Oct11 East Algarve Magazine

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magazine FREE Olh à O · s à O br Á s · tavira · a lc O utim · castr O marim · vila real de sant O ant Ó ni O East Algarve October 2011 © Alte Focus on Golf tips From PrayingAshdownKeithMantis Gardening Health What's in a cigarette! People GardensTavira

Page 2 www.eastalgarvemag.com ...to your September issue. We hope you had a fabulous summer. Life will finally resume normality for me soon, the children return to school mid September, after a long three months off school, lets hope they remember their Portuguese! We have a lovely issue for you this month, a guide to eating out in Cabanas, Oriental art, disappearing bees, and an interview with Duarte from Fisioclube Fuzeta who explains Holistic therapy and Iris diagnosis. Mark explains the problem of the Palm Weevil that is destroying our beautiful landscape. We bring you a succulent Angus steak dish from Tavira Gardens Bistro and introduce the new shop location of Taviras unique gift shop, Casa das Portas. We have all the latest finance, environment and sports news, golf tips from Keith and much more. As ever we appreciate all your comments and suggestions, happy reading! Welcome... Editor PUBLISHER & dESIgnER Richard Bassett EdITOR Katie Bassett EdITORIaL cO-ORdInaTORS Richard Bassett Snr. advERTISIng Call 961 700 200 or info@eastalgarvemag.comemail cOnSULTanT Arne Jakobsen the Great Dane PRInTEd By GraficasLitografis-ArtesLda,Ferreiras dISTRIBUTIOn 3,250 copies printed. All advertisers are issued copies for distribution, along with retail outlets. All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the contents are only meant as a guide to readers. The proprietors of this magazine are publishers not agents or sub agents of those who advertise therein. The publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information gained from this publication magazineEast Algarve N E il & Emily Rich AR dson R emovA ls “Caring for your possessions is second nature and we strive to care for yours as if they were our own” Tlm. +351 939 486 870/+351 939 486 807 m ember of the British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce Tel +351 281 963 191 or 0844 579 6577 (UK local) Email: neilandem@sapo.pt Website www.ne-internationalremovals.comApartado166,8800TAViRAREmOVAlS&STORAGElOCAl,NATiONAl&UK Packing service • Mudanças e Armazenagem

Page 3www.eastalgarvemag.com 4nOTIcE BOaRd Let us know your thoughts. 5WHaT’S On Things to do this month. 6 nEWS Get up to date on the latest East Algarve news! 7HEaLTH What's in a cigarette. 10BEaUTy Hairdressing Q&A. 11aRTS Joe Webster at Corte Real. 12PEOPLE Bistro at Tavira Garden. 14PEOPLE Meet Keith and Julie Carnedale. 16FOcUS On The village of Alte. 18PROPERTy Never waste s good crisis. 23PROPERTy Property of the month. 24PEOPLE All change at Tavira Auction. 31FOOd From Vila Velha, São Brás. 33gaRdEnS Praying mantis. 36EnvIROnmEnT Water conservation. 40FInancE Social security dilemma. 42SPORT Historic motor racing festival. 43SPORT The latest from Chris Wright. 44SPORT Golf tips from Keith Ashdown. 46BOOK LOvERS’ cORnER This month's book review. 47cLaSSIFIEdS Grab a local bargain. 143133 CONTENTS 12 42

Page 4 www.eastalgarvemag.com Email: info@eastalgarvemag.com Telephone 961 700 200 Postal Address: EN270, CXP797A, Fonte Bispo, Tavira us This notice board is free for readers to use. Send us news, ideas sharesuggestionsoryou’dliketowithourreaders. guesthouse, BAR & BI st R o QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO Call 281 971 484, email info@qtfontebispo.com or see our websitewww.qtfontebispo.com or see our map on the back page LCARVERYAmb,bEEf & TuRkEY, pLus ALL THE TRimmings sundays from 1.00pm booking AdVisEd onLY 10€ 3 course option available for only 14€ sTEAknigHT fridays, from 6.30pm * Rump €8.50 * Rib EYE €10.00 * siRLoin €13.00 * 16oz T-bonE €19.50 (48 hours notice for T-bone) All steaks come with home made chips, onion rings, mushrooms,grilled tomatoes, and peas. Mosaic workshops in Quinta Fonte do Bispo, QM garden centre & Costa Esuri golf. For more information visit costsintensiveEveryelmundomosaico.comwww.twoweekswillbeaworkshopof4hoursattheQMgardencentre.Theare14Euros.-+material. CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENTAT BENAMOR GOLFEnjoy a great day of golf, and help theChildren from Porta Amiga of Tavira! October 30th Program:2011*18 hole stableford competitionstarting at 12 noon * Barbeque * Live music * Prize giving with Tombola* Live auction Cost per player is ONLY 50 Euroswhich includes Green fee, Barbeque andTombola prizes!To register contact:Peter on 910 049 766,or Helena on 281 320 880,email mhneto@benamorgolf.com Boot sale every 4th Sunday at Quinta Fonte do Bispo, tel 281 971 484 fortMondaydetailsDancelessonseveningsatQuintaFontedoBispoel281971484

www.eastalgarvemag.com What’s on Your guide to what's happening in and around the East Algarve this month, have fun! Things to do this MARKETSOctober Loulé: every saturday. Estoi: 2nd sunday of the month. moncarapacho: 1st sunday of the month. Quelfes: 4th and 5th sundays of the month. Tavira: 3rd saturday of the month. vila nova de cacela: 3rd sunday of the month. castro marim: 2nd saturday of the month. Sta catarina: 4th sunday of the month. DONT"S MISS 24

Casa das Portas is a unique shop in the heart of Tavira, the most beautiful town in the Algarve. Visit the shop and experience first-hand not only the extraordinary images of the town created by the owner, Jane Gibbin, but also the ever changing collection of beautiful things ethically sourced from Portugal and around the world. - Castro & salgueiro, monte Gordo - casino, 14/10 - 15/10, 20h30 (dinner) and 22h30 (show) 30€ (dinner + show) 14€ (show), t. 289 310 000 olhão - Banjazz show For chil dren. - municipal auditorium 15/10 16h00 t. 289 710 170 são BRás De alPoRTel - Clube De Jazz Celebrates 5 Years With 5 Bands, costume museum, 16/10, 17h00 são brás de alportel cos tume museum são BRás De alPoRTel - Concert of Classical music, 22/10, 18h00, costume museum são brás de alportel


The Historic motor racing festival. See page 42 for details.

Casa das Portas, Rua Dr Augusto Silva Carvalho, 3, 8800-324, TAVIRA, Portugal Telephone: +351 281 321 025 email for orders and information:www.casadasportas.cominfo@casadasportas.com

sexhiBiTionsãoBRásDealPoRTel - ex hibition “looking For g spot” By sandra sousa santos, armazém de arte, until 14/10, monday, tuesday, Wednesday and sun day: 17h00 - 22h00. Friday and saturday: 17h00 - 01h00. closed thursdays. t. 289 841 316 olhão - exhibition of sculpture “Fragments and Portraits” By Teresa Paulino, until 22/10 municipal auditorium, t. 289 710 170 são BRás De alPoRTel - exhibition of Painting By octávio lourenço “loucura” (madness), until 30/10, arts and crafts centre, são brás de alportel municipal council, t. 289 840 000 são BRás De alPoRTel - “al garve in my Thoughts”, Paint ing By Cliff martin Tuson, 04/10 - 31/10, Galeria, municipal council são brás de alportel t. 289 840 000

V.FesTiValsR.sTo.anTónio - Beer Festival, 07/10 - 08/10 monte Gordocasino, 20h30, 30 € t. 289 310 000 WhY noT são BRás De alPoRTelDemonstration of gastronomy, municipal market (entertainment area), 29/10, 10h30, council são brás de alportel t. 289 840 000

The Portuguese association of Parkinson's Patients (aPdPk) is to estimate the numbers of sufferers of the disease within the population of the algarve in a major new study, supported by the directorate General for health, which will be rolled out to other regions after the algarve pilot survey running through October. Parkinson's disease is a degenerative neurological disease of the central nervous system, for which there is no cure. it is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, affecting more than one in every thousand people in europe. in Portugal, it is estimated that about 20.000 of the population suffer from Parkinson's disease, although no concrete data yet exists. For this new survey teams are starting in Faro, moving across the main cities in the algarve including loulé, tavira and lagoa. helena machado, President of aPdPk said that the study will allow the gathering and comparison of data with other european countries. the association will be able more accurately to estimate the number of people with the disease and plan their treatment and support. a neurologist and the scientific coordinator of the study, Joaquim Ferreira, explains that to date there are no population-based epidemiological studies in Portuga which would determine the prevalence of Parkinson's. it is therefore essential to implement this study so as to develop health strategies adapted to the actual number of patients. the assessment is in two stages starting with a questionnaire and observational diagnosis of the disease in randomly selected households. the second phase, where respondents have been identified as having symptoms or who already are taking relevant medication, will see them having in depth consultations with a neurologist to confirm the diagnosis in a hospital near their mhomes.oregeneral information on this disease is available http://www.parkinsons.org.uk/at

News Page 6 www.eastalgarvemag.com

Two people died and one was seriously injured following an accident at 20.30 on 22nd september on the en125 in Porta nova near tavira. a high-powered motorcycle heading towards tavira from Faro struck a british woman, who died instantly. the other victim, a brazilian, was one of the two men on the motorcycle; the other was taken in serious condition to Faro hospital. the bikers were thrown 50 meters from the point of impact and the bike was recovered 100 meters down the road. the traffic on the en125 was stopped for nearly two hours to enable emergency and police services to collect evidence and clear the debris.

Last month saw spain win the nations cup tournament held in the east algarve. a total of 7 teams (Portugal, spain, holland, england, india, ireland and Germany) played over three days at Quinta do vale, Quinta da ria and benamor golf. the event was sponsored by propdate. com and Golf focus magazine who also organised it. after three days of glorious sunshine the spain was crowned winners, with Portugal second and holland third. this annual event was held in great spirit and great fun was had by all who played. if you are interested in entering a team in next years event, contact alfredo Germano at Golf Focus on 969 644 174.

Spain win Nations cup


Team Portugal took second place. The Dutch team, all smiles as ever!

mike Bosman from propdate.compresents the the spanish team thewinners cup.

