Apr10 East Algarve Magazine

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MAGAZINE FREE OLH Ã O · S Ã O BR Á S · TAVIRA · ALCOUTIM · CASTRO MARIM · VILA REAL DE SANTO ANT Ó NIO East Algarve April 2010 © Fuseta Health Environment Mould prevention Gardening All you need to know about growing lettuce Walk about Health Supplementsfood

GUESTHOUSE, BAR & BISTRO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO Page 2 info@eastalgarvemag.com Projectcasa E Algarve 180x176.indd 2 8/2/10 12:25:15 SUMMER GARDEN PART Y 15th May 2010 Starts at 1pm FOR KIDS- Bouncy castle, juggling, balloons, face painting and games LIVE- PORTUGUESE BAND - F.A. Cup final- LIVE on T.V. BBQ- Chicken, Pork, Fish, Sausages, Salads and more! Craft fair- Stalls selling handmade items from soaps to stone Workshopsworks. including - Mosaic, Art and Gardening. Call 281 971 484, email info@qtfontebispo.com or see our website www.qtfontebispo.com or see our map on the back page HELP USRAISE MONEYFOR THE CHILDRENSLOCALCHARITY!

Page 3info@eastalgarvemag.com

Editor Welcome... PUBLISHER & DESIGNER Richard Bassett EDITOR Katie Bassett CO-ORDINATORSEDITORIAL Susan RichardPurvisBassett Snr. ADVERTISING Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail CONSULTANT Arne Jakobsen the Great Dane PRINTED BY Litografis-ArtesGraficasLda,Ferreiras DISTRIBUTION Advertisers will be issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication MAGAZINEEast Algarve

Spring is here at last. I’m looking forwards to eating my childrens easter eggs, but not to the fortnight of entertaining them while they’re off school. Lets hope the beautiful weather enables us to get out more. I have featured Fuseta this month, the only place I find truly relaxing, and somewhere I go to forget all my worries. This unspoilt fishing village holds so much charm and beauty, friendly locals and great food, well worth a visit. Thank you for all your letters, especially about the dreaded mould problem. We’ve printed some of them in this issue, along with another feature offering advice on mould prevention. Our regular articles include all you need to know about lettuce, food from Beira Rio, news of Miss Tavira, and much, much more! I hope you have a great Easter.

Page 4 info@eastalgarvemag.com 5 NOTICE BOARD Let us know your thoughts. 6 NEWS Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! 7 WHAT’S ON What’s happening in and around the East Algarve. 8 PEOPLE Meet Martin Edwards from Grasshopper greens. 10 PLACES A sad Tail. 11 PEOPLE Miss Tavira 2010. 12 HEALTH Health supplements. 18 FUSETA Take a look at Olhão today. 20 PROPERTY Your place in the Sun? 23 PROPERTY Why buy with a mortgage. 27 PROPERTY Property of the month. 28 FOOD A stunning dish from Beira Rio. 32 TECHNOLOGY Broadband internet. 34 GARDENING All about lettuce. 36 ENVIRONMENT Mould prevention. 40 FINANCE Information day success. 42 SPORT The latest sporting news. 46 BOOK LOVERS’ CORNER This month’s book review. 47 CLASSIFIEDS Grab a local bargain. 2028 11 CONTENTS 81834

info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 5info@eastalgarvemag.comEmail: info@eastalgarvemag.com Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira Contactus Hi, I have enjoyed reading your mag. I enjoyed reading the poem last month. It was very appropriate and followed nicely by the article on mould! Well done. You obviously work hard to produce such a compelling magazine. Is it available online as my friends in Denmark would also like to look it up. With many thanks, Christina Jefferiesson NOW FACEBOOKONTOO As well as our new themeetIt’sreceiveclickEastJustwewww.eastalgarvemag.comwebsitearenowonfacebook.putinasearchforAlgarvemagandonbecomeafantoupdatesandnews.alsoagreatwaytolike-mindedpeopleinarea! This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders. GUESTHOUSE, BAR & BISTRO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO Call 281 971 484, email info@qtfontebispo.com or see our websitewww.qtfontebispo.com or see our map on the back page Adults interested in playing football on Monday or Wednesday nights, 5 a side and occasional 11 a side matches against teams from the Western Algarve and visiting English teams.Contact George on 962 572 687 or Ian 964 508 128 60’SBUDDIES&70’SNIGHT Saturday 17th April 7.30pm. Traditional English fish &chips followed bylemon meringue pie, ONLY 8€ per person fashionJouksshowcharitydinner&dance Saturday 24th 7.30pm 3 course meal plus halfbottle of house wine ONLY 15€ per person A big thanks to everyone who came to last month’s Buddies hogroast. Over 100 people attended and enjoyed music, juggling, plate spinning and ofcourse the Hog Roast. April 24th & 25th, 11:00am to 5:00pm - Corte-Real Gallery in conjunction with the Paderne charity, Casa Paz, presents ‘Perfectly Small Paintings, at Perfectly Affordable Prices’. Please join us for the exciting opening weekend, twenty international Corte-Real Gallery artists have been commissioned to produce two new pieces of artwork. During the weekend, ‘Prime Wines’ will present their exclusive wines; ‘Griffin Bookshop’ celebrates at Corte-Real Gallery World Book Weekend. On the Saturday ‘Fumeiro do Algarve’, demonstrate and presents their extensive range of meats and fish. Call 912 737 762 or 918 980 199 for more details 2Euros Entrance fee; proceeds donated to Casa Paz charity

News Page 6 info@eastalgarvemag.com


O lhão is one of the counties that helped to “clean Portugal” on 20 March, with about 400 volunteers joining the project, collecting an estimated 30 tons of rubbish. “The balance is very positive, despite the bad weather, people joined,” said Soraya Ribbon, one of the Olhão group coordinators. A similar initiative was held in the Schools of Olhão. Some 800 children collected rubbish in the area. L oulé Câmara have given the go ahead to transform the centre into a pedestrian friendly zone that will increase the safety and flow of human traffic during the popular events that take place. Work has already begun with the tarmac being replaced by the traditional calçadas stones, more litter bins and benches. Traffic will be kept moving while the work continues, but may suffer some disruption. The work will take approximately 7 months and cost more than 700,000 euros.

Loule draws a huge crowd with events such as white night in August. “The streets in the centre of Loulé will be transformed into an area more akin to a plaza, making it more suitable to hold major events both cultural and social as the roads can easily be closed to traffic,” said Seruca Emídio. “With these works we aim to give the centre of Loulé a new image highlighting landmark buildings such as the municipal market and the university,” said a spokesman for Loulé Câmara. However, the focus of the area will be on making the centre more accessible for pedestrians. Seruca Emídio said: “The redevelopment is sensitive to the trade that is already in the centre of the city and it is hoped that works will make the centre a more appealing public space that people will want to return to.”

Man arrested with stomach full of cocaine Mobile Medical Unit to start in Faro T he Algarve health service has set up a mobile health clinic with the words Cuida-te (Take care) across their vehicles to encourage young people to seek help for medical issues and dependencies. The first mission to encourage young adults to seek advice, will take place in ItFaro.is hoped that the bright yellow trailers will enable teenagers, young men and women, who may be too embarrassed to visit a health centre, to seek confidential medical help.

A passenger bound for a South American country was arrested at Faro Airport attempting to smuggle a large amount of cocaine inside his Thestomach.man was in his 40’s, and thought to be of South American origin. He was detained by Faro Airport PJ police, and found to be transporting several individual packages of cocaine inside his body. Police said the amount was enough for up to 4,400 individual doses. He was held and sentenced.

M anchester United legend, Sammy McIlroy is coming to Tavira to share his life in football with an Eastern Algarve audience. Listen to stories of playing with and against football greats, such as George Best, Bobby Charlton, Liam Brady and Kenny Dalglish to name but a few. Also playing in 3 FA Cup Finals and the World Cup in both Spain and Mexico with Northern Ireland. He will also share with us football in the modern day from his perspective as a current Manager. A great night’s entertainment. Monday 24th May 2010, 8.30pm. Hotel Porta Nova, Tavira. For more information and tickets telephone 962 572 687 or email Ticketsg.all@hotmail.co.ukalsoavailable from Skippers Tavern (near the train station), in Tavira, only €20. OlhãoPortugalcleanhelpsup

The ‘BusbylastBabe’comestoTavira

Loulé mayor Seruca Emídio said: “The concept of the redevelopment is to create a more sociable area for pedestrians, which can be used more as a square than as a street or road for vehicles.”

ALCOUTIMSPORT - 3RD Athletics Trophy, 18/4, 10h00, Streets of Alcoutim OLHÃO - S.C Olhanense x Maritimo, 18/4, 15h00, Jose Arcanjo stadium

TAVIRAFESTIVALS-7THFestival of Gas tronomy of the Sea, 22/4-09/5, Participating restaurants

Henriques”, 10/4, 16h00, Municipal auditorium V.R.STO ANTÓNIO - “Carta Com Reposta”, by the Associacao ten da, 23/4, 21h30, Municipal library

V.R.STOMUSICANTÓNIO - Season of Accordion evenings, 10,17,23/4, Castro Marim, Tel 281 510 740 OLHÃO - Paulo de Carvalho, 25/4, 21h30, Municipal auditorium S.BRÁS DE ALPORTEL - Opera club, 11/4, 18h00, Costume mu seum S.BRÁS DE ALPORTEL - Jazz club, 18/4, 17h00, Costume mu seum S.BRAS DE ALPORTEL - Fado, 25/4, 21h00, Costume museum De Amsterdamse StraatbandOLHÃO - 01/05, 11h00, Mercado de Olhão, MONCARAPACHO02/05, 02/05, 17h00, Casa de Povo, Moncarapacho, QUELFES - 07/05, 21h30, Centro Etnografica de Quelfes, FUZETA - 09/05, 17h00, Praza de Republica, Fuzeta OLHTHEATREÃO-“Afonso

S.BREXHIBITIONSÁSDEALPORTEL - “From the form of writing to the writing of the form”, Until 13/5, Alportel museum, Tel 289 840 000 S.BRÁS DE ALPORTEL - Paint ings by Olavo Cavaco, Until 15/4, Municipal Gallery Tel 289 840 000 S.BRÁS DE ALPORTEL - “Naive paintings” by several artists, 17/430/4, Municipal Gallery V.R.STO ANTÓNIO - “Plantas que curam. Uso e saberes na medicina popular”, Starts 16/4, 18h00, Cen tro de Investigacao e Informacao do Patrimonio de Cacela

Page 7info@eastalgarvemag.com What’s on There’s so much to do and see this month. Check out our guide to what’s on soon in the East Algarve! MARKETS Loulé: Every Saturday Estoi: 2nd Sunday of the month Moncarapacho 1st Sunday of the month Quelfes: 4th and 5th Sundays of the month Tavira: 3rd Saturday of the month Vila Nova de Cacela: 3rd Sunday of the month Castro Marim: 2nd Saturday of the month Sta Catarina: 4th Sunday of the month 2010 BANK HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS Here’s your handy cut out & keep guide to the 2010 bank holidays and festivals, with compliments of East Algarve magazine. Things to do this month De eventthelocationsplayingStraatbandAmsterdamsewillbeatvariousaroundEastAlgarve,annottobemissed! Carnival/Shrove Tuesday ........ 16 Feb Maundy Thursday 1 Apr Good Friday, 2 Apr Easter Sunday 4 Apr Liberation Day (Sunday) 25 Apr Labour Day, (Saturday) 1 May Corpus Christi, (Thursday) 3 Jun National Day in Portugal, (Thursday) 10 Jun Assumption Day, (Sunday) 15 Aug Republic Day, (Tuesday) 5 Oct All Saints’ Day, (Monday) 1 Nov Independence Restoration Day, (Wednesday) 1 Dec Immaculate (Wednesday)Conception, 8 Dec Christmas Eve 24 Dec Christmas Day, (Saturday) 25 Dec

