Final ea performs p6 (final for lodgement 22 10 13) v2

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Period 6 2013/14 (22 September 2013)


Revenue Educational & Social Services Resources Schools Community Support Facilities Management Building Learning Communities Children & Families / Criminal Justice Community Care

Educational & Social Services Key Points:

Revised Annual Budget £m 6.815 62.320 24.301 14.540 9.429 17.328 47.090

Projected Variance (favourable) / adverse £m (0.156) 0.199 0.226 0.085 0.030 (0.694) (0.225)



It is proposed that £0.979m will be transferred from the Education and Social Services budget to the General Fund uncommitted balance following the line by line review of budgets. Resources The variance mainly reflects the timing of filling vacancies and a reduction in the amount required for bad debts. Children & Families / Criminal Justice This variance mainly relates to the timing of filling vacancies, reduced employee costs within the children's houses and reduced expenditure in respect of secure accomodation costs, partly offset by additional foster care costs and client assistance payments. Community Care There are no significant variances to report, however there is a reduction in the number of residential and nursing care places and an increase in homecare costs which reflects the shift in the balance of care from residential places to care at home. Finance & Corporate Support Central Management Support Finance Human Resources Corporate Infrastructure Democratic Services Legal, Procurement & Regulatory

Finance & Corporate Support Key Points:

Revised Annual Budget £m 0.170 3.774 2.098 9.769 3.640 2.656

Projected Variance (favourable) / adverse £m 0.009 (0.269) (0.041) (0.176) (0.049) (0.127)



It is proposed that £0.516m will be transferred from the Finance and Corporate Support budget to the General Fund uncommitted balance following the line by line review of budgets. FINANCE The variance principally reflects employee cost savings related to the timing of filling of vacancies, some of which are being held in anticipation of future years savings requirements and reduced expenditure on supplies and services expenditure. LEGAL, PROCUREMENT AND REGULATORY Employee cost savings generated across the service from a number of severences agreed to enable the achievement of future year efficiencies, general turnover and reduced supplies and services expenditure are the main elements of the variance. The service anticipates earmarking funding at the year end for the cost of temporary staffing.


Revenue Neighbourhood Services Central Management Support Leisure Services Emergency Planning Planning & Economic Development Roads & Transportation Housing & Environment Services Payment to East Ayrshire Leisure Trust

Neighbourhood Services Key Points:

Revised Annual Budget £m 0.524 1.557 0.052 2.837 11.050 14.442 4.526

Projected Variance (favourable) / adverse £m 0.023 (0.033) 0.000 0.260 (0.024) (1.053) 0.000



It is proposed that £1.253m will be transferred from the Neighbourhood Services budget to the General Fund uncommitted balance following the line by line review of budgets. CENTRAL MANAGEMENT The variance relates to additional employee costs in respect of the officer team created for open cast mining and severance costs partly offset by managed savings on supplies and services. PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The variance is mainly due to anticipated shortfalls in income relating to building warrants and planning application fees, partly offset by a reprofiling of European funded Employablility expenditure. The sum of £36,689.89 was paid in settlement of planning appeal expenses awarded against the Council following the successful appeal by the developer against the decision of the Special Northern Local Planning Committee on 15 June 2011 to refuse the application for residential development, incorporating means of access, community infrastructure, open space and structural landscaping, earth works, SUDS infrastructure and associated works on land at Fardalehill, west of Bonnyton and north of Irvine Road Kilmarnock. HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENT SERVICES The variance reflects anticipated savings on waste disposal costs as a result of the new waste contract and managed savings in supplies and services budgets in anticipation of 2014/15 efficiency targets, partly offset by a projected shortfall in income. Revised Annual Budget £m 0.993 6.531 2.592 23.023 (48.970) 55.429 (47.250) (7.652)

Central Services Chief Executive (incl. Health and Safety) Other Non-departmental expenditure Insurance Debt Charges Council Tax HB/CT HB/CT Benefit Subsidy

Central Services

Projected Variance (favourable) / adverse £m (0.076) (0.605) 0.000 0.000 (0.300) 0.000 0.000 (0.981)

Key Points: CHIEF EXECUTIVE The variance reflects reduced employee costs within Internal Audit and Health and Safety mainly due to the timing of filling vacancies. OTHER NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE Expenditure on Unfunded Superannuation costs (the recurring element of severance costs) is currently projected to outturn on budget, after offsetting redundancy payments to be met from the uncommitted General Fund balance previously approved by Cabinet. In addition there is a favourable variance in supplies and services as a result of savings identified within centrally held budgets in anticipation of the 2014/15 efficiency target and reduced expenditure on audit fees and grants. The variance is partly offset by £0.244m adverse variance in respect of the reprofiling of the 2013/2014 saving from the establishment of the Leisure Trust.