Algarve chosen for major Parkinson's disease survey

What Cigarette?reallyisina

SOS Service for Residents and long-term Tourists in the Algarve ⁕ Can you be found quiCkly by the emergenCy serviCes? ⁕ have you ever found it neCessary to meet the emergenCy serviCes at a Commonly known loCation (e.g., loCal fuel station) to direCt them to your home? ⁕ are you often misunderstood on the phone due to language barriers? having been a smoker years ago, i deluded myself into thinking the health risks for me weren’t that severe. When i found out what comprises cigarettes, i quickly changed my mind. there can be as many as around 4000 various chemicals in the cigarettes. thus far it is determined that 50 of the chemicals are well known to cause you cancer. there are over four thousand chemicals found in cigarettes – 43 of those chemicals are known carcinogenic compounds and other toxins that include, but are not limited to nicotine, ddt, arsenic, ammonia, tar, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and hydrogen cyanide. by the way, carcinogenic literally means cancer causing. most commonly mentioned chemicals are nicotine, tar & carbon monoxide and nicotine is the insecticide. tar is oily substance that is used to pave roofs and driveways. carbon monoxide is the odorless gas that is found in the auto exhaust. but, these might not be most dangerous chemicals there in the cigarettes. the best part of all those lovely chemicals we are sucking into our lungs is that those chemicals stay in our lungs. the catch is, the more we inhale, the better it feels. the more damage we do to our lungs is directly related to an increase in how much we want to smoke. to make this matter worse, the second hand smoke is more dangerous. american surgeon General also found more than 50 cancer causing chemicals that are all found in the cigarette smoke. an unfortunate result is other people and family members will develop the health problems without smoking the cigarette!

Health Page 7www.eastalgarvemag.com


let’s talk a little more about nicotine for a moment. it takes nicotine six seconds – yes, six seconds – to reach the brain from the moment it is inhaled. that is just part of what makes nicotine so addictive. nicotine

The message on the pack says it all. Could it be any clearer? So why do people still ignore it?


Join us at one of the following FREE Presentations: BLiP October 8/9, (An afpop event) October 13, 15:00 – 17:00 at Quinta da Fonte do Bispo October 20, 15:30 – 17:30 at “Tavira Garden” Restaurant and OctoberBistro27, 15:00 – 17:00 at Ronaldo’s Bar, Monte Novo / Faz CallFato912 390 082 or visit www.ecde.org

Page 8 www.eastalgarvemag.com ChooseEnglishCarahair&beautysaloninTavira,underneaththearchesnearthetrainstation.PICK&MIX3ofthefollowingforonly40Euros•Back,neckandshouldermassage•Hydratingfacial•Relaxingfootandanklemassage•FullLegWax•ExoticHandRitual•SoleDelightPedicure•Eyebrowshape,Eyelash&EyebrowTint•EyecollagentreatmentThisofferisvalidthemonthofOCTOBEROnLy.Callthesalonnowon;964456228LIMITEDaPPOInTMEnTSavaILaBLEFisioclube FUZETA › Osteopathy › Phsychotherapy › Global emailRe-educationPostural(RPG)›NutritionalTherapy›IrisDiagnosisTel962777701duarte@fisioclube.netwww.fisioclube.netHOlIsTIcTHeRaPy has a calming effect while also being a stimulant. most smokers will tell you the first thing they do when they get up in the morning is light up a smoke. they’ll also tell you they smoke most when they’re upset, under stress or nervous because smoking makes them feel more relaxed. a lot of smokers also smoke more when they’re drinking. alcohol is a depressant so smokers likely light up more with a drink in their hand for nicotine’s stimulating hproperties.ere’ssomething else to consider about nicotine. in small doses – like a cigarette – it has that stimulant effect people crave so much in the morning. up the dose and it’s the opposite; inhibiting the signals passed between nerve cells and the stimulant becomes a depressant.

CraniharmonisingOsteOpathyFormuscularandarticularproblems,treatedbyandresettingthebody’sstructure.OsaCraltherapyMassageserviCe •All massages are performed by health professionals using biologic essential oils for aromatherapy •SwedishAyurvedicmassage,Quiromassage,massage, • Traditional Thai massage & Shiatsu •Local massage for legs and feet or neck back and shoulders. •Carpal Tunnel treatment Catherina pauwels, tel: 281 321 700 or 963 706 624 largo do Cano 29, tavira, next to the Fire station Mail: catherinapauwels@clix.pt www.eastalgarvemag.com Page 9 extend your beauty • semi permanent eyelash extensions • Perfect for the beach or pool • No more messy mascara! • Full set just €40 Call for an appointment in Tavira or at your home Tel 926 563 738 email: snappydannie@yahoo.comafter FUBefore25%OFFllseTOcTONly in high enough doses nicotine can be lethal. tobaccos companies add different chemicals as well as flavorings in the cigarettes for improving its taste as well as to make tobacco burn smoother & longer. it is as well known that a few of these chemicals increase craving for & addiction to the tobacco smoking. the smokers are also exposed to more chemicals than what they Quitingrealize. smoking has become easier with electronic nicotine patches and online help like www. theKofbiggestpacketeopportunityinwarningmwww.quitsmokingonline.comsmokefree.nhs.uk.oranypeopleareluckyandgetathatsomethingiswrongtheirbodiesandhavethetomakethechange.verytimeasmokerpicksupthetheyareignoringthewarningrightinfrontthem,smOKinGillstheclueisonpacket!

simply email your answer to this question to info@eastalgarvemag.com name the hairdresser who 'revolutionised the art of hairstyling' in the 1960's?

WiN a haiR makeoVeR aT The haiR sTuDio!

Page 10 www.eastalgarvemag.com Beauty HAIR STUDIOThe HAIR STUDIO ● CREATIVE HAIR LADIES & GENTS LADIES CUT & BLOW DRY 18 INCREGROWTH€COLOUR,CUT&BLOWDRY42€ GENTS WET CUT 9 € WE ARE OPEN ALL YEAR ROUND CONCEIÇÃO DE TAVIRA TEL 916 765 082 HALF HEAD FOILS, INC CUT & BLOW DRY 47 € WASH & BLOW DRY 9 PERMS,€ INC & BLOW DRY 38 € BenamorCabanasgolf ConceiçãoTavira We are here na b hop Open 10 until 5, 10 until 6 on Thursdays. Closed Wednesdays. english greeting cards available, all only 2€ All your Hair dressing questions answered by George from The Hair Studio in Cabanas.

Q i want to change my style, do you advise taking along a picture of what i want to my stylist? Wendy, cacela A to tell you the truth Wendy, i advise you to take along 2 or 3 pictures. the reason being is that it's very difficult to get an exact picture of what you want. For ex ample you may want the fringe or sides longer. if you have a couple of pictures then your stylist should be able to marry them together to give you what you're looking for. a little piece of advice, try and choose a style with a similr colour to your own, as it can look com pletely different on dark hair if the picture is blonde.

Q i'm letting my hair grow from short to long, do i still need to get it cut regularly? Jane, Fuseta A Yes Jane, but not as often. a regular haircut should be 4-6 weeks, but if you're growing it then 8 weeks is fine. this stops you getting split ends. therefore when your hair has reached your desired length and is ready for styling, you won't have to have too much cut off because the split ends have got worse due to lack of maintenance. if you have any hairdressing questions you'd like george to answer, email us at info@eastalgarvemag.com


Q i've been trying to persuade my husband of 27 years to change his style. he just goes to the same barber for the same haircut! mary, São Brás A that's us men mary, stuck in a rut! You need to take the gentle ap proach. For example if you see a gents style on tv or in a magazine, point it out. a little tip; try someone around his age, not david beckham, he may think you're having a laugh. i think the term softly, softly may be the order of the day.

Page 11 Arts www.eastalgarvemag.com

Joe is one of more than 30 artists and artisans represented by cortereal; the gallery displays paintings, ceramics, sculptures, handmade chandeliers, candelabras, wall sconces, decorative mirrors and other objects of original art. open Thursday to sunday – 11am to 5pm signposted from Ferreiras, Boliqueime & Paderne Telephone: - 918 980 199 or 912 737 762 Brought up in the Algarve’s beautiful countryside, Joe Webster developed his observational skills and artistic talents. Paying close attention to the seasons, he noted the continuous changes in the fields and orchards, which as a youngster he began to paint.

Words KainCarolyn Photos KainPeter h is instinctive ability and intuitive compositions received considerable praise and when Joe went onto further education, he qualified as an art teacher. students at são lourenço international school and the british school of the algarve will remember mr Webster! six years ago he moved to devon becoming head of the art department at sidmouth acollege.lthough he no longer lives in the algarve, Joe has not lost his love of the region where he grew up. recording on canvas a recent holiday spent here, he has completed a series of vibrant paintings that are currently on display at Galeria cortereal in Paderne. immensely attractive, capturing transitory moments of light and shade, Joe combines grand aspects of colour and shape alongside precision details and textures. From a distance his views are impressionistic created with bold brush strokes and sweeping lines. close to, his compelling attention to flowers, leaves and grasses exemplify his mastery of minutiae.

Joe Webster Showcase at Galeria Corte Real


Attracting both locals and many foreign visitors alike, you will be welcomed with a warm smile at the Tavira Garden Bistro.

www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 12 People situated on the n 125, within in tavira Garden complex of apartments, we met up with mike meijnderts, known locally and fondly, as the ”not so skinny chef”, his wife Fatima and their good friend bjorn, who helps them both to run and manage the bistro. mike was born in the netherlands and having graduated at the hotel and catering college in Groningen, went on to work within the catering and restaurant business for over 25 years, in his native holland, Germany, spain, austria and the Gambia. he came to Portugal in 2000, and managed hotspots in the centre of the algarve such as, cave do vinho do Porto in albufeira and tasca rodriques in boliqueime. he met his delightful wife Fatima, who is Portuguese and they decided to open their own restaurant finding a location on the n125 in boliquieme. this was such a success they looked at a larger restaurant in santa barbara de nexe, sal & Pimenta restaurant opened its doors in november 2006. after a fantastic start, the business unfortunately was hit very hard by the economic crisis. (as we know was the case for so many in whatever field at the time). a large majority of their customers were foreign pensioners and of course their spending ability was affected mbadly.ikeand Fatima sold sal & Pimenta in 2009 and whilst looking for a new business opportunity, mike worked, as head chef at dunas dourades near Quinta do lago, during the summer and then on to austria the following winter for the 4 months of the busy ski season. in april 2010, after returning to Portugal he was approached to rent the bar and restaurant situated within the complex of tavira Gardens. the bistro is set within the peaceful, pretty garden area which has a large pool adjacent to the bistro, so a great view from the terrace. they gave themselves 1 year to try and find a good combination of family restaurant, bar and bistro, providing anything from breakfast, to lunch and dinner. they are open 7 days a week from noon till late for lunch and dinner, you can enjoy a full meal, sandwich, a cup of coffee, cold beer and anything in between. breakfast can be ordered if you have an early round of golf maybe? every sunday a full roast dinner is served all day (reservations highly recommended). Great spot for late luncheons and early dinners. the restaurant also has sport tv on big screen showing all major sport events, free Wifi and pool table. needing another strong person in the restaurant, mike approached his good friend bjorn who he had met in one of the dutch bars in tavira and asked him to manage the front of house for him. bjorn, a dutch national was born into the catering business his parents had numerous restaurants and catering outlets whilst he was growing up. after living in australia for 5 years bjorn returned to the netherlands a few

sunDaY RoasT Please Call FoR ReseRVaTions

Page 13www.eastalgarvemag.com

years ago, deciding to leave again, he found himself in Portugal 3 years ago and is still here, after spending time working at O’monte restaurant in cabanas and aquasul in tavira. bjorn has been with mike and Fatima since april and together with the other great staff who can speak many language’s, they will extend a friendly warm welcome, and can help translating menu’s etc to all of their international clientele. tavira bistro, with its international menu is open all afternoon. You can enjoy the black angus or argentinean rib eye steaks, which are speciality dishes, or mix and match the 2 course lunch and dinner menus. take a drink from the international bar on the terrace opposite the pool. Fresh fish is also available and all dishes are of course served with fresh vegetables and potatoes. every Friday there is a barbeque with live music (during the summer) and a new autumn/Winter menu. Great lunches or candle lit dinners are served, from a la carte, super or club sandwiches as well as beef burgers and a variety of salads. there is a play area for the children and all ages and special occasions and parties can be catered for. the bistro has enjoyed tremendous success since opening, many thanks to mike, Fatima and bjorn.

