1 minute read
Sports unabletocapitaliseon recent good results.
First half goal enoughforvisitors as they holdon for victory.
Sports were hopingtocapitaliseon improved recent resultsand performances.However they facean in form Desborough Town whohadwon convincinglyin theearlierreverse fixture.
Sports namedan unchangedsideagain andstarted the game well. However, Desborough tookthe lead when Sportsfailedto clear theball andthe striker lobbedthe ball over Doyle. Jack Fountain left the fieldsoon after with injuryto be replaced by Tom Smith.

Sports then soughtto equalisebutas thevisitors sat back Sports failedto havethe qualityto make the break through.KyleWynnealsothen left thefieldinjuredas more changescame butultimatelyno changeto theresult.
Credit to the visitors for the resultbut Sports will feel disappointednotto have created more.