Revenue The workstream to review Council grants has identified a saving in excess of the target and as a result .£0.032m will required to be earmarked to be set against future years efficiency target. The budget has also been adjusted to reflect the savings from the councilwide workstreams that are currently ongoing and which will be offset against departmental budgets. DEBT CHARGES As indicated in the Council's Treasury Management Strategy it is currently anticipated that there will be a requirement to utilise £3.572m from the Capital Fund to offset debt charges. The amount may reduce in future periods as in year borrowing is reprofiled.




In Year Fund Transfers

Budgeted Transfer £m 0.000 0.000 0.000

Projected Transfer £m 0.625 (2.748) (0.873)



Revised Annual Budget £m (221.474) (3.572) (0.482) (5.738)

Actual Variance (favourable) / adverse £m 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000



Revised Annual Budget £m 50.317 (50.317)

Projected Variance (favourable) / adverse £m 0.043 0.084



Departmental balance c/f Transfer to uncommitted general fund - Line by Line Transfer to uncommitted general fund Fund Transfers The variance noted above assumed that all workstream savings will be achieved in the current year.

Funded by Aggregate external finance Transfer from Capital Fund Transfer from Renewal and Repairs Fund Utilisation of Previous Years Balances

Total Funding

Housing Revenue Account Expenditure Income

Net Expenditure Key Points:

Housing Revenue Account There are no significant variances to report for period 6. There are lower than budgeted void rent loss savings, debt charges and staff costs from the timing of filling vacancies which are offset by an increase in the provision for rent arrears.

Opening Balances £m General Fund Balances Uncommitted Committed and Departmental Transformation Fund


In year Movement £m

Closing Balance at 31/3/13 £m

(11.473) (15.517) (4.202)

(4.628) 3.202 0.277

(16.101) (12.315) (3.925)







HRA Balances

Total (all uncommitted)




Maturity Profile of Loan Debt 30 30

£'m outstanding

25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 55

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058


Year Year of of maturity maturity

0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061

Investments (£'m) 0.135

Santander (UK) PLC (4.26m) Bank of Scotland PLC Fixed Term Dep (4.115m) Nationwide B S (2.000m)



Standard Chartered (3.000m) RBS (3.865m)


Goldman Sachs MMF (0.061m) 4.115

RBS Sterling Money Market Fund (0.061m) Prime Federation MMF (0.061m)


Ignis MMF (0.061m) 2.000

Credit Agricole (2.000m) Community group loans (0.135m)

Key Points: The Council had a total debt portfolio of £261.557m at the date of the report. 75% of this debt is with the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB), with the balance being loans with financial institutions. The average interest rate of all loans is 5.12%. The Council had a total investment portfolio of £19.619m at the date of the report. This was invested across a range of counterparties as permitted within the Treasury Management Strategy. An average interest rate of 0.6% was being earned on these investments. The maturity profile of investments is noted below: - Call (instant access): £8.5m (43%) - Up to 3 months: £6.6m (34%) - Between 3 and 6 months: £3.5m (18%) - Between 6 and 12 months: £1.0m (5%) Community group loans are currently issued to: - Catrine Community Trust: £50,000 - Scottish Dark Sky Observatory: £50,000 - Loch Doon Caravan Club: £30,000 - Passage to Monthraw: £5,000




Educational & Social Services Flowerbank Nursery Muirkirk Nursery Kilmarnock Area Day Centre Willowbank School Loudoun Academy Leisure Centre Auchinleck Community Facilities School Estate Rationalisation Galston Community Facilities Galston Office Facilities Onthank Primary School Dunlop Primary School Extension Kilmarnock Secondary School General Projects

Budget Allocation (£m)

Expenditure to Date (£m)

Forecast Expenditure (£m)

1.750 0.500 2.500 11.500 1.250 4.900 27.500 1.000 2.800 4.000 0.390 33.000 2.112

0.038 0.587 0.994 11.213 0.149 4.738 0.000 1.059 0.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.216

