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Family pets stolen in Burglary


On Wednesday evening, 21st April, a family in Costa Esuri, Ayamonte were burgled. Sadly, their beloved dogs were stolen, 2 elderly Yorkshire Terriers, 14 and 12 years old, named Toto and Emma. They are sisters, Toto is approximately 3.6 kilos, and Emma, who likes her food, 5 kilos. The family are devasted and are offering a generous reward for the safe return of their dogs, no questions asked. Can you help? The family would do anything to get them back. If you can give any information relating to the whereabouts of the dogs, please contact us or Per and Ayami Gulklett on 0034 959 328 092, 0045 3051 7309 or Steven Hall on 0044 777 556 5513. Thankyou.

Wind Turbines STOPPED

Residents of Agua de Tabuas and Malhada do Judeu celebrated as they learned that the project for 3 turbines proposed for the area has been thrown out. After 14 months of objection from villagers, the evidence against the proposed site of Cavalum turbines proved too strong. This expensive route proved to be an effective one, as Tavira lawyers picked apart the shabby proposal the company had submitted. They found countless errors, omissions and false reporting. They had claimed (originally) that the village of Água de Tábuas was virtually uninhabited, despite much contact with people who lived there, stating that over 50 nearby properties were “abandoned” when some of them had already been bought-up for development. They misrepresented distances between the turbines and properties, used unrepresentative wind-readings to “prove” residents would not suffer noise disturbance, and falsely claimed that the single dirt track accessing the village would be suitable for all the huge equipment and cranes they would be using during the installation. The proposed site also caused a big stir among Portugal bird experts, as a pair of rare Bonelli eagles nest nearby. The SPEA and top Bonelli Eagle specialist, Luís Plamer drafted letters in the strongest terms, informing the CCDR that it would be a bad move to erect turbines in the territory of these birds of prey. The first act of PROBAAL president António Dario de Sousa Viegas was to sign a letter from the association calling for the rejection of the proposal, which was sent along with almost 200 signatures. Quotes from this letter are contained in the official declaration issued by the Ministry of the Environment. Thankfully this Wind Turbine project was rejected. There were several main reasons given for this by the CCDR, but importantly, they specifically listed all the negative opinions of local residential and environmental groups. In short - people power. Residents can now get on with their lives without the threat of 120 metre towers looming 300 metres from their homes, and the fear of developing ‘Wind turbine syndrome’, disturbing noise or seriously decreased house values. Written by Amanda McGregor

Tornado hits Alicoop closes in May

Tavira The last 16 shops in the Alisuper chain will shut down by the end

Tavira’s riverside was hit by a of April. The measure is designed tornado on the 17th April at to protect any property that can approximately 9.00am. No injuries still be sold at public auction to pay were reported, but up to thirty boats creditors (insolvency settlement). were damaged and several trees This means another 58 workers will came down. The buildings of the join the 380 who had their contracts Tavira nautical club also suffered suspended at the end of March. damage. It was reported to be a low According to union sources, should intensity tornado, which apparently the solution be to liquidate the are quite common. group all at once, there would be a “social catastrophe” in the Algarve. Creditors are due to meet at the end of May to make their final decision. Alicoop became insolvent in August 2009 due to its accumulated debts of almost 80 million euros. A recuperation plan was drawn up for the group – but banks refused to approve it.

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