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Tree Management to Avoid Storm Damage

By Peter Richards

After experiencing a 50-year storm and seeing toppled trees all over California, property owners should draw their attention to proper tree management before the big storms arrive to prevent property damage and to preserve irreplaceable trees. “I think that many tree failures could have been prevented or at least minimized damage if they had been properly maintained.” Kalen Glenn, an ISA Certified Arborist for SavATree in the Bay Area was shocked by the loss of so many large trees, “I have one client who had nine giant, majestic heritage Live Oak trees topple over, another client lost a few huge Aleppo Pines, and we’ve seen lots of big Eucalyptus come down. The Eucalyptus trees are my biggest worry right now in the Bay Area due to their sheer size.”

Kelley Gilleran, an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist, says, “The amount of trees I saw fall down in the greater Sacramento area was more than I had seen in the past 20 years.” Property owners do not have to passively watch tree after tree fail; there are proactive measures you can take to maintain tree health by regularly scheduling tree maintenance.

Even healthy trees can fall when we have high wind speeds and the soil is saturated from heavy rainfall like we experienced this winter in Northern California. The best antidote to soil saturation is getting trees on a regular pruning schedule, thwarting tree issues before they become an immense problem.

Gilleran claims, “Routine maintenance pruning by ISA certified staff every three-to-five years is crucial in minimizing storm damage.” This is especially true for high-value trees, such as trees that reside in a popular city center, or a frequented park in a building complex. Saturated soil allows more root movement in the soil, which leads to structural instability. It is imperative to maintain trees, so they are not severely imbalanced.

Removing a tree just because of a lean isn’t always justifiable. Instead, structural pruning and end-weight reduction pruning, instructed by an ISA certified arborist, can help retain the tree and reduce its chance of failure during a storm. Oak species such as Coast Live Oak can live for decades with a pronounced lean. However, even these California natives aren’t safe during an intense storm.

Stability is a large concern to tree managers following storms; but what about tree health? According to Tom Smith, a Forest Pathologist for CAL FIRE, “Anything that makes the tree healthier is going to help with a storm.” Mulching around the base of a tree helps retain moisture content and regulate soil temperature. Ensuring adequate irrigation, meaning that you never flood the soil, or neglect trees to the point of drought stress, enables trees to flourish as well. Planting the right species in the right place. You do not want to plant a moisture-loving tree, like most alder or birch species, in an area without consistent irrigation. Similarly, you should not plant a drought-tolerant Oak tree in a lawn area with heavy irrigation.

It is possible to proactively manage trees for storms. Focus on keeping trees healthy. Irrigating appropriately for the species, apply seaweed-based bio-stimulants encourages nutrient uptake, promotes fine root growth and heightens stress tolerance in trees especially when combined with fertilizer to fortify the soil and protect the root zones. The goal of good soil health is to encourage strong, healthy root growth to build up their defenses. Add a layer of mulch around the drip line of the tree, and prune trees on a regular three-to-five-year pruning cycle will help mitigate the chances of tree failures from a storm. Whether you have a mature, sprawling Coast Live Oak, or a modest, young Eastern Redbud, it is never too early to start prepping your trees for storms.

Richards is ISA Certified Arborist with SavATree Consulting Division. SavATree provides environmentally sensible stewardship of valued residential and commercial properties, helping clients care for what they love. Its nationwide team of industry certified arborists and highly trained field specialists delivers professional tree, shrub, and lawn care to their loyal clients, making the intersection between trees and people work. With their innovative science-based programs, SavATree protects and enhances client landscapes. Learn more at www.savatree.com. Photo courtesy of SavATree.

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