1.750 0.600 2.500 11.500 1.250 4.900 27.500 1.060 2.800 4.000 0.390 33.000 2.032

Current Milestone


Construction Complete Construction Complete Construction Complete Development Development Development Tender Development Development N/A


Key Points: Flowerbank Nursery / Kilmarnock Day Centre Works at the Kilmarnock Area Day Centre are progressing well on site. Internal partitions are nearing completion prior to the "second fix" commencing. It is currently anticipated that the works on site will be completed by late November / early December 2013. The works to Flowerbank Nursery commenced on-site on 30 July 2013. The internal strip out of the building has highlighted some issues with the structural integrity of the existing frame. The implications of this are currently being assessed to determine any impact this may have on cost and timescales. Willowbank School The impact of delays and finalisation of the project are being quantified and whilst every effort is being made to contain costs within the overall budget allocation there are still on-going negotiations between all parties which could result in further additional expenditure.

Loudoun Academy Leisure Centre Works are progressing well on-site with all downtakings completed and the sub-structure and steel frame installed for the main extension for the fitness suite; works are due to commence shortly on the external walls. It is currently anticipated that works will be completed by December 2013. Onthank Primary School Tender documents were issued through the Government Procurement Framework for Modular Buildings as scheduled at the end of September 2013, and are due to be returned on 14 November 2013. It is currently anticipated that a contract for the new accommodation will be awarded by mid-December 2013 with the aim of completing the new facility by the start of the new school term August 2014. Dunlop Primary School All works, including the construction of the new extension being carried out as part of the Phase 1 programme have now been completed. Designs are currently being prepared for the Phase 2 works, including an extension to the gym to accommodate a catering service and refurbishment works to provide additional education spaces, which are due to commence on site summer 2014. Galston Office Facilities A report is being prepared in respect of the outcome of the option appraisal process and will be presented to Cabinet at a future date.



Finance & Corporate Support General Projects Neighbourhood Services Doon Academy Synthetic Pitch Depot Improvements Lugar Waste & Recycling Centre Lugar Outdoor Amenities Dean Road Bridge Kilmarnock Town Centre Regeneration (Johnnie Walker Bond) Kilmarnock Town Centre Regeneration (Opera House) Kilmarnock Town Centre Regeneration (Civic Centre) Kilmarnock Town Centre Regeneration (General) Cumnock Town Centre (Office) Cumnock Town Centre Regeneration Cumnock Town Hall Other Town Centre Regeneration Dean Castle Country Park Moorfield Industrial Estate Phase 1 Moorfield Industrial Estate Phase 2 Council House Building Programme (SLP) Energy Efficiency General Projects Housing Investment Programme General Projects Housing Investment Programme

Budget Allocation (£m)

Expenditure to Date (£m)

Forecast Expenditure (£m)





0.941 4.000 1.260 0.850 1.500

0.005 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.141

0.941 4.000 1.260 0.850 1.500


















10.500 4.000 0.700 5.000 0.200 1.607 3.837 29.326 3.000 9.376 14.000 12.432 14.000

9.792 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 1.437 1.910 0.296 0.000 3.198 5.747 2.022 3.588

9.900 4.000 0.700 5.000 0.200 1.607 3.200 30.536 3.000 8.714 13.993 9.198 14.000

Current Milestone



Development Development Development Tender

Complete Development Construction Development Development Construction Construction Tender Development N/A








Key Points: Lugar Waste & Recycling and Outdoor Amenities Centre Works are currently on-going to finalise designs / layouts in respect of the new recycling and outdoor amenities centre based at the former Council Offices site in Lugar. The results of a formal Site Investigation and Transport Assessment have been completed and have highlighted some issues that require to be addressed before any development can proceed on-site. This will lead to additional costs which will require to be met from overall revenue savings at least equivalent to the debt repayment associated with the development. Dean Road Bridge The temporary footbridge has now been completed. The revised road bridge tender documents are being finalised and review for issue end November, with an anticipated start on site early 2014. Cumnock Town Hall External works to the roof and stonework commenced on site early October and are currently anticipated to be completed by December 2013. A separate contract for internal works to the entrance area has also been awarded with the works being undertaken concurrently with the external works. The remainder of proposed internal works will be undertaken at a later date, subject to an assessment of overall cost. Dean Castle Country Park Works are on-going with regards to the development of a new facilities at Dean Castle Country Park including a visitor centre, cafe and residential accommodation in conjunction with the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). Recent localised failure of stone within the Castle Keep has highlighted concerns with the intergity the building. Further more detailed surveys are being undertaken to establish potential costs associated with this to allow an appropriate repair programme to be prepared. It is hoped the works required will attract funding through agencies such as HLF and Historic Scotland and this will be developed by officers over the next few week..