rated no.1 tripinrestauranttaviraonadvisor


Page 14 www.eastalgarvemag.com People

T avira now has its very own finest english butcher, “carnedale”, owned and run by Keith and Julie carnedale, proudly opened its doors on the 9th september, under the arches next to cara’s hairdressing salon. Originally from nottingham and derby, Keith and Julie met 20 years ago. they moved to theale near reading, berkshire, where they ran their own butchery. Keith has worked in the past for dewhurst and has a been in the business for over 40 years. those of us that live here enjoy the benefits every day, and there are many. there is, of course, always a thing or two we may miss in the uK, and i for one can say that a fine butcher with a vast selection of our favourite cuts, joints, marinated meats, sausage and traditional bacon is definitely one. carnedale has a huge selection of everything you would expect from a butcher, as well as a bonus again for us cheese lovers, a huge selection of cheeses. Keith and Julie are harley davison fans and owners, and it was 7 years ago that they took a road trip from the uK to Portugal for the annual harley davison rally, held then in monte Gordo. they spent some time in the area and “fell in love” with it. after returning to the uK, they decided to take the big step and move abroad permanently, to enjoy the weather, pace of life and the friendly locals. settling in tavira, they dreamt that perhaps one day they would have their own business again, this time in the sun. initially they looked at premises in conceição, but decided it was too small for what they wanted. as Julie visited cara’s hairdresser one day, they spotted an empty shop unit next door, and to their surprise it used to be the local butcher, but had been closed for several years. this they thought would make the ideal place. When it became available, they could not believe their luck and grabbed the chance.then began the long process of form filling and conforming to rules and regulations to make the dream come true. carnedale has so much choice and values itself on quality produce at reasonable prices, whether it be lamb, pork, beef, chicken, various cuts of hung tender beef, marinated specials or homemade beef burgers. there are 15 varieties of sausages including the favourite traditional plain pork, pork and leek, moroccan sausage, and whole grain mustard, again all homemade with the very Taviras delightfully unique gift shop opens their second store, in a perfect location on the Roman Bridge.

Page 15www.eastalgarvemag.com finest ingredients, each recipe is rotated so you will always find a new recipe to try when you visit. You will also find english cooked meats and fine back bacon, aswell as black and white pudding, english made pies, Pork pies, scotch pies and pasties ttoo.he selection of cheeses is mouthwatering and includes mango and ginger stilton, caramelized onion, harlech horseradish and parsley, Wensleydale and cranberry and of course, english cheddar to name but a few. Orders can be taken in the rare case they don’t have what you are looking for. Keith and Julie plan to take orders for turkeys for christmas and are looking forward to their new range of Gourmet relishes, handpicked to compliment the meats, which they expect to have very soon. they are open from 08.30am to 3.30pm (they don’t close for lunch), monday – Friday and on saturday from 8am – 2pm. it was a real pleasure meeting Keith and Julie, not only do we wish them every success in their new venture, but as a meat and cheese lover, i've got a funny feeling we'll be seeing them quite often. Carnedale Tavira's English Butcher Now oPEN Next to Cara's, under the arches, near the train station * Home Made Sausages * Range of 20 British Cheeses * B.B.Q. Specialist * Guaranteed Tender Steaks * All English Meat Cuts Av. Dr. Mateus Teixeira de Azevedo Tel: 919 915 815 Email:Mon-Fricarnedale@gmail.com8am-3.30pm,Sat8am-2pm k

Focus on

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Photographs by Richard Bassett

T his month’s focus on found us in the parish of loulé in the delightful village of alte. although not strictly the east algarve, it's only a short drive away and well worth a visit. alte is a typical algarvian village featuring white washed houses and hand crafted chimneys which contrast with the colourful flower pots, enticing visitors to take a stroll along the narrow streets. nestling in the foothills of the serra do caldeirao, alte’s population is a mere 2,350 inhabitants. the scenery is stunning, hilly and mountainous. today the economy is based largely on dry land farming and still relies on practises handed down through the ages, in addition to the production of arbutus-berry brandy, honey, cheese and sweets. the church lies at the centre of the village, and there are numerous little cafes in the surrounding area for you to relax and soak up the tranquillity. at the eastern end of alte, past the school are the springs (fontes) for which alte is well known, and should not be missed. the area around Fonte Peguena (little spring) is quite breathtaking. tribute is paid here to the local poet, candido Guerreiro, and you can see some of his work around the village on the tiled plaques and the house he once lived in. this really is a harmonious setting where the greenery and coolness of the water invites you to enjoy some

leisure time or even take a swim, quiet breathtaking. here you’ll find the outdoor amphitheatre too, set into the hillside which overlooks the whole area, and hosts concerts during the year. this is the beginning of a series of waterfalls as the water flows down the hillside. We followed the river down through the lovely village. Why not pop in to some of the delightful shops and cafes including the gallery, “Off the Wall”, where we found the very friendly and helpful owner, more than willing to give advice on places to eat and visit. a sight not to miss is the vicar's waterfall. Follow signs to the cemetery, then take the walk down the hill enjoying the peaceful coutryside. Once there you can admire the falls, it is also a great place to take a picnic with family or afriends.lteisa true hidden gem! there are a number of trails and tracks which can be followed by the keen walkers out there. as well as being known for honey producing, pottery, wooden handicrafts and having its own goat’s cheese producer, worth noting are the handcrafts made in alte from the esparto grass, which flags the whole river’s edge. these are sold throughout the algarve. We hope you get a chance to visit alte, it is one of the prettiest villages in the algarve, the perfect place to go for a wonderful day trip.

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REAL ESTATE LIVE, INVEST AND ESCAPE GOLF PROPERTIES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES LHV-927PLOTS Covering the whole of the Algarve as independant real estate agents, we can provide you with unbiased advice when you decide to purchase a property and can introduce you to a wide choice of reputable mortgage banks, architects, lawyers, builders, chartered surveyors and interior designers. We have been in business for over 12 years, finding the right property for countless satisfied clients. We currently have over 700 properties available online and would be very pleased to help you find your ideal home. If you are the owner of a good quality property and wish to sell, please contact us to arrange an appointment Contact us today: 281 320 www.landandhousesalgarve.com281 TAVIRA Rua José Pires Padinha 178 8800 - 354 Tavira VILAMOURA N125, Benfarras, Boliqueime 8100 - 068 Boliqueime PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HAPPY HOMES ALGARVE ALGARVEAN COTTAGES VILLAS APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSES QUINTAS Happy Homes has since 2003 provided outstanding property management services and value to non-resident property owners. covering every requirement, Including Inspection, main tenance, administration,letting and marketing services, we have developed relationships we are proud of with reputable accountants, architects, local councils, builders and housing professionals. Let happy Homes ensure that you have the best possible support to maximize and protect your investment for a brighter future! Contact us today: 281 320 www.portugal-accommodation.com283 A brighter future happy homes lda. Rua Dr. Parreira 137 next to Barclays Bank 8800 - 346 Tavira www.eastalgarvemag.com Don't get complacent! Make sure your property gets noticed. awasteNevergoodcrisis Property

Page 18

A ttracted by lower property prices, we have seen an increase in the number of prospective buyers who are looking to buy a property in the algarve, only to postpone their purchase due to continued economic uncertainty. escalating concerns about europe’s future, weak consumer confidence and extreme volatility in equity markets are not good for real estate. september saw the global economy pushed to the brink due to europe’s prolonged indecisiveness to resolve its sovereign debt crisis and to come up with a plan to recapitalise weak banks. european leaders have been kicking the can down the road for too long on these matters leading to a loss of consumer confidence and causing serious damage to the economy at a time when countries are in need of stability and a healthy economy to be able to reduce their debt. achieving economic growth in itself will already be difficult enough in a climate of austerity, decreased government spending and over indebted consumers. the inaction of european leaders to address these issues is best described as a case of dumb, dumber and dumbest. dumb - the design of the single currency was flawed, but there has been ample


For guidance as to where the property market is going, look north. as soon as europe’s leaders come up with a credible plan to resolve its problems, the uncertainty of a possible armageddon is gone and more stable –albeit prudent- times lay ahead. We are still far away from a rising tide that will lift all boats, so in the meantime keep the asking price of your property as low as reasonable possible and be open to offers. a positive factor is there is hardly any new supply coming to the market. When buyers do return in more meaningful numbers the balance between supply and demand may eventually change in favour of the vendor. at least it is encouraging to see that lower property prices are generating interest.

Robert Bijker Land & Houses algarve –yellow

Page 19www.eastalgarvemag.com Tlm:(+351) 915 500 141/2 Office (+351) 961 952 148 Fax (+351)281 971 076 Ângela Dias Tel (+351) 969 459 200 Rua José Pires Padinha, No 44, Escrit.13, 8800, Tavira eapr@iol.pt • eapm@iol.pt www.east-algarve-property-rentals.com • www.east-algarve-property-management.com By the sea, in the mountains or in the city... enjoy your stay with us. We’ll take care of you and your house as we would our own. PROPERTYMANAGEMENTPROPERTYRENTALS time to address this. however, they didn’t. dumber - When countries violated the maastricht treaty also known as the Growth and stability pact, no actions were taken. dumbest - european leaders are doing too little too late to address the sovereign debt crisis, causing insult to injury. however, they may seem dumb but they are not stupid when it comes to eventually close their ranks to defend the euro. the costs of a disintegrating europe are much greater and go far beyond financial costs only.

