Nov11 East Algarve Magazine

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magazine FREE Olh à O · s à O br Á s · tavira · a lc O utim · castr O marim · vila real de sant O ant Ó ni O East Algarve November 2011 © GuadianaTheriver Focus on Golf tips From PrayingAshdownKeithMantis Gardening Health What's in a cigarette! People GardenTavira

Welcome... Editor PUBLISHER & dESIgNER Richard Bassett EdITOR Katie Bassett EdITORIaL cO-ORdINaTORS Richard Bassett Snr. advERTISINg Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail PRINTEd By GraficasLitografis-ArtesLda,Ferreiras dISTRIBUTION 3,250 copies printed. All advertisers are issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication magazineEast Algarve 4


Casa das Portas is a unique shop in the heart of Tavira, the most beautiful town in the Algarve. Visit the shop and experience first-hand not only the extraordinary images of the town created by the owner, Jane Gibbin, but also the ever changing collection of beautiful things ethically sourced from Portugal and around the world. Unipessoal Lda













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... to the October issue of the East Algarve Magazine. This month we bring you a host of different people to meet! There's Keith and his wife Julie from Carnedale, a new butcher in Tavira, Mike, Fatima and Bjorn from the Bistro in Tavira Gardens, and also Ryan, the new manager of the Tavira Discount Warehouse. After last month's gardening feature on the destructive Palm Weevil, Mark decided to bring you some better news about garden creatures; the Praying Mantis, the gardener's friend! Our food page comes from Restaurant Vila Velha in São Brás, and as well as our regular features, a report on the Historic Motor racing festival in Portimão. Our 'Focus on' this month takes you to a special place, Alte, one of the prettiest villages in the Algarve. I hope you enjoy this month's issue. NOTIcE BOaRd Let us know your thoughts. WHaT’S ON Things to do this month. Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! HEaLTH What's in a cigarette. BEaUTy Hairdressing Q&A. aRTS Joe Webster at Corte Real. PEOPLE Bistro at Tavira Garden. Meet Keith and Julie Carnedale. ON The village of Alte. PROPERTy Never waste a good crisis. PROPERTy Property of the month. All change at Tavira Auction. 31FOOd From Vila Velha, São Brás. gaRdENS Praying mantis. 36ENvIRONmENT Water conservation. 40FINaNcE Social security dilemma. 42SPORT Historic motor racing festival. 43SPORT The latest from Chris Wright. 44SPORT Golf tips from Keith Ashdown. BOOK LOvERS’ cORNER This month's book review. cLaSSIFIEdS Grab a local bargain. 12 42




Casa das Portas, Rua Dr Augusto Silva Carvalho, 3, 8800-324, TAVIRA, Portugal Telephone: +351 281 321 025 email for orders and information:

TransGuadianawww.transguadiana.comtransguadiana@iol.ptFindusonfacebookat:Cruzeiros TheGuadianaRiverCruisesbestdayoutintheAlgarveWinTER CRuiSES: Tuesday 15th & 29th november BOXinG DAY SPECiAL Lava Shell Massage is a deeply comforting and relaxing full body massage which uses naturally self heating Tiger Clam shells from the sun kissed shores of the Philippines. These marine polished sea shells glide smoothly over the body and are used as massage tools to release muscle tension and blocked energy flow to provide a sense of balance to the entire body and mind. APA005 DesignInterior/ExteriorSpecialists Curtains • Blinds • Cushions • Bedspreads Soft Furnishings • Lighting • Furniture Packs Choose in the Comfort of your Home or Business Any Hour! Tel 918 250 501 EveryFADOWednesday night in Santa Luzia at Casa do Polvo Tasquinha, Tel. 281 328 527 and Thursday nights at the Wine Musem, Tavira Tel. 918 502 029 MondaylessonsDanceeveningsatQuintaFontedoBispotel281971484

V.R.TheaTResTOanTOniO - Joao seabrasand up comedy, 12/11, 20h30 with dinner, 22h30 show, monte gordo casino. TaViRa - ardente - memorial for pe dro & ines of portugal, 30/11, 21h30, cinema theatre. sspORTãOBRás De alpORTel - extreme marathon, 13/11, 09h00, escola eb 2, 3 Poeta bernado de Passos. TaViRa - 1st national eventing com petition - equestrian show, 19/1120/11, 10h00, regimento de -infantaria n'1. tel 281 380 094

TFaiRsaViRa - st martins mini handicrafts fair, 12/11, 10h00-18h00, Waterfront market. TaViRa - almadrava handicraft exhi bition, 20/11, 10h00-18h00, waterfront market. sãO BRás De alpORTel - 2nd charity market, 28/11, 10h00-17h00, municipal market.

Rua Diogo Cão, Loja 8, 8900 - 440 Monte Gordo Tel: 281 512 997 Fax: 281 512 079 Telm: 966 089 341 / 918 849 167 E-Mail:

www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 4 Email: Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira Contactus This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders. What’s on Your guide to what's happening in and around the East Algarve this month, have fun! Things to do this MARKETSNovember Loulé: every saturday. Estoi: 2nd sunday of the month. moncarapacho: 1st sunday of the month. Quelfes: 4th and 5th sundays of the month. Tavira: 3rd saturday of the month. vila Nova de cacela: 3rd sunday of the month. castro marim: 2nd saturday of the month. Sta catarina: 4th sunday of the month. Galeria artisExhibitionFuzeta!Ladorawithnat.andint.to11.November,paintings,photographsandskulptures,16theNovnewexhibition,openingat8p.m.Tue-Fri10-12.15-19,Sat10-13,MT916343564 St (TheChaplaincyVincent’sChurchofEngland inthe EveningAlgarve)worship onRemembrance Sunday13th November 2011 at 6:00pmin the Chapel Nossa Senhorado Carmo At the Hotel Vila Gale Albacora Tavira All are welcome Clear yourBispo,QuintaBootCluttersaleevery4thSundayatFontedotel281971484fordetails

sexhiBiTiOnsãOBRásDealpORTel - "modern art Tapestries" by gudrun Robinson, until 13/11, alportel museum. sãO BRás De alpORTel - "a little of us", paintings and ceramics by maria Jose and David silva, 03/1130/11, municipal Gallery. sãO BRás De alpORTel - (cork and the sea), by Dorneles & lucia silva, 04/11-30/12, arts and crafts center.

V.RDancesTOanTOniO - serva la Bari, 25/11, 20h30 with dinner, 22h30 show, monte Gordo casino. OlhãO - "Vale" spectacular show, 26/11- 21h30, 27/11-16h00, municipal auditorium.

1st National Eventing Competition - Equestrian Show, Tavira 19/11-20/11, 10h00, Regimento de - Infantaria No1. Tel 281 380 094 Come and join us on the 'Jasmin Flor' and enjoy the best day out in the Algarve. We start the cruise in Vila Real Santo Antonio and sail up the calm, picturesque river that separates Portugal and Spain. You will learn about this historic border region, in English. After two hours, we arrive at a small Portuguese village for a three course lunch, and possibly a swim at our restaurant. We have a traditional Portuguese party, and after a leisurely return cruise, you will feel relaxed and will take home many photos and happy memories. Like all our guests, you will say it was your best day out in the Algarve!

DONT"S MISS V.R.musicsTO anTOniO - monte gordo casino, Fado and more. 11/11, 20h30 with dinner, 22h30 show. TaViRa - concert by charles childe, 12/11, 22h30, casa do Povo de sto estevao. sãO BRás De alpORTel - concert for Families, 12/11, 18h00, cinema theatre. V.R.sTO anTOniO - Joao Kowac, 18/11, 20h30 with dinner, 22h30 show, monte gordo casino. TaViRa - 3rd grand Fado gala, 18/1119/11, 21h30 Function hall sta luzia. TaViRa - algarve Orchestra, 26/11, 18h00, carmo church.

Tavira beauty spot closed by council

News Health Page 6 Page

Closed Wednesdays. english greeting cards available, all only

Matters of the heart have baffled humans since the dawn of time, with sonnets and entire books devoted to the meaning of love. now scientists are finding that the blood pump in your chest is just as complex. You can't live or love without it. Find out the sappy scoop on the heart, including how sex and laughter are indeed good for it, and how bad news really can break it.

1Weighing in at 10 ounces, the blood-filled muscle called the heart has become the universal symbol of love. the Greeks believed the heart was the seat of the spirit, the chinese associated it with the center for happiness and the egyptians thought the emotions and intellect arose from the heart. no one is sure the exact origin of the love association, however. One idea is that the heart got its "love mark" in the ancient Greek city of cyrene, now in modern-day libya. the colony was known for a plant called silphium, with heart-shaped seed pods. silphium had medicinal properties, and possibly also was used as an herbal contraceptive. here 5, 10 Thursdays. 2€

The message on the pack says it all. Could it be any clearer? So why do people still ignore it? SMOKING pego do inferno


The petition against tolls on the via do infante was recently debated (last Friday) in Parliament but, due to the pressure of other legislation, no decision was taken as to the tolls' start date. the cds-PP party suggested that the concept of ‘residence exemptions’ was widened for tolls on the a22, via do infante, in the algarve, saying that the Government must take into account the geographical characteristics of the region. the left bloc reviewed the arguments against the tolls, including the lack of an alternative road, and the social impact. "the region has the highest unemployment rate in the country and it appeals for help for families that need to survive," foreseeing the dire consequences of this tax increase in the algarve, where tourism is a key industry. Parliament failed to ratify the bill which was postponed due to the volume of other legislation on the agenda.

h p Open 10 until

Tavira council has closed the popular Pego do inferno waterfall and surrounding area due to vandalism and safety issues. the council has taken this drastic action to safeguard this beautiful and rich environmental area and ensure the safety of the public. situated 6kms north of tavira and located partially on private land, the infrastructure of the leisure Park, support facilities and signage information is in an advanced state of degradation and does not offer the minimum safety conditions for the public. in a statement the municipality of tavira “apologises for the inconvenience caused and expresses its intention to develop a proposed redevelopment of the area, in conjunction with landowners and other public bodies involved”. all road signs have been removed as well as the refreshment hut and picnic area at the entrance. Only last year considerable monies were spent on creating a tarmac approach road and two special parking areas.


until 6 on

5 some people really do have bigger hearts than others. rather than a sign of affection, an enlarged heart can signal underlying

3 a glass of merlot can go straight to the heart, and recent research shows that so too can the white variety. scientists have attributed the heart benefits of reds to grape skins, which are chock full of certain antioxidants. since the purple-hued skins get removed to make chardonnays, many scientists had assumed white wine likely wouldn't do the heart any good. a lab experiment on rats showed that a grape's pulp conceals cardioprotective compounds that rival those found in reds. red or white? Just follow your heart.