Capital Moorfield Industrial Estates (Phase 1 and 2) Phase 1 (Speculative Unit) - Construction works for the speculative unit are now completed. Discussions with prospective tenants are on-going. Phase 2 (Serviced Plots) - Construction works for the Phase 2 infrastructure development are now completed. Council House Build Programme Tenders have now been awarded for the sites at Witch Road, Kilmarnock and Robertland Square, Stewarton; site start to be agreed in conjunction with the contractors. Tender documents have been returned for sites at Chapel Lane, Galston; Portland Street / Rennie Street / Campbelltown Drive (now to be renamed as Hillhead Crescent), Kilmarnock; and Ayr Road, Cumnock and are currently being assessed. Tender documents have also been issued for the remainder of sites at Riccarton Road / Kilwinning Road, Hurlford; Lochore Terrace, Darvel; and Brewlands Street, Galston with an award anticipated on a phased basis for all sites by January 2014. It is anticipated that future projects may also incur additional extraordinary development costs such as ground remediation, demolition etc which were highlighted in previous Cabinet reports but excluded from budget allocations due to the uncertainty over applicability to individual schemes. The schemes at Skeoch Road, Mauchline and West Langlands Street, Kilmarnock which are being undertaken in partnership with external partners are progressing as planned. In relation to energy efficiency, the projects have been designed to include the specification of high performance insulation and double glazing and in addition 'A' rated gas fired condensing boilers will provide highly efficient and economic heating systems. Consideration is also being given using PV panels where appropriate and affordable.

General Projects The variance on Finance & Corporate Support general projects relates to vehicles which have been purchased rather than leased following option appraisals.



People Reasons days for Absence Period 6(Period 1 to 6) Working lost, by- reason 100.0%

25000 31.3% (1)


24.8% (82)

26.6% (1)

7.9% (8) 6.5% (16)

24.7% (8)

18.8% (1)


25.1% (33)

8.4% (4)

10000 20.0%

25.3% (1)

15.5% (20)

18.8% (1)


20.3% (1) 41.7% (73)

20000 60.0%

8.4% (6) 7.6% (1)

31.3% (1)

5.1% (1)

15.8% (2)

24.1% (1)

14.5% (4) 12.1% (7)

24.3% (4)

20.2% (29)

25.3% (1)

Finance & Corporate Support

Educational and Social Services


15.9% (5)

0.0% 5000

Chief Executive's Office


Skin Conditions




Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Stress – Personal Pregnancy Related

Stress - Both Work & Personal

Workplace Injury


Viral Infection




Stress – Work and Personal


Other Reason


Injury - Non Work Related



Stress - Work Related


Stress – Work Related Musculo-Skeletal

Stress - Personal


All0other Stomach/Abdominal

Neighbourhood Services

Note: Percentages in this graph represent the percentage of working days lost per department for each reason, while the number in brackets represents the number of staff absent for each reason. These two values are not related as the percentage of working days lost is affected by duration of absence, not the number of staff absent. For example, 10 days were lost for Department X in June, 1 member of staff was absent with the Angina for 9 days, another member of staff was off with Colds/Flu for 1 day. The graph values for Department X would be 90% (1) for Angina and 10% (1) for Colds/Flu.

Occupational Health Referrals (Period 1 to 6) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

155 114 62

New Referral

55 9



Welfare Referrals

8 Physiotherapy Referrals

New Referral


Welfare Referrals


Physiotherapy Referrals

Key Points: Year to date the Council has lost 21,465.5 working days as a result of staff sickness absence, representing approximately 3.7 days per employee, an improvement from the 4.4 days per employee for the same period last year. It is not clear at this stage whether this improvement can be attributed to the new Sickness Absence Management arrangements, introduced in April 2013, or the traditional decline in staff absence during the summer periods. Between period 1 and period 6 2013/14 Operations/Recovery/Treatment, Personal Stress, MusculoSkeletal and Work Stress accounted for 59% all of absences. In period 6 2013/14, a total of 495 people, representing 8.6% of the workforce, were absent from work due to sickness. The majority of absences (60.4%) were for seven days or less and did not require medical certification. A total of 119 employees are on long term sickness absence, with Educational and Social Services (LGE) accouting for the majority (57%) of cases.