MAIN OFFICE – E.N.125, Cevadeiras, 8900-024 Vila Nova de Cacela TEL: 281-951165 FAX: 281-951438 CABANAS OFFICE – (Waterfront) Ava Ria Formosa, Centro Comercial Loja 2, 8800-591 Cabanas de Tavira TEL: 281-370277 FAX: 281-370761 EMAIL geral@estealgarve.com WEBSITE www.estealgarve.comLICENÇA No 504-AMI PROPERTY - MONCARAPACHOVilla on ground and 1st floor, built in 1997 in a rustic style. Storerooms - converted into: studio (sleeping area, kitchenette, bathroom); conservatory with roof terrace, storeroom (sauna) + small work shop. Ap prox. 1.650m2 of land with garden & pool. Situated between Estói and Moncarapacho in the countryside & sea view, 10 mins to Faro airport. 325.000 EuROS VILLA - ESTÓI - With a lovely location and quite exceptional, wide view of the coast, this 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom villa ( on one floor) is situated on a high point, approx. 15 mins north of Faro, airoport. Surrounded by 2.370m2 of land. Garage. 279.000 EuROS ▲ ▲ Company ami 7673 office: Tel/Fax 281 952 820 mobile: 00351 911 041 861/2 emailRwww.algarvemantaproperties.comsales:enTals:www.algarvemanta.pt:sarah@algarvemanta.ptCasa anibal R/C loja B, estrada da manta Rota 8900-038 Vila nova de Cacela TaViRa PeaCeFul es.room.neighBouRhooD€355.000Ref:1209lightairymodernandimaculateTownhouse3bed+diningor4thbedhugeroofterracew/bbq&oceanview.masterwithdressingarea&ensuite.QualityluxuryfinishBasementgarage89m2,10minsonfoottotown. ✤ Interior and exterior painting ✤ Friendly service ✤ Highest quality paints ✤ Free quotes ✤ Algarve covered Tel 289 841 896 Mob 912 780 721 stephenfreeman@sapo.ptemailProfessionalpainteranddecoratorSTEPHENFREEMAN neaR To golF noRTh oF CaCela € 295.000 Ref: 1206 Villa 3 bed plus huge loft rooms, Private pool & large patios. Roof terrace w/BBQ & ocean view. gated driveway off road parking. Built 2007 to modern spec. 2 mins on foot to cafe/restaurant Pretty village location. Page 20 www.eastalgarvemag.com neW insTRuCTion neW insTRuCTion East Algarve magazine PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US FANTASTIC RATES ANd dISCOUNTS FOR MUlTIPlE AdS if you would like to promote your business with the east algarve magazine contact us at: info@eastalgarvemag.comorTel961700200ifyouwouldliketomeetwitharepresentative. as an advertiser you automatically become a distributer, and will be provided with a number of copies to issue to your customers.

Bar and Restaurant, Mini

Countryside Cottage for Renovation or Rebuild €92.000 Ref 2321091 This cottage is ideal for renovation or rebuild. The plot is in an elevated position allowing the most stunning valley views. Situated in the small village of Malhada do Judeu on a country road with good access, this could make a great holiday home or quiet retreat. Traditional 2 Bed Cottage with Approved Project €198.00 Ref 2320730 Sitting in a large plot, with stunning country views. A great investment for someone who is looking to renovate an old cottage, with an approved project in place, allowing 3 beds, so lots of the hard work is already done. The town of São Bras de Alportel is only a few minutes by car. Here you will find many bars, cafes, restaurants and shops. Situated 11km from Tavira and 11km from Vila Real de Santo António and the Spanish border. 45 Mins from Faro International airport, 2km from railway station. Most plots have sea views as the coast is only 5km from the park. The park has a swimming pool (15m x 15m), Market, Petanque,



Country House with Guest House €350.000 Ref 2293220 This lovely country house is nestled in the hills between Tavira and Santa Catarina, and boasts stun ning countryside views. The main house comprises of lounge/dining room, kitchen, two double bedrooms, and three bathrooms. The wooden guest house com prises of a lounge, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. This could make a great home or business. Properties.com, Rua 1º de Maio, nº14, 8800-360 Tavira Office: 00351 281 327 656, Lisa: 00351 910 019 604, Leen : 00351 910 019 605 voip: 02070999193 info@lwlproperties.com Web: www.lwlproperties.com

Laundry service and postal service plus Free Internet access, Daytime Reception and 24 Hour Security. Tel: (00351) 281 951 360 Tlm: (00351) 917 925 031 calicoparksales@mail.telepac.ptwww.calico-park.comVisiTsby AppoinTmenT only Caliço Park alga RV e P o RT ugal • ploTs AVAilAble FRom 100 m² • neW Homes FoR sAle • RenTAls WiTH opTion To bUy • yeAR RoUnD RenTAls • sHoRT AnD lonG TeRm • ResAles 2011 Fees inClUDeD€€43.50050.000€57.500FinAnCe AVAilAble Page 21www.eastalgarvemag.com Restaurant, bar and pool.


This Fashion Store is very well locat ed in the Town Centre, probably the best location in the Olhão. Spread over two floors on a corner with two huge window display fronts. Olhão is a very popular town in the Algarve, recently opening a Five Star Hotel just minutes from the shop.

The Ria Formosa Natural Park is also within walking distance. The Shop front is also a gathering point for Tourists, everyone meets there before exploring the town.


PRoFiT maRgins: 60-65% inVenToRY / sToCk Value: €4,000 PRoPeRTY inFoRmaTion: real estate: lease lease terms: long term available leasehold rent: €700 per month location:


high street

window display. FinanCing aVailaBle CONTACT KARAN ON 937 374 181

only showroom with two Floors and


Currently the first floor is only used for a wedding and party collection, but it is a very good location to make a DAY SPA which will boost the rev enue. €4000-€5000 Olhão town centre location ComPeTiTion: there a few but this best location and the such a large

Business for€15,000ONLYsale Don't miss OlhãoprimestoresuccessfulownerbecomeopportunitythistothenewofthisFashionlocatedinalocationintowncenter CuRRenT monThlY Takings:

clothes shops in town,

Page 23www.eastalgarvemag.com RUSSELL & DECOZ REAL ESTATE Tel: 00351 289 792 785 Mobile 963 085 580 Email: AMIpropertyrussell@mail.telepac.ptLicensenº870-MemberofAPEMIPnº1178Av.MariaLizardaPalermo43a,8700-081Moncarapacho,Algarve,Portugal * 3 bedroom villa * 2.200m2 of garden * Borehole * Cistern * double glazing * fly screens & shutters * Woodburner * Air con * Solar system * Irrigation * Workshop * Fitted and equiped kitchen * Good access * 10 x 5 mosaic pool with cover * Master bedroom with en-suite shower room * Main bathroom * Fruit trees * lovely country views * Shaded BBQ area. Price:- €275.000 REF: 1338V lOCATION; www.algarve-pt.comMoncarapacho. 3 bedroom villa with 2.200m2 of gardens with fruit trees and lovely country views Propertyof the month

Tavira Auction relaunches as Tavira Discount Warehouse, and welcomes aboard Ryan as their new manager.

T avira discount Warehouse is delighted that ryan has now joined his father steve and the team as manager to help with the exciting new phase for their sbusiness.incebeing in the algarve steve and ryan had found it difficult to furnish their own apartments with quality furnishings with a reasonable rbudget.yanhas been here with his girlfriend tanya, (stylist at cara’s salon in tavira) for the last 6 months. Originally from torbay, devon ryan’s sales background and hands on skills are invaluable, as they provide quality with excellent value to their tcustomers.heysell furniture order cancellations, end of lines and returns from major high street stores, at hugely discounted prices. Full of quality bargains for your home, this aladdin’s cave now has lounge, dining room, bedroom and garden furniture. steve says "see it, like it, buy it, and take it away with you, it’s as simple as that", making it the perfect way to buy quality furniture for less, right here in the algarve. to make things even easier, they will make you an offer on your old furniture and take it away! they also still offer a range of good quality, second-hand items, so you can mix the new with the old. the prices are low because they 'clear' over production and cancelled orders. this may not apply to every single item but the truth is they leave no reasonable stone unturned in an endeavour to offer real quality at sustainable bargain prices. cancelled orders and returns; what constitutes a cancelled order? cancelled orders usually occur when the original customer changes their mind. it’s as simple as that. For example, mrs a goes into a famous high street store. she sees a sofa she likes, chooses a specific fabric, and places an order. the sales assistant promises delivery in 5 weeks. after Old for


www.eastalgarvemag.comPage 24 People

www.eastalgarvemag.com Page 25 Tavira 6 weeks, and frustrated by waiting, mrs a sees a sofa she prefers in another store and cancels the first border.eing a highly reputable business, the store has little choice other than to refund her deposit. like almost every other company selling furniture, they don’t hold stock and therefore need to find an alternative outlet for mrs a’s sofa. that’s where tavira discount Warehouse come in. ryan is always available to help with any questions you may have. Furniture packs can be arranged and any orders made. You can take immediate collection or delivery can be arranged at very competitive trates.avira discount Warehouse is open between 10.00am and 5.00pm, mon to Fri, and 10.00am to 1.00pm on sat. located opposite the Gran Plaza shopping centre in (formerly tavira auction) The sToRe WheRe We ComBine ne Why buy in the uk when you can buy here in Tavira cheaper, without the additional cost of transportation We specialise in end of lines, returns and order cancellations including leather sofas, beds, bedroom furniture, dining tables, chairs and garden furniture. We also offer good quality second-hand. Free delivery in Tavira area and removal of old furniture. Furniture Packages available. large range of second-hand furniture available. lOOk OUT FOR MONTHlY/WEEklY MANAGER’S SPECIAlS. debbie@taviraauction.com www.algarveauctions.com open mon-Fri 10am-5pm sat 10am-1pm t:916 138 059 916 138 060 sOFas FrOm 100€ beds FrOm60€WardrObes FrOm 75€ dininG tablesFrOm60€ neW iTems aT DisCounT PRiCes

Page 26 www.eastalgarvemag.com James Eugénio CURTAINS & SOFT FURNITURE CURTAINS & SOFT FURNITURE WE MEASURE! WE MAKE! WE FIT! Hand sewn, made to measure curtains, Complete range of window furnishings, Furniture re-upholstered all in our workshop! FARO TAVIRAEN125 RoundaboutCube dPingooceAldi BANBPIk EN125, Edificio Cubo N.o 65C 8700-248 OlHAO, AlGARVE Tel/Fax; 289 701 380 Tlm 91 885 12 09 Tlm 91 463 14 82 Tlm 92 608 12 44 Email; silviavalentynaprincesas@hotmail.com ToEN270Tavira To lidl Old Woodstore Chickenluis Jem's S howroom Second hand goods Tel 919 767 066 Email: jems.showroom@hotmail.com Opening times: Mon-Thurs 9h-13h / 15h-18h Saturday 9h - 13h At the Old Mushroom Factory São Brás de AlportelWeare here auCTion WaRehouse algaRVe AWA AUCTION Auctions every1st & Saturday3rdofthemonthAnything to sell? house Furnitureclearance-antiques commercial & domestic Next Auction 15th October Auction Warehouse Algarve Sitio do Besouro Conchelo de Conceição, 8005-416, Faro Tel: 914 774 438 (EN) / 912 489 753 (PT) www.auction-warehouse-algarve.com | auctionwarehouse@hotmail.com GPS: 37° 04' 55.27"N | 7° 54' 51.46"W Albufeira / loulé S. Brás de Alportel EstoiJunctionFaro14 &Olhão/TaviraSpain N2 N2 A22 AuctionAlgarveWarehouse East Algarve magazine PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US FANTASTIC RATES ANd dISCOUNTS FOR MUlTIPlE AdS if you would like to promote your business with the east algarve magazine contact us at: info@eastalgarvemag.comorTel961700200ifyouwouldliketomeetwitharepresentative. as an advertiser you automatically become a distributer, and will be provided with a number of copies to issue to your customers.

