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The campaign #AÚltimaGota_Algarve (#TheLastDrop_ Algarve) developed by Almargem aims to inform the public about the need to change our attitudes and behaviours when it comes to water management. The strategy will cover the 16 municipalities of the Algarve and will include a Digital Guide and water saving tips.


Concerned with the situation in which the Algarve region finds itself, in January 2020, Almargem formed a working group composed of partners, volunteers from different areas, with interest and knowledge in the themes of water use, agriculture, Portuguese population, an online “Digital Guide - Water saving

wastewater reuse and environmental and civic intervention. Almargem - Association for the Defense of the Cultural and

The project will be promoted in various forms including two webinars, with guest speakers from specialized areas training courses with the theme “Every drop counts” will be available to those wishing to proceed with the licensing of an ApR and learn about the various models of wastewater treatment. An animated short film promoting awareness of behavioral information about water consumption in the world, in Portugal and in the Algarve, covering different areas such as the domestic sector, agriculture, golf courses and the tourism an online quiz game will be added to Almargem’s existing website and will test participants’ knowledge. In order to make information more readily available to the entire tips and decoder for environmental policies” will be prepared, which aims to encourage the adoption and change of behaviors that lead to efficient use and savings of water, awakening or increasing your environmental awareness.

change an interactive exhibition will provide visitors with Environmental Heritage of the Algarve, founded in 1988, is a Non-Governmental Organization for the Environment (ONGA), of regional scope, headquartered in Loulé, which develops actions in several areas, namely in the forum of conservation of natural and cultural heritage, education for sustainable development and community intervention and education. Source: algarvedailynews.com


The guide contains 244 pages of long and short hikes throughout the Algarve, summarised into 47 routes, from seaside walks to mountain treks. Turismo do Algarve said the aim is to promote

“rich natural and built heritage of the Algarve and its landscape diversity”. The guide can be downloaded for free on visitalgarve.pt. Source: theportugalnews.com

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