People Period 1 to 6 2013/14 Average Number of Number of working employees days lost

Chief Executive’s Office* Finance & Corporate Support. Educational & Social Services (LGE). Educational & Social Services (Teachers). Neighbourhood Services. East Ayrshire Council

21 515 3,135 1,006 1,185 5,861

Period 1 to 6 2012/13 Days lost per Days lost per FTE employee FTE employee

321.0 1,176.0 12,724.0 2,366.5 4,874.0 21,461.5

2.8 3.7 4.8 2.1 5.6 4.4

15.4 2.3 4.1 2.4 4.1 3.7

* including Internal Audit and Health and Safety

Average number of working days lost (All Staff) - Annual Equivalent Value 15.0 10.3 10.0




Period 2

Period 3

Period 4



5.0 0.0 Period 1

Period 5

Period 6

Period 7


Period 8

Period 9


Period 10

Period 11

Period 12

Period 13

Note: data for period 1 to period 3 2012/13 estimated based on April to June data following a change in collection method.

Leavers as a percentage of employees 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0%

3.9% 2.2% 0.4% Qrt 1













Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Period 9 Period 10 Period 11 Period 12 Period 13 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 2012/13


Vacancies Advertised (Period 1 to 6) Restricted Open Total

2013/14 53 193 246

2012/13 66 168 234

Grievances (Period 6): Chief Executive's Office Finance and Corporate Support Educational and Social Services Neighbourhood Services Total

Stage 1 0 0 1 0 1

Stage 2 0 0 0 2 2

Stage 3 0 0 0 0 0

Stage 4 0 0 0 0 0

Disciplinary Action (Period 6): Chief Executive's Office Finance and Corporate Support Educational and Social Services Neighbourhood Services Total

Verbal / Written 0 0 8 5 13




0 0 0 1 1

0 0 1 2 3

0 0 2 0 2



Health and Safety Reportable Incidents 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 1



Period 1

Period 2




0 Period 3

RIDDOR - Employees' Injuries

Period 4

Period 5

Period 6

Period 7

RIDDOR - Others' Injuries

Period 8

Period 9

Period 10 Period 11 Period 12 Period 13

RIDDOR - Dangerous Occurrence

RIDDOR - Reportable Disease

RIDDOR - The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995

Key Points: Between Periods 5 and 6, there were a total of 7 incidents reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The ‘Causes’ of the reported incidents were as follows: Vehicle Accidents (3) Manual Handling (3) and Slips-Trips-Falls (1). Non Reportable Incidents 200 150

76 50




73 89



26 33


Period 3

Period 4

Period 5

0 Period 1

Period 2


31 Period 6

Period 7

Non-Reportable: Employees' Injuries

Period 8

Period 9 Period 10 Period 11 Period 12 Period 13

Non-Reportable: Others' Injuries

Key Points: During Periods 5 and 6, there were a total of 249 Non-Reportable incidents. The 3 predominant ‘Causes’ were: Violence and Aggression (113 – 44%) Slips-Trips-Falls (39 – 16%) and Near Miss (28- 11%).

LocationofofNonNonReportable Incidents (Period 6) Location Reportable Incidents (Period 1 to 6) Housing Stock or Hostels 300 250 200 Leisure Facilities and public places 150 100 Educational astablishments 50 0

0.024210526 0.068947368 0.091315789 0.218947368 0.546578947 Total

Sports & Activity Centres



Children's Houses




Early Childhood Centres

Adult Day Centres

On Site

Secondary Schools

Primary Schools

Special Schools



The highest proportion of Non-reportable incidents occurred within Special Schools (55) – Of this number, 50 were as a result of Violence and Aggression. Second highest number of incidents occurred in Primary Schools (50) with 38% as a result of Violence and Aggression and 30% due to Playground/Horseplay. The third highest number of incidents occurred in Secondary Schools (31) with 37% due to Violence and Aggression and 23% as a result of Slips-Trips-Falls.