2 in under a minute, your heart can pump blood to every cell in your body. and over the course of a day, about 100,000 heart beats shuttle 2,000 gallons of oxygenrich bloodmany times through about 60,000 miles of branching blood vessels that link together the cells of our organs and body parts. that's a hefty job for a fist-sized muscle.

6 a seemingly sheepish look from Fido or that endearing brush-by from your cat can make you wonder if your pet could possibly communicate with you. a recent study adds equine friends to the list of emotionally-responsive animals. a scientist found that horse's heart rates mirror those of human subjects touching them. the horse emotiondetector could someday replace procedures used to measure a patient's stress hormones. next, the researcher will study service dogs to better match them with humans. 7 a love-torn heart can be painful enough to make you wish you could get a new heart or at least a cardio repair kit. both of the latter options could some day be realities. scientists are studying the red-spotted newt to help them develop cell therapies for humans with physically damaged hearts. this amphibian can turn its cells back in time, as if they werestem cells, in order to build up new heart muscle. in another study, scientists engineered a beating heart from embryonic stem cells in the lab.

8 Girls rule in some matters of the heart, but when it comes to research into cardiovascular disease it's the guys who come into the spotlight. For decades, heart disease and heart attacks have been viewed as a man's illness. but this is far from the truth. heart disease kills 500,000 american women each year, topping male numbers by 50,000. another gender gap: 9Women don't tend to experience the hollywood-standard heart attack in which gripping chest pain sends you keeling over. instead, women have reported tightness, aching or pressure in the heart, plus other symptoms like nausea, back and jawpain.

10 if you can't make it to the gym, try fooling around. Your heart might thank you. a study of 2,500 men aged 49 to 54 found that having an orgasm at least three times a week cut in half the likelihood of death from coronary heart disease. and barring underlying health issues and the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, sex can give you a workout. by some estimates, a vigorous sex session can double a person's heart rate and burn up about 200 calories, or the equivalent of a brisk 15-minute run. so staying in bed might be just what the doctor orders.

Health alas, a broken heart can cause one to swoon. a breakup with a loved one or news of a family death literally can lead to broken hearts in the form of heightened risk for heart attack, studies have shown. such trauma can also trigger the release of stress hormones into the bloodstream that temporarily "stun" the heart. the resulting symptoms mimic those of a heart attack - chest pain and shortness of breath - but this type of achy heart can bounce back in days with some tlc and rest.

CraniharmonisingOsteOpathyFormuscularandarticularproblems,treatedbyandresettingthebody’sstructure.OsaCraltherapyMassageserviCe •All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy •SwedishAyurvedicmassage,Quiromassage,massage, • Traditional Thai massage & Shiatsu •Local massage for legs and feet or neck back and shoulders. •Carpal Tunnel treatment Catherina pauwels, tel: 281 321 700 or 963 706 624 largo do Cano 29, tavira, next to the Fire station Mail: Page 8 Page 9 forcellsThisTropicalnovEnglishCarahair&beautysaloninTavira,underneaththearchesnearthetrainstation.FruTiliCiousEmbErspECialpassionfruit&Gingerbodypolishwithmassageheavenlysweettotalbodypeelingisfulloffinelygroundpassionfruitkernals,richextractofgingerandvitiminsmixedwithnaturalsugarcrystalstogentlyremovedeadskinleavingtheskinsmoothandsilkysoft.Thistreatmentisfollowedwitharelaxingmassagegivingyouadoseofexquisitepampering.30minmassage35Euros60minmassage50EurosToreceivea5Eurodiscountvoucheranybeautytreatment,pleaseemailbeautyatcaras@yahoo.comCallThEsalonnowon964456228Fisioclube FUZETA › Osteopathy › Phsychotherapy › Global emailRe-educationPostural(RPG)›NutritionalTherapy›IrisDiagnosisTel962777701duarte@fisioclube.netwww.fisioclube.netHOlIsTIcTHeRaPy

4 a hearty laugh - the kind that sends a stream of tears from your eyes - does more than warm the soul. research has shown the guffaw can cause the lining of blood vessel walls called endothelium to relax, increasing blood flow for up to 45 minutes after the laugh attack. damage to the endothelium can lead to the narrowing of blood vessels and eventually cardiovascular diseases. that's no laughing matter...or maybe it is...

the body's organs of enough blood. if left untreated, a big heart can lead to heart failure.

* Avril Casey-'Fancy a cake'home bakery.

* Punch and wine tasting - mulled wines. * Red wine - 'Côrte-Real Winery' & white - 'Herdade dos Grous'.

* Festive shortbreads, soda bread, smoked salmon & winter quiches baked by celebrity chef, Jonnie Pratt. Signposted from Ferreiras, Boliqueime & Paderne Telephone: - 918 980 199 or 912 737 762

* Books for Christmas - the perfect present. *'Iosis' embroidered Paris bags and cushions.

* From London 'True Grace Candles'.

E very thursday evening the Wine museum will proudly be hosting their Fado evenings, brought to you by the amazing trio: singer Pedro viola from Olhao, michael drago who plays the giutarra Portuguesa from luz tavira and virgilio lanca on the viola from altura. together they re-create the genuine, traditional Fado music (not the tourist version often heard in the algarve), and the ambiance of the Fado houses of lisbon. the lyrics are explained and the music comes from musicians heart, as the audience “feels the music”. they play all over the algarve and singer Pedro won the biggest national Fado competition, 'Grande noite do Fado' in 2006. With excellent food, acoustics and historical ambiance and fine wines, the Wine museum is the perfect place for a most memorable evening. For reservations call: 918 502 029 Diners and musicians Sue King and George Hill, said: Fado at it's finest, every Thursday night at the Museu do Vinho, Tavira. In 26thonCardiologicá,FundaçãoCharitywithconjuctionthedeNovember&27th


Enjoy the Spirit ChristmasofFayre at the Côrte-Real Gallery Page 11 Arts

* Exclusive handmade pottery.

* Christmas soaps - exquistite gifts from Paris based 'Chehomia'.

“We are so lucky to hear Fado of such superb quality here in Tavira....exceptional musicianship, we can’t believe it”

*'Les Ceramiques de Lussan'.


182 ThE Only


from the


nights Fridays. ● Enclosed Patio to the rear. Find us


eith and lynda came over to spain on holiday in 2003 from birmingham, with a view to look for an alternative life with new challenges. their intention was to go to the area of cadiz in spain, but soon realised that it was too far for family and friends to come for short visits. they looked around the area of istlantilla but decided that it was too quiet. next up was a look at vila real with which they immediately fell in love with, especially its square and the surrounding area. they found their ideal apartment, and their hearts told them that this was where they were to start their new life. they finally made the move in June 2004. daughter Katie and Grandaughter abi-lee followed in march 2005. they also have a son called steve, a drummer in a rock band called deluka, who has lived in new York for the last 18 months, and are currently enjoying great success (see 'deluka' on youtube or afacebook).fter"lounging around" and soaking up their new environment for six months it was time for work. they drifted into villa management, working for the friends they had met during their first six months in Portugal. they also had a lot of help from Portuguese friends Julio and Fernanda who are estate agents in monte Gordo, building up quite a good little business that keeping them busy for five-six years. being a seasonal business the winters were long and quiet, so the couple started to look for a new venture to keep them busy during the quiet times, deciding that everyone needed a new challenge. lyn had worked in the catering & hotel business in the uK, and Katie had experience in bar work and was fluent in Portuguese. they drew on this experience, and started to look for a bar, and after spending two years looking for the right location, they walked into the then derelict restaurant and instantly knew it was right. it needed a lot of work, so after eight weeks of hard work the bar and garden area was totally transformed. Keith had a moment of inspiration when thinking of its name; sgt. Peppers. being such an iconic name, everyone liked it so it stayed. Keith, lyn and Katie opened the bar on Friday 4th June this year. after living there for seven years, they thought it would be a great meeting place, to eat and drink and tsocialise.heyalso wanted to do something for the ladies in the area, so lynda started shopping trips out, to date she has organised 2 trips out (Primark and iKea) just for the ladies. Keith does the occasional golf day for the guys to try and give the expats a few more things to do together. they have quiz nights, horse & dog race nights and the odd bingo night (not to Keith’s liking). there are different events held on most Friday nights, and on the last Friday of the month have now started a buffet curry night, all you can eat for 11€ per head (but you have to book in advance!!) You can keep up to date with all their events on Withsgtpeppersbarskysports and sport tv, sgt. Pepper's show all popular live events znd even the X-factor on a saturday nights. they have a good english menu including sausage egg and chips, beef and Onion or chicken and mushroom pies, english breakfasts, Fish and chips or chips and curry sauce!! What more could you want? Keith, lyn, Katie and abi-lee would like to welcome you all to sgt Peppers bar. You can find them in vila real, at the top of the high street past the post office, in between the apolo hotel, on the left hand side near the car park. they look forward to seeing you, please do go and say hello, and mention the east algarve magazine! it was delight to meet them all, a very friendly family, we wish them success. Bingo 100 mtr Apollo between church Open from 9.30 am till 1am Monday till Saturday, Sunday 12pm till 1am TEl 281 543 EngliSh BAr in V.r.S. AnTOniO drivenFamily


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by heart

A thoroughly warm welcome will greet you at Sergeant Peppers. ● Sky sports and sports TV for all your sporting events! ● All English products and staff. ● Portuguese spoken! ● Full English breakfasts. ● Quiz or

in square

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Emergency Aid Organization ECDE provides a huge peace of mind. ARE YOU PREPARED FOR AN EMERGENCY? Join us at one of the following FREE Presentations: BLiP October 8/9, (An afpop event) October 13, 15:00 – 17:00 at Quinta da Fonte do Bispo October 20, 15:30 – 17:30 at “Tavira Garden” Restaurant and OctoberBistro27, 15:00 – 17:00 at Ronaldo’s Bar, Monte Novo / Faz CallFato912 390 082 or visit SOS Service for Residents and long-term Tourists in the Algarve ⁕ Can you be found quiCkly by the emergenCy serviCes? ⁕ have you ever found it neCessary to meet the emergenCy serviCes at a Commonly known loCation (e.g., loCal fuel station) to direCt them to your home? ⁕ are you often misunderstood on the phone due to language barriers?

