The Elephant is a great imaginative element for the children to play on. You will need small and large tyres along with 3� bolts and budget paint. There is no need for cement as you can compact the earth to form the foundation around the tyres. Make sure you have at least 1.5 metres of space around the elephant.
Per Elephant Small tyres Large tyres 3� bolts with 2 washers
Amount 7 1 17
How to build 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Dig a hole for one of the large tyres and bury the bottom third. Dig in the green tyre in the diagram for support to the head. Bury half way. Dig 4 holes around the large tyre and place the car tyres in them, buried half way. Cut the side walls off one of the remaining small tyres. Cut all the way through the tread of this tyre, Cut 2 sections out of this tyre and smooth the edges using a grinder. Bolt one tyre piece on top of the remaining car tyre with three bolts as a trunk. Bolt one tyre piece to the back of the big tyre with two bolts for a tail. Cut 2 ears out of the scrap tyre with a knife.. Bolt the ears on to the remaining car tyre as shown above with two bolts at the top of the ear and two at the bottom. 11. Use 2 bolts to attach the elephants head to the body and to the head support tyre. 12. Paint.
Colour Scheme Paint the head, trunk, body and tail light grey.
Paint the legs dark grey.
Paint the head support tyre light green
Paint the ears pink.