Health and Safety Key Points: Number of violence and aggression incidents (All locations, excluding schools) 100 50




Period 1

Period 2

Period 3




Period 4

Period 5

Period 6

0 Period 7


Period 8

Period 9 Period 10 Period 11 Period 12 Period 13

Period 8

Period 9 Period 10 Period 11 Period 12 Period 13


Number of violence and aggression incidents (Schools) 100


64 50

46 26



Period 4

Period 5

0 Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

Period 6

Period 7

Average number of days to report incidents 2013/14


15.0 10.0 5.7


1.9 1.0

4.5 2.9 2.0

2.9 2.02.7

4.1 3.2 2.0

3.1 2.2

Period 2

Period 3

Period 4

Period 5

3.2 2.3

0.0 Period 1

Finance & Corporate Support

Period 6

Period 7

Period 8

Neighbourhood Services

Period 9 Period 10 Period 11 Period 12 Period 13

Educational and Social Services

Key Points: The number of Violent and Aggressive incidents reported during Period 5 and 6 was 113. During periods 1 to 6 of 2013/14, an improving trend in performance is attributed to the significant of the the school summer holiday. However, when comparing periods 5 and 6 (2013/14) with periods 5 and 6 (2012/13) there is an increase of 19 (17%) incidents of Violence and Aggression. The average number of days to report an incident to the Health and Safety Section, during periods 5 and 6, was 3.1. When comparing Periods 5 and 6 (2013/14) with periods 5 and 6 (2012/13) there is a decrease of 3.9 days. This demonstrates the positive impact in introducing the SHE electronic incident reporting system. Number of days lost to work related stress 600.0








Period 3

Period 4

Period 5

Period 6

200.0 0.0 Period 1

Period 2


Period 7

Period 8


Period 9 Period 10 Period 11 Period 12 Period 13

Key Points: The number of days lost due to work related stress accounts for 6.9% of the total number of days lost due to sickness absence in period 6. Where an employee is absent due to work related or personal stress then they are subject to the set early intervention arrangements which require immediate referral to the Occupational Health Service for initial assessment of the reasons for the absence and consideration of whether, at that stage, referral to a medical adviser is required. Also, Executive Directors review on a monthly basis all absences due to stress to ensure that each case is being appropriately managed.



Complaints Complaints Received (Period 1 to 6) Dealt with Dealt with Dealt with Under Total Under Under Stage 1 Stage 1 only Stage 2 only then Stage 2 16 2 0 18

Finance & Corporate Support. Educational & Social Services Neighbourhood Services. Cross Department East Ayrshire Council

9 75 0 100

2 6 0 10

2 4 0 6

13 85 0 116

Key Points: For the reporting period, a total of 116 complaints were dealt with. As at 22 September, 103 of these were closed (5 of which were dealt with at both stages), 2 were withdrawn and 11 remained open.

Complaints Closed (YTD): East Ayrshire Council Number Closed

Number Closed Within Time

Average Days to Respond

97 11

61 (62.9%) 6 (54.5%)

8.1 28.7

Stage 1 Complaints Stage 2 Complaints

Upheld in Full

Partially Upheld

34 (35.1%) 25 (25.8%) 3 (27.3%) 4 (36.4%)

Average number of days to respond Finance and Corporate Educational Support Neighbourhood and Social Services Cross Services Department East Ayrshire Council 50

stage 1 stage 2



10 18

17.1 40.0

8.1 28.7 28.7


30 20

6.7 27.3

18 10





0 Finance and Corporate Support

Educational and Social Neighbourhood Services Services stage 1

Cross Department

East Ayrshire Council

stage 2

Key Points: The average number of days to respond to Stage 1 Complaints has decreased from 8.4 days to 8.1 days since Period 4. The number of days to respond to Stage 2 Complaints decreased from 29.7 days to 28.7 days since Period 4.



Business Briefing Period



Number of delayed discharges over 4 weeks




Number of young people placed in kinship care





Educational & Social Services

Key Points:

Number of patients

Supporting older people to return to the community when they are medically able following a stay in hospital is a key community care measure. The current target which was introduced in April 2013 is that all older people should be discharged within a 4 week period. In East Ayrshire we have met this target consistently since March 2013. This has been achieved by the development of the community health and social care infrastructure and primarily the Intermediate Care and Enablement Service (ICES). Over the next 2 years we require to maintain this standard and work towards a new standard of 2 weeks from April 2015. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

4 to 6 weeks



























As part of the social work sustainability plan for children and families social work services, a commitment was made to support children to live with their own families where it is safe and appropriate for them to do so. Where it is not possible for children to remain with their parents due to care or protection reasons, alternative arrangements will be explored with extended family networks. This can be a more positive outcome for individual children as well as being a cost effective model of care. The numbers of children in kinship care has risen from 72 in P6 2012/13 to 98 in P6 2013/14 which is a rise of 36% and in line with the Council’s strategic approach.