Page 27www.eastalgarvemag.com Live Life in Comfort monday to Friday 10am - 6pm, saturday 10am - 5pm The widest selection of linen and towels in the Algarve Hilton,Teal Lots of r E du CE d LINE s to MA k E wAy for NE w Autu MN /w IN t E r Co LLEC t I o N , duv E t s E ts, Cush I o N s, EN d of LINE tow EL s, C urtAIN s E tC . Co ME AN d gr A b A b A rg AIN FREE DELIVERY ACROSS THE ALGARVE ON ORDERS OF 150€ OR MORE TAKEN ON OUR ONLINE SHOPPING END OF LINE CLEARANCE SALE, 25% OFF MARKED PRICES SAlENOWON! 27 estrada de Vale d’eguas - almancil T. 289 396 385 • e. linenwarehouse@sapo.pt • www.linenwarehousealgarve.com EN125, Nr Alfandanga, Fuseta e-mail: www.furniturefrontera.co.ukwotswot@furniturefrontera.co.ukTel:289392461Tlm:911911 909 Monday to Friday, 10am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday, by appointment only Furniture made for Real Life Visit our showroom to find affordable furniture that’s made for real life. Our furniture is great quality that won’t disappoint you, so why not come in and look around. Pictured Top: JUST IN! Complete range of Halo Living and Bedroom Furniture. Come and see our new ranges in store now. Pictured: 90cm Stampy Base €149, 90cm standard Mattress €149. 90cm headboard €149. All photography from actual installations, not studio shots. Stock levels change constantly. Pictured: 150cm Cambridge Oak Bed (mattress extra) €599, 3 drawer Cambridge Oak bedside €189. All accessories and bedding also available.

Page 28 www.eastalgarvemag.com MixedMixedLUNCHTIMESPECIALMENUGrilledFish€5.50ChickenPiriPiri€5.00Grilledmeat€5.00spECiALiTiEs inCLudE fresh local seafood • Cataplanas • specialseafood rices • fish noodles • fresh grilledfish • filet in mirandesa style (consideredthe best meat in portugal)• french veal steak • duck breast in orange and honey pLus muCH muCH moRE! Rua da Liberdade n.º 126 fusETA • oLHÃo • ALgARVE Telephone 289 798 045 ETAfus opEn foR LunCH & dinnER Pool open to the Public. Daily and Annual membership available ✦ sunDaY RoasTs ✦ Full english BReakFasTs lisaturdays:VemusiC WiTh DannY sQTuesdays:maVeRiCkuiznighTkYsPoRTs,sPoRTTV,all iRish sPoRTs FRee WiFi FoR CusTomeRs email info@townandcountryalgarve.com Tel 965 524 351 EN125 BenamorGolf TaviraTo ToRailwayCabanasWeare Conceiçãohere ✦ Monte Verde The Hairy Lemon Pub Conceição, Cabanas de Tavira Food

Rua Borda d’Agua da Asseca, 46-50 - 8800-325 Tavira, Tel./Fax 00 (351) 281 323 165, Tlm.916 822 117 E-mail info@beirariotavira.com www.beirariotavira.com LivE Music MONdAys with MichAEL & ZEcA FRidAys with GARy vAsEy "ThE PERFORMER" KARAOKE with GEd on sATuRdAys Open Mon-Fri from 6.00pm, sat/sun from 12.00, FuLL BAR FOOd MENu AvAiLABLE. ihdishes,Pastaplanas,daily,shsPEciALiTiEs:omemadesoups,alads,Freshfishsteaks,cata-vegetariandishes,omemadedesserts,rishcoffee.ExTENsivERANGEOF wiNEs & PORTs. suNdAy ROAsT LuNch: Roast Rib of Beef, with all the trimmings €9.50. ThREE cOuRsE sPEciAL €15.00 S.VilarestaurantItalianRealDe.António Tel 281 542 222 • Kebabs • Pizzas • Pastas • Salads TAKE AWAy VilaAVAilABlERua5deOutubro,Nº38,RealdeSantoAntónio ECoNoMIC MENU 6,90€ Starter: Garlic bread Main: Choice of kebab, Pizza, Pasta or (validDrink/coffee/dessert)SaladforlunchMondaythroughSaturdayexceptholidays)SPECIALPrICESForGroUPbookINGS Page 29www.eastalgarvemag.com Casa a lgarvia C abanas HOME OF THE BBQ RIBS TRADITIONAL PIRI PIRI TRYHOMECHICKENMADECURRIESOURSUNDAYLUNCH!BEEF,PORKANDALLTHETRIMMINGSLIVEMUSICEVERYMONDAYNIGHT TEL 968 870 795 R R R R R

Fine Dining in São Brás Portuguese &International Cuisine Lunch 7,50¤, Menu tasting by reservation A surprise will be offered if recommended by East Algarve magazine oPen: Mon-Fri: 12:00 -15:00 & 19:00-22:00 Saturday: 19:00-22:00 - CloseD sunDaYs aDDRess: Rua Gago Coutinho. 45/47, 8150-151,SÃO BRÁS DE ALPORTEL Tel: 00351/289 098 520 mobile: 00351/918 028 086 email: rest.vilavelha@gmail.com gPs: N.37.151526° / W.7.888505° ToandMuseumTavira lTooule Pharmacy BankMillenium MatrizIgrejaCâmaraMunicipalVIlAVElHACoutinhoGagoRuaAv.Daliberdade largo SebastiãoSão SãOdBRáSE AlPORTEl

Cooked to perfection and beautifully presented! John dory fish with tomato tatin from Vila Velha, Sáo Brãs de Alportel Photograph BassettRichard RestauranteVilaVelhaSãoBrás

Mountain tourist drive meets 'Table on the Top' 17.30

This magnificent all sealed tourist drive runs through the beautiful mountain region of the Eastern Algarve. Driving this route gives a great opportunity to explore the traditional Portuguese Serra and it’s fantastic scenery. The all-round trip Tavira-Alcaria do CumeSt.Catarina (and visa versa) offers not only sensational panoramic views but also reaches the highest point of East Algarve at Restaurant Mesa do Cume, ‘Table on the Top’. Here you will be warmly welcomed by the proud owners, Antonio & Maria. Their lush green garden coupled with views all the way to the coast and a delightful menu makes this restaurant a must to visit whilst exploring the Serra.

Page 32 www.eastalgarvemag.com

- 18.30) 1st October - 1st June : 10.00 - 17.00 For winter closure period please check website • Location: Alcaria do Cume (halfway Tavira/Cachopo) • Web: www.mesadocume.net •Phone: 281326144/91 2725745 is open for lunch and during summer, for dinnerMesa Cumedo We also serve coffee, cakes, drinks & nibbles MesaRestaurantdoCume TABLEONTHETOP Tavira doAlcariaCumeBarrancoVelho AlcariaCachopoFria Sao Bras de Alportel N 120 N 397 N 270 25 km Tavira - Alcaria do Cume 22 km Alcaria do Cume - St Catarina 19 km Alcaria do Cume - Cachopo Santa Catarina N 2 ReStAuRAnte MuSeu DO VInHO Rua Almirante candido dos Reis 63 - tAVIRA R.Joao Vaz corte Real R.deSant’Anna BecodeSantana R.DrAntoniocabrianaR.JacquesPessoa R.JoseJoaquimJara R.EduardaLapaR.dosCaisPraçadaRepublicaCalçadadaGaleriaCalçadadeDonnaAnna R.GonçaloVelho R.dos Pelames R.Dr.JosePiresPadinha R.Dr.JosePiresPadinhaTravessa Dr.Parreira R.Monialvao R.daLiberdade R.Palmeira R.R.SilvaDr.Parreira DominguesSilvaR. R.PoetaEmilianodaCosta R.Alm.CandidodosReis RBordadeAgua da Asseca R Alm CandidodosReis RAmaliaRodrigues RDomMarcelinoFranco R Dr AugustoCarlosPalma R Dom Paio Peres Correia TravessadaFonte Roman Bridge, Tavira “Very welcoming & excellent food, thoroughly recommend it! excellent service and friendly atmosphere” “excellent food, good wine, great excperience” “excellent food, fantastic service, always with a smile” For reservations telephone 918 502 029 iNTERNATiONAl CUiSiNE WiTH FRENCH SPECiAliTiES PRiVATE DiNiNG ROOm AVAilABlE & WARm PATiO EATiNG AREA lOCATED iN THE CENTER OF TAViRA, ONly 5 miNUTES FROm VilA GAlE AND PORTA NOVA HOTElS ● Sky sports and sports TV for all your sporting events! ● All English products and staff. ● Portuguese spoken! ● Full English breakfasts. ● Quiz or Bingo nights Fridays. ● Enclosed Patio to the rear. Find us 100 mtr from the Apollo hotel between the church in square Open from 9.30 am till 1am Monday till Saturday, Sunday 12pm till 1am TEl 281 543 182 ThE Only EngliSh BAr in V.r.S. AnTOniO