S.BRDANCEÁSDE ALPORTEL - 1st S.Bras de Alportel Festival of dances of the world, 24/4, 21h30, Cinema theatre V.R.STO ANTÓNIO - Dance Show by Animashow, 30/4, 22h00, Cul tural Centre

Going green

M artin Edwards, originally from Australia, moved to the Algarve five years ago. Coming from the hotel business in France, he had decided that a change was in order, and started his first venture in Portugal, selling golf trolleys. It was soon after this, at a London Golf show, he saw the potential of synthetic lawns in Portugal. In just four years, Grasshopper Greens has become the Algarve’s foremost provider of synthetic grass, offering a range of products for all applications. The company was originally established to offer top-quality synthetic putting greens, as used by many PGA professionals for home practice. Closely replicating the playing characteristics of a natural surface, synthetic lawn requires no maintenance or watering. These advantages were soon to attract interest from beyond the golfing sector. With the everincreasing cost of garden watering – especially to maintain a lush lawn throughout the intense Algarve summer - synthetic grass offers homeowners a viable no-fuss alternative. Easy to install, it is now used for lawns, patios, sun terraces, verandas, pool surrounds - even as safe play areas for kids. Martin runs Grasshopper Greens with an enthusiasm that reflects his confidence in the product. “The latest synthetic lawns are deceptively realistic and are ideally-suited to the Algarve sunshine – UV protected, strong and durable, they never fade or lose “Nowadaysspringiness.”we’reattracting interest not only from homeowners but also from developers and landscapers – last year, for example, we installed synthetic lawns on thirty-six roof terraces at a new development in Tavira. Synthetic lawns are ideal for areas where normal grass wouldn’t grow or is just impractical. They don’t present an unnecessary drain on precious water resources; yet they add a welcoming, comfortable and lush aspect to all kinds of outdoor Mostareas.”recently, the company has moved into providing synthetic surfaces for tennis courts and soccer pitches. Their latest project is a 700 square metre croquet lawn for a client in Sao Bras de Alportel – the first synthetic croquet lawn in OnePortugal.thing’s for sure – Grasshopper Greens aren’t letting the grass grow under their feet! To contact Martin, telephone +351 289 093 387, or www.grasshoppergreens.comvisit

Forget watering and maintenance with lush synthetic lawn...

Page 8 info@eastalgarvemag.com People

Page 9info@eastalgarvemag.com Custom-madePetraMosaicKartakmosaicsWorkshopswww.equilibrio2001.competra@equilibrio2001.com918209630TEASHOPFLAVOURS& 60 varieties of tea, exclusive coffees, hot chocolates, and much more! Need a touch of Afternoonhome?tea&scones Visit us atTavira Gran Plaza, 1st floor, Food Court

and surroundings.friendly RomanbridgePost office CamaraTavira Wehereare GilaoRiverRua da Liberdade 72 8800-408 Tavira Tel 281 107 488 964 013 Rwww.restaurantealfarroba.com623ONALDO’SFAZFATOOpenfrom1stMay2010BootSaleSunday2May10-30am---2.30pmBaconSandwiches,Coffee,Teas10.30to12.30Roastlunchservedat1.30--3.00BootSaleeverySundayBAR Faz VilaCampoCorteCasaRONALDO’SFatoPastoFernandaAntonioMartinsGolfMonteReiNovadeCacela http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OgqGUN3SE0Thehttp://quintinha-animalcentre.org/DogsatGoldra.aspxhttp://quintinha-animalcentre.org/CatsatGoldra.aspxvolunteershavealsomadeavideooftheanimals, A sad Tail! Closing down of Goldra, the sanctuary of abandoned dogs and cats.

food, in

Al- ar-roba RESTAURANT TAVIRA A traditional Portuguese restaurant in the

This month I have received numerous emails about the sad closure of this animal shelter which has been running for 11 years. As I am unable to have pets myself, I thought I could help by telling as many people as possible about the situation. I have been told that Lourdes, the owner, is too old and the costs are too high for her to carry on. There are currently 96 dogs to be adopted and many cats. The deadline for these animals, literally, is the 25th of May, as after this time the remaining animals will probably have to be euthanised. I have been there after I found an abandoned kitten I couldn’t keep and there are many lovely dogs and cats that want to be adopted. I also know of many people that have adopted lovely animals from Goldra. I felt compelled to let you all know even though you all seem to have many rescued animals already. Us Brits are a soft touch. If you are thinking of adopting an animal, there is no better time or reason to do it. See below for the links to the dog and cat galleries. They are all lovely. I’ve been told that transporting them to other countries such as Holland or Germany isn’t a problem. I’ve been in touch with the volunteers who have been walking the dogs and getting them used to socalising, buying collars and leads for them etc, they also told me that the dogs that are very scared and difficult to be approached except with lots of patience and love, are going to be put down earlier. These dogs are often very sweet and it is heart-breaking to watch them all wanting to be taken. Please tell your friends, neighbours, family, work collegues, the more of this animals we can save the better. Thankyou. center Tavira, Portuguese warm


Page 10 Places info@eastalgarvemag.com

serving typical

Page 11 H ere are the 12 finalists for Miss Tavira 2010. Join us for the fantastic Gala’s on April 10th, May 15th and the Grand final on 26th June at the Meeting room in Tavira. February and March saw the castings for Miss Tavira 2010, at the fantastic Meeting room night club in Tavira. Miss Tavira 2010 info@eastalgarvemag.com \\\\ Themeeting room TAVIRA' S NIGHTCLUBPREMIER Contact us by FACE BOOK & HI5 barmeeting@gmail.com SUNDAY, MONDAY & THURSDAY 22H00 » 04h00 W I T H S E V ER A L E N T E RT A I N ME N T S FRIDAY & SATURDAY 22H00 » 06h00 FREE ENTRY SUNDAY & MONDAY L OU N GE B A R Have a drink with us in our MINIMUM 1 DRINK POLICY of 5€ THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Res ta ura nt O Monte Quinta Velha QVillage uinta Velha Village C on t a c t u s T E L : 9 1 5 3 8 4 2 2 C0 on t a c t u s T E L : 9 1 5 3 8 4 2 2 0 TAVIRA DISCOBAR beautiful and comfortable CABANAS DE TAVIRACABANAS DE TAVIRA Romantic Restaurant Come to discover a typical and Charming Village Delicious Food A Pleasant and Romantic Atmosphere For a suitable price....... Fall in love againFall in love again Dinner from 18h30 until 23h30 - closed Tuesday Lunch only with reservation – from 6 to 40 persons

• Where do these come from? Glucosamine and Chondroitin are natural body chemicals which go to make cartilage, which is the natural shock absorber in our joints and prevents our bones rubbing together.

• What is it good for? Development of cartilage, bone, ligaments, nails, hair, and skin. Many

P racticing The Bowen Technique puts me in contact with a lot of people here in the Algarve and part of my philosophy when treating people is to look at the whole body, rather than just the specific area of concern the client presents. I look at diet, lifestyle, posture, wallet in the back pocket etc. The usual things! In some instances I find that knowledge and experience with natural supplements is still low and that a little advice goes a long way into improving people’s health. This month I am featuring 5 of the supplements that I often talk about with clients. Don’t take this as Gospel, but read about it and if it relates to you, look into it further and make your own mind up if you think it is suitable for you. Always consult with your Doctor if you are unsure and read the instructions and contraindications carefully on any medication.

• What is it good for? Low fibre diets, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, easing bowel movements and lowering cholesterol.


• Where does it come from? Psyllium is the husk of the seed of the Plantain.

Gareth onprofessionalBullock’sadvicehealthsupplements

• What is it good for? Depressions, anxiety, sleep disturbances, gallbladder disorders, gastritis, bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, bed-wetting, rheumatism, muscle pain, hemorrhoids and gout.

• Where does it come from? Echinacea is a popular American wildflower and garden plant, the purple coneflower. There are three varieties of Echinacea, Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea pallida and Echinacea angustifolia



• Contraindications? Excessive use of St. John’s Wort increases sensitivity to sunlight. Avoid sunburn and minimize your exposure to the sun while using this medication. This herb can also cause bloating and constipation. Do not use St. John’s Wort while taking a prescription MAO inhibitor, such as Nardil or Parnate, as a dangerous interaction may be possible. Avoid aged, pickled and fermented food and beverages while taking St. John’s Wort. Foods such as aged cheese, wine and beer contain tyramine, which was formerly used to treat abnormally low blood pressure. The combination of St. John’s Wort and these foods could cause a sudden, dangerous surge in blood pressure. Additionally, St. John’s Wort should not be used by anyone with hypertension or borderline hypertension, as it can increase blood pressure.

• Contraindications? Echinacea should not be taken by persons with progressive systemic and auto-immune disorders, connective tissue disorders, or related diseases. It should not be used for more than 10 days. The use in children below 1 year of age is contraindicated, because of theoretically possible undesirable effect on immature immune system. The use in children between 1 and 12 years of age is not recommended.

• What is it good for? A natural immunity booster, a remedy for bronchitis, colds, cough, fever and sore throat, and is considered an effective treatment for urinary tract infections, poorly healing wounds, skin ulcers and burns.

• Contraindications? Do not use Psyllium if you have a bowel obstruction or a disease that causes narrowing of any part of the digestive tract. Diabetics should avoid Psyllium if they are having problems keeping blood sugar levels under control.

info@eastalgarvemag.comPage 12 Health


• Where does it come from? The plant species Hypericum perforatum, also known as Tipton’s Weed or Klamath weed.


PROPOLIS • Where does it come from? Propolis is a resinous mixture that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources

Just to let you know that I have just completed and passed the Advanced Bowen Procedures level to my qualification, along with 4 of my colleagues practicing here in Portugal. These procedures address very specific and deep issues clients may arise with, including Sciatica, wasting of calf muscles, herniated discs, groin pain, coccyx discomfort, burning heel, Achilles and ankle flex problems, scoliosis, whiplash and motion sickness, to name just a few. Each time I attend a Bowen course it reminds me of how vitally important and uplifting for human health this technique is. It switches people on physically and emotionally and adjusts, balances and improves the whole body. I am very lucky to have learned this and am very happy to offer it here in the Algarve. Bowen works, so your whole body can. Trust the technique, I do. UPDATE

• What is it good for? Inflammations, viral diseases, ulcers, superficial burns or scalds, heart health, strengthen the immune system and reduce the chances of cataracts. Old beekeepers recommend a piece of propolis kept in the mouth as a remedy for a sore throat.

• Contraindications? Propolis may cause severe allergic reactions if the user is sensitive to bees or bee products. My advice to you when looking at supplements is do not just go on price. Look at the content of the supplement and where it has been sourced from. This is far more important than getting as many as you can for as little money as you can. I heard one awful story that a certain brand of cheap vitamins is often found in the sewage works, still intact, with the logo clearly visible. Don’t flush your money down the pan. You get what you pay for!