More help to residents make living safer in the algarve

E mergency aid Organisation ecde international have extended their services to residents and tourists in the south of Portugal, in collaboration with three very modern private hospitals in the algarve. ecde says that the new emergency aid-services provides a huge peace of mind. can One pRepaRe FOR a meDical emeRgency? OR is pRepaRing FOR The unexpecTeD impOssiBle? Yes, by being proactive you can prepare for the unexpected medical emergency encounter and help rescuers provide you the best help possible for your presenting symptoms and illness. the algarve-based emergency aid organisation ecde international (em caso de emergencia - in case Of emergency) started their services to residents last year with a new system that links GPs-satellite images to a database of information provided by member residents. in case of an emergency, assistance could be quickly on its way, even to the most remote locations. Fire-fighters and ambulances have since responded enthusiastically to the initiative of mark rink (dutch), Jorge Pereira (Portuguese) and Peter Graf (swiss). recently, erta (before rta (região de turismo do algarve)) gave out an official recommendation letter for all of the services provided by ecde now residents in the algarve have discovered these services and ecde international is seeing its membership growing rapidly. collaborations have extended not only to the 112-control room which dispatches the fire-fighters and ambulances, but now even to the very modern hospital Particular in Faro, Portimão and alvor. also, telecom provider vodafone showed its interest, in ecde's latest trackand-trace service for people in emergency situations. ecde international divides their services into four branches: help to residents (called mediate care), help to tourists (imediate touristcare), support to parents to help locate their children if they have wandered away (imediate childsafety) and the aforementioned rescue-service (imediate rescueme) to help subscribers to the mobile “alarmbutton” service. hOW These seRVices WORK: saFer livinG due tO neW GPs sYstem (with imediate care) as a resident in the remote village estoi, mark rink can well imagine the fear that foreigners sometimes have when they establish themselves in the algarve, in often beautiful, but secluded places with only a dirt road to the house. it is the legitimate fear in case of an emergency; the services could not find them in time. rink thought that not only the arrival time of the emergency services could be much faster, but also that every second could be used effectively in an emergency. ecde now collects the medical data of interest from residents who sign up as members, and input this information into a private database. these data are provided to the emergency staff racing on the way to an emergency, along with an actual roadmap with pressed colours showing the exact route along with GPs coordinates. the system was provided free to emergency rooms and is now operational. Once someone calls 112 and reports that he is a member of the ecde, the operator presses a button on a computer and all entries related to that member are immediately visible. at the same time ecde staff is informed, so that any additional support can start immediately. rink: "We contact family overseas, deliver on-site care for pets and, if necessary, stand by the hospital bed to help with translation, in six languages.'' ecde members receive a help-card and a yellow sticker for their car. if something happens to a member while travelling, such as an accident, the emergency services can quickly get the necessary data. rink: "if someone is not conscious and a police officer finds this ecde-card, he only has to inform the emergency room. Operators can inform him on medical details.´´ From 4.54 euros per month residents and tourists are guaranteed the assistance of the ecde exTRa BeneFiTs FOR ecDe memBeRs. the very modern hospitals hospital Particular in Faro and alvor and luzdoc in Praia da luz supports ecde-members by providing their members several discounts on consults and treatments. ask us for more details saFeR sTay FOR TOuRisTs (with imediate Touristcare) many people who go abroad will appreciate and be reassured by an extra emergency aid service, sometimes simply because of their age or their medical condition. tourists who visit the algarve can purchase a temporary ecde members help-card. in case of an emergency, temporary members may call 112 and mention 'ecde' and their card number. the emergency room operator presses a button on a computer and police; fire brigade and ambulances are sent a highlighted copy of a satellite map showing the route, along with GPs coordinates to their place of stay. With no language barriers, the arrival time of the emergency services is much faster, so that every second can be used effectively in an iemergency.ncaseof hospitalization ecde helps with verbal translation into any one of six languages. even beside the hospital bed if possible. also serious hotel owners or people who rent their holiday homes who want to give extra service to their visitors can become ecde-member. For a small fee, depending of the number of bedrooms, residents and tourists are guaranteed the assistance of the ecde in eVeRy emeRgency We KnOW hOW TO FinD yOu (with imediate Rescueme) the latest high tech-service from ecde to its members is an alarm button, coupled with a Gsm/GPs tracker. through this box the size of a small mobile phone, the ecde emergency desk can communicate in any one of six languages with whoever has pressed the emergency button. at the same time a GPs signal is transmitted with the exact coordinates to where emergency aid is required. this unique device can be configured to sense if a person has fallen down. also, for people who for instance suffer from dementia, a parameter can be set. if the carrier crosses these invisible borders, a so called geo-fence, an alarm will go off at the ecde-emergency desk. in case of a robbery or an attack the speaker in this device is turned off and the sensitivity of the microphone is remotely set to a higher level, so the operator can listen in to what is happening. holidaymakers can rent this “alarm-button” and take advantage of a very low rate. aBOuT ecDe ecde international has written protocols with the Portuguese emergency services. ecde collaborates with inem, which has 400 ambulances and five helicopters. also there are agreements with firefighters, police, red cross and several private ambulance services. the coverage is throughout the algarve, 24 hours a day. the medical information is strictly protected. the ecde, for reasons of privacy protection, has their database located in switzerland. the 112 emergency room cannot look freely into the information. the control room operators are given access to a restricted part of the database, and then only in an emergency. this will prevent medical information from being released. the Portuguese emergency services embrace ecde’s initiative. also the Protecção civil, the Portuguese civil defence which takes the lead in the event of major disasters, has great interest in the system. For more www.ecde.orginformation:(+351)707 910 058 email:

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Our focus this month found us on the Guadiana river between the border of Portugal and spain. it is a very relaxing way to see the eastern end of the algarve (and the Western end of spain) along the Guadiana which passes through some beautiful countryside, changing from very flat scenery around vila real de sto antonio, to a backdrop of rounded hills with lush vegetation, a few houses here and there, and castles on hilltops on both of the river banks. the river separates Portugal from spain, and extends from the Western portion of spain to the southern provinces of the algarve. its tributaries flow from east to west, then south to the border towns of vila real de san antonio, in Portugal and ayamonte, in spain. From here it flows into the Gulf of cadiz, with a course that covers a distance of 829km, and is the 4th longest in the iberian Peninsula. We were delighted to be invited to join the scenic riosul boat cruise, sailing from vila real, travelling along the beautiful, tranquil river which is as flat and still as a pond. We watched fish jump, saw birds of prey, and soaked up the stunning, peaceful scenery. the river is steeped in history. the romans referred to it as the anas, meaning of/or pertaining to ducks (quack quack). during the moorish occupation and settlement the name was extended and referred to as ana (being the arab term for river) later passed on to the Portuguese and spanish settlers as the Ouadiana and later just Odiana. since the 16th century, due to castilian influences the name has slowly evolved and is now the Guadiana. the crew will make you very welcome, have some interesting and amusing facts along the way, and you can enjoy a drink on board from the bar and of course make sure you get those important pictures taken. We anchored at the timeless village of Foz de Odeleite, where you can swim in the panoramic pool which has superb views from the terrace. this was followed by a delicious traditional algarvian lunch served in the “Quinta do rio” restaurant. during lunch live music is performed by the staff making the experience great fun. they encourage everyone to join in. most of us have used the bridge to get to spain, saving around 4 hours waiting for the ferry before it was constructed. the views from the river are truly amazing. We hope you get the chance to take friends or family on this amazing day trip, many thanks to all the staff of the riOsul, we would highly recommend the trip to everyone, a must. contact them on their website www. or call 281 510 200, for sailing dates, and possibly combine the day with the “Jeep safari”. many thanks once again, a very memorable day.


Photographs by Richard Bassett

Focus on River Guadiana

Covering the whole of the Algarve as independant real estate agents, we can provide you with unbiased advice when you decide to purchase a property and can introduce you to a wide choice of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied clients. We currently have over 700 properties available online and would be very pleased to help you find your ideal home. If you are the owner of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment Contact us today: 281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281

TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha take care of you and your house as we would our own. which can be obtained at the local town hall. if you have a swimming pool, it should be mentioned on the utilisation licence. many properties in the countryside use water from a private borehole. You need a license from the ministry of environment (ministério do ambiente) to use the water from the borehole. if your property was built after the 31st of march 2004 your property has a ‘passport’ called Ficha técnica de habitacão. Without this document you can’t sell your property. in addition, since January 2009 all properties need an energy efficiency qualification (certificado energético) at the time of the deed. as this law is fairly new, most vendors will not have this certificate yet. there are various companies that offer such certification-services, but be careful about their fees. For the same property the price can differ from € 250 up to € 400. if you are in a hurry be aware, small local companies often take between 3-5 working days whereas large companies may require up to a month to issue the certificate. at the time of the deed you need the original documents -not copies- some of which must be recently updated and not older than 6 months. if you have questions and/or are not sure you have all necessary documentation and/or if the information in the documents of your property are accurate and consistent, contact us. Sandra Swoboda Land & Houses algarve –yellow

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O nce you have decided to sell your property, there are a lot of issues to consider. market timing, choosing the right agency to market your property, determine the asking price and prepare your home for viewings. there are less obvious steps to be taken care off, ideally before putting your house on the market. Prepare the sale of your property from day one, including the documentation. make sure you have all the documents of your property readily available and updated in your name. the description of your property should correspondent with reality and must be consistent throughout the various documents. the last thing you want to happen to you when you have accepted an offer from a prospective buyer is for a deal to cool off and the offer to be withdrawn, just because a promissory contract could not be completed to sign due to in correct or missing documentation. this is especially true in a slow market when buyers tend to be more cautious/worried than during normal market conditions. Which documents do you need and where to get them? You need a non-certified copy of the land registry (certidão do registo Predial), the document of the local tax department (caderneta Predial) and the utilisation license of your property (licença de utilização),