Period 6



Period 6



Period 6




Finance and Corporate Support Percentage of Payment of Invoices Paid within 30 days The Percentage of Council Tax received during current year to date Average time (hours) between noise complaint and site visit

Key Points: The percentage of invoices paid within 30 days of receipt continues to improve and has increased by 0.55% against the same period in 2012. Council Tax received by the end of Period 6 was 53.5%, which has slightly reduced compared to the same period last year; however, the measure remains within tolerance against the target of 55%. The slight fall in council tax receipts can be attributed to timing adjustments, conversion to a new system and the ongoing impact of the wider economic conditions.

The average time taken to respond to domestic noise complaints in terms of the time in hours between being advised of a complaint and a site visit was 1 hour and is within tolerable standards. The Out of Hours Noise Unit is a pan-Ayrshire service, and response times are dictated by the relative location of the Unit members when a call is received. For this reason, there can be fluctuations in performance from period to period. 13

Business Briefing Period



Percentage of housing repairs completed first time

Period 6



% of Gas safety checks carried out within 12 months

Period 6



Number of void housing properties

Period 6




Neighbourhood Services

Key Points: The improved performance in percentage of housing repairs completed first time is due to a combined effort of close scrutiny of those jobs not completed first time in order to identify and put in place actions to prevent reoccurence, improved work descriptions at point of contact, as well as regular reminders to those responsible for delivering the response repair service at Housing Asset Services' objective to strive to deliver a first time fix service to our customers. This will continue to be monitored together with imprest stock to ensure that response repair operatives are carrying core stock and part items to allow a first time fix, whenever possible, without the need to order material. The percentage of properties that had gas safety checks carried out within 12 months of the previous check has risen from 99.23% in period 1 to 99.60% in period 6. Processes have been reviewed and revised to ensure that the trend continues. The small number of properties that did not recieve a safety check within 12 months include properties where legal action is required to be taken to gain access. Voids and re-lets and void rent loss remain a key focus for the department. The average days to let for not low demand voids has reduced to 24.8 days within the current year, which compares favourably with a prior year end figure for 2012/13 of 42 days. Re-let performance for low demand stock has reduced from 84.5 days to 65.0 days for 2013/14. A series of efficient initiatives identified to improve and steamline processes has delivered positive results and provides a firm foundation for consolidation. The number of void houses has reduced to 350 and still compares favourably with 406 at the start of the year. While process re-design has delivered performance improvement, the level of low demand has continued to increase, creating particular difficulty in identifying new tenants for available properties across a number of settlements.



Risks Risk No.



Economic climate The level of grant funding available in the future will not support existing service levels.


Economic climate The current economic position will have an impact on the income collected by the Council


Economic climate The local economic position will have a direct impact on the residents of East Ayrshire and their demand for Council services.


Risk Owner

Overall Risk

We consider the overall risk rating to be High as there remains significant uncertainty within the United Kingdom as to the longer term impact of the Comprehensive Spending Review and the recently Budget announcement, and unquantifiable effects from the current issues within the Eurozone. Projections included in the Transformation Strategy Update Report being presented to Cabinet on 30 October anticipate a budget gap of £11m by 2016/17 taking into account all previously approved efficiencies and workstreams. Reviews of existing structures / financial controls / service delivery models are ongoing to maintain strong financial management across the Council. The Council's Executive transformation strategy is designed to ensure a sustainable platform from which to Director of deliver services. Measures to close the projected budget gap will mitigate this risk. Finance and Council on the 13 December approved the 2013/14 budget together with indicative Corporate savings proposals (£24.974m) for the period up to 2017. Officers are analysing recent budget announcements at UK and Scottish levels to ascertain the local impact Support of these. Information on additional budget presures from demographic changes is also being gathered and will be incorporated into budget proposals to close the remaining gap. The Transformation Plan Strategic Board meet on a fortnightly basis to challenge progress being made in delivery of the programme and consider opportunities to close the gap. Budget proposals will be presented to Council for approval in December.

