Complex - small Fireman’s pole
Climbing wall
Platform 4 door
Rocket ship
The small complex is a great addition to any playground. You will need a 3 door platform, 1 set of steps, 1 climbing wall, 1 slide and 1 sand pit. You will also need to cement in the foundations of the frames. Make sure you have at least 2 metres of space around the complex.
Per small complex Platform (4 door) Slide Fireman’s pole Rocket ship Climbing wall Sand pit
Amount 1 1 1 1 1 ½ (18-20 tyres)
How to build 1. Build each element according to their individual instructions. 2. Mark out the foundations as shown in the diagram. 3. Before cementing in the frame, sand and paint with undercoat the section of metal that will be going in the foundation. 4. Cement in the platform first and make sure that it is level on all axes. 5. Wait for the platform cement to dry. 6. Next put in place the other elements and weld them to the platform and then cement into the foundations. 7. Make the sand pit. 8. Paint.
Colour Scheme Paint the complex legs and rails blue. Paint the complex platform yellow on top and underneath. Paint the steps orange and the step rails and yellow. Paint the slide rails and underside supports green, paint the underside yellow. Paint the climbing wall check plate orange, paint the support pipe underneath and the pods yellow. Paint the sandpit tyres in the order red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and repeat.
Fireman’s pole 18”
X marks the centre of the foundation and where the leg should go. 30” deep
61” 82” Slide
2ft 30”
4ft Climbing wall
Rocket ship Depends on tyres