178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 A brighter future happy homes lda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira Fail to prepare then prepare to fail, ensure your documents are in order if you have decided to sell your property. Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 Office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira • • By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll

Property documentsProperty


Two Bedroom Resort €249.500Apartment Ref 2328469 This spacious two bedroom apartment has been designed to offer you the latest in luxury, the privacy of a self contained holiday retreat, with the benefits of many inclusive first class hotel facilities, all set in the ColinaVerde Golf & Sports Resort. LwL, Rua 1º de Maio, nº14, 8800-360 Tavira Office: 00351 281 327 656, Lisa: 00351 910 019 604, Leen : 00351 910 019 605 voip: 02070999193 Email: Web: Immaculate Modern Five Bedroom Villa With Pool €1.300.000 Ref 2278112 Built to an extremely high standard, this contemporary villa comprises of five bedrooms, lounge /dining room, kitchen, library / office, games room, garage and a private pool. Situated in a quiet elevated location in Tavira, with the most amazing views of the town and the ocean. Modern Four Bedroom Villa €350.000 Ref 2335275 This new modern villa sits on a slightly elevated plot which boasts the most stun ning sea and country views. The property comprises of lounge/dining room, kitchen, four bedrooms and three bathrooms. Santo Estevão is just a few kilometers from Tavira with its many shops, cafes, bars and restaurants and some of the Algarve’s best beaches. TAVIRAoNEWFFICEIN TAVIRA SANTo ESTEVão MoNCARAPACHo Situated 11km from Tavira and 11km from Vila Real de Santo António and the Spanish border. 45 Mins from Faro International airport, 2km from railway station. Most plots have sea views as the coast is only 5km from the park. The park has a swimming pool (15m x 15m), Bar and Restaurant, Mini Market, Petanque, Laundry service and postal service plus Free Internet access, Daytime Reception and 24 Hour Security. Tel: (00351) 281 951 360 Tlm: (00351) 917 925 031 calicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptwww.calico-park.comVisiTsby AppoinTmenT only Caliço Park alga RV e p ORT ugal • ploTs AVAilAble FRom 100 m² • neW Homes FoR sAle • RenTAls WiTH opTion To bUy • yeAR RoUnD RenTAls • sHoRT AnD lonG TeRm • ResAles 2011 Fees inClUDeD€35.000 €70.000 F€57.500inAnCe AVAilAble Page MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL WEBSITE www.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI HOUSE - ALCOUTIM COUNCIL 2 bedroom semi-detached house, 2 floors, situated in a small village overlooking the river Guadiana, 20 mins from the coast. 2 floors. Front terrace w/ BBq: 28m2 and up per terrace: 15m2. EUROS 129.000 PROPERTY - "GUADIANA RIVER" Approx. 15 mins from V.R. Santo António, golf courses and beaches, this quiet, unique property borders the Guadiana river w/ wonderful views. Consists of 40.000m2 of land 2 modern villas, total construction area of 245m2., lovely pool. Under floor heating. EUROS 950.000 ▲ ▲ company ami 7673 Office: Tel/Fax 281 952 820 mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2 anibal R/c loja B, estrada da manta Rota 8900-038 Vila nova de cacela VisTamaReal/casTRORim,€275.000Ref:5754900m2land,largeprivatepoolpoolandhousedisabledaccess 3 Beds one with private adapted wet room 5 min drive to beach & town ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMAN aBungalOWlTuRa/casTRO maRim €280.000 Ref: 1221 peaceful development Off road gated parking 4 Bedrooms (one en-suite) Fireplace in living room Page 20 Restaurant, bar and pool. ReDuceD By €70.000 East Algarve magazine PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US FANTASTIC RATES ANd dISCOUNTS FOR MUlTIPlE AdS if you would like to promote your business with the east algarve magazine contact us at: info@eastalgarvemag.comorTel961700200ifyouwouldliketomeetwitharepresentative. as an advertiser you automatically become a distributer, and will be provided with a number of copies to issue to your customers.

Page 22 Page AMI License nº 870 - Member of APEMIP nº 1178 Av. Maria Lizarda Palermo 43a, 8700 - 081 Moncarapacho, Algarve, Portugal Superb new three bedroom (all andwithcountryen-suites)villagreatviewspool.Propertyofthemonth RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: * Sold part furnished * built in 2010. * Private 3 villa estate in the country * 9x4 mtr mosaic pool with lighting * double glazing * 2.240m2 garden and land * 190m2 covered area * Satellite dish * Great country views * Koi carp pond Reduced€325.000€375.000fromto REF: 1343V location Near www.algarve-pt.comloule. Property

mark’s parents have friends in cyprus who have run their own very successful auction house for many years and this gave them the idea that a similar enterprise could work very well here given the current financial climate. as a result, mark trained as an auctioneer with erma auctions – the largest and most popular auction house in cyprus. after much thought, they decided to search for the right premises and a suitable location close to Faro. viewing over 25 possible sites and after many visits to potential properties, they are now established as the auction Warehouse algarve on the n2 road from the a22 to Faro – look out for the flags!! “We already feel at home here” says tracey .it also provides a great place to meet new people. “We have a large notice board where all our friends and clients can place their contact details, making it easier to find new people and new opportunities”. so where do they find their items? mark and his team proactively search for companies and businesses that have stock that is no longer a viable asset for their business. through negotiation they are able to source products at lower prices than is currently available on the market. by doing this, they are able to offer local businesses the option of liquidating stock so, for example, they in turn can refresh their showrooms with ark explained “a hotel, for example will have a re fit, possibly to replace just one damaged item. they are left with the almost perfect matching items which take up space and are expensive to store. the auction Warehouse offers the perfect way to dispose of these assets and recooperate some of their costs”. ark is currently negotiating with some of the larger hotel chains so that they can offer smaller hotels & guest houses and private villa owners´ good quality furniture at discount prices. “all of the hotels purchase high quality, hard wearing furniture which with a little restoration work can be as good as new, at a far lower price than can be purchased tlocally”.heyoffer a full clearance service of villas, apartments or business', large or small, as well as a cleaning service for any items, to enable the seller to get the best price. these services are priced accordingly, giving maximum choice for all their acustomers.uctionsare held on the 1st and 3rd saturday of each month starting at 10.30am. (doors open at 09.00hrs). sellers are offered two auctions in which to sell their goods, with a seller’s premium of 20%, and buyers pay 15% on top of their winning bid Youprice.can view all the lots appearing in the next auction, online 3 days before the next auction at www., pick up a catalogue two days prior to the auction or on auction day itself. to show how diverse aWa are, this week alone they are taking stock from a pet shop that is closing down, an interior design shop that never took off (due to red tape!), a 5 bedroomed villa in Quinta do lago and several private clients that are moving back to the uK. the auction offers a huge variety of quality items ranging from a quad bike to antique doors. unlike second hand shops, goods sell on the day, ensuring stock is always changing. there are some great quality and unique bargains to be had. mark and tracey are currently working on the next phase of their business plan which will include a Wednesday night auction for specialist products. With the introduction of the internet, they hope to have live web access so that people can log on from the comfort of their homes and bid directly from their armchairs. The eureka moment for 2012!!! they already have a procedure in place that enables clients to bid “Out of room” and they provide a member of staff on the day of the auction who will bid for you if you are unable to attend in person. With clients visiting from spain on a regular basis the word is spreading far and wide. many thanks to mark and tracey for taking the time to talk to us we wish them every success for the future. their hard work in sourcing so many varied items makes the auction great value and a must to check what’s possibly on offer at each auction day.

This month we had the pleasure of meeting mark monkman and tracey James from the auction Warehouse algarve, on the n2, near Faro just off Junction 14 of the a22 who were kind enough to give us an insight into their exciting new business after enjoying the tremendous success of their second auction. mark has had a varied career, first working for the army as an engineer and then with the Fire & rescue service for 15 years. tracey worked in a london bank for 20 years at management level. they have two boys, archie 14 and Josh 10 who are both “helpers in the business”. What made them come to portugal? in 2004, mark was offered a position as a transport manager for a green waste company in the algarve. he worked for the company for 2 years but found that the position was not a great challenge and soon became Whilstbored. working in the recycling business here, mark was offered the chance to work in africa and the middle east, this time in the water industry. although things were going well, it meant he was spending long periods away from the family, so determined to make a success of their move to the sun, they decided to review the situation and work on a long term plan to keep them based in the algarve. together they thought of every avenue in order to stay here, by making use of both their skills and running their own business. at this point, the recession had hit, and obviously this made things difficult for everyone - people were not generally spending money on buying t“new”.heydecided that the recycling industry and tracey´s experience in asset management was the way forward. Whilst there are second hand shops in the area, there wasn’t an auction house – the eureka moment. they got to work and carried out a huge amount of market research. the overall findings from the research were that the algarve is goods at reasonable prices.

'Lots' of Genuine bargains at the Auction Warehouse Algarve deals

Algarvereal aucTiOn WaRehOuse algaRVe AWA AUCTION Auctions every1st & Saturday3rdofthemonthAnything to sell? house Furnitureclearance-antiques commercial & domestic Next Auction 5th November Auction Warehouse Algarve Sitio do Besouro Conchelo de Conceição, 8005-416, Faro Tel: 914 774 438 (EN) / 912 489 753 (PT) | GPS: 37° 04' 55.27"N | 7° 54' 51.46"W Albufeira / loulé S. Brás de Alportel EstoiJunctionFaro14 &Olhão/TaviraSpain N2 N2 A22 AuctionAlgarveWarehouse www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 24 Page 25 People

