal and regulative framework on BIM technologies compliances with the European one, export of services to the EU states, number of international projects, rate of digitizing, percentage of BIM implementation
Increased investment attractiveness of the sector and competitiveness of Ukrainian companies, creation of conditions for integrating small and middle businesses
Improvement of energy performance, safety of construction assets, sustainable sector development
Increased quality and accuracy of calculating design and construction costs and accounting operational ones. Improved efficiency and transparency of using resources at all stages of asset life cycle
Creation of information and methodology base for the further sector evolution within the framework of more global concepts, such as Smart Cities, Digital Twins etc..
In the public contracting system
Improvement of effectiveness and transparency of using the state budget funds at all stages of asset life cycle
Investment amounts, investment growth, number of small and middle businesses using BIM, export of services
Assessment of indicators, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Assessment, UA BIM Task Group assessment, amount, difference between planned and actual project implementation timing, difference between planned and actual project cost
Availability, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Optimization of public construction timing
Improvement of energy efficiency, sustainability, safety of public construction assets
Comparative analysis of project costs with/ without BIM used, number of implemented projects, complexity of projects, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Comparative analysis of project delivery timing with/ without BIM used, UA BIM Task Group assessment
Expert’s evaluation of indicators, UA BIM Task Group assessment
6.1.4 Indicators of pilot project results
It should be noted that the assessment of the BIM implementation success will not be complete without careful study and analysis of each pilot project Moreover, the difficulty is that such an analysis requires a comprehensive assessment of many parameters that are interrelated within the project and are multiplicative in nature the final indicators of the project itself (terms, cost, etc ), the results of achieving the BIM tasks, whether and how they have influenced the project, the analysis of business processes during the project, the productivity of the staff, the main challenges and sticking points, barriers, etc In addition, since the BIM implementation process in pilot projects is significantly time stretched and divided into several phases and stages, this makes the analysis itself complicated, as these indicators need to be measured not only at each stage individually but also comprehensively, throughout the object life cycle
To this end, a specific analysis methodology should be developed to obtain key indicators and metrics (KPIs) that take into account the above mentioned As nowadays there is no developed, validated and proven methodology for assessing the «success» of BIM implementation in Ukrainian realities, several approaches are proposed to be considered and probably applied further:
Bilal Succar BIM PerformanceAssessment
PwC BIM Level 2 Benefits Measurement Methodology
buildingSMART BIM MaturityAssessment
These are fundamental approaches to assess the rate of BIM usage in the organization The assessment criteria indicated in the approach are determined based on the statements that do not depend on the subjectivity of the assessor' s opinion The value of such assessment is a kind of trust ranking, and a guarantee for actual achievement of project key indicators
Monitoring of objective achievement
An important component of each stage and phase is researching, surveying, and processing of statistical information to track the trends in using the BIM technologies in Ukraine To ensure an efficient implementation the UA BIM Task Group should measure set indicators annually (see 6.1) and publicize the results, granting a free access to the materials for everybody interested in Monitoring should be indicator (by periods) and project (individually) based Given the data obtained, the further plan should be adjusted, standing on the Concept key objectives , but taking into account the real situation and the implementation pace
Should the result in achieving the objectives be negative, all stakeholder representatives should be promptly involved into a joint discussion to remove the factors that hinder the process of achieving certain objectives, to find ways to address the issues, and to allocate problems to solve them asap
The monitoring process should become not only a tool for implementation monitoring, but also one of the communication elements to advance the BIM technologies in Ukraine. To achieve real and high quality results, it is advisable to involve equally national and international experts, leading audit and sociological companies, representatives of all stakeholders into the monitoring process
6.3. Risks for Concept Implementation
It is assumed that with the Concept implementation by suggested approaches, the BIM technologies introduction in Ukraine could be rather successful However, there are risks that may hinder the implementation process or produce partially the expected results. Therefore, during the preparation and detailed planning of BIM implementation, it is necessary to develop a risk management procedure to identify the main risk areas and key categories, to assess the degree of their impact and probability, to envisage the main mechanisms for preventing or mitigating their effect
Given the implementation preconditions (see 2.7), risks may be interlinked and interdependent, but basically they may be divided into major categories:
6.3.1. Political Unforeseen political events in the country; 6 3 1 2 Change of the power and its certain bodies, government, changes or reduction of certain governmental programs; 6 3 1 3 Lack of political will of governmental bodies to adopt necessary decisions;
6 3 1 4 Dilution of functionalities and responsibility areas among governmental bodies to be engaged in BIM implementation;
These risks may be mitigated through ensuring the BIM development by a non political and impartial organization
6.3.2. Legal, regulatory, statutory Legal aspects that may somehow slow down the implementation process. For instance, amendments to the draft laws, standards, resolutions or , on contrary, lack of certain legal regulation field that hinders the further implementation stages; Incoherent BIM implementation at governmental level caused by conflicts in the legal regulatory acts, difference in vision and approaches to implementation, etc;
6 3 2 3 Distortion of original contents of the legal regulatory documents (ISO, CEN, etc ) to be harmonized; Need to double the work at the first stages , using new and old technologies, due to a possible slowed down implementation of the legal regulations required;
107 Appearance of companies using the BIM technologies in more public contracts than others, removal of SME;
These risks may be mitigated by introducing the BIM at principles and criteria envisaged by the Concept as well as due to versatility of sectors and companies that would participate in the implementation pilot projects
6.3.3. Economic, financial Changes of investment climate and construction sector scopes that affects the implementation feasibility; Insufficient funding of implementation program, lack of funds, delays of payments, changes of interest rates, inflation, or other market events that have an impact on the implementation progress; Resistance to increasing costs at the first stages of life cycle (design) to get performance and indicators increased at the further ones (construction, operation);
6.3.4. Organizational, management, HR Implementation of the concept without setting up an inter sector, inter departmental, inter industry Working Group UA BIM Task Group, that may cause fragmentation and discrepancies in implementation; Imperfectness of organizational and management approaches in the institutions involved, that may have an impact not only on current design and construction processes, but also on the BIM implementation; Need to restructure substantially many traditional business processes in the construction sector that may cause a temporary decrease of operational performance; Slowdown of technology implementation due to lack of wish with some staff to retrain; Too lengthy process of creating new academic programs in the higher educational establishments due to a small number of experts in this area; Extended implementation periods for changes required for transparency of design, construction, and operation processes due to resistance of some market players ; Conflicts of interests and staff; Risk of losing trained staff (e.g., head hunting of public sector staff by private companies);
Involvement of UA BIM Task Group as consulting expert team should support a more effective interaction of the construction process participants
6.3.5. Technical Rapidness of technology change; Low maturity or lack of e services in the construction sector or lack of functionality, difficulties with system integration;
6 3 5 3 Difference in approaches to create, exchange and manage the data in the construction sector, methods of information modelling in different software;
The risks would be mitigated through a staged introduction of technology, training programs, and development of guidelines and standards for using the tools
6.3.6. Information communication
6 3 6 1 Lack of interest and awareness of BIM implementation need; Distorted perception of BIM technologies capabilities;
In order to minimize all these risks, the BIM technology implementation plan should be regularly monitored, A wide all stakeholders targeted information campaign as well as UA BIM Task Group's constant communication with the key implementation parties would support decreasing the risk occurrence probability.