CRANIOSACRALharmonisingOSTEOPATHYFormuscularandarticularproblems,treatedbyandresettingthebody’sstructure.THERAPYMASSAGESERVICE •All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy •Swedish massage,Quiromassage, Reflexology, •Lymphatic drainage, Traditional Thai massage, •Local massage for legs and feet or neck back and shoulders. CATHERINA PAUWELS, ILSE BRENNER Tel: 919 660 211 or 963 706 624 IN THE CENTRE OF TAVIRA Mail: catherinapauwels@clix.pt


Page 13info@eastalgarvemag.com

• Contraindications? Nausea, diarrhea or constipation, indigestion, upset stomach, soft stools, heart burn. The main problem with chondroitin and glucosamine supplements is that they are unregulated. Thus, when you buy glucosamine chondroitin tablets or capsules, you have to take extra caution. Some manufacturers are not as reliable as others, so make sure that you only choose the best.

European physicians are now giving Glucosamine to their Osteoarthritis patients as a first-line treatment. Effectively assists in maximum joint care, aids in rehabilitating damaged cartilage and improves mobility.

Page 14 info@eastalgarvemag.com

Kelly Roberts, a fully qualified hearing aid dispenser, explains.

Health I s it just me or are we suddenly being inundated with articles on noise and its effect on hearing loss? It seems that I see a related article at least once a week! I guess that’s good if it means people are becoming aware of noise’s potential to damage hearing. Here’s a good article I read on noise from ASHA (The American SpeechLanguage Association): “Basically noise is unwanted sound. It is a pollutant and a hazard to human health and hearing. Unfortunately, public awareness of the hazardous effects of noise is low – especially noise considered to be non-occupational. Both the amount of noise and the length of time you are exposed to the noise determine its ability to damage your hearing. Noise levels are measured in decibels (dB). The higher the decibel level, the louder the noise. Sounds louder than 80 decibels are considered potentially hazardous. The noise chart below gives an idea of average decibel levels for everyday sounds around you.

How loud is loud?

VERY LOUD: 80 dB = Alarm clock, busy street 70 dB = Busy traffic, vacuum cleaner 60 dB = Conversation, dishwasher If you think you have “gotten used to” the noise you are routinely exposed to, then most likely you have already suffered damage and have acquired

150PAINFUL:dB = Rock music peak 140 dB = Firearms, air raid siren, jet engine 130 dB = Jackhammer 120 dB = Jet plane take-off, amplified rock music at 4-6 ft., car stereo, band practice EXTREMELY LOUD: 110 dB = Rock music, model airplane 106 dB = Timpani and bass drum rolls 100 dB = Snowmobile, chain saw, pneumatic drill 90 dB = Lawnmower, shop tools, truck traffic, subway

Page 15info@eastalgarvemag.com 289 360 578 (Boliqueime) 281 325 842 (Tavira) Looking for reliable inHealthcareaffordableandPortugal? Home l Motor l Health l Travel l Commercial l Funeral Plans l Marine The Overseas Insurance People visit www.lloydwhyteintl.com for more information > Gain peace of mind in knowing quality healthcare is available > Policies designed to meet your requirements as an Expatriate > Access to a variety of policies to suit every pocket > Superior service, from experienced professionals > Call Lloyd & Whyte today to secure your quote. Lloyd & Whyte International Ltd are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the UK. Expat Health Insurancea permanent hearing loss. Don’t be fooled by thinking your ears are “tough” or that you have the ability to “tune it out”! Noise induced hearing loss is usually gradual and painless, but, unfortunately, permanent. Once destroyed, the hearing nerve and its sensory nerve cells do not Soregenerate!”beaware of the noise in your environment and take control of it when you can by limiting exposure times and wearing hearing protection like ear muffs or earplugs. Feel free to contact me for more information on noise induced hearing loss on 289 090 663.

Our opening times are: Tuesdays to Sundays 10:30 – 23:00. For more Information on coming events, please call 966 321 451. We look forward to welcome you to MONT’ BELO at CALIÇO Park”

S ergio and Nichol moved to Ayamonte 4 years ago to follow their dream of opening a Bar/ Restaurant in the area. Sergio has been in the restaurant and hotel industry all his working life. To complete this successful team, our “Chef” Philipe joined us from “OurFrance.plan for Caliço park is to provide a friendly fun atmosphere, with great food and excellent Theservice.”Menu is varied, containing snacks, including burgers, salads, sandwiches etc. to more filling meals such as homemade pizzas, pork, lamb, chicken dishes and juicy sirloin steaks served daily. There will be regular entertainment with singers, musicians, Quiz nights, themed evenings, craft fairs and fund raising events for local animal rescue centre. We will also be showing all major sporting events on Sky Sports. We are opening our Minimarket very shortly providing English products at affordable prices.

All the latest news from Caliço residential park.

Residents of the park now have the opportunity to make use of Sailing and Motor boat trips. Enjoy a relax ing day on the river, or even take the helm if you so wish, either way you are sure to enjoy one of the many trips on offer, starting from only 80 Euros for the boat (not per person). details on sailing trips, con tact Dave on 911 110 103, or email foreastalgarvesailingtrips@gmail.comthemotorboattripscontact

Sailing & Motor boat trips availablenow

Page 16 info@eastalgarvemag.com




John on (00351) 968 355 669 or email lynntess30@gmail.com

Restaurant Mont’ Belo at Caliço Residential Park, Vila Nova de Cacela.

Page 15info@eastalgarvemag.com YOURTHEHOMEOWNONEASTERNALGARVEFROM€30,000Situated11kmfromTaviraand11kmfromVilaRealdeSantoAntónioandtheSpanishborder.Mostplotshaveseaviewsasthecoastisonly5kmfromthepark.Theparkhasaswimmingpool,BarandRestaurant,FreeInternetaccess,DaytimeReceptionand24HourSecurity.Tel:(00351)281951360Tlm:(00351)917925031www.calico-park.comcalicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptVisitsarebyAppointmentCaliço Park ALGARVE PORTUGAL Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 N270 125 122 122 124 124 PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão ConceiçãoPererioMartinlongo PortellaCorchadeMoncarapachoCachopoFonteBispodo Caliço Park ALGARVE PORTUGAL RotaManta THE SHOW HOME 2BEDROOMS,3BATHROOMS,FULLYFURNISHEDPLOTSAVAILABLE (200-300 M2) RESALES (from €30,000) RENTALS(from €150 per week)

Walk about Fuseta

This April I decided to indulge myself and spend an afternoon strolling around Fuseta. It has been my favourite place to unwind ever since we moved to the Algarve. On numerous occasions, I’ve taken my children to the beach on a sunny Sunday afternoon, and shared it only with a couple of fishermen. Fuseta is a small town in the Ria Formosa, in the Eastern Algarve. Fishing boats leave from one end of the quay, small pleasure boats and the ferry to the island from the other. It’s sleepy in winter, busy for about a month in summer. Fuseta has a street market on Thursdays and a flea market on the first Sunday of every month. It has a small lagoon beach in the town which is great at high tide and perfect for toddlers who don’t like waves. It also has a very long and lovely ocean beach on the island. Fuseta has a lovely campsite by the quay. There is a newly renovated produce market which is open every morning (not Sundays) where you can buy fresh fish, meat, fruit and vegetables. On Saturdays the market is surrounded outside by many smaller stalls offering further local produce. The town lies on the Algarve Ecoway, the coastal foot and cycle path, along which you can now walk east to Arroteia, Pinheiro and beyond, or west to Bias and on to Olhão. In the charming town square you can join the locals gossiping and sipping coffee. As the Saturday market packs away, the bbq fires up serving up mixed meat on one side and the freshest of fish on the other. I love Fuseta, and was reluctant to tell anyone about it in case it becomes spoilt, but I have put my selfishness aside, and highly recommend a stroll around this little town. Whether you drink a beer, listen to some of the laid back live music in a beachcafe, find your oasis on the island, or sit and watch the boats pass by on the lagoon, it is a friendly, beautifully clean, and peaceful place to be.

Page info@eastalgarvemag.com

Pageinfo@eastalgarvemag.com Walk about Fuseta

Page 20 E very property has a story to tell about the owners and their reasons to settle down in the Algarve. Personal preferences and circumstances can change over time and a property that was ideal in the past may no longer be suitable today. Here is the story of Maria and Heinz, a couple from Germany who lived the dream and decided it is time to move on. Tired of the rat race and poor weather conditions in Germany, they decided to leave their home country in the nineties. After an extensive search for the ideal location which lead them to places like Austria, Mallorca and Italy, they arrived in the Eastern Algarve and immediately fell in love with the region and finally found a beautiful plot of land that ticked all REAL ESTATE LIVE, INVEST AND ESCAPE GOLF PROPERTIES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES LHV-927PLOTS Covering the whole of the Algarve as independant real estate agents, we can provide you with unbiased advice when you decide to purchase a property and can introduce you to a wide choice of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied clients. We currently have over 700 properties available online and would be very pleased to help you find your ideal home. If you are the owner of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment Contact us today: 281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281 TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 happyAbrighterfuturehomeslda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira info@eastalgarvemag.com A chance to own this unique property in the East Algarve.



Page 21 boxes to build their future dream home. The panoramic view towards to ocean is really stunning. Together with the help of a local architect they designed their new home which had to offer accommodation for both the owner as well as visitors, but above all it had to be a light and airy villa. All rooms are of good size and full of light. In addition, a heated swimming pool with inviting sun terraces was a must. A large workshop in the basement was another necessity as the owner is an inventor and needed space to work. The good size garage was not large enough to incorporate this Today,activity.the couple live the dream many wish for. The eye catcher of this extravagant villa is an integrated modern double height South facing cubicle, with large glass front and panoramic sea view. From the wide hallway with large ‘floor to ceiling’ windows, views to the pool and mature garden, to the spacious kitchen and well appointed bedrooms, light and space is what determines this property. A good size detached guest cottage has been frequently used by friends and family, offering privacy to both owner and guests. The owners went out of their way choosing only the highest quality of materials and finishing’s when building their new home in the Algarve, and includes under floor heating throughout the property, solar energy, and a large, 2000 litre thermal storage tank, which can also run on gas or solid fuel. This system is connected to a heat pump to further optimize energy efficiency. After many years of joy, the owners have decided, with a heavy heart, to sell their villa. If you would like to receive more information about this property, please contact Land & Houses Algarve – Yellow Homes in Tavira (Sole agent, price on application). Land & Houses Algarve –Yellow

Your place in the sun?