Page 26 Page EN125, Nr Alfandanga, Fuseta e-mail: 909 Monday to Friday, 10am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday, by appointment only Main Picture: Halo Plum 5ft Ext Dining Table €599, Antibes Provence Dining Chairs €119, Plum Large Coffee Table €349, Plum 5ft Sideboard €649, Antibes Large Mirror €149. Top Picture: Antibes His & Hers Chest €599 Left Picture: Antibes Large 3 Drawer Console €499 Middle Picture: Antibes 5ft Low Footend Bed €699 Right Picture: Sharwin 6ft Bed €849, 6 Drawer Dresser €599, Bedroom Mirror €129Stock levels change constantly, please contact us for full stock information. Available in Light & Nuit Furniture made for Real Life Visit our showroom to find affordable furniture that’s made for real life. Our furniture is great quality that won’t disappoint you, so why not come in and look around. Tavira (formerly tavira auction) The sTORe WheRe We cOmBine ne Why buy in the uK when you can buy here in Tavira cheaper, without the additional cost of transportation We specialise in end of lines, returns and order cancellations including leather sofas, beds, bedroom furniture, dining tables, chairs and garden furniture. We also offer good quality second-hand. Free delivery in Tavira area and removal of old furniture. Furniture packages available. large range of second-hand furniture available. lOOK OUT FOR MONTHlY/WEEKlY MANAGER’S SPECIAlS. Open mon-Fri 10am-5pm sat 10am-1pm t:916 138 059 916 138 060 sOFas FrOm 100€ beds FrOm60€WardrObes FrOm 75€ dininG tablesFrOm60€ Live Life in Comfort monday to Friday 10am - 6pm, saturday 10am - 5pm The widest selection of linen and towels in the Algarve Hilton,Teal Lots of r E du CE d LINE s to MA k E wAy for NE w Autu MN /w IN t E r Co LLEC t I o N , duv E t s E ts, Cush I o N s, EN d of LINE tow EL s, C urtAIN s E tC . Co ME AN d gr A b A b A rg AIN FREE DELIVERY ACROSS THE ALGARVE ON ORDERS OF 150€ OR MORE TAKEN ON OUR ONLINE SHOPPING END OF LINE CLEARANCE SALE, 25% OFF MARKED PRICES SALENoWoN! 27 estrada de Vale d’eguas - almancil T. 289 396 385 • e. • James Eugénio CuRTAinS & SOFT FuRniTuRE CURTAINS & SOFT FURNITURE WE MEASuRE! WE MAKE! WE FiT! Hand sewn, made to measure curtains, Complete range of window furnishings, Furniture re-upholstered all in our workshop! FARO TAVIRAEN125 RoundaboutCube dPingooceAldi BANKBPI EN125, Edificio Cubo N.o 65C 8700-248 OlHAO, AlGARVE Tel/Fax; 289 701 380 Tlm 91 885 12 09 Tlm 91 463 14 82 Tlm 92 608 12 44 Email; ToEN270Tavira To lidl Old Woodstore Chickenluis JeM's S howroom Second hand goods Tel 919 767 066 Email: Opening times: Mon-Thurs 9h-13h / 15h-18h Saturday 9h - 13h At the Old Mushroom Factory São Brás de AlportelWeare here

Rua Borda d’Agua da Asseca, 46-50 - 8800-325 Tavira, Tel./Fax 00 (351) 281 323 165, Tlm.916 822 117 E-mail LivE Music MONdAys with MichAEL & ZEcA FRidAys with GARy vAsEy "ThE PERFORMER" KARAOKE with GEd on sATuRdAys Open Mon-Fri from 6.00pm, sat/sun from 12.00, FuLL BAR FOOd MENu AvAiLABLE. ihdishes,Pastaplanas,daily,shsPEciALiTiEs:omemadesoups,alads,Freshfishsteaks,cata-vegetariandishes,omemadedesserts,rishcoffee.ExTENsivERANGEOF wiNEs & PORTs. suNdAy ROAsT LuNch: Roast Rib of Beef, with all the trimmings €9.50. ThREE cOuRsE sPEciAL €15.00 Page 29www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 28 aCasa Clgarvia abanas HOME OF THE BBQ RIBS TRADITIONAL PIRI PIRI TRYHOMECHICKENMADECURRIESOURSUNDAYLUNCH!BEEF,PORKANDALLTHETRIMMINGSLIVEMUSICEVERYMONDAYNIGHT TEL 968 870 795 R R R R R Carnedale Tavira's English Butcher Now oPEN Next to Cara's, under the arches, near the train station * Home Made Sausages * Range of 20 British Cheeses * B.B.Q. Specialist * Guaranteed Tender Steaks * All English Meat Cuts Av. Dr. Mateus Teixeira de Azevedo Tel: 919 915 815 Email:Mon-Fricarnedale@gmail.com8am-3.30pm,Sat8am-2pm k RestauRante Museu DO VInHO Rua almirante candido dos Reis 63 - taVIRa R.Joao Vaz corte Real R.deSant’Anna BecodeSantana R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.Silva R. R.Dr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReis RBodadeAgua da Ass c R Am Candidodo Reis RAmaliaRodrigue RDomMarceinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R Dom Paio P e C e TravessadaFonte Roman Bridge, Tavira “Very welcoming & excellent food, thoroughly recommend it! excellent service and friendly atmosphere” “excellent food, good wine, great excperience” “excellent food, fantastic service, always with a smile” For reservations telephone 918 502 029 INTERNATIoNAL CuISINE WITH FRENCH SPECIALITIES PRIVATE dINING RooM AVAILABLE & WARM PATIo EATING AREA LoCATEd IN THE CENTER oF TAVIRA, oNLy 5 MINuTES FRoM VILA GALE ANd PoRTA NoVA HoTELS Menu includes; Octopus rice with prawns, sea food, Tiger prawns, Tuna steaks, salmon, new Zealand lamb chops, spare ribs, and steaks etc. AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE EVENTS Open 12:00-11:00pm Closed Tuesdays Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco No 8, 8800-545 Santa Luzia, Tavira, Algarve Tel +351 281 328 527Abeautiful, Air conditioned restaurant, with tradition, art and culture. ResTAu RA n T & TA pAs bAR s A n TA lu Z iA LIVE FAdo dINNER, Every Wednesday at 8pm East Algarve magazine PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US FANTASTIC RATES ANd dISCOUNTS FOR MUlTIPlE AdS if you would like to promote your business with the east algarve magazine contact us at: info@eastalgarvemag.comorTel961700200ifyouwouldliketomeetwitharepresentative. as an advertiser you automatically become a distributer, and will be provided with a number of copies to issue to your customers.

MixedMixedLUNCHTIMESPECIALMENUGrilledFish€5.50ChickenPiriPiri€5.00Grilledmeat€5.00SpecialitieS include Fresh local seafood • cataplanas • Specialseafood rices • Fish noodles • Fresh grilledfish • Filet in Mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in portugal)• French veal steak • duck breast in orange and honey pluS MucH MucH MORe! Rua da liberdade n.º 126 FuSeta • OlHÃO • algaRve telephone 289 798 045 etaSuF Open dinneluncFORH&R Pool open to the Public. daily and Annual membership available ✦ sunDay ROasTs ✦ Full english BReaKFasTs lisaturdays:Vemusic WiTh Danny sKQTuesdays:maVeRicKuiznighTyspORTs,spORTTV,all iRish spORTs FRee WiFi FOR cusTOmeRs email Tel 965 524 351 EN125 BenamorGolf TaviraTo ToRailwayCabanasWeare Conceiçãohere ✦ Monte Verde The Hairy Lemon Pub Conceição, Cabanas de Tavira rated no.1 tripinrestauranttaviraonadvisor sunDay ROasT please call FOR ReseRVaTiOnsFoodCasa CacelaAzulvelhaTry this unique "Magnum plank" from Casa Azul in Cacela Velha; Steak au poivre served on a wooden plank, with a fresh prawn cocktail starter. Casa Azul Tapas Bar opens on the 12th November Open Tuesdays to Sundays, 12h00 - 15h00 & 19h00 - 22h00 For reservations call 281 381 795 or 918 250 501 Page 31Page 30

QMgarden Centre& Countryshop

Page 32 Page QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 23/3/10 18:40:25 In need of retail therapy?Discover a unique shopping experience, in beautiful, relaxed surroundings, with friendly staff! New stock arriving Monthly. Why not visit us for all your Home and Garden inspirational ideas, and enjoy complimentary tea or coffee Car NsatUsaleBootrDaY19tHoVeMBer Aquatic plants Inspiration and ideas for your Garden People

Why oh why do we love QM so much? There are many shops that you can get your‘home’ fix in the Algarve, however, none of them offer what QM does. Isobel and Malcolm took over QM in 2008 and have transformed what it offers since then. For the residents of the area around Santa Barbara and far and wide they provide us with a touch of all the home comforts from the UK which suit all tastes. QM is so much more than just a Garden Centre and Country shop which serves the community. Malcolm, Isobel and their team provide information to their customers on many services offered by others, where to go to do things and where you might find further information on any range of Theytopics.also offer an amazing range of foods, arts and crafts, books and wonderful things for the garden; plants, ornaments and garden furniture all at extremely good prices. As Christmas approaches, QM are taking delivery of all the goodies we could want at this time. Christmas foods, Quality Street and other chocolates (which are an absolute must for Xmas as far as I'm concerned), Xmas cards, Xmas Crackers and wrapping paper. All this along with a wide range of articles that make great presents for Xmas or any other time of the year. Malcolm and Isobel are always looking for the best prices they can achieve on their stock so that they can pass these saving on to their

Thecustomers.CrazyGolf, which can be great fun for children and adults alike, is also a unique Therefeature!is always a warm welcome for anyone who is visiting QM and you will always be offered a cup of tea or coffee (usually with a biscuit or cake) on your Mostvisit. important of all, you can get your “fix” of Heinz Baked Beans and Curly Wurlys, along with many other necessities on your So,visits.why do we love QM? For all the wonderful reasons outlinedChristinaabove!Toft, 27/10/11

As QM prepare for the Christmas rush, we take a look at the seasonal goodies they have in stock, and find out from a customers view, why we love it there so much!