In addition, the positive effect would be achieved through the permanent UA BIM Task Group parties’ capacity building, participation in technology international conferences and forums, and arrangement of own information and educational events in Ukraine
7. Cost items and funding sources
7.1 Cost items
The Concept implementation needs a lot of actions in different areas to be financed at different levels They are:
7 1 1 Daily operations of UA BIM Task Group to implement the Concept
7.1.2. Procurement, translational and adaptation of ISO and CEN standards.
7.1.3. Drafting and lobbying of necessary legislative acts or amendments to them
7.1.4. Membership fees for participation in the BIM related ISO, CEN, EU BIM Task Group and other BIM related technical committees.
7.1.5. Conducting expert studies
7 1 6 Wide ranging discussions with all stakeholders
7.1.7. Support of implementing technical, infrastructure and service solutions for the Concept implementation.
7 1 8 Support for public pilot projects
7.1.9. Communication costs to disseminate information on the capabilities of BIM technologies. Attending international events to obtain knowledge and experience. 7 1 9 2 Holding all Ukrainian and international events to exchange experience Supporting and maintaining information resources (website, social networks, communication with mass media, etc.).
7.1.10. Educational events. Developing academic programs, courses, etc. 7 1 10 2 Delivering events for governmental staff capacity building Developing training for pilot projects
7.1.11. Support for promoting tools to increase the level of BIM technologies use
7 1 12 Regular monitoring of implementation results
7.1.13. Development of further strategic and operational documents
To implement the BIM effectively each of the areas listed should be financed Shortage of resources for any of them may adversely affect the implementation of the Concept on a whole.
7.2 Funding sources
The Concept is implemented out of international technical assistance funds, including the «Assistance to the Ukrainian Authorities for improvements in the infrastructure cycle management» (Framework Agreement between Government of Ukraine and Commission of European Communities of September 3, 2008 (law of Ukraine no 360 IV of 3 September 2008), Agreement on funding Framework Programme in Support of Ukraine EU Agreements of 29 September 2015.
However, considering a great number of areas to be funded, it is important to attract as many sources as possible. The most probable and priority ones may be such as:
7.2.1 Budget funds
7 2 2 Local budget funds
7.2.3 Grant funds of international and national donors
7 2 4 Business contributions
7.2.5 Public contributions.
7 2 6 Funds generated by BIM events
Subject to mobilizing all funding sources listed, the overall amount of funds required for the Concept implementation would be distributed among the process participants and secure a sustainable and steady implementation.
Developed by
8. Developed by
Dmytro Afanasieev National Kyiv Polytechnic University
Oleh Blonsky Investment Projects Bureau Project Management
Mykola Kolomoyets’ STEM Engineering
André Poddubny ‘Assistance to the Ukrainian Authorities for improvements in the infrastructure cycle management’ EU Project
Yuriy Podol’chuk Investment Projects Bureau Project Management
Yuriy Smirnov Allbau Software
Oleksiy Sokolovsky AVG Group
Ihor Yurasov Archimatika
Administration, organization
André Poddubny
Technical support, media
Assistance to the Ukrainian Authorities for improvements in the infrastructure cycle management’ EU Project
Oleksandr Kanivets’ ASKansulting
Yuriy Kryvokhat’ko Graphisoft Center Ukraine
Olha Cheverda
Reviewed by
Mahmoud Adel
Ebby Adhami
Bernard Semeria
Assistance to the Ukrainian Authorities for improvements in the infrastructure cycle management’ EU Project
Volodymyr Adrianov Technical Committee 301 «Metal Construction»
V’yacheslav Kolesnik Ukrainian Steel Construction Center
Maryna Korol’ buildingSMART, KONKURATOR
Yuriy Kryvokhat’ko Graphisoft Center Ukraine
Iryna Ponomarenko Ministry of development of communities and territories of Ukraine
Reva Svitlana Interstate Consulting Engineer Guild
David Phillp UK BIM Task Group, AECOM
Supported by EU Project: «Assistance to the Ukrainian Authorities for improvements in the infrastructure cycle management»