Red We consider the overall risk at present to be High as recent and imminent reforms to benefits, and job losses in the area, most recently in the coal industry, could have a severe impact across Council services. Executive The anticipated downturn has been reflected in Council budgets with an income Director of contingency identified for 2013/14. The anticipated impact of welfare reform is being Finance and monitored on an ongoing basis with a further update report scheduled for Corporate consideration by Cabinet and Governance and Scrutiny in the coming weeks. The HRA budget has also been reviewed and revisions made in anticipation of the impact Support of welfare reform on rent arrears which at Period 6 are projected to increase by in excess of £0.600m. Red We consider the overall risk to be High as recent and imminent reforms to benefits, and job losses in the area will have a severe impact on residents and indeed across Council services. It is anticipated that Welfare Reform will have an acute impact on East Ayrshire Executive residents. Work is progressing to ensure support mechanisms are in place through Director of Financial Inclusion and other appropriate services including CAB. Officers have Finance and recently identified larger premises for the Bureau to allow some capacity issues to be Corporate addressed. In addition, a senior officer group comprising officers from social Support services, housing, finance and communications meet regularly to plan an appropriate response in terms of service delivery.

Red We consider the overall risk to be High in terms of financial, reputational and economic risk factors. Individual sites are large in size with costs likely to be significant - liquidators are seeking to minimise their residual liabilities. The Council has no liability for the restoration of the sites and is assessing implications which may arise in respect of duties under the Environmental Protection Act to ensure that hazardous areas are made safe. Financial Risk – Certain Work is progressing at a national level through a Scottish Government led task force Liabilities in relation to Depute Chief and the Council has significant representation on this group. Legal and specialist opencast coal sites may Executive engineering advice has been commissioned to support these efforts and the fall to the Council to independent review group will shortly complete its work within the Council. A report resolve entitled "Steps to Recovery" was submitted to Council on 19 September 2013 and Members will continue to receive updates on risks as information becomes available.

Red 15

Risks Risk No.







Risk Owner

Overall Risk

The overall risk is Medium recognising that there has been an increase in focus on Health and Safety. Failure in this area would have significant consequences for employees, service users and the Council. We have arrangements in place to manage health and safety across the Council Acting Health and Safety Executive which are kept under review and the Violence at Work policy has been relaunched. implementation of new Director of The Chief Executive's Health and Safety Strategy Group, which includes Trade Union arrangements fails to Neighbourho representation, continues to keep under review both policy and relevant and related adequately address risk. od Services operational matters. Regular Safety Flashes are issued to ensure awareness across the organisation of key Health and Safety issues. Amber The overall risk is Medium - the impact for individuals could be severe and would adversely impact on the Council’s reputation. Executive Protection of Children Targeted service redesign including work force and organisational development Director of and Vulnerable Adults continues across the Council and partner agencies to support a continuous Educational individuals are not improvement agenda. The Chief Officer Group maintains an ongoing strategic review and Social adequately protected. of this important area. Services

Financial Risk - Equal Pay and Equal Value Claims will have a significant financial impact on the Council

Head of Human Resources

Amber We consider the overall risk to be Medium as there remains an element of uncertainty in respect of the total expected cost of resolving these, and potential future claims. A reasonable provision has been identified to fund claims which are being managed by the Council with its external advisers. A year end review has resulted in no change to the provision held and the calculations were recently audited as part of the annual external audit of the Financial Statements.

Amber The overall risk is Medium as the nature of the activity is such that new attacks are increasingly likely. Enhanced procedures are in place to prevent and detect fraud, these were recently Fraud and escalated and information received from colleagues in other areas and anti-fraud Executive networks is assessed as received. The Head of Finance chairs a Strategic Anti-Fraud misappropriation of Director of Steering Group which is reviewing the corporate approach. A revised Fraud Strategy, council resources - the Finance and taking account of current risk issues, was approved by Cabinet on 19 June 2013. Council is faced with Corporate The Council were represented at a recent Public Sector Counter Corruption financial loss through Support Conference hosted by Police Scotland on 19 September 2013. This will inform future fraudulent activities. work in this important area.

Business Risk - the Council is disconnected from the PSN.

Amber The overall risk is Medium as disconnection from the PSN would have a significant impact on the continuity of business with other agencies. Executive Officers in Corporate Infrastructure are in the process of making priority amendments Director of to ICT infrastructure that are key to achieving compliance. Further extensive reviews Finance and of infrastructure and controls will be required thereafter and a programme of work is Corporate being scoped and costed, to ensure that compliance is maintained. Support Amber


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