A fter nearly 3 years writing articles on gardens i have decided to spend the next few months looking at some natures remedies we can find in and around our gardens. i have for many years had an interest in natures abilities for our health, so thought it would be nice to share with you some of the treatments my family and i have used. herbs have been used medicinally by a wide-range of cultures for thousands of years. herbal remedies can treat and prevent disease and illness of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive nervous, urinary systems as well as skin disorders. many herbs have antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiinflammatory and other medicinal properties as well as culinary applications. articles explore possible uses as well as precautions. before taking any herb, individuals should research herbal remedies info as well as consult his/ her physician and a qualified herbalist. like medications, herbs can have side effects and risks and may be counterintuitive when taken in conjunction with other herbs or medications. herbs can provide safe, effective treatment options when taken appropriately. herbs can be taken in a variety of forms, including tinctures, tonics, salves, oils, poultices and teas. an herbal tincture is a highly concentrated extract placed in alcohol. internal use of tinctures requires dilution in a liquid such as water or juice. herbal tonics work gradually to heal the body. tonic herbs are a class of herbs the gently restore balance, treat and prevent disease and promote overall wellness. an herbal salve is a topical substance, such as a paste, cream, lotion or ointment that promotes healing. salves can be used to draw out pus and infection, treat skin disorders and/or soothe burns, abrasions and other skin irritations. to begin with i have decided to use the lemon as your first venture into herbal remedies and will give you some of its uses and even a simple recipe for you to try. lemOn ciTRus limOnum Oranges and lemons were once rare and precious fruits. to grow them in the cold northern climate, grand mansions built orangeries. in the southern states of the usa, around the mediterranean and in other countries where the lemon grows freely, it has long been used; the juice, the oil, the zest, the pod and the pips gives you a remedy kit that comes in one neat, easily transportable package. lemon juice is cooling and refreshing, with a clear, sharp taste that cleanses and tones the system. everyone knows about taking lemon and honey for Natures way of dealing with health problems we can try for ourselves

Page 34 Page LANDSCAPING & GARDEN CENTER BEm-V INDO • W ELCO m E EN 125, c.p. 126-E 8800-118 Luz de Tavira e-mail: geogardim@gmail.comwww.geojardim.comTel:281961189 OlhãoTo TaviraTo Fuseta Luz de Tavira EN125 QUINTA DAS PAL m EIRAS CENTRO DE JARDINAGE m Mu ddyhands Gardening Service s Tel: 00351963905615 E Mail: Mark O’Shaughness y GardensGardens

Ingredients: 4 teaspoons of lemon juice 8 teaspoons of vegetable oil 1-2 teaspoons clear honey Method: mix the ingredients together thoroughly by putting them into a screw top jar and shaking well. if a body lotion is required then add an equal amount of water 1-2 teaspoons and then shaking continually while applying. both of these lotions are unperfumed , apart from the natural fragrance of the ingredients. One drop of essential oil can be added if extra fragrance is required. i hope you give these remedies a try for yourselves, but remember that before you try any herbal remedy no matter how simplistic it sounds consult your own GP or a herbalist beforehand.

colds, an old wives remedy so effective that it is sold in every chemist in the form of proprietary remedies. in any fever, lemon acts as a cooling diuretic, lowering temperature and helping the body eliminate toxins. the juice of 1 lemon diluted in 600ml of water, with honey to taste, may be drunk freely. a cold compress made from the juice of 1 lemon to 1.2litres of cold water will also reduce temperature and cool any swelling or surface heat. a lemon blanket bath and clean sheets make bed rest more bearable and are wonderfully refreshing. although lemon juice is acid to taste and on the skin, within the body it is both an alkalizing agent and gastric antacid. it neutralizes excess acidity in the body and helps to remedy sluggishness of the liver and bowel. taking lemon juice every morning is a good way of maintaining health and warding off infections. it balances the nervous system, helping reduce high blood pressure, protect blood vessels and maintain tissue vitality, and is also useful for alleviating rheumatism and gout. it contains a number of minerals and vitamins, including potassium, vitamins a, b and c and bioflavonoids. On the skin, lemon juice is antiseptic for insect bites and healing astringent for chapped skin and broken capillaries. lemon oil is contained in the pockets in the peel. the best way to obtain it is to squeeze the peel and rub it on the affected area. it is also an antiseptic, bacterial and anti-fungal, and is useful for warts and ringworm. lemOn sKin Balm this is a healing and nutritive lotion which moisturises and softens chapped and sensitive skin. this simple recipe cannot be improved upon. any vegetable oil can be used, but if you make it regularly it is worth buying the best quality oil you can afford. sweet almond oil, wheat germ oil or peach kernel oil all enrich the skin.



•dlw deliFOl pOOl lining with a 10 year FaCtOry guarantee up tO 12 COlOurs

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INFREqUENT SWEEPING ANd ClEANING Resulting in a build up of soot that will ultimately catch fire with potentially lethal Bresults.URNING UNSEASONEd WET WOOd Giveing off a lot of liquid vapour during burning, this vapour cools rapidly in its passage up the chimney and re-condenses to form tar and soot deposits.

Protect-A-Child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free.


swiM-arte is a swiMMing pOOl COMpany with Over 30 years OF experienCe.

OVERNIGHT BURNING Modern wood burning fires are designed to burn with maximum efficiency and when set at too low a combustion setting to try to get overnight burning, the fire smoulders and produces an excess of smoke and soot plus black glass with very low efficiency and heat output.

IMPROPER APPlIANCE SIzING The optimum size of a fire should heat the living space with just a little power left in reserve, just in case for very cold conditions not normally experienced. In the event that too big a fire is installed it will be too powerful for the room and will therefore never be run at its optimum hot setting where the smoke is also burned with minimal soot produced and maximum heat and efficiency the result.

Either a lethal experience or potentially a costly one!

Page 37www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 36


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FenCing arOund pOOls are sOOn tO be a new regulatiOn in pOrtugal. lugarde designs and creates wooden garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a wide variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. lugarde creates high quality products at acceptable prices.


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E arlier this year when the weather was cold and heat ing was still a necessity, we had a call from a lady who had just experienced as she said “a roaring chimney fire” thankfully despite her age this in trepid lady was able to access the chimney top from her roof terrace and spray water from the garden hose into the chimney pot to put out the blaze. she said she had a similar experience years ago back in eng land and “that was how the fire bri gade did it” her call was to establish if we could arrange to undertake a survey to as sess what level of damage had been sustained and what work was re quired to put the chimney back into good working condition. this was undertaken and six large buckets of soot deposits were removed. the cause of the fire was established as a poorly installed stove with only a partial flue pipe that did not extend to the top of the chimney and a com plete lack of any cleaning for a num ber of years. the picture shows a piece of the soot removed on which can be seen a one euro coin to show it’s scale, remember too that this was a partially burned piece of soot and would have started out much bigger! luckily the only damage was a dis integrated chimney pot and a large crack in the front of the chimney breast, from ceiling level to just above the mantle shelf – it could of course been much worse! the cause of this potential hazard is simple, soot in a chimney flue is the residue from the unburned vola tile materials released in the form of smoke or gases from the fuel during its combustion, that cools on its way up the chimney and reforms as a still combustible deposit on the inside surface of the flue as soot. eventu ally the soot deposit will grow in size and will eventually get hot enough to burn and a roaring chimney fire is the result. the fire then migrates up the chimney as the burning deposits overheat the chimney and other soot iabove.tisinevitable that soot will form in even the most efficient and well in stalled fire flues, as all carbon based fuels produce some form of soot when they burn – so remember to get your gas boilers serviced regu larly too. all chimney fires are extremely dan gerous even though their intensity and duration may vary. during a chimney fire, internal flue tempera tures may reach a staggering 1,100 degrees celsius. as a result, mas sive radiant heat is emitted through the chimney walls causing damage to the structure and possibly ignit ing nearby home fabrics and fur nishings. devastating house fire can start quickly and adjoining houses and nearby trees can also be affect ed by flying red hot debris escaping the chimney. how often you should have your chimney swept really depends on the construction and type of your chimney, what type of wood you are burning and how well your wood is seasoned and how often you use your stove or fireplace.

Page 38 Page 39 Villa management makes sense. One of the most important aspects of owning a property abroad is knowing that it's in safe hands. We regularly inspect your property and keep records of our Knowingfindings.thatyour property is in good hands is a comforting feeling. We have the package that will fit your needs, clear and without any surprises. N Othi N g is imp O ssible! unipessoal lda p managementropertycaremonthlyorweeklyDaily, ContaC ts: Property management: 916 781 www.urbidynamic.com916Construction:070781094 WEBSITE dESIGN ANd HoSTING:- ALL IN, oNLy 275€ Opening Hours 9.30-1.00 & 3.00-6.30 Closed Sunday and Monday ARE you:• Running a small Business • Running a large Business • Selling your house • Renting your house • or would you just like your own web site PACkAGE INCLudES:• All Graphics • Website address • one year web hosting • Custom web design • up to 6 pages, more pages available • An instant contact form • up to 10 email addresses Computer shop + photos to Canvas Aqua Pura Lda since 1989 Quality poolcovers delivered in 2 days! Now available D.I.Y. Solar covers Eastern Algarve Almancil, 916 982 085 Western Algarve Lagos, 967 025 Environment in most northern european countries the sweeping of flues and chimneys has been mandatory for many years and laws have been passed to regu late it. Our information from Portuguese friends has indicated that their view varies on chimney cleaning and is ei ther why bother or that all chimneys should be cleaned at least every two years and that those who use fire places may clean them after every 2 ton of wood consumed. there is however a Portuguese gov ernment decree that states: The responsibility for maintenance of facilities (with the charges passed on to users) of the visible parts of the fire plus ventilation and exhaust of combustion products resides with the condominium management. (Taken from paragraph 4 of Article 8 of Decree 362/2000 of June 20 and the provisions of Decl 521/99) note that whilst this decree forms part of the regulations pertaining to the use and maintenance of gas in stallations and appliances in regard to condominium maintenance a more sinister use relating to all heat ing devices has evolved from its ex Portugueseistence! insurers like their coun terparts in the uK (where equally no rules or law exists to govern chimney and flue maintenance) have clauses in the small print to allow them to not pay out in the event of a chimney fire causing damage to the house, its contents and fittings plus possibly any third party liabilities. during the course of our research into insurance company policy we were advised that “in a fire started by the fireplace or chimney, they (the portuguese insurance companies) usually ask for the certificate of its periodic cleaning to be produced” in the uK insurance industry, simi lar paragraphs are common place in buildings and contents policies as instanced in the paragraph below, taken from a large uK based insur er of expatriate prime and holiday homes in Portugal and elsewhere: chimney / open fire warranty This insurance excludes loss or damage by fire arising from the chimney unless the chimney has been swept on an annual basis and an appropriate certificate is sued as confirmation. Our client who was mentioned ear lier has checked her policy and on this occasion she was lucky and now with the stove and flue correctly installed and future cleaning assured she can look forward to using her fire without concerns. clearly the responsibility or risk re sides with the home owner. gavin Stevenson-Bennett The Heat of the moment Lda Tel. 281 326 551 Telm. 968 386 896

Richard Bassett Snr.

were “Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction” Urb. Parque da Azinheira,