Open Wednesday to Sunday 1st June -1st October : 10.00 - 22.00 ( break

Page 33www.eastalgarvemag.com fter reflecting on one of the most damaging garden pest we could have in our garden, felt it would be nice to cover one of the best garden predators we could have in our garden and how any of us could introduce these into our garden or increase the already QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 QM E Algarve 180x130 04-10.indd 4 23/3/10 18:40:25 In need of retail therapy?Discover a unique shopping experience, in beautiful, relaxed surroundings, with friendly staff! New stock arriving Monthly. Why not visit us for all your Home and Garden inspirational ideas, and enjoy complimentary tea or coffee CarseptesatUsaleBootrDaY17tHMBer Indonesian teak sculpture and bowlsAquatic plants Inspiration and ideas for your Garden Gardens The gardenownorHowGardenUltimatePredator!tointroduceincreaseyoursuperbugpredators Praying MantisPraying Mantis

mantis has enormous appetites, eating various aphids, leafhoppers, mosquitoes, caterpillars and other soft-bodied insects when young. later they will eat larger insects, beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, and other pest insects. Praying mantises are large, solitary, slow moving, and predaceous insects that catch their prey with their front legs. they do not have jumping hind legs. mantises are ambushers that sit on a plant, twig, often near a blossom, as they wait for prey to come close. they feed mainly on small and large insects. these ferocious-looking praying mantises actually make great pets. some will even eat raw meat and insects from your fingers. With plenty to eat they usually will not stray far. if handled properly they don't bite. in autumn the female will lay her eggs before she dies with the frost. she often deposits them on a branch or twig, but also leaves them on walls, fences and eaves. they are surrounded by a frothy liquid, called ootheca, which hardens into an egg case about the size and shape of a cigarette filter. the following spring the nymphs hatch and burst out of the case in a small army of hungry youngsters, each the size of a small ant. From birth mantis are predators. the nymphs immediately begin attacking leafhoppers, aphids and even small flies. it's important for every gardener to recognize these egg cases that become most visible in the winter when deciduous trees and shrubs lose their leaves. When pruning, keep a sharp eye out for them. any found on twigs and branches should be set aside in protected parts of the garden. if they must be removed from a wall, for example, simply relocate to a sheltered place, and the nymphs will survive. never put an egg case on the ground; the eggs inside quickly will be consumed by ants. a healthy organic garden relies on a delicate balance of predator and prey species. beneficial mantis, lacewings and ladybugs are vital to keeping plant damaging insects under control. Just one blanket application of chemical pesticides can wipe out whole populations of mantis that can take years to reestablish. in the meantime, plantdamaging pest insects will return in droves to infest the garden, proliferating without any threat of predators. each case contains about 200 eggs, and three cases will cover about 2,000 square metres. Position your egg cases in the crotches of trees and shrubs. use wire or twine to tie them to branches. set on shelves or ledges in wood fencing or structures. they prefer a warm location and will hatch after the last frost and 10 to 15 days of warm weather. While gardens may appear to be peaceful loving environments, they are, when healthy, ruled by ferocious insect predators vital to population control. FooD anD ReaRing: Providing food for a mantis can easily be done by trapping flies or other insects, and releasing them into the mantis's container; a widemouth jar covered with a net or screen on top and a twig or branch inside the jar. insects used for food must be alive and not much bigger than the-e mantis. if the insect is too small, the mantis will consistently miss and be unable to grasp the prey. mantis will eat insects dangled from tweezers, and most mantises will not accept dead insects. mantis in captivity do need additional water. Gently place a small wet sponge inside the container every week. the Praying mantis will gather the water off the sponge. life Cycle and habits One generation develops each season. in the autumn, females lay eggs in a large mass or cluster (2.5cm or so long), in a frothy, gummy substance glued to tree twigs, plant stems and other objects. Overwintering occurs in the egg stage in this case. tiny nymphs emerge from the egg mass in the spring or early summer.

Rearing praying mantis the space involved and the time required in rearing food material are the most difficult aspects of mantis rearing. mantis is among the more difficult of insects to rear. they are carnivorous, feeding in nature on smaller insects and other small animals. rearing mantis requires rearing of other insects - such as vinegar flies or aphids - as food material (in large quantities)! small developing nymphs tend to become cannibalistic and require separation or isolation in the later stages. adults will mate readily in acaptivity.fterthe

Praying mantis has completed their early stages, they may be fed insects larger than aphids and vinegar flies such as mosquitoes, flies, and roaches. some people like to watch the capture of this prey. Others like to collect adult mantis (especially females full of eggs), then place them in a large glass container (empty fish aquarium) and watch egg masses being glued to an inserted tree branch. after egg laying, mantis death usually occurs a few weeks later. Pest Control While the praying mantis plays a very important part in nature's insect control plan, one should not expect to achieve total pest control with the use of praying mantis alone. nevertheless, the mantis is the only predator which feeds at night on moths (most moths are active only after darkness) and the only predator fast enough to catch mosquitoes and flies. since mantis are quite large and more visible than most beneficial insects, they are "fun" to watch, and children are fascinated to see a Praying mantis grasp its prey. Where to find: Praying mantis and / or their egg cases are very difficult to locate by just looking at plants because of their camouflage. to find adults, look on flowering plants and at porch lights in august through late september. adult males will often fly


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Page 35www.eastalgarvemag.com LANDSCAPING & GARDEN CENTER BEm-V INDO • W ELCO m E EN 125, c.p. 126-E 8800-118 Luz de Tavira e-mail: geogardim@gmail.comwww.geojardim.comTel:281961189 OlhãoTo TaviraTo Fuseta Luz de Tavira EN125 QUINTA DAS PAL m EIRAS CENTRO DE JARDINAGE m Mu ddyhands Gardening Service s Tel: 00351963905615 E-Mail: Contact:Website:mark.oshaughnessy@hotmail.co.ukwww.muddyhands.moonfruit.comProfessionalLandscapeDesignGarden&PoolMaintenanceConsultancy&AdviceEastAlgarve/AyamonteAreaRHSQualified/Horticulturalist


Mark O’Shaughness y to porch lights in the late fall. home vegetable and flower gardens that are organic or where no insecticides have been used may be a good place to look. how to collect: to collect an egg case, carefully cut the branch with the egg case several inches below the case. if the case is attached to a wall or board, you will not be able to remove it without damaging the case. in capturing immature or adult mantis, you can use your hands to cup around the insect or gently coax them into a container. using an insect net may be helpful to capture adults with wings. carefully lay the net over or to the side of the mantis and with one hand gently usher the mantis into the net. transfer the Praying mantis into a container large enough for the mantis to move around in. Release insTRuCTions: best results will be achieved by attaching the egg cases to a twig or a plant using a cotton or wire tie, wrap around the egg case and tie it to a branch in warm location, filtered sunlight. a hanging, swinging egg case is safer from birds and other predators. it will take about 10 to 15 days of good continue warm weather for them to hatch. When hatching the young will crawl from between the tiny flaps in the egg cases and hang from silken threads about 5cm below the case. after drying out the long legged young disappear into the vegetation around the area, leaving little if any trace of their hatching. this happens within an hour or two and it is difficult to know hatching has occurred unless the elusive, well camouflaged young are found. use this valuable insect in conjunction with all other beneficial insect releases.

Page 36 www.eastalgarvemag.com Environment


JMASTERJOINEROINER&GENERALMAINTENANCE... 20 years experience of fitting Kitchens, Floors, Doors, Decking, Locks etc. Quality reliable service, competitive prices! Eastern Algarve & Central KitChens - DOOrs - lOCKs - FlOOrs - warDrObes - shelvesFurniture - shOwer sCreens - DeCKing - pergOlas... & MuCh MOre! 281 328 648 or 926 615 244 masterjoiner@hotmail.co.uk ConservationWater Resource Management now can prevent or minimize future problems on an international scale

Patricia Wouters at the ihP-helP centre for water law, policy and science at university of dundee, said the world could face a future of “water wars” as deteriora tion in climatic patterns and global population growth leave people struggling to stake their claim to the natural resource. the World bank in a report said that 1.4 million people could be facing water scarcity by 2025. but the Orga nization for economic co-operation and development (Oecd) forecast is even more gloomy. it estimates that 47% of the world’s population could face water stress in the same pe riod–equivalent to more than three billion people. the issue isn’t restricted to countries that typically see temperatures soar, such as cyprus, which in 2009 was forced to import water in tankers and ration its use. northern hemi sphere nations like the u.K. are also finding themselves in the midst of a drought in some regions, forcing governments to start to take action. the u.K. government, for instance, plans to issue a Water White Paper this december that will focus on the future challenges facing the water industry and measures to increase protection of river flows during sum mer Partsmonths.oftheu.K. are currently marked as having drought status and other areas of the country are deemed to be at risk of drought. the u.K.’s de partment for environment Food and rural affairs held a second drought summit at which secretary of state caroline spelman warned the pros pect of a dry summer and dry winter could have a serious impact on the country’s water reserves. “We’re going to keep working with farmers, water companies and en vironmental groups to minimize the impacts of drought, because this year is sign of things to come,” she said. “the climate is changing and these extreme weather events will become more common. how we deal with that problem will be one of the key parts of our Water White Paper, which will be published later this year.” this may be a far cry from a decla ration of war on other more waterabundant nations, but reaching this stage in some countries isn’t beyond the realms of imagination. and

T here is a famous chinese proverb that warns “not only can water float a boat, it can sink it also.” and with global water shortages on the horizon, an extreme response will be needed from international governments to stem the potential for conflict it will create around the Professorworld.

Page 37www.eastalgarvemag.com swiM-arte is a swiMMing pOOl COMpany with Over 30 years OF experienCe. • We are experts in pool renovations, pool building, pool covers, UV and salt systems, heatpumps, child safety fences, chemicals and anything else for your pool. • We are distributors for EUROPA Piscinas fibreglass swimming pools. • We service and do pool cleaning. Protect-A-Child Pool Fencing is a strong,tight woven mesh fence which prevents tiny fingers or toes from climbing. The fence also conforms to any pool shape and is completely rustproof and maintenance free. liFe-tiMe guarantee On the Fibreglass pOsts. these pOOl FenCes are easily reMOvable. FenCing arOunD pOOls are sOOn tO be a new regulatiOn in pOrtugal. lugarDe designs and creates wooden garden houses, log cabins, verandas and garages for extra storage in a wide variety of models and sizes. They offer plenty of space for customers to meet their own specific demands. lugarDe creates high quality products at acceptable prices. •pOOl COvers anD pOOl enClOsures. •PREFAbRICATED SWIMMING POOLS LESS ExPENSIVE AND FAST bUILDING •Dlw DeliFOl pOOl lining with a 10 year FaCtOry guarantee up tO 12 COlOurs •WhIRLPOOLS AND SPAS. •wOOD line wOODen pOOls in Or abOve grOunD. •FILTER INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT swiM-arte E.N. 125, Sitio de Sao Pedro 8800-407 Tavira Tel : 281 326 671 Fax: 281 324 618 Email swimarte@hotmail.com We speak: English, German, Dutch and Portuguese


Villa management makes sense. One of the most important aspects of owning a property abroad is knowing that it's in safe hands. We inspect your property and keep of our Knowingfindings.thatyour property is in good hands is a comforting feeling. We have the package that will fit your needs, clear and without any surprises. N Othi N g is imp ethiopia have been battling the issue for the share of the nile’s water and israel–already fighting Pales tine for territory that includes precious water reserves–has started to charge the agricultural sector high rates for using the resource. even in the u.K., the armed forces are being prepared for potential conflicts over water. Professor Wouters said that military plans are being pre pared on a 30-year horizon, but that the water security topic had somewhat fallen off the table since the finan cial crisis. Portugal and spain are facing serious water scarcity issues but the agricultural sector there is having to shout loudly for its voice to be heard above the noise of the country’s current financial woes. [ed. Portugal’s village populations are being forced to use town water instead of their borehole water, in order to preserve aqui fer levels]. maybe israel’s entrepreneurial approach to the issue is the way forward. but the fact remains that water scarcity is now firmly on the agenda of the world’s governments, and isn’t going to vanish overnight.