Page 22 info@eastalgarvemag.com Ref: 981 €260.000 Generous semi detached, furnished townhouse in Manta Rota, just 10 minutes walk to the beach, in a closed condominium with pool. Two private parking spaces, 4 beds, two baths, living room, kitchen fully fitted, large patio with BBQ, sink and shower. The house has a/c, central vacuum and mosquito screens. Company AMI 7673 Office: Tel/Fax 281 952 820 Mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2 Casawww.algarvemantaproperties.comSALES:RENTALS:www.algarvemanta.ptEMAIL:sarah@algarvemanta.ptAnibalR/ClojaB,EstradadaMantaRota8900-038VilaNovadeCacela MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL WEBSITEbelosantospedras@hotmail.comwww.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI APARTMENTS - VILA REAL SANTO ANTÓNIO - 4 brand new apts. type T2, w/ lift, solar panels, common roof terrace (53.05m2. Situated within the town centre on a one way street, close proximity to train station, bus stop, ferry boat to Spain, 3 kms 105.000beach.longandw/MontefromGordoitsCasinobeautifulsandyPRICE-EUROS/EACHOLD HOUSE - TAVIRA - In the cen tre of the town, this old patrician house type T3, on first-floor, has a lovely façade, very large private terraces and lovely views of the town. In need of modernisa tion though retaining charming charac teristics, such as pretty windows, wooden floor and ceilings. PRICE - EUROS 240.000 ▲ ▲ Luxury top floor lounge2hall,entranceapartment3beds,baths,with fireplace, fully fitted kitchen, balcony with BBQ, private roof terrace & underground parking. A/c, central vacuum. Furniture. Amazing sea, countryside & city views. CONCEIÇÃO REF: F0413 117 500€ Rua 1° de Maio, 30-A, 8800-360 Tavira, Portugal Tel. +351 281 324 684 Fax: +351 281 324 685 Website: www.imo90.com Email: imo90tavira@gmail.comSOCIEDADEDEMED.IMOBILIÁRIA,LDALICENCANo764-AMIREALESTATEAGENCY REF: A3254 SANTA CATARINA REF: V3189 215 000€ Located in the withtown,fromminsabouthamlet,countrysidesmall20driveTaviraplot1,460 M2 land and villa with kitchen, lounge, 2 baths, 3 beds, patios & balconies with fantastic countryside & sea views. COTOVIO REF: V3097 In a peaceful countryside area, renovated character farmhouse, 4 beds, 2 baths, kitchen, dining room, lounge with fireplace and storage. It’s within 675 Sq metres plot with trees, flowers and swimming pool. TAVIRA Renovated farmhouse, 1 bed, shower room, lounge, fully fitted kitchen, doors to patio & BBQ. 1046m2 plot, space for a garden & pool. Quiet countryside location 196 500€ EastAll&BuildingAlgarveGardensgeneralBuildingworkundertaken Full refurbishments • Tiling Plumbing • Joinery Roofing • Painting Etc. Generalmaintenancegarden Decking • Patios • Planting FOR A FRIENDLYPROMPTSERVICE Tel 00351 964 508 128 ian.shaw72@hotmail.co.ukemail 220 000€

The last couple of years have been tough but people are still looking to purchase property on the Algarve. While cash buyers are very attractive to vendors, it’s still worth looking at a mortgage due to low interest rates, why spend all your savings? If you are looking for a holiday home or do not wish to be a permanent resident here, the maximum loan available is 80% of the loan to value with a maximum term of 30 years up to the age of 80 years. However due to the current economic client most banks are looking for 25% deposit. So for example if you are purchasing a property for 400,000 euros you will need to have 100,000 euros available. If you are already a resident here (i.e. you pay your IRS here and have residency) in theory the maximum loan available is 90% of the loan to value. We spoke to Philippa Rowat, Director of Premier Mortgages who confirmed “The bank will lend 80% of the Valuation of the property and in the current market where many vendors are open to offers on their property this can sometimes mean putting less down, although in our experience the Banks usually want some amount of contribution by their client”.

www.manor-park.com Properties Lda, Head Office – Almancil Estrada de Vale do Lobo, Sitio das Escanxinas, CP 947 A, Apartado 3207, 8135 -903 Almancil , Algarve, Portugal, Tel: +351 289 391 303 info@manor-park.com AMI 2198



This month Manorpark take you through your mortgage options.

Finally Phillipa Rowatt confirms “The non resident mortgage market in Portugal has grown quite competitive across the banks in recent years. This is good news for the client as terms are now negotiable and comparable from one bank to another. It is always a good idea to use a reputable brokerage that can advise you of the best deals Feelavailable”freeto speak to your estate agent who can point you in the right direction of reputable banks and mortgage brokers. Why buy with a mortgage?

When purchasing a property there will be fees such as your IMT (Municipal Property Transfer Tax), Imposto do Selo (Stamp Duty), lawyers fees etc. But when purchasing with a mortgage there will be other fees involved. Phillipa confirms “Overall clients should budget approx €1,500 plus tax for the banks mortgage fees plus the 0.6% of the loan amount for the Government Stamp Tax. The majority of fees are paid upon completion” Be aware that all banks in Portugal will insist on you taking out their own building multi-risk insurance and may ask for life insurance particularly if you are a resident There are different types of mortgages available depending upon your situation these including repayment mortgages, interest only (available from 3 to 5 years for those that are looking for a lower start, perhaps until a rental income stream has been established), speak to your advisor about what is best for you.


SERVING YOU AND YOUR GUESTS WITH COMPLETE SATISFACTION IN MIND 00 351 913 692 170 or UK 0161 298 4800 RENTALSwww.smartavillas.com&PROPERTYMANAGEMENTLet us make renting easy. Management Packages tailored to suit your needs Advertising•Enquiries & Bookings •Payment Collection•Cleaning •Laundry•Meeting•24/7 Helpline •Bill Payments•Guest Services; Golf Leisure Trips & Transfers taviraauctionAladdin´sCaveGoodQuality2ndhandfurnitureLIVINGROOMFURNITURETABLESANDCHAIRS ✣ BEDROOM ACCESSORIES ✣ WHITE GOODS GARDEN ✣ MIRRORS ✣ GAMES ✣ BOOKS AND VIDEOS ✣ DISCS ✣ ART ✣ ANTIQUES EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO FURNISH A HOME Give us a call anytime; 00(351) 916 138 www.taviraauction.com059 We are happy to make an OFFER on your HOUSE CLEARANCES & SINGLE ITEMS FARO N125 Mte Gordo AuctionTaviraGranPlazaTAVIRAStationPetrol TRANSPORT?NEED We arrange it for you... price per hour 00351 916 138 059 (English) 0034 660641237 (all languages) NEXT AUCTION 17.04.10 Doors open 9am, Auction at 10am VIEWING & TAKE IN DAYS Monday-Friday, 10am-1pm Page 24 info@eastalgarvemag.com Full property management services offered, to include as much or as little as required by individual clients, to suit personal needs. Services offered are: * Full administration of client’s accounts & forwarding of detailed monthly statements. * Weekly property checks. * Pool & Garden construction & weekly maintenance, carried out by professionals. * Cleaning & laundry services. * Contact for security *companies.Plusmany, many more! Tel: + 351 91 908 1052 Email: trust@world.net.pt A family run business, offering a friendly service, carried out with professionalism and integrity! FOR SALE Two bedroomed detached house with lounge, fitted kitchen, study and large fully tiled bathroom, sympathetically refurbished throughout. Air con in bedrooms and lounge. Lounge also has a wood burning stove, The cottage is situated in land of approximately 6,500m2. Lots of outside space for entertaining and relaxing, including a swimming pool, terrace area and barbecue area. Original bakehouse also a shed, garage and aviary. For more details call 00351 281 971 758 or email cottagePrettylisbethmarrs@gmail.comAlgarvean€299.000Situatedinaquietruralareabutidealforallamenities.Viewstoopencountryside,notoverlooked...6kmstoTavira&thebeach&only30minsdrivetoFaroAirport.

NEIL & EMILY RICHARDSON REMOVALS “Caring for your possessions is second nature and we strive to care for yours as if they were our own” TLM. +351 939 486 870/+351 939 486 807 Member of the British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce Tel +351 281 963 191 Email: neilandem@sapo.pt Website www.ne-internationalremovals.comApartado166,8800TAVIRAREMOVALS&STORAGELOCAL,NATIONAL&UK Packing service • Mudanças e Armazenagem Page 25info@eastalgarvemag.com

info@eastalgarvemag.com Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 Office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira eapr@iol.pt • eapm@iol.pt www.east-algarve-property-rentals.com • www.east-algarve-property-management.com By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll take care of you and your house as we would our own. PROPERTYMANAGEMENTPROPERTYRENTALS Page 26 UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY... To purchase a holiday home with rental potential the park is set in 9 hectares of rolling country side on a south facing hill with sea views. Only a 10 minute drive to some of the regions most beautiful beaches and the area has numerous championship golf courses. This Quality 2 bed mobile home is fully equipped and furnished. INCLUDES: Telephone/internet/satellite dish, Air conditioning, Central Heating, Covered decking, Garden with car parking. SITE FEES PAID UNTIL 2011. ONLY €72,950 ono. For appointment to view, or more details please phone 934 571 583

info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 27 RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: AMIpropertyrussell@mail.telepac.ptwww.algarve-pt.comLicensenº870-MemberofAPEMIPnº1178Av.MariaLizardaPalermo43a,8700-081Moncarapacho,Algarve,Portugal Super comfortable 3 bedroom VILLA on 1 level with POOL, GARAGE and CARPORT sitting in 5.920m2 of land with garden and trees. Property of the month * Huge lounge-dining room 64m2 * fitted & equipped kitchen * pantry * entrance hall with domed ceiling * cloaks * master bedroom with full en-suite * 2 bedrooms * shower room * Gas central heating * underground gas tank * A/C * pellet burner * mains water * borehole * water softener * solar water heating * telephone * SAT-dish * 10 x 5m pool with saltenator & cover * property part fenced * electric entrance gate *tarmac driveway * extendable awnings * PVC tilt & turn doors and windows * Central location * good access off local tarmac road * near Fuseta. REDUCED from 450.000€395.000€to Ref: 1147V

Page 28 info@eastalgarvemag.com Food V isit Restaurante Beira Rio in the centre of Tavira, and enjoy this irrestistible dish, while taking in the stunning views of Tavira’s “Roman” bridge and the River Gilao. This restaurant offers seating both inside and out, and never fails to make you feel more than welcome. Resident Chef Jose has worked there for over 20 years, and his menu offers a diverse range of traditional Portuguese and Irish dishes. Why not pay them a visit! FilletofChickenstuffedwithmozzerella Wrapped in smokey bacon, covered in a tomato and basil sauce, and served with vegetables Rua Borda d’Agua da Asseca, 46-50 - 8800-325 Tavira Tel./Fax 00 (351) 281 323 165 E-mail info@beirariotavira.com