Warren Buffet suggests that Derivatives Lote Brás de Alportel 965 059 912 230 289 845

676 Tel/Fax : +351

203 h: +351

Page 40 Page Finance author of emergency guide to property in portugal & international 0044oralgarvewills289798254912650767lOndOn(0)2074042899 lita gale SOLiCiTORS Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAwyER Telephone: 281 325 635 or 281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 mobile phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 e-mail: or Website: Rua 1° de Maio, no 9, 8800-360 Tavira - Portugal Purchase of Commercial and Residential Property • Mortgages on Property or Shares • Formation of Trust Companies • Banking & finance advice • Taxation Advice Development and Planning Law • Personal Injury • Contract Disputes • Powers of Attorney • Will and Probate • Debt Collecting and Process Service • Enforcement of Judgments • Mainte nance Orders • Family Law and Divorce • Nationality and Residency Applications poRTUGUese, enGlisH, spAnisH AnD FRenCH speAkinG soliCiToRs oFFeRinG ClienTs THe beneFiTs oF loCAl RepResenTATion. Luís de Brito - Contabilidades, Lda. accountantsspEnglishEaking All your accountancy issues explained and translated. Professional & Friendly Service luís Manuel Duarte de Brito chartered accountant Rua 1.˚ de Maio, n.˚45-1.˚ Esq. 8800-360, tavira. near Vila galÈ taViRa hotEl tel 281 324 962 Fax 281 324 Gabigest “H aircuts for all!” this has to be the rallying cry for this month. if Greece gets to cut her debt by 50% we insist that we get the same deal. ireland, Portugal italy and spain will be saved for another month or so and on goes the merrysgo-round.othebanks that lent the money lose 50% and try to claim it back from their insurers (the international bankers) who hold the collateralised debt Obligations, which are derivative based. but the insurers will say “nO deal – you accepted the 50% haircut, so it is not a default”. You, the local banks, take the hit. therefore derivative based insurance has been proved to be unreliable. it is rumoured that building 7 in the Wtc complex housed billions worth of contractual debts owed by the big six bankers that have now been written off due to loss of paperwork. cue the international bankers again. Perhaps the most devious of scams are the exchange traded Funds (etFs) known as Gld and slv these are Gold and silver backed funds, in name only. JPmorgan is custodian of the silver backing slv and hsbc is custodian for the Gold backing Gld. it is common knowledge in the banking world that hsbc is heavily shOrt Gold and JPmorgan is heavily shOrt silver, so there is a major conflict of interests that goes unchallenged by the various regulators. there exists a high probability that these funds do not hold the physical metal that they purport to hold; they are holding derivatives that the “custodian” can use to manipulate the market to their iadvantage.fyouhold either of these funds, i believe that you may be headed for a nasty surprise in the very near future. i am not a financial advisor, but i have suggested to my friends that they sell slv and Gld asap and put the money into a fund that genuinely has the physical metal, and is willing to prove it. the above is JmhO, but i suggest that you investigate for yourselves. study the small print in all your investments, the next few months are likely to be very interesting times!

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BenFica TaKe cOnTROl the month ended with a tough visit to the stadium of light in lisbon. Olhanense conceded a goal after only thirty seconds and were 2-0 down after twelve minutes, both scored by rodrigo from rightwing crosses. a rout was on the cards as benfica surged forward and only brave goalkeeping by Fabiano Freitas, on loan from benfica, stopped the goals from piling up. manager daúto Faquirá brought on salvador agra before the break and Olhanense started to get into the game. early in the second period a pinpoint cross from João Gonçlaves found Wilson eduardo on the far post to reduce the arrears. 2-1 and all to play for as the visitors continued to press forward. With time running out, Olhanense nearly snatched a point when substitute djalmir saw his goal boun d shot blocked by luisão.

Page 43Page 42 Local sports news from Chris Wright. Sport Plenty of drama at Olhanense REMoVALS & SToRAGE LoCAL, NATIoNAL & uk Packing service Mudanças e Armazenagem N E il & E M ily R ICHAR d S o N REM o VALS “Caring for your possessions is second nature and we strive to care for yours as if they were our own” Tlm. +351 939 486 870 +351 939 486 807 m ember of the British- p ortuguese c hamber of c ommerce Tel +351 281 963 191 or 0844 579 6577 ( uk local) Email:,8800TAVIRA Broadband Algarve Internet via Satellite and broadband TV Discounts for afpop members Affordable Monthly Subscriptions (00351) 918 771 381 (00351)(Vic)918851 232 (Stephanie) JmASTERJOinEROinER&gEnERALmAinTEnAnCE... 20 years experience of fitting Kitchens, Floors, doors, decking, Locks etc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! Eastern Algarve & Central KitChens - dOOrs - lOCKs - FlOOrs - wardrObes - shelvesFurniture - shOwer sCreens - deCKing - pergOlas... & MuCh MOre! 281 328 648 or 926 615 244

last season Olhanense nicked a 1-0 win when they played away at nacional but this time it was the madeira side who stole all three points with a goal after just 12 minutes. it was halfway through the first period before the visitors got into their stride. the brazilian mateus, improving with every game, then took control of the midfield. caue nearly headed home before mateus saw his 30metres shot bounce down off the underside of the bar. despite dominating the second-half the visitors failed to find the back of the net. after a two week break Olhanense returned to action against v.Guimarães at the José arcanjo stadium, Olhão. a penalty, slotted home by mateus, after 48 minutes moved the algarveans up to sixth place behind Porto, benfica, braga, sporting & maritimo. the bWin league cup (2nd phase : 1st leg) at estoril resulted in a 4-3 defeat, after being 3-2 in front, with a number of fringe players given a run out. the 2nd leg takes place in Olhão on Wednesday 9th november kick-off: 7.00pm. socio-members €3; nonmembers €5 & €7.

neW spOnsORs monsaraz millennium, producers of olive oil and wine, are the new shirt sponsors of Olhanense. their 100,000euros investment will also include the construction of a synthetic 7-a-side football pitch adjoining the stadium in Olhão. isidoro s Olhanense"partnership,welcomedOlhanense,Presidentousa,oftheitisimportantcreate a close relationship with the people of alentejo, because we want to attract football fans in that region to support our club". monsaraz millennium has also launched a groundbreaking initiative with the slogan ‘let's help people’. the project will help people in need, in education & health and support young talent throughout the region. pORTugal cup the Portuguese Fa has finally decreed that Fatima should be expelled from the Portugal cup for fielding an illegible


alcochetense, from the setúbal district, in the 4th round. pORTugal FighT FOR euRO 2012 place the national team has been drawn against bosnia in the play-offs harriet (left) and paul nicholson (opposite right) at last year's Olhanense expat christmas Dinner

October started with the shock news that Olhanense supporters harriet & Paul nicholson, together with their daughter and her partner, were in a helicopter crash in new York’s east river. the tragic accident resulted in the untimely death of their daughter sonia marra and subsequently claimed the life of her partner helen tamaki. harriet has regained consciousness and, following an operation to ease her breathing, is making slow but steady progress. Paul and harriet, who live near Olhão, wish to thank everyone for their support and particularly the nYPd and people of new York for their professional actions and sympathetic kindness.

salvador agra (left) the exciting portugal u21 player who has made a full recovery following his horrific injury a month ago with Rui Duarte & Bruno Verissimo who played against estoril young alex Donohue from manchester (centre front) celebrates with fans after the victory over V.guimarães Page 45 More expert tips from Benamor's resident professional, Keith Ashdown. Pro stats Name: Keith Ashdown Title: P.G.A. Resident professional Pro since: 1964 Born: Crowborough, Sussex, U.K. Tournament History: •Winner of more than 100 professional golf tournaments in Europe. •Represented G.B. and Ireland in the P.G.A. Cup against the U.S.A. •16 Hole in ones (4 on par 4’s) •Course record holder at Benamor, 65 (6 under par), although has scored 60 strokes on 3 occasions (Not counted as a course record as they were not scored in a professional competition) •European tour player member 1968 82 •European seniors tour player/member 2003;2004;2005 Page 44 SERVING YoU AND YoUR GUESTS WITH CoMPLETE SATISFACTIoN IN MIND 00 351 913 692 170 or UK 0161 298 4800 RENTALS & PRoPERTY MANAGEMENT Let us make renting easy. Management Packages tailored to suit your needs Advertising•Enquiries & Bookings •Payment Collection•Cleaning •Laundry•Meeting•24/7 Helpline •Bill Payments•Guest Services; Golf Leisure Trips & Transfers Making the engine last The Mad haTTers riverside Bar by the military bridge in the centre of TAVIRA. Tel 00351 281 323 886 Open Daily 10 am unTil laTe PREMIERSHIP, lEAGUE ANd CUP FOOTBAll, TAVIRA R UGBY ClUBAs with a motor car, age does tell. even with a carefully kept engine, as the years pass, there has been "wear and tear", so it cannot be flogged. every "over fifty" has realised, or will soon realise that he or she can't do what they did only ten years ago. but there is no doubt that regulated excercise fights off the slow decay which begins in our body tissues. the excercise must be regulated so as not to strain the heart. i have always cherished my fortune to have been born with good health. i soon realised that health is our most precious gift, for good health is everything in "Keeplife. fit by golf" is a great slogan, but there is more fun and less strain by having the right muscles trained in order to play hwell.ere are some simple excercises, no strain (five minutes daily) which will keep the body supple, especially for the middleaged folk. i find half-adozen of each enough in the mornings. You can work up to ten or a dozen if you wish. good health means! ON 3 Hd SCREENS Fully aiR cOnDiTiOneD BaR POPPY APPEAl qUIz 10th November at 8.30pm, €2 Entrance and Great Prizes! From 6.30pm, eat-as-much-as-you-like Curry Buffet for €7 and includes entry to the quiz. dRAUGHT BEERS & CIdERS: Superbock & Somersby dRAUGHT & BOTTlEd BEERS: from €1 dRAUGHT WINE: from €1 All dAY PUB MENU WITH All dAY ENGlISH BREAKFAST FROM ONlY €5. CAll OR POP IN TO ARRANGE EARlY TEE TIME BREAKFAST' ManagementunderNOWNew The Mad Hatters Riverside Bar Open every day Noon till Midnight Sunday Breakfast 9.30 am till Noon Imported Beers Old Specked NewcastleJohnGuinnessHenSmithsBrownBoddingtons Ciders MagnersStrongbowVintageBulmers 43 Th R Cervejas NewcastleOldJohnBoddingtons Ciders MagnersStrongbowBulmers DomingServimosmeio-diaAberto Tel: 966948012 | Rua Rosalina de Passos 8150-144 São Brás de ServicesWeldingAlportelFernando Emídio • Welding Pipe for high and low pressure • • Construction and repair of pipes in Carbon Steel, Stainless, Aluminum, Titanium, Copper and Polyethylene • •Welding and Repair engine block, motorcycle frames, aluminium and staineless steel tanks • We can weld almost anything 1 Stretch the arms high in the air and shake the hands loosely, one at a time. 2 Put hands on the back of your neck, elbows touching, then open and close elbows - pulling them back as far pos sible each time. 3 Hunch up right shoulder to touch right ear, head held steady - then hunch up the left shoulder, arm by the side. 4 Stand like shown in picture and TWIST the hips. Try not to sway, TWIST.

