Watch Tower
The Watch Tower is a fantastic place to explore and play, you can also add on a slide if you like. You will need 2.5” and 2”3mm mild steel pipe, checked plate, 1.5” box section, iron sheet, large tyre, large chain metal and budget paint. You will also need to cement in the foundations of the watch tower. Make sure you have at least 1.5 metres of space around the tower. 1
Per Watch tower 2.5” 3mm, mild steel pipe 2mm chequer plate 1.5”x 1.5” 2mm hollow section Red iron Sheet 2” 3mm mild steel pipe Tractor or medium tyre Large chain
Amount 170ft 4ft by 4ft 20ft 2 60ft 1 1oft
How to build 1. 2. 3. 4.
Weld the frame as shown in the diagram. Dig the foundations as shown in the diagram below. Cement in the frame. Attach the tyre seat by connecting 2ft 6” pieces of chain to the tyre at 90 degree intervals and the underside of the platform. 5. Paint. Colour Scheme Use red iron sheet Paint the uprights blue or green Paint the platform yellow on top and underneath Paint the tyre blue or green to match the tower metal Foundations
X marks the centre of the foundation and where the leg should go. 30” deep
18” 18”