Page 29info@eastalgarvemag.com Specialities: Home made soups, Salads, Fresh fish daily, Steaks, Cataplanas, Vegetarian dishes, Pasta dishes, Home made desserts, Irish coffee, Extensive range of wines & ports. Traditional Roast served every Sunday, Live Music Available for group bookings, large seating area by the river. Rua Borda d’Agua da Asseca, 46-50 - 8800-325 Tavira Tel./Fax 00 (351) 281 323 165 E-mail info@beirariotavira.com TVAvailablechannelswww.beirariotavira.com With seating both inside the Bistro and on the Bougainvillea shaded terrace, relax and while away the hours with a choice from the carefully selected wine list and a plate or three of Tapas from the extensive menu. TAPAS & WINE BISTRO OUTSIDE TERRACE NOW FULLY OPEN Telephone 289 792 087 Rua do Carmo; No15, Moncarapacho, 8700-096, Olhão April promotion Join us for a glass of sparkling Rose or White wine on any lunchtime or Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights. All diners will receive a glass of our fantastic house sparkling wine. ◊ INTERNATIONAL TAPAS ◊ NEW SPRING MENU ◊ SUPERB WINES ◊ STONE BAKED, HAND MADE PIZZAS ◊ DAILY SPECIALS BOARD ◊ TAKE AWAY PIZZAS ◊ MINIBUS SHUTTLE AVAILABLE OPEN FOR LUNCH 12PM-2.30PM AND DINNER 7PM-9.30PM (CLOSED SUNDAY EVE AND ALL DAY MONDAY) Sítio do canal. tlm. 917 536 135 / 918 646 544 (gas station Santa Barbara de Nexe 400m. up and 300m. left by the well.) This www.sennas.euForchoices.manyfromdegreesorwinesWewelcome.feelwillcosyordrink,bodywelcomesBAR-BISTROevery-forjustasometapasadinner.Theatmospheremakeyouathomeandhavedifferentbyglassbottle,zeroHeinekendraftandothermoreinfovisitOpen from 17.00h, Sunday from 16.00h Closed onandWednesdaysThursdays

mesa do cume TABLE ON THE TOP Discover the serra MesadoCume/TableonthetopMesadoCumeisamodernrestaurantnestledatthehighestpointintheserraofEasternAlgarve,situatedhalfanhourdrivefromTavira.Wewouldliketoinviteourguestsforanuniqueexperience,enjoyingabeautifulscenicdriveupthemountain,enjoyingtheserrawithitstraditionallifestylesandbeautifulnature.DELIGHTFULANDAFFORDABLEMENUS,ALSOOFFERINGEXCELLENTVEGETARIANCHOICES•REFRESHMENTS,COFFEE,HOMEMADECAKES,LITTLEAPPETIZERS•ALFRESCODININGTERRACEWITHSPECTACULAROCEANVIEW•MARKEDWALKINGANDMOUNTAINBIKINGTRAILS,DESCRIPTIONSAVAILABLE ALL OUR FOOD IS HOMEMADE, FRESH AND VERY TASTY These attractions makes your Mesa do Cume experience a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of the coast. Open 10am till 5pm, until June (From June till Sept till 11 pm) MONDAY AND TUESDAY CLOSED • Location: Alcaria do Cume, RN 397 Tavira – Cachopo • Phone: 281 326 144 / 912 725 745 • Web: www.mesadocume.net • E-mail: mesa.do.cume@sapo.pt ÒEnjoy the feeling of having entered a world where all the senses are gratifiedÓ Good life ÒPart of the fun is getting thereÒ O SuplementoÒHighlyrecommendedÓ1-2-3Algarve Page 30 info@eastalgarvemag.com RuaRESTAURANTEMUSEUDOVINHOAlmirantecandidodosReis63-TAVIRA R.Joao Vaz corte Real R.deSant’Anna BecodeSantana R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R. R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReis RBordadeAgua da Asseca R Alm CandidodosReis RAmaliaRodrigues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R Dom Paio Peres Correia TravessadaFonte Roman Bridge, TaviraFor“Verywelcoming&excellentfood,thoroughlyrecommendit!Excellentserviceandfriendlyatmosphere”“Excellentfood,goodwine,greatexcperience”“Excellentfood,fantasticservice,alwayswithasmile”reservationsTelephone918502029 INTERNATIONAL CUISINE WITH FRENCH SPECIALITIES PRIVATE DINING ROOM AVAILABLE & WARM PATIO EATING AREA LOCATED IN THE CENTER OF TAVIRA, ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM VILA GALE AND PORTA HOTELSNOVA East Algarve MAGAZINE PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US FROM ONLY €50, UP TO €250 FOR A FULL PAGE If you would like to promote your business with the East Algarve magazine contact us on info@eastalgarvemag.comorTel961700200.Ifyouwouldliketomeetwitharepresentative,pleasecallSteveBoothon967190218(SaoBras)orKimAllenon927168059(Tavira) As an advertiser you automatically become a distributer, and will be provided with a number of copies to issue to your customers.

Rua da Liberdade n.º 126 FUSETA • OLHÃO • ALGARVE Telephone 289 798 045 SPECIALITIES INCLUDE Fresh local seafood • Cataplanas • Specialseafood rices • Fish noodles • Fresh grilledfish • Filet in Mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in Portugal)• French veal steak • Duck breast in orange and honey PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE! LIVE ACOUSTIC SESSION EVERY SUNDAY. CALL FOR RESERVATIONS FUSETA As a truly international restaurant, some of our favourite signature dishes are: Thai Fish Cakes with Dipping sauce, Schnitzel with Capers and Thyme, Fillet of Pork with Griddled Apples and Calvados, and Spicy Green Thai Chicken Curry Add to this, an attractive dining room, al fresco terrace, and professional service, and TerraNova is great for any occasion. Pe trol statio n Footba ll pitchFrJunteegesia To Bo rdeira Santa Barbara de Nexe center Junction signed Quinta das Raposeiras & TerraNo va Follow signs to TerraNova,5minsonyourleft Conveniently located just 5 minutes from Santa Barbara de Nexe, and 15 minutes from Faro airport, this most popular and respected dining spot has been serving a faithful clientele since 1996. Pe trol statio Santa Barbara de Nexe center Quinta das Raposeiras, C.P.206, Bordeira, Santa Barbara de Nexe, 8005-527 Faro, Algarve, Portugal. Reservations: 917 587 374 email novaterra@usa.net Dinner from 7pm • Closed on Sundays Page 31info@eastalgarvemag.com 12,50€ (unlimited) Drinks not included Children under 8 years - 50% A beautiful restaurant located in Tavira's Gran-Plaza shopping centre. Situaded away from the food hall on the second floor, with unique, stunning, coastal views. 281 322 021 | sushimishmish@vodafone.pt HotSushiand cold dishes FriedShrimpand breaded Grilled to order Wok (sautéed vegetables, meat, shrimp, cuttlefish, mussels and other delights of the sea) A selection of Seasonal fruits Various desserts available Take Away available courtFood2nd floor We are here

Page 32 info@eastalgarvemag.com

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ettuces in their various forms are the most important salad crops, easily available at anytime of the year since the development of varieties which can be grown under glass in winter. The heavy, crisp iceberg lettuces are more popular in America, and were developed to survive transport from California to the markets in the east.

PEST AND DISEASE Apart from the usual danger of slugs and snails, lettuces are particularly attacked by aphids and by cutworms. The lettuce root aphid (pemphigus bursarius) is the worst danger. The fat pale brown aphids crowd around the tap root and the plant grows poorly, goes yellowish and collapses in dry warm weather. The aphid is spread by ants, and often infects weeds such a sow thistles, several Served in dishes for the last 4500 years, the lettuce is one of the oldest cultivated vegetables.

Looser, softer cabbage lettuces are more popular in Northern Europe. Cos lettuces, at their best in spring, are much grown in the eastern Mediterranean. In China, the Celtuce, a variety with swollen crisp fleshy stalks, is widely grown for use sliced and stir-fried.

L Gardens Page 34 info@eastalgarvemag.com

CULTIVATION Lettuce requires a rich but welldrained soil, kept continually moist during the growing season. Premature drying out causes the lettuces to go to seed early, before they have developed their full size. The ideal soil is one in which manure or compost has been incorporated the previous autumn, but failing that the plants can be watered with a nitrogen rich fertilizer. Seed requires cool conditions to germinate, and may become dormant above 200C. Early spring and autumn crops are best sown in boxes indoors and then planted out a spacings suited to the variety, but late spring and summer crops are best sown in the position and then thinned. This is probably because they produce deeper root systems and are more tolerant of drought.

ORIGIN All lettuces were developed from the wild species Lactuca serriola L. found wild in clearings in woods, rocky slopes and waste places from Asia and North Africa to northern Europe. It is a winter annual, germinating in autumn, and forming rosettes of leaves which become very conspicuous on roadsides when they begin to flower in late summer, the stems reaching 2m in height. The leaves are often spiny and usually held in a vertical position. They are either obovate and entire, or deeply lobed. The small flowers are pale yellow, and the seeds grayish green.


HISTORY Lettuces were grown by the Romans, but are thought to have been cultivated first by the ancient Egyptians in around 4500BC. Wall paintings in some Egyptian tombs are thought to represent a narrowly pointed form of Cos lettuce, though there are suggestions that the plant was first cultivated for the edible oil in its seeds, rather than as a salad. The wild species is horribly bitter even when young, and the selection of less bitter forms would have been one of the first actions of the early cultivators of the crop as a salad. Bitterness is associated with the production of latex, the milky juice still found in the cultivated varieties when they bolt. Lettuce as a food plant was probably introduced to Britain by the Romans, who favoured the plant after it was said to have cured the Emperor Augustus. Their varieties needed blanching to make them less bitter. The earliest post-Roman mention in Britain is in Gerard’s Herball in 1597. He mentions eight varieties. Seeds were taken to America by the early settlers. Lettuces with firm hearts are only known with certainty from the sixteenth century onwards. Modern breeding has concentrated on resistance to disease and bolting in the common types, and on more fancy leaf shapes and colours such as red and curled. As readers of Beatrix Potter will know, lettuces are soporific. This property has been recognized since ancient times, and is mentioned by Hippocrates, who was born in Cos in 456 BC. The bitter latex was often used as a substitute for opium or laudanum. Dr A. Duncan of Edinburgh studied the effects of lettuce juice, which he called “lactucarium” and in 1809 published a paper entitled An account of a method of preparing a soporific medicine from inspissated white juice of the common garden lettuce.

Page 35info@eastalgarvemag.com QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 23/3/10 18:40:25

ornamental daisies and perennial vegetables like globe artichokes. It is thought to survive the winter on populars, where it breeds in the young leaf stalks before flying to the lettuces and other hosts in June, making the worst months for attacks June, July, August and September. Other aphids affect the leaves, and the main danger is that they can carry virus diseases. Modern breeding has produced varieties resistant to root aphid, and where root aphid has proved to be a problem, the varieties “Avoncrisp” and “Avondefiance”, or the aphis-tolerant variety “Debbie” can be grown. Some strains of wild species Lactuca virosa have provided breeders with a useful source of resistance to these aphids. Cutworms, which are the caterpillers of various moths, can also be a nuisance. They eat into the root of the lettuce at ground level, and before they have been detected, the plant collapses, and the caterpillar has moved on. They are best controlled by going out with a torch at night and searching around the base of the plants. The cutworms are brownish or greenish, fat and juicy-looking and about 2cm long. A fierce watering in early June will also kill the young caterpillers, before they have been able to do any Leatherjackets,damage. the larvae of the daddy-long-legs or cranefly, are also sometimes troublesome. They can eat the roots but seldom kill the plants outright. Various mildews may also infect lettuces. The worst is grey mould or botrytis which affects plants outdoors in exceptionally wet and humid weather, and in winter lettuce grown under glass. Downy mildew, which affects the leaves, can also be a problem especially in the autumn, but again using a resistant variety will help. And although you can spray with a fungicide it is not usually worthwhile. Mark O’Shaughnessy

There is however another very invasive but mainly hidden form of water entering our homes and causing costly damage. It comes in the form of damp rising through the foundations and up through the walls and floors. Damp in this form is not easy to eradicate and a large proportion of the homes we live in

1 Improve Ventilation - This will remove the internal moistureladen air and replace it with drier air from the outside - for outside air is drier than inside air at least when it’s not raining!

8 Use an anti-mould treatment and anti mould paint once the building has dried out.

On permeable surfaces such as wallpaper, painted plaster finishes and the fabrics in our homes the condensation is absorbed into the material. Therefore, the problem is not always initially obvious. Condensation like this is very much a seasonal problem, occurring during the colder months during the summer, the problem is either not visible or only present in bathrooms or Duringkitchens.thewinter, the ventilation of our houses is normally quite low, the windows and doors are closed and generally draught-proofed. This allows the build up of water vapour in the house, which is sufficient to cause condensation. This condensation becomes apparent from the following symptoms:

Thebedding!control of condensation is possible with very simple steps however

7 Keep handy and use a portable dehumidifier to combat any random moisture build up during wet and cold weather conditions.