EVENING MENU Tuesday night, Grilled Salmon and salad €8.00 Wednesday night, 3 course Indian buffet €9.00 Thursday night, Home made Chicken and mushroom pie €8.00 Fridays, Fish, chips & mushy peas, SErVEd all day Saturday,€8.50Home made Steak & Kidney pie €8.00 Sunday lunch, 2 courses, roast pork or chicken €9.00 Telephone, 912 827 058 Faz

N125VilaCampoCorteCasaRONAFatoldO’SPastoFernandaAntonioMartinsGolfMonteReiNovadeCacelaTAVIRA V.R.S.A RONALDO ’S BARdisappointmenttoPleasebeingBookingsdEVEyNEW&ldayXMaSUNCHEarSINNErnowaccepted.callavoidFriday11thNovemberBINGOBOOKINGadVISEdTwocourseFish&chipmeal,servedat8.30pm€8.50P/P Sunday 20th November VegBOOKINGMdaNNyaVErICKadVISEdsoup,Garlickprawns,roastBeef,yorkshirepuds,Vegetables,Sweets,sitdown1.30pm€11.00P/P Saturday 26th November CHarIT y QUIz FOr BOMBEIrOSStarts7pm,Entry10€p/p5€forBombeiros.Includesmeal,raffles&Prizes. FORRESTAURANTSALE Center of Tavira, a unique restored building over 400 years old. Excellent reputation with 66 covers and patio seating. An excellent Telinvestment!918502 029 sym ORBiT 50cc 4 sTROKe scOOTeR, only 1000km 950 Euros including document transfer Tel 281321072. 2005 RenaulT gRanD scenic 1.6 16V. 5 Dr, 7 seats (2 fold away). RHD, Port Reg. Inspection may 2013, Tax Feb 2012. Keyless entry and start. Large roof box included. 5500€ or £5000. Tel 00351 927 364 157. Cheap price for qiuck sale!! JOnWay scOOTeR 125cc. 2008. Black. Only 4000 miles. UK registered. Loads of extras, cover, lock, helmet. gloves etc. Ideal Xmas present. €695. Tel George on 92 731 2174 halOgen heaTeR as new 10 euros Tavira 281327434 callaWay gOlF cluBs ring for details and price Tavira 281327434 10 pin BOWling Ball weight 5kg, shoes + carrying case 50 euros Tavira 918416571 small pROpeRTy managemenT cOmpany FOR sale. Based in the East Algarve. Email: ROVeR 400, PT REG, 1995 Petrol, Tatty but good engine €250 o.n.o. Tel:-961 700 200 Books Sisters by Rosamund Lupton


Free classifieds Page 47www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 46 TRanslaTiOns German, English, Portuguese 916 577 365 violetaweitz@ gaRDen & pOOl mainTenance tavira area 913248411 neeD an ODD JOB DOing aT a sensiBle pRice? Painting, gardening, repair work etc. Tel 962 825 697 DRiVeR & Van, Tel 961 700 200. hOuse siTTing Reliable,trustworthy couple offer house and pet sitting service 00351 910 955 987 We maKe gReaT ViDeOs FROm yOuR picTuRes! View our samples! ella@ gaRDen TiDying & pOOl cleaning, regular or one off's 912 304 757 meeT & gReeT, clienT caRe, hOusesiTTing offered by ex-hotel manageress. Call Elli 962 649 785 / elliwinpt@ peRsOnal insuRance aDVisOR Best UK rates. Details to. any Thing TO sell? Call Mark on at Algarve Auction Warehouse on 914 774 438 experienced carer mentally disturbed\ disabilities/elderly. Young teaching assist & Childcare + Cleaner. References. Morwenna 917 283 928 hand painted tiles to order. House names, Portuguese scenes etc., please call Corinne926 672 740 music Duo, Available for restaurants, bars and hotels; Tel 917 332 068 palm reading service. Tel 916 389 810 masTeRJOineR / caRpenTeR & general maintenance. Solid experience of fitting Kitchens, Doors, Locks etc 926 615244 - 281 328 648 stephen Freeman, painter & decorator Friendly service, Highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. ACTIVITIES pilates class in Fisio S. Brás in S. Brás Alportel. Tel.289 845 131 vitor.rebelo@gmail. com Dance lessons, Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Monday evenings, call 281 971 484 clinical pilate's Ervanária Bem-MeQuer, Moncarapacho, with Vera Sousa, Physiotherapist & Pilates Instructor. Tel. 933 261 944. scottish country Dancing at the Casa do Povo Moncarapacho, Thursdays 5.30 ~ 7.30PM.Tel 289 791 998 or 914 798 833 or email Boot sale, QM Garden center Saturday 19th November Tel 289 999 613 painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every Wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, Sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta Fonte Bispo T. 289 845 561 F o R SALE FiaT scuDO lwb 2.0L van 2008 full inspection/tax 18,000km as new 12,000 Euros may part ex good quality car. Tel 963602584. BusinessaclassiFieDsReFReeforprivateadvertisers.adsarefreeforOnemOnThOnly. email your ads to (maximum 9 words) iF yOu WOulD liKe mORe inFORmaTiOn On aDVeRTising in This 961pleasemagazinecall:700200 PR o PERT y F o R RENT TaViRa aRea Long term rentals, various properties for rent 1-2-3 beds from 325€ per month. Joe 911 956 149 alTuRa aRea, 4 bedroom villa with pool on private estate for long term rental 700.00 euros month, lin tel lintelcom@googlemail.com969199300 pROpeRTy FOR RenT Faz-Fato area Villa for rent in harmony with the field. 965 764 228 PR o PERT y F o R SALE BeauTiFul Villa in 23 hectares.€699,000. 968318363. FOR sale Villa near Sao Bras.Heated Pool.289841200 or property/details/ WANTE d sOngWRiTeRs, musicians, singeRs, BanDs wanted. Royalties paid. Contact pORTuguese RegisTeReD caR/4 x 4 or minibus wanted. Must be diesel. Up to €2500 paid for the right vehicle. Tel George on 92 731 2174. sTOne gaRDen FuRniTuRe wanted. Good price paid. Tel George 92 731 2174. WanTeD hOusesWap 6 month+ Spanish village 3bed for Southern England cdorken@ Wanted “Sourcing for new business Venture” Locally based “Eastern Algarve Artisans “ do you make your own products i.e. Jewellery, Wood crafts, Furniture, beauty productss etc. and live near Tavira? If so please email info to Wanted, Detached properties in Tavira and the surrounding areas for clients looking to purchase. Kate; 00351 926 360 484 Wanted all types of construction materials, leftovers, etc 962 484 215 - loulecity@gmail. com Wanted foreign or Pt reg cars, vans, jeeps, motorcycles, boats, motor-homes, nonrunners, accident damaged, with or no docs. Cash. 962 484 215 - loulecity@gmail. com Wanted, large plot with ruin in the santa catarina area. call or text 927 969 602 SERVICES RemOVals anD sTORage for a personal and professional service please contact emily or neil 00351 939 486 870 peT pORTRaiTs Painted on Canvasby local artist, ideal Xmas presents for examples please visit or call Steve 912 985 768 hOuse siTTing Reliable,trustworthy couple offer house and pet sitting service 00351910955987 housesitting.algarve@live. caR mainTenance anD seRVicing English, mobile mechanic, reliable, available for small jobs 00351910955987 housesitting.

This sophisticated psychological thriller is brilliantly written and utterly gripping. this book builds suspense not only around the causes and details of the story's brutal denouement, but also around the personalities. both tear-jerking and spine-tingling, sister provides an adrenaline rush that could cause a chill on the sunniest bafternoon.eatricelives in new York with her fiancé. her mother rings her up one day delivering shattering news: her younger sister tess has vanished. the ties between sisters are very strong despite the geographical distance and of course beatrice hops on the first plane out to london. the circumstances of tess' disappearance are multi-layered with obscure details and beatrice is determined to find tess no matter what. little does she know, boarding that plane, of the journey she will have to face, uncovering some horrible, painful and frightening facts that will forever change everybody's life. this book deserves a high praise because it is not only engaging, it has a certain psychological depth that is seldom felt on fast-paced reads, no matter how entertaining. the vocabulary is stylish and cultured and it perfectly conveys emotions and feelings, entwined with the chilly, suspenseful atmosphere that permeates the story. it also defines the deep, deep love between the two sisters. Piercingly touching. thumbs up for debut writer rosamund lupton!

Page hotel rural, restaurant & B ar QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO For information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the en270 near Sta catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our website www.qtfontebispo.comBOOtSaleevery4th Sunday (august cancelled) caRveRYSundays from 1pm Bookingadvised from Only €10 Quiz nigHt every Wednesday, meals served from 7.00pm, Quiz starts at 8.30pm ReStauRant Open tues-Sat, serving light lunchtime meals, and an international menu during the evenings. diners are welcome to enjoy our facilities. Alcoutim ALGARVE Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 IP1 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe FonteBispodo HaWeReeRe RegulaR eventS Rural hotel set in beautiful gardens in the countryside of tavira. Bazaarchristmas Reserve your table NOW! november 26th, 10.30 Stalls to include: Silk paintings, glassware, photo's jewellery, knitted toys, homemade cakes, paintings, decorations, gifts and cards Food available Raffle in aid of Childrens Charity

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