Music Centre
The Music Centre is designed for children to use their creative side and make lots of nice music. You will also need to cement in the foundations of the music centre. Make sure you have at least 1.5 metres of space around the Music Centre.
Per Music centre 2” 3mm mild steel pipe 8mm wire rope steel pans 2” plastic pipe 4” bolts and rubber washers 8m wire clamps 12mm round bar Right-angled pipe connectors
Amount 60ft 8m 5 20ft 10 30 5ft 5
How to build 1. Weld the frame as shown in the diagram. 2. Dig the foundations. 3. Before cementing in the frame, sand and paint with undercoat the section of metal that will be going in the foundation. 4. Cement into the ground. 5. Attach the steel pans with metal cable and wire clamps. 6. Attach the plastic pipes to the left hand side of the centre and add the right angled corners pieces to the bottom of the pipe. 7. Cut the remaining pipe to the correct lengths for a xylophone and attach using bolts with rubber washers. 8. Attach the drumsticks to the centre with wire rope and wire clamps. 9. Paint.
Colour Scheme Paint the uprights one colour. Paint the horizontals one colour. Paint the xylophone one colour.
X marks the centre of the foundation and where the leg should go. 2ft deep
2ft 2ft