Warm air can absorb more water vapour than cold air and condensation is caused when this moisture-laden air comes into contact with a cold surface - the air is cooled and the

2 Improve Heating – In conjunction with ventilation heating should be used to provide a comfortable background level and will provide warming of wall surfaces over a period of time, reducing the risk of condensation.

The problem of Condensation is by far the most common cause of dampness in our houses, probably accounting for the majority of damp problems reported. It affects both old and new buildings and can be significant where the building has been adapted or modernised. Condensation is directly associated with mould growth. It is what you will see first and it gives an indication of the potential scale of the problem. The mould is usually found on decorative surfaces, especially walls or the back of furniture placed against a wall, where it can cause severe and permanent spoiling. The mould and its spores can give rise to complaints about health and cause the “musty” odour frequently associated with a damp house. The most common places for condensation to occur are on cold walls, windows, and our beautiful tiled floors and possibly in roof spaces too should we have them.

Damp – a

A s highlighted in the last issue, the weather of recent months has tested the weatherproofing of our houses to extreme levels making in some cases the houses Howeveruninhabitable!the problems caused by rain penetration through porous walls, cracks in the structure, leaking down pipes or holes in the roof can be cured, all be it at some cost.

water vapour condenses back into its liquid form and can then be seen as droplets on colder impervious surfaces like windows.

3 Reduce or eradicate the causes of condensation – by removing the excess moisture sources - e.g. bottled gas heaters and the indoor drying of clothes.

• Slightly damp walls that very often goes unnoticed Development of black moulds It is important to realise that the problem can occur well away from the site of the water vapour production so that water vapour produced in the kitchen or bathroom may move in the air through the house into a cold bedroom where it will condense on cold walls and into the fabric of our

Page 36 info@eastalgarvemag.com Environment

• Water droplets form on cold surfaces such as glass and tiles.

4 Keep kitchen and bathroom doors closed when in use and always switch on the extractor fan!

5 Identify and insulate cold wall surfaces.

6 Undertake building maintenance to prevent possible water penetration.

theproblemrisinginAlgarvePrevention is better than cure! Gavin StevensonBennett provides some sound advice!

info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 37 ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMAN of the monthinfo@furniturefrontera.com ∙ www.furniturefrontera.co.uk BRAND NEW WAREHOUSE SHOP OPENING SOON IN FUSETA MuelleFRONTERAdePortugal, 55. Ayamonte Spain Tel 0034 959 470 971 Saturdays:MondayorTelComercioCentroFRONTERA/INTERIORISSIMOOTradicional,Ruado-Almancil289392461,911911909toFriday:10am-6pm10am-2pm ENFrontera,125Murteira da Fuzeta,Baixo, 8700-121 Tel: 289 392 461 or 911 911 909 TAVIRA FUSETAOLHAOEN125 NEW WAREHOUSE OUTLET OPENING AFTER EASTER ON THE EN 125 HALFWAY BETWEEN FARO AND TAVIRA Ring now for exclusive viewing appointment and take advantage of HUGE savings Take furniture away from our large stock or ask for FREE ALGARVE DELIVERY! Furniture packages a speciality from €4,599 MASTERJOINER JOINER & GENERAL MAINTENANCE... 20 years experience of fitting Kitchens, Floors, Doors, Decking, Locks etc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! Eastern Algarve & Central 281 328 648 or 926 615 244 masterjoiner@hotmail.co.uk suffer from it in some form, the signs are clear when we discover the paint on walls flaking off and being replaced by a fine coating or line of what looks like table salt crystals. This is the scourge of Rising Damp; the primary cause being a lack of any adequate horizontal damp proof course or waterproof membrane in the walls and foundations. Note. The current Portuguese building regulations stipulate that the building contractor must have specialist engineers prepare project documentation that provide specifications for such things as Thermal insulation, Building Ventilation and Damp Proofing in addition to the projects that provide for the myriad of other technical specifications now required. Not so however in years gone by, so a lot of our houses suffer poor insulation, poor ventilation and lack of damp proof courses in the walls and Thisfoundations.formofdamp enters our houses from the bottom up and must not be confused with other forms of damp caused by leaks, poor maintenance or condensation. Rising damp permeates the buildings structure over time and then leaches out of the walls to create the characteristic

Page 38 info@eastalgarvemag.com Environment Urb. Parque da Azinheira, Lote 3, R/C Dto, 8150-054, São Brás de Alportel Tlm. : +351 965 059 203 h: +351 912 230 676 Tel/Fax : +351 289 845 385 email: www.harmoclima.ptharmoclima@sapo.pt


Solar CentralHeatAir-conditioningsystemspumpsheating Under floor heating Central WindSwimmingGeneralsystemsvacuumplumbingpoolsgenerators flaking paint and plaster with the growth of moulds low down on Risingwalls. damp in buildings occurs when water from the ground rises up through the concrete and bricks and mortar of a building by a capillary process. That is, water rises up the wall of a building in the same way that oil rises up through the wick of a lamp. The height to which the water will rise depends on several factors including the porous structure of the walls construction and the rate of evaporation both internally and externally. Masonry containing a higher proportion of fine pores will allow the water to rise higher than a coarsely pored material. Ground water contains soluble salts, including chlorides, nitrates and sulphates. When rising damp occurs, these pass with the water up the wall and are left behind as the water evaporates. Over years of active rising dampness large quantities of these salts accumulate within the masonry and decorative surface, most becoming concentrated in what is termed a ‘salt band’ towards the maximum height of rise of the water in the wall. These eruptions of salts cause the decorative wall finishes of our homes to be severely disfigured with costly repairs and treatments and redecorating regularly needed. The effects we see can include paint that does not adhering to the wall and flakes off, wall paper lifts and stains appear, plaster flakes away and feels soft and spongy, bubbles appear under paint finishes and white powder or crystals appear, the joints between skirting boards or tiles grow green mould. On outside walls the render finish frets and falls off leaving exposed bricks and stonework, stains or white powder appear on the surface. These problems are mainly aesthetic, however it is possible that structural damage could result from extensive rising damp and of course a damp mouldy environment can pose a health risk to people, as identified in the UK and other northern European Thecountries.now traditional but costly treatment of rising damp known as “damp-proofing” or “dampcoursing” typically involves the installation of a chemical damp proof course into many holes drilled at strategic positions around the base of all the outside walls using specialist pressurised injection equipment, followed by re-rendering or re-plastering of the lower portions of the wall using a salt retardant Recentadditive.technical developments by a German company have however made it possible to treat this problem in a very cost effective, permanent and non invasive way. The patented technology uses very low power, low-frequency electromagnetic waves that change the charge polarity of the ions in the water to become equal to that of the

info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 39 ground, the water is subsequently over time (6 – 18 months) drawn back down into the ground and the capillary rise of the water upwards is prevented in the future. The system can be used for all types of masonry and does not require construction work or the drilling of holes or the insertion chemicals into the wall and foundation structure. The power consumption is approximately 6 Watts so its yearly operating cost is equivalent to running a low power energy saving lamp and the design life span of the System is guaranteed at 20 years by the Themanufacturer.systemnow available in Portugal has been so successful in combating rising damp in the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia that the inventors have been awarded a Diploma of Honour by the buildings curators in recognition of their support of the Museum restoration project. For further information or assistance please contact: Gavin Stevenson-Bennett The Heat of the Moment Lda Tel 281 326 551 Telm. 968 386 896 Environment Dear Editor, Thank you for your article about the mould in your article of this month. We very much have a lot of this thing and our landlord don’t do nothing for us. Do you know if anybody have this same problem to. From Maria Dear Editor, I was very interested to read your article on mould in this months magazine. I have not let out my property this season because of the dampness and mould which I have experienced (as a lot have too). I was advised not to let out by a friend who is now being sued for letting out a property which was not up to health and safety standards ie dampness and mould on the walls. Agents and property owners beware! This is now a very serious issue. With kind regards, Gwen Rogers Dear Katie, Just a quick answer to your mould problem. I have found a easy spray in the supermarket from Cillit Bang (purple bottle with white top) called Limpeza Poderosa Manchas and Bolor. Its easy to use, just spray on and leave for about 15 mins, then rinse off with a sponge and gone is all the black..the best thing about it is, it does NOT need painting after, does not leave a yellow stained mark also it does stop it from appearing again. It contains a little bleach but does not have that smell to it. Try it, I find it great! Thank you again for a great magazine, Kind regards from Katie WarrenSAYYOU

to make a considerable

? Places

ABOVE: Event at Quinta Fonte do Bispo.

BELOW RIGHT: Philippa Rowat and Manuela Robinson from Premier FX with guests Carlos Reis and Victor Lourenço at the Hilton in Vilamoura.

Fiduciary Wealth Management, Rua Rainha Doña Leonor, Bloc A, 3rd Floor, Suite BP, 8100-501 Loule, Algarve, Portugal. • LONDON • PORTUGAL • SPAIN Regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission untold story about QROPSHow tax saving drawing down pension Portugal are limited. To send Tel: 00 351 289 432 397 | Fax: 00 351 289 432 397 | E-mail: wealth@fiduciarygroup.com www.fiduciarywealth.eu PRIVATE CLIENT SEMINAR AGENDA 16:00pm Registration & Refreshments 16:15pm Welcome & Introduction 16:20pm QROPS Demystified: The key benefits by Fiduciary Wealth 16:40pm QROPS: The tax angle by Qualified Portuguese Tax Advisers 16:50pm Investing for Income: by Fiduciary Wealth 17:10pm Questions & Answers Find out more by attending one of our seminars on the following dates: Wednesday 14th April - 4:00pm at the Boavista Golf Club, in the Clubhouse, on EN125 between Lagos and Luz. Thursday 15th April - 4:00pm at Couleur France Restaurant, Almancil, immediately off the EN125 close to Apolonia Supermarket. T hree “Information Days” were held last month at Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Boa Vista Golf Club and the Hilton in Vilamoura. Hosted by local companies, the days acted as a forum for expats to gain a variety of information on services to assist living in Portugal. Those who attended were also invited to sample wines from Quinta das Bágeiras and a range of British cheeses from importer Cheese & Pickle. Event organiser Janet Tartaglia, of Lloyd & Whyte International Ltd, said “I am delighted with the response, not only from existing customers but from a lot of new faces as well. In the current economic climate, it is great to see local businesses uniting to provide an enhanced service to both their existing and new clients. Due to the success of the three days, we will now be organising this as an annual event. We hope to see you next year.” Wealth Management make information days a regular event!

us your full contact details by

isKnowledgepower! Fiduciary

BELOW LEFT: Bernardo Almeida with David Salway and Wendy Ormsby from Cheese & Pickle and Philippa Rowat.