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· By nEEna RaI


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Y our contributions to social security were taken from you by law, and you were given to understand that it would be part of an investment pool that would grow and from which you would be able to draw money in your golden age. People who could not work for a variety of reasons applied for social security credits and the government put the money into the chest. You were never told that the goalposts might change. before long, people who had not contributed anything to the pool were being paid from your investment pool. You were not asked to share your savings. it was assumed that the money would magically multiply to fund these new beneficiaries. We never had a chance to find out. Your money that had been set aside for your retirement was taken from the social security chest and replaced with an iOu from the government. the money was mainly used to fund social programs and pet projects of the government of the day. now we have a system wherein the contributions from the current workforce are paying the benefits of the retired generations. Ponder on this for a while and see if you can spot a problem. is the workforce growing? is the income of the younger workers growing? the baby boomer generation (those born just after the last World War) are now retiring at the rate of thousands per month –are their contributions going to make a difference? but the worst and virtually unreported fact is that the growth element of your contribution has been cut out. Your investment does not grow, it was a fallacy. Your contributions for the last fifty years would have been earning compound interest at 5 – 6% per annum, but with the current system, there is no interest, You can no longer sit back and depend on your Social Security benefits or savings in the bank to support you for the rest of your life.



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Page 41www.eastalgarvemag.com author of emergency guide to property in portugal & international 0044oralgarvewills289798254912650767lOnDOn(0)2074042899 lita gale SOLICITORS Rui LawHortaOfficeESCRITÓRIODEADVOGADOSLAwyER Telephone: 281 325 635 or 281 325 636 Fax. 281 325 612 mobile phone: 96 4043 380 or 96 207 6556 e-mail: advogados.law@mail.telepac.pt or mail@taviralawyers.com Website: www.taviralawyers.com Rua 1° de Maio, no 9, 8800-360 Tavira - Portugal Purchase of Commercial and Residential Property • Mortgages on Property or Shares • Formation of Trust Companies • Banking & finance advice • Taxation Advice Development and Planning Law • Personal Injury • Contract Disputes • Powers of Attorney • Will and Probate • Debt Collecting and Process Service • Enforcement of Judgments • Mainte nance Orders • Family Law and Divorce • Nationality and Residency Applications poRTUGUese, enGlisH, spAnisH AnD FRenCH speAkinG soliCiToRs oFFeRinG ClienTs THe beneFiTs oF loCAl RepResenTATion. as there is no pool of money. You were sold-out by the government of the day, for the short term benefit of keeping that government in power for another term. the government is going to have to bail out the ss system in the very near future. as the cost of bailing out the system grows, the government will have to become more innovative in funding the shortfall, and this is where it behooves you to check your personal situation. if you have not started taking your pension yet, you have the option of taking your pension fund off-shore, which in my layman’s opinion is the only viable solution (see QrOPs). ask your Financial advisor for details. if you have a lump sum sitting in the bank, you can benefit by looking at currently available low risk investment opportunities with above average income. nothing comes for free in this world and you may have to do a bit of investigation for this. a few months ago we mentioned that blue chip stocks were the optimum choice at the time, but now, given the financial securities upheaval, even those may have reached their sellby dates. it is time to protect any wealth that you have accumulated. For some, shorting over-extended stocks will make them a fortune, but many of us do not know or don’t have the facilities for doing this. low risk, higher yielding secured investments would appear to be the best deals in the market. For example, here at the Quinta da Fonte do bispo, we are financing our expansion program through private investors, offering 6% per annum, and the investment is oversecured 300% by the value of the land. minimum blocks of €100,000 will be entertained. Please call for details (281 971 484 – richard). Please note: we are not investment advisors, but if you contact us (www. qtfontebispo.com) we can arrange for a Financial advisor to have an informal chat.

Historic motor racing festival it is, and there’s more. What does the algarve mean to you as a sports fan? Golf courses, holiday villas, bars and lots of friendly people, probably! but there’s also a magnificent motor racing circuit near to all of these things, the circuito de Portimao was designed by former bike and car racer Paulo Pinheiro. its first major venue was the World superbike race in november 2008. and since then has seen a series of sporting events giving every motorsports enthusiast, and in a few weeks from now on the 21st until 23rd October the circuito de Portimao will again stage the algarve historic Festival. it’s the 3rd historic Festival at the algarve international circuit-aia will be one of europe’s biggest and again the most important in iberia. the promoters’ 10th historic motor racing event is coming to age. Five weeks before entries close on October, 7, organizers had already received 256 firm entries, with one grid already with over 60 entries – the Gt and sports & italian car cups. Four days of competition for over 320 historic and classic cars of the 1930s to 1990s decades, in 21 races for 13 grids of 20 categories

Page 42 Sport

PRiCes main grandstand Fri or sat: €10; sunday: €20; Weekend - €25. Paddock Weekend: €15 plus one grandstand ticket. Family pack (four tickets): Paddock and grandstand –weekend: €115. viP tickets including paddock and full catering with free champagne bar in the viP lounge: One day: € 85; two days: €136; three days: €178.50. booking from Wisell,JoachimGalli,446parkalgar.comcatarinaazevedo@orphone+351925084.visitwww.ahfportimao.comforfurtherdetailsandatimetable.it’stheperfectwaytocombinesomeautumnsunshinewithgloriousracingcars.Withachancetomeetsomeofthestarsfromyesteryearsuchasrichardattwood,tonybrooks,nannimichaelmacdowel,timParnell,teddyPilette,davidPiper,hans-stuck,PeterWestbury,reinePatricktambay,máriocabral,andpossiblysirstirlingmoss,PedrolamyandfourorfivemoreF1stars.icanassureanybodywhocomesalongwillenjoytheatmosphereandexcitementofhistoricracingandeventhoughthecarsaresomeownersprideandjoytheystillmakeforsomeexcitingracing,socomealongandseeforyourselfwhatthealgarveinternationalcircuithastoofferandit’stheperfectwaytocombinesomeautumnsunshinewithgloriousracingcars. mark O'Shaughnessy Sun sea sand motor racing, sound good?

• group C/gTP: groups C1, C2, imsa gTP 1982-90. motor Racing legends’ Pre-War sports cars; stirling moss Trophy – 1950s sports cars; JD Classics Challenge – Pre 86 group 1, 2, 4 and a saloons. Carol spaag’s u2TC – Pre 66 under 2 litre saloons; and Pre 72 sport Prototypes. automobiles historiques’ gT and sports pre-66 & italian pre-74 Car Cups. Formulas Ford, V, Vauxhall Jr and Ti1430.CkeTs

• historic Formula 2 and Classic Formula 3.

• Fia historic Formula one Championship.

• Fia lurani Trophy for Formula Junior cars.

• hgPCa Pre 1962 front engine Formula 1 and Pre 1966 rear engine Formula 1.

Plenty of drama Olhanenseat

Page 43www.eastalgarvemag.com

Local sports news from Chris Wright.

olhanense players give out expat Fixture lists in olhao market

The algarve’s only Premier league football team maintained their unbeaten away record with a hard fought 1-0 victory at rio ave and a share of the points at Gil vicente. the 1-1 draw at last season’s 2nd division champions saw Wilson eduardo, on loan from sporting lisbon, score in the first period only for the home side to level matters in the 89th minute. but it was at the José arcanjo stadium in Olhão where all the drama took place. Feirense Fc, who travelled down from santa maria da Feira in the Porto metropolitan area, returned home with a 2-1 win and all three points in highly controversial fashion as Olhanense ended the game with eight men. Feirense took the lead on sixteen minutes when varela nodded home henrique’s headed cross. henrique was the player signed by Olhanense at the end of last season who then sold him to braga, who then loaned him back to Feirense! the visitors constantly slowed the pace of the game and on occasions feigned injury which resulted in six minutes of added time at the end of the firsthalf. in stoppage time Olhanense lost Fernando alexandre, shown a straight red card for kicking out having been booked ten minutes earlier. On 57 minutes a long diagonal ball from mateus picked out Wilson eduardo who slipped the ball to salvador agra to level the score. the ten men looked the more likely to score but with seven minutes to go Feirense’s ludovic netting from close range. there was more drama to follow as Olhanense, having used all three substitutes, were reduced to nine men when rui duarte dislocated his elbow. as the final whistle approached centre-back mexer saw red when he brought down rabiola just outside the box. the home game with u.leiria was a chance for the ‘rubro-negros’ to move into the top half of the table. an unstoppable volley by Wilson eduardo, his third goal in six games, gave the home side the lead. With half-time fast approaching there was great concern when salvador agra received a serious head injury and the game was delayed for ten minutes as the player was stretcher off and rushed to Faro hospital. substitute Figueroa scored a second just after the break. leiria pulled one back but it was not enough to deny Olhanense a deserved victory. a DiFFiCulT monTh aheaD a difficult trip to madeira to play nacional is followed by Fa cup action as Olhanense enter the third round away at lower league opposition. v.Guimarães are the visitors on the 22nd October kick-off 6.00pm. Olhanense start their league cup campaign on the 26th October when they travel to 2nd division estoril, the return leg is in Olhão on the 9th november. the month ends (29th/30th October) with a trip to lisbon to play the mighty benfica whilst a week later (6th/7th november) ueFa europa league champions Porto are the opponents at the José arcanjo stadium, Olhão (behind mcdonalds on the en125). For details of matches including kick-off times contact: christopher. wright@hotmail.co.uk or phone emily richardson 939 486 870. moss The sToRk the Olhanense mascot is well known throughout the central & east algarve for his many visits to childrens’ homes, orphanages and schools where he encourages children to play sport. his distinctive outfit now needs replacing and the Olhanense expat supporters Group have produced 2012 calendar Fridge magnets which are being sold at 1€ each or six for 5€.

PREMIER lEAGUE FOOTBAll OlHANENSE v. V.GUIMARAES Saturday 22nd October, kick-off: 6.00pm Jose Arcanjo Stadium, Olhão lots of action with the game live on TV


BACk SWING ½ - ¾ backswing, good wrist cock, not much body turn, strong on legs, open club face. dOWNSWING IMPACT Hands are leading club, knees are helping me, club head enters the sand ½ inches before ball, splash!!!

Bunker Play

GOOdTHROUGHFOllOW No hesitation you must swing through the sand.

•Represented G.B. and Ireland in the P.G.A. Cup against the U.S.A.

•16 Hole in ones (4 on par 4’s)

Pro stats Name: Keith Ashdown Title: P.G.A. Resident professional Pro since: 1964 Born: Crowborough, Sussex, U.K. Tournament History: •Winner of more than 100 professional golf tournaments in Europe.

Page 44



•European tour player member 1968 - 82

•Course record holder at Benamor, 65 (6 under par), although has scored 60 strokes on 3 occasions (Not counted as a course record as they were not scored in a professional competition)

More expert tips from Benamor's resident professional, Keith Ashdown.