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register attendance, please


or register on-line by clicking the events tab at:



Page 41info@eastalgarvemag.com Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAWYERTelephone:281325635or281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 Mobile Phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 E-mail: advogados.law@mail.telepac.pt orSharesPropertyPurchase8800-360RuaWebsite:mail@taviralawyers.comwww.taviralawyers.com1°deMaio,no9,Tavira-PortugalofCommercialandResidential•MortgagesonPropertyor•FormationofTrustCompanies•Banking&financeadvice•TaxationAdviceDevelopmentandPlanningLaw•PersonalInjury•ContractDisputes•PowersofAttorney•WillandProbate•DebtCollectingandProcessService•EnforcementofJudgments•MaintenanceOrders•FamilyLawandDivorce•NationalityandResidencyApplicationsPORTUGUESE,ENGLISH,SPANISHANDFRENCHSPEAKINGSOLICITORSOFFERINGCLIENTSTHEBENEFITSOFLOCALREPRESENTATION. Insurances for: Health (international), andCarHouse,more... Proposals and Policy Wordings for English!!!insurancesvariousin Stephan Schade Rua José Pires Padinha 182 (close to Barclays and the old market halls) 8800-354 Tavira Tel: 281 001 170 / Mob: 968 771 577 Luís de Brito - Contabilidades, Lda.ProfessionalACCOUNTANTSSPEAKINGENGLISHAllyouraccountancyissuesexplainedandtranslated.&FriendlyServiceLuísManuelDuartedeBritoCharteredAccountantRua1.˚deMaio,n.˚45-1.˚Esq.8800-360,Tavira.NearVILAGALÈTAVIRAHOTELTel281324962Fax281324222luis.de.brito@mail.telepac.ptGabigest ALGARVEDOCASTNEPPROVE TNEMUdocumentsOfficialDIMPORTANTALGARVEDOCSAPPROVEDOfficialdocumentsIMPORTANTEVALGARDOTNEMUCSAPPROIMPORTANTdocumentsOfficialVED ANDLICENSESPERMITS We can take care of all your license problems or queries, from Drivers’ licenses, Building permits, Pool licenses, Tourism licenses to car matriculation. Benefit from our experience! Please contact us with your questions and ask for a free ALL INCLUSIVE quote. Tel.AlgarDocuments(+351)913182 499 Skype contact: www.algardoc.comalgardocuments info@algardoc.com ALGARDOCUMENTS ALGARDOCUMENTS

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Saturday, 6 of March 2010 Singles

LEFT: Gonçalo Martins Dias, Benamor owner and Administrator congratulates Maggie Lea on receiving 1st Prize Net for Ladies, ABOVE: A toast to Benamor

On March 6th 2010, Benamor Golf celebrated its 10th Anniversary.

classic tournament

T his was the opening tournament of a series of 6 known as the Benamor Classic Golf Tournaments that will be played over the course of the year. Close to 60 players participated in this inaugural event which was followed by an elegant Buffet Lunch featuring our Regional Gastronomy and Wines, and closing with the awards ceremony. Despite the rain, the day proved to be very memorable for players and guests. Benamor would like to thank all participants for helping make this event such a success, as well as thank its friendly and efficient Staff for making Benamor a course that is inviting and pleasant for all those who visit. We mustn’t forget to thank all of our sponsors and suppliers that help us on a daily basis, and allow us to maintain a partnership that permits us to guarantee the quality of all our products: Golf, Restaurant & WeProShop.would like to remind all golf lovers that Benamor will be organizing 5 additional tournaments, with the next one taking place on May 15th, 2010. Information and registration for this and the remaining Benamor Classic Tournaments can be viewed at www. Tobenamorgolf.com.all,averybigThank You!

Saturday, 20 of November 2010 Greensomes Stableford Regional Flavours Gourmet Lunch Sogrape 55€30€WinesGolfersOnlyLunch

Benamor golf

Saturday, 18 of September 2010 Medal RegionalStrokeplayFlavours Gourmet Lunch CasaWinesErmelinda de TerrasFreitasdoSado


LEFT: “Happy Birthday” to Benamor BELOW: Nuno Aires, President of “Entidade Regional de Turismo do Algarve” awards Luis Filipe with the Longest Drive for Men

Saturday, 17 of July 2010 Better Ball Stableford Regional Flavours Gourmet Lunch VilaWinesQuinta dos ValesAlgarve

Saturday, 16 of October 2010 Texas Scramble Stableford Regional Flavours Gourmet Lunch QuintaWines do Barranco LongoAlgarve

Saturday, 15 of May 2010 Foursomes Stableford Regional Flavours Gourmet Lunch MonteWines VilarAlentejo

6 Tournaments over the Course of the Year: 1st Amateur Tournament that combines your passion for golf with the flavours and aromas of our Regional Dishes and Wines.


A3-1 defeat at championship contenders Sp.Braga on a windswept and very wet evening could not dampen the enthusiasm of the faithful Olhanense fans. following the game the group retired to a local restaurant where a big surprise was awaiting one expat member. Two months ago Neil Richardson suffered a heart attack but thanks to the prompt action of the bombeiros and the wonderful doctors and nurses at Faro Hospital he has made a remarkable recovery. His wife Emily, who has been running their removal business in Neil’s absence, was celebrating her birthday and following the meal she was showered with presents from her many Portuguese friends. Pride of place among the gifts was a goalkeeper shirt worn by her hero Bruno Verissimo when Olhanense won the second division championship last season. The champagne corks popped and a large birthday cake cut to complete a memorable evening.

BELOW RIGHT: President of the Portuguese Golf Federation congratulates Dottie Powell on receiving the 1st Prize Gross & Longest Drive for Ladies


Bottom club Belenenses arrived at Olhão without an away win all season and the 4,000 fans were in expectant mood. But they were to be bitterly disappointed as the

Page 43 Email: Website:info@cabanasgolfshop.comwww.cabanasgolfshop.comAddress:Rua25deAbrilNr18AConceição,TaviraAlgarvePortugal Tel 00351-281 326 939 Tlm 00351-915 424 642 Benamor Golf Cabanas Tavira WeAlturaarehere NEW, BALLS,DIAMONDBLACKGOLFONLY7€FORA12PACKbanas a C Golf Shop THIS MONTHS OFFER &Highslows Olhanensefor

ABOVE: Even the rain couldn’t take away the players smiles...

BELOW LEFT: Jorge Botelho, President of the Camara de Tavira (City Hall) congratulates Nuno Grade on receiving the 1st Prize Gross for Men


The following week a last gasp equaliser in the final seconds of added-on time at FC Porto denied Olhanense a famous victory. This pulsating match was witnessed by 33,000 fans with millions more watching on TV. With recent victories against Sp.Braga and Arsenal the home side gave the impression that they only had to turn up to take all three points. But former Porto legend and now manager of Olhanense, Jorge Costa had other ideas. The team had travelled by budget airline Ryanair but their performance was first class as they flew into a 2-0 lead with only eighteen minutes on the clock. In the secondhalf Porto attacked incessantly and with ten minutes to go hotshot Falcao, 17 goals from 21 games, netted from close in. The home side pushed forward and deep into stoppage time substitute Guarin scored to level the game at 2-2. It was cruel luck on Olhanense who had been denied what appeared to be a strong penalty claim when Bruno Alves climbed all over Djalmir.


Page 44 info@eastalgarvemag.com Sport ManagementunderNOWNew The Mad Hatters Riverside Bar Open every day Noon till Midnight Sunday Breakfast 9.30 am till Noon Imported Beers Old Specked NewcastleJohnGuinnessHenSmithsBrownBoddingtons Ciders MagnersStrongbowVintageBulmers 43 The M Riv Agora com NOVA THEMADHATTERSRIVERSIDEBAR Visit us at the “MAD HATTERS” by the military bridge in the centre of Tavira. Tel 00351 281 323 886 OPEN DAILY 10amLateuntil DRAUGHT BEERS: Guinness, John Smiths, Strongbow, Veltins, Sagres Guinness, John Smiths, Strongbow, Veltins, Sagres, Selection of imported beers and ciders including Magners and Magners Pear. GRIMSBY COD, CHIPS, MUSHY PEAS, BREAD & BUTTER AND POT OF TEA €6, SUPERSIZE FOR €8. PUB FOOD SERVED AND ALL DAY ENGLISH BREAKFAST. CALL TO ARRANGE EARLY TEE TIME BREAKFAST. R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.DrSilvestreFalcão R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R.4deOutubroR.dasSalinasR.PrimeirodeMaio R.Primeiro de Maio R.JoãoAriasR.dasFreiras R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReisR Alm CandidodosReis RAmaliaRodrigues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R DomPaio Peres Cor e a TravessadaFonte BAR IN TAVIRA Smoking bar with the largest selection of draft beers in Tavira.

Sponsored shave for Madeira How do you help a devastated community that just four months ago welcomed you with open arms? That was the dilemma facing three expat Olhanense football supporters, who with a group of forty fans, had travelled to Madeira last December to watch their team play Marí timo in Funchal. Larry Bawden, who has sported a beard for the past 20 years, Neil Richardson & Chris Wright will all have their beards shaved-off on the weekend of 16th/17th April when Marítimo play the return fixture at the José Arcanjo Stadium. Neil Richardson said, “We had a fantastic time in Madeira and the local people were so friendly. We hope our support will, in some small way, help the community rebuild their lives.” Cafes and shops in the East Algarve are helping by holding raffles and accepting donations. Those already giving their help include Beira Rio Restaurant & Irish Bar, Tavira; Restaurant Fonte Nova, Pechão; Ma’s Bar, Manta Rota; the new furniture warehouse Frontera, on the EN125 at Fuzeta; Cara’s Hairdressing Salon, Tavira and Mad Hatters Riverside Bar, Tavira. For more information on how you can help: email Christopher.wright@hotmail. co.uk or call 916 504 903.

LIVE MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY. NICE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE, OPEN FROM 11AM-2PM Rua Poeta Emiliano da costa TELEPHONE 916 573 194 HAPPY HOUR-7PM-9PM. ONE FREE DRINK WITH THIS ADVERT team from Belem (Lisbon) ran out 3-1 winners. This was an enormous victory for Belenenses who had scored only three goals in ten away games before this match. For Olhanense the centre-backs Tengarrinha & Miguel Ângelo were well off the pace and the only players to come out of this match with any credit were Castro and substitute Yazalde. More bad news awaited the fans when they heard that their inspirational skipper Rui Duarte would be out of action for at least six months following surgery to repair cruciate ligament damage in his right knee. Jorge Costa will now have to re-organise his team as they approach vital games away to top teams V.Guimarães and Benfica whilst V.Setúbal, Marítimo (Madeira) and Leixões visit the José Arcanjo Stadium in Olhão.