•European seniors tour player/member 2003;2004;2005

he 4th hole here at benamor is a short par 4 and like many other courses, short par 4’s are often harder to make par. this hole is no exception. From the tee you can clearly see the green with 2 large bunkers guarding the front of both sides. any tee shot left, is in danger of going out of bounds. if you miss the fairway to the right, you will be faced with a difficult pitch shot over the large bunker with an out of bounds fence just over the back of the green. many low handicap players will be tempted to try and drive the green but i am quite sure they will make more bogeys than birdies. i think the best way to play this hole is to take an iron 4 or 5 and concentrate on hitting the fairway, which will leave you an easy pitch shot, with a chance to make a birdie. remember, keep the ball in play, then you can score well. Good golfing, Keith SET UP Open stance, feet pushed well into the sand, hands forward, ball position, left of centre, open club face.

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disfigured by the blow of an abusive husband, and suffering her entire life with severe social anxiety disorder, the widow mary mcallister spends almost sixty years secluded in a white marble mansion overlooking the town of mill river, vermont. her links to the outside world are few: the mail, the media, an elderly priest with a guilty habit of pilfering spoons, and a bedroom window with a view of the town mbelow.ost longtime residents of mill river consider the marble house and its occupant peculiar, though insignificant, fixtures. an arsonist, a covetous nurse, and the endearing village idiot are among the few who have ever seen mary. newcomers to mill river, a police officer and his daughter and a new fourth grade teacher are also curious about the reclusive old woman. but only Father michael O'brien knows mary and the secret she keeps--one that, once revealed, will change all of their lives forever. the mill river recluse is a story of triumph over tragedy, one that reminds us of the value of friendship and the ability of love to come from the most unexpected of places.

Booklovers'corner EVENING MENU Tuesday night, Grilled Salmon and salad €8.00 Wednesday night, 3 course Indian buffet €9.00 Thursday night, Home made Chicken and mushroom pie €8.00 Fridays, Fish, chips & mushy peas, SErVEd all day Saturday,€8.50Home made Steak & Kidney pie €8.00 Sunday lunch, 2 courses, roast pork or chicken €9.00 Telephone, 912 827 058 Faz N125VilaCampoCorteCasaRONAFatoldO’SPastoFernandaAntonioMartinsGolfMonteReiNovadeCacelaTAVIRA V.R.S.A RONALDO ’S BARsandwichesVariouschipspotatoes,aOmeletesHamburgersChickenChickengrilledChickenTunaSalmonMENUlUNCHSteaksSteaksbreastwingslegsllservedwithorandsaladtoastedSunday16th October daNNy sitBOOKINGMaVErICKadVISEddown1.30pmMENU,VegSoupPrawns,roastbeef,Vegetables,CheesecakeorcreampuddingVegetarianoption€10.00P/P Thursday 27th October SOS SErVICE By ECdE coffee4.30pmINTErNaTIONalSeeadvertonpageXX-6.30pm,Tea,andhomemadecakesavailable. Saturday 29th October CHarIT y QUIz FOr BOMBEIrOSStarts7pm,Entry10€p/p5€forBombeiros.Includesmeal,raffles&Prizes. Books Broadband Algarve Internet via Satellite and broadband Tv Discounts for afpop members Affordable monthly Subscriptions (00351) 918 771 381 (00351)(Vic)918851 232 (Stephanie) www.broadband-algarve.net www.broadbandalgarve.co.uk enquiries@broadbandalgarve.co.uk The Mill River Recluse, by Darcie Chan

Free classifieds Page 47www.eastalgarvemag.com hand painted tiles to order. House names, Portuguese scenes etc., please call Corinne926 672 740 For painting and decorating, please contact Dennis, the professional. Tel: 915 424 642. music Duo, Available for restaurants, bars and hotels; Tel 917 332 068 man and large Van available good rates for removals or Ikea trips etc Joe 911 956 149 Palm reading service. Tel 916 389 810 masTeRJoineR / CaRPenTeR & general maintenance. Solid experience of fitting Kitchens, Doors, Locks etc 926 615244 - 281 328 648 stephen Freeman, Painter & decorator Friendly service, Highest quality paints, Free quotes Tel 289 841 896 mob 912 780 721 email stephenfreeman@sapo.pt Professional singer for hire. Tel Richy 281 971 484 for any Event in the East Algarve. ACT i V i T i ES Pilates Class in Fisio S. Brás in S. Brás Alportel. Tel.289 845 131 vitor.rebelo@gmail. com Dance lessons, Quinta Fonte do Bispo, Monday evenings, call 281 971 484 Clinical Pilate's Ervanária Bem-MeQuer, Moncarapacho, with Vera Sousa, Physiotherapist & Pilates Instructor. Tel. 933 261 944. scottish Country Dancing at the Casa do Povo Moncarapacho, Thursdays 5.30 ~ 7.30PM.Tel 289 791 998 or 914 798 833 or email mabstansb@iol.pt Boot sale, QM Garden center, Saturday 17th October. Painting for pleasure. Beginners onwards every Wed 10.30-12.30 Mesquita, Sao Bras & 2.30-4.30 Quinta Fonte Bispo T. 289 845 561 FOR SA l E Fagor electric built-in oven & hob 3 yrs old €80 o.n.o. Tel:-935 629 100 Clothes dryer working order €30. Tel:-935 629 100 Dishwasher, fits under unit, working order €30. Tel:-935 629 100 sealine s24 diesel motor Cruiser, Full details at www.sealine24.blogspot.com Blackberry curve 8520 some slight scratches on screen, unlocked for use with PT networks 60€ 912 304 757 unlocked iphone 3GS 16GB in black only selling due to upgrade very good condition 150€ 914 396 495 samsung dual sim phone, excellent condition unlocked 40€ 912 304 757 ladies hybrid bicycle Trek 7200 vgc quality bike at a good price 275€ Tavira 281 327 434 Various golf clubs for sale, ring for details Tavira 281 327 434 seat ibiza 1.1 Petrol 2001 4 Door 2500€ 961 971 462 Peugot 206 1.1 Petrol 4 door Silver 3800€ 961 971 462 CiTRoen saloon 1997 full mot 1400cc petrol 2,200€ 967 470 847 Wood burning stove – Villager. Excellent BusinessaClassiFieDsReFReeforprivateadvertisers,adsarefreeforonemonThonlY. email your ads to info@eastalgarvemag.com (maximum 9 words) if you would like more information on advertising in this magazine please call: 961 700 200 PROPERT y FOR RENT Tavira area Long term rentals, various properties for rent 1-2-3 beds from 325€ per month. Joe 911 956 149 Tavira, Fuzeta, olhao various properties, short or long let's 914 396 495 sao Bras. Lovely 2 bed short/long term rent in secure grounds. Stunning views. 400€/ month Tel:289 841 857 2 Bed modern apartment for rent with good terraces within walking distance to the centre of Tavira. Kate; 00351 926 360 484 kateelse@yahoo.co.uk PROPERT y FOR SA l E Villa near sao Bras. Pool and stunning views. details/350www.propdate.com/property/ WANTED Wanted property for long term rent with option to buy. Dutch couple with golf academy and four cats, non smokers. In the area of Tavira. Call Simone: 965 317 686 Wanted, Detached properties in Tavira and the surrounding areas for clients looking to purchase. Kate; 00351 926 360 484 kateelse@yahoo.co.uk Wanted all types of construction materials, leftovers, etc 962 484 215 - loulecity@gmail. com Wanted foreign or Pt reg cars, vans, jeeps, motorcycles, boats, motor-homes, nonrunners, accident damaged, with or no docs. Cash. 962 484 215 - loulecity@gmail. com Wanted, large plot with ruin in the santa catarina area. call or text 927 969 602 SERV i CES man & Van €150 per day (8 hours) house siTTing Reliable,trustworthy couple offer house and pet sitting service 00351 910 955 987 housesitting.algarve@live.co.uk We make gReaT ViDeos FRom YouR PiCTuRes! View our samples! ella@ getacreativevideo.com Removals, single items or full loads cheap rates 912 304 757 garden tidying & pool cleaning, regular or one off's 912 304 757 meeT & gReeT, ClienT CaRe, housesiTTing offered by ex-hotel manageress. Call Elli 962 649 785 / elliwinpt@ gmail.com Personal insurance advisor. Best UK rates. Details to. mark@bloomhills.co.uk anY Thing To sell? Call Mark on at Algarve Auction Warehouse on 914 774 438 Freelance handyman, small construction, painting, clearing land. Anything. References. Darren 917 283 928 experienced Carer mentally disturbed\ disabilities/elderly. Young teaching assist & Childcare + Cleaner. References. Morwenna 917 283 928 Free except travel costs - Reflexology ITEC qualified& A&P diploma to further practice. 917 283 928 condition. €195.00 Tel: 281 326 837 new warehouse. Wide selection of new and used articles like furniture and antiques. Sitio do Farrobo No. 946A. Sao Bras. Tel; 965 864 796 TWo BiCYCles, 26" wheels, 21 gears, excellent, 120euros, 967 505 383 FORRESTAURANTSALE Center of Tavira, a unique restored building over 400 years old. Excellent reputation with 66 covers and patio seating. An excellent Telinvestment!918502 029 SpecialistsExteriorInteriorDesign Curtains • Blinds • Cushions • Bedspreads Soft Furnishings • lighting • Furniture Packs Choose in the Comfort of your Home or Business Any Hour! Tel 918 250 501

Page www.eastalgarvemag.com hotel R u RA l, R est A u RA nt & BAR QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO QUINTA FONTE DO BISPO for information and reservations please call us on 281 971 484, visit us on the En270 near sta Catarina, email info@qtfontebispo.comor see our website www.qtfontebispo.combooTsALEEvery4th sunday (August cancelled) CARVERYsundays from 1pm booking advised from only €10 Quiz nigHT Every Wednesday, meals served from 7.00pm, Quiz starts at 8.30pm REsTAuRAnT open Tues-sat, serving light lunchtime meals, and an international menu during the evenings. diners are welcome to enjoy our facilities. Alcoutim ALGARVE Loule FARO Olhão Sao Bras de Alportel Tavira Vila Real deAntonioSantoCastroMarim IP1 IP1 IP1 125 N270N270 395 395 2 2 2 125 122 122 122 124 124 124 124 Estoi PereiroSantaCatarina Luz de Tavira Santo Estêvão Conceição Odeleite Pererio Giões Martinlongo BarrancodoVelho PortellaCorchade Cachopo Vaqueiros Querença SalirBenafim Moncarapacho BárbaraSanta de Nexe FonteBispodo HEREAREWE REguLAR EVEnTs Rural hotel set in beautiful gardens in the countryside of Tavira. QUIZ nIGHt at tHE QUInta EVERY EVENING,WEDNESDAYQUIZSTARTS AT 8.30, Food from 7.00 SPECIAL QUIZ 8.50€,AVAILABLE,MENUOR7.50€IFPRE-BOOKED New contestants are always welcome, entry only 2 euros per person, each table recieves a bottle of wine.

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