Benfica win first major title of the season The Carlsberg League Cup Final between league leaders Benfica and last season’s champions FC Porto resulted in a comfortable 3-0 win for Benfica at the Algarve Stadium. ‘Man-of-the-match’ Rúben Amorim gave them the lead as early as the ninth minute and Carlos Martins added a second on the stroke of half-time. Substitute Óscar Cardozo completed the scoring in the final minute after good work by Rúben Amorim and Saviola. Benfica will now hope to cement their position at the top of Liga Sagres whilst also doing battle with Liverpool in the quarter-finals of the UEFA Europa Cup.

info@eastalgarvemag.com Page 45 SWIM-ARTE IS A SWIMMING POOL COMPANY WITH OVER 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. • We are experts in pool renovations, pool building, pool covers, UV and salt systems, heatpumps, child safety fences, chemicals and anything else for your pool. • We are distributors for EUROPA Piscinas fibreglass swimming pools. • We service and do pool cleaning. Protect-A-Child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free. LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE ON THE FIBREGLASS POSTS. THESE POOL FENCES ARE EASILY REMOVABLE. FENCING AROUND POOLS ARE SOON TO BE A NEW REGULATION IN PORTUGAL. LUGARDE designs and creates wooden garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a wide variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. LUGARDE creates high quality products at acceptable prices. •POOL COVERS AND POOL ENCLOSURES. •PREFABRICATED SWIMMING POOLS LESS EXPENSIVE AND FAST BUILDING. •DLW DELIFOL POOL LINING WITH A 10 YEAR FACTORY GUARANTEE UP TO 12 COLOURS •WHIRLPOOLS AND SPAS. •WOOD LINE WOODEN POOLS IN OR ABOVE GROUND. •FILTER INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT. SWIM-ARTE E.N. 125, Sitio de Sao Pedro 8800-407 Tavira Tel : 281 326 671 Fax: 281 324 618 Email swimarte@hotmail.com We speak: English, German, Dutch and Portuguese

Page 46 info@eastalgarvemag.com



This month’s book review comes from Elizabeth Beaupied from book shop A Lura dos Livros. You know, belonging to a book club is a good way to read books you wouldn’t ordinarily read if left to your own devices. Twice a month here at the bookshop two different groups meet and talk about their selections. Based on a premise of trust, one person each month has complete autonomy in choosing a title, and each month at least one person is compelled to read a book they don’t like. It’s rare, however, that anyone feels what they read was a complete waste of time, even if they “hated” it. Last night’s group had a passionate discussion about “Three Cups of Tea” and they gave me permission to use some of their comments in my review...it’s the lazy way out, I know, but they had such interesting, and surprising, things to say. Greg Mortenson failed in his attempt to summit K2. On his way down from the mountain he got lost and wandered into the village of Korphe, set high in the Karakoram range in Pakistan. During the time he spent there recovering from his exertions he came to know and admire the people who looked after him. He was impressed by the physical strength and spiritual tenacity of this impoverished community, and positively heartbroken when he visited the “school”, an exposed bit of ground where the students sat in a circle and used sticks to scratch out math problems in the frozen earth. Even when no teacher was present (the village was too poor to afford full-time instruction) the children persevered, so strong was their desire to learn. Once Mortenson was well enough to return home he did so with a promise to the village elder that he would return one day and build them a school. Here is where the discussion got interesting: Does one strike out on their own, when there are already so many NGO’s in place, and act in a renegade fashion to push through his own agenda? Are all Muslim children educated in religious schools destined to become terrorists? How does one’s relationship with a severely handicapped sibling influence that person’s actions in the outside world? How important is the education of women and what affect does it have on the community? Why isn’t Greg Mortenson in charge of US foreign policy? Why was he not awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? How difficult must he be to live Thewith?book was written by Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. Some of the readers felt the style was a bit journalistic, some thought that Relin has simply fallen in love with his subject... whatever you’re impressions, I think you’ll find “Three Cups of Tea” an extraordinary look at what one very determined individual can accomplish, and a thoughtful insight into the circumstances and influences that shaped his character. Have a good month, Elizabeth. dos Emiliano da Costa TaviraTel 281 323A199wide and eclectic range of new and used books in the English language, as well as a generous helping of used and collectable books in Portuguese and French. Also a wonderful selection of children’s books. Special orders and book finding service available. Gift certificates.

A dosLuraLivros Lura

Livros Rua Poeta Emiliano da Costa 16 - Tavira - Tel: +351 281 323 199 38 E-Mail: lizbeaupied@yahoo.com Rua Poeta

Free classifieds Page 47 Portuguese lessons Centre of Tavira, all levels,14 € p/h. For a personal and productive contact Sophie, Tel 965 165 605. Chimney and wood stove flue sweeping by registered East Algarve based professional Call or text Gavin 968 386 896 Property management services laundry cleaning key holding east Algarve 967 534 584 www.peaceofmindgb.com Pool cleaning and garden maintenance pool safety fencing Karl 967 015 960 email jokarl68@yahoo.com CHILDMINDING. Tavira area. Great references. Good rates. Joanne 934 139 793 Language Services, Translations from Portuguese, German and French into English. Proof reading of English. Teaching of English at all levels from a qualified CELTA teacher and MCIL. Contact John Cliffe Tel: 915 454 401 email baywatcher34@yahoo.co.uk Stephen Freeman, Painter & decorator Friendly service, Highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email stephenfreeman@sapo.pt Bay-bee. baby equipment for hire. Tel: Sue 00351 912 988 076 The Plumber Tel: Mike Vickers 914 595 696 Cakes by Vicki Confectionery, Desserts & Birthday Cakes All Hand Made to Order. Tel Vicki: 917 000 E-mail:vicki.roden@sapo.pt969 Select sitting Service Reliable & trustworthy couple available for housesiting and pet sitting. For more info or Quotes please contact Emma 967 667 275 Professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. ACTIVITIES CAR BOOT SALE Every 4th Sundayof the month, Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Sta Catarina, call Gillian on 281 971 484 Painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, Sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta fonte bispo tel 289 845 561 SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING every THURSDAY at the CASA DO POVO, MONCARAPACHO (opposite Galp Service Station), 5.30 -7.30 PM. No experience necessary, just turn up and join in or Contact Monica or John on 289.791.998 or 914.798.833 for more details. info@eastalgarvemag.com CLASSIFIEDSAREFREEforprivateadvertisers,BusinessadsarefreeforonemonthONLY. Email your Ads to informationinfo@eastalgarvemag.comIfyouwouldlikemoreonadvertisinginthismagazinepleasecall:961700200 PROPERTY FOR SALE 2 year old Townhouse 3 Double beds, 1 en-suite 2 shower rooms + W/C. Large Lounge, Kitchen, Dining Room, int Garage. Sat TV, A/C, Solar H/W and roof Terrace. €205,000, Moncarapacho Tel: 289 791 122 Mob: 916 401 482 Ruin for sale Detached 75m2, no land, ideal for non-swimmers & non gardeners. Quiet location nr. Sao bras. €25.000 Tel 919 907 118 PROPERTY FOR RENT 2 double Bed Apt with terraces.Modern & walking distance to Tavira. Available Jan-May 2010 Contact: Kate- 926 360 484 Email: kateelse@yahoo.co.uk Large 2 bed furnished apartment, 2 big terraces In the Town of Tavira.Close to all amenities, Sea Views. Long or short term €500 p/m: Call Heath: 961 898 575 or email: heath.tpb@gmail.com Tavira. Long term rent. Unfurnished 3bed/2bath apartment with roof terrace and garage. €499. Tel: 289 798 046 FOR SALE Relocating? For sale 40 strong, large, flat pack boxes and 8kg of bubble wrap. €40 Telephone 289 792 034 or 912 993 049 Sky diggee box. Used, but in 1st class working condition.Can be seen working €50. Tep 28 1325 705 or 965 836 779 Tavira area Single bed, metal folding with mattress €25 excellent condition Tel. 289 846 206 or 922 134 429 Renault Clio 1.2, 16valve, L.H.D Portugese registered 10/02,blue, good condition, 105,000kms, €3,900. Tele 919 301 177 Mercedes 230e, UK reg, lhd, superb condition unused for 2 yrs ideal matriculation €1500 Tel 919 907 118 Caravan tabbert contesse 650. Sleeps six, space for cooker and fridge. Not matriculated. €5,500ono. Tel 938 501 651. Static caravan for sale as new, 2 bed, 38x12, fully equipped, a/c, sat, int, decking, hottub, private site, sea views. £49.500, Tel 289 798 648 or 964 857 283. Nr Moncarapacho. Satelite dish 1 metre with new LNB 20 Euro and freeview sky digibox €40 Tel 289 846 206 mob 922 134 429 Planer/thicknesser “INCA” heavy duty bench or suit stand, reconditioned with spare new blades. Bargain priced at €300 Tel 289 846 206 Mob 922 134 429 Citroen C5 Estate, diesel, 2002, RHD, UK reg, no tax or MOT, fantastic MPG, very good condition, €2,000, Tel 961 700 200 Hardwood logs, Topsoil, Manure, Pine, Bark, Pebbles, Gravel, Paving stones etc, Tel 919 907 118 Powerful pond pump (125litres a minute) for sale, 40 euros, tel. 281 971 758 WANTED Wanted: 2 Bed townhouse in peaceful location with some outside space in the Tavira area ready to buy now. Contact; Kate 926360484 Email: kateelse@yahoo.co.uk Experienced chef requires full time or part time work call Mark on 967 890 058 or email markwilson98@hotmail.com. Wanted, retired book keeper to help out with UK accounts, Tel 913 528 928 Villa with pool to rent long term at least 2 years, tel 00351 916 138 059 Wanted, large plot with ruin in the Santa Catarina area. Call or text 927 969 602 Wanted Actors! For a very funny short play called ‘Last Tango in Little Grimley’ 4 characters, 2 male and 2 female, over 30 but no upper age limit. chrisjohn. martin@yahoo.co.uk or 0034 618 975 607 SERVICES Tattoo - piercing at home 100% Hygene - Personalised Designs TEL :(00351)961 645 056 e-mail : remtattoo@hotmail.fr Carer/home help available, NVQ3 Qualified, Tel Maira Tel 935 088 336 Home care service- over 10 years experience, all aspects of care provided from home help to 24hr nursing.Tel. 927114911. Window cleaning Tavira’s number one service. Tel 968 880 166. Dutch band, In the East Algarve the beginning of May, has dates left to play on May 4th, 5th, 6th and www.amsterdamsestraatband.nl8th. Chef for hire for BBQ’s, Dinner parties etc. Experienced professional. for more info call Mark on 967890058 CENTRE RESTAURANTTAVIRAOFFORSALE * Terrace studio with panoramic view * Typical wine bar * Well estabished * Excellent reputation * High class existing clients For further details please call 917 925 031 or email 1950asf@gmail.com



Page info@eastalgarvemag.com HOTEL RURAL, RESTAURANT & BAR QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO For information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the EN270 near Sta Catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our website www.qtfontebispo.com Alcoutim Lagos ALGARVE SilvesLagoaMonchiquePortimao Albufeira Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira 120 0 267 267 266 120 125 125 IC4 A2 A2 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IP1 IC4 125 125 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 124 124 124 1124 24 124 124 124 1 125 9 124 11 24 S.João MexilhoeiraGrandeBensafrimLuzMarmelete Rogil Caldas Monchiquede Odiáxere Estombar Porches Pêra Guia Alte Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe Ferreira AlcantarilhaS.BartolomeudemessinesAlgoz Tunes Paderne Boliqueime FonteBispodo HEREAREWE OPEN FOR Tuesday-SundayMEALS9am-9pm UPCOMINGAPRILEVENTS SAT 3RD - JAMES BOND NIGHT with glass of bubbly welcome drink, hot & cold buffet. Music from the mov ies, dancing and casino games. Starts 7.30pm, entry 10€ p/p including food, welcome drink and tokens for games. SAT 17TH - BUDDIES 60’S & 70’S NIGHT, 7.30pm. English fish & chips followed by lemon meringue pie, 8€ p/p. SAT 24TH - JOUK’S FASHION SHOW AND CHARITY DINNER DANCE. 7.30pm. Another of Jouk’s impressive collections followed by music and dancing. 3 course meal plus half bottle of house wine. 15€ p/p. MAY SAT 8TH BUDDIES NIGHT SAT 15TH, FAMILY GARDEN PARTY Starts at 1pm FOR KIDS; Bouncy castle, juggling, balloons, face painting and games, Live Portuguese band, F.A. Cup final Live on t.v. BBQ including chicken, pork, fish, sausages, salads and more! Craft fair- stalls selling handmade items from soaps to stone works. Workshops including - mosaic, art and gardening.



food available


of the

SAT 29TH CHARITY SUPER QUIZ, 7.30pm, 3 course meal & entry into quiz 15€p/p 4th Sunday month NIGHT Wednesday, from 6.30, Quiz starts at

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